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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Edd Stone & Gorgon vs. Jeremy Stone & JeriLynn Stone


M.A.D. vs. New Wave


Jack Bruce vs. Steve Gumble



Bombshell's Boys w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Enforcers



Kings of Wrestling vs. Three Amigos


Eddie Peak & Troy Tornado vs. Joey Minnesota & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

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Prediction Key:

Edd Stone & Gorgon vs. Jeremy Stone & JeriLynn Stone


It's Take Your Daughter To Work Day and Jeremy Stone kicks ass for a living.


M.A.D. vs. New Wave


Going with early consensus, seems odd to hand a team still in 3KT a momentum-crushing loss.


Jack Bruce vs. Steve Gumble





Bombshell's Boys w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Enforcers


I like how you've built up the Enforcers, but this seems a bridge too far. Also, see below.



Kings of Wrestling vs. Three Amigos


To TK's point, you've teased a Keith/Keith confrontation, this is a good vehicle for it.


Eddie Peak & Troy Tornado vs. Joey Minnesota & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert


If there was a narrative reason for Peak/Tornado to take this one, I'd be tempted. But neither one has been in a storyline for a while, so it's JTTS duty.

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Edd Stone & Gorgon vs. Jeremy Stone & JeriLynn Stone


Apocryphal Stone vs. Gorgon is a coin flip, Jeremy > Edd. Of course, you could always run a thing where Jeremy's heel past comes back to bite him, but nah... just going for the better team here.


M.A.D. vs. New Wave


If this isn't a swerve, the plot being hinted out = M.A.D. get disqualified but manage to hurt the New Wave. Myself, I see a swerve -- New Wave are smart enough to know what's coming, and they're not above some shady tactics. So either they deliberately get themselves DQed, or just walk out, or something.


Jack Bruce vs. Steve Gumble


Huh huh. "Gumble."



Bombshell's Boys w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Enforcers


I know you're trying to push the Enforcers, and that's cool. I like the Enforcers. But they're facing two main eventers and one pretty high midcarder, none of whom seems likely to desert his teammates or anything. I don't see how you can give this one to the Enforcers, short of a backstage attack taking out one of the Boys and necessitating a 2-on-3 or something.



Kings of Wrestling vs. Three Amigos


If this is true, I'm not happy... but I can't see the two face teams battling each other, and at least the Kings have someone who could face up to any one of the amigos one-on-one. Plus, Keith vs. Keith in the semis.


Eddie Peak & Troy Tornado vs. Joey Minnesota & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert


Don't see any compelling reason to pick Peak or Tornado, who both seem like upper midcarders to me at this point. Hawkins is the champ, and if he wasn't, I could imagine Joey being a contender.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 3 September 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 15.21)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.07)


Held at the New Hampshire Garden (New England)


Attendance: 23,101




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes



Autumn Gleeson flashes that professional smile as Eric Tyler glowers at the camera.


“Welcome, one and all, to another edition of Total Wrestling. Coming up in just a few moments is a Canadian family implosion in an intergender tag team contest. First, though, my guest is Eric Tyler, leader of the School of Tradition – and Eric, I have to say that it doesn't seem that 2009 has been the School's year.


“You lost the International Title, Sean Deeley and the British Lions broke away, your financial manager Laura Huggins has left you in the lurch and – just to add to the list – despite entering more teams for the Three Kings Tournament than any other group, you weren't able to make it through the first round.”


Tyler snarls at her.


“You know what, I think you're missing the important part of all this,” he says. “This past month, Freddy Huggins won a championship. And he won't be the last, you mark my words. The School of Tradition's losing ways are over, Gleeson. Whatever it takes.


“But that's not why I'm here. You mentioned we had some students abandon us before their studies were done. Well, that's true... and the thing about the School of Tradition is that it is a school. And one day, any finished product will either join as a teacher or go on to great things.


“But you see, Sean Deeley and the British Lions were neither of them finished products. They had the skills, no denying that – but they've no idea how to conduct themselves in this sport. Above all, they do not have respect for the other competitors in this sport.”


Gleeson blinks. “Uh, I seem to recall the Lions going to Kreed with an offer of respect when-”


“Now, see here-”



“Hey.” Tyler's own interruption is cut off by Sean Deeley, walking into shot alongside Laura Huggins. The two new arrivals meet Tyler's glare levelly.


“You know, Eric, there's plenty of wrestlers here I respect. But I'll be honest... you were one of them, but you haven't been for a long time.


“But hey, I've got an idea. You want me to respect you – how about the end of this month, you and me go one on one at Destructive Energy, and we'll finally get this settled?”


Tyler grins. “Suits me just fine, boy,” he growls out quietly.



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Edd Stone & Gorgon vs. Jeremy Stone & JeriLynn Stone

JeriLynn and Gorgon start off the match, and after some careful movement to avoid Gorgon's power game the Womens Champion looks for control on the mat.


She takes Gorgon down with a drop toe hold and flows smoothly into a half crab.


In comes Edd immediately and he throws JeriLynn to the floor to break the hold. “That's going to provoke a response,” Azaria deadpans, and it does – in comes her father! Jeremy takes down Edd with a lariat, then a backdrop as Edd gets back up. He rolls Edd into a pin cradle immediately – one, two, no!


Eager for payback, JeriLynn tags in, grabbing a wristlock to control temporarily – then, her eyes on Gorgon, she takes Edd down with a single-leg and grabs his ankle, as if setting up for the Stone Ankle Stretch, as the crowd erupt.


