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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Regis" data-cite="Regis" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23671" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I know TCW has a vibrant tag team division, but did I just see a show with only one singles match on it? Which wasn't even a gimmick tag-team focussed show?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You did.</p><p> </p><p> Mind you, you'll see NO standard tag team action this Saturday, so I guess these things happen.</p>
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One day to go before Hotter Than Hell, and everyone's talking about Malice in Chains making its return. But before that can happen, we've got a packed Saturday Night Showcase, and you will NOT want to miss this.


In the opening contest, Joey Minnesota collides with Danny Fonzarelli. With Minnesota's star in the ascendant, Fonzarelli has his work cut out for him, but Minnesota's momentum could yet be dealt a serious blow.


Next comes Clark Alexander of the Conquering Kings. His matchup is likely to be a tough one - his opponent is Pistol Pete Hall, who as yet has shown incredible fortitude to earn his Hard Hitting Championship shot against Chris Rockwell.


And Malice in Chains is going to be influenced by the following five matches; the Watch The Clock gauntlet is coming back. All five of the unplaces Malice in Chains contestants will engage in singles matches. Whoever either wins most slowly or loses fastest will be made to enter the Malice in Chains match first. The order of the contestants has been determined by random draw; their opponents have each asked for the privilege of facing an opponent in the gauntlet, and will compete in the order in which they asked.


Champagne Lover will begin, facing off with Rhino Umaga, first to claim his role. Art Reed, second into the stakes, has as a result to face Sayeed Ali.


Matthew Keith - should he be medically cleared to wrestle - is due to face Chance Fortune. And Jeremy Stone will then go head to head with Julian Watson. Finally, Sean McFly faces arguably the toughest test - Sammy Bach.


The main event serves a double purpose; both to see who will win, and as a safeguard in case Matthew Keith is not cleared to wrestle, in which case the individual who scores the pinfall or forces the submission will be entered into Malice in Chains. Should this lead to a different Hotter Than Hell match being cancelled, Mayhem Midden has pledged to deliver something at least as good for the fans. On one team, Aaron Andrews is joined by Eddie Peak, Troy Tornado, and Kate Dangerous. On the other, Eric Tyler fights alongside Jack Bruce, Jack Marlowe, and Stephanie Wade.


There's some speculation in the TCW.com offices about the ensuing possibility of a woman competing in Malice in Chains. If any woman in the world could hold her own in such a match, we're confident she wrestles here.


Prediction Key:

Danny Fonzarelli vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert


Clark Alexander w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Pistol Pete Hall



Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sayeed Ali w/ Carl Batch


Matthew Keith vs. Chance Fortune


Jeremy Stone vs. Julian Watson


Sean McFly vs. Sammy Bach



Which of the Watch the Clock challengers will lose and have to be the first into Malice in Chains?


Aaron Andrews, Eddie Peak, Kate Dangerous & Troy Tornado vs. Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jack Marlowe & Stephanie Wade

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Danny Fonzarelli vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert

No question here Minnesota is the better guy


Clark Alexander w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Pistol Pete Hall

Hall has so far beaten the undercard guys so I expect that to continue here.



Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sayeed Ali w/ Carl Batch

Matthew Keith vs. Chance Fortune

Jeremy Stone vs. Julian Watson

Sean McFly vs. Sammy Bach

I doubt any of the guys in Malice in Chains match would lose their match as the opponents are all below them so I just group these as one



Which of the Watch the Clock challengers will lose and have to be the first into Malice in Chains?

McFly would be the obvious answer as he has the strongest opponent but I go with Matthew Keith instead as I assume that he´s troubles continue.


Aaron Andrews, Eddie Peak, Kate Dangerous & Troy Tornado vs. Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jack Marlowe & Stephanie Wade

Face side just seems stronger here, though I could see it going other way too.

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Prediction Key:

Danny Fonzarelli vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert


Fonzarelli's Jobbing Out the Door, World Tour continues apace.

Clark Alexander w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Pistol Pete Hall


When was the last time the conquering kings actually conquered anything? and besides Pistol Pete's lined up for a title shot.



Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sayeed Ali w/ Carl Batch


Matthew Keith vs. Chance Fortune


Jeremy Stone vs. Julian Watson


Sean McFly vs. Sammy Bach



As Zergon said none of the Malice entrants will lose, it's just a case of who fails to win in a quick enough time...for me the only two possibles here are McFly (toughest opponent) or Matthew Keith (not at 100 %)...though Zergon's logic makes sense, I'm going to actually tip McFly to have to be the first one into the hellacious structure...nothing like making the heroic babyface having to go through hell from the start.


Aaron Andrews, Eddie Peak, Kate Dangerous & Troy Tornado vs. Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jack Marlowe & Stephanie Wade


This seems to be a rather random eight man tag...I have to agree with Zergon again, faces just look to be that slight bit stronger.

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Danny Fonzarelli vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert


Clark Alexander w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Pistol Pete Hall



Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sayeed Ali w/ Carl Batch


Matthew Keith vs. Chance Fortune


Jeremy Stone vs. Julian Watson


Sean McFly vs. Sammy Bach



Aaron Andrews, Eddie Peak, Kate Dangerous & Troy Tornado vs. Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jack Marlowe & Stephanie Wade

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Startlingly, Art Reed has still pulled more A*s than Matthew... although unlike Matthew, he's yet to touch National Icon. I'm curious to see if either man can hit HoI inside one year's work... What do you guys think?


Unfortunately for him, Art Reed is an easily forgotten guy. Everyone knows he's good, that he will deliver nights in and nights out, but no one never expects him the steal the show. Reed seems to be just happy with going to work, giving its best and leaving the spotlight to other people.

