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DaVE: Featuring Some Guy in a Wheelchair

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OOC Note: Been about 3 or 4 years since I've last done a serious diary and since playing TEW05 again, I've been itching to do a new one. I started this on another forum, but I figure I'll start it here too since the Cornellverse is naturally more popular here. Most of the backstory is taken from the real Cornellverse data, but I have modified a few minor things to fit the diary a bit more.


I'm two shows in my other one, so I'll slowly start to bring them here. Might take away with the mark-up conversions, but hopefully that will all be figured out soon.




The Big Boys In Town


Professional wrestling has evolved quite a bit over the years. It's gone from a side-show attraction in the 1920's to a family-friendly entertainment spectacle in the 1950's. Into the 1970's, in came the territorial days where many wrestling companies flocked the world, but none of them were nationally known are recognized as "the one". Wrestling companies were just regionally known with regional stars. There was never one company that held all the big stars and dream matches were just that - dreams and speculation. But in the 1980's, that all came to a change when Mr. Richard Eisen and the SWF sought to change wrestling as we all saw it.




Eisen started up the Supreme Wrestling Federation, which he intended to create the be all, end all to wrestling. Eisen signed wrestling's biggest stars from the well known regional superstars to the young lions who had massive amounts of potential - one of them being Sam Strong, who is now known as a wrestling hero and living legend. The territorial promoters were enraged with Eisen's motives, however there was nothing they could do. It became a time where loyalty meant nothing, the dollar signs meant everything. Richard Eisen & the SWF had a boatload of money which they had no problem dishing out to lure anyone they wanted to sign a contract with them. The territories were dead. Most of them had to shut down, bankrupt from losing all the stars they created and having no interest left in their product. The SWF quickly rose to the top and was left without competition all the way up until the late 90's.


In comes J.K. Stallings Jr.




J.K. Stallings was a young web developer who created many programs, gadgets, websites, and applications for home computers. Stallings creations became quite popular and earned him quite a bit of money - millions to be exact. Stallings, a wrestling fan, decided to invest his money to create his own company - Hollyweird Grappling Company. With Stallings massive amount of money and the light at the end of the tunnel for an alternative to SWF, HGC became massively popular and many big names signed for the company, many of which were out of the job for several years due to never being picked up by the Eisen monopoly. Stallings did his job well, but not having any experience in the world of professional wrestling, HGC didn't make the splash many expected it to. It was quite popular and did put on good shows, but it proved to be of no threat to the SWF.


Mr. Stallings knew he didn't have what it takes to make it in professional wrestling, so he walked out on the company. Instead of destroying his creation and letting SWF have the last laugh, Stallings decided to sell his company away. And with that comes Tommy Cornell.




Tommy Cornell at this time was just a young British star who at the start of his career had a chance in SWF. However after a controversial incident that would eventually get him de-pushed and released, Cornell joined Stalking's young company. It was clear Cornell was in better hands and got a nice big push thanks to Stallings' admiration for him. But when Stallings wanted to ditch HGC and go back to his life as an inventor, Cornell shockingly lead a team of investors into Stallings office to purchase HGC. Now the new owner of this potential force, Cornell re-named the company Total Championship Wrestling - or TCW - and lead his troops. The rest is history. Today, TCW & SWF are in a massive battle to become the biggest wrestling company in North America. TCW have yet to beat SWF in ratings or popularity, but they are on the fast verge of getting there.


Meanwhile, the rest of the globe is quite infested with other companies trying to reach the top.




North of the Border Pro Wrestling lead by Dan Stone and the entire Stone Family is a huge wrestling company in Canada who are trying to bring tradition back to wrestling. While TCW & SWF rely heavily on storylines and character development to get people over, NOTBPW relies on a mix of charismatic stars and talented wrestlers; the former being looked upon the most. But North America is not the only continent looking to take over the world.




Along with having a crazy-ass name, Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods is a puroresu company in Japan, treating their company as a sport. Interviews are pretty much non-existent down in Japan's big player wrestling leagues. Charisma and skill on the mic aren't needed, the fans down there are going to be looking for talent in the ring. BHOTWG are looking to take aboard the world's most talented wrestlers to feature in some fantastic showcases.


The blip on the radar?


While these four companies certainly all have a chance to become the globe's #1 company, there are several smaller promotions all around the world. The UK has a fresh crop of superstars as well as a few rising companies, all offering something different. Europe has the unique UCR which brings back the 80's family-friendly aura of wrestling with colorful characters and kid-friendly storylines. Mexico is filled with a few Lucha companies who are trying to expand their unique style to other countries. And of coarse we have the North American scene with several indy companies striving on the massive amounts of stars who yet to have the chance to shine in the big dogs.


But there is one company that started out as a blip on the radar. This small little hardcore company started out as just a rebellion. It was just meant to get a rise out of people and with controversial angles and risky stunts. Was it meant to be as big as it gotten? Who knows, but what we do know is that this little blip has turned into what could potentially be a threat to mainstream wrestling in America.




Danger... Violence... and Extreme... or as we know it - DAVE - has been on the high road to national fame despite the current war going on between TCW & SWF.


Phil Vibert is the brains behind DAVE. Vibert use to be an up and coming manager who was extremely charismatic and the perfect match for a silent monster heel. Vibert went by many names in his early days, most notoriously as Philly V. Already a big name in the Tri-State, Vibert became a legend there when he founded DAVE. Throughout DAVE's history, it's been through many humps. Hardcore wrestling was scarce as far as getting well known when it was thought of, but DAVE really started to catch on. However in the mid-to-late 90's, several other small Tri-State located companies were also on a rise to battle. These companies were collectively known as RPW, PPPW, and XFW. The battle between these four quickly became known as the "East Coast Wars". In the end, three of them eventually busted...and it's obvious now which one lasted. With the East Coast Wars ending, the former roster members flocked to DAVE and the major titles from each company were unified into the DAVE Unified Championship, first held by company veteran Johnny Martin.


But winning the East Coast Wars was just a small boost. Another event also occurred that pushed DAVE into spotlight.




This is John "Nemesis" Campbell - a wrestling veteran who was nationally known and a big prospect for Richard Eisen & SWF.


In February of 1997, an incident occurred in SWF which made wrestling headlines everywhere. Nemesis & Tommy Cornell wrestled in an absolutely fantastic, yet extremely bloody match. Here's the rest of the story taken from "Pro Wrestling Hits Magazine - The Top 10 Matches of All-Time".


