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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Running in Mexico, Leon's push would still have limited match time and thus rating. (And the rest of the show would've had language barrier issues).


But hey, the British Lions started out as jobbers and now have the best match in the game to their credit... things can happen.

Hey, I'm just saying. If I was running one of the Mexican promotions, this match would have been pertty big. ;)

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 4 May 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 16.80)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.03)


Held at the H. Jones Building (Great Lakes)


Attendance: 23,304




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RockyGolden_PS2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TysonBaine.jpg

Rocky Golden vs. Tyson Baine

It's hard to imagine, just a year ago, that this match could have provoked anything like this level of reaction. But it does – partly because Golden has caught fire, partly because Baine remains an excellent heel, and partly because Golden has improved radically in his ring performance in the past few months.


None of which is to say that the fans welcome this match 100% into their hearts, but they stay with it, they respond, they seem happy to have seen it. Golden and Baine go around for quite a while, with Rocky having a chance to play the weaker, faster man, stretching his new style a little further. He's been using, more and more, a spinning powerslam as a counter to a charging enemy – here, he tries it, but Baine doesn't budge. Instead, the bigger man wraps his arms around him for a short bearhug – Golden fights back with forearms – Baine launches him into the air in a belly-to-belly suplex.


And so it goes for a little while, before Rocky finds a way to come back into it. Firing punch after punch, he starts to overwhelm Baine, starts to rain brutal shots down on him, and it becomes clear after a while that Golden has the advantage.


A few moments later Rocky hesitates on a punch; Baine swings a massive clothesline; Golden ducks under it, finding himself blocking Eugene Williams' view of events with his body, and he delivers that brutal Rocky Road. The grin he gives the fans leads to a roar of approval as the monster topples and Golden secures the pin.

Rocky Golden vs. Tyson Baine

Rating: B






Of Wolf And Man hits now, and Wolf Hawkins heads to the ring. Behind him – not very far behind at all – is Phil Vibert, and then GenOme, Remo Richardson, and lastly Marc DuBois. Generation Omega have returned.


Hawkins snags the mic. “You can only put this off so long, sir,” he grins into the hard camera. “I'm better than you, Tommy. I am coming out of your shadow. And I'm going to make sure you never try to keep anyone down again. We're pooling resources. We're paying lawyers. We're going to break your stupid bull about preventing us wrestling, and then, I'm going to destroy you.”


Vibert accepts the microphone. “We have to pool resources,” he says mildly. “Ken Midden, you remember that punishment you made such a big deal about? Frankie Perez, having to fight to earn back six months' money?


“Well, he's not earning now.” His face is grim. “Luckily, Generation Omega have already – despite their young age, despite how little time they've spent in the business – done what most professional wrestlers never do; each and every one of these men has reached the point where they make a profit over the year, year in and year out. And we can afford to support Frankie for a while. We can afford the lawyers you've been dealing with.


“Ken, Tommy, let me do you a favour. Right about now both of you are spending all your time dealing with our lawyers. Right about now, Tommy Cornell is ducking his protege's challenge. Right about now, Tommy is frightened to attend a meeting with the Board of Investors because he knows what you know, Ken – he knows I have some leverage there. And neither of you know who.


“Well, you're busy. And it's preying on your minds, taking up your time, and Ken, you can't do what you're paid for, and Tommy, you can't train, can't keep yourself in peak condition. And meantime, three of my men have guaranteed PPV matches. All of their opponents are wrestling tonight. All of their opponents face tough, gruelling matches. Meantime, GenOme and Remo...” He pauses, looking over his shoulder. Davis smirks; Frankie nods approval. Remo shrugs indifferently. “Well, they've got all the time they need to train. They're going to be fresh. This ruling, Tommy, it does have a few real upsides to it.


“We have all the time we need. Let me do you a favour. Let us wrestle. Let us run the weak off your roster. Accept what's coming. Stop fighting it, and maybe you'll be able to cope when it's time to fight for your careers. Because, soon, you will – and no 'secret weapon' is going to change that, Ken.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChampagneLover.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LobsterWarrior_PS.jpg

Champagne Lover vs. Chris Rockwell

There's something about these two; they just seem to understand, perfectly, one another's style. They seem able to take that and make it come alive.


The contest itself is quick, slick, and sees Rockwell determined to ground and outwrestle his opponent, forcing Lover out of his comfort zone. In the early going, this strategy works very well, though the young Mexican is resilient enough to kick out despite that. Rockwell starts to ramp up his assault, necessarily giving Lover a breather as he does so, and the luchador evades a rush.


From there on we're into headgames. Lover preys on insecurities, and with his temper so loosely under control, with his status in TCW having gone from World Championship contention to out of all title pictures, Rockwell is a clear target.


