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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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So.... if McFly is pulling these kinds of ratings against the bottom end of the roster, what will he do against, oh, just about anyone else? I don't even mean the main eventers he'll no doubt be facing soon. I feel like logic would dictate he'd be regularly pulling A* matches out of midcarders...
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So.... if McFly is pulling these kinds of ratings against the bottom end of the roster, what will he do against, oh, just about anyone else? I don't even mean the main eventers he'll no doubt be facing soon. I feel like logic would dictate he'd be regularly pulling A* matches out of midcarders...


Personally, I suspect Sod's Law will lead to McFly having bad chemistry against anyone with significant talent.

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Could this night be the downfall of Generation Omega? Whatever kind of wrestling you want to see, it'll take place tonight, including the once-a-year-if-that promise of the Test Of Steel - now with a new twist for the first time. And, of course, every title will be on the line.


Edd Stone has hounded Aaron Andrews for his International Championship for three months. This month Andrews and friend Joey Minnesota planned to challenge for the Tag Team Championship - but Edd put a stop to that, upping his campaign of at-right-angles harrassment. This time, the rules are simple - there must be a winner.


Shingen Miyazaki has had a target drawn on him all month. The Fly Boys, the School of Tradition, everyone has been gunning for the All Action Champion - and Jack Marlowe has been at the heart of it, taking everyone's money to put down Miyazaki. In the end it came down to Tradition versus Shingen's own stablemates in Team KOBRA, but Acid was the man whose payment to Marlowe came through at the right time.


The quest for the tag team championships was particularly hectic this month, but the result is sure to be to everyone's liking - Mayhem Midden has declared that GenOme must defend their titles in Tag Wars - and the three teams they're going up against? Former tag champions the Kreed, their closest rivals the British Lions, and the powerhouse duo of Golden Law.


After months of persecution on both sides, the feeling on the tcw.com forums is that the Darkwave/Painful Procedure band war has spilled over the line with Harry Allen's attack on Cherry Bomb - but the Bomb seems more than willing to fire back, and Mayhem Midden has decided to let that happen. If either band interferes, the edict is that they'll be restrained and forced to suffer Midden's steel-plate headbutts.


A major match comes next. For Generation Omega, this is do or die time. Without an OK from the Board of Investors, they cannot wrestle - but Phil Vibert has leverage on a Board member. Both facts have been staked on a single contest. Sean McFly is Midden's pick to face off against whoever Phil Vibert has set up - but we don't yet know who Generation Omega will be put forward. Whoever it is is going to have to pull double duty...


After repeated interferences in Chris Rockwell's matches, the man who once considered himself the measuring stick snapped - claiming he doesn't need help from anyone else to get the win. The first target of his ire is Hard-Hitting Champion Texas Pete - the match is for the title and is, of course, No Holds Barred.


Following that will come the TCW Womens' Championship match. A dominant champion, Gorgon faces only her second opponent as champion - Suzanne Brazzle of Team KOBRA, who promises that all it will take is a clear half-second to land the Miracle Connection. Will the power of the punch overwhelm the mistress of the Hydra Bomb?


They call it the most painful, devastating match in professional wrestling. TCW officials have put severe restrictions on when it can be requested, and even then the request must pass review and be OKed. It is never seen more than once a year, and is often not seen at all.


The eleventh Test of Steel comes with a twist, however; for the first time, two tag teams will compete within the brutal cell structure. On one side, Eddie Peak, still embroiled in a bitter, bitter rivalry with Remo Richardson - a rivalry that recently destroyed the set of Total Wrestling, costing uncounted dollars. Peak aligns with former World Heavyweight Champion Johnny Bloodstone, whose manager and girlfriend Remo attacked to cost Bloodstone the title last month.


Remo Richardson will ally with another member of Generation Omega against these two. Who it will be, we're not yet sure - it's likely to depend on who Vibert feels is their best bet against McFly, and on who's willing to step inside the lethal structure.


Lastly, in the main event, the World Heavyweight Championship goes on the line for Wolf Hawkins. His opponents are the constant contender of the past three months, Jeremy Stone, and the man hand-picked by Hawkins' nemesis Tommy Cornell, Ricky Dale Johnson. Johnson downed Hawkins earlier this week - could he repeat the feat to make Hawkins the shortest-lived champion in TCW history?


Prediction Key:

TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins


TAG WARS - TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law vs. Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell



Cherry Bomb vs. Harry Allen



Sean McFly vs. ???? w/ Phil Vibert


NO HOLDS BARRED - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Chris Rockwell


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily



Eddie Peak & Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & ???? w/ Phil Vibert


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

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I've booked Cornell versus McFly in TCW in 2010 and its not an automatic A*. Its an automatic A, but just like any other combination, the factors have to be right to snag that A*.


TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins


TAG WARS - TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law vs. Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell



Cherry Bomb vs. Harry Allen



Sean McFly vs. ???? w/ Phil Vibert


NO HOLDS BARRED - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Chris Rockwell


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily



Eddie Peak & Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & ???? w/ Phil Vibert


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

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TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone

Joey Minnesota turns on AA to secure Edd's victory.


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins

Two title changes in a night? I think it might just happen. Make the SoT-KOBRA feud a bit more invested.


TAG WARS - TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law vs. Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell

I've started predicting title changes now, why stop? Let the BL run with the belts for a while, give them a couple of months to establish them as true top-level contenders.



Cherry Bomb vs. Harry Allen

You don't just let the woman lose something like this - not if you're trying to set her up as credible. The audience needs to see the woman win for them to believe it's possible.



Sean McFly vs. ???? w/ Phil Vibert

I'll always find it hard to bet against McFly.


NO HOLDS BARRED - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Chris Rockwell

Give Chris something he can run with - the HHC is just what he needs right now.


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily

Can't have a clean sweep, and Gorgon is supposed to be an unstoppable monster. Plus, the School Of Tradition can interfere.



Eddie Peak & Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & ???? w/ Phil Vibert

Never bet against two of the craziest men in TCW.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Not because I believe it, but because I want it to happen. JEZZA!

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Prediction Key:

TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins


TAG WARS - TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law vs. Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell



Cherry Bomb vs. Harry Allen



Sean McFly vs. ???? w/ Phil Vibert


NO HOLDS BARRED - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Chris Rockwell


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily



Eddie Peak & Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & ???? w/ Phil Vibert


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

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TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone

I could see either Generation Omega or Minnesota costing Andrews this one so I go with Edd getting the belt.


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins

Sadly I don´t think that Acid have had enough build to get the title here.


TAG WARS - TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law vs. Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell

Hard to say which way this might go as Lions and Golden Law could both get the titles but when I doubt I pick the champs.



Cherry Bomb vs. Harry Allen

Allen needs to win this one if he wants to be anything else than a guy who make interferences in other matches.



