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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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TCW All Action Championship

Freddy Huggins © vs. Harry Allen


TCW World Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga



TCW International Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Marc Speed/Matthew Keith

Winner © vs. Matthew Keith/Marc Speed


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Stephanie Wade


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly


TCW Three Kings Trophy

Bombshell's Boys (Art Reed, Greg Keith & Johnny Bloodstone) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Generation Omega (Joey Minnesota, Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson) w/ Phil Vibert

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TCW Presents Destructive Energy


Sunday Week 4 September 2009


Live on America 1-Select, U-Demand Canada, Jade 237, Rivera Pay Television, V-Corp, UK-1 (5.40)


Held at the Jennifer Cornell Coliseum (South West)


Attendance: 50,000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Mayhem Midden - Horatio Dangerous



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Freddy Huggins vs. Harry Allen

A fast-paced opener which is a study in the evolution of TCW, this. Two years ago, these two duelling over the All-Action Championship would have been lucky to grab the crowd's attention half as much as this; but then, two years ago, these two were... complacent, at or near the top of the division.


Over the past six months, both men have started to step up their game, expanding their movesets substantially for the first time in four or five years, in response to the competition. It's arguable how much they've improved – but their options are wider, they incorporate newer moves into their matches, and they've evolved signature sequences which hadn't been seen before.


It's that variety, as much as the greater exposure all TCW talent now enjoys, that really sees the crowd react and respond to these more than they had.


The older members of the division stake a case, here, to be considered as valuable – and Huggins here manages to counter the Gunslinger's Revenge, turning it into that fisherman's driver which Azaria calls the HugginDriver, to score the pin.

Freddy Huggins defeated Harry Allen

Rating: B


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GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert


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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins

On the other hand... these are four of the men whose presence has helped encourage TCW's lower card to step up their game. And the speed is no slower, though the wrestling is almost entirely about the mat game.


You could continue the contrasts, however... because these are four men who are just getting used to the idea of performing on an international stage. Their storytelling is, however, improving – and the story here, of a team which has come in strong, gotten stronger, and renounced their cheating ways to continue to get stronger, up against a team which has been dangerous from the off and which has taken great pleasure in making life unpleasant for the rest of the division – is a compelling one.


The fans want to see this, and everyone involved does their best. Morgan comes off the top rope with a knee drop onto a leg-lock that O'Curle has Perez in; Newton looks to break it up, but O'Curle dumps him with a sit-out piledriver, and Morgan takes over.


Azaria is there to sell Morgan's UK-wide reputation as one of the deadliest men at weakening a joint, and after a couple of moments on the knee, he shifts to Perez' right elbow; the implication is clear. Morgan and O'Curle are planning to make full use of teamwork, as Walter is setting up for his partner's Celtic Wreath.


Midden adds a note to proceedings, here, saying that Phil Vibert had been excited to note that Frankie Perez' original fine was all but paid off now – and that this match would do it, if he took home the winner's purse.


Generation Omega fight back, and fight back hard, and urgent for that matter – but with the damage done, Perez has become easy to isolate. They cut him off both from Newton and from leaving the ring, and when the Celtic Wreath is locked in, Morgan is quick to come between Newton and his partner, forcing a rapid tapout.

British Lions defeated GenOme

Rating: B+




New and unfamiliar music comes out to play, and clad in jeans and a Giant Tana 'Moobs Over Miami' T-Shirt with the sleeves cut off, Rhino Umaga struts down to the ring.


He collects a microphone, then rolls into the ring and rises to his feet in the same fluid motion.


“Apparently,” he begins, “I'm 'stoopid'.” He lets that hand in the air a second. “Apparently I'm a stoopid Samoan.


“Yeah, that's how it is, is it, Lover?


“My people spend years on tiny islands without pack animals to make us need wheels, without the population to spare for inventors... and we're 'stoopid'. What next, you gonna tell me you wouldn't piledriver me because I wouldn't feel it?


Where the hell have you been? Maybe that was the way people thought... fifty years ago!


“In the seventies, my family started WIW, and for almost twenty years they brought pro wrestling to Hawaii, Puerto Rico, American Samoa...


“In the nineties, my mom and dad moved to Manhattan. Mom was a doctor. Dad was smart enough to invest. Made a packet. Managed his money.


“You look at me and my cousin. You think our genetics make us strong, lotta Samoans run to fat... you think you know all about us.


“I call myself Rhino because I hit like one. I call myself Umaga. It means 'warrior' in the language I grew up with – the other language I grew up with. See, I watched Magnum Johnson... and I watched Magnum P.I. I watched the Texas Outlaws, I watched Walker, Texas Ranger.


“And I went to college... made the varsity team at football... and came out with a degree I'm proud of. Like Dad, I'm investing. I've got a good health plan.


“I can relax, you know? Go to the gym. Keep myself in trim. Study my opponents. Pick my chances.


“This is my first PPV match. It won't be my last.


“By the time I'm done here, Lover, you'll be running scared before you call me or people like me stupid again. You get me?”


He tosses the microphone aside and turns to await his opponent, pulling off his shirt – which gets passed to a female fan.



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Champagne Lover vs. Rhino Umaga

A month and more ago, Rhino Umaga nearly took Champagne Lover past his limits. Then, it was a qualifying match for the Malice in Chains contest; now, it's purely a grudge between the two men, the result of Malice in Chains fallout and Champagne Lover's quick mouth.


The result, though... is painful. Knowing Umaga is still not a major player in TCW, they set out to make sure everyone knows he's dangerous, and his size advantage on the luchador becomes a major factor. When Lover has the advantage, the pace picks up – but only a little; Umaga certainly has speed.


On the other hand, when Umaga has the advantage, it's simply brutal. The biggest moment of the match, certainly, sees Umaga hit a flying powerslam from the ring apron and through the Spanish announce table.


Quite how either man gets back into the ring after that is anyone's guess, but somehow it does happen. Back in the ring, Lover tries his signature moves, but the bigger man has them scouted – and blocks them all.


Ultimately, almost in desperation, Champagne Lover gets shoulders to the ground with a quick roll-up and a handful of the second rope. But that's all that makes the difference.

Champagne Lover defeated Rhino Umaga

Rating: B




A locker room door opens and Laura Huggins emerges from it, coming to a halt as she finds Tommy Cornell and Aaron Andrews standing there. Sean Deeley follows out, looking cautious to Huggins' confused.


“Can we help you?” Laura asks.


“Just waiting,” Cornell smiles.


She smiles knowingly. “Another title gone from Generation Omega?”


“Something like that,” Andrews allows, trying to appear as in control of himself and his surroundings as the man next to him.


Deeley grins. “We were just heading out,” he says. “Seen everyone who has a match booked around, so I know I won't be getting the chance to jump in. We're heading out to celebrate.”


Huggins glances to the camera. “Bar West, down by the beach. If you're local to San Diego, come buy the boys a drink.”



The British Lions emerge from the room themselves. Cornell grins wider.


“Hell of a win, guys,” he says, holding out his hand. “You've been here how long?”


“Year last month,” O'Curle offers, easy and confident in his Irish accent. Morgan accepts the handshake, then bumps fists with Andrews with a grin.


“Lot of people take a lot longer to pick up their first titles,” he smirks. “Nice, though. Anything pisses Vibert off, right now, means you get my backing... and that makes you men to watch.”


“Thanks,” Huggins says softly, amused. “But we thought we'd make ourselves the people to watch.”


Cornell grins. “And that's how you get there.”


“Bar West?” Andrews speaks up. Huggins grins.


“I've got some business of my own... but I'll be down after the show,” the former International champ nods.


“Good on ya, lad,” O'Curle offers, slapping his shoulder. “Seany here wants t' talk tactics wi' yer.”


Andrews looks back to Deeley... who shrugs. “Yeah, kind of. I've got plans.”


“Well, I'll be down there.”



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Edd Stone © vs. Canadian Elemental

And speaking of International Champs...


