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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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PSW would be fools to pass that up. Dat Menace. Hell, Dat Safety, compared to a lot of guys of that level.


The menace is largely irrelevant (doesn't ever sub for good matches) but in general that's pretty reasonable. His basics is poor, though, which could be a problem

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The menace is largely irrelevant (doesn't ever sub for good matches) but in general that's pretty reasonable. His basics is poor, though, which could be a problem


Irrelevant? I wouldn't say so at all! Menace gives him the potential to build overness and momentum through angles, as well as elevating his opponents and allies through the same means. Overness and momentum contribute directly to good match grades. It means he can compensate for poor overall skills by getting the fans to buy into him. In short, Menace can contribute to good matches - same as Charisma and Star Quality, both of which he has in abundance.

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Irrelevant? I wouldn't say so at all! In short, Menace can contribute to good matches - same as Charisma and Star Quality, both of which he has in abundance.


Yes, it is irrelevent. Menace does not contribute to a match grade; there is no bonus for good menace. Charisma? Yes. Star Quality? Yes. Not menace.

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Yes, it is irrelevent. Menace does not contribute to a match grade; there is no bonus for good menace. Charisma? Yes. Star Quality? Yes. Not menace.


Come on, don't quote half my post when arguing against me. Yes, the post as you quotes it was absolutely and definitely untrue. But my point still stands. Menace contributes to good angles which contributes to Overness and Momentum which contribute to good matches. Now, I was wrong to say that it was the same as Star Quality and Charisma, both of which get factored in to the actual match calculation, but it's not true that Menace is irrelevant. Consider two guys, both of whom have the same stats but one of whom has better Menace. If managed well, the guy with better Menace will have better matches because of good angles.


In short, Menace is totally relevant.

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Yes, it is irrelevent. Menace does not contribute to a match grade; there is no bonus for good menace. Charisma? Yes. Star Quality? Yes. Not menace.


I'll meet you halfway and say it's an indirect influence on match grades. To Regis' point, building momentum via Menace angles leads to momentum bonuses in matches. Yes, there's no Dirt Sheet note that says, (+) Gargantuan got a bonus for high Menace, but he can get a note that says (+) Gargantuan got a bonus for high momentum, and menace-based angles are the easiest way to get his momentum to the point where he can get bonuses.

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My point is that menace does not factor into the match grade. I don't care that it makes it easier to get higher momentum or popularity. That's not a match. I understand the point made; yes, menace helps gain popularity and momentum. But in a match, menace is meaningless.
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I'll meet you halfway and say it's an indirect influence on match grades. To Regis' point, building momentum via Menace angles leads to momentum bonuses in matches. Yes, there's no Dirt Sheet note that says, (+) Gargantuan got a bonus for high Menace, but he can get a note that says (+) Gargantuan got a bonus for high momentum, and menace-based angles are the easiest way to get his momentum to the point where he can get bonuses.


He said it better than I did.

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In my last diary, a regional promotion made massive use of Man Mountain Cahill circa 1997. I'd probably, in that situation, use Gargantuan similarly.


I was JUST about to bring this point up LOL. Gargantuan could probably pick up his basics by being in the ring with the top talent you have.

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In my last diary, a regional promotion made massive use of Man Mountain Cahill circa 1997. I'd probably, in that situation, use Gargantuan similarly.


I'm actually re-reading your PPPW diary right now - it is probably my all-time favorite on the boards. And I'd forgotten how much Cahill's Corner made the Man Mountain into a major player.

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Billy Fonda and Peter Hopper aren't the real names of the Dirty White Boys. Their names are David Bonham (Hogg) and Daniel Elderberry (Belly).


I point this out because I was looking for them in the database, and I couldn't find anyone with those names. *grumble*

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Billy Fonda and Peter Hopper aren't the real names of the Dirty White Boys. Their names are David Bonham (Hogg) and Daniel Elderberry (Belly).


