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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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If that's Alicia Strong and, say, Belle Bryden, I will have epix nosebleeds all up ons.


But you can save Dad. You can save your tag partner. You can save Amy.


"But you can't save Bloodstone.


Matt glares at the camera menacingly before leaving.


Also, this show-DANG IT I FOUND OUT WHO WON THE MAIN EVENT BEFORE READING IT-seemed...poor. Yeah yeah A rated, but...there were a lot of Bs and B+s that...seemed weird.



So two questions:

1. What color was the Asian Mist?

2. WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH *cries and forgets forever about the Three Kings Trophy*

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If that's Alicia Strong and, say, Belle Bryden, I will have epix nosebleeds all up ons.


Also, this show-DANG IT I FOUND OUT WHO WON THE MAIN EVENT BEFORE READING IT-seemed...poor. Yeah yeah A rated, but...there were a lot of Bs and B+s that...seemed weird.




The good news is that your nose is safe from epix.


Partly because if I ever get Alicia Strong and decide to run her heel, I have SUCH a better gimmick for her.


Regarding the show's weakness... it sounds like you're mostly confused about the ratings. And yeah, some of them did underperform, for my money - but I can't complain too much. I pulled the same kind of ratings overall I usually do.


And regarding the spoils:

1. Regular green, or I'd have noted.

2. Only two teams can make the final anyhow. This way dented few other storylines.

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It dented the best storyline ever and the best tag team ever :(


Oh, the nosebleeds were for Bryden's hotness. Strong...well, she's hot, sure, but she's also the best female in the game. Well, that's actually Sensational Ogiwara, which...




Is Sensational Ogiwara retired for you? She retires in '09 in canon, but you started in '08...


She must have a written contract because I guaran-damn-tee you'd have hired her already otherwise.

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/peeks at raw BB code of show


Interesting. And if anyone was going to do a 'Beautiful People'-esque thing, those two are good candidates.


How long have you had those two in development to get their skills up to adequate for the main roster?


Since Self did those alternate renders and Remi mentioned their non-typical characters.

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 4 September 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.33)


Held at the Laurent Ballroom (New England)


Attendance: 3,713





Steve Smith – Sara Silver – Autumn Gleeson


  • JeriLynn Stone and Kate Dangerous once again picked up a win in tag team competition, toppling Tamara McFly and Zoe Ammis after JeriLynn landed the Girl's Best Friend on her aunt. (Rating: B-)
  • The Bulldozer and the Dragon overcame the Conquering Kings in a tough contest while many of the fans were away from the ring, the Bulldozer pinning Barry Kingman off an inverted piledriver. (Rating: C)
  • Rick Law once again called Jack Marlowe out, wanting to know what it'd take to get Marlowe in the ring. Marlowe laughed him off and the Enforcers were only halted when Law's Amigos came out to aid him – which drew Matthew Keith out to tell Rockwell he was coming for the Hard-Hitting Championship. Marc Speed showed up to defend his own claim to a shot.
  • Marat Khoklov defeated a determined Danny Fonzarelli in a match that had a surprising level of fan response. (Rating: B-)
  • Thunder Snake took on Tyson Baine and shocked a lot of the fans in attendance when he won, despite the size differential, pinning him after the twisting mid air kick volley he calls Cytotoxis. (Rating: B)
  • Team KOBRA came out to pay their respects to Thunder Snake. Many of them seemed iffy about the salute, causing Steve Smith to bring up Thunder Snake's comments on the most recent Total Wrestling.
  • The Machines took on an unusual duo in Frankie Dee and Ian Harris, with John Anderson getting the win after pinning Harris. (Rating: B)
  • In the main event, Aaron Andrews teamed with Canadian Elemental against GenOme, losing only after Edd Stone nailed Elemental with a shot with that loaded fake plastic belt of his, allowing Newton to hit the Fisherman's Suplex. (Rating: B+)
  • Edd went on to demand a ladder match with his fake belt against the real International belt in CanEl's possession. Mayhem Midden approved it, as the title situation needs resolving.


Show Rating: B+

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With just one night to go before Destructive Energy, the last semi-final is on the line - and we'll also see champion, tag champions, and contenders go at it, among other things.


In the opening match, the Young Guns are set to take on the duo of Eric Tyler and All Action Champion Freddy Huggins. Can superior teamwork trump the School of Tradition's new edge?


A singles contest follows as Canadian Elemental looks to pick up more momentum into his match against International Champion Edd Stone - facing off this time with Zimmy of Darkwave. This one could be a nasty duel... Zimmy has been looking for some time for a way to stake a claim to a bigger space in TCW, and a win over a championship contender would have to be a good way to do it.


