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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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The hell did you manage an A with Huggins?


Whoa hey hey! :/




Stranger, this is something of a curiosity, since the 'Dangerousverse' so to speak, interests me a lot. I was wondering if once you'd wrapped things up you'd consider releasing the database you transitioned across from 08 (if not the save files... but for some reason that strikes me as taboo). I know I'd like to have a look at the database, and possibly have a go at turning around the fortunes of the ailing SWF.

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The hell did you manage an A with Huggins?


Worse, you gave him a Fisherman's Driver (is that a Fisherman Buster?), one of my favorite moves. >:(


A Fisherman's Driver isn't a Fisherman Buster - it start's as a fisherman's suplex, then the subject is twisted, and you drop out as if executing the second half of a Michinoku Driver. Videos on YouTube.


As for Freddy... he and Eric Tyler actually have two A*s under their belts from my pre-show 'increase tag team experience, keep main eventers happy, and build skills' tag match format. He's pretty popular, and he and Shingen both have solid skills. You can't team with Eric Tyler for a year and a half without picking up your fundamentals.


The HugginsDriver will be officially named some time in the near future.


Stranger, this is something of a curiosity, since the 'Dangerousverse' so to speak, interests me a lot. I was wondering if once you'd wrapped things up you'd consider releasing the database you transitioned across from 08 (if not the save files... but for some reason that strikes me as taboo). I know I'd like to have a look at the database, and possibly have a go at turning around the fortunes of the ailing SWF.


Man... I'd need to go over the DB file and tidy it up first. I goofed a fair bit - title lineage is messed up, (easily ignored), I accidentally unhired one of the Fly Boys, (easily solved), and I missed removing the surplus Melody and a couple of others due to the name changes (cosmetically annoying). And I think some of the move sets weren't right.


It's not beyond the bounds of possibility, but I'll see how much work it seems like when the diary's done.

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Man... I'd need to go over the DB file and tidy it up first. I goofed a fair bit - title lineage is messed up, (easily ignored), I accidentally unhired one of the Fly Boys, (easily solved), and I missed removing the surplus Melody and a couple of others due to the name changes (cosmetically annoying). And I think some of the move sets weren't right.


It's not beyond the bounds of possibility, but I'll see how much work it seems like when the diary's done.


I definitely wouldn't mind it. A run with USPW wouldn't be out of order... :p


Which reminds me, how is that little fed from the South East doing?

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I definitely wouldn't mind it. A run with USPW wouldn't be out of order... :p


Which reminds me, how is that little fed from the South East doing?


Peter Valentine is World Champion.


Remember those Gargantuan stats from a few pages back? Valentine is worse in every way bar popularity.


I haven't noticed any major stories affecting them, though. I could be wrong; I'll have a look tomorrow.

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Peter Valentine is World Champion.


Remember those Gargantuan stats from a few pages back? Valentine is worse in every way bar popularity.


I haven't noticed any major stories affecting them, though. I could be wrong; I'll have a look tomorrow.


Still? Damn. How's Nicky Champion doing? And Jack Griffith, come to think of it. You need to sign him and super-push to the title. :p

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Saturday 20th September 2009

A bit of panic backstage tonight. Sayeed managed to jack Ricky's jaw pretty badly in their match... bad enough Ricky was out of it for a few minutes, including the finish. Ricky being Ricky, he was confident enough in his reputation to go straight to the trainer the moment he got backstage.


His jaw's a little screwed up; we've got it set, and the trainers say he'll be fine in a matter of days. Ricky wants a match Tuesday to prove he can, but I'm inclined to skip it, let him rest up ahead of Generation Omega.


It's got me a little worried, though. In the year and a half I've been here, there've been two minor injuries – and they've both been to Ricky; Remo caused a slight rewrite when he swung for the fences with a chair and caught him in the elbow, and now this.


Might just be the luck of the draw, but... maybe Ricky hasn't told me, but there's a reason he's already prepping his retirement. I'm going to have to watch that.


That's not really what I wanted to talk about here... but you must have seen by now, my mind wanders.


There are a lot of traditions in this business that have fallen by the wayside. For the most part, I'm glad of that.


