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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Sean McFly


I'm not picking against McFly any time soon. O'Curle is a big step up from Sayeed and Frankie, but a step down from DuBois. Still a likely A*.


Julian Watson vs. Marc Speed


I think you're setting up for some kind of Riders thing, but far be it from me to pick Julian Watson to win.

Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. New Wave


The Fly Boys may be getting a push. The New Wave are DEFINITELY getting one.


Canadian Elemental vs. Edd Stone (non-title)


Even non-title, Can El isn't on this level.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


I hate having to pick against Art Reed.


Matthew Keith vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Matthew is a main eventer now. Sam is a gatekeeper. He'll put his son over.

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Now that all the results are in, I just want to say... thank you, everyone, for voting in the Diary of the Year contest. Depending on how things go, we may see A Quiet Retirement squeak into next year's, too... but I don't plan on ending this any time soon.


Show will be up sometime over the weekend, most likely.

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Congrats on the awards, well deserved as this has been a consistently great read from the start :)


Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Sean McFly


I thought McFly might fall at the PPV to one of Generation Omega, but he came out on top in that match, so it looks like he is getting a (very) strong push, so as well as O'Curle has done to make his own mark in TCW, I don't see the irishman pulling off the upset here.


Julian Watson vs. Marc Speed


Julian Watson's style icons are obviously Black Magic from BHOTWG, that of course has nothing to do with the outcome of this match but then again we may as well talk up something else than Julian Watson's chances of actually winning a match.

Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. New Wave


New Wave have come out of the other side of the losing streak, I'll be shocked if The Fly Boys go over here, even if they did get a win in their last outing.


Canadian Elemental vs. Edd Stone (non-title)


If this was non-title to set up for a shot at the All-Action belt, I would have been tempted to go with the masked man but Edd isn't holding the AA belt, he's holding the International belt a step above.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone


This has A* potential written all over it, which probably means they'll have chemistry issues and will eek out a B+. The outcome's a bit of foregone conclusion though, Art's primarily a tag guy right now and though Stone didn't win at Excessive Force, I can't imagine he's given up on his world title ambitions.


Matthew Keith vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Zergon's argument for Sam Keith going over is very persuasive...however I'll follow the crowd and say that Sam puts over his son right here.

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I've decided to stop lurking and post on this website again. So Im gonna get into my favorite diaries.


Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Sean McFly


Julian Watson vs. Marc Speed


Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. New Wave

Canadian Elemental vs. Edd Stone (non-title)


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

Matthew Keith vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 1 July 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 15.26)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.07)


Held at the Ottawa Rams Stadium (Ontario)


Attendance: 10,000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes


The show opens not with the usual pyro eruption but with a mass of spotlights, swooping around the Ottawa Rams Stadium as a whole but focusing on the new entrance stage, bigger screen, and general new look for Total Wrestling.



Shawn Doakes throws it to Autumn Gleeson in the new-look backstage area, but she just smiles a little awkwardly, a little apologetically.


“Hi, guys,” she says. “As Shawn just said, I'm scheduled to kick off the show with an exclusive interview with our new International Champion, Edd Stone. Unfortunately, as you can see...”


The camera glances both ways. “Edd's nowhere to be found. In fact, no one's seen him, Gorgon, or Champagne Lover since they carried Edd backstage after his title match Sunday night. Hopefully we'll be able to bring you that interview soon enough, but for now, to the fans from me and on behalf of Edd Stone, we can only apologise.”




Back to the announce desk, and Jason has just started talking about Merle O'Curle and the opener when Battle Without Honor or Humanity begins to play, heralding the arrival of Team KOBRA.


“Well,” Dangerous says, “we saw two of them compete last night, but we never saw them take their reward... or their punishment. I guess that's what they're out here for.”


“And it means that Team KOBRA become the first wrestlers to show themselves in the newly-designed Total Wrestling layout,” Doakes says. “Sure, that may not sound like much, but I know Eric Tyler was bragging backstage about Merle O'Curle – a School of Tradition member – being the first man scheduled to walk out here.”