I point this out because I was looking for them in the database, and I couldn't find anyone with those names. *grumble*


Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper directed Easy Rider, a 1960's Motorcycle road movie. Dennis Hopper's characters name was Billy. It seems PS just put all of them together to make a proper motorbike team name :p

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 2 September 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 15.61)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.07)


Held at the Canadian Air Centre (Ontario)


Attendance: 15,000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes



As the show begins, the pyro fading away, there are three figures in the ring – Jeremy Stone, his daughter (with the title belt proudly around her waist), and Sean McFly. Here in the Canadian Air Centre, their presence alone is enough to nearly blow the roof off.


Jeremy raises a microphone to his lips. “Hard work beats talent, if talent doesn't work hard.


“My father taught me that, and he worked hard from the day he broke into the business until the day last week, when he officially signed over ownership of the family business to my brother Dan.


“And I want to say, right now, for the world to hear... good luck, Dan. I know you'll do the family proud, there at the House of Stone.


“But that's the thing... the House of Stone, in all its forms, is built around that warning. I trained wrestlers for over ten years in the House, and I taught them that... and I've been a teacher for far too long not to keep telling myself the same thing.


“So here and now... we bring the House of Stone to TCW.


“Marc DuBois, you've been running your mouth backstage about not being eliminated at Malice in Chains. Saying it's my fault.


“I can't really abide that, Marc. And Matthew Keith – Duane Stone is my brother. Umeko Hotta is his partner. She's family. She's part of the House of Stone.


“You lean on her to get at Crusher Ichihara... and you lean on the House of Stone. And that... doesn't... get... by.”


JeriLynn accepts the microphone. “We'll prove that,” she says. “And anyone who wants what I wear around my waist can come and find out what the House of Stone is capable of, too.”


McFly takes the microphone next. Characteristically short and to the point, he simply says. “Hawkins – tigers beat wolves. Hands down.” Then he drops the microphone, and the trio make their way backstage.



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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys

Speedy and slick, the Lions almost keep up with the Fly Boys, with Walter in particular actually throwing a couple of dropkicks himself – though the difference in crispness is painfully obvious.


When the game goes to the mat, Jimmy P does pretty well, but it's Donnie J who's left behind, looking to pick up speed and take to the air – but O'Curle finally takes him to the mat, getting the Celtic Wreath locked in to secure a submission.

British Lions defeated the Fly Boys

Rating: B





Canadian Elemental, wearing a very professional charcoal grey suit with a red tie – and, of course, his mask – is heading for the door, sports bag slung over his shoulder. No match for him tonight, after all.



Champagne Lover steps out of a corridor to block the way. Elemental pauses. His hand tightens around the strap of the sports bag.


Lover raises his hands, calling for peace. “I'm just here to deliver a message,” he says.


“Edd wants the real International belt back. And if he doesn't get it, he promised to hit you in the face with his replica.”


Elemental shakes his head, a smile the only thing showing from his expression.


“Those toys are plastic,” he says. “I'm not scared.”



Lover shrugs, moving off. Elemental steps forward, and he takes a belt shot from Edd's plastic belt as the champion emerges from the shadows – and CanEl drops like a stone.


Edd looks across to Champagne Lover and grins, moving the belt aside to reveal a small lead pipe hidden behind it.


Lover grins. “Almost as dumb as that stupid Samoan who cost me Malice in Chains.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WarrenTechnique.jpg

Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins vs. Warren Technique

Technique lives up to his name in this one, as the technical contest here is surprisingly even, flowing smoothly and keeping the crowd into it. For the first time Warren Technique really looks like a contender – not, of course, that he's had a great deal of time to make his mark, with Elimination Protocol constantly on the back foot – but Deeley does have the advantage, systematically focusing on Technique's shoulder.


Warren's game plan revolves around pinning combinations – cradles, backslides, schoolboys, rolls, and a dozen other ways to get Deeley's shoulders to the mat with leverage – but Sean manages to squeak loose each time. His own gameplan pays off when he finally has Technique's shoulder weakened enough to apply his Sure Shot armbar and gain the submission.

Sean Deeley defeated Warren Technique

Rating: B+


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeriLynnStone.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CherryBomb_alt2.jpg

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Cherry Bomb

A nice little change in pace for the title after Gorgon's reign produced, naturally, much slower contests. Cherry is a hard-hitter, but she's fast, too, and it does get more than a little painful looking as the match picks up.


