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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Connections notwithstanding, Tamara isn't... good, is she? Hypothetical Stone for the win.


Relative to the talent pool, she's OK. When I play with a women's promotion/division, she is one of my typical acquisitions and I can usually build her up to be on par with the top tier of women. She's an above average technician but is otherwise unremarkable to start with.

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TCW Presents Saturday Night Showcase


Saturday Week 1 June 2009


Live on CBA (Rating 13.86)


Held at the Quebec Stade Uniprix (Quebec)


Attendance: 10,000 (Sold Out)





Duane Fry – Jasmine Saunders – Alanis Springsteen


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Eternal Party vs. Young Guns

The Young Guns have been showing so much fire lately, and given a chance in the ring, they set themselves to it to show the crowd what they can do.


That said, they're up against the slowly-ascendant Champagne Lover, and against the master of Edd-Fu.


It's actually quite remarkable how well the Guns seem prepared for his inventive ways – the handspring elbow, for instance, sees them pluck him from the air, then deliver a double-team suplex flip into a stunner, which draws a pop from the crowd – particularly when Steve Gumble kips back up and into a moment's air guitar celebration.


Champagne Lover has a much more direct approach, and the sheer speed of it is a big threat as what is now the senior Painful Procedure tag team try to keep the upper hand against two extremely tough opponents.


There's a recurring issue in tag team wrestling, dating back some fifteen years now, where an established team that relies on speed and aerial artistry is gradually outpaced, gradually cast aside by younger wrestlers using more innovative moves, who've grown up with the counters for the established team. This has been the Young Guns' vulnerability for quite a while now, but here, for the first time in a while, they really seem to be battling back against it.


Edd rolls under Gumble's Savate Kick, and Gumble instead leaves Eugene Williams with a headache.



Therein lies the problem. Perhaps – perhaps – the Guns could have stood their ground against the Eternal Party. But when Darkwave's masked man and Cherry Bomb add to their problems, they're out of their depth. A Cherry Bomb and a corkscrew legdrop on the outside leave Allen down and out, and Edd promptly lands the Party's Over to Gumble as Williams recovers.

Eternal Party defeated Young Guns

Rating: B-





Edd hops onto the top rope, twisting as he does so, and backflips down to the outside, grabbing a microphone from the ring announcer.


“You know something?” he asks. “I'm feeling a little like I'm invisible right now.


“See, Aaron, I thought we were having fun. I know I was. And you threw me down a good fifteen feet, and you came crashing down...


“You couldn't beat me. Still can't for my money.


“And you want to go get tag gold? You wanna give up the belt?” He mock-pouts. “I didn't realise you didn't wanna play rough, man. I didn't realise you couldn't take it.


“Mind you, you're an only child. Me, I grew up fifth of five kids. I'm usedta getting pranked, ridden hard, ribbed all to hell.


“It made me who I am today.


“Man, I thought you understood. Guess not... so I'm gonna make you. You go for the tag belts, me and my main man here will come after you, since Biggest Bro's after the big belt with the maple leaf.


“You stay International, we'll sort this.


“But you and me ain't through, man. Grow a thick skin because the kidding's just begun. Watch your back... or front, or side, or head, or... well, something. I haven't decided.” He laughs, somewhere from some very strange mindset. “I'll level with you, man. I pretty much make this up as I go along.”




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Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon w/ Laura Huggins

One of the things that Azaria has frequently mentioned when UK Dragon has been on the screen has been his wide and varied background, wrestling in a wide assortment of very different places, adapting to very different styles.


It's steadily growing more apparent across his matches; his offence is different in each one, trying different combinations, different tactics.


Trying, it would seem, to find a combat tactic that will earn success in TCW, a very different environment to any he's been in before.


CanEl finds himself outwrestled whenever the pace slows enough that Dragon can lock up with him; that said, the maple-leafed thrillseeker doesn't allow the pace to slow for more than a few scant seconds at a time. Ultimately, that's what does it; on the Elemental Suplex being blocked, he's able to land what Azaria calls a Daredevil Drop, and that scores the win.

Canadian Elemental defeated UK Dragon

Rating: B-




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Golden Law vs. Jack Marlowe & Sammy Bach

With the exception of Bach, what we have here is something of a slugfest. Sammy, as the fastest of the group, plays the world's most dangerous mouse while three resilient tomcats throw down.