“That could become a problem,” Azaria offers philosophically, as KOBRA surround Shingen Miyazaki and Suzanne Brazzle in the ring. “Eric Tyler doesn't exactly need reasons to pick fights with people.”


As Suzanne Brazzle takes the bokken shot to the back, Doakes discusses Acid's decision to mimic Koshiro Ino on Sunday night. “You think that's going to cause the Team problems?”


“I hope not,” Azaria says. “I don't agree with these methods, but they're getting results. And Miyazaki – the man with the title – is following the methods most closely of all. Like it or not, they work.”


After a moment's pause, Team KOBRA bow to Miyazaki.




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Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins vs. Sean McFly

As the bell rings, O'Curle offers a hand. McFly looks askance at it for a second, but in the end, he reaches out to shake. The two nod, circle, and close.


Fluidity is something wrestlers the world over strive to achieve, something color commentators – many of them, of course, retired or half-retired wrestlers themselves – harp on about. It's difficult to describe – it has to do with an ability to slip from one move to another, to execute moves neatly and, at the other extreme, to make botches seem as if they were intentional. It is, needless to say, both rare and tricky to pin down.


Nonetheless, it's clear that these two both possess the knack. They slither into each other, fluid motion even as they're cagily contemplating strategies, and from the moment they meet it never lets up, the transitions slick and polished but still appearing spontaneous. McFly and O'Curle find themselves looking almost even in the match, with both men putting together a technical clinic before Sean manages to get a step up on his opponent.



A few moments after it becomes clear that McFly has O'Curle scouted, not the other way around, Eric Tyler slides into the ring. Not even trying to prevent Ray Johnson from seeing, he simply blasts McFly with a lariat to draw the DQ – but also, it seems, to prove some kind of point.

Sean McFly defeated Merle O'Curle

Rating: A





Azaria throws it back to Autumn Gleeson, saying that he's received word that Edd Stone has entered the building.


Autumn once again greets the camera with an embarrassed, apologetic smile. “Thanks, guys,” she begins. “But whatever you've heard, I still haven't-”



“Whoa!” Edd appears, slumping forward from standing, quickly falling through shot. On reflex alone Gleeson lunges forward, catching Edd as he topples, and he claws his way back upright by hanging off her.


“OK,” she says as she recovers her composure, “Edd has arrived. I stand corrected.” She turns back to him, then flinches slightly. “And he's drunk.”


“'M not drunk!”


“Edd, I'm Australian. I know from drunk.”






“...Might be a li'l drunk. Hangover cure!”




“Sure... from the win celebration.”


“You've been drunk since Sunday? Two days?”


“...What day is this?”


Gleeson shakes her head. “You know what, I'm just going to carry on with the interview. Edd, congratulations on your title victory... and, apparently, your superhuman liver.”


“Sure.” Edd grins. “You know, you've done the impossible.”


“...What do you mean?”


“Normally people are hotter when you're drunk, but I definitely prefer you in focus.”


Gleeson blushes slightly, but she also rolls her eyes. Not to be daunted, however, Edd drapes an arm around her shoulder. “Hey, you like tag teams so much, you wanna manage one? I'm in two, you can take your pick.”


She laughs. “Edd, I'd love to manage a team, but believe me, on your own you're more of a handful than-”


“Yeah, you did.”


Gleeson grins. “Had to.” They fistbump. “Anyway, the answer's no.”




As I was saying,” Gleeson resumes. “Congratulations on your title victory. Now you've got the belt, have you got any thoughts on how to defend it?”


“Well,” Edd says, “what with everything I figured I'd start with Giant Tana.”


“...Is Tana at the top of the list for a title shot?”


Edd blinks, looking confused, and doesn't answer. Gleeson tries another tack.


“Canadian Elemental has a match against you tonight. This young successor to the Elemental legacy's chalked up some impressive moments and a fair share of wins – do you think he might be a contender for your championship in the future?”


“Who?” Edd asks, looking genuinely confused. “No, I just figured it'd be fun to mess with Tana...”


“Edd, I... I don't think you understand how championships work.”


