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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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If you will leave the Canadian contingent off the show...


Of the final 11 wrestlers to be featured on the show, only Jack Marlowe - who didn't wrestle - has yet to produce at least one A* match. ;)


But yes.


I also need to give credit to... well, I can't remember. But early in 2010, someone did a TCW diary that rebranded the Elimination Chamber as Malice in Chains. And they deserve any credit for that name, not I.

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 1 August 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.29)


Held at the Varsity Arena (Ontario)


Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out!)





Jason Azaria – Sara Silver – Autumn Gleeson

  • In an unexciting opening contest, Conquering Kings defeated Elimination Protocol, Clark Alexander pinning Jameson following the Crippler Bomb. (Rating: D+)
  • Canadian Elemental then defeated the returning Nathan Priest handily, pinning him after a Phoenix Firebird Splash. (Rating: B)
  • Laura Huggins cut a promo beside her boyfriend Sean Deeley, discussing the disrespect of Eric Tyler. Jeremy Stone stopped into shot, wearing a plain black armband, to warn Deeley that Tyler had allies – that Deeley, while he was working on it, had some way to go to earn respect.
  • In a highly enjoyable tag team match, JeriLynn Stone united with Kate Dangerous, both wearing the black armbands with the SAS initials, to defeated Jaime Quine and Lauren Easter, Stone pinning Easter after a Stone's Throw counter to Easter's Solstice Bomb. (Rating: B)
  • The New Wave took on M.A.D. Early on, Jack Marlowe hit the ring, but before he could make an impact, Rick Law ran in to intercept, preventing him from interfering. Khoklov then landed a Moscow Lariat on Guide to pick up the pinfall victory. (Rating: B)
  • Chris Rockwell cut a short promo apologising to Texas Pete for using him as a shield against the Asian Mist, but went on to say that with Matthew Keith claiming Pete Hall didn't deserve a title shot, he was willing to take Keith on any time he felt like it.
  • GenOme defended the Tag Team Championships after an open challenge, taking on Koshiro Ino and Thunder Snake. Newton made Snake submit to the STF. (Rating: B-)
  • Team KOBRA came out, and Thunder Snake's fellow complainer, Hidekazu, asked Miyazaki to deliver the bokken shots for Ino. After a long moment, Miyazaki agreed, though he was clearly not happy about it.
  • In the main event, Aaron Andrews nearly defeated Pistol Pete Hall, but Joey Minnesota distracted him, allowing Hall a chance to hit the Pistol Whip Lariat and secure the win. (Rating: B)


Show Rating: B+

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Another full night of wrestling lies ahead of us - and the prize at the end of it sll is a hell of a prize indeed; we've received confirmation that the main event will be the first qualification match to enter Malice in Chains at the end of the month.


We begin, as ever in TCW, with tag team action at its finest; the New Wave lock horns with the Fly Boys. Can Goldworthy's men return to winning ways, or will the Wave's new edge break over them?


Non-title competition for the International Champion follows as Edd Stone goes one on one with Ultimate Phoenix. The masked marvel has a chance to make a name for himself in one fell swoop - but as always in TCW when we say that, that chance is no easy one.


British Lions take on former stablemates in Global Tradition after that, with some serious measure of pride within the tag division on the line. Can Global Tradition teach the Lions the lesson that Eric Tyler claims they so badly need?


Singles matches are also on tap, of course, with Pistol Pete Hall continuing his regular appearances, this time against TCW stalwart Chance Fortune. Hall has a match against Chris Rockwell coming at Hotter Than Hell - if he proves himself, it may be permitted to be a Hard-Hitting Championship match. That is, if Rockwell's title survives tonight.


Ricky Dale Johnson and Texas Pete have a match scheduled against Elimination Protocol. We know, too, that Floyd Bowman has asked for time to make an announcement, though details on what that announcement may be are sketchy.


Danny Fonzarelli has a chance to end his losing streak tonight. His opponent? Zimmy. TCW wrestlers never have it easy...


In the semi-main event, Chris Rockwell puts his title on the line, voluntarily, against Matthew Keith in a No Holds Barred contest.


And in the main event, two great wrestlers square off for a space in Malice in Chains. Mr Cornell hasn't confirmed identities yet but has stated that both are Canadians with a recent history with either the World Heavyweight Champion or the World Heavyweight Championship.


Prediction Key:

Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. New Wave


Edd Stone vs. Ultimate Phoenix (non-title)


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Global Tradition


Chance Fortune vs. Pistol Pete Hall


Elimination Protocol vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Texas Pete


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Zimmy



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Matthew Keith



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

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Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. New Wave

No chance in hell.


Edd Stone vs. Ultimate Phoenix (non-title)



British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Global Tradition

Cement that they've moved on by giving them a good win.