Marlowe fits into this nicely; as the announcers discuss just what lengths the Enforcer is prepared to go to in pursuit of his clients' goals he elbows out of a Golden bearhug, then promptly clotheslines both men over the top rope and to the outside – before running around the ring, yanking Law off the apron, and going into a discus punch that connects just as Law lands.


Moments later he's back putting the boot in to Rocky, and it has to be said that Marlowe does a lot – not all, but a lot – of his side's heavy lifting against Golden Law. Bach, naturally enough, is only too happy to let him.


In the end it's Bach who pins Golden, but it's clear who did the work. Jack Marlowe has made a statement.

Jack Marlowe & Sammy Bach defeated Golden Law

Rating: B




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JeriLynn Stone vs. Tamara McFly

Simple and quick, the two relations put on a good technical show that rapidly steps up the pace as JL pushes her aunt, eventually kicking her loose from an attempted Stone Hold, letting her crash into the turnbuckle, then vaulting up and landing the Girl's Best Friend to pick up a pin.


As One Girl Revolution begins to play, JeriLynn mounts the turnbuckle again, pointing a single finger at the camera with her habitual grin.

JeriLynn Stone defeated Tamara McFly

Rating: C+





Applause gets picked up over the speakers, and Jeremy Stone walks out onto the ramp, still clapping, apparently quite sincerely, while holding a microphone in his hand.


“Good,” he begins. “That's great, honey. I'm glad to see you're sticking to what you've learned at-”




“the House of Stone, where the very best wrestlers-”




“in the world unite to train the next-”




Jeremy blinks.


JeriLynn frowns. “Is this for real? I mean, sure, thanks for the compliment, but you are getting damn close to... are you seriously Kanye-ing me?”


Jeremy blinks again. “Am I...”


“Never mind,” she sighs. “I gotta hit the showers. You tell the fans... I don't know. Whatever. Hey, can you justify yourself while you're at it?”


“Justify myself?” Stone asks, as his daughter rolls out of the ring.


“Yeah,” she shrugs. “You might've missed this, Dad, but you've cheated in a contendership match three months straight now.


“Stone is stronger than that.”


And with that, she brushes past her father and heads backstage.


Jeremy watches her go, a frown on his face, then shrugs.


“You lot think I need to justify myself?”


The fans react, and as they do, Stone snorts. “What the hell just happened? I know you lot aren't stupid. I hear the questions you ask. You understand match strategy. You get where we're coming from. You respect good wrestling, and I ask a rhetorical question and you yap like trained dogs. You're better than that. Or you should be.”


He looks around the crowd. “Fact is, there isn't a person here – there isn't a person in this company – who has the track record, the years of experience, the understanding of the sport, to be in a position where I have to justify myself to them.


“That's what's got to me about Sean Deeley's line of BS the last few months, and quite frankly, the fact he brought my daughter here is going to far. Not that I'm not happy she's here – and winning – but he intended that to screw with me. Sean, put simply, you don't have that right, and I've got over two decades in the sport to back up my statement.


“Mark my words, Sean, you have a lot to learn and I'm going to make sure that you do.”




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Elite Express vs, New Wave

Another very close result between these two teams, with both sides hitting hard and taking names. The Express are certainly eager to shut down a suddenly-game New Wave before they can really get their feet back under them.


Meanwhile, Guide and Scout are doing everything they can. The slam/flying elbow drop to the crotch combo finally makes its return, much to the fans' delight, and the hotshot – springboard lariat combo also returns.


Thomas and Johnson fire back with their own signatures, building up almost inevitably to the Precision Driller – which lands, eventually, on Scout, mere moments after Ray Johnson recognises a somewhat questionable blind tag to bring Guide into play.


A Guided Missile takes Thomas out of the equation. Johnson gets another before being tossed from the ring, and Thom Barrowman gets a slick pin cover, both legs hooked, to make sure of it.

New Wave defeated the Elite Express

Rating: B




With the match over, the fans' attention returns to the entrance ramp, where it seems TCW's redoubtable stage crew have been busy. A full drum set, dual keyboards, not one but two bass guitars and a lead guitar are in place.




And Painful Procedure come out in force. Hopkirk and Waldorf grab the basses; Allen takes the keyboards, Statler the drums, and Gumble the lead guitar. And Troy Tornado... well, he has a microphone, and that's all he ever needed.


