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DAVE: Doing The Impossible

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Inside an office, we see Phil Vibert in his office. Talking, he approached a mystery as a booker to his federation.




Phil Vibert: So you are the one they call John Marshall huh??


John Marshall nods as Mr. Vibert speaks.


Phil Vibert: Well let me offer you a job. You see I've started this promotion named Danger and Violence Entertainment. DaVE for short. As of right now, I need someone who can raise the prestige of my federation. I want you to do the job. Be the head booker of my federation. Are you willing to do it?


John Marshall nods to agreement once more. Speaking with a voice, he starts to question Phil Vibert.




John Marshall: If I have to run your federation under my guidance, what is there to offer??


Phil Vibert: Here is what my promotion has to offer for you to run. We are widely known on the Tri-State area and we are known at the whole USA. But it is not enough to get us up to the national rankings. We are with a working agreement with Ryu Kajahara's WEXXV. We are barely known in Puerto Rico and at Canada. Most of our superstars are on pay per appearance agreements. Other than that, it is up to you to put DaVE to the top.


John Marshall: That's enough.


Phil Vibert: Just make sure that my promotion don't go bankrupt or you are done with your job.


John Marshall: Trust me. I've seen DaVE as just another promotion but when I went through the records, I can't believe of its hidden potential. Its mainstream. Its product. Its Hardcore!


Phil Vibert: Trust me, you'll see more of it.


Phil stands up and starts to head for the door. John Marshall looks back at Vibert.

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"Mystery" Marshall Invites The Talents Of USPW




"Mystery" John Marshall is somewhere seen in South East, the home of United States Pro Wrestling. Seen in a fancy restaurant, with him is USPW talents T-Rex, Sheik Mustafa, and Captain USA.


John Marshall: I see that when I contact you three, I thought you won't be interested in my offer.


Sheik Mustafa: Just tell me what I can do. I'm about done with USPW anyways.


John Marshall: Mr. Mustafa, I love your personality. Moving onto business. We are short of Road Agents as you can see and we need a veteran to be one of our Road Agents. I see you are capable of the job right??


Sheik Mustafa: Fair Enough. I don't want to be working with your promotion only. I want a PPA agreement.


John Marshall: Relax my friend. You will all get PPA agreements. Trust me. DAVE isn't big enough yet. Not for the fans. As for you Captain, T-Rex. I'd like you to be working for me while having your lunatic jobs with USPW. You'll be getting the same deals as Mr. Mustafa. 8 months, PPA and all that money that will be offered. Do we all have an agreement??


T-Rex: We do.


Captain USA: Sounds fair to me. Get out the papers and lets get on with it.


Inside Marshall's briefcase, he opened it and showed the papers needed to be sign. All three men signs in.

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Danger and Extreme Violence Presents:


DAVE Danger Zone TV

Held at McGaw Arena in front of 5,000 people




Presented by Mitch Naess, Emma Chase, Phil Vibert.


Dark Match

Acid vs. Captain USA




Acid and Captain USA fights it all out. Captain USA debuts on a dark match. In 8:04, Acid was able to win with a handful of tights on Captain USA.


The DAVE Logo appears on Television. The theme music hits and after the music hits, we see Kurt Laramee in the ring.




Kurt Laramee: For a minute or two, I like to talk to all of you. You see since I've started my career here in DAVE, I haven't really got the attention of the roster and turn to me. I am greatness here. DAVE is just another place they say. But it ain't because they got me. Kurt Laramee. The next future of this company. I won't start to brag or anything. But I'm gonna prove myself. So next week, Tank Bradley, I want you here in the ring next week. Whether you like it or not, you'll be facing me in a hardcore match. I got the approval from Phil himself right here so there is nothing ya can do about it. Just a little preview tonight Tank. Tonight I'll be taking on Whistler! That's right. Just watch Tank Bradley what you are going to be going against next week.


Emma Chase: Kurt is onto something here. Hey Phil, did ya ever approve this guy??


Phil Vibert: For once yes I did. I still doubt this kid though.


Kurt exits out of the ring as we go to commercial break.


Grade: B-


-----------Commercial Break-----------


We go back from commercial and we see our first match of the night.


Mitch Naess: First match ladies and gentlemen. The Adrenaline Rush vs. The McWade Brothers!


Phil Vibert: Let's get this show on the road.


McWade Brothers vs. Adrenaline Rush

First Blood Match Match




Solid tag team match right from McWade Brothers and Adrenaline Rush. The performances from Dallas McWade and Teddy Powell improved as it showed in this match. The end of the match comes when Teddy Powell comes out of no where and smashes the chair to Dean McWade, leaving him knocked out. Sammy Bach is outside the ring with Dallas McWade with a barbed wire stick. He rubs the barbed wire stick to Dallas McWade's head, resulting him to bleed. Overall time 9:54.


Grade: C




We transition to the backstage area as we see both Carl Batch and Eddie Peak on the camera. Eddie his holding his DAVE Brass Knuckles title on his hand.


Eddie Peak: You know for once no one had ever tried to challenge me out here right now. What makes everyone think that I'm the big guy in this business now?? Oh that's right I am. I am the Brass Knuckles Champion and no one can ever take this title away from me. But just to show that to everyone of you, I'll make a plump out of Johnny Martin here tonight. Johnny, I challenge you tonight for my title. This gold right here on the line. Are you up for it?




Johnny Martin comes out and confronts Eddie Peak.


Johnny Martin: You see Eddie, in the world of hardcore everyone takes the challenge. I am one of DAVE biggest exports right now. And if it means taking the title away from you, I'll take it tonight and you or your friend here can't stop me.


Johnny leaves the backstage area as he looks at Eddie with confidence. Eddie just has a grin on his face as he sees Johnny walk away on him.


Grade: B


Kurt Laramee vs. Whistler

First Blood Match




We go back to the ring and we both see Kurt Laramee and Whistler inside the ring. Kurt dominated most of the match and made Whistler get bust open with a devastating chair shot to the head at 9:42.


Grade: C+


-----------Commercial Break----------




We see Vin Tanner dressed in street clothes coming out to the ring. He starts to get in the middle of the ring and starts to put his mic up. But suddenly, a hooded figure comes out of no where and started to attack Vin Tanner. The figure hits him with a spear. Then he starts to put him up and hits a spinebuster on him. He brings out a table and sets it up. He takes up Vin Tanner and nails him with a powerbomb. The hooded figure unmask.




Mitch Naess: What the hell?? T-Rex?? But isn't he from...


Phil Vibert: Just like how I talked to him.


Mitch Naess: You were behind this Phil??


Phil Vibert: Nah Mitch. I got the company to be handled with. I don't have time to be with this guy every time.


Mitch Naess: Who is behind all of this then??


T-Rex looks at the knocked out Vin Tanner. T-Rex gets down and spits on Tanner's face. We go to commercial break.


Grade: C+


----------Commercial Break----------


Johnny Martin vs. Eddie Peak©

Hardcore Rules

DAVE Brass Knuckles Title






Eddie Peak and Johnny Martin had a solid match but Eddie Peak came out the winner after hitting the sledgehammer on Johnny Martin and follows the Peak of Perfection.


Grade: B+


----------Commercial Break----------


Chris Caulfield & Shawn Gonzales vs. BLZ Bubb & Nemesis

Hardcore Match




Hell of a pay per view match here. Chris Caulfield and Shawn Gonzalez worked as a good team and same with BLZ Bubb and Nemesis. After all four men were inside the ring, Chris and Nemesis were brawling outside while Shawn Gonzalez was slammed into a powerbomb by BLZ Bubb and was pinned when Bubb used rope leverage. Overall time 11:32


Grade: A*


Phil Vibert: What a show right here tonight. See you all and join us next week.


----------End Of The Show----------


Quick Results:

Dark Match: Acid def. Captain USA C+

Adrenaline Rush def. McWade Brothers C

Kurt Laramee def. Whistler C+

Eddie Peak © def. Johnny Martin For DAVE Brass Knuckles Title B+

BLZ Bub & Nemesis def. Chris Caulfield & Shawn GonzalezA*


Overall Show: A


OOC: First time doing a diary so I'd like some comments & Feedback about my first show. Thanks. :)

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Backstage at the DAVE Headquarters we see both Nemesis and BLZ Bubb talk with "Mystery" John Marshall, the head booker of DAVE.




Nemesis: I guess you're another good addition here too Bubb.


John Marshall: Nemesis, I brought Bubb with me to make this promotion have a little taste of what hardcore can be.


Nemesis: Just like when he gave Gonzalez the Powerbomb last night?


John Marshall: Yes, indeed. I've come to talk to the two of you about one of my new creation. I've seen that you two have great team chemistry and I want to build up one of DAVE monster superstars. Bubb, you remember about the indi scene back in the 90's?? What are you famous for that decade?


BLZ Bubb: Well as far as I know tag team with Morpheus.


John Marshall: Guess what Bubb, look who is behind me. Nemesis, Bubb, I like you to meet your new partner.




Morpheus: Long time no see Bubb.


With a shocked look on Bubb's face, he shakes hands with Morpheus.


BLZ Bubb: What the hell are you doing here?


Morpheus: Wanted to try DAVE out. Hell you ready to reform BLZ Bubb and Morpheus again??


BLZ Bubb: Hell yeah!! This time we take DAVE to the top.


Nemesis: Marshall, what is this monster superstar you talk about.


John Marshall: How bout we all head into my office and discuss this.


With happiness, BLZ Bubb and Morpheus are back. Nemesis just follows John Marshall to his office and so did both Bubb and Morpheus.

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Meeting With Vibert




Phil Vibert: So far a great showing. Good job for your first show. Everyone loved the main event so far.


John Marshall: Appreciate it but its just a matter of time where we get up the ranks.


Phil Vibert: You tell me. Based from what I see that both TCW and SWF had been stealing talents from the roster pool. Especially since you had signed many from both NYCW and USPW. If they keep this up, they may target our talent as well.


John Marshall: Relax Mr. Vibert. Tommy Cornell's TCW cannot steal our talents. I've met with Cornell himself and we had agreed that our talents cannot be signed to TCW. Part of our deal is no workers can work for both companies.


Phil Vibert: Good that way we can our rosters being cleaned out of main eventers and upper midcarders.


John Marshall: Oh I see. We need to get improvements on our ratings as well. I've been e-mailed by East Coast Today.


Phil Vibert: I should've seen this coming. I knew I should'nt had signed with them.


John Marshall: I got a great hope with your roster so far and with the recent additions, we should see improvements on the ratings as well.


Phil Vibert: Fair Enough. Just a recommendation under my protege Mitch Naess and my friend Nemesis is that we have enough wrestlers for a Cult Size promotion. For now, we have to stop with the hirings.


John Marshall: That sounds good boss. I see our crops getting wiped this day but as the future comes, we will grow.


Marshall stands up and leaves Vibert's office. After Marshall exits out, Nemesis enters.




Nemesis: So how's the kid doing for you Phil??


Phil Vibert: So far so good. Now our main problem with the roster is solved.


Nemesis: How??


Phil Vibert: Non-Agression Pact with TCW.


Nemesis: Fair enough.

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What's On With:

DAVE Danger Zone TV




Kurt Laramee vs. Tank Bradley


Kurt Laramee told to the DAVE fans that he is never getting any attention since he ever signed to the company. On the next DAVE Danger Zone TV, Kurt challenges Tank Bradley in a hardcore match. Kurt makes a challenge and targets one half of the New Jersey Devils. Will Kurt get the attention of the roster or will Tank Bradley teach him a lesson???




The Animalz vs. The New Wave


A Big tag team match, The New Wave will be taking on the Animalz. What purpose does the Animalz have for challenging this threatening tag team?? Find out on DAVE Danger Zone TV




Chris Caufield vs. BLZ Bubb


After letting down Shawn Gonzales, Chris Caufield will try to have revenge on the main that caused them to lose, BLZ Bubb. Will Chris take down the big monster or will BLZ Bubb show that he is the future of DAVE?


Other matches includes:

Doug Peak vs. American Buffalo

Shawn Gonzales vs. Eric Tyler


Match Card:

Doug Peak vs. American Buffalo (Possible Dark Match)

Kurt Laramee vs. Tank Bradley

The Animalz vs. The New Wave

Eric Tyler vs. Shawn Gonzales

Chris Caufield vs. BLZ Bubb


Post some predictions about the next DAVE Danger Zone TV while you still have a chance!!!