Stone grins. “Sure I do. You'd be amazed the number of girls who wanted to touch it this weekend.” He nods, still grinning, then wanders out of shot.


Gleeson stares at the camera in defeat. After a moment, Edd's head leans back into shot. “Some of them liked the belt, too.”


As Autumn rolls her eyes Edd offers "Too much?" with a grin.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JulianWatson_FIN.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MarcSpeed_FIN4.jpg

Julian Watson vs. Marc Speed

As the big screen fades out, Julian Watson is already on his way to the ring. Marc Speed follows fairly swiftly, and while Watson once again rises to the challenge of such a large international stage, it'd be hard to argue that Speed isn't the more polished athlete in the ring at present.


The newest Machine busts out all the stops, running wild as he looks to lock Watson down, and to the crowd's approval, he eventually does so with the Cross Armbreaker.

Marc Speed defeated Julian Watson

Rating: B




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Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. New Wave

The New Wave look more than a little confident going into this match, but the Fly Boys also look hungry and motivated, with Goldworthy grinning inanely.


As the bell rings, Jimmy lunges for Scout, who moves aside, tries for a hip toss, and Jimmy lands on his feet before going for a snap suplex – something a little way aside from his usual repertoire. Scout retaliates, sweeping him off his feet and dumping him again with a big slam before tagging in Guide, and Jimmy backs off, worried.


Guide hammers him with punches, and the New Wave get back to what they do best until Donnie J comes into the ring, breaking up the beatdown with a flying headscissors on Guide.



As Eugene Williams clears Donnie back out of the ring, Jack Marlowe yanks Scout off the apron and drops him with a stiff punch before rolling into the ring, putting the beginnings of a beatdown on Guide before Scout joins him. The two-on-one – as Jimmy is still picking himself up – is almost even, a scary statement in terms of what it means for Marlowe's potential.


Part of that is simply that the Enforcer seems to have a good basic understanding of what to do when handling two opponents, turning from one to the other, striking fast, keeping an eye on both. But against the New Wave he can't quite get enough of an upper hand to put them down – and when Williams turns around, to see a match that doesn't, any longer, seem to involve one of the teams, he's quick to throw the whole thing out.

The match was ruled a no contest

Rating: C+





Sam Keith, backstage, has been holding out his hands as Greg Keith tapes his father's wrists ahead of the main event. Greg is dressed for the street, not to compete, but he looks dug in for the night nonetheless.


A knock sounds at the door, and Keith looks up toward it, at least somewhat interested. “Yeah?”



Chris Rockwell comes in, face like thunder. “Alright, Sam,” he begins. “You and I've known each other way too long now. We may not move in the same circles but I figure we can still respect each other for what we've done – so can you tell me what your son is playing at?”


Surprised, Sam looks at Greg. Rockwell abruptly snorts. “Like I'm going to be worried about him right now. No, Matthew – the guy who cost me the Hard-Hitting Championship just a couple days back, remember?”


Keith sighs heavily. “Chris... I honestly have no idea. Hell, I'm up against Matt tonight, and I just don't know-”


“Oh, come ON!” Rockwell rolls over him. “You practically wrote the book on this stuff. Taught him well, have-”



“Chris,” Law says softly, placing his hand on his shoulder. “Easy, man.” Golden Law are both close behind Rockwell, looking concerned Kreed, meanwhile, have closed ranks behind Sam Keith.


Sam's eyes are weary and sad. “I'm sorry, Chris,” he says. “But I can't help you right now. That said... it's the nature of the sport. If he screws with you, you're free to do what you'd do to anyone who did that.


“It's how people learn. Hell, it's how “Shotgun” Sam Gauge made his name in Texas.” A wry grin. “Wonder what ever happened to that guy, anyhow?”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CanadianElemental.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt6.jpg

Canadian Elemental vs. Edd Stone

Edd stumbles down to the ring, almost tripping, and Elemental, behind his mask, seems disgusted and certain of victory. The bell rings, and Elemental throws a punch to spin Edd around, step in, and go for the Elemental Suplex right off the bat; at which point Stone elbows him in the back, dropping his act and snapmaring Elemental over.