When I first started wrestling, in 1976, we travelled together. Someone had the car, and everyone else kicked in three cents a mile for trans – transportation. It had been that price since my father's day.


I had my first retirement in 1992. Trans still cost three cents a mile. This is kind of crazy.


That's the dumbest. But there are plenty. Some, I'm glad are gone.


Today I was glad to see one survive.


Sayeed knew as well as everyone else in that ring that Ricky was hurting, the moment the plan they'd laid out started to go wrong. Thankfully, they had Christian Faith on tap – he was able to rebuild the match, moment by moment. But it was clear that the plan was screwed, and that meant Ricky was hurt. And Sayeed knew he was responsible.


The moment they were both out of sight, Sayeed went with his mentor to the trainer. He apologised, and he made a point of staying until he heard the diagnosis, checking Ricky was alright. I think he sprung for food, but I'm not sure.


We hurt each other, sometimes. It comes with the territory. But we are – or should be – a brotherhood, a family. When you injure someone, you're responsible – and you're expected to act on that.

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Still? Damn. How's Nicky Champion doing? And Jack Griffith, come to think of it. You need to sign him and super-push to the title. :p


Jack Griffith is unavailable; he's under a written contract with the SWF, and has been since before the game changeover. His best match was a Master of Puppets loss to Vengeance at B-, his most recent, a victory over John Greed at Welcome to the Jungle.


USPro is the fourth biggest company out there. Grace Harper holds the women's belt, Jumbo Jackson and Freddie Datsun have the tag belts (Jumbo is also the TV belt) and Peter Valentine, as noted, is champion, having won the belt in late August.


Henry Lee's long title reign may signal a desire to change their image and expand their audience, but losing it to Valentine won't have helped. The big acquisitions are Joe Money (AKA Joe Sexy) and Eddie Chandler after CGC laid him off a month or so back. Puerto Rican Power hasn't been given the ball, which seems pretty fair, and while Primus Allen could well help, he needs to be given the ball first.


James Justice remains their big money player, but he hasn't been let near the title. They've yet to break 10,000 in attendance or .80 in PPV buyrate.


Champion is mired in the midcard, and has started feuding with Eddie. His best match is a C-.

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Jack Griffith is unavailable; he's under a written contract with the SWF, and has been since before the game changeover. His best match was a Master of Puppets loss to Vengeance at B-, his most recent, a victory over John Greed at Welcome to the Jungle.


USPro is the fourth biggest company out there. Grace Harper holds the women's belt, Jumbo Jackson and Freddie Datsun have the tag belts (Jumbo is also the TV belt) and Peter Valentine, as noted, is champion, having won the belt in late August.


Henry Lee's long title reign may signal a desire to change their image and expand their audience, but losing it to Valentine won't have helped. The big acquisitions are Joe Money (AKA Joe Sexy) and Eddie Chandler after CGC laid him off a month or so back. Puerto Rican Power hasn't been given the ball, which seems pretty fair, and while Primus Allen could well help, he needs to be given the ball first.


James Justice remains their big money player, but he hasn't been let near the title. They've yet to break 10,000 in attendance or .80 in PPV buyrate.


Champion is mired in the midcard, and has started feuding with Eddie. His best match is a C-.

Thanks, PS. So Jack's Upper Carding?

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We're coming up on the end of September, and the final Total Wrestling of the month looks set to cap off a month we've loved watching. So here's what's coming up, so you can get as excited as I have.


Golden Law take on the Elimination Protocol in what looks likely to come down to which team has most heart - for all of Golden Law's power, the Protocol has technique to counter. Still looking for their first win, they face a team with as much courage as anyone. It doesn't look like it'll be easy...


Aaron Andrews has had his dustups with the School of Tradition in the past. It doesn't seem likely he's returning to that war, but he's scheduled to face Acid. Can Eric Tyler's men prove their reascendance?


Wolf Hawkins has non-title action scheduled, too - by his own request. Hawkins threw down a challenge of Sean McFly as to who could do better. Both men offered up an open challenge - and Hawkins' opponent will be Christian Faith of the Texas Outlaws, one of the supreme legends in this sport. Things are likely to get very interesting...