Sean McFly vs. ???? w/ Phil Vibert

No use keeping five of your top guys out of the ring just for a storyline so I´d go with Omega on this one.


NO HOLDS BARRED - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Chris Rockwell

Rockwell could use the title win here but he haven´t really been build up and I think that a loss here might hurt Pete as a result.


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily

Standard title defense for Gordon



Eddie Peak & Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & ???? w/ Phil Vibert

Generation Omega can´t win all the matches and this looks like the spot where they can lose without it hurting them too much.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

I could see Stone getting the title here simply because Hawkins could feud with Cornell and that feud doesn´t need the belt but I still go with Hawkins retaining and getting a longer run with the belt.

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TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


Outside inteference will come into play here, costing Andrews the title. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Joey Minnesota tun is triggered with this match.


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins


I though Miyazaki would be a transitional champ, but he's proved to be more durable with the belt than expected and I see him continuing as the All Action champ.

TAG WARS - TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law vs. Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell


Out of all the challengers I think the British Lions are the most likely to get the belts here, Kreed have recently had a run with the belts and for some reason Golden Law still feel like two singles guys with not much else to do thrown together...saying all that I think GenOme retain.


Cherry Bomb vs. Harry Allen


Is this going to be leading to women being fully intergrated down the road, are we going to see a mixed gender wrestling promotion? Maybe, maybe not but for (no offence to Cherry Bomb, or the rest of the women's division for that matter) Harry Allen to have any amount of credibility beyond being a guy who inteferes alot in matches he needs to win here.


Sean McFly vs. ???? w/ Phil Vibert


What happens if this one ends a draw? I could just see this issue being extended further by the confusion of this match ending in such a scenario.

NO HOLDS BARRED - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Chris Rockwell


Rockwell actually won a match on the last show and against an opponent of relative stature (Jack Bruce) even if he did have Harry Allen to thank. It's not completely unfeasible he could win the Hard Hitting Belt here but I think Pete has more mileage left as the champ.

TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily


Brazzle's a stop gap challenge, another 'victim' to further build Gorgon as an unstoppable monster.


Eddie Peak & Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & ???? w/ Phil Vibert


I see this being the one match where Generation Omega come away with a loss, for much the same reasons that Zergon stated.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


I don't see there being any chance of RDJ getting the belt here, so I think this comes down to Hawkins and Stone. Again for much the same reasons as Zergon stated, I would not be surprised if Stone finally got his hands on the World Title but I think Hawkins has a little bit longer to run with the belt round his waist.

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Thanks - sincerely - to everyone who voted for me in the Diary of the Year awards. The diary's picked up victories in the Non-Kayfabe and Stable sections, with Generation Omega clinching it for the stable.


Anyhow, the show will be up probably on Saturday - this one, as with all the PPVs, takes a while to write.

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TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone

- Andrews has stuff on the boil (figuratively) with Minnesota and GenOme. Plus Edd (and PS) deserve to be rewarded for some of the most effectively creatively wonkjob sneak attacks ever. Otherwise Edd will be handstanding and headspinning himself down the card.


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins

- I will be at the concession stand.


TAG WARS - TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law vs. Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell

- Tempting to pick the Lions to reward them for becoming a real force in the division but The Omegamen have more stories to tell and need these belts to tell them. A win here - when it would be so easy to lose without taking the fall - legitimatizes them as a tag team.



Cherry Bomb vs. Harry Allen

- Because screw you Harry Allen. Plus, Allen's been Gunslingin' his Revenge from everywhere, so an OuttaNowhere Cherry Poppin' Bomb for the shock win. While RDJ celebrates backstage.



Sean McFly vs. ???? w/ Phil Vibert

- DWN (or Perez) pulls double duty here in a quick DQ win for McFly when the rest of Generation Omega let McFly win the match, but keep their Man on the Board underwraps. Oh and McFly gets a beatdown so he can join the Men Hunting Omega.


NO HOLDS BARRED - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Chris Rockwell

- Yes, Rockwell finally snapped and found a story. I think Pete finds a way to trump him as Rockwell goes even deeper off the deep end. Which, for Rockwell, is pretty damn deep.


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily

- Someone needs to be built up to take down Gorgon and her move that finishes. Brazzle is not that women, she'll take a bokken shot instead.



Eddie Peak & Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & ???? w/ Phil Vibert

- Not like me to vote against ??? twice but here ya go. Whomever Remo calls in I don't think they can match the star power of the Blood(y) Peak. If it's an Omegaman it's DuBois. If not, then come on down Matthew Keith! I also think ??? will take the fall as Remo continues to look lethal and Peak and Richardson can continue to help renovate arenas around the country.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

- RDJ isn't winning this. Stone could win it. Hawkins needs to win this. If his story is 'held down and held down when he gets his shot he chokes' then release him and let him work elsewhere.

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TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins


TAG WARS - TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law vs. Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell



Cherry Bomb vs. Harry Allen



Sean McFly vs. ???? w/ Phil Vibert


NO HOLDS BARRED - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Chris Rockwell


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily



Eddie Peak & Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & ???? w/ Phil Vibert


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

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Prediction Key:

TCW International Championship

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone


TCW All Action Championship

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Acid w/ Laura Huggins


TAG WARS - TCW Tag Team Championships

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Golden Law vs. Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell



Cherry Bomb vs. Harry Allen



Sean McFly vs. ???? w/ Phil Vibert


NO HOLDS BARRED - TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Texas Pete © vs. Chris Rockwell


TCW Womens Championship

Gorgon © vs. Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily



Eddie Peak & Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & ???? w/ Phil Vibert


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

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TCW Presents Excessive Force


Sunday Week 4 June 2009


Live on America 1-Select, U-Demand Canada, Jade 237, Rivera Pay Television, V-Corp, UK-1 (5.25)


Held at Rolling Fields (Tri State)


Attendance: 60,872




Jason Azaria – Mayhem Midden - Horatio Dangerous


The song starts to fade away. The pyro is dying off. TCW's long-standing ring announcer is in the ring...



Then Remo Richardson, still in street clothes, hops the guardrail. Mere seconds later, Wolf Hawkins follows, also still in jeans and T-shirt – and, as a first for a TCW world champ since around 2006, wearing his belt slung over his shoulder rather than around his waist. Phil Vibert comes next, then Marc DuBois, and as they're entering the ring, GenOme step over the rail in sync, their belts held in hand.


With Generation Omega in control of the ring, the announcer falters – and Vibert snatches the microphone from him, Remo smirking at the announcer's discomfort.


“Excessive Force starts with Generation Omega,” Vibert begins. “And it's going to end with Generation Omega. Wolf will keep his title. Davis and Frankie will keep theirs. Remo is going to look even more dangerous after the Test of Steel. And Sean McFly will... be... humbled.