#5: Nemesis vs Tommy Cornell (February 1997, Supreme Assault TV)

For one of the most influential matches ever held, this was very low profile. Held in 1997 on SWF's weekly "Supreme Assault" TV show, the match was not even announced as taking place until that very night. Nemesis was one of the hottest heels in the promotion at this time, and was being groomed for a main event run against world champion Christian Faith. Tommy Cornell was a young babyface rookie who was seen as having potential, but hadn't been given much to do other than defeat expendable midcard heels. The match was put together simply to give the two wrestlers something to do, as the main focus of the show was on a main event battle royal that neither was involved in.


What followed was by far the most violent fifteen minutes that SWF had ever seen. After brawling for a few minutes in the ring, the two wrestlers spilled to the outside, where they proceeded to brawl with incredible intensity up the aisle, across the sound stage, through the crowd, and back to the ring. By the time they reached the ring, both men were bleeding heavily from being hit with weapons, with Nemesis in particular virtually unrecognizable thanks to the amount of blood covering his face and upper body. After smacking Cornell with a vicious chair shot to the head, Nemesis ended the carnage by powerbombing the youngster through a ringside table, and dragging him back in for the win.


While the match was a superbly intense brawl, and a great match in its own right, it was the shockwaves that it caused that make it so famous. Used to seeing family-friendly entertainment, both the network and SWF were bombarded with complaints from irate viewers, while at the same time a large number of fans who were growing tired of the slow-paced matches that were usually presented to them were estatic, wanting SWF to present more of this new extreme style. SWF owner Richard Eisen was furious at the trouble this match had caused, especially as he had not been consulted about it beforehand, and it was long-standing company policy that matches could not have blood or excessive violence without his personal clearance. Nemesis was fired straight after the match after a huge backstage argument; he joined small East Coast promotion DAVE two months later, and almost single handedly turned them into a major player in the US by basing the entire product on a bloody, extreme style. Cornell was punished by being dropped into a bland opening match tag team with Phillip Roberts; he left six months later to join SWF's major rivals HGC. Seven years later he would be the owner of that promotion. As a result of the match, SWF became even more conservative, which helped them keep their lucrative TV show. This would last several years before they had to become more edgy to survive, and this type of extreme match is now a staple of the promotion.


Nemesis quickly rose to be the Head Booker for DAVE. Together, Vibert & Nemesis rose DAVE to national stardom, now having a huge cult following and on the brink of national success.


However, now at 47 years old, Nemesis is quickly approaching retirement. Still being a national star and having a lot of talent for an older wrestler, Nemesis is looking to focus his entire direction in the ring so he can put out the best matches possible and eventually pass the torch as he leaves the business.


And with that comes DAVE's new Head Booker.




This here is Wally Duncan who use to wrestle all over the map as Mad Man Duncan and "The Comedian". Being in his mid-50's, it's hard to imagine that Duncan JUST retired after the career he has had. Duncan was a hardcore legend, being in very bloody and wild feuds through his younger days. Duncan was known for and eventually got his nickname from hysterically laughing after taking a particular sick bump, whether he caused it or was the victim of it. Just last year, Duncan was involved in a serious accident in British hardcore promotion Men of Steel Combat where it was planned that he do an elbow drop off a scaffold onto a table in the ring. Duncan, however, overshot the table and landed back-first into the turnbuckle. Duncan was one of those guys that nobody could ever see retiring, but this injury forced him into it and the once psychopath hardcore icon is now bound to a wheelchair.


Since retirement, Duncan has thrown around the idea of getting involved with backstage work. With John Campbell dropping down as Head Booker for a company that perfectly fits his view of the business, it was inevitable he would be selected. Once the caller ID flashed "Phil Vibert", he knew he would finally get his shot at continuing his hardcore career. Though his crazy wrestling career is over, his crazy mind for the sport is certainly still running wild.

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Danger and Violence Extreme




General Statistics


Size: Cult

Money: $450,000

Style: Hardcore

Location: Tri-State (USA)





Great Lakes: C+

Mid Atlantic: C

Mid South: C

Mid West: C

New England: C

North West: C

South East: C+

South West: C

Tri State: B

Puerto Rico: E




Main Eventers


Chris Caulfield

Henry Lee

Shawn Gonzalez


Eric Tyler



Upper Midcarders


Alex Braun

Johnny Martin

The Wolverine

Vin Tanner


Bryan Holmes

Eddie Peak






Big Cat Brandon

Tank Bradley


Hell's Bouncer

JD Morgan

Kurt Laramee


Lower Midcarders


Art Reed

Sammy Bach

Teddy Powell


Doug Peak






Dallas McWade

Dean McWade


Enhancement Talent


Matt Sparrow






Cat Jemson (Big Cat Brandon, The Wolverine)


Carl Batch (Doug Peak, Eddie Peak)

Easy Emma (Bryan Holmes)


Announcers/Colour Commentators


Mitch Naess


Phil Vibert




R.M Stones

Ryan Holland



Tag Teams


Adrenaline Rush (Sammy Bach & Teddy Powell) (Experience: C+)

The Animalz (Big cat Brandon & The Wolverine) (Experience: B+)

The McWade Brothers (Dean & Dallas McWade) (Experience: A*)

The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley) (Experience: A*)

The New Wave (Guide & Scout) (Experience: A*)

The Peak Brothers (Eddie & Doug Peak) (Experience: A*)




The House of Holmes (Bryan Holmes, Carl Batch, Doug Peak, Eddie Peak, Easy Emma)

The School of Tradition (Eric Tyler, Guide, Scout, Acid)










DAVE Unified

Current Holder: Bryan Holmes

November 2005 - ?

Previous Holder: Chris Caulfied (May 2005 - November 2005)




DAVE Brass Knuckles

Current Holder: Eddie Peak

August 2005 - ?

Previous Holder: Eisaku Kunomasu (May 2005 - August 2005)




DAVE Tag Team

Current Holders: The Animalz (Big Cat Brandon & The Wolverine)

October 2005 - ?

Previous Holders: The New Wave (Guide & Scout) (January 2005 - October 2005)

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Dealing with the Devils?