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Without some title reigns, it won't happen. Dan Stone Jr. and Jack Avatar got 10 A* matches (well, more than that), and they didn't hit HoI until I gave them...I think three reigns? Though I'm not sure if I calculated 100% pop...I think you'll still need some titles for them.
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Danny Fonzarelli vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert



Clark Alexander w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Pistol Pete Hall

Man, I remember when the Conquering Kings beat The Machines.



Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga

Rhino seems to be up to something, but no way does the Loverman lose out here.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sayeed Ali w/ Carl Batch

The lesser of the Easy Riders puts up a good fight, but goes down.


Matthew Keith vs. Chance Fortune



Jeremy Stone vs. Julian Watson



Sean McFly vs. Sammy Bach

But this - this might be interesting.



Which of the Watch the Clock challengers will lose and have to be the first into Malice in Chains?

I... I don't know. I don't want to go with the majority and pick McFly, it seems too obvious. But then, there's a reason it seems obvious. I'm going to go out on a limb and pick Champagne Lover, as McFly benefits from KOBRA-ference, and Rhino actually starts showing his stuff.


Aaron Andrews, Eddie Peak, Kate Dangerous & Troy Tornado vs. Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jack Marlowe & Stephanie Wade

More concentrated Star Power. Tyler's past it, Bruce is still less than Tornado, Kate outclasses Wade, and AA is the Next Big Thing.

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Danny Fonzarelli vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert


Clark Alexander w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Pistol Pete Hall



Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sayeed Ali w/ Carl Batch


Matthew Keith vs. Chance Fortune


Jeremy Stone vs. Julian Watson


Sean McFly vs. Sammy Bach



Which of the Watch the Clock challengers will lose and have to be the first into Malice in Chains?

While he won't like losing, Matt Keith falls to Mist sickness and a Stroke of Luck.


Aaron Andrews, Eddie Peak, Kate Dangerous & Troy Tornado vs. Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jack Marlowe & Stephanie Wade

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I'm curious of the grand total of A* matches per person. I believe you said KReed had over 10 but I may be wrong. Either way, a running total would be very interesting.


That could take some working out.


Instead, and to show I miss Beeker, I'll let slip something not seen in the diary.


Freddy Huggins has one.

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I tried to send a PM, but it wouldn't let me. Hopefully this comes through:


Matt Keith 10

Art Reed 10


Jeremy Stone 9


Greg Keith 8

Joey Minnesota 8

Tommy Cornell 8

Sean McFly 8


Remo Richardson 7


Aaron Andrews 6

Marc DuBois 6


Johnny Bloodstone 5

Champagne Lover 5

Troy Tornado 5

Brent Hill 5

John Anderson 5


Edd Stone 4


Wolf Hawkins 3

Easy Riders (team) 3

Rick Law 3

Sammy Bach 3


Chris Rockwell 2

Eric Tyler 2

Frankie Perez 2

Davis Newton 2

Ricky Dale Johnson 2

Zimmy 2

Marc Speed 2


Sean Deeley 1

Elite Express (team) 1

Eddie Peak 1

Sam Keith 1

Acid 1

British Lions (team) 1

New Wave (team) 1

Jack Bruce 1

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Am I the only one who thinks Matt Keith won't be cleared to wrestle and that Kate Dangerous will take his place? In terms of the diary (that of Horatio's eventual retirement, I guess), it is by far the most compelling.


Horatio spazzes out, conversations with daughter, she slams the door in his face, he does a moonsault off the cage to save her...


Wait, MiC is in a Cell, with a closed roof.


Dang it, Horatio, you just moonsaulted onto the roof. Idiot.




To that effect, I'll break my prediction hiatus:


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert

I will never forget my TCW game. Made me proud. And I still hate Vibert.


Clark Alexander w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Pistol Pete Hall

Pete's a guy that seems weird, to me. He's 40, right? But he's a solid worker. I dunno. I like him. I like Alexander, too, but I'll go with the cowboy. Baby.



Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sayeed Ali w/ Carl Batch

I have the same psychology problem in my NOTBPW game. I think it's at 57 or something. That makes him Upper-Midcard at best for me. Then again, if Ryan Powell (who does have psych in the 50s) can auto-push to ME, Reed can.

That and the fact that he's (been carried?) in A* matches means he's fine. And I just stabbed my foot. Ow.


Matthew Keith vs. Chance Fortune

Keith either won't compete or dies here to set up what I said earlier. Though I hope he doesn't legit die.

Would be amusing if he got a head injury. Coma-Inducing Parasite would make this storyline take off. Though Keith wouldn't be seen for a year, so...


Jeremy Stone vs. Julian Watson

Speaking of my NOTBPW game, I'm pretty sure I ran this match and it hit the 80s, I believe. Watson's stuck at 77 or so psych, and if he could at least hit 80, I'd love him.


Sean McFly vs. Sammy Bach

If Keith's out, then Dangerous can't be the first contestant (wouldn't be fair). So I have to have someone be first, and I love Bach (see my Fonzarelli comment). There you go.

BTW, McFly should use an "American Tiger Suplex", which would be a...n Inverted Tiger Suplex. As in, instead of grabbing the guy's arms from the back, do it from the front.




Which of the Watch the Clock challengers will lose and have to be the first into Malice in Chains?

While he won't like losing, Matt Keith falls to Mist sickness and a Stroke of Luck.


Aaron Andrews, Eddie Peak, Kate Dangerous & Troy Tornado vs. Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jack Marlowe & Stephanie Wade

Okay, Bruce probably won't take the fall, but by god, if you want Kate to look ready, that would be the way to do it.

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TCW Presents Saturday Night Showcase


Saturday Week 4 August 2009


Live on CBA (Rating 14.34)


Held at Doyle Lane (North West)


Attendance: 18,590





Duane Fry – Jasmine Saunders – Alanis Springsteen


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DannyFonzarelli_FIN3.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Danny Fonzarelli vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert

Joey Minnesota looks to have an easy contest ahead of him here, but Fonzie seems surprisingly motivated here.


