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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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<p>Machines vs. <strong>Tyler & Huggins</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Having just lost by far the best performers in the stable, I think the School of Tradition needs a win or two.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Melody vs. <strong>Stephanie Wade</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Can't see an unestablished Melody going over here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Rhino Umaga vs. <strong>Sammy Bach</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Rhino's good, but he needs to make a bit more of name for himself before beating Bach.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>GenOme w/ Phil Vibert </strong>vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily (non-title)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>GenOme are strong champs, and I think their belts have more weight than Shingen's.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Champagne Lover</strong> vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Hunch.</em></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Rick Law</strong> vs. ????</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Self-professed Law fangirl.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Aaron Andrews & Troy Tornado vs. Jack Bruce & Joey Minnesota</p><p> </p><p>

<em> Agree with Zergon - draw. Doesn't seem like the right time for a decisive win in these feuds.</em></p>

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Machines vs. Tyler & Huggins


You know what? I see what you guys are saying, but I can't pick against the Machines.


Melody vs. Stephanie Wade


Melody is better at wrestling!


Rhino Umaga vs. Sammy Bach


Rhino is Tana's sidekick. Main guy in feud > sidekick, given that I don't expect Tana to pull anything mid-match.


GenOme w/ Phil Vibert vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily (non-title)


Team VIPER isn't even a fringe title contender at this point.


Champagne Lover vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


I like Ino, and he needs a push.



Rick Law vs. ????

Law always gets a bit lost in the shuffle due to having the B-show, but he's a quality worker who always does a good job.


Aaron Andrews & Troy Tornado vs. Jack Bruce & Joey Minnesota

They're better workers. And giving the heels a win in a match like this doesn't settle either feud.

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Machines vs. Tyler & Huggins


Melody vs. Stephanie Wade


Rhino Umaga vs. Sammy Bach


GenOme w/ Phil Vibert vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily (non-title)


Champagne Lover vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily



Rick Law vs. ????


Aaron Andrews & Troy Tornado vs. Jack Bruce & Joey Minnesota

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Machines vs. Tyler & Huggins

Since the end of their time in the Syndicate, the Machines have been also-rans. They have top-tier potential, but have been stuck outside of top-tier feuds. With that in mind, I can see them taking a loss here (Riders interfere, maybe) to establish someone else.


Melody vs. Stephanie Wade

Because she's had a plotline.


Rhino Umaga vs. Sammy Bach

Because he's awesome.


GenOme w/ Phil Vibert vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily (non-title)

After an absence from TV, the champs need to be kept looking strong and relevant.


Champagne Lover vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

Because Ino is badass, and Lover doesn't really have a programme.



Rick Law vs. ????

Never bet against ????


Aaron Andrews & Troy Tornado vs. Jack Bruce & Joey Minnesota

Got to go for the clusterf*ck draw.

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Machines vs. Tyler & Huggins


Melody vs. Stephanie Wade


Rhino Umaga vs. Sammy Bach


GenOme w/ Phil Vibert vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily (non-title)


Champagne Lover vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily



Rick Law vs. ????


Aaron Andrews & Troy Tornado vs. Jack Bruce & Joey Minnesot

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Machines vs. Tyler & Huggins

Usually I would go other way around but that preview actually made me change my mind this time. Tyler starts his rebuild with a win here, though it won´t be clean.


Melody vs. Stephanie Wade

I go with more established star


Rhino Umaga vs. Sammy Bach

Umaga is still jobber and he won´t start his winning ways here.


GenOme w/ Phil Vibert vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily (non-title)

Yes it´s non-title but Team VIPER isn´t on the same level than the champions.


Champagne Lover vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

Coin flip but Lover is tag guy right now while Ino is leader of a stable, to me that means that Ino needs the win more.



Rick Law vs. ????

Mystery man is always a good bet but since Law succested the Malice in Chains match is quite likely that he will get in it as well.


Aaron Andrews & Troy Tornado vs. Jack Bruce & Joey Minnesota

Draw, between Generation Omega and two rock bands there just are too many guys who will likely interfere here so this will become an all out mess.


Zergon's picks look good to me, so I'll go with those.

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Sorry about the slower rate of shows, guys.


The show is now written, but formatting takes half an hour or so and I've got to head out soon. Expect it around midnight UK time.


I wouldn't worry about it, you're at a quicker rate than me this month :D


Anyway, I'm still going to be on board with this, no matter how quick or slow your churning out the shows. Quality is more important than quantity.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 2 August 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 14.58)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.07)


Held at the Ottawa Rams Stadium (Ontario)


Attendance: 10,000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes


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The Machines vs. Tyler & Huggins

With the Machines recent PPV victory, they're clear fan favourites – and they're on a roll.


What's kind of surprising is just how determined Freddy Huggins is to fight on their level. He works in just about every major move he has other than the Huggins Kiss – which Anderson clearly has scouted; as Freddy goes for it, Anderson drops to one knee, taking the other foot out from under Freddy, and looks to turn him over into an Indian deathlock – but Freddy kicks him clear, tagging out.



Tyler promptly engages Sam Sparrow's attention, and Anderson runs headlong into a kick from Frankie Dee, abruptly present on the apron.


Dee enters the ring and Hill does too – but Huggins is also willing to come in, and while Tyler argues with the ref, a brawl breaks out.



That draws in Marc Speed. The man advantage allows them to isolate Dee, bringing the pain, and Hill bundles him over the top rope with a clothesline.



The third Machine rolls out to collect Dee and draw him away – which leaves Anderson vulnerable when Acid soars from the top turnbuckle, crashing down with the Acid Rain Bomb.


As Acid rolls out of the ring, Tyler sets aside his argument and charges; Brent goes crashing into the turnbuckle, then down to the mat from a DDT – and Tyler moves to cover Anderson, securing the pinfall.

Tyler & Huggins defeated the Machines

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Melody-1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/StephanieWade.jpg

Melody vs. Stephanie Wade

Melody receives a fairly warm welcome from the crowd – that portion of the Ottawa audience that cares about womens' wrestling knows Melody well from her time here before. Nonetheless, it's pretty obvious – the majority of those in the Rams stadium aren't present for the match, spending their time at the merchandise stand or getting food.


And despite that, it's an excellent debut; Melody and her opponent coax a strong reaction out of their audience by the end, with an even contest that ends with Melody gaining the upper hand for a moment. She looks for the Melody Maker – and Wade pushes her clear.


A superkick hits a fraction of a second later, and Wade makes a very firm cover to be sure of victory.

Stephanie Wade defeated Melody

Rating: B-





Tommy Cornell is standing in the corridors backstage as the camera comes to him. “We're live, sir,” a voice reports from behind the camera.


Cornell nods. “Who won?”




He considers, then nods again. “Alright,” he says. “Good fighter, that.” He looks at the camera. “I wanted this on record,” he says, and smirks. “Might be funny. C'mon.”


The camera follows him around a corner and to a locker room door, one he hammers on.


“Course,” he says. “I might just really want the footage when it comes to a breach of contract suit. Get ready to call the EMTs.”