Notably, Cherry Bomb busts JeriLynn open with a punch to the eyesocket, leaving both women with red-streaked hair by the end. A Cherry Bomb attempt is countered into a modified Girl's Best Friend at the close of the match, allowing JL to pick up the pin.

JeriLynn Stone defeated Cherry Bomb

Rating: B




“Alright,” Sam Keith says, looking into the half-closed door of a locker room. “I'm going to get going now because that way I can be home with my wife tonight – but I'll catch your match as soon as I get there off TiVo.


“Good luck, boys – not that you need it.” He turns around and, as the door shuts behind him, comes to a halt.


His son Matthew is there, flanked by the Elite Express.


“Hi, Dad.” Matthew grins. “You going to wish me luck tonight?”


He sighs. “I think you'll need it, Matt... but of course I'll wish you luck.”


They don't need it.” He frowns. “You know, Dad, I probably can't go back to Japan any time soon... and you know why that is?”




“You wouldn't give me what you had. I'm hurting, Dad – you said yourself it could kill my career, and you wouldn't lower yourself to help save my health?


“Well, **** you. Seriously – you've basically shoved me to the side for Amy's buddies. Gotta wonder what Mom thinks of you sticking to that woman like that – but it doesn't matter.


“I'm going to tear you apart, Dad – and I'm going to do it by breaking everything that matters to you.”





School of Tradition



Three Amigos

A hectic battle here, and the School actually put together a serious threat to the Amigos from early on and throughout – they know what they're doing. Acid can outpace and dazzle, and Global Tradition are experts at taking bigger opponents to the mat where their power is less of an advantage.


In a particularly shocking moment, Acid gets Rocky Golden in the air on his shoulders for the Rack – but the big man's sheer size soon overrules that, and he returns the favour with his usual easy positioning and the delivery of the Rocky Road.


That one could have been a match ender, but for Joel Bryant sending JD Morgan into him with a Rocket Launcher. It breaks the pin up, but Golden tags out.


Morgan, still wobbly-legged after Rockwell's earlier technical battle with them, is easy prey for the Long Arm of the Law. With Rockwell cutting off Bryant's rescue attempt, that's enough to score the pinfall.

Three Amigos defeated the School of Tradition

Rating: B




To Hell We Ride begins to play, heralding the emergence of GenOme, who have of late switched from using Frankie Perez' The Crippler to Davis Wayne Newton's theme – though no one's yet commented on that. Both men are dressed simply to head out on the town, but the title belts are nonetheless firmly around their waists. They hit the ring and Davis collects a microphone.


He raises the mic to his mouth. “So I just want to say this, before anyone else throws any stupid ideas around...


“Congratulations are in order for the Machines.” He lets that hang in the air for a few moments as the crowd, a little confused, start to make a positive acknowledgement. He grins.


“That's right. I seriously want to congratulate those three men.


“I mean, they held out for, ooh, over fifteen minutes! I'd put my money on five.




This, the crowd – and Jason Azaria – take exception to. And as Davis is grinning, Two Minutes To Midnight begins to play, heralding the arrival of the three Machines.


They march down to the ring, going nose to nose with an unfazed GenOme. John Anderson takes the microphone from Davis' hands, Speed circling warily, his presence giving the Machines the edge in numbers.


Anderson raises the mic to his lips. “Congratulations,” he begins. “Let's start off with that – you're the champs, and you've held on to the belts for a little while now.


“So that's worth congratulating you on.


“BUT... as I recall, you faced us once, and you squeaked out the win.


“Now... seems to me that's nothing to give you any kind of position to talk the kind of talk about us you've just given.


“So... you want to talk that way? We'll put up the right... and if you're willing to put something on the line, too.


“Two somethings, matter of fact. Those pretty somethings that they pay the big money to the people who hold that you've got round your waist.”


Marc Speed takes the microphone. “Yeah. You want to talk smack, boys, you gotta earn the right, believe you me.”



Of Wolf And Man begins to play, and this argument is joined by a sixth man. Wolf Hawkins joins his fellow Generation Omega title-holders, grabbing his own mic on the way in, also wearing his belt over his regular outfit.


