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MDC2: I'm Batman

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Iceman Vs. Parasite: Iceman is a jobber! A jobber I say!

Zoom Vs. The Sentry Vs. Metallo Vs. Ares: I think it'd neat if you'd give The Sentry the win, but in my mind, the safe bet is Ares.

Daredevil Vs. Bullseye: Ideally, this should be a draw or double DQ. But you did that with Slade & Wade already, so I'm thinking Bullseye will win via interference or cheating.

Abomination Vs. Captain Marvel: Shazam!

Cyclops Vs. Superman-Prime: Superman-Prime is in another power league altogether.

Superman, Spider-Man, Iron Man Vs. Doomsday, Venom, and Iron Patriot: I don't see Supes, Spidey, Bucket Head all getting losses in the same week.

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