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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Chance Fortune & Ultimate Phoenix


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Freddy Huggins


Elimination Protocol vs. Canadian Elemental & Rhino Umaga


Eddie Peak vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert


Cherry Bomb & Gorgon vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous



Aaron Andrews vs. Jeremy Stone


Remo Richardson & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly & Troy Tornado

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Chance Fortune & Ultimate Phoenix



Danny Fonzarelli vs. Freddy Huggins



Elimination Protocol vs. Canadian Elemental & Rhino Umaga



Eddie Peak vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert

Despite his perennial popularity, Eddie Peak has remained an also-ran in the big leagues of TCW.


Cherry Bomb & Gorgon vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous

The scions of their respective family lines can get some momentum here.



Aaron Andrews vs. Jeremy Stone

Jezza is already involved in a plotline with his daughter, while AA can focus on MiC itself.


Remo Richardson & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly & Troy Tornado

A guess, a pure guess. Wolf's the champ, so he takes it.

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Chance Fortune & Ultimate Phoenix


Zergon forgot to add the word jobbers to the phrase random pairing.


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Freddy Huggins


Fonzarelli's entire contract now with TCW is just one long farewell jobbing tour.


Elimination Protocol vs. Canadian Elemental & Rhino Umaga


Elimination Protocol are Tooth and Claw in disguise, or rather Tooth & Claw without the disguises.


Eddie Peak vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert


Peak just feels like he's stalled as a midcard monster/bad-ass in the great scheme of things, Minnesota on the other hand is being groomed amongst several young guns to have TCW's future built around them.


Cherry Bomb & Gorgon vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous


I'm going to take the faces on this one, with possibly JeriLynn pulling out a flash pin over Gorgon...however I see the heels having the last word post match.



Aaron Andrews vs. Jeremy Stone


I was a little shocked to see Jezza Stone lose to Art Reed, so could another mild upset be on the cards here? Aaron Andrews has been built up well enough, that it would be feasible for it to happen...but my feeling is that Jezza isn't completely done in pursuit of his world title goal just yet.


Remo Richardson & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly & Troy Tornado


These main event tags are always so damn difficult to call, because everyones is so even...anyway as Regis said Wolf is the champ, so why not keep the champ looking really strong, against a pair of strong opponents.

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Chance Fortune & Ultimate Phoenix


The Riders aren't as focal in the tag team division as they have been, but they're A) Not a random pairing and B) Far better established.


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Freddy Huggins


Huggins is younger, better and is having whispers of a push. Fonzy just hasn't been performing.


Elimination Protocol vs. Canadian Elemental & Rhino Umaga


Random pairing, true, but I can't see Protocol jobbing less for some time.


Eddie Peak vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert


Joey's, as previously stated, just plain got more going on.


Cherry Bomb & Gorgon vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous


I think Gorgon looks a little more vulnerable here. The faces have to get some momentum somewhere otherwise it just looks like a foregone concluscion.



Aaron Andrews vs. Jeremy Stone


I suspect that Andrews will have other business on his dance card.


Remo Richardson & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly & Troy Tornado


Allow me a mark moment to say; it's his dream dangit, he can't lose his dream match!

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 3 August 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 15.21)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.08)


Held at Doyle Lane (North West)


Attendance: 17,520




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes


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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Chance Fortune & Ultimate Phoenix

The swifter side know they have their work cut out for them facing the Riders, who have the teamwork to match their power. They do their level best, and Phoenix in particular showcases some remarkable moves.


Unfortunately for him, the Riders can take that, and he finds himself snatched out of the air and planted with the Emergency Stop. Peter Hopper gets the official pinfall.

Easy Riders defeated Chance Fortune & Ultimate Phoenix

Rating: B




Backstage, Autumn Gleeson flashes a bright, confident smile at the camera. “Another great tag team exhibition from TCW there,” she comments. “And with me right now is one-half of the former tag team champions, who this month will be in the main event of Hotter Than Hell looking to earn a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship.


“Art, this has to be one of the biggest opportunities of your career so far – this is a chance to reach the very top of the sport. How are you feeling about that?”


Art Reed pauses to consider. Behind him, the Blonde Bombshell smiles. She rests a reassuring hand on his shoulder, and she speaks first.


“We've seen Art score a pinfall on the World Champion. Hell, we've seen him get two falls on him – but it wasn't a match that let that be enough for a win.


“I've stood by the side of a Champion before. I've stood by Art, too, with a title belt around his waist – and I will do again.


“I might be doing that in two months time. And it's very possible that going in to Destructive Energy I'll be standing with both champion and challenger – Art Reed against the man who taught him the Dread Lock, the man who's been champion the world over, Sam Keith.”


