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USPW: I now pronounce you man and wife...

Guest The Last Real Idol

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Guest The Last Real Idol

Monday, Week 1, January, 2008

“I now pronounce you man and wife.....”


Well all I can say is that really started a journey for me. Married to the legendary Sam Strong surely people can see it’s for love and not money? Maybe not when there’s a 39 year age difference in between but it really was. I’d been his secretary for 4 years he was a friend of the family and we got on so well, over time I fell for him and he fell for me.


My name is Kate Strong...


and I’m a newlywed.


Of course though, people didn’t like it. My family seemed OK with it, as I said Sam was a good friend of them so they knew he’d look after me but his daughter ugh “The Princess” Alicia she hated me from the minute she found out. Nothing about caring about her mother it was realizing that I’d taken her place with Sam and that she feels slowly she won’t be his full attention. Hell maybe it’s because I’m a better wrestler...


Sam didn’t want me doing any more Indy work, he felt I should be with him at all times just so we could show that it would all work out, I agreed with him, I love him enough to be there at all times for him. He decided it would be worth me taking more of an interest in “my” company as he told me, so he asked me to take over the process of booking the events and hiring talents from around the world. I obviously again agreed I mean...wow...I’ve been watching wrestling since I was 4 and now I’m nearly on a Nationally renowned company’s roster being the one who is booking what happens what else could be that awesome.


What a time to join as well. USPW was picking up momentum fast. Eisaku Hoshino joined last month just before the wedding on a big money, 3 year deal. Tying him down gives us some huge publicity in Japan which is major.


I didn’t feel uneasy either when I accepted. While I wasn’t on the roster they did know me, all of them. Hell James Justice’s son was our page boy, Peter Valentine (While I do see the man as something of a jackass) was the best man and Cherry was one of my Bridesmaids. I felt like one of them before I was one of them.


So onto the future it seems, we have American Wrestling on Wednesday Night, I’ll have a meeting with Mickey Starr before then just to underlay any ideas for the show he may have. I got a few ideas on who I want to bring in and a few more ideas on why I’m not firing anyone. Everyone here has a purpose in the company and some just can’t be fired (The Princess) but for now it’s off to lunch with Sam and the champions we got some new titles for them to see...


Kate Strong signing out...



Out Of Story:

  • A relationship of 'Married' has been created between Sam and Kate Strong. Also a family tension between Kate and Alicia Strong.
  • Hoshino was added out of data to the USPW on a 3 year deal. All that was changed in editor was he went from a freelance loyalty to a none loyalty.
  • Once a week on every Monday from this I will add a detailed report from "The editor" of TEW.com showing what happened in the world otherwise apart from USPW. I will also bring some major stories up in Kate's daily blog.
  • I hope to bring a few "Creative Meeting" segments for USPW in the coming weeks, probably after I get past the 1st Pay Per View.
  • If anyone has any ideas which they think could improve a rookies diary please don't hesitate to tell.

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