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TCW: The Age Of A New Empire

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Prologue- Part 1


December 12th 2007


[silence. All that can really be described as to what was happening in the room. A tense atmosphere, a feeling of utter contempt for each other; things were at a boiling point, about to rush over.


Rumours had been circulating, getting more rapid as each day progressed. The future of the company was in every wrestling column in the world, things needed to be changed, they had to be changed.


The day outside was wet and windy, the breeze pounding trees against the windows of Head Office at Total Championship Wrestling. Hell even the name of the company could put some disruption in the backstage area, the directors minds, everyone but the owner. The one of which was sat watching silently as the talking began again.


Dressed in a smart, black suit with a blood red tie Cornell looked around the room to the left, then the right as the 10 directors, spokesperson of the sponsors and the secretary surrounded him. To his left was his wife and partial shareholder Jennifer also sat with a somewhat concerned look on her face.


One member of the directors began to speak. The baldish man who looked about 50 spoke in such a booming voice it was as if he spoke with a microphone in front of him. He cleared his throat before proceeding.]


Director 1: Mr Cornell, we thank you for your quick response at putting this meeting together. A number of grave concerns and problems have been notified to us this past month and it’s something we felt needed addressing immediately.


Tommy Cornell: [He looked around almost anxious, like a man being thrown to the wolves while trying to get his words out in his rough, British accent] With all due respect Jerald, I had no option to call this meeting or not. You all made that quite clear.


Jerald: [briefly shifting his eyes to the 2 other executives, both women of power, sat either side of him] As head of the board of directors it is my duty to inform you Mr Cornell...


Tommy Cornell: Mate, we’ve known each other for a number of years now, will you just call me Tommy?


Jerald: [He sighs] Very well...Tommy...that people have made allegations of backstage politics and favoritism on your part as owner and of course TCW Heavyweight Champion.


[That’s when you first saw it. The TCW belt sat in front of Tommy, on the desk, held up and glistening in the light. This really was what the biggest problem was about. Not the favoritism, not the politics but the fact that Cornell held the title and was owner all at the same time.]


Tommy Cornell: So what? [He looks slightly angry and hugely tense. It really was as if they were finding a scapegoat and the politics were actually conspiring against him] I’m the champion...I’m the best wrestler in the world right now. Ask any wrestling journalist and they’ll say having the title not on my shoulder is somewhat of a travesty.


[Tommy looked over to Jennifer sat beside him who just nodded in agreement. A second director, one of the females to Jerald’s side began to speak. She also looked around 50 and with long, straightened blond hair. She just did not seem to take in any of Tommy’s defense at all.]


Second Director: Even so Mr. Cornell, it still remains that having you as both owner and an active wrestler is a clash of conscience as to how you make yourself look. As to how you make others look.


Tommy Cornell: Listen darling, you’ve been on this board less than 5 minutes and you think you have any authority on how to talk to me? Without me this company would still be some second rate SWF rip off. I actually showed a American Audience that real wrestling is where it’s at...

Second Director: Mr. Cornell we don’t have much time. There are calls of a mutiny backstage against some of your actions; a number of sponsors have threatened to drop the product due to the bad publicity you’re generating as champion and owner...


Tommy Cornell: [Looking over to one of the spokespersons] you’ve got to be kidding me! [The man just dropped his head refusing to speak]


Second Director: In the interest of the company and your financial future we advise you effective immediately to sell your controlling shares in Total Championship Wrestling...

[That was all it really took in the end]


Tommy Cornell: THIS IS BULL****! You people have wanted rid of me for months. You know what [He stood up a look of pure anger shown across his face] Fine I’ll sell up...but as of December 31st...I’m done with this piece of **** too...TCW Can kiss my arse...I’m finished...

[Cornell stormed from the room, quickly followed by Jennifer. A look of shock radiated round the room as the TCW belt still sat on the table where he had it positioned. Jerald looked to the second director, mouth aghast]


Jerald: Lydia, even I didn’t see that coming...


Lydia: Indeed...

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Prologue- Part 2

December 31st 2007


[Total Championship Wrestling’s final show of the year. Held out of The V. Thompson Arena in California the night was one of few surprises considering the magnitude of it all. News had spread around the wrestling world of the infamous board meeting, Cornell being pushed and the future of the company. A new owner was announced the very next day; it seems this really was a screw job to remove Cornell from power as James Davidson, a wealthy businessman who found his fortune in telecommunications. The company was shocked to the core. Could yet another man with no wrestling experience really control the second biggest company in the US, maybe the world?


Time was yet to find out, he started tomorrow. See tonight was Cornell’s final night as owner...and unknown to some his final night as a wrestler here too. Most people that heard his plans to walk felt it was just idle threat, he had creative control, wealth, titles and it was all he wanted. However he couldn’t stomach a minute of working under yet another nobody to him, when in reality this company should still be his.