And the door opens... with Remo on the other side of it. The big man's usual impassive face breaks into a slight smile.




“Need to talk to DuBois.”


Remo's expression drops in temperature about twenty degrees instantly.


“You want to, sure,” he says, stepping back. “Hey, Can't-Miss,” he calls. “You got a visitor.”


DuBois strolls over, and a couple of moments later Hawkins joins him.


“When am I getting you in the ring, hotshot?” Wolf sneers. “You don't try it, I will break your company to get the match.”


“Sure you boys all want your money train to die up?” Cornell asks casually.


Remo sneers. “Don't matter to Remo. I'm here because it's where the worthwhile targets are. Nothin' more.”


DuBois shrugs. “Speakin' for myself, I'm on a pay or play contract. Company can die, but whoever picks over the trash is still going to be paying me.”


“And that's how you want this to go?”


The 'Can't Miss Prospect' smirks slightly. “I'm here to get the win bonus on top,” he says. “Any way I have to.”


“Good to hear,” Cornell says. “Listen, sunbeam, why I stopped by is I want to make your day – you've got a match tonight. Rick Law. Make it by him, and you're in Malice in Chains this month.


“You could be taking the belt off Wolf next month. All the best, eh?”


He sets off down the corridor, and the camera stays on the three Generation Omega men. Hawkins catches DuBois eyeing him up speculatively, and frowns.


Remo snorts. “Don't worry, boys. He's gonna have a baaaad month.”


“You guarantee it?” Hawkins asks, determined.


Remo grins. “Hell, no. You know Remo don't play that way. I ain't doing this for you.”


He looks the camera right in the eye. “You got some other place to be,” he says. “Take off.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RhinoUmaga.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SammyBach_alt1.jpg

Rhino Umaga vs. Sammy Bach

There's a fair amount of speculation by the announcers, during this match, about Umaga's motivation for requesting the match.


Most of that speculation hinges on the assumption, from the two's records in TCW, that a win here is probably beyond Umaga. He seems...


It's hard to say, but he seems to be testing theories, looking to see what kind of speed he can go at. The dropkick he throws at one point surprises the crowd, waking them up and getting them into the match – and it's a pretty close contest throughout; Bach has a slight speed advantage, but not as much as you'd think, and that leaves Umaga's strength advantage against Bach's years of big-stage experience.


Despite it all, however, in the end Bach is able to topple Umaga, forcing a submission to the Bach on Your Back.

Sammy Bach defeated Rhino Umaga

Rating: B





“Excuse me, Mr Vibert,” Autumn Gleeson calls as GenOme, tag team championship belts around their waists, walk toward the entrance area, their manager in tow.


Phil stops for a moment, looking at her, with eyes raised.


“I'm sure the fans want to know how Generation Omega is looking at the situation Tommy Cornell created earlier in the show,” she says.


“Do you have any thoughts on that?”


Vibert smiles his used-car-salesman smile. “Let me do you a favour, Autumn,” he says. “Let me tell you something different. Let me tell you about what's coming up for GenOme. After all, we all know you love your... tag team action.” He leers, and Gleeson rolls her eyes.


“Of course,” Vibert continues, “maybe you wouldn't be interested. After all, both teams have managers already. No... room... for you.”


“I already have a team,” she fires back angrily. “They just need to prove themselves and get TCW contracts.”


Newton snorts. “That could take a while.”


Gleeson frowns. “Says the man who lucked in on an invitational contract.”


Vibert just smirks. “Let me do you a favour, Autumn,” he says. “Don't bring your team here. They're just going to get run over. This is GenOme's world – and we're about to demonstrate it.”



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GenOme w/ Phil Vibert


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FumihiroOta_PS.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShingenMiyazaki_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/QueenEmily_FS2.jpg

Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily

The KOBRA men do their very best here, and GenOme do genuinely look like they're being pushed hard; but they also have a focus, a clear agenda. It's never more clear than when, after Ota tags out, looking to get a rest, Newton grabs a collar-and-elbow tie up, marches Miyazaki back into his corner, then releases the hold to immediately hit a standing dropkick.


Shingen cannons backward into his tag partner, forcing Ray Johnson to call the blind tag. By this point Newton's already outside the ring, keeping the focus on Ota, keeping him from resting, making sure he remains under attack, until Davis is able to pin him with a Fisherman's Suplex, Perez acting fast to cut the All Action Champion off from his partner.

GenOme defeated Team VIPER

Rating: B



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChampagneLover.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KoshiroIno.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/QueenEmily_FS2.jpg

Champagne Lover vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

There were moments where this contest really could have gone either way. Ino hits with power and his mat game is solid; Lover is faster, his mat game equally good.


And both of them are very determined... Ino gets the early advantage, looking to keep it with a methodical, almost stalking approach to the battle, but once Lover counters a butterfly suplex – twisting in midair to shift his balance, he manages to break free of the hold, turning it into a sunset flip – he's able to set the pace, turning it from a slow, stalking affair to a fast, vicious encounter as he dissects the Kobra Commander, setting up for the Lover Stunner to end it.

Koshiro Ino defeated Champagne Lover

Rating: B-





Down comes the rest of Team KOBRA and Baroness Emily once again dishes out discipline with the bokken, all three competitors taking punishment. The camera picks up a smirk on Thunder Snake's lips as he nods with each impact.





http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MarcDuBois-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickLaw.jpg

Marc DuBois w/Phil Vibert vs. Rick Law

Law faces down DuBois, who just smirks, as the match begins.


He's not smirking for much longer. Law has the power advantage, but while DuBois works to overcome that advantage, the big lawman just has his sights on winning.


It looks like DuBois has been forced onto the back foot, working purely defensively, but Dangerous isn't sure.


“You ask me,” he says, “DuBois is stalling. He's just trying to prevent the match ending early.”


“It's not like Rick has no stamina,” Azaria comments. “So what's that gameplan?”


“He's waiting for something,” Dangerous says grimly.


This gets clearer as the match goes on; after a few near-falls, DuBois shifts up a gear into mind games, baiting Law – slaps, jibes, anything he can do to infuriate the usually unflappable lawman. That means he's got to shrug off a lot of punishment, but it keeps Law too focused on inflicting damage to go for pins.


And then Vibert is up on the apron. Seeing that sign, DuBois bails.


Law follows.



Marlowe nails Law from hiding with a nightstick.


Marc DuBois rolls back into the ring as Jack Marlowe lays in a vicious beating, drawing blood with his second shot, then hitting four more, carefully placed. He rolls a dazed Law back into the ring; DuBois nails the Marc of Excellence; the pin's guaranteed from that moment.

Marc DuBois defeated Rick Law

Rating: B-




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews-1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TroyTornado_nacht6.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JackBruce_alt8.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Aaron Andrews & Troy Tornado vs. Jack Bruce & Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert

The opening pair are Jack Bruce and Aaron Andrews, and the initial exchange of holds rapidly escalates, with Aaron throwing the first punch, Bruce retaliating with a kick to the gut and a European uppercut attempt which Andrews catches midway, twisting the arm into a hammerlock, going behind and releasing the arm only after driving his forearm into Bruce's shoulder.