Edd and CanEl have the highest-flying platform available here, and they're determined to make full use of it. With two belts suspended above the ring, there's a lot of climbing – both of these wrestlers smart enough to make it look, at all times, like their primary focus is on the win, on the goal.


An Elemental Suplex from halfway up the ladder ups the ante early on, and Edd comes back by dropkicking the ladder out from under Elemental before he completes the climb – but the high-flying masked marvel lands on his feet anyway, only to make the mistake of trying to powerbomb Edd onto the steel ladder.


Of course, as we all know, YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB EDD STONE! The resulting impact drives CanEl face-first into the ladder, leading to an image that'll be replayed in clips for a long time to come – the white maple leaf of his mask staining thick, dark red with blood.


In the end, Elemental straddles the ladder and hits a Phoenix Firebird Splash across Edd with it, buying him time to set up the ladder and scale it. In desperation, the champion shoulderblocks the ladder, knocking it away – and CanEl manages to hang on to the belts, legs kicking as he climbs up to grab the hoop they're attached to -


And Edd Stone leaps off the second rope, grabbing Elemental around the legs. He hangs there for a few seconds, getting his balance, then shifts his weight, effectively rolling up Elemental's body to deliver a HUGE Party's Over! With that done, Edd now has the chance to set up the ladder – above Elemental – and reclaim the belts.

Edd Stone defeated Canadian Elemental

Rating: B+




Still trapped under the ladder, CanEl slowly worms his way out as Edd Stone stoops near him, taunting Elemental with the two belts, idly slapping the masked man with the plastic, fake belt as a taunt.


When the masked man gets to one knee, he delivers a punch to the gut, then lays Edd out with the Elemental Suplex onto that toy belt.


Draping the real International Belt over Edd's form, he walks out, head held high.



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Chris Rockwell © vs. Marc Speed

Speed looks strong here, but Rockwell seems to have something of that decade-ago-lost swagger back as, in places, he almost seems to play with the younger man.


It's strong, solid stuff between two excellent submission specialists, both of whom take care in their work, both of whom execute their moves and holds with snap and pizazz. “This isn't a match,” Azaria says. “This is a game. They're enjoying this.”


And they certainly seem to be; it's rare to see two men, both dedicated to a wrestling style which involves exacting pain until the other surrenders, smiling at the same time when wrestling.


The finish comes when, with the Cross Armbreaker almost locked in, Rockwell rolls out and immediately snaps on the Furusawa Armbar.


Speed tests the hold in a number of different ways, but when he realises he can't break it, he taps – drawing unexpected praise from Mayhem Midden. “You don't keep your foot in a goddamn beartrap,” he says. “The hold can't be broken, there's no reason to cling on through it. Marc makes his living through his arms.”

Chris Rockwell defeated Marc Speed

Rating: B




Marc gets to his feet, disappointed, and heads out of the ring – but Chris Rockwell stops him before he steps through the ropes. Speed looks back to him... and Rockwell offers his hand with a smile.


Surprised, Speed shrugs and answers the shake.

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Chris Rockwell © vs. Matthew Keith

Keith is in the ring even before the handshake's done, and the fun disappears from Rockwell's demeanour – but he's still smiling, raising his hands to beckon Keith in.


They slither in together and look for the lockup; Chris immediately drops to one knee, wrenching, and sends Keith crashing to the mat. A quick popup by Rockwell leads to a jumping dropkick to Keith's shoulder, and the match is on in earnest.


A grounded armlock is clamped down heavily, but they're close to the ropes and Keith is able to force the break.


He comes back with a volley of chops; Rockwell cuts that off with a boot and goes for a punch, but Keith is ready, armdragging him down. In answer to Rockwell's early shoulder work, he grabs his wrist and delivers a kick into the champion's shoulder blade from a standing position.


And, as Azaria notes, Marc Speed may have been unsuccessful, but he also did do some work setting up for the Cross Armbreaker.


Keith hauls Rockwell up by that arm and whips him to the corner, following in with a leaping dropkick, but Rockwell sidesteps – and drops an elbow on Keith while he's still in the air, scything him down to the ground. A quick pincover follows – one, two – no!


They fight their way back to their feet, exchanging swift punches, which Rockwell gets the better of. A snap suplex follows and the champ once again locks down a grounded armbar, still determined to force the submission.


Keith braces against the mat with his free hand and one foot, firing knees off into the side of Rockwell's head until the hold's broken. He actually splits Rockwell's temple open in doing it – and a short-arm clothesline puts the champion down again. A quick cover. ONE, TWO, TH- NO!


Chris gets back to one knee, and Keith stands over him, firing punches down into his forehead, his knuckles now slick with blood.


Rockwell somehow makes it back to both feet – and a two-handed shove sends him flying six feet back. Keith regains his footing – running lariat by Rockwell! Cover! ONE, TWO – NO!


Matt grabs a leg as he goes, transitioning to a single leg crab, leaving Rockwell to brace on arm and head, rotate under his arm, and kick free, rolling back to his feet and backdropping Keith as he comes back off the ropes.


A kneedrop prefaces a keylock, and Rockwell torques him off the ground a little to allow for punches to be fired into the shoulder, further weakening it against a Furusawa Armbar. This time, Keith headbutts his way free, leaving that blonde mop stained crimson at the front.


A charge by Keith, this time, is met by a belly-to-belly – and astonishingly, Matthew manages to plant his feet, shift his weight, and transition into a belly-to-belly of his own. Cover! ONE, TW- NO!


Rockwell unleashes a volley of kicks before hitting a single-arm DDT. He drives a knee into Keith's back, yanking back on the wounded arm for emphasis. Keith cries out and pounds on the mat – but only once. He slowly, but surely, fights back to his feet – then spins. A boot to the gut breaks the hold. NeutronPlex! Rockwell's down, but off the pain, so is Matthew Keith.


Keith rolls out of the ring, clutching his arm.


Rockwell isn't stirring, so Sam Sparrow follows Keith out to check on him...



...and the Elite Express sprint down to the ring. They put the boots to Rockwell and look to set up for the Precision Driller – but Golden Law are on their way to the ring, and the Express clear out before they can reap the fruits of their assault.


Law and Golden check on their teammate, helping him back to his feet. Golden leans him against the turnbuckle and, as Matthew Keith stirs on the outside, Golden Law exit the ring.

Climbing back into the ring, Keith drives a knee into Rockwell's gut – and he goes for the Asian Mist!


Luckily for the champion, he caught it coming, turning his head away from the spray. With one side of his head crimson and slick, the other is stained an unhealthy green – but it gives Rockwell a chance.


A double-leg takes Matt down, and he shifts straight back to the Furusawa armbar, cranking it down – and Matthew Keith, green-flecked saliva crusting his jaw, eyes flickering, passes out from the pain.

Chris Rockwell defeated Matthew Keith

Rating: A*




The camera takes us to where Stephanie Wade is warming up, dressed and ready to compete.


She throws a few jabs with each hand, then aims a superkick out of the corner of her eye, as lightning-quick and unpredictable as ever, it's on target, dropping one of the TCW technicians as they walk past – which appears to have been the goal, judging by the smirk on her face.


“Hey, babe. Sorry I'm late.”



Rocky Golden ambles over to her, stepping reflexively over the fallen tech. They kiss, and he glances down to the floored staffer, curious.


“I totally understand, big guy,” she reassures him, eyes alight. “He used the mist?”


“He used the Express.”


She nods, admiring. “Good play. But not good enough... right?”


Rocky nods with a smile.


“Good,” she grins. “Hanging around Chris is good for you, big guy. He's got the drive.”


“He's a good guy.”


“That, too.” She kisses him again. “And speaking of drive...”


He nods. “Good luck, babe. I know you can do this one.”


She grins. “Hey, did it once without even throwing a chair in her face.”


She heads out for her match.


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JeriLynn Stone © vs. Stephanie Wade

Good stuff here that makes a very definite statement, that being that Stephanie Wade is a legitimate contender to the Championship, and a definite potential future champion.