“This,” Tornado grins, “is our new single. Figure if Darkwave are just gonna give you a crappy video, we've got to at least show you the Procedure live. So get ready... we're going balls to the wall!”





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Eric Tyler & Jeremy Stone w/ Laura Huggins


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Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado w/ Blonde Bombshell

The two veterans, between them, have fifty-six years in the business, and it shows in everything they do; measured, careful, and brutal. Bloodstone, meanwhile, is having obvious difficulty keeping his temper in check; at the same time, there's a lot of discussion on the announce table about how he seems to be minimising his time in ring.


“Saving himself up,” is the consensus. After all, some of Generation Omega are set to be in the arena later...


So Bloodstone makes his time in the ring impactful, but he's quick to tag back out. Tornado, meanwhile, is his usual dynamic, energetic self, hurtling around the ring, relying on speed and energy to stay out of the veterans' reach.


It's a good strategy... in theory. The tricky part is when there's two of them and they're able to tag out, recover... and you have only a limited supply of go. Especially after a high-energy song performance right ahead of the match.


Tyler eventually slows him down with the old standby that is a thumb to the eye, takes him down with a slam, then tags out. Stone goes to work, and perhaps a couple of his own plays aren't entirely legitimate.


A heel hook leaves Tornado scrambling, desperate, until he can grab the ropes. Eugene Williams starts the count, but Stone keeps the hold applied.



Williams has his attention on trying to prise Stone's hands off Tornado's ankle, and Sean Deeley arrives, blasting Stone with a European uppercut that breaks the hold. Another uppercut follows, then an inverted suplex to confirm it – and Deeley rolls clear of the ring as Williams turns around.


Tornado beats Stone to his feet, barely, and meets the rush with a Tornado Driver, collapsing onto Stone with his ankle going out from under him. Bloodstone rushes Tyler to prevent a break on the pin, and despite the pain in his ankle, Tornado scores the pinfall.

Johnny Bloodstone & Troy Tornado defeated Eric Tyler & Jeremy Stone

Rating: B+




Breakin' The Law hits next. Cornell appears, and the pop is stunning. He stops short, shakes his head, then starts walking to the ring as Midden appears behind him. “Guys, seriously, OK,” Cornell begins. “I swear, enough's enough. That feels wrong, you know that?”


The pair enter the ring. “Right,” Cornell begins, then glances across at Midden with a broad, broad smirk. “You want to get this started?”


“Sure,” Midden nods. “Phil, Remo, Marc, we know you're all gonna be backstage. I want all three of you out here, right now.”



A few moments later, the trio emerge. They stalk straight down to the ring for a close-up faceoff.


“Kinda want to get this over with,” Remo says, simply. “You want us to fight again? Sure, whatever. It don't matter to Remo. But let's get done, OK? I want your scalp on my wall, boss.”


Cornell stays quiet, gesturing to Midden, who fishes a piece of paper out of his leather jacket. “Hope you appreciate me doing this the 'right' way, Phil,” he says, making the air quotes as applicable. “I know you were talking about how you were fine with being shut away from competition, resting up, all that. And it's true that tonight is the first time Generation Omega has been given a sanctioned, broadcast match you hadn't already had confirmed since we barred you from competition.” He grins. “I'm gonna love this part.


“Remo Richardson, Marc DuBois, Frankie Perez, Davis Wayne Newton and Wolf Hawkins, the Board of Investors invokes its right to levy punitive damages against TCW contracted wrestlers -”


Vibert frowns. “Whoa, whoa, whoa – punitive damages can only apply if they've cost TCW money, or broken the rules, or violated their contracts, and my men have not-”


“Just let him finish,” Cornell smirks. Midden nods.


“On Wednesday and Thursday night this week, the Board's Representative arranged matches for your clients, Phil, at the regularly scheduled TCW events occurring those nights.


“Your boys didn't perform. In fact, they weren't even in the building, either night.


“So you don't get paid, and in fact, to satisfy the wrestlers you were pitted against, we're fining you their win bonuses.” He grins. “Also, for the record, you all now have count-out losses against Tooth and Claw and Kazuma & the Kid on your sheets.”


Remo steps forward, scowling, and Midden raises a hand. “Phil, we knew you wouldn't be there. And we don't ask ANY wrestler to attend every event. TCW doesn't believe in forcing people to compete seven nights a week. No other sport inflicts that level of wear and tear. No one should have to face it.


