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<p>I agree with all of FINisher's picks.</p><p> </p><p>

Donnie J vs <strong>Ultimate Pheonix</strong></p><p>

<strong>Plague</strong> vs Jackson Alexander</p><p>

Jacob Jett vs <strong>Shooter Sean Deeley</strong></p><p>

<strong>Mainstream Hernandez</strong> vs Marc Speed</p><p>

<strong>Snap Dragon</strong> vs Velocidad</p>

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CZCW Vendetta 2008

Live From The Snake Pit

Saturday February 23rd 2008


CZCW Commentary Team


Cliff Anderson & Adrian Garcia


Cliff Anderson: Welcome fans to CZCW Vendetta 2008! I'm Cliff Anderson alongside...

Adrian Garcia: Alongside the reason you all tuned in tonight, Adrian Garcia!

Cliff Anderson: I'm sure Adrian. Tonight, what an event we have for you as in our main event, Donnie J goes one-on-one with Ultimate Pheonix!

Adrian Garcia: Ultimate Pheonix had no business coming out here last month at Revolution interfereing in The Fly Boy's business, and now, he'll pay the price against Donnie J tonight!

Cliff Anderson: Plus, we'll have the official in-ring debut of Shooter Sean Deeley when he takes on another new comer in "The Amazing" Jacob Jett.

Adrian Garcia: Whether he thinks he's amazing, or not, he's still no Shooter.

Cliff Anderson: Those matches, and so much more for you tonight, so lets get things started with our first mat...


Donnie J Makes it Simple



Just as Cliff tries to finish his sentence, once again "Voodoo Child" is heard throughout the pit, which usually means that James Prudence is making his way to the ring, which make it even more sour when Donnie J stepped from behind the curtain. Sauntering his way down to the ring, he smirks at the fans as the unquestionable sound of the boo is yelled in his face. Jumping up onto the apron, he stands facing the crowd, and one by one begins to flip them off. Stepping into the ring, he grabs a mic, and heads to one of the corners. He stands on the second rope, and begins to speak.


Donnie J: You know, that last time I was here in this building, I had each, and everyone of you idiots fooled. I had you all believe that I was going to go against James Prudence, and stand up for the good of the world. I had you thinking that I'd be your hero, that there was no way I'd join forces with James Prudence ever again. And look what happened.


A chorus of boo's erupt from the crowd as Donnie J continues to smirk down at them, point a finger to his head, motioning at how much smarter he is then they are.


Donnie J: You see, I had a heart to heart with J P, and I realised something that for so long I'd forgotten. You people will never treat me with the respect that I deserve. I come out here, and I compete at my very best, and for some reason, I never ever receive the same respect as say... Matt Sparrow.


Matt Sparrow names recieves a pop, and the ever popular CZCW cheer begins to erupt. "SPARROW--SPARROW--SPARROW"


Donnie J: You see what I mean! Where were all the Donnie J chants, huh? Where was my fan following? And then you've got guys like Frankie Perez, and Remmy Skye, who are they to this company? Nobodies!


The fans pop for the tag champions for a moment, but then continue their boo's towards Donnie.


Donnie J: And then... You have Ultimate Pheonix... And Ultimate Pheonix stands for everything that is good about this company. And I hate Ultimate Pheonix. I hate that you cheer him so much, I hate that he always gets top billing when it comes to this company, and I hate that last month, at Revolution, he thought it would be a good idea to come out here and stick his nose into my business. so that's why tonight, I'm going to extinguish the fire that is Ultimate Pheonix, and once and for all, I'm going to get the respect that I deserve...


He drops the mic, and continues to stare out at the crowd, this time minus the smirk. He stands stareing as we see Cliff and Adrian once more.


Rating: D+


Adrian Garcia: I feel for you Donnie, I really do.

Cliff Anderson: What are you talking about? Donnie J was beloved by these fans, and he went ahead and turned his back on them.

Adrian Garcia: I think it was the other way around Cliff, just like Donnie said, and now he wants his respect!



Velocidad vs Snap Dragon


With everyone giving the edge to Snap Dragon in every aspect of this match-up, it wasn't looking good for the young Velocidad, but none the less he did manage quite a bit of offence in the early stages of this match, using his fast paced attack to set the tone. Unfortunately for him, Snap Dragon is just as quick, and has a lot more experience. And just as most everyone predicted, Snap Dragon picks up the win here, but Velocidad definately showed some promise in his second CZCW match.


Rating: E+


Cliff Anderson: What an opening contest here at Vendetta! Snap Dragon pulls off the win in a close one there.

Adrian Garcia: Close, what do you mean close? Were we watching the same match Cliff? Snap Dragon was in complete control from start to finish.

Cliff Anderson: I'm getting a little tired of this.


Bittersweet Inc. Look For Revenge & Get What?



Al Coleman: Before this show goes any further, I've got something to say.


Thinking we're getting to our next match, Al Coleman comes out and ruins the mood. He, and Insane Machine come out to the stage, and start making thier way to the ring while Al keeps up with his mouth.


Al Coleman: As far as I'm concerned, last month, we were robbed of the CZCW Tag Team Championship. We had that match in the palm of our hands, and then Pee-Wee Germaine, that over payed piece of crap, wasn't paying attention to who the legal man in ring was, and unfortunately, we "lost" the match.


The fans never been at a loss for words start up a brand new chant directed right at Al. "F-U COLEMAN--F-U COLEMAN--F-U COLEMAN--". Al parades around the ring, completely disguisted by the chant, and yells at the crowd.


Al Coleman: You shut your damn mouths! Listen to me!


Al continues to sound like a crying little girl, and Insane Machine stands in back looking all... Insane...


Al Coleman: I don't need to take this crap from you people! Farrah Hesketh... I want you to come out here right now, and give us a rematch!


Coleman stands waiting for Farrah to come out, and is completely surprised when "Generic Super Hero Music" begins to play, and Fox Mask along with Masked Cougar come from the back. The fans go crazy when Fox comes out, and begin to chant "FOX MASK--FOX MASK-- FOX MASK".




Fox Mask: You want to know what I want? I want you to drop that microphone, and stop your whining Coleman. I'm done with this.

Al Coleman: This has nothing to do with you Fox!

Fox Mask: Oh, but it does Coleman! You see, we... Are good! And you... Are evil! And when evil rears it's ugly head, we get the call, because we are The Flying FUR Contingency Plan!!!


The fans erupt into riot at the forming of this new Super Duo! Fox Mask, and Masked Cougar hit the ring, and it looks like an impromtu tag team match is under way.


Rating: D-


Adrian Garcia: The Flying what now?

Cliff Anderson: The Flying FUR Contingency Plan! Say hello to the Super Heros of CZCW!

Adrian Garcia: That has to be the most homosexual thing I've ever heard...

Cliff Anderson: Wha!!! Adrian, come on now!

Adrian Garcia: It is what it is, Cliff. It is what it is.



Bittersweet Inc. vs The FFCP


The arrival of the FFCP has brought the fans right into the show, and has given them new life. Al Coleman decides it best if he doesn't start the match, and makes a point of making sure Insane Machine starts for Bittersweet Inc. With Cougar, and Machine starting the match, it was as classic as an evil vs good comic book revival. With the villans in control from the bell, Machine works over Cougar, leaving little room for a breather. And after a quick exchange, it's a race to the corners for both men, with Cougar taging in Fox, and Coleman pretending to have something in his eye, leaving his partner high and dry. Fox takes control, going straight for Machine, and looking to pick up the win. With Coleman down, Fox hits the top rope. while up top however, Coleman magically heals, and hits Fox with a lowblow, sending him crashing to the mat. He tags himself in on the back of Machine, and pins, while grabbing firm hold of his tights for the three count.


Rating: D-


Cliff Anderson: Talk about stealing a win, Al Coleman just stole this one.

Adrian Garcia: Turnabout is fair play Cliff!

Cliff Anderson: And look at this now, the assault continues...


