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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent

- Not sure what talent they have, I do know they don't have any personality yet. The Lions benefited from joining TCW when the tag division was in reset mode. A couple of stellar matches later (in tag and singles) and they're legitimate threats. NT... NoT so much yet, if ever.


Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy

- I dunno. The Canadian Thrillemental hasn't been seen lately (it seems) but Zimmy was 'just there' on the PPV. I'm going to go with a slight upset for CE. Zimmy can become the bass player or drummer of the band. You know, the person who does a lot of heavy lifting but doesn't get the accolades. It'll be amazing.


Amber Allen, JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter, Raku Makuda & Stephanie Wade

- Wade is still woozy from Rocky's... Roading of her. What?


Julian Watson vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

- I'll be buying pretzels.


Giant Tana vs. Jack Marlowe

- I'll be browsing the merchandise stalls. Ohheylook, Stone Clan Playing Cards. Score!


Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law (Rocky Golden & Rick Law)

- Because Golden Law should be called Golden Rule... listen, Ricky's got his own damn TV show, he can capitulate on this!


Jack Bruce vs. Tommy Cornell

- Three reasons; 1) he's Jobby Bruce, 2) It's Tommy Fricken Cornell, 3) Wallbanger's fantasy booking is so good how can you possibly cast a negative vote against Tommy right now. The only thing I'd have changed about that booking is that I'd not have had Tommy play his hand too early in the promo. The final words would have been something like this... "oh... and Wolf. Just so you know now, a month in advance, now that you and your kiddos are reinstated. It'll be you, sunshine, and me... in Test. of. Steel."


Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

- Stone is not going to be a happy Canadian.

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent


Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy


Amber Allen, JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter, Raku Makuda & Stephanie Wade


Julian Watson vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Giant Tana vs. Jack Marlowe


Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law (Rocky Golden & Rick Law)

Jack Bruce vs. Tommy Cornell


Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent


Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy


Amber Allen, JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter, Raku Makuda & Stephanie Wade


Julian Watson vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Giant Tana vs. Jack Marlowe


Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law (Rocky Golden & Rick Law)


Jack Bruce vs. Tommy Cornell - by Countout when GenOmega shows up.


Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


I'm guessing the unstated part of the preview is, "oh, and see if Johnny Bloodstone decides it's time to go all Liam Neeson in Taken on anybody who even vaguely looks like a member of Generation Omega." Quite frankly, if I'm Remo or DWN or the rest of that group, my main worry is not Tommy Cornell.

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent


Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy


Amber Allen, JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter, Raku Makuda & Stephanie Wade


Julian Watson vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily


Giant Tana vs. Jack Marlowe


Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law (Rocky Golden & Rick Law)


Jack Bruce vs. Tommy Cornell


Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

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Otherwise, I season with bonuses on a fairly regular basis - and a swift one; I monitor conditions frequently and see who needs keeping sweet, so that I don't end up paying out ridiculous amounts and shifting the balance.


Long term, this is probably an unwise plan. We'll see if I ever get to 'long term', though.


Out of curiosity, have you noticed m/any negative impacts from doing this? Aaron Andrews is almost all the way to the left on my game, despite generally strong booking, as I botched his gimmick early on, and sweetening him with a bonus might be useful - but if it knocks 10% off my backstage morale that's a hefty penalty...

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Out of curiosity, have you noticed m/any negative impacts from doing this? Aaron Andrews is almost all the way to the left on my game, despite generally strong booking, as I botched his gimmick early on, and sweetening him with a bonus might be useful - but if it knocks 10% off my backstage morale that's a hefty penalty...


I'm not getting serious issues as a result. But a) I have a ridiculous backstage rating anyhow, and my Morale would have to take some big hits before it dropped below 100%, and b) I give frequent but small bonuses, which may change things. My understanding of the mechanic has it that the further to the left they are, the more money you need to throw at them to see any movement.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 1 June 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 15.82)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.04)


Held at the Manhattan National Center (Tri State)


Attendance: 21,356




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes



Johnny Bloodstone is stood in the ring as the title sequence comes to an end. Beside him, wide-eyed and almost beside herself with worry, is the Blonde Bombshell.


“REMO!” Bloodstone bellows. “Get out here. We're finishing this!”