Infuriated, Rockwell charges hard, and the Lover vaults over it. Sam Sparrow spills out of the ring to avoid an impact; while he's occupied, Lover gets the Rocky Road on Rockwell, following up with a Lover Stunner to pick up the fall.

Champagne Lover defeated Chris Rockwell

Rating: B





One Girl Revolution hits, and JeriLynn Stone heads down to the ring, microphone in hand. “This is going to be hard,” she begins. “And harder, too, for doing it here, where I can see you as easily as you... and everyone watching... can see. But I want you all to understand why the first thing I did when I got here was attack my dad.


“And it only feels fair to explain myself where you can see me for real. Where I can't hide anything.


“So... what's it like being the daughter of The Canadian Wrestling Machine?


“Everything you might think...and then some.


“When my father talks about the values our family is based on, he's not exaggerating -- not one bit. I sincerely believe that talent is meaningless unless you apply it, and that is what my father has taught me, just as his father taught him. I have watched supremely talented people fail miserably because they believed they were "too good" to need to put the hours upon hours upon hours of work that it takes to accomplish anything worthwhile. I don't care if it's wrestling or other sports or school or business or whatever it is that important to you. If you're not willing to work for it, you're just daydreaming.


“If you visit the House of Stone, you'll see painted on the wall in big red letters, "HARD WORK BEATS TALENT WHEN TALENT DOESN'T WORK HARD". But long before the House of Stone existed, that phrase marked the entrance to Grandpa's basement gym, lovingly referred to as "The Torture Chamber". It's carved on a wooden plaque that Grandma had made for Grandpa back when he was just starting out in the business. Every single one of us takes that to heart. Even with everything that has happened to us in the past few years that belief unites us across generations. Even Edd and me -- we may do things our own way, with our own styles, but we are still Stones.


“I don't like the road my father has taken in TCW. I understand how much the TCW Heavyweight Championship means to him. I understand how much our family legacy means to him. But I don't understand how he can do the things he has in the past few months and not see that it comes at a price -- at a price to the very legacy he seeks to claim. People like Johnny, like Sean, like kids across Canada and the US...like me...they idolized you. They don't get what you're becoming.


“Dad, I love you, and I absolutely believe you can win at Where Angels Fear to Tread, and that you would be one of the great world champions in TCW history. But with how you're getting there, look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself one question...


“What would Mom have thought?”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Guide.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Scout.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt6.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeremyStone.jpg

New Wave vs. Stone Brothers

There's no one in this wrestling ring who couldn't be one of the foremost stars of a company. The wrestling itself, as they produce it, is scorching; the only thing that slows this match at all is the certainty in the fans' hearts, early on, that the New Wave cannot possibly win this, the sense of an entirely foregone conclusion.


A sense that the New Wave proceed to shatter. Guide's punches, kicks, slams and throws are suddenly a little quicker, a little crisper, a little sharper – there's a gusto behind them that you wouldn't even have realised was missing – not until it came back. Scout is a little quicker himself, perhaps, their cohesion is sharper...


It's all little things. All things that... Well, Dangerous sums it up well. It's all too easy to think you're still giving it 100% - but you're down to 99%. And if that succeeds, you slide down to 95%. And something goes wrong, but you can't quite find the solution. You're in a comfort zone and you've relaxed.


“I don't know how they've turned this around,” Dangerous finishes, “but they've found what they were missing.”


The New Wave are back to being the BEST TAG TEAM IN THE WORLD TODAY, as their fans like to proclaim them. The Stone Brothers have to scramble to keep up. Guide isolates Edd in the ring, and the pair begin to do what they've always done; there's a viciousness to it, too, that has been missing for some time.


And then Jeremy Stone gets into an argument with Ray Johnson, holding his attention for a while. Edd stumbles past him, Ray spins, and Stone blindsides him with a right cross, putting the ref down.



Marat Khoklov and American Buffalo hit the ring. The Stones leave them to it while they destroy the New Wave, Jeremy eventually applying the Stone Hold to Guide to persuade a recovering Johnson that he's forced Guide to pass out.

Stone Brothers defeated New Wave

Rating: B+





Back in the interview area, the Rising Stars are standing together, heads tilted together. “...to see you back doing the matching outfits thing,” Andrews can be heard saying. “I know, I know, it sounds stupid but it... you know, it's kind of motivating. Tells me we can rely on each other.”


Minnesota rolls his eyes. “You know how you sound?”


There's an embarrassed cough. “Guys,” the cameraman says. “The match just ended. We, uh, we're live.”


The Stars blink, looking up. Minnesota grins slightly. “Everyone says we've had problems keeping on the same page,” he says. “Everyone says I must be jealous of Aaron having a title.” Aaron chuckles.


