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CWA: The Next Big Thing?

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This is my first ever attempt at a diary so please bear with me here.


This diary will be following Jason Phoenix, a lifetime pro wrestling fan. He recently hit a stroke of luck. On his 21st birthday last month, he decided to purchase his first ever lottery ticket. That Wednesday, he found out that his ticket had been the winning one. His winnings totaled $1,000,000. He decided to pursue a dream and passion of his for years, owning his own professional wrestling promotion. He decided to put every penny he won into his very own promotion which he called Central Wrestling Association. He acquired a deal with a local venue owner to host his shows at Val Air Ballroom in Des Moines, IA, every week. The only downside to all of this is he had a promotion and $1,000,000 dollars, but no talent, staff, or any idea how to run a show. Thus begins the story of a 21-year-old wrestling promoter with a ring and a dream. This diary will follow either the eventual success or utter failure of Jason Phoenix.



Name: Jason Phoenix


Promotion: Central Wrestling Association (CWA)

Money: $1,000,000

Style: Cutting Edge

Size: Local






CWA Heavyweight Championship


Champion #1 - Ken Doane



Reign - 1

Defeated - Petey Williams

Event - Risers 1

Location - Des Moines, IA

Date - 8.26.2009


Title Defenses

1 - Defeated Carlito Colon / Risers 2 / Des Moines, IA / 9.2.2009



Champion #2 - Carlito Colon



Reign - 1

Defeated - Ken Doane

Event - Risers 4

Location - Des Moines, IA

Date - 9.9.2009


Title Defenses

1 - Defeated Ken Doane in a No DQ Match / Risers 6 / Des Moines, IA / 9.23.2009

2 - Defeated Ken Doane in a Ladder Match / Risers 8 / Des Moines, IA / 10.13.2009



Champion #3 - John Cena




Reign - 1

Defeated - Carlito Colon, Homicide, Ken Anderson, and diamond Dallas Page in a Barnyard Match

Event - Risers 10

Location - Des Moines, IA

Date - 10.27.2009


Title Defenses

1 - Defeated Carlito Colon / Risers 12 / Des Moines, IA / 11.10.2009



CWA International Championship





CWA Lightweight Championship


Champion #1 - Brian Kendrick



Reign - 1

Defeated - 9 others in a Battle Royal to determine the first champion

Event - Risers 12

Location - Des Moines, IA

Date - 11.10.2009


Title Defenses




CWA Tag Team Championship


Champions #1 - Kaz & Matt Bentley



Reign - 1

Defeated - Robert Roode & Petey Williams (Team Canada)

Event - Risers 5

Location - Des Moines, IA

Date - 9.16.2009


Title Defenses

1 - Lost to Team Canada by DQ / Risers 9 / Des Moines, IA / 10.20.2009

2 - Drew with Team Canada in a Steel Cage Match / Risers 10 / Des Moines, IA / 10.27.2009



Champions #2 - Robert Roode & James Storm (Beer Money Inc.)



Reign - 1

Defeated - Kaz & Matt Bentley in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match

Event - Risers 12

Location - Des Moines, IA

Date - 11.10.2009


Title Defenses


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  • 3 weeks later...

OOC: Sorry, it's been a while since I started this, but I fixed the problems I had with TEW 2005 originally, and now I can hopefully get through this well.




Friday, Week 1, August 2009

CWA Owner, Jason Phoenix, has announced the first 3 official signings of CWA! Ken Doane, formerly Kenny Dykstra of WWE, Atlas Ortiz, formerly Ricky Ortiz of WWE, and former TNA star "Primetime" Elix Skipper have all signed contracts to be a part of the next big thing in professional wrestling, CWA! They will all be a part of CWA's first-ever event which will be scheduled soon.

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Saturday, Week 1, August 2009


Following the house-cleaning of WWE and TNA earlier this week, CWA has more major news regarding its roster. Following his WWE release, Brett DiBiase, son of wrestling legend "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase, has signed

with CWA. Following their TNA releases, CWA announces the signings of Kaz, the man who portrayed Suicide, Robert Roode, who was one-half of the popular tag team, Beer Money Inc., and backstage worker Jeremy Borash.

Additionally, Jason Phoenix is proud to announce the signing of Ring Of Honor star, Jimmy Jacobs! And finally, Jason Phoenix is proud to announce the signing of one of the biggest free agents in the industry today, former

TNA star, "Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams! Of course, these announcements didn't come without controversy.


Phoenix: "It's a huge day for myself and CWA and this is exactly what we wanted in order to get off the ground, and that was the signing of major independent stars, like Jacobs and especially Petey Williams. That's why I have decided to go ahead and schedule a show for next Wednesday night at Val Air Ballroom right here in Des Moines, IA!

And the main event will decide the first-ever CWA Heavyweight Champion! That match will be made and it will be between Ken Doane and Petey Williams! CWA is the next big thing! I believe it and if you come next Wednesday to the show, you will believe it too, I guarantee it!"


Jimmy Jacobs comes out to the podium and gets in Jason Phoenix's face.

Jacobs: Do I even have to ask why I'm not in the main event? Do you not remember me? The fact that you signed me? Do I even have to tell you that out of every guy on the roster, I'm the ONLY one that you didn't pluck out of the unemployment line? Shouldn't the fact that people beside you actually want me to be a part of their company not enough to put me in a circumstance where I might ACTUALLY want to stay? If I were you, I would think real quick about who you are dealing with and that I can walk out of here and still be able to provide for myself when I'm gone. If I were you, I...would do...the right...

Jacobs steps closer to get nose-to-nose with Phoenix.


Jacobs: ...thing.


Phoenix looks out for a moment and looks back at Jimmy Jacobs.


Phoenix: You know what, Jimmy Jacobs? I don't need you. I have plenty of guys who have already signed, and I'm NOT going to deal with someone like you. Your contract with me is over and you are gone. Now get the hell off of my stage. Go back to getting your ass kicked every Monday, and you can shove that railroad spike of yours up your you-know-what!


Jimmy Jacobs leaves with a scowl on his face.

Phoenix: Like I said, next Wednesday night will be our first event, at the Val Air Ballroom, and I know that if you come, you will have a great time watching what professional wrestling is supposed to be!"

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Wednesday, Week 3, August 2009

Live feed around the world at cwawrestling.com!


The camera turns on to show Jeremy Borash.


Borash: Hello fans, JB, Jeremy Borash here at the announcer's desk with my new partner, just signed last week, Scott Hudson!


Hudson: JB, it's great to be here and I am excited to be a part of CWA' first-ever event CWA Risers!


Generic opening music plays, pyro shoots off and the crowd is on their feet.



CWA presents CWA Risers

Live In front of 74 people at Val Air Ballroom.



Borash: Jeremy Borash here with Scott Hudson and what a night it is going to be! Since the last press conference, there have been more huge signings made and I can't wait to see them in action tonight! Speaking of tonight's action, as promised, Ken Doane will face off against Petey Williams tonight for the CWA Hevyweight Title!

Hudson: I can't wait for that! 2 men who have already wrestled around the world come to Des Moines to wrestle and we are here to bring you that action. I'm excited! I can hardly contain myself here in this desk!


Borash: Get ahold of yourself, Scott! We still have 2 hours of action to go! With that let's get to our first match of the night!

Rating – D



Brett DiBiase vs. Cade Sydal

The match is fairly even, with both sides getting roughly the amount of offense in. DiBiase gets behind Sydal into a sleeper hold. Sydal looked about out of this match until he broke out and hit the Nightcap out of nowhere.


Cade Sydal defeated Brett DiBiase in 12:59 by pinfall.


Rating - D



Johnny Bravo vs. Chris Harris

The Ballroom lit up when Chris Harris came out. Looks like there are a lot of Wildcat fans out there. Harris took most of the match until late in the match, when Bravo started getting some momentum. Bravo climbed the top rope for a cross body, but Harris caught him and hit the Catatonic for the win.


Chris Harris defeated Johnny Bravo in 11:53 by pinfall


Rating – D



Evan Karagias vs. Dave Swift

Karagias & Swift had blindingly fast-paced action throughout until Karagias set Swift up on the top rope. Karagis climbed up for a suplex but was distracted when a group of fans taunted him chanting “3 Count”. Swift used the distraction to push off Karagias to the mat and hit the 450 Splash for the pin.


Dave Swift defeated Evan Karagias in 6:31 by pinfall.


Rating – D



Kaz’s music hits as he walks out to the ring with a microphone.


Kaz: So TNA dumped me into this piece of crap, middle of nowhere, ballroom, so I can prove myself in… Des Moines, Iowa. I guarantee you if I went back to Orlando, half the people there wouldn’t know where the hell this place is! I’m WAY too good for this place. Entertaining less than 100 people. And those people boo me simply because I don’t want to be in this dump! People didn’t call me “The Future” for nothing! Because if CWA is “the next big thing in wrestling”, then I should be in the main event! CWA isn’t the next big thing! I’m the next big thing! I’m the future of this business, and I’m going to prove it! I want anyone… and I mean ANYONE who thinks they can take on Kaz to come down here and show me why you think you can beat me, and I’ll show why you are dead wrong!


Music hits and Robert Roode comes down to the ring as the fans are on their feet.

Roode: Bret Hart…Owen Hart...Davey Boy Smith…Edge…Christian. Kaz, do you know what all those men have in common?


Kaz: None of them have any real significance to wrestling anymore?


Roode: No! These men are all legendary Canadian wrestlers, and some day I hope to be one of them. Now, TNA let me go too, Kaz. That’s why we’re here, but unlike you, instead of pissing and moaning about it, I’m going to make the most of it. If CWA is truly the next big thing, then I want to be a part of it. Robert Roode will be a name that will go down in wrestling history as a legend and the path to becoming a legend starts right now!


Rating – D


Kaz vs. Robert Roode

15 Minutes of Fame Match

Intense battle, back and forth throughout. Roode looked to end it by Superplexing Kaz, but Kaz countered and hit the Flux Capacitor on Roode, however Kaz was unable to cover Roode in time.