She beams. “Wouldn't that be something?”


Reed nods, bouncing on the balls of his feet, smiling.


“Not to run the top prize in this sport down,” he says. “Not at all. But qualifying for Malice in Chains isn't the biggest opportunity of my life.


“What is? Well... if Kunomasu-san hadn't invited me to wrestle in Japan, I wouldn't have honed the skills I needed to succeed here. PGHW puts a lot of emphasis on tag teams, too, and it was wrestling alongside William Hayes in the Elite Tag Team Series that taught me the tricks I needed to help Kreed succeed – and put me properly on the map here.


“But that wasn't the biggest opportunity. No, Eisaku Kunomasu wrestled me and came to respect me while I was in DaVE. I was in DaVE because – hah! Right? Phil Vibert wanted me there.


“And he wanted me in there because I'd caught his eye wrestling Acid. So was that the opportunity at the bottom of all this?


“No. I was able to wrestle Acid like that because I trained alongside some of the best high flyers in wrestling today, at the House of Stone.


“And that happened because Owen Pinsent and me snuck in to see the Stones wrestle and fell in love with the business, which was Owen's idea, and Owen and I met... training in Canada's Olympic team.


“So if you want to find the biggest opportunity of my life, the one that put me on to a career in a sport I love...


“It would have to be qualifying for the Olympics.” He smiles. “Everything since is something I've earned through my wrestling.


“This month, I'm going to keep right on wrestling. And hopefully, I'll take that Hotter Than Hell main event and be set to main event Destructive Energy.


“Wolf Hawkins or Sam Keith, I'll be concentrating on the win either way.”



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Danny Fonzarelli vs. Freddy Huggins

The long-standing TCW duo face off, and learn afresh an old lesson; put against one another, they're guaranteed to cue up a string of accidents, miscues, and general bad timing.


They do their best nonetheless, but the match is doomed to be weak. Freddy does, however, make the most of it in the end, landing a textbook Huggins Kiss superkick – in fact, a more effective-looking one than usual; possibly he actually connected. Either way, it's enough to pick up the win.

Freddy Huggins defeated Danny Fonzarelli

Rating: C-



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Elimination Protocol vs. Canadian Elemental & Rhino Umaga

There's a bit of discussion, as the match begins, among the announce team about Rhino Umaga having requested this match, and the reasons for it; Azaria brings up Umaga having also requested a match against Sammy Bach recently, while they deliberate on what's actually going on.


The match begins, and Elemental explodes into action. Technique is a years-running veteran, and he knows exactly how to make Elemental's stuff look good. He tags out after a couple of minutes and Elemental returns the favour.


Jameson gets steamrollered by a fast, agile, powerful Umaga, who seems to have started to pick up in enthusiasm as he gets a little more focus and more regular attention. The spinebuster is good and the snap suplex crisp; his Samoan drop has a speed and snap to it that makes it seem more brutal than the standard variation.


This summary does understate the efforts of Elimination Protocol, who do get in some offence of their own – but the makeshift team are good, and they seem enthusiastic. Umaga tags out and gives Elemental a rocket launcher assist on the Phoenix Firebird Splash to finish.

Canadian Elemental & Rhino Umaga defeated Elimination Protocol

Rating: C+




The big screen comes to life and what's obviously a pre-recorded video airs. The camera's panning along a table with an artfully-draped blue velvet cloth. As it pans along it comes to a picture of Amber Allen, one of her stock promotional photos in an ornate silver frame.


“So,” a woman's voice says, from off camera. “The rock-chic rock chick look. What do we think?”


“Oh, no,” another voice says. “No, no, no. It just doesn't work. And the lip ring...” She tuts. “I'm not impressed.”


“She can wrestle, apparently.” The first voice is dripping with disdain.


“Not with style, though, and style is what counts.”



“Thought so... but it's nice to have it confirmed.” The camera tracks along further; Lauren Easter.


“Oh, the big pouty lips. She's not fooling anyone.” A disdainful laugh.


“Indeed. And she's been losing of late... set her aside for now?”


“I'd set them both aside. Who's the champion?”


“Oh, I couldn't even bring myself to set up the picture...”


As the video ends, Azaria notes that the voice seems familiar.



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddiePeak.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Eddie Peak vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert

Icons of DaVE's old youth movement, the pair face off with Vibert on the outside, Peak bleeding shallowly from the diagonal thumbnail slash on his chest that he's made his signature as he enters.