It's Duncan's first day on the job and with 3 days left until the first month's taping of Danger Zone TV, it's time to quickly work out plans and how things are going to be set up.


The first order of business is that it's December of 2005. During the Christmas season, the big boys are going to be looking to sign some fresh new talent in time for the new year. With three North American companies that are above national level, DAVE could be in store for a major raid of talent which would be a huge hit to Duncan's first month on the job.


It's time to offer some deals. TCW is in town doing some various House Shows, perhaps it's time to pay Mr. Cornell a visit.




After setting up a quick meeting with Tommy at the small House Show venue, Duncan wheels himself into a dingy room with a roundtable. All of TCW's figureheads are seated, looking over paperwork and contracts. Tommy Cornell is seated at the head of the table with Head Booker and wrestling legend Sam Strong sitting next to him. Announcers Kyle Rhodes & Jason Azaria are present along with road agent Archie Judge. The fast-talking TCW-made manager Floyd Goldworthy is sitting on the other side with referees Eugene Williams and Ray Johnson.


Tommy Cornell: Take a seat. Oh wait...


Duncan lets out a sarcastic chuckle as he wheels himself to the table.


TC: So what can I do for ya?

Walter Duncan: I'm here to talk business.

TC: What kind of business?

WD: Listen kid, I've been in this business a hell of a lot longer than you and before I go into my spiel here, I want you to recognize that I'm smarter than I look.

TC: Ah, very true. Unfortunately for you, you're not smarter than me. If you've come here to try to act like the town wise man to tell me how I should run my business, I'll kindly show you the door.

WD: It's about both of our businesses and what's best for it.

TC: Oh I see. So let me guess, you want me to cancel the contracts that I've already sent to "Vibert's creations"?

WD: Jesus Christ, you already sent them out?

TC: Business is calling, Duncan. The New Year is around the corner. We need to fill in spots and unfortunately for you, you have a couple of prospects I have my eye on.

WD: And just who would that be?

TC: "Easy" Emma Chase obviously. Gorgeous, charismatic, draws a crowd. She'd be an instant hit here.

WD: Who else?

TC: Carl Batch to add more managers to our roster. Johnny Martin to add a bit of psychology and experience to our roster. And Eddie Peak to add to our hardcore division. Do you have an objection?

WD: Well I kinda do actually.

TC: Well shame on me for wanting to continue the path on making my company the best in the world. Just what exactly is your suggestion or "business" that you have with me? Simply telling me no isn't going to change my mind, Duncan.

WD: It's a proposal. You're already in war with SWF and whether you want to admit it or not, DAVE is going to be nationally known whether you steal our talent or not. My proposal is that we sign a non-aggressive pact. I stay away from your talent, you stay away from mine. You and I both know that SWF is better than both of us.

TC: So TCW, a company that has a roster full of people on written exclusive contracts, signs a non-aggressive pact with a company that is full of workers on PPA that anyone could snatch with the snap of finger. Decent try, Duncan, but it's plenty obvious what you're trying to pull here.

WD: I'm not pulling anything. It's a deal we can both gain from.

TC: No, it's a deal YOU gain from. You get the benefits of us not raiding out your roster while you can sit there and survive. We gain absolutely nothing from this. We lose our oppurtunity to add some more star power and future stars to our roster.

WD: DAVE isn't the only other company out there y'know.

TC: No, but you are #3. You have the money to afford the best indy talents out there and you will always have that supply. You and I both know Eisen wants nothing to do with you on a business level with Campbell on your roster. So what does that mean? He raids you, we get nothing out of it. Eisen gets a bunch of new stars to light up SWF, we have the same old, same old. Tell me, what is the motive in doing this?

WD: And over the years, how many of our guys gone to SWF? Lobster Warrior? That's about it. Eisen's interested in taking hardly known indy wrestlers. Eisen loves to have credit and at the end of the day, he wants to the credit for creating his own stars.

TC: So am I to make a crucial business decision based on assumptions?

WD: We need to make a crucial business decision based on us having the same goals. You know we hate Richard and his trained monkeys up north. Campbell's main reason for even working for us was to take out Eisen. Why should we kill ourselves? This is what Eisen wants. He can remain up top with no competition while you guys and our guys bicker about business and raiding. It's stupid, let's just focus on our own product and leave it at that.

TC: I'm still trying to figure out what I gain from this...

WD: Well I'm still trying to figure out how much clearer this needs to be. SWF wants us to war because we're obviously in no shape to gun after the #1 promotion in the planet. You're closer to him, but you're also close enough to us to have a good old fashioned war. Do you really want to be caught in the middle of two angry promotions, or do you want to focus on the main villain? It's up to you, kid. Keep beating the dead horse or try to snipe the one running away.

TC: Ok, fine, you know what....alright, you're smarter than I thought, Duncan. Give me the paperwork.


Duncan takes some files out of his jacket and hands it around the table. Cornell looks it over, signs it, and hands it back.


TC: I'm still skeptical about this, Duncan. This sounds good on paper, but don't backstab me or I'll end you and I'll end DAVE.

WD: Noted. But I think I'll be the one to have to worry about that. So how about those contracts you sent out?

TC: I suggest you get to them before they're looked over and signed.

WD: Did you not just sign the deal with me?

TC: I certainly did, but you surely can't fault me for sending out contracts prior to our meeting?

WD: Alright, fine. Pleasure doing business with you Tom.

TC: Right back atcha'.


Duncan begins to take out his cell phone and he wheels out of the arena. On the street corner, he dials the number of yet another promoter - this time the head of NOTBPW, Dan Stone.


Assistant: You've reached NOTBPW, how may I help you?

WD: Hi, can I please get into touch with Mr. Stone?

A: And this is?

WD: Wally Duncan.

A: Who?

WD: Wally Duncan, I book for DAVE. I just want to talk business.

A: Alright then, one moment.




Dan Stone: Stone.

WD: Mr. Stone, I was wondering if I could have a few minutes of your time to talk business?

DS: Make it quick.

WD: We here at DAVE feel that it'd be in the best of both of our interests that we had a non-aggressive pact.

DS: How?

WD: You're on the verge of breaking out of Canada, we're on the verge of exploding in America. There's two big boys in America right now that I believe you should be more concerned with as they're already looking to reach into Canada and other parts in the world. I think we're both the least of our worries right now and I believe we should just focus on taking out the two bigger threats. Besides, we're polar opposite in promotional styles, why would you want my guys?