Tag team action returns, as Elimination Protocol find themselves up against the loose alliance of Aaron Andrews and Tommy Cornell - surely the toughest test yet. But Cornell and Andrews' adversaries will be watching this one closely... in case any weakness is revealed.


The duo of Kazuma & the Kid will look to take on the Easy Riders afterward, seeking a big win to push them back to the top. Meanwhile, the Riders will be looking to avenge their loss.


In the Three Kings semi-final, Generation Omega face another tough challenge - the Texas Outlaws. This is going to be a brutal match... and victory will come only at a price.


And in the main event, six-man action will continue - as TCW World Heavyweight Champion and TCW Tag Champions Wolf Hawkins and GenOme face off with Sean McFly and the British Lions - the top contenders to their titles tomorrow.


Prediction Key:

Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins vs. Young Guns


Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy


Elimination Protocol vs. Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell


Easy Riders vs. Kazuma & the Kid



Generation Omega w/ Phil Vibert vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman


Sean McFly & the British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Wolf Hawkins & GenOme w/ Phil Vibert

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Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins vs. Young Guns



Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy

I think CanEl has more going for him now, with the match against Edd coming up.


Elimination Protocol vs. Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell



Easy Riders vs. Kazuma & the Kid




Generation Omega w/ Phil Vibert vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

Please, God, let the team that's actually a Trio win this one, instead of the three singles guys.


Sean McFly & the British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Wolf Hawkins & GenOme w/ Phil Vibert

Never bet against that much gold.

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Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins vs. Young Guns

Tyler and Huggins have been more important lately.


Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy

Elemental is still feuding with Edd while Zimmy isn´t having anything going right now.


Elimination Protocol vs. Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell



Easy Riders vs. Kazuma & the Kid

Riders are more established team.



Generation Omega w/ Phil Vibert vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

With face team being in the finals already Omega makes more sense and this result plays better on that youth movement thing that you have going.


Sean McFly & the British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Wolf Hawkins & GenOme w/ Phil Vibert

I don´t see McFly beating Wolf for a title but he could get a nice win over him here.

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Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins vs. Young Guns


I can't vote for Huggins because he sucks. Sucks, dammit. Sucks sucks sucks suuuuucckksssssss. And I similarly hate the Young Guns.


So why not Tyler? I like him in '10 and wish he was active. But he's a heel and I hate heels. Ergo, draw.


Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy


WWE logic: the guy with more momentum loses the title match.


Elimination Protocol vs. Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell


That's Johnson and Thomas, right? Aka the Canadian Machines. Aka the actual greatest team ever? Yeah, they won't win. But do I care? No.

Oh, it's not Johnson and Thomas. *yawn*


Easy Riders vs. Kazuma & the Kid


Who's the Kid, again? Cannonball Logan or whatever?



Generation Omega w/ Phil Vibert vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman


Since this match wasn't part of my tournament bracket, I'm not predicting.


Sean McFly & the British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Wolf Hawkins & GenOme w/ Phil Vibert


I think I've said numerous times that I hate Vibert. Granted, I hate the "allegedly American" Tiger, too, for being a Fakemerican, but...eh, British Loins make me happy.


Dammit, why the hell isn't Edd feuding with them? Him calling them British Loins the whole time? Mocking the fact that one of them is Irish? God, that would make me appreciate him. He'd be a dick, still, but a funny dick. Not a dicky dick.




Dicky dick? I'm going to shoot myself now.

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Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins vs. Young Guns


Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy


Elimination Protocol vs. Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell


Easy Riders vs. Kazuma & the Kid



Generation Omega w/ Phil Vibert vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman


Sean McFly & the British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Wolf Hawkins & GenOme w/ Phil Vibert

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Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins vs. Young Guns


The School guys have a little more direction, Not So Young Anymore Guns are as much as you try not to portray them as such jobbers...I'm not even going to say glorified jobbers.


Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy


Can-El has more going on right now with his feud with Edd over the International belt and needs to be kept stronger, Zimmy unfortunately for him right now is just another body with little to no direction in the lower end of the midcard.


Elimination Protocol vs. Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell




Easy Riders vs. Kazuma & the Kid


Established team over jobber team



Generation Omega w/ Phil Vibert vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman


75% of me always though that Bombshell's Boys- Gen-O would be the finals, the other 25% thought that match-up would be too obvious. I'm now at 90% sure that this will be the finals, the other 10% says you might just go the other way to shock us all- but really BB vs Gen-O would provide the better match-up and promote the gradual youth moment in TCW.