The match begins in earnest and the contest is another demonstration of just how good both men are, closely-contested almost all the way. Edd narrowly avoids defeat after an Elemental Suplex by rolling out of the ring, and as CanEl tries for a third, Edd does something spectacular – he twists loose into a Party's Over! By an astonishingly narrow margin, Edd Stone pins Canadian Elemental.

Edd Stone defeated Canadian Elemental

Rating: B-




The International champion has barely celebrated for any time, however, when he catches sight of something out of the corner of his eye – and he bails.



Hopping the guardrail are Joey Minnesota and Phil Vibert, who roll into the ring. Vibert pauses on the way in to snatch the microphone from the ring announcer.


“Let's be honest, here,” Vibert begins. “Someone out there has been spending the last two days and their computer in their mom's basement talking about how they just knew this was going to happen. And maybe some of you did. If you did... congratulations. Because what that means is you recognise talent when you see it.


“Joey Minnesota is someone I saw in New York, treading the water because he was part of a company that couldn't see what it had on its hands. I looked at him and I saw... a diamond.


“He hadn't gotten the polish he has now yet. He still needed work. Needed somewhere to learn.


“So I hired him... I brought him to the only place I could control, and I let him fight men he could learn from. He grew, too, and he beat them in turn, and just as he was getting ready to blow the roof off the wrestling world...”


Vibert sneers. “DaVE died. It doesn't matter if everyone calls you the best company going, not if they aren't willing to pay to see you – and DaVE's problem was that we welcomed internet fans. We were torrented, we were pirated, we were gods... and we were broke.


“So Joey trod water for a while. And he found himself here... and he decided to bide his time.


“Joey has an eye for the future of this business, and he saw a young man getting in trouble with Eric Tyler. And I guess maybe Joey's sentimental, too, because he remembered Tyler giving him crap... so he gave this kid a hand.


“Now, Joey is a great talent, and Joey can see talent, and Aaron, you know you're good. And Joey took you to Nemesis, and he taught you the Game Breaker, and Joey took you under his wing and he worked with you. He gave you advice. He helped you scout people. He worked out a dozen or more ways to make you a better wrestler, and even when Tommy Cornell came to threaten you, Joey stuck by you. You owe everything you've accomplished in the past year to the man stood next to me, and yet when he asks you for help on his own project, you say you've got to take care of your own business...


“But this is Joey F**king Minnesota. You reminded Joey why he wasn't a team kind of guy, because you crapped all over that... and I almost want to thank you for it, because by doing that you reminded Joey of a man who does have faith in him. And that, my friend, cannot be good for you.”



Devil May Care begins to play, bringing Aaron Andrews out. Mic in hand, the former International Champ heads straight down to the ring, nose-to-nose with Minnesota, no intimidation here.


“You made your point,” Andrews says. “But you missed something out, Phil.


“You were always there. You and your notebook. Maybe you had plans for Joey from the start. Maybe you hadn't decided. Hell, for all I know you just wanted to do something the Syndicate couldn't and break up the Rising Stars.


“Whatever. You get right down to it and it doesn't matter. Joey, you cost me my title... I don't take kindly to that. And I'm more than willing to take it out on you. You think you're all that? You prove it.”



Minnesota snatches the microphone from Vibert and looks like he's about to speak, but then Shout At The Devil begins to play in its turn. Mayhem Midden appears now, and unlike Andrews he stays a safe distance from Generation Omega.


“Sorry, Aaron,” he says. “I just need a word with a man who's much harder to get hold of than a man under contract should be, and since he's right there, I figured hey, what the hell.


“Phil, you remember that little match McFly had two nights ago, with your buddy DuBois? I mean, it's a little hard to forget, speaking as someone who was watching it ringside. I'm sure these people here tonight remember it, too.”


The roar of the audience makes it clear that yes, they certainly do remember one of the best matches of a fantastic show. Midden grins. “Anyhow, seems to me there was a stipulation on this match that you'd have to make your man sell if McFly won... and say, guys, since you remember the match, did Sean McFly win one hell of a match?”


