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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Roster Bloat?


This guy wouldn't even let Danny Jobberelli and his ruined credibility go. This guy has two dev feds stuffed to the rafters with every even vaguely decent indie talent. This guy is running a 16-team trios tournament with 48 competitors, and still has enough guys not involved to fill up a decent-sized indie fed.


Your words are useless. Trust me on this.


We are talking about Horatio Dangerous, the man who wouldn't release a talent if he could help it...


But I'd say there's more than a few guys who could find jobs elsewhere, quite easily...

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We are talking about Horatio Dangerous, the man who wouldn't release a talent if he could help it...


But I'd say there's more than a few guys who could find jobs elsewhere, quite easily...


Ah yes, the eternal problem: no talent will get their chance if Horatio Dangerous doesn't give it to them.


Ooh! That's an idea - sign every Regional or lower company in the game to be a dev fed, then hire every indie talent that's interesting and put them wherever you like! Guaranteed employment, bankrolled by the richest promotion in the world!

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wewt Dragon Suplex! And I'm pissed they didn't win ._.


Good - the match did what I wanted, then. The Machines were in the list of potential winners for the whole tournament, and I don't want to trash their credibility.



Waitwut. NOT INTERESTED IN ANGRY GILMORE HAAATEEEEEEEEE But seriously, how'd you get Faith? Yeah, Cult, contract comes up, but...huh.


Does that mean you're the only promotion bigger than National right now?


I can't sign from Cult companies without annoying Tommy. Faith was too big to re-sign. I pounced. And yes, I WOULD be interested in Angry Gilmore - if I had a shorter list of top-level guys. He's main eventing SWF and still on his old written contract; all I could offer him, right now, is a shot at main eventin in around 2011, 2012.


PGHW and BHOTWG are National, I believe. SOTBPW is, IIRC, on the verge - I haven't stolen as many from them as usually go.


Looked up what a "chancery" was. At first, it seemed...impossible. Then I saw Hackenschmidtt...Hacken...George with a "Double Chancery" in a picture. Which looked like a headlock.


Now? I get a video. FROM FINLAND:



So...it's kinda like a cravate, but...not. Cool.


Roster Bloat?


This guy wouldn't even let Danny Jobberelli and his ruined credibility go. This guy has two dev feds stuffed to the rafters with every even vaguely decent indie talent. This guy is running a 16-team trios tournament with 48 competitors, and still has enough guys not involved to fill up a decent-sized indie fed.


Your words are useless. Trust me on this.


We are talking about Horatio Dangerous, the man who wouldn't release a talent if he could help it...


But I'd say there's more than a few guys who could find jobs elsewhere, quite easily...


There are - and a lot of 'em will be getting their chance, soon.


What Horatio hates doing - and what I'm not hugely keen on OOC - is cutting people loose before their contract elapses. Such near-misses as Stevie Grayson, Teddy Powell, and the original Painful Procedure team are all coming up on contract's end; Grayson may well get a PPA from FCW to keep him around, as he's pulling regular 70+s for them as Puerto Rican Power's main opponent.


Any of them could anchor a Regional fed, and when their contracts run out, they will. Gargantuan won't be renewed, either, but by that stage, he should be more than ready.


Out there working for other folks, by the way, include but are not limited to Mainstream Hernandez, Jacob Jett, Mean Jean Cattley, Citizen X, Joss Thompson, and a surprising number of other indy-to-national C-Verse darlings.

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Sunday 7th September 2009


Some lessons you learn in this business that you don't never forget. And some never learn. Back when I was working in Mexico, one of the old timers there gave me some sage advice. I was getting some serious heat from some of those fans - not just booing, but yelling at me in the street and such. That old timer told me, in his broken English, "You cannot never ever make everyone happy."


Simple enough reality, but so many in this business tend to forget it at times. Unless you got a fanbase of two dozen fans, you ain't never gonna keep them all happy. Worry about keeping most of them happy most of the time, and realize that some are always gonna find some reason to bitch.


I bring this up because of the most recent addition to Total... Christian Faith. When rumors first began to float that Richard was gonna lose even his most faithful, there was hand-wringing amongst the talent here... was it a good idea to sign him? Will the fans "accept" him? Can he find a role?