Edd tries to kick his way free, and when that doesn't work, he grabs a handstand, then goes for a Stone Ankle Stretch of his own as a counter, rolling into it pretty smoothly. JeriLynn promptly grabs the rope, and Edd breaks the hold, immediately bolting for the ropes on the far side of the ring. He comes off with a fast baseball slide which dumps JeriLynn out of the ring and down to the ground. Edd pops up, arms raised - “WOOO! WOOO! WOWOWOWOWOWOWOOOO!”


He turns around, and Jeremy's there again. A volley of chops effectively pins Edd against the rope, and Jeremy follows up with an uppercut as his daughter slides back into the ring. The Stone Dynasty, as Azaria impulsively brands them, catch Edd recoiling from the rope with a tandem hip toss, then Jeremy gets a leg sweep as JeriLynn hits a leg lariat to take Gorgon down as she comes in.


JeriLynn rolls out of the ring as Shawn Doakes remarks on how thoroughly the tag rules seem to have become disused in TCW of late. Jeremy, meanwhile, grabs Edd by the leg again, snapping it into the mat with a leg DDT before Gorgon moves closer, taking the veteran down with a running big boot.


In comes JeriLynn to retaliate. Gorgon hammers her with a punch and Edd jinks in, going for a superkick, but the women's champion catches the kick, spins him around - and shoves him into his tag partner, sending her tumbling to the outside.


Edd promptly tries a hip toss on JeriLynn, only for her to land on the top rope, soaring off to come crashing down on Gorgon with a cross-body – except that the bigger woman simply catches her, then shifts the weight and lawn-darts her over the guardrail, with the crowd scattering to avoid her.


Back in the ring, Jeremy reverses an armbar into a hammerlock, then transitions and nails a Delorean Driver! ONE, TWO, THR-


Gorgon pulls Ray Johnson out of the ring. Johnson starts to remonstrate, but she ignores him, grabbing Jeremy's ankle for just a second – and Edd nails the Edd-Renaline Shot! He goes for the cover, but Johnson very deliberately takes his time getting back into the ring. ONE, TWO – NO! Jeremy kicks back out.


Edd takes one look at his older brother's face, squeaks, and dives out of the ring. Gorgon comes in in his place, consequently, and rocks Stone back on his heels with three straight punches, then scoops him up and slams him before turning to where JeriLynn has just about recovered enough to clamber back over the crowd rail, beckoning her in with both hands.


Jeremy promptly takes advantage, rolling Gorgon up from behind with a schoolboy pin. She powers out before two, the pair of them standing off, and then Gorgon rolls out of the ring – and Edd schoolboys his older brother from behind in turn! ONE, TWO – Jeremy doesn't just kick out, he transitions it into an armbar.


Edd writhes and scrambles for a few moments, trapped, before Gorgon pulls herself up on the second rope and punches Jeremy in the jaw, breaking the hold. Enraged, JeriLynn yanks her off the apron, catching her on the way down and hitting a DDT onto the floor.


Midring, meanwhile, Edd hits a trilogy of dropkicks and follows up with a standing shooting star press. He takes a look around the outside, and then – hits a second! Cover! ONE, TWO-


The bell rings. The two teams have blocked each other. Twenty minutes have elapsed.

Edd Stone & Gorgon went to the time limit against Jeremy Stone & JeriLynn Stone

Rating: A*




The big screen comes to life again, and as it does so, it bears a publicity shot for JeriLynn Stone, obviously taken this month as she wears the belt happily around her waist.


After a few moments of this image, accompanied by total silence, a voice cuts over it, recognisable as one of the women's voices offering critiques of late.


“...Oh, ick.”


“I know,” the other voice joins in sympathetically. “I know. You could almost call it an improvement from the last champion, but... it's still not good.”


“Do those people even deserve an image upgrade?”


“Not really. But who does?”


A dainty chuckle. “I still don't know... we should see, some time. Soon.”


“Oh, come on, darling... have we given them enough warning?”


“I'd say, if anything, we're fashionably late.”



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M.A.D. vs. New Wave

From the off, Khoklov and Buffalo ignore Scout, going after Guide, and at times going so far as to toss Scout from the ring and drag Guide in forcibly.


He takes a horrendous pounding, with Buffalo not even caring about going for a pinfall after he lands the Stampede. But that leaves the Wave with one fresh man... as well as one not so fresh. At one point, Scout throws his wool cap at Khoklov; it catches him in the head... and Khoklov drops back a couple of steps.


That doesn't get Guide out of trouble, but a few moments later his hand finds that cap... and he blasts Khoklov in the head, his hand inside it. The big man reels... another punch... and another... and Khoklov falls.


Scout rolls in and grabs the big Russian for the Special Force, and the Buffalo finally comes in to interrupt. With Eugene Williams' attention on the submission, Guide delivers a low-blow with a wool-cap covered fist, then drives another two punches into Khoklov's temple before tossing the cap out of the ring and leaving himself, just to make sure Williams won't throw the match out.


Khoklov doesn't respond as his arm is tested, and the match is won.


The Wave bail fast, Scout collecting his cap and carrying it folded in his hands, rather than continuing to wear it.

New Wave defeated M.A.D.

Rating: B



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JackBruce_alt8.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SteveGumble_Grunge2.jpg

Jack Bruce vs. Steve Gumble

An interesting one, this, if not a great one... Gumble puts up a good fight, and Bruce does run into trouble with him – but, curiously... there's no cheating.


On guest commentary, Troy Tornado brings this up a number of times, when Bruce gets into difficulties rather than take a shortcut.


In the end, Gumble falls to the New York Minute, but Tornado sits there for a long moment during the victory celebrations.


“So what got into him... and when?” he asks, at last.

