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Worker Equivalents in Real Life

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I'm not sure if this thread already exists (if so, please delete) but has there ever been a centralized area where C-verse workers have been discussed as to what workers have inspired them?


Some obvious ones:

Sam Strong = Hulk Hogan

Rip Chord = Ric Flair

Richard Eisen = Vince McMahon

Eric Eisen = Shane McMahon

Jim Force = Ultimate Warrior

Bruce the Giant = Andre the Giant


And some ones that are disputable but I thought this way.

Christian Faith = Shawn Michaels

Remmy Skye = Jeff Hardy

Rick Stantz = 1995 Shawn Michaels

Skull DeBones = The Undertaker

Jack Bruce = Chris Jericho

Rich Money = Ted DiBiase

Wolf Hawkins = Randy Orton

Rick Law = Big Bossman

BLZ Bubb = Kane

The Stone Family = The Hart Family

Whippy the Clown = Doink the Clown


Thoughts, opinions or other workers?

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It's been talked about a million times over and done to death at least a million more times. It's been a few weeks, maybe even a month since the last time a thread about it got bumped. Not sure what you'd call it but I know that "counterpart" will lead you to at least one thread about it... where people say it's already been done. :p
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I still stand by BSS being at least loosely based on Scott Steiner. I know, I know, Steiner is nowhere near as bad as BSS.


BUT, they're both Heavyweights, roided up beyond belief, named Scott, botch moves (BSS alot more than Steiner), and have an intangible X-factor about them that makes them simply awesome in all possibly ways.

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I like to think there are very few strict real world equivalents in the C-Verse, you know, to give Adam some credit. Certain aspects are definitely inspired by real life wrestlers though.


I always maintain that Christian Faith is The Undertaker. Big Heavyweight. Veteran. Awesome worker. He just has a differently themed gimmick. Instead of darkness, he represents light. Not a strict character port, but that's the point.

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I still stand by BSS being at least loosely based on Scott Steiner. I know, I know, Steiner is nowhere near as bad as BSS.


BUT, they're both Heavyweights, roided up beyond belief, named Scott, botch moves (BSS alot more than Steiner), and have an intangible X-factor about them that makes them simply awesome in all possibly ways.


I agree with this in all ways. I pretty much base BS Scott (my pet name for him) on Scott Steiner whenever I book him and that probably woulda become fairly apparant in the long term if I'd continued my SWF diary.


I also mark for Steiner's press ups... gotta love them. :)


I searched and found two thread, one saying that there have been threads about it before and the other not being all that comprehensive.


It's hard to find what the thread are called cos the threads never share a common name. But believe me, there have been millions of threads about it. And the end result is always "there are some obvious ones and some similar ones.. but ultimately it's all made up and we're often looking for links that simply aren't there". :)

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Actually, pre-Big Poppa Pump (see? Big Smack Scott!) Scott Steiner was a very good wrestler. Before he was a roided monster, he had a gimmick that was similar to Kurt Angle's. I would have loved to see a pre-BPP Scott Steiner vs. Kurt Angle. That would have been awesome.
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A bit surprised Cornell/Triple H hasn't been noted..


And yeah, if Chord's equivalent to anyone, it's Hall. Don't see how you could miss that.


I don't see Faith as Taker at all, really, I kinda see Tyson Baine as being closer to that..Faith's more of a Shawn Michaels type to me, but that's just me.


Despite him being my favorite wrestler, I don't really know that there is a Chris Jericho equivalent in the C-Verse. Bruce is an alright choice, but I kinda see him being closer to a more ring-aware John Cena..again, probably just me..


The thing about the Hart Family is I can never decide if they're the Stones, or the lower level DeColts..the easiest way to do that is to pinpoint one of them as Bret Hart, and the guy I see as being a Bret Hart equivalent is Sean McFly..

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I still stand by BSS being at least loosely based on Scott Steiner. I know, I know, Steiner is nowhere near as bad as BSS.


BUT, they're both Heavyweights, roided up beyond belief, named Scott, botch moves (BSS alot more than Steiner), and have an intangible X-factor about them that makes them simply awesome in all possibly ways.


Yup, same correlation I've always made. BSS is just Steiner with some of his flaws more heavily emphasized, at least in my mind.


What I actually find really interesting isn't just considering who equates to who, but why they are different. The obvious connection everyone makes between Jim Force and a certain Warrior... Is Force what that real world career "should" have been?

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A bit surprised Cornell/Triple H hasn't been noted..


And yeah, if Chord's equivalent to anyone, it's Hall. Don't see how you could miss that.


I don't see Faith as Taker at all, really, I kinda see Tyson Baine as being closer to that..Faith's more of a Shawn Michaels type to me, but that's just me.


Despite him being my favorite wrestler, I don't really know that there is a Chris Jericho equivalent in the C-Verse. Bruce is an alright choice, but I kinda see him being closer to a more ring-aware John Cena..again, probably just me..


The thing about the Hart Family is I can never decide if they're the Stones, or the lower level DeColts..the easiest way to do that is to pinpoint one of them as Bret Hart, and the guy I see as being a Bret Hart equivalent is Sean McFly..


So Hall was a fantastic wrestler akin to Hulk Hogan levels of fame (Sam Strong) in the 70s and 80s? Hall was never a multi-time world champion (or even a one time world champion). Hall was never considered the greatest worker in the world (he was always thought to be very good but not the level that people consider Flair). The drinking really substitutes for Flair's financial troubles over the years. As stated before, none of these are strict ports, just mixtures and perhaps "majorities" of wrestlers. I think people focus on the drinking aspect with Chord and overlook anything else.