“Sean, I have to respect you. You were the youngest man to win your first world title. There is no doubt that you are a real talent.


“But you aren't personally selected. You aren't someone I have picked out, someone recognised by the greatest young talents in this sport as their equal... you aren't Generation Omega.


“Tonight, we're going to end that delusion.”


He looks back toward the ring announcer and underhands the microphone toward him, leaving him fumbling for it as Generation Omega leave, their point made.



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews-1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt6.jpg

Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone

The bell rings, setting the two men circling. Andrews starts toward Stone, but Edd backs away and falls into what looks like a martial arts kata of some kind, leading to a confused Andrews halting his advance, cagey. Edd transitions from the kata into a running charge which Aaron sidesteps, sending Edd toward the ropes.


A backdrop attempt is countered when Edd instead stops short, ruffling Aaron's hair to make him straighten up before delivering a vicious slap. Aaron staggers back a second, then lunges back forward, connecting with a solid punch that sends Edd back a step. Two more punches have the younger Stone against the ropes; Andrews busts out a rarity, leaving his feet for a dropkick that sends Edd over the top.


With the crowd starting to warm up, Aaron hits the far ropes and wipes Edd out with a baseball slide. He drags him up by the hair, clenched fist raised high as he plays to the audience for a moment, the fans sounding their approval.


Edd promptly backflips, getting two boots into Andrews' face in sequence as he does so before landing on his feet. He charges, and Aaron drop toe holds him, sending him facefirst into the steps. The champ rolls him immediately into the ring to capitalise, but Edd's back to his feet before Aaron can cover. He hits a European uppercut, goes to the ropes, and tries a flying crossbody. Edd rolls it through to a pin attempt, getting two.


He springs up, measuring Aaron, and unleashes a spinning heel kick to put the champ back down. Dancing back to his feet, he raises an arm in celebration, grinning at the crowd, before turning back to hit his standing shooting star; Andrews, meanwhile, has his knees raised to cut it off.


The Rising Star whips Edd to the corner and sets up for a bulldog; it turns out, however, that the House of Stone graduate has that move scouted, boosting Aaron up and dropping him split-legged across the top rope.


“Well,” Azaria chuckles, “that's the 'Crotchular Region' strategy Edd had coming into play...”


Edd promptly goes into a handstand, then raises one arm to grab the straddled Andrews by one wrist. He braces a foot against the shoulder, then lets himself drop to his shoulders, pulling Aaron off the top rope to land with all his weight on the feet, his arm wrenched badly.


“And there's the 'Game Breaker Arm',” Midden growls.


Edd goes to pick up Andrews, who blocks him with a knee to the gut. He whips Edd into the corner, dropping to clutch at the arm a moment later. Edd, meanwhile, hits the buckle and keeps going, nearly tumbling from the ring to the floor but hanging on to the top rope with both arms. As Aaron recovers, Edd skins the cat, catching him in a headscissors and sending him out.


Stone then takes a moment to recover his breath before springing to the top rope, sailing out with another shooting star to crash onto Aaron before he can recover.


Edd applies a hammerlock, hoists Aaron into the air, and drops him, arm-first, onto the steel steps. He backs up for a charge, but Aaron catches him into a spinebuster, collapsing as he hits it, clutching his shoulder.


Stone takes a moment to celebrate before he remembers that he can't win on the outside. Rolling back in to break the count, he rolls back out and drops a knee across the back of Aaron's head, then scoops him up and goes for a DDT – but Aaron manages, one-handed, to backdrop him onto the steps.


The champ rolls Edd back into the ring, pulling himself in one-handed. By the time he's back in, Edd's already hit the far ropes, coming back at speed – but Aaron meets him with a lariat, this time making sure to use the uninjured arm. He picks Edd up bodily, getting a huge response from the audience as he slams him one-handed.


Edd makes it back to his feet and, of all things, Aaron drops him with the Party's Over. He scrambles to cover, but with only one working arm it wasn't strong enough to keep Edd down and he kicks out at two, coming back with a flying DDT.


“So far he's following that list of his carefully,” Midden notes. “You can't fault Edd inside the ring, whatever he's like out of it.”


Out of nowhere, Edd looks for the Stone Hold. Aaron powers him away with a strong kick and catches him on the rebound into a cradle that gets a long two. Edd promptly stomps the injured arm and dropkicks Aaron in the face.


He backs off and charges in again, only to be met with an elbow from Andrews who, showing the pain the whole way, boosts him onto his shoulders and nails the Game Breaker before collapsing, clutching his arm. It takes an agonising while before he gets his arm over Edd's form...




Aaron starts to shift his game, delivering a series of kicks before springboarding into a second flying crossbody. This time, Edd catches him and stays on his feet before dropping to one knee in a backbreaker. He pulls Aaron to his feet and nails the Party's Over!




Edd slaps the canvas, then changes his mind. A DDT bounces Aaron's head off the canvas again and Edd plants his boot in the injured shoulder before picking up Aaron's hand and giving him a high-five. He promptly jumps onto the second rope, launching into a moonsault attempt that sees his boots collide with Sam Sparrow as well. Edd tries for the pin for a good ten seconds before realising it's not happening.



The crowd go wild as Joey Minnesota slides under the bottom rope. Edd turns to face him, but Joey is ready for that; he rushes Edd into the corner and hits a leaping splash as Aaron pulls himself back to his feet.


Joey repeats the feat on the next corner, but at the third, Edd moves clear. Aaron charges in but Edd throws a wild superkick, staggering the International Champion but not downing him.


Edd turns back to face Minnesota, who's already charging with a lariat -


Edd drops down into the splits and Joey wipes out his tag partner. “That's it!” Azaria yells. “Edd Stone's strategies all worked out!”


Joey grabs Edd, hoists him onto his shoulders, and powerslams him -


...onto Aaron Andrews. As Sparrow revives, Minnesota bails, leaving Edd pinning Aaron for a guaranteed three count.

Edd Stone defeated Aaron Andrews

Rating: A*





Jeremy Stone and Champagne Lover both arrive in the ring almost immediately. Lover snatches the International Championship belt from Sparrow; Jeremy holds out a hand for it, and Lover passes it across. Jeremy fastens it with some ceremony around his brother's waist.



The trio beckon down the entrance ramp, and Gorgon makes her way down to ringside. Jeremy passes Edd out through the second rope, and Gorgon settles him on her shoulders, carrying the new champion triumphantly back to the locker room.


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShingenMiyazaki_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/QueenEmily_FS2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Acid_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Shingen Miyazaki © w/ Baroness Emily vs, Acid w/ Laura Huggins

There was no way for this match to live up to the standards of such an explosive opening contest, but the crowd probably couldn't have taken it if it had. Nonetheless, Acid and Miyazaki keep this one closely competitive, with a lot of reversals and counters. If anything, Acid has the edge until Shingen manages to take out his knee, limiting the high flyer's mobility.