Jack Bruce defeated Steve Gumble

Rating: B-




Autumn Gleeson looks at the camera again, and this time the smile is more than professional.


“Ladies and gentlemen, with me at this time, three legends in professional wrestling and a legend in the making... and proof that they really do breed 'em big in the Lone Star State... The Texas Outlaws!”


“Guys, RDJ's success in this company is the stuff of legends. Pete has won the Hard-Hitting Championship earlier this year, and defended it well for some time. And I hardly need to talk about either Christian or Floyd's accomplishments... but this month, all eyes are looking forwards, to the end of the month, and the Three Kings Trophy at the end of this tournament.


“How confident do you all feel?”


RDJ simply smiles, but Floyd leans forward first. “I'd have to say pretty ****ing confident,” he says. “Look at this ****in' pedigree right here... and if any single ************ out there has any doubts that these three are still at the top of their ****in' game, well, back in the TWL we used to say just ****in' find us and ****in' try us.”


“Of course,” Christian Faith says softly, “these days, they have lawsuits.”


He takes the microphone from Gleeson, taking over with his usual authoritative ease. “I came to TCW to try my hand against a new range of opponents. Men I've never wrestled before, or haven't in years. I wanted to see what got into my good friend Jack...


“I wanted to see why so many people were disgusted by this youth movement I heard about. I wanted to see a lot of things... and to wrestle a lot of people.


“I haven't had time to take the measure of everyone here. I've seen enough to know that those who are successful here have earned their success... and now it's my turn to do the same. Because you can talk about my record all you like, Miss Gleeson, but the fact remains, a wrestler proves himself anew every time he gets in that ring.


“But I think we'll win this tournament. Get this big break. In fact, I know it. Because...”


It turns out that wrestling fans the world over know the response. The crowd join in.


“...I have faith.”






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Bombshell's Boys w/ Blonde Bombshell

A good, exciting back and forth of a match, here, as the Enforcers give it everything they've got against one of the teams tipped to win the tournament.


At one point, the Bulldozer even goes for the backdrop driver on Art Reed; but Reed has the athletic ability to get his hands down ahead of time, and he handsprings loose.


A Dark Matter follows, but Mikey James is in to break it up; Reed tags out, and Greg Keith and Mikey James engage in a fast, slick technical sequence, before Keith tags out to Johnny Bloodstone.


As Bloodstone sets up for the Bloodstone Mutilation, Jack Marlowe comes in at speed, but Kreed respond as one – soaring in from different turnbuckles, landing a dual missile dropkick to prevent the Enforcers' captain from interrupting. They exit the ring and Johnny forces the Dragon to tap out.

Bombshell's Boys defeated the Enforcers

Rating: B+



The big screen comes back to life. A sign resolves out of a blur into focus:







Hard work beats talent if talent doesn't work hard


The camera tracks up to a silhouette of an old house... but one which is instantly recognisable to many wrestling fans. This is the home of Dan Stone Senior.


As the Vitamin String Quartet's cover of Headstrong fades up, the view crossfades to the inside of a room in the basement of that house, the famous Stone Chamber in which many wrestlers were trained. Sean McFly is in there, Jeremy Stone with him, as the pair work through hold after hold on the mat, looking for counters.


The image dissolves again, back to the sign. This time, the camera doesn't track away up; it tracks right, taking in the large, much more modern facility on Stone family grounds. The House of Stone itself. And, again, the crossfade; McFly sat in front of a TV screen, studying Hawkins' moves frame-by-frame; McFly in the gym, testing his athleticism and strength; working with a group of students from the House of Stone, dominating each one easily; Stone and McFly fighting to a near-standstill.


It looks like he's already prepared for his World Heavyweight Championship shot... and he still has most of the month to get sharper.



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Kings of Wrestling vs. Three Amigos

Some more good fast wrestling here. Matt Keith can hold his own against the Amigos, but whenever the Elite Express are in the ring they're a little outpowered, a little behind the pace – one set, strangely enough, by the Amigos, the bigger team, who've opted for a high pace.


Only by pairing up do the Express get the advantage, and while that works to some degree, the trouble is that the Amigos have been wrestling together for quite some time now – and they're more than comfortable bringing in their own two- or even three- man combination attacks.


And so it is that, despite a Precision Driller being hit on Chris Rockwell, despite Matt Keith hitting Rocky Golden with the Mist and bundling him out of the ring, it's not certain that the Amigos won't rally. Law nails both of the Express with a double Long Arm of the Law, and turns to face down Keith, green fluid crusting his chin.



The two stare down for a moment, Ray Johnson checking on Golden – and Jack Marlowe slides into the ring, under the bottom rope, pops up, and nails Law with three punches, then the Jackhammer. As he bails back up the entrance ramp, the camera picks up the gold on his hand; the brass knucks.


Matt Keith takes full advantage of the opportunity, locking down the Proton Lock. Law, in trouble, finally has to tap out.

Kings of Wrestling defeated the Three Amigos

Rating: B



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Eddie Peak & Troy Tornado vs. Joey Minnesota & Wolf Hawkins

Generation Omega attack their opponents before the bell, rushing them as they get in the ring. A quickfire brawl ensues, with Generation Omega trading off rapidly to keep their opponents off-balance and avoid taking too much punishment from the biggest man in the match.


Somewhere in the middle of all that, Sam Sparrow rings the bell to start the match officially. Peak finally gets the upper hand, Minnesota charging back in and eating a huge big boot. Hawkins takes a moment to check what's happened to his ally, and Troy seizes the moment, springing up and delivering a huracanrana that sends Wolf over the top rope and out of the ring.