As far as Faith goes, I always felt the name was very post 2002 HBK. The fact that he got his shot AFTER Chord and Strong left is very like Michaels who got his shot AFTER Hogan and Flair left, while Taker beat Hogan for the title and actually held the belt BEFORE Flair. I guess the size may be bigger than Michaels and more like Taker, that's true. But the relationship with McMahon (Eisen) is the same as both HBK and Taker were very close, although it's mentioned that sometimes they clash, which is something that HBK and Vince did often in the 1990s.

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A bit surprised Cornell/Triple H hasn't been noted..


And yeah, if Chord's equivalent to anyone, it's Hall. Don't see how you could miss that.


I don't see Faith as Taker at all, really, I kinda see Tyson Baine as being closer to that..Faith's more of a Shawn Michaels type to me, but that's just me.


Despite him being my favorite wrestler, I don't really know that there is a Chris Jericho equivalent in the C-Verse. Bruce is an alright choice, but I kinda see him being closer to a more ring-aware John Cena..again, probably just me..


The thing about the Hart Family is I can never decide if they're the Stones, or the lower level DeColts..the easiest way to do that is to pinpoint one of them as Bret Hart, and the guy I see as being a Bret Hart equivalent is Sean McFly..


As far as the Bruce-Jericho connection goes I always attributed it to the fact that Bruce was big in TCW but never at the top and then had a HUGE defection to SWF in 2004. He then became a big star in SWF. He's also a long haired New York rocker.


Jericho was big in WCW but never at the top and then had a HUGE defection to WWF in 1999. He then became a big star in WWF. He's also a long hair New York born rocker.

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As far as the Bruce-Jericho connection goes I always attributed it to the fact that Bruce was big in TCW but never at the top and then had a HUGE defection to SWF in 2004. He then became a big star in SWF. He's also a long haired New York rocker.


Jericho was big in WCW but never at the top and then had a HUGE defection to WWF in 1999. He then became a big star in WWF. He's also a long hair New York born rocker.


I suppose I can see that. I didn't really think about that, but then, that's likely because I see SWF and TCW being WCW and WWF, respectively..plus, TCW as actually pushing him pretty well, I beleive, he was still rising when he made the defection, whereas Jericho had been significantly de-pushed, and was kept off-screen for a good bit before making the cross over.

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Lol, derek's right in that this topic comes up again, but really it's bound to happen, as new fans come on board, fall in love with the C-Verse like so many of us have. Add to it that the search function here is...kinda poopy (no offense intended), and there you go.


On the subject of Jim Force, Adam confirmed ages ago that Force was NEVER intended to be the C-verse counterpart of Warrior Warrior. It's just that the person who rendered him did so in that manner, and a couple of wild imaginations personified him in some diaries and the rest is history.


So really, you can cross off Ultimate Warrior = Jim Force.


Speaking of the poopy search engine, I did manage to find a thread talking about this, but it is kinda hard and much longer / time consuming then it should be. Blasted 20 second wait.

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How so?


Sam was doing good in SWF as bret was in WWF but then Sam left for TCW and he was the head booker at the time IIRC so it would have to be pretty drastic to make him leave (screwjob)


Not to mention the fact that they are both exceptional technical workers


Sam just had a longer career since bret ended pre-maturely


Although I could see Seas McFly being Hart too due to the NOTBPW family and how sean is the best in the world

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The Hart Family (as well as the Von Erichs) certainly seemed to have inspired Canada's dueling wrestling families, The Stones and The DeColts, but it's hard to point to specific counterparts. Sean McFly's marriage to Victoria mirrors The British Bulldog and Jim Neidhart, although physically he doesn't seem like either. Duane Stone's style and Japanese career reminds me of Owen Hart in certain respects. Edd Stone's attitude could be viewed as Teddy Hart-esque. Jeremy and Dan Jr are harder to pin down specifically, and I'm at the point where I don't even try. Jeremy Stone is Jeremy Stone to me. Dan Jr is Dan Jr. Through diaries on the board and my own personal games, C-Verse characters develop personalities of their own, and that's pretty fantastic.


I always imagine Christian Faith as similar to The Undertaker, or at least, the man playing The Undertaker. An extremely well respected veteran. Call it Hart-bias, but Shawn always seems like a jerk to me. Plus, when I think of the main trait of Shawn Michaels, it's how he innovated a faster, more agile style and paved the way for smaller guys in the sport. That ain't Faith.

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I always laugh at people trying to shoehorn in their Christian Faith opinions... after years of debating it no-one has made a good case for him being anything like a real world wrestler. He's just Christian Faith. :)


And I'll say that about a lot of other people too... Sam Keith is Sam Keith. Rip Chord is Rip Chord. Dread is Vader... and so on. Some characters may be inspired by real life guys, but there are only so many stereotypes you can have before we need to be inventing completely new characters like Giant Tuna. There will always be rich guys, there will always be middle Eastern heels, there will always be dark brooding guys, there will always be good looking youngsters and so on...


I might start an "official" thread for Cverse comparisons in a few months... that ought to keep everything together in one place forever more. :)

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What's great is the versatility of these characters. There have been a bunch of SWF diaries, each with their own slant on Christian Faith; unstoppable bad ass, old school veteran, bible-quoting Christian hero... Different flavors and all of them are awesome. I expect personal games have even more varied ideas of who the man is. Different strokes. Whatever gets you hard. Limiting it to "Rip Chord IS Ric Flair" or "Johnny Bloodstone IS Dynamite Kid" just hurts the creative juices. Just sit back and let it flow.


Still, I'm right. Faith IS Undertaker. End of discussion ;)

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