Minnesota skirts his opponent warily, looking for an opening. Eddie, on the other hand, smiles... and as Minnesota watches the smile, Peak strikes, launching into an astonishingly fast big boot. Joey has been dominant in his matches for the last few months, but Eddie seems to have his measure; he refuses to play Joey's game, concentrating on the power differential.


Joey is busted open pretty early on. While he gets in his licks, Eddie remains in charge, using sheer power and resilience to good advantage. The 'Bloody-Handed God' has blood dripping from his hand and he makes the most of that, with a particularly cruel moment coming when he has Joey trapped against the turnbuckle and wipes his bloody palm clean on Minnesota's face.


With Joey blinded, Eddie looks for the Peak of the Devil – and Joey slips out on reflex, rolling Peak up with a foot anchored by Vibert on the outside to keep his opponent's shoulder down for the three.

Joey Minnesota defeated Eddie Peak

Rating; B+



The camera goes to the backstage interview area again.


Autumn Gleeson is standing there with Davis Wayne Newton. Davis is dressed to hit the town and paint it red, looking more than a little bored.


Gleeson smiles at the camera. For the first time in a while it looks like a professionally-required smile, as opposed to her usual genuine happiness to be interviewing. “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome one-half of the TCW World Tag Team Champions, Davis Wayne Newton.


“Davis, you've had quite a debut year in TCW. From a year in the minor leagues to holder of one of the most important titles in a major wrestling promotion within six months is a remarkable opening – and you've boasted that you plan to win the Ticket to the Top match next January and hold it until the following year, cashing in to win the World Heavyweight Championship.


“That's a huge challenge, but today, the question on people's mind is the World Tag Team Championship match at Hotter Than Hell. Last week there were two four-man matches involving representatives of four teams for the right to face you; the British Lions came out on top in one, the Texas Outlaws in the other.


“And on Saturday, you defended your championship – with Remo's help – against the team of Art Reed and Tommy Cornell. Mr Cornell's suggested that he and Art would have vacated the belt to leave it for those teams to settle at Hotter Than Hell – but you came through.”


Davis nods. “Yeah. Now everyone's saying that there's some question of what should happen with the title match.


“I'm here to say that I pure and simple do not care. Have them fight it out, put them both against us – we've beaten multiple teams before and we will again. Frankie knows how to brawl with the best of them and he's been making life harder on Ricky Dale Johnson every time they've locked up. I don't see any reason to care about the Texas Outlaws; they're good enough to be contenders, but not champions.


“As far as the Lions go, they come across like a tougher proposition. But, first off, put the title on the line and they just don't have the desire you need if you're going to challenge. Second, I respect them for one thing.


“They're a pair of technical experts. On the mat, there's no one finer.


“But they don't call me the Triple Threat for no reason. They want to take it to the mat, I can match them – but then I can change the pace. I can hit them from the air or I can bounce them around the ring. Doesn't matter a whole hell of a lot which.


“I'll take them apart. I guarantee it.”



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Cherry Bomb & Gorgon vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous

JeriLynn still wears the armband for her mother, with the pink lettering. Kate and she are starting to settle as a team by now, figuring out their routine, but their opponents were, as Azaria reminds us, tag team champions elsewhere for some time. They've already found their groove; they just need to settle back into it.


Gorgon clearly has a vendetta against JeriLynn, and she and Kate find themselves trading on and off to preserve themselves. That... doesn't work as well as it could.


After a few minutes the match starts to break down. All four women are in the ring; JeriLynn sends Cherry Bomb to the outside with a superkick, then teams with Kate and the pair manage to send Gorgon out of the ring.


They hit the far ropes simultaneously and soar over the top ropes to crash down on their recovering opponents.


The match will never return to the ring; by now, it's a flat-out brawl which rapidly spills over into the crowd. Eugene Williams' count reaches ten, leading to a crowd of officials – featuring, among other things, a rare Archie “the Governor” Judge sighting – heading out to separate the four combatants and calm things down. We head to commercial before that finishes.

Cherry Bomb & Gorgon drew with JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous

Rating: B




Gimme Shelter hits, and as always when that track's playing, Sam Keith emerges, with the Blonde Bombshell, heading down to the ring.


The Bombshell collects a microphone from the ring announcer and underhands it to Sam in the ring; he catches it with an ease born of long, long practice.


He turns a full circle, enjoying the crowd's reaction; while not as loud as it is for Cornell at the moment, Keith enjoys the kind of reaction a legend deserves.


He takes a moment, then raises the microphone to his lips.


“So... in a little under two weeks... I step into the ring with the World Heavyweight Champion.”


A little more reaction, and Keith grins. “And, yes, you've known that for two weeks.


