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Monday Night Wars Revival

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Okay this is my second diary here at GDS. My first being a TNA diary, but I really wanted to do a modern one as I usually lose interest in older games. Please if you do take the time to read this, then please leave some form of feedback. I will be using the 2009 update(v.0.55) and will be playing as the WWE. Back story to come soon.


Note: Ignore the pointless 2 week storyline that took place with Trump buying and selling Raw in June.

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Donald Trump Purchases Rights To WCW & ECW Last Night At The Bash!

During The Bash, a secret press conference took place where Chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment, Mr. McMahon announced that he had sold all rights of the names and talent of 'WCW' and 'ECW' to Mr. Trump. Updates to follow as soon as we learn more about this blockbuster sale.

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CBS just announced on their website that they have signed a deal with Trump Championship Wrestling to show their Flagship Broadcast, WCW Nitro Live every Monday at 9.00pm Central. Rumoured to appear at the show are current WWE Superstars; World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk & United States Champion Kofi Kingston.

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World Wrestling Entertainment Roster



Alicia Fox


Beth Phoenix


Cody Rhodes


Gail Kim

Jack Swagger

Jillian Hall

John Cena

Johnny Jeter

Johnny Parisi

Kelly Kelly

Kofi Kingston


Mickie James


Mark Henry


Randy Orton

Rosa Mendes

Santino Marella

Shawn Michaels

Shelton Benjamin

The Brian Kendrick

The Miz

Triple H

William Regal

Zack Ryder



Charlie Haas


CM Punk

Dolph Ziggler


Eve Torres

Jeff Hardy

Jesse Dalton

John Morrison



Kung Fu Naki



Michelle McCool

Mike Knox

Paul Burchill

Ricky Ortiz

R Truth



The Great Khali

The Undertaker

Vladimir Kozlov


The following contracts were sold to Trump Championship Wrestling:

Big Show

Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Chris Jericho

D.H. Smith

Evan Bourne



Jamie Noble

Jimmy Yang

Matt Hardy


Rey Mysterio Jr

Ted Dibiase Jr

Tommy Dreamer

Tyson Kidd



WWE Champion: Randy Orton

Unified WWE Tag Team Champions: Vacated

Intercontinental Champion: Vacated

Women's Champion: Maryse

Diva's Champion: Michelle McCool

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Last Night's Bash Results

Edge & Chris Jericho win Triple Threat Tag Team Match (New Unified Tag Team Champions)

Rey Mysterio def. Chris Jericho (New Intercontinental Champion)

WWE Champion Randy Orton def. Triple H (Three Stages of Hell Match)

Michelle McCool def. Melina (New Women's Champion)

Jeff Hardy def. World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk (By Disqualification; Punk retains)

John Cena def. The Miz

Tommy Dreamer wins ECW Championship Scramble Match

Dolph Ziggler def. The Great Khali

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Official Raw Preview


-> As a result of the recent sale of Rey Mysterio's contract, a new Intercontinental Champion will be crowned.

-> HBK, Shawn Michaels will make his return to Monday Night Raw having not been seen since Wrestlemania 25.

-> Legacy will take on The Colons in a non-title tag team match.

-> And Mr. McMahon will be announce the number one contender for Randy Orton's WWE Title.

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Please post predictions for the following matches:

Legacy vs. The Colons

Randy Orton & The Miz vs. John Cena & Triple H

Mickie James vs. Gail Kim

Jack Swagger vs. MVP vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. William Regal vs. Mark Henry(IC Title)

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Monday Night Raw: July Week 1

Live from the Cellular Arena in Milwaukee, WI

Sellout 10,000

The following programme is Rated TV-14

Yes ladies and gentlemen we promised you a great main event.


Vince McMahon comes out live onto the stage.


Mr. McMahon Good evening and welcome to Monddaaay Night Raaaaw! Now as you all know by now, last night at The Bash Donald Trump, purchased WCW and ECW from myself for a very lucrative price that I just could not refuse. There are gonna be some major changes here in the WWE and there is a lot for me to take care off. So for that reason I will be taking a backseat tonight and leaving the show in the very safe hands of tonight's very special guest host. This man did not come at a small price though, and in order to secure the deal I have granted this man a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship against Randy Orton at Night of Champions!

