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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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It's good to see so many predictions coming in so fast. For a potentially throwaway PPV, people are getting enthused.


Now, with 10 matches and 8 angles here, this is going to take some writing. Which means some time.


So, since people are speculating on various things, now is the time to give people a little more baseline.


Accordingly, I'm going to be posting some statlines - Art's and Troy's, notably, and any others that stand out on review - over the next couple of days.


Now, I can't provide screenshots that give away the event's results, and some others may or may not happen for one reason or another. But if people want to find out about a given worker, now is the time to ask.


Three immediate notes:


  • Troy Tornado is 69% HoI already, and IS on my list to go in. This also puts him ahead of Art and Matthew. Jeremy is also likely to hit the Hall before either of them, and frankly, he's a priority, so far as I can without changing booking.
  • Sean McFly reached HoI with his second A* match in TCW.
  • Sam Keith held the HHC from June to January, making 7 defences. Sammy made three over two months before dropping the title to Texas Pete on account of the fans voting Pete in at Fight to the Feedback and thus convincing me he'd gain a following. Pete got four defences between March and July. As of right now, three defences is the lowest any reigning champion has held before losing a belt under my watch, and I don't see that changing all that soon. Transitional championship has its uses, I firmly believe, and they are rare and we are not in a position to use them right now. One title is planned to jump around fast a couple times in early 2010. That's about it.
  • And a fourth as I forgot - JeriLynn Stone exists due to Wallbanger's excellent Generations diary back in TEW2007.

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I'd quite like to see a stat comparison of Greg and Matt. I dunno how much (if any) the stats changed between 08 and 10, but in my games Matt has always seemed significantly better. I suspect that still holds true since he was the one that turned and Greg remained in the tag team, but hey, curiosity.


(I've always wondered, though I'm probably ADD enough to forget and it actually got explained: Was Matt's injury real or just a kayfabe vehicle of setting up the resentment of the Kreed?)


Oh yeah. I'd like to have a look at The Lions as well, since you've so established them as characters that I occasionally forget they're not a canon tag team.



Edit: Given they're personal favourites, seeing Rocky, Law and Hawkins would be pretty cool too but that's just because I'm obssessively curious about other people's games. I'm definitely most interested in the Keith twins.

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For a potentially throwaway PPV


For a potentially throwaway PPV, you sure did hype that MALICE IN CHAINNNNZZZZZ match.


Alice in Chains is providing the music, right?


As for stats, I'd like to see 'Shingekazu' please. Don't think you've used them that much as a team anymore, but...at least what their psychology is at. Shingen should be fine, but I want to know if Hidekazu's warmed up.


About the Hard-Hitting championship: it's a low, in my eyes, number of defenses on the last two champions, so I wasn't remembering horribly. I did, however, misuse "transitional champ", and for that I feel a bit bad. I also forgot that Sean McFly...y'know...wrestled before he was in TCW. Oops.

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I'd quite like to see a stat comparison of Greg and Matt. I dunno how much (if any) the stats changed between 08 and 10, but in my games Matt has always seemed significantly better. I suspect that still holds true since he was the one that turned and Greg remained in the tag team, but hey, curiosity.


In my 2014 USPW game Greg is actually better than Matty at everything but performance skills, though I suspect that is because Greg spent a few more month in SWF development in 2010. I still insist on pushing Matty over him, I don't know why

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OK. First up, as promised, Art Reed and Troy Tornado.










Other requests will be coming over time. I have a feeling that responding to Blake's post will leave my aura of knowing what I'm doing with a few holes.

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I just wanna know how many guys you have that are guaranteed HoI. It's not essential that I know who, but that'd be cool too.


Just Tommy and Sam (who start that way) and Sean McFly, who had, I think, 4% left to go when he arrived. Provided he continues to pull A* matches, Jeremy Stone probably can't help but be the fourth.

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I'd quite like to see a stat comparison of Greg and Matt. I dunno how much (if any) the stats changed between 08 and 10, but in my games Matt has always seemed significantly better. I suspect that still holds true since he was the one that turned and Greg remained in the tag team, but hey, curiosity.


Nice and simple...








Honestly, I'm not sure which I'd call better. Matt has a slight edge, but that's likely due to his time working solo against top faces, not the other way round.


(I've always wondered, though I'm probably ADD enough to forget and it actually got explained: Was Matt's injury real or just a kayfabe vehicle of setting up the resentment of the Kreed?)


See, I mentioned my aura was going to take a knock here?


The Kreed wasn't supposed to happen.


It's been said a few thimes by various people that Davey Boy Smith was only main event believably against the Harts or as a result of Hart feuds. I'm not sure I agree with that, but at that time, I wanted to create that aura of instant elevatability for the Easy Riders - because we all knew the Keiths were going to end up main eventers.


So, rather than blow things off and have the Keiths defeat the Riders, I wanted a way for the Keiths to retain the belts without that win.


So I 'injured' Matt... because it was Matt who the game said took the fall in the match where it happened. The idea was that Art would hold the belt alongside Greg for a bit, then drop it back to Matt after a couple of months, having built himself up - and Art would then beat Frankie Perez for the All-Action Championship, while the Keiths picked up where they left off.


Then Art just... made a convincing case he deserved to hold the belt longer, and just as importantly, the readers started clamouring for Art and Greg to get a name. It became obvious that the 'Kreed' - which, as you know, was a reader suggestion ;) - had legs. So... I went with the split between the Keiths happening earlier than I'd planned, and honestly, I went with a different Keith turning heel than I'd planned.


And along the way, Art started turning in results that put him well past All Action material.


Greg isn't getting a weaker push because he's weaker; Greg's getting a weaker push because if they both got to the top at the same time, that'd be the story. Instead, the story is Matt Keith deserving the main event, and the story then is Greg Keith deserving the main event.