Kaz drew with Robert Roode in 15:00 when the time limit expired.


Rating - C-


Elix Skipper vs. Matt Bentley

Bentley came out like a bat out of hell in the first 3 minutes. Skipper regained his composure and took advantage during the middle of the match. Bentley looked to slow down the pace towards the end got several near falls until Bentley hits the ropes and Skipper caught him and hit Instant Replay out of nowhere for the pin.


Elix Skipper defeated Matt Bentley in 13:05 by pinfall.


Rating – C



Mr. Anderson vs. Homicide

The Ballroom lit up again when Mr. Anderson came out, despite being the bad guy. However, the biggest pop of the night had to have come when the fans heard the gunshots. they knew Homicide was here. Mr. Anderson kept most of the match at a slow pace, keeping Homicide at bay. Anderson then went for the Mic Check, but Homicide slipped out the back and countered into the Cop Killa for the win.


Homicide defeated Mr. Anderson in 12:47 by pinfall.


Rating - C+



Homicide celebrates his win in the ring until Anderson gets back up and attacks him from behind. Homicide looked to fend him off until Jimmy Jacobs came out of the crowd and into the ring.

Hudson: What the…


Borash: Jimmy Jacobs was fired! Jacobs was let go last week by Jason Phoenix! What is he doing here?!

Jacobs turns around Homicide and hits the Contra Code on him. Jacobs grabs a mic.


Jacobs: Let me set one thing straight Jason Phoenix. Whatever you think you can do to me… it doesn’t hurt me. What you think is right… it isn’t. So now, you have to deal with me. I don’t care if you released me or not. I’m still going to show up. I’m still going to wreak havoc and I’m still going to make your life a living hell until you do the right thing.

Jacobs and Anderson walk backstage.


Rating – C-



Ken Doane vs. Petey Williams

CWA Heavyweight Championship

Fairly even bout throughout as the pace remains somewhat slow for the first 10 or so minutes. Williams picks up the pace and takes advantage. Williams climbs to the top rope but Doane rushes it and Williams keeps Doane from reaching the top rope as Williams grabs him and signals for the Canadian Destroyer. Doane spins out and hits the RK-Doane on Williams from the second rope for the pin.


Ken Doane defeated Petey Williams in 21:57 by pinfall.


New CWA Heavyweight Champion – Ken Doane


Rating – C



Doane celebrates his victory in the ring with the belt. A masked man slides into the ring behind the champ and hits the Backstabber on Doane. The man removes his mask.


Hudson: Carlito Colon!


Borash: Colon just ruined the celebration of our new champion, Ken Doane. In my opinion, that’s not very cool.


Hudson: Well, Carlito Colon crashes the party and has certainly made an impact right here on CWA Risers!


Borash: What will be the ramifications of what Carlito has done here tonight? We’ll find out next week!


Rating – C


Show Rating – C-

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Wednesday, Week 4, August 2009

Live feed around the world at cwawrestling.com!


CWA Risers

Live in front of 65 people at Val Air Ballroom.

Brett DiBiase vs. Elix Skipper


DiBiase with a sleeper hold locked in. Skipper rolls his way out and hits the ropes. DiBiase stands up and attempts a clothesline, but Skipper ducks it, turns and back kicks DiBiase in the gut. Skipper hits Play Of The Day for the pin.


Elix Skipper defeated Brett DiBiase in 8:47 by pinfall.


Rating – D



Kaz vs. Robert Roode

15 Minutes of Fame Match


Roode whips Kaz into the corner. Roode runs at Kaz, but Kaz moves and kicks him in the back of the head. 30 seconds remain. Kaz tries to pick Roode up to the top rope, but Roode fights it. Kaz kicks Roode and boards the top rope. 20 seconds remain. Kaz goes for a cross body, but Roode rushes it and counters into the Payoff from the second rope for the pin.


Robert Roode defeated Kaz in 14:49 by pinfall.

Rating – C-



Roode celebrates his win until Kaz gets back up and blasts him from behind.


Borash: What a sore loser!


Hudson: Kaz just can’t accept the fact that Roode beat him.


Borash: With only 11 seconds to spare!


Kaz stomps into Roode and climbs the turnbuckles. Petey Williams rushes the ring and Kaz climbs down and leaves up the ramp.


Borash: Petey Williams?!


Petey Williams checks on Roode while Kaz walks to the back, raising his arms in defiance.


Rating – C-


Johnny Bravo & Cade Sydal vs. Ryan Cruz & Dave Swift


Bravo & Sydal clothesline Swift over the ropes and to the outside. Bravo then springboards of the second rope to the outside on Swift.


Borash: How impressive is Johnny Bravo!


Sydal turns to dive himself, but in caught by Ryan Cruz who hits a Wrist Clutch Powerbomb on Sydal for the pin.


Ryan Cruz and Dave Swift defeated Johnny Bravo & Cade Sydal in 10:50 when Ryan Cruz defeated Cade Sydal by pinfall.


Rating – D


Evan Karagias vs. Chris Harris vs. Jimmy Rave


Karagias dropkicks Harris and climbs to the top rope. Harris stands up as Karagias leaps from the turnbuckles. Harris counters him with a dropkick out of mid air. Harris picks up Karagis and sets him up for the Catatonic. Karagias elbows Harris in the face and rolls into a roll-up for the pin.


Hudson: Karagias got the three!


Borash: What an upset! Evan Karagias survived Chris Harris & Jimmy Rave!


Hudson: That may be one of his most important wins in recent history!


Evan Karagias defeated Chris Harris and Jimmy Rave in 12:36; the order of elimination was Jimmy Rave first, and finally Chris Harris.


Rating – D


Jimmy Jacobs comes out to the ring to a chorus of boos from the crowd. Jacobs grabs a mic.

Jacobs: Well, Jason Phoenix made the decision to make Bruce Pritchard his assistant, which means I now have to deal with that fat motherf***er. That’s okay, because I now can do what I want with Jason Phoenix out of the picture. Jason, I told you that you would regret not doing the right thing, didn’t I? You now pass off to Bruce what you didn’t want to do. Bruce now has to deal with me, but he can’t. These piece of crap fans in this no-name town in a ballroom in the middle of Iowa hate me for that. They wanted to see Homicide. Well, you got Homicide. You got him on the bottom of my boot, and the receiving end of the Contra Code! Neither one of you can do anything about the fact that I’ve been ruining your shows, and it is continuing to happen until one of you back there gets your head out of your ass and does the right thing!


Rating – C-



Bruce Pritchard walks out to the ramp with a mic in his hand.


Pritchard: Jimmy Jacobs, you think you can just waltz into these events, do what you please, and demand we do “the right thing”. What is “the right thing” in your mind, Jimmy?

Jacobs: The CWA Heavyweight Title! Jason Phoenix should have put me in the main event last week, but he didn’t. I’m the biggest draw he’s got! I’m the most talented and highly skilled athlete around here, but for some reason, he doesn’t see that.


Pritchard: So you insult the fans, the promotion, the venue, and the city in general, but you still want the belt?


Jacobs: You see, if CWA ever actually does become big, I want that my resume that I was the CWA Champion at one point. I don’t care too much about it, but it’s just one more step closer to becoming the top wrestler in the world today!


Pritchard: The top wrestler…in the world…today. You know what? If you want in that title picture so bad you can get in it! However, you did get fired several weeks ago, so first, you’re going to have to prove yourself. What better way to prove yourself than in a match?


The crowd cheers.


Pritchard: I have a great first opponent for you to prove yourself! Come on down!

Gunshots fire and the crowd explodes as Homicide comes down to the ring.

Pritchard: And it will be a No Disqualification match!

The crowd lights up as Homicide enters the ring, ready to fight.


Rating – C-



Jimmy Jacobs vs. Homicide

No Disqualification


Jacobs grabs his spike and aims to hit Homicide in the corner. Homicide moves and dropkicks Jacobs. Mr. Anderson runs down to stop Homicide, but Homicide sees him coming and hits a plancha from the ring on Mr. Anderson. Homicide re-renters the ring, and Jacobs again goes to hit Homicide with the spike. Homicide ducks again, and sets up for the Cop Killa. Mr. Anderson runs back in and hits Homicide in the back of the head with the spike. Homicide turns around and Jacobs hits the Contra Code on him for the pin.


Jimmy Jacobs defeated Homicide in 16:13 by pinfall.


Rating – C+



Jacobs and Anderson celebrate in the ring. Bruce Pritchard walks out.

Pritchard: You think that’s it, huh? You think you’ve outsmarted me? Well, you haven’t. Anderson, you dressed to compete? I hope you are because I saved the best surprise for you! You, Mr. Anderson, get to face the newest signing to CWA!


Music hits and Sid Vicious walks out to a roaring crowd.

Borash: Oh, my God!


Hudson: Sid Vicious was the newest signing! Sid Vicious is facing Mr. Anderson!


Borash: I don’t like Anderson’s chances anymore! This man had headlined a WrestleMania! He knows what he’s doing!


Sid Vicious climbs into the ring over the top rope as Mr. Anderson stands there with a wide-eyed look on his face.


Rating – B-



Mr. Anderson vs. Sid Vicious


Mr. Anderson picks up Sid but, Sid pushes him away and into the referee, knocking him out. Anderson gets back up and Sid whips him off the ropes. Sid attempts the Big Boot but Anderson ducks and sets up for a Mic Check. Sid counters by grabbing Anderson and chokeslams him. Sid calls for the Powerbomb. Jimmy Jacobs slides the spike to Anderson. Sid picks up Anderson and then picks him up for the Powerbomb. Anderson hits Sid with the spike and Sid falls with Anderson on top. Jacobs slides into the ring to wake up the ref. Anderson picks up Sid again and hits the Mic Check on Sid. The ref comes to and counts the 3.


Borash: I think they just outsmarted Pritchard again!


Hudson: I fear what’s in store for them later!


Mr. Anderson defeated Sid Vicious in 9:03 by pinfall.