The crowd are only too happy to tell Midden that, well, of course he did.


“Yeah, and he hasn't sold,” Vibert replies. “But I don't call it a win when the man who counts the pinfall isn't the damn ref. Way I see it, that's close to a forfeit. Are you going to let Generation Omega compete?”


“The ban stands until you make good on your promise, Phil,” Midden says. “But how about this – tonight, your pal in the ring can compete. Since he's not a tag kind of guy, you say, we'll put him in the ring in the main event beside Matthew Keith, and Aaron there can tag up with Matthew's dad.”




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Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Jeremy Stone

“Trainer and student,” Azaria notes. “We talk a lot about how Sam Keith taught Reed the Dread Lock, but the evolution of Art Reed started when Jeremy Stone brought him into a ring for the first time.”


Reed seems a little nervous, indeed, at going on on one with his trainer. He offers a hand to shake, but Stone ignores it, staring him down. A slight smile touches Art's mouth as that happens.


Reed promptly paintbrush-slaps Stone across the face. Jeremy takes a step back, then grins in turn.


“House of Stone psych-out philosophy?” Dangerous muses.


As Reed steps forward, Jeremy twists, getting a fireman's take down and transitioning, looking for a grapevined hold, but Reed snakes a leg out on reflex, knowing he's just in reach of the bottom rope and drawing a rope break.


Jezza rushes and Reed meets him, taking him round and over into a side headlock. Jeremy forces himself back to his feet, still in the hold, and goes for a backdrop suplex – but Art holds on to the lock, twisting, and the result is that Stone finds himself on the mat once again.


Once again, the older man gets to his feet, this time backing them both into a corner. Eugene Williams enforces the break, Reed nods in salute, then immediately pegs Stone with a dropkick.


Reed goes in for an armbar, but Stone elbows out, landing a suplex immediately after.


A backbreaker follows, then a hard whip that sees Art rebound from the turnbuckle with an expression of agony. Stone tags him with a rare dropkick of his own and goes for an early Stone Hold, but Reed twists, flipping Stone clear into the air. A charge of Art's own sees both men tumble over the top rope.


Art recovers first, beckoning Jeremy to his feet, and as the older man gets there Reed leaps smoothly to the guardrail then springboards off, twisting in midair to deliver a swift, smooth kick to Stone's face that drives him back. Reed tries another rush, but this time Stone's ready, meeting it with a sharp elbow, spinning Reed around, and locking in to hit a Stone's Throw onto the steel steps.


Jeremy rolls him back into the ring and it's clear now that Reed is bleeding from the head. Stone goes back to work on the back, obviously looking both for the Stone Hold and to reduce Reed's prodigious athleticism. Around the third time Stone really goes for it Reed twists away, nailing Stone with a forearm shiver before getting a neckbreaker out of desperation.


Art climbs to the top rope and flips forward into a 450 splash, covering quickly, one, two – no! He hesitates and Jeremy rolls him up in turn – one, t- no!


Reed pops right back up and gets a quick DDT before Stone blocks a Dread Lock attempt, clearly having the move well scouted, and goes for another Stone's Throw, but Art reverses the momentum, instead sending Jeremy flying forward with an armdrag.



Jeremy rolls clear of the ring and Ray Johnson stops to check on him. That brings Gorgon down to the ring; Art's eyes go wide and he bails from the ring himself, keeping clear of the big threat – and he also keeps himself between Gorgon and the Bombshell, which limits his movement.



Sean Deeley hops the guardrail and gets in Jeremy Stone's face at that point about Gorgon having come into play, which just keeps Johnson focused on both men as a shouting match begins. Reed looks in serious trouble, but the Bombshell delves under the ring and passes him a chair. Gorgon keeps coming forward, with Reed and the Bombshell backing off, and the Bombshell fishes out a second chair, sliding it into the ring.



The reason for this rapidly becomes obvious as Greg Keith arrives on the scene, rolling into the ring and collecting the chair in a fluid motion that's almost exactly the one his father first perfected. He keeps going, though, dropping out of the ring and taking up a position – directly behind Gorgon.