“So... let me see if I understand this anything like correctly,” he begins.


“John and Brent, you're talking to the current undefeated tag champions like they have something to prove. Now... you're two-time champs. You have something like a right... but they're still the champs, and just like in the Syndicate, you two have problems respecting achievement if it didn't come after ten years plus of failure.


“The fact is, they have the belts around their waists. I have the World Heavyweight Championship belt around mine. And we... deserve... respect. We... deserve... the best opponents to fight, to prove how good we are. And we... deserve... better... than you... are willing... to give.”


Hill becomes the third of the Machines to speak. “You want the best opponents, they've got to be the three men in the ring with you. The Machines are dedicated to being the toughest men to beat in the ring, any given night-”


Wolf cuts him off. “Alright, fine – if it'll shut you up, the three of you can lose to all six of Generation Omega.


“Davis, Frankie – you two going to want to face the real Machines?” Speed bridles at that, but GenOme shrug agreement – or at least acquiescence.


“Alright. Brent, John, this is the one favour I owe you from the Syndicate. Saturday night, you get a title shot.


“Marc... you're bitching, as well. So how about I give you a shot at what I've got around my waist?” He snickers. “Like putting it on the line will matter.


“But hey – there are people watching tonight, and people are going to be watching Saturday, too. I don't want to be seen wrestling a nobody. So if you want that shot... you get it Friday, Badge of Honor, the world where no one cares.”





School of Tradition


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Bombshell's Boys w/ Blonde Bombshell

Fast-paced, this, and nobody on the School of Tradition actually looks out of place wrestling the star power of the Bombshell's Boys.


Huggins concentrates on his speed advantage, and the sequences where he goes head to head with Art Reed are some of the fastest chain wrestling sequences TCW's showed in a while – it definitely looks as if Huggins has been taking some lessons from his periodic tag partner Eric Tyler, but the younger man has speed on his side, too.


Eric's sections slow the match down somewhat, but Azaria covers for him, selling it as a 'masterclass' and taking the time, along with former wrestler Dangerous, to go over what each hold means in the context of the match, and how well they're applied.


Freddy, however, finds himself trapped into the Bloodstone Mutilation – but only after a Dark Matter puts him down. Dee tries to make the save, but Greg Gauge is waiting with a Neutron Plex.

Bombshell's Boys defeated the School of Tradition

Rating: B




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Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell vs. Matthew Keith & Sammy Bach

Matthew starts the match in the ring, and Aaron steps up to the plate to take position against him.


They lock up, and Matt goes straight for an armwrench and into a hammerlock; Andrews elbows free. As Matthew comes close again, Aaron is waiting, and he grabs a snapmare; the Keith prodigy, however, grabs a headlock on his way over, rolling through to take Andrews to the mat.


Aaron is undeterred, looking to twist out – but again, Matthew moves with him, and transitions this time to a crossface chickenwing very similar to the Bach on your Back. Andrews braces his feet, shifting his bodyweight to put Matthew's shoulders to the mat – one, two – Matt gets a shoulder up and shifts gear again, looking for a chancery now.


Aaron starts to rise, and the two make their way back to their feet, still locked in the hold. A volley of punches don't quite make Matt let go; Andrews steps into the hold and starts driving knees into the midsection, and again, Matt doesn't release the hold; he transitions into a standing crossface chickenwing.


Andrews looks desperate, but he finds a way out; he drives his free elbow back, snapping Matt's head back and fractionally lessening the hold. From there, he can chop Keith in the throat – the throat that's taken so much wear and tear from the Asian Mist.


Matthew releases the hold, suddenly desperate, and Aaron is able to tag out.


In comes Tommy Cornell with a collar-and-elbow tie up, putting a little more pressure on that neck, before a snap suplex takes Matt almost out of his boots. A floatover cover – one, two, TH- NO! Matt kicks out clean and, as Cornell regains his feet, dropkicks him in the top of the head before tagging out himself.