Rating – B-



Ken Doane vs. Carlito Colon

CWA Heavyweight Title


Doane whips Colon into the corner. Doane runs at Colon, but Colon moves and hits the Backstabber on Doane. Doane kicks out at the last second.


Borash: The will and determination of the champion!


Hudson: He wants to keep that title!

Carlito picks up Doane and sets him up backwards on the top rope.


Borash: Looks like he’s going for a Backstabber from the top rope!


Carltio climbs up to the top. Doane elbows Carlito twice and Carlito stumbles, but regains himself. Doane elbows one more time and Carlito falls to the mat. Doane turns around on the top rope and hits the Sky High Leg Drop for the pin.


Ken Doane defeated Carlito Colon in 17:55 by pinfall.


Still CWA Heavyweight Champion – Ken Doane


Rating – C+



Doane celebrates his victory in the ring. Doane climbs the second rope to raise the belt and celebrate. Carlito comes to and hits the Backstabber on Doane from the second rope. The event ends with Carlito standing over Doane with Doane holding his back in pain.


Rating – C+



Show Rating – C+

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Wednesday, Week 1, September 2009

Live stream at cwawrestling.com!


Matt Bentley vs. Homicide


Homicide whips Bentley into the corner and runs at him. Bentley moves as Homicide hits the corner. Homicide turns and Bentley connects with a Superkick. Bentley pins Homicide for a near fall. Bentley stands in the corner and waits for Homicide to get up, calling for another Superkick. Homicide stands up and catches Bentley’s foot, spins him around and hits the Cop Killa for the pin.


Homicide defeated Matt Bentley in 7:37 by pinfall.


Rating – C



Brett DiBiase vs. Lance Hoyt


Hoyt whips DiBiase to the ropes, and delivers a big boot. Hoyt picks up DiBiase as DiBiase is simply trying to survive. Hoyt hits the Texas Tornado Slam on DiBiase for the pin.


Lance Hoyt defeated Brett DiBiase in 5:25 by pinfall.


Rating – D



CWA Risers

Live in front of 129 people at Val Air Ballroom



Borash: Hello fans, I’m Jeremy Borash and of course if you haven’t heard, Scott Hudson was released and they said they had a replacement for me, but I haven’t seen him yet, so…


Voice: Well, well, well…

The crowd roars as Joel Gertner walks to the ring.


Gertner: At long last, it is the return to wrestling of the Quintessential Studmuffin, the Lyrical Miracle, the Sexual Intellectual, Joel… I am here tonight in Des Moines at Val Air, I told her last night to show me her pair, her sister came over and I told her I would share, with her face on my nuts and did declare, get your sister sucking and I will compare. I told her that it may be a little unfair, but what her sister does with her tongue she could be a millionaire!... Gertner.


Crowd cheers as Gertner and Borash walk off to the announcer’s desk.



Elix Skipper vs. Evan Karagias


Karagias tries to get some offense going, but can’t shake Skipper. Karagias rolls to the outside to regain his composure. Skipper runs and plancha dives to the floor onto Karagias. Skipper rolls him back in. Skipper picks him up, and Karagias rolls it into a roll-up. Skipper kicks out at the last second. Both men stand up and Skipper kicks Karagias in the gut and hits Play of the Day for the pin.


Gertner: Primetime, baby! 3 and 0!


Elix Skipper defeated Evan Karagias in 7:12 by pinfall.


Rating – C-


A camera catches Sid Vicious walking into the building.


Rating – B-


Johnny Bravo & Cade Sydal vs. Dave Swift & Ryan Cruz


Ryan Cruz clotheslines Bravo over the top ropes and to the floor. Cade Sydal clotheslines Cruz over the ropes and onto Bravo. Sydal turns and Dave Swift hits an Enziguiri on him. Swift climbs the turnbuckles and hits the 450 Splash on Sydal for the win.


Borash: How impressive is this team!


Gertner: Cruz & Swift are making themselves known with another win over Bravo & Sydal!


Dave Swift and Ryan Cruz defeated Johnny Bravo & Cade Sydal in 9:47 when Dave Swift defeated Cade Sydal by pinfall.


Rating – F


Petey Williams vs. Kaz


Petey Williams kicks Kaz in the gut and calls for the Canadian Destroyer. Matt Bentley runs to the ring and sucker punches the ref. Williams runs after Bentley and clotheslines him outside the ring. Williams wakes up the ref. Williams turns around and Kaz hits Wave of the Future on Williams for the pin.


Kaz defeated Petey Williams in 12:58 by pinfall with a Wave of the Future.


Rating – D


As Kaz and Bentley celebrate the victory, Robert Roode hits the ring. Kaz, Bentley, Roode, and Williams are prepared to go at each other's throats, when security personnel separate the near brawl before any punches are thrown. Before departing, an enraged Kaz grabs a soft drink container from a fan and hurls its contents into the direction of Robert Roode. This action, combined with Roode screaming his outrage, causes an uproar from the crowd.


Borash: My God! Something has to give here!


Gertner: These 4 guys are about to explode on each other!


Rating – E



Sid Vicious & Homicide walk into Bruce Pritchard’s office.


Sid: Bruce, Homicide and I are sick and tired of Mr. Anderson & Jimmy Jacobs getting in our way!


Homicide: Bruce, we need to kick their asses, you get me?


Pritchard: Yeah, I get you. Mr. Anderson & Jimmy Jacobs thinks that the rules don’t apply to them, so since they won’t listen to me, maybe they will be forced to listen to you. But first, Sid, you are officially in line for a shot at the CWA Heavyweight Championship when you face Carlito Colon! But, that’s tonight. Next week, it WILL be Sid Vicious & Homicide vs. Jimmy Jacobs & Mr. Anderson!

Borash: Speaking of Jimmy Jacobs, he’s in action next!


Rating – C+


Jimmy Jacobs vs. Chris Harris


Fairly even bout until Jacobs hits Chris Harris with the spike in the head with the ref’s back turned. Jacobs climbs the turnbuckles as Harris recovers. Jacobs attempts a Flying Body Press, but Harris reverses and sets up for the Catatonic. Jacobs fights out and hits the Contra Code for the pin.


Jimmy Jacobs defeated Chris Harris in 10:10 by pinfall.


Rating – C


Jimmy Rave vs. Robert Roode


Jimmy Rave builds his first momentum of the match. Rave hits a swinging neckbreaker on Roode. As Roode sits up, Rave hits the Doppler Effect on Roode. Rave pins him for a near fall. Rave climbs the turnbuckles as he waits for Roode to get up. Rave leaps from the turnbuckle only to meet a sickening Northern Lariat from Roode out of nowhere for the pin.


Robert Roode defeated Jimmy Rave in 8:14 by pinfall.


Rating – D



A camera turns backstage as Carlito Colon walks to the entrance for his match.


Gertner: Here we go, main event time!


Borash: It will be Carlito Colon vs. Sid Vicious, #1 Contendership on the line, next!

Rating – B



Carlito Colon vs. Sid Vicious

#1 Contendership to the CWA Heavyweight Title


Sid slows down the pace of the match and gains momentum. Carlito fights back and dropkicks Sid against the ropes. Carlito looks to get behind Sid, but Sid catches him by the throat, and chokeslams Carlito. Sid calls for the powerbomb and picks up Carlito. Carlito counters with a low blow and gets behind Sid. Before Sid could recover, Carlito hits the Backstabber on Sid for the pin.


Carlito Colon defeated Sid Vicious in 12:24 by pinfall.


Rating – C+



Carlito grabs a mic.


Carlito: Ken Doane, I’m coming for you. You see what Carlito just did? Carlito just beat Sid. He’s a legend. He’s unstoppable! And Carlito… cleanly beat him. The CWA Heavyweight Title will be around my waist next week. And when it is, it will be… cool.


Gertner: There you have it! Words have never quite been truer spoken.


Borash: Well, while you throw a parade for Carlito, we’ll find out next week if he can get it done! Ken Doane vs. Carlito Colon! The CWA Heavyweight Title will be on the line next week!

Rating – B



Show Rating - C

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Wednesday, Week 2, September 2009

Live stream at cwawrestling.com!


Brett DiBiase vs. Matt Bentley


Matt Bentley defeated Brett DiBiase in 4:39 by pinfall with a Picture Perfect Elbow.

Rating – D


Johnny Bravo & Cade Sydal vs. Ryan Cruz & Dave Swift

Extreme Rules

Ryan Cruz & Dave Swift defeated Johnny Bravo & Cade Sydal in 9:53 when Dave Swift defeated Johnny Bravo by pinfall with a 450 Splash.


Rating – F



CWA Risers

Live in front of 114 people at Val Air Ballroom



Jeremy Borash and Joel Gertner are in the ring.


Borash: Welcome to the 4th edition of CWA Risers! I’m your play-by-play man, Jeremy Borash!


Gertner: And well, well, well…


Music hits and the camera shows Sid and Homicide walking backstage to the ring.


Sid: I don’t care what you two do right now because Homicide and I aren’t waiting all night for this! Jacobs, Anderson! Get out here! Lower the cage! This is happening right now!


Rating – C



Sid Vicious & Homicide vs. Mr. Anderson & Jimmy Jacobs

Steel Cage Match


Mr. Anderson gives Homicide the Mic Check. Anderson picks up Jacobs’ signature railroad spike. Jacobs holds up Sid and tells Anderson to hit him with it. Anderson swings but Sid ducks, hitting Jacobs in the head with the spike. Anderson drops the spike and moves towards Jacobs, but Sid catches him and chokeslams him for the win.


Sid Vicious and Homicide defeated Mr. Anderson and Jimmy Jacobs in 13:43 by pinfall.


Rating – B-



Kaz & Bentley is shown walking backstage, when Roode & Williams suddenly come out of nowhere and drop them, pounding Kaz & Bentley with punches. Eventually officials have to separate them.


Borash: Looks like Roode & Williams have had enough of these two!


Gertner: What did Kaz & Bentley do to them to deserve this?!


Borash: Are you kidding?!