One chairshot later, and Gorgon doesn't fall – but she turns. From the other side Reed pastes her across the back of the head.


Kreed look at each other, with Gorgon just down on one knee between them, and wind up, smashing the chairs into either side of her head to finally topple her.


Reed discards the chair as Jeremy Stone, behind him, gives up on the distraction, pushing past Johnson to go after his rival. Johnson, seeing Keith with a chair, moves to run him off – and Sean Deeley shoves Stone two-handed, sending him crashing chest-first into the ring apron.


Sensing opportunity, Reed rolls him back into the ring, pulls him up, and nails the Dark Matter, going into a very careful cover to secure the three count.

Art Reed defeated Jeremy Stone

Rating: A*




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews-1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SamKeith.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Aaron Andrews & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MatthewKeith.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Joey Minnesota & Matthew Keith w/ Phil Vibert

There's no question about the talent of these four men, and the contest here has the fans on their feet just as the prior contest did – but toward the end, with all four men in the ring, it becomes difficult to keep track of what's going on.


The Keiths battle enthusiastically, and so do the Stars, but it's when the sides shift that Sam Keith in particular seems to come into his own, firing off on Joey Minnesota with a new lease of life.


Joey and Matthew, meanwhile, for all the claims that Minnesota is not a tag team kind of person, seem to have an astonishing instinctive understanding, and it's usually they who initiate the switches of opponents, keeping Andrews and Sam on their toes.


Overall, the contest is excellent, but as the show nears its close, it becomes clear that Eugene Williams has no handle on the match anymore; all four men are in the ring, even the announcers have lost track of who's legal here, and the longer the battle goes on, the more confused things become.


With Sam and Matthew Keith both bleeding, Eugene whips around at the sound of a chairshot behind him... and both of the Stars are down.


Replays will show that Joey Minnesota brought the chair into the ring. Replays will also show that Andrews took the chair from Joey with something like the last dregs of energy he had, but manages to swing for the fences and connect, just once, before his legs gave out.


Replays will show that. But Williams has no idea who did what; he just knows that an infraction was committed, that all men are in the ring... and Eugene Williams calls an end to proceedings, summoning the rest of the ref team to make sure.

Aaron Andrews & Sam Keith fought out of control with Joey Minnesota & Matthew Keith

Rating: A


Show Rating: A

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She laughs. “Edd, I'd love to manage a team, but believe me, on your own you're more of a handful than-”


“Yeah, you did.”


Gleeson grins. “Had to.” They fistbump. “Anyway, the answer's no.”





Stone grins. “Sure I do. You'd be amazed the number of girls who wanted to touch it this weekend.” He nods, still grinning, then wanders out of shot.


Gleeson stares at the camera in defeat. After a moment, Edd's head leans back into shot. “Some of them liked the belt, too.”


*wipes spit off computer monitor*

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The second quote was me reacting. I was confused by the first quote, because I don't know how Gleeson understood what he said. Or he what she said.


Broadly speaking, he interpreted what she was saying as a penis size gag and called her on it, she accepted it as being one (though it probably wasn't) and they moved on.

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 1 July 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.28)


Held at the Sunrise Sunset (Hawaii)


Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out)





Jason Azaria – Sara Silver – Autumn Gleeson


  • As the show kicks off Natural Talent do their best to score off Eternal Party, but Natural #1 falls victim to the Lover Stunner. (Rating: B-)
  • In a remarkably good contest, Stephanie Wade battled Kate Dangerous, winning out after Jack Marlowe interfered. (Rating: A)
  • Backstage, Giant Tana exhorted Rhino Umaga to keep training, keep fighting, and keep smiling, while the announce team discussed Edd Stone apparently shirking Canadian Elemental to target Tana
  • Eddie Peak put JD Morgan away after a good match that kept the crowd enthusiastic. (Rating: B)
  • Thunder Snake and Frankie Dee showed an inability to get on the same page, Snake carrying the win in the end with a Snake Lash. (Rating: C)
  • Team KOBRA came out to salute Thunder Snake.
  • The Conquering Kings fought the British Lions almost to a standstill before Eric Tyler intervened on the Lions' behalf, much to their apparent displeasure. Sean Deeley evened the score and Walter Morgan picked up the victory shortly afterward. (Rating: B)
  • Troy Tornado came out and called out Darkwave, who turned out not to be present. Mayhem Midden then came out, mentioning that Zimmy and Ian Harris had broken the stipulation at Excessive Force and telling them they'd have a match on Saturday to make sure they were around so he could enforce it.
  • In a stunningly good main event for Badge of Honor, Rick Law and Eric Tyler went at it for eighteen minutes, Law winning only after Chris Rockwell and Rocky Golden chased off interference from Freddy Huggins and Frankie Dee/(Rating: A*)