Troy teases a dive, but Wolf backs away, getting too far for it to be worthwhile, and the former world heavyweight champion instead allows himself to be cleared out of the ring for the match to start picking up steam.


Joey and Eddie play cat-and-mouse for a few moments, before Joey decides to pick up the pace, throwing a stiff left, then another – he tries a dropkick, and Peak bats his legs out of the way, dropping a thunderous elbow as Minnesota hits the mat. He covers immediately – one, t- Minnesota reaches out and grabs the bottom rope.


Joey snags Eddie's arm as the Bloody-Handed God starts to rise, and shifts position to grapevine the hold with his legs as well. Showing unusual savvy for a big man, Peak doesn't go for the lift – he moves position to pressure Minnesota's shoulders back to the mat. One, tw- Joey rolls his shoulder. In fact, he rolls his entire self, twisting around on his axis to both avoid the pinfall and put further pressure on Eddie's arm.


And that is when Eddie lifts, boosting Joey into the air and turning toward his own corner. Tornado grins, holding up a warning sign; Peak halts, arm still in the air, a trifle uncertain, as Troy springs to the top rope and soars forward to grab Joey's head, effectively dragging him off his armlock with a cutter reminiscent of the Gunslinger's Revenge.


Tornado and Eddie line up as Joey makes his way back to his feet, delivering a tandem hip toss. He tries once again to regain his feet, but Peak kicks out his legs and Troy slides in with a baseball slide to send Joey crashing to the floor outside.


Eddie heads to his team's corner, and Wolf Hawkins slips into the ring, measuring Troy, who turns around into a crisp dropkick. He pops up only to eat a clothesline.


Back in the ring, Joey Minnesota delivers the Minnesota Salute Jawbreaker, sending Tornado stumbling backward, turning into the Full Moon Rising from Wolf Hawkins.


Wolf makes the cover, but Troy's foot landed under the bottom rope, preventing Generation Omega from guaranteeing victory. Frustrated, Wolf hauls his former tag partner onto his feet again and sets for the Wolf's Call – but Troy rides the momentum through, landing smoothly on his feet and jumping to dropkick him into the ropes.


As Minnesota comes in, Troy meets him with a backdrop – or attempts to; Minnesota grabs an inverted chancery as he's sent into the air, resulting in the Painful Procedure frontman being spiked to the mat in a neckbreaker that also leaves Minnesota out of it.


Troy rolls out of the ring, still staggered, and Peak comes in. Rights for Hawkins daze him and Eddie whips the champion to the corner, hitting an avalanche splash in the corner before mounting to the second rope, firing punches down into Wolf's temple. The champion is busted open, but Peak keeps on firing punches, getting his knuckles coated in Wolf's blood.


Tornado yells a warning and Peak turns just in time. He meets Minnesota with a Yakuza kick, then turns back to Hawkins, tossing him on to his ally with a huge biel.


As Wolf rolls off his partner, Eddie drags Joey to his feet. He catches him under the jaw with a huge uppercut, leaving him to whiplash back off the ropes – and Eddie positions himself expertly to scoop Phil Vibert's chosen protege onto his shoulders. Peak of Perfection!


He covers. ONE, TWO, THRE- Wolf nails Eddie across the back of the head with a kick to break the hold. Troy comes in strong against Wolf, but the champ blocks his first shot and snap suplexes him.


Wolf turns around and Eddie is in perfect position once again. He rises up, the champion on his shoulders, and looks for the Peak of Perfection – but it doesn't happen – Wolf slips clear. Tornado nails him from behind with a jumping kick, then Peak snaps forward with that sudden, adrenal speed of his, putting Hawkins down into the mat with a lariat.


Joey, recovered, finds that Eddie has scooped Wolf up – and the champion goes sailing over the top rope, to be caught on the outside by Joey and Vibert, the latter's white shirt staining red fast.


Troy takes a run up, launching himself over the top rope in his turn in the Stage Dive. He rolls Hawkins back in, then takes the chance to drop Vibert with a discus punch.


Eddie goes for the Peak of the Devil – Joey, back in the ring, takes his knee out with a chop block, and Wolf collapses across him. ONE, TWO, TH- Eddie kicks out!


A Minnesota Salute follows, and Hawkins, recovered, follows it up with a Full Moon Rising that sends Eddie in his turn over the top to the floor. Which leaves Troy on his own... and nearly exhausted. Joey grabs him into a lock-up, and Wolf slingshots his way into a flying spear to the midsection. He covers – ONE, TWO, TH- NO!


Troy gets the shoulder up and gets back to his feet. Hawkins locks up; Tornado squirms clear, twists – Russian leg sweep – Wolf rolls out of the ring and Joey comes in – looks for a spinebuster – Troy holds onto a facelock, hitting a DDT out of the momentum of Joey's spinebuster. He slowly crawls to the cover – ONE, TWO – NO!


Both men struggle back to their feet. Joey boots Troy in the chest – MINNESOTA SALUTE! EMPIRE SPIRAL! COVER! ONE, TWO, THRE- NO!


How Tornado had enough awareness to get his foot to the ropes after that is anyone's guess. Joey, clearly frustrated, hauls him to his feet – and gets cut off by Eddie Peak, the Bloody-Handed God. A hard series of punches stuns Minnesota, and Eddie then lariats him over the top rope – and follows him out, the two men raining punches on each other.


Meanwhile, Tornado can barely stand. Hawkins hits the Full Moon Rising and covers. ONE, TWO, THRE- NO!