Rating – E


Chris Harris vs. Evan Karagias


Pretty one-sided match, Karagias tries to avoid Harris but Harris catches him and beats him senseless quickly.


Chris Harris defeated Evan Karagias in 3:45 by pinfall with a Catatonic.


Rating – C-



Music hits and Bruce Pritchard comes out to the ring.


Pritchard: Now I’m in a pretty good mood tonight. Mostly because my main two problem guys got their asses handed to them by Sid and Homicide!

*crowd cheers*

Pritchard: Now, I have a whole new problem to deal with. You see, Kaz and Matt Bentley have been causing some trouble as of late, what with getting themselves involved with Robert Roode and Petey Williams. Now, it seems that these little… interruptions have to Williams and Roode once again uniting for the good of their homeland. Now, these 4 guys seem to have taken this into their own hands, but I’ve got a better idea. You see, if you have been closely reading the statements that I have made on the radio in this recent month, you will notice that last week, I made a reference to new titles here in CWA. I also stated that I would announce the top two contenders for the titles tonight. Well, since these 4 need some time to blow off some steam on each other, I figured, why not up the ante a little bit? Which is why, next week, we will crown the first-ever CWA Tag Team Champions! It will be Kaz & Matt Bentley against the reuniting Tea m Canada! And since you guys want to fight so bad, I should pick one of you to wrestle tonight. I have personally hand-picked Robert Roode to wrestle tonight. Roode, since you want to fight so badly, you’ll get your chance against CWA’s newest acquisition, Paul London!

*crowd cheers*


Pritchard: Strap on your boots and get into your gear Robert, because we’re going to see a London Calling!


Rating – E


Elix Skipper vs. Jimmy Rave


Elix Skipper defeated Jimmy Rave in 12:55 by pinfall with a Play of the Day.


Borash: Elix Skipper just keeps on delivering! 4 and 0!


Rating – C-


Elix Skipper is celebrating his victory in the ring. Lance Hoyt runs in and attacks, beating Skipper down into the mat.


Borash: What was that about?


Gertner: That’s about the unity of THE best tag team in CWA!


Borash: Yeah, Rock & Rave got over SO well in TNA.


Gertner: I detect sarcasm JB.


Borash: You think?

Rating – F



Paul London vs. Robert Roode


Paul London came out to a huge ovation from the crowd and was said to be very good in this bout. Roode stood toe-to-toe with London and when the paced was quickened, Roode did his best to slow it down.


Paul London defeated Robert Roode in 12:48 by pinfall with a London Calling.


Rating – B



Paul London is celebrating his victory in the ring. Jimmy Jacobs runs in and attacks London from behind with the spike.


Borash: What the hell was that about?


Gertner: Jimmy Jacobs is employing a great technique. Instead of focusing his attention on chopping down that behemoth known as Sid, he’s decided that the way to go is for the new guy!


Borash: Paul London has been around the world and won a lot of major gold! He’s not new!


Gertner: Yes, but London is still on the rise. He’s fresh and he’s young. Jacobs needs competition, not some old fart. Jacobs is going after the best man here!

Rating – C


Ken Doane vs. Carlito Colon

=O= CWA Heavyweight Title =O=


Carlito reaches under the ring and pulls out a chair. He slides in with it and the ref catches him and takes the chair away from him. As the ref put back the chair, Carlito grabs the CWA Heavyweight belt and nails Ken Doane in the face with it. Carlito tosses it out and pins Doane.


Carlito Colon defeated Ken Doane in 16:53 by pinfall.

Carlito Colon is the NEW CWA Heavyweight Champion.


Rating – C+



Show Rating – C+


Next week on CWA Risers


Team Canada vs. Kaz & Matt Bentley for the CWA Tag Team Titles

Carlito Colon addresses becoming the new CWA Heavyweight Champion

Paul London addresses Jimmy Jacobs

And, Elix Skipper will be in action

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Wednesday, Week 3, September 2009

Live feed at cwawrestling.com!



Lance Hoyt vs. Ryan Cruz

Extreme Rules


Lance Hoyt defeated Ryan Cruz in 6:34 by pinfall with a Texas Tornado Slam.


Rating – E



Brett DiBiase vs. Cade Sydal


Brett DiBiase defeated Cade Sydal in 7:52 by submission with a Million Dollar Dream.


Rating – E



CWA Risers

Live in front of 99 people at Val Air Ballroom



The camera cuts backstage where we find Team Canada warming up.


Roode: You ready for this?


Williams: I’m ready…


Borash: Team Canada warming up, their match is later on!

Rating – B-


Elix Skipper vs. Rich Damien


Strong showing for the newcomer Damien in his CWA debut, the crowd got into Damien better than expected and took Elix Skipper near his limit with the fast-paced action. As always, Skipper was still just too much to handle.


Elix Skipper defeated Rich Damien in 8:35 by pinfall with a Play of the Day.


Borash: Skipper keeps on rolling! 5 wins, 0 losses!


Gertner: The Studmuffin is starting to become impressed.


Rating – C-


Elix Skipper is celebrating his victory in the ring. Lance Hoyt & Jimmy Rave run in and attack, beating Skipper down into the mat.


Rating – F


Team Canada vs. Kaz & Matt Bentley

=O= CWA Tag Team Championships =O=


Kaz and Bentley beat down Williams at ringside. Roode begins to rise and Bentley slides into the ring and distracts him and the ref. With the ref’s back turned, Kaz grabs a chair and nails Roode over the head with it. Kaz slides it out of the ring and Bentley leaves the ring, allowing Kaz to pick up the pin.


Kaz & Bentley defeated Team Canada in 14:39 when Kaz defeated Robert Roode by pinfall.

Kaz & Matt Bentley are the NEW CWA Tag Team Champions

Rating – C+


Mr. Anderson’s music hits and he comes out to the ring with a mic.


Anderson: All right. Last week, Homicide and Sid beat me and Jacobs. Obviously, Jacobs found that to be too much and decided to beat down Paul London. I don’t care. I’m not in charge of Jacobs, so he can go blindside whoever he wants. But, what I am concerned about is how smug and how… ****y Sid was. I know he has won world championships and headlined a WrestleMania. But, guess what? I’ve been to WrestleMania myself. I’ve won Money in the Bank there. Sid can’t even climb a ladder. He couldn’t be a part of a decent ladder match without breaking his leg. Hell, he can’t even hit a move from the second rope without breaking his leg. So, if Sid wants to be smug about being a legend and all brash and ****y about being at the top of this business, then maybe he should come out here right now and I will personally knock him down back to earth, because last I checked, there’s only about 100 people here and Jason Phoenix is the only man willing to hire him. So come on out here Sid. Get your head out of the clouds and your ass and come face me like a man!


Borash: Is it just me or is Anderson calling Sid “****y” the pot calling the kettle black?


Gertner: Why do you have a job? You are the most biased announcer I have ever seen!


Borash: I’m just calling them as I see them.


Gertner: No you’re not! The fans pay to see Mr. Anderson, not you running your mouth off about him!

Rating – C



The lights in the arena go out. The intro to Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana plays. The Self High Five symbol appears on the screen and the crowd cheers. Anderson appears nervous and questioning. The music stops and the symbol goes away with a voice yelling, “Bang!”


Rating – B-



Carlito Colon vs. Dave Swift


Carlito Colon defeated Dave Swift in 7:37 by pinfall with a Backstabber.


Rating – C


Carlito grabs a mic.

Carlito: Okay, now that that’s done. I’d like to formally celebrate my CWA Title victory. Ken Doane, I told you. Carlito told everyone that he would win the CWA Title. I beat him senseless 2 weeks in a row. I beat Sid in a #1 Contenders match. How could anyone not see that Carlito would win? Ken Doane, I know you’re coming out next for a match of your own, but listen to me real carefully. You can’t win. You don’t have the strength, speed, or dexterity to do it. Carlito has it. Carlito has that… “it” factor in him. You don’t. You just try to walk around, thinking you’re the best, and pretend you’re somebody else. I guarantee it. Everyone, watch this next match. Ken Doane… he tries to be somebody else. You’ll understand when you see it. Carlito is Carlito. Carlito is himself. No one else. Cause no one else is… cool like Carlito. Carlito has beaten the best and there is no competition here. Doane, I know you think differently, and I don’t care. You don’t have the gold. I do. And that my friends… is cool.

Carlito drops the mic and begins to walk away, when Dave Swift begins to stand. Carlito turns around and hits another Backstabber.

Rating – B-



Ken Doane vs. Chris Harris


Ken Doane defeated Chris Harris in 10:31 by pinfall with a RK–Doane.


Rating – C



Doane grabs a mic.


Doane: Carlito! I would normally have something things to tell you. But, I’m going to just say this. You didn’t beat me fair and square, and I’m cashing in my re-match next week.


*crowd cheers*


Ken Doane walks to the back.


Borash: Wow! Looks like Ken Doane is facing Carlito Colon next week!


Gertner: Maybe now Carlito can prove he is the best by beating Ken Doane again. Maybe that will shut Ken Doane up!

Rating – C



Paul London comes out to the ring.


London: Thank you guys for your support. I greatly appreciate being here with the fans, but what happened last week was inexcusable. What Jimmy Jacobs did to me was just Jimmy Jacobs acting like the crybaby he is. Jimmy Jacobs lost a cage match at the beginning of the night and instead of whining and crying and cutting himself with that railroad spike like the emo kid he is! But, instead he decided to take out his aggression on me. He wants attention, and he got it. Jimmy Jacobs, you just can’t contain yourself, can you? Well, you just poked the wrong bear. Come on out here and let me return the favor!


Rating – B-



Jimmy Jacobs comes out to the ring.


Jacobs: You want to stand out here, call me an emo, say that I cut myself, and say that I whine and that I want attention? Well, you’re right about one thing. I do want attention. I want people to know who I am, and I only know…


Jimmy Jacobs hits Paul London in the head with the mic.

