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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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The Machines (Brent Hill, John Anderson & Marc Speed) vs. Darkwave (Jack Bruce, Sammy Bach & Zimmy)


The Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. The New Wave


Joey Minnesota vs. Matthew Keith


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Sean McFly


Eternal Party vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Tommy Cornell

Jeremy Stone vs. Troy Tornado

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The Machines (Brent Hill, John Anderson & Marc Speed) vs. Darkwave (Jack Bruce, Sammy Bach & Zimmy)


They're just higher on the card. Odd to see the Machines so removed from relevance.


The Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. The New Wave


Their resurgence/possible heel turn continues.


Joey Minnesota vs. Matthew Keith


Minnesota is lost, Keith needs legitimacy.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Sean McFly

He'd better.


Eternal Party vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Tommy Cornell


Settle down, Eternal Party.


Jeremy Stone vs. Troy Tornado


I feel like it's going to be Stone vs. Cornell for the title shot. So Stone needs to get a couple good wins. This is a great victory for his resume, and it also answers the question "hey, why isn't Troy Tornado trying to get the title too?"


That much having been said, does Jack Marlowe get involved here? Possibly.

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TCW Presents Saturday Night Showcase


Saturday Week 2 June 2009


Live on CBA (Rating 14.14)


Held at the Manhattan National Center (Tri State)


Attendance: 25,474





Duane Fry – Jasmine Saunders – Alanis Springsteen



The Machines




One thing you can absolutely rely on from the three men known as the Machines is that their performance will be fantastic, their command of the ring excellent, and the moves they execute crisp and more than capable of popping the crowd. With Bach's agility, Zimmy's all-round game and Bruce's showmanship, the result is an entertaining contest that the crowd are happy to witness.



And then the Easy Riders, together with Sayeed Ali, rush the ring, making a beeline for the Machines. Zimmy doesn't seem inclined to let them spoil the match, however, spinning Billy Fonda around on his charge and hitting a Blood Rush.


Faced with both sides technically in opposition to the invaders, Johnson hesitates in calling for the DQ – and the Young Guns arrive, going for Bruce and Bach.


Faced with a massively chaotic brawl, Ray Johnson elects to throw the match out and call in TCW officials and security to clear the ring.

Darkwave went to a no contest with The Machines

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DonnieJ.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JamesPrudence.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FloydGoldworthy.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Guide.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Scout.jpg

Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. New Wave

Fry does a fantastic job talking up both teams, dwelling particularly on the determination, nevet-say-die attitude, and innovation common to both. While the New Wave are slowly resurgent, Duane is the kind of announcer who can make the fans believe, just for a few seconds, that the Fly Boys are on their level.


It's a simple trick. Fry's knack is simply for presenting people as they were at the height of their success, and at the height of their success, both the Boys were champions at the top of their company, former tag team champions, with an undisputable pedigree together.


The New Wave still have the advantage, needless to say; Duane's work on the microphone is so necessary simply to make this look like an even match. And, to be fair to them, the Fly Boys come within a whisker of an upset after one particularly big move, a springboard into a flip piledriver that leaves Scout entirely out of it – but Guide makes the save, and it's Guide who delivers a Guided Missile for the pinfall.

New Wave defeated the Fly Boys

Rating: B-





Back in the Manhattan National Center corridors, Laura Huggins and the British Lions are walking with a purpose. They halt outside a locker room door, and Huggins turns to her charges with a sigh. “You sure about this?” she asks, with the air of someone giving one last chance. Morgan nods; O'Curle smiles slightly, his own nod fractional at most.



Huggins nods in return, then knocks on the door and waits. As the door opens, Art Reed looks surprised, then suspicious, then holds the door open wide. “You guys want another rematch, huh?”


“Actually,” Laura smiles, “no. Because we have other things to be concentrating on... and so do you.”



“Do we, now?” The Bombshell steps into view, smiling cheerfully. “And what would that be?”


“Honestly, the same thing we do. The Lions have yet to hold the title; Kreed has, but I'm sure both of them want to hold it again.”


The Bombshell giggles. “Make no mistake about it.”


Laura nods. “If we win, we'll be happy to face you. If you win, well, I kinda get the impression that the same will be true for you two, too.


“But so long as neither of us hold the belts, all this trying-to-settle-who's-best stuff is just going to cause more trouble than it's worth. We've, ah, we've been talking about this.”



Greg Keith shows his face now, too. “Go on.”


“Well... where Walter grew up, there's a saying, and it's a saying we've decided to offer to you guys as a settlement. It's not about who's the best team; the question is always, and only, who's the best team on the day.


“We don't deny you two are good. Great, even. But so are my boys. Any win can only tell us who came through that time. So... best team on the day?”


Reed and Keith look at each other for a long moment, Keith, eventually, nods, and Reed offers his hand to the Lions. “Best team on the day.”


The two teams shake hands as the camera returns to the ring.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota_alt.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MatthewKeith.jpg

Joey Minnesota vs. Matthew Keith

“Is Joey Minnesota a future world champion or what?” is Duane Fry's comment early on in this match.


Minnesota opens up with aggression, chopping the hell out of Matt. He busts out a snap suplex.


Keith blocks a slam and converts it to a cradle to turn the tide. He transitions to a figure-four leglock, switching on and off a handhold in the ropes whenever Sparrow's gaze flickers back toward him. “It's like watching his father twenty years ago,” Springsteen muses. “No – fifteen. Matt got a few shortcuts from being trained by his Dad.”


Minnesota finally succeeds in rolling it over, but the damage is done now. There's a big red X right across his knee and Matt zeroes in on it.


Minnesota limps back by tossing Keith out of the ring. On the outside, Joey is able to take over despite a fightback, eventually whipping Matt into the steel steps. Keith hits shoulder-first and, in an astonishing display, goes tumbling all the way over the steps to land on the other side.



Minnesota takes just a moment to play to the crowd and when he turns around, Phil Vibert is at ringside and his spiral-bound notepad is out. “Well,” Silver chuckles, “I guess that tells us which Rising Star Vibert's after.”


“Vibert's not that blatant,” Fry rebuts, “unless he wants to be. If he's been stalking the Stars as a pair, he's coming out for just one for a reason.”


Minnesota shakes off the cobwebs and goes to roll Matt back into the ring, but the Keith scion grabs a handful of Minnesota's ringshorts, falling backward and yanking, sending Joey facefirst into the ringpost. Matt pops up and stomps for the injured knee, but the ten count is almost over; he rolls Joey back into the ring and follows quickly, going for a fast pin. Joey kicks out, grabbing Matt's weakened arm, and rolls over into a keylock. Keith makes the ropes, so Joey DDTs him and slowly boosts himself onto the second rope.


