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Vicks back...Who is going to pick him up?


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So with everything going on around the league who do you think will pick MV up to play this season...


I posted on my Facebook last Tuesday I believe he will end up with the Redskins because of there lack of direction with a QB. They had been pretty much willing to take anyone in place of Campbell up until the draft. In which case they would have had to pay a lot cash to either Cutler or Sanchez.


If they are willing to take Vick I think it is the smartest thing they could do. It would be a a cheaper price than the Giants are paying there second string QB and would give them a replacement to put in if and when Campbell fails horribley this year as he has seemed to do in the past...


Just my thought...


Anyone else?

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Vick was a garbage QUARTERBACK when he hadn't missed time. After 2 years, he might fit in with the Wildcat formations or as a Punt/Kick Returner, if he's still a good athlete. I could see New England picking him up to fill in a Wildcat role.
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.. Who. What. Where.. ? :o


Michael Vick was perhaps the best rushing quarterback in the NFL (the QB throws the ball, but he was also quick and was a threat running and throwing which is rare). He has just been released from prison after being involved in a dog fighting ring. His ex-team released him; now we're wondering where he's going to end up now that the league has said he's allowed to play again.

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Problem was, he relied on his feet far too much. His passing numbers were very pedestrian. A career 54% Passing is AWFUL.


Awful for a passing QB. I believe the Falcons kept trying to change it so they weren't overly relying on the pass. I believe in what has transpired in the NFL over the last season you will see what an exclent QB he is in the right system...If put in the system where he is allowed to have the right people around him he will be very successful.

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The issue is two-fold.


1) How much football did he get to play in prison?

2) What kind of negative fan feedback is a team going to risk in an attempt to win?


I wouldn't be surprised if nobody picks him up. He pissed off a lot of people with the dog fighting stuff, and the bottom line for a team is fans, not wins. So the question is, will having Vick on the team allow them to win more games and attract more fans then they'll lose due to negative publicity about employing a convicted animal abuser.


Don't underestimate the power animals have over even the most hardcore of people. Look at what kitty abuse did to Anon (long story short, Anonymous found vids of a kid torturing his cat and within hours they had hacked into his accounts and sent his full information to the local cops. These are the same people who ruin lives for the lulz).


So although you might scoff and think "football fans won't care" the media sure will, and you can bet that there are animal fanatics out there who will boycott any team that employs him.


So although he was a great running quarterback, do you think he's still good enough (after years in the clink) to offset that kind of negative draw?

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The Vikings with Vick, Peterson, Harvin, and Jackson would be sick. They could just borrow Florida's playbook and win every game.


Sure, the NFL isn't normally the place for crazy Wildcat antics, but that group could pull it off. All 4 of those guys can run, and for the most part, they can all probably catch/throw too.

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Problem was, he relied on his feet far too much. His passing numbers were very pedestrian. A career 54% Passing is AWFUL.


I'm guessing you've never heard of the term 'system quarterback'. When Vick played, he was the biggest threat at that position since a young Randall Cunningham. Ask the Giants how many headaches McNabb gave them when he was mobile. That was the Falcons' system. They didn't have an overwhelming amount of talent on offense (since they kept making bonehead moves like trading a 1st round pick for garbage like Peerless Price. Willis McGahee, the player that pick turned into, would've fit the Falcons far better), so they let Vick be the primary weapon. Seriously, before you knock the man, try looking at more than his stats. David Carr was a very good quarterback when he was drafted. How'd he turn out? WHY did he turn out that way? Vick played behind a line that pass-blocked so atrociously, it made Carr's Texans line look like Dan Marino's old line (anchored by Dwight Stephenson). Yes, he ran too much but the alternative was to become a 'chuck & duck' quarterback like David Carr was.


He's going to New England though the Niners and the 'Skins will make a run at him. I also wouldn't be surprised to see him show up in Miami though the drafting of Pat White makes that less likely. Houston would probably be a dream for him though since the 1-cut paired up with Andre Johnson and the Texans' receiving corps along with Matt Schaub's brittleness, is a very attractive spot for Vick's toolset.

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The Vikings with Vick, Peterson, Harvin, and Jackson would be sick. They could just borrow Florida's playbook and win every game.


Sure, the NFL isn't normally the place for crazy Wildcat antics, but that group could pull it off. All 4 of those guys can run, and for the most part, they can all probably catch/throw too.


Adrian can really catch to save his life, I am a hardcore Vikes fan but Ill be the first to admitt A.P. needs help catching. Harvin can throw, I belive he even threw a couple touchdowns for Florida. And the less Jackson is in the game, the better, put Chester Taylor in their for him.