“Everyone says the outfits don't match,” he says. “Phil Vibert is scouting around the Rising Stars. And this isn't a situation that's new to either of us.”


Minnesota grins. “My first contract signing was a warzone. I came to New York for the best price I could get. Everyone was chasing the Suplex Kid.”


Andrews picks it up again. “I came straight here to TCW. You ask anyone... not everybody gets that kind of break. And that's not the end of it. Not for either of us.”


Minnesota shoots his partner a sideways glance, but he rolls his eyes and grins. “Hell, if it comes down to it, Phil Vibert already signed me to a major contract once before. And then, you know what, he lost out.”


“Right,” Andrews grins. “He lost out to TCW... and Tommy Cornell, the Syndicate, they lost out to the Rising Stars. Generation Omega has no chance.” He shakes his head. “I figure we're gonna finish up the decade and we'll both have gold. Maybe tag, maybe Joey'll get something for himself...


“But that's not the job right now.”


Minnesota nods. “Too right. Right now we have to concentrate on what we've got tonight. The British Lions – and getting through them should show people we're on the same page.”


“One demonstration coming right up.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickLaw.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SammyBach_alt1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TroyTornado_nacht6.jpg

Rick Law vs. Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

The bell rings, and Bach and Tornado collide instantly. Law smiles a little, taking a few quick strides around the circle, grabs Bach from behind, spins him around and levels him with a clothesline.


Troy rises up, looking him in the eyes, and grins, nodding thanks. Law shrugs, grabbing Tornado by the wrist and whipping him to the ropes. The former champion ducks the big boot on the way back but when he tries a flying headscissors Law gets control of his momentum and dumps him hard down onto the canvas with a powerbomb.


Bach promptly soars off the top rope halfway across the ring to catch Law in a flying bulldog, then goes right after Tornado – who's waiting for him, grabbing him by the shoulders and monkey flipping him into the corner turnbuckles before kipping up and crashing into him with a corner splash. Bach tumbles out, spilling onto the mat, and Tornado vaults up to the top rope, standing there for a long moment before allowing gravity to send him tumbling back into the ring with an elbow drop.


Law breaks up the pinfall by picking Tornado off his opponent and, in one smooth move, continuing the lift into an overhead suplex. For a few seconds, it's Law and Bach, and the rock god dodges the big boot, catching Law with a floatover DDT in response. Tornado breaks the pinfall up; the two rockers look at each other for a long moment, emotions flickering across their faces, and suddenly, simultaneously, they throw Law from the ring.


Troy blocks the immediate follow-up low blow, leaps into the air, and gets a dropsault, landing on his feet and playing, just for a second, to the crowd. He turns around -



BLOOD RUSH! Sam Sparrow is on the outside checking on Law, and Zimmy and Bach take full advantage, beating down Tornado with zest and gusto. The former champ, however, is used to triple-threats, and he musters enough wherewithal to roll clear, blocking Zimmy's next assault and buying time to meet Bach's charge with a Tornado Driver.


Sparrow returns to the ring and gets in Zimmy's face, forcibly and vigourously ejecting him, while Tornado covers. By the time the ref can count, there's been an easy six count – but Bach has time, thanks to all this, to recover and kick out.



Zimmy shows up at the apron again; Sparrow moves over there and the masked wrestler rolls into the ring, charging Troy and getting a beautiful flying thrust kick to take him down.



On the outside, Rick Law gives Zimmy a Long Arm of the Law as Harry Allen slides into the ring, landing a Gunslinger's Revenge on the masked man. He goes for another on Bach, but Sammy is ready, shoving him forward, and Allen crashes into his lead singer. Bach superkicks Tornado to make sure of it, DDTs Harry, and rolls him out of the ring.


With the coast seemingly clear, Bach climbs the top turnbuckle. He takes a moment to taunt the crowd and leaps -


Rick Law smashes him out of the air with a Long Arm Of The Law. The pinfall swiftly follows.

Rick Law defeated Sammy Bach and Troy Tornado

Rating: A





Crashing Around You hits, the arena blacking out. Low red lights come up, just along the aisle; where for a while, these flickered like a shark's fin in the waves, they've recently moved to a chain link/blood spatter motif. Taken together, these can only mean one thing.


Eddie Peak, the Bloody-Handed God, appears. He spreads his arms wide as the crowd responds to the red silhouette, then draws his right hand in a diagonal down his chest. Where his thumbnail passes a thin line of blood emerges.


He heads down to the ring, the spotlight on that structure only coming up – the first non-red light in minutes – as he steps over the top rope into the ring.