Chance Fortune vs. Pistol Pete Hall



Elimination Protocol vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Texas Pete

Destined for great things, therefore JOBBERS!


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Zimmy




TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Matthew Keith

Nah, Rockwell can let his aggression out with a bit of control now.



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

Can't quite give Art the nod here yet. Also, JEZZA!

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Getting back on the prediction saddle...


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. New Wave


Fly Boys have picked it up a little of late, but not enough to warrant going over Tag Division lynchpins..New Wave.


Edd Stone vs. Ultimate Phoenix (non-title)


Non Title for a reason, Phoenix has been booked as a jobber.


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Global Tradition


British Lions, should have no problem against the School's resident veteran job squad. Actually without the Lions on board, the School is a really weak stable in my opinion.


Chance Fortune vs. Pistol Pete Hall


You don't debut a legend like Pistol Pete and have him job his first match to someone who is looking like a career low carder (well at National sized fed level, if Fortune was to head out to the Indy's he would be a big fish)


Elimination Protocol vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Texas Pete


You've already hinted (actually more like stated) that EP are going to be a resident job squad for a while to come.


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Zimmy


Fonzarelli's losing streak continues



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell (c) vs. Matthew Keith


Don't see Rockwell dropping the belt in his first defence



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


This should be a great match and Reed will more than hold his own, but at the end of the day I don't think Stone's pursuit/involvement in the World Title scene is over.

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Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. New Wave


Edd Stone vs. Ultimate Phoenix (non-title)


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Global Tradition


Chance Fortune vs. Pistol Pete Hall


Elimination Protocol vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Texas Pete


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Zimmy



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Matthew Keith



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

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Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. New Wave


Not for all the Marlowe in the world.


Edd Stone vs. Ultimate Phoenix (non-title) -- no contest


Maybe this is just giving Edd a workout, but I think some nonsense happens here.


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Global Tradition


By DQ after the School gets involved.


Chance Fortune vs. Pistol Pete Hall


Pete wins a squash to keep establishing himself as a real guy.


Elimination Protocol vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Texas Pete

Hall is going to be mad. Calling himself Pete and being from Texas was his thing first.


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Zimmy

Yikes... this is no match for so late on the card. Bathroom break time!



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Matthew Keith


Yeah... don't hot-shot this belt. The mist's side effects (aside from "you may hit the wrong guy with it") may come into play here... they've been hinted at, and it's time to see a bit of that in action.



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


I'm an Art Reed mark, and I think it's time for his main event push. Stone is still a main eventer if he loses... he's Jeremy Stone! I'm probably wrong this soon after the armband thing, but what the hell. I'm not putting money on these.

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Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. New Wave



Edd Stone vs. Ultimate Phoenix (non-title)

As above

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Global Tradition

I really like the Lions.


Chance Fortune vs. Pistol Pete Hall

Fortune favours the brave and Hall is much more brave that Chance


Elimination Protocol vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Texas Pete

EP jobbing to the top


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Zimmy

Danny's a job



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Matthew Keith

Not sure about this, I can't see Keith losing but I can't see him taking the title either... so I can't answer. My worry is it may, just may, eclipse your main event



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

The sensible answer is Jeremy Stone, but Art Reed makes A*s. Having him in the MiC match. and having his shot without it being a singles match makes some sense to me.

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Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. New Wave

Sure Fly Boys are getting better and are getting some wins but they aren´t getting a win over New Wave, not yet anyway.


Edd Stone vs. Ultimate Phoenix (non-title)

I don´t see why Phoenix should go over established star like Edd.

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Global Tradition

Global Tradition is a good team but they pretty much jobbers at this point while Lions are one of your top teams.


Chance Fortune vs. Pistol Pete Hall

Hall gets another win over Fortune who is lost in the shuffle.


Elimination Protocol vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Texas Pete

Elimination Protocol is still collecting experience so win over RDJ just isn´t on their card.


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Zimmy

Zimmy is more important right now. Actually I don´t remember when Fonzy got his last win, maybe when he was still teaming up with RDJ?



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Matthew Keith

Tooi early for a title change so Matthew loses this time.



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

Will be a great match but Jeremy is still bigger name and I would be really surprised if Reed gets the win here.

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TCW Presents Saturday Night Showcase


Saturday Week 1 August 2009


Live on CBA (Rating 13.82)


Held at the Alabama Field Row (South East)


Attendance: 18,734





Duane Fry – Jasmine Saunders – Alanis Springsteen


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DonnieJ.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JamesPrudence.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FloydGoldworthy.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Guide.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Scout.jpg

Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. New Wave

This is another of those good, solid matches the Fly Boys have been starting to have lately. They put up quite the fight, taking it to the Wave with speed, and Donnie nearly gets a three count early on with a super-fast Death on Miami Beach – but, as ever, Guide covers for Scout, breaking the pin.