A brief interlude before McFly's part of the ordeal, and the team of Sammy Bach and Zimmy from Darkwave have requested a match to keep themselves in tune. Mayhem Midden has granted Chance Fortune and Ultimate Phoenix the chance to take them on and see if they can rise to the occasion.


Up next, Sean McFly's challenge; Eric Tyler has volunteered to take the shot, willing as ever to face up and try to promote the School of Tradition. A win here could have championship-level rewards for Tyler.


Lastly, in the main event, we have the first of our Three Kings semi-finals, as Bombshell's Boys face off with the Kings of Wrestling. Whatever happens, it seems likely the Keith parents will be proud... and a little disappointed.


Prediction Key:

Elimination Protocol vs. Golden Law


Aaron Andrews vs. Acid


Christian Faith vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)


Darkwave (Sammy Bach & Zimmy) vs. Chance Fortune & Ultimate Phoenix


Eric Tyler vs. Sean McFly



Bombshell's Boys w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Kings of Wrestling

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Elimination Protocol vs. Golden Law

Bigger names.


Aaron Andrews vs. Acid

I would like to go with Acid but he won´t win here.


Christian Faith vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)

Hard to say because that non-title clause... in the end I take the easy way out and go with draw.

Darkwave (Sammy Bach & Zimmy) vs. Chance Fortune & Ultimate Phoenix



Eric Tyler vs. Sean McFly

McFly is wayyy more important.



Bombshell's Boys w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Kings of Wrestling

I just can´t see Kings getting past here as they already got further than most would have expected them to.

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Elimination Protocol vs. Golden Law

-Simply giving this one to the more over team.

Aaron Andrews vs. Acid

-Andrews is a major player, Acid is a flunky in a stable.

Christian Faith vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)

-Hard to bet against the champ, even when its Christian Faith.

Darkwave (Sammy Bach & Zimmy) vs. Chance Fortune & Ultimate Phoenix

-Chance Fortune doesn't beat Sammy Bach. Ever.

Eric Tyler vs. Sean McFly

-McFly's a big deal. Tyler's just a deal.


Bombshell's Boys w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Kings of Wrestling

-Need a face team to take on the Gen Omega group. Also, Mistfail.

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Elimination Protocol vs. Golden Law



Aaron Andrews vs. Acid

Nothing stops the AA Train!


Christian Faith vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)

Yeah but no. No SWF guy goes over Tommy's protege.


Darkwave (Sammy Bach & Zimmy) vs. Chance Fortune & Ultimate Phoenix



Eric Tyler vs. Sean McFly




Bombshell's Boys w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Kings of Wrestling

Texas Outlaws vs. Kings Of Wrestling in the final, with Outlaws taking the win.

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Elimination Protocol vs. Golden Law


As close to a squash, as you can get in TCW.


Aaron Andrews vs. Acid


Double A is a borderline main eventer, I doubt he will be de-railed by someone who has struggled to make their mark on the ultra competitive TCW ranks.


Christian Faith vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)


Whilst I don't think you bring in someone like Faith to do the job, even if he does have the stench of SWF about him... he is up against one of, if not the poster boy for homegrown TCW talent and at the same time that poster boy is the current world champion.


Darkwave (Sammy Bach & Zimmy) vs. Chance Fortune & Ultimate Phoenix


Proper team over random low tier pairing


Eric Tyler vs. Sean McFly


McFly is a superstar, Tyler is just jobber to the stars



Bombshell's Boys w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Kings of Wrestling


I always thought, that at the end of it all the final would be Bombshell's Boys against Generation Omega- and I'm sticking with that train of thought.

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PS, this has been an awesome read - twice over. I'm sorry to see it come to an end, but pleased you feel it's going out on a high note.


One question, though, is there anything that stands out for you as a major missed opportunity in the game? I think you've spoken in the past about some storylines evolving beyond your initial intentions, and a few things like Danny Fonzarelli's mini-push suggested you had plans that were never quite fulfilled, but given how well things have turned out, I wondered if there were any 'If only's...'

