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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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TCW Presents Where Angels Fear To Tread


Sunday Week 4 May 2009


Live on America 1-Select, U-Demand Canada, Jade 237, Rivera Pay Television, V-Corp, UK-1 (5.16)


Held at the Jennifer Cornell Coliseum (South West)


Attendance: 50,000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Mayhem Midden - Horatio Dangerous



Crashing Around You cuts in almost as soon as Where Angels Fear To Tread dies away. Eddie Peak appears, the area around him lit blood-red as ever, the chain designs playing over the ground in their striking crimson.


He climbs into the ring and turns to face the entrance again, squatting on his haunches.


As his music dies away, it becomes clear that Eddie Peak is singing gently to himself.


“Backbreaker, Backbreaker, break me a back...”



Only God Can Judge Me begins to play, and Remo comes out, Vibert close behind, smirking slightly. He paces from side to side at the top of the entrance ramp for a few moments, then explodes into a dead sprint, charging down the ramp and launching himself into the ring at speed. Eddie meets him with a punch, Remo powers his way up, and the match is on.



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddiePeak.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Remo.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Eddie Peak vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

While Eddie and Remo seem to be a little uncomfortable in the ring with them, the crowd don't care; they're swinging hard, hitting and throwing, and there's an energy crackling through the ring that translates rapidly to the fans.


Eddie is a tad bigger, a tad stronger, Remo a tad faster. Hard to say which of them is more competitive, has better fighting spirit...


The fight spills to the outside early on, Eddie using a double-handed chokehold to launch Remo from the ring all the way to the guardrails.


“There's something about these two,” Azaria says. “Normally I see someone take a spill like that and I say, don't forget, the body comes off worse than the steel. Here, I'm honestly not sure. Eddie Peak buckled steel with his body on Tuesday and he's giving the fight of his life here tonight.”


Eddie sails from the apron to the outside, but Remo moves clear, then clotheslines him over the guardrail. Vibert intervenes to break Ray Johnson's count, encouraging his client to return.


The match returns, just briefly, to the ring, before it spills out again as Remo regains control.


Shoving the ring steps against the announce table, Remo seems to prepare for something, only for Eddie to stop him, slamming him on the outside. An elbow drop, of all things, from the steps follows, leaving Richardson winded – but when Peak gets him back in the ring and goes for a pinfall, Remo powers out on one. A series of punches follows, and a suplex lays Eddie out. Remo hits the Lumbar Puncture backbreaker; Eddie manages to get the shoulder up after a long two.


“That back has got to be killing him,” Midden observes.


Remo reaches down, and Eddie grabs him off that, powering up and hoisting the Generation Omega man into the air. The Peak of Perfection smashes him down; Remo shows some awareness, however, even after the impact. Enough awareness, at least, to roll to the outside, avoiding the pinfall.


Eddie senses weakness and follows; it goes, and goes, and after a while Remo's head lashes forward in a headbutt to break the onslaught. Blood gushes from Eddie's nose and the 'Bloody-Handed God' looks staggered, stunned. Remo whips him to those steel steps, mounts them, and tries to boost the big man over his head; with the impact of Eddie's assault already weighing on him, he manages to get his opponent up and goes for the Destroyer, but his legs buckle on the move.


Both men crash from the steps through the announce table. While Azaria howls about losing it “on the first damn match”, Johnson has no option but to count both men out.

Eddie Peak and Remo Richardson was ruled a no contest

Rating: B



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Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins

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vs. Harry Allen vs. Marc Speed

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vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Zimmy

This one's hectic, no question. Miyazaki, Speed and O'Curle all keep their pace relatively careful compared to the others; Harry Allen, meanwhile, goes right for Zimmy, leading to some surprisingly good work between the two of 'em; Allen gets a shot at the Gunslinger's Revenge but Zimmy shoves him off.


Acid and O'Curle look set to capitalise on an alliance in the early going, but when Miyazaki blocks a dropkick, catches the foot, and walks through to apply the Ankle Lock, O'Curle, a confident smirk in place, applies the Celtic Wreath to his stablemate. With the rest of the group watching on – Allen looking shocked, Speed thoughtful, Zimmy wary – the two submission specialists force Acid to tap out. Surprisingly, Laura Huggins is caught on camera nodding approval.


Elimination #1: Acid


Harry Allen tries to prove a point immediately afterward, going for a distracted Speed with the Gunslinger's Revenge. He has a chance, but he calls for a pop from the crowd – and turns around into a Blood Rush. A swift pinfall from Zimmy puts Allen away.


Elimination #2: Harry Allen


Marc Speed is just about recovered, catching a charge from Merle O'Curle and putting him down with a floatover DDT. He goes for a submission but O'Curle rolls through; Speed blocks the counter, breaks the hold, and ducks a Blood Rush by Zimmy on reflex. As Zimmy turns around, the champion wipes him out with a spinebuster.


Speed goes after O'Curle, with O'Curle making sure to avoid persecution by rolling to the outside, grabbing a breather.


Miyazaki faces off with Marc Speed. Dangerous reminds the fanbase that Speed has yet to submit in TCW, and with Miyazaki having a primarily submission-based focus, he could be at a disadvantage here; it doesn't seem to faze the Team KOBRA representative, however, peppering Speed with punches before the California veteran blocks one, getting a belly-to-belly takedown. Miyazaki kicks out smoothly; as Speed rises off it, Zimmy catches him with a Gunslinger's Revenge as a second mark of disrespect to Allen. It's enough for the pin, with O'Curle piling on to add weight to it.