“And, yes, you haven't seen much of me.” He nods.


“I have been a world champion ten times in four companies. I have been a world champion in Mexico, America, Japan, and Canada.


“On the other hand... I won my first world championship in Mexico, back in June 1984.


“For those of you playing the home game, it's now August 2009. I'm 48. I was 22 when I won that first world championship. Kids born that night are older now than I was when I won it.


“The last time I defended a world championship was January 2004. Even that's five and a half years ago.


“Now, I've schooled rookies, won titles, and wrestled classics in the last five and a half years. Plenty of them.


“I've had thirty years in this business. It's been good to me... I like to think I've been good to it.


“But the Hard-Hitting Championship may very well be the last belt I ever hold...


“I'm just not planning on letting that happen.” He smiles grimly. “Wolf Hawkins is a hell of a talent. Believe me – I helped train him.


“And the Syndicate was where Wolf really picked up his skill. He went from a good high flier to an International Champion, and he picked up more and more.


“He earned his World Heavyweight Championship. The matches he's had since he won it prove it.


“He may be coming into the very top of his game. And me? By the standards of this sport, I'm an old man.


“But Tommy Cornell brought me into this company. Tommy Cornell has given me this shot. And frankly... with the few years I have left to me... I want to be world champion again.


“So if you haven't seen much of me... indulge an old warhorse. I've got my knowledge. I've got my experience. And I've got whatever I can dredge up in terms of strength and stamina.


“I'm conserving that. I'm not showing Wolf anything that'll remind him what my weak spots are. If he's a true champion, he'll be scouting me anyway – but I see no reason to give him the chance.


“I will give you everything I have at Hotter Than Hell. And I'm making sure it really is everything.”




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Aaron Andrews vs. Jeremy Stone

Lots of jockeying for the upper hand early as Stone slaps Aaron around, but Andrews isn't one to just let himself get slapped without delivering a slapping of his own. Stone backs him to the corner and hits a chop that even referee Sam Sparrow sells. They trade chops, and Aaron takes a moment to deliver a clothesline against the ropes; Stone falls all the way to the floor.


Stone stalls for a bit as Aaron starts to get pissed. Back in, Aaron wins a test of strength and turns it into an armbar. Stone whips him off but gets shoulderblocked and armdragged right back down into the armbar. That segues to a hammerlock counter, and Jeremy holds that just long enough to be sure that Aaron won't be ready to counter when he switches to a single-leg crab.


They trade moves back and forth until Aaron tries going back to one of his previous finishers - and goes all the way over the top to the floor off a missed crossbody.


Stone delivers a few chops to Aaron and has words with a guy in the crowd. He rolls back into the ring to break the count, then comes off the apron with a double axe-handle – which Andrews avoids. He lands a spinebuster on the outside then rolls Jeremy back into the ring, looking for the pin.


When Stone gets his shoulder up after a two, Dangerous observes bluntly that leaving Jeremy on the outside might have been smarter; a count out victory is still a victory, and would put Andrews through.


Andrews goes to pick Jeremy up and gets rolled up for a quick pinfall; he kicks out before two and hits a low dropkick to the back of Stone's head to keep him dazed as he sets up again. A fisherman's suplex cuts out the chances of Stone countering it, as Azaria points out, but Jeremy rolls out of the ring, then back in before Aaron can prepare to follow him out.


Jeremy kicks him in the gut, controls, and drops him with a DDT, then covers – one, two, and a kickout. He goes for a butterfly suplex – one, two, kickout – and looks for something else, but Aaron punches clear, then lariats Jeremy to the mat. He backs off, hitting the ropes, and tries the crossbody again – and Stone sidesteps, aiding his momentum by boosting him into the air to let him drop throat-first across the top rope.


“He shouldn't have gone for that,” Dangerous says. “He used it too often for too long... Stone was bound to have it scouted. That's twice he's used it against Aaron now.”


Meanwhile, Jeremy is covering. ONE, TWO, THR – Andrews gets the shoulder up. Jeremy moves forward to complain, his body blocking Sparrow from seeing his shin is across Andrews' throat.


He pitches Aaron to the outside and heads out himself, suplexing Aaron on the outside. They fight back up to the apron, and Jeremy looks to suplex him back into the ring – but Aaron shifts in the air, turning it into a Henson Roll. ONE, TWO – NO! Aaron scoops Jeremy onto his shoulders off that – GAME BREAKER! He covers, but Stone has a foot hooked on the ropes.


He still seems out of it, though, so Aaron goes up, but Stone rattles the ropes, sending Aaron all the way to the floor, injuring his knee on the landing.