Acid shifts from a picture-perfect mimicry of Miyazaki's tag partner to a remarkable simulacrum of Koshiro Ino, staying all about the strikes with an edge of mat wrestling, but doing it in grounded style, throwing fists rather than kicks. Midden and Dangerous have a lot of fun with this ersatz mentor/student battle, especially once Shingen's targeting of the existing injury gives him an advantage.



Freddy Huggins appears on the entrance ramp, heading down to intervene; as she has before, Baroness Emily draws the bokken and turns to cut him off from the ring.



Freddy dithers, and consequently gets blindsided by Koshiro Ino coming up behind him. The leader of Team KOBRA runs Huggins off right as Miyazaki ducks an imitation Kobra's Bite and plucks Acid's foot out from under him, clamping down the ankle lock to force a submission.


“The student has defeated the master,” Dangerous proclaims. Azaria snorts. “That didn't go so well for Darth Vader.”

Shingen Miyazaki defeated Acid

Rating: B





Brothers In Arms by the Northern Kings begins to play as a video appears on the big screen; opening with the TCW logo, the letters rapidly transform into the words TAG WARS before cutting to a clip sequence showing GenOme's growing effectiveness as a team, heavily drawing on their title win last month and their match against the Machines last night. The screen freeze-frames on Newton being handed his title belt and more text appears:







The video moves on, now showing clips of Art Reed and Greg Keith tagging together, using only the choicest of material available. Again, it freeze-frames on a shot of the duo with the championship belts around their waists and the caption comes up.









Flowing on, the sequence segues into the British Lions' time with TCW, showcasing their brutal efficiency, slick technical style, and dogged will to win. When it freezes, it freezes on Merle O'Curle forcing John Anderson to tap out.







Moving on, the sequence now focuses on the sheer power of Rick Law and Rocky Golden, taking its pick from the many instances where Rick Law has his hand raised in victory for the final freeze frame.









http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DavisWayneNewton-1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

GenOme © w/ Phil Vibert

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MerleOCurle_alt.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WalterMorgan.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins


vs. Golden Law

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GregGauge-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

vs. Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell

A good, entertaining contest here, though not as good as the two-on-two matches have been lately – but then, that's hard. GenOme and the Lions both target Golden Law from the off, unleashing a variety of moves designed to target joints and wear them down.


Kreed, meanwhile, are just picking their spots, looking for out-of-the-blue rollups or opportunities to unleash a beatdown from nowhere, looking for a pin. Their primary target is GenOme, but they'll go for anyone – Greg Keith distracting Rocky while Art Reed hits a missile dropkick is one of the earliest crowd-popping moments.


With the focus of two of the most dangerous submission teams locked in on them, even Golden Law's strength eventually fails, with Walter Morgan trapping Golden in the Wigan Wrench. Frankie Perez challenges Rick Law's rescue attempt but, while Law takes him down with the Squad Car Slam, Golden taps too early.


Elimination #1: Golden Law


The Lions turn to face Kreed then – but they don't attack. The four men stand off, with GenOme stalking warily on the edge, not willing to risk unleashing all four men on them at once.


Slowly, Greg nods, and O'Curle nods a heartbeat later.


And all four men hurl themselves at GenOme.


Perez and Newton are forced onto the back foot, but with both other teams obviously bent on eliminating them before seeing who the 'best team on the night' will be.


They do the only thing they can; they bail from the ring. Reed promptly soars out over the top rope after them, bringing them both down. Greg Keith climbs the turnbuckle next, leaping off with a diving clothesline. Newton rolls clear of the impact, however, leaving Frankie and both of the Kreed down in a tangle.


As Frankie struggles to stand up, Merle O'Curle gives a charging Walter Morgan an assist, boosting him over the top rope. Morgan splashes Perez and Kreed, bringing them both back down.


And that's the problem, as DWN rolls into the ring and grabs a quick roll up, getting his feet on the ropes to make sure of it.


Elimination #2: British Lions


It's down to GenOme and the Kreed, but both members of the Kreed have taken multiple heavy impacts recently, while that's true of only one of GenOme. Vibert's boys gradually work around and capitalise on that, with Perez locking in the P-Clutch on Greg Keith to secure the win in the end.


Final Elimination #3: Kreed

GenOme defeated the British Lions, Golden Law and the Kreed

Rating: B+





Another video begins to air. Switching between iThink and Balls to the Wall at intervals, the clips are of Harry Allen's escalating pattern of attacks on Darkwave, building to the Gunslinger's Revenge on Cherry Bomb. Then the clips begin to factor in her responses, her attacks on Allen through to the final duel the two had just the night before.


In all the Cherry Bomb into the guardrail and the Gunslinger's Revenge mid-match are both shown three or four times before the video dissolves into a pair of publicity shots with the two band members both playing to the camera in their own ways.


“A first,” Midden says gruffly from his position on the announce desk. “Intergender singles competition. I don't know if I like it.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CherryBomb_alt2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HarryAllen_Grunge3.jpg

Cherry Bomb vs. Harry Allen

Despite the issues with preconceptions coming from the first intergender match, the crowds wake up to this one pretty quickly. Allen keeps the pace on and uses his slight size edge to full effect, but Cherry Bomb's a brawler going way back, and she keeps throwing punches, kicks, and at one point even hurls Allen across the ring with a two-handed biel that brings some of the crowd to its feet.


This one seems pretty even, all told; Cherry Bomb gets her first chance in TCW to really show how well she can go, while Allen steps up his game with the spotlight on him once again.



He counters out of a powerbomb with a flip dropkick and sets for the Fistful of Dynamite when movement on the entrance ramp catches his eye; Ian Harris and Zimmy are stood there, the duo holding Amber Allen.


Harry stares at the trio for a few seconds, which is long enough for Cherry to pull him off the turnbuckle and land the Cherry Bomb, picking up the three.

Cherry Bomb defeated Harry Allen

Rating: B





The sound of a string quartet heralds Sean McFly, making his way down to the ring as Mayhem Midden repeats the stipulation for this match; if Sean wins, Phil Vibert must use the blackmail he has on a member of the Board of Investors to make that man sell out, losing Vibert his hold on the Board; if Sean's opponent, whoever that turns out to be, wins, then Generation Omega will no longer be banned from regular competition.


“Of course,” Midden continues with an edge of amusement in his voice, “whoever does come down is pulling double duty. You think Wolf wants to try the American Tiger with his belt on the line later? Or DuBois or Remo really want to go into the Test of Steel already worn down?”


McFly climbs into the ring and does a full circuit, watching the fans – and, as Dangerous points out, watching the crowd, too.


Perfection or Vanitybegins to play, and Marc DuBois comes down to the ring, dressed to compete.