And it reveals someone waiting there for him. Remo Richardson is down in a linebacker's crouch. As Eddie registers him he's already moving, almost impossibly fast as he crosses the ring -


The spear hits Peak as he's just past the ropes, taking the big man off his feet. Both of them crash into the ropes -


Top and middle rope snap, whiplashing outward, and Remo and Peak sail three feet horizontally past the ring before they even begin to descend. The Generation Omega man's fall is cushioned by his massive opponent, but Peak lands squarely on the bottom panel of the metal ramp.


It buckles. The steel rises up around Peak, leaving his torso partially wedged in there.


Remo springs unhurt to his feet, positions, and stomps down hard on Peak's head, jamming it into the twisted, ruptured steel, before he stalks off through the crowd – security scrambling to keep him away from them.



Unfamiliar music starts to play. After a few moments, Jack Marlowe follows it down to the ring, striding past Peak and rolling into the ring. He grabs the waiting ref by the shirt, backing Williams into the corner, talking low and fast. Looking a little nervous, Eugene Williams begins a ten count, glancing back to Marlowe the whole time.


Eddie has just about levered himself out of the dents by ten, and a fraction of a second later he collapses back, spent, as EMTs come down. Marlowe vaults out of the ring, grabbing the microphone. “By virtue of a forfeit, your winner, the man who just BEAT Eddie Peak, is me. And soon, I'm going to make a real statement. Prove my worth. I can do for you what I did for Jeremy Stone – I can make you the contender. I can win you the championship. I am the Enforcer, Jack Marlowe, and I'm available for hire.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JackBruce_alt8.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MatthewKeith.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce and Matthew Keith w/ Laura Huggins



Ricky Dale Johnson, Texas Pete & Tommy Cornell

The ropes are still being repaired as the match starts. Frantic, furious brawling ensues pretty much from the beginning. Matthew Keith goes for Texas Pete, RDJ goes for Bruce, Tyler goes for Cornell – it certainly looks like everyone thinks they've got something to prove, and they work hard trying to do it.


An exchange of blows between RDJ and Jack Bruce ends when Keith comes up behind RDJ, getting a Neutron Plex. He starts work on a Proton Lock, but Cornell cuts him off, dragging him from his new ally and going for the Rough Ride – which Keith avoids, though Texas Pete shoulderblocks him down before he can take advantage.


Eric Tyler eats a Lone Star Drop early on, but Laura Huggins is able to get his foot to the ropes, preventing a victory. Cornell then finds himself under siege by Bruce and Keith, but Texas Pete is there fast, suplexing Bruce, and RDJ flies in from the second rope with a Leaping Lariat.


RDJ gets the pinfall, too, taking Keith down with the Southern Justice. Afterward, after a moment's hesitation, Cornell raises his old rival's hand in salute – and high fives Texas Pete when the Hard-Hitting Champion calls for it. The fans seem happy to see the three men in the ring on top of the world.

Ricky Dale Johnson, Texas Pete & Tommy Cornell defeated Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce & Matthew Keith

Rating: B+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MerleOCurle_alt.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WalterMorgan.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews-1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota_alt.jpg

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rising Stars

As was hinted in their interview earlier, the Rising Stars are back into matching gear for this match. It's presumably that which amuses the British Lions – certainly they've both got broad smirks on their faces as the Stars approach the ring. O'Curle opts to start for his team, while Aaron Andrews comes in to face him.


Aaron goes for it right from the off, hammering the Irishman with rights and lefts, and it's a good plan – right up until Merle drops under one of them, hooking the arm as he does so, and twists and throws. Andrews lands flat on his back and O'Curle moves to capitalise, shifting into a grounded abdominal stretch with a free hand – which he uses to rain shots down on Aaron's stretched side.


The younger man manages to force his way clear with a series of knees to O'Curle's head and he scrambles for the corner, lunging, to make the tag. Minnesota comes in hard and fast, and the match becomes a technical showcase for a while.


Indeed, for quite a while; the Lions prove tough, as do the Stars, and it's nineteen minutes before either side finds a chink in the others' armour that's big enough to capitalise on.


Joey Minnesota has been battering O'Curle for some while, and he hoists him atop his shoulders for the Empire Spiral. Merle hooks his arms around Minnesota's head, however, and the attempted Spiral ends with both men on the mat, O'Curle locking in the Celtic Wreath.



Aaron Andrews is blindsided by an Edd-Renaline Shot that sends him crashing from the apron before he can rescue his partner. Edd Stone hops up onto the top turnbuckle, watching Andrews – who glares back at him – until he hears the bell ring as Minnesota taps out.


Aaron starts to scramble to his feet; Edd bounces on the ropes twice, then vaults up, reaching out – and catching hold of the Hangtime Match mesh, which he scales to evade payback.


“I didn't even realise that thing was up there,” Azaria mutters.