Azaria is in the middle of calling that unwise in terms of countering Bruce's big moves when Aaron follows up. It's nothing fancy – just a stomping kick to the back of Jack's knee, driving him to the floor. Andrews goes for a headlock and Bruce powers up into a back suplex.


Tornado demands in and Aaron decides to give him what he wants; Jack sees the grin and tags out.


Joey charges; Troy gets his boot up as a counter, but the Generation Omega man was ready for that, ducking it and using it for a quick roll up. That gets two – on shock as much as anything else.


The two men pop up and Minnesota opens with a chop. Not to be outdone, Tornado throws a punch, a quick left jab. The two trade blows for a few moments but Troy gets the upper hand, buying himself time to hit the discus punch and drop Minnesota.


Bruce yells at Joey, and Joey rolls back, rises, and charges in with a forearm. The former DaVE man staggers Tornado, then hits a snap suplex to put him on the mat – and Bruce wants back in!


Joey tags out and Bruce looks to throw forearms of his own. They work, but Jack backs up for a charge and Troy catches him on the run in, looking to try for the Tornado Driver – but Bruce has that scouted, escaping and bailing from the ring.


Tornado busts out a rarity – the over-the-top-rope charging Stage Dive, bearing Jack to the ground. He picks Bruce up, shoves him into the guardrail, and starts peppering him with punches. A cutaway shows Joey Minnesota watching, arms resting lazily on the top rope, half-smiling. It seems as if the Generation Omega man is enjoying himself, just watching the damage being done.


Bruce finally ducks a punch, grabbing Troy from behind, and drops out into an inverted DDT on the mat. He rolls back in to break the count, pausing to gloat, and heads back to the outside, looking to whip Tornado to the ringpost – but Troy counters, sending Jack face first into the post.


With the Darkwave frontman draped there, head-first against the metal, Troy sees an opening. He hops up onto the guardrail, then sails across to land the Star Maker against the back of Bruce's head, sandwiching it between impact and ringpost. Bruce collapses to the mat, bleeding.


“You want blood?” Tornado yells. “You got it!” He rolls back into the ring, tagging out, and Andrews pauses.


That pause is a mistake; Vibert wanders close, and while Andrews is looking at him, Minnesota sneaks in, grabbing Aaron from behind to hit a straitjacket backbreaker. He covers, looking to effectively end the match with a single move, rub in his superiority, but Aaron gets a shoulder up.


“He's not the legal man!” Tornado yells, and Sparrow waves it off – but then, a cutaway shows that the legal man hasn't moved since the Star Maker, and as Dangerous says, that whole sequence pushed definitions of legal hard.


Joey Minnesota, meanwhile, is a house on fire. He peppers Andrews with one shot after another then scoops him onto his shoulders, looking for the Empire Spiral -


Troy Tornado leisurely sticks his leg in between second and top rope, and kicks Minnesota in the stomach. A beleaguered Andrews takes the momentum of his opponent doubling over and turns it into a spin-out DDT before tagging out.


Troy gets an admonition from Sparrow for interfering, but brushes it aside as Azaria notes that, really, the only thing to measure between Painful Procedure and Darkwave is what kind of music you like – and while any combination of the two bands are in a match, you can't expect either side to willingly play by the rules.


He picks Minnesota up and whips him to the ropes, calling for the Tornado Driver; on his return, however, Joey rolls with the momentum, snapping Troy over with a headscissors, then grounding him to fire off four or five punches. Sparrow makes him break, then, so he picks Tornado up and whips him to the corner.


He boosts him to the top, then goes up after him, looking for a superplex. Troy punches his way out of the hold, though, then launches himself over Joey, grabbing his head in an inverted top-rope blockbuster. ONE, TWO, THR- Minnesota gets his foot on the ropes.


Tornado shakes his head, setting up for a powerbomb, but Minnesota pulls off the Makuda Roll, passing straight through the lift and down the other side. ONE, TWO, TH- Tornado kicks out. Back to his feet but Minnesota's there first, cutting him off with a clothesline. A staggered and stunned Tornado tags out as Minnesota beckons Andrews in, grinning fiercely.


The two collide, and once again, Andrews' first lariat puts Joey on his back to resounding cheers. This time he doesn't make the mistake of following up with more; instead, he scores with the spinebuster! ONE, TWO, TH- Joey kicks out!


Minnesota is on the back foot, and Andrews looks to capitalise. A scoop slam follows, and a grounded elbow drop – but these two were tag partners, and Joey rolls clear. Aaron takes a moment to check on the elbow and Joey has it into a hammerlock, driving knees into the twisted joint, taking the Game Breaker out of the equation. He scoops him up and looks for the Minnesota Salute – Andrews ducks, nailing a neckbreaker out of desperation, and dives for the tag.


In comes Troy. A Star Maker attempt is evaded by Joey, who hits a snap suplex and floats to the cover – one, two, and Tornado gets the shoulder up.


“Getting on for time,” Azaria says. “We could see a draw... and for the last four minutes, Joey Minnesota has been fighting effectively a handicap match.”


Joey stomps away, then hauls Troy roughly to his feet. He grabs an inverted headlock, looking for a Dragon Sleeper variant, but he can't quite hold it -


Troy hits a backflip kick out of nowhere, his boot practically caving in Joey's temple. One, two, three!

Aaron Andrews & Troy Tornado defeated Jack Bruce & Joey Minnesota

Rating: A*




Music begins to play as the big screen comes to life; at home, the well-remembered video introducing the Malice in Chains match concept begins to play.


A giant, empty, circular structure... it could be a steel framework for a house, at this point...


Liberty slams Tommy Cornell into the 'bulletproof glass' of a pod door, his own face a mess of blood...


“This will not stand, you know? This aggression will not stand, ************!”

Lengths of steel chain are woven around the structure, a confining, restricting lattice...


Rip Chord, in one of his last matches, hits the Rip Chord DDT onto the steel-grid floor. Genghis Rahn's face drips blood onto unpainted metal.


“Malice in Chains is the sickest thing I've ever been involved with.”

Sam Strong, business-suited, stands in the ring as the Chains structure is constructed around him.


“I thank God I retired when I did. This match... is beyond anything anybody should have to contend with.”


Ricky Dale Johnson rails at Karen Killer as BLZ Bubb's ally prevents the ref from releasing his pod, allowing him to fight.


“Every year, the chance to fight for the title in Malice comes up. And every year, it takes me a month to be ready. One day I'll lose my nerve entirely – but until then, I'll keep fighting.”

Peter Valentine takes a brutal elbow drop from rare smaller entrant Electrico – leaping from the top of a pod to drive his body home.


“The name doesn't do that match justice. I coughed up blood for a week.”


A younger Cornell, bleeding visibly, HGC title resting on his lap as the EMTs stitch up a long gash across his shoulder, stares at the camera. “Was it worth it? For the World Championship?


“If I had to, I'd go in again... but thank Christ I've got another year before it'll happen.”