“That answers that question,” Azaria says. “Settle down at home, folks – as one of my colleagues would say, this is going to be a barnstormer.”



Sean McFly comes to the ring and awaits his opponent, who turns out to be Marc DuBois.



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Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly

The expression on McFly's face is cagey to say the least. The pair circle, then DuBois steps forward, Sean gestures him in, and a moment later the Generation Omega man is flat on his back from an armdrag. Sean goes for the armbar, and DuBois snakes the hips to apply a bodyscissors as a counter, even improvising by twisting into the armbar to turn it into a crossface.


McFly releases the armbar and Marc transitions it into a keylock. Sean twists his way clear and unleashes a brutal chop across DuBois' chest, but the Can't Miss Prospect comes back with an uppercut, leading to an exchange of uppercuts running four or five strikes before DuBois grabs the arm incoming and jumps into a single-arm DDT takedown.


Now it's Marc's turn to go for an armbar as, on commentary, the announce team respond with some surprise to DuBois' show that he can hang with McFly on the mat. Sean takes the armbar for a few seconds before rolling through and turning it into a hammerlock of his own; Marc promptly jumps forward, mule-kicking Sean in the stomach to break the hold as he flips forward to land on his feet, whipping him to the ropes and following up with a running dropkick to take it to the floor.#


The brawl continues on the outside, and Marc slams McFly's face into the table. Then, he slams the table onto Sean's face! Eugene Williams admonishes DuBois to take it back in the ring, but Sean cuts that off with a massive release German suplex.


Marc falls into the crowd, so McFly hops up onto the apron and comes off with a crossbody! He sets up for some kind of running strike, but DuBois cuts it off and drops him on the top of the rail with a suplex.


DuBois drags him back to his feet and it turns into a slugfest. High elevation knee strike by the Can't Miss Prospect to continue the beatdown. He follows up with a thrust kick, knocking Sean back a few steps, then delivers a charging knee strike – but Sean moves aside and DuBois crashes into and over the steel steps.


Rolling him back into the ring, the American Tiger climbs to the top turnbuckle, but DuBois blocks him and climbs up there. He seems to be looking for an assisted DDT but doesn't get it; Sean elbows loose, hooks an arm, and leaps, twisting in midair to deliver a top-turnbuckle armdrag that sends DuBois almost to the far corner.


Sensing victory, Sean hurries to capitalise, hoisting DuBois onto his shoulders. The New York fans know what's coming, and they roar with approval.


The McFly Roll puts DuBois down, but he gets a shoulder up before two and knees his way free. Sean tries for a suplex, but DuBois counters it into the Marc of Excellence! He looks at McFly as if considering the pinfall, but decides against it, picking him up, whipping him to the turnbuckle and heading to the far side, rebounding with a huge running dropkick into the corner. As McFly staggers out DuBois DDTs him and rolls it into the Dubious DuBois Pin. ONE, TWO, THRE-Sean's foot is on the ropes.


The Can't Miss Prospect takes a boot to the face as he tries to continue the beatdown, and McFly then snakes hands and feet around his opponent to apply a gogoplata chokelock, much to the delight of the crowd, but DuBois is able to twist and reach the ropes in turn.


They break and DuBois tries another knee strike; Sean catches it, jumps, and lands an enzuigiri.


Sean covers once again, but again, DuBois kicks out, this time a hair after two. As he gets up, the American Tiger measures him, points for a second toward the back -




DuBois hauls himself up on the ropes and McFly tries for a superkick; Marc ducks it and hits a legsweep to change the momentum in an instant. He looks for the Model Solution but Sean counters, going for the Stone Hold only to be kicked clear. On the way back in he eats a high knee – Marc of Excellence attempt – countered – Stone's Throw blocked – DuBois elbows his way free, turns around, goes for a superkick – caught by McFly, who looks for the Stone Ankle Stretch – DuBois promptly leaps up, getting a jumping-knee variation on the Full Moon Rising strong enzuigiri and this breaking the hold. He sets McFly on the top turnbuckle and gets ready to climb up, but Sean blocks that with a forearm. DuBois lands back on his feet and the American Tiger spins him round, snakes an arm around his throat, and flips forward into the Girl's Best Friend!


McFly once again points a respectful finger toward the back before scrambling for the cover. ONE, TWO, THRE- NO! Shaking his head, Sean climbs the turnbuckle again, leaping off in the diving headbutt known as the From Canada With Love, then scoops DuBois up, looking for the Delorean Driver – DuBois blocks, slips loose – MARC OF EXCELLENCE! McFly bounces off the canvas and falls to the outside.


DuBois snarls in frustration, and Phil Vibert bundles the American Tiger back into the ring – but by the time the Can't Miss Prospect can cover, McFly is ready to bundle him into a cradle – but DuBois powers out almost immediately. He once again looks for the Model Solution, but in a chaos of hold and counter-hold, Sean ends up with the Stone Hold applied, but Vibert pushes in the bottom rope, allowing DuBois to grab it.


While he was saved, this time, by his manager, the talk of the announce table right now is of the durability of the man who's just taken or countered almost every big move the House of Stone teaches.


DuBois takes it to McFly now that he's back on his feet with a series of rights and lefts, followed by a leaping knee strike to the head. Another Marc of Excellence is attempted, but McFly twists free and lands safely. A boot to the gut sets up the Delorean Driver – ONE, TW-


Vibert pulls McFly out of the ring. Furious, McFly drops Vibert with a straight right – and DuBois comes off the apron with a lariat to bring McFly down, beginning to put the boots to him. Vibert recovers and grabs McFly's arms, preventing him from fighting back. Williams looks at the fighting, begins to call for the DQ, dithers, looking at Midden – both men knowing full well that a DQ ending won't resolve anything -



Tommy Cornell sprints down to the ring, grabbing Vibert and busting him open with a punch. DuBois lunges, but McFly cuts him off, coming up behind him with a full nelson. The two men bundle DuBois back into the ring.


McFly goes for the Delorean Driver again, but DuBois blocks, stepping backward to get some momentum up, coming fast – McFly catches him, turns on the spot, and hits a fallaway slam -


DuBois lands on Eugene Williams. He picks himself up groggily – DELOREAN DRIVER! McFly covers – Cornell slides into the ring – ONE, TWO, THREE!

Sean McFly defeated Marc DuBois

Rating: A*





“You know what, I'd hate to have fought and lost that match and get put straight in the Test of Steel,” Dangerous says simply. “Hell, I'd hate to have fought that hard and lost.”


Tommy Cornell raises Sean McFly's hand in victory. Dubois lies there a few seconds longer, catching his breath, as a bloodied Phil Vibert picks himself up and gets ready to walk back up the ramp. DuBois rolls out to join him, leaving the youngest ever SWF Champion and the youngest ever TCW champion walking tall in the ring.