Shout At the Devil, though, is what hits, not Remo's theme. Mayhem Midden – backed by Charlie Thatcher, his two baseball bats slung as ever over his shoulders – heads to the ring. “Johnny,” he begins, “I've got some bad news. The main one is, that just isn't happening-”


”Don't push your ****ing luck, Midden,” Bloodstone growls. “Remo hit Amy. Remo went after breaking me. And I'm going to break him back.”


The Board's Representative nods. “Can you let me finish?” he asks. Bloodstone growls, but says nothing.


“OK. That just isn't happening... tonight. Because Generation Omega haven't shown.” A half-smirk. “Between you, Eddie, and Stone, I'll be honest, I can understand where they're coming from.


“So let me make this easier for-”



There's a burst of static over the arena's speakers, and the big screen lights up. Visible in what looks like a luxury hotel room is the World Heavyweight Champion, Wolf Hawkins, and Phil Vibert. Wolf grins.


“Seems we're a little late,” he says. “Apparently getting a satellite link takes a bit more time than you'd think. But you didn't think I was going to duck out on the first broadcast after I won the title, did you?”


“Can we shut this off?” Midden asks Thatcher. The hulking bodyguard touches a hand to his earpiece, listening grimly, then shakes his head. Vibert grins.


“This is the thing, Ken,” Vibert says. “You've been pushing us as hard as you can. And sure, I've not wanted to push too hard at the Board of Investors, and my man on there runs a risk of you figuring it out every time I use him.


“But this is the thing. Your World Heavyweight Champion? My client. Your World Tag Team Champions? My clients.


“And I never liked my man on the Board. And I still have the negatives. So he'll do what I say until you kick him off, and now, we've got the belts. It's not going to happen.”


“Just. Give. Me. Remo.” is Bloodstone's response.


Hawkins laughs. “Remo'll be happy to oblige, from what I've heard. But when he's ready. He's still working on Peak.”


“He can do both,” Midden cuts in. “Because if you'd let me finish, guys... This month, at Excessive Force, I'm going to guarantee the show lives up to its name. This match is not one Generation Omega are going to have to fight for clearance on.


“Remo needs a tag partner. Whoever this sorry son of a bitch is, they're up against the last DaVE champion and the most recent World Heavyweight Champion in TCW. Johnny Bloodstone and Eddie Peak are going to be up against them.


“And it just gets better, guys. Because I'm making this match a Test of Steel. Whichever moron you scrape up, whichever lamb you sacrifice, is shut in with two of the most lethal fighters I can imagine. It's the first time we've put tag teams in there, and I'm looking forward to it.”


Hawkins looks at Phil, both men seeming a little concerned by this.


“This isn't negotiable, Phil,” Midden grins. “And Generation Omega – as a whole – will be fined two months' pay and victory bonuses if Remo doesn't compete.”


Vibert purses his lips, then nods, after a long moment. “OK,” he says. “But I need to raise something non-negotiable myself.


“A TCW championship must be defended within thirty day intervals. I am formally invoking the right of Wolf Hawkins and the rights of GenOme to be found challengers and provided with a match at Excessive Force.” He shrugs. “You can keep us embargoed until then, if you like. I don't care.”


Hawkins grins. “Tell Tommy I'm waiting for him. It's about ti-”



Breakin' The Law begins to play, and Cornell strolls down to the ring.


“Bad news there,” he begins. “Hawkins, you psychotic little ****, I knew this was coming the moment you crowbarred your way into that match.


“I still don't see why I should give you the satisfaction. Matter of fact, the more you screw around with my company, the more I want to screw you around, too. And there's the little matter of a promise I made a,” he visibly hesitates, then says the next word as if it's a surprise to him, too, “friend.


“Tonight, in the main event, RDJ gets the opportunity I promised him he'd have before I did. A contendership match – and his opponent is the man who almost won before you stepped in on it.”


“Oh, please,” Hawkins sneers. “Don't try to make out like I didn't earn this title. If Stone can go near thirty years in this business and he doesn't know you have to watch your ****ing back in a triple threat he deserves to lose.”


“Maybe so,” Cornell shrugs. “But I'd be careful if I was you. One of those two is going to be your first challenger.


“And if I have my way, that belt will come off your waist, Vibert's dreams will come crashing down, and you still won't have had your precious little match against me.