Rating – C



Jimmy Jacobs vs. Paul London


After he knocks out the ref, Jacobs looks to gain advantage but London proves to fast. London boards the top rope, but Jacobs rushes it and climbs up as well. Jacobs looks to superplex London, but London fights back and knocks Jacobs off. London calls for the Shooting Star Press, but a masked man leaps up and lands a head kick on London from the top rope. London falls to mat and gets up on his knees. The masked man stands in front and poses before landing another sick kick on London.


Borash: My God, I’ve never seen kicks like that before!


Gertner: London is clean out!

The masked man revives the ref after pulling Jacobs on top of London. The masked man leaves as the ref counts the pin.


Jimmy Jacobs defeated Paul London in 13:22 by pinfall following interference.


Rating – C+



Show Rating – C+


Next Week on CWA Risers


Carlito Colon vs. Ken Doane for the CWA Heavyweight Championship

Robert Roode vs. Kaz

Petey Williams vs. Matt Bentley

Elix Skipper vs. Lance Hoyt

Who is out to get Mr. Anderson, and will it end with a “bang”?

Plus, who is the masked man who helped Jimmy Jacobs?

And in the pre-show, Brett DiBiase vs. Johnny Bravo, and a match from the high-flyers of CWA!

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Wednesday, Week 4, September 2009

Live feed at cwawrestling.com!


Brett DiBiase vs. Johnny Bravo


Brett DiBiase defeated Johnny Bravo in 6:18 by pinfall with a Dream Crusher.


Rating – E


Cade Sydal vs. Evan Karagias vs. Homicide vs. Jimmy Rave vs. Rich Damien

5-Way Match


In 5:56 when Homicide defeated Evan Karagias by pinfall with a Cop Killa.


Rating – C



CWA Risers: Special In-Ring Edition

Live in front of 450 people at Val Air Ballroom.



The camera shows that Carlito Colon has arrived at the building.


Rating – B-



Elix Skipper vs. Lance Hoyt


Lance Hoyt looks menacingly at Skipper. Skipper looks around. Hoyt runs at Skipper. Skipper moves out of the way and Hoyt hits the corner. Skipper dropkicks Hoyt back into the corner. Skipper runs at the corner, but Hoyt grabs him and sets him up for the Texas Tornado Slam. Skipper fights out and rolls up Hoyt for the pin.


Elix Skipper defeated Lance Hoyt in 0:39 by pinfall.


Borash: He got him!


Getner: Elix Skipper has just upset Lance Hoyt!


Borash: What time is it?! Primetime! 6 and 0!


Gertner: Elix Skipper is on the roll of his life!

Rating – C-



Kaz vs. Robert Roode


Kaz is in control. Kaz whips Roode against the ropes and ducks his head for a Back Body drop, but Roode counters by kicking Kaz in the head. Roode whips Kaz into the corner. Roode runs at him but Kaz moves and Roode slams into the corner. Kaz picks up Roode and sets him up for the Flux Capacitor. Roode kicks away Kaz, but Kaz runs back at him. Roode catches him, and hits the Payoff for the pin.


Robert Roode defeated Kaz in 6:31 by pinfall.


Rating – C


Petey Williams vs. Matt Bentley


Matt Bentley tunes up the band in the corner. Petey Williams gets up and counters the Superkick by grabbing the legs and locking him into the Sharpshooter.


Borash: Shades of Canadian wrestling legend, Bret Hart!


Gertner: No way! It’s like WrestleMania XII all over again!


Bentley fights out and stands up. Williams stands and is met with a Superkick. Bentley pins Williams, but Petey kicks out at the last moment.


Borash: You’ve got to be kidding me!


Gertner: He must not have gotten all of it!


Bentley looks bewildered, but stands up. He attempts to pick up Petey, but Petey counters with the Sharpshooter again. Bentley taps out.


Petey Williams defeated Matt Bentley in 6:57 by submission.


Borash: Canada has to be proud of Williams & Roode tonight!

Rating – C



Low Ki vs. Dave Swift


Swift starts off strong by getting to Low Ki first, but Ki fights out quickly and uses his martial arts to beat down Swift quickly. Swift regains advantage and boards the top rope. Swift flies for a move but is caught by a huge head kick by Low Ki.


Borash: Good Lord!


Gertner: He’s out. It’s over.


Low Ki defeated Dave Swift in 4:54 by pinfall.


Gertner: Is his head still there?!


Borash: Somebody go check Dave Swift’s pulse!

Rating – C+



Mr. Anderson vs. Ryan Cruz


Cruz tries to get momentum going, but Anderson slows down the pace and gets the best of Ryan Cruz. Cruz tries to climb the turnbuckles, but Anderson catches him before he could jump, climbs up top as well, and hits the Green Bay Plunge for the pin.


Mr. Anderson defeated Ryan Cruz in 5:36 by pinfall.

Rating – C-

Anderson grabs a mic.


Anderson: I know this is a 1-hour in-ring special, but I’ve GOT to make sure people know my opinion. Ryan Cruz, he’s a nice guy… Sid, he’s a nice guy. The problem? Nice guys ALWAYS… and I mean ALWAYS… finish… last. Now, from what I’ve heard, Sid is either injured or he’s leaving, either way Sid is out of my hair and I can finally go on to live my destiny and get back on track to becoming one of the greatest wrestlers alive and it all starts with my quest… no no no, my journey… no no no, my destiny of becoming the CWA Heavyweight Champion! And, no one… and I mean NO ONE can get in my way!


*crowd boos*


Rating – C+



The lights go out in the arena. The intro to Smells Like Teen Spirit plays as the Self High Five symbol appears again on the screen. The theme continues to play as text flashes across the screen.








Borash: Oh my God!


Gertner: Anderson, if I were you I wouldn’t show up next week!


Borash: It has to be him!


Gertner: I’ll believe it when I see it!

The logo disappears again with the voice yelling “Bang!”


Rating – C+



Carlito Colon vs. Ken Doane

No Disqualification Match

=O= CWA Heavyweight Championship=O=


Ken Doane whips Carlito into the corner. Carlito catches himself and springboards back to Doane, who catches him with an RK- Doane.


Borash: My God, Doane’s going to do it!

Doane pins Carlito, but Carlito gets the shoulder up at the last second.


Gertner: Not today!


Borash: How the hell did he do that?!


Doane stands bewildered, and looks the turnbuckles. Carlito is still down as Doane climbs the turnbuckle, Carlito gets up as Doane climbs them and knocks him onto the top turnbuckle. Carlito drags him across the top rope and hits the Backstabber from there for the pin.


Carlito Colon defeated Ken Doane in 9:10 by pinfall.

Carlito Colon is STILL CWA Heavyweight Champion. Defense #1


Rating – C+



Jimmy Jacobs and the masked man walk out to the ring.


Jacobs: Well, Paul London, this is the man who attacked you last week. And as promised, I will unmask him tonight, but first I would just like everyone to know that this man and I have begun a new age in CWA. The new age of the end time. The new… age of the fall.


Borash: No.


Gertner: Yes! Jacobs has re-created greatness!


Jacobs: Paul London, tonight you will face this man in a match so let’s get you out here for this.

Paul London’s music hits and he walks to the ring.

London: I would just like you to know… when I get done with him, I’m coming after you. There will be no re-formation of Age Of The Fall. I will personally see to it.

Jimmy Jacobs flashes a devilish grin.


Jacobs: We’ll see about that.

Jimmy Jacobs removes the mask to reveal Billy Kidman.

Borash: What?


London: No! You…


London eyes widen and he leaves the ring. He paces back and forth. Kidman looks at London, showing no emotion.


London: What did he do to you?! Kidman, this is… what the hell?! No!


Jacobs: Come on, climb back into this ring and let’s get this on.


London: No! I’m not fighting him! Billy, what the hell? We’ve been…


London paces back and forth some more.

Jacobs: We all know about how you and him have been such great friends, but remember how that ended?


London: We’re still great friends! Billy, what did… that’s not him! That’s… NOT HIM! That’s not…


London buries his face in his hands.


Jacobs: Are you crying? What? Didn’t expect someone you actually cared about? Didn’t expect me to get to someone personal to you? You thought wrong! Now get in this ring and let’s get going!

London slides into the ring.


London: I’m not doing this. I can’t… what did you do to him?! He’s my friend!

Borash: London obviously upset over this…

Jacobs: Ring that bell! By the way, this will be No Disqualifications!


Rating – C


Billy Kidman vs. Paul London

No Disqualification Match


Kidman abuses London after London refuses to fight back. Jacobs tosses the spike to Kidman. Kidman stabs at London as London rolls out of the way. London kicks the spike out of his hand. Kidman in turn dropkicks London into the corner. Kidman climbs the turnbuckles and picks London up with him. Kidman hits the BK Bomb on London for the pin.


Billy Kidman defeated Paul London in 2:52 by pinfall.


Gertner: Kidman has beaten London and the new Age Of The Fall is here!


Borash: London refused to fight! This makes me sick to my stomach how Jimmy Jacobs has brainwashed Billy Kidman. Look at him!


Gertner: I am! And he is standing tall!


Rating – C+

Show Rating – C+


Next Week On CWA Risers


Roode and Williams both won their respective singles matches, will they get another Tag Title shot?

Jimmy Rave’s plan to end Elix Skipper’s streak, Skipper vs. Rave and then Skipper vs. Hoyt!

Will Ken Doane get another shot at the CWA Heavyweight Title now?

Paul London addresses Age Of The Fall!

“The Master of the Diamond Cutter” arrives!

And in the pre-show, Devon Storm, WCW’s Crowbar, debuts against Brett DiBiase!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wednesday, Week 1, October 2009

Live feed at cwawrestling.com!



Dave Swift vs. Matt Bentley


Matt Bentley defeated Dave Swift in 10:04 by pinfall with a Picture Perfect Elbow.

Rating – C


Borash: Tonight is going to be a big night as “The Master of the Diamond Cutter” himself, Diamond Dallas Page will be making his debut tonight!


Rating – C+



Robert Roode vs. Evan Karagias


Robert Roode defeated Evan Karagias in 4:43 by pinfall with a Payoff.