I wouldnt mind if the Vikes picked up Vick, and Zigi Wilf is the owner that would take a chance on him, the only problem is the fact that he hasent played a real NFL game in over 2 years, so lets hope he signs this year as well as Farve and give him this year to learn to play again well Brett has one more season.

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I think the backlash thing is over hyped. There will be negative hype in the media but at the end of the day the proper football fans will not care as long as he helps out their team. I think he would be well suited to the Vikes, but can't see it with Favre there. I think the Texans would also be a good landing spot.
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I don't think any team should take him. He wasn't a great quarterback before the prison term. I always said he was a running back masquerading as a quarterback. Of course my intense hatred for Vick stems partially from the fact that my favorite team, the Carolina Panthers, played against Vick twice a year and, well, the Falcons are my biggest rival in football. Well, tied between them and the Clemson Tigers, but that's another story entirely. I say he goes to that new UFL starting up.
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The NFL made a smart move by making it a 6-game suspension. With that new USFL or whatever that already has former NFL coaches, signing Vick would have given them more exposure. But there is a very, and The Slack means very slim chance now that he wouldn't wait for an NFL deal.


The fact is fans care more abouting winning than criminal cases, I couldn't care less when my Bengals were winning. Raiders fans never cared, Dallas fans never cared about the "White House".


Vick in Minny, Denver, St Louis, Jax, 49ers, or Raiders make some sense to me.

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If he's smart, he'd go to New England. If he wants to start, he'll go to Oakland. System or not, I'm not knocking the man for his athletic skills. I am knocking him for relying on his feet more than reading the defense/completing a pass.
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I hope no one.


1) No second chances for what he did.

2) His stats were slipping BEFORE he went to jail.

3) He's a gimmick QB. One good run vs. the Vikings and... and ... AND!?!

4) He's been in jail! He's not football ready.


If my Dolphins pick him up I'll call off football.

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Hes not going to the Vikings. You mean that same owner that made sure his franchise player(Moss) was traded before he took the team over is going to take a chance on Vick? Im sorry but that WONT happen.


I think he goes to Canada for a year and maybe signs with a team next year.

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I think he goes to Canada for a year and maybe signs with a team next year.


I find this hard to believe. Canada's in midseason. I would think they'd want to see some camp out of Vick before taking him on as long as he's been away from the field. If he doesn't want to wait, the UFL would be a better bet. There he'd get some camp under him and possibly some game action as if their season starts before the review date with Goodell.

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Ask the Giants how many headaches McNabb gave them when he was mobile.


I still have nightmares about mobile McNabb.


I hope no one.


1) No second chances for what he did.


I'm not condoning what he did, by any stretch of the imagination, is but what Vick did worse than what Leonard Little did? Does Dante Stallworth deserve an eventual second chance? They were both one off incidents, whereas Vick was a prolonged event. And where's the line come into play? Those three were offenses against others, whereas Plaxico shot himself ... is his circumstance different, even though he had a loaded weapon, unsecured, in a crowded place, where one slight shift of the barrel changes the entire dynamic of that event from a late night joke to 2nd degree manslaughter?


My point is, from my point of view, the league has protected, shielded, or allowed a chance of redemption to people who have done atrocious things. Pacman has a rap sheet that makes some felons jealous, and was still afforded an opportunity at redemption. Why doesn't Vick deserve that same opportunity?


And I don't mean this to come off as aggressive, or anything, because that's not my intent. It's actual genuine curiousity. I've heard others say this, but never someone I could interact with, and I'm curious as to why the conviction to not afford him the chance that others have had. Nothing more.

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It would be a a cheaper price than the Giants are paying there second string QB


Don't get me started...


It is you who is the other Giants fan, right?


Ask the Giants how many headaches McNabb gave them when he was mobile.


...and don't get me started on that either. That was downright painful at times when I was first getting into the NFL!


Quote The Raven


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I still have nightmares about mobile McNabb.




I'm not condoning what he did, by any stretch of the imagination, is but what Vick did worse than what Leonard Little did? Does Dante Stallworth deserve an eventual second chance? They were both one off incidents, whereas Vick was a prolonged event. And where's the line come into play? Those three were offenses against others, whereas Plaxico shot himself ... is his circumstance different, even though he had a loaded weapon, unsecured, in a crowded place, where one slight shift of the barrel changes the entire dynamic of that event from a late night joke to 2nd degree manslaughter?