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PS, this has been an awesome read - twice over. I'm sorry to see it come to an end, but pleased you feel it's going out on a high note.


One question, though, is there anything that stands out for you as a major missed opportunity in the game? I think you've spoken in the past about some storylines evolving beyond your initial intentions, and a few things like Danny Fonzarelli's mini-push suggested you had plans that were never quite fulfilled, but given how well things have turned out, I wondered if there were any 'If only's...'


Oh, man, so many...


I don't regret them too much, because that's part of the game, you know? You play the game, and the results you get - and injuries, etc - all push you in different directions. And you have a plan for someone, and then ReapeR posts an awesome TCW Championship belt as well as the one you commissioned and you decide to rewrite to a dual belt storyline more or less on the fly, or they just don't take off the way you hoped, or whatever.


I'll probably write more on this subject at some other point, but...


It was fan support in the comments that allowed Troy Tornado to finally grab the title. In doing so, he overcame his chemistry-with-Cornell issue and went on to become a favourite of mine... but the original plan was for Tornado to lose three times and for Ino to jump from challenging Wolf Hawkins for the International belt to win the top belt. The three months pre-diary made me think that could work... but by the time we got to it, he never produced on that level.


(Koshiro Ino also won the Ticket to the Top, which I hadn't yet named, in 2008, just before the diary kicks off, but failed on his cash in.)


I had plans for Genghis Rahn as an ally to Eddie Peak. The idea would have been to play Peak as insane and Rahn as unhinged, and I even requested Rahn in TURISAS-style red and black facepaint as an alt. Then SWF outbid me for him and Hawkins buried him in a cage match on Total Wrestling before anyone ever saw him. They'd eventually have taken the tag belts and might have loosely affiliated with Painful Procedure.


Generation Omega was a rewrite off my planned heel stable to replace the Syndicate. My original plan was for RDJ to turn after Midden failed to even offer him CONTENDERSHIP matches - you can see me seeding this one around December 08 or so - and ally with Texas Pete, who wouldn't have turned face, Remo Richardson, and probably developmental prospect Dazzling Dave Diamond as an all-Texan heel stable. Remo, Pete and Dave would have spent the next several months defending the tag belts by Freebird rules until I had room to pull the trigger on Remo. Meanwhile, Cornell would come off a short feud with Hawkins having been turned face, and 2009 would have seen Cornell/RDJ as a top feud, with a different dynamic due to their double turns. Remo would have been instrumental in double-turning them both back, probably at Psycho Circus to set up a triple threat at Malice in Wonderland.


Then I wrote a match between Remo and RDJ which had been intended to be a 'young guy impresses veteran' match which could be another seed, and I got sidetracked, and it got too vicious for them to believably ally just a couple of months later (this sort of thing is my pet peeve with Russo bookings). So I considered recreating Any Means Necessary (a stable from PPPW that I wish I'd got to do more with, as I never really had the chance to develop them due to bankruptcy) for a while before realising that Remo wasn't as old as I'd thought - at which point Generation Omega wrote themselves.


Matthew Keith was nearly the new GenOm man rather than Joey Minnesota.


Karen Killer was going to end up with the gimmick that I've eventually reworked into a wrestling role and assigned to Sammy Bach that hasn't come out and been spelled out yet, so I'll say no more about it, which would have lead to a Riders turn rather than a Lions turn.


I wasn't sure I was going to turn Jeremy Stone when I did. Two factors made me decide to - his contract being due, and Wallbanger.


Edd Stone was nearly the first man to leave the Syndicate. He would have turned face ahead of time and developed his comedic persona, with less dickishness, much earlier, and started to cost the Syndicate matches without meaning to - and, worse, do things he thought were awesome which would make them look stupid. This would lead to him getting DESTROYED, coming back to win the International belt earlier, and feuding with Hawkins over it for a while.


The 'Best of the Rest' storyline that lead Tommy to try recruiting Aaron into the Syndicate, letting Sam Keith make Wolf worried Tommy was replacing him, causing Wolf to enter the Shot at the Top match as well as their tag match, giving him the title shot contract and (partly under Keith's influence, partly under Vibert's, partly not) meet with Vibert to arrange Generation Omega - was originally planned to see Tommy do the same with Marc Speed, before Aaron pulled that A right out the gate.