“But from now on, Phil, Generation Omega do not get to know if they're competing until the night of the show. Maybe not until halfway through.


“And we will be enforcing each and every fine.”


“I'm going to fight this,” Vibert hisses. “You cannot get away with this-”


“Probably not,” Cornell says cheerfully. “Mind you, you're suddenly not getting any money to fight it with. It's all cost now, Phil. We've got some good news for you, though. A proposition.”


“Go on.”


“TCW is prepared to reinstate Generation Omega members to the regular wrestling schedules. We are, however, just making this an offer right now. Specifically, it's what we offer to give you incentive to commit to a match at Excessive Force.


“In return, we're offering this; if you lose, you, Phil, are going to use your blackmail material on the Board of Investors one last time. You're going to force your inside man to sell his shares and step down.”


Vibert frowns. “Generation Omega has two tag matches and a world heavyweight championship scheduled at Excessive Force as it is. With five members-”


“Yeah,” Cornell grins. “Someone's gonna have to pull double duty. Ain't that a kick in the head?”


DuBois snorts. “If it gets him in the ring with you, it'll be Wolf's pleasure. And he'll give you the kick in the head.”


Cornell grins. “Sure, sunbeam, I'll be giving him his satisfaction. I hadn't thought of that...


“Actually, you're not going to be fighting me. You'll be fighting my partner tonight.”


“Who is?”


Cornell and Midden look at each other and simply grin. Strings start to play through the arena; the music isn't quite what the fans are used to, but the Canadian audience knows the tune even if they don't know this version. And they know who's come out to that theme since 2004... and who vanished from NOTBPW television three months ago.




Sean McFly has arrived in TCW.



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Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly & Tommy Cornell

There is very close to nothing about this match that doesn't create riotous levels of reaction throughout the arena. All ten thousand are on their feet.


DuBois' speed is getting to be astonishing, but perhaps even more so is the ease with which he baits Cornell in the ring, drawing even so experienced a player of mind games as Cornell into rages – rages which invariably end with Cornell in the Generation Omega corner as Remo tags in.


Cornell is indisputably one of the very best wrestlers alive. But Remo... Remo is strength, speed, and a beautifully straightforward approach to laying out his opponents. He simply powers through holds, tosses his opponents halfway across the ring to crash back-first into the turnbuckle – only to mow them down with a roaring elbow as they ricochet back into the ring, and stacks Cornell and McFly up in the corner for a running splash to take them both out.


Without someone of Eddie Peak's strength, Remo Richardson is close to an unstoppable force.


On the other hand...


If Tommy Cornell is the best wrestler alive, Sean McFly is in the top ten if not the top five. And with the crowd he's performed in front of for five years roaring their support for him, he finds the resilience to get his shoulder up on pinfall after pinfall.


Eventually, Vibert shrugs. Marc DuBois vaults the ropes while Cornell clings to the turnbuckle to avoid a Destroyer, and a Marc of Excellence wipes out Sam Sparrow.



Both Generation Omega men go to work on Cornell. McFly rushes in to help, and only a split second later, Johnny Bloodstone arrives.


Replays will later show that Bloodstone's delay was due to waylaying a security guard; he's wielding the nightstick as he arrives, and the shots rain down fast. DuBois rolls clear; Remo simply weathers the storm, coming back with a right cross that staggers Bloodstone, but Cornell, sensing the opportunity, hits the mother of all low blows from behind. Richardson drops to his knees, but he manages to take Cornell down as he does so, mounting for some MMA-style ground and pound.



And it just gets worse; Wolf Hawkins arrives from the crowd, still in street clothes, and forcibly ejects Fry from his seat to secure a steel chair. Remo happily rolls clear of Cornell to allow Hawkins to go to town, the big man of Generation Omega now squaring off with an enraged Bloodstone again while DuBois and McFly brawl.



For a while it looks as if everything is lost – but then Eddie Peak is in the mix, bleeding from his own self-inflicted thumbslash across the chest, swinging haymakers that hit hard, and moments later, buoyed by Peak's presence, TCW security hit the ring and separate the sides. On behalf of Sam Sparrow, Ray Johnson rules this one a no contest.