Taking a moment to scowl at Vibert, he launches off the top with a fistdrop. Unfortunately, Matt's out of the way, and the announce team have a chance to criticise Joey for the 'rookie mistake' of letting Vibert take him out of his game.


Matt stays on his case, driving the knee into the mat, dropping an elbow, holding a single leg crab with a hand on the ropes once again – but this time, Sparrow catches him, forcing a hold break. As Matt shrugs it off, Joey drives a fist into his gut, rising on one leg to deliver a jawbreaker – not one anyone would be willing to compare to the usual Minnesota Salute, but it's enough to break Matt's run of dominance. Joey fires back with chops from his knees, then an uppercut, and makes his feet long enough to decapitate Matt with something of a tumbling lariat.


He moves to make the cover; on the outside, Phil Vibert is moving to be right in Minnesota's line of sight. The crowd see it happening and they yell their disapproval.



And then Aaron Andrews is there. He gets in Vibert's face. As Joey covers, he sees Andrews deliver the Game Breaker to Vibert on the outside.


Joey looks stunned that it's happened – and Matt yanks him across into the Proton Lock. With no place to go, Joey has to tap out.


“Ladies and gentlemen,” Duane Fry says, “this has well and truly been a barnstormer.”

Matthew Keith defeated Joey Minnesota

Rating: A*




GenOme vault the guardrails, having been charging through the crowd since Andrews hoisted Vibert for the Game Breaker, and they quickly back the Rising Stars off, with Minnesota nursing his knee.


Vibert slowly rises to his feet, clawing upright via the steel guardrail.


He actually manages to laugh as he snatches the microphone out of the ring announcer's hands. “You two? You two honestly think you can take Generation Omega?


“Boys, I want you to have the title shot. I want you to... because mark my words, boys, you're going to tear yourselves apart. Look at you!”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SeanMcFly.jpg

Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Sean McFly

Well, sometimes someone has to have the match that just can't live up to the one before it. Don't make the mistake of thinking this was bad, or even mediocre – but there was no way for the crowd to invest as heavily as they had just previously.


Eric Tyler comes out strong to begin with, but Sean McFly quickly starts to shut down his offence. Tyler responds by going into the defensive, preventing McFly from doing serious damage and waiting for the opportunity to turn it around.


After a few moments, he starts looking to create opportunities. A handful of tights, a hand on the ropes, a thumb to the eye... all the usual standards, and McFly has a way around each of them. He continues to control most of the match, although Tyler gets a few opportunities to make him really regret the contest.


In the end, though, Eric resorts to something else – a sudden backward elbow puts Eugene Williams down, and Tyler goes to the outside, going for a chair.



And that's when Sean Deeley gets involved; a boot to the gut and a suplex prevents Tyler from doing serious damage to McFly.


The older Sean takes over from there, finishing things with the Delorean Driver to score the pinfall.

Sean McFly defeated Eric Tyler

Rating: B+





Remo Richardson rolls into the ring as the previous match's participants leave, dressed for the street. “Hey,” he says, mic in hand, “whoever the hell I just 'talked to' in the production truck has a DVD in front of him. Whoever's still conscious in the truck needs to play that on the main screen. Now.”


There's static for a few seconds, and Remo continues talking. “So listen. I keep hearing something that's pissing me off. I keep hearing people say me and DuBois are in this for some grudge or whatever. That Phil working somewhere else means he can't work here without there being some agenda.


“Phil is in this for... money. Marc is in this for, drum roll please, money. Wolf is in this to prove a point. Davis and Frankie are in this because there's no better place to be.


“And no petty company squabble matters to Remo. So let me show you what does. Coming up, everybody in this company who's been a champion in Japan...”


The video screen's static dissolves. On there, one by one, is publicity shot after publicity shot of the various champions and former champions in TCW...
































“No surprise, Generation Omega all make the list. But that is why I'm here; find me somewhere else with that many targets, I'll go there. Every champion I beat proves my point even stronger. Remo is here to make a statement. Remo is here to beat everyone worth beating. And if you can win a championship, you're worth beating.


“I've got a plan. Don't worry about the details. Just know that if you've had a belt around your waist, sooner or later I'm gonna tear you apart. How good you think you are? It don't matter to Remo.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChampagneLover.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt6.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt1jt.jpg

Eternal Party vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Tommy Cornell

There's a pace and a speed to this that's more than a little unusual when the methodical, hard-hitting RDJ is involved in a match. On the other hand, Eternal Party.


Lover provides a more typical airborne offence, very much looking at home competing on the same level as Cornell and RDJ. Edd, however...


Well. Edd is, was, and ever will be Edd. The moment where he countered an RDJ powerbomb by literally popping up and over him into a backslide was something new and interesting.


The backflip off a whip to the ropes that led into the splits, transitioning again into some kind of capoeira scything kick, that too grabbed the crowd's interest. And the spinning headstand into a legdrop... could have been a genuine match ender, if Cornell hadn't gotten in and dragged RDJ clear.


Johnson, given a moment where Edd is of necessity staggered and slower than usual, does the only rational thing – he doesn't let Edd recover, and Champagne Lover, for attempting to help his ally, receives a Leaping Lariat to keep him down.


Cornell seems, for the most part, content to watch RDJ's back and let the number one contender reap the plaudits. That said, there's a rolling sequence between Cornell and both members of Eternal Party that very much looks like a possible future feud at the top – but in the end, Edd Stone cops a punch to the jaw from Cornell for playing around at the wrong moment, staggers into a Southern Justice, and finds himself pinned by RDJ.

Ricky Dale Johnson & Tommy Cornell defeated Eternal Party

Rating: B+




Jeremy Stone comes out shortly after the match finishes, staring daggers at Ricky Dale Johnson – but nothing quite happens, as Cornell and Johnson stand shoulder to shoulder while he passes.


Stone collects a microphone, climbing into the ring, and he takes a look around him. “I'm going to make this as simple as I possibly can,” he says. “I should be in the World Heavyweight Championship match at Excessive Force. You know why?”


“Because Wolf Hawkins didn't pin me, because Johnny Bloodstone didn't make me tap, and because Ricky Dale Johnson didn't beat me. He squeaked through on an attack... more, he squeaked through on being laid out by a woman.


“Is that a champion, to you people? Is it even someone who deserves the chance to be?


“I say no. I say RDJ has spent the last seven months complaining he never got the title shot, and I say he's spent the last seven months not deserving to have one. And yet, like Sean Deeley, he's asking for a fast track to the top, in spite of there being people ahead of him.


“People like me.