British Lions defeated Rising Stars

Rating: A


Show Rating: A

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  • Props first to Wallbanger, who provided the JeriLynn promo almost entirely
  • The Diary of the Year nominations are open. 2010 had some absolutely classic moments from a lot of great writers; let's make sure that a wide selection are represented when they close, folks - whoever you like, it'd be great to see a wide selection.

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Damn right. And one day, it will be. (Honestly, half the reason Leon's not featured so often is he's being worked in the pre-show to try and help him with the language.)

That reminds me... I think I've tried El Leon vs. Champagne lover before, in the SWF, twice. It was in two different games. The first time, I recall it was around D. Not very good. I think they were at E+ popularity. In the second game, wher both around C- popularity in the USA, I got a B+ (!!!).


What's the popularity of El Leon and Champagne Lover right now?

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That reminds me... I think I've tried El Leon vs. Champagne lover before, in the SWF, twice. It was in two different games. The first time, I recall it was around D. Not very good. I think they were at E+ popularity. In the second game, wher both around C- popularity in the USA, I got a B+ (!!!).


What's the popularity of El Leon and Champagne Lover right now?


Leon is roughly E- across the board in the US. Lover is pushing into the As finally.

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 4 May 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.28)


Held at the Lowe Ballroom (North West)


Attendance: 4,346





Jason Azaria – Sara Silver – Autumn Gleeson

  • Giant Tana spends a couple of minutes entertaining the crowd before calling Rhino Umaga to join him, praising his cousin. At this point, GenOme enter the scene, taking shots at these “obvious inferiors” who “have the run of TCW when we're stuck unable to wrestle.” Umaga promptly, and laughingly, challenges them to a match. GenOme, of course, cannot wrestle, but Tana and his cousin get a good reaction from the crowd. Davis promises that once they have the belts and can wrestle, they'll make a point of revenge.
  • Canadian Elemental and Acid take part in an All-Action Contendership match, which Acid wins after Freddy Huggins stops CanEl hitting the Elemental Suplex. (Rating: C+)
  • The Balcony Express put up a brave fight but Jack Bruce and Zimmy roll through them, Zimmy getting the pin off a Blood Rush. (Rating: B)
  • The music video Bruce and his crew produced airs again, This time, it fades out on a logo reading DARKWAVE.
  • JeriLynn Stone and Amber Allen battle and overcome the duo of Lauren Easter and Tamara McFly, with JeriLynn getting the Girl's Best Friend on her aunt. With McFly and Allen not having strong fanbases, crowd reaction is a little weak. (Rating: C-)
  • Jack 'Enforcer' Marlowe makes short work of Ultimate Phoenix, putting him away decisively after catching a cross-body and turning it into a Jackhammer. (Rating: B)
  • Elite Express take on the low team on the totem pole, Natural Talent, and after a good back-and-forth wrap things up with a Precision Driller on Natural #2. (Rating: C+)
  • The Conquering Kings face the two low men on the School of Tradition's roster, overcoming Frankie Dee and UK Dragon after a match with a surprising amount of give and take. The Crippler Bomb on UK Dragon gives Kingman the pin. (Rating: C)
  • The action cuts to backstage footage of a brawl involving the three Easy Riders and the three Machines.
  • Prior to the main event, Rick Law discusses Matthew Keith's run of bad luck and mentions his display of ill-temper in the match with Art. He says he wants to make sure Matthew doesn't resort to that every time, and in testing that, the pair put on a fantastic match which ends only because Badge of Honor goes off the air before either man can win. (Rating: A)


Show Rating: B+

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...I thought Tamara was Sean's sister?



A potential Samoan tag team in the works sounds intruiging, especially now that Tana is apparently up to snuff. I still suspect Umaga will be doing most of the lifting in that particular team though.

You sure, are correct. Eidenhoek got his info mixed up.

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An explosive contest is primed to kick off Saturday Night Showcase this week - Rick Law and Rocky Golden go head to head with the Easy Riders. Can Golden pull out the killer instinct his girlfriend is so keen to see in him, or will the Easy Riders win this one as they won the first meeting between the pairs, long before the Riders won their Tag Team Championships?


Singles competition is lined up for both members of Kreed, heralding the start of a series of matches featuring all of Keith's family. Art Reed does battle with Donnie J, and after that, Greg Keith will go one on one with Edd Stone. Can Kreed roll through everything ahead of colliding with the well-rested Generation Omega?


Sam Keith in action to follow his son, of course, is next. Keith's opponent is the master of the Wigan Wrench, Walter Morgan. Will Sam overcome, or can Walter at last find the counter to the Proton Lock he's been searching for so assiduously?


Matthew Keith has the honor of the last match of the family's series. His opponent, Sean Deeley, means this is guaranteed to be a classic contest, well worth the watching... And then we reach the main event.