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Danger and Extreme Violence Presents:


DAVE Danger Zone TV

Held at McGaw Arena in front of 5,000 people




Presented by Mitch Naess, Emma Chase, Phil Vibert.


Dark Matches:

Acid vs. Matt Sparrow




Acid participates in another dark match. He takes on Matt Sparrow and after 7 minutes and 31 seconds, he pinned Matt Sparrow by outsmarting him.


Grade: C+


Dean McWade vs. Joey Minnesota

First Blood Match




The match itself was lifted up by the announcing table. After 7:34, Joey Minnesota busted Dean McWade open after slamming his head to the unbuckled turnbuckle.


Grade: C+




The DAVE logo appears on the television and the theme song starts to hit. On McGaw Arena, we see thousands of fans looking for a good event.


American Buffalo vs. Doug Peak

Hardcore Match




Good solid match. Both men were tiring throughout the end. Solid back and forth match. At 7:53, American Buffalo able to get the pin after he hit a devastating Samoan Drop on the chair to Doug Peak.


Grade: C+




A video of Nemesis is shown as clips and footages of his run in DAVE are shown.


Grade: A*


----------Commercial Break----------


Kurt Laramee vs Tank Bradley




Kurt Laramee and Tank Bradley are in the ring. The other half of New Jersey Devils Alex Braun joins Mitch Naess and Phil Vibert on commentary. Kurt Laramee took over most of the match and at 7:40, he hit the Switchblade Powerslam on Tank Bradley and pinned him 1...2..3!


Grade: C-




After Kurt defeated Tank Bradley, he grabbed a mic and looked at Alex Braun right from to announcer's table..


Kurt Laramee: I just defeated one half of the infamous New Jersey Devils. Now Alex Braun, your next. Next week, you and I right here in this ring. I'll make it simple. Tables match!


Alex Braun: So you want the other half of New Jersey Devils in a tables match? You got him. Next week!


Kurt had a smile on his face as both of them stare at each other.


Grade: C+




We see Cat Jemson and The Animalz backstage heading to the ring.


Cat Jemson: Relax Brandon, I went to the management and got you Guide and Scout tonight.


Big Cat Brandon: We got no challenge. I say that they are our competition. What do you think Wolve?


The Wolverine: We got to eliminate them tonight. Cat, is it for the title??


Cat Jemson: Sure is. Now let's go. Its up next.


The Wolverine: Let's get going.


The Animalz and new manager Cat Jemson heads to the ring.


The Animalz vs. The New Wave


Grade: C



Pretty solid tag team match. The chemistry shows in the match. Solid match with a good ending as Big Cat Brandon hits the Big Cat Pounce on Guide at 12:30


Grade: B-


----------Commercial Break----------




We see Captain USA come out and walks on the ramps getting ready for a match. As he gets poses for the crowd at the ramps, he is attacked by:




Mitch Naess: T-Rex again?? He's trying to wipe out Captain USA!


Phil Vibert: Hell this guy can succeed in my show if he does that every time.


Mitch Naess: Sure do Phil but it'll wipe out our entire roster!


Phil Vibert: So what's your point??


T-Rex leaves Captain USA unconscious after he powerslams Captain USA on the ramp. He kicks him in the ribs and leaves.


Grade: C


---------Commercial Break----------


Chris Caufield vs. BLZ Bubb




We both see Chris Caufield and Bubb in the ring. Back and forth match as BLZ Bubb was close to hitting the Hades Bomb on Chris Caufield. But as he sets it up, Shawn Gonzales comes out of no where and tries to go interfere the match. The referee holds up Shawn, giving Caufield the chance to turn things around with a DDT. He sets the Danger Drop and hits it. Caufield goes for the pin and wins at 11:36.


Grade: A




Shawn Gonzales grabs a mic and raises up Caufield's hand. Shawn goes to the ramps as he looks at the angered BLZ Bubb.


Shawn Gonzalez: Amigo BLZ Bubb, you cheated me last week. Chris, amigo I know what you are trying to do but this time its my turn. BLZ Bubb, I don't take powerbombs and get pinned. So I want you next week inside a steel cage match!!!


BLZ Bubb nods in agreement as he still has the angered look on his face.


Phil Vibert: Next week its Shawn Gonzalez against BLZ Bubb!!! Mitch what do you have to say to that??


Mitch Naess: Huge main event indeed Phil.


Phil Vibert: Ladies and gentlemen, its been a great show. I'm Phil Vibert, on behalf of DAVE, see ya next week and good night!!!


----------End Of Show----------


Quick Match Results:

Dark Match: Acid def. Matt Sparrow C+

Dark Match: Joey Minnesota def. Dean McWade C+

American Bufallo def. Doug Peak C+

Kurt Laramee def. Tank Bradley C-

The Animalz def. The New Wave B-

Chris Caufield def. BLZ Bubb A


Overall Show Grade: B


OOC Note: I know I was suppose to book Shawn Gonzalez vs. Eric Tyler but I didn't have to much time to get everything going and missed it. Sorry. It'll happen soon though. I like some comments and feedback of how can I improve this diary and what not.

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December,Week 3, Sunday


As Posted On Davewrestling.com, the promotion website:




Upcoming Pay Per View:

By: Mitch Naess


"As speaking behalf of the fans, we did not expect a third show of Danger Zone TV. Speaking as one of DAVE's announcers, Phil Vibert and booker "Mystery" Marshall are going over with TV network East Coast Today discussing the future of our TV show. The authorities of DAVE questioned this issue between both companies. Many see the East Coast Today doesn't see Danger Zone TV to be improving and not getting enough ratings to make the company happy. As for that problem, we've decided to wait and tommorow night, we are going to be showing you DAVE's final pay per view of the year 2005, Christmas With The Devil. We are going to be featuring you some of the dream matches before the end of the year. And following to that, we will be having a four man tag team tournament to determine the number one contenders of the DAVE tag team champions, Big Cat Brandon and The Wolverine, The Animalz. We find this last pay per view of the year to be an enjoying one."





DAVE: Christmas With The Devil


http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KurtLaramee.jpg vs. http://media.photobucket.com/image/the%20wolverine%20tew/JuggaloNinjaLee/TEW%20Game/ODW/TheWolverine.jpg?o=1


Kurt Laramee vs. The Wolverine ©


The Wolverine got the attention of Kurt Laramee this time. Something tells that one half of the Tag champion is going solo in this match but The Animalz's new manager Cat Jemson will be on his side. Will Kurt show more attention to the DAVE roster or will The Wolverine make a statement to the young natural kid?




Acid vs. Art Reed vs. Whistler vs. Hell's Bouncer

(Number One Conteder's Match for DAVE Brass Knuckes Title)


Acid has been on fire lately as he had beat Captain USA and Matt Sparrow for the past two weeks. Whistler might had lose against Kurt Laramee two weeks ago but he is going to get a chance here. Four men are going to get a shot to be the number one contender for the DAVE Brass Knuckles Title. All they have to do is win. Who will be the next threat to Eddie Peak??


http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb201/MaddoxMan/DAVE/DeanMcWade.jpghttp://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/DallasMcWade.jpg vs. http://i708.photobucket.com/albums/ww88/Motive09/RPW/Scout.jpghttp://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb201/MaddoxMan/DAVE/Guide.jpg


McWade Brothers vs. The New Wave

(Tag Team Tournament Round One)


Both of these teams had obtained a defeat over the last two weeks. With this tag team tournament, who can prove that they can become the number one contender for the tag team titles??


http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TeddyPowell.jpghttp://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/SammyBach.jpg vs. http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb201/MaddoxMan/DAVE/TankBradley.jpghttp://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/AlexBraunB.jpg


The Adrenaline Rush vs. The New Jersey Devils

(Tag Team Tournament Round One)


It seems that The New Jersey Devils are having a problem with Kurt Laramee these days after Tank Bradley suffered defeat against the young kid. Now they work as a team once more to take on the up and coming The Adrenaline Rush. Who can move on to the next level nd try to become the number one contenders of the tag titles??


http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/th_TRex.jpg vs. http://media.photobucket.com/image/eric%20tyler%20dave/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/EricTyler.jpg?o=1


Eric Tyler vs. T-Rex


T-Rex debuted attacking Vin Tanner and now his recent victim Captain USA. Eric Tyler might be one of DAVE's baddest man but he wants to prove that he is badder than T-Rex. Who will show that they are baddest of DAVE??


http://media.photobucket.com/image/eddie%20peak%20dave/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/EddiePeak.jpg?o=2 vs. http://media.photobucket.com/image/big%20cat%20brandon%20dave/MaddoxMan/DAVE/BigCatBrandon.jpg?o=2


Eddie Peak © vs. Big Cat Brandon ©

(Non-Title Match)


The Animalz deserved to have a little tag team break as the tag team champions. And this time, Big Cat Brandon is going to take on the DAVE Brass Knuckles champion Eddie Peak in a non title match. Eddie Peak recently defeated Johnny Martin to retain his title. Will Eddie Peak defeat this brawling monster or will Big Cat Brandon prove that he is a better champion?


http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/th_BLZBubb.jpg vs. http://media.photobucket.com/image/bryan%20holmes/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BryanHolmes.jpg?o=2


BLZ Bubb vs. Bryan Holmes


Holmes is back on DAVE as the champion and he is here to take on BLZ Bubb who has gone on a slump since getting attacked by Shawn Gonzalez last week. BLZ Bubb can have a little tune up match before his match with Gonzales comes against the DAVE Unified champion.


http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/ChrisCaufield.jpg vs. http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/ShawnGonzalez.jpg


Chris Caufield vs. Shawn Gonzalez


Two teammates will collide after Shawn Gonzalez interfered with Chris Caufield's match against BLZ Bubb. Chris didn't get a fair win and this time he wants one as he takes on the man that caused his win. Can Shawn Gonzalez explain to Chris Caufield what happened last week or will Caufield show no mercy to his friend?


http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/th_HenryLee.jpg vs. http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/th_Nemisis.jpg


Henry Lee vs. Nemesis


The Icon of Insanity Henry Lee is going to be taking on the Monster Nemesis. Two of the biggest icons in DAVE will collide in one of the dream matches that was never fulfilled the whole year. Who will come out as the real hardcore icon of DAVE?? Will it be the Icon of Insanity himself or the monster they call Nemesis??


Confirmed Match Card

Kurt Laramee vs. Wolverine

Acic vs. Art Reed vs. Whistler vs. Hell's Bouncer

The McWades vs. The New Wave

The Adrenaline Rush vs. The New Jersey Devils

Eric Tyler vs. T-Rex

Eddie Peak vs. Big Cat Brandon

BLZ Bubb vs. Bryan Holmes

Chris Caufield vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Henry Lee vs. Nemesis


OOC Note: I don't know what happened but third Danger Zone Tv got messed. I don't know what really happened so I'll find out after the PPV since I'm in the PM part of the game. I'll be gone over the weekend and got no time to write the results so I like to see some predictions when I get back to my pc. Also, I like to see some feedbacks and comments about the diary so far. All that good stuff I want to hear from you guys and the bad stuff as well so I can make improvements with this diary. Thanks for understanding and get some predictions for the pay per view going.

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Danger and Extreme Violence Presents:


DAVE Christmas With The Devil

Held at Plum Park in front of 15,000 people




Presented by Mitch Naess & Phil Vibert.


Dark Matches:


Johnny Minnesota def. Matt Sparrow in 8:08 via pinfall after using the ropes for leverage. Minnesota and Sparrow had great chemistry and it showed to the match as Minnesota is showing good hopes of a star. Solid C+ match overall.


American Buffalo defeated Captain USA after Bufallo hit the Stampede on Captain USA and went for the pin. Both were visibly tired throughout the end and it caused the match to go in a big thumbs down. The announcing and commentary lifted the match. Enough for a C match to contend with the fans.


