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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tigerkinney" data-cite="Tigerkinney" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23639" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Really good show.....<p> </p><p> The Brent Hill turn was a nice surprise. Most people go with Wolf Hawkins being the one either being kicked out of the Syndicate or being the one to turn on Cornell. On the downside you've broken up one of the best Tag Teams in the promotion but you've done well to re-stock the division to negate that loss with both Danger and Violence and the New Age Party Crashers. </p><p> </p><p> Did you always have the Hill turn in mind and if so was it accelerated by the injury to John Anderson ?</p><p> </p><p> I also like the Eric Tyler- Genghis Rahn feud. The Tradition vs Hardcore idea isn't particularly original but sometimes the most simple ideas for feuds are what works best. It's a good way to use both guys.</p><p> </p><p> After the D- crapfest that was Tag Team Specialists vs Painful Procedure, is it time to give the lumbering rockers the pink slip ? Even though Oxford and Bryant are ancient I can't think they are to blame for the awful rating.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah, or Keith turning on them for the "one last run" story. I kinda wanted to do something differant, similar to how I had someone other then RDJ as the first challenger. I want to make sure I do a few things that wouldn't be seen in any other TCW diary..</p><p> </p><p> I've had the Hill turn in mind, since I think a little before the second show, I've been keying on it for a bit. I know I came up with it before the Anderson injury, because I remember thinking that made it look foolish, and I had to edit Cornell's reasonings for only kicking out one. Originally, Tommy was going to say "Only one of you got pinnned in that match..would it make sense to punish both?" I guess it would've made Anderson look more trecherous, if he had also lost, instead of just being injured, but all in all, I like how it turned out. And about the tag division..I didn't delete Machines, just made them inactive. Could always turn one of them and have them reform, if I felt it was needed.. <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Yeah, I've been trying to figure something out for Rahn, didn't want him just standing on the sidelines, but wasn't really going him to push him that far anyway. I figure being the resident extremist, to really signify that TCW has every style of wrestling there is to offer, was a pretty good role for him to play. In non-diary games, I used him as the guy that face authorities would use to surprise and punish Cornell, a good "Oh wow, they're about to get their asses kicked!" kinda guy, but as I have no authority with which to make that effective, I think what I currently have planned will be a good way to utilize him. </p><p> </p><p> I might at one point scrap one of PP. I'll admit, I thought the Specialists could atleast drag a D, maybe D+ out of them. I must say, they aren't as good at carrying people as I thought they would be. But I'm reluctant to just cast them aside, given their history. Wouldn't really feel right. I'll say this, if I'm releasing one, it'll probably be BJS. Hopkirk's got better perfomance skills, and is actually really good on the mic, which could make him a decent manager once he retires, which probably isn't far from now. It's actually kind of a shame that it took as long as it did for Hopkirk to get noticed by the big leagues. At his age, he's on equal level to BJS in brawling. In his prime, he was probably pretty good, with brawling at maybe C. Combined with his mic skills, he could've been something if he was in the spotlight at his prime. Shame.</p>
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[ooc]Meant to get this posted before the first February show..oh, well. This is the in-game in-month review of January. I bolded all of the important parts, for skimming purposes..[/ooc]


January 2008 In-Month Review



Charlie Keiser


February 5th


Whaddup, adoring fans? You all know who I am - the coolest Wrestling Webmaster there is, ever way, and ever will be, Charlie Keiser! And this is the monthly review of the wrestling world, as only I can tell it! Feb's already well underway, with both Tee-Cee-Dub and Ess-Dub-Eff getting their first shows in for the month, but before we continue, let's look back to January.


As always, we get to the worst portion of the show now, and get it out of the way early..





So there were four major injuries last month, to some pretty big names. The worst came first, as a Cult Favorite of Japan in Samoan Machine went down, after a harsh Concussion, in a match against Jimmy Cox, during the first day of the GCG On The Edge tour. He'll unfortunately be down with it for a little more then a year.


The next injury was also the second-worst, as the former star of the SWF tag division, Bart Biggz went down with Kurkilly..with Churchlivvy..Chillychurch..with Neck-Nerve Damage, during a match against "Squeeky" John McClean at the When Hell Freezes Over event, and it's estimated that he won't back in action 'till June at the earliest. Rough.


Human Arsenal, currently going under the name of John Anderson in TCW, suffered from a Hernia after a match against Guide. It was first he'd have to take months and months off to rehabilitate, but he choose to go under the knife with surgery, which proved to be a smart idea. He's already started light training, and should only be on the sidelines 'till late March, at the latest. They seem to be keeping him on-screen until he gets back to 100%, so that's gotta be a load off his mind.


Canadian favorite, Dark Angel went down with a killer Ruptured Spleen in the middle of a big match with Dan Stone Jr. in NOTBPW, towards the end of the month, and is expected to stay on the shelf for about two months. On the bright side, he was able to get a classic performance in, with a win over Jeremy Stone and Dean McWade, while tagging with R.K. Hayes, at the "Big City Brawl" event, which surprisingly headlined the show.


A more minor injury was suffered to Hiroyasu Gakusha, during a match against the current GCG World Heavyweight Champion, Pistol Pete Hall. They must've been worried that lightning would strike twice, when they learned that he, like Samoan Machine, had a concussion, but it turned out to be a minor one, and he'll only have to wait on the sidelines for a couple of weeks before getting back in the ring.


Another much more minor injury was suffered in TCW, when Sammy Bach had to work through a case of Extreme Bed Head, after his match with Acid at Malice In Wonderland. No, seriously. The doctors actually evaluated this, and it apparently effected his match against the debuting Samuel Cannon this week. What the hell..? Thankfully this, erm, painful injury has already worn off at the time of this writing. That must be a load off his poor hair. I'm glad he could bounce back from such a massive injury.



Big Events


So, as said, SWF's When Hell Freezes Over went down in the middle of the month, headlined by an alright title match between Jack Bruce and Eric Eisen. I say "alright", because it was the main event, and standards are obviously higher. The GDS System graded it as a B- match, the minimum that they are aiming for should atleast be a B. The main event was the standard bearer of this particular show however, because the show itself was also a B-. Obviously, Bruce retained against Eisen. In a fact that must be worrying to those at Supreme, TCW's Malice In Wonderland, apparently the final one, (I'll get on that later) was headlined by a stellar title match between Tommy Cornell and Tyson Baine. The GDS System graded this one as a B+ match, a full two grades higher then SWF's Main Event of the Month. The show itself was pretty damned good as well, rating as a B overall, this being a full grade higher then SWF's Show of the Month. As well as this, TCW's last three events have all graded out as B's, whereas SWF's last two TV shows have both been C+'s. So, TCW's gradually raised it's grades in January, whereas SWF has gradually lowered it's. SWF's still the bigger company, and are thusly winning the war, but a few more months like this, and the Eisen's may have a cause for concern! USPW had an okay month, headlined by the Stars, Stripes and Slams! event, in which James Justice defeated T-Rex, in a surprisingly good B- match, bringing the shows all-around grade to C+.


NOTBPW has had a fine month, it's first two TV shows rated as B and B-, respectively, heading into a great Big City Brawl PPV, which actually rated higher then both of the top American companies - at a great B+. It may have actually gotten higher, if the Main Event of Dark Angel and R.K. Hayes defeating Jeremy Stone and Dean McWade, which itself was rated at B+, wasn't so overshadowed by the 5* Canadian Title defense, between Johnny Bloodstone and Dan Stone Jr., which was rated as a well-deserved A*! They followed this up with an immediate A-rated TV show. But, something that has to be troubling for them, is the fact that their [/b]first broadcast of February[/b] only got a meager (in comparison) C. It doesn't make the month before any less great for Canada's top company, but it does detract from the momentum they had been building. CGC aren't doing too bad, but they still have a ways to go before they can really call themselves rivals of NOTBPW. Their show of the month was the GCG Elimination one, headlined by Rick DeColt defending his World Title against Whippy The Clown, in a B- affair. But just like their rivals, the Main Event was overshadowed by the semi-Main Event, as Jack & Alex DeColt defeated Eddie Chandler and DaLay in a great B+ Match. The show, overall, got a B-. If they had foreseen that the tag match would turn out better then the title match, then perhaps they would've had it headline, which could've brought show's grade up. But, it's too late to worry about that, now...4C did alright as well. Whippy The Clown lost his second main event Title match in a row, as Sayeed Ali defended against him in a pretty good C+ match-up, at the Cage Rage event. Oddly enough, this was not a cage match, nor was any match on the card..the show itself got a C. Not bad, but not great. their fans are still desperately calling for stations to put them on the air, but with two other TV shows already in Canada, finding a third station that would be willing, and is bigger then just syndicated TV, may be too much to ask at the moment.



Neither PGHW, nor BHOTWG were running shows in January, and will not be again until March.


The Me-he-can scene is, in a way hot, and in another way, cold. It's hot, in that as usual, it's quite close, with all three companies holding pretty good shows, that ranged from C to C+, and on two occasions we got B- affairs, from both SOTBPW and MPWF. OLLIE, the most tenured known company in the wrestling world, is depressingly at the bottom of the heap, only holding two shows within 40 days, and only getting a C-, and C from them, respectively.





The lone retirement this month was a slightly surprising one, in the 27-Year Old Stormette. She has been wrestling since 1998, and did not win any major titles in her time, nor did she work with any major company for any notable period. She must have simply decided wrestling wasn't the right business for her.




Other Promotional News


In other news, the Mexican Hardcore Federation was opened up today, by the young debuting Gino Montero, in some surprising news. As well as this, the Japan scene is really starting to look up, as both the WLW and the GCG promotions - two cult favorite companies who are dark horses for success, rose to Cult size, according to the GDS System. They are indeed both huge in their areas at this point, and it should be interesting to see which one becomes a national powerhouse first..



As stated, it has now been confirmed that "Malice In Wonderland" has now been stricken from TCW's calender. This is surprising, considering the history surrounding the event, but sources say that some of the higher ups grew tired of that particular name. The "Excessive Force" event, usually scheduled for June, is expected to replace MiW in January. Consequently, TCW's powerhouse show, "Total Mayhem" is being moved to June to counteract this. Another "bad name" has been X'd from the Calender as well, as March's "Just Another Day?" has been renamed to "Total Madness". December's "Psycho Circus" has also moved, to October, and will be replaced with an event called December Devastation. The oddest thing about this, however, is that, as of now, there is no event scheduled for May. As well as this, Total Mayhem will not be shown on the last week of June, but instead the second week of June. This will mean that Total Mayhem will have six episodes of Total Wrestling to hype it, instead of the usual four, which should help them give it that extra important feel.


Phew, that's a lot of changes to take in..don't think I missed anything, but just to make sure the whole thing gets across, the full current schedule shall be attatched to this message, so all subscribers to the newsletter shall be getting it.


This is pretty much all you needed to know about the top wrestling scenes of today. Sorry to my UK/Europe fans, but hey, I can only cover what I know, right? Anyway, that was the 2008 In-Month Review of January. I'm Charlie Keiser, and I'll see you next month!




TCW Pay-Per-View Schedule


TCW Excessive Force (Sunday, Week 4, January)


TCW The War To Settle The Score (Sunday, Week 4, February)


TCW Total Madness (Sunday, Week 4, March)


TCW Where Angels Fear To Tread (Sunday, Week 4, April)


TCW Total Mayhem (Sunday, Week 2, June)


TCW Summer Showdown (Sunday, Week 4, July)


TCW Hotter Than Hell (Sunday, Week 4, August)


TCW Destructive Energy (Sunday, Week 4, September)


TCW Psycho Circus (Sunday, Week 4, October)


TCW A Little South Of Sanity (Sunday, Week 4, November)


TCW December Devastation (Sunday, Week 4, December)

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February 7th

Gregory McKay


Wrestling fans! Be! Excited! For this one! Happy Sunday, everybody, we are just a week removed from the final installment of TCW Malice In Wonderland, (R.I.P) and as of now, the effects from it are still being felt all across the Total Landscape! In one of the most vile and violent assaults we've ever seen here in TCW, The Syndicate kicked out the now ex-Tag Team Champion, Brent Hill, in brutal and bloody fashion! Obviously, he is yet to be cleared to wrestle, but he's expected to return before the month's over! Many fans on the message boards have shown quite a lot of sympathy for Hill, and even more fans are already rooting him on to return and get some retribution on his former stable! But that's a story for another day, and for now, we look to our next Total Wrestling - and indeed, it may have one of the best cards seen on free TV in quite some time! First up, we've got a huge match two white hot rising stars, neither of which have lost a match since 2008 began - the All-Action Champion, Sammy Bach vs. the undefeated (5-0!) Koshiro Ino! Ino isn't exactly what The Board has in mind for the newly revamped All-Action division, and thus it's a non-title match. But all the same, it could prove to be one of the greatest opening contests seen in years! Indeed, Total Wrestling is starting off strong in just a couple days!


And that strength may very well carry on to the rest of what looks to be an exciting broadcast! As always, we've got the Laying Down The Law Challenge to look forward to! In the last two installments, we saw the debuts of Eric Tyler and JD Morgan, respectively - therefore letting us know that the open invitational, is just that! A challenge in which anyone answer! And both debuting wrestlers have since earned contracts with their performances against the former International Champion! And rumor has it - unconfirmed, of course - that the same thing might be happening again this Tuesday! Many sources tell us that the next challenge has been answered in advance, and that Rick Law is very pleased with who may very well be the newest of the seemingly endless wave of debuts here in TCW! The more the merrier, I always say!


And I mentioned Law being a former International Champion, earlier, mainly for the purpose of this very segue - because the prestigious International Championship will be on the line as well, on Tuesday! That belt has always been coveted, but the level of competition surrounding it has really risen in the past year, with many people who could very well challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship trying to vie for contention, and that streak is continuing on the next Total Wrestling, as the man that Wolf Hawkins defeated to win that title is finally getting a chance to reclaim the gold! That's right - Wolf Hawkins vs. Rocky Golden! Two men who could easily Main Event a Pay-Per-View are going one-on-one for the International Championship, LIVE this Tuesday!


And that's not the only title division heating up - the Tag Team Division has seen a recent surge in interest as of late, hence the current Tag Team Title No.1 Contendership Mini-Tournament! And we've got two of the best teams in the business, in The New Wave and The Tag Team Specialists, fighting it out to see who will challenge Danger and Violence, and be their first defense, at TCW War To Settle The Score - just three weeks away! The TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Tommy Cornell will also be in action! He may not be the nicest man around - many are still licking their wounds after the initial offense, after that Hype comment he made weeks ago - but no one can doubt that the man puts on a clinic, like so few in the business are able to! And we've also got what promises to be a hard hitting affair between two DAVE Alumni, as the mysterious Acid takes on the always dangerous JD Morgan!


And, capping off the night, we will see two of the biggest names in American wrestling go one-on-one for a shot at Tommy Cornell's World Heavyweight Championship at War To Settle The Score, as Tyson Baine, the demonic man who, at Malice In Wonderland (R.I.P) was a split-second away from becoming the first man to kick out of the Rough Ride, takes on - the Co-Leader of The Syndicate, Tommy Cornell's supposed-best friend, the multi-time World Champion, and the only active wrestling member of the Hall Of Immortals - Sam Keith! Keith has won just about every World Title there is to win in this business, but one thing missing from his resume is the TCW World Heavyweight Championship! He'd love nothing more then a chance to rectify that little omission, and a win over Tyson Baine would be a huge platform from which to bounce to that shot! So, what will the main event of The War To Settle The Score be? Will Tyson Baine get the rematch that so many fans are lobbying for? Or will it be Syndicate vs. Syndicate, as Sam Keith strives to solidify his claim of being the biggest legend in the business? We can't really go wrong, can we?!


Be sure to tune in to find out what the first draft of the War To Settle The Score card will be, and to see what could be the greatest card on free TV ever seen, this Tuesday, on GNN Total Sports!






Koshiro Ino vs. Sammy Bach (Non-Title)


Laying Down The Law Challenge: Rick Law vs. ???


Tag Team Title No.1 Contender's Mini-Tourny Finals: The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists


Aaron Andrews vs. Tommy Cornell


TCW International Championship: Rocky Golden vs. Wolf Hawkins ©


JD Morgan vs. Acid


TCW World Heavyweight Title No.1 Contender's Match: Tyson Baine vs. Sam Keith



[ooc]On an unrelated note, happy birthday to meee.. :p[/ooc]

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Koshiro Ino vs. Sammy Bach (Non-Title)

Good luck with this - I opened both guys against each other and discovered great chemistry...


Laying Down The Law Challenge: Rick Law vs. ???

The stip that you don't get a rematch if you lose means that I think we're not going to see Rick lose until someone's been pissy about it.


Tag Team Title No.1 Contender's Mini-Tourny Finals: The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists


Aaron Andrews vs. Tommy Cornell


TCW International Championship: Rocky Golden vs. Wolf Hawkins ©


JD Morgan vs. Acid


TCW World Heavyweight Title No.1 Contender's Match: Tyson Baine vs. Sam Keith

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Koshiro Ino vs. Sammy Bach (Non-Title)


Laying Down The Law Challenge: Rick Law vs. ???


Tag Team Title No.1 Contender's Mini-Tourny Finals: The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists


Aaron Andrews vs. Tommy Cornell


TCW International Championship: Rocky Golden vs. Wolf Hawkins ©


JD Morgan vs. Acid


TCW World Heavyweight Title No.1 Contender's Match: Tyson Baine vs. Sam Keith

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Koshiro Ino vs. Sammy Bach (Non-Title)

Good luck with this - I opened both guys against each other and discovered great chemistry...


Laying Down The Law Challenge: Rick Law vs. ???

The stip that you don't get a rematch if you lose means that I think we're not going to see Rick lose until someone's been pissy about it.


Tag Team Title No.1 Contender's Mini-Tourny Finals: The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists


Aaron Andrews vs. Tommy Cornell


TCW International Championship: Rocky Golden vs. Wolf Hawkins ©


JD Morgan vs. Acid


TCW World Heavyweight Title No.1 Contender's Match: Tyson Baine vs. Sam Keith


Gonna second PS' picks. They are the same that I was going to. Wouldn't be surprised to see Keith win, but I think Keith-Cornell gets pushed back a bit more yet.


Also, happy late birthday.

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Koshiro Ino vs. Sammy Bach (Non-Title)


Could be a really good match with Ino continuing his unbeaten streak


Laying Down The Law Challenge: Rick Law vs. ???


Law will keep winning these, until he gets a proper challenge.


Tag Team Title No.1 Contender's Mini-Tourny Finals: The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists


As it will set up a DavE vs DaVE match up


Aaron Andrews vs. Tommy Cornell


Extended squash


TCW International Championship: Rocky Golden vs. Wolf Hawkins ©


May as well keep the belt on Hawkins for now.


JD Morgan vs. Acid


Acid could do with a win after some impressive losing efforts.


TCW World Heavyweight Title No.1 Contender's Match: Tyson Baine vs. Sam Keith


Keith winning wouldn't make alot of sense, unless you're trying to find some convuluted way of setting up a Triple Threat.

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Koshiro Ino vs. Sammy Bach (Non-Title)

Reason: Bach somehow outsmarts the bigger man



Laying Down The Law Challenge: Rick Law vs. ???

Reason: This goes on for about another month at the earliest



Tag Team Title No.1 Contender's Mini-Tourny Finals: The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists

Reason: Would really love a Dave vs Dave title match, but not just yet



Aaron Andrews vs. Tommy Cornell

Reason: Unless AA is about to get a mega push...



TCW International Championship Rocky Golden vs. Wolf Hawkins ©

Reason: Dont think it'll be clean and he might get DQ'd, but WOlf leaves the champ.



JD Morgan vs. Acid

Reason: Building up to a rematch with Bach


TCW World Heavyweight Title No.1 Contender's Match: Tyson Baine vs. Sam Keith

Reason: The tension has been there for weeks. I think it's time for a Tommy vs Sammy match. Just make sure to have Wolf or Anderson as the ref :D

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[ooc]Click on a worker's name when their matches are on, for the link to their theme song. The opening theme of the show is also linked to it's name.[/ooc]




Brought to you LIVE, from the Evanovich Riverside arena, and on GNN Total Sports!



Angry Chair by Alice In Chains, the opening theme of TCW Total Wrestling, hits, as highlights of the best moments of Total Wrestling's history race by the screen. It eventually all cracks and breaks, to show the crowd at the Evanovich Riverside arena!! They're going wild with anticipation, as our announcers Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes hype up the show!




In-Arena Segment



Jason Azaria: Hello, wrestling fans! This year has gotten off to a fine start, and looks to be another great one for TCW! I'm Jason Azaria -


Kyle Rhodes: - I'm Kyle Rhodes -


Azaria: - and partner, do we have a hell of a show tonight! The International Title on the line! Two white hot rising stars going one-on-one, as Koshiro Ino takes on Sammy Bach! A Main Event match of epic proportions - in Tyson Baine taking on Sam Keith to see who shall face Tommy Cornell at The War To Settle The Score! And that's not even half of what's in store for us tonight!