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Texas Pete © vs. Chris Rockwell

A hell of a brawl here, again faced with the unenviable challenge of trying to follow an astonishing match. Both men work hard at this, hitting all their big moves, looking good and plugging away well.


The bout is evenly contested for nearly fifteen minutes before Rockwell starts to get the upper hand.



He's setting up for an inverted suplex when Matthew Keith hops up on the ring apron. Rockwell halts, staring at the newcomer, and Pete twists loose, countering into the Lone Star Drop to secure the pinfall.

Texas Pete defeated Chris Rockwell

Rating: B



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Gorgon-1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SuzanneBrazzle_jhdPS.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/QueenEmily_FS2.jpg

Gorgon © vs. Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily

Another entertaining enough match. Gorgon's run of utter dominance continues, though it's notable that Brazzle has been watching Gorgon's prior performances – it takes a little more to get into position for the Hydra Bomb, and Brazzle is making much of her claim that all she needs is three feet of clear space between her shoulder and Gorgon's jaw for the Miracle Connection – though Gorgon is still bulling Brazzle around, it seems as if she's wary of allowing Brazzle to test that theory.


It takes perhaps seven or eight minutes before Gorgon's able to secure another defence with the Hydra Bomb.

Gorgon defeated Suzanne Brazzle

Rating: B-





Over time, a video package for the Test of Steel has evolved, a highlight reel of the biggest moments from prior contests, something that can be spliced into promo work to personalise it for the specific contest. Set to The Bleeding by Five Finger Death Punch, the latest one springs to life, voiced by Johnny Bloodstone and Remo Richardson.


Bloodstone:“This isn't my kind of match.”


Bryan Vessey finds himself tossed into the cell wall by Cornell's Rough Ride


Remo: “Bloodstone, you cutting in on this is a damn disgrace.”


BLZ Bubb crushes Sam Strong's head against the cage with a running boot


Bloodstone: “It's not my kind of quarrel. It's nothing to do with what wrestling should be.”


Liberty hangs from the ceiling at the centre of the cage for a long moment, looking down on Rip Chord. With a final swing, he plummets, driving the elbow right into Chord's heart from twenty feet up


Remo: “You were on my list, but you could've waited your turn. I would've given you the satisfaction. Left you hurt. Bleeding. Beaten. Just like everyone else.”


Ricky Dale Johnson drives Cornell back-first into the cage before wheeling around to plant him with the Southern Justice


Bloodstone: “This is... something else. This is a fight... and I can fight just as well as I can wrestle.”


After the match is over, Sam Strong stands over a devastated, broken Peter Valentine, looking down on him, and shakes his head sadly.


Remo: “Eddie Peak turns out to be more trouble'n I'd planned for. Not that it matters.”


Standing atop the cell, Bryan Vessey drives Cornell into the steel mesh with a Vessey Driver


Bloodstone: “It's just that Amy likes me a lot better when I don't do that. When I keep myself under control.”


Sam Keith is sent crashing into the steel cell wall from the ring apron.


Remo: “Your little bitchfest don't matter, neither. You want this to be both of you? You want wiping out the same time?”


Sam Strong bodily rushes Peter Valentine into the cell's corner, both men bleeding heavily.


Bloodstone: “But you went after Amy. And that will never, ever, lead to anything but pain for you.”


BLZ Bubb hurls Strong from the ring with a Hades Bomb.


Remo: “Fine. Whatever. It don't matter to Remo.”


Rip Chord DDTs Liberty onto the cell's door, lying battered on the floor.


Bloodstone: “This time I think I can fight and stay in control. This time I'm doing it for her.”


Ricky Dale Johnson sends Cornell crashing over the steel steps to fly into the cell wall.


Remo: “It's nothing personal, Bloodstone. That's what you didn't get. It. Don't. Matter.”



The video ends. Eddie Peak and Johnny Bloodstone make their entrances, and Remo Richardson emerges on the entry way.



A few moments later, The Fight Song hits, and Joey Minnesota steps out beside him. A bandaged Vibert joins them, all smiles as the grim-faced Generation Omega team head toward the lowering Test of Steel cell.



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota_alt.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Remo.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Joey Minnesota & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


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Johnny Bloodstone & Eddie Peak w/ Blonde Bombshell

It's close to impossible to keep up with this match. Peak has his chain wrapped around his fist from the start, and as Minnesota is revealed as Remo's partner, he and Bloodstone exchange looks; Bloodstone looks wary, but Peak shrugs, patting him on the back with the chain-wrapped hand.


Remo and Minnesota step inside and Peak starts toward Remo, who shrugs, opening his arms wide in welcome before catching the chain-punch using both hands and smashing Peak's fist into the cell. Peak promptly lunges forward in a headbutt, driving Remo back a step, and moves to attack – but Minnesota, on the outside of this, has got into position for a drop toe hold that brings Peak down.


Then he dives into the ring to face off with Bloodstone and, as the two big men brawl around the outside, Minnesota falls into an amateur wrestling stance, beckoning Bloodstone in.


The former World Heavyweight Champion promptly boots him in the gut, grabs him by the hair, and slams him over onto his back before going to mount position, raining down elbows, much to the crowd's roar of approval.


“Like Johnny said,” Midden comments, “this isn't a wrestling match. This is a fight.”


Remo, meanwhile, is already bleeding on the outside, but a charge drives Eddie back the length of the cell, ramming him spine-first into the unforgiving steel. Seeing what's happening on the inside, he rolls into the ring, comes up running and practically takes Bloodstone's head off with a boot.


Looking down on Minnesota, he jerks his thumb over his shoulder; the message is clear, and the dazed Joey moves to attempt an interception on the incoming Eddie Peak.


This time he eschews the drop toe hold, instead favouring a dropkick. It works – but it also gets the Bloody-Handed God's attention.


Eddie grabs Joey by the ankle while he's prone, lifting him up almost one-handed for a second, then letting him drop into a big slam before stepping over him to get to Remo... but there's a problem.


Wrapped around Joey Minnesota's wrist is the stray trail of chain, and he's not letting go. Eddie turns to brush off this distraction, swinging a punch -


Joey ducks under the Great White Shark's huge arm and steps behind Peak, looping the chain around his neck as he does so, yanking back to tighten the noose.


Meanwhile, Remo has Bloodstone in the corner of the ring. He rains down punches for a few moments, then drags him back upright, one handed, and sets for the Lumbar Puncture. He lifts Bloodstone into the air and the former champion reacts, spinning up and around the Generation Omega man's neck to drop into a DDT counter, much to the crowd's delight.


Bloodstone attempts a Bloodstone Mutilation, but Remo becomes the first man to simply power out of it, forcing his way to his feet and walking out to hit a Vertebreaker.