Show Rating: A

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Just one week after Excessive Force and tempers are already starting to run high once again. Generation Omega are still barred from competition except under the most unusual of circumstances, but that just means that other great talents are taking advantage of the time that opens up to make a name for themselves.


As the show begins, for example, we can expect an All-Action exhibition between former champion Freddy Huggins and multi-company champion Ultimate Phoenix.


Six-person intergender competition follows, with the British Lions pairing up with stablemate Jaime Quine to take on the New Wave, ably abetted by JeriLynn Stone.


Tag team action follows that, featuring four men who definitely have issues. The Young Guns will be locking horns with the two men who made their presence felt during the Darkwave/Painful Procedure match at Excessive Force - Ian Harris and Zimmy. Mayhem Midden has promised to bring his wrath down on Harris and his ally, but the question becomes - can he do so?


M.A.D. return to the wrestling ring and to TCW screens with the same issue as ever in mind now. Their targets, this week, are El Leon and Chance Fortune. Can the innovative fliers find a way around the sheer size of their opposition?


Another masked man with a big challenge - and a bigger opportunity - is the School of Tradition's UK Dragon, who faces fellow countryman Tommy Cornell. If Dragon can somehow scale the heights and pull out a win, he instantly becomes one to watch in the company - but is that going to be possible?


Tag team action makes up our semi-main event, as the Easy Riders reprise one of their greatest matches, going head to head with the Kreed. Will this one have a different outcome, or can the Kreed do what the Keith Brothers couldn't and pull ahead in the rankings?


Lastly, a huge battle is scheduled for the main event, as Johnny Bloodstone makes ready to take on prodigal son Matthew Keith. A former World Heavyweight Champion and a potential breakout star of the future - this one could go either way, but there's no way it goes easily. A hell of a match is certain...


Prediction Key:

Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Ultimate Phoenix


British Lions & Jaime Quine w/ Laura Huggins vs. New Wave & JeriLynn Stone


Young Guns vs. Ian Harris & Zimmy


M.A.D. vs. Chance Fortune & El Leon


Tommy Cornell vs. UK Dragon w/ Laura Huggins


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. the Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith

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Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Huggins haven´t been doing all that lately but that´s still more than what Phoenix has accomplished. Interesting to see Laura managing her brother again, I though that she isn´t mananging him after that Freddy/Deeley fight some time ago.


British Lions & Jaime Quine w/ Laura Huggins vs. New Wave & JeriLynn Stone

Interesting match that could go either way but face side seems to have little bit more star power in it.


Young Guns vs. Ian Harris & Zimmy

Young Guns need the win more.


M.A.D. vs. Chance Fortune & El Leon



Tommy Cornell vs. UK Dragon w/ Laura Huggins

Yeah, maybe some other time Dragon.


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. the Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell

Coin flip


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith

Could go either way but I think that if Matthew would get the big win now he would have got it over Sam in last show rather than here.

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Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Ultimate Phoenix


British Lions & Jaime Quine w/ Laura Huggins vs. New Wave & JeriLynn Stone


Young Guns vs. Ian Harris & Zimmy


M.A.D. vs. Chance Fortune & El Leon


Tommy Cornell vs. UK Dragon w/ Laura Huggins


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. the Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith

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When you're managing a roster the size PS is, it is never anything but challenging. Sure he can get great match ratings, but you still have to worry about burnt out crowds and underperforming angles (those tend to go together btw) killing his show rating (note how few A shows he puts on, usually B+ is the norm). And besides, we don't want him to quit this, right? This is only the best diary ever so FOUR MORE YEARS, FOUR MORE YEARS, FOR MORE YEARS!!!!!:p
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Prediction Key:

Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Ultimate Phoenix

What is this, Badge of Honor?