Rhodes: Indeed, Jason. The only thing missing is a contest including our Tag Team Champions.


Azaria: That may be true, Kyle, but we do have an appearance for the Tag Team Champions! Apparently, my comment to Joey Minnesota last week struck a nerve with one half of Danger and Violence - because the two are visiting the now former member of The Syndicate, and temporarily hospitalized Brent Hill!


Rhodes: As has been hyped, Jason. Hill was indeed knocked out during the brutal assault, and didn't wake up until around 2 AM - a little over six hours - later. By the time Thursday rolled around, Hill was already trying to demand they let him go, but he won't be cleared to leave it until tomorrow morning, at the earliest.


Azaria: Hill suffered a Minor Concussion in that assault from all those finishers - and of course the brutal chair shot - to his head, and as well as this is currently dealing with Chronic Knee Pain after being in the Proton Lock for as long as he was! Poor Hill has obviously not been cleared to wrestle, and for all we know, he may be out well past WTSTS.


Rhodes: Well, from heard, Hill would love nothing more then to come back before then. He seems to determined to get himself on that card no matter what the doctors say, but I do-...what the?!



Azaria and Rhodes' (longer than usual) opening hype is interrupted abruptly by Limp Bizkit's highly aggressive "Break Stuff" - which earns a pop from the many former DAVE fans, who recognize the former opening theme of it's TV Shows! And the pop gets even higher when a man in a slick business suit makes his way out of the entryway..






Azaria: P-Phil Vibert?! What is this?!



Even Rhodes can't help but be excited!



Rhodes: I can't believe this! The former owner of the beloved DAVE is stepping foot on the entryway of Total Wrestling!



Indeed, Vibert strides out with a rare smile on his face. He scans the delighted crowd for a bit, then does the "I'm not worthy" gesture, bowing down to them, only to get more and more applause. He has a mic, but he doesn't enter the ring. Instead, he goes over to the Commentator's table, standing in front of it. Both Azaria and Rhodes stand up in respect to one of the most highly regarded promoters of all time, both shaking hands with him. Vibert's smile slowly diminishes when he raises the mic to his lips.



Phil Vibert: ..Never did I think a day like this would occur..never did I think, that the day would come, in which I entered TCW!



This scores yet another big pop from the fans, who don't seem to mind his odd placing.



Vibert: Even up to the very day of my signing with this company, I did not foresee such an event. Up until my signing..in June of last year.



Azaria: Wait, what? June?!


Rhodes: Two months after DAVE's downfall..?



Vibert: Yes, but as much as I loved the crowds, I myself thought I would be much better utilized behind the scenes, and that is where I made my mark, in the beginning of June..just two weeks before the TCW debut of a true madman. Before the TCW debut of one of the craziest men you'll find anywhere. Just two weeks before the TCW debut..of Eddie Peak!



Yet another pop, for the name of the former DAVE Unified Champion.



Vibert: And that, my friends, was no mere coincidence..for you see, the role I was hired to fill, was an important one indeed. One that Total had, at the time, been looking for a full-time replacement for, since the leave of Rip Chord. And that position..was being the Head of Talent Relations! And most in the loop can tell you what that title means - but for the others, I'll say that it means, that I am the one that contacts, and signs, every single member of the TCW Roster to their contracts! Yes, you heard me right! So I suppose if all of you like having those nine-or-so incredibly talented Alumni of DAVE that are currently on the roster..then you have me to thank!



And thank him they do, another generous pop.



Azaria: Vibert signed them?!


Rhodes: That would explain the surge of talent!



Vibert: ..but, unfortunately, that's not what I'm out here to say. I'm out here to, again, be a replacement. For another change is being made..



Vibert turns to Rhodes and Azaria.



Vibert: ..at the Commentator table.



Azaria: Huh?!


Rhodes: Oh, man..Jason, you heard what Tommy said last week! They're replacing you already?!



Vibert: ..thusly, it is with a heavy heart, that I fill the seat that, since the beginning of TCW, has been filled..by Kyle Rhodes.



Azaria: Huh?!


Rhodes: ....



Neither of the announcers seem to believe this, and the fans give a heavy mixed reaction..as Rhodes slowly takes off his headset, stands up, and walks down the ramp.



Vibert: I'm sorry, Kyle.


Azaria: I..I can't believe this, K-Kyle Rhodes..has just been replaced?! I..this is unbelievable..



Azaria seems quite saddened by this, and ends up not noticing when Phil Vibert sits beside him, and places the headset on his head.



Vibert: Yes, it's sad, but you know, Jason, for years Rhodes' has had more critics then any other announcer. Fans on the message boards have been giving him heat for quite a long while, now. The Total Board decided that I would be a much more "fan friendly" commentator, I suppose. I can't say I really agree with the situation, quite frankly, but it's what they think is for the best..



Azaria: ..Well, look, I understand why they picked you. Everyone thinks your a very entertaining wrestling personality, and you obviously have a lot of wrestling know-how and experience, but..damn, my partner of over a decade just got cast aside..it seems so heartless, after all he's given to the company.


Vibert: I agree, I don't see why we couldn't have had a three-man group myself. But the decision's been made..






Vibert: But the show must go on! And we are opening hot tonight, as two of the people I myself signed to this company are facing off - Sammy Bach vs. Koshiro Ino! This one's almost guaranteed to excite!



http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/SammyBach.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/KoshiroIno-2.jpg


Sammy Bach vs. Koshiro Ino


Sammy Bach's entrance begins, as "Capricorn" by 30 Seconds To Mars blares over the PA. The silhouettes of Bach and his manager, Karen Killer can be seen behind a screen that was sneakily placed before the stage just after the lights went down. Once the intro to Capricorn ends, Bach kicks through the screen, and a sea of smoke comes out of it, which he and Killer break through. They walk down the ramp slowly, giving angry looks to the fans. The arena, during his entrance, has the atmosphere of drama and mystique, as what is essentially a laser show breaks through the other-wise pitch black arena air. Bach has on his "Prince of Evil" shirt, and the All-Action title is tied tightly around his waist. He jumps onto the apron, and flings himself over the top rope, into the ring. He undoes his title, and flings it over to the referee. Bach leers at the stage, awaiting perhaps the toughest opponent he's faced since joining TCW..


"Calm Like A Bomb" by Rage Against The Machine hits to a huge ovation, and out comes Koshiro Ino! He has the typical energy expected of Puro Stars, and a little more then usual - he definitely seems excited for this match-up! Bach looks on steely-eyed, not taking his aquamarine-contact-covered eyes off of the painted face of Ino, which FYI is currently at a dark color of blue. Ino's excited smile wanes into a more serious expression as he gets to the ring, wary of dropping his guard with Bach, as Vibert mentions that he likely saw the attack on Teddy Powell last week, and would not be keen on suffering the same. All the same, Ino shows little hesitation in jumping up to the apron, and after stepping into the ring, and stands toe-to-toe with the All-Action champion. Ino does have a rather obvious size advantage, but Bach isn't exactly a featherweight, and they stand almost eye-to-eye.


The bell rings - and Ino starts off this match the same way he did his first in TCW, with massive roundhouse kick, that Bach thankfully is able to duck. The mightiness of the blow is still shown however, as Ino does a full spin and a half in front of Bach, ending having his back turned to the All-Action Champion! Naturally, Bach clotheslines him down from behind, and takes control after this rare Ino miscue, stomping him down. He mixes the general heel brawling with the high flying that is expected of the top of the All-Action division, not taking long to go for his patented Slingshot Legdrop to the back of the head, the move which Vibert is quick to point out, was the move that won him and Teddy Powell their first Tag Team Titles! Ino shows his durability in kicking out, however, a split second before the three. Four minutes in, Ino still hasn't be allowed out of the box. But at around the 4:20 mark, takes control with a bang, when he counters an Idiot Charge in the corner with a harsh Falling Knee Facebuster, causing Bach to snap backwards violently! The All-Action Champion shows his toughness now, kicking out at 2, but he's definitely reeling from it, and Ino takes control!


Karen Killer looks on with real concern, and rightfully so, as Ino essentially stiffs the hell out of Bach for a good three minutes after this, sending strike after strike to the "Evil Prince" himself. Bach sells to perfection as well - for example, he takes a sharp spin kick to the stomach, and could pretty much convince one that he has internal bleeding if they didn't know any better. Vibert puts over Ino's intensity coming into this match, how motivated he must be to try and get a win over a champion. At one point, Bach counters a clothesline attempt with a Sit-Out Jawbreaker, and tries to follow this up with a Spinning Back Kick, but Ino expertly ducks this, and then hits a massive Faith Hammer-like Elbow to the temple of Bach, the sickening thud of which can be heard all throughout the arena! Bach collapses, as even the fans that hate him so much cringe at that shot! IE Referee Yasuyuki Terakado rightfully pauses the match to check on Bach..who raises his trademarked bandanna to reveal a cut on his forehead! The blood swiftly starts trickling down the cheek of the All-Action Champion, but, to his credit, he calls for the match to continue on.


Just like last week, Ino does actually look concerned for his hurt opponent, as Azaria notes that injuring people is not what Ino is here to do. But when Ino walks over to check on Bach, that concern is shattered when he springs up with a huge Heel Kick right to the jaw! Yet another 2 count ensues, but Bach is still able to regain control, despite the fresh wound. This time it's his turn to dominate for three minutes, and he brings his speed into play again, hitting a Springboard Back Kick, and Top Rope Spinning Elbow one after the other, both of which gained 2 counts of their own. Azaria ponder as to why Koshiro Ino, someone from Japan which is known for having some of the best high fliers in the world, is having so much trouble with this style. Vibert is quick to point out that Heavyweights don't typically use that style, and in Burning Hammer, those of different weight classes don't face each other near as often as those in America do.


Indeed, the aerial advantage seems to be what Bach keys on in this match..which probably makes it all the more concerning, when Ino is able to get out of the way of a splash off the top, and Bach crashes and burns, at around the 11:00 mark! Ino and Bach have definitely taken a lot of punishment here, and neither manage to get up all that quickly. The blood has spread to Bach's chest at this point, and the missed splash left a stain of it on the mat itself! Referee Terakado starts the count. Ino gets up at 7, but in a noble gesture, does not target Bach until he's sure he's recovered. Bach gets up a split second after the nine count, definitely woozy at this point. From here, what was a high-impact, very fast-paced match, in which both sides dominated for extended periods, turned into a much slower, and much more back-and-forth contest. The All-Action Champion seems to have locked up his seventh straight win of the year when he scores big with an Adrenalin Shot at 13:00 - but "The Kobra" is able to kick out just in time! Bach can't believe this, but he decides to use the same strategy that kept the All-Action belt around his waist at MiW - that strategy being "try, try again", and he goes for another Adrenaline Shot - but Ino is groggily able to push him away. Bach runs back at him - right into Swinging Uranage! Ino and Bach are down again, signaling the second 10 Count of the match.


This time they both get back up at the same time, after an 8 count, at the 14:00 mark, and they groggily trade punches back and forth, cuing the "Boo/Yah!" chants. (THE single most accurate way of signaling whether or not the match is a great one.) Ino makes a great move in ducking Bach's punch after he seemed to take control, getting behind Bach - and when Bach turned around, he was met with the thunderous Roundhouse Kick he avoided at the start of the match - which, as Vibert notes, hit Bach right in the left temple - the same spot the blood is coming from under his bandanna! Bach goes down in a heap, and the fans pop as they sense the end to the match is near - but the cheers turn to jeers when Karen Killer jumps up to the apron in desperation, trying to distract the referee, and is successful in doing so. It doesn't seem to help Bach much, as Ino doesn't seem like he was going for the pin anyway! He waits for Bach to stand as Terakado admonishes Killer..and runs at him when he gets up, going for the Kobra's Bite! But Bach is able to whip Ino away in countering, and he ends up being whipped to the ropes next to Killer! He's able to stop himself however, and turns to face Bach..when Killer shoves Terakado aside, and drops down to her knees, to give a stiff low blow to Ino, from between the ropes! This surprising low blow is hit literally right in front of the referee, who has no choice but to call for the bell, and the fans do not like this one bit!


Koshiro Ino wins, via DQ, after getting a Low Blow from Karen Killer, at 15:14





Azaria: W-What?! What was that?!


Vibert: Oh, that was awful! What an awful way to end such a great match!


Azaria: Oh man, and now what are they doing?!




In-Ring Segment


The doubled over Ino stumbles forward - right into a harsh running knee lift, right to the temple! Before Ino can even go down, Bach whips behind him, and locks him into the Bach On Your Back! He keeps it locked in for about 30 seconds, as Killer puts stomps to Ino's torso! He releases him after this, but it's safe to say Bach and Killer aren't done yet, as Killer drops down to the floor from the apron, and pulls out a steel chair! Meanwhile, Bach puts some boots to Ino, before calling for a mic.


Sammy Bach: For weeks now, I've heard so much about Koshiro Ino! "Oh, he's the hot new thing! Oh, he's undefeated! Oh, he beat the hell out of American Buffalo! Oh, he's the next World Heavyweight Champion!" It makes me sick! It makes me absolutely sick, that this guy can just come right into TCW, with all this hype, and have everybody explode for him every single time he walks down the ramp! Koshiro Ino is nothing but a flash in the pan! And just like every other flash in the pan, they cause the majority to look at them over those that stay relevant in the long-term such as the All-Action Champion! And tonight, me and the gorgeous, but deadly, Karen Killer are going to make sure this flash, doesn't even last long enough to get to his tenth TCW match!



Bach drops the mic, and continues putting stomps to Ino, as Killer slowly walks over to the scene with the chair in-hand. The blood-covered face of Bach changes from intense hatred to calm serenity when he sees her. And when she hands the chair to him, he takes it as if she's giving him a Valentine's Day card, instead of what will be a blood-rendering weapon!


Bach quickly goes back to a look of rage, when he looks over at the downed Ino, who is already suffering quite a bit! Bach looks like the face of insanity - with blood pouring down his face, an evil smile going ear-to-ear, and a steel chair in his hands, high up in the air, ready to bring it down on Ino!


But suddenly, the vicious jeers turn to cheers, when out runs Teddy Powell!






Powell himself has a chair, and while Bach is armed as well, he apparantly still doesn't want a part of Powell tonight, as he and Killer swiftly flee the ring! Bach is just seconds away from getting his cut enlarged, as Powell ends up smacking the top rope with the chair instead! Bach quickly calls Killer over to him, and drapes an arm around her, before grabbing his All-Action Title off of the commentator's table. The dark duo make their way out of the arena by way of the crowd, as "Addicted by P.O.D" hits, and Powell calls for Bach to re-enter, to no avail! Once it seems Bach and Killer are gone, Powell helps up the hurt Ino, who despite not having any physical scars, has still been through a hell of a lot in the last 20 minutes! Ino stands valiantly - albeit leaning on the ropes for help, as Powell plays to the crowd a bit, for a pop after his save!






Azaria: Well, well! It looks as though Teddy Powell isn't going to just take his lumps in this budding feud!


Vibert: Powell has never been one to just lie down and let you beat him, Jason! If he was, he'd have never made it in DAVE, you can be damned sure of that!


Azaria: Indeed, and even though he seems to only want to help his friend, he can't just let him assault whoever he pleases!


Vibert: Letting him get off the hook would do a lot more harm then good, in my opinion! Oh, and just to make sure this gets across..6-0!


Azaria: That's right, and on that note, we're off to a commercial break! And when we come back, we will see the next installment of the Laying Down The Law Challenge!



***Commercial Break***



In-Ring Segment


Nickelback's "Breath" hits as soon as we cut back to the arena, and the fans give a warm welcome to Rick Law as he walks out, with a humble smile. It does look a bit bigger then usual, as he scans the crowd, before tipping his hat to them. He walks down the ramp, not having any flair to his entrance. He enters the ring and takes a mic out of his pocket, same as has for all of his past LDTLC's.


Rick Law: ..What can I say about New Jersey, that hasn't already been said about Heaven?



Pop of "Candy From The 70's" levels of cheapness.



Law: Now, I'm sure all of you fine folks have heard the rumors that the Laying Down The Law Challenge has been accepted early this week. And I'm out here to confirm that rumor - it's true! I already know who it is for this week! And he's one of the most talented wrestlers out there today! He's had a lot of success in Mexico, and I think that translate to America very well. He's not very well known in the states - yet - but with his skills, in the ring and on the mic, I think that shall change very soon. And to cap that all off, he's just 26 to boot - meaning he could be wrestling here in TCW for a good 10 or 15 years, if he plays his cards right! So, enough hyping..allow me to introduce you to..Antonio Marquez!






"Artillería Pesada" by Control Machete hits, and there's actually a pretty nice pop for Marquez, as TCW has a pretty good "insider" fanbase, and thus the Mexican star is a favorite of some of them. Rick Law's building up of him probably didn't hurt either. He comes out with a confident smile, and a slick (and shiny) black ring jacket. He bobs his head a bit as he walks down the ramp, along to his music. He almost looks arrogant, but he quickly establishes himself as a Face when he slaps the hands of a few fans, and even gives one of them a "secret handshake" - albeit not a very complicated one - which he follows up with a "cool point" as he walks backwards down the rest of the ramp. He walks over to the steps, jumps to the top of them, landing on one foot, then hops over to the apron, landing on the other. He's essentially just showing off, but the fans don't seem to mind. He climbs up the turnbuckle pole, stands up heroically, scanning the crowd, before doing a rather unneccessary mid-air roll to the mat. He takes his ring jacket off, and then throws it into the crowd, before going up to Rick Law with a big smile. He tries doing the "secret handshake" with Law as well, but the Total Officer seems a bit flustered with it. The former International Champion smiles at the former NOTBPW Mega Star, tipping his hat to him as well. Law looks as though he's about to throw his hat into the crowd as well - a common pre-match "ritual" for Law - but Marquez stops him and asks for the mic. Law is quick to ablidge. Marquez turns to face the camera, and changes his expression to that of deathly seriousness..


Antonio Marquez: New Jersey..I have but three words for everyone in this arena tonight...MAKE SOME NOISE!


Immediately after saying this Marquez jumps up, and essentially does the splits in the air, while shooting up his "C" gesture with both hands. They'd make a little more sense if he still went by the name Champagne Lover, but the fans still seem to like it. After this yelling, he speaks rather softly and cooly, however. He does have a slight tinge of accent to his voice, but it's very thin, and you'd have to be trying to hear it, in order to hear it.


Marquez: Now, as some as you may know, I was indeed Mexico's top star, and I don't think that's arrogance, because so many seemed to accept it as fact. And I do indeed love Mexico, just as much as Mexico loves me, so leaving it was not an easy thing to do. But, you see, there was a certain thing about my superstardom there, that I wasn't comfortable about. I was always popular with the fans, but I never became a World Title contender, until after I signed a little contract, with a little show called "The Young And The Fearless", the top Soap Opera of Mexico. Now, I'm not saying it's the only reason the people loved me so much, because that obviously isn't the case...but ever since I became a Main Eventer, that's been what all my critics have been telling me. That's followed me in my career for years now..and so, I came here. To TCW - the greatest wrestling company in America - to repell that stigma. To prove to my home country, and to the entire world, that I can indeed become a Main Eventer without the help of the Mainstream! That I can top a promotion in the world of my favorite sport - professional wrestling - on my skills and skills alone! That's what I'm here to show. That's what I'm here to accomplish.


Marquez turns to Law.


Marquez: And I would like to thank Rick Law, for opening up this challenge of his to anyone wishing to make their precense felt in TCW. I can't think of anyone better suited to have a first TCW match against, then the "Total Officer" himself. Thank you, holmes..and may the best man win.


The fans cheer Marquez's (somewhat surprising) show of respect, as Law tips his hat to him again, before throwing it into the crowd.




http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/RickLaw.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/AntonioMarquez.jpg

Rick Law vs.


The bell rings, the match is on, and wow, one certainly shouldn't judge Marquez's coolness as a lack of focus, he's right on top of Law, showing off the fact that his strong suit is surprisingly brawling, and he takes the immediate control. He actually keeps it for a bit, showing swift viciousness. Vibert notes, however, that despite Marquez staying on Law, he is not doing anything illegal - no closed fists, just forearms, elbows, knees and the like. Marquez is also adept at keeping Law away from the ropes, and thus Law has to fight for seperation. And fight he does, as he apparantly does not share Marquez's disdain for closed fists - he gets a huge knock-out worthy shot right in the jaw of Marquez, the sound of which echos throughout the arena! Marquez goes down, but the pin doesn't even get a 2! Law pulls Marquez up, and goes for a huge Lariat - which Azaria sells as a Long Arm Of The Law attempt - but Marquez now shows his technical skills by countering with a beautiful Northern Lights Suplex! He bridges for a very nearfall, and the fans quickly buy into the possibility of Marquez scoring a huge upset! The loyal fans are still mainly behind Law, however, and pop huge when he fights out of a tight Triangle Choke!