Somehow, against all odds, Tornado gets his shoulder up. Hawkins shakes his head, clearly frustrated, as Azaria starts to wonder aloud why Troy is putting himself through this punishment, with nothing concrete on the line. The champion drags him back to his feet -



Joey Minnesota & Wolf Hawkins defeated Eddie Peak & Troy Tornado

Rating: A*

Show Rating: A

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I'd call gimmick infringement, but I think Self has first shout on that - and heaven knows I've 'borrowed' enough from you over the course of the last few years :p


Great show, PS. And at least it was 'only' your tag matches pulling A*'s this time, and not your six-man efforts :rolleyes:

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 3 September 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.23)


Held at Pengrowth Place (The Prairies)


Attendance: 1,308





Jason Azaria – Sara Silver – Autumn Gleeson


  • As the show began, Acid Dragon scraped a victory over Kazuma & the Kid when Acid nailed the Acid Rain Bomb on Kazuma Narato. (Rating: B)
  • Raku Makuda overcame Melody Cuthill next, finishing her off with a Swanton Bomb, though the fans were mostly not in their seats. (Rating: C+)
  • The British Lions took on Ian Harris and Nathan Priest, ultimately forcing Harris to tap to the Celtic Wreath in a very well-received contest. (Rating: B+)
  • GenOme then appeared to taunt the Lions, offering them their title shot ahead of the PPV so they wouldn't embarrass themselves.
  • Amber Allen overcame Jaime Quine in a good match that kept the crowd interested. (Rating: B)
  • Edd Stone voluntarily put his International Championship on the line against Chance Fortune, and handily dominated the youngster. (Rating: C+)
  • As Canadian Elemental came out for his match, Edd returned, leading to an impromptu brawl that saw Champagne Lover back his friend up, drawing out Rhino Umaga and... Fox Mask?
  • Canadian Elemental put Julian Watson away in around a minute, nailing the Daredevil Drop. (Rating: C)
  • The Three Amigos came out and said they were going to talk more about Tuesday soon – but right now, Rick had made a six-man against the Enforcers for the main event. Marlowe then showed up to say “Make it worth our while,” and when Law pointed out he had the authority to book them, Marlowe headed to the back, saying he'd take the count-out loss, and so would his boys.
  • Stephanie Wade promptly hit the ring to ask her boyfriend's friend to make a match against JeriLynn Stone – and Law agreed, but warned that since JeriLynn had no prep time, this would be non-title.
  • A lengthy main event ensued, with Wade nailing a superkick on Stone to win in the final minute allowed. (Rating: B)


Show Rating: B

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Two title matches are among the delights on tap this Saturday on TCW - and one of them will open the show.


Booked just last night on Badge of Honor, GenOme will put their belts on the line against the British Lions on the Showcase rather than at Destructive Energy. Of late the tag team champions seem to have been showing their true colours - and those colours are arrogant, dismissing a team which has of late been on a roll against any opposition they face.


A six-person contest has been slated to follow, with the women of TCW putting on their own bout in the spirit of the Three Kings Tournament. On one side, Amber Allen, Kate Dangerous, and Suzanne Brazzle; on the other, Cherry Bomb, Lauren Easter, and Zoe Ammis.


The All-Action Championship will be contested immediately following that bout, as Freddy Huggins offers former champion Shingen Miyazaki his rematch, one-on-one.


Sam Keith has his own one-on-one contest up next; Warren Technique is his opponent, as the Elimination Protocol continue to adjust to life on the big stage.


Finally, we move on to the quarter-finals of the Three Kings Tournament. The Easy Riders will clash with the Texas Outlaws and, in the main event, Extreme Measures face Generation Omega. We're also expecting to hear from the Three Amigos on the loss that put them out of the tournament on Tuesday.


Prediction Key:

TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


Amber Allen, Kate Dangerous & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Cherry Bomb, Lauren Easter & Zoe Ammis


TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily


Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Warren Technique



Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman



Extreme Measures vs. Generation Omega w/ Phil Vibert

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TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins

-Huggins neutralizes Vibert for a shock win for the Lions and a rematch at Destructive Energy


Amber Allen, Kate Dangerous & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Cherry Bomb, Lauren Easter & Zoe Ammis

-Kate Dangerous is the name that matters here.


TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily

-I like Freddy. :)


Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Warren Technique




Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

-I have faith in the Outlaws here.



Extreme Measures vs. Generation Omega w/ Phil Vibert

-Gen Omega has to make it to the finals.

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TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins

Why not? Lions are good enough to win the titles and GenOme doesn´t necessarily need titles to be important.


Amber Allen, Kate Dangerous & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Cherry Bomb, Lauren Easter & Zoe Ammis

Could go either way but with face champ heels winning here makes more sense.


TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily

Huggins just got the title so he won´t be losing it yet.


Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Warren Technique

Warren continues to job.



Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

Outlaws will definitely advance here, Riders just aren´t big enough names to go over them.



Extreme Measures vs. Generation Omega w/ Phil Vibert

Omega vs. Outlaws seems like money making match-up to me.

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TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


Whilst the British Lions are certainly good enough to win the belts, I'm going to go against the grain thus far and tip GenOme to retain.


Amber Allen, Kate Dangerous & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Cherry Bomb, Lauren Easter & Zoe Ammis


Dangerous is the most important name here, but she doesn't really need the rub, and i'll go with Zergon's...'with a face champ...' theory.


TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily


Miyazaki won't be winning the belt back here


Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Warren Technique


I think someone might mention some word that begins with J, ends in r and has an o, two b's and an e.



Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman



Extreme Measures vs. Generation Omega w/ Phil Vibert


Outlaws and Omega are the two stronger teams out of these two quarter finals, the upsets happened in the first round, not this round.