So please welcome back to the WWE.......Theeee Rock!


If Ya Smelllll...What The Rock Iiiis Coookin


The Rock comes out and shakes McMahon's hand then proceeds down to the ring with a microphone in hand.


Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! Rocky!



The Rock FINALLY.........The Rock has come back..to Monday Night Raw! D'ya miss me?




The Rock Oh I told you I would be back. But enough about The Rock, tonight is about the wrestling, the entertainment and most importantly..giving you the fans what you deser...


I hear voices in my head, They council me, They understand






Out onto the stage comes the WWE Champion Randy Orton and Cody Rhodes.


Randy Orton So....Rock. Finally you decided to give up that joke of a movie career and come back to...


The Rock Now hold on a minute...


Randy Orton Shuuut Up! And Let me finish.


The Rock smiles at Orton and the crowd laughs.


Randy Orton What makes you think you can just walk back into this company which you abandoned five long years ago. I have been carrying this company all by myself and I won't stand for this.


Rhodes gives Orton a confused look.


Randy Orton Have you got a problem Cody?


He shakes his head.


The Rock Randy...Randy...look at me for a moment. I only did what any other guy in the back would have done given the chance. But tonight...that's not whats important. Tonight, Randy you need to concentrate on your match in which you will team with the Cody Rhodes...to take on the team of John Cena and Triple H.


Cena & HHH get a huge pop from the crowd.


The Rock But not only that...I....The Great One...will be the Special Guest Referee!


Orton leaves in a rage followed by Rhodes. The Rock plays to the crowd as we go to a commercial break.




Michael Cole We are back live folks on Monday Night Raw. Let's hand it over to Lilian for our opening match.




Lilian Garcia The following 6-person free-for-all contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Vacant Intercontinental Championship!



Jack Swagger vs. MVP vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. William Regal vs. Mark Henry




Henry dominates from the beginning taking out everyone. They all come back at him and throw Henry into the steel ring post injuring his shoulder. Regal and MVP start brawling up the ramp and out of the view of the fans at ringside. Meanwhile in the ring Benjamin hits Kingston with the T-Bone Suplex. Just as he goes for the cover, Swagger hits him with Falling Gutwrench Powerbomb. 1..2..3.


Winner and New Intercontinental Champion: Jack Swagger


Commercial break.


We go backstage to The Rock's office. John Cena knocks and enters.




The Rock Hey John, how's it going?


John Cena Pretty good yeah, well except for one thing. You still haven't answered my challenge for a match at Wrestlemania 26.


The Rock You know what, when it comes to Wrestlemania, if The Rock doesn't have a match...then yeah let's do it.


John Cena That's what I wanted to hear.


They shake hands and we go back to the arena. A promo video of the Mickie James/Maryse rivalry is shown.



Lilian Garcia Please welcome the WWE Divas Champion, Maryse!




Maryse takes a seat at the announce table.


Lilian Garcia The following contest is a Number One Contenders Match For The Divas Championship and by order of the Rock will be contested under Bra and Panties match rules!


Mickie James vs. Gail Kim



A very even match. Both women have a similar amount of experience wrestling and the match is pretty back and forth. Both divas are down to their bras. The Miz' music hits the arena and he comes right down to the ring and climbs onto the apron. As the referee gets distracted, Maryse jumps in the ring and rips off Mickie's top from behind. The ref turns around and sees that she is down to her bra and panties.


Winner: Gail Kim


Maryse and Miz hug as they are booed out of the arena.


Commercial break


We go backstage once again to The Rock's office.




Carlito What the hell Rock, why haven't I got a match tonight?


The Rock Woah take it easy Carlito. In fact this perfect. You are just what I'm looking for, go on head out to the ring and wait for your opponent.


Carlito This better be good.