Now four minutes into the match, and Law has yet to really get into it, but he changes those ways with a Sustained Suplex, keeping Marquez in the air for a good few seconds, before slamming him down with a harsh velocity, which Marquez sells to perfection. Law keeps in the driver's seat for a solid couple minutes, hitting mainly power moves. Marquez shows resiliance though, in kicking out of Spinning Powerslams, and even a Powerbomb at one point! Law starts to get desperate here, and tries for a Superplex, but it shockingly doesn't work. Marquez punches him down to the mat - and then goes for his trademark "Champagne Sunrise" Frog Splash! And he nails it! The fans pop huge for the beautiful splash, and Marquez springs up, does the splits, and gives the C's to the fans who are already starting to love him! Marquez looks intense as he goes down and locks Law into the "Champagne Breakfast" Bow And Arrow Sleeper! But, thankfully for Law, he's already pretty close to the ropes, and before Marquez can really start wrenching on him, he gets to the ropes for a break.


Marquez gets up with a determined look in his eyes, and runs across to the other side of the ring, in the corner, and begins almost stalking for Law to get up! When the former International Champion gets to his feet, Marquez dashes at him at as fast as he possibly can - but the momentum backfires in a big way when Law counters hugely with the Long Arm Of The Law! The fans are on their feet, as Marquez bends backwards in selling the mighty lariat! Law makes the cover off this huge move - 1, 2, 3, he got it! Law, surprisingly enough, gets a come-from-behind victory! Law looks surprised by the perfomance of Marquez, and they both get to their feet at about the same time, in another surprise! Law raises Marquez's arm after they get up, to another pop from the crowd.


Rick Law wins, via pinfall, after hitting the Long Arm Of The Law, at 9:45




Azaria: Looks like someone sealed us up another one..


Vibert: Wonder who that could've been..


Azaria: Indeed, I know very well of Antonio Marquez, and all he's done in Mexico. Very lucky to have snatched him up before our "competition"..


Vibert: Oh, agreed, most definately. I see a future World Champion in that man, myself..


***Commercial Break***



Backstage Segment


We cut backstage, and hear a nice pop in the background as we see Genghis Rahn pushing his shopping cart of, erm, "goodies". He's in street clothes, signaling that he won't be wrestling tonight. He's got his weapons, all the same though, just in case..


He takes a bit to appreciate his supplies while pushing the cart, preoccuping himself with his random assortment of cookie sheets and thumbtack bags. Abruptly, the cart is stopped, as if it had run into something. Rahn looks up and the camera pans to see that that something is the hand of Eric Tyler. Rahn smiles, and cheerfully greets the man he nearly gave a concussion to last week.


Genghis Rahn: Oh, hey there Eric. How has your day been?


Tyler is not so pleased, a fact which may have something to do with the rather large bandage on his forehead.


Eric Tyler: You have fun, last week?


Rahn seems a bit confused, putting his hand on his chin for a bit.


Rahn: Last week..? Oh, oh, you mean when I hit you with that chair! Right, yeah, that was pretty fun, man! That head of yours is fun to hit man, I gotta tell you! But aw, man, you doing okay?


Tyler: Doing..okay? Am I doing okay?! What the hell kinda question is that?! All of a sudden you care for my wellbeing?!


Rahn: Well, sure, I care for people's health. I didn't do that last to week to hurt you, you know. It's all in the name of entertainment, y'know?


Tyler: Entertainment? Oh, yes, that's right. Entertainment. That's all hardcore wrestling's for, right? For the crowd's entertainment?


Rahn: Yeah, now you're getting it!


Tyler: ..So..you bash people over the heads with chairs. You slam people face-first into a mound of tacks. You leave welts on people's backs with Singapore Canes. You slash people's skin with barbed wire. You shove people off of scaffoldings and cause them to fall for three or four stories onto solid concrete. You send waves of electricity through people's bodies. You set people the hell on fire...for the audiance's entertainment pleasure?


Rahn pauses for a bit..then smiles and shrugs.


Rahn: Yep! That's pretty much how it is.


Once again, Eric Tyler is not amused.


Tyler: ..and people wonder why I don't like hardcore wrestling matches, where people smash light tubes over each others heads for attention. Why I don't respect hardcore wrestlers, that cut each other open at every single oppurtunity, just for a short, cheap pop. Why I don't respect fans of hardcore wrestling fans, that crave for people to tear tendons, mutilate muscle, and eviserate flesh, and would be dissapointed to get anything less! It's absolutely disgusting to me that anyone looks at that as wrestling! As professional wrestling! It's not professional wrestling! It-


Rahn: Hey, hey, hey..Eric, relax, man. I see what you're saying, but you have to understand that every style of wrestling has it's place, and-


Tyler: To hell with that! I am so sick of everyone telling me crap like that! I know what has and does not have it's place in professional wrestling. And you..don't.


Rahn's smile goes away with these statements, and he looks quite serious as Tyler and him stare down for a bit. Tyler then makes his way around Rahn's cart, and away from the camera, as the final TCW Hardcore Champion looks on..




Azaria: And Eric Tyler continues his streak of being disrespectful each week.


Vibert: Eric Tyler being disrespectful..that almost sounds like an oxymoron, but it's true.


Azaria: And two men who have reminded me a little bit of Eric Tyler recently, are going head-to-head next, against the team that some are calling THE GREATEST TAG TEAM IN THE WORLD TODAY!


Vibert: Indeed they are. The Tag Team Specialists take on The New Wave, in the finals of the Tag Team Title No.1 Contendership Mini-Tournament!


http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/JoelBryant.jpghttp://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/RobertOxford.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/Guide.jpghttp://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/Scout.jpg

The Tag Team Specialists vs.


"Them Bones" by Alice In Chains hits to a pretty loud reaction of jeers, as The Tag Team Specalists make their way out of the entryway. Bryant seems to have recovered from his MiW injuries, which plauged him last week, as they both enter the ring. "Hammerhead" by The Offspring gets perhaps the biggest pop of the night so far, as The New Wave, a.k.a THE GREATEST TAG TEAM IN THE WORLD TODAY march on down the ramp. Stone faced and steely eyed, the two are nontheless incredibly popular among the TCW faithful. They enter the ring, then stand side-by-side in front of the camera. They both lift up one arm, and the crowd shouts "HOO-HAH!" along with them. Vibert mumbles something about that being "Yet another stolen idea.." as the bell rings, and this one is on!


Joel Bryant starts out for his team this time, as Azaria points out that he may be trying to make up for forcing Oxford to do most of the work last week. Scout starts out for The New Wave. "The Straight Shooter" goes for a Double Leg Takedown, but Scout surprisingly times it well enough to get the double leg on Bryant instead, showing off his technical skills. Bryant tries a few more moves like this, attempting to take the match to the ground, and Scout succeeds in keeping it standing up. At one point Scout just shoves the multi-time Tag Team Champion away, forcing to flip on the mat a bit, as he goes all the way across the ring! The fans pop for this show of strength, but Bryant does not seem to appreciate it at all! Joel decides to use on of the oldest tricks in the book. He feins a "Test of Strength" invitation, then just up and kicks Scout right in the stomach, following this up with a Snap DDT, for two!


From here, The Tag Team Specialists take control, with Scout staying on the mat for quite a few minutes. TTTS take their time in double teaming Scout, as Oxford and Bryant do some quick tags to keep him down and out. In a trademark double team move of TTTS, Bryant grabs Scout with a Front Facelock, before telling Oxford to hit the ropes. Oxford does so, as Bryant snapmares Scout down to a sitting position - where he gets drilled with the signature Low Dropkick of Oxford, showing the quickness that defies his age. This just gets a 2 however. Scout attempts a few heated comebacks, but surprisingly TTTS are able to keep control, with a few dirty tactics for good measure. At one point, Oxford grabs Scout by the cap when he tries to run to his corner, and pulls him down to the mat by it. He pulls it off of Scout's head, and then proceeds to throw it down to the mat, and stomp on it, as the fans jeer viciously, with Azaria putting this over as massively disrespectful. "The Tag Team Master" plays this up a bit more, and even drops an elbow on the cap, soaking in a little more heat. He turns around, to a huge flying lariat from Scout, however, and he's able to tag Guide in.


Oxford's still down on the mat when Guide is tagged in, and thusly, Guide goes up to the top rope, and immediately goes for a Frog Splash - and nails it! It looks like he could get the win with it, but Joel Bryant is quick to run in to break up the pin, just before the three. Referee Ray Johnson admonishes Bryant for this, and while he does so, Guide gets a little payback when he springboards clear over Johnson's head to hit a flying knee right in the side of Bryant's temple! The move is harsh, and the fans pop accordingly, as Johnson takes a moment to admonish Guide now, before taking a few seconds to check on Bryant. But just a few seconds is all it takes for Oxford to sneak over behind Guide - and nail him with a Low Blow! Guide goes down, and "The 47 Year Phenom" looks as though he's about to steal the victory, but Scout is quick to run in - only to get Back Body Dropped out of the ring! The crowd piles down boos onto Oxford, as he climbs up to the second rope - and hits the Second Rope Knee Drop that he's ended so many matches with! Oxford covers - and gets the victory! Guide kicks out just a split second after the three, similarly to how Baine nearly kicked out of the Rough Ride at Malice In Wonderland, (R.I.P) but the match is definately awarded to The Tag Team Specialists!


The Tag Team Specialists win, via pinfall, after Robert Oxford hits Guide with a Low Blow and a Second Rope Knee Drop, at 10:28




Vibert: Well, some people may not like it - myself included - but The Tag Team Specialists take the victory here.


Azaria: Well, you have good reason not to like The Tag Team Specialists, Phil. Their comments about DAVE sprung up what has now become a heated feud with Danger and Violence.


Vibert: Indeed it has, and it looks as though that feud will be continuing at The War To Settle The Score.


Azaria: So, at War To Settle The Score, in less then three weeks, Danger and Violence shall be defending their TCW Tag Team Championships for the first time, against their hated rivals, The Tag Team Specialists! I don't really care for TTTS right now, but that should be a great match, all the same!


Vibert: Well, we've got a commercial break coming up soon, but just before that, let's take it to the beautiful Jasmine Saunders! Jasmine?



Backstage Segment


We cut to backstage, to see Jasmine Saunders.


Jasmine Saunders: That's sweet of you, Phil! I'm Jasmine Saunders, and I'm standing here with the International Champion, Wolf Hawkins! Wolf?


Jeering is audible in the background, as the screen pans out to show Wolf, in full wrestling gear, his International Championship strung across his shoulder. He's smiling ever-arrogantly.


Wolf Hawkins: Thank you, Jasmine.


Saunders: Now, Wolf, you have a title defense tonight against the man you beat for that title, Rocky Golden -


Wolf snickers a bit at Golden's name.


Saunders: - and,...um, what?


Hawkins: Oh, nothing, it's just.."Rocky Golden"..what a dumbass name!


Saunders: Well, not to be rude, but "Wolf" isn't exactly the most normal sounding name either..


This earns Jasmine a stern look..but Hawkins then scoffs that off as well.


Hawkins: You have a point, "Jas" - I suppose you can't read a book by it's cover. Now that I think about it, perhaps "Wolf" isn't the most fitting the name for me. I mean, by no means am I a scavenger, picking off dead carcasses. No, I think I'll be the one that kills it in the first place. Leaving the 270lbs of flabby filthiness laying face-down on the mat, for any wolf, or eagle or whatever, to pick at.


Saunders: So Golden will be a..carcass?


Hawkins: From what I've been told, he plays dead from time to time..but then, his girlfriend didn't seem all that trustworthy..


Hawkins laughs a bit at his own joke, thinking he's such a genius. Saunders rolls her eyes a bit.


Saunders: Right, um..so, up next, right before your match, we're going to be seeing Tommy Cornell taking on a former rival of yours in Aaron Andrews. What-


Hawkins bursts out laughing at this.


Hawkins: Former rival?! Please! I've had problems with Aaron Andrews before, I know, but please! We never had a rivalry! In order for someone to be your rival, they have to, at one point..you know, beat you! Aaron Andrews never took me down, and there's no way in hell he's going to take down my best friend, Tommy Cornell! He's about to go through the absolute roughest match of his entire career..count on that!


Saunders: Tommy's your friend?


Hawkins: Y-...excuse me?


Saunders: Well, it's just..many don't call it a friendship. They say it's more like you're, um, a servant to him then you are a friend.


Hawkins puts on a look of shock, which quickly turns to one of fury.


Hawkins: ....you know, you're lucky you're kinda cute, or I would've dropped you just now. Now get out of here, before I change my mind!


Jasmine gets the hint, and quickly runs off, as Hawkins looks on, apparantly not appreciating that comment. He then scoffs it off, for the third time in this interview. He shakes his head, and walks off, likely to a monitor..




Azaria: Seems Wolf is as confident about his title defense tonight as he always is.


Vibert: Well, not to be one of "those guys", but why wouldn't he be? It is the man that he defeated to win that belt, after all.


Azaria: True enough, Phil. But that was the end of quite a long feud, and Rocky scored his fair share of victories over Hawkins before that night.


Vibert: Indeed he did, Jason. But either way, we'll have to wait and see how that match goes. Coming up next, Tommy Cornell vs. Aaron Andrews!


Azaria: The kid doesn't have much experiance, but he has a lot of heart! But I have a feeling he'll need a little more then that, to beat the World Heavyweight Champion! That match is next!


***Commercial Break***


http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/TommyCornell-1.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/AaronAndrews.jpg



Metallica's cover of "Turn The Page" hits, and out comes the TCW World Heavyweight Champion to an absolute wave of disdain. He has his typical scowl on his face, as he walks down the ring as slowly as he can, soaking in all the hate. He truly seems to love it, as he strides up the stairs, and walks all the way across the apron. He goes up to the top rope, and holds his title up high, feeling the heat of the horrid reaction. He then jumps down to the mat, and hands his belt off to one of the referees, before standing still in the ring, awaiting his opponent. "Light Grenades" by Incubus blares, and the fans give a slight pop to Aaron Andrews as he comes out from the entryway. There pretty much isn't a single soul in the arena who beleives Andrews can pull this out, but he does look determined to try. He jumps up to the apron, and enters the ring, and actually steps right up to Cornell, going eye-to-eye with the TCW World Heavyweight Champion. Cornell of course does not take this seriously, just scowling even more.


The bell rings, and Andrews immediately hits a stiff dropkick to the Champion, that takes him right down! Before Cornell can even register this, Andrews is on top of him raining down punches! This earns Andrews a huge pop from the crowd, but Referee Sam Sparrow quickly seperates Andrews from Cornell. As soon as Cornell stands though, Andrews nails him with a running dropkick, that actually takes him out of the ring! The TCW World Heavyweight Champion looks about as shocked as the fans and announcers are, as Aaron Andrews makes his way to the top rope! He jumps and spins in mid-air, to have his back to Cornell - and he goes for a Moonsault Press! But Cornell catches him in mid-air - and then Powerslams him onto the Steel Steps!


"Rough Justice" takes his time outside the ring to beat on Andrews - shoving him into the steps, throwing him into the barricade, dropping him onto the gaurd rail, all sorts of tactics. And he's sure to roll into the ring for just a few seconds - breaking up the count - before doing each one. At one point, though, the Champion again gets overly confident, and goes for an Idiot Charge while Andrews is on the barricade - only to get nailed a running High Knee from the former All-Action Champion! Andrews again gets a huge pop, before throwing Cornell into the ring! Tommy stands - and gets dropped with a Snap Suplex! Andrews then jumps up to the top rope, and goes for a Frog Splash! But Cornell just manages to roll out of the way - and as soon as he does, he grabs Andrews by the neck, and locks him into the Guilt Trip, while still on the ground! Andrews fights as valiantly as he can, but he can't seem to break it! He stays in it for over a minute, not tapping out! But, we end up getting a replay of what happened at Psycho Circus - Andrews stays in the Guilt Trip for as long as he can muster, but eventually passes out from the pain! Sparrow checks his arm once..twice..and a third time! This match is over!


Tommy Cornell wins, via referee stoppage, after Aaron Andrews passed out in the Guilt Trip, at 6:32





Vibert: What a valiant effort on the part of young Aaron Andrews!


Azaria: He's a brave young man, Phil! He may not quite have the experiance to make it in TCW yet, but he definately has the heart and the courage!


Vibert: And the talent, as well! I have to think that good things are still in the future of Aaron Andrews!


Azaria: He's one of the hottest young prospects in America, Phil, no doubt about that. But, in any case, as I said at the start of the broadcast, Brent Hill is still in the hospital, and will be until tomarrow night. And Danger and Violence - the men who unintentionally caused his brutal beatdown last week - are checking in on him. And they brought a camera with them. And we would know like to show you that footage now.




Out Of Arena Segment



We pan in to see a hospital hallway. Joey Minnesota is standing in it, facing the camera. Eddie Peak is sitting on some random table that he probably shouldn't be on.



Joey Minnesota: You ready?



He seems to be directing this to the cameraman. Minnesota nods a bit, and then sighs.



Minnesota: Alright..I hope he isn't too pissed at us..



He steps towards the door, and then knocks a few times.



???: Come in.



Minnesota looks back to the camera for a second, before opening the door. He steps in, and signals for Peak to come in too, he but he doesn't look as though he wants to. Minnesota decides forcing him may not be a good idea, and goes in by himself, with the camera following close behind. In the room, Brent Hill is laying on a hospital bed. He has a few wires hooked to him, and his pulse is being monitred, but he doesn't really look hurt. He seems confused by Minnesota's entry.



Brent Hill: Erm..hey, Joey..


Minnesota: Hey, Brent..uh, look I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened last week.


Hill: It wasn't your fault, man..


Minnesota: Well, I mean..it kinda was. If me and Peak hadn't beaten you at Malice In Wonderland (R.I.P) then-


Hill: -No, no. Joey. Don't. It wasn't your fault. If anything, it was mine for letting myself lose. But don't apologize for what happened with The Syndicate. It's a blessing in disguise, Joey. The Syndicate is an evil corporation, that turns good men into straight-up bastards. That's what happened to John Anderson. And it probably would've happened to me too if I stayed in much longer. I'm glad that happened, before I got corrupted.


Minnesota: Well, I..guess I'm glad you feel that way, Brent..get well soon, alright?


Hill: Count on it. And thanks for the concern.


Minnesota: No problem..



Minnesota turns to the camera again, and signals for their departure. The camera follows Minnesota to the doorway, but he suddenly pauses with a surprised look on his face..as John Anderson comes out through it.







Anderson walks past Minnesota, and the camera turns along with him, and ends up following him to Hill, who has by now starting resting his eyes.


Anderson: Hey.



Hill's eyes slowly open..and once they do, the pulse monitor starts beeping frantically, as a look of rage cover's the ex-Machine's face.



Hill: What the hell are you doing here?!


Anderson: Look, Brent, I know you're angry, and you have every right to be-


Hill: You're damned right I do!


Anderson: -but..look, I..I know I can't explain this adequetly to you, alright? ..The Syndicate is the biggest stable in professional wrestling history. And I don't want to lose my spot in it. I won't lose my place in history. ...Sometimes, to solidify your place, you have to make a sacrifice. Sometimes, you have to do things that..you'd really rather not do, alright?



A pause.



Anderson: ...Look. I know. There's no explanaition I could give you that would make you forgive. Just..just know, that what happened last week, was nothing personal..


Hill: Maybe not. Maybe it wasn't. But it sure as hell is now. You watch your back.."Arsenal"..



Anderson seems a tad offended at this..



Anderson: And you, yours.."#2".



With that, Anderson turns and walks away. Meanwhile, Hill's pulse monitor only beeps more and more rapidly, as the screen fades..






Azaria: My God, can you beleive that?


Vibert: Believe what?


Azaria: John Anderson, having the audacity to visit the man that's in the hospital because of him!


Vibert: Well, look, John does really seem to have guilt-


Azaria: Of course he has guilt, he's a human being! But there's no way in hell that he thought Hill would want to see him!


Vibert: Yes, yes, you're right..in any case, we've got another quick interview coming up, just before our TCW International Title match! We'd like to take you again, now, to the lovely Jasmine Saunders!




Backstage Segment


Cut backstage to see Jasmine Saunders yet again, with a smile.


Jasmine Saunders: Ladies and gentlemen, at this time I would like to introduce to a man who currently has a lot of controversy surrounding him - Teddy Powell!


The screen pans to show a confused Powell.


Teddy Powell: Controversy?


Saunders: Well, yes, I mean we've seen your problems with the All-Action Champion, Sammy Bach, and-


Powell: -Listen, I'm here to help Sammy Bach. I'm here to save Sammy Bach. Karen Killer's got that guy brainwashed, and he doesn't seem to realize it.


Saunders: About that..Teddy, you've been saying things like this for a while now, what do you mean by that?


Powell: Last year, when DAVE went down, and Sammy and Emma where signed to differant companies - thusly, seperated..he was hurt. He took that to heart. Nobody was more devastated by the loss of DAVE then Sammy Bach, the man so many saw as the future of that company. Not only did he blame himself for it, but he though that when DAVE died, so did his future in the business. He was hurt. He was weak. And then Karen Killer swooped in, with her lies. She convinced him that she's the only one that cares about him. She convinced him that Emma turned her back on him for another, where she is now..that I turned my back on him, out of some petty jealousy for not being signed to TCW. She convinced him that everyone hated him, that nobody loved him, except for her. And now he's lost without her. Now he has so much of an affection for her, that I truly think he'd jump off a bridge if she told him to. He's losing his mind, and it's all thanks to her! Well, don't let either of them fool you - Sammy Bach is my best friend. He still is. He always will be.