To The Aid of The Fox




Coleman, and Machine first take Cougar out of the picture, and turn their attention to Fox Mask. And just when it looked like Fox Mask would fall to the "evil" of Bittersweet Inc., Perez and Skye hit the ring, clearing both Machine, and Coleman in the process. The fans pop as the champs stand in the ring, looking off Bittersweet Inc. They then help Fox Mask back to his feet, and Masked Cougar re-enters the ring. All four men raise their arms, and exchange hands with the fans as they walk up the exit.


Rating: E-


Cliff Anderson: This won't be the last time we see these three teams together in the ring.

Adrian Garcia: your probably right, and the next time we do see them in the ring, it'll probably be because Bittersweet Inc are the new tag team champions!



Mainstream Hernandez vs Marc Speed


A match where both competitors have a claim at being next to challange for the CZCW Xtreme Championship, Marc Speed used his countering ability once again to try and stave off Hernandez. It worked to success for a long portion of the match, with Speed in control using a number of percise holds to wear down Hernandez, in turn setting it up for the kill. It would be one key mistake on Speed's part that would allow Hernandez to take over, using his speed to take it home after a quick roll up couldn't be answered.


Rating: D-


Cliff Anderson: Mainstream Hernandez is on a bit of a streak here since coming to CZCW.

Adrian Garcia: Maybe so, but I heard that Marc Speed wasn't prepard for this event tonight because his goldfish passed away earlier this week, and yet you still made him compete, you monster.

Cliff Anderson: Goldfish? Give me a break.



Jacob Jett vs Shooter Sean Deeley


To call this one sided would be a definate understatement as Jett was completely out matched in this one. Deeley would take this kid apart, and make short work of him, having an answer for everything Jett would try and dish out. Deeley would finally put it in the books with a Rear Naked Choke. Following the tap, Deeley refused to let go of the hold. With the referee trying to force Deeley to release, it would be the run in of Mikey James that would cause Deeley to let go, and head for higher ground.


Rating: C-


Adrian Garcia: You see Cliff, you see what I mean. Shooter Sean Deeley is the future of CZCW. He just took Jacob Jett apart, and then when Mikey James treis to sneak in, he shows his intelligence.

Cliff Anderson: Or that he wants nothing to do with Mikey James!

Adrian Garcia: No... I'll go with my scenario.


Triple Threat Tag Team Action Next Month



"All About The Benjamins" begins the blare over the sound system, and the HoER of CZCW makes her way out to the arena. Farrah Hesketh stands at the top of the ramp, microphone in hand, and waits to speak.


Farrah Hesketh: Hows everybody doing tonight!


Cheap pop from the crowd. Followed by a "CZCW--CZCW--CZCW" chant.


Farrah Hesketh: I'm happy to hear it, but now to business. I came out here to address a certain situation involving the CZCW Tag Team Championship. Given tonights event's, and given that Bittersweet Inc did manage to be victorious in their match with the FFCP, however the means, at Uprising Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye will be defending their Championship against Bittersweet Inc...


The crowd boo's, and yet again start up their new favourite chant "F-U COLEMAN--F-U COLEMAN--F-U COLEMAN".


Farrah Hesketh: Wait, wait, hold on, because theres more. Not only will it be Bittersweet Inc vs Skye & Perez, but it will also feature Fox Mask, and Masked Cougar, the FFCP!


The fans approve of that announcement, and show it by chanting for both the FFCP, and Perez & Skye as Farrah heads to the back.


Rating: E-


Adrian Garcia: Now what the hell is that about! This is basically a 4-on-2 situation.

Cliff Anderson: As far as I'm concerned, she made a great call!

Adrian Garcia: It's just like you to favour a HoER...

Cliff Anderson: Adrian... You pushing it.



Jackson Alexander vs Plague


Nobody knew what to think of CZCW's luckiest fan stepping into the ring with Plague, but they never expected this. Plague absolutely destroyed this young man. He toyed with him, getting a near fall, most of the time on purpose by lifting the kids shoulders up off the mat. When this beating made it's way to the floor, and the fans witnessed just how bad this kid had been beaten up, they realised that cheering for Plague may not have been the best thing to do. Plague would continue the beating, not caring that Pee-Wee would eventually count out both men, calling the match a draw. It seemed like Plague had done what he came here to do.


Rating: C


Cliff Anderson: What a sick, twisted individual!

Adrian Garcia: That's what happens.. When uh... when you step into the ring with Plague.

Cliff Anderson: Even you can't agree with that Garcia.


The James Prudence Spectacular



Why James Prudence needed a video to promote himself is beyond this reporter, but never the less, he had one made, almost like a PSA for Prudence! Either way, James Prudence strikes again!


Rating: D-



Donnie J vs Ultimate Pheonix

Given what led up to this match, it sure didn't disapoint. Donnie J played the perfect villain, picking a part of Pheonix, and grinding it out setting up Pheonix for what looked like the couragous comeback, and win. The comeback did definately happen, but it was James Prudence making his way to ring side with a steel chair in hand that would cause Pheonix to turn his attention away from Donnie, and onto Prudence. Donnie J would take advantage of the distraction, quicking rolling up Pheonix for the three count!


Rating: D+


Adrian Garcia: Donnie J pins Ultimate Pheonix! How'd you like that Cliff! Donnie J is victorious!

Cliff Anderson: With a big help from James Prudence!

Adrian Garcia: What do you mean, J P didn't do a damn thing! Woo, party in the Fly Boy's camp tonight!



Overall Rating: D+

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Just wanted to thanks everyone again for their feedback, and praises. It's been really helpful, plus i wanted to tahnk everyone who contributed in making the C-Verse Alts for pretty much everyone in my dynasty. Hope you all keep reading.


Event Predictions

BHK1978: 3/5

FINisher: 3/5


Overall Leaders

BHK1978: 6/9

FINisher: 3/5

Hyde Hill: 3/4


Question, I was just wondering how close I am in terms of C-Verse Characters, cause I'm new to the C-Verse, and am not sure if I'm staying true to the consensus, or even if that's a good idea.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24113" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Question, I was just wondering how close I am in terms of C-Verse Characters, cause I'm new to the C-Verse, and am not sure if I'm staying true to the consensus, or even if that's a good idea.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That is the glory about what you are doing, it is your diary therefore you do not have to adhere to what others think. I think you have done a good job so far so just keep doing what your doing.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24113" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That is the glory about what you are doing, it is your diary therefore you do not have to adhere to what others think. I think you have done a good job so far so just keep doing what your doing.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks man, I was just asking because I don't want to turn anyone off by going to a complete extreme opposite of what they'd be used to seeing out of some characters.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24113" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thanks man, I was just asking because I don't want to turn anyone off by going to a complete extreme opposite of what they'd be used to seeing out of some characters.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah I hear what you are saying, I guess you have to keep the characters somewhat grounded in reality (even though this is a fake world) but you can change them over time. I think that it is only natural to evolve the characters over time.</p><p> </p><p> And I think that you are all right as long as you do not hire Land Mass and Giant Redwood and have them go on long title runs you should be all set.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24113" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yeah I hear what you are saying, I guess you have to keep the characters somewhat grounded in reality (even though this is a fake world) but you can change them over time. I think that it is only natural to evolve the characters over time.<p> </p><p> And I think that you are all right as long as you do not hire Land Mass and Giant Redwood and have them go on long title runs you should be all set.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Definately not in the game plan. lol</p>
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<p>Enjoyed reading that show. It was well laid out - focusing mainly on the in-ring action whilst developing some stories. And the commentary duo remind me a little bit of Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan in their back and forth. </p><p> </p><p>

And don't worry about the characters - with only one or two exceptions (i.e. Jim Force!), there aren't many C-verse characters that people would 'expect' to see keeping a similar character trait from diary to diary. They are simply what you make them.</p><p> </p><p>


