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Teased that he was joining the Syndicate, then had him turn on Cornell in a tag match.


At the next television show, I had him defeat some random heel.


The show after that, I had him turn on RDJ in a backstage brawl.


I kept him as a face, but I went with a “don’t trust anybody” type of gimmick for him.

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There are a few common trains of thought, regarding the Tornado.


1.) Reunite him with Painful Procedure, and build him up as a face. This gives the Syndicate some immediate competition, as well as giving one of your more experienced teams a well needed boost.


2.) Have him work towards the destruction of Painful Procedure, as DrunkCobra just mentioned. This gives you a top heel that isn't in the Syndicate, which gives you some more options for feuds, to keep things fresh. This is particularily useful if you're planning an early break-up for the Syndicate, usually with Sam Keith turning face.


3.) Have him go the Stone Cold route, of doing his own thing, and playing as close to a 'Tweener' as you're ever likely to find. I've gone down this path before, with very good results. I had him feud with Tyson Baine, Genghis Rahn, and Rocky Golden, over their heelish pasts, before turning him face, to feud with the Syndicate. He became the face of the new generation of talented babyfaces, which is something that usually becomes everyone's goal.


Of course, some of the real fun with characters that haven't been well defined, is that you get to do your own thing with them. I'd love to hear some other ways that the Tornado's been used.



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First off, Star Quality isn't a massive deal. Tornado is a skilled guy, he should plug the top babyface spot pretty well, at least for a couple of months. Tornado vs Cornell should get very good results if you build it up right.


There are a few TCW diaries up on the forum. They may have some ideas on how to use him... or is he injured at the star of the '08 data? I can't recall. The recent wave of TCW diaries may not have reached him yet.


I've always been partial to cowardly-midcard-rock-star-heel-surrounded-by-bodyguards version of the character. However, that's me, and I haven't played TCW in a long while. I understand he's further up the card these days.

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I've only played TCW for an extended period once, but when I did I turned him into TCW's last shining hope from Cornell (kind of like Kurt Angle during the Invasion). The idea for that game was to have Cornell brag about how many times he's beaten everyone on the roster for his belt. This leads to RDJ coming out and challenges Cornell to one more match and if he doesn't win RDJ can't challenge for the belt till Tommy loses it. RDJ of course loses and Cornell proceeds to do the same thing to most of the roster till the only wrestler of note, Troy Tornado, is left.
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In my 1997 C-Verse game, I made him the avenger of Professor Nero's latest Disciples of Evil.


In my current TCW game, Troy is currently gearing up to challenge Tommy Cornell having turned to save Painful Procedure. The character concept is 'Bruce Dickinson as a wrestler'.


But what would you know about making awesome characters that everyone thinks are awesome? :p

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I've never gone far enough in TCW to really get Tornado properly established once he returns to health. My primary experience is having him him the Supreme Wrestling Federation and he's been a very pleasant surprise. He moved into the main event scene quicker than I expected and he fits right in.


No reason he couldn't carry TCW. He's all-around talented, has good Entertainment skills, and works as either a heel or a face. I'm trying to recall off hand if he has "elite" level stamina, but I know its not bad. The Star Quality is not a big issue, as Self indicated. If it doesn't hamper him much in the SWF - and I can attest that it does not - then it won't in TCW either.

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I'm running a Realism/Pure type product that's at regional size, doing 100% matches. Right now, Troy is my number 1 wrestler, putting on the best matches my promotion has ever seen against Ryan Powell, Joey Poison, Nigel Svensson, and American Buffalo.


(We are in Canada)

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