Saunders: But that attack out there-


Powell: - was not an attack. I knew Killer would get him to leave in time. I can't let Bach and Killer do what they wish, I can't let Killer's effect on Bach, effect anyone else. And, to be honest, I want him to focus on me. I don't want him to get sidetracked with anyone else, he needs to focus on what's happening right now, what's really happening right now. He has to stop being so blurred by what Killer tells him, and start seeing the reality of this situation..and if he can't accept reality by words..I may have to beat it into him.


With that ominous mini-threat, Powell turns and walks away..





http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/WolfHawkins1.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/RockyGolden.jpg

vs. Rocky Golden


"Clint Eastwood" by The Gorillaz hits, and a wave of jeers that only his mentor, Tommy Cornell can beat erupt from the stands, as out saunders the TCW International Champion, Wolf Hawkins for a tough defense. Tough or not, though, he doesn't seem very concerned, as arrogant as ever, TCW International Title strung proudly over his shoulder. He strides on down the ramp, and hops up to the side of the apron facing the hard camera, on one foot. He goes all the way across it, to the turnbuckle post, and climbs up to the second rope. He then scans the crowd, flicks his hands out, and then shoots them up into the air with double "devil horn" gestures - the once beloved "Youth Gone Wild" pose, now made infamous. He then takes the belt off of his shoulder, takes another long glance at it, and then throws it right onto the announce table! According to Vibert, his talent can't be denied, and neither can his accuracy. He jumps down to the mat, and stares at the entryway, awaiting his opponent - just like Tommy does. The jeers turn to cheers, when "Cult Of Personality" by In Loving Color hits, and out saunders Rocky Golden this time. He seems to be every bit of arrogant as Hawkins is - perhaps more so then Hawkins - and yet the fans seem to adore him as he walks down the ramp with his arms spread out in the air, just soaking in the abdulation. He slips into the ring, and his look of confidence wanes to that of anger - but only slightly - as he stands face-to-face with the man that beat him for the International Championship.


Before the bell rings, Hawkins decides that Golden is just a bit too close - and shoves him away! Before IE referee Yasuyuki Terakado can get between the two, Golden's right back in Hawkins' face - and shoves him almost clear across the ring! Hawkins bounces right back from this, and dashes towards Golden, hitting a Flying Clothesline! Hawkins stays on Golden, raining down punches, and Terakado has to pull with all of his might just to get Hawkins off of Golden! Golden is up as fast as possible, and looks absolutely livid - but Terakado is finally able to get some seperation between the two! The fans chant "Let them fight!", but the referee stays adamant, and orders them both to get to opposite corners. They begrudgingly comply, wanting to get this underway. Terakado calls for the bell - and the two charge each other immediately! They both go for clotheslines and collide in the middle of the ring! This is something typically only seen once both men are wounded, but as this is just the beggining, both are back up quick!


They trade punches for a few seconds, and Golden gets the predictable advantage. He goes for a clothesline - and Hawkins counters with his rarely-seen technical skills, trying for a crossface! Hawkins gets Golden to his knees, but Rocky is able to keep from going any further - and he shoots forward to get to the ropes, forcing Hawkins to break the hold before he can apply it fully. Without missing a beat, Hawkins jumps right onto the other side ropes, going for a Springboard Dropkick! He gets a huge amount of hangtime on it, but Golden side-steps him, and pushes him forward, causing him to fall straight onto the thinly-padded floor! The crowd pops huge for what seems like a sign of a new champion, as the current International Champion seems down and out here! Referee Terakado starts the 10 count, but before he gets to 4, Golden slips on outside, and pulls Hawkins back in. He goes for a cover, but Wolf is just able to kick out.


From here, Golden keeps control for a few minutes, hitting your general hoss-tastic offense, getting a few nearfalls out of it. About three minutes into the beatdown, however, Hawkins is able to counter a Spinebuster with a Tornado DDT! This only gets 2, but Hawkins is able to keep the advantage, and keeps him grouded, again showing his technical skills. Vibert mentions that Hawkins was almost exclusively a high flier when he feuded with Golden last year, and may be trying to use his submission skills to keep Golden from forming a successfull gameplan based around that. Hawkins keeps him down with an armbar for a bit, and then tries for another crossface, but Golden is able to keep that at bay with some forearms. Hawkins switches his position, and instead goes for a Single Leg Boston Crab on the right leg - which, as Vibert again points out, is the leg that Golden had to have surgery on, last August, and was forced to sit on the shelf for three months, because of it! This little bit of psychology is the main reason this move seems like a match ender, as Golden struggles on the mat as soon as he's in it. But Golden shows his toughness by shooting towards, and grabbing, the ropes!


Now at about the 8 minute mark, Hawkins is starting to get impatient! He doesn't wait for Golden to get up, he tries to pull him himself - and gets the Spinebuster that he avoided earlier for his troubles! Hawkins sells his back like a Champion, as Vibert reminds us of that huge tumble that the International Champion took, where he crashed onto his back! Azaria, in turn, reminds us of The Rack, a move that focuses primarily on the back of his opponent! And Golden continues the work on Hawkins' back, hitting a few knee drops onto it, even getting a legdrop in. Golden pulls Hawkins up, and, in a move that's blatently trying to get people to think his skills are improving, nails a Dragon Suplex on Hawkins! But Hawkins, to his credit, is just able to kick out! Golden whips Hawkins into the turnbuckle, but now it's Golden's turn to take a huge tumble, as Hawkins counters an Idiot Charge with a Back Body Drop that takes him all the way to the outside! Golden tries to land on his feet, but still takes some damage, and Hawkins quickly follows it up with a huge Suicide Dive! The fans pop for it, but the cheers turn back to jeers when Hawkins jumps up, and starts saundering around ringside!


Hawkins gets Golden back in, before the 5 count, and Hawkins goes back to a submission based offense, targeting the right leg again, locking Golden into a Single Leg Grapevine! Golden again, looks to be a mass of pain, struggling widly to break the hold! But again, Golden is able to get to the ropes! Terakado has to take up the full 5 count to get Hawkins off of Golden, and Hawkins is definately losing his tempure now! He pounds on the mat waiting for Golden to get up! When he does, Hawkins dashes at Golden - only to get nailed with the Rocky Road! Golden goes for the cover on this, but Hawkins just narrowly kicks out! Not to be dismayed, Golden pulls Hawkins up, and continues working the back, throwing Hawkins into the corner, and driving his shoulder into the back of the opponent, over and over! Golden puts Hawkins up in Back Suplex position, and places Hawkins on top of the turnbuckle! He climbs up, and goes for a Back Superplex! The fans huge as Golden holds Hawkins high up in the air - but Hawkins, in an amazing move, is able to twist around, and counter massively with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb! Hawkins covers - 1, 2, 3! He retains the title in stunning fashion!


Wolf Hawkins wins, via pinfall, after a Sunset Flip Powerbomb, at 12:56





Azaria: Wow! What a match, and what an ending!


Vibert: Nobody can doubt the abilities of Wolf Hawkins! That was an amazing counter!


Azaria: Hawkins twisted at just the right time, almost on instinct alone it seems!


Vibert: Everyone sees Hawkins as a future World Champion, and it's easy to see why, but for now, he's still the International Champion!


Azaria: In any case, we have to go to commercials now, folks, but when we come back, we have some taped words from the legendary Sam Keith!


Vibert: And he apparantly thinks he's a little too good for interviewers..



***Commercial Break*




Backstage Segment


Cut backstage, to see Sam Keith, in wrestling gear, sitting on a bench in the locker room. No Jasmine Saunders, or any interviewer, just Sam Keith, all by himself.


Sam Keith: My name..is Sa-..wait. Why would I tell you my name? You know my name. Everybody knows who Sam Keith is. Sam Keith is the legend of the wrestling business. No matter what anyone says, he did more then Rip Chord, he accomplished more then Sam Strong. Sam Keith has won World Champions in every nation that wrestling is important to. You can't dispute that, it's a damned fact. I've talked before about how disgraceful it is when I hear people talking about Strong and Chord as if they are better then me, bigger then me, and it is a disgrace. But I don't care. I know who the greatest legend in the wrestling business is, and I'm the only one in TCW whos opinion truly matters.


Now that that's out the way..we just got finished seeing Rocky Golden getting his ass handed to him. Similarly to how we saw him get his ass handed to him at Malice In Wonderland. (R.I.P) Rocky Golden is, without a single doubt, the most over-rated man in Total Championship Wrestling. He got a fluke victory over the weakest TCW International Champion ever, then proceeded to never defend for about four months, before losing it to Wolf Hawkins. Now he's out challenging me and Cornell, like he's some big shot main eventer, like he could headline Total Mayhem? What a joke. I'm a respectful man. But I have no respect for Rocky Golden. He hasn't beaten me. He hasn't beaten Tommy. He never beat Wolf Hawkins, one-on-one. I don't even think he's beaten Anderson or Brent. One day soon, everyone will see what a nobody he truly is. His days here are numbered..mark my words.


Speaking of Brent..I'm sure everyone saw me last week. I didn't want a part in that beatdown. I didn't want to kick him out in the first place. It was not a decision I made, and it was not a decision I agree with. But I won't dispute it. I made a pact with Tommy that both of us would hold equal power, but we would not veto each other. Neither can undermine the other. We are considered infallible..because we are. Tommy thinks of Brent as a never-will-be, if not a has-been. I don't agree, but I don't dispute. That's the promise I made. And I stick with it, because I know Tommy would do the same for me. I'll say this, though: if Brent thinks he can take The Syndicate down, he's massively mistaken. He's got a problem with Anderson that he needs to settle, and with Anderson alone, in my opinion. He needs to keep it against him, and not against me, Tommy or Wolf. It's for it's own good. You try and take all of us down..and you won't be on the roster, when 2009 comes around. Bank on it.



With that catchphrase closer, Keith sits up and walks away.





Azaria: What do you think about that, Phil?


Vibert: I don't really know how to respond, Jason. Brent's anger may center around Anderson, obviously, but I can't imagine he's too fond of any of The Syndicate, right now.


Azaria: Keith going as far as threatening to end Hill's career this year if he isn't careful.


Vibert: Well, you saw the attack last week. They could very well do that if they had the right mind..


Azaria: Indeed, they could..but I don't think Brent Hill's going to be too intimidated..


Vibert: Agreed, Jason. And next up, we have a match between two men who won't be easily intimidated either - two DAVE Alumnis that were both signed by me just a little over a month ago - JD Morgan takes on Acid!


Azaria: Nice segue.


Vibert: Thanks, I thought so too.



http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/Acid.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/JDMorgan.jpg

Acid vs.


The lights go green, and the crowd instictively pops pretty well, before "Ugly" by The Exies hits. Acid comes out, looking deadly serious, even with a mask. He doesn't pander to the crowd, but he doesn't need to to, they definately appreciate the two great perfomances he's put in since joining TCW, and expect the same thing tonight. He jumps up onto the apron, pushes his head into the top rope, then flips himself over it, as he's done for many years now. "Icky Thump" by the White Stripes hits, and JD Morgan comes out to not so big of a reaction. Few cheer, a bit more boo, but he hasn't caught on immediately, unlike Acid. He looks focused, as always, before entering the ring. He stands right up in front of Acid, but doesn't talk any trash.


Once the bell rings, the first full minute is a back-and-forth fight for control, neither can seem to string together any moves. Eventually though, Acid takes it when he counters a Back Suplex by springboarding off the ropes, and hitting an Inverted DDT for two! Morgan shows some reseiliancy in kicking out. Acid keeps on the offensive for the next couple minutes, keying on the stiff kicks that he himself suffered heavily through in his first few matches in Japan from. Acid earns another two count after a Basement Dropkick. At around the 4:00 mark, Acid tries to end it early with the fourth Frog Splash attempt of the night. Unfortunately for him, that move is now 1-for-4, as Morgan is able to get up to one knee, just before Acid lands, and he catches him in mid-air, to hit one hell of a belly-to-belly! Acid just narrowly kicks out of this one!


Morgan thusly takes control for the next few minutes, grounding the famed high flier. He succeeds in this, which as Vibert points out is quite the achievement, considering that's what many have tried, and failed, to do so many times in the past. JD Morgan works the arm a bit, with forearms and knees, before locking in a Short-Arm Scissor. The way Acid sells this actually makes it look like a threat to make him tap, and a lot of fans actually buy into it, trying to rally Acid to break it! Eventually, Acid is able to fight to his knees, and actually flip out of the hold! Morgan goes for a clothesline, Acid ducks it, Morgan turns around - and gets a faceful of green liquid! (No wants to guess what it's called as? Seriously? Alright, fine..) The fans pop, as Morgan immediately goes down to the mat, effectively blinded! Acid decides to go to the "Try, try again" route, and attempt the same finish he did in his first two TCW matches, going up the top rope while his opponents blinded! And this time it pays off - Acid nails the Acid Rain Bomb! But he's not finished - as soon as he's up, he locks Morgan into the Acidity Test STF! After a short, 6 second struggle, Morgan taps!


Acid wins, via submission, after an Acid Rain Bomb/Acidity Test combonation, at 8:53





Azaria: And Acid gets his first win in TCW!


Vibert: And in very impressive fashion, too!


Azaria: I knew his first TCW victory was going to occur sooner or later. His rise upwards starts tonight!


Vibert: Acid's dangerous, Jason! He could be a huge threat to any Champion!


Azaria: I agree with you there, Phil! Speaking of threats to Champions, we've got two men who could win any belt they set their minds to winning! Two of the biggest threats in the business, two of the most dangerous men in Professional Wrestling today!


Vibert: You're damned right about that, partner! Tyson Baine takes on The Syndicate co-leader, Sam Keith, right up n-..wait, what's this?




Backstage Segment


Vibert's interupted by the sight of Rocky Golden backstage, still sweaty and generally winded, after his match. He's breathing quite heavily, but apparantly has something to say..


Rocky Golden: I..I, uh..


The panting continues, and Golden holds up his index finger to the camera, before taking out a bottle of Aqaufina bottled water. (product placement~!) He takes a big swig of it, and then stares into the camera.


Golden: ..Tonight, the Golden Boy failed you all. No, no, he did, he did. It's sad, but true. The unbeatable has been beaten tonight, it's true. I don't know how exactly Hawkins did it. I don't think he cheated. But, for all I know, he could have. He may have used a Game Genie to drain all of my health away, or make it so I couldn't kick out of a Sunset Flip Powerbomb, or something like that. But the fact is, he did indeed pin me tonight, one-on-one..and I know I can't be asking for another title shot so soon after that. I'll have to wait, I know that.


One thing the Golden Boy does not have to wait for, however, is a chance at a little retribution to the man that so blatantly disrespected me at Malice In Wonderland! (R.I.P) Listen up, Sam Keith! Mr. Immortality! You need to realize just who it is your messing with! You shocked me deep right before our match at Malice, (R.I.P) and I ended up letting my gaurd down at the worst possible time. I want a rematch against you, Sam! And I don't wanna wait for The War To Settle The Score! I want to face you, one-on-one in that ring, next week! I don't care if you're the No.1 Contender to the TCW World Heavyweight Title or not! I have no problems at all with throwing a monkey wrench into your momentum going into the Pay-Per-View! I'm going right to the Total Board as soon as the show's done, and I'm getting that match made! And once it is, you're going down. And that, my friend, is a Golden Fact!


Golden then turns, flicks his hair back, and walks away with his arms spread out in the air.




Vibert: ..why does everyone thinks he's so cool, again?


Azaria: I really can't tell you, Phil. Sometimes there's no explaination as to why some are so well-liked..in any case, Morgan/Acid was our final undercard match of the night, you know what that means wrestling fans!


Vibert: That's right! The first Main Event of my announcing tenure is up next! Tyson Baine and Sam Keith, going one-on-one to see who faces Tommy Cornell for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship, at The War To Settle The Score!


Azaria: Baine has had as many problems with The Syndicate as anybody recently! It's going to be brutal! It's going to be personal! It's potentially going to be bloody! And it is next!



***Commercial Break***



http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/SamKeith-1.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/TysonBaine.jpg

Sam Keith vs. Tyson Baine


""Till I Collapse" by Eminem hits, to a huge mixed reaction - everyone on their feet, shouting some kind of noise! The fans definately respect Keith, but many can't bring themselves to cheer him, especially considering he still had a part in Brent's beating last week. He has a very serious expression on his face, as is common with most Syndicate members. He scowls to the fans, about as widely as his partner Cornell typically would. The Syndicate's Co-Leader goes down the ramp, and up the steps. He walks across the apron, and wipes his feet on it while scanning the crowd, before entering the ring. As soon as he's in, the lights darken, "'Till I Collapse" fades, and the crowd pops huge. And the pop only gets bigger when fire erupts diagnially from both sides of the stage, making an upside down "V" in flames! "Hold Out Your Hand" by Nickelback plays as the fire continues burning, and out comes the demonic Tyson Baine, to a massive ovation! (The biggest of the night, thanks in part to RDJ taking a night off..) He ignores the fans and his pyro, looking dead set at Sam Keith, with a look on his face that would probably scare the ever-loving hell out of most men. But Keith isn't most men, he returns the look right back. Baine goes up the steps, and enters the ring, before standing face-to-face with Keith. The crowd is hot as the only active wrestling Hall Of Immortals member stares down a potential future Hall Of Immortals member..


The bell rings, and they both stand still for the first few seconds. Keith eventually gets impatient and goes for the first punch, but Baine blocks that, and his apparant calm demeanour swiftly melts to a rage, as he sends shot after to Keith, backing him into the ropes. IE Referee Koruba has to seperate Baine from Keith, but Baine surprisingly agrees without any fuss - as Vibert points out, likely due to wanting as little delay in the match as possible. And indeed, as soon as Koruba moves away, Baine scores with a big kick to Keith, and then pulls him up high with a Suplex..but then turns Keith to the side, and nails him with a Jackhammer! His original finisher from the Indy Scene makes it's first appearance in TCW in years! It gets a very long 2, and as soon as Keith can, he scrambles to the outside, garnering some huge heel heat in the process! Keith looks shocked as he holds his back and ribs - he did not see that coming, so quickly! Breathing hard after that move took so much air out of him, Keith already looks ready to defeat, as Baine doesn't even wait for Koruba's count to get to 3 before going out after Keith! But that's a massive mistake, that he may not come back from, as Keith quickly counters with a sick drop toe hold, that drives Baine head-first into the barricade! Keith puts a few stomps to Baine, before pulling him up to one knee - and giving him one stiff knee of his own! With Koruba now at the 4 count, Keith enters the ring, and waits for Baine, looking for a count out victory! The fans are no longer split here in New Jersey, they are full-on booing as the count starts to wind down! But, just after the 9 count, Baine is able to roll back in - and is immediately greeted with stomps!


As he's close to the ropes, Keith has to be seperated from Baine this time, by Koruba, who again is lucky enough to get some success with his attempt. Baine gets up to a knee, only to get a second harsh knee lift, right to the temple! This only scores a 2 for Keith, who stays on the offensive! At one point, he sits Baine up, and then drives a running kick right into his face, that causes Baine to turn over! Keith plays to the crowd a bit, who eat it up..until Baine shoots up to his knees, which is a signature of his, and the crowd go wild! Keith recognizes the situation, and turns around with a troubled look on his face - and that look turns far more troubled when Baine grabs him by the neck! Keith immediately sends a few boots to the stomach of Baine, to get him to release! Keith then tries for a DDT, but Baine counters with a Back Body Drop! Keith gets up as fast as he can, worried again now, trying desperately to take the fight back to Baine, but Baine clotheslines him right back down, with authority! The huge lariat gets a narrow 2, and after it, Baine loses his cool again and just up and attacks Keith on the mat, raining down punches!


Koruba has to struggle to get Baine off of Keith, and stands between them, as Keith struggles to his feet. Another "Let Them Fight" chant starts from the rowdy TCW crowd, but Koruba is adamant in making sure it stays fair. He calls them both to opposite corners, as Vibert puts over Koruba not letting the match end by disqualification. He calls them to fight again, and Baine charges, but Keith unsurprisingly gets out of the way with his lightning quickness, and Baine crashes chest-first into the turnbuckle! A split-second after bouncing off of it, Keith follows that up with a huge clothesline, smashing him right back into the corner! Keith takes up Baine by the head, and bounces off the ropes, trying for a big Bulldog - but Baine stops that when Keith goes for the jump - and ends up staying in the air far longer then he wanted to, as Baine gets him up with a High Angle Back Suplex! Azaria reminds us, that as monsterish as Baine is, he does actually know how to wrestle, as he sends the multi-time World Heavyweight Champion crashing into the mat to a huge pop! Baine covers, but Keith shows his toughness, in kicking out, after one of the harshest Back Suplexes seen anywhere other then Japan!