Carlito comes down to ring in a rather confident manner.


Commercial break


Oh, Oh, Oh, Shawn!...I think I'm cute...I know I'm sexy.


The fans go nuts but HBK is nowhere to be seen. The music continues to play and suddenly Michaels appears behind Carlito. HBK taps him the shoulder and the ref rings the bell.


Shawn Michaels vs. Carlito



Sweet Chin Music! 1..2...3.


Winner: Shawn Michaels


Shawn Michaels Thanks for the warm-up Carlito. My joints were getting a little stiff that just did the trick. Anyway...I got word that Raw was looking for a tag team to go up against Smackdown for the WWE Undisputed Tag Team titles at Night of Champions. And I think I know just the team to do it! Well it starts with a D..and ends with an X. That is..if Hunter is up for it.


It's time to play the game! Time to play the gaaame!


Triple H Shawn I have three words for ya...Let's Do It!


Michaels walks up the ramp and the two hug and do their DX pose to the crowd.


Commercial break


We go backstage to the Legacy locker room.




Randy Orton Cody you need to focus. Tonight you take out Cena and leave me and Triple H in the ring and I will RKO his ass.


Cody Rhodes No Randy, I'm sick of this. No wonder Ted left us. You are a bully and never gave a crap about us. After out match tonight, I am through with Legacy.


Cody Rhodes storms out.


Randy Orton You get back here right now!


The Rock appears on the titantron.




The Rock Now I know you guys miss Hardcore matches...




The Rock So tonight...I am officially re-instating the WWE Hardcore Championship. So let's bring on down the competitors.



Festus vs. Primo vs. Santino Marella vs. The Brian Kendrick vs. Zach Ryder



Bit of a comedy match. So many colourful characters involved and it really shows. Festus battles Primo and Ryder outside the ring while The Brian Kendrick hits Sliced Bread #2 on Marella through a table. 1..2..3.


Winner and New Hardcore Champion: The Brian Kendrick


Commercial break


Just as the others start to realise, Kendrick grabs the belt and runs out of the arena while be chased by the rest of the competitors. He jumps into the open roof of a car and it speeds off.




Jerry Lawler It is great to see the Hardcore Title back.

Michael Cole Keep in mind Kendrick must defend that title 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Jerry Lawler Anyway up next, we have the Main Event of the evening

Michael Cole Yes, Legacy taking on the team of Triple H and John Cena with The Rock as the Special Guest Referee.

Jerry Lawler Let's take a look at the footage of the heated argument earlier on tonight.


A video package is shown on the titantron.

Triple H and John Cena come down to the ring and await their opponents. The fans went crazy for Cena.


I hear voices in my head, They council me, They understand


Randy Orton comes down alone but keeps checking behind himself to see where Rhodes is. Cody Rhodes comes down wearing brand new long tights and to a new entrance theme. And finally The Rock comes to the ring wearing the Referees top working the crowd on the way.


Randy Orton & Cody Rhodes vs. John Cena & Triple H



Special Guest Referee: The Rock



Typical tag team match. Throughout the match Orton makes unnecessary comments to The Rock who just ignores them. Legacy dominate and work Cena's leg until he tags out to Triple H who bursts into the ring taking both Rhodes and Orton down. The Rock tries to get Orton out of the ring who responds with and open hand slap. Rock just smiles at him and hits a sudden Rock Bottom right into the mat. Triple H delivers the Pedigree to Rhodes. 1..2..3.


Winners: Triple H and John Cena


After the match the winners celebrate before leaving up the ramp with The Rock. Still in the ring, Randy Orton sets up Rhodes for the Head Punt. The Rock sprints back down to the ring clotheslining Orton over the top rope much to the delight of the fans. Low Blow! A devastating low blow from Cody Rhodes to The Rock sending him to the mat. Orton jumps back in the ring and the two lay stomps into The People's Champion before HHH and Cena run back down for the save.


Jerry Lawler That no-good son of a *****.

Michael Cole Rhodes had us fooled the whole night.


End of Show

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