While the announce team speculate on his assault, Saunders comes through with a morsel of gossip; Fonzarelli, it seems, has signed a new contract – but one for much less than he had been making, with Mayhem Midden warning him he'll have to prove himself with wins if he expects that to change.


The motivation he feels is clear in every movement he makes, every punch he throws, every hold and counter. Minnesota clearly wasn't expecting that and is rocked early on by the onslaught, taking time to recover and step up his game in order to triumph.


While Fonzarelli tries for the Minnesota Salute, Joey's already recalculating. He blocks it, whipping Danny into the corner, and meets him immediately with a lariat. He keeps going at that pace, though briefly Danny counters back into the ascendant before the Empire Spiral puts him away for good.

Joey Minnesota defeated Danny Fonzarelli

Rating: B+



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ClarkAlexander.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PistolPeteHall.jpg

Clark Alexander w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Pistol Pete Hall

Clark puts up a very good fight – given this very rare chance to strut his stuff in solo competition – but it's not enough.


Hall has his mat game equalled and a greater power match available, which inevitably leads to the Pistol Whip Lariat for a compelling win after a rough start.

Pistol Pete Hall defeated Clark Alexander

Rating: B




“...and of course, the dude has speed.”


The camera is on a tight, tight zoom in on the face of a life-size cardboard cutout of Rhino Umaga. A post-it note adorns the forehead: DO NOT HIT OR GET HIT BY.



The view begins to pull back. Edd Stone is standing next to the cut-out, with Champagne Lover rolling his eyes slightly. “I think that about covers everything,” Stone says, pointing at the eighth or ninth Post-It on the cutout.


Beside Umaga are more cutouts; a dense forest of reference notes adorning Canadian Elemental (head note: WHO IS THIS DUDE?), a slightly shallower collection on Giant Tana (IF HE STARTS TO FALL, GET OUT OF WAY), and – it appears there's now a Jeremy Stone cut-out in the collection. Thus far only two notes have been added; the camera zooms in. DON'T TRY TO GRAB HAIR, one reads, and the other, PULLABLE NIPPLES.


“Now, I don't normally do this, but if you want to, you can take this to the ring to check up.”


“You don't think I can beat this man without pointers?”


“It's not about doing it without pointers, dude – you've got to make sure you're going it at top speed, you get me?”


“I think I'll be fine, Edd. Where I come from, men don't need to prepare like that.” He smiles, patting his friend on the shoulder, and heads out.



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChampagneLover.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RhinoUmaga.jpg

Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga

There's actually a point here where it looks like Umaga won't just win, but will legitimately have knocked out Lover – when a running bit boot sandwiches Lover's head between turnbuckle and foot, with brutal looking consequences.


While, on that occasion, the luchador is saved by collapsing through the ropes to the outside, that signals something of an uptick in the Samoan's assault – he's had power from the start, but over the past couple of weeks he's started to deliver a more savvy performance, picking his spots carefully, using that power where it can do the most good.


On Lover's return to the ring he hammers him with forearms, then suplexes him into the turnbuckle, leaving Lover to crash head-first to the mat – but credit has to be given, now, to Lover, who kicks out of the pin despite the obvious pain.


Rhino also turns out to have the Lover Stunner scouted, instead nailing a back suplex to cut off Lover's fightback – but again, the Mexican gets his shoulder up in time. He retreats from the ring once again, dropping to his knees outside for a breather, but rolls back in before the ten count and mounts a fresh assault, this one a little more careful, a little more scientific.


“He's taking his time,” Fry says softly. “No risks this time. Rhino Umaga could condemn this man to a long, long fight tomorrow...”


Even now, it's not easy. But in the end, the Champagne Sunrise hits, and Umaga doesn't get his shoulder up in time.

Champagne Lover defeated Rhino Umaga

Rating: B



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SayeedAli.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CarlBatch.jpg

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sayeed Ali w/ Carl Batch

Ali is no slouch in the ring, but these past months, Reed has been on an absolute tear, and while he has time to play with after that opening bout, it looks like he intends to make a statement with this match.


Sayeed throws punches. He staggers Reed, hurts him, even busts him open in the third minute. But he's controlled, herded, and at 5:40 Reed goes for the Dark Matter. The pin receives a roar of salute from the crowd.

Art Reed defeated Sayeed Ali

Rating: B




Matthew Keith is dressed to compete. He pauses outside a door marked with a caduceus, taking a deep breath.





He turns, seeing his father stood some distance behind him.


“Medical clearance check?”


The younger Keith nods quietly.


“I still don't agree with what you're doing, Matt,” he says. “And I warned you... no one's ever tried to use the Mist every time they wrestle. Kudo used to try to keep to one a month, two at most... and he said he could only do that because in Japan he could expect months at a time, regularly, where he could sit in bed and do nothing but recover.


“I don't know what you've done to yourself, Matt. I sincerely doubt you're going to be wrestling when you're my age. I pray you're walking.”


Matt stares back, his face an emotionless mask. A vein in his neck has started to throb.


“Listen,” Sam continues, edgily. “I... want you to stop doing that, Matt. I really do.


“But you have a chance to win the World Heavyweight Championship.” He pauses. “A real chance, too. So... here.”


He holds out a small bottle. Matt takes it, looking up at his father questioningly.


“Something Crusher Ichihara dreamed up,” he says. “It's a herbal mix... it's designed to help you breathe after the Mist.


“You do NOT get the recipe. But you get enough that you should be able to get through the match tonight, and through Malice. IF you don't use the Mist, that is...”


He shakes his head. “I should never have taught you the recipe, son. I'm sorry.”