Baine keeps the beating onto Keith for awhile, but after a bit, just decides to toss Keith out of the ring, to the fan's approval! Vibert warns that he may be making a mistake, however, as it backfired the last time Baine allowed Keith on the outside! And it backfired the last time Baine followed him as well, but that doesn't stop him from doing it again! It may stop him from charging again however, as this time he just walks over to Keith, pulling him up by the hair! Baine drags the hurt Keith back to the ring as referee Koruba gets to the 4 count. But it's a trap - Keith waits until they are close enough to the apron to be out of the referee's view, before sending a back kick, right between Baine's legs! Even Baine feels this, and is doubled over! Keith quickly nails a third high knee to the temple of Baine, and as soon as Baine's head whips up from this, Keith sends it crashing into the steel steps! Now at the 7 count, Keith whips Baine in, and covers, with full confidence that the match is over..but Baine kicks out, right after the 2!


The fans pop, as Keith looks stunned! Now at the 10:45 mark, he starts to get desperate! He climbs up to the top rope, in a very un-Keith-like maneuver! He goes for a Flying Elbow Drop..and actually hits it! Keith covers! 1! 2! ..no! No, Baine just kicks out! It's so very close, that Koruba has to look to a replay, but Baine does indeed kick out! Keith is absolutely shocked and the fans are on their feet! Keith starts raining down strikes now, and Koruba has to pull him off of Baine, similar to how he had to do the same with Baine just a few minutes ago! Koruba gets Keith to the corner, and then goes to check on Baine, but Keith says "to hell with that" and shoves Koruba away from Baine! Koruba looks pissed, now half-way across the ring, but does not call for the bell! Azaria mentions the Japanese Referee's leniancies, as was before noted, as Keith lays a few more punches into Baine..who, in turn, suddenly grabs Keith from the throat, while still on the ground!


The fans pop huge as Baine slowly gets to his knees, then to his feet, still holding Keith up! The legendary Keith gives a few shots to the chest of Baine, struggling to get free from the hold again, but this time it doesn't work! In an amazing show of strength, Baine pulls Keith in close, and then nails with a one-armed Chokeslam! Every last fan in the arena is on their feet cheering! But they turn to jeers when Tommy Cornell, Wolf Hawkins and John Anderson come onto the stage! Cornell points towards the ring, commanding his cronies to enter it! They both dash in, but Baine sees it coming a mile away! The still-injured Anderson runs to Baine, only to receive a harsh Big Boot, which can't do his Hernia too much good! Hawkins goes for a belt shot with his International Title, but Baine ducks it, and then nails the young Hawkins with a Spinebuster! Irate, Cornell himself comes in, and tries for a clothesline, but Baine ducks it as well, before clothesline Cornell right out of the ring! All three of the other Syndicate members now disposed of, Keith struggles to his feet behind Baine, who swiftly turns to greet him with a kick to the stomach! Baine then plants Keith with the Hades Bomb! He covers - 1, 2, 3! He got it! He got it!


Tyson Baine wins, via pinfall, after hitting the Hades Bomb, at 12:42





Baine doesn't celebrate much, but he does raise his arm to the fans who love him! But the cheers turn to jeers when Cornell comes in with his own World Heavyweight Title! He tries for a shot at Baine, but he gets kicked in the stomach, and planted with the Hades Bomb, as well! Both co-leaders of The Syndicate fall to the Hades Bomb on this night! The crowd explodes when Cornell goes down, and Baine rises up with a roar to them! Vibert and Azaria wrap up their duties, as Baine plays to the crowd a bit, and the screen fades!





Azaria: He does! He does it! Tyson Baine is getting the rematch he deserves!


Vibert: He earned it after that performance! He just beat,essentially, The Syndicate in it's entirity, to earn No.1 Contendership!


Azaria: Indeed he did, Phil! He endured Hawkins, Anderson and even Cornell himself's interferance, and defeated the legendary Sam Keith!


Vibert: I think the rematch at The War To Settle The Score is going to be even better then first one two weeks ago, Jason!


Azaria: So do I, Phil! This has gotten a lot more personal after this match! Well, signing off from Total Wrestling, I'm Jason Azaria -


Vibert: - I'm his new partner, Phil Vibert -


Azaria: - and we will see you again, next week!





Neilson: 3:23

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- Yep, Vibert replaces Rhodes. I know some people on here were really liking the Rhodes/Azaria interactions, but hopefully Azaria/Vibert will be just as entertaining. He would occassionally bring down Main Event matches, and I really dispise outside things that bring match grades down. (Hence, me raiding Japan, and getting their seemingly infinitely better referees..) Rhodes could appear again some other time, though..


- And yes, Marquez's theme is far too harsh for him. I don't know, for some reason I was dead-set on trying to find an actual Spanish song for him, and most I found were too light-hearted seeming for a wrestling show. So I ended up going with what I ended up going with. Oh well. I belive the title translates to "Heavy Artillary", and I'm pretty sure it's an Anti-War song. So that's..you know, kinda rebelous. And he's kinda rebelous. So it fits..kind of.


- Kinda surprised with the show grade, and how the Neilson was lower. I actually kinda attempted a bit of a "Super Card" with this show. I thought the last two segments, rated B and B+ could raise it out of B- territory, but I guess the two C+'s before them caused it to just stay in the B- range. Ah, well. Didn't lose any fans by it, it's all good. Just gotta remember to keep Cornell sqaushes late in the show from now on, that should help keep it's overall grade where I want it to be.


- Speaking of which, wow. Cornell got a B match out of a guy with Lower Midcard popularity. And he would probably be lower if it weren't for all the other wrestlers I signed. Tommy's pretty good, eh? :p I don't even think there was good chemistry there, either..though I'm not sure about that, I'll have to check.

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Kyle Rhodes isn't a good enough color commentator. A lot of the smaller US promotions have better color commentators than TCW does, which meant you had options.


Very true. But he has a lot of longevity with TCW and Azaria, and I didn't really feel right breaking them after having called every single Total Wrestling together. He was signed when they were still at Cult, and they probably thought they'd eventually replace him with someone better, but once they got big enough to do so, I assume that longevity is what kept them from pulling that trigger on it as well. Done now, though.

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Kyle Rhodes isn't a good enough color commentator. A lot of the smaller US promotions have better color commentators than TCW does, which meant you had options.


BSC has a better color commentator.


But then, a couple months' interviewing and Jasmine Saunders is better - or if not, her only flaw is her popularity, which'll come up on the announce desk.


TCW starts out with some established guys and a lot of raw talent that only needs the time to grow and shine.

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Aye bye, bye Rhodes he could always do the B show if you get one or transition to managing/interviews. For the B- blame the semi main and the low rated angles which rate less respective of card placement. The lower Nielsen was probably due to less heat for the matchup's due to momentum. I'll pm ya a suggestion for AMM's music.
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Gregory McKay

February 14th, 2008


Hello, Total Wrestling fans! We're coming off a fine show, and going into another one, by the way things seem! Tonight, we've got a rematch between Sammy Bach and Koshiro Ino, but this time it's No Disqualification! Last week, Bach was busted open during their match, and after it, he nearly hit Ino with a chair! One could predict that both of these types of situations will come up again during this match! It should be heated, but will their be any interference? I talked to Teddy Powell earlier today, (see that interview here) and he told me quite bluntly, that he will not be making an appearance during this match. But will Karen Killer be a factor? She caused the DQ last week, and one can only imagine she'll try and get involved again this week! Koshiro Ino has already been in one match in which there are no rules, a Tables match against American Buffalo at Malice In Wonderland! (R.I.P) Everyone remembers that match, which Ino won in stunning fashion! Oh, and speaking of American Buffalo - and Teddy Powell, for that matter - those two men will also be facing off, one-on-one, this Tuesday! In just his second TCW match, Teddy Powell will have an uphill battle here, if he wants to pull the big upset! Can he do it? Only one way to find out..


We also have some tag team action, as the always fun to watch - but not always fun to hear - New Age Party Crashers, take on another new, young tandem, as Explosive Disorder - made up of the newly-christened "Light Grenade" Aaron Andrews and "The Cannonball" Samuel Cannon - make their debut as a tag team! It certainly looks like a promising duo, but can they take out the slightly more seasoned team this Tuesday? And of course, we will also be seeing the next installment of the Laying Down The Law Challenge, which has become more and more interesting as the weeks go by! Will we get the third straight debutee in this match? Or perhaps someone more established? It's open to absolutely any wrestler, anyone can answer it! Last week, Antonio Marquez debuted in stunning fashion, when he almost took down the former International Champion! And now he's getting a chance at the current International Champion - but not for the belt, of course - as he takes on Wolf Hawkins in a Non-Title match!


Sam Keith has answered Rocky Golden's challenge, and the answer is yes! In a rematch from Malice In Wonderland, (R.I.P) Sam Keith and Rocky Golden will be going one-on-one once again! Their past matches have been great ones, and they are both 1-1 in this series, respectively! Let's see who can win this rubber match, coming this Tuesday! Golden has had as many problems with The Syndicate as anyone - and has had them, pretty much since Wolf Hawkins joined Cornell and the Machines - so motivation definitely won't be much of a problem for him, here! Speaking of Cornell, the TCW World Heavyweight Champion will not be wrestling on Total Wrestling, but his presence will still be felt in the main event! He has once again pulled the strings he has with the Total Board, and gotten them to book the main event of tonight - No.1 Contender Tyson Baine vs. "Southern Justice" Ricky Dale Johnson! Two former TCW World Heavyweight Champions, going head-to-head! Indeed, RDJ presents a challenge to anyone, even the demonic Baine! And everyone knows Cornell isn't too fond of RDJ either, so his motivations for booking this on his night off are not too difficult to foresee!


This will indeed be yet another great installment of Total Wrestling! So tune in this Tuesday, wrestling fans, for the greatest show there is, for this great sport!




"Constant Motion" Teddy Powell vs. American Buffalo (w/"Fast Buck" Floyd Goldworthy)


"Straight Shooter" Joel Bryant vs. Scout


The New Age Party Crashers ("The 24 Hour Party Animal" Edd Stone and Texas Pete, w/Shane Sneer) vs. Explosive Disorder ("The Light Grenade" Aaron Andrews and "The Cannonball" Samuel Cannon)


Laying Down The Law Challenge: "The Total Officer" Rick Law vs. ???


TCW International Champion, Wolf Hawkins vs. Antonio Marquez (Non-Title)


"The Legendary" Sam Keith vs. "The Golden One" Rocky Golden


No Disqualification Match: "The Evil Prince" Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs. "The Kobra" Koshiro Ino (Non-Title)


"Southern Justice" Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tyson Baine

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Teddy Powell vs. American Buffalo (w/"Fast Buck" Floyd Goldworthy)


Straight Shooter" Joel Bryant vs. Scout



The New Age Party Crashers ("The 24 Hour Party Animal" Edd Stone and Texas Pete, w/Shane Sneer) vs. Explosive Disorder ("The Light Grenade" Aaron Andrews and "The Cannonball" Samuel Cannon)


Laying Down The Law Challenge: "The Total Officer" Rick Law vs. ???


TCW International Champion, Wolf Hawkins vs. Antonio Marquez (Non-Title)


"The Legendary" Sam Keith vs. "The Golden One" Rocky Golden


No Disqualification Match: "The Evil Prince" Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs. "The Kobra" Koshiro Ino (Non-Title)


"Southern Justice" Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tyson Baine

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Constant Motion" Teddy Powell vs. American Buffalo (w/"Fast Buck" Floyd Goldworthy)


The New Age Party Crashers ("The 24 Hour Party Animal" Edd Stone and Texas Pete, w/Shane Sneer) vs. Explosive Disorder ("The Light Grenade" Aaron Andrews and "The Cannonball" Samuel Cannon)


Laying Down The Law Challenge: "The Total Officer" Rick Law vs. ???


TCW International Champion, Wolf Hawkins vs. Antonio Marquez (Non-Title)


"The Legendary" Sam Keith vs. "The Golden One" Rocky Golden


No Disqualification Match: "The Evil Prince" Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs. "The Kobra" Koshiro Ino (Non-Title)


"Southern Justice" Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tyson Baine

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"Constant Motion" Teddy Powell vs. American Buffalo (w/"Fast Buck" Floyd Goldworthy)


"Straight Shooter" Joel Bryant vs. Scout


The New Age Party Crashers ("The 24 Hour Party Animal" Edd Stone and Texas Pete, w/Shane Sneer) vs. Explosive Disorder ("The Light Grenade" Aaron Andrews and "The Cannonball" Samuel Cannon)


Laying Down The Law Challenge: "The Total Officer" Rick Law vs. ???


TCW International Champion, Wolf Hawkins vs. Antonio Marquez (Non-Title)

"The Legendary" Sam Keith vs. "The Golden One" Rocky Golden


No Disqualification Match: "The Evil Prince" Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs. "The Kobra" Koshiro Ino (Non-Title)


"Southern Justice" Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tyson Baine

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"Constant Motion" Teddy Powell vs. American Buffalo (w/"Fast Buck" Floyd Goldworthy)


Powell's unlikely to ever go over an upper card heavyweight like Buffalo.


The New Age Party Crashers ("The 24 Hour Party Animal" Edd Stone and Texas Pete, w/Shane Sneer) vs. Explosive Disorder ("The Light Grenade" Aaron Andrews and "The Cannonball" Samuel Cannon)


NAPC probably won't be winning the belts any time soon but they are growing into a decent mid-card act.


Laying Down The Law Challenge: "The Total Officer" Rick Law vs. ???


Another win for Law, I think this one may struggle to top Mr Marquez for impact.


TCW International Champion, Wolf Hawkins vs. Antonio Marquez (Non-Title)


Taking a page from the Bigpapa42 school of debuting new talent with a losing streak ? Marquez will put in another good showing but will come up short again.


"The Legendary" Sam Keith vs. "The Golden One" Rocky Golden


Golden gets taken to school by Keith..if he's going to get a big win over Keith it'll be on PPV.


No Disqualification Match: "The Evil Prince" Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs. "The Kobra" Koshiro Ino (Non-Title)


It's Non Title and Ino's got the whole unbeaten run thing going...so the Kobra wins. Powell could get involved here and deny Bach the victory.



"Southern Justice" Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tyson Baine


RDJ can't have a title shot for a while (hope I'm not getting my TCW diaries mixed up here) and Baine is getting a re-match for the World Title, so I see no reason why RDJ should go over here.

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TCW International Champion, Wolf Hawkins vs. Antonio Marquez (Non-Title)


Taking a page from the Bigpapa42 school of debuting new talent with a losing streak ? Marquez will put in another good showing but will come up short again.




The thing is, having people go out against people that they should, by all means, lose against, and come just short of scoring the upset, will do far more for them then getting a fluke roll-up win ever would, in my opinion. Just the same, debuting against 1 main eventer and almost beating him will do far more for you then sqaushing 100 jobbers in a row coming in ever would.


Not really intending to have people go on losing streaks though, and if they do, I don't think the losing will last quite as long as Gen-S's tend to. I mean, Acid's only lasted three days.. :p


"Southern Justice" Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tyson Baine


RDJ can't have a title shot for a while (hope I'm not getting my TCW diaries mixed up here) and Baine is getting a re-match for the World Title, so I see no reason why RDJ should go over here.


You kinda are getting them mixed up, I think. No real banning on title shots for RDJ, but his last loss to Cornell at Psycho Circus 07 put him down the ladder pretty badly, and he'll have to wait a bit - and get a few more big wins - before he's back in the title picture.


Of course, he did beat Keith last month, a win over Baine could exactly what he needs to get back in it..never know. ;)

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[ooc]Click on a worker's name when their matches are on, for the link to their theme song. The opening theme of the show is also linked to it's name.[/ooc]




Brought to you LIVE, from the E Center, and on GNN Total Sports!



Angry Chair by Alice In Chains, the opening theme of TCW Total Wrestling, hits, as highlights of the best moments of Total Wrestling's history race by the screen. It eventually all cracks and breaks, to show the crowd at the E Center! They're going wild with anticipation, as our announcers Jason Azaria and Phil Vibert hype up the show!






Jason Azaria: Hello, wrestling fans, we are coming straight at you once again, LIVE! from the beautiful E Center, in West Valley City, Utah! And folks, we've got a match that, for many fans, is a dream come true, in our Main Event tonight!


Phil Vibert: That's right, two well-beloved Total Icons are going head-to-head, as the No.1 Contender to Tommy Cornell's TCW World Heavyweight Championship Tyson Baine, faces off against his former blood rival, and as of January, former partner - Ricky Dale Johnson!


Azaria: I'm Jason Azaria, this is my new partner, Phil Vibert, and that dream match-up is just one of many money matches to come tonight!


Vibert: That's right, Jason! Last week we saw a great match in our opener, as Sammy Bach and Koshiro Ino, two future World Champions, went head-to-head in a thrilling contest, which ended in disgrace after Bach's manager Karen Killer got herself involved!


Azaria: They'll have a rematch later tonight, and it's going to be No Disqualifications! That match is sure to be brutal!


Vibert: We've got all that and more, so let's start the show already!



http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/TeddyPowell.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/AmericanBuffalo.jpg

Teddy Powell vs.


"Addicted" by P.O.D starts, and Teddy Powell comes out with some pretty high energy, slapping his own temples to get himself psyched. The fans have started to take to him, especially after the Ino save last week, but he doesn't have the full support, likely because they know who he's facing tonight, and don't believe he has a shot. He runs on down the ramp, hurriedly jumping onto the apron, and into the ring. He jumps up to the top rope and does the "Adrenaline Rush" gesture - making a downwards "V" with his index fingers, putting his thumbs together, and pointing his middle fingers downwards, making what resembles an "A" - to an alright pop. Jeers fill the arena, when "Becoming The Bell" by Atreyu blares, and out stomps the American Buffalo, alongside manager Floyd Goldworthy, as always. Buffalo does his usual "Hell's Horned Minion" shtick, but no pyro accompanying him tonight..he stomps down the rampway, and enters the ring.


Before the bell even rings, Powell climbs up to the top rope! As soon as those familiar rings are heard, Powell flies onto the surprised Heavyweight, who is too shocked to use the usual catching counters that big men use, and Powell nails him with a crossbody! The big man goes down, and Powell takes the surprising lead, using stomps and leg drops to keep him grounded for a bit! Eventually, Powell takes a huge chance in going back up to the top, but it pays off massively when he lands an elbow drop off the top, right into the heart of "Hell's Horned Minion"! This gets a very narrow two count, but Powell isn't giving up yet - a Springboard Splash garners another two! Powell is keeping the big man grounded, and thus keeping him in a position in which his strength isn't a factor! But eventually, Floyd Goldworthy hops up onto the apron, distracting Powell! He's only there for a moment, however, as Powell is quick to Hot Shot "Fast Buck" right onto the top rope, sending him crashing down!


The distraction cost Goldworthy, but it worked, as Buffalo showed his strength in getting up by the time Powell turned back around, and he met "Constant Motion" with a huge lariat, that takes him right to the outside! Referee Ray Johnson starts the count quickly, but Powell's up again by the time it gets to 4..and by the time it gets to 5, he's on the apron, climbing up the turnbuckle yet again! But this time, Powell's risk is not met with reward, as Buffalo is able to side-step the Missle Dropkick attempt, Powell crashes into the mat! Buffalo follows this up with a knee drop, and then covers - for a 2! Powell shows his toughness, but he takes a beating throughout most of this match's remainder! Now at the 6:30 mark, Powell has taken quite a bit of abuse for the last couple minutes, and Buffalo looks to finish him off with the Stampede! He sets it up as he usually does, going into one corner, and dashing across the rest of the ring..


..but Powell is able to struggle free mid-run, and get behind Buffalo! Buffalo bounces off the ropes, and then turns around, right into the Motion Censor Roundhouse Kick! The fans pop huge, but Powell looks conflicted as to whether or not he should go for the pin! Vibert notes that, considering who he's in the ring with, Powell may not think the Roundhouse is enough! And so, Powell goes up to the top rope..and does a beautiful back-flip after coming off it, for a huge Shooting Star Leg Drop, going right into the neck of the big man! Powell pins - and he gets it! He gets the three!



Teddy Powell wins, via pinfall, after a Shooting Star Leg Drop, at 7:39





Azaria: Wow! What a leg drop, and what an upset!


Vibert: Buffalo can not like this! This is the second minor upset he's sustained since 2008 began!


Azaria: Teddy Powell has hit the ground running, since his debut a couple weeks ago, Phil!


Vibert: Indeed, he has scored some momentum, and the fans are really starting to buy into him!


Azaria: Powell will be in good spirits for the moment, but that may change if he watches the Bach/Ino match later tonight! I can't imagine seeing Bach get a big victory would be something Powell'd enjoy!


Vibert: Well, who really knows, Jason? He only seems to have Bach's best interests in mind, maybe he'd love seeing him further his career tonight.


Azaria: Maybe so, Phil, maybe so. That story really does seem like a complicated one, but in any case, right now we would like to take you to the beautiful Jasmine Saunders!