Sean McFly & the British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Wolf Hawkins & GenOme w/ Phil Vibert


McFly & British Lions will certainly provide strong competition and it's not unfeasible for them to win here, but the other side is three champions and part of the top heel unit- I think it's more important to keep them looking strong.

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Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins vs. Young Guns


Is this a run-in? No? Then Young Guns lose.


Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy


Jack Bruce is the boss, Sammy Bach storyline is building, Zimmy's the odd man out. Meanwhile, CanEl is an actual thing these days.


Elimination Protocol vs. Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell


EP keep failing upward. And no, the Canadian Jacket Men are the Elite Express. Protocol = Kirk Jameson + Warren Technique. Which doesn't sound like a team for the future, but heck -- neither did Marc Speed, and so many people have been in development for so long, who knows who's what any more?

Easy Riders vs. Kazuma & the Kid


Kazuma and the Kid in one of the last matches of the night? Huh?



Generation Omega w/ Phil Vibert vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

And the six-man tourney final ties into the main plot line of the company. Let's get real -- RDJ is old, Texas Pete is clearly an upper-midcard gatekeeper hoss (and I'm saying this as a Texas Pete fan!), and Faith (also old) is never going to have the ring skills to be at the very top of the company, even if you did have to get him for what he CAN do. They're a great team, but in terms of who it makes sense to push, they're options 4, 5 and 6 in this match.


Sean McFly & the British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Wolf Hawkins & GenOme w/ Phil Vibert


Seems like a safe way to build Sean as a valid title contender... which of course he is already, but still. I don't know if he wins the belt, because there are equally exciting candidates out there (Cornell, maybe Art Reed, even Face Jeremy Stone if that continues) -- but if you put Sean McFly into a title match, I'm willing to accept that he can beat Wolf or anyone. Which means that's a valid feud for the belt, so I think it happens.

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TCW Presents Saturday Night Showcase


Saturday Week 4 September 2009


Live on CBA (Rating 13.67)

Rebroadcast on Euro Cable Sports 1 (Rating )


Held at the Kamloops Royal Athletic Park (British Columbia)


Attendance: 12,649





Duane Fry – Jasmine Saunders – Alanis Springsteen


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HarryAllen_Grunge3.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SteveGumble_Grunge2.jpg

Tyler & Huggins vs. Young Guns

There's a heck of a battle going on here – Eric Tyler hasn't wrestled at this pace since DaVE's glory days, let alone the last years of Vibert's dream, CGC or TCW, though he has to give up much of his technical matwork in order to do it, throwing fists and tossing around the Guns with suplexes and slams.


Fortunately, that plays to the strength of this match – Tyler can outwrestle the Guns, but he can't keep the pace; Huggins can keep the pace, and his expanding repertoire of moves makes him more and more dangerous, but he doesn't have the teamwork of the Guns – and Steve Gumble's kicks are just as lethal as his.



It makes for a tough match, and Eric Tyler reverts to type partway through; feigning injury, he grabs Eugene Williams' attention, and UK Dragon nails Harry Allen with a huge springboard rana.



Gumble blocks Huggins' fisherman's driver, however, and it's not enough; and Joel Bryant is there to add an exclamation point – but Williams turns around just in time to see the One Shot Drop, giving the Guns the win by DQ.

Young Guns defeated Tyler & Huggins

Rating: B




Hey Pretty begins to play, heralding – as always – Champagne Lover, who stops atop the ramp with a microphone.


“I have... targets in sight,” he begins. “I've always tried to be a real man... and one of my targets is not.


“Jeremy Stone, you've always been... gifted.” He smiles cruelly. “I'm sure you're hearing that, thinking I'm saying something nice. But you have been gifted.


“Gifted with title opportunities. Gifted with good draws in tournaments, brackets giving you every chance. Putting your toughest opponents through hell, while you coast to it.


“Gifted with unearned. undeserved opportunities.


“No wonder you were so full of it, coming to TCW. No wonder you raved and ranted and cheated to get your title shots. And no wonder you failed.


“Because you'd never been given what you needed to do it, had you? You'd never had to fight, not really. Not when the deck wasn't stacked.


“And you got the late entry... and the easy ride... and a shot at choking me out... because of my other target.


“Now, he is a real man. But the problem is... he's a stupid one.


“He got in my way... denied me final entry to Malice in Chains. Denied me the chance to slip past Jeremy Stone.