Tommy Cornell is set to take on Jeremy Stone one-on-one to headline this Saturday. For Stone, his momentum heading into the pay-per-view is at stake, for Cornell, simply pride - and the chance to hear the crowd cheer for him as, this past couple of weeks, they've started to.


Prediction Key:

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Rick Law & Rocky Golden


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J


Edd Stone vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Walter Morgan w/ Laura Huggins


Matthew Keith vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Rick Law & Rocky Golden


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J


Edd Stone vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Walter Morgan w/ Laura Huggins


Matthew Keith vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Rick Law & Rocky Golden

Could go either way but Law seems to be the biggest name so I go with him

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J

Donnie is jobber


Edd Stone vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

This one looks like a coin flip to me so I pick the guy who I like more


Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Walter Morgan w/ Laura Huggins

Keith is still the bigger name here


Matthew Keith vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Another coin flip, but I see Matthew loosing here in order to built up some frustration that will evetually lead to that heel turn


Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell

Yet another hard one but Cornell is Cornell and it takes quite much for me to predict against him.

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Rick Law & Rocky Golden

I think it might take a while longer for Golden to really get what Steph's pushing for. Maybe at a PPV.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J



Edd Stone vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Because he's Edd Stone, bitch!


Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Walter Morgan w/ Laura Huggins

Sam... Oh, I want to be wrong. I want Walter Morgan to go over here. But... No, I can't quite vote for it yet.


Matthew Keith vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Not sure... maybe, but this one could go either way.


Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell

Draw, preserve both men's momentum.

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Prediction Key:

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Rick Law & Rocky Golden


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J


Edd Stone vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Walter Morgan w/ Laura Huggins


Matthew Keith vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Rick Law & Rocky Golden


The Easy Riders superior team work wins the day, as they get the pin on a 'distracted' Rocky Golden.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J


Art Reed has gone from a midcard nobody to one of your key performers, you aren't going to throw away that revelatory rise and career turn around by having him job to a jobber.

Edd Stone vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Could go the other way but I see Edd's unpredictable ways getting the better of Keith here.


Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Walter Morgan w/ Laura Huggins


If Morgan was going to go over a legend like Sam Keith, there would have been more build.

Matthew Keith vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


As Zergon said another coin flip but a loss would be more interesting for Keith given where both guys are right now.


Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell


Hard to call again, so I'll stump for some kind of draw to keep both of these wrestling legends strong.

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Rick Law & Rocky Golden


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J


Edd Stone vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Walter Morgan w/ Laura Huggins


Matthew Keith vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell


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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Rick Law & Rocky Golden


Team beats solo guys. I hate to pick them, because I really like Law, but Golden is the worst. THE WORST.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J




Edd Stone vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Stone has a bit more of a track record as a singles competitor.


Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Walter Morgan w/ Laura Huggins

Keith is a little more legitimate, and deserves a win.


Matthew Keith vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


The Disgruntled Keith gets a little more disgruntled.


Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell


Stone needs this one more. Probably by shenanigans.

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Rick Law & Rocky Golden


Keeping momentum with Rocky for his storyline.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J




Edd Stone vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Edd keeps momentum, Art got the squash match, and angry brother out and about, so Greg is toast.


Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Walter Morgan w/ Laura Huggins


Walter knocks on the gate, and Sam answers, "not yet kid, come back in a couple of months."


Matthew Keith vs. Sean Deeleyw/ Laura Huggins

Matt needs the win more to advance his storyline.


Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell


Shenanigans will keep Jeremy strong and advance the Tommy/Generation Omega storyline going.

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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Rick Law & Rocky Golden

- this isn't BoH so Law can lose here for a change.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J

- Squashalarious!


Edd Stone vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

- I freely admit my Edd-markedness plus Keith will go for a hot tag and find... no one there! Foolish twin.


Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Walter Morgan w/ Laura Huggins

- See above. Only daddy doesn't make rookie mistakes and Morgan doesn't have someone to trade information with in School. (sure I have Art winning but that only adds to his new heel persona. :p )


Matthew Keith vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

- Because I simply never have liked Deeley. Simple as that. Plus Matthew being the only winner off the KReed Triplets makes me smile.


Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell

- Tommy gets confused when he doesn't cheat, allowing Jeremy to cheat to win. :D

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TCW Presents Saturday Night Showcase


Saturday Week 4 May 2009


Live on CBA (Rating 13.75)


Held at the Gardens of North Dakota (Mid West)


Attendance: 25,581





Duane Fry – Jasmine Saunders – Alanis Springsteen


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GreaseHogg.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LeadBelly.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CarlBatch.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickLaw.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RockyGolden_PS2.jpg

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Rick Law & Rocky Golden

What a brawl. There isn't anyone in here who's less than capable of hurting the opposition, and there isn't anyone in here who isn't capable of taking that impact and fighting through it.