Jeremy allows himself a moment to grin, stomping the same knee and applying the Stone Hold. Aaron fights the pain, just barely reaching the ropes.


Stone grabs Aaron's leg and just starts pounding away at the knee. Aaron starts throwing fists, punching his way out of the abuse. He hauls himself up with the ropes and looks for another Game Breaker, but Jeremy hooks his leg – small package! ONE, TWO, THREE!

Jeremy Stone defeated Aaron Andrews

Rating: A*



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Remo Richardson & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly & Troy Tornado

Hawkins starts out against Sean McFly, and there's a rapid-fire exchange of holds at the beginning as the World Heavyweight Champion looks to prove that he can hold his own against the youngest SWF Champion in history – a fact the announce team have spent a long time dancing around just saying, since McFly joined.


Sean knows when to give up on an exchange of holds, however; he shoots Wolf across the ring, into the ropes, setting for a backdrop – but Hawkins instead hits a charging, jumping DDT to wipe his opponent out.


Wolf goes for a quick cover, but Sean rolls out of it in one seamless motion that ends with both men upright and Hawkins in a hammerlock; Wolf promptly reverse and looks to slam McFly onto the hammerlocked arm. He rolls in the air to land well, however, coming up to one knee, fists raised in a boxer's stance, and the two stand off.


Hawkins starts moving forward in the middle of the crowd's applause, causing it to cut off rather than run to a natural halt. He smirks at that – and Sean McFly jumps and punts him in the head. The crowd pop, but as the camera shows a couple of replays, it's easy to wince nonetheless.


Remo comes in unbidden, smashing McFly to the ground. Troy tries a top-rope Star Maker and gets caught out of the air with a powerslam.


The crowd wince in sympathy. Ray Johnson starts to back Remo out of the ring, and as he does so, Wolf regains his feet. Sean is there to meet him, trying for another whip to the ropes, but this time, Wolf keeps his footing and turns it into a belly-to-belly suplex.


Troy staggers to his feet, blocks an attempted Wolf's Howl - “Way too early,” Doakes offers knowledgeably – and counters with a snap DDT, before returning to his corner so McFly can tag out.


He, too, shoots Wolf to the ropes, but in his eagerness to flapjack the champion he loses awareness of the rest of the ring. Ray Johnson is right in the way as Hawkins crashes to earth, and the two bump heads.


Remo goes back in once again – no real surprise there – and Troy is ready to meet him. He prevents an assault by firing off a volley of punches, then goes for the discus punch – and Remo wasn't nearly hurting enough. He shoves Troy, putting him four paces back – and spears him almost immediately with a huge impact.



With Johnson down, Jack Bruce swaggers down to ringside. Remo watches him, smirking, as Bruce picks out a female fan at ringside. He slips his hand behind her head, fingers twining in her hair, and kisses her, guiding her up to standing as he does so.


With his free hand, he reaches behind her, grabbing her chair by the back. As he pulls it over the guardrail he breaks the kiss, immediately turning to put her chair as far away from her as possible, before she can grab it back. Shutting it with an audible metal snap, he gestures to Remo. His meaning is clear; toss Tornado from the ring, and Bruce will be waiting on the way down with a chair.


Remo laughs – a rare sound – puts Troy back down with a stiff punch to the temple, and scoops him onto his shoulders. He heads to the far side of the ring and starts to run, ready to lawn dart Troy over the top rope – and as he gets ready to release, McFly jumps from the apron himself, grabbing the chair and driving it into Bruce's face.


The result is that Troy lands on both men, but not on the chair.


Johnson, slowly recovering, starts the count, but Troy makes it back in at nine. With Remo having returned to his corner, Wolf is ready to meet the former champion with a volley of punches, but Troy fires right back at him as Azaria dwells on Tornado's often-stated desire to team with McFly. It's pretty clear that, after McFly put himself in harm's way to save Troy, there's no way Troy won't do the same if he gets the chance.


Troy cuts the champion off with a knee to the gut and tries for the Tornado Driver – but Wolf counters out as Azaria reminds the crowd of Hawkins and Tornado having teamed at one point. That's followed up a second later when Hawkins nearly hits the Full Moon Rising, but Tornado has it blocked.


What he doesn't have blocked is the neckbreaker that follows a second later, and Hawkins follows it up with a flying kneedrop from the top rope before tagging back out.


Remo looks to demolish Tornado, who slips out the back of the Destroyer and comes off the rope with a Star Maker. The supreme specimen drops, but Troy has other priorities than the cover... he crawls to the corner and tags McFly in. Wolf comes back in, and Troy comes in to cut him off, and the match breaks down for a while. In under thirty seconds people have lost track of who's legal and who's not.