My point is, from my point of view, the league has protected, shielded, or allowed a chance of redemption to people who have done atrocious things. Pacman has a rap sheet that makes some felons jealous, and was still afforded an opportunity at redemption. Why doesn't Vick deserve that same opportunity?


And I don't mean this to come off as aggressive, or anything, because that's not my intent. It's actual genuine curiousity. I've heard others say this, but never someone I could interact with, and I'm curious as to why the conviction to not afford him the chance that others have had. Nothing more.


We can scratch Little off that list. That was under Tagliabue. Whatever Goodell decides to do with the other 3 is up to him. If you ask me, he may end up being too lenient on the other two (and Little should have been LONG gone). I have no problem with him earning a living. But why is his "living" directly tied to the NFL? He can be Michael Vick, CPA. Or Michael Vick, construction worker. Or Michael Vick, Arena League/UFL player.


I have a friend who has been in the system before. Do you know how difficult it is for him to get a job? Why is Vick being afforded this second chance, when other felons have it far tougher in getting an underpaying job?


If we're going to do this with Vick, we should extend this courtesy to everyone. Of course that won't happen, but that's the world we live in.

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Don't get me started...


It is you who is the other Giants fan, right?


Think that might be me. And if not, it should be, darnit! :p


We can scratch Little off that list. That was under Tagliabue. Whatever Goodell decides to do with the other 3 is up to him. If you ask me, he may end up being too lenient on the other two (and Little should have been LONG gone). I have no problem with him earning a living. But why is his "living" directly tied to the NFL? He can be Michael Vick, CPA. Or Michael Vick, construction worker. Or Michael Vick, Arena League/UFL player.


I have a friend who has been in the system before. Do you know how difficult it is for him to get a job? Why is Vick being afforded this second chance, when other felons have it far tougher in getting an underpaying job?


If we're going to do this with Vick, we should extend this courtesy to everyone. Of course that won't happen, but that's the world we live in.


Little was used more as an expression of point, but valid, I'll remove him from the discussion. And all of your points are very true. The fact that Vick is even given this chance, when so many who have reformed, or shown contrition are still seen as "lesser people." And this will take us into a whole new realm outside this one person, which honestly, wouldn't be a bad thing for this country as a whole, but for the purpose of this forum, I'll limit things.


I'll use Plax, who I'm biased against for all the wrong reasons. Not his crime, but the fact that his loss devastated our season. Plax was caught with a gun that's not registered, that he carried into a club, secured by the band of his sweatpants. And it became a running joke. The G-men cut him, and 3 days later, lost a hearing, meaning the team must pay him a million dollars, even though he took a loaded gun into a club and shot himself in the leg! And then the rumor swirl kicked in. The Jets are interested. The Bears might look into it. Tampa Bay is sending out feelers. And no one stood and said "wait, whoa, why?" The concerns were over suspension length, or possible jail time, or his tendancy to skip meetings.


The bigger picture was lost, or forgotten, when teams got a glimpse of hope of bringing in a deep threat with a chip on his shoulder, because he helped the Giants win a superbowl, and was subsequently snubbed. What Michael Vick did was terrible, but he's spent two years in jail, he's apologized for what he's done, and has taken steps to try to right the wrong. Nothing will ever erase the black mark, but he's (seemingly to me) taking steps to try to dull the color of it. Plax is dragging his feet so he can play, doing the whole "woe is me" spiel because of this swirl around him, and no one (general world concensus) thinks he should be barred from football, when he very well could've killed someone that night, depending on which way the gun fell. That's what piqued my interest in Astil's answer.


I will also say this, though, because I'm fascinated by this discussion. One thing you said is very true, and that's about his living being tied to the NFL. My only defense, which isn't the best word, but the best I can find that fits at this moment, is Pacman. With all he did, with the many who allegedly suffered around him, including the man in Vegas who's paralyzed, he was still afforded a second chance to make football his living. And he'd still be a Cowboy if he didn't underperform. Which saddens me, because more people seemed upset by that, than anything.


This fascinates me, though, because I have a theory. I don't know how accurate it is, but when I first heard about the Vick thing, it was a total shock to the system. It wasn't something I'd thought happened often. As a species, with all the travesties that take place, the wars, the violence, the hatred and greed, I think we've become desensitized to it. Sure, there's outrage to key events, but as a whole, we aren't phazed by it as much as one would think. Whereas the attacks on these animals is something no one thinks of, no one imagines could happen, so it knocked us off kilter. If that makes sense?


[Edit: Apologies for the total derail of this ... I get caught up in something, and lose my footing on the intended trail. lol]

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