Oh yeah. I'd like to have a look at The Lions as well, since you've so established them as characters that I occasionally forget they're not a canon tag team.








Their nine months or so in dev helped, but anyone who has some traditional wrestling in their product could do worse than look at Ring of Fire's top guys.

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The psych's a touch low for me on the Lions, but they've delivered in spades.


Oh, Walter Morgan's psychology is a thorn in the side of ROF players everywhere. You see how low it is there? That's after months in dev and protracted feuds with the top tag teams in the company.


And Greg is a touch better than Matthew, by my numbers...but more importantly, how do they each have one point in announcing?


Destiny, quite possibly. Sometimes people with good Destiny will randomly develop in skills they never use, just because. Or at least, so I've heard.

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The psych's a touch low for me on the Lions, but they've delivered in spades.


Bear in mind they start in the game as top Regional guys. Go look at Walter's normal Psych level and be impressed at his trainers.


(Who have also dragged Gargantuan kicking and screaming to 51 Psych)


And Greg is a touch better than Matthew, by my numbers...but more importantly, how do they each have one point in announcing?


No clue, mate. No clue.

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Serious Moobage is so full of win we can go straight to Profit!


I was waiting to see if someone else would ask, but I wouldn't mind a peek at the Stone clan's numbers. I'm presuming you haven't Mary Sue'd JL to the extent I did (though if you gave her anything less than 90 in Sex Appeal I am coming across the pond and finding you...) :p

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Edit: Given they're personal favourites, seeing Rocky, Law and Hawkins would be pretty cool too but that's just because I'm obssessively curious about other people's games. I'm definitely most interested in the Keith twins.











As for stats, I'd like to see 'Shingekazu' please. Don't think you've used them that much as a team anymore, but...at least what their psychology is at. Shingen should be fine, but I want to know if Hidekazu's warmed up.


As Blake noted, Team VIPER is Shingen Miyazaki and Fumihiro Ota.


But we'll throw Hidekazu in anyway.











You have Gargantuan in training?


1. Call him up and pair him with Tana for the tag division.


2. Name the team Serious Moobage.


3. Profit!


As of about four months ago, you only get on the roster if you have been or if you have 60 Psych minimum. I signed Gargantuan just to experiment with how much Dev could help.


(It's a lot. He is, for example, better in every way bar popularity than USPW World Champion Peter Valentine.)


I'll do the Stone Clan tomorrow, possibly including those parts of it not with TCW.

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Wow, just wow. Rocky Golden might be the worst World Champion ever not named David Arquette. He's lousy even after all that time wrestling greats in PS's game. And yes, I know he hasn't held the title in this game (since it was started in 08), but wow, he's so much worse than almost everyone else you've shown us which is only what, half of your main event and upper midcard.
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Wow, just wow. Rocky Golden might be the worst World Champion ever not named David Arquette. He's lousy even after all that time wrestling greats in PS's game. And yes, I know he hasn't held the title in this game (since it was started in 08), but wow, he's so much worse than almost everyone else you've shown us which is only what, half of your main event and upper midcard.


What that one doesn't show you is that he's improving pretty fast...


But yeah. A quick review of my feuds will probably show that I do tend to build feuds to justify matchups that will elevate a stronger guy while letting them train a weaker guy - in whatever area they're weak. Rocky's feuds have involved a lot of talented guys and he tends to face off against other veterans during Rick and Chris' feuds, too.


Maybe a better example is the Aaron/Edd feud, which helped Edd a little with his brawling, Aaron a little with his technical and aerial, and the tag matches alongside Joey and Jeremy helped them both with their fundamentals.


I do this a lot, in short. That and dev are responsible for a lot of the improvements you see.

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I was waiting to see if someone else would ask, but I wouldn't mind a peek at the Stone clan's numbers. I'm presuming you haven't Mary Sue'd JL to the extent I did (though if you gave her anything less than 90 in Sex Appeal I am coming across the pond and finding you...) :p











Rumours that JeriLynn's sex appeal may have been altered to avoid trouble are going to be entirely ignored. It's not like I've used SA in an angle since Bombshell started talking in promos, anyway.

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Firstly, PS, a big thanks. I've had AQR bookmarked over the last month during our (extensively delayed) house move and it's actually helped a surprising amount to have this available - especially with so many of our books going into storage (though it's not all bad - I bought the first two Song of Ice and Fire books, and have literally just come from Amazon having ordered the next two (or three?)).


It's been a lot of fun look back and see how far you've come, as in any long-running diary, as I've had the chance over the last month to go back and re-read this from page one... Remember the Danny Fonzarelli push? Remember the Syndicate? Remember the transition from 08 to 10? It all seems fresh to me.


I'd love to see a return of the Horatio Dangerous sit-down interviews, incidentally. Someone like Zimmy or even McFly might make for a fascinating interview. McFly seems almost to have been drifting since his arrival - which is a testament to your strength in depth, of course, but how do you have McFly and not make him the focus of your shows? :p (I know, I know, he's not a natural lead protagonist for GenO... We are going to get McFly/Cornell at some point though, right?)


Anyway, onto the predictions:


TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman Lions are just kinda there, as your stat review shows. Great opponents, but as protagonists? Not yet - maybe not at all. The Outlaws avoid the fall to give them a reason for a straight match and feud with GenOme.



Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado As discussed elsewhere, Bruce has been a letdown for you. Give Tornado the duke and let them both move on.


TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental vs. Giant Tana Did Edd get his real belt back? Is this headed for a ladder match?