There are others. I may try and do a fuller list at some point.

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Elimination Protocol vs. Golden Law


I sense they won't be jobbers/without angles forever, considering how MUCH they've been on the shows lately, but they're not there yet.


Aaron Andrews vs. Acid


Andrews is the bigger name and the better push.


Christian Faith vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)


Wolf needs to look good, even against Faith. Shenanigans, maybe.


Darkwave (Sammy Bach & Zimmy) vs. Chance Fortune & Ultimate Phoenix


lol no.


Eric Tyler vs. Sean McFly


Not nearly important enough to beat Sean.



Bombshell's Boys w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Kings of Wrestling


I think I'll go for BB vs. GenO in the final.

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I remember now what I wanted to ask specifically, PS - Teddy Powell and Stevie Grayson were fairly high-profile in the diary's early stages, but just seemed to disappear later on. Have you dropped them down to development, or did you just let them go?


On that similar note, do you still have Ronnie? Reading over PPPW and Cahill's Corner made me nostalgic.


All three are back in dev - If I'm paying someone's salary, I'd rather give them a chance to recharge/improve/get more popular before they're released back onto the open market.


Alphabetically... Ronnie V. Pain replaced Giant Tana by winning the vacant CZCW Championship in May. He's put on some actually pretty solid defences against top rookies and Steve Flash, but I keep meaning to build someone more suited to their style to B- ish overness and drop them into dev for a run with the belt. Maybe next time I cut Kazuma & the Kid for more training...


Stevie Grayson has hit FCW, and while his time there in Tigerkinney's old diary (which I am rereading at present) earned him the nickname Stevie Ringrust, this time he's the top face, feuding with heel PRP over his championship and reliably pulling B- to B level results. If I continue playing the game post-diary end, I'll probably re-up his contract to keep him there and producing reasonably well.


He IS improving steadily, but I don't see him fitting in the All Action Division any time soon.


Teddy is a main event face for CZCW and their Extreme title holder, pulling C+ to B matches over the past year. Since going down in March he's picked up massively in Puro, somewhat in Hardcore, and biggest of all in his mat skills, with his psych also improving. When his contract ends, he'll be back out on the open market and I fully anticipate a NYCW/SWF/USPW PPA combo for him.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 4 September 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 15.62)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.13)


Held at the H. Jones Building (Great Lakes)


Attendance: 23,272




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Sara Silver


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KirkJameson.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WarrenTechnique.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickLaw.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RockyGolden_PS2.jpg

Elimination Protocol vs. Golden Law

The Protocol are definitely brave fighters, repeatedly stacking themselves up against the best tag teams and solo competitors TCW has to offer. And certainly, they're also outmatched. Outgunned.


But they're learning, as Azaria notes. It's been said of the British Lions that they never lose the same way twice, that they fix any weakness in their system – and that's not what's going on with the Protocol. The Lions build a wall against their opponents. The Protocol, on the other hand, are refining their own teamwork. They're adding new tricks, making others work.


They'll be dangerous, soon. But not yet... not for now. For now, after a solid showing, Law gets the Long Arm of the Law on Warren Technique to pin him, with Golden cutting off Jameson's rescue attempt with his spinning powerslam.

Golden Law defeated Elimination Protocol

Rating: B-




The Bombshell's Boys walk the corridors backstage, Bloodstone with his arm around the Bombshell's waist, their heads nestled together, sharing some private conversation. Art Reed and Greg Keith follow behind, joking lightly with one another. They pass a drinks machine, and Greg hangs back as the others head on toward their locker room.



He collects his can, and turns – and walks straight into the Kings of Wrestling.


Matthew smiles. “I told you not to get in my way, Greg. And I'm telling you again.


“I'm prepared to be kind, Greg. Somewhere in the match tonight... you and me will get in the ring together.


“And somewhere in there, I'll go for a nice quiet little thing. A Pat Deacon roll, maybe. Just something that doesn't hurt too much. Just enough to get your shoulders to the mat.