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TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins

Free TV = no change.


Amber Allen, Kate Dangerous & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Cherry Bomb, Lauren Easter & Zoe Ammis

Not sure... seems like these have had a lot more pedigree. Plus, Kate.


TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily

Freddy can continue to impress.


Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Warren Technique




Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

In line with my revised predictions, The Outlaws take this.



Extreme Measures vs. Generation Omega w/ Phil Vibert

No! Generation Omega must be stopped!

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So I've been debating on and off about whether or not to post this. But.


Last night, walking home from a friend's, I felt the arc plot to this diary's final 'big' storyline click into place. And I did something I've never done for a diary before - I actually planned out the beats of that story and wrote that down to stick to as best I can.


There are already plenty of seeds for that big plot, but this is the point where the build really starts to step up.


So just so people know: A Quiet Retirement has an end date, and that end date will be Monday, 1st February 2010. Depending on how things are going at that point, I may well sketch out the ideas for after that, but the end is then for various reasons, one of which is that I don't think I'll be able to top it.


Buckle up for the last stretch, gang.

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and that's still (if my calculations are correct) like 39 (including the Saturday breif write up) shows to come, which is brilliant as I don't believe there to be anybody as good as this man who can make a diary so long lasting (personal preference)


Awesome, I can't wait to read on.

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Sad news, but as said previously, it's good to know you have a tying-up point in mind. Things ending on the terms of the writer always makes it satisfying from a narrative perspective (Horatio gets to enjoy his retirement for real!). Thanks for bringing us all along for the ride, PS, I'm sure you'll make the finale well worth it.




GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


Much as I love the Lions, I'm not sure I can see them going over here...


Amber Allen, Kate Dangerous & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Cherry Bomb, Lauren Easter & Zoe Ammis


Although we do have a face champ, I feel like it's Wade and Gorgon rather than this heel team that are staking their claims right now.


TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily


Freddy would look a bit of a punk to lose it straight back.


Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Warren Technique


Sorry, Warren.



Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman


Because Faith.



Extreme Measures vs. Generation Omega w/ Phil Vibert


I like Extreme Measures and the Wave's slow burn heel turn, but Gen Omega have way, waaay too much star power not to take this.

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TCW Presents Saturday Night Showcase


Saturday Week 3 September 2009


Live on CBA (Rating 13.67)

Rebroadcast on Euro Cable Sports 1 (Rating 0.09)


Held at Doyle Lane (North West)


Attendance: 18,113





Duane Fry – Jasmine Saunders – Alanis Springsteen



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GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert


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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins

The action comes fast and furious at the start of the show. The fans have built up a certain expectation for TCW tag matches, and both of these teams have been integral to building up that anticipation – and they show why once again as they set the crowd alight with brisk exchanges, fast and hard assaults, and a real rollicking back-and-forth of a match – at least at first.


The trouble that GenOme starts to run into is that the British Lions' style wears its opponents down, working over the legs until they can't stand, the arms until they can't suplex. The longer the match goes – as Duane Fry makes more than clear – the more the contest turns in the Lions' favour.


In the end, Frankie Perez bails from the ring, looking for the hail mary. He comes back in with the belt from behind, as O'Curle tussles with Newton. He tosses the belt up – and hook kicks it into Merle's head, right in front of Sam Sparrow, drawing the DQ.


The Lions may have won, but they haven't taken the titles.

British Lions defeated GenOme by disqualification

Rating: B




Shout at the Devil begins to play. Mayhem Midden emerges from the entranceway, with Charlie Thatcher behind him, still leaning heavily on his steel walking cane.


He pauses on the ramp, looking down at the four men in the ring.


“Davis, Frankie, front and centre,” he raps out. “I thought I smelled something fishy when you two suggested moving their title shot forward.


“I'll admit I had my money on the twenty-minute time limit. Didn't I, Charlie?”


“You did, boss,” Thatcher confirms, looking out over the crowd.


“Well,” Midden continues, “If you'd done that... I might even have let it slide. Taking on a team like that and wrestling them to a standstill is pretty damn impressive.


“But you didn't do that. Not only that – Frankie, correct me if I'm wrong, but you still haven't finished paying off the fine for the last time you pulled this particular flavour of crap.


“Lions, you two have another shot at Destructive Energy – and if GenOme are disqualified, well, I think the title should change hands, don't you?”


He grins while the crowd sound their approval.



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Amber Allen, Kate Dangerous & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily



Cherry Bomb, Lauren Easter & Zoe Ammis

Another very fast match, the pace never letting up. The big impacts start early, and they don't stop; Suzanne lands the Miracle Connection on Easter, only to be interrupted by a Cherry Bomb; Kate breaks up the pin and hits a Half-Nelson Suplex, and Zoe Ammis comes in with the Double Cross on the former champion.


Amber Allen breaks that up in her turn with a legdrop before clamping down the Figure-Four Leglock on Bomb, but Easter drags her clear for the Solstice Bomb – only for Kate Dangerous to take her legs out from under her. As Allen bails from the ring, Dangerous lands the Danger Zone to pick up the victory.

Amber Allen, Kate Dangerous & Suzanne Brazzle defeated Cherry Bomb, Lauren Easter & Zoe Ammis

Rating: B


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShingenMiyazaki_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/QueenEmily_FS2.jpg

Freddy Huggins © vs. Shingen Miyazaki w/ Baroness Emily

And the speed just keeps coming; the ringwork this week seems to be as fast as it goes. Miyazaki can outwrestle Huggins when it's taken to the mat, but Freddy is better in the air – and he keeps Shingen at bay with a volley of kicks, chops, and palm strikes.