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid vs. Freddy Huggins vs. Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily vs. Thunder Snake w/ Baroness Emily vs. UK Dragon Ah, a scramble. I have to admit, I struggle with Team KOBRA. Possibly its 180+ pages of AQR all sloshing around in my head, but I'm unable to remember the reasoning behind this match (KOBRA/SoT?). I'll go with Acid winning as he's the C-verse equivalent of teflon in my eyes, especially with the snazzy new renders. Everything else may suck, but Acid will eat your soul.


Aaron Andrews vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert I have a sneaking suspicion that GenO are going to have a good night overall, but I could see Minnesota's membership being short-lived if it seems that Vibert is letting him 'coast' while the others are always having to be as good as they can be. Minnesota to lose, then, in case you're heading that way... and I still haven't forgiven you for breaking up the Rising Stars.


Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell Who better than Remo?


NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Pistol Pete Hall Um... Yeah, the other match I've kinda forgotten how its come about. Hall's just too old, although no doubt capable of producing in the short terms. Rockwell deserves the love.


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. JeriLynn Stone I think this is the third meeting? I'd normally go for Stone to win, but Gorgon still has a lot of mileage and you won't want to throw that out too easily.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell I liked Sam's speech a while back, but I couldn't help but hear Ric Flair in the waning days of WCW, demanding the chance he'd never had, having been 'held back all this time'. Know your role, Sam, and do the job.



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Champagne Lover vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Matthew Keith vs. Sean McFly DuBois is a red herring - it's too soon for too much tension. Keith would be too much, too soon. Lover isn't on this level yet. Reed could take it, but I just don't see him carrying the load in a PPV main event (I mean, the match would be excellent, but...) Stone seems to be in a bit of a no-man's land, and that leaves... well, you know...


Incidentally, is McFly wearing one of the black armbands? And have we found out why Lover is - is it just respect for Edd, or is he secretly (achieving some convoluted border crossing innuendo, it's late) with JeriLynn?

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And have we found out why Lover is - is it just respect for Edd, or is he secretly crossing JeriLynn's borders?


That was soooooo hard to think of.




Lover is the canonical hottest man in the wrestling world. Hell, I might jump on the JeriLynn train if this was true.


Fun fact: the "JeriLynn Train" is the position where you lay on your back and she

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TCW Presents Hotter Than Hell


Sunday Week 4 August 2009


Live on America 1-Select, U-Demand Canada, Jade 237, Rivera Pay Television, V-Corp, UK-1 (5.05)


Held at Rolling Field (Tri State)


Attendance: 64,468




Jason Azaria – Mayhem Midden - Horatio Dangerous



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DavisWayneNewton-1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MerleOCurle_jhd3.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WalterMorgan.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TexasHangman.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FloydBowman_jhd2.jpg

Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

A nice, lively battle, the champions keep the pace up against RDJ and Pete's power and the solid, systematic, dependable wear-down approach employed by the Lions.


Davis in particular shines here, looking absolutely on RDJ's level when the two are in the ring together. On commentary, Azaria points out that the Lions' submission style is disadvantaged in a three-team environment and Mayhem Midden has to agree, but notes that he'll be “looking into a one on one shot for the team that doesn't take the fall here... even if that ends up being GenOme.”


Perez tags in from Davis and goes to work with stiff kicks and speed; a handspring into a spinning kick off the ropes which wipes out Walter Morgan is a particular highlight of his sequence, though when O'Curle comes in there's a shift of momentum as Merle catches the first kick and goes to work with chilling precision on Perez' ankle, destabilising his base and taking those kicks out of the equation.


Sensing a chance for victory, Pete blindsides O'Curle, tossing him from the ring as, in desperation, Perez tags back out. Pete turns back to find Newton waiting for him, but goes with his original plan, slugging the 'Triple Threat' in the gut and going for the Lone Star Drop – Davis twists in midair, executing a flawless Makuda Roll – ONE, TWO, THREE!

GenOme defeated British Lions & Texas Outlaws

Rating: B





The big screen comes to life with clips from what looks like a Darkwave gig interspersed with images; Jack Bruce's triumphant return to TCW on the last show of 2008, his insertion into the Shot at the Top match, his growing alliance with Sammy Bach, his war with Troy Tornado turning into full on faction warfare.


By about the three-minute mark, though, things change. During the single sales reveal segment last month, Bruce's words suddenly become audible, the music coming to a halt.


“I want blood.”


As the music changes, the next couple of minutes are dedicated to the past month; the assaults by Bruce and allies on Troy, Troy's responses, Harry Allen's involvement. So much of the month is given over to one or other man dripping in crimson, bleeding warriors facing each other down. The First Blood match is made.


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JackBruce_alt8.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TroyTornado_nacht6.jpg

Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado

Troy keeps up a steady stream of quiet commentary, much of it sounding threatening to Bruce before the bell. There's a massive slugfest to start, eventually won by Jack. Jack seeks refuge on the outside, but Tornado slides under the bottom rope and delivers a neckbreaker on his way past.


Ever resourceful, Bruce grabs the ring bell and swings hard, nailing Troy with it. It looks like it just pissed him off. Jack grabs a chair and calls for Tornado to get in the ring.


“This could be over fast!” Azaria warns.


Troy clambers to the apron, vaults to the top rope and launches into a spinwheel kick, looking to protect his face and do some damage. However, unlike his interference in the match McFly and Tornado had together, this time Bruce nails the swing while his rival's in midair.


Jack lays in three more shots on his downed opponent, but Troy has his face covered by one arm. Changing tack, the Darkwave man crosses to the turnbuckle and starts to remove the pad – but before he can finish Troy nails him with a dropkick to the back.


As Bruce crumples backward, Troy places the chair over his face before hitting the ropes and coming off with a fast legdrop – but Jack's out of the way. He pops up and nails Troy in the chest with a low kick, then whips him so hard Tornado goes over the top rope and spills out to the floor.