Show Rating: A

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 2 August 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.28)


Held at the Sunrise Sunset (Hawaii)


Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out)





Jason Azaria – Sara Silver – Autumn Gleeson


  • In the opening contest, Eternal Party and the Kreed battled to a spectacular draw – with an assault targeting Art Reed by Wolf Hawkins, and another by Canadian Elemental taking out Edd Stone, the match was ruled a double-disqualification. (Rating: A)
  • Sam Keith confronted his wayward son backstage, warning him that even among the Japanese wrestlers who'd used the Asian mist on multiple occasions, no one was crazy enough to try it every match. He warned him that Rockwell and Hall were not to be dismissed as opponents, and pointed out what Matthew had accomplished in his first year in the business. Matthew told his father to worry more about Wolf Hawkins.
  • In a four-man match, Merle O'Curle forced a submission from Billy Fonda while RDJ and Marat Khoklov battled outside the ring. (Rating: B)
  • The tag partners of the four men in that contest then faced off, with Texas Pete delivering the Lone Star Drop to the American Buffalo – an impressive sight – to score a pinfall before Morgan could lock in the Wigan Wrench on the powerful Peter Hopper. (Rating: B)
  • Texas Outlaws faced off with the British Lions while the announce team speculated on which duo should face Generation Omega at Hotter Than Hell. Gleeson favoured the established Lions, while Silver plumped for the Outlaws.
  • Amber Allen teamed with JeriLynn Stone against Cherry Bomb and Tamara McFly, with the favoured pair losing in a shock moment when Gorgon once again hit the Hydra Bomb to JeriLynn outside the ring, leaving Cherry Bomb to pin Allen off a spinebuster. JeriLynn is still wearing the armband with the pink lettering. (Rating: B-)
  • Sam Keith turned out a sterling performance against a talented young prospect, but only defeated Zimmy by disqualification when Wolf Hawkins again interfered in a match, this time laying out the challenger to his title. Azaria noted that Zimmy had done well simply by lasting nineteen minutes against the legend. (Rating: B+)
  • It was revealed that Rick Law had laid out a challenge to Jack Marlowe for the main event, and when the Enforcer did not immediately come out for the match, Law warned Marlowe that for costing him a place in Malice in Chains, he'd make sure the Enforcer would face justice. Marlowe came out to say that Law had no legal right to judge, and that there was no reason to take this match – not until there was something worth fighting for on the line. He then instructed Eugene Williams to count him out, giving Law the unsatisfying victory.


Show Rating: B+

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Finally caught up after a couple weeks where I was mostly absent from the board. And I'm surely glad I did !


Well, we're glad to still have you on board. I think a lot of folks are responding to the Rise of Art Reed... it's only August, and it already seems bizarre that Reed's failure to take off is why it wasn't a straight Syndicate/Bombshell's Boys battle in February.


But he's rolling at speed now... and I couldn't be happier.

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The second week of August is coming to an end, and we have two of the competitors for Malice in Chains already lined up - and this Saturday a major moment is coming. Mr Cornell has confirmed that on Saturday Night Showcase the third and fourth slots in Malice in Chains will be set in stone. Not only that, but the Tag Team Championships will be defended in the main event.


So without further ado, let's see what's on the slate...


Julian Watson faces one of TCW's recent success stories in Marc Speed as the show opens. Speed has been dangerous no matter his opponent, to date, but Watson has the veteran experience - and he shouldn't be ruled out.


Tag team action to follow, as Elimination Protocol look to get their first win on the board against Golden Law. With Rick Law's focus on Jack Marlowe - or whoever hired Marlowe to make sure Law didn't qualify for Malice in Chains - the Protocol has a very real chance to divide and conquer.


Giant Tana has been pretty successful since returning to TCW screens, but so has his opponent this week - the living legend Pistol Pete Hall. Both men will be looking for a win to help their cause as the month rolls on.


Making her debut in the next match is talked-about youngster Zoe Ammis. Her opponent is former TCW Womens Champion Kate Dangerous - meaning Ammis is up for a tough test. But we know she's good - nobody gets into TCW unless they can outdo the thousands of other wrestlers out there. Is she good enough?


In the first of the Malice in Chains qualifiers, Art Reed's teammate gets his shot. Up against Greg Keith is the partner of the International Champion. Champagne Lover may be looking to outdo his ally - from what we've seen of his attitude, it really wouldn't surprise us. And with his talent, he might even do it.


The second qualifier is likely to generate some real attention. On one side is Greg's twin brother, the apparent heir to the secret of the Asian Mist, Matthew Gauge. On the other is the first challenger to have actually held the TCW World Heavyweight Championship before - Johnny Bloodstone. You don't want to miss this one!


In the main event, Tommy Cornell has decided that after two major teams cancelled out one another's statement on Friday night, he will allow GenOme to defend the belts before Hotter Than Hell - against Tommy Cornell and Art Reed - while the question between the Texas Outlaws and the British Lions is resolved. Cornell stated that "since Art has a partner and a match at the PPV, if we win, the Outlaws and the Lions can face off for the belt at Hotter Than Hell. If not, we'll figure something out."


Prediction Key:

Julian Watson vs. Marc Speed


Elimination Protocol vs. Golden Law


Giant Tana vs. Pistol Pete Hall


Kate Dangerous vs. Zoe Ammis



Champagne Lover vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell



Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith


TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Art Reed & Tommy Cornell w/ Blonde Bombshell

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Julian Watson vs. Marc Speed


Marc's the third Machine, Julian is directionless.


Elimination Protocol vs. Golden Law


Much too established.


Giant Tana vs. Pistol Pete Hall


Pete's old and here, if I'm not mistaken, to train. Tana's gunning for a title.


Kate Dangerous vs. Zoe Ammis


Bigger name.



Champagne Lover vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Because Greg, Art AND Matt in the event would make it very interesting indeed.



Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith




TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Art Reed & Tommy Cornell w/ Blonde Bombshell


But by DQ or some form of shenanigans.

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Julian Watson vs. Marc Speed


Elimination Protocol vs. Golden Law


Giant Tana vs. Pistol Pete Hall


Kate Dangerous vs. Zoe Ammis



Champagne Lover vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell



Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith


TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Art Reed & Tommy Cornell w/ Blonde Bombshell

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Julian Watson vs. Marc Speed

Watson is lost in the shuffle and needs a map to get out, Speed on the other hand is third Machine and though they haven´t done all that much lately he´s still way above Watson.


Elimination Protocol vs. Golden Law

Protocol continues to job.


Giant Tana vs. Pistol Pete Hall

Hall picks up another win.


Kate Dangerous vs. Zoe Ammis

Kate is former women champion so she should go over newcomer.



Champagne Lover vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Coin flip as both are tag guys but I think that if both Keith twins get in that might make more interesting story for the match...



Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith

...which of course means that Matthew has to go over here.


TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Art Reed & Tommy Cornell w/ Blonde Bombshell

It´s hard to go against Tommy in this situation but I just don´t see him being a tag champ espesially not with Reed who already are in a good tag team... actually it´s so hard to go against Tommy that I give him and Reed a DQ win simply because I´m not sure if Newton is ready to go over someone as popular as Tommy.