Sam walks away. Matt looks down at the bottle speculatively, unscrewing the cap, and drinks a small portion before screwing it tight again, and steps through the door.



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MatthewKeith.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChanceFortune.jpg

Matthew Keith vs. Chance Fortune

All through Chance Fortune's entrance, the announce team are speculating about whether Matthew Keith will be cleared to wrestle, to the point where Fry actually apologises to Fortune for not paying him his due.


By the time Keith comes out, there's a tense hush over the crowd... but he climbs into the ring, nods to Ray Johnson, and the match is on.


Matt moves slowly at first, with Fortune able to take the advantage as a result. Chance hits a few big moves, then looks for the Stroke of Luck -


- and Matt counters with fluidity. Much to his own surprise, to judge by his expression. Chance rolls back to his feet, staring... and the Keith twin smiles.


His pace starts – little by little – to pick up. His caution starts to ebb away. By the end, he's wrestling at something close to his regular pace, though still faltering occasionally – but the Proton Lock is still locked down, and there's nothing Fortune can do, finally... with Matt now being the slowest of all.

Matthew Keith defeated Chance Fortune

Rating: B



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeremyStone.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JulianWatson_FIN.jpg

Jeremy Stone vs. Julian Watson

It's a pretty good attempt to halt Stone's momentum that Watson puts together, too, but there's no real stopping the Canadian Wrestling Machine.


He weathers the storm for a couple of minutes then goes to town, working over Watson's back before smashing him to the mat with a bridged Stone's Throw to pick up the victory.

Jeremy Stone defeated Julian Watson

Rating: B+



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SeanMcFly.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SammyBach_alt1.jpg

Sean McFly vs. Sammy Bach

Bach talks trash to start, but Sean catches him with a kick to the gut and, not wanting to waste any time, Samoan drops him.


Sammy rolls out of the ring off the impact. Fry chuckles. “Playing for time... he knows Sean has to have a single strategy in this match. All he has to do is throw him off.”


McFly rolls out of the ring, too, and goes for a clothesline. Sammy ducks it, retaliating with a flying forearm, before he misses a charge and goes right into the ringpost.


Sean rolls him back into the ring, scrambling to cover, but Sammy's back on his feet first, opening up with chops before shooting the Malice contender into the ropes. McFly rebounds as Bach looks for a backdrop – but instead, Sean nails him with a dropkick to the head. He looks around with a grin and measures Bach, gesturing for the Stone Hold, but Sammy kicks free.


Back to his feet, Bach throws a series of elbows which Sean finally blocks, throwing a big punch of his own that drives Bach back a few paces. He moves to close and runs right into a spinning wheel kick. Sammy covers – one, two, no!


Taking stock of things, he goes for the Bach on your Back. McFly powers out of it, so Bach puts him down with a missile dropkick, then reverts to his stalling plan for a while with a chinlock.


Sean doesn't cotton much to that, countering his way to his feet as quickly as he can, and Sammy hits a jawbreaker to buy space before leaping to the top rope.


McFly kips up, however, and vaults onto the second rope, firing off a quick sequence of six or seven chops before bracing his right foot against the top rope, grabbing hold, and hitting a huge superplex.


McFly delivers a belly-to-belly next, covering immediately, but he can only get two.


Sammy knees his way clear and snaps Sean's throat across the top rope, buying time to cross the ring and set up the coast-to-coast springboard bulldog, sending the former SWF champ crashing face-first to the mat.


Bach straigtens up, grasps the top rope, and leaps up, sitting on it for an instant to flip back into an Arabian moonsault, knees crashing down into McFly's spine.


Sean rolls over onto his back, moaning in agony, and starts to struggle to his feet. Sammy measures him and nails a superkick! ONE, TWO, THR--NO! McFly STILL kicks out! Frustrated, Bach argues the count.


He hits the ropes for momentum on a dropkick, but Sean's ready, catching the legs in midair and applying a Stone Hold. “Twelve and a half minutes!” Fry yells. “He can still do this!”


That's when GenOme hit the ring. Newton comes sailing off the top rope with an elbow drop on Ray Johnson, taking him out before Perez nails McFly with his lethal hook kick, breaking the hold.


McFly meets Perez with a straight right and a bodyslam, then Newton comes in, grabbing a collar-and-elbow tie up, stalling for time.


Sean counters out of it and nails a DDT, then suplexes Perez onto Newton before rolling them both out of the ring.


At that point, his time worries are, effectively, over. It's too late to avoid his fate. He turns – and Bach is waiting! DELOREAN DRIVER BY BACH! ONE, TWO, THR- NO! Sean somehow gets his shoulder up and makes it to his feet. He hits a European uppercut and goes for another Delorean Driver, but Bach counters to the Bach on your Back, but Sean counters out to a small package. ONE, TWO, THREE!

Sean McFly defeated Sammy Bach

Rating: A*




Autumn Gleeson looks livid as Phil Vibert stands beside her in the interview area.


“Let me do you a favour, Autumn,” Vibert begins breezily, cutting across her attempt at an introduction. “Let me talk about the good things we've got coming up. Because tomorrow, every single member of Generation Omega gets a chance to prove exactly what I've claimed; a chance to prove beyond all doubt that they are not simply young turks. not simply the future, but that they are, really and truly, the best wrestlers in this sport tod-”


“You know, I'm not in the mood,” Gleeson snaps. It's such an unexpected outburst that it brings Vibert's momentum crashing immediately to a halt. “You booked this time to talk your people up. But I don't see how you can expect us to believe they're all so good when you're having GenOme stack the deck for Marc DuBois.”


Vibert opens his mouth, but this time it's Autumn who cuts across him. “You say they're the best but you have to cheat to get DuBois through, all so Hawkins can have an easy time if he makes it to next month...”