Jack follows him out and the pair exchange blows for a while before Jack gets the advantage and whips Troy into the steel steps, though once again the Painful Procedure man manages to take it on the shoulder as Dangerous, on commentary, reminds viewers that while blood can be drawn anywhere, the fact the skull is so close to the skin makes it a lot easier to make someone bleed by working the head.


Jack follows up by ramming Troy into the steps face-first, then glances behind himself. Seeing an opportunity to do some real damage, he hoists him into the air, looking to backdrop suplex him spine-first across the guardrail.


Fortunately for Tornado, he's able to continue the momentum and he lands, instead, stood with one foot on one side of a fan, braced between two chairs, and the other on the other side.


From this elevated position he delivers two hard punches, driving Jack back a step, then jumps forward onto the guardrail and from there delivers a huracanrana on the outside.


He promptly whips Bruce into the steel steps before charging in to hit a dropkick that sandwiches man against steel with a sickening sound. Looking around himself, Troy steps over to the timekeeper's table and grabs the ring announcer's microphone. He takes the time to turn it on before heading back to Bruce. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he announces over the tannoy, “it's time to bleed. What you're about to hear, up close and personal, is the sound of a man being busted open.” He twirls the mic around his fingers then grips it mic-down, ready for a downward strike on Bruce's temple.


Jack retaliates with a major low blow, grabbing the microphone as Troy doubles over. Straightening up, Bruce raises the microphone to his lips. “Hey, Troy... this is my time. Troy?


“**** you.”


He swings, but Troy's had long enough to recover. He sidesteps, twists, and hits a Savate Kick almost the equal of Steve Gumble's, before rolling Bruce into the ring. Grabbing the mic as he goes, he utters “I made you guys a promise,” as he climbs to the top turnbuckle, looking for a microphone-loaded fistdrop.


He soars – and Jack, once again, has rolled clear, but this time Troy sees that in time, rolling to his feet rather than connecting with the drop. He lets the mic fall and, as Jack closes, hits a Gunslinger's Revenge onto it. There's a huge sound, but Bruce isn't bleeding yet.


Troy looks around thoughtfully. His eyes settle on the steel chair, still lying in the ring. He grabs it and drops it near Jack, then places the mic on it reverently. Dragging Jack to his feet, he whips him to the ropes and calls for the Tornado Driver onto the chair.


Jack manages to counter, slipping out, and slugs Troy in the gut. With the Painful Procedure frontman doubled over, he looks for the New York Minute – but Troy counters, turning it into a Blue Thunder Bomb onto the chair! The sound, amplified by the microphone, causes a momentary hush in the arena.


Troy tries again, but this time Bruce meets him with a dropkick. He staggers Troy, then rams his head into the turnbuckle. As Tornado staggers backward, Jack climbs to the top rope – and leaps out, hitting a New York Minute on his way down that drives Troy face-first into the chair and microphone.


Troy bounces off from the impact, and the camera zooms in on the arc of blood drops his movement leaves behind.


Troy Tornado is bleeding.

Jack Bruce defeated Troy Tornado

Rating: A*




Autumn Gleeson's smile almost masks her unease with the imagery that closed that match out. “G'day,” she begins. “With me tonight are father and daughter, Jeremy and JeriLynn Stone.


“Both of you are competing tonight – so what do you think? JeriLynn, you're facing the Womens Champion with the title on the line for a second time. But to judge by your performance in mixed tag against her this month, the advantage your father suggested you have is definitely there.


“How do you rate your chances?”


JeriLynn smiles. “I'm a Stone. My chances are never less than 50/50... even against the best. That's not the genetics...” She looks across to her father, and grins. “It's the training.


“But Gorgon isn't someone I take lightly. She isn't someone I can afford to shrug off – she's tried to put me in the hospital enough times.


“Five years ago now, my mother died. Five years ago this month... Last month, I started wearing this armband, to remember her. Tonight is the final night I'll wear it.


“Tonight, I dedicate my match to Simone Aube-Stone's memory. And tonight, I trade this...” She touches the armband. “...for a championship belt. My first.”


Autumn grins. “Good luck,” she says. “Jeremy, you're not competing for a championship... but you are looking for a chance at one. In one of wrestling's most dangerous matches.


“I think this is the first time since the very first Malice in Chains that no competitor has the advantage of experience in that match. I know this is no time to ask if you have a strategy, but-”


“Not for the match,” Stone says. “Too many variables. I only know for certain that one man will enter the ring after me... I can't be sure of anything else. Who I'll face, how exhausted they'll be... the length of time I'll have to compete for...


“I don't have a strategy for the match. I have five strategies, each for a single opponent, each tuned to the assumption I'll have to last the whole match, just in case.


“That's the only way to approach a match like Malice in Chains. Eliminate the variables.


“I have... reason to agree with my daughter. Tonight... I dedicate my fight... my challenge... to the memory of my wife, the mother of my child. If you're watching, Simone... I still love you. I'll always remember you. And... JeriLynn's been right. It's time I remembered the man you loved.


“It's time I made you proud again. For my sake as well as yours.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt6.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CanadianElemental.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TanaTheMighty.jpg

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental vs. Giant Tana

The highlight of this one, ultimately, is Canadian Elemental using Edd's own study tactics against him; when Tana slams the Champion, CanEl springs from the ropes and catches the huge Samoan with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors, flipping Tana forward – onto the champ.


The crowd's reaction is strong for that one. Ray Johnson dives to make the count – and Can El, realising his mistake, breaks the pin with a moonsault.


That is, however, not merely the highest point... it's also the story of the match. Elemental and Tana have had no trouble working together... but when only one can make the fall, with Edd working hard at it, they can be forced into conflict.