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Julian Watson vs. Marc Speed



Elimination Protocol vs. Golden Law



Giant Tana vs. Pistol Pete Hall

Hall's here for a reason, and Tana's a goofy comedy guy. Maybe Edd Stone goes after him? Yeah, Edd-erference.


Kate Dangerous vs. Zoe Ammis

Holy Sh*t, Kate, where have you been?



Champagne Lover vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Because having both the brothers in would be awesome.



Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith

Because Asian Mist, because Greg vs. Matt.


TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Art Reed & Tommy Cornell w/ Blonde Bombshell

Stripping them of the belts? Giving them to guys who never beat the champs? Not going to happen. The belts will change hands cleanly.

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Julian Watson vs. Marc Speed


As the third Machine Speed has more direction, Watson is a directionless jobber.


Elimination Protocol vs. Golden Law


Elimination Protocol are jobbers and will be for a while yet.


Giant Tana vs. Pistol Pete Hall


The legend continues to build himself up in the TCW ring.


Kate Dangerous vs. Zoe Ammis


Dangerous is a lynchpin of the women's divison, Ammis hasn't done anything of note to warrant going over here.



Champagne Lover vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Lover got a solid win over Ino (even though you wrongly put Ino as defeating Lover in the result), and I think his push continues to gather momentum here, as though Keith is getting a good push he can still concentrate on the tag ranks.



Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith


This one is pretty hard to call, as Bloodstone is a former World Champion, but Keith has been receiving a 'rocket strapped to his backside' type since his heel turn. I'm actually going to call the mild upset here and say that Keith goes over.


TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Art Reed & Tommy Cornell w/ Blonde Bombshell


This one's so hard to call, I see this going to some kind of draw, whether it be of the time limit or schmozz variety.

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TCW Presents Saturday Night Showcase


Saturday Week 2 August 2009


Live on CBA (Rating 14.90)


Held at the Kettley Arena (Mid South)


Attendance: 23,094





Duane Fry – Jasmine Saunders – Alanis Springsteen


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JulianWatson_FIN.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MarcSpeed_FIN4.jpg

Julian Watson vs. Marc Speed

Two good wrestlers here, but only one has been given the chance to develop a following.


Watson does, for the first few minutes, make a pretty good showing, coming out on a level, often, with Speed after a technical exchange. But the Machine starts to wear his opponent down, eventually plucking his leg out from under him to apply the Deadly Heel Hook – and that ends the match.

Marc Speed defeated Julian Watson

Rating: B



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Elimination Protocol vs. Golden Law

The tag contest here isn't a terribly even one, though Elimination Protocol are starting to show signs of finding their feet in TCW, and Fry speculates that as they get used to the constant big-match atmosphere, they'll be more dangerous.


Nonetheless, Rick and Rocky have the advantage here, particularly in terms of power. Unusually, it's Rocky Golden who gets the win, and not even by his usual (of late) Rocky Road low blow. Instead, he catches Jameson with a series of lefts, then boosts him onto his shoulders, locking in the Rack to force the tapout.

Golden Law defeated Elimination Protocol

Rating: B-





“Hey! What the hell was the point of that?”


Gorgon looks up from her seat near Edd Stone as Jeremy barges into his brother's locker room. The elder Stone marches up to the Womens Champion. “There was no reason to interfere in my daughter's match,” he growls.


Gorgon simply looks back at him, silent. Jeremy glowers. “You want to think damn carefully before you do anything like that again,” he says. “Beating her in a match is one thing. Just attacking her for no reason is something else.”


The Women's Champion stands. She is a little shorter than Jeremy, but not by much, and her sneer is genuinely chilling. She stalks off.


Jeremy watches her go with narrowed eyes. Edd, meanwhile, has returned his concentration to the TV screen before him, on which, in TCW: Total Mayhem 2009, Giant Tana is duelling with Canadian Elemental - “DLC-only unlockables”, as Fry informs us. Edd watches as Elemental hits Tana with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors, scribbles out a note on a Post-It, and slaps it onto the side of the screen – where it joins a stack of others.


“Why you continue to string her along, I'll never know,” Jeremy sighs.


“I stopped a month ago,” Edd says absently. “I'm just that good at it. Look, bro – this is kind of your fault.”


Jeremy's face clouds over. “What?


Edd shrugs. “JeriLynn may not have noticed, but Gorgon isn't stupid – and she's noticed you gave JeriLynn a hint last month.


“She wants the title, bro. She's gonna see that as disloyalty.


“You ask me, she plans to teach ya a lesson.”


Jeremy glowers.



There's a knock at the door; Stone whips around, to find Stephanie Wade there.


“Just stopped by because I figure you two can reach JL,” she says. “You want to tell her I said it sucks she's been targeted?


“Because I don't want any bad feelings if she can't make it to Hotter Than Hell and I have to take the shot.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TanaTheMighty.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PistolPeteHall.jpg

Giant Tana vs. Pistol Pete Hall

Two big men – both of whom are starting to kindle some decent fan following in the TCW crowds – measure up during this contest, and the battle starts to get some serious traction, particularly as neither wrestler seems to be willing to give an inch.


It's actually a pretty nasty looking exchange of blows until Tana aims a thrust kick that Hall sidesteps, leaving Eugene Williams flat out on the mat. Hall promptly looks for the Pistol Whip Lariat, but Tana ducks it, hitting a backdrop suplex instead.


With a grin, he raises his hand, calling on the crowd to get excited for the upcoming Big Fat Samoan Squash, but Edd Stone soars from the top rope, getting a tilt-a-whirl headscissors that brings Tana down. As he rises, Hall is back on him, and this time the Pistol Whip Lariat connects! The three count follows swiftly.

Pistol Pete Hall defeated Giant Tana

Rating: B-



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KateDangerous.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ZoeAmmis_jhd-2.jpg

Kate Dangerous vs. Zoe Ammis

The newcomer Ammis has virtually no fan support in this match, but she has the respect of some of the fans by the time it ends. Kate controls much of the match, but periodically, Ammis will break out something surprising; her focus is on a reasonably good aerial game, but she shows herself willing to throw hands and kicks as well.


It isn't enough, first time out; she drops Dangerous with a straitjacket inverted DDT that Saunders assures us is called the Double Cross, but as the crowd respond it seems to throw her off her game; she hesitates, looking around the crowd for reactions.


By the time she's ready to capitalise, Dangerous is waiting, pulling her into a crucifix pin; Zoe kicks out, but runs into a half-nelson slam reminiscent of Dangerous' father, before Kate finishes her off with a huge Hangtime Moonsault to secure the pin.

Kate Dangerous defeated Zoe Ammis

Rating: B





Fury of the Storm begins to play and the man who won the main event on Tuesday night heads to the ring.


“You know,” he begins, “I was ready to call this settled at Summer Showdown. I've beaten Bruce in the ring – actually a couple of times – and the gold records on the wall of my gym mean I don't worry too much if I lose a chart battle. That's happened to the Stones, the Beatles, Metallica, hell, it's happened to everyone.