Backstage Segment


Cut backstage to see a smiling Jasmine Saunders with a microphone.


Jasmine Saunders: Thank you very much, Jason! At this time, I would like to welcome to you, a man who has been wrestling longer then many on the roster have been alive! The man who has been wrestling longer then anyone else in TCW! Ladies and Gentlemen..Eric Tyler!


The screen pans to show Tyler, and you can hear the fans boo in the background. He has no reply, so Jasmine continues.


Saunders: Now Eric, things definately seem to be getting heated between you and Gen-


Tyler: -between me, and that fake wrestler, Rahn, yes. He looks like a damned Viking, but he acts like a Stuntman in tights! How the hell would I not have a problem with someone that electrifies people, and tries to pass that off as a wrestling match?! This sport has changed a lot, I know. But it's still professional wrestling! That means that it is still my sport! It's not Crash TV, damn it! It is pro wrestling - my pro wrestling! It's true, I've given blood, sweat and tears to this sport. But that blood was not rendered by steel. That sweat was not formed inside a circle of fire. Those tears were not shed because of barbed wire. And do you know why?


Saunders: Wh-


Tyler: Because I'm not a garbage wrestler, that's why! And do you know why they call it garbage wrestling? Because that's exactly what it is! Garbage! It sickens me that people applaud men like Rahn for the bloodshed they sustain in these matches, treating them like heroes for it! Heroes! Absolutely ridiculous! No, I don't call it "hardcore wrestling", because it's not hardcore! You know what's hardcore? Wrestle a 60 Minute match with Dick the Devastator, that's hardcore! Wrestle a 60 Minute match with Corporal Doom, that's hardcore! Hell, wrestle any match, against "The Crippler" Ray Kingman! That's hardcore! And Rahn thinks he can just hit me with a chair in my first Total Wrestling match, and be all casual about it? He didn't even hate me, and he pulled that crap?! That's what I hate most about the travesty that is Garbage Wrestling! The intensity that they are so proud of, isn't even neccessary! He hit me with a chair, just for the factor of hitting me with a damned chair! He had no beef with me, he just up and did it, getting himself disqaulified in the process, and for what?! Getting the fans to cheer you, Genghis?! Those people shouldn't be in a wrestling arena, they should in a damned greek Collesuim, calling for Gladiators to be be-headed by other Gladiators, or for some scrawny villager who stole from the castle, to be mauled by a damned lion! Not calling for Rahn to hit me with a chair! Not cheering for dumbass like Madman Boone to make a 20 foot jump, onto a bunch of thumbtacks, just for the hell of it!



Saunders jerks the mic away from Tyler's face.



Saunders: Y'know what, I think this is getting a little too heated, y-



Tyler grabs the mic, and forcibly pulls it away from her.



Tyler: Shut the hell up, you disrespectful little tart! Don't you ever do that to me again! You shut the hell up, and do what it is that they are paying you thousands of dollars a week to do - and that's stand there, and look pretty! Because God knows, that's the only thing you have the capacity to accomplish! You got that, bimbo?!



Poor Saunders looks like she's about to cry..she simply nods.



Tyler: Good! Now listen up, Genghis! Somewhere down the line, you and me will wrestle again! And when that happens, I will show you just what it means, to be a bonafied professional wrestler! And then..only then, will-


Tyler sees something off-screen, and stops short of finishing that sentance, with a stunned look on his face - but that look swiftly turns to pain, when Genghis Rahn runs in with a Singapore Cane - he smashes it over the bald head of Tyler, breaking it in the process!






Tyler careens into the wall on impact, and slides down it to the floor, as Jasmine looks on with fright! Rahn looks down at Tyler for a bit, shoots a sweet smile to Jasmine, and then sits right next to Tyler, ever casually, as if they were two friends, just hanging out.



Genghis Rahn: Hey, Eric! Nice seeing you again, buddy. Listen, uh..I've been thinking this over for the last few days..and, um..I'm thinking I'm gonna be kicking your ass at The War To Settle The Score. What do you think?



No response. Mainly because Tyler's knocked out.



Rahn: ..Well?



A pause.



Rahn: ...if you agree, don't say anything.



Again, no response. Rahn waits a couple seconds, and then smiles and laughs.



Rahn: Sweet! Glad you agree, man! See you there.



Rahn slowly stands, and looks over to the clearly shaken Jasmine Saunders



Rahn: Hey there, Jas. Looking good tonight.



Saunders: T-Thanks..



Rahn smiles friendily, and then walks away like nothing happened, as Jasmine looks down at the knocked out Tyler with concern..






Azaria: Damn! That was one hell of a shot, Tyler may not be able to see straight for the rest of the night after that!


Vibert: Eric Tyler is still as closed-minded as he was when he worked for me, I see!


Azaria: Indeed, and that close-mindedness is coming back to bite him in this feud! But you know, Phil, even though Rahn has really mellowed out in the past year, I still don't think I'd ever mess with him!


Vibert: Oh, hell no! I don't care if he's dressed like something out of Pee Wee's Playhouse, I still wouldn't screw with a guy that looks like that, and has the track record he has!


Azaria: Coming up next, we have something of a rematch from last week's Mini-Tournament finals, as Scout takes on Joel Bryant! That match will happen, right after our commercial break!



http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/JoelBryant.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/Scout.jpg

Joel Bryant vs.


"Them Bones" by Alice In Chains hits, and out comes Joel Bryant, with partner Robert Oxford in tow, to the biggest heel reaction they've gotten since the beggining of the year. Bryant himself has now screwed two up-and-coming megastars of the future out of deserved victories since 08 began, and in doing so, he has definately not endeared himself to the Total Faithful! Bryant and Oxford don't seem to care for that at all, as they both enter the ring as if it's a tag match. Referee Sam Sparrow is quick to call Oxford to the outside, however, as "Hammerhead" by The Offspring hits, and the fans pop pretty hugely as out comes The New Wave! Guide runs down first, to ringside, opposite the side of Oxford, as Scout marches on down, not taking his eyes off of Bryant. Scout trudges up the steps, and looks quite focused as he enters the ring..and immediately levels Bryant with a shoulder block!


The bell rings abruptly, as Scout bounces off the ropes, and hits a running knee drop, before covering, for a quick 2! Scout thusly takes the early lead over the multi-time Tag Champion, grounding him with his technical skills. But as is pretty much expected, trying to out-wrestle Bryant is a mistake, and Joel is able to roll around on top of Scout, from pretty much any submission hold he tries, for a sudden nearfall. This apparantly does it's job - the job of course, being to make Scout worry, and get him to back off a touch - when he lets Bryant go, and tries for a clothesline. Bryant ducks it, and hits a Snap Backbreaker, and then follows that up with a sharp STO! This gets 2, as Bryant shows off his skills which, are currently sadly overshadowed by his Head Booker title. Bryant picks Scout up, and goes for a Bulldog, but Scout is able to stop that dead, by getting his leg over Bryants, then nailing him with his signature Reverse Russian Legsweep! He takes a bit to cover, though, and Bryant ends up kicking out!


The match then goes back-and-forth for a little bit, with neither able to hit many big moves on the other. Now at the 6:00 mark, they're fighting for control, when Robert Oxford jumps up on the apron, to distract Sam Sparrow! And it works, Sparrow goes over abmonish Oxford, and almost the second he does, Bryant whips behind Scout, and goes down for a Low Blow! The fans are absolutely hating this, as Bryant rolls Scout up, just as Oxford "gives up" to the referee, jumping off the apron! Sparrow turns back, and goes down for the pin..but Scout just kicks out! Oxford looks shocked, as the fans pop huge - and he's up just in time to see Oxford get taken out on the outside by Guide! Guide clotheslines him down, then jumps up onto the apron, and dives onto Oxford! Guide yells "HOO-HAH" to the crowd, who return it in kind - and in all the commotion, Scout gets a roll-up on Bryant! Sparrow is distracted by the fighting outside for a bit, but after a bit of seeing the fans point backwards, Sparrow goes down for the count - but only gets 2!


The crowd is deflated when Bryant just kicks out! But Scout doesn't give up, and he decides to do something that he doesn't often do, in going up to the top rope! He waits for Bryant to get up, and goes for a Flying Double Axehandle, but the "Straight Shooter" is able to catch Scout in mid-air with a Bear Hug! The move is boring for most, but Bryant is known for being able to make it look deadly, like no-one else can! After keeping Scout in it for about 10 seconds, Bryant then transitions this to get Scout onto his shoulders! Bryant goes for the One Shot Drop that's won him so many belts, but Scout is just able to slip out! And Scout tries to counter this with his signature "Special Forces" Mutilation Armbar! Bryant goes down and sells to perfection, struggling in dire pain! But Bryant gets a rake to the eyes of Scout, that weakens his grip enough to allow him to get to his feet, still in the hold! Bryant pulls Scout in, onto his shoulders, for the One Shot Drop! But Scout still has it locked in after being hit with the finisher! Luckily for Bryant, he landed on top of Scout! Sparrows goes down - 1, 2, 3! It's over!


The bell rings, but "Them Bones" doesn't come on, because Scout is still wrenching away, ignoring the pain! The jeers turn to cheers when they see Scout move back into a position of power on the mat! Bryant taps furiously while screaming in dire pain, as many officials try to break it, but Scout is having none of it! My God, he's lost it! Robert Oxford comes in and stomps on Scout to get him off, to a wave of booing of course. Guide comes in to hold Scout back from doing any more damage, as the officials and Oxford all go down to check on Bryant, who was in that armbar for over a minute, and may very well have a broken arm! Oxford leers up at Scout, who has a concerned look on his face, as Guide tries to console him..


Joel Bryant wins, via pinfall, after hitting the One Shot Drop, at 8:21





Azaria: Wow..Bryant won that match, but he doesn't look like much of a winner right now..


Vibert: Scout looks shocked at his own actions, here..


Azaria: Well, this is a very competetive sport. No one's in it to hurt anyone, but there was a lot of cheating going on in that match, and Scout just lost it.


Vibert: That man has shown some anger issues in the past, he has a very short fuse.


Azaria: One can only hope that Joel Bryant is not seriously injured here, folks..


Vibert: On a lighter note, we've got a new tag team debuting tonight.


Azaria: Indeed. A team that has dubbed themselves Explosive Disorder, in "The Light Grenade" Aaron Andrews and "The Cannonball" Samuel Cannon, are taking on the New Age Party Crashers, up next..



***Commercial Break***



http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/EddStone.jpghttp://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/TexasPete.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/SamuelCannon.jpghttp://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/AaronAndrews.jpg


The New Age Party Crashers vs.


Theory Of A Deadman's "Little Smirk" accompanies Edd Stone and Texas Pete out, and so does Shane Sneer, looking just as out-of-place as ever between the two party hounds. This week, Pete's the one who seems a bit crazier, as he accepts a fan's drink, only to find it has a cigerrette in it. He shrugs, and then swigs it anyway! Stone and Sneer both stare at him like he's a freak after this..and Stone proceeds to burst out laughing, as Sneer just sighs and shakes his head. They make their way down to the ramp, playing to a crowd who simply does not appreciate them much. Stone and Pete enter the ring, and Sneer tries to calm them down in time for the match. "Light Grenades" by Incubus signals the entrance of Explosive Disorder - blink and you'll miss it, as they dash to the ring as quickly as they can, to an alright pop. They are both coming off from impressive perfomances against champions, of whom many thought they had no chance beating.


The bell rings, and the two take a bit to decide who'll be starting. Cannon starts for his team, and Stone for his. Stone doesn't have too much respect for Cannon (shockingly) and Cannon thusly takes advantage with a sharp Hurricarana, that nearly beats Stone right then and there! Cannon takes control for a few minutes, but eventually great minds think alike, and they both go for Springboard Crossbodies, and end up colliding with each other! IE Referee Terakado starts a count, but they're both up before the 7 count. Woozy, they trade punches back and forth, but the stiff shots actually wake them up a little, and by the time it's all said and done, they both back and forth with rapid fire shots! Neither sell a lick, they just go back and forth, over and over, and the fans cheer it, until Terakado inevitably breaks it up. In an amusing spot, they both continue to no sell the dozens of punches, until they both get to their corners..and then collapse simultaneously. Even Vibert can't help but laugh as the two struggle to their feet.


Cannon tags in Andrews just as Stone tags in Pete, but Pete takes his time getting into the ring, and Andrews..well, doesn't. He shoots right in, and goes all the way to their corner. Stone finds himself positioned badly, as he gets laid out with a Monkey Flip! Andrews springs right up, and then nails a Dropkick onto the head of Pete! Pete falls to the floor..and when he does, he sees his beloved hat on the floor! This fills him with rage! Andrews hits a sharp Snap Suplex on Stone, just because he can, and thusly doesn't see Texas Pete slowly stepping onto the apron, and into the ring. Andrews turns - right into a harsh Big Boot! Pete gets him up, and hits him with a rather shaky Uranage slam! Pete goads Cannon to get into the match, but he isn't allowing himself to be baited. So Pete makes it easy for him, whipping in the legal man, then pulling him up, and planting him with a Piledriver. Both opponents down, Stone starts to stir at the apron. Done for the night, pretty much, Pete goes back over, and tags in his workhorse (in comparison) partner. Stone looks a tad offended at having to go in again so quickly, but he conceeds, as the opponents are pretty much finished. Stone goes over to Andrews, and grabs his legs, before putting his own between them - and locking in the famous Stoneshooter, that Dan Stone Sr. himself invented! As Edd's the "black sheep" of the family, this is actually seen as rather disrespectful, and the fans shower Edd with boos! But Edd keeps it in for quite a bit, and eventually gets the submission!


The New Age Party Crashers win, via submission, after Edd Stone locked Aaron Andrews into the Stone Shooter, at 7:47





Azaria: The fans don't like it much, but Edd Stone gets the win!


Vibert: A lot of people dislike Edd, because of some conception that he's soiling his families legacy by acting the way he does.


Azaria: I don't know if those are the terms I'd use, but there are times were I've disliked his attitude.


Vibert: You don't like fun lovers?


Azaria: I've no problem with that part of him, it's the ego I can't stand. He thinks he can do whatever he wants. He walks around here like he owns the place.


Vibert: Judging from where he was before joining TCW, I'd say he's used to owning the place..


Azaria: ..Alright, I'll give you that..




Backstage Segment


Teddy Powell is backstage, thrilled after pulling a big upset over American Buffalo earlier tonight.



Teddy Powell: "You'll never make it in TCW", they said..pfft. So much for that notion!



He definately looks pleased with himself..but his smile fades when he sees something off-screen..



..and the screen pans to reveal Sammy Bach and Karen Killer.






Bach's in ring gear, and has his All-Action Title around his waist, as well as sunglasses covering his eyes.



Sammy Bach: Teddy.


Powell: Sammy..Karen.


Bach: Nice win, tonight.


Powell: Thanks.


Bach: Too bad I won't be able to say the same to you at The War To Settle The Score.


Powell: Is that so?


Bach: You're damned right, it's so. You're an idiot for trying to go up against me, Teddy. There was a time when we were equals. But that was almost a year ago. That time has passed, Teddy. Soon enough, you'll realize that.


Powell: Excuse me? I just took down American Buffalo, and you want to tell me you're leagues and leagues ahead of me?


Bach: That was impressive, yes. But I'm the All-Action Champion, Powell. You're not even on the All-Action contender list. That alone speaks volumes about you and me..


Powell: Well, who's to say that's true now? After that upset, maybe I am in the rankings..


Bach: I'm sorry, what was that?


Powell: You heard me! You want me to prove I'm an All-Action title contender? How about I take the All-Action title off of you?



Bach and Killer both scoff at this.



Bach: ..You? Beat me?



Bach points to his title.



Bach: For this? Pfft! You know, you always were funny, Teddy..but, fine! I'll humor you. We make the match a title match..their shouldn't be a PPV that goes by without an All-Action title match on it anyway. See you there.



Bach turns and walks away with Killer in tow.



Powell: Yeah, see you there..hopefully, I beat you bad enough to reverse that brainwashing..



Bach stops dead in his tracks. He turns back to Powell.



Bach: ..Say that again?


Powell: Gladly: I hope to beat you so senseless, that you regain your senses! I hope that at War To Settle The Score I beat reality into you! I hope that at The War To Settle The Score, I show you -



Powell points at Killer.



Powell: - how that whore has been taking advantage of you!



Just a split second after Powell gets this out, Bach punches him right in the face, but Powell's quick to answer! And we have a brawl on our hands! Killer looks on with fright, as the two fight to the ground! They roll around for a bit, both getting a bunch of shots in, until eventually medics, officials, road agents and even a few lower carders pour in to seperate them! They both have to be held back as they yell back and forth!



Bach: Don't you ever talk about my angel that way! Ever! You hear me?! I will knock you the hell out!


Powell: She's using you, damn it, you know it's true!


Bach: Shut the hell up!



They both try and get to each other, and it takes about half a dozen men apeice to hold them back, as the screen fades from this chaotic scene!






Azaria: Wow! This feud is really getting out of hand!


Vibert: Man, I didn't foresee this happening at all when I signed those two!


Azaria: Well, folks, hopefully that situation is cleared up..and hopefully this next segment will be a little brighter for us!


VIbert: Indeed, after the break, we've got the next installment of the Laying Down The Law Challenge.


Azaria: It is open to absolutely anyone! Who knows who's next?



***Commercial Break***




In-Ring Segment


"Breath" by Nickelback hits, and the fans give a generous pop to the "Total Officer" himself, Rick Law, as he walks onto the stage with a humble grin. He tips his hat to the fans, before walking on down the ramp, and entering the ring, simple as always. He pulls a mic out from his pocket, just as he has the last several weeks.


Rick Law: The year is still young, and yet we're in the beautiful Utah for the second time!



50 cent store worthy pop.



Law: I'm sure you know how this goes. I don't speak much, but it's time to Lay Down The Law. Let's see who the next challenger is..



Law drops the mic, and awaits the next music to hit..



..but before any music hits, the lights go green! There is a pop for this, and it goes when "Ugly" by The Exies hits! Out comes the ever-dangerous Acid, a week removed from scoring his first TCW victory last week, in a match against JD Morgan!






Acid makes his way down the ramp, and the fan support is not too tough to come by. They have a lot of respect for him, even if he is a little wary of warming up to them. He jumps up to the apron, and flips over the top rope. Law extends his hand to Acid, as a show of good faith. Acid doesn't look all too trusting..but he shakes Law's hand, to another pop.






http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/RickLaw.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/Acid.jpg


Rick Law vs. Acid


The bell rings, and Law actually seems a little tentative, he is quite simply NOT used to Acid's style..any of them! Acid isn't quite so tentative, and ends up taking the advantage with a swift Mafia Kick, right to the chest! It puts Law down, and he's in trouble right off the bat! Acid covers, for a quick 2! As soon as Acid pulls Law up, though, he gets hit with Law's signature "Crime Buster" Kneeling Jaw Breaker, with Law quickly follows up with a Big Boot, for 2! Law tries to use his strength advantage, and does so for the most part. But when he goes for a Powerbomb, Acid is able to counter with a few elbows, and then drops down behind Law, where he hooks the head from behind, and drives him down with a falling neckbreaker! This scores another 2 count! The match goes on like for a bit, with the two going back and forth in a hot match, trading styles and 2 counts! At one point, Acid ducked a Long Arm Of The Law attempt, and then hit a hurricarana that, due to good position (or bad, if you're Law) ended up driving the former International Champion shoulder-first into the turnbuckle post! Acid rolled up Law from here, for another very nearfall!


Acid keeps control at this point, for a few minutes, using his high flying style to *bamboozle Law. Acid takes a high risk though, when he goes for a Moonsault, and crashes and burns! This essentially hands the control to Law, who gets a near-fall off of this rare mis-step. But, surprisingly, Law is unable to hold the momentum, as when he goes for another Long Arm Of The Law attempt, Acid counters by spitting the acid in Law's eyes (Didn't guess, did you?!) which, for the first time in TCW, is treated by the fans as a heel move! Acid goes up to the top rope - and nails the Acid Rain Bomb! But he skips the cover, and locks in the Acidity Test STF! But Law is pretty close to the ropes, and, after a short struggle, is able to get to them! Referee Sam Sparrow removes Acid from Law, and Acid shows he's still a face by giving Law the chance to get up. Once he does, Acid dashes at Law - only to get absolutely nailed with the Long Arm Of The Law! Acid goes down! Law gets the pin, and the win!


Rick Law wins, via pinfall, after a Long Arm Of The Law, at 9:02





Azaria: And another thrilling scare for Law, as the challenge seems to just get harder and harder as it goes along!


Vibert: Acid may have been the toughest challenge yet, and that's saying something!


Azaria: Indeed, and here's something you may not have known..


Vibert: Chug a lug!


Azaria: Say what?


Vibert: Nothing, go ahead..


Azaria: ..here's something you may not have known..I talked to Law earlier tonight, and he let me know that if someone could indeed defeat him before he ends the challenge, then he will conceed, and it will be over!