Marc DuBois & Remo Richardson went to a no contest with Sean McFly & Tommy Cornell

Rating: A*


Show Rating: A

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Anyway, just wondering, what happened to the Alanis Morisette...Springsteen/Conquering Kings little storyline?










Floyd Goldworthy has been having issues with American Buffalo since the start of the diary. That came to a head at a point where the diary had more posts than any other.


Possess your soul in patience, as Travolta would say. Low-card storylines burn a long, long time here.

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Ring Generals = Balcony Express = have been under Hopkirk's tutelage for quite some time.



In addition... McFly! TCW now has even MORE of a super roster.


Yup; that's how they debuted, and how they've stayed.


And yes, Sean McFly left NOTBPW three months ago due to being too over. (though, frankly, even with the folks I've stolen, I have no idea how they aren't at least National by now.) I hired him shortly after and he's been waiting for the right moment to debut since.

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Wednesday 3rd June 2009

I winced when I heard Tommy's promo last night. Winced because I knew it meant we'd get people on the phone today, and that, technically, sorting it all out was going to be my job.


Some things are just inevitable. One of those things is that if you mention a company's biggest star, and that company isn't your own, people will explode with excitement about various things.


And yes, for all Richard Eisen's much-quoted “SWF is bigger than any one man” approach, the SWF undoubtedly has a biggest star. No exaggeration to say that if Christian Faith became a free agent we'd sign him in a heartbeat and figure out what to do with him later; for a man with that reputation, that level of ability, it's always possible to find something for them to do.


But Faith is still Richard Eisen's greatest asset for reasons beyond sheer talent; he's also dedicated to the company. And perhaps it's that level of trust between the two men that prevented a repeat of the APWF/SWF lawsuit from back in '79, when Eisen's lawyers argued that “by claiming that Ray Kingman would never wrestle Terry Lambert again, they were effectively promoting just such a match, as it is well known in professional wrestling circles that events claimed to be impossible often take place.”


Or maybe, in the intervening thirty years, Richard has realised just how crazy that sounds. Either way, the phone call I had with Richard just now was reasonably civil; the call with Christian, on the other hand, was downright friendly, and made me realise just how long it's been since I spoke to him. We worked out it hadn't been since his son's birth.


Wasted two hours shooting the breeze on gossip that time, too. I need to get over and see him sometime.


Hm. Thought occurs that the Supreme Challenge is next month. I might see about dropping by. Give the internet something interesting to make Adrian phone me at 4am, at least.


Saturday 6th June 2009

Contracts, always contracts. Larry-from-accounts has decided he likes Quebec, having had to come out here to catch the wrestlers as we go. Two fairly important signings today.


Sean Deeley's is easy; his programs have kept him strong since his introduction and he's obviously placed to be a big fixture in the future. We talk about where he can go after the 'heroes with feet of clay' program, but only in the loosest sense; Deeley's value is not in his mic skills, though they're obviously improving, but in what he delivers in the ring. With Laura by his side, he's unlikely to have to carry a promo any time soon, so it's simply a question of sketching out who he might wrestle. A feud with someone like Davis Wayne Newton seems an obvious one, and finding a tag partner to match up with the Elite Express could lead in interesting directions.


Sean's bright enough to know that his spot is not at the top of the card any time soon, but also that that won't hurt his marketability; he's an established name now, and he's getting some good wins.


The Face That Launched Careers: Without Amy Roberts, would Art Reed have got the break he deserved?

Amy Roberts, I'm a little more worried about. The Bombshell left TCW originally due to the wear and tear of life on the road, and in truth she probably has the busiest schedule of anyone not named Baroness Emily right now; the Keiths and Bloodstone are, between them, featured on some seventy per cent of house shows, and she's there for all of them


In addition, with Kreed and Johnny dropping their belts, plus Sam not being positioned with the anti-Generation Omega guys, her profile is likely to dip. So for Amy, I have a big sell-session planned.


She comes in with her own. For a moment, I'm terrified, but she doesn't want to wrestle; she has, however, a lengthy program plotted out that will eventually turn her heel then face again, involving the Keith twins.


Larry shoots me a look, and I can tell he's thinking about the times HGC used to get fined for lewd content. Of course, CBA are actually more understanding, having a broader remit, and we could probably get away with it there... but instead, I say “Well, let me tell you what's currently in motion for Matt and Greg, and we'll see where your idea could fit.”