Rating – C-


CWA Risers - Episode 7

Live in front of 397 people at Val Air Ballroom



Brett DiBiase vs. Devon Storm


It wasn’t a very big deal with the debut of Devon Storm, especially since Brett DiBiase has begun to prove himself to the CWA fans as he forced Storm to tap out with the move his father made famous.


Brett DiBiase defeated Devon Storm in 5:56 by submission with a Million Dollar Dream.


Rating – C-


Team Canada’s music hits as Roode and Williams walk down to the ring.


Roode: As far as I’m concerned, I don’t know if the ref saw it…


Williams: Probably not.


Roode: And I don’t know if Bruce Pritchard or Jason Phoenix saw it, but 2 weeks ago was by far the worst display of the dignity of professional wrestling I have ever seen! You see, after Bentley and Kaz used the distraction to their advantage, and now the first ever CWA Tag Team Title win has been forever tarnished by controversy. On behalf of everyone in this arena, everyone in CWA, and everyone in the great country to the north, our homeland, Canada…


*crowd boos*


Roode: I want Bruce Pritchard to come out here and right the wrongs that have been made and give the people what they want, and that’s a rematch for the CWA Tag Titles!

Rating – D


Bruce Pritchard makes his way out to the ring.


Pritchard: Listen, Robert. I know what happened 2 weeks ago was bogus, and last week I tried to right that wrong by putting you guys in singles matches to get revenge. You each won, and you each got even. Now, you want to come out here and tell me that the way I do things isn’t good enough?

Roode: Bruce, I know you’re under a lot of pressure and all since you deal with everyone in CWA, but last week was just to get even for the attack. Now, we want to get even on the fact that they are tarnishing the prestige of Tag gold by winning under poor pretenses. They STOLE the Tag Titles from us when we had the win in the palm of our hands. You need to do what’s best for CWA and put Team Canada in a rematch against Kaz & Matt Bentley for the Tag Titles and let us bring back the pride and honor of those belts BACK to CWA!


Pritchard: Okay, Robert, here’s what I’m going to do. Since you claim to have had the titles “in the palm of your hands”, I’m going to give you a title shot.


*crowd cheers*


Pritchard: But, only if you win tonight’s non-title match against them.


Roode: What? Why do we have to do that?!


Pritchard: Because I want you to show me that you can beat them and you are the best team in CWA. You beat Kaz & Bentley tonight, you get your Tag Title shots next week. If you lose, you’re getting out of my hair about it. Got it?


Robert Roode looks around with an exasperated look on his face.


Roode: Okay, you got it. Tonight, we win the non-title match, Next week, we win the gold. Bruce, you’re looking at the new CWA Tag Team Champions.


Pritchard: For your sake, I hope so.


Bruce Pritchard walks to the back.


Rating – C-



Elix Skipper vs. Jimmy Rave


Back and forth match with Jimmy Rave doing all he can to incapacitate Skipper at all costs. Skipper took a decent amount of damage but pulled out the Instant Replay to win.


Borash: My god, he did it! 7 and 0!


Gertner: Don’t get your hopes up JB, that steel cage is lowering right now and Lance Hoyt is on his way down!


Elix Skipper defeated Jimmy Rave in 12:39 by pinfall.


Rating – C



Elix Skipper vs. Lance Hoyt

Steel Cage Match


Lance Hoyt slowly dissected Skipper for a few minutes, picking his spots to make sure Skipper paid for weeks of embarrassment. Hoyt looked to finish it, but Skipper pulled out an Enziguiri out of nowhere to Hoyt. Rave threw a chair into the cage to Hoyt. Hoyt grabbed the chair but Skipper dropkicked the chair into Hoyt’s face. Rave tried climbing back into the cage to help Hoyt, but Skipper climbed out and fell to the floor from the top of the cage to win.


Gertner: You’re kidding!


Borash: Skipper did it! He did it again! 8 and 0! Have you ever seen anything this impressive Joel?


Gertner: No I have not! Rave and Hoyt annihilated him and he still pulled it off!


Borash: Primetime is here!


Elix Skipper defeated Lance Hoyt in 5:01 by escaping the cage.

Rating – C-


Ken Doane’s music hits and he walks down to the ring.

Doane: Listen, I’m not going to make excuses. I’m not going to go on about Carlito cheating, because he didn’t. He beat me fair and square and I have accepted that. Carlito, I’m only asking one thing of you. One more time…


Carlito Colon’s music hits and he walks down with a mic.

Carlito: You’re damn right I beat you fair and square. That’s why I’m the champion.


Doane: I realize that, but I’m only asking one more thing of you.


Carlito: What is it?


Doane: One final chance at the CWA Heavyweight Title.


Carlito: No! You’ve had plenty of chances and you blew it! You have lost and it’s time for you to move on. Get on with your life away from Carlito.


Doane: And I will do that if you give me this one last chance. If I lose, I will never be able to challenge you for your title again.

Carlito: Fine. But Carlito… he gets to pick the match.


Doane: Go ahead.

Carlito: It’s going to be a match that you’ve never been in before. Carlito has been in this match though. He knows this march well. If you want one last chance, it’s going to happen next week in… a ladder match!


Doane: You got it. I’ll see you next week!


Borash: Ken Doane gets one last shot at the gold!


Gertner: But Carlito made it a ladder match! Ken Doane has to beat Carlito for the title in a ladder match!


Rating – C-



Rich Damien vs. Chris Harris


Damien & Harris pulled out all the stops in a long back and forth bout that showed that Rich Damien could one day become a star. His defeat on Harris is nothing short of an upset and Damien proved a lot of people that he can go the distance in a match.


Rich Damien defeated Chris Harris in 20:02 by pinfall with a Shiranui (Sliced Bread #2).


Rating – C



Bruce Pritchard’s music hits and Pritchard walks down to the ring.


Pritchard: Now, I kind of forgot to touch base with this, but I just wanted to make sure everyone knows that we are currently in the process of building something monumental. Something that has never been seen before. Something that sets CWA apart from any other independent organization. I like to call it… the Barnyard. Now, there’s no real yard, but what were making to me looks like a barn. It’s big, it’s got ladders, and it’s got two levels to it. Now, according to what the blueprints call for, we’ve ourselves one massive cell. On the lower level of the cell will obviously be the ring, but directly above the ring will be 2 hatches 12 feet above the ring. Those hatches will lead you to the second level, where 12 more feet up will lead you to the CWA Heavyweight Title. A dual-level cell, and the only way to win is by climbing 2 ladders 25 above the ring to get it! And at the top of all this is the CWA Title! An exact date for this match will be determined soon, but for now, we will prepare for it by offering this first spot in the match to the winner of tonight’s upcoming qualifying match!


Rating – C


Ken Anderson walks around backstage, asking different people if they have seen Diamond Dallas Page. Everyone says no and Ken keeps on walking.

Rating – C


Homicide vs. Mikey Whipwreck

Extreme Rules

Barnyard Match Qualifier


Good reaction to the debuting Whipwreck. Good match throughout, proving to be the best of the night with Homicide pulling of the Cop Killa for the pin.


Homicide defeated Mikey Whipwreck in 10:46 by pinfall.

Rating – C+


Ken Anderson walks out to the ring with a mic.


Anderson: Okay, I’ve waited all night for DDP to confront me. He’s been hiding in the shadows playing his song, flashing his symbol, and quite frankly it makes me sick! DDP, if you’re such a legend, you’ll get on down here and face me!


Time ticks by and Anderson grabs Mikey Whipwreck, who is still recovering from his match.

Anderson: Don’t want to come out now? Just wanna stay in the back and try to intimidate me?


Ken Anderson tosses Whipwreck into the corner and sets him on the top turnbuckle.


Anderson: Come on Page! I’ll just beat the tar out of him to pass the time until you’re man enough to face me in person!

Anderson climbs up to the top and hits the Green Bay Plunge on Whipwreck.


Anderson: I can do this all night, Page!


Anderson climbs up to the top rope and calls for the Kenton Bomb.

Smells Like Teen Spirit plays as Anderson climbs down and stands in the middle of the ring with a smirk on his face. Diamond Dallas Page walks out to a thunderous ovation. He stands at the stage and holds up the Diamond Cutter symbol. Anderson challenges DDP to get in the ring with him. Page walks down to the ring, and when Page slides in, Anderson waits for Page to stand up and then takes his boot to “draw” a line across the ring, daring Page to cross it. Page crosses it and Anderson leaves the ring and begins to walk up the ramp.


*crowd boos*


Borash: After all that, Anderson chickens out!


Gertner: It’s a smart move! Wait until he is ready!


Borash: I think Anderson showed that he is ready!

Rating – C



Bruce Pritchard’s music hits and he walks out to intercept Anderson, who’s still walking back.


Pritchard: Ken, where you going? I thought you wanted this? You know, you started this fight, and I’m going to make sure you finish this fight! Next week on CWA Risers, you, Ken Anderson, will go one-on-one with Diamond Dallas Page!

Borash: Yeah! Bruce Pritchard making sure Anderson finishes what he started!


Gertner: Pritchard has made a huge mistake! DDP is like 55 years old! Ken is going to kill him!


Borash: First off, it’s 54, and DDP may be in better shape than Anderson, thanks to his yoga routines!


Gertner: Will you quit kissing asses? Next week is going to be huge with top of the line matches and the 2 guys you’ve badmouthed will shut you up!


Borash: Well, we’ll find out about that next week!

Rating – C+



Show Rating - C



Next Week On CWA Risers


Carlito Colon vs. Ken Doane in a Last Chance Ladder Match for the CWA Heavyweight Championship!

Team Canada vs. Kaz & Matt Bentley in non-title match.

Paul London addresses Age Of The Fall.

The in-ring return of Diamond Dallas Page against Ken Anderson!

What are Hoyt & Rave going to do next to end the winning streak of Elix Skipper?

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Again sorry about it being brief but im busy atm and i would prefer to keep updated than to leave it a week.


Not sure if this is a dig on me...