As the Wave mount a comeback, Jack Marlowe appears at ringside. He makes a full circuit of the ring before entering, obviously picking a point where he can do most damage – and as he slides into the ring, the crowd explode.



Rick Law has been sprinting down to the ring since Marlowe first appears. He rises to his feet and walks straight into a Long Arm of the Law.


Marlowe pops back up after a few moments, going for Law this time, and the two end up brawling to the back.


“Huh,” Springsteen remarks, sounding slightly disappointed. “I was wondering which side had hired him... guess we won't know, now.”


Back in the ring, Guide finally cuts off Jimmy P's offence, tagging out. Scout comes into the ring and applies the Special Force near-choke.


Donnie looks to rescue, but Guide cuts him off with a dropkick. Eugene Williams lifts Jimmy's arm three times... and it drops, each time.

New Wave defeated the Fly Boys

Rating: B



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt6.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/UltimatePhoenix.jpg

Edd Stone vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Stone has the black armband in place, of course – but it is a blank one, with no lettering, unlike the one JeriLynn was given.


There's something of a shame here, in that the timing that could have made a contest involving these two sheer brilliance is missing; whatever they try they just don't seem to be able to make it work.


Somewhere in the middle of what is still actually a pretty good contest, the camera picks up Ray Johnson removing an obstacle from the mat – and Duane Fry demands a replay from the production truck.


While Ultimate Phoenix, in the main screen, soars over the top rope to the outside, landing two-footed on the International Champion, the inset shows Ray tossing from the ring a piece of white cord – a tag rope.


“Was that... where Scout made Jimmy pass out?” Saunders asks, but no one is sure.


Back in the ring, the champ rolls out of the way of a Phoenix Firebird Splash and capitalises with a standing shooting star legdrop to secure the pin.

Edd Stone defeated Ultimate Phoenix

Rating: C+





In the middle of a victory celebration, Edd calls for the International Championship belt, and Johnson moves to pass it to him – but stops, coming up short to stare at what's in his hands.


Specifically, what's in his hands is a child-size toy replica of the International Championship.



Applause comes from up the aisle; Edd turns to face the entrance, where Canadian Elemental and Giant Tana both stand.


Simultaneously, they raise their hands.


Presumably, one of those belts is an actual-size replica. But the other... that must be the International Championship.


And it's difficult to say which.


Tana makes a gun from his hand, points it at Edd, and winks.




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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Global Tradition

Back from commercial, and the Lions square off with their old stablemates. Huggins is particularly vocal this time, at ringside. “Sounds like Laura got sick of Tyler, Bryant and Morgan teaching shortcuts,” says Springsteen.


“Now she can really let them have it.”


And so do the Lions; Global Tradition's recent record is far from stellar, but they remain dangerous competitors.


However, the Lions have much of their experience – but they're younger, faster, fitter, and while they've had plenty of experience to wrestle opponents who work an American style, of their opponents only Morgan really knows the intricacies of the different dominant style in British technical wrestling.


That makes Joel Bryant the weak link for his team, and that's the way it proves; he's no easy mark to defeat in any case – as Fry points out, he'd hardly be a multi-time tag team champion if he were – but there's an extra edge that the Lions have when they face him, and that wears on him, eventually wearing him down when Merle finds himself in position to apply the Celtic Wreath, securing the tap-out.

British Lions defeated Global Tradition

Rating: B+



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChanceFortune.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PistolPeteHall.jpg

Chance Fortune vs. Pistol Pete Hall

Chance has evidently been improving, and he's never looked more like a potential star than at this moment, in this match; the problem is (and Saunders mentions it) that in his time off from TCW, Fortune has been competing in CZCW – where Pete Hall has been one of the residents.


And Hall, while Fortune works hard to topple him, obviously has a good sense of how to counter his assaults, a sense born from that familiarity built up over time in the same company. After Fortune's assault starts to slow, Hall comes through with the Pistol Whip Lariat to get the pin.

Pistol Pete Hall defeated Chance Fortune

Rating: B-





Rude Mood begins to play, and Floyd “F-Bomb” Bowman emerges, making his way down the ramp with microphone in hand.


“How the **** y'all doing, Alabama?” He grins. “That's great,” he says. “Y'know... back when I was with the TWL, well, we used to come here a **** of a lot. I'm sure some of ya remember – hey...” He breaks off, staring into the audience. “Holy ****, is that a ****in' Texas Outlaws shirt?”


He hops out of the ring. “G-d dammit, it is! You musta had that thing for more'n twenty ****in' years! Sir, get your ass to ringside – I wanna shake your ****in' hand.”