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/qfreshpro/FTW%20TEW%20Diary/CZCW%20Diary%20Album/CZCW-1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Another great event in the book's, and even an appearance by yours truly, although it wasn't the best outing in my defense. Cliff was happy, the fans were happy, and yet, I didn't think it was the best we could've done. Look at me, talking like I know what this all is about. Like I'm a seasoned verteran when it comes to the challange of booking an event. This was only my second show, and in retrospect, I'm still just shadowing Cliff, I'm not even the "Booker" as it were. the next couple of days I'd have off, rest up from my "match", and then it was back to the drawing board for Uprising.</p><p> </p><p> When I entered Cliff's office today, I noticed two things. One, he'd thrown out the plant that was in the corner, and two, he didn't have a huge smile on his face. A smirk, yes, but a smile, non existant.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:Blue">"Come in Jackson, we've got things to talk about."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> I wasn't entirely sure what he meant, but the first thought that entered my mind was that I was a bad idea, and it was time to cut me loose.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:blue">"I had the chance to have a look at the attendence, and did you notice that we dropped?"</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:teal">"No. I didn't notice."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> I really didn't, I barely noticed that I was being paid.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:blue">"It did, and that really bothers me. It's not your fault, but as part of my booking team, I thought you should know. I want you to think about what we would need to do to get attendence back up."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> I wasn't sure where to go. The he told me.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:blue">"We need to showcase James on this show. It brought up the interest from the fans. He came out during the main event, the fans started to pay further attention. That's part of the answer, but we need something else."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> We sat in silence for what felt like an hour, but was really only a minute and a half when I popped up like a three year old out of bed on christmas morning.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:Teal">"I've got it!"</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24113" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/qfreshpro/FTW%20TEW%20Diary/CZCW%20Diary%20Album/EWR_net2.jpg</span><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="color:DarkSlateGray">CZCW Announce The Line-Up For Uprising</span></span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> Breaking news out of the <strong>CZCW </strong>camp today as they have announced the card for thier upcoming Uprising 2008 show that as usual will be held at The Snake Pit, and shown worldwide on <span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="color:Blue">CZCW.com</span></span> With this card, Cliff Anderson has stated that it will be the biggest in CZCW history, and after having a first look, he may be right.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/qfreshpro/FTW%20TEW%20Diary/CZCW%20Diary%20Album/czcwuprising.jpg</span><p> <span style="font-size:14px"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Main Event</span></strong></span></p><p> <span>http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/qfreshpro/FTW%20TEW%20Diary/CZCW%20Diary%20Album/ultimatepheonix.jpg</span><span>http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/qfreshpro/FTW%20TEW%20Diary/CZCW%20Diary%20Album/mattsparrow.jpg</span><span>http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/qfreshpro/FTW%20TEW%20Diary/CZCW%20Diary%20Album/vs.jpg</span><span>http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/qfreshpro/FTW%20TEW%20Diary/CZCW%20Diary%20Album/jamesprudence.jpg</span><span>http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/qfreshpro/FTW%20TEW%20Diary/CZCW%20Diary%20Album/donniej.jpg</span></p><p> Ultimate Pheonix & Matt Sparrow vs James Prudence & Donnie J</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-size:14px">CZCW Tag Team Championship</span></span></strong></p><p> <span>http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/qfreshpro/FTW%20TEW%20Diary/CZCW%20Diary%20Album/CZCW_Tag.jpg</span><span>http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/qfreshpro/FTW%20TEW%20Diary/CZCW%20Diary%20Album/CZCW_Tag.jpg</span></p><p> <span>http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/qfreshpro/FTW%20TEW%20Diary/CZCW%20Diary%20Album/frankieperez.jpg</span><span>http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/qfreshpro/FTW%20TEW%20Diary/CZCW%20Diary%20Album/remmyskye.jpg</span><span>http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/qfreshpro/FTW%20TEW%20Diary/CZCW%20Diary%20Album/vs.jpg</span><span>http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/qfreshpro/FTW%20TEW%20Diary/CZCW%20Diary%20Album/alcoleman.jpg</span><span>http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/qfreshpro/FTW%20TEW%20Diary/CZCW%20Diary%20Album/insanemachine.jpg</span><span>http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/qfreshpro/FTW%20TEW%20Diary/CZCW%20Diary%20Album/vs.jpg</span><span>http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/qfreshpro/FTW%20TEW%20Diary/CZCW%20Diary%20Album/foxmask.jpg</span><span>http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/qfreshpro/FTW%20TEW%20Diary/CZCW%20Diary%20Album/maskedcougar.jpg</span></p><p> Frankie Perez & Remmy Skye© vs Bittersweet Inc. vs The Flying FUR Contingency Plan</p><p> </p><p> <em>Also</em></p><p> Mikey James vs Shooter Sean Deeley</p><p> Snap Dragon & Marc Speed vs Mainstream Hernandez & Velocidad</p><p> Jacob Jett vs Zeus Maxmillion</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote>
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<p><strong>Ultimate Pheonix & Matt Sparrow</strong> vs James Prudence & Donnie J</p><p> </p><p>

No real reason I just like Matt Sparrow and Ultimate Phoenix better.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Frankie Perez & Remmy Skye</strong>© vs Bittersweet Inc. vs The Flying FUR Contingency Plan</p><p> </p><p>

I see the champions retain unless one of them has been signed away from you. By the way I forgot to say that I love the Flying Fur Contingency Plan's name. I always pair them up in my CZCW game.</p><p> </p><p>

Mikey James vs <strong>Shooter Sean Deeley</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Not going to lie SSD is one of my favorite characters in the game so I have to go with him.</p><p> </p><p>

Snap Dragon & Marc Speed vs <strong>Mainstream Hernandez & Velocidad</strong></p><p> </p><p>

As much as I like Marc Speed, I can not see him and Snap Dragon getting the win here.</p><p> </p><p>

Jacob Jett vs <strong>Zeus Maxmillion</strong></p>

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<p>Ultimate Pheonix & Matt Sparrow vs <strong>James Prudence & Donnie J</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Frankie Perez & Remmy Skye© vs <strong>Bittersweet Inc.</strong> vs The Flying FUR Contingency Plan</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Mikey James vs <strong>Shooter Sean Deeley</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Snap Dragon & Marc Speed</strong> vs Mainstream Hernandez & Velocidad</p><p> </p><p>

Why not Plague with Dragon as they have experience?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jacob Jett</strong> vs Zeus Maxmillion</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hyde Hill" data-cite="Hyde Hill" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24113" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Why not Plague with Dragon as they have experience?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Because Plague is tied up in his own storyline at the moment, which is also the case for Snap Dragon.</p>
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"What the hell Cliff, why haven't I been used dude?"


It was a regular sunday afternoon sitting in Cliff's office going over the finances for last month, looking at what we can change in order to make a profit, maybe decrease some spending here, add a little revenue there, when all of a sudden, the his office door swings open, and Flying Jimmy Foxx storms in fuming.


"I thought I meant something here Cliff, that's why you put the title on me, because I was a draw for your company. I was someone that people paid to see, isn't that what you said during our last contract meeting? So what is this s*it not being booked on now a third show in a row?"


I hadn't been keeping count, but now that he mentioned it, he had been left out for some time. I guess that is partially my fault, considering I've never really been a fan of Jimmy in the first place, so I paid him no mind when putting together a show with Cliff. But why Cliff wouldn't be thinking of him is the mystery here.


"Jimmy, Jimmy... Have I ever done you wrong? Have I? Don't I always have whats best for you in my head, thinking of what I can do to make you look good. That's why you have the title Jimmy, because lets face it, your not as good as you think you are..."


"What the f*ck is that supposed to mean!"


"You know what it means Jimmy. Because if you were have as good as you think you are, you wouldn't come in here asking why you haven't been used, you'd be coming in here telling me about all the offers you've received, and that your going to take one."


I couldn't believe it. Cliff was really running him down. I'd never seen this side of him before, the business side, and honestly, I didn't think I'd be able to do what he's doing right now.


"You don't think I have offers?"


"Do you have offers Jimmy? Because if you do, don't let me stop you from making the biggest mistake of your career, and taking one of those offers. You go right ahead, and work for somebody who uses you specifically as a means to make money, and not to further your career. Because that's what I do Jimmy, I like you, I care about you, and I want you to succeed."


Talk about a complete 180.


"You have the skills to go very far in this industry, and with me, I mean... With us, you'll experience that potential."