The style and pace of this one is completely different to the pacing of Stone's triumphant win. There, she was looking for an opening. Here... she has to wrestle a near-equal. But the problem is that at any moment, that superkick can happen.


JeriLynn shows caution, as she should. She's well aware that anything could be a feint, a setup – that if she's side-on to Wade, even for a moment, she'll get her head taken off.


The fans who watch are in approval, and month by month, that's more of the people in attendance. But it's still not everyone – possibly never will be, for the womens matches – who watches – and that does affect the reception.


Still, the pop that goes up when Stone finally lands the Girl's Best Friend, topping it off with a From Canada With Love diving headbutt to make sure of it, is a strong one – the division is definitely coming together.

JeriLynn Stone defeated Stephanie Wade

Rating: B


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Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly

Wolf Hawkins measures himself up against the famed American Tiger, and the crowd get very excited. They close together, with Hawkins looking for a collar-and-elbow – but McFly has another idea; he dumps him with a single-leg and isolates the right leg – the Full Moon Rising leg - for some serious punishment, wishboning the limb and dropping a knee on Hawkins' own before rolling away.


Hawkins makes it back to his feet – and McFly dropkicks the knee out from under him again. The champion is not doing well in the early going, with the American Tiger playing keep-away, striking surgically at that knee.


Next time, though, Wolf gets his foot out of the way of the strike. Grabbing a side headlock on McFly, he takes him over and down, then rolls back to his feet, hits the ropes, and nails him with a blistering chop on the run.


The impact sounds like a pistol crack, drawing a moan of sympathy from the crowd in attendance, and Hawkins promptly goes for a suplex – but McFly drops to his feet and kicks Hawkins' leg out from under him! A Boston crab is applied, but Wolf crawls... and makes it to the ropes, shaking his knee out carefully and backdropping a McFly charge over the top rope and to the floor outside.


The champion follows him out, peppering Sean with rights and lefts before snap suplexing him onto the matting. He backs up, still favouring that knee, and comes in at a kind of hopping run – and McFly meets him well, flapjacking him into the air, providing just enough forward motion for Wolf to come crashing down knee-first on the steel steps!


McFly rolls him back into the ring and looks for a cover – and Hawkins turns him over into a cover of his own! One, two – McFly kicks out and Wolf Hawkins sends him straight back down to the mat with three forearms and a lariat! Cover! One, two – no! Bodyslam!


Wolf backs to the corner and boosts himself up to the second rope – the American Tiger springs up, following him up there, but Hawkins punches free! Diving splash! Cover! ONE, TWO, TH – NO!


With the champ on the offensive Sean McFly shifts gears. He looks for a kick – Hawkins catches it – enzuigiri counter – ducked by Hawkins! German suplex! BRIDGED! ONE, TWO – NO! Sean gets his shoulder up!


To the ropes by McFly – charging headscissors! Hawkins starts to pick himself up – SUNSET FLIP! ONE, TWO – NO!


The American Tiger knows an opening when he sees one. Wolf gets his leg kicked out from under him again and McFly looks for the Stone Ankle Stretch – but Hawkins doesn't let him get it logged in, and as McFly tries again he eats an STO from Wolf, who drops to one knee, holding McFly by the throat and repeatedly driving his head into the mat.


Another cover doesn't even get one, but does bring Wolf's injured leg back into proximity. Sean looks to capitalise with the Stone Hold, but Hawkins kicks him off with both feet and meets the rebound with an uppercut followed by an Olympic slam. He shakes the leg out again, apparently feeling confident enough now to nail a dropkick. Next, to the turnbuckle again – McFly joins him on there – the two trade punches – SOLO SPANISH FLY BY HAWKINS! ONE, TWO – NO!


Frustrated, the champ hits the ropes again. He looks for a bulldog – BLUE THUNDER BOMB COUNTER! ONE, TWO, THR – NO! HAWKINS KICKS OUT! McFLY TURNS HIM OVER INTO THE STONE ANKLE STRETCH!


The champion somehow manages to roll through into the Cloverleaf that's been taking its place as a useful secondary part of Joey Minnesota's arsenal lately, but his knee gives out on him, and McFly is able to leverage that to escape. He looks for – YES! DELOREAN DRIVER! ONE, TWO, THRE – NO!


Sean rolls clear to assess the situation. He comes in again, a little more carefully – jawbreaker by Hawkins! He hops up on one knee – DDT! Cover! ONE, TWO, THR- NO!


McFly and Hawkins stare at one another for a long moment. Hawkins delivers a gut punch, then a headbutt. As his opponent staggers backward into the right range, he looks for the Full Moon Rising – but Sean has his arms crossed in the way, blocking it! Hawkins hits the mat, clutching his shin! STONE HOLD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING! THERE'S GOING TO BE A NEW CHAMPION IN TOWN!


Hawkins is too far away to crawl to the ropes... so he sucks up the pain, crawling backward and turning in on himself to crawl back out through the American Tiger's legs, getting the leverage he needs to kick him off. McFly crashes back-first into the turnbuckle; seeing Hawkins trying and failing to get to his feet with any reliability, he ascends the turnbuckle. He calls for the From Canada With Love – soars -


CONNECTS! COVER! ONE, TWO, THRE- NO! How Hawkins got his shoulder up is anyone's guess, but he did. Sean pulls him back to his feet – Delorean Driver – blocked! DELOREAN DRIVER BY HAWKINS! ONE, TWO, THRE – NO!


Hawkins crawls for the ropes to pull himself up. He gets as far as the second rope, standing on one foot, and McFly drags him back off the ropes. Abdominal stretch applied... Sean grabs the wounded knee – and a massive exploder suplex sees the champion impact hard, rolling out of the ring from the impact!


Frankie Perez runs down to ringside, but before he can get there there's commotion as a fan in a hoodie dives on him from over the barrier. The fan peppers him with rights before Davis Wayne Newton runs down; the fan backs off, standing between them and the ring, and lowers his hood -



It's Aaron Andrews, and the crowd couldn't be happier to see him!


Meanwhile, Sean McFly is looking to pick Hawkins up, but the champ grabs him by the waistband and pulls, sending the American Tiger face-first into the steel steps. Vibert helps him beat the count by rolling him back in, while a now-bleeding McFly enters the ring on the other side.


Sean closes, but Wolf drops to one knee – probably not of his own will – and uses that leverage to send McFly into the corner. He carefully mounts, delivering nine punches to the challenger as the crowd count along – then jumps off, backward, and kicks McFly in the face – but it's a mistake, as his leg buckles on impact.


Sean goes for the Stone Ankle Stretch, but Wolf gets a hand to the ropes. They close again; Hawkins elbows his way out of the lock-up – WOLF'S CALL! ONE, TWO, THRE-


Hawkins costs himself victory as his leg gives out mid-bridge. If he could have kept braced for just a fraction of a second longer...


McFly straightens up... and actually takes the time to flash a smile around the ring. It's clear that this is his night, now, his win and his championship. He pulls Hawkins to his feet – bridged German suplex! ONE, TWO, THRE-HAWKINS GETS HIS SHOULDER UP!-E!

Wolf Hawkins defeated Sean McFly

Rating: A*




Sam Sparrow grabs a microphone immediately. “I want to make this clear myself,” he begins. “I am NOT going to be hated for this. Roll the pinfall, please – close-up.”


The big screen shows the pin from four different angles as Hawkins lies, gasping desperately for air, on his back, his injured knee motionless; as McFly, half-risen, watches from one knee. Sean McFly's shoulders were both down through the count of three. With the narrowest of margins, Wolf Hawkins got one shoulder up just before.


McFly doesn't look happy about the result, but he nods acceptance of it. Turning, he places a hand on Hawkins' chest, keeping him in place, and, his head stooped, talks with him for a while. Bit by bit, Generation Omega line up, held at bay only by the horribly outnumbered Aaron Andrews, watching the confrontation.