And so, with the Field Row crowd cheering the older fan as he comes down to the barrier to shake the F-Bomb's hand, what he'd come to say goes a little while before it is said. Afterward, however, he climbs back into the ring with a grin. “Made my ****in' day,” he says. “God damn, the shirt actually held together, who'da ****in' thought...”


“Anyhow – like I was sayin', I know at least one of ya ****in' remembers the Texas Outlaws now, right?” He grins.


“Me, Mean Mark Green, the Trailer Park Kid...” He grins. “People still talk about the Outlaw Rule, I hear – that's where we got a ****in' rule put in place confirmin' any two of us could defend the tag belts, no matter whose name was down as a ****in' champ on the books. ****, you ask people to name the Texas Outlaws, that right there is the first three ****in' names are gonna come outta their mouths.


“An' we were a ****in' team. But we were Outlaws, too, because there's a lotta **** more to bein' an Outlaw than that. It's about attitude. It's about ****in' respect. An' it's about bein winners, bein' ****in' champions.


“There's a name some a' you are just ****in' waitin' to see me miss off, I guess,” he continues. “Man went on ta do a lotta **** once he'd left the Outlaws behind. But he was a champion... he was a ****in' Outlaw... and he deserves his ****in' respect. God dammit, we both left our ****in' fighting days behind, am I right?


“Johnny Boy Tucker. Johnny Lawless. **** it, he was an Outlaw. He deserves my ****in' respect on this night.


“But that's the thing, boys an' girls... the Texas Outlaws wasn't just the three ****in' founders.


“And that's why, I guess, I figure I'm doin' this.


“Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, in two thousand and ****in' nine, who'da thunk it... two men I can be ****in' proud to call...




In highlight reels to come, much editing would be done to those last two lines.



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Elimination Protocol vs. Texas Outlaws w/ F-Bomb Bowman

The newly-christened Outlaws have a whale of a time running roughshod over their opponents.


Pete spends a little time, opposite Jameson, trying to out-wrestle him – and indeed, he's not too bad at it, though he has to use his power to compensate for a superior technician opposite.


In the end, though, Pete nails Jameson to the guardrail with his through-the-ropes drive while both their partners are legal, allowing RDJ to bring Warren Technique to the ground with a Leaping Lariat and secure the pin.

Texas Outlaws defeated Elimination Protocol

Rating: C+



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DannyFonzarelli_FIN3.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ZimmyBumfhole_alt1.jpg

Danny Fonzarelli vs. Zimmy

It feels like a match between past and future, this one; Zimmy has been steadily building a fanbase for himself and his style, and Fonzie doesn't seem like he has a solid chance at more than a few points in the match.


Of course, one of the points where it looks like he could, he really makes an impact; shoving Zimmy off, he slams him into the corner, meeting him as he comes out with a huge clothesline, then wheels around – and goes for Zimmy's Blood Rush!


The Darkwave man, though, is not so easily embarrassed; he drops to the floor, sending Fonzie passing harmlessly over him. With Danny discombobulated, Zimmy flies overhead for a blockbuster, then finishes with a split-legged moonsault.

Zimmy defeated Danny Fonzarelli

Rating: B-





Autumn Gleeson is standing by as the camera goes back to the interview lot, and next to her is Jeremy Stone, who nods curtly to the viewers at home as the interview begins.


It's clear that, like Champagne Lover the night before – and Edd Stone tonight – his black armband has no lettering.


“Normally I'd try to start these off on a cheerful note,” Gleeson begins, “but under the circumstance I hope you fans'll excuse me if I start instead by saying, Mr Stone, that I'm truly sorry for your family's loss.”


Jeremy's face twists slightly. “Thank you,” he says quietly. “But I'm not here to talk about that...”


Gleeson nods. “Well, there's plenty for us to talk about,” she says. “This past Sunday you had a heck of a position on the Womens Championship match. Your ally is the champion... but her challenger, JeriLynn Stone, was, of course, your daughter. And the end of the match has become somewhat controversial, as Gorgon put your daughter down, but did not pin her, did not make her submit.


“Your thoughts on the match?”


He considers thoughtfully, running his tongue over his lips, before he answers. “JeriLynn is, in my estimation, going to be the best of anyone who's in the womens' division. Not just genetics, not just training, but she has all the tools to develop the... the instinct that is any champion's guide in the ring.


“But she doesn't quite have that yet...”


He looks directly into the camera. “All the clues are right in front of you, JeriLynn. Gorgon is powerful. She's strong, and worse, she's talented.


“But if there's one thing your grandfather, your uncles, your aunt and I have learned.... Anyone is beatable, if you can see the clues.


“One day, you'll have that instinct on your own. But... the clues have been given to you.”


Gleeson raises her eyebrow. She begins to speak, clearly curious, but Jeremy cuts her off.


“What I came here to say is something else. I've had the privilege in my time here and before of wrestling great young talents.


