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He who knows only peace now knows war

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The American wrestling scene was in chaos, what had just happened? When did this happen? It's not like something like this hasn't happened before but never has it happened in the US of A.


As early as 2006 this has happened in Japan when the most famous wrestler in the world left BHOTWG and started the promotion INSPIRE. The man was Tadiyuki Kikkawa and in one night he change the wrestling world in Japan. No one knew what would happen when he lead that small group of wrestlers to the new work place. INSPIRE has done well over the years and continues to do so but no one quite new the effect it would have on BHOTWG. Thus far BHOTWG has been alright, fending off the ruthless attack of their bitter rivals PGHW but the gap has lessened and the war rages on in 2008.


Now the world was wondering what would happen now that no less then 15 workers have left to join the new promotion, the promotion that was to be known as Sports Entertainment Extreme. Shane Sneer was the only person not from the "Big 2" to join the promotion, the reason? He was the owner of the company! He didn't own 100 percent of the company but he was the lead share holder the other guys in the group also had stake in the profits, no one quite knew whose idea it was exactly but the other workers to join the company were some of the greatest in the world.


From SWF:


Peter Micheals

Runaway Train

Rich Money

Angry Gilmore

Jessie Gilmore

Randy Bumfhole

Zimmy Bumfhole

Steve Frehley


Kid Toma

Ric Young


From TCW:


Joel Bryant

Joey Minnesota

Clark Alexander

Genghis Rahn

Troy Tornado

Ricky Dale Johnson

and American Buffalo


As you can see from that list there are champions, future champions and top prospects who all walked out. SWF was first to threaten litigation, followed by TCW but they were both to fault as there was options in the contracts that they gave. Both companies decided to make every worker currently on the roster and any wrestler that they sign in the future sign saying they won't walk out. But it was too late, the damage had been done. One worker for SWF even refused to sign that paper, instantly getting released.


I had been in the wrestling business for over 20 years and I have never seen anything like this in my life, 3 bookers from the top 3 promotions in the USA gone... That's when the Internet rumors started, first I was going to S.E.X, then I was going to SWF and finally TCW was supposed to come in with a huge offer to employ my services but none of it was true. I had left the business, wasn't really sure that I'd ever want to come back. I was enjoying my life and plus those positions had all been filled, S.E.X had gone with Peter Micheals the former SWF booker and the man who is blamed weather true or not for coming up with this big idea. The SWF book was handed to Richard Eisen's son Jerry and TCW decided to go in house as well with owner Tommy Cornell deciding to keep the book.


S.E.X wasn't opening its doors until the first day of 2008, and by that time the American Wrestling world was change. TCW and SWF had both fallen to cult, with rumors of what happened getting to the fan, the audience wasn't sure how to feel, causing many to not pay attention at all and some to slowly start to lose interest.


(S.E.X has been place barely at cult, USPW has remained the same, SWF is at the top of cult ready to get back to national, and TCW isn't far behind.)


To be continued...

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I was on the phone with my son, as I am every night around the same time, except the few nights a month that he is currently working, when the 3 way calling clicked in, I wasn't sure who it was and my son told me to check the caller I.D. But the problem is that I don't know what a caller I.D is so I asked my son to hold for a minute and clicked over. On the other line was a man who was a great enemy but an even better friend..



The King of Wrestling


Mr. Strong and I talked for about an hour real time but it seemed as if it had been an eternity, he reminisced about the past and we talked a little bit about the future. Samuel Strong was never one to beat around the bush and he wasn't going to start now, when our conversation, about our time together in SWF came to a sudden stop he just came out and asked me a question, a question that I wasn't sure how to answer. Would I become the booker of USPW? I wanted to take the job but I wanted to take time off, but then again I've been out of the business for a little less then a year. I decided to sleep on it.


Sleep was something that I didn't do very well, my body had been banged up over the years but it was feeling a little better, it had been 2 years since I've worked an actually wrestling match but I still wasn't sure what to do. I gave my son a call and apologized for leaving him on the other line, he said he understood and when I asked him what I should do, he didn't hesitate: "Take the job, dad". I sat there in silence for a good three minutes, my son screaming back into the phone, "Dad, dad? Are you there? Dad? Where did you go?". Finally I said I'm here son, and for once I'm going to take your advice. We talked for a little longer more and then I hung up on him.


