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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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The B+ is a little disappointing for Jezza Stone-Cornell, considering the match grades Jezza has pulled out with lesser talent. Did one or both of them have an off night?


Not that I noticed, but I didn't bother checking the dirtsheet. The occasional B+ show is something I'm happy to catch once in a while; it does no measurable hurt to my US overness, just slows the increase of the Canadian a tad.


(I sound blase about match ratings, don't I? It's probably the roster.)


Horatio's diary updates later today, then we'll have the PPV card...

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Thursday May 25th, 2009

Big news for some folks, and an event that TCW felt compelled to throw out some big names for.


Across town from TCW HQ, Robert Oxford has opened a school for wrestlers. As one of Joel's closest friends in the business he merits a publicity push from us; present are Joel, Art, Greg, Johnny, Tommy and myself. The press seem almost intimidated; Tommy and Johnny in particular have made the news weekly at minimum in Anaheim since around February – between TCW-specific news and the fact they both count as among the top celebrities around here.


There's a fair number of the wrestling press, too, as that's really who this junket is for – Robert needs to get the word out that this is a good place to train.


Frankly – and I say this despite owning a rival institution across the country – you can do a lot worse than learn from Bob Oxford, and that's before you take into account that TCW wrestlers are likely to stop by fairly frequently for tune-ups, to hang out, and to pass on information.


The main thing, for me, is that as he moves on, Bob has calmed down about the disagreement he and I had the caused the break-up of the Tag Team Specialists.



Friday May 26th 2009

A warm London summer evening. One hundred thousand screaming fans. The City of London Stadium filled to capcity. Beyond capacity. Every one of them screaming their damned fool lungs out for the hometown hero, Tommy Cornell. A true beloved hero to the fans, the cheers don't end or quiet as he makes his long walk all the way down to the ring, where his opponent waits...


This though - this dream - is that of Tommy Cornell. You won't find the man talking about it to the dirtsheets, or with most other talent. He's too private for that. But it's his dream. He told me of it on a long road trip we took about a year ago, driving through the northeast to avoid a winter storm.


We all come into this business with dreams. They ain't always what you expect, either. It's often just as simple as "I dream of bein' a world champion".


Jack Bruce grew up dreaming of working in front of the rabid New York City fans at the most famous arena in the world. There ain't no other fans quite like them. He got that opportunity plenty when he was with the Eisens and Supreme. Jack told me once that the hardest part of coming back to Total was knowing he wouldn't get to work there anymore - they won't run any shows but SWF and probably never will.


Troy Tornado has talked about his dream a few times.... He wants to work a tag match with Sean McFly. He did an interview with one of the industry glossy mags awhile back, talking about how he nearly signed with the Stones' promotion up there in Nova Scotia just so it could happen. Just to work a damned tag match.


El Leon wants to be the first man to hold the main titles in all three of the big lucha promotions in Mexico. He talks about that all the time. Pipe dream, if you ask me.


Eric Eisen used to tell me right regular how much he wanted to hold the SWF World Heavyweight championship. All the time. I had the book then and he was all but begging me to book him to it. It don't just happen that way and he knew better. Eric's a good kid and a hard worker, but he needs to be realistic. No matter how much he wants and no matter who his daddy is, that one ain't meant to be.


Dreams are the kinda thing that folks will carry around with them through their whole careers. Achieving one can make a career seem fulfilling and failing to can make it seem less so. Just the way it works.


My boys... Maybe its a thing about them being twins, but they share a dream. Always have. Since they were knee-high. They both wanna be world champions - that ain't so strange. But they wanna be world champions at the same time. One in Supreme and one here in Total. That could happen, truth be told. But their dream don't end there. No, they want to take those world championships from rival companies and have some kinda never-gonna-happen supershow where they head-line, champion versus champion.


Kids can be dense sometimes.