If it is, I understand my posting is a little erratic, but I try my best and sometimes I don't have the time to write my shows in one night. I apologize to anyone who may be frustrated with that, but I try. I'll try to do better, but I do have to put other things in my life in front of this. I will try to get these out faster though, and not be lazy about it. I understand that I may leave some people hanging by posting a couple things in 24 hours, and then not post for a week. I have a lot of excitement for how this may turn out, but I can say is what I said on my first post, please bear with me.

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Tuesday, Week 2, October 2009

Live feed at cwawrestling.com!



Evan Karagias vs. Rich Damien


Rich Damien defeated Evan Karagias in 7:34 by pinfall with a Sliced Bread #2.


Rating – C-



Colt Cage vs. Deranged


Colt Cage defeated Deranged in 7:48 by pinfall with a Liontamer.


Rating – C-


CWA Risers – Episode 8

Live in front of 416 people at Val Air Ballroom



Lance Hoyt & Jimmy Rave come out to the ring.


Rave: Now, over the past few weeks, Elix Skipper has gotten the better of us. He’s beaten me and Hoyt, and now it’s time for Elix skipper to put his streak where his mouth is!


Hoyt: It’s time for a little 2 on 1 beating, little man! Skipper! Get out here! It’s time for your demise!


Rating – E


Elix Skipper vs. Hoyt & Rave

2 vs. 1 Handicap Match


Lance Hoyt knocks the ref down. Rave & Hoyt begin to beat down Skipper. Hoyt goes to the outside and grabs a chair. Rave calls for a chair and Hoyt grabs a second one. They both are in the ring with chairs as Skipper begins to rise. Hoyt readies his chair as Rave watches. Hoyt swings the chair and Skipper ducks to connect with Rave, knocking Rave down. The ref stands up as Skipper suddenly hits the ground. The ref argues with Hoyt over the chair as Skipper claims to the ref that Hoyt hit him. The ref calls for the bell.


Elix Skipper defeated Lance Hoyt & Jimmy Rave in 7:32 by DQ.


Gertner: You’ve got to be kidding ref! Hoyt hit Rave!


Borash: Ha ha ha! Skipper pulled an Eddie Guerrero on Lance Hoyt!


Gertner: No! This isn’t fair!


Borash: Hey, after what Hoyt and Rave have done to him, I don’t care! Primetime baby! 9 and 0!

Skipper walks up the ramp holding his arms up in victory as Hoyt stands in the ring throwing a temper tantrum.


Rating – C-



Team Canada vs. Kaz & Bentley


Team Canada defeated Kaz & Bentley in 11:41 when Robert Roode defeated Matt Bentley by pinfall with a Payoff.


Rating – C


Bruce Pritchard walks out to the ramp.


Pritchard: Congratulations, Team Canada. You’ve earned the right to face Kaz & Matt Bentley next week for the CWA Tag Team Championships!


Team Canada celebrates their victory up the ramp as Kaz & Bentley recover in the ring.


Rating – C-


Low Ki vs. Mikey Whipwreck


Low Ki defeated Mikey Whipwreck in 7:32 by pinfall with a Ki Krusher.

Rating – C+


Backstage with Jeremy Borash and Homicide.


Borash: I’m JB, Jeremy Borash, and with me right now is Homicide. Homicide, last week you beat Mikey Whipwreck to earn a spot in the Barnyard Match at a later date for the CWA Heavyweight Championship, how are you feeling right now?


Homicide: Personally, I feel angry. I can’t get my shot tonight in the ladder match, no! I gotta wait until some time when they build a giant structure and put the belt inside that, that’s when I get my title shot! You see, whatever happens tonight for that title, Carlito, Ken Doane, whoever holds that title after tonight, I just want to make sure you know that Homicide is eyeing you. Homicide is watching your every move. Cause you see JB, I’m not Carlito and I’m not Ken Doane. I check my ego before I get in the ring. I don’t want myself getting in the way of fulfilling my dream. I’ll climb as high as I need to go to get that belt. I’ll climb to the top of the arena if the belt is there! I don’t care what I have to do in order to get the belt cause I will do it! Carlito, Ken, just remember… if you walk away tonight with the belt, you’re just holding it until I get my chance at it… and then the Notorious 187… will be… CWA… Heavyweight… Champion.

Rating – C-



Carlito Colon vs. Ken Doane

Last Chance Ladder Match

=O= CWA Heavyweight Championship =O=


Carlito Colon defeated Ken Doane in 13:42 when Carlito Colon retrieved the belt.

Carlito Colon is STILL CWA Heavyweight Champion.


Borash: Oh, man.


Gertner: I told you! I told you! Carlito did it! He shut up you, he shut up Ken Doane, and he damn sure shut up these fans!


Borash: Well, there’s no denying that Carlito has talent and now Ken Doane can never challenge for the CWA Title as long as Carlito has it.


Rating – C+


Paul London’s music hits as he makes his way down to the ring.


London: Okay, two weeks ago, Jimmy Jacobs came out here and told me he was making an impact against me. I didn’t think much of it cause I figured I could beat it out of him… But what he did last week was unforgivable… My own friend, Billy Kidman… was brainwashed by him… That man that follows Jimmy Jacobs around is NOT Billy Kidman. That guy is a demonic shell of emotionless bastard inside Kidman’s body. What I saw last week was not Billy Kidman. I looked into his eyes. They were empty. Billy wasn’t there. It was Jimmy Jacobs’ dementia inside Kidman. Jacobs took Kidman and turned him into nothing. He tore him down and built him back up in his own image. Jimmy Jacobs, you are one cruel, sick bastard and I’m not going to take this! Jimmy Jacobs, I want my friend back! Get out here and let me beat him out of you!


Rating – C


Jimmy Jacobs and Billy Kidman walk out.


Jacobs: So you want him, huh? You want “poor, little Billy” back, don’t ya? Well, I guess you can have him. Billy, if you want, you can go free to Paul right now. Go on, go.

Kidman stares at Jacobs and then at London and does not move.


Jacobs: You see, London, even if you had Kidman back, you really wouldn’t. That friend you had in Kidman is no more. He is NEVER COMING BACK! EVER!


London: You get you your ass in here right now! You’re not getting away with brainwashing him!


Jacobs: You want me?! You got me! Let’s go!


Rating – C



Jimmy Jacobs vs. Paul London


Kidman slides into the ring while Jacobs stops just short. Kidman stares at London while London looks on at him, ready to cry. Jacobs slides in behind London and nails him with the spike. Kidman slides out of the ring as Jacobs stands over London’s bleeding prone body. Jacobs stomps into London and locks in the End Time. London refuses to tap but passes out from the blood loss.


Jimmy Jacobs defeated Paul London in 2:35 by submission.


Jimmy Jacobs stands over London and wipes his hand across London’s bleeding head. He wipes the blood on his body and motions for Kidman to come in. He does the same for Kidman and raises his arms in victory and London remains there lying motionless.


Rating – C+



Backstage, the camera turns onto DDP, who is walking backstage to the ring.


Rating – B-



Diamond Dallas Page vs. Ken Anderson


Anderson looks to hit the mic check, but DDP elbows his way out. DDP then turns and hits a discus clothesline on Anderson. DDP motions for the Diamond Cutter, and picks up Anderson. He tries it, but Anderson shoves Page into the referee, knocking him down. Page stands back up to get hit down again by a steel chair from Anderson. Anderson clobbers Page a couple more times with the chair and then sets it on the mat. Anderson picks up Page and hits the Mic Check on the chair. Anderson slides the chair out and wakes the ref up to count the pin.


Ken Anderson defeated Diamond Dallas Page in 11:13 by pinfall.


Borash: What a low trick to do!


Gertner: Hey, you do what you can to win, and Ken Anderson just shut you up! I told you both guys would shut you up tonight and what happened?


Borash: Oh, come on, Anderson cheated to win! He used the chair several times on Page!


Gertner: Still, a win is a win. Doesn’t matter how you get there as long as you get the “W”!


Rating – C+


Anderson walks to the back as DDP rises from the mat and grabs a mic.


DDP: What just happened there was the inability to have sportsmanship. Anderson took the easy way out and that’s all there is to it. I thank each and every one of you for your cheers tonight and I hope that Bruce Pritchard will soon later get another chance at Ken Anderson. The next time he books us, I want that No DQ match! I want to be able to unleash everything that these old bones have left in them! Ken Anderson, this is my warning to you! Next time, you’re going down and out with a… BANG!!

DDP does the signature Diamond Cutter gesture and his music plays as he walks to the back.


Rating – B



Show Rating – C+



Next Week On CWA Risers


Who’s next for CWA Champion, Carlito Colon?

Team Canada vs. Kaz & Matt Bentley for the CWA Tag Team Championships!

Is there anything Hoyt & Rave can do to stop the momentum of Elix Skipper?

How will Paul London cope with Jimmy Jacobs & Billy Kidman?

What does Ken Anderson have to say about DDP now?

Plus, a rumor has begun of a shift in the balance of power, how has that occurred and who’s in charge?