“I made the challenge and you guys answered the call. Darkwave actually squeaked one.


“Well, I can respect that. In music at least, the fans' judgement doesn't lie.


“People have been saying I set that contest up to make a mockery of Brucie boy.” He grins. “Sorry, but that just ain't true. See, thing is, I don't like to play around with people's heads. Basically, I just like to get up in front of a crowd and rip it up.


“Jack, you came after me, you made a point of busting me open, you've been talking about taking my blood. Well, you ain't the only one who knows how to fight. So come on in – jump in the fire!”



This Corrosion begins to play and Sammy Bach comes out to stand on the entrance ramp. Tornado smirks. “Spineless from the start,” he says,


“Well, come on, Sammy- ungh!”


Zimmy nails Tornado from behind. A heartbeat later, Ian Harris hits him, too, and the two lift him up so Jack Bruce, as he rolls into the ring, can come off the ropes to hit the New York Minute.


The camera catches Sammy Bach slipping knuckledusters onto his hand, slowly, sensually, making the motion almost sexual – as he always does. He heads down to the ring at a leisurely pace to join in the beatdown.


“Blood will follow blood!” Bruce screams into Tornado's face. Sammy rolls into the ring, drawing his fist back to blast Tornado.


He doesn't make it, however – instead, he crashes forward onto the mat, face-first, as the crowd roar. Steve Gumble had just nailed him from behind with a Savate Kick. Harris lunges for him, but Gumble's partner was there with the Gunslinger's Revenge.


It's still four on three, and the Painful Procedure trio have their work cut out for them.



Then Tommy Cornell slides into the ring with a chair. Bach takes it face-first, then Harris. Zimmy turns – but he stops dead out of swing range, a little more savvy about things.


Cornell scoops up the microphone as the brawl comes to a halt.


“Normally, this would be Mayhem Midden's job, and chair-shotting you pack of useless arsewipes would've been Charlie Thatcher's,” he begins. “But Charlie's handling hospital security, which I think translates to chasing nurses, and Ken's laid up in hospital at the moment.


“So here it is, boys – you two want to fight so badly you bring your buddies into it? At Hotter Than Hell, Troy and Jack get to fight in a First Blood match.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChampagneLover.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GregGauge-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Champagne Lover vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

The two men square off as Fry recaps both men's career to date – something Champagne Lover needs slightly more, with his career being longer and not entirely within TCW. His Mexican record is stressed; Greg, on the other hand, simply merits a reminder that he's stolen multiple shows and had a TCW Tag Team Championship run against incredible competition... and only this month does he mark his first year in the sport.


Greg takes a pummeling but simply slips out from under Lover when he goes to mount him in the corner. With the luchador charging, Keith backdrops him over but misses on the quebrada he tries to keep the momentum.


Greg gets up and eats a flying headscissors immediately, this one sending him crashing into the guardrail. Lover moves to capitalise and gets a couple of quick chops off before Greg stops the assault with a quick – and surprisingly vicious – headbutt, then grabs him by that luxurious mane of hair and effectively slings him, face-first, into the corner steps.


He rolls the bleeding Lover back into the ring while Fry and the rest of the announce team debate this surprising temper from Keith – mostly talking about his father's swiftness to try unpleasant tactics throughout his career.


Keith covers, but Lover kicks out, rolls free, and meets Keith's next advance with a dropkick before going outside the ropes – slingshot senton connects and Lover covers fast. One, two – Greg kicks out. Lover looks for a leg-lock, but Greg punches out of the hold and grounds his opponent with a triangle headscissors.


The younger competitor works the hold for a long time before reaching down and grabbing an arm as well, looking to put extra pressure on the hold. Lover braces his feet against the canvas and pushes his back off the mat, tilting Greg back until it becomes a pin cover – one, two – Greg releases the hold to escape the pin.


Champagne Lover makes it back to his feet first, cutting loose with a series of stomps before whipping Greg into the ropes. Keith ducks the lariat, hits the ropes again, and goes for – of all things – a very lucha-styled flying victory roll – one, two, THR- NO!


Elbowing his way to a breather, Lover vaults to the second rope, coming off with a springboard crossbody. That gets two – Keith is whipped to the ropes again – Lover looks for the Champagne Sunrise – Greg catches the leg to block – NEUTRON PLEX! ONE, TWO, THRE – NO!


He starts looking for the Proton Lock, but Lover kicks his way clear. Another springboard crossbody attempt sees Keith roll through this time – one, two – Lover rolls through – one, two – Keith counters to a pinfall – one, two – Lover gets the upper hand – one, two – Greg can't find a way to convert that to a pin, and instead bails across the ring as the crowd explode with support.


A charge by Lover, looking to capitalise – he vaults, looking for a huracanrana – Keith gets his hands in the right place to block it – running powerbomb! ONE, TWO, TH – NO!


How Lover kicked out of that one seems beyond the fans, but he did – and he battles back in, staggering Greg with elbows before a charge off the ropes for a bulldog – Keith counters into the Blue Thunder Bomb, but Lover has that scouted, and this time, like his teammate, YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB CHAMPAGNE LOVER! After the Party's Over he has to scramble to make the cover – ONE, TWO, THRE – NO!


As close as you can get without the three count, but not enough. Both men are more than aware that the time limit is close. Greg manages to fight out of his predicament with a bodyslam out of nowhere, but when he charges to capitalise Lover meets him with an elbow.


Lover vaults to the top rope and uses the momentum for a quebrada, but Greg's waiting. He catches him on his shoulders and looks to apply a standing version of the Proton Lock! The crowd absolutely explode with disbelief, but before he can get it locked in, Lover counters to an armdrag and hits the Lover Stunner! Champagne Sunrise?! NO! Keith avoids it, and Champagne Lover crashes face-first to the mat.


Greg, meanwhile, is hanging onto the ropes to pull himself up. He looks drained, “mentally more than physically,” as Fry puts it, and just collapses backward into a pin attempt – which lets the veteran luchador hook his arms with a leg and an arm, rolling him into a sudden crucifix pin. ONE, TWO, THREE!

Champagne Lover defeated Greg Keith

Rating: A*




Backstage goes the camera, and in the interview area, Autumn Gleeson smiles at the camera. “Congratulations to Champagne Lover for advancing to Malice in Chains,” she begins. “But congratulations also to Greg Keith for putting up an incredible fight. I think he showed tonight that he shouldn't be considered just his brother's shadow.


“With me at this time are Sean Deeley and Laura Huggins. Sean, this is becoming almost kind of a regular thing for you, but that's hardly your fault – this has been a busy few months on your part.


“It seems like Eric Tyler has some support from Jeremy Stone?”


Deeley half-smiles. “I don't think Jeremy is going to be able to concentrate on me for a while,” he says. “And I think that's probably a good thing. Right about now he's finding out that sometimes, when you surround yourself with bad people, bad things start happening.


“And that's why I'm proud to have helped Merle and Walter break away from the School of Tradition. I guess that makes me even more a target... but so be it. It was the right thing to do, and if I have to go to war with Eric Tyler, then I have to.