DS: Well I do want some of your guys as a matter of fact. I just sent out some contracts to four of your guys in particular.

WD: Oh boy. And just who would those four be?

DS: Easy Emma Chase, Johnny Martin, Shawn Gonzalez, and Bryan Holmes.

WD: Well... terrific.

DS: But, I do agree with your points and I'd be willing to accept your pact.

WD: Ok, excellent. Should I fax you the paperwork?

DS: I didn't say I accept. I said I'd be willing to.

WD: Well what does that mean?

DS: It means that you're going to work for it if you want it. I run a much larger ship than yours and you know you're gaining more out of this from me. But I'm not going to let you hustle me. So, I want you to do a little bit of um..."clensing" for me.

WD: "Clensing?"

DS: Yes. Are you familiar with the Canadian promotion CGC? Canadian Golden Combat?

WD: I'm not too familiar with the Canadian wrestling scene, so no.

DS: Well, they're run by the DeColt family. The DeColts and the Stones, let's just say, aren't the best of friends. Their company is starting to rise up and I think they want to start something with us. I want to focus on making NOTBPW the greatest promotion in the world, I don't want to deal with these ****roaches trying to take our spotlight. So, I want you to deal with them.

WD: Alright, how would I do that?

DS: I want you to sign some of their guys and make them look weak. Job them out to some of your lower tier guys. If you give me your word you'll do that for me, I'll sign your contract.

WD: Alright then, fine. I'll do what I can.

DS: Ok. Consider it a done deal then, Duncan.


Finishing off the conversation with Dan Stone, Duncan wheels back to Phil's place to tell him of the news. As Duncan wheels in, Phil is filing paperwork. He gives the "one moment" sign to finish signing something and then starts off.




Phil Vibert: K', what's up?

WD: I just got those non-aggression pact deals in. It's a done deal with TCW and NOTBPW. I'm not going to bother with SWF though.

PV: And don't, I don't wanna' converse with 'dat jackass up north either. But 'ey, good to know, pal. I'm surprised ya' back so early man, Cornell can be a prick to deal wit' sometimes. Aight anyway, wheel yourself ova' here. I got somethin' I wanna' show ya'. 'Dis is somethin' I do wit' anyone who's gonna' have some powa' with 'da company, alright? Basically it's gonna' be a list of things I need ya' to do while ya' in charge of this ****.

WD: Ok, sounds good.

PV: I think these goals are pretty damn simple if ya' ask me, but 'dis is whatcha gotta' do. DAVE must not be in debt at the end of 671 days. Fah' Goal 2, DAVE must have more cash than we gots now. So we must have more than $450,000 at the end of 671 days.

WD: That's it?

PV: Pretty much.

WD: Well, this should be a breeze.

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DAVE Danger Zone TV


DAVE invades your television for another action-packed hour featuring wrestling's most dangerous mother*bleep*ers! DAVE Christmas with the Devil is just a month away and the entire roster will be jockeying for position to get themselves a top match for the PPV!


The New Wave invade the turf of The New Jersey Devils!


In the opening match-up, The School of Tradition representives will be going up against hometown favorites - the New Jersey Devils! I hope the Animalz are taking their time off wisely to keep an eye on this match because surely the winner will be ranked right up as the #1 Contenders!


Eric Tyler clashes with Henry Lee!


"The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler goes one-on-one against the chair-swinin', table breakin' psychopath himself, Henry Lee. What happens when we mix a traditional technical wrestler against a hardcore maniac?


Johnny Martin takes on JD Morgan!


Two DAVE veterans will go head-to-head! Can the first ever Unified Champion out-wrestle the technical Brit?


#1 Contenders Match for Unified Championship


Nemesis takes on Shawn Gonzalez as well as Chris Caulfield!


Three of DAVE's biggest dogs will go at it to determine who will face Bryan Holmes at the upcoming PPV - Christmas with the Devil. You can bet all three of these guys want this bad and it's hard to imagine any of the three taking the fall here.


Also appearances from "King of the Streets" Kurt Laramee, Hell's Bouncer, Vin Tanner, Acid, and more!


Quick Card:

The New Wave vs. The New Jersey Devils

Eric Tyler vs. Henry Lee

Johnny Martin vs. JD Morgan

Nemesis vs. Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield


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Loving this so Far ! You should check out ReapeR's Thread in 08 to get the new and improved title belts.


Quick Card:

The New Wave vs. The New Jersey Devils

Eric Tyler vs. Henry Lee

Johnny Martin vs. JD Morgan

Nemesis vs. Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

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Taped at the McGaw Arena in New Jersey

Attendance of 5,000 *SELLOUT*


- Mitch Naess & Phil Vibert welcome crowd (Rating: B+)

- The McWade Brothers def. Matt Sparrow & Tatsukichi (Rating: C-)

- Easy Emma shoots free TV shirts into the crowd (Rating: A)

- Acid def. Sammy Bach (Rating: B)


The tapes start rolling and DAVE Danger Zone TV is underway!




We cut to our ringside announcers, Mitch Naess and Phil Vibert.


Mitch Naess: 5,000 here live at the sold out McGaw Arena... welcome to the most Dangerous Violent Extremity, only in Danger and Violence Extreme! I'm Mitch Naess and my partner as always - DA BOSS - Phil Vibert!

Phil Vibert: 'Ey, 'ey, 'ey. Mitchie-boy, wit'out a doubt, 'dis is gonna be one helluva show. Christmas with 'da Devil is just around 'da corner and 'dese guys are gonna be goin' out there to prove 'dat they belong on it.

MN: And speaking of that PPV, tonight we determine who will face current Unified Champion Bryan Holmes in tonight's triple threat contest. Chris Caulfield... Shawn Gonzalez... Nemesis... I'll be honest here, Boss, I can't see any of these guys losing.

PV: Which shows 'da right guys are competin'. Anyone you can picture losin' shouldn't be in the main event, period end of story.


(Mitch Naess performed poorly in this segment. The performance of Phil Vibert looked good. This segment lifted the crowd.)






[ As the announcers still go on talking about tonight's main event, the camera's catch Chris Caulfield walking into the arena with his bags. A look of determination is molded onto his face. ]

MN: And just speaking of the man - there he is. Chris Caulfield is here and he could be walking out the next #1 Contender.