And McFly ends the conversation peaceably, rising to his feet and exiting the ring. He and Andrews take the same opportunity to leave as Generation Omega enter the ring, helping the champion to his feet.


Three of them are due to wrestle, one to manage; that leaves GenOme to support Hawkins away... but only Davis Wayne Newton does.


It's clear Hawkins couldn't walk away on his own.


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Bombshell's Boys w/ Blonde Bombshell


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Generation Omega w/ Phil Vibert

The Can't-Miss Prospect starts this off for Generation Omega, and Greg Keith starts up against him. The lockup leads to an armlock by Keith, countered to a hammerlock by DuBois, countered when Keith plucks the leg and looks for a crab, countered into a roll-up – counter to a cradle – break and back up.


They close again, locking up, and this time DuBois forgoes the mat wrestling, instead headbutting Keith in the sternum, spinning behind him, and tossing Greg from the ring while he's winded.


He takes a little time to smirk – and Art Reed soars in from the top rope with a bulldog. DuBois, winded, rolls from the ring – and in comes Minnesota.


The two DaVE technical prodigies face off, and Minnesota tries a lariat – ducked by Reed – arc kick – ducked by Minnesota – armdrag – rolled through – hip toss – countered – Reed breaks the pattern with a scoop slam to the loud approval of the crowd.


Joey battles back with a volley of punches, a whip to the ropes, and a roaring elbow, but rather than go to groundwork, he tags in the third member of Generation Omega. Art handsprings away from the big man, tagging in Johnny Bloodstone, who goes at Remo with a charging knee, and a leg sweep immediately after – but then he rolls back to a safe distance as the big man regains his feet.


A pump kick from Remo staggers Bloodstone, and an explosive belly-to-belly follows.


Remo looks for the Destroyer, aiming to finish this one early – and Art Reed tags his feet out from under him with a chop block. As Bloodstone exits the ring, Reed tries to keep Remo occupied with chops – and Remo just hits him with an open-handed slap that sends him staggering.


Looking for vengeance, Marc DuBois tags in, breaking Remo's pace and grabbing an armwrench on the grounded Reed, who handstands out of it, drops DuBois with a punch, and spins away to tag in his Kreed partner.


In comes Greg to apply an arm wringer of his own, kicking DuBois in the chest from a standing position as he does so. He holds it for a few seconds, but as the Generation Omega man recovers from the kick and starts to reverse it, Keith brings Bloodstone in with a tag – and the former champion comes in and nails DuBois with a throat jab.


An abdominal stretch follows, Bloodstone really cranking up on his opponent's back. He brings Art Reed in, who comes in flipping over the top rope with a dropkick to DuBois' exposed side, and then ducks a clothesline by Remo as DuBois once again bails out of the ring.


Unfortunately for Art, he doesn't duck the next clothesline, and the powerbomb that follows doesn't look at all forgiving – but Greg Keith comes in with a back suplex to save his tag partner.


Remo makes it back to his feet instantly, but Bloodstone is already in the ring, hitting the far rope – Keith ducks Remo's punch, hitting the others – and a hi-lo combo takes the big man down. Reed springboards off the second rope in a moonsault, rolling out of the ring, and Greg makes the cover – ONE, TWO – Remo kicks out.


Greg gets whipped into Bloodstone, and the 'supreme specimen' spears Reed off the apron before making a tag to Minnesota.


With all the Bombshell's Boys out of the ring, Remo bails himself, throwing Art back in, and Minnesota, with a grin, works him over with four stomps then takes him up in a stalling suplex, followed by a neckbreaker.


Art squirms clear of the backbreaker attempt, stunning Joey with a forearm shiver, then hits the ropes, coming off with a fast shoulder block to buy the chance for a tag out.


Greg goes punch for punch with Minnesota and tries for a brainbuster, but he's cut off as DuBois nails him from behind, sending Joey staggering backward. His arm flies up and catches Remo in the nose unexpectedly, and the big man drops off the apron – in surprise as much as anything.


DuBois thumbs Greg in the eye, sidesteps, and slaps him. Greg aims a kick at the source of the slap – but he nearly nails Reed instead, save that his tag partner catches the boot – and Greg reflexively hits a dragon whip. Marc comes off the second rope with an elbow on Keith, immediately looking for the cover – ONE, TWO – Bloodstone pulls him loose, then whips him to the ropes hard enough he goes flying over.


Remo comes in; Bloodstone ducks the shot – STONE'S THROW! COVER! ONE, TWO – NO! Remo surges up and lays Bloodstone out with a clothesline, then drags him back up and plants him with a running powerslam. Cover – ONE, TWO, THR-


Greg makes the save with a legdrop. Remo, back to his feet, drops Greg with a punch – and Bloodstone and Reed combine on either side to bulldog Remo. As Remo rises to his knee, Bloodstone drives a forearm into the back of his neck, and Art hits a shining wizard, with Bloodstone covering – one, tw- no!


Stereo arm wringers from Reed and Bloodstone – and DuBois breaks them, coming in from behind, dropkicking Bloodstone off and meeting Reed with a European uppercut, then a discus punch. Second rope knee drop on Reed by DuBois – ONE, TWO, NO!


That not being quite enough, the Prospect climbs to the top rope – and a half-recovered Reed grabs the top rope for leverage, springs up, and nails him in the head with a flash kick. He reels on the top rope – Reed tries for a huracanrana – DUBOIS WAS PLAYING POSSUM! POWERBOMB FROM THE TOP ROPE!


DuBois' out of it himself from the impact, so Minnesota comes in to make the cover – ONE, TWO, THRE- Greg Keith pulls Joey out of the ring and nails him with a discus lariat. DuBois covers Reed – ONE, TWO, THR- REED REVERSES! ONE, TWO – NO!


The Can't Miss Prospect goes for the Model Solution, but Johnny Bloodstone breaks it up, and Reed rolls out of the ring again. Remo slams into Bloodstone with a huge shoulder block. Spinebuster! DESTROYER – Greg Keith makes the save by dropkicking Remo in the face, allowing Bloodstone to drop down and get a neckbreaker.


Keith cuts DuBois off with a spinwheel kick, but Minnesota nails him with the Minnesota Salute. Bloodstone clotheslines both Remo's rescuers over the top rope.



Frankie Perez heads down to the ring, but before he can get there Vibert's in the way, pointing back over his shoulder. He turns -



Aaron Andrews looks like he plans on finishing the job, charging down the ramp at speed. Perez starts toward him and Andrews catches him, hitting a twisting spinebuster on the leap, leaving Frankie crashing to ground on the steel ramp.


Back in the ring, Bombshell's Boys unite as one to take Remo over with a massive suplex. Reed hits a slingshot senton before Keith crashes into him with a flying elbow.


The three cover as one, but Joey Minnesota comes in with a baseball slide to Keith (the man on the lowest tier.) Bloodstone eats a snap suplex and Reed gets an Empire Spiral! ONE, TWO, THRE- NO!


Outside, Perez and Andrews are brawling, until Andrews gets the upper hand. He whips Perez into Vibert, sandwiching them both against the ring – then scoops them both onto his shoulders. DOUBLE GAME BREAKER!


Bloodstone counters an Empire Spiral attempt with an extremely uncharacteristic tornado DDT – and that means Marc DuBois is the only man still standing for Generation Omega.


He looks for the Marc of Excellence on Greg Keith, but Keith counters – NEUTRON PLEX! Reed hauls him up, then looks to the fallen members of Generation Omega. Keith and Bloodstone nod, snapping to it. Remo is locked in the Bloodstone Mutilation, and Minnesota trapped in the Proton Lock.


With rescue blocked, Art Reed nails the Dark Matter on DuBois, then covers for the pin. ONE, TWO, THREE!

Bombshell's Boys defeated Generation Omega

Rating: A*




Andrews rolls into the ring and raises Reed's hand in victory. Gimme Shelter hits, and Sam Keith makes his way to the ring, clapping, tears running down his face with a broad smile as his son comes out victorious.