He has to work very hard to get this one. But, in the end, carefully exiting the ring at the right time means a lariat by Tana wipes out Elemental, not Edd... and the chance to make the cover is too much to resist. CanEl gets his shoulder up, but the duo have had chinks created in their armour now. They fall to battling one another.


Tana eventually gets something resembling the upper hand, and he sets CanEl up in the corner, looking for the Big Fat Samoan Squash.


And Edd nails him from behind with an Edd-Renaline Shot to the head. As Tana crumples, Elemental steps forward. Edd leaps, hitting the Party's Over. He covers Tana, hooking the leg and picking up the three count.

Edd Stone defeated Canadian Elemental and Giant Tana

Rating: B




Shout At The Devil begins to play, and Mayhem Midden rises from his chair, still leaning heavily on his steel cane. As he enters the ring, Charlie Thatcher maintains a careful overwatch, baseball bats in hand.


“Time to interrupt all this for a moment,” Midden says, his voice loud in the arena. “This month, we're bringing back Malice in Chains.


“But I was brought into TCW to give you what you want to see... not just the old stuff, but new ideas. To try things you had no idea you wanted... and to see what people are taking to.


“Now. If you're a Texas Outlaws fan, make some noise.”


The fans respond.


“How about the Machines?”


Another good pop. “Sean Deeley and the Lions?”


More solid response. Midden grins.


“I started with the Outlaws because they used to be a trio. And next month, we're doing something new.


“Run the video.”


An image appears on the big screen of a large cup, engraved with the TCW logo. “THAT... is the Three Kings Trophy. We're going to hold a tournament for it every September.


“That tournament will be contested between sixteen three-man teams.


“Everyone on the roster, listen up. I'm going to be starting the first matches this Tuesday. If you have two friends and want a shot at the Trophy – and the three hundred thousand dollar cash prize that goes with it - get your names down.


“I don't care who you are. Anyone who's willing gets a chance until all sixteen slots are taken.”


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShingenMiyazaki_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/QueenEmily_FS2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Acid_alt2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid vs. Freddy Huggins


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Hidekazu w/ Baroness Emily vs. Thunder Snake w/ Baroness Emily vs. UK Dragon

There's no good way to attempt to summarise this match. All six men have victory as their priority, and only Miyazaki and Hidekazu have a focus other than aerial mastery with which to do it. The speed of the contest is, as a result, somewhat mindboggling.


Obviously enough, the battle does more or less divide along faction lines, at least for the first five or so minutes. Then Thunder Snake nearly pins UK Dragon, Acid dropkicks him in the head, and the six men involved wake up to the fact only one man can win this.


Notably, when Miyazaki counters the Huggins Kiss into an Ankle Lock, Hidekazu grabs his ally and hits a German suplex, breaking the hold. Thunder Snake promptly goes for the pin, but Acid is once again there to break it up, scoring with an Acid Rain Bomb to prevent the pin.


Hidekazu turns back to the fray, and UK Dragon is there, nailing him with a Death Valley Driver – but he sees his teammate standing, watching, and backs off from a pin attempt with a shake of the head.


Dragon, in fact, begins to shine here, showing all his biggest moves, at one point sailing over Acid's head to deliver a double-stomp that bears Miyazaki to the ground. Thunder Snake promptly nails him with a Snake Lash, only to be hit in turn with a double-arm DDT by Acid – who is immediately hit from behind by the Huggins Kiss. Freddy follows up by delivering a Weight of Tradition-like brainbuster on Hidekazu that brings him crashing down onto the gut of Miyazaki, who he promptly pins.


The count of three grants us a new TCW All Action Champion.

Freddy Huggins defeated Acid, Hidekazu, Shingen Miyazaki, Thunder Snake and UK Dragon

Rating: B





Huggins bails from the ring fast, grabbing his belt and fleeing while Acid is still recovering. As he does so, the remainder of Team KOBRA emerge, coming down the ramp toward the ring.


Ino, Ota, Brazzle and the Baroness surround the trio who, between them, have just lost Team KOBRA's title belt.


The Baroness draws the bokken and delivers to shots apiece to Miyazaki, Thunder Snake, and Hidekazu.


Miyazaki remains perfectly still, while Thunder Snake and Hidekazu start to move, believing their punishment over. Ino barks a command, and they freeze into place.


The Baroness hands the bokken to Suzanne Brazzle, who also delivers two shots apiece. Once again, Thunder Snake and Hidekazu make to move, only to be halted again.


Ota receives the bokken next, delivering another two shots.


“That's more than anyone's had to take for a defeat before,” Azaria observes. And the bokken is passed along to Koshiro Ino, who delivers a final two apiece before Team KOBRA head back toward the locker rooms in silence.




The big screen comes to life, revealing Aaron Andrews with the microphone. He paces back and forth in the otherwise empty interview area.


“Two steps forward,” he begins. “One step back.


“I am getting sick of that. Two steps forward, and one step back.


“I get enrolled in the TCW School of Wrestling. Two steps forward.


“By now, a lot of our fans have heard the stories. The place is... draining. At this time, I'm the only guy who's graduated. The teachers want results like the House of Stone, but they have to push harder to get them.


“One step back.” He lets that hang there for a while. “But I did graduate. And I found a job here... TCW, the place to be if you want two wrestle. Two steps forward.


“Eric Tyler decided I was disrespectful. He never really talked about why. I don't think I was... but I'm no veteran. One step back.


“Another veteran... a shorter time veteran... saw something in me. Joey Minnesota took me under his wing. Trained me. Helped me. Two steps forward.” He smiles. “Maybe three.


“That put us under fire from the Syndicate. Joey and I were attacked. We were threatened, told we would be... crippled. Broken. Our careers ended. Me... I'd call that one step back.