Match #1

http://i30.tinypic.com/25k4h2d.jpghttp://i26.tinypic.com/28jyyok.jpg -vs- http://i25.tinypic.com/30rn1p5.jpghttp://i31.tinypic.com/219rzhk.jpg

The New Wave (Scout & Guide -vs- The New Jersey Devils (Tank Bradley & Alex Braun)


The crowd was very hot going into this bout, especially for Alex Braun & Tank Bradley who are fighting in their hometown. Being a typical hardcore tag team match, this match surprisingly retained order for the bulk of it. Both teams came off pretty strong and being two of the most experienced teams on the roster, that wasn't much of a surprise. Guide & Scout continously used cheap double team moves and constantly exchanged tags to keep Tank Bradley in the corner. Bradley was eventually able to fight the face-painted duo off and make the hot tag. The fresh Braun cleaned house on the New Wave and went for several pinfalls that were broken up just short of the three. With Tank Bradley on the outside and exhausted, he had no time to help his partner. Alex stayed strong for longer than most people could against two men, but eventually a low blow - perfectly legal in this bout - put the momentum back into The New Waves' hands. Bradley, using ever last bit of energy he could ran back into the ring and hit a double clothesline on the New Wave. All four men are now down. Scout reaches to the ropes to pull himself back up while Bradley tries to fight the pain and fatigue to get back to his feet. As Scout is up near the ropes, Bradley is too. Bradley makes another energy-draining charge into Scout, once again giving him a lariat that sends both himself and Scout over the top rope and onto the floor! The fans chant for Braun to get back to his feet and he is starting to reel back in. Guide is slowly getting back to his feet, but Braun takes advantage of his exhaustiion and plants a nasty looking DDT. At this point in a match, a DDT could end it all, but Braun is unable to get to Guide as a force is pulling him back. It's Scout, who beat Bradley up to his feet! Scout tries to pull Braun out of the ring, but Braun is eventually able to kick Scout away. Scout tries to re-position himself, but is blindsided by the now recovered Tank Bradley! The two crash into the ring steps, knocking both out. Braun now just needs to take care of Guide and this one is over but....er, where is Guide? BLAM! Just out of nowhere, Guide comes into the side of Braun with a Guided Missile! I guess that's what happens when you lose focus on your opponent. Guide crawls on top of Braun and not many people kick out of this one! 1...2....3!


Winners at 7:40


MN: An impressive win for School of Tradition members Guide & Scout, think that's going to propell them to the titles Philly?

PV Well, why not? I 'dink 'da New Wave has earned their shot at redemption and hell - if they can get it they'd be da' 4-time champions. 'Dats record breaking right there, Mitchie.

MN: Certainly the New Wave has proved their worth here in DAVE, but if any team can stop them - The Animalz have already done it once before.


(Tank Bradley was exhausted by the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match benefitted greatly from a hot crowd. Guide is improving in Technical skills. Scout is improving in Flying skills. Scout is improving in Performance skills. Tank Bradley is improving in Performance skills.)






[ We cut to the backstage area where Kurt Laramee is backstage with his big, bad bodyguard - Hell's Bouncer. Kurt looks quite frustrated. ]


Kurt Laramee: Maaaaaan, take a look at dis****, Hellboy. Johnny Martin - booked. Henry Lee - booked. Shawn Gonzalez - booked. Chris Caulfiled - booked. Nemesis - booked. Eric Tyler - booked. MANDUEWATDAFUUUH? Phil Vibert, is this show the new poppin' alternative to showcase the best, A-K-A me or the retirement home for all these hacks? What about me, bro? You know I could just take off and make SWF millions more than they already have? But nah man, I ain't doing that cause I want to be the showstopper, the pimpdaddy, and the franchise playa. Ya know and I know I'm the A*-Superstar - DONTCHAKNO? Maaan Slick V, I don't know how you can expect me to rise up if I ain't playin', dawg. I don't approve of this sheet, and Hellboy sures as hell don't approve of it either - ain't that right H.B.?

Hell's Bouncer: Yes.

Kurt Laramee: Daaaaamn right, mandudebro. So since I ain't expected to compete tonight, expect me to force myself to compete tonight if ya'knowwhaimsayin.


MN: And just what in the world does he mean by that?

PV: I dunno, but I'm lookin' forward to it, 'dis kid always excites me.

MN: He does? Why didn't you book him tonight then?

PV: 'Cause I knew he'd do somethin' like that and flip out. Flpping out = ratings, busta.

MSN: Yeah, I wouldn't count on that.


(Hell's Bouncer is developing better performance skills.)






[ And a-backstage we go to the "Traditionalist" himself, Eric Tyler. ]

Eric Tyler: So it looks like someone has quite the sense of humor. Let's pair up the Traditionalist...who we all know is the best damn wrestler to ever walk DAVE's dingy corridors... with some hardcore clown who's only skill is bashing a chair against some lifeless peon's skull. Was this supposed to be a trap? A set-up? Did you all think that you really had the Traditionalist down for the count? You outta' know better. I'm a 5-time Unified Champion for a reason here in DAVE. I don't need to swing a cane when I can swing a fist. I don't need to put handcuffs on some fella when I can tie his arms into a knot. I don't need to bash someone's head open with a chair when I can just as easily choke them out. Henry Lee... I'd like to see you try to set up a table after I break both of your arms in half like a couple of twigs. Maybe after I end the career of the "Hardcore Icon", the folks handling the book will realize that I should be headlining this show instead of facing mindless idiots like you.



(This segment lifted the crowd.)




Match #2

http://i31.tinypic.com/qosnt0.jpg -vs- http://i25.tinypic.com/2vx1w7r.jpg

Johnny Martin -vs- JD Morgan


These two DAVE vets have fought each other countless times, exchanging both victory and losses with each other. On the unfortuante side, they're also both known to be nearing the age of 40 and having countless nagging injuries. This match surelly will be a test to see which of the two might be about to tough it out longer. Immediately jocking for position, JD uses a strategy of picking apart his opponent. He gives several stiff kicks to Johnny's shoulders and attemmpts numerous hammerlocks and wristlocks off the top of the bat. Martin is by no means a techinical wiz in wrestling, but being a tough fighter, he's able to withstand the pain and get control of things. Martin begins to brawl with JD, giving him some stiff shots to the head, knocking the Brit down. Martin begins a ground and pound game. Using JD's strategy, Martin begins to stomp on JD's hands. If JD doesn't have his hands, his submissions won't be much of a problem. Eventually JD is able to trip Martin up and get back to his feet. However, it's evident damage has been down. Martin attempts to blindside JD to quickly capitalize, but JD rolls through and gets Martin by the back with a locked on sleeper hold that's very tight. Martin makes a fist that points out his middle-finger's knuckle and whammo, right to JD's hands. JD immediately lets go already having pain in his finger joints. While he nags his finger pain, Martin takes quick action to hit the Twist on the Rocks! JD is out and Martin pins! 1...2...3! This one is over!