“But that's not why he's stupid. I don't know why he's stupid... although his cousin's no smarter.


“Rhino Umaga... consider this a challenge for tomorrow. Sooner or later, I will break you in two. It might as well be tomorrow. Do the smart thing, for once... and don't make me any angrier than you have to.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CanadianElemental.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ZimmyBumfhole_alt1.jpg

Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy

A surprisingly long contest for two people with their level of fan support and recognition, this is also a good one – in fact, a case could be made that its biggest flaw is that fans started expecting a fall too early, relative to the match itself, and burned themselves out.


Despite that, everyone seems happy to have witnessed it. CanEl's biggest moment in the match sees him arch backward from his knees, low enough that the running Blood Rush whizzes over his head. From there, he runs up the turnbuckle to hit the Thrill Seeking Missile – and an Elemental Suplex finishes.

Canadian Elemental defeated Zimmy

Rating: B



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Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell vs. Elimination Protocol

It's less than a year since Aaron Andrews, facing off against his tag partner in this match, would have been considered as totally the underdog as the Protocol are now.


Then, Andrews impressed by giving Cornell a much tougher fight than anyone expected, by taking openings his arrogance created and breaking them wide open.


Really, you'd have thought they'd have learned. But no – it's not so much arrogance this time, but they're certainly confident. And confidence, sometimes, skips a little ahead. Sometimes it even leaves gaps.


Kirk and Warren are beginning to get the kind of openings they need to show their stuff, now, but all the same, they're adjusting to TCW-level competition. That's the story of this match; newcomers reaching for the brass ring, getting better, but not able to close their fists around it.


Kirk Jameson ultimately eats the Rough Ride, and consequently, the pin.

Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell defeated Elimination Protocol

Rating: B+




Autumn Gleeson flashes that pearly-white smile for the camera as the big screen shows the backstage interview area. Stood beside her, wearing her TCW Womens Championship, is JeriLynn Stone.


“Another great example of tag team wrestling, there,” she begins. “On now to something different. JeriLynn Stone here is my guest tonight; she is, of course, the third and reigning Womens Champion here, having dethroned Gorgon at the second attempt, last month.


“JeriLynn – tomorrow, you're booked to defend your title for only the second time, this time against Stephanie Wade, a woman who said she'd be ready to take on either Gorgon or you for the title before making a statement earlier this month by scoring a victory over you.


“How confident are you that you'll retain?”


JeriLynn doesn't smile, nor does she look directly at the camera. She takes a deep breath, staring off into the middle distance, as she speaks. “Stephanie Wade beat me this month because I lost sight of the House of Stone's motto. Not a good omen, but we fail when we deserve to fail, when we don't work for our success.


“Tomorrow, I'll be ready. Tomorrow, I've put in the work, the research, the scouting. I've trained hard, and I'm still training, and when it comes to the match, I'll still be working hard – to make sure I retain this title.


“Stephanie Wade. Gorgon. Those two newcomers – what do they call themselves?”


“I'm not sure,” Gleeson replies. “They said they were coming to be leading lights?”


“The Leading Lights, then. Anyone who steps up to challenge for this belt, sure, I'll defend against them. Against any challenger.


“I let myself slip. It won't happen again, believe me.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GreaseHogg.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LeadBelly.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CarlBatch.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KazumaNarato.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TheCannonballKid.jpg

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Kazuma & the Kid

Another good tag team outing here. The speedier, smaller team look to give the Riders trouble, and honestly, they actually do pretty well at that. But they can't handle – and Duane Fry emphasises this excellently – they can't handle the superior teamwork of the Riders, who have by this point nearly four years as a duo under their belts – and their teamwork shows it.


Narato and Pratt do their best, but the Riders eventually get them fully under control. It's Narato who eats the Emergency Stop, and it's Narato whose shoulders are counted to the mat.

Easy Riders defeated Kazuma & the Kid

Rating: B




Shut Me Up begins to play, and Matthew Keith emerges to its accompaniment. He heads down to the ring, glowering, and snatches the microphone from the ring announcer before standing in the centre, facing back toward the entrance.


“Rockwell,” he calls. “Speed. You're both needed.”



Almost immediately, Marc Speed enters, Surviving the Game playing as he makes his way into the ring.


A few moments later... My Hero hits.


“Isn't that Rick Law's tune?” Fry asks... and the Amigos come out three abreast. Rockwell has a microphone in hand. “Excuse me if I'm expecting the Elite Express to try jumping me,” he begins.


“Well, not now,” Keith fires back, annoyed.


“But that was never the point. I want to talk about tomorrow night.”