“You want to beat me? Sure you do. But we don't get all our dreams to come true, you little whiner. I wanted to beat Christian Faith. I wanted payback on Nemesis. I wanted to beat Sean McFly. And if you dare say that because I never had those chances, my career hasn't been successful, I still won't give you your match but I will rip your balls off.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MerleOCurle_alt.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WalterMorgan.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddieHoward.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DCRayne.jpg

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent

It seems that the Lions, at least early on, can't bring themselves to take Natural Talent terribly seriously. That angers the Talent, and for a few minutes there they show that they really do have the makings of another talented, dangerous tag team. Azaria, for his part, keeps flashing back to their first abortive TCW run, contrasting their speed, technique, strength, teamwork, even the array of moves at their fingertips... it's all positive stuff.


Nonetheless, once the Lions rouse themselves to properly compete, the outcome is in very little doubt, and Walter Morgan successfully brings down Natural #1 into the Wigan Wrench to score the win after a hard-fought sequence.

British Lions defeated Natural Talent

Rating: B



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CanadianElemental.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ZimmyBumfhole_alt1.jpg

Canadian Elemental vs. Zimmy

There was never any question that these two would go extremely fast, and there was never any question but that this would be an astonishing exhibition of innovative, slick moves.


The only thing in question was which of these two up and coming talents would come out on top, and the question is a tough one to answer right from the off. A spectacular sequence is immediately followed by another, and so it goes. An Elemental Suplex attempt gets blocked, through, and Zimmy counters into a wheelbarrow bulldog before vaulting up and hitting, in one fluid motion, a split-legged moonsault to get the pin.

Zimmy defeated Canadian Elemental

Rating: B-




<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV3bdKLgi_M?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV3bdKLgi_M?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

The video from the group Darkwave airs once again.



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Amber Allen, JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily



Lauren Easter, Raku Makuda & Stephanie Wade

It's a real mix of styles here; Brazzle and Wade both focus on a striking approach, one way or another, while JeriLynn and Makuda go flying with displays to rival the CanEl/Zimmy battle earlier, and Allen and Easter break out the technical skills. Quite frankly, this sort of thing is very obviously designed to showcase the breadth of talent in the women's division.


And it definitely works; all six show the kind of passion that Wade demonstrated at the PPV, and the crowd, while much of it is currently at the merchandise stands or buying food, is treated to a show that certainly gets them to come to life.


Suzanne Brazzle, eventually, starts to get the upper hand on Wade, blocking a number of superkick attempts before trying a Miracle Connection. Wade dodges, leaping backward and rolling over the top rope to the outside.


Brazzle follows with haste – and she meets a chair thrown the other way. For the second time in her TCW career, Wade concedes the match but ensures her opponent will remember.

Amber Allen, JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle win by DQ

Rating: B-



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JulianWatson_FIN.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KoshiroIno.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/QueenEmily_FS2.jpg

Julian Watson vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

It's hard to get the crowd, at the moment, to buy Watson as anything approaching a viable opponent for Ino, and that really does bring the mood down here.


Emily is, however, coming on leaps and bounds when it comes to getting the crowd involved, and the Team KOBRA representation thus plays to the crowd reasonably well; but Ino and Watson can't really get on the same page, and as such the match becomes very stop-start.


After around six minutes, Ino nails the Kobra's Bite to put this one beyond contest.

Koshiro Ino defeated Julian Watson

Rating: C






As always, this is the point where the rest of Team KOBRA arrive, led by All Action Champion Shingen Miyazaki, to pay respect, this time, to two warriors who've both won their matches. Thunder Snake's expression, insofar as it can be made out behind the mask, is guarded.


After the bows, Miyazaki takes the microphone to once again quote from the Hagakure, saying:


"A man is a good retainer to the extent that he earnestly places importance in his master. This is the highest sort of retainer. If one is born into a prominent family that goes back for generations, it is sufficient to deeply consider the matter of obligation to one's ancestors, to lay down one's body and mind, and to earnestly esteem one's master. It is further good fortune if, more than this, one has wisdom and talent and can use them appropriately. But even a person who is good for nothing and exceedingly clumsy will be a reliable retainer if only he has the determination to think earnestly of his master. Having only wisdom and talent is the lowest tier of usefulness."






http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TanaTheMighty.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JungleJack_alt1.jpg

Giant Tana vs. Jack Marlowe

There's no question but that this stunned the crowd. Tana has only just made his return, and this is his first time out of the Badge of Honor setting since doing so, while Jack Marlowe was seen for his Syndicate tenure as being something of a whipping-boy; for all his skill, he always fell short.