Us... He said us like he was including me in this conversation. Nice gesture, but I'm sure I have no place here.


"So then what the f*ck Cliff, why aren't I booked?"


"It's like I said Jimmy, have I ever done you wrong? I've got my plans for you, and I've already put them into action. Don't worry, if anything, you should be taking advantage of this time off. Get in the gym, work on a few things that you and I both know could use a tune up. And when the time is right, and these people have missed you enough, that's when you'll be back."


I wasn't sure what Jimmy was going to say next, and when he said nothing, and just left the office, the tension levels automatically lowered. It felt tlike the heat had been jacked up for the five minutes he was here, and now everything was starting to simmer.


"You see what I did there Jackson? That's what I was telling you about. Jimmy wanted to come in here making demands, and what he got was a slice of reality pie. He doesn't have any offers, and now that I pointed that out, his ego just shot down a few pegs. You've got to keep them in check, cause if you don't, they'll take over, and you've got nothing."


They'll take over, and you've got nothing. The words rang through my head over, and over again. I didn't know it then, but it would ceretainly ring true in a shorter time then I'd imagine.

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  • 5 weeks later...


CZCW Uprising 2008

Live From The Snake Pit

Saturday March 22nd, 2008


CZCW Commentary Team


Cliff Anderson & Adrian Garcia


Cliff Anderson: Hello fans, and welcome once again to another CZCW live event, this is Uprising!

Adrian Garcia: Your damn right it's an uprising, Cliff, and if our HoER decides to come out here tonight, I may have an uprising in my pants...

Cliff Anderson: Way to start it off with some class Adrian.

Adrian Garcia: I'm just saying, she's a delightful little creature.

Cliff Anderson: Our main event tonight should be one for the ages when Ultimate Phoenix and Matt Sparrow join forces to combat Donnie J, and the CZCW Coastal Zone Champion, James Prudence.

Adrian Garcia: Lets rack one up in the win column for The Flyboy's right now, cause Sparrow, and Phoenix don't stand a chance.

Cliff Anderson: That one a little later on, but right now, it's going to be Jacob Jett coming off of his match with Shooter Sean Deeley taking on the debuting Zeus Maxmillion.

Adrian Garcia: And if I'm right, which I know I always am, Zeus will walk away victorious here tonight.



Zeus Maxmillion vs Jacob Jett


Power vs speed was the initial tone to this contest between these two athletes, with speed gaining somewhat of an upper hand in the early stages of the match. Jett continued to use his quickness to try and get the better of the stronger Maxmillion, who would slow the pace down with a huge running lariat that would catch Jett off guard. With Zeus in control, and a barrage of powerful strikes wearing down Jett, it would be the speed that comes into play once more, with Jett using a quick roll-up, on an unaware Maxmillion to pick up the victory.


Rating: C-


Cliff Anderson: Jacob Jett able to bounce back from what looked like an open and shut affair for Maxmillion.

Adrian Garcia: Didn't you see it Cliff?

Cliff Anderson: See what?

Adrian Garcia: The handful of tights that Jett used to steal this match from Zeus!

Cliff Anderson: What handful of tights?

Adrian Garcia: If you didn't see it, then your just as blind as that terrible excuse for a referee Pee-Wee Germaine. Zeus has been robbed!


The Flyboy's Back Together



The "classic" Simple Minds song, "Don't You Forget About Me", begins to hammer over the P.A, and none other then the CZCW Coastal Zone Champion, James Prudence steps from behind the entrance curtain. And if that wasn't enough, Donnie J was right behind him. The crowd begin their jeering towards the two as they make their way to the ring, either for the fact that they generally dislike the tandem, or their questionable choice of entrance music. Both men slide in the ring, grab a microphone each, and wait for the opportunity to speak between boo's.


James Prudence: You know, the more I come out here, the more I have to face this crowd, the more I realize that I've made a mistake. A mistake that may cost me the opportunity to do great things in this industry, to become somebody in this game that I play so very well. And what did I do, I turned it down in favor of staying true to my word to a certain somebody. And coming out here just proves how much it just wasn't worth it.


In between screaming obscenities, and directing certain fingers in Prudences direction, Donnie J finds a spot to open his mouth.


Donnie J: You people make me sick.


Short... Sweet... And almost pointless to say. Donnie J's style.


Donnie J: I don't think my eyes have ever been as open as they are at this moment, watching how your treating the CZCW Coastal Zone Champion, a man who has dedicated his life to entertaining you poeple, and for what? This. It's ridiculous.


The crowd keeps up with the chatter, making it clear that their disdain for Donnie J is as strong as ever as Prudence begins to speak once again.


James Prudence: Tonight, we have been forced to compete against two guys who don't deserve to stand in the same ring as us. Matt Sparrow...


As with every mention of his name, the crowd starts up the "SPARROW--SPARROW--SPARROW" chant in unison, much to the dismay of Donnie J.


James Prudence: ...And Ultimate Phoenix...


That garners an even louder response from the fans, which again sends Donnie J into a frenzy.


James Prudence: And just like we've done in the past, we're going to together, beat down, and destroy both of those men, and when all is said, and down, and our hands are raised in victory, you'll never, ever, forget... about The Flyboys!


The terrible music starts up again, and The Flyboy's exit the ring. They make their way up the ramp, doing everything they can to not be man handled by the hostile crowd surrounding them.

Rating: C-


Adrian Garcia: I think the respect I have for The Flyboy's has just grown ten fold. To think, they could have left, but chose to stay with this fledgling promotion.

Cliff Anderson: If they want to leave, there's the door, and the same goes for you as well Garcia!

Adrian Garcia: You want we to leave... Cause I will, I'll do it... You just keep giving me a reason, and I'm out the door.

Cliff Anderson: Don't let it hit you where the good lord split you!


Snap Dragon & Marc Speed vs Velocidad & Mainstream Hernandez


This match would set the tone for the Xtreme Title Division as we know it with all the competitors looking for a shot at the title. Speed and Velocidad start off this fast paced bout with Speed using his counter wrestling ability to keep Velocidad grounded. Cutting the ring in half, both Dragon, and Speed begin to take apart the younger, less experienced Velocidad. After a few referee erors much to the shegrin of Adrian Garcia, Mainstream Hernandez is constantly stopped from entering the ring after a number of legal tags go unnoticed by Pee-Wee. Velocidad would finally muster up enough offense to break for the opportunity to make the tag. The race is on, and it looks like Speed is going to make the tag giving Dragon to chance to stop Velocidad. Speed makes the tag... And so does Velocidad, giving Hernandez the chance to go crazy all over his opponents. Hernandez singles out Speed long enough for Velocidad to hit the top rope, and nail a frog splash onto Dragon for the three count.


Rating: E+


Adrian Garcia: Who was the legal man there Cliff, can you tell me? Cause I don't think Pee-Wee knows himself!

Cliff Anderson: Always with the excuses, don't you ever admit when your wrong?

Adrian Garcia: I would Cliff, if I was ever wrong, this is an injustice that shouldn't go over looked!


Kristen Pearce Does the Talking, Shooter Does the Rest



Kristen Pearce: Excuse me! Can I have the attention of the class!


The loud, grainy voice of Kristen Pearce can be heard even before she steps from behind the curtain. when she does, it's not long before both Shooter Sean Deeley, and Zeus Maxmilion also rear their ugly heads.


Kristen Pearce: I have an announcement to make to all the quote... Wrestlers... unquote who think that they are in the same league as both Sean Deeley, and Zeus Maxmillion! The time has come for order to be brought to CZCW, and we are going to be the ones who bring it. We are the future of not only the CZCW, but the wrestling world. Sure, Jacob Jett may think he's gotten one over on Mr. Maxmillion, but let me assure you this, last month, when he stood face to face with Sean Deeley, it was nothing short of an execution, which is exactly what is going to happen tonight when Sean Deeley steps into the ring with Mikey James!


The crowd have managed to come up with yet another resounding cheer for one of CZCW's faithful, and begin yelling it with conviction towards Kristen Pearce..."MIKEY LIKES IT--MIKEY LIKES IT--MIKEY LIKES IT"...