“The difference is that where I was before, the Stone name was enough to make them understand. To make them show respect for my family, for my father, for my skills, for the sport.


“Even if they didn't feel it. Many young men don't. But the show is important – for the sport.


“Tonight, I get in the ring with someone who I have to admit shows the proper respect. For now, though... I want to talk to someone else.


“Sean Deeley, you're a talent. In my opinion you'll go on to be a big name in this sport. But right now... you seem to need a lesson in respect.


“Be glad that right now, I'm too busy to give it to you.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LobsterWarrior_PS.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MatthewKeith.jpg

Chris Rockwell © vs. Matthew Keith

In the early going the two wrestlers stare one another down. Rockwell circles to the left and then moves in fast; Keith tries for a punch, but Chris catches it, throwing a forearm into the back of his shoulder, and already his long-term gameplan is evident, looking to weaken Keith's arm for the Furusawa Armbar.


Saunders mentions as much, and Duane Fry chuckles.


“It's not a bad plan – but with the Neutron Plex, the Proton Lock, the Asian mist, Matthew Keith has a lot of plans that can cut a match short. Going for the long game might be a mistake.”


Matthew frees himself with an armdrag, then goes to punt Rockwell in the head; Chris rolls backward, getting clear, and beckons his opponent on. Keith advances – armdrag by Rockwell, carried into an armlock, but Keith fights free with elbows, shooting Rockwell into the ropes, and drops to one knee to deliver a punch to the gut, then pops up again, grabbing a front facelock as Rockwell doubles over.


It looks like a setup for a twisting neckbreaker, and Keith goes for it – but Rockwell plants his feet and shoves Matt off, into the ropes.


Keith rebounds and Rockwell looks to meet him with a pump kick, but the second-generation star ducks under the kick, turning, and now aims to kick Rockwell in the groin as he turns – but just as fast, the Hard-Hitting Champion catches the foot, and lifts, tossing Matt into the air foot-first.


Matt goes with it, flipping to land on his feet, and ducks a clothesline attempt from Rockwell, dropping to sweep the leg – and Chris hops the leg sweep, then steps back.


The two rise again, standing off with one another, as the crowd catch their breath and applaud. Neither Chris nor Matt smile, or even show respect to the other – but they don't take their eyes off one another, either, circling again.


In again with a collar and elbow lock-up, which rapidly turns into a question of who's the stronger. It turns out to be the champion, as he powers Keith back into the corner before Matt sweeps his feet out from under him, going for an immediate hold before Rockwell gets into position to hit a hard knee to the back of Matt's head, breaking the hold and allowing the champion to roll clear to the outside.


A moment's recovery is all he gets, with Matt stepping through the ropes to the apron, taking two steps and coming off with a missile dropkick. He rolls the champ back into the ring, going for a pin, but Rockwell kicks out after one.


A headlock from Matt leads to a back suplex from Rockwell and a tight headscissors hold around Keith's head. Matt looks to twist clear, but Chris drives an elbow into the small of his back, then snags his arm and leans back with it, torquing the shoulder.


Matt still twists clear on the next attempt, however, and breaks the armbar by moving into Rockwell's hold, smashing the champ across the face with a forearm. He goes to the stomps next, targeting the back of the neck.


He hauls Rockwell to his feet, doubled-over, and tucks his head between his legs. Grabbing the trunks, he sits back into a piledriver – cover – ONE, TWO, T- NO!


With that failing, he drags him back to his feet, throwing a punch, then another, then looks for the Neutron Plex – Rockwell slips loose, landing on his feet, then drives a forearm, jumps into a low dropkick that takes Matt's feet out from under him, and promptly grabs an armbar, adding a fishhook as he does so – with Fry quick to point out that under No Holds Barred rules, the fishhook isn't an illegal technique.


Slowly, still in the hold, Matt makes his way back to his feet, then walks up the first two turnbuckles and backflips, breaking the hold, and reacts fast enough to hit an enzuigiri as Rockwell's still compensating.


Hauling Rockwell back to his feet he looks for a suplex; Chris hooks the leg to block, then uses that strength advantage to bear him to the ground and snag an armlock. He looks to transition it to the Furusawa Armbar but Matt has that scouted, rolling him up – ONE, TWO, TH- NO!


Matt cuts the champ's comeback off again with a punt to the groin, this time not countered, and looks for the Proton Lock – but his shoulder's taken too much punishment and Rockwell is able to power free before it's applied, landing a Northern Lights Suplex. He scrambles for the Furusawa Armbar once again, but Keith kicks him away, rising to his feet.


The camera catches Keith clutching at his throat as he wheels around and the green spray of the Asian Mist isn't far behind – but Rockwell has a counter again, dragging Sam Sparrow between him and the spray.