“The Enforcer” heads to the ring with an aura of confidence. Tana, meanwhile, struts to the ring, hanging with the fans and chit-chatting to get everyone's enthusiasm up, before squaring off.


The bell rings and Tana isn't all business; but does he need to be? He has size, strength and power, undoubtedly, and he's happy to fend off Marlowe's blows and play to the crowd – until Marlowe, annoyed, hits the ropes and comes off at a charge, throwing a straight right as he does so that actually staggers the big man. Off the ropes again and he charges, but Tana dips a shoulder, scoops him up, and lands an earthshaking Samoan Drop. Moments later, he's once again playing to the crowd – and Jack Marlowe pops up behind him, stomping on the back of one knee to bring him down lower, then bulldogging the big man to the ground.


Marlowe promptly climbs to the top turnbuckle, calling to the crowd in his own way – a swaggering, grinning gesture. He turns, soaring from the top, looking to drop the elbow on Tana – who turns out to have risen to his feet. He catches him, then sends him almost out of the ring with a fallaway slam.


It gets very intense, quite quickly, and in the end Marlowe creates a moment the fans are sure to remember for a long time – he hoists Tana over his head and holds him there in suplex position before landing the Jackhammer.

Jack Marlowe defeated Giant Tana

Rating: A (!)





Aaron Andrews is walking backstage, a can of soda in his hand; he stops at a locker room door, and almost wincing, gingerly opens it, breathing out only after the door swings open without incident. He takes a thoughtful sip of the soda, nodding to himself, and sticks his head in, taking a look around cautiously.


“Aaron! Hey, man, we need to talk.” The new arrival is Joey Minnesota, dashing up to his tag team partner with a degree of enthusiastic urgency.


“What's up?” Aaron asks, surprised.


“So the tag title scene's finally open again. I've asked Midden, and he's given us the OK for the shot at Excessive Force if you agree. What do you think?”


Aaron pauses for a moment before responding. “Joey... You can't hold more than one championship in TCW. Regulations.”


“Well, sure,” Joey nods. “But you don't have to give up the International strap if we lose, do you? We win, and we both get to be champions, you get to keep that promise you made the fans about us. We lose, and you're still a champion. It's a win-win situation for you.”


Andrews' expression is more than a little cautious. “Joey, you deserve a title, man. And I'm happy to help, really I am, but Sunday Edd actually scraped a draw. You know he's going to be coming after me, even if I'm looking somewhere else.”


Minnesota frowns. “So we'll deal with Edd and his buddies. Come on, man. This is the first time the Rising Stars have had a title shot since we formed. We got so busy with everything else...”


Aaron bites his lip. “Man... Look, I'll think about it, OK? I've got a responsibility to this championship. I don't want to just abandon it. But taking the belts off GenOme... that's tempting, I've gotta admit.”


Joey shakes his head, but doesn't say anything else.



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Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law

Global Tradition's win-loss record isn't a great one, but they always put up a hell of a fight, and the crowd are never less than into it. Up against the newly-named Golden Law, the result is that the crowd come alive in moments, and stay that way til the end.


And JD Morgan rises to the occasion, too, trying out a lot of nice-looking holds but somehow managing to keep them from appearing to be rest holds, notably including a keylock on Golden which breaks only when Rocky takes the aggressor over and dumps him down with that twisting powerslam.


Golden tags out shortly after that to preserve his wrist, and Law comes in, putting Morgan down again with a Squad Car Slam before allowing him to tag out. Bryant manages a couple of minutes' offence before the Long Arm of the Law puts the match beyond doubt.