Kristen Pearce: How un-uniquely clever of you, referencing a terrible commercial from an era that's soon to be forgotten. Just like your Mikey James...


The crowd continues to boo, and bring out yet another classy chant..."SLUT--SLUT--SLUT--SLUT--SLUT"... All Kristen can do is turn and walk back through the curtains from which she came.


Rating: E+


Adrian Garcia: That is completely uncalled for, and a total lack of respect from this trash bin you call a fan base Anderson.

Cliff Anderson: Maybe they're just like you Adrian, calling it as they see it.

Adrian Garcia: I bet you think that was funny, don't you?


CZCW Tag Team Championship



Perez & Skye vs Bittersweet Inc. vs The Flying FUR Contingency Plan


One of the more talked about matches of the night feature three teams all looking to not only make a name for themselves, but also become, or remain tag team champions. Remmy Skye started off the match with Masked Cougar in an effort to show mutial repest between the two teams, something that would be non-existent with Bittersweet Inc. Both men go back and forth, exchanging high impact move, for high impact move, and when it looked as though Cougar was going in for the kill, Al Coleman decided it best to tag himself into the match, and try to steal the titles. Skye was able to avert his attack. After many exchanges in momentum that would see this match near fall to many times to count, it would be Frankie Perez, and the P-Clutch that sealed the deal, forcing Al Coleman to tap out.


Rating: D-


Cliff Anderson: What a match between these three teams! They have just set the bar on tag team wrestling here in CZCW!

Adrian Garcia: Your absolutely right!

Cliff Anderson: I am...

Adrian Garcia: Yes, Bittersweet Inc should definately have won this match up, and Pee-Wee Germaine needs to find a new source of income cause after all these terrible calls he's making, he doesn't deserve to wear the shirt of a referee.

Cliff Anderson: I didn't say any of those things.

Adrian Garcia: Doesn't matter, I barely listen to you anyways.



Mikey James vs Shooter Sean Deeley


A technically sound battle from bell to bell, James had an answer to everything the superior Deeley had to offer. At times looking superior himself, James would hold control over Deeley for the entire course of the match, leaving both Deeley, and Pearce at ringside in a complete stupor. So much so, that Pearce would use her methods of distraction to allow Zeus Maxmillion to sneak up behind James, and taking him out of the match. Deeley would then pick up an easy three count for the win.


Rating: C-


Cliff Anderson: when someone like Sean Deeley needs help to beat you, you know you've had his number!

Adrian Garcia: what are you talking about Anderson, all Zeus was doing was trying to save James from that menace bee that was about to sting him...

Cliff Anderson: Is the excuse mill really that dry? And look at this now, what do you call this?

Adrian Garcia: I call it taking advantage of the situation.


Jett Stops The Assault



With James incapacitated, both Deeley, and Maxmillion look to strike on their downed prey. Within seconds however, Jacob Jett hits the ring, clearing it of both men, and standing guard over the defenseless James.


Rating: E


Cliff Anderson: Thank god for Jacob Jett. He might have just saved Mikey James from a hospital visit.

Adrian Garcia: The hospital visit is already reality, what he saved him from was a visit to the morgue. And just what does he think he's accomplished here?

Cliff Anderson: It definitely didn't look like they wanted anything to do with him.

Adrian Garcia: And it definitely looks like your not getting laid tonight either.


Alexander In Training



When you think of the ultimate training montage, you think of every single Rocky film in existence. That is exactaly what this was, and it really hit home with the fans, complete with "Eye of the Tiger" in the background. Whether they decided to take it as a joke is anybody's guess, but it did get a good response. At the end of the video, five words scroll across the screen almost in essence of a microsoft movie maker title screen...




Rating: D+


Plague Laugh's Off Alexander


Standing in front of a CZCW backdrop, Plague looks dead into the camera following Jackson's training montage, and begins to speak.


Plague: Did you enjoy that? Did you find it to be inspirational? Do you know want to become a professional wrestler? If you've said yes to any of these three questions, then allow me to give to you my version of a reality check. Actually, let me show you what a reality check is...


It cuts to a video of Plague beating down Jackson Alexander at Vendetta, and leaving him flattened in the center of the ring.


Plague: That's what happens when nobodies step into my ring. I beat them to within an inch of their life. So I ask again, do you want to be a professional wrestler? And this time when you answer, take into consideration that fact that the next time I see Jackson Alexander, the Random Fan as he's been referred to, I'm going to finish what I started, and put an end to his misery... Jackson Alexander... I'm coming... For you...


Plague just stares into the camera as the scene cuts back to ringside.


Rating: D


Adrian Garcia: I'm thinking your boy there better stop making movies, and stay as far away from Plague as humanly possible.

Cliff Anderson: Never the less, up next, our main event of the evening.

Adrian Garcia: It's about damn time, Flyboy's victory party, here I come!



Matt Sparrow & Ultimate Phoenix vs James Prudence & Donnie J


The build up to this match, what with the reunion of The Flyboy's, and the inclusion of two of the top CZCW stars on the other side of the ring, made for whats being called a classic tag team collision course that saw it's fair share of up's, and downs. Sparrow started it off with Donnie J, but the real anticipation was on the eventual meeting of Prudence, and Phoenix. But for the most part, Prudence tried to keep his distance from Phoenix, choosing rather to pick apart Sparrow with the help of Donnie J, and whenever one of The Flyboy's ran into a bit of trouble, the other would be there to keep control in their favor.


After what seemed like eons of punishment towards Sparrow, he'd finally find a way to make the tag to Phoenix who rushed in like a mad man, taking out Donnie J withotu so much as a broken sweat gland. It would then be Ultimate Phoenix standing across the ring from the champion, and the crowd chanting for the two to finally meet. Going back, and forth, both men battled it out much to the delight of the fans. But when Donnie J got involved once again, backfiring, and hitting his partner rather then Phoenix, James Prudence for the first time in a long time would have his shoulders pinned to the mat making Ultimate Phoenix, and Matt Sparrow victorious.


Rating: D


Cliff Anderson: Ultimate Phoenix has just pinned the CZCW Coastal Zone Champion!

Adrian Garcia: Handful of tights... Feet on the ropes... Low blow...

Cliff Anderson: It was none of those things, and you know it! Ultimate Phoenix has pinned James Prudence!!! What a match, and what a night!

Adrian Garcia: This is an absolute travesty...


Overall Rating: D

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"Do I have some news for you my boy!"


Cliff looked as though his number's in the power ball had just come through, smile from ear to ear. He was sitting behind his desk, as per the usual, holding two file folders, one red, one blue.


"First things first, not only is our attendance back up, but we've also managed to once again bring in a profit, so kudos to you on that sir."


He didn't say how much profit, which was what I really wanted to know. There's a big difference between a profit of $157.92, and $157,000.92. I'm thinking that is was somewhere in between.


"Second, and I know that this is part of your job now, but I just had to go through with it. We've snatched up another guy!"




Being able to get a word in was kinda rewarding given what Cliff had for me inside of the blue folder. When I flipped it open, I realized why Cliff was so excited. He'd even mapped out a way for him to come in that would start him off with huge momentum. I couldn't wait to see what this guy could do.


"I know right! And he's a great guy to work with, he's fits the style we're looking to put out there. When I thought about it, there just wasn't a downside to this."


Cliff was right... I guess... Cause I was still as green as I could possibly be when it came to these kinds of decisions. I'd also seen that Cliff had been a busy man, resigning Matt Sparrow, and Snap Dragon. I was happy to see that, cause losing either of those two guys wouldn't have been a positive thing.


"Yeah, I brought back both Sparrow, and Dragon, I figured we could still use them."


There's Cliff again, doing his business first, friends later routine. I knew just as much as he did that those two guys are very important to what we, or at least I, wanted to do. I also noticed something else that caught my attention.


"Roderick Remus?"


I knew about him, I knew that he teamed with his brother up until the day Remmington has hurt, and forced to retire. I also knew that he'd lied about his age when he first started out. But other then that...