I called the Strong household at about noon that day


(the USPW theme song blares into my ear instead of a normal ring, that Sam, still as youthful as he was when I first met him so many years ago)


But Sam did not answer the phone instead his daughter Alicia did and we talked, knowing her since she was a little girl its a little weird to watch her on television now as a full grown woman. She still seems like a little girl to me. But what Alicia told me almost broke my heart.. her father was interviewing the two finalist for the job as we speak. I'm not sure what she said after that or who she said because my mind began to wander maybe Sam only gave me a courtesy call because he heard the same rumors that I had heard, that the other 3 promotions had offered me the job. I was interrupted from my thoughts by Alicia telling me that "daddy will be right on the phone".


Sam got on the phone and immediately told me the job was mine, not wasting a second, I thanked him and asked who was booking the shows as of right now. He said that it was he and his daughter. I asked him why he felt he needed to make a change and these were the reasons I was given:


First of all Sam said that with TCW, SEX and SWF all falling down or coming up this level that he need a booker like me, he needed a man who has been through the wars before and someone who could lead USPW through the next war. Sam has said that he is not mentally prepared to get through this war.


USPW was the under dog in all of this because despite being above SEX, they had a bunch of guys on written contracts, Sam said he would love to have a whole roster on written contracts like SWF, TCW and now SEX but that his budget didn't quite fit that. Sam then told me that like his promotion I was the ultimate underdog.


I asked Sam that if I had the job why was he interviewing people for the job when I called? Sam laughed off that idea and said that it was just Alicia messing with me, he told me that there was one guy who walked on SWF and that he has him in his house right now. I told Sam that my son sent me an email (which he always does) of all the rumors and that was one of them. Sam told me I was going to love the guy that I signed and told me to hold on. He put my old friend on the phone...




The King of The Streets


Wow is all I could think.. The King of The Streets left SWF? What was going on in that locker room? Sam was quick to the grab the phone and give me my start date which would be the first of the year, only 9 months after leaving the business I was back. Sam reminded me that although I do have full reign over the booking duties that he still had an image to up hold and despite bring Laramee in he wouldn't allow me to make USPW into DAVE. I let Sam know that I wasn't planning on it and once again thanked him.


Sam Strong, the greatest wrestler of all time, was in for the biggest fight of his life and he wanted me there.. me...




The King of Booking???



The Side of War




Ranking: 1st

Size: Cult

Prestige: B-



Ranking: 4th

Size: Cult

Prestige: C+



Ranking: 7th

Size: Cult

Prestige: C



Ranking: 8th

Size: Cult

Prestige: C-


All of these promotions have been placed in WAR against each other. I obviously have the least talented, least over roster. Also most of my guys are on pay per appearance contracts and may be plucked away from the competition but if there is one thing that John "Nemesis" Campbell knows how to do, its survive!

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Laying down the law, a proud father, and a look around the war.

Sam Strong who has hired and giving me free reign to do what I want has also told me what he expects from me and the main thing is that within the next 2 years I have to increase the popularity of USPW in America. I believe that this will happen quite easily as USPW was improving before I got here and should not slow down one bit. Sam also wants Peter Valentine and Nicky Champion to be kept strong and I can make that happen as well, Peter catches a lot of hate from people across the world but I just think he's miss understood, he really is a good guy and I feel he can really help us succed. What is there to say about Nicky Champion? He has all the potential in the world to become the greatest wrestler in the world, only time will tell if he's the next Sam Strong or the next Jack Griffeth. Once again Sam hammers into me that he does not want this promotion to be DAVE or anything like DAVE by telling me not to hire anyone that he considers a psychopath style wrestler and also I can't hire anyone with out suitable psychology in the ring! I feel I can meet all these requirements and make Mr. Strong a happy a boss.


My son Ash campbell had his very first title match this week, and I couldn't be happier with the performance. He might of lost to Steven Parker at PSW's Game's of War but he did very well in his first title match. He didn't seem to be too nervous out there which is a surprise considering how much of a chicken his old man is! The match was said to be the match of the night, tied only with the World Champion main event match.


TCW Presents Total Wrestling

8,652 people attendent the show at The V Thompson Arena.

The results were:


Texas Pete over Hopkirk

Hawking over Tana to retain the International title

Scout over Fonzarelli

Bach over Allen to retain the All Action title

Guide, Ino and Anderson defeated Cornell, Law and Peak

Sam Keith over Rocky Golden


Rating: B


SWF: Supreme TV

10,000 people attendend at connecticut Symphony Hall

The Results:


Robbie Retro over Enforcer Roberts for SWF NA Title

DuBois over Bart Biggz to retain Shooting Star title

Giedroyc over Garcia

Squeeky and Brandon James (Lost Cause) defeated High Concept for Tag Titles

Vegeance over Lobster Warrior


Rating: B

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