Winner at 7:03


MN: Johnny Martin is no slouch, impressive win there. Usually brawlers are at a huge disadvantage against the technical wizards, but Martin fought out of that masterfully.

PV: I'll give 'da guy props, he still has it in him. But does he still have it in him to be a World Champ again? I don't think so.

MN: And how would you know this?

PV: It's plenty obvious, Mitchie. When you----uh, what's going on out here?

MN: What the hell is he doing out here?!


(Johnny Martin and JD Morgan don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match benefitted greatly from a hot crowd. Johnny Martin is improving in Performance skills.)






[ Kurt Laramee appears to be sprinting down the ring while Martin is celebrating on the turnbuckle. Laramee quickly gets behind Laramee, ducks his head under and lifts him into position....powerbomb off the top turnbuckle! The devastating force leaves Martin down and out in the center of the ring. Despite his unconsciousness, Laramee still takes off running - dashing to the back as if Martin is going to suddenly pop back up and get him. ]


MN: What the hell was that all about?!

PV: 'Ey, he said he was gonna' leave his mark on one of these hacks....and he did list Johnny as one of 'em.

MN: What ever happened to someone grabbing a microphone and challenging someone?








[ We cut to the backstage area once again where we see Nemesis. Nemesis is staring into the camera with an intimidating snarl before he speaks before us. ]


Nemesis: Y'know, whether you love me or you hate me, there's one thing you have to admit... aside from the Boss himself, I'm the only one here who cares about this god damned company. First of all, whoever is match-making back there needs a swift kick in the ass. I shouldn't have to fight for my right to get a title shot, especially against these two. In case you have all forgotten, I am the reason why the fans at home are watching this. 1997 was a long time ago, a helluva long time ago...but the moment I entered this company, it's been on nothing but the up. And as long as I stay in this company and I'm where I deserve to be - the very top of the mountain - this company will soon reach there too. Instead, we have some moron who is holding the Unified Title who doesn't care about DAVE. No, Bryan Holmes is too busy getting his ass kicked over in Japan to care about this title. And Chris Caulfield is the stooge who dropped this belt to him. Caulfield deserves nothing but pity, which he gets from these very fans. It's just too bad the people in charge around here sense that pity cheers mean that the man should get title shot after title shot. And Shawn Gonzalez....the "Lone Wolf"...the man who does nothing but sit in his lockeroom acting like the "loner" and the "offbeat" as opposed to everyone else. Another loser who needs pity to drive his engines. What kind of morons let these guys be the "building blocks" of the main event scene around here? It's people like him that make me sick. People like....




[ Vin Tanner casually walks by the interview area heading to his locker room. ]


Nemesis: People like you, Vin Tanner.

Vin Tanner: Me? What about people like me?

Nemesis: How long have you been here, Vin?

Vin Tanner: Around 10 years.

Nemesis: A full decade, eh? A full decade of what exactly? Have you spent that decade sitting on your ass?

VT: ....Huh?

Nemesis: You know Vin, I've been here since 1997. 8 years. You've been here for a full ten years. Please tell me why I've made 10x more headway than you in DAVE's competitive ranks. Please tell me why everyone tunes in when I'm on the channel and changes it when you're on it...as rare as that may be. Please tell me why I'm a multi-time Unified Champion while the most you've held was the Brass Knuckles title for a short time. Tanner, you do nothing. You're a bumbling, grizzled veteran who sits back here and complains about not being used. Instead of going up to the man and showing everyone you want to make a splash, you sit back here and wait for opportunities to come to you. You. Are. Pathetic. You're a wastrel. You don't belong here. You're almost a bigger waste of space than Bryan Holmes, and that's a tough feat to beat.

VT: Umm...

Nemesis: Surely I've scratched your tongue quite effectively. It's such a shame you can't even stand up for yourself. Tell me, Vin, tell me how it feels that when I retire I will be inducted into the Hall of Immortals. Tell me how it feels that when you retire, nobody will care. Most people will go "who?" and move on with their day. Who gives a rats ass about some blonde haired, handle-barred mustache fool who sat in the backstage area all day eating Doritos. You're a disgrace to this company, Vin. A complete and utter disgrace.


[ Nemesis slaps Vin Tanner across the face. Tanner holds his cheek, but restrains himself from hitting back. ]


Nemesis: And as I just slap the taste buds out of your mouth, all you can do is sit there. Your shocked out, bugged out eyes do not intimidate me. You look like a deer in the headlights. Hell, I bet my slap wasn't the cause of that. It was probably the camera. Afterall, when was the last time you saw one of these things anyway? I'm not wasting my time on wastrels like you anymore... I have a match to prepare for. That's right, a match. A high-profile match that includes me. Does that irk you, Vin? Does it piss you off that I'm in the main event and all you can do is watch? It sure would piss me off and let me tell you, I would stand up, be a man, and go straight to Vibert demanding that I get an opportunity. But you won't do that, you'll just sit back here wondering why the Pay-Per-Apperance checks aren't coming in. Anyway wastrel, I gotta jet. But seriously, please do us all a favor. Please go request your release to Vibert right now. Actually, no, no....actually why don't you come out after the main event is over and go request Vibert your release then. I could really use some entertainment and sideshow jesters for my celebration party after I'm determined the #1 contender. See you then, wastrel.


(This segment lifted the crowd.)