"He's a great kid, had a sit down with him the other day while you were off making that video package, which by the way really went over well. Anyway, he's a good talent, I'm sure you'll find a way to use him."


Everything went quiet then, and all that could be heard was the chirping of the crickets just outside the office walls when all that changed. The crashing of Cliff's office door scared the crap out of me, and when I'd seen it was Adrian Garcia storming his way in, I was more then a little surprised.


"I want that mother f*cker fired!"


"Whoa, Adrian, slow down sir. Close my door, and sit."


"I don't want to f*cking sit, I want his ass to be grass, then I want it rolled, and smoked, you understand me."


"Adrian, just sit down, and tell me what happened. We'll work it out together."


I thought it was best if I left, and when I stood to leave, Cliff shot me a look I'd yet to see, and it sat me back down without hesitation.


"Now I don't know how things are usually done around here, but where I'm from, when I guy throws a skunk in your trunk... Literally... He's either fired, or he's dealt with by the boys with a little "bonding session"... And by bonding, I mean getting the s*it kicked out of him by myself and a few guys of my choosing."


"A skunk... In your trunk... I don't know Adrian, that sounds pretty clever..."


"Are you f*cking crazy! That little f*cker sprayed me right in the face. I couldn't see for six hours, and I smelled like skunk a*shole."


"Who did it?"


I could see the remnants of a smirk on Cliff's face which made me almost crack.


"Plague, or Black Eagle, or whatever the f*ck he wants to be called. Doesn't make a difference to me, he can call himself whatever he wants from the unemployment line."


I didn't like that. Plague was who I was working with, and he was really teaching me quite a bit about the in ring aspect of this business. I don't know why, but I was compelled to speak.


"Come on now Adrian, that's a little harsh don't you think, it was just a little prank, no big deal..."


"Who in the f*ck asked you Just A Fan? Maybe you should leave don't you think, the grown ups are talking now."


Cliff didn't like that. That's when I'd seen the transformation from smirk to snarl within milliseconds.

"That's enough Adrian, you want to talk, lets talk, but if you want to start insulting people, then you might as well head back up to Canada, and stop collecting this pay check which I know is a lot better then the one DeColt is giving you. Jackson, we'll talk later."


That's all he had to say, and I was out the door. That was the moment I realized that I didn't belong here, and these guys would let me know about it. I had to gain their respect before I could start making the real decisions, and it started by paying my dues. And my first stop on the road to paying my dues, a meeting with Plague...

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CZCW Announce Card For Spring Break Bash 2008


Hot off the conclusion of Uprising, CZCW.com has already announced the card for Spring Break Bash 2009, and with this line-up, it's sure to be yet another great offering from the Coast.



Main Event


Donnie J vs Matt Sparrow



Mainstream Hernandez vs Snap Dragon vs Rafael Ruiz



Al Coleman vs Remmy Skye

Jacob Jett & Mikey James vs Sean Deeley & Zeus Maxmillion

Roderick Remus vs Marc Speed

Insane Machine vs Masked Cougar



Predictions Form

Donnie J vs Matt Sparrow

Mainstream Hernandez vs Snap Dragon vs Rafael Ruiz

Al Coleman vs Remmy Skye

Jacob Jett & Mikey James vs Sean Deeley & Zeus Maxmillion

Roderick Remus vs Marc Speed

Insane Machine vs Masked Cougar


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CZCW Spring Break Bash 2008

Live From The Snake Pit

Saturday April 26th 2008


CZCW Commentary Team


Cliff Anderson & Adrian Garcia


Cliff Anderson: Hello fans, and welcome to Spring Break Bash 2008, I'm Cliff Anderson alongside as always mt broadcast partner...

Adrian Garcia: I would like it if you didn't say my name tonight Cliff?

Cliff Anderson: What?

Adrian Garcia: It's just that your wife said it so much last night while I was doing her from behind, I'm kinda sick of hearing it.

Cliff Anderson: You know what Garcia...

Adrian Garcia: Relax Cliff, I'm just messing with you, tell them about the show, go ahead, do your work.

Cliff Anderson: Tonight's main event should really set the bar in terms of singles competition here in CZCW as finally Donnie J will step into the ring with Matt Sparrow!

Adrian Garcia: And I'm sure that no matter how many stupid Sparrow chants start up here tonight, Donnie J will leave this building victorious.

Cliff Anderson: Never the less, fans lets take you inside the ring where the CZCW Coastal Zone Champion, James Prudence looks like he has something to get off his chest.


Phoenix Interrupts Prudence



James Prudence stands dead center in the middle of the ring holding a microphone in one hand, and his CZCW Coastal Zone title in the other. Not being dressed to compete, head to toe in Armani, Prudence looks out to the crowd, smile across his face as he lifts the mic to speak.


James Prudence: You might be thinking that the last time I was in this ring, my shoulders were pinned to the might by some maniac in a mask who likes to pretend he's a crime fighter. Well, as usual, you've all been thinking the wrong way. I wasn't pinned by some caped crusader wannabe at Uprising, oh no. I was screwed out of a match that I clearly had in the palm of my hand. I was mere seconds away from having my hand raised once again, and leaving you fans happy. Now you might be wondering just who is to blame for this utter miscarriage of justice on my part. I'll tell you, and it's someone who should have been fired a long, long time ago. Pee-Wee Germaine...


The crowd lets out their frustration towards the champ by not only chanting their usual obscenities, but by also throwing their garbage into the ring.


James Prudence: It's just like you people to side with the one who's been wrong. I finally understand where my good friend Adrian Garcia is coming from when he talks about that piece of trash referee, and his complete lack of focus when he's calling a match. To think, he'd actually given some masked moron the ability to say he's beaten the champ, well let me tell you this Phoenix, if it were to all happen again, and you and I were face to face in this ring, I'd beat you like that jackass you ar...


Before he could finish, "The Final Countdown" hits the P.A, and everybody's favorite Indy Wrestler, Ultimate Phoenix comes form behind the curtain. Microphone in hand, the fans start to quiet down when he motions to speak.


Ultimate Phoenix: I think these people have had more then enough of your talk. They came here to see wrestling, and that's what I give them. You, however do nothing but run your verbal diarrhea all over this building each time you come out here, and it's starting to make me sick. The fact of the matter is, no matter what spin you put on it, I beat you at Uprising. But if you want to call it a fluke, a lucky break, an accident, well then how about we meet for your title at Welcome To The Coastal Zone!


The fans seem to like the idea, and all eyes turn towards a somewhat shaken James Prudence.


James Prudence: You and me next month at Welcome to the Coastal Zone. You got it!


The fans erupt at the challange being accepted, and look towards Weltome To The Coastal Zone for Ultimate Phoenix vs James Prudence for the Coastal Zone Championship.


Rating: D+


Cliff Anderson: James Prudence will defend his title next month at Welcome To The Coastal Zone, and what a match that is going to be.

Adrian Garcia: James Prudence, still champion when the bell rings to end that match, I'm calling it right now.

Cliff Anderson: What a way to start off this show!



Insane Machine vs Masked Cougar


The tag team title race has been intense, and this match up was to showcase two members of teams involved in that race. Insane Machine of Bittersweet Inc, and Masked Cougar of The Flying FUR Contingency Plan. The match started off as expected, fast paced action with a lot of risk heavy moves to try and gain an upper hand in which both men were successful. with the offense in this match pretty even, and no man really in control, who else would ruin a great match but Al Coleman, who'd hit the ring, and attack Cougar giving Insane Machine the opening he'd need to go for the pinfall, and pick up the victory.


Rating: D


Adrian Garcia: Mark my words, Bittersweet Inc will be the tag team champions, especially with a brain like Al Coleman running the operation.

Cliff Anderson: A brain like Al Coleman?

Adrian Garcia: That's right, I said it.



Roderick Remus vs Marc Speed


If your a betting man, then Marc Speed is guy you'd normally pick to come out on top here, and you'd lose. Roderick Remus makes a successful debut in CZCW by actually out smarting the technical mastermind by scoring a quick roll up.


Rating: D-


Adrian Garcia: I just want to point out that Remus had a handful of...