Elimination #3: Marc Speed


Shingen dropkicks Merle immediately, then gets beset by Zimmy. A superplex is teased, but Miyazaki twists in midair, bringing them both crashing to the mat with Miyazaki above Zimmy – and covering him. That gets three.


Elimination #4: Zimmy


O'Curle promptly goes for the Celtic Wreath on Miyazaki, much to Huggins' approval on the outside. The Baroness simply frowns, and for a while it looks like TCW will crown a new champion... but Miyazaki rolls through it, coming up with an applied Ankle Lock. This one gets grapevined, trapping O'Curle in the centre of the ring, and while he fights it hard, in the end he has to tap out.

Shingen Miyazaki defeated Acid, Harry Allen, Marc Speed, Merle O'Curle and Zimmy

Rating: C+





The cameras go back to the interview area, with Autumn Gleeson once again all smiles. “So much tag team wrestling tonight,” she beams. “A girl like me's in heaven.


“Tonight we have the official debut, too, of a new tag team. Calling themselves M.A.D., these two are more than double by weight any other regular team on the roster – with the exception of the Easy Riders, and then only when Khoklov hasn't had a heavy meal.



“With me are M.A.D. and the manager of one-half of that team, Floyd-”


She's interrupted by a loud snort.


“Manager?” Buffalo demands. “This idiot begged me to sign with him. Swore blind he could get me all the title matches I wanted. Talked about all the titles he'd won with other clients.


“That was two ****ing years ago, Floyd. Two. ****ing. Years.


“You told me I needed a tag team backing me up, like Tornado had the Young Guns. You got one. That didn't help.


“I've been getting madder and madder, Floyd, but you know what?


“You ain't worth it. You're so far past your prime only the most deluded sap can remember it.


“You're fired. Get the hell outta my sight.”


A raft of emotions cross Goldworthy's face during this speech; panic, terror, the expression of a man who needs a change of pants, and finally, a bizarre relief. He stutters out something that might be an expression of gratitude if a single syllable had been enunciated, and scurries off at a pace.


Buffalo spits in disgust. “He ain't the only washed up ******* in here,” he says. “New Wave, you just ain't fit to run with the bulls.”




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M.A.D. vs The New Wave

Much of the announce team's speculation as the entrances unfold is on the New Wave wearing their merchandise T-shirts as well as their short tights. It stands out; not only because it doesn't mesh well but also because it's not something they ever do.


In the ring, they fight with that same renewed vigour, that same gusto and fire.


And they're outmatched. M.A.D. play power games eagerly, hurling their opponents around, toying with them. The Wave get some comeback moments, usually by combining both members to take over on just one opponent, but they don't have the power, or the resilience.


And yet...


Guide breaks free against Buffalo, hitting the far ropes, and charges back, dodging a big boot to land the Guided Missile.


And Buffalo crumples astonishingly fast, all the big man's toughness apparently taken from him by that spear. The Wave hit the top turnbuckles and a Wave of Mutilation follows, Guide grabbing the pin while Scout sacrifices himself, taking a brutal Moscow Lariat to prevent Khoklov breaking the pin.


With the victory secured, Guide takes off his T-shirt on the way back up the ramp, revealing a steal shoulder pad strapped into place.

New Wave defeated M.A.D.

Rating: B-



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Gorgon © vs. Kate Dangerous

Last time these two fought one on one, Dangerous got absolutely shut down.


This time, she's clearly been watching her tapes. She blocks some of the punches, evades a couple of the chops, and gets the champion off her feet with a massive suplex at one point.


When you list it all in a row like that, it sounds like the former champion gives as good as she gets. In practice, it's a few shining moments of hope in darkness. Gorgon doesn't have to hit often; she hits hard enough that it always means something, always takes its toll.


By around six minutes in, the champion ends Kate's challenge, sinking the Hydra Bomb in style to prove her point.

Gorgon defeated Kate Dangerous

Rating: B-





Set to one of the most unusual tunes for a TCW compilation clip, the video that airs now recaps Edd Stone and Aaron Andrews' mental and physical battle over the past two months, closing off with a shot of Edd Stone, in Tarzan outfit, charging off screen, post-it notes fluttering to the ground, then a slow dissolve to a shot of the Hangtime Match rig.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews-1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt6.jpg

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone

Andrews seemed so confident when he accepted the challenge, but up there now, he looks simply uncomfortable about the whole thing. The drop from the Hangtime web to the ring looks worse, it seems, when you're there.


His steps are faltering, awkward...


Edd charges him, bounding easily over the surface, and Aaron, in an apparent panic, abruptly falls backward.


That sets up something of a shockwave in the web, sending Edd stumbling, but the younger Stone tucks into a ball, rolls, recovers, and vaults up into a senton, crashing down on the International Champion.


Aaron, on recovery, snakes an arm around his throat and starts pounding away on the trapped challenger.


That doesn't last long; Stone twists free and bounces to his feet, beckoning Andrews on. It takes the champion longer to pull himself back to his feet, and he advances carefully – but those fists aren't careful.


Edd is the cat here, and Andrews the mouse, and that much is the focus of Edd's strategy; he plays hit and run, apparently at random – but little by little, he's herding Aaron toward the hole, where Andrews will have nowhere to go, and he's willing to take a few punches to get what he's going for.


Aaron realises the plan quickly and tries to keep clear, but it honestly just isn't that easy. Edd has agility, speed, and creativity, and the result is often flying kicks, sometimes hooking around as he bounces from behind Andrews to deliver a shot that'll send the champion backward.


With Aaron finally forced to the edge, Edd takes a run-up, and tries an Edd-Renaline shot – Andrews ducks under it, hooks the leg -


GAME BREAKER FROM THE WEB TO THE MAT! It looks vicious, but -


who's won?