I know full well, of course, that it can't. And over time, she comes to see that, too... but she also sees what's coming. No significant profile dip, no potentially-merchandise-threatening heel turn. And a continued, steady income, with (possibly) the occasional chance to vanish away for a week or so and guest spot in a TV show – Adrian (again) tells me the 'net has a lot of rumours about various producers courting her, including a potential three-episode run as a love interest for someone called Barney Stinson on some sitcom.



Promotional image, How I Met Your Mother Season 5


We're able, at any rate, to re-sign her. I'm not sure I wholly like this crossover-potential stuff in wrestlers, but that may just be a lingering sadness that Magnum Johnson's career veered into movies so early...

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Why the **** you holding down Bombshell from strippan foar dah Keith bros? IT'S WHAT WE WANT TO SEE cries


Because this isn't SW-sodding-F, this is TC-effin-W, and we sell our house shows and our PPVs on the best wrestlers in the world respecting the sport of professional wrestling, wanting belts, wanting victories over rivals, wanting to show what they've got, and we add a couple non-wrestlers on the side for spice.




OK, slight exaggeration. But I do firmly hold that TCW's atmosphere should be on wrestling with elements of side interest, as opposed to SWF's side interest with elements of wrestling.

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I'm confused. Did Cornell mention Christian Faith, even obliquely? Because if so, I'm missing it.


“A TCW championship must be defended within thirty day intervals. I am formally invoking the right of Wolf Hawkins and the rights of GenOme to be found challengers and provided with a match at Excessive Force.” He shrugs. “You can keep us embargoed until then, if you like. I don't care.”


Hawkins grins. “Tell Tommy I'm waiting for him. It's about ti-”



Breakin' The Law begins to play, and Cornell strolls down to the ring.


“Bad news there,” he begins. “Hawkins, you psychotic little ****, I knew this was coming the moment you crowbarred your way into that match.


“I still don't see why I should give you the satisfaction. Matter of fact, the more you screw around with my company, the more I want to screw you around, too. And there's the little matter of a promise I made a,” he visibly hesitates, then says the next word as if it's a surprise to him, too, “friend.


“Tonight, in the main event, RDJ gets the opportunity I promised him he'd have before I did. A contendership match – and his opponent is the man who almost won before you stepped in on it.”


“Oh, please,” Hawkins sneers. “Don't try to make out like I didn't earn this title. If Stone can go near thirty years in this business and he doesn't know you have to watch your ****ing back in a triple threat he deserves to lose.”


“Maybe so,” Cornell shrugs. “But I'd be careful if I was you. One of those two is going to be your first challenger.


“And if I have my way, that belt will come off your waist, Vibert's dreams will come crashing down, and you still won't have had your precious little match against me.


“You want to beat me? Sure you do. But we don't get all our dreams to come true, you little whiner. I wanted to beat Christian Faith. I wanted payback on Nemesis. I wanted to beat Sean McFly. And if you dare say that because I never had those chances, my career hasn't been successful, I still won't give you your match but I will rip your balls off.”


Too much goes on in this diary.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eidenhoek" data-cite="Eidenhoek" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23671" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> Leading me back to my question...</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> She's not a wrestler. She comes in later in the sentence.</p>
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Leading me back to my question...


Okay, dude, seriously, the whole OMG BEWBZ typing in all capitals and being ridiculously over-enthusiastic about everything is getting old. It was only vaguely funny to start with and it's getting less so every time you do it. It's okay to be enthusiastic. It's okay to have a somewhat funny schtick - just ask Beeker, or Comradebot. But trying to keep it up all the time is just annoying. Please, stop now.