Sammy vaults over the top rope, lands on the middle rope on the other side of the corner, and springs off into a kneedrop, catching Cornell in the head once again. Still in motion, he regains his feet and crosses the ring, superkicking Andrews off the apron before rushing back with a flying shoulderblock – quick pin cover – one, TWO, TH – NO!


Cornell catches his heel and takes his legs out from under him. He delivers a sharp kick to the ribs as Bach kneels, then drops an elbow across his back to flatten him. He looks for the Guilt Trip, but he's cut off – Matthew Keith, back in the ring, boots Cornell in the face. Together with Bach, he whips Cornell to the ropes and Bach rolls out of the ring, leaving Keith to hit a backdrop on the company owner.


“ANOTHER match where the tag rules are ignored?” Doakes demands.


Matthew looks to take over with a bodylock, but Tommy manages to squirm clear – only to be nailed by a superkick from Bach as Keith rolls out of the ring.


Aaron Andrews breaks up this extended beatdown by coming off the top turnbuckle with a flying crossbody. He heads out himself, observing traditional tag rules, and Cornell makes the cover – ONE, TWO – Bach rolls through and gets a pin of his own – ONE, TWO – Cornell through again – ONE, TWO – Bach shifts weight and applies the Bach on your Back!


The crowd explode with excitement. Bach is not well-liked, but the possibility that Tommy Cornell might tap out is a tempting one – but Cornell gets a foot to the ropes - Ray Johnson is getting ready to break the hold – Matt Keith knocks his foot off the ropes, calling Johnson's attention to it, and Bach rolls to the side with the hold still locked down, keeping him trapped.


Aaron Andrews stops off just long enough to break the hold before vaulting over the top rope toward Keith, but Matt sees him coming, side-stepping neatly. Andrews crashes and burns as Keith rolls back into the ring; Sammy rolls out.


Cornell meets Keith with the Blade Chop and follows it up with a scoop slam. He mounts the second rope, waiting for Matt to start regaining his feet, and comes off with the Three Inch Shrink before leaving the ring. Keith turns to track him and Andrews explodes into action with a volley of kicks and a DDT. He covers – ONE, TWO, THRE- Bach breaks it up this time, then heads to the edge of the ring; Andrews, seeing this, turns back to Keith – and gets wiped out by the springboard coast-to-coast bulldog.


Matt covers – ONE, TWO, THR- NO! Andrews gets the shoulder up and Cornell comes in with a lariat for Keith. Bach tries a superkick – Cornell ducks it – comes back in – Bach counters to a monkey flip – Andrews hits Sammy with a jawbreaker – NEUTRON PLEX ON ANDREWS! ROUGH RIDE ON KEITH! SUPERKICK TO CORNELL! THE BACH ON YOUR BACK IS LOCKED IN!


Cornell reaches toward the ropes again, but he's out of reach, and Sammy clearly knows it from the smirk on his face. He holds on, but time's ticking away...


Ray Johnson checks Cornell's arm once, and it falls. Aaron and Matt make their way back to their feet at much the same time. Cornell's arm falls a second time. Aaron turns, seeing his partner's plight. Matt sees it at the same time, and charges for Aaron to cut him off.


Andrews breaks up the hold by spinebustering Matthew onto the pair.


After a long moment, he rolls back over and covers Bach. ONE, TWO -


The bell rings for the twenty minute mark.

Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell went to a no contest with Matthew Keith & Sammy Bach

Rating: A*


Show Rating: A

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Phantom Stranger" data-cite="Phantom Stranger" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23671" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Show Notes:<p> </p><p> </p><ul><li>Aaron and Tommy turn out to have great chemistry.<br /></li></ul><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Someone picked the wrong protege...</p><p> </p><p> ~~</p><p> </p><p> Tigers beat wolves? Watch this video!</p><p> </p><p> </p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="150" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Kv_eGhutLCY?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="wolf vs tiger part 1"></iframe></div></div><p> </p><p> Wait...that video lied!</p><p> </p><p> Here we go. Definitive answer:</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=en_GB&word1=tiger&word2=wolf" rel="external nofollow">http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=en_GB&word1=tiger&word2=wolf</a></p><p> </p><p> Huh. Well, McFly was right. He's still Canadian, dammit! Also, I thought this was a NOTBPW diary when I saw the first three in the ring >_></p><p> </p><p> ~~~</p><p> </p><p> I expected Edd's belt to be an iron replica, weighing 20 or so pounds.</p><p> </p><p> ~~~</p><p> </p><p> I half-expected Big Smack Scott to enter when "talking Smack" was discussed.</p><p> </p><p> Also, I officially predict Marc Speed as the new Heavyweight champ. Untested, unproven, and itching to fight...uh...</p><p> </p><p> MATT KEITH IT'S PERFECT BACK ON THE PLAN! Go go Aqua Bat!</p>
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...That's it, you might as well start calling him 'Triple A'.