“So my pitch to have him thrown out begins tonight, when I make another World Heavyweight Champion tap out.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeremyStone.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TroyTornado_nacht6.jpg

Jeremy Stone vs. Troy Tornado

There's a brief staredown after the bell, then Jeremy lunges forward, going for the double-leg takedown. Tornado holds his own in a mat-wrestling battle, taking Stone to a stalemate and applying several leglocks. Stone comes back with a gogoplata-like manoeuvre, but Sam Sparrow insists the hold be broken as it's a choke.


Stone keeps up the drive and slingshot suplexes Tornado. He works in a nasty grounded choke with his knees in Tornado's back, but Troy twists out while Sparrow gets on Jeremy's case, and Tornado tosses him to the floor.


Troy promptly vaults off the top rope in a suicide shooting star that Fry promptly dubs the Stage Dive.


Tornado hits a running knee in the corner, but Stone targets Troy's knee, looking to take out his opponent's speed..Stone hits a hammerlock suplex into an armbar, but Tornado reaches the ropes.


They trade blows, knocking each other loopy, but neither man can knock the other down.


Tornado shifts his weight to counter a backdrop suplex, but Stone rolls through for two. Jeremy promptly nails the Stone's Throw, but Troy kicks out just barely before a victory could be secured.


Jeremy clamps on a Canadian Cloverleaf, keeping it solidly held. Tornado fades, and his arm drops three times, but he grabs Sparrow's pant leg before the ref can signal for the bell.


Troy battles back on one leg, eventually starting to look like victory is his. He shoots Jeremy into the ropes, dropping to one knee with the effort, but makes it to his feet as he goes for it, the Tornado Driver.



Jack Bruce leaps onto the apron and Troy wavers. Jeremy rolls through the lift - Stone Hold! It's locked in clear in the centre and after around ten, fifteen seconds, Troy taps out with some desperation.

Jeremy Stone defeated Troy Tornado

Rating: A


Show Rating: A

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Show notes:


  • God bless you, Joey Minnesota
  • Man, that formatting took unusually long for some reason. ;)
  • Because I know people will ask: Remo's promo was represented by Remo with seven others, chosen for people I thought it would do the most good if TCW fans were to be reminded of their title histories. The rest is just window dressing. Since in booking strategy terms it's more along the lines of a 'TCW is awesome' promo albeit with a heel spin, I figure that's fair.

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Tuesday June 9th 2009

And it begins; Troy Tornado has started pitching ideas to allow him to tag with Sean McFly. Knew that wouldn't take too long. Troy can be... unsubtle... about his enthusiasms. Which is part of what makes him work as a wrestler, so I really shouldn't complain.


Sunday June 14th 2009

Fifteen months, now, I've been holding the book. I was planning to grab some time at the end of the first year and do another roster review – show my thinking when it came to how people had shifted position, how my assessments of people had changed, all that good stuff – but I always scheduled it for a PPV weekend – and frankly, I really don't have time.


So, in the comparative quiet of the middle of June, it's probably worth my while doing one now.


Our Biggest Draws


Wolf Hawkins http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


In the last of these, Wolf Hawkins was our bright hope for the future, or one of them at least. He was also second fiddle to the World Heavyweight Champion and International Champion himself. Most people seemed to expect that Wolf would turn face on Tommy when it came time to break up the Syndicate, especially once Sam Keith got involved with his mind games. What we did instead – turning Tommy face as Wolf stepped up to claim his place – seems to have worked; the fans are livid, and Wolf's feud can be built entirely around surpassing Tommy. I don't think there's a ceiling on his future.


Tommy Cornell http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


What can you say about Tommy Cornell that will surprise anyone? The last six months have seen Cornell's career take its first major departure from pattern in quite some time, of course – after the Syndicate fell apart at The War To Settle the Score, Cornell's path to redemption has provoked a strong fan reaction. Teaming for the first time with eternal rival RDJ, naturally, helped too. I think we've a few months yet before we need to pay off the Hawkins/Cornell feud, but we'll see. Drag it out too long, and anticipation can kill a match...


Jeremy Stone


Playing the heel seems to suit Jeremy, who's taken the demise of the Syndicate in stride to currently become one of our most featured performances. Generation Omega's ban from competition has allowed Jeremy to really step up and show his stuff on a global scale, which remains all the man needs to get over. His feud with Sean Deeley is an on-again off-again slow burner which has brought Deeley some real credibility, while not devaluing Jeremy – and he delivered a hell of a main event for Total Mayhem this year.


Johnny Bloodstone


Of course, Jeremy didn't do that alone. Johnny Bloodstone had some initial stumbles, mostly issues in clicking with early opponents, but the story of one man's love allowing him to bring his fatal flaw into check seems to have resonated deeply with TCW fans, and his championship win moments – both helping to make Tommy submit and making himself the undisputed champ at the biggest show of the year – combined with strong showings in all his matches have made him a firm favourite. Being screwed by Generation Omega has allowed us to pay off the anger management gimmick and, if anything, left Johnny with more crowd support than before.


Remo Richardson http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


Another man whose introduction to TCW had a rocky start to it, but the 'supreme specimen' as we billed him then has started to flourish, through a feud with RDJ where Remo injuring the veteran set his push back to his current high position in Generation Omega, and a catchphrase that seems to have come out of nowhere to spawn an impressive fan following. Remo's current war with Peak is building to the Test of Steel in tag competition, with a former World Heavyweight Champion also present in the cell. Safe to say that his future is bright, especially if he can fill out the weaker areas of his game.


Sean McFly http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


A new arrival, it's a little to early to pass much comment on McFly. That said, his debut was a stellar match, immediately earning the 'American Tiger' his first Man of the Hour presentation. With his reputation, skills, and the ready-made feuds scattered throughout TCW, there's no question that McFly will be getting a lot of use. People are already predicting Cornell/McFly for next year's Malice in Wonderland.


Marc DuBois


To date, he's been the closest thing Generation Omega have to a weak point. Nonetheless, DuBois is another young kid with a hell of a lot of potential, and he fits the dynamic of our top heel stable perfectly. Late 2009 will see the young mind game master show more of what's going on in that egotistical head, hopefully cementing him as a wrestler the fans will truly love to hate.


Eddie Peak


The “Bloody-Handed God” is perhaps one-dimensional in the ring, but his merchandise flies off the shelves and his fan following remains second to none despite his fairly low profile when not engaged in a major feud. He was the first man to remain unaffected by Remo's assault, way back on the Generation Omega man's debut, and we carefully kept them apart after that to build to what's currently going on. A real joker, Eddie's understanding of the game is easy to underrate and his willingness to do crazy things for business is often a joy to work with.