Bunch of bullcrap. Faith is one of the most experienced guys in the ring around at this point. He knows how to tell the story. He puts on wars in the ring and he makes fans care.


Sure, he's old. So am I. Sure, he has the "Supreme taint". So did I. Unless Faith developed himself an attitude after I left and has decided he won't put anyone over, he is a great asset for Tommy and TCW.


Are some fans bitchin' about it? Always. Probably the same fans that would be bitchin' about a "missed opportunity" if Tommy let Faith go work for the Stones or DeColts. Them fans are the ones you need to ignore, much like I learned to ignore the fans in Mexico who wanted to yell nasty things at the gringo.


Gotta admit I might have a selfish thought here, too. Faith n' me put on some god-damned great matches back in day. Not every one was a classic, but every one was good. Think we can pull together a few more great matches.


Christian Faith is the obvious game-changer from last night's show, but I think, in the long-term, he won't be seen as the only one. Last night saw the Machines go head-to-head with Generation Omega in an extremely good match which was set up to make the crowd hate Generation Omega even more for 'stealing' a win.


In order to do that, the match had to be designed to make Brent, John and Marc appear to be on their level – with a lot less work put into them beforehand. We chose to do that by emphasising the Machines' nature as a united faction, with many double-teams, triple-teams, and the repeated theme of members saving one another from the Destroyer.


Brent was a little dubious about this – largely about Marc. While we've portrayed Marc as the Machines' choice to carry on their name, he was, of course, someone we brought up and slotted in to fit a role we wanted. And Brent was never completely comfortable with that decision. In this case, he worried that Marc wouldn't be able to keep up with the timings, etc, needed to make those moments work.


After the show, he came up to me while we were getting ready for the overnight flights, and made a point of thanking me for choosing Marc and giving him his blessing. Which... is another reason, next year, to push the Machines for the Three Kings victory. At time of writing, they're one of the four teams I want in the semis, at the very least.

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There are - and a lot of 'em will be getting their chance, soon.
Good to know. No offense PS, but when only Eidenhoek outnumbers you on the board for the number of wrestlers signed, then you know you've got a smidgen of a problem. With as many guys as you have and three different shows, you could use a couple of dozen cuts. :p


What Horatio hates doing - and what I'm not hugely keen on OOC - is cutting people loose before their contract elapses. Such near-misses as Stevie Grayson, Teddy Powell, and the original Painful Procedure team are all coming up on contract's end; Grayson may well get a PPA from FCW to keep him around, as he's pulling regular 70+s for them as Puerto Rican Power's main opponent.


Any of them could anchor a Regional fed, and when their contracts run out, they will. Gargantuan won't be renewed, either, but by that stage, he should be more than ready.


Out there working for other folks, by the way, include but are not limited to Mainstream Hernandez, Jacob Jett, Mean Jean Cattley, Citizen X, Joss Thompson, and a surprising number of other indy-to-national C-Verse darlings.

So.. at least ten guys gone? Out of how many in the developmental system? :p


You'd think Cornell would want less people on his money machine. :p

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The Machines match was amazing, especially their handling of Remo (who I feel is OP >_>). I was more pissed, slightly, that they lost even without considering the match. I love the guys. But yes, that match...well, it was an A*. If it was a C+ writeup, I would have shrugged it off.


but when only Eidenhoek outnumbers you on the board for the number of wrestlers signed


BUAHAHAHAHA AND THEY KEEP ON COMING. They keep on coming :'(. I had to edit my top contracts to not lose money. It's...sad. Real sad. I got plenty of guys that could main event, could call-in-ring, but...well, they do, obviously, but so many are on the undercard. So many...

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Good to know. No offense PS, but when only Eidenhoek outnumbers you on the board for the number of wrestlers signed, then you know you've got a smidgen of a problem. With as many guys as you have and three different shows, you could use a couple of dozen cuts. :p


I'd be stunned if LoganRodzen isn't there with his tri-branded game, and quite possibly Remianen's mod-o-craziness though I confess I haven't looked.


So.. at least ten guys gone? Out of how many in the developmental system? :p


You'd think Cornell would want less people on his money machine. :p


That was actually set to be a plot point, except we've ended up making way more money than was planned.


As for how many... AAA and FCW are Regional and more than half PPA. CZCW is Regional and about 2/3 Dev - it IS fewer than you think.