“But Joey and me... we got through it... and I got noticed. I got chosen... given a shot for the International Championship. Two more steps forward...


“...and the one step back was the hardest of all. Joey, you helped teach me, you kept me from quitting, you found Nemesis and persuaded him to give me the Game Breaker.


“But if you'd just waited, we wouldn't have this match. We'd be tag champions. Together.


“Joey, believe me, understand what I am about to tell you: You are my last backward step. The road forward begins... tonight.”




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Aaron Andrews vs. Joey Minnesota w/ Phil Vibert

There's little, if anything, to complain about in this spectacular match. Andrews has learned a lot from Minnesota; Joey knows a lot about Aaron, and the crowd want to see Generation Omega take a beating, somewhere along the line.


With Vibert sneeringly, visibly present at ringside, the fans reach a fever pitch. And there's still peaks to climb, as Aaron and Joey push the envelope further and further. The Game Breaker, the Minnesota Salute, the Empire Spiral... these moves are too well understood. All are tried. All are blocked.


Aaron tries his lesser moves – the crossbody, the hot shot, the spinebuster. In every case, Joey gets his shoulder up.


For his part, Joey looks to the neck, the throat, the submission hold. He tries crossfaces, and inverted chanceries, and the basic rear naked choke. And Aaron won't submit... and he won't pass out. After over twenty minutes, Aaron Andrews sends Joey careering into the ring post, and he hits the Game Breaker on the outside while they are both exhausted.


At the count of five, Aaron makes it back into the ring. At the count of nine, Joey joins him. Once again, Andrews hits the spinebuster. This time, it's enough.

Aaron Andrews defeated Joey Minnesota

Rating: A




Aaron is halfway back up the ramp, exhausted, obviously drained, when he's stopped by the sound of a man clapping echoing through the arena, broadcast by microphone.


It's Vibert.


He continues to applaud until the crowd has faded into silence.


And then, with Andrews staring him down, Vibert begins to speak.


“Two steps forward,” he says. “Congratulations, Aaron. I admit it; I didn't think you had it in you.


“You beat Joey... ****ing... Minnesota. That's no easy matter.


“But you know what?


“It's not two steps forward, one step back. If you believe that – if you believe there's some way to dodge that – then you're a moron. You just don't get how wrestling works.


“It's a ladder, and every time you climb another rung, the spotlight shines brighter on you.


“And what it shows the world is what's on your back. For Joey, the world sees his support. His backup.


“For Joey, the world can sit there, and realise that attacking him is not a smart way to go.


“But you... you've got a target there, and it's in broad daylight now.


“Watch your back, Aaron. Not because we will come for you. Watch your back... because you have no one to help you. Because you are alone.”



The big screen comes back to life, showing clips of Remo's dominant run from his TCW debut onward, through his alliance with Generation Omega, his defeats of Ricky Dale Johnson and Sam Keith, and so on, all the way up to his targeting Tommy Cornell. It ends with the close of the last time Cornell and Remo went head to head:


Remo smirks. “You think you got a chance in hell, huh?


“Whatever. When I beat you, I'm walking away. No point answering the other question because pure and simple, it ain't happening.


“You're calling me out and that means you got balls. You feel like you prepared, huh?


“It don't matter to Remo. Make the match. Hotter than Hell...”


From a standing start, he spears Cornell.


“...you going down.”



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Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell

This thing is brutal. Cornell has his work cut out for him to handle this young turk, this incredible physical specimen.


He starts out by looking to take out a joint, weaken Remo's ability to execute his moves. And Remo grins... and counters.


Cornell rolls clear, staring at Richardson... and closes again, trying a different sequence of holds – and once again, Remo has a counter.


Tommy goes into a fully defensive strategy then, looking to weather the storm, evade the biggest hits, find a chink in Remo's armour, while the powerful Generation Omega man looks to put the company chairman away.


Hit after hit connects, with Cornell only able to counter a few, though when he does, it's often spectacular – the first Destroyer attempt sees Cornell control his momentum, land on his feet with his hands on Remo's trunks, and converts it to a piledriver.


Nonetheless, Remo powers out after only two. Cornell tries for the Rough Ride, but Remo blocks – so Tommy rolls out of the ring for a moment. Vibert, in mocking him, gets too close – and Cornell grabs him. A couple of seconds later he's hurtling to the side, leaving Remo's diving lariat to nearly decapitate Vibert.


Tommy brings his foot down on the back of Remo's knee, driving it into the mat. He has his opening, as Dangerous and Midden speculate on how much his attack on Vibert was just a setup. The company owner goes to work with a will, looking to take out the knee, but Remo fires back.


His punches are no weaker for his mobility being hindered, and when he connects it looks dangerous. He lands a Destroyer, but with the knee weakened, it's not all that it could be, and Cornell manages to get a hand to the ropes.


Remo looks for the Lumbar Puncture, but the backbreaker does as much to his knee as it does to Cornell; Vibert, recovering on the outside, begs for a pin cover, but Cornell makes it to his feet first. He heads for Remo, but the Generation Omega man manages to turn it around. One more Destroyer attempt – but Cornell pops loose, rolling down to grab a backslide pin. With his leg incapacitated, Remo doesn't have the leverage to kick free...

Tommy Cornell defeated Remo Richardson

Rating: A



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LobsterWarrior_PS.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PistolPeteHall.jpg

Chris Rockwell © vs. Pistol Pete Hall

Azaria does a good job summarising the issues these two had ten years previously in PPPW – Hall, the defending champion ready to pull out all the stops, including the illegal ones, and Rockwell, the challenger who kept on chasing even after Hall had lost the title to someone else, because what Rockwell was after was just the proof that he could win, that he had what it took.


They square off again, and close, and the impact of Hall's big boot is still a major one, even after all these years. But Rockwell gets right back up and goes after him, calculating, confident.