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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/totalwrestlingbanner.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23671" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>A grudge is set to be settled this Tuesday, on Total Wrestling. The Kreed and the British Lions have been almost neck and neck since their first meeting, and the Lions want to prove they can take the win. And so the match has been made; will the Kreed be able to pull out another win, or will the increasingly-dangerous Lions put this one to rest?<p> </p><p> High-flying competitor Freddy Huggins has been far from the limelight recently, but this Tuesday he has a chance to change that, as he goes one on one with his sister's paramour Sean Deeley. Laura Huggins has let it be known that she's unequivocally on Sean's side in this one, but that has to be just more motivation for Freddy...</p><p> </p><p> After appearing on TCW programming for over a month now, one of Darkwave's newer members will make her first appearance in competition. Cherry Bomb takes on former Womens Champion Kate Dangerous in her first match, and Jason Azaria assures us that Cherry is one of the best womens' wrestlers out there. So who'll come out on top?</p><p> </p><p> Another tag battle has been lined up for the Rising Stars; this time, they face off with School of Tradition pairing Acid Dragon. While it looks likely to go the Stars' way, the question of the title match this coming pay-per-view seems, if their performances at nontelevised events are anything to go by, to be wearing on the Stars. Will they pull it out at Total Wrestling nonetheless?</p><p> </p><p> Matthew Keith is a technical wrestler par excellence. He and his family are among the best in the world... but he's been on a losing streak lately. He's requested a contest against Chris Rockwell, and Mayhem Midden has given the match the go-ahead. Will Keith pull one over on the man with the temper? At time of going to press, it's believed that Matthew will still not be accompanied by the Blonde Bombshell.</p><p> </p><p> In the main event, however, Jeremy Stone continues a high-visibility run as one of TCW's most dangerous men, but he may be up against the most dangerous man of all, the "Bloody-Handed God" Eddie Peak. Will Stone survive? <em>Can</em> Stone survive? Or will the man with the glittering career pull out the impossible victory one more time?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Prediction Key:</p><p> British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell</p><p> </p><p> Freddy Huggins vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins</p><p> </p><p> Cherry Bomb vs. Kate Dangerous</p><p> </p><p> Acid Dragon w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rising Stars</p><p> </p><p> Chris Rockwell vs. Matthew Keith</p><p> </p><p> Eddie Peak vs. Jeremy Stone</p>
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<p><strong>British Lions w/ Laura Huggins</strong> vs. Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell</p><p> </p><p>

Freddy Huggins vs. <strong>Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cherry Bomb</strong> vs. Kate Dangerous</p><p> </p><p>

Acid Dragon w/ Laura Huggins vs. <strong>Rising Stars</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Rockwell </strong>vs. Matthew Keith</p><p> </p><p>

Eddie Peak vs. <strong>Jeremy Stone</strong></p>

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<p><strong>British Lions w/ Laura Huggins</strong> vs. Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell</p><p>

<em>I could see this one going either way but I think that it´s Lions turn to get the win.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Freddy Huggins vs. <strong>Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins</strong></p><p>

<em>Huggins haven´t been in matches for long time while Deeley has been in feuds with some good quality opponents so Sean takes this one.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cherry Bomb</strong> vs. Kate Dangerous</p><p>

<em>Pretty much a guess here but I say that Bomb gets an impressive win over former champ.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Acid Dragon w/ Laura Huggins vs. <strong>Rising Stars</strong></p><p>

<em>Sadly Acid Dragon is too far below Rising Stars</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Rockwell</strong> vs. Matthew Keith</p><p>

<em>Matthew continues his losing ways here</em></p><p> </p><p>

Eddie Peak vs. <strong>Jeremy Stone</strong></p><p>

<em>Stone picks the win but he likely get some help.</em></p>

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<p>Briti<strong>sh Lions</strong> w/ Laura Huggins vs. Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell</p><p> </p><p>

Freddy Huggins vs. <strong>Sean Deeley </strong>w/ Laura Huggins</p><p> </p><p>

Cherry Bomb vs. <strong>Kate Dangerous</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Acid Dragon w/ Laura Huggins vs. <strong>Rising Stars</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Chris Rockwell vs. <strong>Matthew Keith</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Eddie Peak vs. <strong>Jeremy Stone</strong></p>

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<p>British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. <strong>Kreed </strong>w/ Blonde Bombshell</p><p> </p><p>

Freddy Huggins vs. <strong>Sean Deeley</strong> w/ Laura Huggins</p><p> </p><p>

Cherry Bomb vs. <strong>Kate Dangerous</strong></p><p><strong>


Acid Dragon w/ Laura Huggins vs. <strong>Rising Stars</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Rockwell </strong>vs. Matthew Keith</p><p> </p><p>