It takes a few replays on the big screen before the crowd can accept it; the Hangtime rules end the match when one man hits the ring. Both men land so close together, it's impossible to make a decision...

Aaron Andrews drew with Edd Stone

Rating: B-





Backstage go the cameras again. Matthew Keith is leaving his locker room, dressed to compete, looking psyched-





A slight pan of the camera introduces the Blonde Bombshell to shot. Keith's expression goes... odd.


The Bombshell sighs. “You've been avoiding us,” she says. “Are you sure you don't want my support for this match?”


Matthew looks at her silently for a long moment, then slowly nods. Almost silently – with the dry throat of someone handing an inevitable, unpleasant confrontation – he mouths “I'm sure. I'm... yeah. Thanks, Amy, but no.”


“Alright,” she returns, her tone wounded. “Good luck, Matt.”



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Texas Pete © vs. Matthew Keith

Another of those matches, here, where Pete shows what he can do. It's fast – both men have a lot of speed on them – it's brutal – Pete has the power and Keith has the desire – and it's innovative – mostly Matt, but Pete does his best, too, to pull out the stops, and once again busts out his through-the-ropes suicide lariat to a huge pop.


Matthew Keith looks like a champion throughout. More surprisingly, so does Pete; he's taken to this belt now, and the enthusiasm he has for defending it shines through. Matt takes some time getting his feet under him in this solo championship arena, but when he does, he does it with a vengeance.


He's got Pete on the ropes for a while, but then the champion fires back, swinging punch after punch, a whip to the ropes, a big boot – ducked – Neutron Plex – countered – Lone Star Drop! The champion retains in high style, much to Matt's visible frustration.

Texas Pete defeated Matthew Keith

Rating: B+



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Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade vs. JeriLynn Stone & Rocky Golden

This match, summed up in one word, is: Bloodbath.


It's Wade who really starts it; when Rocky hits the most gentle, loose, powderpuff slam imaginable on her, she bounces straight up, slaps him, superkicks him over the ropes and rams his head into the ringpost, then rests it there and delivers another superkick to the other side. Rocky is bleeding from the second minute in, before JeriLynn comes off the apron with a dropkick to break it up.


The blood doesn't stop Rocky; he gets right back in there, and while he avoids Stephanie, he slams into Champagne Lover with everything he has, and Lover hits back just as hard.


JeriLynn and Stephanie put on the kind of excellent performance that the TCW womens' division seems to pride itself on and neither shrink from getting into it with the men – though Rocky doesn't seem too happy getting into it with Stephanie, who ends up bleeding herself when a JeriLynn spinkick sends her crashing into a turnbuckle exposed by Lover earlier.


That's actually one hell of a gusher; her face is entirely crimson by the time, later in the match, that she and Rocky get to spend any real time facing off with one another.


Inevitably, Rocky powers his way to the upper hand, but he just can't bring himself to capitalise. Eventually, Steph slaps him, then shoves him away.


As the two stare at each other from behind their respective bloody masks, she raises her hands, beckoning him in again. Rocky swallows, nods, hits the ropes -


The clothesline has all of Golden's power behind it. Wade almost turns a full circle before crashing to the mat face-first. Golden pins, JeriLynn blocks Lover... Rocky wins the match.

JeriLynn Stone & Rocky Golden defeated Champagne Lover & Stephanie Wade

Rating: B+





Golden and Wade practically have to help each other up. As Sam Sparrow raises JeriLynn's hand in victory, Chris Rockwell and Rick Law head to the ring, towels in hand. They present them to the couple, allowing them to wipe some of the blood away, and the two kiss as Rockwell, amuses, holds up the suddenly-crimson towels for the crowd.


As the kiss breaks, Law embraces Golden, clapping him on the back in acknowledgement before the four stand together, Rockwell and Law raising their arms in salute to the crowd.



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Kreed © w/ Blonde Bombshell


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GenOme w/ Phil Vibert

The challengers look very confident as they come out, ignoring the fans entirely, walking to the ring with purpose. Kreed are just as confident, though Art in particular takes the time to salute the fans, chat with some of them, and generally feed off the energy as he hits the ring.


It's Art and Frankie to start, and the result is fast; a real shot in the arm for fans who're already energised. But as the final hour gets rolling, they rise as one to their feet. A rolling somersault kick attempt by Frankie is actually hurdled by Reed, who meets him on the rebound with a judo flip into a fast kimura hold, which lasts for a few seconds before Frankie is able to get a foot to the ropes. They break; Art comes in fast and Frankie returns the favour with an armdrag, a stomp to the shoulder, and a standing flip legdrop.


Break and circle once more; Reed slithers in fast, moving slickly, deflects a kick and comes out under Perez' leg, rising up for a leg-trap suplex. He tags out immediately; Greg slingshots in over the rope and drops the leg across the back of Perez' neck as the GenOme man rises.


Reed takes a moment to call for the crowd, getting them further behind the Kreed, as Greg starts to step up the impact; a series of kicks, a backfist, and then a rolling side slam. He starts looking for the Proton Lock, but Perez brings a knee up fast and sharp, driving it into Greg's temple, stunning him for a moment.


A volley of kicks follows, driving Greg back into the GenOme corner. Perez tags out, runs up Greg's chest, backflips off and meets Greg on the way down with a dropkick.


Davis vaults the top rope, eager to get involved. It starts with a katahajime attempt, but Keith is too savvy for that, twisting through, pulling Davis up, setting for a DDT – which Newton blocks, getting a twisting facecrusher as a counter. He goes for the pin, feet up on the ropes, but Sam Sparrow catches that and rules it out immediately.