The back and forth between these two adversaries is smooth and obviously well practiced. They know each other.


Hall seems bound and determined to bring Rockwell's temper out, to capitalise. At different points he slaps Rockwell, spits on him; he takes every liberty that doesn't quite break the rules, and he does it with a smirk.


“I wonder if Rick Law realised just what he was creating when he asked Pete to test Rockwell's anger,” Dangerous muses.


Maybe Law did, however; by the end, an in-control Rockwell has brought Pete Hall down and set up for the MMA-style knees to the head, before covering for the pinfall.

Chris Rockwell defeated Pistol Pete Hall

Rating: B+




Matt Keith finishes taping his wrists for the upcoming match. He looks down at his bag and takes a deep breath, shaking his head, before plucking the bottle his father gave him from it. He gives it a half-hearted shake, unscrews the cap, and downs the contents in a gulp.


He sighs again, then drops the bottle back in his bag.




The Blonde Bombshell is standing in the doorway to the locker room Matt's preparing in. He looks up, frowning. A month or two ago, when she and he ran into each other, he'd snap at here, tell her to go away, tell her there was no chance of her managing him and to go to hell for thinking about it.


Now.... he's silent, awkwardly so. He looks back.


The Bombshell swallows, but presses on. “Listen... I know you've no real reason to believe me, but...


“We miss you, Matthew. I know, I know, it's your choice... but we miss you.


“I know I'm coming out alongside someone else... But we wanted to give you a message.


“Your father, your brother, Johnny, me, and Art... we say good luck tonight.”


She walks away, leaving Matt staring at the open doorway.


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Gorgon © vs. JeriLynn Stone

JeriLynn comes out with armband in place, walking proud and tall. Gorgon by Angel Witch begins to play, and the champion comes out. Her face is, as usual, impassive, stony... until she sees JeriLynn waiting, side-on to her, looking back at her over that SAS armband.


There's a note of caution to her approach, now. And, after a brief staredown, in the ring, the bell rings – and the monster champion seems a little slower on her approach. A little more careful.


Of course, when she punches, it still seems to hit as hard. The slams are as crisp. And while JeriLynn has a few moves she can use against the big gun, she can't use nearly as much of her moveset as she'd hope. Still, she has a target, and she throws everything she has at the ankle of the monster.


In the end, Gorgon looks for the Hydra Bomb that's ended everything in her favour. She can still boost JL off the ground almost effortlessly, even on the bad leg – but she makes one mistake, her first since arriving in TCW.


As if to prove her power, while she has JeriLynn in the air, she lifts the weakened leg, shaking it out, holding her opponent on a single foot - and JeriLynn grabs the injured ankle as it comes in reach, and twists.


Hard to say just how it happens, but less than five seconds later Gorgon is on her back, on the mat, with JeriLynn grapevining her leg in her uncle Dan's favourite hold, the Stone Ankle Stretch.


She's endured, rather than triumphed, but now she gets the chance to triumph... now she gets the chance for the advantage.


Gorgon fights it. In an astonishing moment, she pushes up onto all fours, then lifts the leg and JeriLynn off the ground before slamming her foot back down, crushing the challenger into the ground.


Somehow, JeriLynn hangs on. Thirty seconds into the hold, Gorgon's face begins to show pain. Forty-five seconds in, she's in agony. After a full sixty... she taps to the Stone Ankle Stretch.


JeriLynn rolls from the ring, barely able to stand. Rather than try to fasten the belt, she commits that rarity in TCW and slings it over her shoulder... next to the SAS armband.

JeriLynn defeated Gorgon

Rating: B-


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Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

It isn't the best match on the card – but it's a good contender for second best. Wolf and Sam know each other very well, and the result is faster than most of Sam's recent matches, with experience and timing substituting well for speed and athleticism.


He fights a slick, shrewd, ground game, but there's an unusual difference.


A typical Sam Keith match in TCW, when he's fighting a specialist in one style of wrestling or another, has Keith match their style, fighting almost exclusively in their idiom.


Here, he's fighting an all-rounder. Normally, this would mean he needs everything he has at his disposal to counter...


But he can concentrate on the core of his game. Why?


Because Wolf Hawkins is wrestling this match as if he were a young Sam Keith.


And he has the talent, the skillbase, and the athleticism to do it. So which wins – age and experience, or youth and guile?


It seems, as it turns out... that the answer is youth and guile. Wolf Hawkins manages to block the Neutron Plex, near the end, and he nails the Wolf's Call... a subtly different version to the first he tried, a little faster on the setup, a little slicker and crisper. He still bridges into the pin, though, and Sam Sparrow counts three.

Wolf Hawkins defeated Sam Keith

Rating: A


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Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Champagne Lover vs. Jeremy Stone


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Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Matthew Keith vs. Sean McFly

Sean McFly was already known to be #1 in the ring, but the question of who'd face him had not yet been answered. Now, though, with DuBois, Reed, Stone, and Champagne Lover safe in their pods, it's obvious, and the sound of Matthew Keith's entrance music just confirms it.


Despite his health issues, Matthew Keith has as long a gauntlet to run as anyone.


Matt and Sean circle, close, and McFly goes for a cradle pin. Matt pops out, grabbing the legs and hitting a jacknife pin; Sean grabs his waist and rises up out of it, transitioning into a backslide; Matt twists clear even before Eugene Williams can count, making it to his feet first and hitting Sean with a lariat.


He takes a moment to glare at Art Reed before turning around into a dropkick from McFly, followed by a pair of scoop slams. In imitation of and tribute to JeriLynn Stone, Sean points his fingers like a pistol to the turnbuckle, then starts to climb. He launches off into the From Canada With Love, but Matt swivels on his back, raising his knees, to counter the move efficiently and excellently.