Ever cold-blooded, Remo floats over into a pin, not willing to pass up the opportunity. Eddie, meanwhile, having just been choke-chained by Minnesota, charges forward, stomping Remo on the way to break up the pin before turning to hit the turnbuckle back- (and thus Minnesota-) first. Joey, however, doesn't let go; instead, he grapevines around Eddie's torso with his legs, anchoring himself more firmly to haul back on the chain.


Eddie promptly races to the other corner, but Remo is back to his feet midway, cutting him off with a heart punch. Joey hops off Peak's shoulders at that moment, holding on to the chain loop, and the pair set up – and execute – a stereo suplex.


The two Generation Omega men take a long look at each other, and Joey points toward Bloodstone. Remo nods, turning back to face Eddie. He kneels down and starts firing off a series of punches; in the meantime, as Bloodstone slowly makes his way back to his feet, Minnesota jumps in, landing an elbow drop onto the former champ's exposed back before scooping him up and hitting a backbreaker, then a suplex, then a powerbomb. For a little while, the camera isn't willing to lose focus on Minnesota's systematic beatdown on Bloodstone.


Johnny rallies, blocking a slam attempt, landing on his feet and hitting a discus punch. Minnesota drops from the impact, then rolls to his feet and comes back with a running lariat that sends both men over the top rope and to the floor outside.


Remo rises from his assault on Eddie, pacing back four or five steps, then, as the Bloody-Handed God rises to his feet, comes running in for a big boot. Eddie sees it coming just in time, ducks his head, and raises one arm to catch Remo's boot as it slides over his head.


Peak straightens up fully, with Remo sat on his shoulders in an electric chair position – which, both of them being big men, brings Remo's head loudly into contact with the top of the cage. Eddie grins, suddenly, even as a nervous Remo starts raining punches down on Peak's head, laying him open while Bloodstone and Minnesota trade holds on the outside.


Eddie ducks down and straightens up again three or four more times, crashing Remo's head into the steel over and over – until Remo reaches up and blocks it, using his strength to hold his body away from the steel cell.


Meanwhile, Bloodstone finally gets one over on Minnesota, ramming his spine into the apron to score a breather and sliding the steel steps into the ring. Eddie steps out from under Remo, turns around, and grabs both those muscular legs, yanking down to rip Remo's grip from the ceiling and smash him into the mat – except that, instead, it's the cell ceiling that gives, one panel wrenching loose and hanging from just one side, as Remo smashes into the canvas with a thunderous impact.


Grinning furiously, Eddie licks the blood that's trickled down onto his teeth away and steps forward – but Minnesota has dived under the bottom rope, and as Eddie bends to pick up Remo, Joey slams that dangling roof section into his head – then again.


Bloodstone promptly charges Minnesota, getting him with something like a spear before yanking the section down to crash over Joey's prone form. He tries for a pin, but Remo hauls him off and hurls him over his head with a German Suplex, before going into another chokehold on Peak. Joey crawls out from under the roof section, sees the downed Bloodstone, and a grin spreads over his face.


“He's happy!” Vibert can be heard yelling in the face of the announce desk. “Joey F**king Minnesota is happy for the first time since DaVE fell. This is what he was born for!”


Working quickly, Joey places the steps about two feet ahead of the turnbuckles, then rips the covering off the top buckle. As Bloodstone picks himself up, Joey hits the ropes and comes off with a running Mafia kick to keep the former champ out of it. He hauls him back to his feet, takes a grip on his arm, and Irish whips him into the steps.


In a display of perfect placement, Bloodstone hits the step and goes flying over the top, crashing head-first into the exposed steel of the buckle. There's an instant spray of blood.


Eddie finally gets back to his feet, throwing Remo off. The Supreme Specimen hits the mat shoulder-first and goes into a roll, coming up on his feet – just barely, having used the ropes to steady himself, but he does.


Joey rushes for Eddie, but takes a chain-wrapped punch to the face for his trouble, and Eddie scoops him up for the Peak of Perfection just as Remo boosts Bloodstone for the Destroyer.


Peak charges Remo after the moves hit, but Remo ducks the swing and gets the Lumbar Puncture to put Eddie down for just a second. He promptly dumps the roof section on top of him, jamming one end into the canvas and wedging the other end under a turnbuckle to keep the Bloody-Handed God pinned down, knotting the roof to the ropes with Peak's own chain.


By that stage Bloodstone has almost made it back to his feet, but so has Minnesota. Bloodstone blocks the Empire Spiral and gets the Stone's Throw, only to be wiped out by a spear from Remo.


Remo helps his tag partner to his feet, and whips Bloodstone into him as the crowd's fury builds. A Minnesota Salute is followed by a second Destroyer, and Remo pins Bloodstone. It's only the second or third pin attempt in the match... but it's guaranteed. This was not a contest about anything other than focused destruction.

Joey Minnesota & Remo Richardson defeated Eddie Peak & Johnny Bloodstone

Rating: A*


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Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

For the third time this show, wrestlers come out with the unenviable challenge of trying to equal an astonishing match.


Hawkins gets right in RDJ's face, and then into Stone's, before the match, holding his belt high above their head both times, staring them down.


Neither man is naïve enough to take their eyes from Hawkins to watch the belt, allowing a cheap shot, but when it comes time to hand the belt to Sam Sparrow Hawkins instead tosses it toward RDJ before lunging into Jeremy Stone, taking him down with a double-leg before grabbing a headlock and raining down punches.


RDJ, of course, hauls him back to his feet and deals him a right which, as the sound cracks across the arena, sends Hawkins down to his ass. Jeremy Stone, meanwhile, kips up, spins RDJ around, and hooks him into a front facelock before transitioning into a neckbreaker.


Hawkins, meanwhile, climbs back up, taking immediate advantage of Sparrow's distraction – handing the recovered belt to the timekeeper – to thumb Stone in the eye, grab him as he doubles over, and DDT him before rolling back to his feet, ducking a swing from RDJ, and getting a Russian leg sweep.


A dropkick to Stone punts him back into the corner; Hawkins goes in to rain down chops, but after only a few Stone reverses, putting Hawkins in the corner. He delivers a couple of shots before RDJ puts him temporarily down with a back suplex, then pops up to deliver some chops of his own to the champion, bringing the crowd out into full voice as Hawkins finally starts to get punished. RDJ then hooks the champ's head, planting his boots in his gut, and falls backward into a Judo flip; Hawkins sails out, catching Stone in a headscissors takedown as he flies, and popping back up, much to the fans' disgust, only to be nailed by a Leaping Lariat on the turn. Johnson covers but Hawkins kicks out before two.


As Hawkins rises, he hooks RDJ's arm, flipping him around and down on his face before applying a keylock and, awkwardly, twisting to knee the shoulder repeatedly. As Sparrow starts to check for the submission, Jeremy Stone leaps into action, echoing Johnny Bloodstone's strategy of near nine months ago by locking RDJ's trailing legs into the Stone Hold.