By this stage, the Amigos are in the ring, too. Golden and Law take up positions at opposite turnbuckles, while Rockwell joins the other two in the centre.


“That belt you're wearing,” Keith continues. “Seems to me you've got two men looking for it. Well, we're both here... but that's been the case before, triple threat, and the fact of the matter is that when that happens, you don't prove anything. You don't get rid of us.


“So here's what I want to suggest... let's make tomorrow a Gauntlet match. Coin flip for who wrestles you first. Beat us, and you get to move past us, right?”


Rockwell looks at him for a long moment before raising the microphone to his lips. “You realise I can see what you're hoping for,” he says.


“But you know something... you're right. And the question isn't whether or not I can beat you.


“Rick spent the last half a year trying to remind me of something... of who I used to be, and what I used to stand for. And who I used to be... what I used to be... was the measuring stick.


“You didn't try to be the best you could, you tried to live up to the standards I set.


“You had to figure out if you had what it takes. And tomorrow, I am going to show both of you that those days are back. And you two are going to be the lucky ones. The first people with a chance to see if they have what it takes... to be Chris Rockwell.”


Soldiers begins to play, next, and the Enforcers emerge on the ramp, not coming down to the ring.


“You said a mouthful, Chris – but I'm not here for you.


“Matthew, I want to congratulate you. You've done the smart thing. You want a match... and you've figured out how to make sure your opponent wants it, too.


“Frankly, someone else in that ring needs to learn that lesson.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MarcDuBois-1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Remo.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Generation Omega w/ Phil Vibert


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChristianFaith.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TexasHangman.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FloydBowman_jhd2.jpg

Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

A brutal, brutal brawl here, and it looks for quite a while as if Generation Omega will be going no further, with the Outlaws staying out of Remo's way much of the time except when they can use numbers against him – something they do quite successfully.


(Notably, Pete and RDJ restraining an arm each while Christian delivers three Faith Hammers, then soars in a Leap of Faith.)


Minnesota really starts to shine as time goes by, but it's when Faith's tripped by Vibert that things really change. Remo nails him with a spear before hoisting him up in a military press, then tossing him from the ring and into the guardrail.


Texas Pete does his best to rescue the situation, but between Minnesota and Remo, he's in too much trouble to succeed; Minnesota goes to capitalise, then glances to the corner. He tags out to DuBois, looking somewhat annoyed as the 'Can't Miss Prospect' locks in the Model Solution, Remo keeping RDJ at bay while Pete is forced to submit.

Generation Omega defeated the Texas Outlaws

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SeanMcFly.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MerleOCurle_jhd3.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WalterMorgan.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Sean McFly & the British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DavisWayneNewton-1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Wolf Hawkins & GenOme w/ Phil Vibert

Facing down Walter at the beginning, Davis Wayne Newton asks for a handshake, but as the Lion closes in to take it, the younger man boots him in the gut instead.


Newton looks for a suplex, but Walter twists clear, turning it into a neckbreaker and looking to get an early advantage. As Davis returns to his feet, Walter meets him with a snapmare, then a short chinlock before raising him up again.


Glancing over to Laura Huggins as if for approval, he sets up for a piledriver, looking to raise the stakes quickly, but Davis drops to one knee to block, then drives his forehead into Morgan's stomach, doubling him over, before leaping for a sunset flip. One, two – no!


Walter grabs Newton's leg as he kicks out, and immediately turns the 'Triple Threat' over onto his chest, hooking the other leg to apply a Boston crab. Davis crawls, as fast and as desperate as he can, and makes the ropes.


As the hold's broken, Davis pulls himself out of the ring, bringing in Wolf Hawkins, while Morgan tags to Sean McFly. The crowd get very excited, as the champion calls for a test of strength. McFly closes to it, but at the last moment, Hawkins wheels, tagging in Perez.


The announce team are debating whether that's a sign of weakness or the champion baiting his challenger, but that's clearly not what's on Frankie Perez' mind. He and McFly exchange wristlocks.


The gradual counters bring Frankie close to the ropes. Abruptly, he drops down and yanks, looking to dump Sean over the top and down to the outside, but the agile American Tiger rolls with the movement, landing on the apron. He immediately slingshots back over the ropes, hitting Perez with a senton as the Generation Omega man tries to roll to his feet. A pair of armdrags follow up as Frankie tries to regain his feet, and Wolf Hawkins runs in to bulldog McFly, who takes the impact and rolls out of the ring.