Matthew Keith


The original plan was to have Art Reed's substitution for Matthew be a short-term thing, but Reed's astonishing performances changed that program massively. One of the best things I can say about Matthew is that he took to that with equanimity, confidently adopting his new role, and the recent beatdown on Rockwell, coupled with a run of exceptional singles matches and a rare win in Rick Law's home court, make him someone to watch for the future. A number of feuds are pretty much guaranteed to come together at this point...


Texas Pete http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


The party animal reputation is well known, but 2008 appears to have been a wakeup year for Pete. Getting consigned to Coastal Zone for development seems to have been the right move; abruptly faced with the reality that he couldn't coast the way he was sold on doing early in his career, his game has stepped up radically. It's possible to see echoes of Pistol Pete Hall in his ringwork now, and his through-the-ropes suicide dive has become a reliable crowd-popping moment. The Hard-Hitting Championship probably wouldn't have fallen to him without the fan support at Fight to the Feedback, but equally, Pete is working to deserve it.


Ricky Dale Johnson http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


You can't keep RDJ down. He's run below the spotlight most of this past year, but whenever he's resurfaced it's been to a major pop, and he can maintain his incredible rapport with the fans pretty much no matter what. His current alliance with Tommy Cornell looks to mark a new stage in Ricky's career, and of course the girls' booking is down to him – but while he's preparing to retire, we're still some way from it, and his current contendership for Wolf's title is another mark of that.


Sam Keith http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


Sam Keith was the Syndicate's secret member and the man who led the alliance that broke the Syndicate. His quest for redemption last year ended with his sons and two semi-students aligned with him, but arguably he's now aligned with them. The 49-year-old spent 2008 making careers, and is likely to spend 2009 doing the same thing (although there are one or two top-level feuds left in him, too.) The inaugural Hard-Hitting Champion, Keith gave the belt some gravitas early on and has a lot left to do for the company. It's hard, however, not to mentally pigeonhole him as 'on his way to retirement'.


Sean Deeley


The potential problem with an angle like Generation Omega is it's possible to persuade your fans to invest only in supporting the babyfaces – who will usually be the older sides of the feud. Deeley's issues with Jeremy Stone and Eric Tyler have both put the young technician on the map and equipped him to be an antidote to that kind of thing. Undisputably talented, Deeley is getting set for the traditional 'training' portion of getting over – now the fans support him, he needs to hone his skills to the point where he can maintain that support, and working with those veterans should help with that immeasurably.

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The Tag Teams

If anything, right at the moment, some of these teams may be as important to our sales figures as the main eventers are. I'd love to take credit for that, but pure and simple, what's skyrocketed these teams to the top is their own abilities.


GenOme http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


Our current champions, and the two longest shots for stardom in Generation Omega. Which is to say that the shots still aren't that long – Davis is gifted in just about any aspect of professional wrestling, and Frankie has the agility, stiffness and submission chops to keep him looking like he deserves to be with Generation Omega while he works on the rest – which, with the quality of opponents and allies he'll be mingling with, shouldn't be too great a challenge.


The Kreed


For what was intended to be a stopgap tag team, the Kreed have done something potentially risky; they may have bought themselves a spot in the 'tag team for life' brigade, much like the Rebellion in Japan, the Lords of War, Demons of Rage, and many others. On the other hand, both men are showing just how talented they are and may make a case, before too long, to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship. Regardless, as two of the men responsible for what everyone seems to agree is the best match in TCW history and as recent tag team champions, they're half the reason our tag division has the spotlight time it currently does.


British Lions http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


The other two involved in that match. Walter Morgan and Merle O'Curle were odd signings for TCW, by a lot of arguments, as they had little fan following in their native lands and absolutely zero in America. On the other hand, their style is a refreshingly different one, their ability is remarkable and they came highly recommended – Walter by the man who covered the English phase of my training in Bolton, and also trained Walter, Merle by Walter when I asked who from the British scene he thought would be the other best signing. They've paid off that recommendation strongly, leading to us repeating the same theory with a couple of Japanese training camps and one Australian camp. The results of both of those are still working in our development territories, filling out their skills a little.


The Machines http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


When you want to showcase a tide of newer teams, some of the established teams need to have a reduced spotlight. That's put John and Brent on a lower level recently, but let's face it – this is not a duo who are ever likely to stay out of the spotlight for long, and I'm looking forward to kicking off a Machines/Genome or Machines/Lions feud some time in the not-too-distant future. That said, while they've been relocated from the title chase, they've introduced Marc Speed as an ally and done a remarkable job of developing his fan following; and John Anderson, at least, actually likes the guy.


Easy Riders


Much the same thing can be said of the Riders as of the Machines. They surprised me late in their championship run with some stellar matches against the Keith twins and against Kreed, and in doing so bought themselves the chance to return to the title hunt in the near future. In the meantime, they're honing there 'anything to get the job done' offensive mentality, giving Sayeed Ali some relevance and, hopefully, some credibility, and generally staying tougher than they looked in their previous company. They do fit in better here, especially with the revitalised and expanded tag division.


New Wave http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


The Wave haven't yet had the chance to really establish themselves as fully as I'd like, and their recent losing streak traded heavily on fan support dating from their DaVE days. On the other hand, their 'return to form' looks set to provide them with a new run at or near the top of the tag division – with a lot more credible potential opponents. I'm looking forward to seeing how that works out.


Elite Express


Another team who're much more successful in their previous company. The Express were brought in as part of the initiative to broaden the division, and have spent a lot of their time cultivating some American following while focusing on the lower ranks of the division. There is a very real possibility, however, that they will be a lot more important in the future.


Rising Stars http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


Two of TCW's brightest. One of them – Joey – is a personal project of Phil Vibert's. One of them – Aaron – is a personal project of Tommy Cornell's. In Aaron's case the project is effectively official; Aaron is a measure of the success of the TCW training camp, and as such we need to make him into a major player. Currently, both men are – but whether they stay that way stands or falls on their next couple of storylines; you can't just treat someone as a top player briefly and then expect the fans to agree a while later. They're in the middle of issues with Generation Omega and have been teasing a split, so how long they are for this division is in question.


Eternal Party http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


The newest tag team to be made official, Eternal Party are Edd Stone and Champagne Lover. Both men are hotly tipped and developing solid fan support despite their heel status, Edd more than Lover, but Lover's recent top-tier matchups have slightly disappointed and Edd, well, much as I love him, Edd needs a better fundamental game before we can consider him as a top-tier star. He's getting there, though, and an alliance between the two should see both men improve to the point where, in a couple of years or so, we can let them loose up at the top. In the meantime, Eternal Party is a useful tool to allow the pair to compete in tag scenes as well as solo when needed.