Andrews and Keith raise the Bombshell onto their shoulders in the centre of the ring as Reed, Keith and Bloodstone mount the turnbuckles, celebrating their win with a raucous crowd, which they escape into as the broadcast ends. The last words are left to Mayhem Midden:


“Matthew Keith is not going to like this.”


Show Rating: A*

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Amazing PPV from top to bottom. I love that you worked hard to make the "minor" matches important and left the "major" matches to themselves because they don't need any help to be awesome. Agreed that the Rhino promo was amazing and character-solidifying. Love that we're headed to a dual-main event of Matt vs Greg and Tommy vs Wolf that will blow the roof off of whatever building it is held in. Shame that that is what is going to end the diary though.
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The mark of a great writer: I actually fist-pumped at reading the results of the tag team match.



And, at least in my eyes, that Rhino promo INSTANTLY made him as a character. Digging that.


I'd slow clap for you if you could hear, PS. Great show. Agree with Ms. Trask that the Rhino promo was great. Also love Sparrow justifying his call in the world title match.


Amazing PPV from top to bottom. I love that you worked hard to make the "minor" matches important and left the "major" matches to themselves because they don't need any help to be awesome. Agreed that the Rhino promo was amazing and character-solidifying. Love that we're headed to a dual-main event of Matt vs Greg and Tommy vs Wolf that will blow the roof off of whatever building it is held in. Shame that that is what is going to end the diary though.


Thanks, guys.


And sorry you're not a fan of the finish, Eidenhoek. More on that to come, possibly.

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It's a wrestling thing that I might have forgotten from my two weeks of competition.


If you're doing a move to someone, you can't be pinned during the course of doing the move.


i.e. a German Suplex. Yes, the hitter...Germaner?'s shoulders are on the mat. Is he being pinned? No.


Yes yes pro wrestling I know stuff happens. POINT IS: I hate Wolf Hawkins.

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Admittedly yes, although the finish had what I believe was the intended effect (Wolf can only win via huge fluke), the logistics of that pin were... kind've odd, though the instant explanation was handy.


It's a rule I've always found weird. But it's come up in a few places... and is, it has to be said, less screwjobby than HHH/HBK just before the end of 2003.


(It used to be a favourite of Dusty Rhodes, among others.)

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Monday 1st October 2009

Spent the day in the office, looking over designs. I don't know why; I really should just be booking the damn shows.


A Three Kings Tournament DVD is being put together at the moment, enough of the matches having been successes. It's going to be interesting watching how well it sells, given the final's available on the PPV too – which should sell pretty well between the final, Chris and Matt, and Wolf's title defence.


The party last night got pretty wild – throwing out Bar West's name was a nice touch from Laura, but it almost got out of hand. On the other hand, the visitors made the manager a lot happier. Wrestlers drink hard, but they party harder, and the costs can close to even out – especially if there's a drink on sale.


It's an old procedure – TWL and APWF used to be the keenest on it, because it helped make the wrestling seem... real. What I'm hoping for is something different.


At the moment, what we offer above the other companies, setting the wrestling itself aside, is that we present wrestlers less as characters and more as people. By ensuring that the evening's celebrations are at least halfway kayfabed, we give our wrestlers practice at making those people real. Which brings us to the point where they can be made into stronger characters, worthy of a stronger push – look at Rhino Umaga, who's setting forth on what should be a good build. Certainly he deserves to be made credible.


Long-term, the plan is to use Rhino to anchor a tag team alongside his cousin Arthur Dexter Bradley, who works a more lucha-libre style; I've always been fond of big man/flyer teams, but we don't have any at present – and they should provide a good dynamic. That's waiting on ADB rounding off his skills a little – he's doing well for himself in FCW – which means, in the meantime, we pair Rhino intermittently with his other cousin, Tana, and intermittently with other flyers so he can establish that aspect.


And the rest of the time, he has a chance to build up his reputation as a solo performer. He and Lover had to pitch to Tommy quite hard for the big apron-to-announce-desk slam spot – but I'm glad Tommy gave it the go-ahead. They had a lot more work to do to get this feud over.


And truth be told, I wasn't entirely comfortable giving Lover the first win, not after the semiracist tack. But Umaga as a danger man, a potential spoiler, someone who gets in the way of other people's plans, who can pull out the stops when it most infuriates you, should hopefully give him a different aura to the other big men on the roster. The program he and Lover are moving into should highlight that.

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Page 56! I'm tearing through the Tommy/Sam feud right now and absolutely loving every minute. You my diary's readers have you to blame for keeping me from writing shows.
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With history and money made on Sunday, TCW now looks forward to the end of October, and the road to title matches begins anew tonight, at Total Wrestling. Let's see how things measure up...


In the opening match of the night, Sean McFly grants a big opportunity, again, to Frankie Dee of the School of Tradition. McFly went to the very limit Sunday and looks to prove himself afresh against another promising youngster.


Fresh off a victory, the British Lions look to continue their winning run, facing off against Floyd Goldworthy's Fly Boys in non-title action.


Gorgon remains, by most assessments, one of the most dangerous women in TCW's highly competitive division. Melody, by contrast, hasn't the record at the moment to bolster her credentials - but she has a reputation preceding her, and has caught the eye of a number of TCW talent scouts. There seems little doubt she'll break out from the pack - but will it be against Edd Stone's tame monster?


Six-man action has been made by Mayhem Midden at the request of Rick Law, with his Three Amigos finally getting their chance to face off against the trio of the Enforcers in a matchup that's been almost happening for some time. Who's going to gome out on top between these two disciplined trios?


An unusual tag team takes on Elimination Protocol next, as Greg Keith tags up with his father Sam for the first time as a duo. With victory in the Three Kings under Greg's belt, can he make his father proud again?


In tonight's semi-main event, the tag team contendership will be decided. Darkwave go two on two with the Texas Outlaws, though tcw.com hasn't been able to determine which combination of the Outlaws this will be, just yet...


And finally, in the main event, ten men will compete in a battle royal to determine Wolf Hawkins' next challenger. Whoever he faces is sure to give him a major challenge... because anyone who can win this match is going to be a danger. To add insult to injury, Tommy Cornell has promised that one competitor will also be in Generation Omega.


Prediction Key:

Frankie Dee vs. Sean McFly


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy (non-title)


Gorgon vs. Melody


Enforcers (Jack Marlowe, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, & Mikey James) vs. Three Amigos (Chris Rockwell, Rick Law & Rocky Golden)


Elimination Protocol vs. Greg & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


#1 Contendership

Darkwave vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman


World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contendership Battle Royal

Art Reed, Edd Stone, Eddie Peak, Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jeremy Stone, Joey Minnesota, Johnny Bloodstone, Matthew Keith & Troy Tornado

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Frankie Dee vs. Sean McFly

-Frankie actually could win here and I wouldn't be shocked. That said, he won't beat the American Tiger.


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy (non-title)

-Jobber boys don't beat the new champs.


Gorgon vs. Melody

-Still building the monster.


Enforcers (Jack Marlowe, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, & Mikey James) vs. Three Amigos (Chris Rockwell, Rick Law & Rocky Golden)

-Either the Enforcers cheat or the Enforcers walk out. I'm betting on the latter.


Elimination Protocol vs. Greg & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

-Greg & Sam > Matt's jobbers


#1 Contendership

Darkwave vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

-Sammy Bach & Zimmy for the Darkwave team, I'm guessing? Either way, while the Outlaws could win, this makes a heel/face matchup


World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contendership Battle Royal

Art Reed, Edd Stone, Eddie Peak, Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jeremy Stone, Joey Minnesota, Johnny Bloodstone, Matthew Keith & Troy Tornado

-Fresh off of the Three Kings Trophy, Bloodstone gets a shot at Hawkins

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Frankie Dee vs. Sean McFly

No question here, McFly is by far the bigger name.