The announce team slowly put it together – the chops are close to exact duplications of Eric Tyler's style, the kicks reminiscent of Jaime Quine, and the palm strikes, very like Frankie Dee's preferred offensive style.


“It looks,” as Fry sums it up, “like the School of Tradition have started piecing their particular tricks together...”


After about five minutes, Freddy goes for the Huggins Kiss – but Miyazaki swats his foot away before it can connect; the Team KOBRA man has it scouted.



A few moments later, JD Morgan shows up ringside; Miyazaki falters mid-suplex, and Freddy lands on his feet – but he knows what's coming, and Miyazaki ducks the Huggins Kiss this time, still evading it.


The camera's small mic picks up Morgan barking out “Told you.” A moment later, he continues: “Do it!”


Freddy hooks up again – and nails a fisherman's driver, holding onto the leg to get the pin.

Freddy Huggins defeated Shingen Miyazaki

Rating: A





The remainder of Team KOBRA emerge as Miyazaki and Brazzle make their way into the centre. Before any shots are delivered, however, Thunder Snake gets into Miyazaki's face, talking softly through his mask.


The camera pickups aren't good enough for the viewers to make anything out, but Miyazaki's look of world-weary annoyance tells the tale well enough, and he calls for a microphone.


“Men of high position, low position, deep wisdom and artfulness all feel that they are the ones who are working righteously, but when it comes to the point of throwing away one's life for his lord, all get weak in the knees. This is rather disgraceful. The fact that a useless person often becomes a matchless warrior at such times is because he has already given up his life and has become one with his lord.”


Thunder Snake seems almost to laugh, but the Baroness breaks up the argument before it can go any further, bringing the bokken down hard across Miyazaki's back before Team KOBRA as a whole bow to Suzanne Brazzle, victorious in her match.



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Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Warren Technique

Warren Technique further establishes himself as a man to watch in the future, giving Keith trouble in the opening moments before the veteran finds an opening and begins to close resistance down.


Even then, Technique nearly turns things around, driving a fist into Keith's solar plexus, drawing a warning but allowing himself to take over.


He bounces Sam's head off the canvas with a snap DDT and even gets a two count on the legend, but in the end, Keith turns it around sufficiently to land the NeutronPlex, picking up a win not much later.

Sam Keith defeated Warren Technique

Rating: B




As the show returns from commercial, the Three Amigos are gathered in the ring. Rocky Golden has the microphone, and as The Game dies away, he begins to speak.


“Tuesday,” he begins, “we got robbed.


“I'm not going to run the Kings down. I don't need to. You guys have seen the three of us wrestle enough times – more to the point, you guys have seen what it took to beat us Tuesday.


“It took four men. Now, I've been in handicap matches from time to time. There was a while where Tommy Cornell had the Tag Team Specialists getting in my face.


“It happens – but this wasn't supposed to be a handicap. Marlowe, you've been getting in Rick's business for a while. He was asking us to stay out of it – but you've got two buddies, so does Rick, and you just made it all our business.”


Law accepts the microphone. “And last night, you ran out on a match I made, saying it wasn't worth your while. You did that before, once, last month.


“You know, there's nowhere the Law won't find you.” His voice hardens. “I like to be one of the good guys, Jack. I like to set an example.


“You do not want to be the first man in TCW to make me want to go down to your level.


“You really don't want that.


“I'm going to give you one more chance to straighten out. If that doesn't work... you are going to learn respect for the Law.


“One other thing,” he continues. “This year, we got put out... and that wasn't by the talent of the people we faced. Next year... we're going to have been training and practicing all year. NEXT year, all our fans who were disappointed are going to see us take the Three Kings Trophy... because next time, even interference isn't going to be able to stop us.”



Surviving The Game by Body Count begins to play. The Amigos look up, surprised... and Marc Speed comes to the entryway.


“Speaking of the Three Kings,” he begins, “there's a hell of a lot of people have gotten themselves tied up in all this. And Chris... strikes me you're out now... and that means, Destructive Energy, you've got a title defence to arrange.


“I've been working at my dues before I ramped up to challenge people... but with people being busy, I figure what the hell?


“You're the champ, you pick your challenger. I'll leave you to make the decision. Only, just in case, I'm gonna be training to take you on.”


With that, he departs.



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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch


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Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

And the pace in the ring finally slows somewhat. Part of that is the sheer size of the men involved, but part is the age, too – and the style.


The Riders are powerhouses here, but Texas Pete and Christian Faith have their number, while RDJ is faster, a little lighter – and more than a match for Sayeed Ali, his particular protege.


That leads, in fact, to a shining sequence in the middle of the match where Ali and RDJ go at it with furious intensity, culminating in a GBH Driver from Ali which seems to hit slightly wrong. Johnson bounces awkwardly – and it's from that moment on that the match seems to lose a step.


They work around it nicely, but RDJ doesn't feature in the rest of the match. There are times when it seems like a Leaping Lariat or a Southern Justice would be called for, times when the Easy Riders' assault seems to falter for no necessarily good reason – but Christian Faith takes over, in the end.


A volley of Faith Hammers ensues, followed by a Leap of Faith on all three Riders stacked in the corner. Peter Hopper had been the legal man, and Faith pins him to secure the victory.

Texas Outlaws defeated Easy Riders

Rating: B-




Extreme Measures


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Generation Omega w/ Phil Vibert

With Generation Omega in the ring, Eddie Peak comes out first, stopping just short of the ring itself. Then Seek & Destroy begins to play, and his Extreme Measures allies emerge, Guide still limping heavily.