The show went ahead as normal. The Syndicate on camera was still running things and Cornell with his power had deemed that the main event would be a 5 man match for his TCW Heavyweight Championship. What 5 men you ask? Well really it should be obvious. Tommy Cornell, Brent Hill, John Anderson, Sam Keith and Wolf Hawkins. 5 men over the top battle royal, the winner to be champion.


The original plan was for Cornell to win it. They thought he was still gonna be here tomorrow morning and they wanted to build the new year with him leading the charge as the true leader and the best in the Syndicate opening up a feud with Keith and in time Hawkins.


Keith went out first. The Machines put him over the top rope before moving onto Wolf and Tommy. A beat down began with both men managing to stay in the match before Cornell and Hawkins turned the tables and eliminated both in sync, slowly walking backwards before bumping into each other.


The whole thing was going to plan...except one thing; Cornell looked almost heartbroken looking into Hawkins’ eyes. You could see it at home, in the locker room, out at ringside. This really was his last goodbye. Hawkins went to punch Cornell who ducked under before lifting a hand as if to say stop. The mentor made him freeze that very moment. He hugged Hawkins in the middle of the ring, a look of pure confusion resulting around the arena as no-one knew exactly what was going on. Cornell whispered something into the ear of Wolf and slowly began to pace over to the ropes lifting one hand over the top and onto the apron and exiting over and out of the match.


The bell rang, the crowd sat silent, what had happened? The commentators both looked at their notes frantically but they had no clue as to what the hell was going on too. Cornell grabbed a microphone and the title belt before moving back into the ring next to a positively shocked Hawkins sat in the bottom corner closest to the ramp his head in his hands.


As he began to speak you could see the tears welling up in his eyes, the frog in his throat making it hard for him to talk.


“Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight as many of you know...is my final night as owner of TCW, the company I helped reinvent and help become great. What many of you don’t know is this is also my final night in TCW as a whole.”


That line got everyone in the arena. People backstage were looking stunned, Joel Bryant left the locker room, he had no clue either, one of his oldest friends couldn’t even tell him. The fans while hating Tommy, still loved him in a way. A chant of ‘Please Don’t Go’ started...Tommy just put a small smile back.


“My time has come to move on, some things in this business I didn’t agree with, some people in this company that didn’t agree with me. But tonight is NOT a night of bad fortune...a new star is born, a better athlete than me and surely one of whom will be the best ever. Your NEW TCW Heavyweight Champion of the World....Wolf Hawkins”


Wolf slowly moved out of the corner of the ring and to the center. Tommy placed the belt on his shoulder, hugged him one final time and politely asked him if he could leave the ring. Tommy was like a father, so he agreed.


As Wolf walked up the ramp Tommy stood one final time looking around at the fans, the people that watched him put his body on the line, and bowed ever so slightly before one again mumbling “Thank You” and stepping out of the ring. As he walked upwards towards the exit, every wrestler in the back lined the way, clapping, cheering and saying their own goodbyes. Yeh they would see him again...but tonight appeared to be his night. He took one final look towards the ring and slipped away behind the curtain.


The future of TCW had changed forever...what was gonna happen now?

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Monday, Week 1, January, 2008


Changes are afloat. Thought of the day....the wheels are in motion, make sure there is someone in the driving seat.


I’m not the most liked guy right now, not unexpected really but in all fairness I’m not a bad man. I made my fortune fairly and took the opportunity when it became available. People think that my knowledge of wrestling is zero; you couldn’t be more wrong...wrestling is the single greatest hobby in my life and I mean wrestling, not the piece of rubbish that Eisen has been producing for years.


I had a few meetings this morning, mainly meeting what was left of the Syndicate. Spoke to The Machines first, the tag division is rather depleted right now and I asked them for a few ideas on teams they felt should be brought in.


Hawkins was next, since last night his phone’s been going none stop. I do feel bad for the poor guy, he didn’t expect this any more than I did and hell it put my plans in the bin already. I see why Cornell left but still ARGHHHHH!


Hawkins has relinquished the International title, I’ve put a 8 man tournament in place starting tomorrow night so that problem is already solved.


Sam Keith was a little more difficult. Keith is 46 years old, on a 4 year contract and had creative control. He’s still one of the best performers of his generation and maybe even the generation below it too but I didn’t want him stuck in at main event for too much longer with control. We talked it over and in the end he gave up his creative control. I have to say that the situation went 100x better than I felt it would. I heard he could be quite manipulative but he seemed to be ready for the new era of TCW and was willing to help in any way he could.


Mr Cornell left me a nice letter wishing me luck. It’s a shame to lose someone at the age of 29 when he wasn’t even past his prime but he said he wanted to spend more time with his family and live life a little more. A return is never out of the question for him....I do hope he makes one.


I got a meeting with Rip Chord at 4pm, we expect MAW to become our child company, the only other pure wrestling promotion in the US that has any chance of being a success. I have a few talents already that I want to send down there if we get a deal sorted and a few talents I think would be great trainers (Joel Bryant and Robert Oxford).


For now, Peace




James Davidson

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