Vibert sneers. “I didn't give any such order,” he says. “If Frankie and Davis choose to make a statement by targeting a former World Champion... I wouldn't read more into it than that.” He leans close in to Gleeson's face. “It might be dangerous.”




Aaron Andrews, Eddie Peak, Kate Dangerous & Troy Tornado



Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jack Marlowe & Stephanie Wade

A lovely little brawl, this one, where everyone looks dangerous. Peak and Marlowe have a very impressive slugfest early on around which the rest of the groups start to break down.


Dangerous and Wade, Tyler and Andrews, Tornado and Bruce... they separate out naturally, which also helps to isolate Peak and Marlowe into a duo facing off.


It's during one of these sequences, when Stephanie Wade decides to intervene, that things get interesting; Peak ducks the superkick and instead Tornado takes it in the face, flying backward off the apron. Andrews and Dangerous come in to retaliate, and it's three on three in the ring. Eugene Williams has his work cut out...


And that, ultimately, is why he doesn't notice Jack Bruce, Zimmy, and Sammy Bach going to town on Troy Tornado on the outside, leaving him down, out, and bleeding.


Unfortunately, Andrews does – and when Peak headbutts Marlowe, he's there to scoop him up and toss him out of the ring onto Jack Bruce. He turns around – Wade nails him with the superkick – Dangerous gets the half-nelson suplex – Tyler is waiting with a lariat – Peak grabs him and nails the Peak of the Devil! Darkwave's mission done, they don't intervene, giving Peak a big pinfall win after a comparatively fallow period.

Aaron Andrews, Eddie Peak, Kate Dangerous & Troy Tornado defeated Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jack Marlowe & Stephanie Wade

Rating: A




The big screen comes back to life; as the music plays, a video begins, opening with the Hotter Than Hell logo.


That dissolves out to the assembled, plain steel Malice in Chains structure. The traditional video voiceover moments remain, but the images have changed.



Jeremy hurls Reed backward for the Stone's Throw, Reed twists, landing on his feet, and grabs his teacher as Stone starts to recover.


And then he nails the biggest move in his arsenal which doesn't have its roots in the House of Stone, the Dark Matter.


Jeremy Stone comes crashing to the mat. Reed makes the cover, anchoring an arm with a knee, another with a hand, and using his other hand for leverage as he snakes his leg behind both of Stone's, hooking them to prevent the kickout.


When that gets three, the crowd explode.


Liberty:“This will not stand, you know? This aggression will not stand, ************!”


Jack Marlowe nails Rick Law from hiding with a nightstick.


Marc DuBois rolls back into the ring as Jack Marlowe lays in a vicious beating, drawing blood with his second shot, then hitting four more, carefully placed. He rolls a dazed Law back into the ring; DuBois nails the Marc of Excellence; the pin's guaranteed from that moment.


Chord: “Malice in Chains is the sickest thing I've ever been involved with.”


Lover vaults to the top rope and uses the momentum for a quebrada, but Greg's waiting. He catches him on his shoulders and looks to apply a standing version of the Proton Lock! The crowd absolutely explode with disbelief, but before he can get it locked in, Lover counters to an armdrag and hits the Lover Stunner! Champagne Sunrise?! NO! Keith avoids it, and Champagne Lover crashes face-first to the mat.


Greg, meanwhile, is hanging onto the ropes to pull himself up. He looks drained, “mentally more than physically,” as Fry puts it, and just collapses backward into a pin attempt – which lets the veteran luchador hook his arms with a leg and an arm, rolling him into a sudden crucifix pin. ONE, TWO, THREE!


Strong: “I thank God I retired when I did. This match... is beyond anything anybody should have to contend with.”



Keith lets Bloodstone have a spray of vibrant red Mist to the face. He yanks Bloodstone down into the Proton Lock, forcing a submission while Ray Johnson can't see whether or not the Mist has been used.


RDJ:“Every year, the chance to fight for the title in Malice comes up. And every year, it takes me a month to be ready. One day I'll lose my nerve entirely – but until then, I'll keep fighting.”


Stone grabs Aaron's leg and just starts pounding away at the knee. Aaron starts throwing fists, punching his way out of the abuse. He hauls himself up with the ropes and looks for another Game Breaker, but Jeremy hooks his leg – small package! ONE, TWO, THREE!


Valentine: “The name doesn't do that match justice. I coughed up blood for a week.”



Aaron Andrews pulls Joey out of the ring. With nineteen minutes on the clock and Minnesota drained, Aaron flips him the bird – and stalks away before he can be called for a DQ, as Fry notes – he's there to cost Joey the match, not hand it to him.


Back in the ring, Joey gets caught with the Delorean Driver and a very snug pinfall to put McFly through.


Cornell: “Was it worth it? For the World Championship?


“If I had to, I'd go in again... but thank Christ I've got another year before it'll happen.”


The video ends with a split screen; Sam Keith, weary but determined, and Wolf Hawkins holding the belt high.

Show Rating: A

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Well, it's upon us. It's August and here in New York City, it's Hotter Than Hell. We just set down in the city en route to Rolling Fields, and we now have the full pay-per-view card laid out. So in case you weren't sure it was going to be worth buying, let's tell you what we have.


Two teams stood out this month as equally dangerous challengers for the Tag Team Championships, both fiercely proud teams - the Texas Outlaws and the British Lions. With GenOme earlier defending against Cornell and Reed, these two may need to coexist to topple the champions - but with that belt at stake, will it even be possible?


"You want blood?" Tornado asked Jack Bruce last month. "You got it!" Fateful words, it seems, as the war between the lead vocalists has focused down to a single point of contention. Both men have made the other bleed this month, and Mayhem Midden has given them a chance to get this half-year war out of their systems for good - a First Blood contest.