Vibert: Is that right? So, once someone loses they can't re-answer, and once he loses the open challenge is over. This concept does intrigue me, I must say, and it's produced some fine matches so far..


Azaria: Indeed it has, Phil, and it also brought us a man who will be facing the International Champion, tonight!


Vibert: That's right! Antonio Marquez answered the LDTLC last week, and his perfomance there earned him a match against Wolf Hawkins this week!


Azaria: But before we get with that, let's send you to an interview with Hawkins, and the gorgeous Jasmine Saunders!




Backstage Segment


Cut to the back to smiling Jasmine Saunders, who's apparantly very quickly recovered from seeing Rahn break a Singapore Cane over Eric Tyler's head..



Jasmine Saunders: Thanks again, Jason! Ladies and gentlemen, at this time, I'd like to introduce you to our current International Champion, Wolf Hawkins!



The screen pans to show the ever-arrogant Hawkins, in wrestling gear, with his International title held proudly over his shoulder. He scoffs as soon as the camera's on him.



Wolf Hawkins: Pfft..as if you needed to.


Saunders: As if I needed to what?


Hawkins: ..What?


Saunders: You said "as if you needed to", what did you mean?


Hawkins: ...God, you're stupid! As if you needed to introduce me! Wolf Hawkins is a megastar, and he has been for about four years now, toots! Man, Tyler's right, who are you blowing to get here?!



Poor Saunders again puts on a look of hurt..



Hawkins: Look, just give me the mic. I'll do this myself.



Saunders conceeds quickly, and leaves the scene. Hawkins looks on, and shakes his head.



Hawkins: Christ, man, anyone that can hold a mic can get that job, I swear. Anyway..tonight, I'm going to put on yet another awesome match. Tonight, I'm going to put on a match that puts just about everyone else on the roster to shame. And across the ring from me, will be..someone who has done absolutely nothing to earn that shot. Oh, no, wait he did do something - he lost to Rick Law. Yeah, that's awesome. He earned this shot by losing in his debut. I sure as hell didn't lose in my debut, but hey, what would Wolf Hawkins know about early success? But in any case, he has no business being handed such a huge match so damned quickly! I mean, what do we even know about this guy? Okay, so his name's Antonio Marquez, that's one. He comes out to a theme that doesn't fit him worth a damn, that's two. He became a main eventer in meh-he-ko, solely based on the fact that he was a two-bit actor, on a two-bit..sitcom? That's three. He likes champagne. That's four. Four. Four things we know about Antonio Marquez. Awesome. So, I guess tonight I'll shave off two ways, and instead beat him four ways to Sunday. Sounds good to me.


Yeah, I don't mean to tell you you don't have a chance..but, uh..you don't have a chance. Tough break, man, but that's just how it is. But don't fret - you're going to be wrestling Wolf Hawkins, which means you'll be in a match of the year contender! And you know what? I like that thought. I'm going to carry you to the greatest match of your entire career tonight, then laugh as you toil on the lower card for the rest of it, and inevitably get released within a year's time. Every great champion has a match like this, in which they get something amazing out of nothing. I guess you'll just be my champagne-flavored broom for the evening. See you out there.


Hawkins scoffs to himself, probably thinking of another insult for the future, as he turns and walks away, as the screen fades..






Vibert: ...well, that was a hell of a burial, if I've ever seen one.


Azaria: I'll say..did he just say "champagne-flavored broom"?


Vibert: I think so..


Azaria: Well, safe to say Marquez will be fired up for this one, now!


Vibert: Yeah, well he better be! Wolf Hawkins is a tough challenge for anybody!


http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/WolfHawkins1.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/AntonioMarquez.jpg



"Clint Eastwood" by the Gorrilaz hits, and out comes the ultimate egotist himself, Wolf Hawkins, holding his International title up high, while bobbing his head side to side along to his music. The fans send the biggest jeers of the night so far, cascading down onto the rampway as Hawkins saunders down ever arrogantly. They already appreciate the efforts of Marquez from last week, so his little burial just now did not endear him to the fans one single bit. He does his usual entrance of walking up the steps, then across the apron, and then up the turnbuckle, before shooting the "Youth Gone Wild" pose, and dropping down to the mat. "Artillería Pesada" by Control Machete hits, and Antonio Marquez gets a pretty decent pop. He comes out same as last week, bedecked in a stylish ring jacket, playing to the crowd. But despite his motions, he does not have the same smile on his face that he had last week. He apparantly heard what was said about him, moments earlier..he jumps to the steps, then to the apron, like last week, and then slips into the ring. He goes right up toe-to-toe with the International Champion, but to say Hawkins isn't taking him seriously is a massive understatement..


..but as soon as the bell rings, the arrogant grin is wiped right off his face, when he gets struck with a harsh Super Kick from Marquez! Hawkins looks to be just about knocked out by this, and Marquez covers, for a very near fall! He came close to beating him in just seconds! The fans pop huge for Marquez after that shot, and he follows up on this by mounting Hawkins and raining down forearms! Referee Sam Sparrow eventually pulls Marquez off, but he's right back on him with a Fist Drop, and then a Knee Drop, for another nearfall! The fans are completely behind Marquez here, as he looks for the upset, keeping Hawkins down with his brawling. But at one point, Hawkins is able to shove him away with his foot to get some seperation, and when Marquez ran back to Hawkins, he is met with a kick right to the forehead, from the mat! Hawkins kips up, arrogant look right back onto his face, and the fans boo as he looks to gain control.


He waits for Marquez to get up, then bounces off of the ropes, going for a clothesline - but just when Hawkins thinks he's figured out Marquez' gameplan, he's hit with another, as Marquez counters the clothesline attempt with a Crossface! It's locked in! The fans immediately pop for Marquez' submission attempt, as Hawkins really looks as though he's about to go! He stays in it for about 20 seconds, before getting to his knees, and flipping to his back - but Marquez is able to stay on top of him for a quick cover, continuing to show technical brilliance, and Hawkins very narrowly kicks out! Hawkins scrambles to his feet before Marquez can get back on the offensive, and takes a few steps back to seperate himself from Marquez. The man formerly known as "Champagne Lover" follows Hawkins, and gets nailed with a European Uppercut for his troubles! Hawkins grabs Marquez by the hair, (Sparrow starts a rather redundant 5 count) and then throws him shoulder-first into the Steel Ringpost!


Hawkins climbs up to the top turnbuckle, and pulls Marquez up to the second one. He then shoves Marquez's head down, sending him face-first into the top turnbuckle pad. Hawkins makes the "Youth Gone Wild" gesture again, over Marquez, to a mass of jeers. Hawkins pulls Marquez up a little more, and then goes for the Sunset Flip Powerbomb that earned a title retention last week against Rocky Golden! But Marquez is just able to hold onto the top rope, and Hawkins crashes down, onto the middle of the mat! Hawkins flails on the mat a bit, and gets up, holding his back. He turns around, only to see the third part of Marquez' expansive moveset - as Marquez launches himself off the top rope, into a Moonsault Press onto the TCW International Champion! Marquez holds onto Hawkins' legs for the cover! 1, 2 - no, Hawkins just kicks out! Marquez looks a bit annoyed that that didn't seal the deal, he was a split-second away from defeating Hawkins!


Marquez remains patient, and attempts to work the submission game again, scoring with a Hip Toss after Hawkins gets up, and then locks him into a Dragon Sleeper! Hawkins flails his legs forward, trying to get them onto the ropes, desperately wanting out of this deadly hold! Seeing how close to the ropes Hawkins' feet are, Marquez pulls Hawkins in, and actually pulls him up slowly to his feet, keeping the Dragon Sleeper locked in! Hawkins has been in it for a while now, and is getting more and more desperate! He starts drop-kicking his legs forward, trying to hold his feet onto the top rope - and on the third attempt, he gets it! He actually suspends himself in the air, as Marquez holds him up! Sparrow starts the count, as Marquez seems to ponder as to what he should do, before grinning deviously - and then driving the suspended Hawkins into the mat with a Reverse DDT! The fans pop huge again for this harsh maneuver, as Marquez covers - but Hawkins shows his toughness in kicking out!


Marquez looks very surprised by this, but he shows his respect by clapping for Hawkins, before backing off and letting him get up. Hawkins gets to his knees..and then shoots forward, to headbutt Marquez right in the stomach! Marquez doubles over - then snaps back to a vertical base, after being hit with another sharp European Uppercut! Marquez takes a few steps back in a daze..and then gets nailed with the New Moon Rising Enziguri! Marquez falls in a heap, as the fans begin jeering again! The weary International Champion falls on top of Marquez, and Sparrow counts the pin - 1, 2, 3! It's over!


Wolf Hawkins wins, via pinfall, after hitting the New Moon Rising, at 7:32





Azaria: Damn, what a match!


Vibert: There was a lot of action fit into a short period of time there, Jason!


Azaria: Hawkins was half right, he did have a great match with Marquez - but I wouldn't exactly call Antonio a "champagne flavored broom" out there..


Vibert: No doubt, Marquez gave Hawkins all he could handle out there! In fact, not only did he come close to winning on multiple occassions, but he dominated most of that match! That was a much more uphill contest then Hawkins expected, no doubt!


Azaria: I think I'm starting to agree with your claims of Marquez being a future World Champion, and it looks a future International Title shot is in his future as well!


Vibert: Yeah, but he'll have to manage a win, firs-..hey, wait a minute!




In-Ring Segment


Wolf Hawkins is celebrating on the top rope, with his title high above his head, and "Clint Eastwood" blaring over the PA. He's especially arrogant after that come-from-behind victory, and that comes across quite well, as the fans send jeers pouring down onto him..when suddenly, the fans pop huge, and the screen pans a bit, to show a familar man sliding into the ring!






The fans are on their feet as Brent Hill, fresh out of the hospital, walks up behind Hawkins, still on the top rope! Hawkins soaks in the adulation, as if it's for him, while Hill comes closer and closer to him! Hill's in street clothes, but his expression makes him seem for battle, as Hawkins slowly turns to see him, and his face swiftly twists into shock! Hawkins assumes Hill is here for revenge, and jumps from the top rope onto him - but Hill catches him by the legs, and suspends him in the air! He looks out to the crowd for a bit, to the fans who are shouting their newfound love for him - before driving the International Champion fast-first into the mat with a sharp Flapjack!



Hill climbs up to the top rope, and poses to the crowd for a bit..before turning back to see Hawkins roll onto his back! Hill looks out to the crowd again, who only get louder, knowing what's coming! Hill makes a huge jump off the top, getting some impressive hang-time, before nailing Hawkins with the Flying Leg Drop - the King Of The Hill connects! Hill shoots up and continues playing to the crowd a bit, before pulling Hawkins up to his feet..and tying him into the ropes! Hill's expression turns to one of vengeance, when he slips out to the outside..and retrieves a Steel Chair! The barely concious Hawkins looks up to see Hill entering the ring with the chair, and starts flailing desperately, nodding his head "no", trying to reason with the man he brutally betrayed! Azaria points out that it was Hawkins who drove the Steel Chair into Hill's head, that gave him the gash that he is currently covering up with a bandage, in this exact same situation!


Hill holds the chair up high, to applause, before getting a good running start, and smashing the chair right into the forehead of Hawkins, who is now very lucky to not be bleeding! Hawkins is out - he slumps down, as Hill calls for a microphone! He opens the chair up, sets it up, and then sits on it, just a couple feet away from Hawkins. With one hand, Hill pulls Hawkins' face up by the chin, and in the other, Hill pulls the mic up to his lips..



Brent Hill: ..Two weeks ago, you pulled that exact same on me, Wolf. The Syndicate turned it's back on me, and left me laying in the ring, covered in my own blood. Now..it's time for some retribution. And if I know you Syndicate members - and I'd like to think I do.. then there's no better way of extracting revenge from you then taking your titles!



The fans pop yet again for this prospect. Hill stays stone faced, while waiting for the cheering to die down..



Hill: ..Since Tyson Baine's already signed to kick the crap out of Cornell for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship..(another pop)..that leaves me with you, Wolf. So I'm making it official. At The War To Settle The Score, I am challenging for your International Championship. And once I've taken your belt from you..and if by some miracle, Tommy still holds his title after Baine's through with him..let him know, that I'm coming for him next! ..Oh..and let that turncoat, John Anderson know..that as soon as he's ready to step up to me, he'll be tasting his own damned blood, just like I have.



With that to-the-point promo out of the way, Hill stands, and takes a few steps to the right..before proceeding to turn back to Wolf, and hurl the mic right at his head - nailing him with it, making a loud booming noise in the process! Vibert reminds us that Hill went through a mic shot as well, and the fans pop yet again, as "Faint" by Linkin Park hits and Hill leaves the ring. Many officials and medics come in to untie Hawkins, as Hill backs up the rampway, and plays to the crowd a bit, as the announcers lead us up to the commercial break!






Azaria: Brent Hill is already back - and back with a vengeance, it seems!


Vibert: And the first target on his Road Of Revenge Tour (®) seems to be the International Championship around Wolf Hawkins' waist!


Azaria: Hill is right, Phil - the best way to get to The Syndicate is to take their gold, and it seems like at The War To Settle The Score, that's exactly what Hill's goal is!


Vibert: But will he be getting that shot, after not wrestling a single match throughout February?


Azaria: Who knows, Phil? The Total Board have made decisions based soley on fan reaction before, and if they do that here, then Hill may just get that title match, regardless!


Vibert: You make a good point, Jason! In any case, we've got a lot more show ready for you - coming up next, Sam Keith takes on Rocky Golden, right after this commercial break!



***Commercial Break***



http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/SamKeith-1.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/RockyGolden.jpg

Sam Keith vs. Rocky Golden


"'Till I Collapse" by Eminem hits, and Sam Keith gets more of a pure heel reaction then he has for most of the month, as Hill's return has re-solidified the fans stance against anyone that's part of The Syndicate. He comes out with an enraged look on his face, after Hawkins attack just a couple minutes beforehand. He doesn't waste any time with this entrance, he just stomps down the ramp, up the steps, and into the ring. He shouts for his music to be cut, and after a couple of seconds, it is. "Cult Of Personality" by In Living Color hits, and out comes Rocky Golden to a good pop, although not as big as most of his recent ones - partially to do with the crowd being a tad burned out by their series of shouting in the earlier segment, and partially because Golden's been on a bit of a losing streak as of late. All the same, he saunders down confidently, his arms flailed out to absorb the love, as he hurries on down the ramp, and into the ring-


-right into a running boot to the stomach from Keith, who swiftly pulls him in - then drives him down onto his neck, with a harsh Jumping Piledriver! IE Referee Terakado runs up, and tries to push Keith away, before checking on Golden. The Syndicate's co-leader shouts at Terakado to ring the bell, but the Japanese referee is doing the right thing in giving Golden a chance to recover. The already frustrated Keith gets more and more angry, and after a few seconds, he just grabs Terakado by the hair, and pulls him in. He tells him that if he doesn't start the match, then he will soon be impaled. Terakado though, is trying his best to be a good referee, and stands his ground here. So, Keith tries for a differant approach - and goes outside, to see the Steel Chair that Brent Hill just used, still laying there! He picks it up and re-enters the ring, and Terakado tries desperately to get it away from him! Keith shoves the referee away, and then pounds the chair on the mat, waiting for Golden to rise! Keith rears back with it, ready to put Golden's lights out - only to hear the bell ring! Terakado starts the match, then comes up to admonish Keith, and let him know he's seconds away from a DQ! But Keith actually smiles at this - his plan worked! He throws the chair to ringside, and then starts pounding on the hurt Golden!


The surprise Jumping Piledriver - a move that was banned from usage for many years, after one from Peter Valentine put Liberty out of action with a broken neck for 14 months in early 2000 - has seriously taken it's toll on Golden, who was practically knocked out on his feet at the start of the match. Golden never really gets out of the box for most of this match, which Keith dominates. Golden, though, shows quite a lot of valiance in kicking out of cover after cover, big move after big move, despite looking concusst. After 7 minutes of domination, Golden finally gets in it by countering a lariat with an STO, for 2! Golden slowly but surely starts a string of offense. The crowd doesn't seem to buy into a comeback however, until Golden nails a Twisting Spinebuster! This gets another 2 count, and the fans are rallying behind Golden, up until the point when Keith gets in a rake of the eyes. He kicks him in the stomach again, and goes for another Piledriver - but this time, Golden Back Body Drops Keith to counter it - and then nails the Hall Of Immortals member with the Rocky Road! The fans pop massively for the former International Champion, as he covers Keith..


..but Keith kicks out! He just narrowly kicks out! A collective groan is heard from the crowd, who really thought Golden had scored the come-from-behind victory there! Now at the 10 minute mark, Golden is not giving up! He springs to his feet, looking completely winded - down, but not out! Golden pulls Keith up by the hair, and then locks him into The Rack! The fans are on their feet again, as Golden wrenches Keith down, again and again! Keith struggles desperately, as he's locked in it for over 30 seconds - but is able to slip free, though still on Golden's shoulders! Keith fights his way to the mat, while holding onto Golden's arms - and he gets Golden down with a Crucifix Cradle! Terakado goes down for the pin - 1, 2, 3! Keith gets it! ...and then immediately puts a running elbow to the temple of Golden, as soon as he's to his knees!


Keith puts the stomps to Golden for a bit, taking his frustrations out on the "Golden One", as the crowd rains jeers down! He then takes Golden's legs, and puts him into the Proton Lock! The bell rings over and over, as Terakado tries desperately to remove Keith from Golden, in vain! Keith keeps it locked in for quite a while, and eventually many more referees and medics swarm out, all to try and pull Keith away from Golden! Keith keeps the devastating hold in for close to two full minutes, before finally breaking it! Keith looks on at Golden who's not even moving, as the referee's swarm him, making sure to keep him blocked from Keith. The iconic Sam Keith scans the crowd for a bit, who boo him viciously in response. He smirks arrogantly at the damage he's done, before leaving the ring. "'Till I Collapse" blares as Keith marches back to the Crippler Position..



Sam Keith wins, via pinfall, after a Crucifix Cradle, at 11:09





Azaria: My god, Keith just lost it! Keith just lost it, on Rocky Golden, just now!


Vibert: Golden has already been targeted by Sam Keith as one of the people he doesn't respect - and you can be damned sure he's one of the people he doesn't like..


Azaria: Golden may very well have two broken legs right now - nobody has ever been in that hold longer then we just saw!


Vibert: I hope Golden's going to be alright, Jason..but I've got a sickening feeling that the injury he's currently suffering from is a bad omen for tonight!


Azaria: I feel your pain there, Phil, 'cause we have a match in which injuries are likely, expected, and almost encouraged - a No DQ match, between Sammy Bach and Koshiro Ino! But just before that match starts, let's take you to the back, with the always gorgeous Jasmine Saunders!




Backstage Segment


Cut to the back, to again see Jasmine Saunders with a microphone. She doesn't have the same cheery disposition she usually has, however, likely due to how her earlier interviews went..



Jasmine Saunders: Thank you, Jason. Ladies and Gentlemen at this time, I'd like to introduce you to Ricky Dale Johnson. Ricky?



The screen pans to reveal the former TCW World Heavyweight Champion, RDJ, and a huge pop can be heard in the background.



Ricky Dale Johnson: Thanks, Jas..you feeling okay, hon? I saw those last two interviews..


Saunders: Yeah..I'm alright.


RDJ: I'll never get people that pick on interviewers, like it makes them big men to bully around innocent people that couldn't defend themselves..especially cute ones like you.


Saunders: Aww..thank you. So, Ricky in less then half an hour, you will be facing off against a former mortal enemy of yours, and as of late, a partner of yours - as well as the No.1 Contender to Tommy Cornell's World Heavyweight Championship, Tyson Baine! And, according to the rumors, Tommy himself pulled a few strings to make this match happen - as a way of both giving Baine a tough challenge, as well as sticking it to his most heated rival..any thoughts on that rumor?


RDJ: Well, I certainly wouldn't doubt that being the case. Cornell is a master manipulator, he's shown that over and over throughout the years. But I'm not afraid of Tyson Baine. I've got a lot of respect for him, and come TWTSTS, I'll definately be rooting for him. But I'm not intimidated by him. He's made me see my own blood on many differant occassions, but I've done the same to him. I see us on being on an equal level. And while I'd much prefer Baine to have the momentum going into that match...I don't think he'd be too pleased if I held back. And, I'll be frank - he's not someone you want displeased with you. So I'll give him my all tonight. I'll give him everything he can handle. I'll give him one of the best perfomances of my career, win or lose. It's going to be a great match, and I thi-..



Ricky pauses when he glances over Saunders' shoulder, and then stares for a few seconds, his eyes widening. Saunders pauses, and then looks behind her, as the screen pans..






..to reveal a winded Sam Keith, just moments after his injuring of Rocky Golden.



Sam Keith: Ricky.


RDJ: Sam..you proud of what you did just now?


Keith: What I did? Oh, you mean breaking the legs of the World's Most Beloved Narcissist?


RDJ: You just injured someone who has done nothing to you.