The trick is, you see the ones who break through. The ones who don't, you don't see... you just hear about.


Roster trims come with contract endings, for me. If I've got to pay that Written salary, I'd rather get something out of it.


...As a side note, CGC just laid off half its crew. Not sure why yet - could be to do with Steve taking over, for all I know.

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I'd be stunned if LoganRodzen isn't there with his tri-branded game, and quite possibly Remianen's mod-o-craziness though I confess I haven't looked.
Damn, forgot about them. Just goes to show you what happens when you don't update your dynasties. :p


That was actually set to be a plot point, except we've ended up making way more money than was planned.


As for how many... AAA and FCW are Regional and more than half PPA. CZCW is Regional and about 2/3 Dev - it IS fewer than you think.


The trick is, you see the ones who break through. The ones who don't, you don't see... you just hear about.

I guess...


Roster trims come with contract endings, for me. If I've got to pay that Written salary, I'd rather get something out of it.
Meh. I'd rather let them get on with their lives elswhere and take the money loss. Unless I'm cult. In which I job them down slowly as their contract comes up.


...As a side note, CGC just laid off half its crew. Not sure why yet - could be to do with Steve taking over, for all I know.
Half the crew? How's their finances looking? And where's Alex at? :p
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Uh...if he's not having any backstage problems with under-use and making a ton of money, why would you ever just cut people willy-nilly? He is running 3 shows a week WITH Repetitive Booking on so you need a large roster to avoid that. Sure he's a little bit of a talent hog, but until SWF recovers, where the heck are the midcarders and up going to go? They're probably all at min. 65-70, right? His job isn't to aid SWF's recovery to National after all.


Having a full toolbox is always a useful thing, and 2 is even better.;)

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What I'm going to do here, gang, is try and make space in an upcoming diary entry for Horatio to lay out his actual theory on this in some more detail, with examples, as this has grabbed people's attention.


Here's the very, very basics:


TCW owns a development fed headed by Pistol Pete Hall, Steve Flash, Bairei Yasujiro, and Louis Figo Manico. The other male fed is headed by Nemesis, Dark EAGLE, and someone I'm currently forgetting who deals in Technical teaching. AAA was, if you recall, bought and staffed by Jennifer Cornell, and I run that differently - Horatio has nothing to do with booking the women's division, that's RDJ's puppy.


These dev feds are, therefore, places where aerialists, mat technicians, promo guys, brawlers, and men who understand the fundamentals of the game gather to teach youngsters.


Horatio has a certain amount of funding with which to develop talent at these places. As TCW makes a steady, large profit, this amount is not examined too closely right now.


And we all know some people head into dev feds and don't make it out the other side; if someone doesn't, it's no surprise.


So, says the man who's repeatedly said he doesn't want SWF to die, because it's one less place for wrestlers to work, and who wants to grow the business, why not hire some folks who are... to put it charitably... outside shots at TCW standards, but who could do with the training? And when their contract's up, out they go... nine months of investment of money and expertise better. Better hires for companies, and therefore helping those companies put on better matches and shows, sell more tickets...


...grow and expand...


...making more room in those companies for more wrestlers, and providing those companies with a better talent base for internal training...


...making more young wrestlers into prospects...


...which sells it somewhat to TCW as it creates EVEN MORE potential new wrestlers, down the line...

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Makes sense to me as a strategy.


Honestly for the size of PS's roster, he makes it work. A couple of guys fall out of the limelight here and there, but generally the rotation is pretty good. The only possible problem is that it means certain guys might not get a chance at the main event as soon as they are capable of it... and I can't really say it feels like anybody is being held back. Greg Keith is the only guy particularly trailing, by my estimation. (And I'm reasonably sure he won't be for too much longer)



Whilst we're on a random questions kick, I was wondering if you'd had many/any relationships spring up amongst your roster. I remember something that suggested RDJ had taken Sayeed Ali as his protege, and there was something a while back about... two guys that I don't remember too well developing a dislike (My memory wants to say Edd Stone and Guide, but that might've just been a random incident...). Just random trivia, I guess.

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The way I play (when I'm not on roster-bloat crack) is to equate the "main event" with "Hall of Immortal" status. I usually play National + feds, so...


When I look to push a guy/team/whatever, I want them to get in the Hall. That means getting them popular, winning titles, having grat matches, and...that's all I can control.