The New Wave rush the ring and a brawl ensues with all six participants. Extreme Measures get the upper hand at first, dropping Joey Minnesota with the Wave's backbreaker/charging neckbreaker combo that Fry dubs the Task Force.


As Peak tries to force Remo back out of the ring, the Wave isolate Minnesota – and a sequence of double dropkicks erupts, before Joey rolls out of the ring.


Marc DuBois clambers into the ring, and the Wave are waiting – but Marc catches Scout's kick, ducks under a lariat from Guide, and spins Scout until his flying foot sweeps the leg out from under his own tag partner, leaving the self-professed Master of Mind Games grinning wildly.


Peak staggers him with a punch to the side of the head, and Scout capitalises, flying in with a shoulderblock to take him down. Guide has just about picked himself up properly...


Guide and Scout climb the turnbuckle as Remo headbutts Peak down. It looks like the New Wave are looking for the Wave of Mutilation – but Remo crosses the ring in a couple of fast strides, stepping up onto the second rope, and powers them both up and over his head, leaving them both crashing down to the mat.


Eddie gets back up, only for DuBois to nail him in the back of the head with a dropkick, scrambling up to the top rope, sailing off to land a senton. He covers – and Peak scrambles up before one, holding on to DuBois, to send him crashing to the mat with a Rydeen Bomb.


Scout, having regained the turnbuckle, sails off with a diving headbutt – and DuBois actually takes that as if it hurt even more, thrashing around in pain, clutching a suddenly-bloody head.


Guide drags a prone and unmoving Scout from the ring, and Peak goes down on one knee to cover – only for Remo to boot him off the cover. He whips Eddie to the ropes and Vibert pulls the top rope down to see him tumble out.


Guide comes in to try and intervene, but without paying much attention, Remo stomps on his kneecap, driving him down from an upright position to a kneeling one. Smirking, Remo tags out, and Joey Minnesota comes in.


He hits Guide with the Minnesota Salute, sending him all the way to the floor, and locks in a leg-hold Springsteen dubs the Minnesota Cloverleaf.


Peak clambers back into the ring and DuBois nails him with a low blow while Eugene Williams' attention is on the submission, then drags him down, applying the Model Solution to the much bigger man.


In applying the hold, DuBois ends up face to face with Joey, and the two Generation Omega members grin – before Scout, back upright, nails Minnesota with a running cutter, breaking that hold. Blood is leaking out from under his green wool cap.


Guide wobbles back to his feet, punching DuBois from the side – which allows Scout to lock in the Special Force on Minnesota without interruption. Guide, still wobbly-legged, rolls out of the ring – and DuBois starts punching Scout, while Scout starts punching back, both men keeping their holds locked in – but Peak powers out, with DuBois' grip weakened.


Remo comes in and Peak rises to meet him. The two behemoths hammer on one another – which lets DuBois once again low blow an opponent, Scout this time, to break the hold. He baseball slides Guide's legs out from under him, next, seeing him crash off the apron into the guardrail, and DuBois slingshots himself out in a suicide crossbody to keep him out.


Minnesota recovers in the ring, tossing Scout out on top of Guide – and he dropkicks Peak from behind. Eddie drops to one knee, and another punch from Remo turns him slightly – MINNESOTA SALUTE! DESTROYER!


Remo covers and Minnesota adds his own weight to the cover to pick up the three count.

Generation Omega defeated Extreme Measures

Rating: A*




Only God Can Judge Me starts playing, and Generation Omega recover in the ring, Remo already smirking arrogantly while DuBois shakes the cobwebs from his head. Once Joey's fully upright, he starts to grin, slightly feral.



Generation Omega seem to be in high spirits – but Stevie Ray Vaughn's Rude Mood begins to play. As they turn to look at the entrance, the Texas Outlaws emerge to spread out across the top of the entrance ramp, RDJ's jaw bearing a hefty icepack strapped to it.


The Outlaws stare their semi-final opponents down, smiles slowly spreading across their faces as Minnesota, DuBois and Vibert start to look worried.


Show Rating: A

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I guess with a definite end in sight I'm a little late to this party. I'm not entirely sure why I put off reading this for so long (I did the same thing with Dragon Mack's last diary...), but I figure better late than never to throw myself into what I've seen a ton of people claim as one of the best diaries the board's seen.
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I guess with a definite end in sight I'm a little late to this party. I'm not entirely sure why I put off reading this for so long (I did the same thing with Dragon Mack's last diary...), but I figure better late than never to throw myself into what I've seen a ton of people claim as one of the best diaries the board's seen.


Hey, imagine if I was going to do ANOTHER run the length of this... catching up would be an absolute nightmare.


Welcome aboard - I hope you enjoy it. I'm very proud of the kudos this has received over time.

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Hey, imagine if I was going to do ANOTHER run the length of this... catching up would be an absolute nightmare.


Welcome aboard - I hope you enjoy it. I'm very proud of the kudos this has received over time.


Yeah, I've said it before to you PS and I'll say it again. This is by far my favourite diary I have read on these boards and has been a great source of inspiration for me. Whilst I could never fill the shoes of a PS diary, I plan on giving it my best when you finally bring this masterpiece to a close, although it saddens me to say it.


Thanks for the countless hours of entertainment you have provided for me and others with your great storytelling.

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British Lions defeated GenOme




by disqualification




You motherf




The hell did you manage an A with Huggins?


Worse, you gave him a Fisherman's Driver (is that a Fisherman Buster?), one of my favorite moves. >:(




Texas Outlaws in the semis? I guess I




Gotta Have Faith



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