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy (non-title)

I doubt that Fly Boys could beat Lions right now even in non-title match.


Gorgon vs. Melody

Gordon is still monster heel


Enforcers (Jack Marlowe, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, & Mikey James) vs. Three Amigos (Chris Rockwell, Rick Law & Rocky Golden)

I think that Amigos will get a count out win as Marlowe continues to avoid Law until he get what he wants.


Elimination Protocol vs. Greg & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Protocol gets another loss


#1 Contendership

Darkwave vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

Could go either way depending who are in the match from either side but I think that Outlaws would be more interesting challengers.


World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contendership Battle Royal

Art Reed, Edd Stone, Eddie Peak, Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jeremy Stone, Joey Minnesota, Johnny Bloodstone, Matthew Keith & Troy Tornado

Not sure who to pick here as almost anyone could get the win. That said I doubt that Reed, Edd, Peak or Tyler would win this one as they just haven´t got enough build up and Matthew and Bloodstone have enough things to do as Matthew will likely targer The Bombshell Boys. Jeremy got plenty of title shots short time ago so I don´t see him getting another now either. Minnesota would be an interesting option but Omage is still quite new group so I wouldn´t have tension on their group just yet. That leaves Bruce and Tornado and from those two Tornado seems like a better option since Wolf is heel.

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Frankie Dee vs. Sean McFly


Yes the TCW Horatio has cultivated is deep in quality and competitive for top to bottom, but if anyone thinks Frankie Dee has any chance of pulling out an upset win over McFly they are living in a fantasy land.


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy (non-title)


Non Title because The Fly Boys really aren't at the level to be challenging for the belts.


Gorgon vs. Melody


Gorgon begins to re-establish herself as a fearsome monster with a dominant squash.


Enforcers (Jack Marlowe, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, & Mikey James) vs. Three Amigos (Chris Rockwell, Rick Law & Rocky Golden)


Now I think the 'upset' here is more likely than with say Dee going over McFly, considering the relatively strong impact The Enforcers made in the trios tournament, but my feeling is that the Amigo's still pull out the win here, as Zergon suggested though it may not be all that decisive though.


Elimination Protocol vs. Greg & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Elimination Protocol continue to job their way into respectability, no chance of them going over the Keiths at this stage.


#1 Contendership

Darkwave vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman


World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contendership Battle Royal

Art Reed, Edd Stone, Eddie Peak, Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jeremy Stone, Joey Minnesota, Johnny Bloodstone, Matthew Keith & Troy Tornado


Zergon ruled out Art Reed, Edd Stone, Eddie Peak and Eric Tyler from his considerations as they have not had enough build as world title challengers, but in my opinion this is just the sort of match, where someone who wasn't in the picture can suddenly emerge as a contender. I think you can rule out a heel winning here- out of the faces Jeremy Stone has received a fair few shots of late, and both Tornado and Bloodstone have held a version of a belt fairly recently-


For me that leaves Reed and Peak, Reed has had slightly more low key build as a world title challenger- so he's my pick.

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Prediction Key:

Frankie Dee vs. Sean McFly

You're losing! On TV! To Main Event guys! That's what a push looks like!


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy (non-title)

New Champs = victory.


Gorgon vs. Melody

Monster cred.


Enforcers (Jack Marlowe, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, & Mikey James) vs. Three Amigos (Chris Rockwell, Rick Law & Rocky Golden)

I always vote for these guys, but why would this match happen now, when Marlowe has refused to wrestle for so long?


Elimination Protocol vs. Greg & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Losing! It makes pushes happen!


#1 Contendership

Darkwave vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

Darkwave are firmly a midcard stable, while the Texas Outlaws have a gimmick that needs establishing.


World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contendership Battle Royal

Art Reed, Edd Stone, Eddie Peak, Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jeremy Stone, Joey Minnesota, Johnny Bloodstone, Matthew Keith & Troy Tornado

Needs to be a Face. Eddie Peak has had no build. Jezza has faced off against Wolf before. Bloodstone can't just go on a tear out of nowhere without taking the belt, and he's not going to because Wolf/Tommy needs to be the number one feud when it happens. Troy Tornado hasn't had the build for it. Art Reed, on the other hand, can win the match, not win the belt, and still get something good out of it.

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Elimination Protocol vs. Greg & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

-Greg & Sam > Matt's jobbers


Also, I think you're confusing them with the Elite Express. These guys are Kirk Jameson and Warren Technique, they're getting a push by losing all the time.

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Also, I think you're confusing them with the Elite Express. These guys are Kirk Jameson and Warren Technique, they're getting a push by losing all the time.


Well, that's one way to put it.


I tend to think of the 'job-your-way-to-overness' phase of a big league career as being more like 'getting exposure by losing all the time'. ;)

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 1 October 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 15.09)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.12)


Held at Maryland Wood (Mid Atlantic)


Attendance: 22,562




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Sara Silver



The intro video fades away, the customary pyro flaring into life... and Headstrong, the Vitamin String Quartet version, is playing, Sean McFly in the ring. He's dressed to compete, but he also has a microphone in hand – very unusually for him.


He raises it to his lips after a few moments, when the pyro has died down and the show is properly under way.


“I hope you all know,” he begins, “that I'm very familiar with what it takes to win championships. What you need to be able to do to hold them.


“Wolf Hawkins is about as good a wrestler his age as I've ever fought.” He smiles. “He might be as good now as I was then. I'm prepared to admit he might be better.


“But – despite losing Sunday – I don't think I'm worse now than I was then. So much of this sport is tactical. So much of it is about your moves becoming reflex. Seeing the situation so often that you just hit the move before you have time to think – before your opponent has time to counter.


“I want to wear that belt. I want to add that third big name to my list. Right now that name might be the biggest of all, and that makes me want it so much more.


“Wolf Hawkins cannot want to be the champion more than I do... but he wants something else, too.


“Tommy Cornell, I hope you're listening to me. We didn't talk much last time we were in the same company and we haven't talked much more now. Mayhem Midden signed my contract and I don't consider you the boss of me.


“So I want you to hear this as what it is, one wrestler to another.


“If Wolf Hawkins wasn't hanging on to the need to beat you so hard, the need to get you in the ring, he'd have lost his belt by now. Maybe me, maybe someone else.


“That need is going to curdle inside him if it hasn't already. If you want to stop this... you need to step in the ring against him, one on one.


“And soon. When you're done... I'll go looking for my own time with the championship. Right now... it isn't the smart play.


“You need to change that, Tommy.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankieDee.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SeanMcFly.jpg

Frankie Dee vs. Sean McFly

Frankie Dee comes to the ring with a swagger here, and it has to be said – it's pretty deserved. The work he puts into this fight is impressive to say the least, and there are points where he actually gives McFly serious problems – chief among which is the moment where a Sinanju Kick almost connects square with the American Tiger's jaw.


Luckily for Sean, he's able to get a hand up, blocking much of the impact. Still reeling, he manages to get a shoulder up and rallies, with Dee dispirited by the failure of his initial assault – and before too long, he scores with the Delorean Driver, picking up the victory.

Sean McFly defeated Frankie Dee

Rating: B+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MerleOCurle_jhd3.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WalterMorgan.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DonnieJ.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JamesPrudence.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FloydGoldworthy.jpg

Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy

The Fly Boys take the advantage in the early moments, using their speed to good effect, with O'Curle and Morgan forced to rethink their offence early on in order to slow the Boys down.


It's been an interesting couple of months for the Boys – they can't quite pick up a win right now, but they're shining in matches. The 'Coastal Zone Air Cav' T-shirts seem to be enjoying a resurgence on the stands.


Nonetheless, the Lions have their number, with Morgan coming across to save O'Curle from the Spanish Fly they set up, and both men working to isolate Jimmy in their corner, working him over until Merle can force the submission.


With Morgan watching for a rescue from Jimmy, the result is inevitable.

British Lions defeated the Fly Boys

Rating: B+




The big screen comes to life, as a pre-recorded interview segment begins to air.