The DAVE logo appears and we see hell flame out as the opening for DAVE Christmas With The Devil opens up. The theme music for the event hits and we see fireworks everywhere.


http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KurtLaramee.jpg vs. http://media.photobucket.com/image/the%20wolverine%20tew/JuggaloNinjaLee/TEW%20Game/ODW/TheWolverine.jpg?o=1


Kurt Laramee vs. The Wolverine ©


We hear the crowd cheer as The Wolvering comes out to the ring with manager Cat Jemson. The crowd then starts a chorus of boos as Kurt Laramee comes out. The fans cheer as DAVE opens up Christmas With The Devil. A good match between the veteran brawler and the young rookie. Cat Jemson did some good work ringside as well. At 7:32, Kurt was able to pin Wolverine after hitting a Switchblade Powerslam. Kurt Laramee wins. With the match overall, we see a C+ on the rating.




After the match, we see Travis Century in a dark backstage area.


Travis Century: So this is DAVE huh??


Travis looks onto the camera.


Travis Century: I see that I'll have to do my job here on DAVE and call my own shots since no one is an authority here. I'm looking at owner Phil Vibert on commentary table on the event tonight.


Travis turns around on his profile view.[


Travis Century: So what I want is the winner of the upcoming match. I challenge whoever wins the Fatal Four Way match for the contention of the DAVE Brass Knuckles title. I like to ask. Just watch out because the Century will be your next enemy.


Smokes comes out as Travis disappears.


Phil Vibert: He's trying to call me out??


Grade: C




Acid vs. Art Reed vs. Whistler vs. Hell's Bouncer

(Number One Conteder's Match for DAVE Brass Knuckes Title)


Acid and Art Reed goes one on one in this match while Whistler and Hell Bouncer goes out of the ring for this bout. Whistler tried to take out the super heavyweight Hell Bouncer but Bouncer showed that he is powerful, taking out Whistler and giving him a Side Slam out of the ring. Bouncer puts back Whistler in. Acid and Art Reed continued to show great performance inside the ring. Hell Bouncer started to dominate the match but Art Reed gives Bouncer a low blow. Then out of no where, Whistler hits the Rebel Yell and pins Art Reed for the victory. The fans liked it but it ain't enough to rise the rating of the show. A C+ match.




After the ring was cleared out, the fans started to cheer as Chris Caufield comes out in his wrestling gear. With a mic, he enters the ring and speaks.


Chris Caufield: Shawn Gonzalez, what the hell were you thinking last week at Danger Zone TV?? You could've got me disqualified last week but I got lucky. And luck doesn't mean anything to me Shawn. Tonight in this ring it'll be you and me in another hardcore match. Hell this is DAVE and this hardcore. This is my land. I won't let my guard down on anyone especially BLZ Bubb!!


Chris turns to the entrance ramp.


Chris Caufield: Ever since coming to DAVE, I've been running out of luck. I gotta make this simple. Bubb, you don't belong in this business. This is DAVE. This is hardcore!! And the Hardcore American is going to show you tonight as I take on Gonzalez how things are done here. You understand???


Chris drops the mic and he starts to head out of the ring as the fans cheered for him the whole time.


Phil Vibert: Mitch, it looks like that Chris is running out of time to win the DAVE Unified title!!


Mitch Naess: No Phil, Chris is just getting started!


Grade: B+


After seconds of all, the next match comes.


http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb201/MaddoxMan/DAVE/DeanMcWade.jpghttp://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/DallasMcWade.jpg vs. http://i708.photobucket.com/albums/ww88/Motive09/RPW/Scout.jpghttp://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb201/MaddoxMan/DAVE/Guide.jpg


McWade Brothers vs. The New Wave

(Tag Team Tournament Round One)


Phil Vibert: The first round starts now!!!


Mitch Naess: The McWades got this one.


The match starts and both teams ad a back and forth match. Guide and Scout showed great teamwork and it showed with their tag team moves as they are improving in their performances as well. The McWades outperformed the The New though but in the end, Scout ended the match with a Danger Ahead Dean McWade. A great opener for the first round as it gets a C+


http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TeddyPowell.jpghttp://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/SammyBach.jpg vs. http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb201/MaddoxMan/DAVE/TankBradley.jpghttp://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/AlexBraunB.jpg


The Adrenaline Rush vs. The New Jersey Devils

(Tag Team Tournament Round One)


Both teams goes inside the ring and when the bell rings, they started to go for the win. Several pins were made in the whole match but some foreign objects were brought up to the ring as well. In the end, Tank Bradley got the pinfall on Sammy Bach after hitting a powerbomb on Bach. Another solid match that got a C+


http://i708.photobucket.com/albums/ww88/Motive09/RPW/Scout.jpghttp://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb201/MaddoxMan/DAVE/Guide.jpg vs. http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb201/MaddoxMan/DAVE/TankBradley.jpghttp://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/AlexBraunB.jpg


The New Wave vs. The New Jersey Devils

Cage Match

(Winners Becomes Number One Contender For DAVE Tag Titles)


Before the match, a hype video was played on the screen as it showed the clips of both team's greatest wins and accomplishments. After the video ended, the match started as both teams were already inside the cage. Both teams were all legal, almost turning it into a fatal four way. The match was the best so far in the PPV as it showed with the fans getting excited. As Alex Braun and Guide were fighting it all out inside the ring, Tank Bradley sneaks out and escapes the cage. But no referee saw it. Scout opened the cage door and got out as the main ref saw it. The New Wave wins and they are going to face the Animalz once more for the tag titles. Solid B- match. The New Wave celebrates as they see the sad faces on The NJ Devils. The post match gets a C+


http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/th_TRex.jpg vs. http://media.photobucket.com/image/eric%20tyler%20dave/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/EricTyler.jpg?o=1


Eric Tyler vs. T-Rex


The following match comes up as one of DAVE's biggest star Eric Tyler comes out and gets mixed reaction. T-Rex comes out as he gets booed by the fans after all he did. Both men are in the ring for a hardcore match. The match starts now! T-Rex tried to hit spinebusters on Eric Tyler but he was turned around with a steel chair shot. The ref goes for the count. Eric Tyler wins after hitting two steel chair shots on T-Rex. The fans liked it just like the last match getting a B-. What the referee did not see is that T-Rex got is hand up right before the three count and gave the win to Eric Tyler. T-Rex destroys the ref as he beats him down and sends him to the stretcher. It is graded as B-


http://media.photobucket.com/image/eddie%20peak%20dave/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/EddiePeak.jpg?o=2 vs. http://media.photobucket.com/image/big%20cat%20brandon%20dave/MaddoxMan/DAVE/BigCatBrandon.jpg?o=2


Eddie Peak © vs. Big Cat Brandon ©

(Non-Title Match)


The ring was cleared out and its time for the next match. A champion against champion match. Big Cat Brandon comes out as he has his tag team title on his shoulder. Same with Eddie Peak. The match lifted the crowd to complete excitement as both men showed great performance throughout the match. Big Cat Brandon and Eddie Peak are both up on the turnbuckle when Eddie Peak goes for a superplex with the table. But Big Cat turns everything around and hits the Big Cat Pounce for the win. Big Cat Brandon upsets Eddie Peak, getting the match a B+.


http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/th_BLZBubb.jpg vs. http://media.photobucket.com/image/bryan%20holmes/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BryanHolmes.jpg?o=2


BLZ Bubb vs. Bryan Holmes


First off, Bryan Holmes comes out but he is confronted by Phil Vibert in the ring.


Phil Vibert: For the last couple of weeks Bryan. Where the hell had you been??


Bryan Holmes: Japan. You know that I have a tour there right?


Phil Vibert: Yes I know that and you know that DAVE Unified title was given to you to show that you are the next top star of DAVE. But its all Japan for you ain't it Bryan?


Bryan Holmes: So what's your point?


Phil Vibert: My point is that you are pathetic Bryan. So what I'm going to do is if BLZ Bubb beats you tonight, the DAVE Unified title is going back to me.


Bryan Holmes: Damn you Vibert. That is my title and you damn can't take it away.


Phil Vibert: Good luck Holmes.


The match starts and BLZ Bubb comes out and started to take out Bryan Holmes. The match benefited the crowd but Bryan could'nt get a move up to BLZ Bubb. After fiver short minutes, BLZ Bubb ends Bryan Holmes DAVE Unified champion reign with a Hades Bomb for the win. Solid B graded match.


Mitch Naess: Looks like that Bryan Holmes is done with the DAVE Unified title?


Phil Vibert: He sure is. He is nothing worth of a champion for my company.[/b


BLZ Bubb starts to beat down Bryan Holmes even more as he shows that he is a better man and a better champ than him. He gives Holmes two Hades Bombs. The match gets the crowd booing for BLZ Bubb as it gets a B+


http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/ChrisCaufield.jpg vs. http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/ShawnGonzalez.jpg


Chris Caufield vs. Shawn Gonzalez


The match starts and both Chris Caufield and Shawn Gonzalez gets back at each other after finishing move by finishing move. Shawn Gonzalez gets the Latino Crab locked up but Chris turns it around. He throws Shawn out of the ring and hits the Danger Drop right out of the ring to Shawn Gonzalez. 15 minutes had past and both competitors are in the ring. Shawn Gonzalez is down and Chris goes to the top for another Danger Drop. But this time, he misses and Shawn sets and locks the Latino Crab, forcing Chris to submit for the win. Pretty solid match that got the fans going. B


Shawn Gonzalez is out there celebrating as he won the match against Chris Caufield. Chris stands with his back almost breaking. He sees Shawn celebrating and he taps him in the back. Chris hands out his hand to Shawn and he accepts the handshake from the Hardcore American, showing respect. The fans loved it and cheered for it as it got a B+ rating.


Mitch Naess: What a show of respect shown from the Hardcore American.


Phil Vibert: Sure it is! This is DAVE. No respect should be shown here!


Mitch Naess: Relax for once Phil. Let them have the crowd.




Backstage we see Nemesis getting an interview for his upcoming match. He gets the mic and started to talk.


Nemesis: Tonight, DAVE is going to see the real main event of the night. It ain't Big Cat Brandon upsetting Eddie Peak nor Chris Caufield showing respect to that Puerto Rican Idiot Shawn Gonzalez. No you see I am Nemesis and I am far one of the monster stars of this company. No one ever takes that away and after this match with Henry Lee, the Icon of Insanity will be long lost lived. Henry, get ready to take the biggest bumps of your career because your career is up for an ending.


Nemesis had a big evil smile on his face as he drops the mic and heads to the ring.


Grade: A


http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/th_HenryLee.jpg vs. http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/th_Nemisis.jpg


Henry Lee vs. Nemesis


The match starts and Nemesis took control as he took out Henry Lee and took him out as he sets him on a couple of table. Nemesis took a ladder out and carried Henry Lee and threw him out to the two tables. Nemesis ain't done yet but Henry Lee gets back at Nemesis as he hits him with several chair shots. He takes out a sledgehammer but as he takes it out, BLZ Bubb comes out and intervenes with Henry Lee. Lee saw him coming to get him so he hit Bubb with a sledgehammer on the stomach. But he didn't expect Hell's Bouncer to come out. Both BLZ and Bouncer double teamed on Henry Lee and BLZ Bubb Hades Bombs Henry Lee right on the announcer's table. Nemesis goes for the Powerslam and gets the pin. Solid B+ match!




Nemesis, BLZ Bubb are in the ring with mics and Hell Bouncer as a guard for them.


Nemesis: Henry Lee, now you see the full power of both Nemesis and BLZ Bubb. You see, after the tag team match against Chris Caufield and Shawn Gonzalez, BLZ and I had been behind there waiting for this chance. To all DAVE wrestler, you'll be watching the most dominant stable on the company here take you all out one by one. And with the DAVE Unified Title vacant, it'll be the best chance to score the gold before any of you heroes out there try to steal it.


BLZ Bubb: Now it starts. DAVE Fans out everywhere, a new foundation has been born. And Shawn Gonzalez, you'll be seeing no mercy from me!!


Nemesis: The Darkness has been created. Now Hardcore has something to fear!!!


The Darkness is now formed as Nemesis, BLZ Bubb and Hell's Bouncer taunt the fans.


Mitch Naess: That's all we got for the show ladies and gentlemen. It has been a wonderful night!! Thank you for watching.


Phil Vibert: This might be the last time you'll see us on pay per view this year but DAVE Danger Zone is your next stop fans. You don't want to miss the action we offer each and every week!!