“All you have to do is not kick out... and if you don't kick out, I don't have to break up your stable. I don't have to injure Dad so bad he can't wrestle.


“Because we both know... you and me, it's never going to be such an early end. I want you around all my career... always one step behind me.


“But you can save Dad. You can save your tag partner. You can save Amy.


“Just don't kick out.”


The Kings move on. Greg watches after them, silent, thoughtful. He opens his drink, and moves on toward his locker room.



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews-1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Acid_alt2.jpg

Aaron Andrews vs. Acid

Aaron doesn't often have an opponent who's smaller than him, these days. But Acid fits in that category... and as is his usual way, he adopts Aaron's own stance and mannerisms, mannerisms built around being the little man in the match.


It makes for an interesting ride, but they keep the crowd interested. Acid, at one point, plants Andrews with the spinebuster, but he gets his shoulder up at two.


Frustrated, the masked man goes to another of Aaron's old favourites – he drops him with a standing hot shot before looking at one of his own favourites, the Acid Rain Bomb – but Aaron rolls clear, and Acid eats nothing but canvas.


He rises – straight into the spinebuster from Andrews – and that's enough for the pin.

Aaron Andrews defeated Acid

Rating: B+




The big screen bursts into life. And two women's faces appear.


“OK, Jason,” Dangerous challenges, as they smirk down at the fans, “who the hell are these two?”


“They look familiar, but I can't place them...”


“Ladies,” the blonde without the stripe begins, “you're in luck.


“We're coming to TCW... to improve the whole division. Because you look lost, all of you... and you'll need leading lights, to show you the way.


“We'll be there next week.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChristianFaith.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins.jpg

Christian Faith vs. Wolf Hawkins

It does seem like, for all Christian's grasp of match philosophy and psychology, he hasn't quite come to grips with the faster pace of TCW compared to his old home crowd.


He does start to rise toward it, however, during this match, challenging the champion, looking to keep pace with him.


And there's a moment where Faith looks like he could score a win, stunning Hawkins with a Faith Hammer before whipping him to the corner, setting for the Leap of Faith – but Wolf grips the top ropes and brings both knees up, sending Christian staggering away.


Hawkins promptly capitalises with a bulldog, then the Full Moon Rising to pick up the victory.

Wolf Hawkins defeated Christian Faith

Rating: B




Autumn Gleeson is waiting in the interview room with her customary smile. “My guest this evening is someone we haven't heard a lot from in TCW, although we've seen him compete a lot, under two separate names.


“Thunder Snake, as we're to call you these days – I asked you here today to discuss something that it seems has been building for months.


“Team KOBRA's training methods took Shingen Miyazaki from a perennial no-hoper to a strong All Action Champion who was only recently dethroned in a very tough match to win.


“But it seems as if these methods are a little harsh... and you also seem to have more than a little tension yourself with the former champion. Would you like to shed some light on all this?”


He seems to consider for a few moments. “You know,” he begins,*“before I came to TCW, I'd been champion. Tag team and solo.


“You can say that about a lot of the wrestlers you see here. But not all of us are champions here... and not all of us win as often as we'd like.


“Team KOBRA is a response to that. Ino-san and the Baroness teach total discipline, total commitment to study, to training, to the sport.


“You can compare that with the School of Tradition, where the veterans do their training in the ring, and they make up for it by running in and interfering...


“Both of them are trying to do their best. And I'm happy to have been trained in Team KOBRA. But I'm starting to think that some middle ground might be the right way to go.


“I don't know... but we'll see.” He smiles and nods politely.


“Does this mean you're leaving Team KOBRA?”


“I don't see why it should.” With that, he moves off.



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SammyBach_alt1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ZimmyBumfhole_alt1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChanceFortune.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/UltimatePhoenix.jpg

Darkwave vs. Chance Fortune & Ultimate Phoenix

Slick work, very fast, feeling faster after the prior match, and Fortune starts to show some moves we haven't seen from him before – but Zimmy and Sammy, ultimately, have this contest very much in hand.