Golden Law http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


While Rick Law is the big man on Badge of Honor, it's difficult to push him as one of our top challengers, whatever his fanbase or skill level is. He's got the wrong kind of schtick for it at present, in short. That being the case, he and Rocky – another man who isn't quite where we want him to be before he gets pushed to the top – can make an impact in the tag division while Rocky, in particular, hones his skills and we find out what to do with them. The friendship circle of Law, Golden and Rockwell has taken off in a way we really didn't expect, and we're looking to exploit that for all it's worth.


Plus, the crowd flat-out love them.


M.A.D. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


In a few months' time, perhaps a little longer, I could honestly see M.A.D. taking the tag team belts. Sure, they'd be the weakest champions in-ring in some time, but when you have monsters, you either book them as monsters or squander the paycheques. (Quite how it is that Tyson Baine still gets the reactions he gets at house shows after a year in which he's been neglected in favour of fresher, arguably better acts, I don't know, but I'm grateful.) Their power and their look mean it's possible, so long as they remain strong, to have them seem to punch above their weight.


Young Guns http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


Honestly, it's surprising that these two are returning to relevance. No knock on them is intended, but they're not a new act, and we have a lot of new acts with as good or better spots through the roster. It's often difficult to stay relevant in those cases, but the punk overhaul at the start of 2008 and the Painful Procedure/Darkwave feud surfacing in the past few months have at least brought them back into the public spotlight and given them a chance to get their following back. Allen in particular looks to be enjoying his resurgence, and looking to make the most of it – whenever we need one of them to do a run-in, he volunteers.


Global Tradition http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


Joel Bryant and JD Morgan. Two very dependable talents, and they're both happy in their role as, essentially, trainers for much of the rest of the roster, with the occasional victory to keep them something vaguely approximating credible as threats. It's likely that the next time we have serious issues with arrogance, the Tradition may be asked to stretch them a little ways.




Fumihiro Ota. Shingen Miyazaki – who is also our current All Action Champion. The tag team stars of Team KOBRA have gained massively in recognisability since their face turn and going under the ascetic, stern tutelage of Koshiro Ino and Baroness Emily. Added to their already formidable talents, they find themselves in the mid-range of tag teams occupied by the Elite Express and Young Guns – good enough to be treated to wins and to be kept credible, not at the top tier of the division.


Acid Dragon


Poor Acid... UK Dragon was Walter's other recommended signing from the UK, and Acid, when he heard about the idea, backed it to the hilt, showing me two or three video clips of double-team moves the pair had honed in Japan.


Dragon has, however, not grown in popularity nearly so explosively as the British Lions, and as such, he remains a slightly weak link in Acid Dragon; we just don't have the credibility and fan acceptance to get behind him – not yet. In time, they could be a legendary team here, but there's a lot of work between now and then, and with so many workers higher up the priority ladder, it's going to take a while to put that work in.


Conquering Kings


You can say about Barry Kingman and Clark Alexander much what I've said about Global Tradition, but the Kings have more years left in their tank and more experience together. While they're unlikely to ever become major players, they're likely to have places here for as long as they want them – and the occasional showcase for their abilities.


Fly Boys


Ah, the Fly Boys... I like Jimmy. I like Donnie. I like their dedication, their hard work, I respect the dues they've paid, and I know I can rely on them, win or lose, to pop the crowd. Again, there are simply (currently) too many tag teams rating above them... but I don't know if that'll be the case forever. How many of today's top teams will turn out to have, say, more than a year or two in them? Some certainly will... but not all.


Natural Talent


Ah... Eddie and D.C. - he insists, by the way, on D.C. rather than his actual name, backstage. Victims of politics early on when their showing against Painful Procedure plumbed new lows, they put their time in in the Coastal Zone to return. Ultimately, they're still not fantastic competitors, but the bottom line here is simple; we need people to lose, we need people who can look good dishing out damage but better taking it, and Eddie and D.C., by filling that role, can raise their profile to the point where, even with a steady losing streak, they'll be able to make more money on the indies than they were before – and hopefully sock away a nest egg from their time with us before that.


Balcony Express


Set aside the political victim issue, and the same may end up true of the Balcony Express, though Sam Keith has taken a shine to one of them. Whatever happens, they remain entertaining to watch, they're slowly getting better crowd reactions, they understand that we expect them to try and look good to rise in the ranks and they understand how to make people beating them look good. That honestly is everything we need out of our lowest-tier tag teams.

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OK, this could take a while... Tomorrow's update, I think, will be a roster review concentrating on Factions (those members of factions not already mentioned, that is, plus quickie notes on individual stables), with hopefully a few of the unaligned solo wrestlers, just to speed things up. Thursday will then see the women's division plus support staff.


Side note: Between Remo's promo and this I've been spending a lot more time on my photobucket than normal, and it makes me wish I had a bit more graphical acumen. I'd love to be able to put together Generation Omega, School of Tradition, Team KOBRA, Bombshell's Boys, Painful Procedure, Darkwave, Machines and maybe even "Three Amigos" logos to crop the relevant talent onto, really enhance the emphasis on faction warfare in this TCW.


(I'd have done this as Factions and Solo Workers if I'd thought to ahead of starting, by the way. Cut down the number of bios needed significantly.)

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Factions and the Low Men on the Totem Pole


I've always been a big fan of stable and alliance-based programs in wrestling, and TCW has a perfect set-up for that; if you've got someone who makes their money on the microphone, and someone else who can put it together in the ring, bringing them together is a fantastic way to make money.


With that said, let's see how they shape up.


Generation Omega


I've spoken about each of the individual members already. These guys have really only just started to tell their story, they're staying strong, they've got two of the championships and much of the hottest feuds. Proving, once again, that when you put someone up against Tommy Cornell good things happen for them.


Painful Procedure


Already discussed: both tag teams, the Balcony Express and the Young Guns. But there's also Troy Tornado, and ultimately, the only thing keeping him from title contention – again – is the ongoing feud with another stable and perhaps a quick transitional feud to bring him back to the very top.




Jack Bruce returning was a big thing, but he's disappointed slightly in the ring – except for one fantastic match, up against Cornell. He should, however, be able to capitalise on that and his support to hopefully catch up in-ring to what he can do out-of-ring; if not, though, Sammy Bach, Zimmy, and the former Black Eagle (we're probably going to go with some tweak of his real name, to say in line with the rest of the men in the stable) can put in the ring work and make sure the feud has a worthwhile payoff. On top of that, they become only the second stable to have a female member in Cherry Bomb. The future for Darkwave may not include the top of the company, but it can nonetheless be very strong.