Tommy's dream, that's one that could happen. Not yet. He might be able to walk into an arena in London and be the beloved hero, but Total ain't gonna fill no stadium that size. Not yet.


Someday, Tommy. Someday.


Saturday May 27th, 2009

Sometimes just a couple wisps of conversation sum up a company. Speaking to Wolf in the big coach TCW laid on to get us to the plane and the PPV overnight:


“Have Sam Keith 'spayed and neutered'?”


“Eddie bet me five hundred bucks I couldn't cut a promo like Bob Barker.”

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And lol @ Eisen never having the world title, given that he does in the default database XD


I don't write the Sam Keith stuff, but given that this game is run off the TEW08 defaults and the current SWF champ is Skull deBones, it may have simply been an amusing little aside to the parallel that is TEW10.


Also, we're only in May 2009 anyway.

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As dual side notes, incidentally, the Diary of the Year nomination thread currently has a grand total of one item seconded. As it's one of mine (Generation Omega for best stable) I'm grateful - but come on, gang, whatever your choices there need to be more things seconded! Get on down there and talk up your favourites!


Secondly, once again thanks for the Sam Keith pieces to their anonymous writer...

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I'm sure it was. Hence why I smiled.


Hey, random question: how many guys do you have with over...90 momentum? Or "A" momentum, I guess...and have you hired any Australians? I think there's...1, the female interviewer?


Three Aussies under contract, one on the main roster.


And... *counts* 26 of the roster have A momentum. Another 4 or 5 are just below.


This includes one guy who's been on the main roster for two months but has yet to appear on a televised segment.

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Looking at the line-up for this show, quite frankly, seems amazing. The world of professional wrestling always changes, but Where Angels Fear To Tread seems set to highlight just how much talent has arrived in TCW in the past twelve months.


Eddie Peak takes on Remo Richardson in one of two scheduled appearances for Generation Omega. Earlier in the week, Remo hit Peak so hard that the attack buckled steel, but the trainers at TCW insist that the 'Bloody-Handed God' is fit to compete nonetheless. How fully recovered from such an impact can you be so quickly? Can Peak overcome Remo?


With few of the All Action division really stepping forward to make a claim to a title shot, Mayhem Midden has authorised Acid to challenge Shingen Miyazaki... but he's also authorised Harry Allen, Marc Speed, Merle O'Curle and the man known as Zimmy, in an elimination-style invitational. Can Miyazaki win through, or will one of these other shining lights get their name on the silver?


The New Wave have had a nightmarish couple of months, and the worst of it, quite simply, has come at the hands of a new duo. American Buffalo and Marat Khoklov - who we've been informed are styling themselves M.A.D. - are looking to make waves in the tag division by destroying some of its most decorated members. Can the Wave outthink these two powerhouses? Or is the gulf in strength simply too great?


Another title is defended next; Kate Dangerous has invoked champion's privilege to attempt to regain her title from Gorgon. With the new champion so dominant in her initial victory, the situation doesn't look good for the challenger, but we applaud her spirit. Can she slay the monster?


After the most unusual challenge TCW has seen in some time, Edd Stone has exactly what he wants. The International Championship is on the line in a Hangtime Match, the match that is Edd's brainchild. Aaron Andrews, though, vows this will be the end of it. Can Edd Stone add another title to the list and set a good omen for his family, or will Andrews win through again?


No Holds Barred is the rule that counts in the next contest, however; Texas Pete welcomes the challenge of Matthew Keith, former Tag Team Champion, as he sets his sights on the Hard-Hitting Championship. Will Matthew prove to his family that he is a champion, or will the cowboy from hell prevail?


An intergender tag some time in the making is scheduled next. On one side, Champagne Lover and Stephanie Wade. On the other, Rocky Golden and (confirmed this morning) the PPV debut of JeriLynn Stone. At stake, Golden and Wade's fledgeling relationship; she's sworn that Rocky has to be able to beat her to be with her.