Match #3

http://i28.tinypic.com/2gujsow.jpg -vs- http://i32.tinypic.com/2rpp4c3.jpg

Eric Tyler -vs- Henry Lee


In the early goings of the match, Henry Lee seems to be a bit hurt. He's limping around on the outside before getting into the ring. Tyler looks overly confident as a simple leg trip and leg submission could probably end this due to Henry's weak skills in getting out of holds without a weapon or two. Lee finally rolls into the ring and Tyler dashes over, grabbing Lee by the leg and pulling him to the center of the ring. Tyler does a series of inside elbow drops and then starts to wrench the leg back. Lee reaches into his jeans where the pain is....or the "pain"? Looks like Henry was using a leg injury to cover something up....Henry Lee pulls a singapore cane out of his jeans leg! Tyler tries to release the hold and get away, but Lee is quick to the draw by whacking Tyler straight on the top of the head. Tyler goes down like a sack of potatoes. Lee continues the assault, whacking Tyler and the reaction from the crowd is getting louder and louder with each smack. Lee finally tosses the cane to the side and works on Tyler with his hands. He tries to lift him back up to his feet, but Tyler hits him with a legal low blow. Tyler attempts to roll him up, but Lee quickly recovers thanks to his steel balls. Tyler reaches for the dropped cane. He swings...and misses! Refere R.M. Stones has just been whacked off his feet and unconcious on the floor! Taking advantage of the woozied Tyler, Henry hits a quick Asylum Buster which would normally score him the win, but it's obvious R.M. ain't waking up anytime soon. Suddenly a figure slides into the ring...it's Acid, one of Eric's cronies from School of Tradition! Henry quickly retaliates by hitting a lariat on Acid that knocks him down immediately. However, that distraction has given time for Eric to roll out of the ring. Lee follows the Traditionalist out while Tyler acts as if he's hurt. As Lee gets onto the apron, Tyler does a quick handstand and wraps his legs around Lee, seemingly trying to pull him down to the floor. Lee, however, is much stronger than given credit for. The psychopath is able to brace all his weight down and pull Eric up onto the ring apron. He seems to have Eric in perfect position to powerbomb him off the apron, however Eric pokes Henry in the eyes and grabs hold onto the ropes to keep himself from forcing himself back down. With the two now on the apron, Eric puts his arm around Henry's head. He looks to have him in Russian Leg sweep position. He does the move, forcing his weight to the ropes. This, in turn, creates a slingshot effect which causes a front russian legsweep facebuster to the floor below! That's gotta hurt! Henry is busted wide open from that and Tyler is not in good shape either. After a few moments of crawling around, it seems as though R.M. Stones is just starting to get up. Tyler and Lee are also starting to rebound. Acid is back to Tyler's side and is helping back into the ring to prevent Lee from keeping him out. Acid gives Lee a kick to the midsection and pulls him back up. Acid throws him into the apron. Tyler reaches under and pulls Henry in by his arms. Tyler goes for the pin! 1...2....no! Henry has fight still left in him, despite the blood running down his face and onto the mat. Tyler lifts Henry back to his feet and gives him an irish whip into the corner. Tyler dashes over to the ropes and signals for something from Acid. Acid hands him a chair. Tyler charges towards Henry with the chair, however Henry kicks his foot up. Tyler avoids hitting himself in the face by letting the blow hit his leg. Tyler backs up a bit. Lee charges out of the corner and Tyler swings! Lee ducks and the chair misses completely. Tyler turns around and WHOMP! A big boot from Henry that collided his steel-toed boot with the chair to Tyler's head. Acid tries to intervene, but Lee hits him with the chair as well, knocking out cold onto the mats. Lee climbs up onto the top turnbuckle, a place he does not go often...clearly Lee wants to make 100% sure that the Traditionalist is out. Him on top of the ropes with that chair will surely do this. Lee places the chair on his chest and makes the leap. BLAM! Henry Lee's full body weight behind a steel chair to Tyler's chest! Lee stays down on top of Tyler while the ref counts the three. 1...2....3! It's over!


Winner at 11:32




(Henry Lee was visibly tiring toward the end. The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. The announcing quality lifted the match. This match benefitted greatly from a hot crowd.)






[ The match is long past over, but Lee is not done teaching the Traditionalist a lesson to never underestimate him. Henry Lee exits the ring and pulls a table out from under the ring. He slides it in, sets it up, and places Tyler on top of it. He takes the chair and places it on Tyler's face. Henry goes up onto the turnbuckle... ]

MN: Good God, this is going to hurt...

PV: What is 'da meaning of this?! What did 'da Traditionalist do ta' deserve this?

MN: I think Henry Lee is just taking the same advice you gave Lamaree....show the people who's boss and make a name for yourself.

PV: This is waaaay ova' 'da top though, Mitchie-Boy. Making a mark is one thing, this psychopath wants to end Tyler's career. Oh wait----oh thank God!

MN: Well whowouldathunkit, here comes Eric Tyler's cronies!



Acid recovers from the ringside as Guide & Scout run down to the ring. Acid slides into the ring and toss the chair off the table. Guide reaches in and pulls Tyler's arm while Scout pulls his legs. The School of Tradition want no part of Lee by simply just saving their mentor and getting him out of harms way. They leave to a chorus of boos as Henry Lee blankly stares at the now blank table. Lee looks disappointed at first, but a smile grows across his face. With that, he now stands up tall on the turnbuckle.


MN: What in the world...?


Without batting an eyelash, Henry soars from the turnbuckle and puts HIMSELF through the table!


MN: Jesus!

PV: And what in 'da hell was 'da point of that?

MN: Well hey, I guess someone had to go through the table...

PV: Aight', I'm now convinced. 'Dis guy is completely and utterly mentally unstable.


(The performance of Henry Lee looked good. Acid is improving at acting. Acid is learning to show more charisma. Acid is developing better performance skills.)



MN: Boss, main event time is here. Gonzalez, Caulfield, Nemesis - who is your pick?

PV: Well call me predictable, but I gotta' go with my man Nemesis. How can ya' bet against 'da guy? Everything he said before was 100% facts, my friend. He's been carrying this promotion on his back and tonight, I guarantee ya' he's gonna prove it.