The interview room used in previous sequences has been updated and changed in line with the new TCW-HD aesthetic, but that doesn't really matter so much. The desk is still there, Horatio's notes resting on it in a neat block of cards; he's still there, too. And opposite him, somehow managing to lounge despite being in an upright art-deco chair made apparently entirely of chrome, is Zimmy.


“With me this time,” Horatio begins, “is none other than Darkwave's human highlight real, a man who's been the band's in-ring workhorse since his arrival. Making his debut in TCW alongside the Stone Brothers and Jack Bruce and up against a team including Tommy Cornell, Aaron Andrews, and Joey Minnesota, he put in a solid showing there and has gone on to prove a dangerous opponent to everyone he's been put in the ring with.


“So much, you all know. You probably also know about his previous big-time wrestling career, alongside his brother Randall as part of one of the best championship-winning tag teams of the past decade.” He smiles slightly as he stresses the un-copyrighted 'Randall'. “What you may not know is that Zimmy's fascination with wrestling goes back further than that.


“Zimmy, you're... well, I can't really count you as a second generation wrestler, technically, as your parents weren't involved, but-”


“You can, actually.” Zimmy nods, a studied aloofness to his actions. “Mom didn't make a big thing of it, really, but in... 89? 90?... she had a quick run on the independent scene. We don't talk about it much.”


“No? Why not?”


“Well... when I say independent, I mean really independent. I think her biggest moment was a title shot in HWA.”


“The... Harlem Wrestling Association? Do I have that right?”


“Harlem Wrestling Alliance. Was on its last legs, and bringing back the 'Hoes Division' was one of the things they tried to save it.


“So we normally don't mention Mom's time in the business. Let's just say she didn't go by... Bumfhole.” He smirks.


“...Right,” Horatio says. “And that, of course, isn't your real surname. But it was your maternal grandfather Tito's surname... and one he wrestled under in the 70s and 80s. You bore that surname proudly while teaming with your brother and won two tag team championships as well as one cruiserweight championship.


“So I guess, if we count your mother, that would make you third generation.”


Zimmy shrugs. “I'm just a wrestler, Dangerous. Honouring Grandpa was Mom's idea, and you know how it is. You're young, you're idealistic. You don't really think you can say no. We got enough jokes about it, though.”


“Not about being called Zimmy?”


He grins. “I figure, if you're going to make up one of your names, you may as well make 'em both up, you know?”


“Zimmy isn't your real name?”


He stares at Horatio for a long moment. “How cruel you think my parents are, exactly?”


Dangerous leaves the question unasked, hanging in the air for a few moments. It becomes clear, however, that it won't get an answer. “Given the chance, then, would you do things differently?”


A shrug. “I don't know. I tend to get where I'm going by following the signs up ahead, you know?”


“Well... actually, I don't think I do. Can you give me an example? Say, about how you came to make the jump to TCW?”


He lets his breath out slowly, blowing it out through inflated cheeks, eyes to one side. “Well... See, it all comes down to Easy E.”


“...Is this something you want to be admitting on national TV, Zimmy?”


He snorts. “Emma, Dangerous. You know her... she's the one who screwed Philly Power Pro on their last show by letting Nemesis in the door.”


“Emma Chase... Sammy Bach's girlfriend.”


Zimmy puts his hand over his mouth in mock surprise. “And here I thought she was with Brandon James...” He grins. “Actually, I think she just might be, when Sammy's tied up wrestling here. But I reckoned I had a good chance myself, I used to hang out with her, and that's why I'm here today.”


“Presumably through Sammy Bach.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Gorgon-1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Melody-1.jpg

Gorgon vs. Melody

Melody has, as Azaria hammers home on commentary, a real background in technical wrestling. And against Gorgon, she zeroes in on the exposed achilles heel of the ankle, the weak spot identified by Jeremy Stone and proved by his daughter.


It's a good theory, a good strategy, and it just has one problem.


She's called Gorgon.


She overpowers Melody hard, and while the plucky young contender keeps coming back, she has to contend with the former champion's power – and her determination not to get cut down the same way again.


In time, Gorgon simply blocks another attempt, hoists Melody up, and sinks her with the Hydra Bomb, pinning casually with one hand to score the win.

Gorgon defeated Melody

Rating: B




Hey Pretty starts to play, and Champagne Lover emerges, microphone in hand. He doesn't head down to the ring, but instead simply raises the microphone to his lips.


“Rhino Umaga is out of the way,” he begins.


“So, I want the man who put me out of contention, now – I want Jeremy Stone.”


And Power begins to play. Lover frowns the frown of a man faced with a minor irritation.



Rhino Umaga appears atop the ramp. He takes a moment to stare at Lover, then takes two quick steps forward. Lover shifts back, almost involuntarily, and the athletic Samoan grins. He strides forward, backing the Mexican into the ring – and then halts just below it, between Lover and the entrance, between Lover and his gear backstage.


Umaga gestures to the ring announcer, who underhands him a microphone.


“We ain't done,” Umaga says simply. “You get me on that?


“You call me stupid, you get my blood pumping, it don't go all that well for you, you get me?


“Now Sunday, you won – I gotta give you that.


“But Sunday...” He grins. “I took you from up there, on the apron, on through and down – down through there.” He points to the Spanish announce table. “Sorry, boys,” he says. “Shouldn't have gotten you involved, I know. But a man needs to make a statement.


“I made mine putting this arrogant pretty boy through your livelihood – and the company replaced it. Guess I should be apologising to Midden, but let's face it, he ain't gonna care.


“You, on the other hand, 'Tonio...” He grins. “You backed off pretty quick, you thought I was coming for you. You want done with me, sure. But we ain't done yet.


“I know you'll want to duck me, the way you're acting. But I don't need you to get that match. If Midden thinks it'll make money, I'll be on PPV again – facing you, again – and I might put you through a table again, but you know what won't happen again?


“You won't be winning.”


The crowd roar approval of his plan, and as they start to subside, Perfection or Vanity begins to rumble through the speakers.



Both men turn to face Marc DuBois as he emerges – but the Generation Omega man stays atop the ramp, well away from the others.


“Well, since you two are going to be busy, that leaves Stone free, doesn't it?” He smirks. “And since with what he did to me, I never actually got eliminated from Malice in Chains... well, I think he and I have to settle our score.


“Face it, Lover. You actually got eliminated. My case matters a hell of a lot more than yours.”


Lover looks at him, then glances down at Rhino Umaga, still standing just outside the ring, and simply frowns, not moving to intercept.




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Enforcers vs. Three Amigos

Brandon Smith and Mikey James come out when Soldiers hits, but no Jack Marlowe. In the ring, Rick Law is visibly furious, with Rockwell and Golden both quietly muttering advice in his ear.


“Looks like we have us a handicap match,” Azaria says. “Not usually something TCW likes to permit, but if all parties are willing, I guess it's going to happen.”


The contest itself is fast and furious. The Bulldozer and the Dragon both stand their ground bravely, hit hard, pick their moments.


But against any two of the Three Amigos, that would have a hard time being anything like enough. Golden makes a huge impact with his overhead twisting powerslam on the big Smith, both men moving at speed. James steps in with a Scything Side Kick, but the Long Arm of the Law is waiting.


Overall, things look good for the Three Amigos, and Law measures Smith for another Long Arm of the Law, calling for it -



And Jack Marlowe pancakes him with a huge chair shot, followed up with another – before the Enforcers bail as one before Rockwell and Golden can do anything about this.


With the assault in full view of Ray Johnson, the disqualification is automatic.

Three Amigos won by DQ

Rating: B



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Elimination Protocol vs. Greg & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Father and son reunite in the ring, and the combination proves a lethal one for the Elimination Protocol, though that takes a lot of doing – but the joy of this, for the announce team and for many of the fans, is in how different a match this is from the previous one; less brawling, but instead, simply matwork.