Golden Law defeated Global Tradition

Rating: B+



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JackBruce_alt8.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt1jt.jpg

Jack Bruce vs. Tommy Cornell

Bruce and Cornell stare down as Sam Sparrow checks both men for concealed weaponry, then the bell rings – and Bruce barges past Sparrow, landing a stiff left to Cornell's jaw that drives the former champion back a step. Sensing blood, Bruce keeps at him, hammering him back almost to the corner, where Cornell abruptly comes to life, ducking under a swing and coming around with the two-handed signature Blade Chop across Bruce's torso.


A whip to the far corner follows; Jack rebounds, meeting Cornell on the return with a clothesline that drops Cornell fast, and after throwing up the horns, Bruce looks to be aiming for an early New York Minutes. Cornell rises up, Jack jumps – and Cornell shifts slightly, catching Bruce in the air as he rises to dump him out in a back suplex.


The crowd pop for that, and the company owner picks Bruce up and slams him down again on the mat. He takes a moment to look around the crowd as they react, a trace of pure wonder on his face. He grins, then stomps at the back of Bruce's neck; the rockstar takes the first impact, rolls clear of the second, and springs up into a standing dropkick.


It's close to even for the next little while, with both men bringing their very best. Jack will land a stalling suplex, Cornell will come back with a cut-throat backbreaker. And eventually, Tommy rolls under another clothesline – leaving Sparrow to take the hit – and lands the Rough Ride.



With no referee, he shrugs, not going for the cover – and Wolf Hawkins catches him with a Full Moon Rising, coming out of the crowd to do it.



He bails for the crowd again mere seconds later – Johnny Bloodstone is steaming down the entrance ramp after him, and indeed through the crowd – but he certainly doesn't catch Wolf before they pass out of sight of the cameras, Hawkins charging through an alarmed fire door to the accompaniment of a wail of sirens.


Bruce has recovered by now, and he's once again stalking Cornell for the New York Minute, but suddenly, just before he can take to the air, someone else flies into frame.



It actually takes a video replay to see Harry Allen's Gunslinger's Revenge in action, so fast does it occur. The cameras do catch him rolling from the ring with arms raised in salute, however, and by the time Sparrow has revived, Cornell is ready to land a second Rough Ride and secure the pin.

Tommy Cornell defeated Jack Bruce

Rating: A*



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeremyStone.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg

Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

With the contendership this month on the line, both of these men are willing to do almost anything. Ricky isn't as ingenious in the ring as Jeremy, not by a long shot, but he's a decade longer and tough as Texas.


And it's not like he's without his own offence; the Leaping Lariat is something Jeremy seems to have been ill-prepared for, and while any Stone knows how to reverse and twist out of a sleeper hold, Jeremy wasn't ready for RDJ to wheel and punch him down with a single shot – it seems, however, like RDJ was ready for Jeremy.


On a couple of occasions, Ricky kicks clear of the Stone Hold, and the big biel toss he sends Stone across the ring with pops the crowd, not least because it's clear Ricky is building up a head of steam. A slingshot shoulderblock, too, takes Jeremy back down, but as RDJ goes to capitalise Jeremy yanks him down and goes for something very like the Bloodstone Mutilation – but it's less effective, with Stone having a little less flex.


And that allows Ricky to rises to his feet, with Jeremy suspended above him – until RDJ sits out. Stone's head crashes off the canvas and RDJ covers immediately, but Jeremy still kicks out.



Frustrated, RDJ steps back to debate what to do next – at which point Gorgon makes her presence known, pulling him out of the ring, then smashing down the Hydra Bomb on the outside. Ray Johnson calls for the DQ.

Ricky Dale Johnson won by DQ

Rating: A


Show Rating: A

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Also, and quite seriously, thank you to my readers.


At time of writing, TCW: A Quiet Retirement has 14 nominations in the DOTY awards, 6 of them seconded - which is either ahead of everyone else or in competition for the best running.


That sort of thing touches me, quite honestly, as much if not more than actually winning one of the awards would. In particular, the fact there are a few categories where my readers' votes are split makes me very happy - if Edd Stone, Sam Keith and Tommy Cornell all have some support for people's favourite character, then I have to be doing something right.


I may have to set some time aside for link-diving and put together a little 'potted guide to diary highlights' or something similar... A diary this size needs something to be helpful for newcomers, after all.

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Jack Marlowe defeated Giant Tana

Rating: A (!)


How the...even with great...awesome chemistry? What's their popularity?


They're midcarders.