Keith: Nothing to me? Was he not the one who rallied up the roster, to try and take down The Syndicate? Was he not the one to curse the name of Tommy Cornell for so many weeks in a row? Was he not the one that claimed that I was the sellout of the decade by joining up with Tommy and the boys? ..Oh, no, wait. That was you, wasn't it?


RDJ: You really have changed, Sam. You never used to pull crap like that. And you never made empty threats, either.


Keith: Empty threats? You want to prove that, Ricky?


RDJ: It'd be my pleasure. You know, you and me have faced off three times before - the first was a draw, in your TCW debut match, at Summer Showdown '07. The second was a win for you, a month later. And, the third was just a few weeks ago..a win for me. So the score's 1-1-1..how about we settle that score?


Keith: Pfft..you "good guys" and your cliche`s. Let me guess - that's your way of challenging me to a match at The War To Settle The Score? Fine. You're on. See you there, "RDJ"..



Keith turns away from Johnson, and slowly walks off-screen. We then cut back to the arena.






Vibert: Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Sam Keith: The Rubber Match..there's a caption that'll sell some posters!


Azaria: Indeed it is, Phil! These two Total Icons have a great rivalry seeming to brew, and the next installment in this great series of matches may just occur, at The War To Settle The Score, less then two weeks away!


Vibert: I don't think the Total Board will pass up on a Money Match quite like this one, Jason! I myself expect to see it, a week from Sunday!


Azaria: Agreed in full, partner! Folks, we've got a commercial break coming up, and when we come back, you are in for a treat - the unbeaten Koshiro Ino vs. the All-Action Champion, Sammy Bach - in a match in which their can be no disqualifications! It's pin or submission only for this match!


Vibert: Ino won by DQ last week - can he improve his record to 7-0? We'll find out, in just a few minutes!



***Commercial Break***



http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/SammyBach.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/KoshiroIno.jpg


Sammy Bach vs. Koshiro Ino


Sammy Bach's entrance begins, as "Capricorn" by 30 Seconds To Mars blares over the PA. The silhouettes of Bach and his manager, Karen Killer can be seen behind a screen that was sneakily placed before the stage just after the lights went down. Once the intro to Capricorn ends, Bach kicks through the screen, and a sea of smoke comes out of it, which he and Killer break through. They walk down the ramp slowly, giving angry looks to the fans. The arena, during his entrance, has the atmosphere of drama and mystique, as what is essentially a laser show breaks through the other-wise pitch black arena air. He jumps onto the apron, and flings himself over the top rope, into the ring. He undoes his title, and flings it over to the referee. Bach leers at the stage, awaiting the man he is facing for the second time in a week.. "Calm Like A Bomb" by Rage Against The Machine hits, and the fans pop heavily for the always energitic, yet humble Koshiro Ino as he jumps out from behind the curtain. He plays to the crowd a bit, and trudges down the ramp..but he rushes forward, when he sees Sammy Bach at the end of the stage with a Singapore Cane! Bach goes for a shot with it but Ino ducks it, and slides into the ring, wanting the match to begin as soon as possible! Ino gestures for Bach to re-enter, and slowly but surely, the "Evil Prince" conceeds, with the Cane still in hand, of course.


The bell rings, and immediately Ino dashes forward going for a Mafia Kick, but Bach ducks it this time - and then nails Ino with the Cane, right in the forehead! Ino stumbles into the ropes, and Bach clotheslines him to the floor, where the always devious Killer lays a few stomps in! Bach follows him out..and it's apparant that Ino is already busted wide open after that shot! He has a gash on his temple, and the blood is pouring down his face - a similar situation to what Bach went through last week! The All-Action Champion seems surprised to see it so quickly..but then gains a sadistic smile, before shouting "revenge" at Ino, and throwing him back into the ring. Bach jumps onto the apron, and goes for a Slingshot Leg Drop - but Ino shows his condition by grabbing the Singapore Cane that Bach left on the mat, and nailing him with it in mid-air, striking him across the abdomen! Bach falls in a heap, and Ino goes for the first cover of the match - with Bach kicking out at 2!


And despite the blood, which has swiftly spread down Ino's chest, the Kobra keeps on fighting, as though he's ignoring the blood loss completely, staying in control for quite a few minutes of the match-up. At one point, though, he makes a rare mistake after getting a Steel Chair from under the ring. He went for a shot with it, looking to put Bach away early, but the "Evil Prince" is able to duck it, and then nail a Standing Enziguri on Ino, putting him down. Bach then sets the Steel Chair up in the middle of the ring, and pulls Ino up, wanting to drive him through it with a Stone Cutter - only to get shoved across the ring by Ino, above the chair! Bach gets back up, and goes for a forearm, but Ino blocks it, and then whips Bach into the ropes! Bach rebounds, and Ino goes for a Back Body Drop - but Bach keeps ahold of Ino's neck..then spins him a slight bit, and drives him face-first onto the Steel Chair with a harsh Tornado DDT! Bach crawls over to Ino for the cover - but Ino just kicks out!


The All-Action Champion is shocked, and the crowd is elated, by Ino's kickout! Bach goes for the cover again, but The Kobra manages it a second time! But Bach stays in control for a while, getting stomps to Ino, and then hitting the Slingshot Leg Drop he failed to attempt earlier - but this just gets 2 as well! Now just at the 6:00 mark, damage has already been done in spades to both men, as Bach stays in control. He slows the match down, getting a headlock in on the bloody Ino. But before long, Ino is able to fight up to his feet, while still in the hold - and then snap Bach down with a Back Suplex! Instead of fighting to his feet, the weary Ino simply rolls to the outside of the ring..and pulls out a table! The fans pop massively as Ino gets the table into the ring, and Karen Killer looks on with a frightened expression! Ino sets up the table, and goes over to Bach, who has rolled to the corner. But just as Ino is pulling Bach up, and getting him to his knees, Karen Killer is in the ring! She gets behind Ino, and pulls him around to face her. She yells at Ino not to put him through the table. Ino doesn't seem pleased by her interferance, but definately isn't the kind of person who would hit a woman. Ino slowly turns back to Bach..and Killer goes down for the Low Blow, for the second week in a row!


The fans jeer viciously at this act, as a doubled-over Ino stumbles forward..and right into a Stone Cutter from Bach! The All-Action Champion sits up with a smile, while absorbing the hatred of the Total Faithful. He sees his beloved Karen Killer, and gives his hand to her. She pulls him up, and they hug to a mass of jeering. Bach looks down at the bloody Ino, and then pulls him up to his feet..and turns to see the table! "Sadistic Sammy" pulls Ino by his hair to the table, and shoves him onto it..and then proceeds to climb to the top rope! Bach plays to the crowd, who are eating this up, before jumping off, trying for a Flying Legdrop - but the valiant Ino is just able to roll away, and Bach goes right through the table! Killer looks shocked, and Bach seems out! The now badly bleeding Ino crawls over to Bach, and covers him! 1, 2 - no Killer breaks up the pin! Ino shoots up to his feet, and looks absolutely livid at Killer for this action! Killer looks afraid of the angered Ino..before going for a second Low Blow, this time in kick form - but Ino catches her ankle! Ino pulls her leg up, and shoves her down by it! He screams at her to leave, and she swiftly does so, going to the outside! Ino goes back to Bach, and covers as fast as he can, but this time, Bach is just able to kick out on his own!


Even the always focused Ino can't help but look frustrated - Killer just stole the victory from him, atleast momentarily. But Ino doesn't let it deter him much, he pulls Ino up by the hair, and goes for the Kobra's Bite! But Bach is able to hold onto him in the air - and ends up pushing him forward, and over the top rope! Ino goes crashing down onto the floor! This allows Bach more then enough time to recover, before grabbing the Singapore Cane, and following Ino to the outside! Bach pulls Ino up, and shoves him against the apron! Bach tries to swing the Cane down onto the head of Ino, but the undefeated Puro Star is just able to shoot himself forward in time! Bach ends up hitting the ropes with the Cane, and it ends up ricocheting back, and hitting him in the forehead! Bach stumbles back a few steps in a daze, towards the Steel Steps - and Ino is quickly there to clothesline him over them! Ino goes over to him, and sits him up against the Steps - and actually dropkicks him into them! The fans cheer this move, which would typically be countered if seen on their "competition"'s shows..despite the blood, which has now spread to the front of his tights, Ino is definately in full control of the match, and he throws Bach into the ring. Ino covers Bach, but the All-Action Champion is just able to kick out.


Ino does indeed look impressed, and both men have taken a hell of a lot of punishment in this match, which has now reached the 13:00 mark. Ino gets Bach to his feet, and goes for the Kobra's Bite for the second time - but Bach is able to stop that short, and counter it with the Adrenaline Shot! Ino's down, but Bach is too hurt to pin him right away. When he finally crawls over and drapes the arm over him, Ino just kicks out, and we're on even ground here, as they both struggle to stand! Once they do, they trade shots back and forth, again signaling for the Yah/Boo chants. Eventually, Koshiro Ino gets the advantage, and hits shot after shot after shot! Bach finally ducks one, only for Ino to turn swiftly, and hit his signature Roundhouse Kick, right to the temple! Bach collapses, and Ino looks about ready to cover him..but, as if finally hitting him, the blood loss starts to take it's effect, and Ino looks very woozy, as he has been bleeding profusely for well over 10 minutes now! He ends going down to one knee, and misses the oppurtunity to cover. He gets to his feet, and leans on the ropes, as Bach fights to his feet. Ino dashes over at Bach, and ends up getting driven down with a Snap DDT! Bach gets up, and plays to the crowd, who absolutely hate him! Bach pulls Ino up, and does the cutthroat gesture, signaling the end! Bach pulls Ino close, and goes for the Bach On Your Back - but Ino struggles to stay on his feet! And eventually, Ino breaks the hold by slamming Bach back-first into the corner! As they both stumble forward, Ino notices the Steel Chair that Bach used the Tornado DDT on earlier, still set up! Ino turns to Bach, kicks him in the stomach - and then finally hits the Kobra's Bite, sending Bach face-first into the seat of the Steel Chair in the process! Ino covers Bach, and sends a mean stare over at Karen Killer still on the outside, who doesn't interfere this time - she just looks on with fright, as Referee Ray Johnson goes down for the pin - 1,2, 3! It's over!



Koshiro Ino wins, via pinfall, after hitting the Kobra's Bite on the Steel Chair, at 14:55





Azaria: My God! What a war!


Vibert: Now that was a DAVE-Main-Event-worthy match right there! What a brutal battle we just witnessed!


Azaria: That was one of the most harshest TCW matches I've ever seen, and I've seen every last one of them, so that means a lot!


Vibert: Damn right, it does! Folks, I'll tell you what - we desperately need a commercial break after that one!


Azaria: Yeah, we all need a chance to recover, but once we do, we're going right on home with a great match! Tyson Baine vs. Ricky Dale Johnson, and it is our Main Event!



***Commercial Break***




Backstage Segment


We cut to the back one last time, to see Jasmine Saunders, smiling again after RDJ's interview.


Jasmine Saunders: Folks, I'm just about done for the night, but before I go home, I have one last interview to give. Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce you at this time, to-



Someone off-screen hands her a card. She looks confused as she reads it.



Saunders: ..um..a Four-Time TCW World Heavyweight Champion..a sure-fire future Hall Of Immortals member..a man who has main evented more Total Mayhems then anyone else in the history of this company..and a-



Saunders shoots a look back to whoeever it is off-screen, with an "Are you serious?" look on her face..



Saunders: ...and an absolutely magnificent lay..please welcome, Mr. Tommy Cornell. Tommy?






The screen pans to reveal him, and most of the fans in the background were already jeering during the intro, figuring out who it was in the first place. And it is indeed, Tommy Cornell. He doesn't look all too pleased, most likely over the Hawkins attack, although the Golden attack may have made him feel a little better..



Tommy Cornell: Why thank you, Jasmine, what great compliments..especially the last one..


Saunders: You wrote tha-


Cornell: Indeed, it's very nice of you. And quite true, to be honest.


Saunders: Right..so Brent Hill-


Cornell: -is on a revenge trip. Yeah, I saw that coming. I knew he would attempt it, and I knew that we'd have to beat him - and eventually, once again humiliate and destroy him in the middle of the ring. I saw it coming, Jasmine. It's no surprise.


Saunders: But he looks to challenge for your protege` Wolf Hawkins' International Championship-


Cornell: -and he won't win it. Next "question".


Saunders: Look, Tommy, two weeks ago, you assaulted Brent Hill-


Cornell: - didn't you ask this "question" already, two weeks ago? Look, Brent Hill is good. But in order to be in The Syndicate, you can't just be good. You have to be great. And that isn't what Brent Hill is. He's not great. He's not World Heavyweight Title material. There's a prhase in this business for people like Brent Hill - "perennial midcarder". He will never be a Main Eventer, no matter how good he is. No matter how hard he tries. He will never be on the same level as a Sam Keith, or a Tommy Cornell. No matter how much he wants it..it's just not meant to be. As the year goes by, and as he suffers loss after loss after loss to every member of The Syndicate..I think he will start to learn this fact. So, after he fails to win the International Title, and he goes after me, then he will fail to win the World Heavyweight Title. Then he will challenge his former partner, John Anderson for revenge, and he will lose then as well. Then he will try to get us back for all the losses by targeting the Hall Of Immortals member Sam Keith, and guess what will happen then?


Saunders: Let me guess..he losses?


Cornell: Now you get the picture.


Saunders: I have to say, I don't agree with your "perennial midcarder" assessment, but -


Cornell: Well, that's not my problem. Now if you'll excuse me..I've got a main event to watch, and a No.1 Contender to see get destroyed..


Cornell turns and walks away, as Saunders looks on, nodding "no"..





Azaria: That Cornell is a real peice of work..


Vibert: He's a peice of something, Jason, that's for sure..


Azaria: Easy, partner. In any case, our main event is up in just a moment! Tyson Baine vs. Ricky Dale Johnson - let's not waist any more time!



http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/TysonBaine.jpg


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tyson Baine


"Livin' On Borrowed Time" by Puddle Of Mudd hits, to an absolutely enormous ovation, as out comes the always beloved Ricky Dale Johnson. He has no flash to his entrance, he simply walks down the ramp, as the crowd rains love down onto it. He looks as determined as he always does, as he slips into the ring. Once his theme dies down, the lights dim, and flames burst diagnolly upwards on the rampway, creating massive arch of fire, as the fans give perhaps an even bigger pop. "Hold Out Your Hand" by Nickelback plays, as out stomps the No.1 Contender to Tommy Cornell's TCW World Heavyweight Championship, Tyson Baine. He again ignores his massive pyro, staring straight at the ring, and his opponent, as he trudges down the ramp. He gets up to the apron in a single step, and enters the ring in another. Baine takes a few steps towards Ricky Dale, and the two men have done so much to - and alongside - each other, have a stare down..


The bell rings, and it's pretty apparant that IE Referee Sadanobu Koruba is going to have his hands full, as Baine immediately tackles RDJ down to the ground, and starts laying in punches! The Japanese Referee is known to be more lenient then most - and that's coupled in with the usual lencience seen in a Main Event match - but he still threatens the DQ, trying desperately to pull the demonic Baine off of Johnson, who seems to be completely ignoring him! But RDJ is able to roll over on top of Baine, and rain down some shots of his own! The two rivals go back and forth with their brawling as the fans just eat it up! Eventually, they lose focus of where they are, and end up rolling right to the outside! RDJ is able to land on top of Baine, thereby sparing him from being crushed under his mighty weight! But the near-impervious Baine shoves Ricky Dale off of him, and gets to his feet first - then sends one of those feet into the face of RDJ, with a massive Big Boot! Baine shows no mercy to his recent tag partner, whipping him into the Barricade, and over the Announce Table, and the fans cheer it all, despite their love of RDJ! Baine isn't going to settle for a Count Out win, however, he goes behind the Announce Table, and pulls RDJ back to ringside, throwing him in! Baine covers Ricky Dale, but he is able to kick out, not even close to being down for the count yet!


The No.1 Contender stays in control for quite a few minutes here, hitting some of the more typical "big man" offense on his fellow former TCW World Heavyweight Champion. A Samoan Drop crushes RDJ, for a close 2. Baine shows off the fact that despite his devil-ish appearance and fighting style, he did actually learn how to wrestle, by hitting a Gordbuster Suplex, for another 2. Baine continues showing his strength by getting RDJ up as high as he can, before sending him stomach-first onto the top rope, with a Stun Gun! Baine takes a few steps back, and hits a huge running kick right to the forehead of RDJ, looking to send him to the floor - but he's just able to hold on! Baine looks to strike again, but the veteran RDJ hits a desperate Hot Shot on Baine, sending him snapping back down to the mat! RDJ comes in and tries for a quick win, but to no avail! He is, however, able to keep in control, even after Baine countered a Bulldog attempt by lifting RDJ in Back Suplex position, only for RDJ to slip out of it, then show his athleticism with a Rolling Wheel Kick, that nearly puts Baine away!


RDJ keeps the beating on Baine, but makes a very unveteran-like manuever, when he goes for an Idiot Charge in the corner, which Baine is able to silence with a Spinning Powerslam, that actually ends up putting RDJ in the Tree Of Woe position! This is not a place you want to be when wrestling Tyson Baine! Baine dashes to the opposite corner, and then runs all the way across the ring - with speed that is certainly not expected of someone his size - and nails RDJ with his "Down To Hell" Low Dropkick! The impact just about sends Ricky Dale's head into the steel post, and RDJ's body falls limply to the mat, as Baine rolls out of it's way. Baine pulls RDJ away from the ropes, and goes for the pin, but Ricky Dale shows his resiliance in kicking out! Baine pulls RDJ up, and whips him into the corner with such velocity, that he crashes back-first into the turnbuckle, and falls to the mat! Baine mercilessly grabs Ricky Dale by the back of the neck, and pulls him up to his feet by it, before shoving him into the corner. Baine again goes to the opposite corner, and sends a glance to the crowd, who cheer on another one of his signature moves - and the No.1 Contender goes for the "Devil Crash" Avalanche maneuver - but RDJ is just able to slip to the apron in time!


Baine's forehead collides with the top turnbuckle, as RDJ climbs up to the top rope! And Ricky Dale Johnson shows off more of his atheletic ability with a Flying Double Axe Handle off the top, that sends Baine crashing down to the mat! RDJ pins, but the monster-like Baine is able to kick out! RDJ stays on the offensive though, going back to the brawling that started the match, keeping on top of his former blood rival, and raining down punches! RDJ slowly pulls Baine up, and then gives him a series of Faith Hammer-like Elbows, that seem to actually have less and less effect with each hit! By the sixth elbow, Baine is looked dead center in the eyes of RDJ, who seems stunned by the show of resilience! Ricky Dale goes for one more Faith Hammer Elbow, but Baine catches the arm, then pulls RDJ in for a Short Arm Clothesline that just about takes "Southern Justice" out of his boots! Baine covers, but RDJ shows his toughness by kicking out again!


Now well past the 10:00 mark, Baine continues dominating RDJ, at one point scoring with a Jackhammer, that RDJ just narrowly kicked out of. However, once Baine whips him to the ropes, Ricky Dale is able to hold on, and when Baine dashes over to RDJ, he gets stopped dead in his tracks with a Knee Facebuster, that Johnson quickly follows up with a Running High Knee! RDJ covers, but Baine kicks out once again, showing dominant strength in simply hurling Ricky Dale off of him, causing him to fly a few feet across the mat! Ricky Dale looks shocked, but he keeps fighting on, mounting the monster-like Tyson Baine, sending forearms and elbows down onto his face. RDJ pulls Baine up to his feet, and then goes up to Baine's shoulders for a Hurricarana! But this is not a good idea at all, when you're facing someone that has a Powerbomb for their finisher! RDJ tries to go down for the Hurricarana, but Baine stays on his feet, and actually pulls Ricky Dale back up to his shoulders - before sending him crashing to the mat with the Hades Bomb! The fans pop huge, as Baine covers RDJ! Koruba goes down for the pin - 1, 2, 3! Baine wins it!


Tyson Baine wins, via pinfall, after the Hades Bomb, at 12:39





Azaria: And there it is! Tyson Baine gets another huge win!


Vibert: I can't beleive Ricky Dale Johnson actually went for a Hurricarana there! That was not a veteran-like move at all!


Azaria: I agree with you, Phil, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and after all those nearfalls, RDJ wanted to try something differant!


Vibert: I suppose I understand that, partner. But still, why a Hurricarana? Did the Hades Bomb not come to his mind at all?


Azaria: Perhaps it didn't. It's the heat of the moment, Phil - sometimes things like that don't occur to you! In any case, this great match could've gone either way, but on this night Tyson Baine gets the victory! He is rolling coming into his TCW World Heavyweight Title shot at the War To Settle The Score pay-per-view!


Vibert: He sure is, but there's still one more Total Wrestling show left before that pay-per-view comes on - can Baine keep the momentum up until then?


Azaria: We'll just have to wait one more week to find that one out, partner! As for this week, signing off from Total Wrestling, I'm Jason Azaria-


Vibert: -I'm Phil Vibert-


Azaria: And we will see you next week!




Neilson: 3:31

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