Davis just shrugs, coming off the ropes – spinkick – Greg ducks it, gets the backfist again, goes for the pin, Newton counters into a triangle choke.


Art Reed breaks that up with a flying elbow drop; Perez promptly vaults the ropes, taking Reed down with a tornado DDT. Meanwhile, Greg and Newton seem to have phased their teammates out of their awareness entirely; there is a lightning-fast class in submission holds taking place in the ring, veering between traditional wrestling holds, MMA counters, obscure British and Mexican holds, and things that almost seem invented on the spot.


The winner of that battle is Newton, when Greg is forced to concede by grapping the middle rope. Keith bails out of the ring briefly, taking a breather, and Newton tags Perez in.


Frankie runs along the outside of the apron, draws level with Greg, vaults up to a sitting position on the top rope and backflips into a plancha on Keith.


The Bombshell starts pounding on the apron and the crowd join her, the rhythm drowning out everything else. Greg fights his way out of Frankie's assault, drives him back, and slams him on the outside before rolling back into the ring to break the count; he heads straight across the ring and tags Reed back in.


Reed promptly charges across the ring, leaps to the top rope in a single bound, and soars out in a shooting star, landing heavily on Perez. He takes a moment to mount the guardrail, calling once again for the fans, and the roar is massive.


Perez is rolled back into the ring and Reed follows. Frankie blocks a Dread Lock attempt, fighting out with elbows, and then gets the hook kick; Reed only barely kicks out in time, and as he rolls up, freezes, suddenly wary.



Matthew Keith arrived at ringside at some point, and Art comes face to face with him. Perez tags out and Newton comes in with a leaping legdrop on the stunned Reed. A beatdown ensues before Reed manages, finally, to tag out, shooting another suspicious look at Matthew as he does so.


Newton grins as Greg climbs back through the ropes, beckoning him in. As soon as Greg's in fully, the pair lock up; then Davis sweeps Keith's legs out from under him, bearing him to the ground, and he rolls clear, stomping for a second to keep Greg down – then a mounted bearhug which turns into the young Canadian dragging Greg up onto his feet – release German - picks him up again, whips him to the corner, tags out, running high knee to the head by Perez -


Perez whips Greg back across the ring, and Davis catches him and gets a fisherman suplex, of all things, as a snap reflex without breaking the pace. He rolls to his knees with one across Keith's throat and flips the crowd the bird before exiting the ring.


Perez is already stalking, but Reed takes him out with a diving clothesline before he can finish Greg off. Vibert hops up onto the apron, catching Sparrow's attention, and Davis charges Reed, bundling him out of the ring. On the outside, he whips Reed into the guardrail then splashes him – and then again, this time from the apron. Reed crumples into a ball; the camera catches Matthew smiling.


The next two minutes see GenOme trade off on stomping Greg into the ground; at the end of it, Greg tries for a NeutronPlex, as his brother had in their earlier title match, and just as happened there, it's countered, with Davis rolling free, sweeping the leg out, and clamping down on the STF.


Greg fights valiantly, but to no avail. His arm falls three times to yield the titles.

GenOme defeated Kreed

Rating: A*





GenOme take their titles but don't head back up the ramp. As Jeremy Stone comes out, GenOme take up positions on either side of the destroyed announce table; he does his best to pay them no attention, but he can't help shooting glances at them on a regular basis.



Bloodstone comes in, doing much the same thing.



And then Of Wolf And Man hits. Wolf Hawkins appears on the ramp.


“Oh... my... God.” Dangerous says. “He's not cleared to compete, is he?”


The frustration in Midden's voice is audible. “This is a World Heavyweight Championship match,” he says. “With that briefcase, I can't stop him.” Perez, near enough to the announce team to be picked up by their mics, laughs and claps Midden on the shoulder. “Got that right,” he says.



Remo emerges beside Hawkins as he heads down the ramp. DuBois climbs in from the crowd.


As Hawkins enters the ring, handing off the briefcase to the referee, Generation Omega surround the ring, then turn outward.


Watching for rescue parties. Trusting in Hawkins.



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Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


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Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

It takes twenty-five gruelling minutes before this one ends. And every single one of them is packed; the three competitors, between them, absolutely don't let out.


Stone is still focused on Bloodstone; Bloodstone, cagily, tries to do some damage to both men; Hawkins is just determined to hurt people, it seems.



Fifteen minutes in, there's a scream from ringside. Remo has the Bombshell backed up against the crowd barrier; as he checks over his shoulder, he sees Bloodstone looking – and he hits her, a gutpunch, then slings her over his shoulder, vaults the rail, and heads off.


Bloodstone roars and charges; Stone, always eager to capitalise, takes him out with a tackle. He goes for the Stone Hold, but Bloodstone stomps his way out of it from on his back. He rolls to his feet and goes to exit the ring; GenOme and DuBois are there, forcing him back into the ring, though Newton finds himself on his ass with a busted lip for his troubles.


Bloodstone is frenzied; he's throwing punches, stomping, shoving, kicking, blind to the rules, blind to the match.


Hawkins takes a back seat at the turnbuckle and lets Stone absorb the brunt of this unthinking, unreasoning assault.


Jeremy's done this before. He's done it a thousand times, back in North of the Border.


That doesn't make it any less painful for him, nor does it make it any easier to turn the tide. Especially at Jeremy's age. The pain is visible and – swiftly – so is the blood.


But the same tricks work, and in the end, Stone has used that anger, fully uncorked for the first time in TCW, and has turned him over and applied the Stone Hold.