“One way or another, one of us will respect the other by the end of this.”


Laura Huggins joins in. “It's not much more than a year since I came to Eric Tyler with my brother's career in mind. Now look – Freddy had been a three time All Action Champion by then, and the past year... when he could have taken that belt anew, or even tried moving up – he's been trapped playing second fiddle.


“Freddy, he's using you. All Eric Tyler wanted you for – all he asks you to do – is help out in other people's matches. You should be better than that...”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JohnnyBloodstone_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MatthewKeith.jpg

Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith

Keith and Bloodstone just seem to understand each other, instinctively – but they have a tough act to follow, and they both clearly know it.


On another broadcast, this might be the battle that everyone talked about after the fact. In this case... it still comes close. Bloodstone can't quite apply the Bloodstone Mutilation, Keith can't lock in the Proton Lock, and that looks to be the problem that both men have – until, in the eighteenth minute, Keith lets Bloodstone have a spray of vibrant red Mist to the face. “The burning mist!” Saunders yells, while Keith yanks Bloodstone down into the Proton Lock, forcing a submission while Ray Johnson can't see whether or not the Mist has been used.

Matthew Keith defeated Johnny Bloodstone

Rating: A




In the corridors, Tommy Cornell is dressed to compete. Walking beside him, Sam Keith is not. They pause outside a door, looking at one another, then nod. Cornell knocks as Keith visibly musters his courage.



A few moments later, Hawkins opens the door.


“By now, your buddies are getting near the ring,” Cornell grins. “This is as close as we get to a fair chat, sunbeam. So listen up.


“You keep talking about wanting to beat me so you can come out of my shadow. You realise, you keep laying out Sam, you jump Art just because he's a lock for Malice...


“Beat these people before they get in the ring with you and no one's ever going to take you seriously.”


Hawkins just sneers. “Is that it?” he asks. “You got Davis and Frankie away just to... do that?”


Cornell shakes his head, promptly booting him in the stomach and dragging him into the corridor – a corridor tall enough to allow him to hit the Rough Ride, it looks like – but he doesn't make it.



Remo grabs Hawkins by the belt while Cornell's going for the lift, keeping him grounded, and he steps fully into the corridor.


“What Wolf does is his business, not yours,” he growls. “You want to make a thing of this?”


He points at Sam. “That boy's got himself busy anyhow. You're trying to take the belts off the boys just to piss off Wolf?”


Cornell shakes his head. “You've all made yourselves trouble. We take the belts tonight, a real tag team can have them at Hotter Than Hell, and I can start clearing you arseholes out of my company the old-fashioned way.”


Remo just shakes his head. “Just get outta here,” he says. “Oh, and boss man – what you did here? Don't blame it for what's coming. It don't matter to Remo.” He grins. “Remo got his own business to take care of.”


Cornell shakes his head, and he and Keith start walking away. "You know something, Sam?" Cornell asks. "The thing that gets me most is I used to like that little wanker."


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DavisWayneNewton-1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt1jt.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Art Reed & Tommy Cornell w/ Blonde Bombshell

It's a hell of a match, again – GenOme are clearly hungry to prove they can hang with these two big names, and Reed looks to want to pull his own weight alongside Cornell.


Reed and Perez open with a fantastic few minutes of PGHW-style puro excellence before Newton blind tags in. Art shifts gears seamlessly, but he is – perhaps – outwrestled by the Generation Omega youngster with both men working a Canadian technical style, and he seems glad to escape by tag out.


Cornell promptly launches in with his famed two-handed Blade Chop, letting the self-proclaimed Triple Threat know that this is not going to be a simple mat match. Davis promptly steps up his own game a notch, switching gears to brawl with the company owner.


It takes Cornell quite a while before he gets the upper hand on Newton to any significant degree, with Springsteen constantly selling the regular team as dangerous champions. And, to be fair, they do look it; Cornell tags back out after a while and Reed comes back in to resume the wrestling clinic.


Davis, knowing the danger he faces, tags out before he can be too worn down. Frankie looks to continue a hard striker's style, while Cornell, with that typical smirk of his, switches to a mat game.


To save his partner, Newton breaks up a pinfall, then stays in the ring, bringing Reed in as well.


It rapidly becomes a brawl, and while it's a brawl Perez sends Art out of the ring with a huge hook kick. The former All Action Champion then steps through to the apron and follows him out with a huge two-footed stomp.



While Ray Johnson is dealing with that, however, the crowd sound their disapproval as Remo vaults the guardrail on the far side, slides into the ring, and spears Cornell with a massive, massive impact.


Newton stares at his stablemate, obviously struggling to contain his anger. Remo just shrugs, and rolls out of the ring, deliberately walking right past Ray Johnson's line of sight. Johnson, registering him, wheels to see Cornell obviously out cold, Newton standing over him – and there's a crash from behind him.


Art Reed is draped by the throat over the guardrail – a guardrail which has buckled. Johnson didn't see who did it – just like he didn't see whether it was Remo or Newton who took out Cornell.


Disgusted, with no grounds for the full DQ, Johnson declares the match a no contest.

GenOme fought to a no contest with Art Reed & Tommy Cornell

Rating: A


Show Rating: A

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I'll pick it up later, but two comments:


  1. What? The Stones were a band? I could see Dan Jr. in there, and Edd too. But...Jeremy? He's not the most-oh, you meant the Rolling kind. Riiiiiight.
  2. Greg/Matt's newest move? The Electron Splash. What? They have a submission and an impact move! They might as well have a top rope/pinning move, and it keeps with the series! KEEPS WITH THE SERIES *waits for a Quarkbuster* RNAbomb. Dear god so many great moves!


Oh, and third comment: Ha! Suck it Keith! Gauge is coming for you! (He's not even close is he >_>)


Done. And yeah, good show there. I was going to say Burning Monkey should take the Red Mist and no-sell it (or power up), but somebody changed someone's gimmick.


Well, there is Yellow Mist, I guess, but...or Burning EXILE, though he's a huge ****. Burning Taka****a? Whatever he is in 2008's data. And might be a freelancer.

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Monday 8th August 2009

The big dispute is over, and thankfully so; it's right back to the airport now for a flight back to the States, making sure I'm there in time for Total Wrestling by arriving just gone midnight Tuesday morning.


Europe is a trip I can, usually, do without. Flying out for a show – as we plan to, in good time – I have no problem with. But, effectively, I lost my Sunday at home and my Monday during the day before I have to catch a flight – and I lost them for about three hours' meeting, and I was talking for all of forty-five minutes of that. I didn't even understand more than an hour of it.


Euro Cable Sports 1 doesn't carry any of our programming; as we did with the original launch of Saturday Night Showcase, TCW is treating this as an opportunity for spread out foothold.


Why, you may ask, was I needed? I asked that myself. For the Badge of Honor negotiations, and the original Saturday Night Showcase, my job was to pitch a new product, as the primary creator (or 'scapegoat' as we're also called). My argument was that Saturday Night Showcase is now a proven concept; granted, we're renaming it to Sunday Night Showcase in Europe, but the show has a track record, its format is easily available, and we can supply several months' tapes, to go with the ratings info.