Mitch Naess: Hell The Darkness group of Nemesis, Bubb and Hell's Bouncer is going to be one of the shocking events happened in our 2005 year. And Chris Caufield showing Gonzalez respect to Big Cat Brandon upsetting Eddie Peak.


Phil Vibert: Thank you for watching and see you next year on pay per view. Good night everybody.


----------End Of Show----------


Quick Match Results:

Dark Match:Joey Minnesota def. Matt Sparrow C+

Dark Match:American Buffalo def. Captain USA C

Kurt Laramee def. The Wolverine C+

Whistler def. Acid, Art Reed, and Hell's Bouncer C+

The New Wave def. McWade Brothers C+

The New Jersey Devils def. Adrenaline Rush C+

The New Wave def. The New Jersey Devils B-

Eric Tyler def. T-Rex B-

Big Cat Brandon def. Eddie Peak B+

BLZ Bubb def. Byran Holmes B

Shawn Gonzalez def. Chris Caufield B

Nemesis def. Henry Lee B+


Overall Grade: B

(Considered as a popularity increase for promotion.


OOC: I hard it find to get this up especially without Week 3 show build it up. Expect something little better from me over the next few weeks. Anyways, feedbacks and comments are appreciated.

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What's On With:

DAVE Danger Zone TV




Kurt Laramee vs. Alex Braun


Kurt Laramee issued Alex Braun a challenge and now he is setting out to defeat the other half of the New Jersey Devils. This time, in tables matches. Kurt may show Alex Braun that he is the future of DAVE. But will the other half of New Jersey Devils stop Kurt Laramee from fullfilling that goal or will Kurt Laramee prevail??




Eddie Peak © vs. Travis Century

(Non Title Match)


Travis Century said that he wanted a title shot at the DAVE Brass Knuckles title. All what he had to do is ask. But it ain't going to be non title as he has to prove himself to the champion, Eddie Peak in a non title competition. Can Eddie Peak show Travis Century that he is the Brass Knuckles champ or will Travis Century upset the champion himself just to get a title shot??




Eric Tyler vs. Henry Lee


A match in the making that wasn't shown on DAVE Christmas With The Devil. Both of DAVE's greatest and most popular icon will compete to show that the company itself is just more than a promotion but something to entertain the fans out there. Who will win in this dream match that the fans had been waiting for???




Shawn Gonzalez vs. BLZ Bubb


Shawn Gonzalez showed that BLZ Bubb is nothing worth of competition for him. But Bubb is insulted with his actions as Shawn Gonzalez cost him a match last episode. With the newly formed group called the Darkness, how can Shawn Gonzalez defeat BLZ Bubb now??




Match Card:

Kurt Laramee vs. Alex Braun

Eddie Peakvs. Travis Century

Eric Tyler vs. Henry Lee

Shawn Gonzalez vs. BLZ Bubb

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Danger and Extreme Violence Presents:


DAVE Danger Zone TV

Held at McGaw Arena in front of 5,000 people




Presented by Mitch Naess, Emma Chase, Phil Vibert.


http://s213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/th_Acid.jpg vs. http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/MattSparrow.jpg


Acid vs. Matt Sparrow


Two of the fastest wrestlers in the company competed in a great dark match. Acid and Matt Sparrow showed even better chemistry this time after their last showdown. Matt Sparrow was close to winning after giving Acid a missile dropkick and a elbow drop but Acid recovers his momentum and he takes all his anger out hitting Matt Sparrow with the Acid Rain Bomb. The match itself had to contend with the restless crowd of McGaw Arena. Acid gets the win as the match gets a B- rating.


http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AmericanBuffalo.jpg vs. http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd99/chuck_jaywalk/CaptainUSA.jpg


American Bufallo vs. Captain USA


A quick match itself as Buffalo started to dominate the whole match itself. Captain USA was cheered throughout the match but American Buffalo had to end the match after getting Captain USA's head bust open and hits him with the Stampede Fall. A solid C rated match between the two competitors.




The DAVE logo hits as it shows the clips from DAVE's latest show, Christmas With The Devil. It showed matches such as Whistler becoming the new number one contender for the DAVE Brass Knuckles title. To Phil Vibert vacating the DAVE Unified title from Bryan Holmes and BLZ Bubb defeating the former champion. Big Cat Brandon upsets Eddie Peak. Shawn Gonzalez does the same with his match with Chris Caulfield, showing respect after the match. Then coming to the main event where Nemesis destroyed Henry Lee and formed his new group with Hell's Bouncer and BLZ Bubb named the Darkness.


After the video ended, the fans are excited as DAVE Danger Zone TV is coming to a start. It should be the dark matches that got the crowd hyped up for a start.


Phil Vibert: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to DAVE Danger Zone TV!!!!


Mitch Naess: Tonight we witness the outcome of Christmas With The Devil and my it was a great pay per view to see wasn't it Emma??


Emma Chase: Poorly but hey it was great. Tonight my client Bryan Holmes comes out for a challenge.


Phil Vibert: After I stripped him out of his title.


Emma Chase: My apologies Phil. I've talked to him and you are going to see what is going to happen tonight.




The crowd even became more excited as they heard the infamous Puerto Rican theme of Shawn Gonzalez. The fans started to cheer as Shawn comes out and enters the ring with excitement. His music stops and Shawn puts up his mic. The fans started to chant "Shawn!! Shawn!! Shawn!!!" as Gonzalez started to speak.


Shawn Gonzalez: Amigos and Amigas of all ages. Last night Chris Caulfield, The Hardcore American and I Shawn Gonzalez showed that we are the best of hardcore at Christmas With The Devil. The match itself was a dream itself amigos and to Chris, that was a hell of a match. Now onto to the next business. Last time on Danger Zone, I showed that the monster we call today BLZ Bubb that he is indeed beatable when Chris beat him one two three. And tonight, I'll show that I can beat BLZ Bubb as well. I'll get my own redemption from what happened weeks from that tag match! And I'll be showing to you amigos that BLZ Bubb is nothing of a......




The fans reacted to a sudden boo when The Darkness comes out. The group that formed at Christmas With The Devil. BLZ Bubb and Shawn Gonzalez stares at each other as The Darkness goes inside the ring. BLZ Bubb and Nemesis have their mics with them. Nemesis starts out as he puts up his mic and started speaking.


Nemesis: The Darkness had came to DAVE and I was the reason for it. My assistant here Hell's Bouncer. Just look at his size. A super giant worth of competing with. Men fear him. The fans here in this arena fear him due to his natural size. Coming up to him, I saw the darkness grow in him. A reason why he is with us. First off, Bubb and I saw what happened at Danger Zone on tape and we see that we beat your team Shawn. And now you dared to interfere on Bubb's business?? Just look at him. He is nothing to be treated as a joke. It seems that you are looking at the man that soon can end the career of the Puerto Rican jackass here should we say. And tonight, I think Bubb has some words for you.


BLZ Bubb comes closer to Shawn Gonzalez as they started to have an epic staredown.


BLZ Bubb: Let me tell you something Shawn. You mess with me and I'll send you to hell.


BLZ Bubb dropped his mic and started to beat down Shawn Gonzalez starting with several blows of uppercuts and punches. Shawn has BLZ Bubb as he goes to his knees and hits him with a low blow. Nemesis and Hell's Bouncer started to join BLZ Bubb by double teaming Shawn Gonzalez. BLZ Bubb gets up and joins his allies. Nemesis and BLZ Bubb sets up Shawn Gonzalez for a Hades Bomb when....




Mitch Naess: Chris Caufield!!! Chris Caufield is coming to the rescue.


Phil Vibert: I don't know what is Chris is about to enter but something has to do with this from Christmas With The Devil.


Chris comes out with a steel chair as the Hardcore American enters the ring. Hell's Bouncer gets hit with a steel chair. Nemesis and BLZ Bubb sees the Hardcore American coming to the aid of Shawn Gonzalez. Hell's Bouncer recovers and leaves the ring. The Darkness backs up as Chris Caufield and Shawn Gonzalez are in the ring, challenging the Darkness to come back to the ring.


Phil Vibert: Mitch, I think that Shawn and Chris are backing up each other.


Mitch Naess: Come on boss, you got to have some sense in you.


Phil Vibert: All I know is that tonight is going to be hell for these two guys right here.


Grade: B+




http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/AlexBraunB.jpg vs. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KurtLaramee.jpg


Alex Braun vs. Kurt Laramee


This match is a tables match. Both Kurt and Alex are inside the ring. Kurt started to take over the match after hitting a series of powerslams and punches and Alex Braun. Alex dodged most of Kurt's punches and turn them into kicks and high flying moves of his own. When Alex is up the turnbuckle, he flies for a diving crossbody when Kurt Laramee caught him and hit the Switchblade Powerslam for the win. Kurt Laramee wins the match. These two men did not connect really and it showed on the match. Overall it is a C graded match.






The Animalz come out with their spokeswoman/manager, Cat Jemson. Cat has a mic on her hand as they enter the ring. She started to speak.


Cat Jemson: We saw that this tag team the New Wave just won their match against the New Jersey Devils. Now I see that my clients, the Animalz has something to say to them.


Big Cat: Guide, Scout, Back In Black, January 1st 2006, we want you in the ring.


The Wolverine: You've proven us enough that you are ready for another rematch. Now at Back In Black, you got the chance to finally take the titles off us.


Big Cat: Now let me tell you Wolverine, Cat. I just beat Eddie Peak and I could've added gold to my waist again but this time at Back In Black, we are going to show that we are tag team champs.




Guide and Scout comes out as the fans had a mixed reaction. They enter the ring and they grab the mic from Cat Jemson and started to speak.


Scout: Now you see we track our goals and at Back In Black, we are going to find the X mark that we have been waiting to find. Animalz, we are goin to show that you can't outsmart us in this match. No matter what.


Guide: Scout, just tell them if we are going to take the match!


Scout: YES we are going to accept your challenge. Our time for that title is coming to a start and your time is going to be up.


Cat Jemson: I'm glad that you agreed to our terms. We will see you this Monday at Back In Black.


The Animalz headed outside the ring and turned as they walked to the backstage area. Guide and Scout started to run and attacked the Animalz, sending them back to the ring and beating them until they can't even stand anymore.


Grade: C+




http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/VinTanner.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg


Vin Tanner vs. T-Rex


T-Rex is going to get what he deserves from Vin Tanner from that attack weeks ago. Both men started the First Blood match. Soon Vin Tanner got the momentum by hitting T-Rex with several chair shots to the head. But T-Rex takes the momentum steal and spears Vin Tanner to the turnbuckle. He unbuckles the turnbuckles and smashes Vin Tanner's head until it bled. T-Rex wins. The match was rated a C.






We see Henry Lee backstage at Danger Zone where the camera is focused on him.


Henry Lee: At Christmas With The Devil, I was used as a puppet. To be used as a tool or a stepping stone just to be seen getting destroyed by that nonsense Nemesis. Let me tell you something, you ain't nothing of a leader. You are a hunter. Soon that little showoff group of yours will soon come to a great hahaha great ending.


Henry laughs a little.


Henry Lee: But tonight, oh tonight we are going to be seeing the Icon Of Insanity in action tonight!! Oh yes tonight DAVE fans. Here at McGaw Arena, you hardcore fans better be dying for this match. Eric Tyler takes on the Icon of Insanity himself, Henry Lee. And you fans know it. The Icon will be showing that he is better than just a traditionalist. Hahaha!!! Eric, let the games of insanity begin!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!


Henry leaves the scene, ending the segment.


Phil Vibert: That crazy Henry Lee. He is an Icon for getting injuries.


Mitch Naess: Here it comes anyways. Henry Lee vs. Eric Tyler is up next.


Grade: B-




http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/th_HenryLee.jpg vs. http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/EricTyler.jpg


Henry Lee vs. Eric Tyler


Two of DAVE's greatest icons battle it out to get the bragging rights of who is better. Eric Tyler showed that he is better than the Icon of Insanity Henry Lee by hitting many suplexes and body slams. Henry Lee gets the momentum back as he brought a steel chair and hit himself in the head. Then the momentum as Henry Lee pulled off many crazy moves such as countering the Traditional Lift and hits the Asylum Buster for the win. Lee and Eric Tyler didn't click at all but the fans loved the match. A solid match indeed worth on DVD. C+.