It's a dual submission, and if RDJ were to tap, it'd give Stone as much claim to the title as Hawkins – and Vibert recognises that. The bandaged manager rushes around to meet Hawkins' eyes, yelling a warning, and Wolf releases the hold, rising and turning to hit a Full Moon Rising to the back of Stone's head – just like last month. A quick pin is broken up by RDJ, who hauls Wolf back up and gets a Southern Justice, but his arm doesn't seem happy about that and Hawkins kicks out – now having beaten two of his biggest moves, albeit the second in a weakened form.


Wolf stays on RDJ, peppering him with punches before backing up and charging, at which point RDJ backdrops him over the top rope and to the outside. While Vibert scrambles to check on his champion, Johnson turns around and finds Jeremy Stone waiting.


An exchange of chops leads to a go-behind from Stone; RDJ uses his less-weakened arm to elbow out of the Stone's Throw attempt and charges forward, hitting the ropes before coming back with a shoulderblock. A quick cover sees Stone roll it through into a cradle – one, two – RDJ kicks out.


Thinking quickly, Stone whips him to the corner – the same one where a turnbuckle was exposed to bloody Johnny Bloodstone. RDJ takes the bare steel to the back and Stone drops him on his way out with a back elbow, dropping to his knees for the cover immediately.


One, two – RDJ gets his shoulder up, and as Stone reconsiders, still kneeling, hands on his thighs, Hawkins comes flying in past him – with a bulldog that clashes both of his opponents' heads together as his momentum sees him slide back out of the ring, before rolling in to quickly capitalise. Beckoning them up, he nails Stone first with a lungblower, then rolls back, pops to his feet, and grabs Stone by the back of the head, slamming him into the exposed turnbuckle.


Jeremy Stone bleeds freely as Ricky Dale Johnson chop blocks Hawkins to the ground. He grabs a single-leg crab, wrenching back, obviously looking to weaken any coming Full Moon Rising. Stone rushes forward, hooking Hawkins' arms, and flips forward to apply the Bloodstone Mutilation. While Sparrow concentrates on Hawkins, checking for the submission, Vibert gets in the ring and stomps across Stone's exposed chest, breaking that part of the move. A moment later the World Heavyweight Championship crashes into the back of RDJ's head, breaking that hold too, and Vibert bails.


Furious, Sparrow orders Vibert ejected from ringside. Vibert refuses, but Mayhem Midden yells instructions into the headset and Charlie Thatcher sprints down to ringside, baseball bat in hand. Vibert, knowing how badly hurt his allies are, bails.


Hawkins whips RDJ to another corner, then whips Stone in on top of him. Stepping up onto the second rope, he leaps off, hitting the Full Moon Rising across both heads. He tosses Stone out of the ring, then shoves the toppling RDJ to the mat a little faster, rolling across into a pin.


Once again, Johnson gets his shoulder up. Another exchange of punches sees RDJ win out, just barely, and he hops up to the second rope for the Leaping Lariat.


As he comes off, Hawkins jumps, nailing a Full Moon Rising to block the Lariat, making use of Johnson's momentum to emphasise the move. Another cover – one, two, three!

Wolf Hawkins defeated Jeremy Stone and Ricky Dale Johnson

Rating: A


Show Rating: A

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Great show man, finally Stone gets the belt too, hoping this means a celebration by him on the next show, true Party Animal style :)


Suprised by so many A*'s yet an A overall, but totally loved the write ups for them.

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Need I repeat, peformance is rated as much as popularity, and likewise. Probably was combination of things plus that.


No, not that. First, take into account their prior results, then recall Edd's consistency and Aaron's Psych - the two factors that are keeping these two capped where they are at the moment.


I guess we hit the perfect storm.

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Great show man, finally Stone gets the belt too, hoping this means a celebration by him on the next show, true Party Animal style :)


Suprised by so many A*'s yet an A overall, but totally loved the write ups for them.


Oh, I have many plans for Edd. Have no fear.


I'm suspecting what dropped me off the A* was the dip between semi-main and main, plus the Harry/Cherry video. But it could've been a number of things; I'm not worrying too hard about it, though. I think it's safe to say that this one would get a few DVD sales off those matches.

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Excessive Force has been unleashed, and the repercussions look likely to be felt for some time. The first aftershocks may well take place this Tuesday as Total Wrestling unfolds. Let's see what's on tap...


Sean McFly looks to continue his winning streak against the "Celtic Crippler" Merle O'Curle. Can the Irish Lion upset the American Tiger?


The 'third machine' Marc Speed is also going to be in action, taking on Julian Watson. Watson's woes of alte are well documented, but will the Machine/Riders rivalry expand beyond the two tag teams or will Speed have freedom to win or lose on his own merits?


In tag team action the New Wave will take on the Fly Boys. Goldworthy's team have shown a new flush of determination lately, but will that be enough to take down the resurgent Wave?


Edd Stone has his first contest as International champion ahead of him. Granted, the bout against Canadian Elemental is non-title, but this could set up some major movements in the champion's future.


Two Canadian legends go face to face immediately afterward, too, as Art Reed will take on Edd's oldest brother in what's sure to be a technical exhibition par excellence - and that's not even our main event.


In the main, indeed, Sam Keith has thrown down the gauntlet to his wayward son Matthew. Promising to teach him the lessons Keith should have learned earlier, the father intends to show the son exactly where he's gone wrong - though the younger Keith's recent winning record suggests that that may not be as easy as it sounds.


Prediction Key:

Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Sean McFly


Julian Watson vs. Marc Speed


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. New Wave


Canadian Elemental vs. Edd Stone (non-title)


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


Matthew Keith vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

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Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Sean McFly


Julian Watson vs. Marc Speed


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. New Wave


Canadian Elemental vs. Edd Stone (non-title)


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


Matthew Keith vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

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Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Sean McFly

McFly is bigger name and O´Curle is mainly tag guy so he takes the loss here


Julian Watson vs. Marc Speed

Watson didn´t get much wins when he was is Synticate so hard to see him getting any now that he is lost in the shuffle


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. New Wave

Unless I remember wrong Fly Boys actually got a win in their last match. That said I don´t see them going over New Wave without some build-up.


Canadian Elemental vs. Edd Stone (non-title)

non-title might mean that Can El wins here and Andrews could certainly interfere (though he is more likely to go after Minnesota). Still I go with Edd as he simply feels like a bigger name to me.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

Stone was in PPV main event while Reed is tag guy so Stone gets a win here.


Matthew Keith vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

This one is the hardest for me as I think that Matthew is popular enough to go over Sam here and both options could develop the story to interesting direction, but I say that Sam wins this time which causes Matthew to go after his father and other former allies.

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