Someone picked the wrong protege...


Given my druthers, rather than Horatio's (who, if you recall, has been handed Aaron as a project, because I can't honestly see TCW not making their first graduate becoming a star a priority - the Aaron push would be going to someone else. Either someone stronger, who could capitalise earlier, or someone weaker, just because it'd mean more for them.


Wolf definitely produces better without help than Aaron, but both of them are clearly in line to become the big guns in the future. 2009 is going to go down as the year where that trigger got pulled, I think, even if Aaron takes a while longer before he gets his hands on the top prize.


About the same time all the members of LNO get through rehab. :p


(great show btw!)


Hell, I haven't even stopped drinking yet.


And thanks.


Stay tuned, folks - for once, I've simmed ahead (I'm away from the computer with the game for a week and I didn't want to kill momentum) and I can reveal that there are two A*s coming this Saturday Night Showcase.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/tcwbadge2.jpg</span><p>


</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="150" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kRa3BU5bl-s?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Combichrist"></iframe></div></div><p> </p><p>

<strong>TCW Presents Badge of Honor</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Friday Week 2 September 2009</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.33)</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Held at the Sunrise Sunset (Hawaii)</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out)</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>


</strong><span>http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JasonAzaria_alt1.jpg</span><span>http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SaraSilver_alt1.jpg</span><span>http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AutumnGleeson.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Jason Azaria – Sara Silver – Autumn Gleeson</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li>As the show began, the duo of Sammy Bach and Zimmy defeated the Conquering Kings. While Bach got the submission win, Zimmy was notably more savage than he had been in the recent past. (Rating: <strong>B</strong>)<br /></li><li>Acid mimicked Fox Mask's moves perfectly before nailing the Acid Rain Bomb to pick up the pinfall. (Rating: <strong>b</strong>)<br /></li><li>Another of the videos where two unnamed women critique the appearance of the TCW Womens division wrestlers aired. Once again, their criticism was aimed squarely for JeriLynn Stone, this time factoring Suzanne Brazzle into the mix too.<br /></li><li>The Young Guns handily defeated Elimination Protocol with their double-team Blitzkrieg Bop to not much more than polite applause. (Rating: <strong>C</strong>)<br /></li><li>Christian Faith made his second in-ring appearance for TCW, nailing the Leap of Faith to defeat Frankie Dee after a strong match. (Rating: <strong>B</strong>)<br /></li><li>Rick Law defeated UK Dragon despite a strong showing by the British talent, hitting the Long Arm of the Law while Dragon was in mid-air. (Rating: <strong>B</strong>)<br /></li><li>Autumn Gleeson asked Eric Tyler what his thoughts were on the recent performance of the School of Tradition. He praised Freddy Huggins' title win, then went on to run down recent performance and promise that the School will make a statement in the coming weeks – starting with Sean Deeley and the rest of Huggins' Heroes.<br /></li><li>Mikey James and Bulldozer Brandon Smith took out Chance Fortune and Ultimate Phoenix, though the crowd were again not as enthused as might have been hoped. (Rating: <strong>C-</strong>)<br /></li><li>Rick Law made a speech about how he'd planned a Three Amigos/Enforcers main event, but Wolf Hawkins telling Marc Speed he could get a World title shot but only on Badge of Honor led Rick to make the match happen, and he wished Speed luck.<br /></li><li>Wolf narrowly defeated Marc Speed in a good-for-TV title defence. (Rating: <strong>B+</strong>)<br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Show Rating: B</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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