“Now,” Azaria says, “the challenge is what it always is; can he hold on to the hold long enough to make Bloodstone pass out?”


Except... it isn't. Wolf Hawkins comes in, almost forgotten over the last seven or eight minutes. A Full Moon Rising collides with Bloodstone's face; his free foot lands on Bloodstone's back, with Hawkins nailing the same thing on the back of Stone's head in the same fluid movement.


With both men collapsed, he covers Bloodstone who, unconscious, cannot kick out. Wolf Hawkins ends Johnny Bloodstone's championship reign after eight months.


As he's handed the belt, Remo returns, releasing the Blonde Bombshell. As the PPV ends, it closes out on a shot of Wolf, beaming as Vibert buckles the championship belt around his waist, with the Blonde Bombshell cradling her lover's broken body in the background.

Wolf Hawkins defeated Johnny Bloodstone & Jeremy Stone

Rating: A


Show Rating: A

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Show Notes:


  • Man, Generation Omega are *******s
  • A* matches are draining to write. I don't know how Tigerkinney does it.
  • I've been sat on the Rocky/Steph storyline - specifically the end of this match - for some months now, trying to find the right slot for it. It's mostly about establishing the women's division, but I like it.
  • One day, Rocky Golden will be a good wrestler.

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Awesome show as usual.


But, I do question having the guy holding the TCW equivalent of the Money in the Bank title shot inserting himself into a World Title match instead of just cashing in after Bloodstone and Stone have gone to war. Unless I've missed something in previous shows.

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Awesome show as usual.


But, I do question having the guy holding the TCW equivalent of the Money in the Bank title shot inserting himself into a World Title match instead of just cashing in after Bloodstone and Stone have gone to war. Unless I've missed something in previous shows.



Earlier this month, Wolf had this to say:


“Like I should be grateful. That was how the Syndicate started. Two years – two damn years I was expected to do nothing but kiss his ass. Two years where all the success I earned was just there so he could say he was responsible.


“And now, what, another three months to sort that out? Five and a half years, this comes to, five and a half years where I haven't been able to stand up and claim credit for my own actions. Five and a half years where he's claimed everything I can do is down to him.


“I have the Ticket to the Top burning a hole in my damn pocket, and before I can draw a line under this and move on, I need to show him I'm better. I have five and a half years of improvement, of victories, of titles and wins and growth and development as an athlete that is down to ME, and that I can't claim credit for until I beat him, until I prove I've outgrown him."


Stealing a win, that proves nothing. Beating two legends of the business at once, in a long, tough match? That's something Wolf can stand behind.


At least, that's one argument currently running around the C-Verse IWC. Others have pointed to the fact that TCW frowns on a competitor being forced to wrestle multiple matches - you can choose to, but you cannot be made to - on the same show, and as such, it's likely the Ticket to the Top contract cannot be used on a champion on a night where they have already competed.


(Wrestling 'rules' being what they are, this is not a certainty. It certainly worked that way last year - but last year the WHC was held by the company owner, who may have made rules tighter in his favour.)


All of that said, glad you enjoyed the show!

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I don't care that I called dang near every match wrong. My favourite CVerse worker in my favourite CVerse diary winning the title in my favourite CVerse promotion = I mark the HELL out.


What a PPV, top notch stuff, PS.



At least, that's one argument currently running around the C-Verse IWC. Others have pointed to the fact that TCW frowns on a competitor being forced to wrestle multiple matches - you can choose to, but you cannot be made to - on the same show, and as such, it's likely the Ticket to the Top contract cannot be used on a champion on a night where they have already competed.


(Wrestling 'rules' being what they are, this is not a certainty. It certainly worked that way last year - but last year the WHC was held by the company owner, who may have made rules tighter in his favour.)


All of that said, glad you enjoyed the show!


Reading this makes me giggle, as I recall booking Rocky Golden three times in a row on one show, but that was with Cornell in diabolical all-powerful owner mode.


Edit: Speaking of Rocky, I've really liked his storyline, particularly this ending to it. Your writing has given me a real soft spot for the big guy.

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With the victory secured, Guide takes off his T-shirt on the way back up the ramp, revealing a steal shoulder pad strapped into place.


How do you do this mechanically in TEW2010? Or is this just flavor-text?



Matt Keith refuses the advances of The Blonde Bombshell. She cries.



Everything in the diary bar the names and the ratings is flavour text. What else could it be?




I don't care that I called dang near every match wrong. My favourite CVerse worker in my favourite CVerse diary winning the title in my favourite CVerse promotion = I mark the HELL out.


What a PPV, top notch stuff, PS.


Reading this makes me giggle, as I recall booking Rocky Golden three times in a row on one show, but that was with Cornell in diabolical all-powerful owner mode.


Edit: Speaking of Rocky, I've really liked his storyline, particularly this ending to it. Your writing has given me a real soft spot for the big guy.


Thank ya kindly, guv.


And I'm getting fond of Rocky myself, which was a large part of why I've been doing this; I tend to like workers a lot more when I've had a chance to write them for a decent length of time.


It helps that he's a) improving notably and steadily and b) dragging multiple workers up the path to overness with these gatekeeper-type midcard programs.


But hey, if you normally don't care for Rocky but find him cool here, why not nominate him for the Rocky Maivia award in the DOTY? That thread could do with a lot more nominations, whether they involve my work or someone else's...

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The Wolf Hawkins cash in was done superbly. It came at a time I think no one was expecting, yet it wasn't the cliched lame, the two other guys have just had match...I'll then cash in my title shot and take advantage deal.