For the second month running, Edd Stone's belt is also on offer to two top contenders, but unlike the tag match, Canadian Elemental and Giant Tana have seemed quite willing to work together. With Edd having targeted them both, will they be able to agree on a winner and take his most prized possession away?


Mayhem Midden has promised a major announcement during the show. We've had no specific details as yet, but we believe it will affect next month's TV in a big way. Answers on our forum, please...


Six men became involved in the assault on and defence of the All-Action Champion this past Friday, and Midden has declared that both the ballsy School of Tradition challengers and the stalwart Team KOBRA defenders deserve their shot - so in non-elimination style, Shingen Miyazaki puts his belt on the line against Acid, Freddy Huggins, UK Dragon, and allies Hidekazu and Thunder Snake. Could the tensions within Team KOBRA boil over here?


Aaron Andrews was International Champion until a three-month war with Edd Stone and a betrayal by Joey Minnesota took that from him. He's been working hard since, but finally, in agreement with Tommy Cornell, Andrews looks to have his chance at Minnesota, one on one, with no distractions. Will Generation Omega come out on top, or can Andrews show that young talent doesn't need to resort to their tactics?


He's not the only one having trouble with Generation Omega, either; Tommy Cornell is the latest target in Remo Richardson's sights. Can our boss hold off the Supreme Specimen, or will Remo add the biggest scalp yet to his collection?


Rick Law arranged, two months ago, for his friend Chris Rockwell to face a spectre from his past, a man that ten years ago, Rockwell obsessed over defeating - Pistol Pete Hall. Back then, Rockwell got the win - but Pistol Pete Hall has been dominant since his arrival, and Law had no way to know that by the time his friend and Hall collided Rockwell would have a title to defend, and possibly lose. The Hard-Hitting Championship is on the line in a No Holds Barred match - will Pete Hall crack the bonds of friendship between Law and Rockwell?


She's been chasing the title for almost two months, and she still wears the armband saluting her fallen mother. JeriLynn Stone is of the blood of champions - but she's not a champion yet. Will she honour the memory of Simone Aube-Stone with a victory here, or will Gorgon continue her reign of dominance?


Wolf Hawkins, the World Heavyweight Champion, has his sights set on one man - but that one man has been putting obstacles in his way. This month, Sam Keith, a multi-time world champion who's held titles around the globe, who helped to train Hawkins, who knows him very well, is his challenger. Keith knows this could be his last challenge - but he also knows he could be Hawkins' last challenger. So which will it be?


And the main event sees the resurrection of wrestlers' nightmares. Malice in Chains, a sick, forbidding structure. Inside it, for a shot at the World Heavyweight Champion, are Sean McFly (condemned to wrestle from the start), Art Reed, Champagne Lover, Jeremy Stone, Matthew Keith, and the man in the catbird seat, Generation Omega's Marc DuBois, sure he'll enter only when the others are exhausted. But will that give him the edge?


Prediction Key:

TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado


TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental vs. Giant Tana


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid vs. Freddy Huggins vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily vs. Thunder Snake w/ Baroness Emily vs. UK Dragon


Aaron Andrews vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell


NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Pistol Pete Hall


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. JeriLynn Stone


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Champagne Lover vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Matthew Keith vs. Sean McFly

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TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

Going to go for an outside chance, see if the new team gets it.



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado

With his somewhat lacklustre performance, I can't vote for the Darkwave man over the former WHC.


TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental vs. Giant Tana

As long as Edd has the belt? Comedy gold.


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid vs. Freddy Huggins vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily vs. Thunder Snake w/ Baroness Emily vs. UK Dragon

Why not? Might give him some cred, and he seems to be developing well these days.


Aaron Andrews vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert

It will be dastardly, but Joey will win, I think. This is not the end of the matter.


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell

Draw. Remo shouldn't lose, but Tommy shouldn't lose either.


NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Pistol Pete Hall

Hall doesn't have as much upside as the all-round veteran Rockwell, but we'll see something interesting here.


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. JeriLynn Stone

The stratagem pays off.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Routine defence, Keith's been slowly moving into the background.



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Champagne Lover vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Matthew Keith vs. Sean McFly

Could this be Art Reed's time to shine? I'll gamble and say yes.

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TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado


TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental vs. Giant Tana


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid vs. Freddy Huggins vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily vs. Thunder Snake w/ Baroness Emily vs. UK Dragon


Aaron Andrews vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell


NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Pistol Pete Hall


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. JeriLynn Stone


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Champagne Lover vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Matthew Keith vs. Sean McFly

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TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

No idea so I go with champs



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado

Bruce would do more with the win


TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental vs. Giant Tana

I just like Edd too much to go against him here.


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid vs. Freddy Huggins vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily vs. Thunder Snake w/ Baroness Emily vs. UK Dragon

I see Snake getting the title as troubles in team VIPER continues.


Aaron Andrews vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert

Coin flip but Minnesota has allies who might interfere.


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell

I could see this one going either way but I see Tommy taking this one in order to continue this feud further because Remo would just move to next target if he wins.


NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Pistol Pete Hall

I just don´t see why Hall should get a title.


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. JeriLynn Stone

I go with a title change here as there isn´t anyone else who could take the title off from Gordon right now.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

I doubt that Sam would get the main title so Hawkins retains.



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Champagne Lover vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Matthew Keith vs. Sean McFly

Tough one but I go with McFly because I expect Wolf to retain and that would mean that face is likely to win here and though Reed is good he isn´t ready for the main title shot yet.

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Prediction Key:

TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman


More of a hunch than anything, to be honest.



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado


Of the two, I perceive Troy to be better able to crack the very top of the card.


TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental vs. Giant Tana


Whoever wins the title is going to have to out-Edd Edd. Neither of these two are going to do that.