Anyone can get popular. Anyone can win titles. But, as I learned, that's onoly 99% of it. You need a 95+ to hop in (barring one having a Historic Event, which...)


So as far as I'm concerned, Greg's been pushed. He has what, 6 A*? Or 6 matches that count? That's good. Give him some titles and he's set. Same with Matt, Art, Lions...yeah. Now would I like to see them get the title? That, for me, is a story question.


To which the answer is, of course, yes. So that I finally get my Matt/Monkey feud.

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As we return to Ontario, Total Wrestling looks to have a strong lineup and one our Canadian fans will love. But every card has to begin somewhere...


The British Lions and the Fly Boys will lock up in the opening match of the card, as the Lions, now out of Three Kings contention, look to gain momentum ahead of their match with GenOme at the Pay-Per-View.


Following that, their stablemate Sean Deeley takes on Warren Technique in the newcomer's first solo contest in TCW. Technique has put on solid showings before, but Deeley's amateur background has to make him the favourite in this contest.


And after that, a title will be on the line - JeriLynn Stone defends her Womens Championship against Cherry Bomb of Darkwave. Darkwave have yet to taste gold - but there's every chance, now, that that will change...


The final match of Group A is scheduled to follow, with the School of Tradition's B-Team scheduled to face the Three Amigos. The winner, of course, will face the Kings of Wrestling next week.


And Group C will be resolved after that, with School of Tradition I facing off against Bombshell's Boys, with the winners going on to face the Enforcers - unless, as some fans have speculated, the Enforcers have been bought off to be a no-show.


Lastly, in the main event, Aaron Andrews and Tommy Cornell put their tentative alliance to the test against Sammy Bach - and, in the company doghouse due to no-showing on Saturday, Matthew Keith. That one's sure to be stellar...


Prediction Key:

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys


Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins vs. Warren Technique


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Cherry Bomb



School of Tradition II (Acid & Global Tradition) vs. Three Amigos (Chris Rockwell, Rick Law, Rocky Golden)



Bombshell's Boys (Johnny Bloodstone & the Kreed) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition I (Eric Tyler, Frankie Dee & Freddy Huggins)


Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell vs. Matthew Keith & Sammy Bach

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys


Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins vs. Warren Technique


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Cherry Bomb



School of Tradition II (Acid & Global Tradition) vs. Three Amigos (Chris Rockwell, Rick Law, Rocky Golden)



Bombshell's Boys (Johnny Bloodstone & the Kreed) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition I (Eric Tyler, Frankie Dee & Freddy Huggins)


Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell vs. Matthew Keith & Sammy Bach


EDIT: Just looked this over and was like, "Wha?! I picked Keith who has mist sickness and Bach over Cornell and his protoge?! What was I thinking?!"

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys

Fly Boys haven´t been seen for some time so I give this one To Lions


Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins vs. Warren Technique

Technique is tag guy who don´t win tag matches so no way for him to go over in singles competition and definitely not against Deeley


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Cherry Bomb

Too early for a title change



School of Tradition II (Acid & Global Tradition) vs. Three Amigos (Chris Rockwell, Rick Law, Rocky Golden)

School of Tradition B-team might well be the least likely guys to win this tourney so they are out.



Bombshell's Boys (Johnny Bloodstone & the Kreed) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition I (Eric Tyler, Frankie Dee & Freddy Huggins)

I don´t see Dee going over Bloodstone no matter who else is in this one and Bombshell´s boys are lot stronger overall too.


Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell vs. Matthew Keith & Sammy Bach

Cornell is still the biggest name here.

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I'll do whoever a favor:


Here's the 'post 2688' with the list of A* matches.




Who the heck would think Marlowe would drop out of the tournament? He'd have to be paid...let's see...One match, two, three. Three matches for Marlowe until he wins the money. So saying it's a 50% chance (shut up Steiner/Sinclair), then...crap, division...$31,250 would have to be paid to make him ambivalent. So who the hell has, say, $40,000 to waste?




Huh. So Darkwave is investing all their ill-gotten CD revenue into the tournament? Cool, I guess. Also cool that Sammy Bach is wrestling this week.


And who's Global Tradition, again? It's not 'Gurren Lagaan' (Thomas and Johnson); they're with Keith. Bryant and...?