Remo spears Tornado, and Hawkins catches McFly with a bulldog – and the champion locks down a triangle choke on McFly, while Remo, not to be outdone, shocks the announce team by applying a Stone Hold – and one it's pretty close to impossible to imagine simply broken.


Johnson moves between the rocker and his idol, checking on how willing they are to tap out – and slowly, but surely, McFly rolls himself over, pressing Wolf's shoulders to the canvas. Johnson drops – ONE, TWO, THR-


Remo breaks it up, having had to drop the hold on Troy to do it. Troy, somewhat shockingly, rolls Remo up – ONE, TWO, THRE-


Wolf took the quicker route, dropping an elbow on Johnson who's now down for the second time in the match. As the crowd voice their complaint, he flips the bird. Troy tries for the Star Maker, and Wolf moves with it, hitting the Wolf's Call!


“They know each other so well,” Dangerous declares. “But Hawkins has added to his arsenal.”


Sean McFly interrupts, getting a Delorean Driver on Hawkins. Remo promptly cuts him off and gets a Lumbar Puncture.


He's got McFly over his head for a Destroyer – to put the man down beyond all doubt – when the crowd explode.



Tommy Cornell is in the ring, with the chair Jack Bruce took from a fan – and Remo takes it full in the face.


Remo pauses, and Cornell swings again. The second impact sees Remo topple slowly backward, McFly landing atop him.


Cornell turns to find Hawkins ready for him. A Full Moon Rising drives the chair into Cornell's face, dropping him to the mat, and Hawkins turns around – sees Tornado staggering, his back to the champion, and a grin spreads across his face.


He moves forward, reaching out for Troy – his fingers graze the Painful Procedure frontman's shoulder – and Tornado hits the backflip kick he introduced a couple of matches ago out of nowhere.


The announce team explode. Troy's still unsteady on his feet, but he sees the situation. He grabs Johnson, drags him over to where McFly's lying over Remo, and rolls out of the ring.


Johnson raises his head, sees the pin, lifts his hand...




Somehow, Remo doesn't just kick out – he powers out. The crowd can't believe it.


Sean makes it back to his feet while Tornado is back in the ring, playing cat and mouse with Remo, keeping him distracted. Hawkins rises, too.


The four men stare each other down. Nineteen minutes have elapsed.


They lunge into twin lockups, four titans ready to continue the fight.


“We're out of time on this broadcast!” Azaria yells. “Sorry, folks – but we'll see you with Badge of Honor and back again next week!”


The match has not been settled, but there's no more time.

Remo Richardson & Wolf Hawkins and Sean McFly & Troy Tornado fought until the show went off the air

Rating: A*


Show Rating: A*

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Show Notes


  • This one took a while. Gee, I wonder why?
  • Henson Roll = O'Connor Roll
  • Let's hear it for Aaron Andrews and Wolf Hawkins, the face of TCW circa 2015.
  • Except once, I've used a real match for structure on any A* and started to deviate from it. The main event deviated a lot more.
  • Troy Tornado was not off his game, and boy did he deliver.
  • It's not my place to say, but I HOPE that comes across as the kind of main event that boosts the stock of all participants without making any of them look weak.

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  • And for those of us that are stupid, O'Connor Roll = that thing where you have the opponent's back, push them into the ropes, then roll them up backwards. I think.
  • Aw Tornado delivered ._.
  • I still don't like Andrews that much, and I doubt I ever will. Nothing to do with you, mind, but...eh.

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Congrats on the A* show (finally). And I think you might need to move the date up on the Aaron & Wolf show. They will probably be high A overness (if Wolf isn't already across North America) by the end of the year, and Wolf already has THE belt which should mean he's the face of the company. Really, really enjoy the match write-ups. I actually read all of them unlike most others that I love.


That PPV has a LOT to live up to now.;)

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Great show, really great. I loved the segments with Art and Sam - I've pretty much this diary to thank for giving me such a soft spot for Keith and his seemingly eternal nature.


The two A* matches were well written, and it did come across in the right way; everyone looked legitimate, nobody wound up looking like a chump (except dear old Jacky-boy)


- Though it DOES tweak my envy that my version of Andrews isn't developing quite as well as yours seems to be. He'll main event, but there's more 'Our training camp graduate needs to be a star' influence/bias in there than I would've liked.

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It's interesting you say that, Blake, as I'm very conscious of the care I take to make sure Aaron, Wolf, et al are put up against opponents who can call the match for them, etc.


Here's Aaron, as he stands...




In another 10 points of Psych, he'll be headlining - still against higher Psych oppoinents, however.