That means that the fans get to see a lot of brutal moments; one particular standout sees Billy Fonda grab a downed Law by the ankles, spinning the “Total Lawman” around while Peter Hopper comes off his feet to legdrop Law as he's whirled into him.


With Law and Golden operating as a duo almost on instinct, they show close to the level of understanding that the Easy Riders possess, but the seasoned duo are able to maintain the upper hand all the same – until, that is, Marc Speed arrives.



The war between the Easy Riders and the Machines has not been featured heavily on TCW programming, but nonetheless the appearance of Speed shows another level. Sliding into the ring while Ray Johnson is occupied, he grabs Peter Hopper's ankle, keeps going, and essentially forces his target out of the ring through the sheer pain inflicted by the submission.



Suddenly, Billy Fonda is on his own. He keeps going, keeps trying, but he's outnumbered – and as he goes to the ropes at one point, he finds Stephanie Wade stood there. Halting, uncertain, he becomes easy prey for the Rocky Road.

Rick Law & Rocky Golden defeated the Easy Riders

Rating: B+





Aaron Andrews pushes the door to his locker room open. “May as well pack up for now, Joey,” he calls. “We're not on the card ton...”


He trails off, staring into the room, and the camera moves over his shoulder to see what he's looking at.


Someone has put a large TV in Aaron's room, and hooked up to it is an Xbox. On the screen, over and over, is a highlight clip video captured from someone's game of TCW: Total Control 2009. In the clip, Aaron Andrews eats a Party's Over from behind... over... and over...


Aaron gives vent to an incoherent yell of frustration and, possibly, bafflement. He storms back out of the room and down the corridors, the camera following him until it becomes clear he's heading out to the ring. He collects a microphone on the way down and he's talking as he comes out the entrance.


“I get it, Edd,” he starts. “You wanted my title. You tried. You lost. You want another go.


“Fine. That's the sport. I knew this was going to happen. But you've been doing this for two months solid now, and you know what? The note thing was funny, but frankly you're well past the comedy stage.


“OK. I'm gonna take you on, in your crazy Hangtime match, and when I put you down, Edd, this ends. Find someone else to wind up, because if this goes any further I'm going to set out to not just beat you, I'm going to hurt you.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DonnieJ.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FloydGoldworthy.jpg

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Donnie J w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Donnie J comes out for the Fly Boys with a definite point to prove, and that point is that the Boys deserve their place in TCW and can fight well enough to keep it. Art lets him go, and for the opening minutes, the action's all Donnie – but Art vaults over a missile dropkick after four, leaving Donnie to crash and burn.


Reed promptly goes to town, working over the back of the Fly Boy's neck and his arms before eventually going into the Dread Lock. Hard enough to counter at the best of times, Donnie is entirely unable to twist loose.

Art Reed defeated Donnie J

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt6.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GregGauge-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Edd Stone vs. Greg Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


As Greg heads toward the ring to start the match he gets hit by something thrown from the crowd. It takes video replays to establish what just happened; Davis Wayne Newton beaned one of his opponents tomorrow with a baseball, then dived away before security could grab him.


Greg looks pretty out of it as the match starts, and Edd is only too happy to take advantage. So much of his arsenal, after all, consists of rapid assaults that target the head. The Keith twin fights back – he's obviously determined to do as Art had done earlier and squeak out a win – but he's hurting, and it shows. In particular, Greg just isn't moving as fast as he should be.


A Party's Over clinches things at the end, Edd flipping out of a Neutron Plex attempt to deliver it.

Edd Stone defeated Greg Keith

Rating: B





Newton hops the guardrail as the match ends, and on the other side, so does Perez. GenOme dive into the ring as Edd, sensing danger, bails; Eugene Williams helps Greg roll to the outside and supports him on this way up the ramp.



Meanwhile, DuBois and Hawkins also converge on the ring through the crowd. Notably, however, Marc DuBois is dressed to compete.


Hawkins grabs a microphone as he rolls into the ring, and claps Newton on the shoulder. “Nice work,” he tells the rookie. “Sent the message.”


The crowd don't much like that, and he smirks at the reaction. “Please,” Hawkins laughs. “I was in the Syndicate, people, you think I give a **** what you think?


“That's not why we're here. We're here because we got to thinking; Remo's sorted, Davis and Frankie are sorted. I'm not gonna get what I want this Sunday, but there's only one thing for that.


“But Marc here... he's left out in the cold.


“And that's not right. Everybody has a chance to win on The Price Is Right. So let's have a warm welcome for the two men who cleared Marc's path into Contestants' Row...


“Remo and Phil, COME ON DOWN!”