It's Ultimate Phoenix who falls to the Bach on your Back... but it's Chance Fortune who eats the Blood Rush as he tries to break it up. It takes two to win a tag match... and Darkwave show that unity of purpose.

Darkwave defeated Chance Fortune & Ultimate Phoenix

Rating: B




The cameras go backstage, where Tommy Cornell, Ricky Dale Johnson, Aaron Andrews and Mayhem Midden are sat around a table in catering. Charlie Thatcher skulks in the background, spinning his two steel baseball bats idly. Providing protection.


“...might not have PPV matches at the moment, either of you,” Midden is saying. “I'd had you pencilled in against Remo, but if Generation Omega make it past the Outlaws, that's out the window. Aaron, you just haven't been looking for one...”


“I'm taking a good look at things before I decide where I'm going,” Andrews says. “I'll be there, though... just in case.”


Cornell nods. “Way I see it, if Ricky gets through, I get Remo. If not... Well, I guess he can wait. If I get two straight wins over him, I think I can safely put him behind me, even by his code.”


Midden nods. “That's not going to make the new Board members happy,” he says mildly.


“New board members?”


Midden nods. “Well... I SAY new. It's those guys who bought out Vibert's blackmail victim. They've taken a couple more seats' worth of shares.


“They've been arguing you and Wolf for the title is big money. And you know I have to agree with them, Tommy. You and Wolf would be a money match, no question.


“It's only by your request I'm holding off from making it. Any more of the investors demand it, I'm going to have to.”


Cornell shrugs. “He's holding the title over me. And maybe I've got to face him sooner or later... but the little wanker can work for it, as far as I'm concerned.”


“Well... I'll see what I can do. But sooner or later the rest of the Board WILL notice they're missing out, Tommy.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SeanMcFly.jpg

Eric Tyler vs. Sean McFly

The pace slows down here, but the atmosphere doesn't change; the slower pace is a direct result of the two mat experts going for a pure classic in the tradition of the Stones.


It's hold and counter-hold all the way, with Azaria constantly predicting Tyler will start cheating in a second... but it looks like he's swept up into it, swept up in the question of whether he can actually trump the American Tiger completely.


It's nearly at the ten minute mark before Tyler gives up on that – a thumb to the eye to counter an armbar, then a swift shift looking for the Weight of Tradition brainbuster, which McFly only barely counters. Tyler manages to twist him into a roll-up off THAT, though, and it's a near pinfall.


The pace starts to build again off there, and only really stops when Sean rolls through the Tradition Lift to force Tyler's shoulders to the mat for the count of three.

Sean McFly defeated Eric Tyler

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GregGauge-1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JohnnyBloodstone_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Bombshell's Boys w/ Blonde Bombshell



Kings of Wrestling

Thomas and Bloodstone start off for their sides, with a quick exchange of holds culminating in Bobby sending the former champion out of the ring with an armdrag.


In comes Greg, who catches Thomas' arm and keeps moving, whipping him into the corner, following him in, stepping up to the second rope to deliver an enzuigiri.


Nate comes in in response, clobbering Greg across the back of the head and tossing him from the ring. He turns around to find Art Reed on his way in, springboarding off the top rope into a huracanrana.


As Nate gets back up, Reed hits the ropes, looking for his very occasional wheelbarrow DDT/grounded chancery combination – but Nate Johnson gets a forearm in the way across his back and holds Reed in place while Bobby, having climbed back to the apron, flips forward off the top rope to come down across him with a mid-air legdrop.


Bobby picks Art up, firing off a couple of chops, but Art blocks one and monkey flips him into Nate – who recovers smoothly enough to catch him and slam him onto Art. Nate rolls out of the ring and Eugene Williams drops to count the pin – but Art gets his shoulder up, rolling Thomas over into an armlock.


It's then that Matt Keith makes his first showing of the match. He yanks Reed off the hold, spins him around, boots him in the gut, then hits a running knee lift to the side of the head. A trip to the top turnbuckle follows, with Keith soaring off in a five-star splash. ONE, TWO – NO!


In comes Bloodstone again; a volley of chops to Keith as Art rolls out of the ring are followed up by a fast suplex. The former champ pulls him back to his feet and lifts; it looks like he's going for a shoulderbreaker, but Matt manages to shift his balance, nailing Bloodstone with a tornado DDT.