The ref drops screaming and Keith has fallen back a step. Replays will show him looking pained himself even before Chris takes a punt, returning the favour of the low blow, much to the crowd's approval.


He grabs a hammerlock, riding it down to the ground, and starts firing off knees to Keith's temple. Eugene Williams is running down to the ring, but it's too late; the bell is ringing for time out.

Chris Rockwell drew with Matthew Keith

Rating: A*




Breakin' The Law hits, and by now it's not even taking Cornell's first appearance for the cheering and the support to start. With a confident smile, he struts halfway down the ramp, then stops, raising a mic to hand. “Awright?” he asks, and the crowd very much answer in the affirmative.


He grins. “'Scuse me not getting in the ring, but this one's not about me. Like I've said before, I don't see a single reason to give that sad little scrote what he wants, so as long as he wants me, he can whistle for it.


“Anyhow. I got to thinking about what Rick said this past Tuesday, and...


“He's right. Not just that, but we need to open up the field a little as far as who gets a shot goes.


“Wolf was hungry when he took the belt. He's not hungry now, not for the championship, but by now he's got to have worked out where the danger is. He's gotta know he has the target on his back.


“And the reason Wolf has learned as well as he has, become as dangerous as he is, is that he's going to want the belt in spite of that, maybe... because of it.”


He half-smiles, glancing shyly downward. “I called him a sad little scrote. I didn't say I don't understand where he's coming from.


“But I think Rick didn't even look hard enough at this. I could stack Malice in Chains. I could put Ricky in, and Tyson, and Johnny and Troy, and have four former champions right there. Maybe I could call in some favours... Go to Japan, and speak to Dread. Beg a certain someone to take a break from running his own company and make it an even six TCW World Heavyweight Champions.


“And that would give Wolf a challenge bordering on nightmate.


“But... that's not what I want.


Don't get me wrong – I'm not saying those guys won't get a chance to qualify. But I'm looking for the hungry men here. The kids, and the veterans who are new to TCW – anyone who's never had that title... should have that hunger.” He pauses, looking around, then raises his voice, coming on like the stern headmaster. “Because if you've never held that belt and you don't hunger to, then what the bloody hell are you doing here?”


A pause, then a chuckle, a shake of the head. “I'm getting carried away. The point is... tonight we see who's hungrier. The young former tag champ with all the promise in the world... or the cunning bastard who we only can't call arrogant because his career lives up to his mouth.


“Art Reed. Jeremy Stone. The pride of Canada, one on one, and whoever wins... gets a chance to become an international legend.


“Let's get to it.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeremyStone.jpg

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

Mentor and student, and what a contrast, nonetheless.


Reed has speed. Stone has wiles. Both of them have access to arguably the finest technical teachings on the planet – certainly, indisputably, the finest in Canada.


And Reed, in particular, has added to that, honing resilience in DaVE, adding an entirely new side to his wrestling armoury in Japan.


On the other hand... Jeremy knows what it is to dominate a company. He knows how Art began to learn, because he taught him. He knows the logic, the rationale, that has grown into ingrained, instinctive reaction – because he taught Reed to think that way.


And these tactics to become ingrained. It's a jolt when you want to. You can't simply act on muscle memory, you can't make use of that reaction speed, that fluidity. You have to think, consciously, take maybe half a second to analyse and second guess.


That does put the ball, in the early part of the match, very firmly in Stone's court – and the Stone family cardio is legendary; he can keep it up absolutely for as long as he might need to.




Art Reed knows what rests on this. One week removed from an hour-long contest against the World Heavyweight Champion, scoring two falls over him, he has the biggest opportunity yet right in front of him.


He knows Stone has the Dread Lock scouted, so when Jeremy hurls him backward for the Stone's Throw, Reed twists, landing on his feet, and grabs his teacher as Stone starts to recover.


And then he nails the biggest move in his arsenal which doesn't have its roots in the House of Stone, the Dark Matter.


Jeremy Stone comes crashing to the mat. Reed makes the cover, anchoring an arm with a knee, another with a hand, and using his other hand for leverage as he snakes his leg behind both of Stone's, hooking them to prevent the kickout.


When that gets three, the crowd explode.

Art Reed defeated Jeremy Stone

Rating: A


Show Rating: A

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How has Deeley disrespected anyone, again?


By being a face, basically, and by being too good. Being good at wrestling is okay; being good at wrestling and not grovelling on the floor every time Jeremy Stone wants you to is a SLAP IN THE FACE to the greatest wrestling family of all time!


Heel logic, basically.

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How has Deeley disrespected anyone, again?


By being a face, basically, and by being too good. Being good at wrestling is okay; being good at wrestling and not grovelling on the floor every time Jeremy Stone wants you to is a SLAP IN THE FACE to the greatest wrestling family of all time!


Heel logic, basically.