The two remaining Generation Omega members make their way down to the ring the traditional way. Remo takes the microphone. “Things to say. First up, Eddie – you healed up enough to fight me tomorrow after what Remo did to you Tuesday, you're one tough mother. But that don't matter to Remo, you still getting taken apart.


“Second up, Walter Morgan. Someone's gonna have to play you this later, but I want 'em to. What I did to you was nothin' personal. You were just in Remo's way, and that **** ain't healthy.”


Vibert accepts the microphone. “Being delivered to Ken Midden's desk backstage, right now, is a FedEx envelope from the Board of Investors, authorising Generation Omega to participate in matches if a scheduled competitor is injured or otherwise unable to compete. Ken, I warned you. My man on the inside had to push hard to do this, and you're probably going to shut it down soon – but you can't shut it down soon enough for Sam Keith. For at least the next ten minutes, that contract is legal.”


Back to Hawkins. “That's it from most of Generation Omega tonight. This is Wolf Hawkins, reminding you you're about to watch Sam Keith get spayed and neutered.”


Apart from DuBois, the group bail from the ring, leaving via the crowd but for Vibert.




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Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Sam Keith and the Bombshell both look less than happy about this 'substitution' – which is nothing compared to how Sam Sparrow looks.


TCW's senior referee is furious that this is going on, and that he can't seem to throw it out – and as such, DuBois finds himself under intense scrutiny. Sparrow enforces EVERY rule with ZERO tolerance. The Generation Omega man has to drop that line of strategy and wrestle entirely within the rules.


And he goes for it, gives it everything he has to try and perform on Sam Keith's level, blocking the Neutron Plex, smashing the veteran to the floor with a crisp forearm, and all the rest.


And in the end, he hooks in the Model Solution, keeping Keith away from the ropes – and keeps it applied despite two attempts to twist clear. Sam Keith has to tap out.

Marc DuBois defeated Sam Keith

Rating: B+




GenOme is back in the ring a second time, and Wolf Hawkins slides in with them. Their target is clear, and Sam Keith takes a vicious assault.



It doesn't take long before help arrives; Eddie Peak, Johnny Bloodstone, and both twins slam into the four Generation Omega men like a freight train. The faction bails quickly, DuBois throwing a fan in Eddie Peak's way as they move to escape.




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Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins vs. Matthew Keith

Two young talents knuckle down here to a rapid game of back-and-forth wrestling which keeps the crowd more than a little entertained. Deeley has a slight advantage on Matt while the game is purely a mat game – after a while, Matt's look of mild irritation ramps up a little and an open-palm slap echoes through the arena.


Deeley breaks the hold he'd been employing, looking almost as shocked as Laura – and Matt comes up at a charge with a rising, scything lariat.


The legend's son has a lot more to his game when it comes to striking than Deeley's amateur, by-the-rules background has taught him, and once he really starts to use that, he's able to roll the Canadian up for the pin.

Matthew Keith defeated Sean Deeley

Rating: B



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeremyStone.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt1jt.jpg

Jeremy Stone vs. Tommy Cornell

Cornell cleans house early, forcing Stone to the floor to take five. He baits Tommy to come out after him, leading to an exchange of chops. Stone wins that and slams Cornell on the floor.


Back in, Stone takes Cornell back down with a Northern Lights bomb and takes time to play to the crowd for a moment. He goes for a grounded abdominal stretch but Tommy turns that into a fast cradle, though Jeremy kicks out at two.


Another explosive burst of brawling ends when Tommy charges Stone and gets backdropped to the floor. On the outside, Cornell rallies, slamming Stone's face into the post before teasing a suplex into the crowd – much to their support.



However, this prevents Tommy from seeing what's coming, and there's a solid, impactful crack that breaks his hold. Stone drives Cornell into the apron, working over his back, as the camera catches a smirking Wolf Hawkins holding his Ticket To The Top briefcase.


Tommy gets rolled back into the ring and starts trying to pick himself up. Jeremy stalks him, getting the Stone's Throw to further assault the back – where, we see through replays, the briefcase had also hit. That allows Stone to lock in the Stone Hold, clear in the middle of the ring. Hawkins watches with a smile of grim satisfaction as his mentor has to tap.

Jeremy Stone defeated Tommy Cornell

Rating: B+






The music starts to play, and as the show goes off the air a video package runs. The big focal points for this video are the Stones and their respective title challenges, Rocky Golden's proposition from Stephanie Wade, and the couple of assaults on Eddie Peak with which Remo has left an impact.


Show Rating: B+

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That's a fairly low grade. I'm surprised. Then again, B+ isn't bad at all, but you've been hitting As pretty solidly, at least as I can remember.




Also, very shocked at Marc's victory. And not too excited with Remo's speech (but I never liked him, so w/e >_>)


Last time you asked about refs PS answered you.

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