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid vs. Freddy Huggins vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily vs. Thunder Snake w/ Baroness Emily vs. UK Dragon


To Zergon's point, having another VIPER win the title advances storyline possibilities within the faction, and "Thunder Snack" is the more satisfying option. ;)


Aaron Andrews vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert


I don't see this as a full blowoff yet, so keep AA chasing.


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell


The fact that TCW is in a place where Tommy can put anyone in the ME over credibly is awesome. But he still has to win big matches to do that.


NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Pistol Pete Hall


I like PPH, but I just don't see him as a belt holder in a roster this deep.


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. JeriLynn Stone


As always, can't go against my girl. And I have no insider knowledge on this - PS did a great job of turning a brief PM exchange into a full storyline, and he's added his own signature to it, and has honestly improved it. If this is the blowoff, great -- if not, let the ride take us where it may.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


This is treading water for next month.



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Champagne Lover vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Matthew Keith vs. Sean McFly


I think this makes for the most interesting storyline with the WHC moving forward.

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TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado


TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental vs. Giant Tana


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid vs. Freddy Huggins vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily vs. Thunder Snake w/ Baroness Emily vs. UK Dragon


Aaron Andrews vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell


NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Pistol Pete Hall


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. JeriLynn Stone


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Champagne Lover vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Matthew Keith vs. Sean McFly

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TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

Because this is the diary that has taken Walter Morgan and Merle O'Curle from 'those two guys in the UK that are kind've sort've good' and turned them into pure match gold. Remember when these two were getting presented as jobbers but at least they 'learn from their defeat'? Yeah me neither. (Not knocking on said presentation that's a good gimmick)



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado

Troy is better, deserves it more and... erm. Well I like him. So there.


TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental vs. Giant Tana

These guys have both been built up fairly well but really I can't see either of them being an inspiring champion and I think Edd deserves a longer reign.


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid vs. Freddy Huggins vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily vs. Thunder Snake w/ Baroness Emily vs. UK Dragon

Because Hideakazu and Thunder Snake are going to be too busy backstabbing each other and Miyazaki to pay attention to Freddy kicking one of his mates in the face and pinning them instead.


Aaron Andrews vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert

Triple A (as opposed to his bulkier cousin double A) seems to be just a few big victories from making it as official TCW School of Pro Wrestling poster boy. This seems like an opportunity for one of them.


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell

No Remo! Bad! Back in your box of seething hatred!


NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Pistol Pete Hall

PPH has had decent build but there is nooooo way that he at his age* should be beating a Chris Rockwell that just won the belt.


*Aware first champion was Sam Keith, who's round about the same ballpark, if memory serves. Don't care, PPH is good but a win here would make me cringe a little.


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. JeriLynn Stone

Because honestly I can't see the feud surviving JeriLynn getting stomped on again and it would make the entire storyline feel just a little bit uncomfortable, though I guess a losing effort could be a decent conclusion, depending.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Sam's great but if Wolf loses he won't have anything to bait Tommy with somewhere down the line.



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Champagne Lover vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Matthew Keith vs. Sean McFly

Matt can't resist using the mist and more or less kills himself, Lover I still can't view as a credible main eventer just yet, similarly Marc who has been doing very little, Jezza's had his chance and is also a heel (and as noted I expect Wolf to retain, though I have been detecting faceish vibes from him as of late) and honestly? ...To be honest if Art wins it's making me uncomfortably aware that Greg is sitting in a corner somewhere being overshadowed tremendously by BOTH of his tag team partners which takes some doing when you're that good. McFly for the 'heroic babyface against the odds' type win and a challenge to Wolf that will hopefully tempt in Cornell.

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Prediction Key:

TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman





Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado


If your 2008 Tornado is similar to 2010's (or rather, 2011's) Tornado, he is obscenely good. ****ing good, then? Heh. Anyway, the only things Bruce has on him are Star Quality and Entertainment skills. But Tornado's not poor in those areas, and he doesn't need to be carried.


Hell, on that note, I'd rather Troy hit HoI before Greg, Matt, or Art. Tornado's hitting his 30s, the "prime of his career" in my eyes. He needs to burn this feud and get back in the title hunt.


On that note, while there's been variety (and apparently great matches from Hawkins) in the title shots, Troy did somethign different. Admittedly, willingly putting yourself in a three-way match is stupid (for the competitor, but very, very useful for a booker). But it was something different. Had he been in MiC, he'd potentially be the "Six-Way Champion". Which would be stupid.


TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental vs. Giant Tana


I hate Edd Stone now. He bugs me. Not really funny, just being a ****. Or there's humor, I guess, but it's mixed with him being a ****. Kinda like Jackass. Sure, I like as much as the next guy to see Bam Margera (or whoever) getting racked. Repeatedly. But pulling **** on store-owners and stuff...not so cool.


Stone's the guy that I wouldn't be friends with. He's a jerk. I don't want that in my life. Fine, be your free spirit. Just don't get in front of me or I'll repeatedly kick you in the junk.


So why CanAm? Er, CanEl? Heh, Canadian American...you bought/borrowed/whatever the 'Elemental' title. So that's Elemental, Elemental II, Elemental III, American Elemental (and II, apparently) behind you. Three out of those four workers are quite good (and III potentially could be something). If CanEl doesn't do something, he's going to be CanRuinedalegacy. And that's too long a name.


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid vs. Freddy Huggins vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily vs. Thunder Snake w/ Baroness Emily vs. UK Dragon


Read the MiC logic, but I need Snake to win. Plus I want him to be BURNING MONKEEEEYYYYYYYY. And also-well, just wait.


Problem being that I need him to be face for my plans, and this win would make him a heel. Huh...


Aaron Andrews vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert


Andrews is 'meh' for me. Maybe if I ever got him to turn 30 or so, he'd be a good worker. As it stands, not so much.