He goes for a cover – one, two – Bloodstone rolls it through – one, two – counter to a backslide – one, two – inside cradle – one, two – counter to the schoolboy – one, two – both men scramble away and into fighting stances.


Abruptly, Matt drops again, rolling out of the ring. Bloodstone doesn't have long to react before Nate Johnson blindsides him. He drives knees into his ribs next and shoves him halfway across the ring, as Bobby Thomas scoops him up, carrying him back to that corner – Johnson is already on the turnbuckle – PRECISION DRILLER! ONE, TWO, THRE-


Greg breaks it up. He DDTs Thomas, then, as Johnson comes in, ducks – and Art Reed soars over him to wipe Johnson out with a dropkick. Both regular teams are functioning here as smoothly-oiled machines.


Reed stays in the ring as Greg helps drag the barely-conscious Bloodstone away to the outside, safe from being pinned. Thomas makes it back to his feet and the two lock up; Reed tries for a suplex, and Bobby drops down behind him for a Russian leg sweep.


Johnson soars – and Art Reed isn't there; he's rolled clear. A superkick sends Thomas out of the ring, and in comes Matthew Keith again.


Reed blocks the initial punch and goes for a backdrop, but Matt rolls through, hits the ground smoothly, and kicks Art's leg out from under him. He goes for the Proton Lock – Reed counters, pulling him over to get his shoulders to the mat – ONE, TWO, THR- Matt kicks out, and levels Reed with a Yakuza kick as they rise.


And then Greg Keith rolls into the ring opposite his brother, and the crowd noise really starts to build.


They stare one another down, circling slowly, cagily, and close. The lock-up leads to a Matt armwrench, countered to a wristlock, countered to a hammerlock – snapmare by Greg Keith, and Matt rolls to his feet some distance clear.


They close again, and Matt applies possibly the finest, most textbook Pat Deacon Roll since Deacon's heyday in the SWF. ONE, TWO -


Greg kicks out authoritatively. The twins roll to their feet, standing away from each other, once again, staring one another down. Matt brushes a stray hair from his vision.


He starts to circle again, and Greg moves with him. They turn halfway around the ring – and the Elite Express slide in, jumping Greg from behind. Matt grins as they set up for the Precision Driller.


Johnson perches on the top rope – and Art Reed leaps from the apron to the top rope, catching him with a textbook huracanrana. As Thomas turns to see it, Greg breaks free, rolling down his back to get a pinfall – ONE, TWO, THRE-


Matt kicks him in the face to break the pin. Dragging his brother free, he looks for the Neutron Plex – but Greg rolls it through! PROTON LOCK APPLIED! Matt is struggling immediately, but Bobby Thomas escapes Reed long enough to hit a baseball slide dropkick to the small of Greg's back, breaking the hold.


He turns around into a Dark Matter, though. Art goes for the cover as a slowly-recovering Bloodstone pulls Matt out of the ring, preventing him from breaking the cover. ONE, TWO, THRE-


Johnson's recovered enough to break it. The two hit a double-team suplex on Reed, then take Greg down with a hi-lo combo before picking him up, delivering a powerbomb/neckbreaker combo right onto Reed's body. They look to cover the Kreed – ONE, TWO – Bloodstone comes in to break it up.


Johnson gets three chops before being hip tossed out of the ring and almost into Keith – but Matt sidesteps, rolling back in the ring. Thomas chop blocks Bloodstone as the former champ worries about Keith, but Matt has his own goal in mind. He spends a few moments dragging Reed to his feet before looking to toss him outside – it doesn't quite work, but Bobby Thomas comes in with a soaring cross body to send them both tumbling to the outside.


Matt turns around, sees Greg, and looks for the Asian Mist – Greg crosses his arms before his face, blocking it's effects – and then SPRAYS MATT IN THE FACE WITH HIS OWN! INSIDE CRADLE! ONE, TWO, THREE!

Bombshell's Boys defeated the Kings of Wrestling

Rating: A*


Show Rating: A

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