Cliff Anderson: Tights, a handful of tights, I get it, everybody you pick who lose gets screwed. It's an old shtick, and it's getting boring.

Adrian Garcia: Actually I was going to say he had a handful of nuts, that disco homo!

Cliff Anderson: It never ends with you does it?


Lets Make It a Number One Contenders Match



Mainstream Hernandez is walking in the back when he runs into Rafael Ruiz turning a corner. Both men have a kind of stare down when Snap Dragon also steps in.


Rafael Ruiz: I don't like you Hernandez.

Mainstream Hernandez: The feeling is mutual.

Rafael Ruiz: You represent everything that is wrong with the Latino people. While I honor my people, you spit on them by pretending to be better then us. You frown on your Latino heritage while I embrace it.

Mainstream Hernandez: I don't know what your talking about.

Rafael Ruiz: You know exactly what I'm talking about. And tonight, I'm going to show what a proud Latino is, and then I move on to bigger, and better things by becoming the Xtreme Champion.

Mainstream Hernandez: Whoa, whoa, whoa... What makes you think your anywhere near in line for that title, what have you done. Beaten on some no name luchadors. Meanwhile, I've beaten some of the best the wrestling world has to offer. And tonight, when I beat you two tonight, I'll be one step closer to capturing that title.

Snap Dragon: ...


Before Snap Dragon can say a word, the CZCW HoER Farrah Hesketh enters the scene, and has some words for the three men.


Farrah Hesketh: Before you say what everyone knows your going to say Dragon, I've made a decision involving your match tonight. When you three gentlemen step into the ring, the winner of the match will be granted a shot at the CZCW Xtreme Championship. Now, get out there, and earn it.


As quickly as she came, Farrah walks off leaving the three men in an intense stare down as we head back to ringside.


Rating: E+


Cliff Anderson: That's why I hired her.

Adrian Garcia: Really? That's why you hired her. I thought it was because of her sweet as...

Cliff Anderson: Don't even go there right now Garcia. Triple Threat Number One Contenders match later tonight!



Mikey James & Jacob Jett vs Sean Deeley & Zeus Maxmillion


The rivalry between these four men has just about reached it's boiling point, and this tag team match was sure to add fuel to the fire. With Mikey James starting things off with Zeus, the pace of the match when from fast to slow on a number of occasions until Deeley, and Maxmillion were able to cut the ring in half, leaving James in a fight for his survival. Having complete control of the match, Maxmillion started to show a little bit of over confidence, and thats when James was able to turn the tide in his favor, scoring a hot tag to Jett who entered the ring firing away at both his opponents. Scoring with shots basically at will, Jett takes to the skies in an effort to put this one away when Deeley catches him off guard, and tosses him from the top rope, all the way down to the floor. Jett would be easy pickings as Zeus would score the pinfall, and pick up the win for his team.


Rating: D+


Adrian Garcia: Sean Deeley, just too smart for the likes of Jacob Jett. Did you see him fall from the top rope? And watching him crash to the floor, it makes my heart warm.

Cliff Anderson: Jacob Jett using his hish risk offense with no reward on this exchange. Sean Deeley, and Zeus... Hey, wait a minute now!


Aftermath Beatdown



With Mikey James out on the floor, Deeley and Maxmillion take advantage of a beaten Jacob Jett, and continue their assault. After both men hit a succession of suplex's on the downed Jett, Kristen Pearce would appear with a steel chair handing it to Deeley, who would then crack it over the head of Jett, busting his head wide open. The three would then stand over top of their prey, hands high in the air.


Rating: E


Cliff Anderson: This is ridiculous. Jacob Jett can't even defend himself!

Adrian Garcia: That's the name of the game Cliff. Kill, or be killed.

Cliff Anderson: Come on, this is wrestling, not Bloodsport!

Adrian Garcia: Bloodsport, that was a great movie.


Xtreme Championship

Number One Contenders Match


Mainstream Hernandez vs Snap Dragon vs Rafael Ruiz


With a number one contendership for the Xtreme Championship on the line, and the champion Flying Jimmy Foxx at ringside calling the action, these three men put everything they had in this match. Rafael Ruiz made sure that he would take out Mainstream Hernandez early, and snap Dragon joined in on the assault. With Mainstream on the ropes, Dragon would then try to go for the pin, with Ruiz breaking it up. The impromptu duo would then break apart, giving Mainstream Hernandez a chance to catch his breath. Nearing the end of the match, with Snap Dragon locked into the Ruiz Wrench, Mainstream Hernandez was able to break the hold before Snap Dragon tapped out, and hits the Super Kick catching Ruiz flush knocking him out cold. Mainstream Hernandez picks up the win, and is now the number one contender for the Xtreme Championship.


Rating: D


Cliff Anderson: Mainstream Hernandez has just become the number one contender for Flying Jimmy Foxx's CZCW Xtreme Championship!

Adrian Garcia: After clearly allowing Rafael Ruiz to do all the work, Hernandez gets the pin.

Cliff Anderson: Kill, or be killed, isn't that what you said earlier?

Adrian Garcia: Your gonna use that against me now...

Jimmy Foxx: It doesn't matter who would have won this match, because whoever steps into the ring with me wouldn't be able to beat me anyway, but still, congrats go out to Mainstream Hernandez, and I'm looking forward to facing him at some point in the future.


Jackson Alexander vs Plague's Mask



Following Jimmy Foxx's departure from ringside, we head to the back where Jackson Alexander has returned to speak to the fans. Standing in front of the CZCW backdrop, Jackson begins to speak.


Jackson Alexander: You know, not too long ago, I was one of you fans sitting in the stands watching the athletes of CZCW perform, and I always applauded their efforts, and gave them the respect that they deserved. Now, I'm on the other side of the action, I'm in the ring, and it's been a dream come true for me. And when that dreamed turned into a reality, one man decided he was going to stand in the way of my happiness because he's too damn bitter to let someone else have a little bit of the spotlight, and that man's name is Plague. Since the minute I stepped into a CZCW ring, Plague has done nothing but try to torture me into leaving this sport that I love so much as a fan, and now as a performer. Well I say this to you Plague, I've had enough! I'm done with stepping aisde, and letting you walk all over me, that's why at Welcome To The Coastal Zone, I have a challenge for you! My career as an in ring competitor against your mask. If you pin me, if you make me submit, then I will leave CZCW, but if I pin you, if I make you submit, you'll have to lose your mask! So what do you say Plague, hmm? If your so confident that you can beat me, then why not accept my challenge? I'll be waiting...


Jackson then just stares into the camera with a fire that hasn't been seen from the young man before. We head back to ringside with Cliff, and Adrian.


Rating: D


Adrian Garcia: Is this kid crazy? What is he thinking about, challenging Plague to a match.

Cliff Anderson: He definitely looks like he means business, and if Plague is any kind of man, he'd take this challenge.

Adrian Garcia: Are you sure you can let him off your tit long enough for Plague to dispose of him?

Cliff Anderson: I'm really starting to hate that I have to work with you.



Al Coleman vs Remmy Skye


This match had all the same implications as the first match with two men apart of their respective tag teams all trying to get to, or stay on top of the tag team division. And with Remmy Skye in the match, it's sure to be an exciting affair. Of course Skye would start by trying to use his fast paced, daredevil style using any opportunity he could to use a suicide dive, or some kind of plancha to wear down Coleman. He'd hold complete control over the match with Coleman getting a few cheap shots in via shifty actions, but Remmy would hold control. Add Insane Machine in the mix coming to the aid of Coleman, causing Pee-Wee Germaine to disqualify Coleman. The two would then continue their assault with the bell continuously ringing.


Rating: D


Cliff Anderson: Leave it to Al Coleman to have a shady back up plan in the form of Insane Machine, Remmy Skye wins by DQ, but now these two haven't stopped.

Adrian Garcia: Taking advantage of the situation Cliff, taking advantage...


Fox Mask Evens The Sides



Just as Adrian finishes his sentence, Fox Mask explodes from the back down to the ring, jumping onto Machine, and taking him out of the ring. He then turns his attention to Al Coleman, who looks at the ready to fight off Fox. After the two exchange blows, Fox Mask grabs the upper hand, and pounds Al Coleman right to the floor. He then tends to the aid of Remmy Skye as Bittersweet Inc make their way up the ramp yelling at Fox Mask in the ring.