I like the fact Hawkins actually went out there and competed, because it plays in to his arrogance, because I see Generation Omega more as 'we're better than you heels' rather than weak heels getting by with blatant cheating and besides the fact that the rest of Generation Omega were round at ringside also adds an extra dimension of heelishness to Hawkins title win.


Not related to the show as such, but seeing as you commented on it...


As for writing A* matches, I actually get inspired when I see that grade. To be honest it's the B range stuff I find more of a challenge,needing to make the match sound good but not spectacularly good.

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Rocky for a Rocky nomination. Lol.


And I dunno. I thought you might have set that match to end with...uh...can you have foreign objects as a note in TEW? I've just occasionally wondered if the matches have particular notes in them, or just embellishement.


And dang it, Keith will have Bombshell. HE WILL I SAY (and you're going to make it Greg just to spite me. STRANGERRRRR [also, why haven't you hired "Handsome Stranger" yet >________>])


Oh, if there's interference, distractions, or dubious means used in a match, it's almost always down to notes. I just interpret that note in a way that fits the story.


Handsome Stranger hasn't been hired because I already have plenty of mid-level brawlers with mild entertainment skills, and I'd rather invest in the ones I have (hence Pete's nine months and Tana's year plus in dev, and Rocky's lengthy feud against an all-round talent like Champagne Lover).


SPOILER: The Keiths will never have Bombshell.


The Wolf Hawkins cash in was done superbly. It came at a time I think no one was expecting, yet it wasn't the cliched lame, the two other guys have just had match...I'll then cash in my title shot and take advantage deal.


I like the fact Hawkins actually went out there and competed, because it plays in to his arrogance, because I see Generation Omega more as 'we're better than you heels' rather than weak heels getting by with blatant cheating and besides the fact that the rest of Generation Omega were round at ringside also adds an extra dimension of heelishness to Hawkins title win.


Not related to the show as such, but seeing as you commented on it...


It's one of those interesting things, for me; Generation Omega honestly weren't created to riff off Nexus - the bulk of the stable is established to one degree or another, after all - but for that match, I did see the Nexus debut in my head at points, even if it only got as far as the image of them surrounding the ring once the match was written.


I'm glad people seem to have enjoyed it. It felt a little inevitable, story-wise, in writing the show, to the point where I half expected some of the predictions to have Wolf as a write-in; but Generation Omega are still restricted in competition - and they still have arguably the two titles fans most care about right now.


I'm sure this is going to get messy...

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If I were fantasy booking right now I'd have Tommy come out to open next show and say, gosh darn it all, TCW likes having their titles defended at least once a month, and has rules to that effect. And while the Ticket to the Top contract was ironclad, Wolfie doesn't have it anymore, and he's not coming off restriction anytime soon. And I'm perfectly happy waiting for the World Title to be vacated. Heck, let's get a tournament going to crown a new World Champ at the next PPV, since it will be vacant by then.


GenO comes out with much bluster, with all the requisite bitching, moaning, and posturing. Our lawyers will fight this/We'll destroy anyone who participates in your tournament/You're scared of Wolf/etc.


Actually, replies Tommy, I'm willing to give you everything you want - clear your boys to fully particpate, the whole bit. Wolf puts the title up at the next PPV, one on one, against me, in some match format that makes outside interference nearly impossible - oh, say Test of Steel? Agree, and we'll put GenO back in business right now.


Sure, what the hell, make the match. Who says you're going to make it to the next PPV, Cornell?


Oh, I think my chances are pretty good, actually. Actually, I'd be asking how many of GenO will make it to the next PPV. Bloodstone's going to hunt you down one by one. You haven't killed Eddie Peak. (Hell, I'd book a three way between Remo, Peak, and Bloodstone at this point just for ****es and giggles!) You have the Keith and Stone clans unhappy with you. I just ask all of them; leave Wolfie alone. He's mine. In the Test. Of. Steel.

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Man, if you can get people to start doing fantasy booking on your fantasy booking, you're probably doing something right.



But seriously, you managed to do something expected, yet unexpected, at the same time. What i mean is... Wolf Hawkins cashes in... BEFORE the match. He risks a bit more, but he's still likely to win. Absolute Genius. It's also harder to count him out as legitimate... after all, He COULD have done it AFTER the match. Well, you certainly could have made it that way, but you didn't. :)


Edit: Just to add, your PPV's always deliver, even when your TV shows don't always exactly sure where you are heading to.

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Edit: Just to add, your PPV's always deliver, even when your TV shows don't always exactly sure where you are heading to.


Heh... I'm often not. Part of that is just the fact that at any time, I'm running enough non-title feuds that I can't give all the matches the time they deserve on PPV in a month, so sometimes it takes two months or so before a given program gets a PPV payday - I think Golden/Lover actually started three months before it arrived on PPV.


Part of it, too, is that I have arcs at any given time for each title. What I don't necessarily have is a fixed timeline on those arcs or a plan for the next PPV.


(It'd probably be possible, at this stage, to run through the Generation Omega arc in about three months. But why would you kill a popular stable in around half a year? So we find ways to make it last, hopefully without making it overstay its welcome.)

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After a shocking end to Where Angels Fear To Tread, TCW has to stand up and be counted. We have new Tag Team Champions and a new World Heavyweight Championship. The rankings and the divisions have been shaken up...


The men who almost dethroned Kreed last month kick us off, as the British Lions take on Natural Talent. Say what you will about the Talent, but it's impossible to deny that they have as much courage as anyone else in the tag division.


A battle of two relative newcomers is also on the schedule, as Canadian Elemental faces off with one of Jack Bruce's bandmates, the man going by Zimmy. The talent of both men is clearly evident - but who will prevail on the day?