Regis pretty much has the right of this one. More specifically, Sean has broken from - and taken a tag team from - Eric Tyler, the man who brought him into the business.




Has Matthew Keith respected Jeremy Stone? Because with all the A* matches he's had...


What is it, 7 now? 8? I've had ONE (though two more 99s, which must have been rounded ._.).


Versus Art Reed; versus Joey Minnesota; versus Tommy Cornell; versus Johnny Bloodstone; with Jeremy Stone, versus the Kreed; versus Marc Speed; with Jack Bruce, versus Sean McFly and Tommy Cornell; versus Chris Rockwell.


So eight. Which is scary looking at it, but which also means that it's his heel turn that's blasted him to another level. He's at 44% HoI at present, and it does seem likely he'll break his father's time to enter quite comfortably.



What is the Precision Driller? It's not their default Tag Finisher in my game (and I'm very, very unhappy about that. It's one of the reasons I hired them).


Then, y'know, write it in...


The Precision Driller is one of those crazy tag moves you only see near the top of the indie scene, where the rules are loose enough to allow it but the workers are skilled enough to pull it off. Bobby Thomas positions the victim a la Finlay's Celtic Cross, and Nate Johnson comes off the top with a double-stomp as Bobby sits out.


Another question:

What's your...fifth most expensive contract at?


Sorry, Eiden... I'm not sorting through the sheer number of contracts I have to check. It'll be pretty high, but I've yet to break three figures for anyone... remember, in game time I've barely covered what, 20 months?

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Thursday 4th August 2009


Must be 'bout ten years back now, I was grabbing a bite after a show and a kid came up to me. Big lad around 15 years old. Told me it was his dream to be a great pro wrestler like me and whether i might have any advice for him. I looked him dead in the eye and told him, "Learn to tell a story." He waited, like he thought there would be more. I nodded and he took the hint.


He wandered away, muttering about "Keith being an ass".


I'm plenty capable of being an ass, but I wasn't that night. I gave that boy the best piece of advice I can give when it comes to this business.


Folks talk about my boys and how good they are. There probably ain't been no one since McFly and Cornell that were that good that young. That ain't no accident. It ain't just good genetics either - I taught em right.


When I started their training, the boys wanted to learn moves. They wanted to know how to do the finishing moves of all their favorites. But after teaching them the fundamentals - how to take a bump and how to be safe - I taught them how to tell a story. They learned that the story is what makes the match. When you take the story away, a match just becomes a bunch of marginally connected events that take place inside a ring.


I reckon every generation looks down upon the next, feel liking important things are being forgotten or lost. For all the youthful talent this promotion has, I can't help but feel like there is a lack of understanding of the storytelling element. My boys get it. Minnesota gets it. Deeley gets it. But Hawkins, DuBois, Newton, Andrews, Fortune, the Stone kid... They might get it but they only do it so well. It ain't just the young guys either - guys like Art, Marlowe, and even the New Wave boys could all be a lot better. Hell, Jack Bruce could be better, too.


Art likes to say that the greatest gift he ever got in this business was when I taught him the Dread Lock. Think I might have done his career more good if I sat him down and made sure he understood - really, truly understood - the psychology of telling a story in the ring. Art has a good look, amazing athleticism, and if he could elevate that part of his game, he could be on the level of Cornell.


TCW has me, Cornell, McFly, the Stone boys, Bloodstone, big Pete Hall... Some of the best in-ring storytellers of our generation and no, I ain't being humble when I say that. We all try to pass on what we know - anyone who respects this business does that, since its the only way it survives. But we can only do so much.


By the way, that kid did follow that dream and he's been wrestling for a few years now. He's been working in that promotion down in Puerto Rico. Saw one of his matches awhile back... couldn't tell a story worth a damn...


Saturday August 6th 2009

I had genuinely forgotten about Malice in Chains when Joel brought it up in a planning meeting last month. We could probably actually go back to running Malice as well as the Shot at the Top match at the Malice in Wonderland PPV these days – we have the depth of talent the fans consider top-tier to pack Malice in Chains while leaving star power over for the other money matches and a couple of almost-theres to hang with the young contenders in Shot at the Top – but it doesn't seem like a good idea.


So, we're rebuilding the brand elsewhere; Joel suggested we use it to further hype Wolf's challengers while Wolf is locked into a feud with Tommy, and it makes a lot of sense – and gives Hotter Than Hell a pre-made moment, the return of a successful match brand after three and a half years of downtime.


I'm not looking forward to my schedule for the next couple of days; as soon as Tommy's cut his final promo of the show, he, me, and the ever popular “Lenny from Accounts” are flying out to Marseilles, in France, to speak to one of the European cable networks.


The hope is that our past year and a half of PPV and TV coverage has grown our European and UK markets to the point where they'll sustain a second show – Saturday Night Showcase – to help build our talent recognition over there.