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 3 August 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.27)


Held at the Sunrise Sunset (Hawaii)


Attendance: 1,995





Jason Azaria – Sara Silver – Autumn Gleeson


  • In a scorching opener, Sean McFly has a surprisingly hard time beating Warren Technique, who looks like a million dollars before taking the Delorean Driver to lose. (Rating: B+)
  • The Fly Boys get a rare win over Kazuma & the Kid when Jimmy P locks the Prudential Pain Plan on the Cannonball Kid. (Rating: C+)
  • The video segment featuring photographs of certain TCW female wrestlers airs again.
  • Conquering Kings put up a hard fight but ultimately lost to Global Tradition following a One Shot Drop from Bryant on Alexander. (Rating: B-)
  • All Action Champion Shingen Miyazaki had cause to be grateful that his contest with Freddy Huggins was non-title, as – following an assault by Jack Marlowe – Huggins took the injured champion and hit him with the Huggins Kiss for the pinfall in a surprisingly good match. (Rating: A)
  • Team KOBRA emerged to deliver the punishing bokken shots. Thunder Snake looked astonishingly gleeful.
  • John Anderson faced down Pistol Pete Hall but, somewhat shockingly, lost to the veteran when Hall hit two consecutive Pistol Whip Lariats. (Rating: B)
  • Champagne Lover again faced off with Rick Law in a stunning match that fell into a double-DQ after Jack Marlowe got involved. (Rating: B+)
  • Rocky Golden and Chris Rockwell ran in to save their friend. Law grabbed the microphone and demanded Marlowe tell them who was paying for the assaults, naming Carl Batch, Jack Bruce, Eric Tyler and Floyd Goldworthy as the likely candidates. Marlowe laughed off the question, heading backstage as the show ended.


Show Rating: B+

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Marlowe is "Jungle Jack," right?


I'm amused that Watson, for you, isn't doing much, whereas in my game he's become a pet project with his great growth in most skills.


That's right, yeah.


Julian's big issue is a pretty simple one. I brought them in expecting them to autopush to similar levels; Marlowe went to midcard and Watson went to ET, and the result was a cagier push for them within the Syndicate, and afterward, because I wanted to use Marlowe down the line, they got little. So Watson continues to job periodically, while Jack has the big push... but Julian's getting more over, slowly, and should be in position to do something big sooner or later.

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With a packed card, this Saturday is going to be a busy one - and the final contender for Malice will be revealed. This is going to get hectic... so let's get going.


A six-man tag is on course to collide, with Sean Deeley and the British Lions teaming as a trio for the first time against the fully assembled Easy Riders - the tag team and Sayeed Ali.


A size mismatch will follow, as El Leon looks to make a name for himself by upsetting former champ Tyson Baine. We wish the courageous luchador all the best...


International Champion Edd Stone will be in non-title action, too, welcoming daring high flyer Fox Mask back to TCW after over a year away. Can Fox Mask shock the world?


Rocky Golden has a singles match scheduled. The strongest of the Three Amigos has as his opponent a Darkwave member who's really impressed - Zimmy. Both men could use a win over a tough competitor like that... but which will get it?


The semi-main, as ever, is a Malice in Chains qualifier, and this one is also a rematch from one of the best matches on TV in recent months - as Joey Minnesota once more goes head to head with Sean McFly. Last time, neither man could squeak out victory, but this time there must be a winner. Who will claim the final spot in Malice in Chains?


In the main event, tag team action continues; Matthew Keith has not let Chris Rockwell out of his sights just because he's entered Malice. Meanwhile, Tommy Cornell and Remo Richardson look guaranteed to do battle at Hotter Than Hell. Saturday Night Showcase will see Cornell and Rockwell team against Keith and Richardson.


Prediction Key:

Huggins' Heroes (Sean Deeley, Walter Morgan, & Merle O'Curle) w/ Laura Huggins vs. Easy Riders (Billy Fonda, Peter Hopper, & Sayeed Ali) w/ Carl Batch


El Leon vs. Tyson Baine


Edd Stone vs. Fox Mask (non-title)


Rocky Golden vs. Zimmy



Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly


Chris Rockwell & Tommy Cornell vs. Matthew Keith & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

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Huggins' Heroes?




So Morgan and O'Curle can fight over who's Newkirk, Deeley can be Carter, so she needs someone like Phillipe LaGrenier for LeBeau and Andre Jones for Dixon?