School of Tradition



This is easily the stable with the greatest legacy in current TCW, arguably the current stable with the biggest pedigree in the business; versions of it have shown up around Eric Tyler almost everywhere he's gone. In this case, his alliance with the British Lions is probably the strongest point in the stable, but with Global Tradition, Freddy Huggins, and the newcomer Frankie Dee also in place they remain a very useful 'bully' faction for the midcard and below. We're looking to add a woman in the near future and complete a rival line-up to our next entries...




Way back in CPW I remember there being a stable built around this kind of discipline, and it always stuck in my head. The problem it had was that the discipline happened after every match; essentially, it was a stable of jobbers who got punished when they lost. Ultimately, that doesn't work; it's a useful gimmick to get people over, however, and I've taken care to make sure it's not purely 'the Japanese stable'. Still the introduction of whichever samurai book it is Shingen quotes has given what could otherwise get very repetitive a chance to stay somewhat fresh while developing characters. Koshiro Ino and Team VIPER are the core of this one, with Thunder Snake (the former Hell Monkey) and Hidekazu starting to dissent slightly and Suzanne Brazzle in as their female member – with a stiff right jab for a finish.


Bombshell's Boys


Held together by the Blonde Bombshell's efforts and compassion. Sam Keith, Johnny Bloodstone and the Kreed are one of the most successful unions we've had; no member of this faction has failed to hold gold, though currently none retain it.


The Machines


They barely qualify for this entry, being as they are a tag team and one ally – Marc Speed, one of my own personal favourite young prospects – but after the emphasis they put on their name while introducing Marc, it's probably wises to consider them as a stable. Pure technical excellence.


Chris Rockwell http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


Rockwell is the one remaining member of the unofficial 'three amigos' to be covered; his TCW run so far has not done his talent justice, but an alliance with Rocky Golden and Rick Law, cemented during Rocky's run of women trouble, has started to build sympathy for the arrogant heel turned somewhat downbeat face. Law has teased a future feud for Rockwell against DuBois, but as of now that has yet to happen.


Jack Marlowe http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


“The Enforcer” is probably the one man on the roster furthest away from being in a faction; instead, after splitting with Julian Marlowe, he's set himself up as something of an enforcer for hire. Too early to see how that'll go.


Canadian Elemental http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


The masked man has been slowly establishing a new name. Part of a quiet deal made with Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods, we're hoping that the Elemental mask will be the missing spark needed to take this young talent to the top. We'll just have to see how that goes, of course.

Tyson Baine http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


How the mighty have fallen... As I've said elsewhere, Baine's biggest problem is that there are other, better monsters. But he still garners a good reaction from the crowds and he's decidedly not a weak link. I need to find something for him to do.


Charlie Thatcher


It must have been a year since Charlie was last in the ring on TV (he's done good business on house shows, though, taking on School of Tradition men when they get too boisterous) but he's never been more popular. Acting as Mayhem Midden's enforcer, his appearance in the middle of a segment has started to actually pop the crowd, much to the surprise of a number of us.


Julian Watson http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


Well, he's not doing so well for himself as his partner, but I have to give Julian credit; he'll still wrestle his heart out, and with luck, he'll develop a good enough following to become a stronger player in the future.


Giant Tana


I have a lot of time for Tana, and it seems so do many of our fans. He's a deceptive performer in many ways – under all that joking, he's a ring general, at least on the lower levels – and he's become something of a helpful presence backstage. Still, he's only very newly returned, so passing judgment is tricky.


Sayeed Ali


Ah, Sayeed... Ricky Dale Johnson loves the guy's work, has pushed quite hard for Sayeed to get more exposure, and that has a lot to do with his alliance with the Easy Riders in recent months. His style fits nicely with them, and an outside-interference edge should allow us to bring him into the fanbase' consciousness without hurting his mystique too much. That's the plan, anyway; we'll see.


Ultimate Phoenix http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


Phoenix is probably going to go far, once he gets his feet under him. Brought in as part of an initiative to freshen up and strengthen the All Action division, he has the chops to be a big name, and probably sooner rather than later.


El Leon


You know, what I said about Phoenix goes for Leon, too; hired at the same time, for the same reasons, on the same recommendations. Plus, how can you not love that mask?


Chance Fortune


Sooner or later, I'll find a way to get Chance over without hurting over wrestlers. He's improving, he's uncomplaining, he's a good talent with years to improve. I want to support him, but ultimately he currently offers neither a major talent advantage or a novelty mark. We'll see.


Rhino Umaga


A young powerhouse who has the chance, one day, to be much more than he currently is. I guess the question there is whether we can get him there... Speaking personally, I hope so. The man who charged Marat Khoklov out of nowhere is a character we can work with.

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Hey Harry,


Like you asked, I've got the roster evaluations done for the girls. Is this a yearly thing?




Start with the champion, right? I'm actually really starting to enjoy the booking here, guess it's kind of 'no pressure' what with the women not being our big draw. Still, it's fun, and I'm basically able to build around a monster heel and a few plucky faces, just like the old days. Good times. Alison's not our best worker, but she's got a hell of a rep on her now. Thanks for green-lighting her laying out some of the guys – it's legitimising the division, really.


Kate Dangerous


Probably our lead face talent, if only by a whisker – still, she's got ten years on JeriLynn, so that whisker's well-earned. Needs rebuilding in the nearish future. I need to push harder for womens' match time.


Stephanie Wade http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


I loved putting together the program for her with Rocky, but I'm glad we restated her as heel. We need some variety in the division, and having Steph as a take-no-crap pure bitch helps. The superkick is a sweet finish done well, and I can totally see her killing fans' dreams with a shot out of nowhere to take a title off a babyface.


JeriLynn Stone


Our other solid hope as a face, JeriLynn's starting to settle in quite nicely. I'll be interested to see where she goes – to the top is pretty much a guarantee, but her skillset doesn't work so well with Gorgon, so who she feuds with may switch according to that.


Raku Makuda


Needs a status boost after a few key losses, but it shouldn't be hard to get them. If we play Gorgon's monster value out – I'm still new at this, remember – Makuda is a great lead heel waiting in the wings.


Suzanne Brazzle http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


What a straight right. Add in the whole Team KOBRA thing – which has gotten her a LOT of focus time – and the obsession some of our fans have with the way she looks and it's easy to see why she was the second-string face until JL got here. A bit more expansion of her style, and she could be on the same level as the Family Name Kids. I'm quite pleased with how well she's recovered from an early run where we fed her to the heels to feed the heels to Kate.