That leads to Merle O'Curle coming in at speed. He blocks Hawkins' punch and chops away, leading to the champion, somewhat surprised, rolling out of the ring himself for a breather – which he doesn't get, as Merle O'Curle does something almost unheard of for him – stepping onto the apron, he comes off with a double axe-handle attempt, only for Hawkins to nail him with a dropkick.


Wolf doesn't get long to recover, however, as Sean McFly soars over the top rope with a suicide dive, champion and challenger both crashing to earth for a while.


Walter Morgan, meanwhile, catches Frankie Perez in the ring, taking his legs out from under him with a chop block before wishboning him and then going to work on the knee with a single leg crab. He holds that for a while – long enough to weaken Perez' lethal kicks – then reaches out, tagging a recovered McFly back in.


Sean measures Perez carefully, then nails him with a European uppercut and a snap suplex, before making the tag to the Irishman Merle O'Curle, who grabs the leg Morgan had weakened, driving a series of punches into the thigh just above the knee while Frankie rises back to his other foot. An enzuigiri counter follows.


Almost hopping, Perez starts laying in punches, then bullrushes Merle into his corner.


He tags to his regular partner, and Davis climbs to the top rope, coming off with a double-foot stomp to the back of the Irishman, who rolls out of the ring in his agony – bringing in Sean McFly.


Davis charges the championship contender, but Sean ducks his clothesline and gets a German suplex that's so fast it's hard to believe. A backbreaker follows, and Sean sets up for the Girl's Best Friend – but Newton counters, dropping down and bringing his knees up to force McFly to essentially backbreaker himself.


He stomps away for a few moments and drops an elbow before scooping him up, looking for a powerbomb – TORNADO DDT COUNTER FROM MCFLY! ONE, TWO, THR-


Perez breaks it up with a legdrop.


Sean McFly realises the danger he's in and backs to his corner, tagging Morgan in.


Walter meets Davis' charge with a snapmare, and then snapmares Hawkins, too, as the champion comes in.


Hawkins pops up again immediately, however, and dropkicks Morgan before hip tossing O'Curle into the ring and dropping an elbow. He slams Morgan onto O'Curle then whips him to the turnbuckle, following fast on its heels.


He lifts Walter to the top rope and climbs up after him. As Fry reminds the audience, the solo Spanish Fly has, in the past few months, become an intermittent part of Hawkins' repertoire, and it looks like that's what's coming here – and, indeed, the two soar, with Morgan bouncing from the impact as he crashes to the mat.


Acting quickly, O'Curle dives between Hawkins and his partner. A dazed champion, shaking out the cobwebs from the impact, turns over and looks for the cover – and O'Curle drags him into the Celtic Wreath!


Newton dives across the ring to break the hold with a double axe-handle before the crowd can get too excited, however. He pulls O'Curle up and looks for the Fisherman's Suplex – gets it – McFly breaks the pin by kicking Davis' legs out from under him – DELOREAN DRIVER!


Sean rolls onto his knees before covering – and Remo spears him in the gut. Sam Sparrow moves to call for the bell – and Sean Deeley dives into the ring, grabbing an ankle lock on Remo, looking to pin him down – FULL MOON RISING on Deeley!



Marc DuBois is in a second later, dragging McFly up for the Marc of Excellence. He hits it – and a second later, McFly's House of Stone stablemate Jeremy Stone is in there with the Stone's Throw!


Sparrow has, now, had more than enough of this, and the double-DQ is an inevitable consequence.

Sean McFly & the British Lions drew with Wolf Hawkins & GenOme

Rating: A*






The go-home video for Destructive Energy airs, with the primary focus being on the victories in the Three Kings Tournament of Bombshell's Boys and Generation Omega, with footage even from the semi-final tonight spliced in. It dissolves, finally, into a shot of the trophy itself, flanked by three briefcases, each filled with banknotes – the $300,000 prize money.


Show Rating: A

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Destructive Energy has finally arrived, and we know our fans will be happy to see what we have in store on this latest pay-per-view.


Without further ado, then: Following the School of Tradition's DQ play on Saturday Night, and with no clear lead contender for the All Action Championship, Mayhem Midden has decreed that Harry Allen will receive the title shot against Freddy Huggins this time around. Can Allen shock the world with a big win, or will Huggins continue to reign at the top?


Immediately following that contest, GenOme look to make another defence of their Tag Team Championships against perennial contenders the British Lions, who earned this match by being the team not defeated in last month's triple-threat matchup. O'Curle and Morgan have all the promise in the world, but can they capitalise on that?