The dual main event sees two titles go on the line. First, the Kreed face off with GenOme in Generation Omega's second approved match. The Kreed have put the Tag Team Championships on the map in a way no one else can equal; GenOme are hailed as the future of wrestling. This one promises to be epic.


And then the World Heavyweight Championship goes on the line. Johnny Bloodstone, the defending champion; Jeremy Stone, his mentor, the challenger. Who has whose number?


Those are the scheduled matches. But what of Sam Keith? Where is Tommy Cornell? Will Wolf Hawkins make an appearance? Only time can tell...


Prediction Key:

Eddie Peak vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert



TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Harry Allen vs. Marc Speed vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy


M.A.D. [American Buffalo & Marat Khoklov] (w/ Floyd Goldworthy?) vs. New Wave


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. Kate Dangerous



TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Matthew Keith


Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. JeriLynn Stone & Rocky Golden


TCW Tag Team Championship

Kreed © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. GenOme w/ Phil Vibert


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

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Eddie Peak vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert



TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Harry Allen vs. Marc Speed vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy


M.A.D. [American Buffalo & Marat Khoklov] (w/ Floyd Goldworthy?) vs. New Wave


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. Kate Dangerous



TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Matthew Keith


Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. JeriLynn Stone & Rocky Golden


TCW Tag Team Championship

Kreed © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. GenOme w/ Phil Vibert


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

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Eddie Peak vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

Fit? Injured? Whatever, man, it don't matter to Remo.



TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Harry Allen vs. Marc Speed vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy

The champ retains my support, but I'd love to see Speed or Zimmy take this one.


M.A.D. [American Buffalo & Marat Khoklov] (w/ Floyd Goldworthy?) vs. New Wave

Because they're a Monster Heel Team, and they can't lose.


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. Kate Dangerous

Monster Heel.



TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone

It's his match and Edd as champ would be hilarious.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Matthew Keith

Pete deserves a bit longer.


Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. JeriLynn Stone & Rocky Golden

I don't know, just a feeling.


TCW Tag Team Championship

Kreed © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. GenOme w/ Phil Vibert

They're just too awesome.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


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Prediction Key:

Eddie Peak vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Harry Allen vs. Marc Speed vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy


M.A.D. [American Buffalo & Marat Khoklov] (w/ Floyd Goldworthy?) vs. New Wave


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. Kate Dangerous



TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone - ITS TIME! ITS TIME! ITS...PARTY TIME!



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Matthew Keith


Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. JeriLynn Stone & Rocky Golden

TCW Tag Team Championship

Kreed © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. GenOme w/ Phil Vibert


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

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Eddie Peak vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


Remo SMASH. Also Horatio's diary implied Eddie was going to be taking a horrible-looking bump, so...



TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Harry Allen vs. Marc Speed vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy


I wouldn't be incredibly surprised if a couple of the other names took this, but I don't feel Shigen is going to be so transitional, and a hefty chunk of these guys definitely have interested enemies looking on.


M.A.D. [American Buffalo & Marat Khoklov] (w/ Floyd Goldworthy?) vs. New Wave


It's been building all this time, they've regained their mojo, but they have a pair of insurmountable obstacles in front of them... My storyteller is telling me that it's time they got back to being their best.


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. Kate Dangerous


Gorgon is set to be dominant for a while.



TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


Much as I love Edd and this feud, I just can't see Ace losing.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Matthew Keith


Just a feeling.


Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. JeriLynn Stone & Rocky Golden


This diary made me love Golden. I want his happy ending. Haha.


TCW Tag Team Championship

Kreed © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. GenOme w/ Phil Vibert


GenOme aren't proven as a tag team yet, not to me. Kreed are the known AWESOME and deserve their run to continue.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


...Cuz I want it, dammit.

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Eddie Peak vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

This one looks like a coin flip to me but I give it to Remo as he is the one who will likely use somekind of cheating to get the win



TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Harry Allen vs. Marc Speed vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy

There are some guys who could well be next champion in this one but I think it´s too early for a change.