Prediction Key:

Huggins' Heroes (Sean Deeley, Walter Morgan, & Merle O'Curle) w/ Laura Huggins vs. Easy Riders (Billy Fonda, Peter Hopper, & Sayeed Ali) w/ Carl Batch


El Leon vs. Tyson Baine


Edd Stone vs. Fox Mask (non-title)


Rocky Golden vs. Zimmy



Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly


Chris Rockwell & Tommy Cornell vs. Matthew Keith & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

No Contest/Draw/Charlie Foxtrot

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Phantom totally needs to do a Trios/Six-Man championship for all the 3-man teams he's got:


The Machines/Marc Speed

Easy Riders/Sayeed Ali

Rocky Golden/Rick Law/Chris Rockwell

Kreed/Sam Keith

Any three of Omega


And those are the ones I can actually remember!


Prediction Key:

Huggins' Heroes w/ Laura Huggins vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch

El Leon vs. Tyson Baine

Edd Stone vs. Fox Mask (non-title)

Rocky Golden vs. Zimmy


Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly

Chris Rockwell & Tommy Cornell vs. Matthew Keith & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

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Huggins' Heroes (Sean Deeley, Walter Morgan, & Merle O'Curle) w/ Laura Huggins vs. Easy Riders (Billy Fonda, Peter Hopper, & Sayeed Ali) w/ Carl Batch

I predict for the Riders on principle - they could win at any time.


El Leon vs. Tyson Baine

Keep him sweet for the name value he can bring to a smaller promotion when his contract expires.


Edd Stone vs. Fox Mask (non-title)



Rocky Golden vs. Zimmy

Because he's Rocky Golden, and he's awesome.



Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly

Because seriously, how many Heels in that one cage?


Chris Rockwell & Tommy Cornell vs. Matthew Keith & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

Can't really choose.

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Phantom totally needs to do a Trios/Six-Man championship for all the 3-man teams he's got:


New Wave/Marc Speed

Easy Riders/Sayeed Ali

Rocky Golden/Rick Law/Chris Rockwell

Kreed/Sam Keith

Any three of Omega


Marc Speed is the third of The Machines, so he's already in with them.

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Huggins' Heroes (Sean Deeley, Walter Morgan, & Merle O'Curle) w/ Laura Huggins vs. Easy Riders (Billy Fonda, Peter Hopper, & Sayeed Ali) w/ Carl Batch


El Leon vs. Tyson Baine


Edd Stone vs. Fox Mask (non-title)


Rocky Golden vs. Zimmy



Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly


Chris Rockwell & Tommy Cornell vs. Matthew Keith & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

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Huggins' Heroes (Sean Deeley, Walter Morgan, & Merle O'Curle) w/ Laura Huggins vs. Easy Riders (Billy Fonda, Peter Hopper, & Sayeed Ali) w/ Carl Batch

Deeley and British Lions seems slighly bigger names to me.


El Leon vs. Tyson Baine

Baine is lost in the shuffle but he´s still monster heel while Leon is just a jobber.


Edd Stone vs. Fox Mask (non-title)

Fox Mask isn´t established enough to go over Edd


Rocky Golden vs. Zimmy

No idea what to expect here but I go with Golden.



Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly

Could go either way so this is pretty much a coin flip to me


Chris Rockwell & Tommy Cornell vs. Matthew Keith & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

Rockwell seems to be the weak link here.

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Huggins' Heroes (Sean Deeley, Walter Morgan, & Merle O'Curle) w/ Laura Huggins vs. Easy Riders (Billy Fonda, Peter Hopper, & Sayeed Ali) w/ Carl Batch


Deeley and the Lions have been enjoying stronger pushes before they have even come together under the banner of Huggins Heroes.


El Leon vs. Tyson Baine


A rare Tyson Baine sighting, his sightings have been so rare of late...I'm going to go out on a limb here and call the upset. El Leon is a great talent, who could be a real asset to the All Action Division and beyond, Baine has had his time...call me crazy but I'm calling it for the luchadore.


Edd Stone vs. Fox Mask (non-title)


Fox Mask finally gets his opportunity on the bigger stage..thing is unlike in CZCW he's starting right at the bottom.


Rocky Golden vs. Zimmy


A midcard coin toss, honestly this could go either way. Personal preference on this one.



Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly


Both are great talents, and legitimate world title contenders but as Regis said, the heel/face balance needs to be balanced out a bit more in favour of the faces.


Chris Rockwell & Tommy Cornell vs. Matthew Keith & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


Could go the other way but I'm going to back Cornell and the recently crowned Hard Hitting champ on this one.....

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I've been reading this over the past 3-4 days (soooo many shows) and I'm about 13-14 pages from being caught up, but it's been a great read so far. I probably won't predict even if I get caught up, so this will likely be my primary "keep up the awesome work" post.
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