Bryan Holmes comes out as the fans started a chorus of boos for him. He enters the ring as Emma Chase gets off the commentary table.


Emma Chase: Time to go to work.


Bryan enters the ring and so did Emma. She had a mic with her and she handed one to Bryan as well.


Emma Chase: Bryan like to say a few words.


Bryan Holmes: How dare you take my title away Phil?? I earned the shot and I became a champion. But you just don't like the fact that I am a champion so you took the title away from me.


Phil Vibert: Screw you!! You never showed on our events. You don't deserve it you punk.


Emma Chase: Easy now Bryan. We came here to make arrangements.


Bryan Holmes: Right. So Phil, you better give me back the title or...




Phil Vibert: Or what Bryan??


The fans started to get excited when Johnny Martin came out with his music hitting on the PA system. He enters the ring with a mic and speaks.


Johnny Martin: Just a damn minute. Bryan, you and I are former champions of a kind. And let me just tell you that you are nothing of a champion. Phil was right about stripping you out of the title. And if you want a shot at it again, you'll gotta get through me!!!


The fans gave a huge pop.


Bryan Holmes: Really?? I've known your reign about almost a decade ago but that didn't count. So what I'm gonna do is I'll be accepting your damn challenge. I'll get through you and we'll make it Back In Black.


Johnny Martin: Deal.


They shake hands and Johnny Martin started to leave the ring.


Grade: B-




http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/EddiePeak.jpg vs. http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/TravisCentury.jpg


Eddie Peak © vs. Travis Century


The non title match comes to a start as Eddie Peak attacks the Preacher Travis Century with a series of blows. He goes out and destroys him by hitting chair shots and also slamming him outside the ring. Travis picks up the momentum by playing Eddie's game of hitting steel chair shots. But Eddie stopped one of the shots that Travis attempted to do. Eddie bust Travis wide open and blood comes out. Eddie goes for the pin and wins. Both men showed great talent and the fans loved them. A solid B- match.




As Eddie Peak celebrates in the ring, Phil Vibert, Emma Chase, and Mitch Naess are on the commentary table.


Phil Vibert: Emma, you should teach your client how to behave.


Emma Chase: I'm sorry Phil but I guess that he's pissed about what happened at Christmas With The Devil.


Phil Vibert: Well I see that Eddie is still the Brass Knuckles champion. Well I know that someone won't be happy with this so at Back In Black, Whistler gets what's his.


Mitch Naess: So it'll be Whistler against the champion, Eddie Peak for the Brass Knuckles title??


Phil Vibert: Yes it is Mitch. Now get back to work!


Mitch Naess: What did I do??


We go to commercial


Grade: B-




http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/ShawnGonzalez.jpg vs. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BLZBubb.jpg


Shawn Gonzalez vs. BLZ Bubb


Its time for the main event. BLZ Bubb and Shawn Gonzalez came out and in to the ring as they start the match. BLZ Bubb starts off as he carries Shawn out of the ring where they would fight out everything they got. Shawn and BLZ brawl out of the ring. No count outs. Shawn goes for a series of punches on the head to BLZ. Bubb gets the momentum back as he blocks one of the punches and spinebustered Shawn Gonzalez out of the ring. He lifts him up for a bear hug. He squeezes Shawn Gonzalez with his Bear Hug. Shawn turns things around as he bit Bubb on the arm. Then giving him a low blow, he put him back up on the ring. He went up the turnbuckle and started to hit him with several clotheslines. He went for a lariat but he missed. BLZ capitalizes and hits the powerbomb. BLZ goes for the pin and Shawn kicks out. Gonzalez gets up and dodges BLZ Bubb when he set up the Hades Bomb and turned it around for a Latino Crab. BLZ gets locked up on Shawn's submission. When suddenly,




Nemesis and Hell's Bouncer came in for BLZ Bubb's rescue. They started to take out Shawn Gonzalez by hitting him with a steel chair during his hold. They beat on him until he can't even get up anymore. They put the chair down the mat and BLZ looks for a Hades Bomb once more when...




The Hardcore American Chris Caufield came to the rescue. Chris gets in the ring and takes out Hell's Bouncer out the ring. Nemesis attacks Chris though and BLZ helped. Nemesis and Chris took the brawling out the ring as Chris fought the two members of the Darkness. The ref focused on the two when BLZ Bubb sets the Hades Bomb and slams Shawn Gonzalez on the steel chair for the win!!!


Grade: B+






BLZ celebrates in the ring. Nemesis and Hell's Bouncer tried to take out Chris Caufield but the Hardcore American smashes the steel chair on Hell's Bouncer and Nemesis. He drives away BLZ out of the ring and helps Shawn Gonzalez get up. Nemesis and BLZ Bubb are up and so are Shawn Gonzalez and Chris Caulfield. Phil Vibert gets up though and enters the ring with a mic. He gets behind Shawn Gonzalez and Chris Caufield.


Phil Vibert: Enough all of you. Chris I'm tired of you helping this little pathetic loner and since the Darkness formed, I'm impressed. And right now, I'm looking for a main event at Back in Black. I don't like the fact that Bryan Holmes had the title so I took him away from him. It ain't going to be Bryan Holmes versus Johnny Martin at the main event but let me make the blockbuster here for the fans. At Back In Black it'll be Chris Caulfield.


The fans cheered and started to chant "Hardcore American" as Chris had a smile on his face.


Phil Vibert: against Nemesis...


The fans booed as Nemesis looks at Chris Caufield with anger.


Phil Vibert: against BLZ Bubb.........


BLZ Bubb looks at Nemesis with a shock.


Phil Vibert: and against....SHAWN GONZALEZ!


Shawn has his look on BLZ Bubb and Nemesis. Then he looks at Chris with a determined look.


Phil Vibert: Yes you will all be competing against each other at Back In Black and the winner will become the DAVE Unified Champion!!!!


The fans cheered with excitement. Chris Caufield and Shawn Gonzalez looked at each other and so did Nemesis and BLZ Bubb.


Mitch Naess: Chris Caufield against Nemesis against BLZ Bubb against Shawn Gonzalez for the Unified title?? This should be the greatest main event ever. Join us at January 1st for the first ever pay per view of the year, Back In Black. Good night everyone.


----------End Of Show----------


Quick Show results

Dark Match: Acid def. Matt Sparrow B-

Dark Match: American Buffalo def. Captain USA C

Kurt Laramee def. Alex Braun C

T-Rex def. Vin Tanner C

Henry Lee def. Eric Tyler C

Eddie Peak def. Travis Century B-

BLZ Bubb def. Shawn Gonzalez B+

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The Overview




We go inside the office of Phil Vibert, the owner of Danger and Extreme Violence. We see Phil in his chair sitting behind his desk. On the front of his desk is booker John Marshall. Nemesis was inside the office too. Three of the company's figureheads were inside the office.


Phil Vibert: John, last month I signed you to show that DAVE can compete with both Cornell's and Eisen's Big Two Promotion. Yet this was only a little tune up of what you should be booking. I see your style of booking is way different of what I had seen in the past decade or so. From December, here is what I heard from the media about this year's award. Take a look for yourself:



Match Of The Year Award Of 2006




DAVE: Danger Zone TV


Chris Caulfield & Shawn Gonzales vs. BLZ Bubb & Nemesis

Hardcore Match





Rating: A*


Card Of The Year Award Of 2006




DAVE: Danger Zone TV


Phil Vibert: I am impressed with what you had done with my promotion so far. Starting at a low money budget as well, you were able to put the economy of DAVE up safer into going bankrupt. We did not lose any money at all so I don't see us going out of business as far as I know.


Nemesis: Marshall, for someone to replace me, you still got to prove me that you cannot depend on the originals. Meaning that you can't depend your shows on guys like me, Chris, Johnny, Eric, JD, Johnny Martin and the DAVE originals. Soon maybe a couple of years we might come to our end and no one might carry DAVE to the big competition.


Phil Vibert: He is right indeed. Specifically John, what are your plan for the roster???


John Marshall: Here is what I got for you. I've been thinking the roster a lot these days and its a new year. Here is the overview of the DAVE Roster as far as I'm concerned.