M.A.D. [American Buffalo & Marat Khoklov] (w/ Floyd Goldworthy?) vs. New Wave

Big guys could really use the win here espesially Buffalo but I don´t see it happening.


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. Kate Dangerous

Too early and Kate isn´t getting her title back, not now anyway



TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone

I could see title change happening here but Edd is over enough even without the title



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Matthew Keith

Since Matthew seems to be turning heel I think he must lose this one as win would give him another title and that would take away the big reason why he would turn at the first place.


Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. JeriLynn Stone & Rocky Golden

I´m not really sure what JeriLynn can do so I go with pair that I know little better.


TCW Tag Team Championship

Kreed © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. GenOme w/ Phil Vibert

Kreed will continue to hold the titles for some time still


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

I feel it´s time for change here.

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Prediction Key:

Eddie Peak vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


Remo's got the hot hand and GenO starts strong here.



TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Harry Allen vs. Marc Speed vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy


Elimination matches are designed for title changes. Also, two Schoolmates tips the balance towards them. Merle watches Acid's back until the numbers get manageable.


M.A.D. [American Buffalo & Marat Khoklov] (w/ Floyd Goldworthy?) vs. New Wave


Is this the payoff for all of New Wave's anguish, setting them up for a new run, or is this the blowup that starts them down the long road to irrelevance? I think Guide and Scout still have it.


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. Kate Dangerous


Not seeing a reason to change here, would hurt Gorgon more to lose the title here than it would help Kate to win it back.



TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly. I love Aaron, but if Edd doesn't win this after the way this has been built, I'll be shocked.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Matthew Keith


This one's somewhat of a tossup, so when in doubt, look for the champ to retain.

Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. JeriLynn Stone & Rocky Golden


Can't go against my girl. By the way, I love how PS builds up new talent.


TCW Tag Team Championship

Kreed © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. GenOme w/ Phil Vibert


I'm thinking, especially if Matt loses, that the natural next step in the storyline is for Matt to screw his brother out of his belt. Also builds up GenOme, so two birds, one stone, you know the rest.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


It's time. Johnny's had a great run, but it's time. Besides, having Jeremy and Edd with gold at the same time in a company that isn't NOTBPW is all kinds of awesome.

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Not that it should necessarily affect people's predictions, but those of you speculating on the sick bump the diary implied may want to reflect on the show I mentioned it happening on, specifically:


And it reveals someone waiting there for him. Remo Richardson is down in a linebacker's crouch. As Eddie registers him he's already moving, almost impossibly fast as he crosses the ring -


The spear hits Peak as he's just past the ropes, taking the big man off his feet. Both of them crash into the ropes -


Top and middle rope snap, whiplashing outward, and Remo and Peak sail three feet horizontally past the ring before they even begin to descend. The Generation Omega man's fall is cushioned by his massive opponent, but Peak lands squarely on the bottom panel of the metal ramp.


It buckles. The steel rises up around Peak, leaving his torso partially wedged in there.


Remo springs unhurt to his feet, positions, and stomps down hard on Peak's head, jamming it into the twisted, ruptured steel, before he stalks off through the crowd – security scrambling to keep him away from them.


I'd call being speared through snapping ropes and on several feet to buckle metal a pretty crazy and dangerous stunt, myself.

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Eddie Peak vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert



TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Harry Allen vs. Marc Speed vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy


M.A.D. [American Buffalo & Marat Khoklov] (w/ Floyd Goldworthy?) vs. New Wave


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. Kate Dangerous



TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Matthew Keith


Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. JeriLynn Stone & Rocky Golden


TCW Tag Team Championship

Kreed © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. GenOme w/ Phil Vibert


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone (c) w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

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Eddie Peak vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

- I really wish this was going the other way but Monsters are only Monsters when they appear unstoppable. Downing Peak on PPV will do a lot to establish Remo's pedigree. And yes, that was a sick bump PS - when I read about the spot and the twitching I figured you meant Edd (Stone) not Edd(ie Peak.)



TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Harry Allen vs. Marc Speed vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy

- I've never bought Miyazaki as the champ, I think this transitions to Acid and his new chameleon character who could do some really fun things as the champ. O'Curle is solidly in the tag ranks, Harry is mixed up with Bruce, Speed Machine will be off visiting the Riders and Zimmy is too new.


M.A.D. [American Buffalo & Marat Khoklov] (w/ Floyd Goldworthy?) vs. New Wave

- I'm sure I'm wrong but can't in good conscience vote for a Jobworthy managed team. Marat American Destroyers?


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. Kate Dangerous

- Hydrabomb... possibly the most feared finisher in all of TCW. I want her to drop Baine with it. :D



TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone

- Just because I mark so hard for Edd and he deserves a run after his inspired sneak attacks on Andrews. Also there's a very good chance Dubba A is moving up the card to play with some Omegamen.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Matthew Keith

- Bitter Keith makes for more interesting viewing and Pete needs to establish himself as not the Pete of old. He's nearly there, but out Hard-Hitting a Keith would go a long way to really leave that mark.

I had Pete winning this but then Wallbanger and I were identical in our picks. So just to shake things up even more, KReed drop the tag belts and Matthew picks up a singles because that would give Sam Keith some major migraines.


Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. JeriLynn Stone & Rocky Golden

- Ms. JL (not Mr. JL) needs to look strong on her debut and Rocky deserves some Golding Ballin'. What? I think it comes down to Golden having to hit Wade and when he does... he'll find out she likes it rough.


TCW Tag Team Championship

Kreed © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. GenOme w/ Phil Vibert

- KReed losing it now, to this team would be fitting to me. Almost makes me want to give Matthew the Hard-Hitting title so he could rub it in their faces. But GenOme comes on strong and adds some gold to Last Stable of Wrestling.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

- I initially went with Bloodstone but... Stone's been so good with his fixiated focus on the TCW title I want him to pick it up to complete the collection of Big Major Belts. Bloodstone can chase for a while, Stone can show Cornell how he doesn't need the Syndicate to be the best in the world. Yes... there is a lot of potential of Stone with the strap.



Finally I was asked by my friend Smartman (who doesn't post around these parts anymore) to pass along his appreciation and admiration for the only CVerse dynasty that's ever captured his interest. He raved about how you seem to have exquisite continuity and things leads (almost organically) from one event to the next.


Me... I just think you're pretty good for a hack. :D (I keed, I keed.)


This PPV, nothing short of stacked. And that's with the boss just chilling the back learning to drink beer from a bottle with RDJ.

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Eddie Peak vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


Remo just seems that bit hotter right now as part of Gen-O.



TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Harry Allen vs. Marc Speed vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy


Could be wrong but Miyazaki feels like he could be a transitional champ and besides, I feel a lower tier belt is one you can afford to 'hot-shot' more than the really important titles. I'll go for the third machine to win his first gold in TCW.


M.A.D. [American Buffalo & Marat Khoklov] (w/ Floyd Goldworthy?) vs. New Wave


I'm struggling with having to bring myself to backing a team to win backed by Jobworthy, but I feel for the monster heel team to look a threat and not start off as a joke straight from the off they need to win here, besides The New Wave still have the losing streak thing going...despite looking like they were getting back on the same page in their last match.


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon (c) vs. Kate Dangerous


The monster remains dominant.



TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


I have a feeling that Double A will find a way to retain the title, despite this being Edd's match.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Matthew Keith


Keith makes Pete tap out to the Proton Lock, to win his first singles gold...


Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. JeriLynn Stone & Rocky Golden


Could go either way this, but I'll go for JL Stone and Rocky to pick up the win in this one.