But I hate Vibert and GenOme.


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell


But I hate Vibert and GenOme.


NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Pistol Pete Hall


Possible Lobster Warrior return :D :D :D?


Seriously, that was probably one of my favorite guys in '05. And...HHC seems to be passed around a bit. Maybe I'm remembering things poorly (by 'maybe' I mean 'I am'), but it just seems...each champ gets a few defenses, pass it on. *shrug*


So if Chris is Lobster Warrior, then Rocky Golden is Rock Lobster Warrior. And Rick Law is...uh...


Rick Lawbster?




TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. JeriLynn Stone


Wait, it was Lucy Stone-McFly I saw in the editor. This chick doesn't even exist!




Yeah, doesn't even exist! Now if it was Jeri Behr...


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Keith/Keith for the title? RATINGS!






omg it's Tory Tornado all over again! balalalalalalalala



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Champagne Lover vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Matthew Keith vs. Sean McFly


A lot of things have to happen here, and a lot of reasons why people shouldn't win.


1. McFly must turn heel at some point. Keith's a face, and he's going to be champion. Furthermore, Tornado must beat Sean for the title. Leading to a Sean face turn. So that's six months right there.


2. Okay, that's pretty much all the things that "have to happen here".


Art Reed, Champagne Lover, Marc DuBois, and Matthew Keith are all too young for the title. Yes, so is Wolf, but whatever. They all have at least a decade to play with. They don't need the championship. Of the four, I'd pick Lover. Turn him face, make him punch Stone (Edd) in the head, let him become the HoI-Inductee that he certainly deserves. He's the hottest guy in the world, the best talent from Mexico period. He needs it.


But Art? Nope. Art needs to be carried. Granted, when he is, he performs. But no. Keep him (sadly) in the tag ranks and make your tag belts into ME titles. There you go.


DuBois? He's a Vibertian. Heh, Vibertian. Is that like 'martian' or 'carrion'? Anyone, I don't want his punk ass on the title. It'd be...similar to Hawkins.


Wait, Hawkins is part of GenOme, right? *looks up*




Keith? Nope. Here's my grand plan:


Matthew Keith dies or something. He learns that he needs to use the power of friendship or something. Maybe he turns face after cardiac surgery. I dunno, I don't care. He decides to go after the All-Action Title. Who has it?




Remember what I said about blah blah blah mist?


So maybe Keith gets a misting machine installed. Maybe he hybrids his DNA with a frog (what the hell is a muta? Reptile? I'm pretty sure it hatched from an egg...). Point is, he sprays yellow mist into Snake's face.


No effect.


Another match, he sprays red mist. OH WAIT THAT'S NOT THUNDER SNAKE IT'S BURNING MONKEY.


No effect.


Insert hilarium (hilarity?) as Keith tries to predict what color mask Snake/Monkey/Awesome will wear.




We'll have Thunder Snake, Burning Monkey, Tsunami Shark, Jungle Frog, and, of course, Death Dragon.


Best part? Tsunami Shark can bring in all the fun from ZEN (if they exist). Which...admittedly those guys suck, so w/e.


Right, so Jeremy Stone or Sean McFly? With Keith as champion, it should be Stone to make things easier. I said there'd be a turn, though, right? So that makes Sean available. Furthermore, Sean needs to win a title in TCW. If he isn't in the HoI (will be, rather) already, he absolutely has to be gotten in there (bleh sentence). More than Keith, Reed, Lover, otherKeith, anybody else, really. Cornell's in, and McFly...McFly actually is better than Cornell, I think. Tommy can talk, which is a huge asset, but they're unarguably at the highest tier of in-ring workers. McFly needs this.

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TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman


A seemingly tough defence for the champs with the odds stacked against them, but I actually see GenOme just about escaping with the belts intact here.



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado


First Blood matches aren't the sort of thing to blow off a feud, they normally finish in a somewhat screwy fashion, so as the heel of this feud it would be more suitable for Bruce (who to be honest needs the win more) to come away with the win here.


TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental vs. Giant Tana


Another triple threat, with the stack decked agains the champion but just as with GeNome's defence of the tag belts, I think Edd retains.


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid vs. Freddy Huggins vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily vs. Thunder Snake w/ Baroness Emily vs. UK Dragon


Somewhere along the line the simmering tensions within Team KOBRA have to boil over, so why not here. Ultimately I see one of the non Kobra's tacking advantage here and coming away with the belt, and I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Acid claims the belt, even though he hasn't been booked all that strong since coming into TCW.


Aaron Andrews vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert


This is one of those that could go either way, in a match between two rising talents just bubbling under breaking out into becoming a true main eventer. This feud only feels like it has got started, so as the heel I have to give the edge to Minnesota.


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell


Remo will find Tommy to be on a whole another level to anyone he has faced before.


NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Pistol Pete Hall


Solid first defence for Rockwell as he gets put over by a legend.


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. JeriLynn Stone


I'll go with the general consensus and say that JeriLyn finally slays the monster to claims the women's title.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


It seems a little odd to call a Sam Keith title challenge, a 'stop-gap' defence but this is exactly what this is for Hawkins.



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Champagne Lover vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Matthew Keith vs. Sean McFly


I pretty much agree with Blake Trask's assessment of this match.

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And...HHC seems to be passed around a bit. Maybe I'm remembering things poorly (by 'maybe' I mean 'I am'), but it just seems...each champ gets a few defenses, pass it on. *shrug*


Not as such - Sam Keith's reign was nice and long, and we've not really had any truly transitional champs on the books. Now, the HHC hasn't had a Big Main Storyline centred around it for a while, but still.


As for the rest of your booking... I don't know whether that's awesome or insane, but I have to admire the thought you've put in!

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