Six-woman action is also scheduled; Amber Allen teams with JeriLynn Stone and Team KOBRA's Suzanne Brazzle, while Lauren Easter, Raku Makuda and Stephanie Wade make up the opposition. Who'll come through on top?


Team KOBRA's presence continues, too, as Koshiro Ino takes on a man with a lot of Japanese experience, Julian Watson. Seemingly abandoned by his tag partner, Watson must find a way to make his name. A victory over the dangerous Kobra could well be just what he needs.


Speaking of "the Enforcer" as Jack Marlowe has recently styled himself, he too is in action - his opponent being Giant Tana. Can Marlowe overpower the big man - and if he can, can Marlowe make good on his claims?


More tag team action coming next; Global Tradition face off with a team who call themselves Golden Law. Quite simply, I don't believe that such a team is really secret; but will their new alliance be able to get by Global Tradition's veteran experience?


Jack Bruce will also be in action, with Tommy Cornell his opponent. Bruce has been looking to make a serious impact for some time, and this would be one hell of a way to do it; can the lead vocalist for Darkwave overcome the multi-time former world champion?


And then there's the main event; Ricky Dale Johnson, Jeremy Stone, one tough battle. Pride is certainly on the line; both men have made a lot of statements regarding the World Heavyweight Champion lately. With Hawkins holding the belt, are they still interested in what is now Generation Omega property?


Prediction Key:

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent


Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy


Amber Allen, JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter, Raku Makuda & Stephanie Wade


Julian Watson vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Giant Tana vs. Jack Marlowe


Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law (Rocky Golden & Rick Law)


Jack Bruce vs. Tommy Cornell


Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent



Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy

He's got the Elemental mask, which means that Horatio has to have him job due to interference.


Amber Allen, JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter, Raku Makuda & Stephanie Wade

Steph comes off the back of her big programme with Rocky to take the win.


Julian Watson vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily



Giant Tana vs. Jack Marlowe



Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law (Rocky Golden & Rick Law)



Jack Bruce vs. Tommy Cornell



Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent


Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy


Amber Allen, JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter, Raku Makuda & Stephanie Wade

Tag matches after title matches usually make the loser more favorable to win... if that made any sense at all. Plus, Easter is my favorite wrestler out of all of these women so yeah...


Julian Watson vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

Cheap finish with Emily's help? Just guessing.


Giant Tana vs. Jack Marlowe

Heh, this is like if Giant Gonzalez and Jimmy Snuka were to wrestle... and if they actually did I apologize: I came in when the attitude era exploded.


Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law (Rocky Golden & Rick Law)


Jack Bruce vs. Tommy Cornell

Wow! Honestly, I don't care who wins just based on what's going on in your Dynasty Cornell will snub him.


Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


I enjoyed the last show especially since I read all of it! That's a feat. You got me hooked into everything especially between Bombshell, Keith, and Remo. I only hope that Remo holds the world title in the future, he's too good not to pass up. I may not always post but you got another reader! Cheers!

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent


Team E+ aren't getting this kind of push any time soon. *sheds a tear of joy for beating Walter Morgan and Merle O'Curle anywhere not in the UK/RoF being considered worthy as being referred to as a push*


Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy


*cough*Xander*cough* Zimmy is talent and has stable backing to boot.


Amber Allen, JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter, Raku Makuda & Stephanie Wade


Don't like betting against Jeri (for some reason), but as stated, Wade is coming off of a program and Allen is women's division no. 1 jobber.


Julian Watson vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


The only difference between solo Watson and teamed Watson is that he can job by himself now.


Giant Tana vs. Jack Marlowe


Sorry, Tana.


Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law (Rocky Golden & Rick Law)


I approve of this team. GT do nothing but lose.


Jack Bruce vs. Tommy Cornell


Back to the lab again, Brucey boy.


Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Because RDJ needs a shot in the limelight again.

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent

Natural Talent haven´t won a single match as far as I can remember and they aren´t getting their first win here either


Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy

Zimmy is having more going on right now


Amber Allen, JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter, Raku Makuda & Stephanie Wade

Allen is the one who had done least so far so I expct her to eat the pin.


Julian Watson vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

Watson has been completely lost after Synticate broke while Ino is the leader of a stable and thus need to look strong


Giant Tana vs. Jack Marlowe

Tana is a jobber until he proves otherwise.


Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law (Rocky Golden & Rick Law)

Golden and Law are simply bigger names


Jack Bruce vs. Tommy Cornell

Bruce is getting his momentum back up and win over Cornell would definitely help but I still had to go with the bossman.


Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

With Hawkins having the belt RDJ suddenly looks like the better candidate to win here. That said this one could go either way as I doubt Jeremy is happy with Wolf inserting himself into the title match and I doubt that he is just going to back down and stop chasing the belt.

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent


Pretty obvious one here. The Lions are one of maybe 4 tag teams I could plausibly see holding the title.


Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy


I assume this is an attempt to show off Zimmy?


Amber Allen, JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter, Raku Makuda & Stephanie Wade


I think... Allen is the weak link here? No?


Julian Watson vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


I don't think Watson's going to make it.


Giant Tana vs. Jack Marlowe


Marlowe's long-deserved singles push begins...


Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law (Rocky Golden & Rick Law)


I thought Watson and Marlowe WERE Global Tradition. Anyway, Law's a borderline main eventer and Golden just won his feud. Time to bask a little, right?


Jack Bruce vs. Tommy Cornell


I don't pick anyone over Cornell unless I could plausibly see him holding the belt, because let's face it, Cornell is the man in this company whether or not he has the belt. After (during?) his lackluster performance in the Tornado feud, Bruce is unlikely to move up.


Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Stone gets some heat back... I suspect he's going to want to challenge for the title again. I don't think he's going to get it -- heel vs. heel won't do, and anyway, how do you pass up Cornell vs. Hawkins? But it doesn't make sense to collapse him here with another loss. Stone vs. Cornell is another intriguing possibility, perhaps as a means of determining a title challenger, and beating Cornell's ally here could go a long way toward kicking it off.

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I enjoyed the last show especially since I read all of it! That's a feat. You got me hooked into everything especially between Bombshell, Keith, and Remo. I only hope that Remo holds the world title in the future, he's too good not to pass up. I may not always post but you got another reader! Cheers!


It's my considered opinion that the only reason not to give Remo the strap is that other people also deserve it. Welcome aboard, by the way!


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent


Team E+ aren't getting this kind of push any time soon. *sheds a tear of joy for beating Walter Morgan and Merle O'Curle anywhere not in the UK/RoF being considered worthy as being referred to as a push*


Honestly, Merle at least can fit in just about anywhere where technical wrestling is respected. Morgan and Merle both really, really responded to their time in dev, then their popularity took off like crazy - Walter actually has A* in the South East at the moment, though Bs elsewhere - and they're good enough to back that up. I've loved them since RoF, but they really were the perfect duo to bring in to add more British/Irish flavour to the roster. (And I really do like trying to cultivate an international air to the company.)

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent


Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy


Amber Allen, JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter, Raku Makuda & Stephanie Wade


Julian Watson vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Giant Tana vs. Jack Marlowe


Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law (Rocky Golden & Rick Law)


Jack Bruce vs. Tommy Cornell


Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent


You may have worked the magic in taking British Lions to nobodies to legit Tag Title threat, but I just can't see the same thing happening for Natural Talent. When the Lion's began their gradual push the roster wasn't quite as stacked as it now...I just can't see Natural Talent ever getting above Lower Midcard (aka glorified jobber) status at best.


Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy


Zimmy hasn't really done much in an in ring perspective since coming in, but I think you'll make him look good here with a solid win over Canadian Elemental. Speaking of which, I was surprised Can-El wasn't in the All Action Title match at the PPV.


Amber Allen, JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter, Raku Makuda & Stephanie Wade


This one's pretty even, but other's have said Amber Allen appears to designated jobber #1 for the women's division.


Julian Watson vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Regis managed to sum it up in one word.


Giant Tana vs. Jack Marlowe


Marlowe looks like he may be on his way towards something of a push.


Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law (Rocky Golden & Rick Law)


Global Tradition, Tradition in what exactly? Would that be in jobbing?


Jack Bruce vs. Tommy Cornell


Looks like Jack's place will be in the upper midcard, besides I think we are beginning to see the build towards Hawkins vs Cornell and maybe eventually a Cornell face run with the big belt.


Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Even though a heel is holding the belt right now, I think you're more likely to keep Stone in the title hunt than RDJ. I get the feeling with RDJ, that you are keeping him strong but just enough away from challenging for the world title and finding other ways to keep him occupied.


And here's a question for you, given the considerable size of your roster, how do you keep all those ego's happy. Because I find with what I would consider to be medium sized roster in my BHOTWG game I try to get as many people on the show as I can, to stop the midcarders and above from whingeing if they are not on a show. Given the size of your roster, you can't obviously do that.

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And here's a question for you, given the considerable size of your roster, how do you keep all those ego's happy. Because I find with what I would consider to be medium sized roster in my BHOTWG game I try to get as many people on the show as I can, to stop the midcarders and above from whingeing if they are not on a show. Given the size of your roster, you can't obviously do that.


I do run a LOT of multi-man angles and matches in the pre- and post- show slots (to the point where currently I have only two roster members flagged for low momentum in the creative team section) which helps.


Otherwise, I season with bonuses on a fairly regular basis - and a swift one; I monitor conditions frequently and see who needs keeping sweet, so that I don't end up paying out ridiculous amounts and shifting the balance.


Long term, this is probably an unwise plan. We'll see if I ever get to 'long term', though.

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Prediction Key:

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent


And the patriotism of the writer shines through. :p (I kid, I kid.)


Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy


Seems a tossup, so going with group affiliation.


Amber Allen, JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter, Raku Makuda & Stephanie Wade


Can't go against my girl, even with jobber baggage.


Julian Watson vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Not seeing a reason to make Ino look weak here.


Giant Tana vs. Jack Marlowe


Wouldn't be much of an enforcer if he loses to Tana, now would he?


Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law (Rocky Golden & Rick Law)


I would have gone with "The Rock 'N' Rick Connection" myself, but I'm liking this team. They may go places.


Jack Bruce vs. Tommy Cornell




Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


And also...yeah.

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent If the Lions are that over, they aren't losing to NT. And I hate you for having a game where it's so easy to get talent over :p


Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy After a poor-ish showing at the PPV, Zimmy could do with a win - unless he's Team Bruce's go-to squash guy, which would make some sense in TCW...


Amber Allen, JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter, Raku Makuda & Stephanie Wade If in doubt, pick the more talented side. Makuda, and to a degree Wade, would seem to be the weakest workers in the match


Julian Watson vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily I haven't seen that much of Watson in here recently, which suggests this is a straightforward match for Ino


Giant Tana vs. Jack Marlowe As much as Tana has improved for you, he'll never get a push in TCW


Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law (Rocky Golden & Rick Law) Okay, go Golden Law would be more of a lock on BoH, but what the heck


Jack Bruce vs. Tommy Cornell No way in the world that this ends clean


Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson Ditto

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