Midcarders for a strong Global promotion with a lot of Bs, both in the brawling to connect with each other and in the third row Psych, etc, etc, which lets them go strong. Add in strong chemistry and you get a great result.

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 1 June 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.27)


Held at the Sunrise Sunset (Hawaii)


Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out)





Jason Azaria – Sara Silver – Autumn Gleeson

  • Conquering Kings came together against the lower-tier School of Tradition pairing of Frankie Dee and Freddy Huggins, beating them after a closely-contested fight when Clark Alexander pinned Frankie Dee. (Rating: B)
  • A surprising victory for a motivated duo, the Fly Boys and Goldworthy seeming to have sprung abruptly to life as they made short work of Mexican favourites El Leon and Ultimate Phoenix. A Surf's Up by Jimmy P ended it. (Rating: C+)
  • Rocky Golden, Chris Rockwell and Rick Law confronted Stephanie Wade about her actions on Tuesday's show. She shrugged this off. “I get you don't want to do that, big guy, but you fight your way and I'll fight mine.”
  • Brent Hill put up an intense fight in the first of a series of matches this evening, only to be beaten by Peter Hopper with the RPM Bomb. (Rating: B)
  • The next match in the series evened the score, with Marc Speed forcing Sayeed Ali to submit to the Cross Armbreaker. (Rating: C+)
  • Finishing off the trilogy, John Anderson squeaked out a narrow victory over Billy Fonda, blocking the Grease Spot to hit the Ammo Dump. (Rating: B)
  • Hidekazu and Thunder Snake confronted Shingen Miyazaki about whether he believed the Hagakure quotes he's been citing during Team KOBRA ceremonies. Miyazaki responded with “It is difficult for a fool's habits to change to selflessness. In confronting a matter, however, if at first you leave it alone, fix the four vows in your heart, exclude self-interest, and make an effort, you will not go far from your mark.“
  • Matthew Keith and Harry Allen went face to face in an exciting match which ended only after Jack Bruce interfered. Missing Allen, he laid out Keith and received a Gunslinger's Revenge for his trouble. A flying fist drop later and Allen had notched up an impressive victory. (Rating: B)
  • An interesting little video in the style of a commercial aired next; “The Enforcer” Jack Marlowe noted that he'd notched up two big scalps – Eddie Peak and a jackhammer victory over Giant Tana – lately, and that having cut Watson loose he was available for hire by anyone who needed a problem solving. He guaranteed results, citing the fact he'd helped Jeremy Stone win through the battle royal to championship contendership.
  • The Rising Stars united in a close-fought contest, scraping a victory against the more experienced team that is the Elite Express. (Rating: B+)


Show Rating: B+

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You see, now that they're away from the baleful influence of the Buffalo, the Fly Boys can stop being jobbers by association!


By the way, the Gunslinger's Revenge = Cutter, if I'm remembering right? I'd steal that for Allen if I still had him in my game.


Nice to see Brucey boy finally pulling in some ratings (although Tana/Marlowe getting the A is probably more surprising). I'll have more faith in him if/when he manages to get consistent good grades against opponents which aren't Cornell though. My caveat for TCW for great grades is always 'Cornell doesn't count', lol. Being that he pulled an A* with an unover Mikey James with the chemistry tick in my game, it makes me look at an A* with Bruce (who is over, I assume, and also a somewhat better wrestler) a little more... warily?


Man, I'm like a belligerent smart mark 'One great match with Cornell doesn't mean Bruce has proved himself! Cornell could pull a great match out of Peter Valentine!'

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Jason Azaria: This is TCW Badge of Honor, brought to you by Thunder Snack!


Sara Silver: When your stomach's rumbling, you need a Thunder Snack!


Autumn Gleeson: Only thing is, while Thunder Snack may take care of that rumbling, it causes...other rumbling afterwords.


Jason Azaria: Would that be the "Thunder from Down Under"?


[Jason grins cheesily. Sara and Autumn glare at Jason.]


Sara Silver/Autumn Gleeson: Call the match, Jason.

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By the way, the Gunslinger's Revenge = Cutter, if I'm remembering right? I'd steal that for Allen if I still had him in my game.


Correct, yeah. I believe that's actually canon, but it also makes it very easy to put Harry in hitting something ludicrously fast or what have you.