Matt promptly goes to the Proton Lock, and McFly twists loose, heading for the ropes. He comes off with a head of steam and a flying forearm; Matt gets a boot up, the result being them both crashing to the ground, stunned.


This brings in Jeremy Stone, who immediately grabs Matt as he rises and nails a Stone's Throw, then hits another as Sean rises before whipping Keith over the ropes and to the metal.


McFly and Stone turn to face one another. Sean smiles slowly, tapping two fingers against his black armband. In his turn, Stone smiles, and reaches out his hand, curled into a fist. They touch fists and slither into each other. A slick chain wrestling sequence ends with Sean McFly in the Stone Hold.


Champagne Lover enters and immediately springs to the top rope before hurtling off in a Champagne Sunrise to Stone's jaw, breaking the hold – but more importantly, targeting his tag partner's brother, his former ally.


Matt Keith returns to the ring, taking on Sean McFly, and Jeremy Stone squares off with Champagne Lover. After a minute or so, though, the buzzer chimes again – and Art Reed enters. He ducks a punch from Lover, whips him into the turnbuckle then slingshots him into a pod as Lover rebounds, leaving him slumped atop the turnbuckle for now.


Meanwhile, Reed looks to Matthew Keith, going for the Dark Matter, but Matt gets a Neutron Plex instead – but before he can capitalise he drops to one knee, coughing.


This all leaves Jeremy Stone free, however. He closes with Champagne Lover – who is still on the turnbuckle – and hops up beside him. Seems like he's going for a superplex... but Lover comes back to life and starts punching back. In answer, Jeremy brings his legs up and grabs Lover's arm with his, locking down a triangle choke.


Lover fights it, and Jeremy Stone reaches upward with his other arm, grabbing the top of the pod. He pulls, lifting himself and Lover up, amplifying the choke by the Mexican's own weight.


Champagne Lover fights... and give him credit. He doesn't tap. He does, however, pass out.


Elimination 1: Champagne Lover


Seconds later, Marc DuBois' pod is unlocked. He comes in fast and jumps off Matt Keith's coughing form to crash into Stone with a huge splash. Jeremey crumples to the floor and DuBois moves immediately to cover – ONE, TWO, NO!


McFly comes in fast and DuBois ducks him, grabbing his head for a neckbreaker as he flies forward to lariat Reed. He pops up, looking around to consider his targets, and Jeremy Stone, showing incredible ring sense, pops up behind him – grabs him – nails the Stone's Throw!


Meanwhile, Matthew Keith has tied Art Reed in the tree-of-woe. A kick to the gut on McFly and he whips McFly into Reed, hard.


He closes to the corner. Jeremy once again cuts off an opponent, stepping over Reed's tied form and grabbing an inverted headlock on Keith – GIRL'S BEST FRIEND BY JEREMY STONE!


DuBois takes Stone down with the Marc of Excellence, only to get his head nearly kicked clean off by Sean McFly with a superkick.


McFly covers, but DuBois gets his shoulder up a hair after two. He headbutts the American Tiger, then nails the DDT. He turns around... and sees Stone, Reed, and Keith, all staring daggers at him.


Marc panics, scrambling up the turnbuckle and toward the top of the nearest pod – looking for safety.


And Jeremy Stone springs into action. He leaps to the second rope, steps to the top, and pulls himself up after DuBois, who meets him with punches – Stone chops his way through – clasps the hands around the waist...




The others are gobsmacked, staring at the damage. Matthew Keith recovers first, scrambling to cover Stone, but Reed pulls him off – goes for the Dark Matter – Keith counters – ASIAN MIST attempt – Reed's crossed arms block it – Matthew collapses into Reed, who rolls him up – ONE, TWO, THREE!


Elimination #2: Matthew Keith


The medics are by that time loading DuBois' body onto a stretcher beneath the Malice in Chains structure.


Elimination #3: Marc DuBois eliminated by EMT decision


That leaves Reed, Stone, and McFly.


Art and Sean look at each other, with Jeremy down and out on the mat, and Reed nods, before crashing into McFly. The two put on a wrestling clinic, allowing Sean's brother in law, Reed's mentor, time to recover while they compete against one another. It ends when the Dark Matter is blocked, and Sean McFly applies the Stone Ankle Stretch, which claims its second submission of the night. Reed's run at the title – for now – is over.


Elimination #4: Art Reed


By this time, Jeremy Stone has made it back to his feet. The two old rivals look at each other wearily before Stone nods, raising his hands, beckoning McFly on.


The American Tiger and the Canadian Wrestling Machine collide. A Delorean Driver attempt is blocked, and Stone takes McFly's legs out from under him while duelling chants erupt from the crowd. He looks for the Stone Hold, but as he turns Sean over, Sean grabs Stone's ankle, once again looking for the Stone Ankle Stretch.


Jeremy feels the pain for a few moments, but twists clear, knowing the move all too well. A fluid sequence sees Stone take McFly to the mat and apply the Bloodstone Mutilation; once again, though, McFly has a counter, extricating himself one arm at a time, grabbing a waistlock, and getting back to his feet, Jeremy on his shoulders – crucifix powerbomb!


ONE, TWO, THRE- NO! Jeremy grabs the arms and transitions into a cradle – ONE, TWO, NO! Stone picks his opponent up, looking for the Stone's Throw, but McFly elbows clear – PARTY'S OVER! ONE, TWO, THRE- NO!


Frustrated, Sean shakes his head. He pulls Jeremy up – DELOREAN DRIVER! ONE, TWO, THREE!

Sean McFly defeated Art Reed, Champagne Lover, Jeremy Stone, Marc DuBois and Matthew Keith

Rating: A


Show Rating: A*

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