Cherry Bomb


Gorgon's tag partner before. We can do something with that, right? She's probably the better of the two, she's got a look, she's due a single release with the rest of the band, she's... OK, I may have a small crush here. Don't tell the wife.


Amber Allen http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg


I know, I know, her entrance music's basically me having fun with the smarks. But she does well for herself; if we expand, she could be a real player soon. I'm still hoping we can elevate most of the division; could make for a good resume header when I finally do go look for the book somewhere.


Lauren Easter


When Makuda retires and Gorgon is done, we'll still have Lauren. A hell of a talent. I'll say this for Jenny, she hired the best.


Tamara McFly


Tammy isn't going anywhere, I don't think, with so much of, let's not mess about, North of the Border around and their connections to her. She's good, she can go – you ever see the half-hour thing she did in Japan? I'll lend you the tape – and she's happy to make careers. Exactly what we need.



Good representation can make or break careers, quite frankly. Even the kayfabe stuff. Fortunately, we've got some fantastic talent to help...


Phil Vibert


So. Much. Baggage. But we seem to have shed the spectre of the expected 'DaVE invasion' faction, at least, and Phil is easily worth what we're paying him. When a man is capable of lending Remo extra mystique, it pays to sit up and pay attention. Generation Omega's manager, just by being with them, makes guys who're worth their weight in gold look like platinum – and that's a talent.


Blonde Bombshell


A fan favourite with her first run, we've tried to give her something of a character this time around. It isn't much – wrestling fan in love with a champion – but she's certainly more involved with the product, and is a surprising factor in Kreed's success. Her presence at ringside actually enhances the match by her reactions – something we could never have said first time around.


Laura Huggins


The place where I think trying to flesh out motivations has worked. Laura has some seriously strained loyalties in conflict at the moment, between her affiliation with the School of Tradition and her liason with Sean Deeley... I kind of want to resolve it, but at the same time, it's part of her appeal. We'll see... I can't just leave it hanging forever.


Baroness Emily


Emily is really being underused at the moment, but that suits her character – and I do feel like we're getting all we need from her. Team KOBRA is an odd one, that way. And I doubt she ever thought she'd be signing up for striking her clients with a bokken on a regular basis (Including house shows, she never goes a week without it).


Carl Batch


A smooth talker, Batch hasn't had much to say – his clients don't need it – on TV, but I'm told his promos on the house circuit are a thing of beauty. Soon enough I plan to give him a lot more ammo, and a lot more time to use it. The Easy Riders can always do with support.


Alanis Springsteen


Mostly seen on commentary, Alanis' managerial role has been hindered by her clients' slow fall from the relevance they had early on. That said, I like the visual of her pacing with headset mic on, both commentating and exhorting her team, so there's something to work with there.


Floyd Goldworthy


Good old dependable Floyd. He's going to need some serious rebuilding before anyone takes his clients seriously – especially as the Fly Boys, if anything, have a worse record than American Buffalo at the moment. But given the time, he can rebuild his reputation – maybe even improve it – with luck, and possibly with a superstar new client. We'll see exactly how things go.


Mayhem Midden


Not a manager, but by God has Midden's involvement this past year been a godsend. The Representative of the Board of Investors has a loaded metal headbutt, a sharp tongue, and an attitude – and the fans absolutely love him for it. He's come on strong in his skill on the mic, too, and is easily more popular now than he ever was during his in-ring days.

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After Harry Allen laid out Cherry Bomb a week ago, Darkwave said they'd have to reconsider Painful Procedure as a whole. It does look like Allen in particular has been upgraded to 'threat' as Zimmy has laid out a challenge for him. Hearing of the challenge, Mayhem Midden commented "good business" and promptly green-lit the match for this edition of Total Wrestling.


The British Lions are also scheduled to be in action, facing off with the Conquering Kings. Just this past Saturday they struck a bargain with Kreed that will see both teams concentrating on title hunts - will this lead to the Lions making a challenge to GenOme soon?


Floyd Goldworthy has specifically requested a match-up against Team VIPER for his clients the Fly Boys. The question has to be, why Team VIPER? Whatever the case, the Fly Boys have quite a battle against them, facing off with the team that includes the current All Action Champion.


More tag team action will follow, but this contest is guaranteed to have championship ramifications; JeriLynn Stone and Suzanne Brazzle unite against Lauren Easter and Stephanie Wade, with the stipulation that the woman who scores the winning pinfall or forces the submission will earn a title shot against Gorgon.


Champagne Lover looks to recover from a tag team lost against two TCW icons by taking on a wrestling legend; can he overcome Sam Keith, or will he have further work to do before he fully bounces back?


Jeremy Stone's quest to prove a point continues; on Tuesday he will face "the measuring stick of the East Coast Wars", a former XFW and PPPW Champion, Chris Rockwell. It seems as if Stone is looking to ensure he always has the upper hand in these display matches...


The main event, meanwhile, looks likely to be an excellent contest. Tommy Cornell once again takes on a Keith; this time, it's Matthew Keith, who's had quite the chaotic month - but who's found within it a lot of opportunities to start out on the path to the kind of legend his father has. Will he move further forward Tuesday night?


Prediction Key:

Harry Allen vs. Zimmy


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily


#1 Contendership to the Womens Championship goes to the one who scores the win

JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter & Stephanie Wade


Champagne Lover vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Chris Rockwell vs. Jeremy Stone


Matthew Keith vs. Tommy Cornell

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Harry Allen vs. Zimmy

Normally I would go with Zimmy but I think that Allen and Painful Procedure needs a win more as other than Tornado the rest of the stable still feels like jobbers to me.


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen

British Lions are higher on ladders


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily

Team VIPER is having slightly more going on so they take the win unless you start to rebuild Fly Boys here (which might be the case as this would be good match to start).


#1 Contendership to the Womens Championship goes to the one who scores the win

JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter & Stephanie Wade

With Gordon as champ face challenger seems better option. I´d say that Brazzle gets the opportunity here.


Champagne Lover vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Lover has just formed a tag team so right now a singles push doesn´t look likely and thus win over Keith at this point seems little unlikely to me.


Chris Rockwell vs. Jeremy Stone

Stone is in title hunt while Rockwell isn´t doing much right now.


Matthew Keith vs. Tommy Cornell

Matthew gets another tough loss here.

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Prediction Key:

Harry Allen vs. Zimmy


Tossup. Not horribly invested in Darkwave vs. Procedure to be honest.

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen


Momentum maintenance here.


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily


And here.


#1 Contendership to the Womens Championship goes to the one who scores the win

JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter & Stephanie Wade


Clearly the face challenger is preferred. And since you've openly said that JL and Gorgon don't match up well, Brazzle gets the pin. JL needs to settle things with the family first anyway.