Jason Azaria: This is TCW Badge of Honor, brought to you by Thunder Snack!


Touche, sir. Edited duly. ;)

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On Tuesday, two men who'd teamed before made their alliance official, and became Golden Law. This Saturday, two more men make an alliance of their own official; Edd Stone and his friend Champagne Lover have let it be known that the Eternal Party has begun.


And, indeed, the Eternal Party faces a formidable first challenge in the Young Guns, who've been very active on TCW programming lately - and the Gunslinger's Revenge has certainly proven a dangerous assault of late. Which team will win out?


Two masked fliers will be looking to make an impact, too, with Canadian Elemental taking on UK Dragon in the Quebec Stade Uniprix for the pride of the commonwealth.


Golden Law have another testing match ahead of them, too; Sammy Bach wishes to take them on, and while Darkwave as a whole aren't interested in this, Bach has added an ally in "The Enforcer" Jack Marlowe. Will the rule of Law survive, or can Bach unleash anarchy in Canada?


Two great women go head to head afterward, with JeriLynn Stone taking on her aunt by marriage, Tamara McFly. Who will the crowd get behind? And who will prevail?


A tag team match between two much more experienced teams is also lined up, as the New Wave will be facing off against the Elite Express. Will the Wave make it two wins from two, or will the Express start to even the score in their rivalry?


Two former simultaneous champions unite against two dangerous veterans. Jeremy Stone and Eric Tyler both believe they deserve a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship, and they're looking to prove it in the semi-main event. Their opponents? Troy Tornado and Johnny Bloodstone. Can Stone, in particular, make it out the other side alive?


The main event looks likely to be an unusual one. Remo Richardson and Marc DuBois have been alerted to the fact a Generation Omega tag-team match has been sanctioned. Their opponents? Tommy Cornell and an unnamed tag partner.


Cornell and Midden have also promised a surprise for Generation Omega, and Troy Tornado has said that Painful Procedure have prepared a response to Darkwave. All things considered, it looks like a busy night...


Prediction Key:

Eternal Party (Champagne Lover & Edd Stone) vs. Young Guns


Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon


Golden Law vs. Jack Marlowe & Sammy Bach


JeriLynn Stone vs. Tamara McFly


Elite Express vs. New Wave


Eric Tyler & Jeremy Stone w/ Laura Huggins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell


Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & ????

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Eternal Party (Champagne Lover & Edd Stone) vs. Young Guns


I thought Edd was tagging with his brother? Oh well the new duo begin with a win.

Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon


Do I say it, do I dare steal someone's thunder and ruin their day, by mentioning a word that begins with J in reference to the worker I have not highlighted in bold....




Oh I can't bring myself to say it....


Golden Law vs. Jack Marlowe & Sammy Bach


This one's alot closer than it might have been even a month back with Marlowe beginning to rise the ranks and pulling an A of all things out of Giant Tana, but I'll go with the duo that have been hanging out together longer.

JeriLynn Stone vs. Tamara McFly


JeriLyn's getting the stronger push, Tamara's a bit of a J-Word.


Elite Express vs. New Wave


Didn't the New Wave, cheat to win last time? The turn towards winning by darker methods, continues here.


Eric Tyler & Jeremy Stone w/ Laura Huggins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell


Slightly more main event level star power on the face side, Tyler will do the job in this one.


Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & ????


Tommy's mystery partner will make the difference, I did think that maybe Quadruple Question Mark would be RDJ, but that would be too obvious.

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Eternal Party (Champagne Lover & Edd Stone) vs. Young Guns


Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon


Golden Law vs. Jack Marlowe & Sammy Bach


JeriLynn Stone vs. Tamara McFly


Elite Express vs. New Wave


Eric Tyler & Jeremy Stone w/ Laura Huggins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell


Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & ????

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Eternal Party (Champagne Lover & Edd Stone) vs. Young Guns


Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon


Golden Law vs. Jack Marlowe & Sammy Bach


JeriLynn Stone vs. Tamara McFly


Elite Express vs. New Wave


Eric Tyler & Jeremy Stone w/ Laura Huggins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell


Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & ????

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Eternal Party (Champagne Lover & Edd Stone) vs. Young Guns

Not sure what to expect here, but Edd seems like the biggest name here to me.


Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon

UK Dragon has been jobbing so far and I don´t see any change here


Golden Law vs. Jack Marlowe & Sammy Bach

Close one but I go with named team over random pairing.


JeriLynn Stone vs. Tamara McFly

I´m still not sold on JeriLynn though she will probably win this one.


Elite Express vs. New Wave

New Wave proves that they are back on top by beating one pf the better teams in TCW.


Eric Tyler & Jeremy Stone w/ Laura Huggins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell

Tyler is the odd man out here so he will eat the pin.


Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & ????

Like Tigerkinney said RDJ would be obvious choice, so would Peak and both guys would over enough to get a win here.

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Eternal Party (Champagne Lover & Edd Stone) vs. Young Guns


Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon


Golden Law vs. Jack Marlowe & Sammy Bach


JeriLynn Stone vs. Tamara McFly


Elite Express vs. New Wave


Eric Tyler & Jeremy Stone w/ Laura Huggins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell


Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & ????

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Eternal Party (Champagne Lover & Edd Stone) vs. Young Guns



Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon

Woo, go CanEl!


Golden Law vs. Jack Marlowe & Sammy Bach

Top-level team against... well, not top-level team. Although with Marlowe's push kicking into gear, I'll call this a draw.


JeriLynn Stone vs. Tamara McFly

One has had screen time, the other has not.


Elite Express vs. New Wave

Ruthlessness will bring victory.


Eric Tyler & Jeremy Stone w/ Laura Huggins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell

Tyler is the weak link here.


Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & ????

Never vote against ????

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Prediction Key:

Eternal Party (Champagne Lover & Edd Stone) vs. Young Guns


Interesting pairing - looking forward to seeing where it goes.


Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon


It's the Commonwealth Games of Wrestling!


Golden Law vs. Jack Marlowe & Sammy Bach


This one is a tossup, so we'll go with the newer, fresher push of 'The Enforcer' Arn--I mean, Jack Marlowe.


JeriLynn Stone vs. Tamara McFly


Just remember, JL, that how Aunt Tammy feels now is how you will feel in 15 years when Lucy is kicking your ass from pillar to post.


Elite Express vs. New Wave


This should be awesome. Either New Wave wins through shenanigans and continues their slide to tweener status, or MAD joins the party and Guide and Scout pick up the DQ.


Eric Tyler & Jeremy Stone w/ Laura Huggins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell


Johnny is tunnel-visioned at this point. He'll see some random GenO getting popcorn at the concession stand or something and rage after him, leaving Tornado open for a Darkwave run-in after he's been ganged up on by his opponents.


Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & ????


Never bet against ???, and never bet against shenanigans. A glorious Charlie Foxtrot is anticipated here.

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Eternal Party (Champagne Lover & Edd Stone)[/b} vs. Young Guns


Young Guns are only good for alignment-blurring run-ins. Not matches. Edd Stone is good at entirely-appropriate run-ins AND matches.


Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon


Dragon is good enough to be an awesome jobber, but the British Lions already fill up the "semi-generic but talented British midcarders" quota. Meanwhile, CanEl needs to get some wins to be the solid midcard also-ran rather than the outright jobber.


Golden Law vs. Jack Marlowe & Sammy Bach


Yeah, Marlowe had a great match. Law's had better. Many times. I am super excited about a Law-Marlowe feud, and hope this kicks that off, though I don't see any indication that that's in the cards.


JeriLynn Stone vs. Tamara McFly


Connections notwithstanding, Tamara isn't... good, is she? Hypothetical Stone for the win.


Elite Express vs. New Wave


Heel turn step 2: cheat when you don't have to.


Eric Tyler & Jeremy Stone w/ Laura Huggins vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell


No contest. Bloodstone = Stone, Tornado > Tyler, Huggins > Bombshell (yeah, I said it), and too many questions swirling around these four men to get an entire match finished. MAYBE a DQ victory, but I don't even think that, because Stone can't take a second hit after losing to RDJ.


Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Tommy Cornell & ????


This is a good team, but with DuBois between programs and Richardson in a feud with no title implications, it's not the hottest thing Omega's got going. I'll give Tommy the first win, because if he's going to be a legit contender, he needs to beat things that AREN'T everything the heels can throw at him.

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