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<p><span style="font-size:14px;">The Overview Pt.2:</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> The Roster</span></p><p> </p><p> <em>Still in the same are, Marshall pulls out his laptop and shows a table of the roster itself.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>John Marshall:</strong> Here is the overview of our roster and I've made notes of what can we get from them.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Roster Overview</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Main Eventers</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/TEW%20Game/ODW/BLZBubb.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>BLZ Bubb</strong></p><p> </p><p> "Mystery" Notes: <em>The biggest heel we have in the company. He's not the most amazing worker in the ring but he knows how to hide his flaws. He is great at his performance, entertainment, physical and rumble skills. At age of 34, he shows not a single injury sign so he should be able to carry DAVE for a couple of decade if he decides to stay.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/ChrisCaufield.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Chris Caulfied</strong></p><p> </p><p> "Mystery" Notes: <em>It is questionable for Chris whether he can go for another 5 years or so in the company due to our product of hardcore. He had been in the company since day one and had taken many serious bumps. If Chris decides to put his boots up in the next 5 years or so, he still can put up some good matches against our main eventers and the next generation as well as reviving hardcore matches by taking bumps. Other than that, he's still going to be a good solid worker throughout the end.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><span>http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/th_HenryLee.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Henry Lee</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> "Mystery" Notes: </em><em><em>Henry Lee can be slow downed if necessary. As a psycho style of a wrestler, it has been hard for him so far to hide his flaws in the ring. Avoiding him there as much as possible might be a good outcome but it can also result him complaining not to be appearing in our shows. He is working for us in a pay per appearance agreement. The best thing we can get out of him is to be a stepping stone to our next stars of the company.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><span>http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/EricTyler.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Eric Tyler</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> "Mystery" Notes: </em><em><em>He could be used as a face but I never see it happen. Eric Tyler is coming to a near retirement and being one of DAVE biggest figureheads, he seems to be going on a decline. But his skills can still be useful to train our midcard crew who is not that good at the ring. Before he retire, he must be involve in a championship angle. Another stepping stone to the next stars of DAVE, I am just seeing one of our biggest heel draws come to a near retirement in about 3 to 5 years.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><span>http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/JohnnyMartin.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Johnny Martin</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> "Mystery" Notes: </em><em><em>This guy still has a lot to offer to DAVE. Even though he participated in the infamous East Coast Wars, he's still got a lot of potential and he has a quite a future as another leader to the company. But he could end up the same with Eric Tyler in just couple of years. The biggest problem we have for him is that he can be raided and taken away by SWF.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><span>http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb201/MaddoxMan/DAVE/Nemisis.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Nemesis</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> "Mystery" Notes: </em><em><em>The best brawler around our company. Maybe the best hardcore wrestler there is today. He also has the creative ideas to run with me so he is a big use to me. The biggest heel with BLZ Bubb. That is a reason why I teamed the two together. But it won't be long until he will be coming to a near retirement.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><span>http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/ShawnGonzalez.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Shawn Gonzalez</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> "Mystery" Notes: </em><em><em>Shawn Gonzalez has this storyline with BLZ Bubb and I can get it working after Back In Black. He is famous for training our workers and we can get from him is training the future of DAVE. He can be also used for many possible angles with our future stars.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><span>http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/VinTanner.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Vin Tanner:</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> "Mystery" Notes: </em><em><em>Vin Tanner puts up a lot of great match. Just not book him against awful wrestlers because it'll show on the final rating and the fans won't like it. Our entertainment seems to go high while guys like Vin Tanner puts up awesome matches, then we got no problem.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Upper Midcarders</span></strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><span>http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BryanHolmes.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Bryan Holmes</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> "Mystery" Notes: </em><em><em>Bryan seems to be another great worker but the problem with him is that his loyalty belongs to PGHW and if we don't make any actions, we are going to be losing a big piece of the success puzzle.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><span>http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb201/MaddoxMan/DAVE/EddiePeak.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Eddie Peak</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> "Mystery" Notes: </em><em><em>Being the Brass Knuckles champion, he has the potential to shift to the main event scene and possibly to be competing in the DAVE Unified title. All he needs to do is a couple more months to improve. He is seen as one of the biggest stars to carry DAVE when the originals starts to retire.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><span>http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb201/MaddoxMan/DAVE/JDMorgan.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>JD Morgan</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> "Mystery" Notes: </em><em><em>It seems that JD Morgan can carry out the promotion for even another decade but he's getting older and he's been on the company since day one. Just like Caulfield, he can be retiring early due to the fact that he takes too many bumps. But the case for Morgan, he can still carry the company.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><span>http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KurtLaramee.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Kurt Laramee</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> "Mystery" Notes: </em><em><em>Kurt has been on a roll since December and he seems to be going to potential big star of DAVE. He is going to be one of the biggest star in our future and to respond to it, we are going to be seeing good future for him. We cannot rise him big enough though as he can be also raided by SWF.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><span>http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>T-Rex</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> "Mystery" Notes: </em><em><em>T-Rex has been on a roll since signing him to DAVE. It has been well enough to convince the fans that he has the taste of a real monster and if we keep it up, he can go for the main event scene someday. The only problem is that he needs a little bit more training.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><span>http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/th_Whistler.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Whistler</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> "Mystery" Notes: </em><em><em>Coming from New York, Whistler is still one of those upper midcarders who can put our potential stars to the main event. Some say that he still has a good run but his best days are behind him. The fans seemed to love him though with his gimmick and everything. Other than that, he is showing signs of retirement soon.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Midcarders, Lower Midcarders, & Openers</strong></span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><span>http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AmericanBuffalo.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>American Buffalo</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> "Mystery" Notes: </em><em><em>Buffalo is another veteran who is probably better than BLZ Bubb considering they were on a tag team. Pushing him to the main event is going to be the best way to be using him and later on he can be used to train other workers and be a threat to the title sometimes.</em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><span>http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/ArtReed.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Art Reed</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> "Mystery" Notes: A 30 year old, 240 lbs, technician who could be one of our purest athletes in the company. We gotta use him to go over at least to the upper midcard scene and keep him looking like a threat. Other than that, he should be putting up the best matches that anyone can possibly get.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/DougPeak-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Doug Peak</strong></p><p> </p><p> "Mystery" Notes: <em>The Peak Brothers might soon be done and Doug's career on DAVE can either go down to being a jobber or go up and catch up with Eddie. Either way is going to work for him as he won't be needed here for long. Anything can happen with him.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/HellsBouncer.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Hells' Bouncer</strong></p><p> </p><p> "Mystery" Notes: <em>Hell's Bouncer needs to be improved a little bit more. At 19 years old, he can be the second generation of future stars for DAVE. He's a part of The Darkness stable led by Nemesis. He should be improving his entertainment there as well as improving in ring performance in dark matches etc.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i695.photobucket.com/albums/vv311/princepepper/JoeyMinnesota_alt.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Joey Minnesota</strong></p><p> </p><p> "Mystery" Notes: <em>This kid has the future beyond him. He's skills are going to be unbeatable unless someone can be sign to be a competition with him. He is sure going to be having a good time to be raising on the cards and maybe someday he can be one of our main eventers.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/TravisCentury.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Travis Century</strong></p><p> </p><p> "Mystery" Notes: <em>From NY, Travis can be used to be putting our potential stars to the next level due to his skills. Mainly he should be putting out great matches.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/Acid.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Acid</strong></p><p> </p><p> "Mystery" Notes: <em>It seems that Acid has been on a downfall recently. But it doesn't matter because something great is going to come to him.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Tag Team Division</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/SammyBach.jpg</span><span>http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/TeddyPowell.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Adrenaline Rush</strong></p><p> </p><p> "Mystery" Notes: <em>The Adrenaline Rush is the fastest and youngest tag team rising on DAVE. A part of our tag team division, they can pull off pretty good matches and they can make tag team wrestling worth to watch. Although Sammy Bach can be starting to be a potential singles star, The Adrenaline Rush is a tag team to watch out.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/BigCatBrandon.jpg</span><span>http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/TEW%20Game/ODW/TheWolverine.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Animalz</strong></p><p> </p><p> "Mystery" Notes: <em>The Animalz could be coming to a near end once Big Cat Brandon comes to his peak and become one of the future stars of DAVE. Biggest chance of splitting, Wolverine's future will stay on DAVE as an alumni. Big Cat Brandon is starting to show potential big time.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/Scout.jpg</span><span>http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/Guide.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>The New Wave</strong></p><p> </p><p> "Mystery" Notes: <em>Guide and Scout are the future of tag team wrestling and DAVE. These two men can put out amazing matches against any tag team and they can sure start to be a tag team main eventers and single stars as well. The New Wave can lead the tag team division for the future while the biggest tag team even though the bigger tag teams split up.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/AlexBraunB.jpg</span><span>http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/TankBradley.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>The New Jersey Devils</strong></p><p> </p><p> "Mystery" Notes: <em>Alex Braun finally found Chemistry with Tank Bradley and they can compete with any tag team. DAVE has a good tag team division and they are the foundation of it. They are going to be the backbone of the division and they can turn the cruiserweight division into something hardcore.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/DallasMcWade.jpg</span><span>http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/DeanMcWade.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>The McWades</strong></p><p> </p><p> "Mystery" Notes: <em>It seems that the McWades can try to be more popular here on the US especially on DAVE. They are trying to become the destructive monster brawlers and it could train future brawler tag teams later on.</em></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p></div><div style="text-align:center;"></div><div></div></blockquote></div><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Phil Vibert:</strong> Good, good I see that we got a backbone for the tag team division. This roster is going to be enough for building new stars and maybe creating one more division??? What do you say John??</p><p> </p><p> <strong>John "Nemesis" Campbell:</strong> Indeed, enough for me to retire.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Phil Vibert:</strong> Not yet Nemesis not yet.</p><p> </p><p> {{TBC}}</p>
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<p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">The Overview Pt.3</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>John Marshall:</strong> Retiring huh Nemesis??</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nemesis:</strong> It is possible my friend. I'm almost a year more to putting up my boots.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Phil Vibert:</strong> Enough both of you. At least for now. Marshall, I know that we don't have enough of the men to hire to be on the booking team. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>John Marshall:</strong> Indeed right Mr. Vibert. So far in my booking team is you, John here, Mitch, Bryan and Chris right???</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Phil Vibert:</strong> It is shameful that I'm still on the booking team. It is good enough for me however. Looking at the unemployment line, I see some wrestlers and non wrestlers that we can use to replace some of us on the booking team. Soon our ideas for the shows will get stale so just watch on that.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nemesis:</strong> We should not consider going out to the independent circuit until we secure our show.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Phil Vibert:</strong> I had forgotten then. East Coast Today won't be keeping us for long. One more unimproved show and we are gone from the national television. John what do you have in mind for this situation??</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>John Marshall:</strong> What I have been thinking over the first month is that we should have a weekly pay per view event. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nemesis:</strong> It only depends because we are not going to waste $60,000 every week just to replace our show. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Phil Vibert:</strong> Nemesis is indeed right. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>John Marshall:</strong> That won't be a problem. Just watch me do the magic.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Phil Vibert:</strong> The magic huh??? Well I am still watching you John. I am still unfamiliar with what you are trying to do will fit with DAVE and put it up to competition with the big two. Won't you say Nemesis??</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nemesis:</strong> I like with the whole new stable going on so far with BLZ Bubb and Hell's Bouncer. But like Phil said, we are still watching you.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>John Marshall:</strong> No worries at all Phil. Just watch because 2006 is going to be DAVE's year to success.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Marshall stands up and left the office.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Phil Vibert:</strong> Rookie bookers. Nemesis, you think hiring him was right??</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nemesis:</strong> Its only his pre-tune month. The worst could be yet to come.</p>

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The Book Of Mysteries

Chapter 1: Pre-Tuning Hardcore


December. Indeed a month of hirings, firings, making relationships and even making friendship throughout the locker room.


Let me just introduce the whole thing over again. I just didn't walk inside of Phil Vibert's office as a nobody and get the job as the head booker of his promotion named Danger and Extreme Violence. For short DaVE. This is what really happened between the owner and myself.


Starting by introducing myself. John Marshall. Yes some wrestlers in the past and the present call me the Mystery. Starting out at 2004, I was booking shows on the independent scenes. On the unemployment lines there are always shows and I was in charge of those shows. As the year coming out great, I was able to make stars on the indy scene and even talking with the veterans who would soon get signed on a major promotion to train the younger generation. I've worked with men like Barry Kingman himself to cult legends like Steve Flash and Johnny Martin, both part of the infamous East Coast Wars. I also got the chance to book younger stars of today like Wolf Hawkins, now on TCW and also the Human Arsenal who became the most in-demand independent wrestler, looking to be signed on the major promotions. As year 2004 went down, I wasn't satisfied with so few indy workers to work with however.


So it came 2005. The same things happened over and over and some of the workers who are in any pay per appearance agreements even showed on my shows that I book. We were making money even for an indy show. I was on nobodies side. North America is where mostly everything took place but I also happened to be on Japan when Japanese wrestling legends often find my booking style cunning.


Then it came November 2005. I was booking an indy show where it featured some of the DaVE superstars and extremist like Shawn Gonzalez, The Peak Brothers and The New Wave. Along with them is owner. The owner. Phil Vibert. And his committee of booking team. There I saw his booking team. Emma Chase. One of the most loyal DaVE workers and basically the only woman in the promotion. She had charisma. Then referee RM Stones and Ryan Holland. Two of DaVE's long stay referees. I don't know why they are on the booking team but they are scouts I know. Then along with Emma was Carl Batch. A manager of the Peak Brothers. Mitch Naess. The voice of DaVE. Phil Vibert's protege. So they saw the show and I booked The Peak Brothers against the team of Donnie J. And Jimmy P., who Cliff Anderson sent as representatives of CZCW. I was a road agent myself as well and I made the match what it is. A dream that came true. Backstage after the show, the fans were complimenting me as they exit. Then last one to come out is Phil Vibert himself.


Phil approach me and said "You're John Marshall right??" The story goes on as it is. Just replying I had to say "Yes I am." By then he had a different look than what you see every night at Danger Zone TV. I wasn't even able to recognize him. He started to explain to me what is needed for him to be explain. "Listen. I am Phil Vibert. Owner of DAVE. How long have you been stuck in this poorly rated show my friend?? It just goes on as is. I was complimented let's just say that. "I don't know yet. A year or two as I can remember." "Well I'm familiar with your work. If I can recall I've heard of your name somewhere. Some places I did in the same independent scenes. A question indeed. No one was familiar to recognize me."You may have but right now I am forgotten. John Marshall. I was once a manager to Morpheus and BLZ Bubb of TCW back in their independent days. Not until Bubb was signed to TCW, my stint as a manager ended and never came back to wrestling. But now, I'm booking this ****ty independent shows where it got me to no where of fame. There I had said what I have to say to Phil Vibert. As he responded here is what he said: "I see that you have a booking experience. And plus you got a connection of TCW's biggest heel draw. I want you to meet me in my office by the first day of December." Meeting him at his office?? I wasn't familiar even with him saying that I got a connection with BLZ Bubb. "Connection with BLZ Bubb?? And you want me to meet you in Philly?? I wasn't sure. "Actually in New York. Show up at my office if you can.


After that, Phil went back to the locker rooms and gathered up the DaVE crew. After a couple of hours, they left as well. I was behind. Thinking of what could he want from me??


December First. I went to New York. There the meeting happened. I had to take the job. It'll get me somewhere now. At least I don't have to stick right out on the unemployment line. Sticking with the same job week after week. After the meeting, there came Nemesis. The now former head booker of DaVE. Suddenly he just approached me.


"So your my replacement??


"What do you mean??


"Oh you don't know huh. I'm the one who was in charge of that head booker position that Phil gave me. Now its all you kid.


"Sure I guess.


"I'll be watching you sometime this month. Make things better for this company I helped raise.