But apparently this wasn't enough for ECS1. They wanted to know that Showcase is going to get more attention... their argument's reasonable, too. ECS1 have a bigger audience share than our current Europe & UK TV contract, carrying Total Wrestling – but SNS has typically pulled slightly lower ratings. So they want to be sure that that's a distribution problem, not that I'm focusing all my interest on Total Wrestling angles.


Well, the good news is simple; we've got a deal with them. Recognition is sure to go up, which is good for both our shows in those markets – and that's good for everyone concerned.


Wednesday 10th August 2009

Normally, after Total Wrestling, I'd either hit the hotel and sleep, or hop onto the redeye, depending on location. This time, I hopped into a rented Mercedes with Jeremy, JeriLynn, and Edd Stone, and we drove for about six hours to the Stone family home.


Why did I do this? Well, Dan Senior makes sure, as a matter of course, that he has access to any TV network worldwide that carries professional wrestling – and his house is certainly the nearest place I'd be able to see the World Level Wrestling tour show.


They usually show only clips of matches, but sometimes, something spectacular happens on the tour but off the big shows – like here – and they show the full match. Edd, JeriLynn, and I sat up into the dawn watching the show, waiting for the main event. Awesome Thunder, World Level Universal Champion, versus my younger son, Kate's twin brother, Adrian Dangerous – a match that ran twenty minutes before the Danger Zone – Adrian's favourite finish – put the match beyond doubt. It's the first time Adrian's been given a company's top title to carry, and I couldn't be prouder.


In the morning, we ate breakfast with Dan Senior and his wife – to Dan's credit, whatever the rumour mill about his problems with Edd, he seems willing to keep the family bonds strong – and piled back into the Mercedes for Jeremy to drive us to the airport.


Sunday 14th August 2009

Well... I never expected uproar over that.


I mentioned before that with the Aaron-Edd program I mostly just blocked out time for them to do something with and gave them the basics of who I felt should come out on top, and they did the rest themselves. I've more or less kept that policy in place whenever it comes to Edd's segments of this feud – Tana's less inventive, and Lee, the man behind the Elemental mask, isn't nearly as confident in these things.


So... when, at the start of the week, I was roughing out the week's cards, Edd asked permission, knowing the segment with Jeremy and Gorgon was coming up, to add something about his own feud to it. Since he was scheduled to mention the clue Jeremy had given his daughter – something we needed to confirm for the fans – I said sure, and told him to tie it in to his later interference.


Today, I've had confirmed that what he did was talk to Tana about interference ideas, and the pair hit on the tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Edd decided to use the video game to set that up, and remind people of Lee, too. So, knowing that he couldn't rely on the camera spotting that at the right moment otherwise, he called our contact at the game company and asked them to put the move together, and they sent him a clip by email. He burned it to DVD and ran it at the appropriate time.


So far, the only thing remarkable about this is Edd's dedication, getting that all set up. But by the time the broadcast ended, our web forum was starting to get complaints.


It turns out that the Tana in the game is too big for someone Elemental's size to be allowed to hit that move. Something to do with its internal rules; I don't really understand it.


People are complaining, anyway. And I can sort of see why the rule is in the game. Most people Tana's size couldn't take the move properly; something like that requires the recipient to be able to do the big flip themselves. Tana's no ordinary super heavyweight.


At any rate, as head booker, this is my responsibility. (Remember what I said about scapegoats?)


Fortunately, the game company rep is happy to do... something... to copies of the game out there, the same thing he did to create the clip. And that'll make Elemental and Edd the only ones who can hit it on Tana.


Apparently this is an 'Easter egg'. All I know is it's a way to placate the fans.

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Another busy day in TCW, as this coming Tuesday is going to see the last entrant but one into Malice in Chains confirmed. On top of that, Tommy Cornell has arranged what he calls a "gauntlet for Generation Omega's worst [deleted]."


Without further ado, then, the scheduled matches, leading off with the Easy Riders taking on an unusual challenge in the duo of Chance Fortune and Ultimate Phoenix. The Riders haven't as much experience as they might want in facing primarily aerial foes, so this could potentially be a chance for a major upset.


Singles action follows that, as two longstanding underdogs in TCW will get the chance to make a statement against one another - Danny Fonzarelli goes solo against Freddy Huggins.


Another unusual team-up is scheduled after that. Elimination Protocol are the tag division regulars, but their opponents are the ones who scheduled the match - more specifically, Rhino Umaga requested a tag match alongside Canadian Elemental. Between this and his request for a solo match against Sammy Bach recently, Umaga has a lot of us in the tcw.com offices wondering what's on his mind.


An all-DaVE reunion was booked from his hospital bed by Mayhem Midden, who's requested Joey Minnesota be put up against Eddie Peak. The former DaVE Brass Knuckles Champion and current Generation Omega warhorse will lock up with the former DaVE Unified Champion and current 'Bloody-Handed God'. Midden's request for this match has a lot of fans speculating on who exactly laid the Board's Representative out last month.


Tag Team action is scheduled to continue, but this time, the Womens Division are the ones putting on the show. JeriLynn Stone and Kate Dangerous renew their alliance - against a team which had a notable, respectable history in womens' wrestling elsewhere, Gorgon and Cherry Bomb.


In the semi-main event, as ever, a Malice in Chains qualifier is scheduled. This time, Aaron Andrews will collide with Jeremy Stone. Can Stone get back into the championship mix, or is Aaron Andrews going to cap off an incredible year.


And then there's the main event. Mr Cornell has ordered that Wolf Hawkins must compete after his assaults on potential competitors, and that Remo Richardson must compete following his assault on Cornell himself. Their opponents are Sean McFly and Troy Tornado, two men with world championship pedigrees - though we've got to notice that Sean McFly is eligible for Malice in Chains contendership under Cornell's preference for people who haven't held the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. And, of course, it's well documented that it's been Troy Tornado's dream to team with McFly for years now... so expect to see the former champ at the very top of his game.


Prediction Key:

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Chance Fortune & Ultimate Phoenix


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Freddy Huggins


Elimination Protocol vs. Canadian Elemental & Rhino Umaga


Eddie Peak vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert


Cherry Bomb & Gorgon vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous



Aaron Andrews vs. Jeremy Stone


Remo Richardson & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly & Troy Tornado

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Chance Fortune & Ultimate Phoenix

Established team over random pairing


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Freddy Huggins

Huggins is doing slighly more


Elimination Protocol vs. Canadian Elemental & Rhino Umaga

Elemental is the most over guy here as far as I know.


Eddie Peak vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert

Hard one but Minnesota is more important at the moment.


Cherry Bomb & Gorgon vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous

I might be wrong but I think that Bomb is the weak link here.



Aaron Andrews vs. Jeremy Stone

Andrews has come a long way but I still have hard time thinking that he could go over Jeremy here.


Remo Richardson & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly & Troy Tornado

Could go either way but between Generation Omega and Darkwave it´s likely that some heels will interfere in this one.

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