Champagne Lover vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


This should rate well, but no reason for CL to get the win here as he's slumming in the tag division with Unca Eddy.


Chris Rockwell vs. Jeremy Stone

Could it be? A chance at a clean win for Jeremy?


Matthew Keith vs. Tommy Cornell


Tommy wins, but Charlie Foxtrot ahoy!

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Harry Allen vs. Zimmy


Zimmy needs the legitimacy. Harry can lose all he wants and maintain the legitimacy he needs, because he's not about matches, he's about run-ins.


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen


I wouldn't be shocked if the Kings won one soon, maybe even against a legit team. But the Lions have too much momentum to make them upset victims, and don't have years of backstory to lend them legitimacy. If someone like the Machines or the New Wave lose, they're still a real draw, because everyone knows the Machines or the New Wave are the real thing. If the Lions don't win now, they're not the real thing.


So yeah. Maybe a Kings push someday, but maybe they beat someone like the Machines, maybe even start lower with someone like Elite Express. Not someone who needs to NOT get upset so that their feud with the Kreed is a top-tier draw.


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily


Fly Boys, by contrast, are jobbers. They're damn good jobbers, so you have to respect that. But you don't have to respect it TOO much.


#1 Contendership to the Womens Championship goes to the one who scores the win

JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter & Stephanie Wade


No disrespect to Suzanne, but she seems exactly legitimate enough to be a no. 1 contender and exactly fallible enough to lose to Gorgon without disappointing anyone. I feel like Hypothetical Stone is a future champion, but I don't know if she'll take the title off Gorgon, who she doesn't match up well with. And I don't believe taking the title off Gorgon so early makes sense anyway.


I mean, I'm actually okay with the notion of Gorgon facing Wade -- they're both "heels," sure, but there's no real common ground between them. Will it happen? No. But it wouldn't bother me if it did.


Champagne Lover vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


CL has been mildly disappointing thus far, but only mildly. He's clearly working up a push to at least the upper midcard, and Keith's role in this company is so obvious he should just start bringing a gate to the ring with him.


Chris Rockwell vs. Jeremy Stone


Matthew Keith vs. Tommy Cornell


Two similar matches, two similar reasonings, one feud gaining steam.


Rockwell has stalled somewhat, and much like the Lions match, facing a guy in a prominent feud at the top of the card is no way to get back momentum.


Keith, meanwhile, gets legitimacy just from being able to keep up with Cornell. (I wouldn't be surprised if this show ends in a big Keith stable showdown, but even if the next shoe in that plot drops, I don't know if it happens DURING the match. I mean, none of the Bombshell contingent have much concern for the well-being of Tommy Cornell, that's for sure.)

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Prediction Key:

Harry Allen vs. Zimmy


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily


#1 Contendership to the Womens Championship goes to the one who scores the win

JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter & Stephanie Wade


Champagne Lover vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Chris Rockwell vs. Jeremy Stone


Matthew Keith vs. Tommy Cornell

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Harry Allen vs. Zimmy

Simple quality compels my vote here.


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen

It wouldn't be the first time that the Kings have pulled off an upset, though.


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily



#1 Contendership to the Womens Championship goes to the one who scores the win

JeriLynn Stone & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily vs. Lauren Easter & Stephanie Wade

Faces go over to wrestle the Heel champ.


Champagne Lover vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

Edderference FTW!


Chris Rockwell vs. Jeremy Stone



Matthew Keith vs. Tommy Cornell

Because he's Tommy Cornell, bitch!

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I didn't do that roster writeup for the good of my health, you know.


It's even more interesting because you'd assume he read it all based on his comment to your comment on Suzzane Brazzle.




Unless Eidenok just went straight to the woman's division? ;)


Edit: Also, change Rhino's image to the new render. It looks a lot better, though might pander to the wild samoan gimmick just a tad.

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How did this:




Not do it for you?


First off, there's another option there. Second...


It's a cool look. It's not, however, a look that grabs me.


There are a number of reasons for this - remember, back in TEW2008, the Dread-as-Vader alts jhd1 did very early on?


They were fantastic, they really were. But... Real world is real world and C-Verse is C-verse and I'm not terribly interested in doing the precise mapping of one wrestler to a real world one thing. I borrow very, very liberally - Team KOBRA is my attempt to do Serotonin in a way that might actually get people over, and my touchstone for Chris Rockwell back in the PPPW diary was Stone Cold's "I need to beat you, Rock, I need it more than you can imagine" promo (and for that matter, Rock's own lines in that interview also went into Rockwell) - I must have rewatched that twenty or thirty times over the end of PPPW - but I'm not interested in "OK, Keith is Flair, Cornell is so-and-so..."


And if that Rhino Umaga isn't a Wild Samoan, then he's a hobo. I've got no interest in doing the Wild Samoans. I don't mind other people doing it - Dreadvader played a strong role in Generation Supreme, I believe James Casey uses the WS alts in his conception of the team in SWF, and I'm happy to read those diaries. I'm even a fan of Macho Eiji Hamacho in Burning Hammer, and the mannerisms are even present.


I also have no interest in booking Rhino Umaga as a hobo, so that's my options gone.

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First off, there's another option there. Second...


It's a cool look. It's not, however, a look that grabs me.


There are a number of reasons for this - remember, back in TEW2008, the Dread-as-Vader alts jhd1 did very early on?


They were fantastic, they really were. But... Real world is real world and C-Verse is C-verse and I'm not terribly interested in doing the precise mapping of one wrestler to a real world one thing. I borrow very, very liberally - Team KOBRA is my attempt to do Serotonin in a way that might actually get people over, and my touchstone for Chris Rockwell back in the PPPW diary was Stone Cold's "I need to beat you, Rock, I need it more than you can imagine" promo (and for that matter, Rock's own lines in that interview also went into Rockwell) - I must have rewatched that twenty or thirty times over the end of PPPW - but I'm not interested in "OK, Keith is Flair, Cornell is so-and-so..."


And if that Rhino Umaga isn't a Wild Samoan, then he's a hobo. I've got no interest in doing the Wild Samoans. I don't mind other people doing it - Dreadvader played a strong role in Generation Supreme, I believe James Casey uses the WS alts in his conception of the team in SWF, and I'm happy to read those diaries. I'm even a fan of Macho Eiji Hamacho in Burning Hammer, and the mannerisms are even present.


I also have no interest in booking Rhino Umaga as a hobo, so that's my options gone.


Fair enough. Though personally, I prefer it over the original more for the face than the hair. If jhd1 ever did a military cut version of Rhino & Machine like that, they'd probably look awesome.

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