That hit me. I gotta make a difference. Starting by bringing in the best indy workers I've worked with. I've gotta go somewhere in New York. Watching this promotion named New York City Wrestling. When I was watching, I was able to talk to my former client, American Buffalo, formerly Morpheus. I talked to him. "Listen pal. This is DaVE we are talking about. You still got another decade to shine. And with this promotion, I'm head so you don't gotta worry about it. With his voice, I wasn't even able to recognize that he was once the one I managed before. "You convince me enough chief. I'm going to bring maybe three men with me. I know they got a chance to shine there just like me. I wasn't sure who he was going to bring. But when he showed me, they were all ready to go DaVE. The Southern Preacher Travis Century. Joey Minnesota NYCW youngest star and possibly my first answer to the DaVE problem. Then Whistler the Patriot of New York. Three of the best workers of NYCW. That was great.


Setting up my booking team. The raids were pretty high. But I wasn't early enough to get some of the biggest stars in the indy scene. TCW got Human Arsenal, Corporal Doom, Grandmaster Phunk, and the best manager next to Emma Chase was Shane Sneer. Luckily I was able to avoid the talent raid. Talking with Cornell in his office. I was able to agree with him that we should not take any talent from each other's promotion. That was good enough. I had to go to Canada as well and avoid their raid on the US. Decolt and Stone. Two of Canada's biggest wrestling families. CGC and NOTPBW agreed with DAVE with a non agression pact. Well I don't see any problem there at all.


BLZ Bubb to DaVE?? That was all my work. As I was in TCW Headquarters I also met up with BLZ Bubb right after I met with Cornell. At the middle of our conversation, he agreed with me to go to DaVE. What I had to say: "You can show Nemesis that you are the future of DaVE. Your both the same skills but you are better." He agreed and met up with Phil. Boss was impressed with the hirings I made. Phil was. Nemesis was also impressed as he has his visions of DaVE's future will shine.


I wasn't familiar at all of hardcore style booking. But I got used to it. The only mistakes I was not able to solve was the problem with Bryan Holmes. He is more loyal to PGHW. Its hard to see whether he is with promotion or not so I strip him out of his title. Breaking up House of Holmes and School Of Tradition let the fans down but not every fan that DaVE has. Then forming the Darkness group. That'll create some controversy in the shows now and it'll get more fans watching. The tag team division. I'm looking forward to create even better tag team division. I got the most experienced tag teams so far so there is no problem with that. My first month with the company turned out to be a success. The income of the fed went up by a notch and Phil was happy. The main event scene looks to be stable right now. Rising stars like Eddie Peak, Kurt Laramee, Big Cat Brandon, and Joey Minnesota can soon become the new generation of hardcore.


This is only my pre-tune of what I should be seeing. And the fans are seeing. I'm looking forward to this moment. Doing The Impossible. DaVE is going to the next level.


-"Mystery" John Marshall

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<p>From</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.dave.com" rel="external nofollow">http://www.dave.com</a></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Last week on DaVE Danger Zone TV:</p></div><p> </p><p> Everything was announced. After Eddie Peak defeated Travis Century in a non title match last week, he is going to DaVE's first show of the year 2006, Back In Black facing the patriotic veteran named Whistler. Whistler who won the number one contender spot for the Brass Knuckles title will have a chance to take away the gold from Eddie Peak.</p><p> </p><p> Bryan Holmes had his DAVE Unified Title taken away from him by the owner Phil Vibert. No longer a champion, Bryan Holmes demanded his title back. But guess who came out. Johnny Martin. Two former DAVE Unified champions will clash and fight to the end. </p><p> </p><p> Having win a number one contender's tournament, The New Wave goes to Back In Black challenging the tag team champions, the Animalz. Taking the challenge, two of DAVE's most controversial tag teams will collide for the DAVE tag team titles.</p><p> </p><p> The vacated DAVE Unified title will be fought by four top contenders. Nemesis, Chris Caulfield, Shawn Gonzalez and BLZ Bubb. These four men had been going against each other since the tag match they recently had. With these four men going inside the ring, who can try and come out as our new DAVE Unified champion???</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Logos/Promotions/DAVE.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:18px;">DaVE Back In Black</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Match Card</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Kurt Laramee vs. Travis Century</p><p> JD Morgan vs. Vin Tanner vs. Doug Peak</p><p> Eric Tyler vs. Joey Minnesota</p><p> Bryan Holmes vs. Johnny Martin</p><p> The Animalz © vs. The New Wave</p><p> Eddie Peak© vs. Whistler</p><p> BLZ Bubb vs. Chris Caulfield vs. Shawn Gonzalez vs. Nemesis</p><p> </p><p></p><p></p><p> </p></div></blockquote></div><p></p>
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Danger And Extreme Violence Presents:


DAVE: Back In Black

Live at Plum Park

In Front of 15,000 people


Dark Matches:


Acid defeated Matt Sparrow in 4:49 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.


Grade: B-


American Buffalo and Art Reed defeated Captain USA and Doug Peak in 4:58 when American Buffalo defeated Doug Peak by pinfall with The Stampede.


Grade: C+


Hell's Bouncer and Joey Minnesota defeated The McWade Brothers in 2:57; Dean McWade was eliminated first, and finally Dallas McWade.


Grade: C+


We start the show as the DAVE logo comes to the screen. Then we see the video for Back In Black. As we go to the event, we see Mitch Naess, Phil Vibert, and Emma Chase on the commentary.




Phil Vibert: "Ladies and gentlemen welcome to our first pay per view event DaVE, Back In Black. Tonight we are going to present you some of the matches that you had been dying to see.


Mitch Naess: "Boss, tonight we are going to see the big battle between Chris Caulfield, BLZ Bubb, Nemesis and Shawn Gonzalez for the Unified title. Then we are going to see Bryan Holmes taking on Johnny Martin and Eddie Peak taking on Whistler for the DAVE Brass Knuckles title.


Emma Chase: "Too bad Martin is going to get his ass kicked by Bryan tonight."


Phil Vibert: "Let see if he impresses me here tonight then."


Mitch Naess: Let's get this show on the road.






We see a video hyping the upcoming main event match between Chris Caulfield vs. Shawn Gonzalez vs. Nemesis vs. BLZ Bubb for the DAVE Unified title. It showed the past month's actions of all the competitors from the very first tag match to the announcement last week of the match itself.


Grade: A





After the video hype, we see Shawn Gonzalez backstage, having an interview. He has the mic on his hands. He started to speak for himself.


Shawn Gonzalez: Yo amigos, tonight is going to be the night where I'll be winning the DAVE Unified champion. Finally I've been waiting for this time to come. But tonight it'll be a four way match. Amigos tonight it doesn't matter who I face as long as I win the DAVE Unified title, then I'll be happy. The Lone Wolf himself will come out of no where and take his bounty. And that is that DAVE Unified title.


He smiles a little bit and started to speak once more.


Shawn Gonzalez: But fellas tonight the Puerto Rican Lone Wolf will finally get his hands on Nemesis and BLZ Bubb all together. With my friend's help of Chris Caulfield, we are going to be working together and we won't let these fellas invade DAVE and turn it into some darkness mumbo jumbo. It ain't going to happen. We are going to make this happen tonight. All of Puerto Rico will be celebrating once I'm in the ring and get the pin 1..2..3!!! The title will be on my hands and I'll finally become a hero in my country!!!!!


Grade: A


http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/VinTanner.jpg vs. http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb201/MaddoxMan/DAVE/JDMorgan.jpg vs. http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/XHW%20Diary/DougPeak-1.jpg


Vin Tanner vs. JD Morgan vs. Doug Peak


'Crazy Peak' hits on the PA system as Doug Peak comes out. Then we hear Vin Tanner's music and he comes out as well. JD Morgan comes out as he looks intense and ready to fight.


The match starts and the three way battle goes on now as Doug Peak goes crazy by hitting several blows on Vin Tanner. JD Morgan stops Doug Peak and hits him with a big reverse suplex. Vin Tanner and JD Morgan started to hit each other back and forth with multiple punches and chops. Vin Tanner sends JD Morgan to the turnbuckle and he hits him with a clothesline. JD Morgan is send to the mat down as Vin Tanner executes several elbow shots on Morgan. Doug comes back and hits Tanner with a dropkick. Then he goes to JD Morgan. But Morgan catches Peak and whips him to the ropes and sends him outside with a clothesline. Vin Tanner wait for Morgan to turn around and hits the V for Victory.


Winner: Vin Tanner

Grade: B-


Vin Tanner is celebrating in the ring as he climbed each turnbuckle and posed for the fans. The fans are cheering for him when suddenly...............




Mitch Naess: T-Rex!!! Here he comes again!


Phil Vibert: This kid can't wait to destroy Tanner in that ring now.


T-Rex comes out of no where and stalks Vin Tanner. As Vin comes down from the tunrbuckle, T-Rex destroys Vin Tanner with a HUGE Clothesline. T-Rex lifts up Vin Tanner and spits on his face and chokeslams him down to the ring. He stomps on Vin Tanner and spits on him once more as he leaves the ring with Vin Tanner grounded.


Grade: B-



http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KurtLaramee.jpg vs. http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/TravisCentury.jpg


Kurt Laramee vs. Travis Century


Both men are in the ring. Just an ordinary one on one match. Both Travis Century went on it back and forth. Not until Kurt Laramee had Travis Century trapped on his momentum and started to hit several powerslams and suplexes. He sends Travis Century to the turnbuckle and clotheslines him. Then he hits the Switchblade Powerslam for the win.


Winner: Kurt Laramee

Grade: C+




After the match, Kurt Laramee gets a mic from the commentary table and gets back inside the ring. There on, he started to talk.


Kurt Laramee: "Wassup?? Look what I just made Travis Century. I made him my joke tonight. I made him my puppet and yet again I got another win. I don't care who's next. I'm opening a challenge to anyone in the DAVE locker room brave enough to defeat me. That's right. Your attention's on me now. No one can see me. Whoever is next is going to be the next big joke to the roster!!!! Now back on that!"


Grade: B



http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/SammyBach.jpghttp://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/TeddyPowell.jpg vs. http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/AlexBraunB.jpghttp://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/TankBradley.jpg


Mitch Naess: "Amazing show so far ladies and gentlemen. T-Rex attacking tonight. I hope he doesn't strike again."


Phil Vibert: "Just watch Mitch. Good god. Let me make my match of my own tonight. Since we got a couple of spaces left on the show, let me let you all know that tonight, you are going to see the young Adrenaline Rush take on the team of the New Jersey Devils."


Emma Chase: "Boring match I say. Just wait till Holmes vs. Martin."


Phil Vibert: "Would you shut up for one second before I fire you."


Emma Chase: "You can't Phil."


Phil Vibert: Oh whatever!"


Grade: C



http://i695.photobucket.com/albums/vv311/princepepper/JoeyMinnesota_alt.jpg vs. http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/EricTyler.jpg


Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Tyler

Hardcore Match


These two men had some great chemistry in the match. It starts out as Eric Tyler and Joey Minnesota lock each other up. Eric Tyler starts to teach the young rookie what hardcore wrestling is about on DAVE. He sends Minnesota to many places as he clotheslines him as well. He puts him up into his finishing move Traditional Lift but Minnesota countered with the DDT. As weapons were brought out, Joey grabs the steel trash can and tries to smash it on Tyler's head. But Eric blocks the shot and kicks Joey in the guts and lifts him up and slams him with a Traditional Lift to the trash can for the win.


Winner: Eric Tyler

Grade: B




We see Henry Lee backstage. In his locker room, he's talking.


Henry Lee: "So what's my plan now?"


He hears voices as he speaks.


Voice: "Hardcore Wrestling."


Henry Lee: "That's not a plan."


Voice: "Hardcore Wrestling."


Henry Lee: "Shut up and tell me what to do!"


Voice: "Hardcore wrestling."


Henry Lee: "What???"


Suddenly, a cameraman shows up inside his locker room. He listened to what Henry what saying.


Cameraman: "Hey Henry, are you alright??"


Henry Lee: "What??"


Cameraman: "Good god you are talking to yourself. I better leave now."


The cameraman exits throughout the door. Henry Lee doesn't hear those voices anymore.


Henry Lee: "Damn not again!"


He started to smack his head in the wall as the segment ends.


Grade: B





Bryan Holmes comes out as the fans booed him. He didn't care as he went inside the ring. Emma goes inside the ring as well, leaving the commentary table. Emma Chase started speaking.