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys


Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins vs. Warren Technique


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Cherry Bomb



School of Tradition II (Acid & Global Tradition) vs. Three Amigos (Chris Rockwell, Rick Law, Rocky Golden)



Bombshell's Boys (Johnny Bloodstone & the Kreed) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition I (Eric Tyler, Frankie Dee & Freddy Huggins)


Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell vs. Matthew Keith & Sammy Bach

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Missed the last round of predictions, as I think I was away at the time, well that's the excuse I'm sticking with :p


As for the bloated roster thing, I don't think I could do it myself but I applaud you for being able to juggle one. I just want to know how you keep everyone happy?


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys


British Lions are World Tag Title contenders and whilst the Fly Boys aren't quite total jobbers, they're not on the Lions level. Had this been a year ago, then this may have been tougher to call.


Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins vs. Warren Technique




TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Cherry Bomb


JeriLyn isn't going to drop the title in her first defence in a match with no build.



School of Tradition II (Acid & Global Tradition) vs. Three Amigos (Chris Rockwell, Rick Law, Rocky Golden)


School of Tradition II are pretty much the School's job squad and the Three Amigo's are all established talent.



Bombshell's Boys (Johnny Bloodstone & the Kreed) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition I (Eric Tyler, Frankie Dee & Freddy Huggins)


I think it would have been alot more interesting if School I were up agains the Three Amigo's, as despite not being the School's stronger unit, I would be shocked if they went over a team featuring a former World Champion and former World Tag Team Champions. Bombshell Boy's are arguably the strongest unit in this tournament and I would be stunned if they went out first round...In my opinion it would be 'parity booking' gone too far.


Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell vs. Matthew Keith & Sammy Bach


Keith and Bach are no slouches but surely the Andrews/Cornell duo will be too strong for them. Cornell's always going to be in and around the top and Double A now appears to have a rocket strapped to him towards becoming a true main eventer.

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys

The jump in quality and push is monumental.


Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins vs. Warren Technique



TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Cherry Bomb

Bomb's good, she even went over Harry Allen, but she's not going over JLS so soon.



School of Tradition II (Acid & Global Tradition) vs. Three Amigos (Chris Rockwell, Rick Law, Rocky Golden)

I pick the Amigos for the win here, and I pick them to go all the way.



Bombshell's Boys (Johnny Bloodstone & the Kreed) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition I (Eric Tyler, Frankie Dee & Freddy Huggins)

We've had our share of upsets when Huggins' Heroes went down - not this time, I think.


Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell vs. Matthew Keith & Sammy Bach

Who will win out? Aaron Andrews or Matthew Keith? Tommy can lose, Sammy can lose, but... actually, no, Tommy can't, not really. He needs to be kept strong to face Wolf, whenever that happens. AA/TC for the win.

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Prediction Key:

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys


Lions are still in the tag title picture, despite their early exit from Three Kings.


Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins vs. Warren Technique




TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Cherry Bomb


That © looks so nice next to her. :D



School of Tradition II (Acid & Global Tradition) vs. Three Amigos (Chris Rockwell, Rick Law, Rocky Golden)


Better matchup against KoW who have already advanced.



Bombshell's Boys (Johnny Bloodstone & the Kreed) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition I (Eric Tyler, Frankie Dee & Freddy Huggins)


I hate to see both of SoT's teams out in the first round, but barring shenanigans neither matchup is favorable. If an upset is going to happen, it's more likely here than in Group A, but still, just not seeing it.



Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell vs. Matthew Keith & Sammy Bach


Matt is still on the quest for more Ichihara Ichor. Not even sure he shows. Probably crashing at Duane Stone and Umeko Karu--err, I mean Hotta's place. :p

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Ladies and gentlemen, a big hand for your new NOTBPW booker, Vin Tanner! Dan Jr has put his faith in him, it seems, which... tragically means I'll never get to book Dan Jr in this one. (Larry Wood's handling CGC, FYI.)


...Oh, yeah, there were questions, weren't there?


OK. Someone asked for Gargantuan's stats:



New relationships: Thus far, they're all mentor-protege relationships, Bloodstone and DWN, Sam Keith and Dean Waldorf, RDJ and Sayeed Ali, and Sean McFly and Warren Technique.

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