Something of a grudge match appears to have grown over the course of the month, as Rhino Umaga has accepted Champagne Lover's challenge - and will consequently be facing off with him tonight. Will the Samoan show his true colours and win through, or will Lover dismiss another talented grappler?


Following that, their allies of late have another match, this one for the International Championship. Edd Stone's championship, along with the belt he's had to wear, will both hang above the ring during the ladder match against Canadian Elemental, who will be hoping to pull out the win in his first one-on-one match against the champion...


The Hard-Hitting Championship enters Gauntlet territory next - two one on one matches coming up. We don't yet know in which order Marc Speed and Matthew Keith will challenge Chris Rockwell, but we do know that in order to banish the threat, Rockwell has agreed to two matches; something that, in TCW, a wrestler cannot be forced to endure in a single night.


The Womens Championship is next to be defended as the PPV ends with five straight championship matches; the third seeing JeriLynn Stone opposed by Stephanie Wade, a woman whose daring and will to win are well documented.


Up next, Wolf Hawkins puts the World Heavyweight Championship on the line against Sean McFly, in what's sure to be one of the matches of the year.


And lastly, Generation Omega collide with Bombshell's Boys in the finals of the Three Kings Tournament. At stake, a trophy, the honour of being the first victors... and $100,000 apiece. The level of talent both teams have had to despatch just to get this far is staggering; there's no question but that victory here will be earned.


Prediction Key:

TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. Harry Allen


TCW World Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga



TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Marc Speed/Matthew Keith

Winner © vs. Matthew Keith/Marc Speed


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Stephanie Wade


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly


TCW Three Kings Trophy

Bombshell's Boys (Art Reed, Greg Keith & Johnny Bloodstone) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Generation Omega (Joey Minnesota, Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson) w/ Phil Vibert

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TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. Harry Allen

I don´t see Allen being the champ without some build-up so Huggins retain


TCW World Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins

I think that it´s time for a change and Lions are a good option as next champs


Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga

Lover is doing more



TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental

I could see a title change happening but I just have to go with Edd.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Marc Speed/Matthew Keith

Winner © vs. Matthew Keith/Marc Speed

I think that we will see a title change here and while my first thought was that Keith doesn´t really need the title I still think that he will win it mainly because Sam Keith is former Hard-Hitting champion as well.


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Stephanie Wade

Too early for JeriLynn to drop the title


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly

I already said earlier that I don´t see McFly taking the title of from Hawkins and nothing has changed sinse then so Wolf retains.


TCW Three Kings Trophy

Bombshell's Boys (Art Reed, Greg Keith & Johnny Bloodstone) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Generation Omega (Joey Minnesota, Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson) w/ Phil Vibert

This one is hard. I would hope that Omega doesn´t win as I don´t really think that they would need it but there´s a huge possibility that Matthew will cost Bombshell's Boys this match espesially considering that match they had in semi-finals... In fact that´s the route I will go so Omega gets the win after all.

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TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. Harry Allen


I like Harry, but Freddy hasn't had the belt long enough to lose it without looking like a bit of a chump.


TCW World Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


I will predict them forever. FOREVER.


Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga


The Lover is way higher up the card.



TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental


Cause he has the excellence of eddsecution.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Marc Speed/Matthew Keith

Winner © vs. Matthew Keith/Marc Speed


They don't have what it takes to be Chris Rockwell.


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Stephanie Wade


I sense a Leading Lights feud, and that really needs a face champ.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly


I don't think Hawkins drops this until Cornell finally steps into the ring.


TCW Three Kings Trophy

Bombshell's Boys (Art Reed, Greg Keith & Johnny Bloodstone) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Generation Omega (Joey Minnesota, Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson) w/ Phil Vibert


Because - mark moment - I want the good guys to win. Gen Omega are very dominant, so from a fan perspective I don't want to see them win this one.

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TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. Harry Allen



TCW World Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins

Can't quite give it over just yet, especially with the main event prediction.


Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga

He's just... better.



TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental

Edd's the more interesting character.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Marc Speed/Matthew Keith

Winner © vs. Matthew Keith/Marc Speed

Matt Keith's on the ascendant, but... I don't know, I think he's over enough even losing feuds. Chris Rockwell, on the other hand, deserves his spot on the top.


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Stephanie Wade

Title change needs a plotline. Currently? No plotline.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly

No, Cornell/Hawkins will happen and it will be for the title.