Jameson falls victim, ultimately, to the Proton Lock applied by Greg Keith as a proud father nods his approval.

Greg & Sam Keith defeated Elimination Protocol

Rating: B




Backstage go the cameras, with Autumn Gleeson smiling out alongside Mayhem Midden.


“Up next,” she begins, “the number one contendership match for the tag team championships, between Darkwave – that's Sammy Bach and Zimmy – and the Texas Outlaws.


“But right now, my guest is Mayhem Midden – and he has an announcement to make.”


“Right,” the Board's Representative nods approvingly. “My job here is to make sure that TCW fans see what they want to see, what they look forward to seeing, to keep the peace, and to find the best of the rest – wrestlers elsewhere who might have the chops to make it in TCW.


“I'm here now to talk about what you want to see. A couple of months ago we started to notice that, in some of the big tag team matches, wrestlers were leaving the ring and considering that a tag.


“Now, strictly speaking that's been against the rules, and it was only because they were doing it when the referee was distracted that it kept happening.


“But we noticed that those matches were getting a big reaction. Over the past month, the referees have been encouraged to let it happen... and I think it was clear by the end of the tournament that the teams were well and truly catching on.


“And I think that helped make the tournament better than it might have been.


“Well, we're calling that the trial month. It worked, so as of right now, TCW is taking a lead from the Mexicans, and we're moving to the lucha libre approach to tag team rules. If someone exits the ring, their partner may legally enter just as if a tag had been made.”


Autumn smiles. “And the first match where that's official is Darkwave against the Texas Outlaws... and here we go!”



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Darkwave vs. Texas Outlaws (RDJ & Faith) w/ Floyd Bowman

A different Outlaws lineup here sets Azaria to reminiscing about the old Outlaws, and indeed the TWL's fabled Outlaws Rule, allowing the trio to function as a single rotating tag team. He draws the comparison to the Keith Brothers' title reign transitioning to a Kreed title reign, and suggests that the Outlaws could use that precedent to bring the Outlaws Rule to TCW.


By the time he's finished that and is ready to devote his full attention to the match, the pace has really picked up. Zimmy and Sammy evidently make a hell of a team.


On the other hand, RDJ and Christian Faith must be a terrifying proposition to try to outwrestle – and worse to outfight.


The coast-to-coast bulldog on Faith will enter the Total Wrestling intro video, following its overhaul. It becomes an iconic moment – but it doesn't end the match.


Nor does the Leaping Lariat on Bach, or even the Blood Rush to Faith's nose – though it might have, if Zimmy hadn't broken off his attack to jaw back at Bowman's foul-mouthed tirade.


Even a volley of Faith Hammers followed by a Leap of Faith eventually gets broken up – and the inevitable result of that is that twenty minutes elapse without a winner being decided.

Darkwave drew with the Texas Outlaws

Rating: A




Art Reed, Edd Stone, Eddie Peak, Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce


Jeremy Stone, Joey Minnesota, Johnny Bloodstone, Matthew Keith, Troy Tornado

With all ten men in the ring, this looks like a lot of talent in one place – and a lot of highly combustible talent, as Keith goes for Reed before the bell even rings, battering him with furious punches.


Bloodstone starts across to save his fellow King, but beore he can get there Bruce and Tornado have collided, with the two Stones circling one another around the fray.


Asked for his pick for first elimination, Azaria notes that, since there wasn't an immediate outing, the smart money has to be on either Jeremy Stone or Eric Tyler – older man, less likely to have the athletic capacity needed to rescue themselves from near-elimination.


Tyler, meanwhile, is going punch for punch with Bloodstone, while his fellow DaVE alumni are brutally tearing into one another. Minnesota finally gets the upper hand, headbutting Peak in the stomach and pulling down the ropes when the big man comes in to get his revenge.


Elimination #1: Eddie Peak


Minnesota rolls clear of the ring's edge immediately, catching his breath after Peak's vicious assault. Edd Stone, having just got a couple of paces' space from his elder brother, promptly sees a target and goes for a standing shooting star splash – only to be caught in mid-air by Jeremy while he's distracted and dumped with the Stone's Throw.


Jeremy picks Edd up, steadies him on his feet – and then clotheslines him over the top rope.


“It only takes a second's lapse in concentration, against the kind of talent in there,” Azaria notes.


Elimination #2: Edd Stone


Jack Bruce promptly nails Jeremy from behind. Stone rebuffs, and the two struggle against the ropes – and Troy Tornado hits Bruce with a dropkick. The charismatic singer tumbles over the top rope, but hangs on, holding his legs up off the ground, and Joey Minnesota slams into Jeremy, knocking him into Bruce -


Elimination #3: Jack Bruce


- and then boosting him over the top rope and down to the floor.


Elimination #4: Jeremy Stone


Joey and Tornado lock up, while on the other side of the ring, Matthew Keith and Art Reed are chopping the hell out of one another. Eric Tyler suplexes Bloodstone in the centre of the ring to buy a breathing space, looking around the ring, picking his spot...


He rushes Art Reed, bundling him over the top rope, but Reed holds on; he grabs the second rope, grabs Tyler between his legs in a bodyscissors, and pulls, sending the School of Tradition man tumbling to the ground.


Elimination #5: Eric Tyler


Keith is waiting for Reed, but that nearly proves his undoing, as Bloodstone blitzes him from behind and he only barely escapes going over himself.


With more of the ring freed up, things slow down a little here, at least as far as eliminations go.


Tornado nearly eliminates himself with a Star Maker on Joey Minnesota that the Generation Omega man ducks, but he manages to correct, bouncing off the top rope to backflip into the ring – where he promptly completes into a backflip kick, nailing Johnny Bloodstone perfectly.


Bloodstone staggers back against the ring ropes, but with Minnesota on the other side of the ring, and Art Reed having just superplexed Keith, nobody is quite in reach to take advantage.


With a breather, Minnesota looks to dump Reed, who counters out of it, spinning him around and doubling him over with a knee to the gut.


Grabbing the top rope with one hand and Minnesota with the other, he leaps forward in a blistering sunset flip that drags Joey out of the ring, grabbing the top rope with not a moment to spare before skinning the cat back in.


Elimination #6: Joey Minnesota


Matthew Keith powerbombs Tornado to the mat when Tornado tries for the Tornado Driver, then looks to whip Bloodstone to the ropes; he's countered, however, and a lariat knocks him from the ring.


Elimination #7: Matthew Keith


Furious, Keith scrambles onto the apron grabs Bloodstone's arm; as the former champion turns to face him, he gets a spray of the Red Mist in his eyes, and Keith nearly collapses off the apron – not releasing his grip; Johnny tumbles over the top rope and down to the floor.


Elimination #8: Johnny Bloodstone


Keith pulls himself back upright on the apron, looking down at Bloodstone, hurling abuse that, to the camera mics, is barely audible.


Infuriated, Reed superkicks him, sending him tumbling off the apron and back to the floor. Keith howls in frustration, the red mist residue bubbling and foaming on his lower lip.


Tornado and Reed go at it in the ring, meanwhile, and the former champion looks to hip toss Reed out; he goes over the top rope, but lands on the apron. Seeing Reed survive, Troy hits the far rope, coming back with a Star Maker; but Art gets an elbow up and, while he has to hang on to the top rope to do it, he stays standing, with Troy reeling.


Matthew rolls into the ring and onto one knee as Reed locks up on the other side of the ropes, looking to suplex Troy over and out; he gets him lifted -


Matthew Keith blasts both of them full in the face with the agonising Red Mist. Reed tumbles backward, dropping Troy; Tornado's throat snaps off the top rope, sending him crashing back into the ring, blinded, while Reed collapses, feet finally hitting the floor.


Elimination #9: Art Reed


The match is over, but the man closest to standing, even as he struggles against the Mist's effects to sit upright, isn't the winner. As the show closes, it closes on an almost-gloating Matthew Keith.

Troy Tornado won a battle royal

Rating: A


Show Rating: A

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