Emma Chase: "Bloody fans learn to respect Bryan here tonight. You see you are all going to see that he deserves another shot at the DAVE Unified title. He deserves a rematch. He deserves it. He has to go through Johnny Martin tonight. Listen Johnny. We've been in this company for so long now. Even back at the East Coast Wars. But your time of fame is up. Bryan's time is going to be now. And if you don't like that then just watch him take you out tonight."


Emma goes at ringside Johnny Martin comes out. Bryan Holmes is ready to fight. The match starts as Johnny gets inside the ring.


http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BryanHolmes.jpg vs. http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/JohnnyMartin.jpg


Bryan Holmes vs. Johnny Martin


Johnny Martin and Bryan Holmes are in the ring. The two men start to manage a good match as they had an exchanged fight. Bryan goes for Johnny Martin as he started to body slam here. Then he goes up to the turnbuckles and goes for an elbow drop. He hits it. He tries to lift him up into a fireman carry until Johnny Martin counters and rolls up Bryan Holmes for the win.


Winner: Johnny Martin

Grade: B




Backstage, we see Eric Tyler facing the cameras. He is ready to speak. He starts to sniff his nose. He looks at the camera with confidence and started to speak/


Eric Tyler: "Tonight I just showed Minnesota that hardcore wrestling is nothing but a tradition for me. A tradition that I had kept. The wrestling tradition itself is starting to fall doesn't it?? But I'll be keeping in touch. The future of DAVE is coming to a dark shadow from guys like Eddie Peak and BLZ Bubb. But one of the future here is you Kurt Laramee. How dare you speak of the DAVE roster like this huh? How dare you trash talk the company. The roster? Huh Kurt? Let me tell you something then my friend. At Danger Zone TV next week, I accept your challenge and we'll make it my tradition. Hardcore match. See you at Danger Zone kid."


Grade: B


http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/SammyBach.jpghttp://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/TeddyPowell.jpg vs. http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/AlexBraunB.jpghttp://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/TankBradley.jpg


The Adrenaline Rush vs. The New Jersey Devils


The match starts out as the four men are in the ring. The match goes on as both teams shows good chemistry. Tank Bradley clothesline Teddy Powell to the ropes and hits the big boot. Then he puts Teddy near their corner as Alex Braun and Tank Bradley does some teamwork. Tank puts up Teddy Powell as Braun gets up and hits Powell with a flying leg drop. Teddy gets the tag to Sammy Bach. All hell loose as Tank Bradley goes in as well. The referee tried to stop him but he couldn't. Teddy goes in and joins the brawl. Sammy and Teddy puts away Tank as they sends him out of the ring. They concentrate on Alex Braun. Alex tries to fight back the Adrenaline Rush. He whips Teddy Powell to the turnbuckle and clothesline him. He puts him up and he sends him outside as well. Sammy is stalking Alex but Tank comes out of no where and hits him on the back. Alex sees Sammy out and hits him with the Braun Buster.


Winner: The New Jersey Devils

Grade: B-





http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/BigCatBrandon.jpghttp://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/TEW%20Game/ODW/TheWolverine.jpg vs. http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/Scout.jpghttp://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/Guide.jpg


The Animalz © vs. The New Wave

Cage Match


The fans started to chant 'Animalz!! Animalz!!!! Animalz!! Animalz!!!'


The Animalz come out with them is Cat Jemson. She started to come out with the Animalz and carried out their DAVE Tag titles. Wolverine is hyped by the crowd while Big Cat is still a better man. The crowd boo as The New Wave came out. They go inside the ring. The cage is lowered down as the match starts.


All four men started to grapple on each other. Big Cat takes on Guide and he whips him on the steel. He started to hit him with several uppercut punches and then he puts him to the turnbuckle, hitting him a clothesline. Wolverine starts to go for Scout and he powerslams him down to the ground. The New Wave are in no control as the Animalz are destroying them. Big Cat and Wolverine puts up Scout and they beat him down with stomps. Wolverine puts up Scout into a powerbomb position and slams him down the mat. Then Big Cat runs to the ropes and hits him with a jumping knee drop. Wolverine focuses on Guide as he takes him down, trying to escape. Wolverine puts up Guide to a body slam and he hits it. So much focus on Guide, he didn't see that Big Cat is being dominated by Scout. As Big Cat was beating Scout, he slams Scout's head on the steel. Then he goes for the Big Cat Pounce. But Scout goes on his knees and gives him the low blow. He goes for the pin as the referee sees it. He uses the rope leverage.






With Wolverine trying to break the pin, he was too late. The New Wave can't believe it. They are the new tag team champions. The cage was put back up as the New Wave celebrates with their new titles. Guide and Scout are seen celebrating out the ramps as Wolverine and Big Cat along with Cat are on the upset. Losing their titles.


Winner and New Tag Team Champions: The New Wave

Grade: B-





A video of Eddie Peak being hyped is playing. All of the sudden, a Whistler hype video appears and both are seemed to combine. Helping the match buy more. It is up next.


Grade: B





http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/th_Whistler.jpg vs. http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb201/MaddoxMan/DAVE/EddiePeak.jpg


Eddie Peak © vs. Whistler

Hardcore Match


We hear the new theme song of Eddie Peak, Crazy For Extreme. He comes out with a kendo stick. Then coming out is Whistler. With his American Flag. Both enter the ring for this one hardcore match for the Brass Knuckles Title.


The match starts as both have their weapons. Whistler drops his American Flag Pole and started to attack Eddie Peak. He started to take him down and give him many series of punches. He tries to destroy him. But Eddie Peak throws him away. Eddie gets back up but Whistler starts to hit him in the head. Eddie blocks one of the punches and sends him to the ropes and right out of the ring clothesline. Both men goes out. Eddie starts to grab a steel chair. He started to smack it on the head of Whistler. He throws the chair and he puts up a steel trash can. Whistler gets back up and he kicks Eddie on the gut. Then on the trash can, he puts Peak unconscious with the neck breaker. He goes for the pin but Eddie breaks it.


Both men are up as Eddie whips Whistler to the steel ramps. Then he goes out and puts Whistler on the steel ramps. He puts his hand and hits an elbow drop. Eddie puts back Whistler inside the ring. Whistler counters in the ring with the Patriotic Break. But Eddie counters again and hits the Peak Of Evil.






Eddie Peak retains the title. The ref gives the title back to Eddie Peak, hugging it. Whistler is laid out in the ring as Eddie Peak celebrates.


Winner and STILL Brass Knuckles Title: Eddie Peak

Grade: B





Backstage we see Nemesis with his group. The Darkness. He sees the camera and starts to talk. The fans were lifted as they see Nemesis.


Nemesis: "Now renaming ourselves the Cult Of Darkness, we are here tonight to take the gold. One gold I'm talking about. The DAVE Unified title. A title that is meant for the Cult Of Darkness. Something that should've belong to us. But now that Bryan Holmes does not have the title with him, it is up to me and Bubb to take the gold and one of us will become the new DAVE Unified champions. No one is going to dare to stop us. Now that the House Of Holmes are broken down to pieces, they can't stop us. Not even Chris Caulfield.


Now let me tell you something. Since I was here in DAVE you were always the one that takes the glory in the company. In the shows and all that stuff that DAVE had done. But you see I'm behind your success. Without me, there will be no Chris Caulfield. Just tell me here kid. I'll be taking you out. You can't end me. I am indeed in-demand. Chris you are not.


Shawn, let me tell you this. BLZ here wants to make friends with you. In our cult, making friends means destroying people. And in the four way match, it is going to be hell for you kid. The Lone Wolf will get punished by the Cult of Destruction. You won't survive the wrath that BLZ Bubb will unleash upon you Gonzalez. The Puerto Rican fans won't like what they see and will you. You won't like your life after the beating you will get from the Cult of Destruction.


Tonight is going to be a night where the Cult will reign."


Nemesis disappears as the lights were turned off.


Grade: A





http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb201/MaddoxMan/DAVE/Nemisis.jpg vs. http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/th_BLZBubb.jpg vs. http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/ShawnGonzalez.jpg vs. http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/ChrisCaufield.jpg


Nemesis vs. BLZ Bubb vs. Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

Hardcore Match


'Dark Forces' by X-Ray Dogs hits on the PA system as Nemesis and BLZ Bubb. The crowd cheers as the Puerto Rican Lone Wolf comes out. He starts to go with the crowd. Then he enters the ring. 'Hardcore Americans' hits as Chris Caulfield comes out.


All four men are inside the ring. The bell rings. BLZ Bubb looks at Shawn Gonzalez and Chris Caulfield looks at Nemesis. All started to brawl. Chris started to beat on Nemesis as he hit him with several punches and whips him to the turnbuckle. Chris goes to Nemesis and punches him in the head. But Nemesis gets back to Chris and pushes him. Then he runs and hits Chris with the clothesline. Nemesis whips Chris on the ropes and hits him with the big boot. Nemesis puts up Chris with the brain buster and hits it. He tries to put him up into a suplex position and hits it. They continue as Shawn Gonzalez tries to take over against BLZ Bubb.


Shawn hits several forearm shots on BLZ's chest. But BLZ blocks one and he sends Gonzalez to the ropes and hits him with a back body drop. He puts up Shawn and he hits the Samoan Drop. He runs to the ropes and hits the diving body splash on Shawn Gonzalez. BLZ puts back up Shawn and sends him outside. He goes to Nemesis and helps him with Chris Caulfield. Both men are doubling team Chris. Nemesis locks Chris and BLZ hit several punches on Chris' chest. Then Nemesis lets go to let BLZ hit a destructive DDT. BLZ Bubb lets Chris up and stalks him. Nemesis locks him up and hits a full nelson powerslam. The destruction that BLZ Bubb and Nemesis are causing is becoming a severe damage for Chris to win the title. Out of no where Shawn Gonzalez attacks BLZ Bubb with the steel chair. He continued to hit him with it but Nemesis makes the save as he hits Shawn in the back. Then he takes the chair and hits Shawn Gonzalez right in the head, knocking him out. Chris gets back up and dodges the steel chair shot from Nemesis. Behind him he hits him in the back. Then he gets the chair. BLZ Bubb kicks Shawn Gonzalez on the ribs. Then he moves onto Chris, hitting him in the back and sends him to the turnbuckles. Shawn rolls out of the ring and taunts BLZ Bubb, saying come get it. BLZ Bubb goes out of the ring only to be caught by Gonzalez with a kick in the gut and a vicious facebuster. He takes out a kendo stick and throws it inside the ring. Then he grabs another. He sees BLZ Bubb coming right to him and hits him with it. Shawn goes back in and hits Nemesis with the kendo stick. Chris gets up and looks at Shawn. They both look at each other. Out of no where, BLZ Bubb has a folded table with him and both hits Gonzalez and Caulfield with the table. BLZ unfolds the table. Nemesis wakes up from the hit that he took from Shawn. Both Caulfied and Gonzalez are down. Gonzalez gets up only to be caught by Nemesis in his finishing Nemesis Arrow. Then following it is BLZ Bubb holding up Shawn Gonzalez and slams him down to the table with the Hades Bomb!!!! BLZ Bubb goes for the pin.






Winner and NEW Unified Champion: BLZ Bubb

Grade: A


We have a new champion!!!! BLZ Bubb is the new DAVE Unified champion. The fans had a mixed reaction as BLZ Bubb raises up his title as the show comes to an end! We will see you at DAVE Danger Zone TV!


Overall Show: B-

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<p>From:</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.dave.com" rel="external nofollow">http://www.dave.com</a></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><p> This week on DAVE: Danger Zone TV, we'll be seeing the aftermath of Back In Black. After winning the main event four way hardcore battle, BLZ Bubb will be coming out of the ring talking about his recent win.</p><p> </p><p> We'll be seeing JD Morgan take on DaVE original Johnny Martin in a hardcore match.</p><p> </p><p> And on the main event we'll be seeing the team of Nemesis and Brass Knuckles titleholder Eddie Peak take on Henry Lee and Nemesis in another hardcore match. This is a great match for two teams who really know the element of hardcore wrestling.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#00008B;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">DAVE: Danger Zone TV Preview</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p> Eric Tyler vs. Kurt Laramee</p><p> </p><p> JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin</p><p> *Barbed Wire USA Match*</p><p> </p><p> Chris Caulfield & Henry Lee vs. Nemesis & Eddie Peak'</p><p> </p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote>
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