TCW Three Kings Trophy

Bombshell's Boys (Art Reed, Greg Keith & Johnny Bloodstone) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Generation Omega (Joey Minnesota, Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson) w/ Phil Vibert

A good Face win to send the fans home happy, a slap in the face to Generation Omega. Also, Generation Omega winning would make the tournament a part of their storyline, rather than establishing it in its own right. It gets three guys who've been out of the spotlight lately back into it, especially the amazing disappearing Johnny Bloodstone. There's all sorts of reasons.

But I wish the Three Amigos were in this match.

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TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. Harry Allen


TCW World Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins

Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga



TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Marc Speed

Chris Rockwell © vs. Matthew Keith


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Stephanie Wade


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly


TCW Three Kings Trophy

Bombshell's Boys (Art Reed, Greg Keith & Johnny Bloodstone) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Generation Omega (Joey Minnesota, Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson) w/ Phil Vibert

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TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. Harry Allen


Harry Allen has no place holding a belt.


TCW World Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


Lions have earned this. They might win by DQ, holding it off, but the Lions have earned this.


Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga


Split the difference -- he's better than Rhino, but not better than Stone.



TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental


Can El is nothing special.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Marc Speed/Matthew Keith

Winner © vs. Matthew Keith/Marc Speed


Rockwell proves himself by beating Keith but loses to Speed, setting up a feud between Keith and Speed. Doesn't hurt Rockwell -- he's got an excuse.


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Stephanie Wade


Stephanie who?


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly


I'm 80% sure. I'd be 95% sure if McFly's team had won last time.


TCW Three Kings Trophy

Bombshell's Boys (Art Reed, Greg Keith & Johnny Bloodstone) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Generation Omega (Joey Minnesota, Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson) w/ Phil Vibert


Inaugural winner is forever. Give it to the faces, not to the presumably-volatile heel team. Plus I can't see Wolf and the three-man both winning to close the PPV.

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TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. Harry Allen


TCW World Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga



TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Marc Speed/Matthew Keith

Chris Rockwell vs. Matthew Keith/Marc Speed


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Stephanie Wade


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly


TCW Three Kings Trophy

Bombshell's Boys (Art Reed, Greg Keith & Johnny Bloodstone) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Generation Omega (Joey Minnesota, Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson) w/ Phil Vibert

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A Pay-Per-View? You still have those?! I'd forgotten with all the regular shows that were happening.


TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. Harry Allen


TCW World Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga



TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Marc Speed/Matthew Keith

Winner © vs. Matthew Keith/Marc Speed


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Stephanie Wade


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly


TCW Three Kings Trophy

Bombshell's Boys (Art Reed, Greg Keith & Johnny Bloodstone) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Generation Omega (Joey Minnesota, Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson) w/ Phil Vibert

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Prediction Key:

TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. Harry Allen


Young Guns may have got the win on the last show, but it was only by DQ- which means this is a pretty weak way to find a challenger for Huggins- but I suppose it is someone different from the latest challenger to step up from Team Kobra and none of the school guys Acid or UK Dragon are going to step up, when one of their allies has the belt.


TCW World Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


Could easily go either way but I'm going to tip the Lions to finally grab that Brass-ring. GenOme have had a good run with the belts and this won't make Omega look all that weak, as they are in all honesty the bottom rung members of that faction anyway- strong bottom rung members at that though.


Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga


Whilst this could be a break-through match for Umaga, I'm going to errr on the side of backing the guy who has gradually established him within TCW's midcard.



TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental


I don't think this one will be over after this match, Edd will put out all the stops with his shenagigans to retain the belt.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Marc Speed/Matthew Keith

Winner © vs. Matthew Keith/Marc Speed


In my opinion Speed's not quite ready for a singles belt, and Keith doesn't really need it to further his own angle. I think right now this belt is important for Rockwell to keep him relevant amongst a humongous roster (it's scary the quality that is actually missing from the card- Cornell, Minnesota, Andrews, Jeremy Stone, Hill, Anderson, Ino, Law, RDJ, Faith- the list goes on and on).


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Stephanie Wade


Wade may have got the win over Stone when the belt was not on the line, but I don't see JeriLyn falling to her again when it really matters.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly


This should be a great match and because McFly is so good, you have to think he has at least an inkling of a chance to take the belt here but my feelling (as is with so many others)- this is all leading to Hawkins-Cornell with the World Title belt on the line.


TCW Three Kings Trophy

Bombshell's Boys (Art Reed, Greg Keith & Johnny Bloodstone) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Generation Omega (Joey Minnesota, Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson) w/ Phil Vibert


I agree with Regis reasoning on this one- Bombshell's Boys need this more- to get back into the spotlight.

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