...excuse me.


Right, sorry about that. I just reread this entry. “Talent recognition. “Match brand”. “Grown our markets.” I felt dirty, but a double-scotch helped with that.



A new home for TCW to round out the decade?


The start of 2009 saw us expand properly into Canada, and the house show loop through there is now almost as profitable as the house show loop through America. Opening up avenues in Europe isn't as handy, for purely logistical reasons – but it is important, at present, for one other reason.


Tommy Cornell has set his heart on a big London return, and to make sure that show doesn't collapse, we're going to need to make sure TCW has everything it takes to blow the fans away.


Realistically, for a PPV by the world's biggest company, that audience spans most of Europe, too, as we come closer to them than we've ever been.


So fingers crossed...

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  • Writing Floyd Bowman promos is far too much fun.


**** yes it is! :)


Oh, and I love the new Texas Outlaws - I think Texas Pete and RDJ perfectly fit the mold. Though I may have to steal the 'Outlaw rule' eventually (I - like you, apparently - can't help but compare the Outlaws to the Freebirds...)

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**** yes it is! :)


Oh, and I love the new Texas Outlaws - I think Texas Pete and RDJ perfectly fit the mold. Though I may have to steal the 'Outlaw rule' eventually (I - like you, apparently - can't help but compare the Outlaws to the Freebirds...)


The comparison jumps out for the making. They're not the same, but they're there...


I've dropped references to the Outlaw Rule in behind-the-scenes stuff before, but this is the first time we've come out and said it in-show.


RDJ hasn't lost a step - or an inch of the fans' support - but he's not putting out results the way some of the others can at the moment. The Outlaws should keep people happy in the crowds while Pete in particular learns and hones his skills.


Random KUDOS for the interesting New Wave moment where the ref tosses the tag line. A thousand thoughts were running through my mind when I read that part. KUTGW!


There's something about a heel trick that's not discovered even by the audience until later that I absolutely love. I'm not sure why.

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A major main event tonight - but you can't say anything bad about the quality of the other matches we have on tap in the Ottawa Rams Stadium tonight!


The Machines will go head to head with Eric Tyler and Freddy Huggins. With the School of Tradition weakened by recent desertion, expect Tyler to rebuild and refocus - and as he requested this match, expect that to start tonight.


A new arrival in the competitive TCW Womens division will be looking to prove herself. No stranger to the Canadian fans she'll be performing in front of, the woman known as Melody has her work cut out for her in Stephanie Wade.


Sammy Bach has made headlines whenever he's collided with the Bloody-Handed God, Eddie Peak. Stand by for a similar effect, as he faces another fast, dangerous big man - Rhino Umaga requested the matchup, stating only that he wants to "test a theory." What that theory is and what it involves, we can only guess.


Tag team champions GenOme go up against the All Action Champion and his partner, Team VIPER, in a non-title contest. Can Team KOBRA score a huge psychological victory tonight?


More of Team KOBRA are in action, too, as Koshiro Ino looks to set an example - facing off with Edd Stone's bosom buddy, Champagne Lover. Neither man has anything but talent, but they need that brilliant match to prove themselves - and it could happen here.


A qualifying match for Malice in Chains is also on the docket. We know that Rick Law will be competing, but Mr Cornell has refused to release details on who else is in action.


And in the main event, two massive arguments coincide - Aaron Andrews teams with Troy Tornado to take on Jack Bruce and Joey Minnesota.


Prediction Key:

Machines vs. Tyler & Huggins


Melody vs. Stephanie Wade


Rhino Umaga vs. Sammy Bach


GenOme w/ Phil Vibert vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily (non-title)


Champagne Lover vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily



Rick Law vs. ????


Aaron Andrews & Troy Tornado vs. Jack Bruce & Joey Minnesota

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Machines vs. Tyler & Huggins

Usually I would go other way around but that preview actually made me change my mind this time. Tyler starts his rebuild with a win here, though it won´t be clean.


Melody vs. Stephanie Wade

I go with more established star


Rhino Umaga vs. Sammy Bach

Umaga is still jobber and he won´t start his winning ways here.


GenOme w/ Phil Vibert vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily (non-title)

Yes it´s non-title but Team VIPER isn´t on the same level than the champions.


Champagne Lover vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

Coin flip but Lover is tag guy right now while Ino is leader of a stable, to me that means that Ino needs the win more.



Rick Law vs. ????

Mystery man is always a good bet but since Law succested the Malice in Chains match is quite likely that he will get in it as well.


Aaron Andrews & Troy Tornado vs. Jack Bruce & Joey Minnesota

Draw, between Generation Omega and two rock bands there just are too many guys who will likely interfere here so this will become an all out mess.

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