Rating: E+


Cliff Anderson: Fox Mask literally just saved the day here for Remmy Skye.

Adrian Garcia: By sticking his nose into Bittersweet Inc's business. No business being out here, end of story.

Cliff Anderson: Your right, he has no business evening the sides, and coming to help out someone in need.

Adrian Garcia: thanks for agreeing with me, if anything it should be Frankie Perez out here, and where is he, he didn't come running to help his partner now did he?



Donnie J vs Matt Sparrow


Finally, these two men would meet in the center of the ring after months of trash talk back, and forth, and they wouldn't disappoint. Donnie J would try to keep control by using underhanded tactics, Matt Sparrow would fight his way back using his natural ability. Donnie J would use a thumb to the eye, Sparrow with answer with a stiff right hand, and with the crowd firmly in the corner of Sparrow, it was as if Donnie used it as motivation in his efforts that didn't go unnoticed. Near fall after near fall, and no interference from either side, one could say that this would go down as one of the classic matches in CZCW history right up until a handful of tights would seal the deal for Donnie J, and give him the win.


Rating: D+


Adrian Garcia: Donnie J is victorious, and he did it all by himself!

Cliff Anderson: With a handful of tights, and a whole lot more underhanded tactics, this wasn't a win, this was a robbery.

Adrian Garcia: Oh boohoo, ready to fire Pee-Wee yet Cliff? Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go party with The Flyboy's!


Overall Rating: D

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Event Predictions

BHK1978: 3/6


Overall Leaders

BHK1978: 13/20

FINisher: 3/5

Hyde Hill: 5/9



Hoping to have the next show up within the next few days, and hopefully look to get some more predictions in, plus some feedback if possible. I'm really enjoying writing this, and hopefully, you all enjoy reading it.

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Another successful shows in the books, another great turn out from the fans, and a lot of buzz going into our next show which Cliff wants to make the focus of our yearly offerings, Welcome To The Coastal Zone. Kind of like our big bang of 2008, even though we're putting the show on in May. He really wants to make a splash with this one.




The crowd is starting to filter out, the ring crew of one is starting his evening of taking down the ring, and packing it up, and Cliff has called a meeting with the entire roster. Most of the guys are still there, I mean some had to take off due to travel arrangements. But the bulk of the roster was here, standing around Cliff. It was strange, because given that we'd just had such a great show, you'd think he'd be smiling. He's just looking around the room, looking at all the people who he employs.


"You know, when I started this company fifteen years ago, I had no idea we'd be where we are right now. At times, it kind of disappoints me that we haven't gotten further, but when I think about what we've come from, to where we are today, I can say that I'm a happy man. I can say that I'm proud to be apart of this company, and that I wouldn't have it any other way, with anyone else. You people have given me this, and I thank you for it. But our work isn't done yet. We have a long way to go, because I know what you can achieve, I know what this group of athletes can aspire to, and I'm ready to take the next step. The question is, are you? Are you ready to take the next step? Are you ready to stand by this company, and make it happen for us, because believe me, those fans who come to our shows are ready. They want something different, and every time we go out there, that's what we give them. We give them something fresh, we give them something they can call their own. This is their homegrown promotion, a promotion that they have gotten behind, and have built to what we are today. They are ready to take the next step, so I ask once again, are you? Are you ready? Next month, just like every year prior to this one, we're going to have our biggest show of the year. So big, that people talk about it when their in line at the grocery store, or when they crawl the wrestling forums on the internet, and come the sound of the bell, next month, we will perform in front of the biggest crowd we'll have all year, I promise you that."


Everyone stood silent as Cliff continued. It was subtle, but you could see a fire being lit under each of them, their eyes showed the drive that Cliff needed from them, and he was going to get it, even if he had to take it from them himself.


"I know that over the past little while, I've made some decision that most of you haven't agreed with, and I'm sorry. But this is my company, and I'm doing what's best for my company, and for all of you. I told each and every one of you when you sat across from me at the negotiating table that I can't offer you what Tommy Cornell, or Rich Eisen, or Sam Strong, or Dan Stone can give you, but what I can offer you is a chance to make something of yourself without being tossed aside in favor of a guy who is more popular then you are. I believe in performance, and each and everyone of you give that to me each time you step into the ring, and now, it's my turn to repay you by doing whats right, and putting on the best damn show I can. Jackson Alexander is going to be working with me very closely over the next couple of weeks, and we'll have something for you in due time. But right now I want you to go home, I want you to prepare yourself, because come bell time, I want your best, because your going to have mine... I'll see you all next month..."


Then he just kinda walked away, but you could still feel his presence. I'd never been through one of these meetings, and honestly, I didn't even know they'd existed. Who'd think that Cliff Anderson had the chops to be a motivational speaker. Never the less, the look in the eyes of the young rookies matched that of the storied veterans. And the look in my eyes read one thing. Determination.

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"I really want this show to mean something Jackson, I want it to really scream CZCW, you know what I mean."


I didn't, but I nodded anyway. Cliff had become a workhorse, spending every waking hour in his office planning out the show, booking advertisements with the locals papers, radio, and television spots, giving the show it's own personal website that the fans could come too, and get a full work up of the card complete with stats.


"With the Coastal Zone title, and the Xtreme title, I think we'll be alright in terms of title defenses. I'm more focusing on finishing a few stories, and theirs a guy I want to bring in."


I knew who he was talking about, and it would probably either make, or break the show. And with Prudence defending his title, I'm sure this show was going to be bigger then the others I'd been working with Cliff on.


"Here's what I want Jackson, go and come up with a card with all those things that I need done, bring it to me, and we'll go over it together."


I don't want to say that I was worried about him, but I was beginning to wonder if maybe he was going it a little too hard this time. He wasn't a young man by any stretch of the imagination, but I chose to do my job, which was probably the better idea then calling him out on his age.


"No problem Cliff. Meet for lunch?"


"Lunch... Sure, but only if there's time, I've got a lot on my plate right now, I'll talk to you later."


He wasn't really paying attention to me, but I realized that's the name of the game, promoting the best possible show to maximize your profit, and bring up your popularity. Looks like I was finally starting to pick up a few things... Now, to work up a card...

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!!CZCW Welcomes You To The Coastal Zone!!


It's that time of year once again, and CZCW have answered the call. It's Welcome To The Coastal Zone 2008, CZCW biggest offering of the year, and with it comes some of the biggest matches your ever likely to see from this little promotion from the coast. Be sure to check back with WRESTLECIRCLE for all the latest heading into the show, and now, without further ado, your line-up for CZCW's Welcome To The Coastal Zone 2008!



CZCW Coastal Zone Championship



Ultimate Phoenix vs James Prudence©


CZCW Xtreme Championship



Mainstream Hernandez vs Flying Jimmy Foxx©


Career vs Mask


Jackson Alexander vs Plague


Submission Match


Shooter Sean Deeley vs Mikey James



Chris Flynn vs Jacob Jett


Jeremiah Moose vs Roderick Remus

Card Subject to Change



Predictions Post

Ultimate Phoenix vs James Prudence© - CZCW Coastal Zone Championship

Mainstream Hernandez vs Flying Jimmy Foxx© - CZCW Xtreme Championship

Jackson Alexander vs Plague - Career vs Mask

Shooter Sean Deeley vs Mikey James - Submission Match

Chris Flynn vs Jacob Jett

Jeremiah Moose vs Roderick Remus


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Ultimate Phoenix vs James Prudence© - CZCW Coastal Zone Championship


Mainstream Hernandez vs Flying Jimmy Foxx© - CZCW Xtreme Championship


Jackson Alexander vs Plague - Career vs Mask


Shooter Sean Deeley vs Mikey James - Submission Match


Because SSD is the man!


Chris Flynn vs Jacob Jett


Not a big fan of either but I am more of a fan of Jett!


Jeremiah Moose vs Roderick Remus

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