Match #4: #1 Contendership for DAVE Unified Championship

http://i32.tinypic.com/2qnup0o.jpg -vs- http://i30.tinypic.com/jiywll.jpg -vs- http://i28.tinypic.com/zxp8k1.jpg

Chris Caulfield -vs- Shawn Gonzalez -vs- Nemesis


Starting off the match, all three men are in a respective corner trying to stare the other two down. Gonzalez and Caulfield make eye contact with each other and Caulfield nods his head over to Nemesis, indicating an alliance against the most hated man in the company. Nemesis sees the body launguage and charages to Caulfield. Pressing him against the turnbuckle, Nemesis unleashes with a series of knees and chops. Lone Wolf runs and hits an axe handle to Nemesis back. He pushes him into the ropes and hits a quick release german suplex, sending Nemesis down. Caulfield recovers and Gonzalez gets to work on him. The two exchange blows, but Caulfield get the momentum shift with a kick to Gonzalez midsection. DDT! Nemesis is back to his feet, groggy nonetheless. Caulfield doesn't notice and goes for the pin. 1..2..Gonzalez kicks out. But not before Nemesis comes crashing onto both of them with a splash off the rope rebound. Nemesis flashes back up to his feet and picks up Gonzalez by his hair. Nemesis practically toys with the Lone Wolf, hitting a combination of moves and taunting. Caulfield is taking a breather on the sidelines, but Nemesis seems to have sniffed him out and is over there stomping a hole into him. Caulfield, trying to defend himself, grabs hold to one of Nemesis legs and rolls. Nemesis trips over and right over near the ropes, tumbles over. Nemesis is able to stay in the ring, however, and racks Caulfields eyes for his effort. But BAM! Nemesis is gone crashing into the fan's barricade area from a running dropkick thanks to Gonzalez. Caulfield is back up to his feet and the two inside the ring begin to exchange blows. Gonzalez gets the momentum this time with a perfectly placed super kick to Caulfields chest, sending him backwards into the ropes. Caulfield lands in a seating position and Gonzalez runs over with a running basement dropkick. unfortuantely the force behind Gonzalez's running power sends him flying between the ropes and onto the outside, smacking his head onto the floor. All three men are now out and spread around different areas of the ringside area. Nemesis and Caulfield start to get to their feet first, but Nemesis stays on the outside and ducks to hide his cover. Gonzalez is now back to his feet and seems to be setting up a table near where he landed. Caulfield is getting ready to slingshot at Gonzalez, but Nemesis sneaks back into the ring and blindsides Caulfield from behind. He kicks him in the back of the legs and hits a back body drop into the corner. Nemesis quickly climbs up on top of Caulfield and lays in the corner punches. Gonzalez seems to be satisfied with his table and hops back into the ring. Gonzalex runs down the apron and gets onto the turnbuckle Nemesis is on. Nemesis attempts to punch Gonzalez off, but his focus off of Caulfield causes him to punch him straight in the face, dazing Nemesis. Shawn Gonzalez flips over and hits a sunset flip on Nemesis, who in turn hits a hurricarana on Caulfield due to the position he was in after the sucker punch! Crazy-insane move! Caulfield's body came crashing down right on top of Gonzalez's head, preventing him from following up with the sunset flip pin. Nemesis seems to have received the least amount of damage, simply just doing a somersault back to his feet. Seeing the two men are now groggy and weak, Nemesis once again toys with them by pulling their hair and slapping their faces. He does seem to be going for the kill however. He picks Caulfield up and dumps him to the outside of the ring. He picks Gonzalez up....powerbomb! Devastating impact, Gonzalez's head bounced off the mat. Nemesis, as ****y as can be, runs over to the turnbuckle and stretches his arms out. He declares himself the king of the world! But...




It's Vin Tanner! What is he doing out here? Well, perhaps it is obvious after Nemesis berated him backstage, but does Vin really have the balls to get involved in this all-important match? The fans are roaring with cheers and Nemesis, as ****y as ever right now, seems to think they're for him. He absorbs them and continuously says "thank you". He soon finds himself flipping off the turnbuckle and landing directly onto the table Gonzalez set up outside! Vin Tanner has just pushed Nemesis over the edge of the turnbuckle! Nemesis is out cold and it looks like he's just been taken out of this match!


PV: What in 'da hell is Tanner doin' out here? 'Dis match is none of his business, get 'da hell out!

MN: I believe Nemesis made this his business. Perhaps this'll teach him to bully people backstage thinking he owns the place!

With Nemesis now out of the equation, Gonzalez is now starting to reel back up to his feet. Caulfield is hanging up onto the apron. Gonzalez dashes over and hops up into the air. He wraps his legs around Caulfields head and pulls his body weight down, starting to choke Caulfield against the rope. Gonzalez tries to bring Caulfield to his feet, but he quickly one-ups Gonzalez by grabbing onto his head and pulling down, guillotining him against the ropes. Gonzalez staggers about as Caulfield slides a chair into the ring. He hurries into the ring and sets up for position...DANGER DROP ON THE CHAIR! Gonzalez is out cold, Caulfield exerted all his energy in doing that. After much effort, Caulfield is able to lay his arm over Gonzalez.






Winner at 10:48



MN: Chris Caulfield has done it! He's going to Christmas with the Devil to face off against the man he lost the title to - Bryan Holmes!

PV: This isn't right, Mitchie. Nemesis had that won had Tanner just minded his own business.

MN: On that same token, Nemesis should have minded his business backstage instead of picking fights with people. And in the sweetest sense of irony, the folks Nemesis accused of not standing up for themselves and making a move just made a huge move - costing him a shot at the World Title!

PV: Well I hope they're proud of themselves, all I know is that I do not want to be the roadie who has to wake Nemesis up from that table. This is not going to end well...[/color][/color]


(This match lifted the crowd. Chris Caulfield is improving in Rumble skills. Nemesis is improving in Performance skills.)






[ Caulfield finally raises up to his feet and the loyal fanbase begin to chant his name: Caul-field, Caul-field, Caul-field. Chris Caulfield pumps his fist into the air and climbs out into the crowd. He high fives the fans all the way up until the top where he turns and poses with a bunch of fans as the show comes to a close. ]



(This segment benefitted greatly from a hot crowd. This segment lifted the crowd.)


Quick Recap

Dark Match: McWades def. Matt Sparrow & Tatsukichi (C-)

Dark Match: Acid def. Sammy Back (B)

The New Wave def. The New Jersey Devils (C+)

Johnny Martin def. JD Morgan (C+)

Henry Lee def. Eric Tyler (B)

Chris Caulfield def. Nemesis & Shawn Gonzales (B+)


Overall Rating



This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


And increase it did. DAVE is now B- in South East USA!

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