British Lions & Jaime Quine w/ Laura Huggins vs. New Wave & JeriLynn Stone

I could see this going either way.


Young Guns vs. Ian Harris & Zimmy

I think Plague is the wink link here, and thus takes the pin. Unless it's a non-finish.


M.A.D. vs. Chance Fortune & El Leon

No doubt about this one...


Tommy Cornell vs. UK Dragon w/ Laura Huggins

...or this one.


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. the Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell

It's Art Reed.


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith

I'll go with a time limit draw here.

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When you're managing a roster the size PS is, it is never anything but challenging. Sure he can get great match ratings, but you still have to worry about burnt out crowds and underperforming angles (those tend to go together btw) killing his show rating (note how few A shows he puts on, usually B+ is the norm). And besides, we don't want him to quit this, right? This is only the best diary ever so FOUR MORE YEARS, FOUR MORE YEARS, FOR MORE YEARS!!!!!:p

Hey, I was complimenting him. ;)

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Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Ultimate Phoenix


It's about time the Hugmeister got some recognition.

British Lions & Jaime Quine w/ Laura Huggins vs. New Wave & JeriLynn Stone


Stone beats Quine, but Lions beat New Wave. Yes, even with the ostensible New Wave push.


Young Guns vs. Ian Harris & Zimmy


They're better, they're newer, and they need it more.


M.A.D. vs. Chance Fortune & El Leon

A surprising number of squash matches on this card...


Tommy Cornell vs. UK Dragon w/ Laura Huggins


And here's one more.


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. the Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell


The Riders are good at what they do, but maybe a little second-tier. Between their greater individual skill levels and their awesome chemistry, the Kreed have to be at or near the top of the tag team ladder. Until Art Reed's singles push, of course.


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith


This is the problem with being an ex-champion... because everyone knows you're a legitimate title threat, you can drop matches like this a lot more easily than a guy like Matt Keith can.

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Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Huggins haven´t been doing all that lately but that´s still more than what Phoenix has accomplished. Interesting to see Laura managing her brother again, I though that she isn´t mananging him after that Freddy/Deeley fight some time ago.


British Lions & Jaime Quine w/ Laura Huggins vs. New Wave & JeriLynn Stone

Interesting match that could go either way but face side seems to have little bit more star power in it.


Young Guns vs. Ian Harris & Zimmy

Young Guns need the win more.


M.A.D. vs. Chance Fortune & El Leon



Tommy Cornell vs. UK Dragon w/ Laura Huggins

Yeah, maybe some other time Dragon.


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. the Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell

Coin flip


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith

Could go either way but I think that if Matthew would get the big win now he would have got it over Sam in last show rather than here.


I certify these predictions as being highly logical

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Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Ultimate Phoenix

The lesser of two JOBBERS!


British Lions & Jaime Quine w/ Laura Huggins vs. New Wave & JeriLynn Stone

I hate betting against the Lions, but The New Wave could do with showing that they've got what it takes to go over the current top guys.


Young Guns vs. Ian Harris & Zimmy

I don't know... both teams need the cred boost here.


M.A.D. vs. Chance Fortune & El Leon



Tommy Cornell vs. UK Dragon w/ Laura Huggins

Yeah but no.


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. the Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell

Matt-erference leads to a victory for the bikers.


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith

Not yet, Matt. Not yet.

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Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Ultimate Phoenix


British Lions & Jaime Quine w/ Laura Huggins vs. New Wave & JeriLynn Stone

Young Guns vs. Ian Harris & Zimmy


M.A.D. vs. Chance Fortune & El Leon


Tommy Cornell vs. UK Dragon w/ Laura Huggins


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. the Kreed w/ Blonde Bombshell

Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Matthew Keith

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