Eddie Peak vs. <strong>Jeremy Stone</strong></p>

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<p><strong>British Lions</strong> w/ Laura Huggins vs. Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell <em>Lions must be on the upswing more so than Kreed right now.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Freddy Huggins vs. <strong>Sean Deeley</strong> w/ Laura Huggins <em>When in TCW, if nothing else presents itself, pick the better wrestler</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong> Cherry Bomb</strong> vs. Kate Dangerous <em>Dangerous hasn't been lately, Bomb has</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong> Acid Dragon</strong> w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rising Stars <em>Okay, Acid Dragon are not much more than jabronis, but the Stars are a little distracted right now</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong> Chris Rockwell</strong> vs. Matthew Keith <em>Rockwel''s pretty much your signature character, so if you want to highlight a bad spell for an opponent, Rockwell's the guy to go to </em></p><p> </p><p>

Eddie Peak vs. <strong>Jeremy Stone</strong> <em>If anyone can beat Peak and make him look even more dangerous, it'll be Stone. I can see Stone desperately trying to hold onto the Stonehold as Peak rages around, fading slowly but surely as he smashes Stone against anything that doesn't move... </em></p>

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<p><strong>British Lions w/ Laura Huggins</strong> vs. Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell</p><p> </p><p>

<em>With the title belts now off Kreed, the need isn't there to keep their unbeaten/invincibility streak going, so this time round I see the British Lions going over and getting a huge win.</em> </p><p> </p><p>

Freddy Huggins vs. <strong>Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Like Zergon said Deeley's been feuding with some quality opponents even if he hasn't been getting the better of them and Huggins has been off TV for a while and it doesn't look he will be pushed above jobber status anytime soon.</em> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cherry Bomb</strong> vs. Kate Dangerous</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Cherry Bomb can look strong on here in-ring debut and Dangerous can blame her loss on being worn down from her battle's with Gorgon.</em> </p><p> </p><p>

Acid Dragon w/ Laura Huggins vs.<strong> Rising Stars</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Acid Dragon are just quality jobbers and with a roster this stacked it doesn't look like they will be rising from that position.</em> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Rockwell</strong> vs. Matthew Keith</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Keith's losing streak continues</em></p><p> </p><p>

Eddie Peak vs. <strong>Jeremy Stone</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Peak may be incredibly dangerous but Jeremy Stone is the one being pushed in the world title hunt and he will find a way to make Peak submit to the Stone Hold.</em></p>

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<p><strong>British Lions w/ Laura Huggins</strong> vs. Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell</p><p> </p><p>

Freddy Huggins vs. <strong>Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cherry Bomb</strong> vs. Kate Dangerous</p><p> </p><p>

Acid Dragon w/ Laura Huggins vs. <strong>Rising Stars</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Rockwell </strong>vs. Matthew Keith</p><p> </p><p>

Eddie Peak vs. <strong>Jeremy Stone</strong></p>

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<p>Prediction Key:</p><p>

<strong>British Lions w/ Laura Huggins</strong> vs. Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Matt is probably involved in this somehow, driving us closer to full fledged family feud.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Freddy Huggins vs. <strong>Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Deeley's in a program, Freddy isn't. Pretty much sums it up there.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Cherry Bomb vs. <strong>Kate Dangerous</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Need to keep face challengers strong.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Acid Dragon w/ Laura Huggins vs. <strong>Rising Stars</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Rising Stars are rising stars. Only way they don't win is if Edd-fu is unleashed on them.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Chris Rockwell vs. <strong>Matthew Keith</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Going against conventional wisdom here, but I think it drives the Keith family storyline a bit more.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Eddie Peak vs. Jeremy Stone<strong> - No Contest due to Charlie Foxtrot</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><em>Ain't no way GenO isn't getting involved here. I'm so sure I'm invoking a triple negative.</em></p>

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<p><strong>British Lions w/ Laura Huggins</strong> vs. Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell</p><p> </p><p>

<em>I love the Kreed, but I think this is where the Lions finally pull off the victory.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Freddy Huggins vs. <strong>Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Sad as it is, I don't think Freddy has been nearly relevant enough to take home a win here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cherry Bomb</strong> vs. Kate Dangerous</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Bomb makes a strong debut.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Acid Dragon w/ Laura Huggins vs. <strong>Rising Stars</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Acid Dragon are jobbers. Talented, but jobbers.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Chris Rockwell vs. <strong>Matthew Keith</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Rockwell has been in a bit of a holding pattern recently, I think Matt needs to start pulling out a couple more victories for credibility.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Eddie Peak vs. Jeremy Stone</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>A draw seems about right here, actually.</em></p>

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