TCW Tag Team Championship

Kreed © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. GenOme w/ Phil Vibert


Call me crazy but I agree with Beeker, I do like the idea of them losing the belts to GenOme after Matthew Keith has just grabbed championship gold for himself.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


Bloodstone's run as World Championship comes to an end here.

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I was thinking Mutually Assured Destruction, myself.


Wallbanger has it.


And Beeker, please pass on your thanks to SmartMan. Always good to hear feedback, honestly.


The PPV does feel stacked, doesn't it? Hopefully slightly less so than the months before it... I'm trying to get that 'we need to cool off a notch post-Mania' feel in, without actually gimping myself.

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Prediction Key:

Eddie Peak vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


The Remo push continues... he's finally looking like the guy we might have expected when he signed with TCW.



TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Harry Allen vs. Marc Speed vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy


I agree Miyazaki doesn't feel like a real champ. None of the other challengers are compelling at all, basically, and this would be a way to spotlight Zimmy and give us a notion of what he's about.


M.A.D. [American Buffalo & Marat Khoklov] (w/ Floyd Goldworthy?) vs. New Wave


I don't see the big men amounting to much -- neither is good in the ring, and Buffalo isn't good for anything in particular. They could be useful in a storyline sense somehow, though, so they need to be legitimately frightening.


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. Kate Dangerous


No time to undercut Gorgon.



TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone

Andrews has held this belt for a while now, hasn't he? And if Edd Stone doesn't win Edd Stone's gimmick match, who will?



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Matthew Keith


I like Texas Pete, but I can't say I know too much about him. I can't even recall whether he's a face or a heel -- like the British Lions, he seems to be in that no man's land where he doesn't have enough of a defined personality outside the ring to carry an alignment, let alone a storyline. Keith is morally ambiguous in a more interesting and fruitful way. I do hope Pete gets fleshed out some day, though... I like him.


Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. JeriLynn Stone & Rocky Golden


Good news: with the arrival of Apocryphal Stone, Rocky Golden is no longer the worker whose storyline I care least about. Well, he is, because it's the same storyline, but still.


TCW Tag Team Championship

Kreed © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. GenOme w/ Phil Vibert


Already guessed too many title changes, I'm an Art Reed mark, and these guys are the most reliable thing you've got going right now. Just for fun, I'm going to guess they retain by DQ when Matt Keith attacks them.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


Let's set up a Tommy Cornell face title run. I want to see that.

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Eddie Peak vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


Remo just seems that bit hotter right now as part of Gen-O.



TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins vs. Harry Allen vs. Marc Speed vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy


Could be wrong but Miyazaki feels like he could be a transitional champ and besides, I feel a lower tier belt is one you can afford to 'hot-shot' more than the really important titles. I'll go for the third machine to win his first gold in TCW.

M.A.D. [American Buffalo & Marat Khoklov] (w/ Floyd Goldworthy?) vs. New Wave


I'm struggling with having to bring myself to backing a team to win backed by Jobworthy, but I feel for the monster heel team to look a threat and not start off as a joke straight from the off they need to win here, besides The New Wave still have the losing streak thing going...despite looking like they were getting back on the same page in their last match.


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon (c) vs. Kate Dangerous


The monster remains dominant.



TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


I have a feeling that Double A will find a way to retain the title, despite this being Edd's match.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Matthew Keith


Keith makes Pete tap out to the Proton Lock, to win his first singles gold...


Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. JeriLynn Stone & Rocky Golden


Could go either way this, but I'll go for JL Stone and Rocky to pick up the win in this one.


TCW Tag Team Championship

Kreed © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. GenOme w/ Phil Vibert


Call me crazy but I agree with Beeker, I do like the idea of them losing the belts to GenOme after Matthew Keith has just grabbed championship gold for himself.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


Bloodstone's run as World Championship comes to an end here.


i approve these

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