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<p><strong>Tuesday, Week 3, October 2009</strong></p><p> <em>Live feed at cwawrestling.com!</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#A0522D;">Borash: Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the 9th installment of CWA Risers! Tonight, we determine the final 3 spots for the Barnyard Match next week on the milestone 10th episode! Tonight, Ken Anderson takes on Diamond Dallas Page, and Jimmy Jacobs takes on a mystery opponent for 2 of the final spots in the match. And for the final spot in the Barnyard Match, there will be a 10 Man Lottery Battle Royal! 8 men have been decided and before tonight’s event, we will determine the final 2 participants who will be in tonight’s Battle Royal!</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24125" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Cade Sydal vs. Johnny Bravo</span><p> </p><p> Cade Sydal defeated Johnny Bravo in 7:35 by pinfall with a Nightcap.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Rating – D</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24125" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Brett DiBiase vs. Devon Storm</span><p> </p><p> Brett DiBiase defeated Devon Storm in 7:56 by pinfall with a Dream Crusher.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Rating – C-</em></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> CWA Risers – Episode 9</strong></p><p><strong> Live in front of 836 people at Val Air Ballroom</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24125" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><em>Ken Anderson’s music hits as Anderson walks out to the ring.</em><p><em> </em></p><p> <span style="color:#8B0000;">Anderson:Well, Bruce Pritchard felt that the rematch between DDP and I had to happen tonight, and it’s for a spot in the Barnyard Match. Personally, I feel as though I have been cheated out of it already by Pritchard. You see, I beat DDP last week and I’ve proven over the past couple months since the beginning of CWA that I am worthy of the CWA Heavyweight Championship. But, apparently Bruce Pritchard feels differently. So, DDP and I have to fight tonight in a No Disqualification match for a spot in the Barnyard. And DDP, I think that’s great. You see, Last week, you relied on your old-fashioned, good natured wrestling skills. Tonight, I get to beat those skills right out of you. I can use whatever weapon I choose. Tonight, I get to show no mercy towards you. I get to destroy you. I get to beat you within an inch of your pathetic life! Tonight, neither you nor your wrestling skills play a factor here. Tonight, neither you nor anyone else in CWA will stop the future of CWA, Ken Anderson, from getting what he deserves, and that includes a spot in the Barnyard Match! DDP, you’re a nice guy, and nice guys ALWAYS FINISH LAST! Tonight is my night! Tonight is Ken Anderson’s night! DDP, get on out here and I’ll show what I do to nice guys!</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Rating – B-</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24125" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Diamond Dallas Page vs. Ken Anderson<p> No Disqualification Match</p><p> <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Winner Earns A Spot In The Barnyard Match</span></p><p> MATCH:</p><p> DDP walks out. As he slides into the ring, Anderson pummels him with stomps. Anderson picks up Page and continues to beat him down to the mat. Anderson climbs out of the ring to grab a chair. Anderson slides back in with the chair as DDP stumbles to his feet by the ropes. Anderson swings at Page, but he ducks and the chair bounces off the ropes and hits Anderson, ala The Rock. Anderson drops the chair and stumbles around. DDP waits for Anderson to turn around and hits the Diamond Cutter on Anderson for the pin.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#A0522D;">Borash: He did it! Page has upset Ken Anderson!</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Gertner: You’re damn right! Ken Anderson has to be upset over this!</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Borash: DDP is going to the Barnyard Match! DDP is going for the CWA Heavyweight Title!</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Gertner: I can’t believe this! This is bogus! DDP is the past. Ken Anderson is the future! He should have never had to face DDP again! He won on a fluke!</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Borash: Well, fluke or not, DDP is going to the Barnyard!</span></p><p> </p><p> Diamond Dallas Page defeated Ken Anderson in 2:03 by pinfall.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Rating – B-</em></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24125" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><em>Elix Skipper’s music hits as Skipper walks out to the ring with a mic.</em><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#000080;">Skipper: I just wanted to come out here tonight to thank each and every one of you. Over the past couple months, I have worked my butt off every single week to entertain you fans. And when I had matches, you people stood behind me. When I first started back in WCW, I met some great people. Some of them are here now. I went to TNA and became a part of one of the greatest stables in wrestling history, Triple X. When TNA released me, I was bumming around the independent scene, wrestling wherever I could, and couldn’t quite find a home. Then, about 3 months ago, Jason Phoenix called me. He told me that he’s starting a new promotion here in Iowa and would love for me to be a part of it. Since then, from the first time I walked out to the ring in front of 72 people that first show, all the way up to tonight, in front of a record attendance of 836 people, the CWA fans have been supporters of Elix Skipper. You fans have turned Elix Skipper from a Triple X reject back into Primetime! Since I’ve been here, I’ve been on the roll of my life with a winning streak no one here in CWA can top! I’ve even turned Joel Gertner over here into a believer!</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#A0522D;">Gertner: Only a miracle can give Elix Skipper this much momentum over Hoyt & Rave.</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#000080;">Skipper: From the times I pull off wins no man can seem to accomplish all the way to the beat downs I have received at the hands of Lance Hoyt & Jimmy Rave, you fans have been behind Primetime and cannot thank you enough for you loyal support and believing that what seems impossible can be achieved if you never give up, and give it everything you have all the time!</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#A0522D;">Gertner: My god, this is starting to sound like a corny John Cena cater-to-kids promo.</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Borash: I hope one day John Cena comes here and decks you for your big mouth, I really do.</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Gertner: Yeah, call me when comes here to do that.</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#000080;">Skipper: So thank you so much for making me Primetime once more, and I hope I will never let any of you down!</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Rating – C-</em></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24125" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><em>Skipper climbs out of the ring, slapping hands with the fans. Hoyt & rave’s music hits and Hoyt & Rave walk out to the stage. Elix Skipper looks on at them in disbelief. Rave grabs a mic.</em><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#8B0000;">Rave: Well, Elix… that was one hell of a heartwarming speech you gave there. But, there’s one little problem with what you said. Despite YOUR beliefs, these fans couldn’t give a rat’s ass about you. If you were released tomorrow from this company, no one would care. It’s business as usual. You’re no more special than anyone else here. And Lance and I are going to make sure that you know that. You seem a little far up on your high horse right now and so OUR beliefs say that we need to take down off that horse.</span></p><p> </p><p> <em>Hoyt and Rave walk down to the ring, and Skipper readies himself back in the ring. Rave slides into the ring, but Chris Harris runs down and catches Hoyt before he could get in. Harris beats down Hoyt while Skipper defends himself against Jimmy Rave. Harris picks out a chair from under the ring, and Hoyt stands back up. Hoyt turns around and Harris cracks the chair over Hoyt’s head. Skipper clotheslines Rave over the ropes and to the floor. Harris turns towards Rave and blasts him with the chair as well. Harris slides in the ring and looks at Skipper. A short pause and then Harris extends his hand towards Skipper. Skipper shakes Harris’s hand and the two raise their arms in victory to the delight of the crowd as Hoyt & Rave crawl towards the back.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Rating – E</em></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24125" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Ryan Cruz & Dave Swift vs. Wasted Youth (Rich Damien & Deranged)<p> <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Singapore Cane On A Pole Match</span></p><p> </p><p> Wasted Youth defeated Ryan Cruz & Dave Swift in 10:50 by pinfall.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#A0522D;">Borash: Once again, Rich Damien & his new partner Deranged impressing the crowd!</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Gertner: You know JB, I’ve heard rumors that Rich Damien has been interested in joining The New Age.</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Borash: You know, just as I was getting used to Rich Damien, you go and tell me he wants to align himself with Jimmy Jacobs & Billy Kidman.</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Gertner: Hey, I said it was a rumor. Might not be true, but with how Rich Damien & Deranged act, they would be a perfect fit with The New Age.</span></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><p><em> Rating – C-</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24125" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><em>Paul London sits backstage in the locker room, looking at the ground, thinking. Percy Pringle walks in and sits next to London.</em><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#006400;">Pringle: You know, I’ve been working here since day one for Bruce Pritchard, and I’ve seen what you’ve done in the ring. I’ve also seen the situation you’re in too.</span></p><p> </p><p> <em>London sighs.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#000080;">London: I don’t know if I should keep going like this.</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#006400;">Pringle: Listen, when I was in WWE, I managed two pretty big monsters. When I managed the Undertaker, Undertaker was the guy who was the demonic, physical being. But what do most people remember form his earlier matches?</span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p> <span style="color:#000080;">London: That urn.</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#006400;">Pringle: Exactly. The urn had a “power” that couldn’t be explained. Was it a special urn? No. was there anything mystic about the urn. It was the subtleties that you portrayed. It was the things that seem not to make sense at first, but over time… still could never be explained. I never had to get physical with any of ‘Taker’s opponents because it was the verbal and mental things I did that got to people.</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#000080;">London: How is this supposed to help me?</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#006400;">Pringle: What you’ve done so far seems to make no sense, and seems to not work. I’m telling you right now, you’re getting through to him. You are. It doesn’t seem like it now but just wait it out. It may take some more beatings, but eventually, what you’ve done by not getting physical with him gets through so much more than beating him senseless. If you keep peaceful towards Billy, it will get through to him. The verbal & mental things you do to people get through much better than the physical. It is working, you just have to give it time.</span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p> <em>Pringle leaves as London sits there, pondering the words spoken.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Rating – C+</em></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24125" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Kaz & Matt Bentley © vs. Team Canada<p> <span style="text-decoration:underline;">=O=CWA Tag Team Championships=O=</span></p><p> FINISH:</p><p> Bentley sets up for the Superkick as Williams struggles to his feet. Roode comes in and clotheslines Bentley outside the ring. Kaz springboards into the ring and misses Roode. Kaz lands on his feet, but Petey Williams kick him in the gut and signals for the Canadian Destroyer. Kaz fights out and hits a back kick to the face of Williams. Roode runs up and big boots Kaz to the mat. Roode picks up Kaz and sets up for the Payoff. Bentley slides in and hits Roode in the face with the Tag Team belt. The ref calls for the bell.</p><p> </p><p> Team Canada defeated Kaz & Bentley in 10:41 by DQ.</p><p> <strong>Kaz & Matt Bentley are STILL CWA Tag Team Champions.</strong></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#A0522D;">Borash: What a cheap way to keep the belts!</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Gertner: Hey, you have to do what you have to do to win, JB.</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Borash: This is a travesty of justice! It really is! Team Canada deserves those belts!</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Rating – C</em></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24125" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><em>Paul London’s music hits as he walks out to the ring with a mic.</em><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#000080;">London: I’m out here tonight because I want Billy Kidman in this ring now.</span></p><p> </p><p> <em>Billy Kidman comes out to the ring.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#000080;">London: Billy, I don’t know what Jimmy Jacobs has done to you, and I don’t care anymore. I’m dedicating my time, effort, and energy to making sure that I get my friend, Billy Kidman back. So, we have a match right now. Do what you want to me. Knock me out, beat me bloody, and don’t forget to make sure when it’s all said and done that you take my blood, my sweat, my tears, and you take your hand, put it on my face, and mark yourself with my dignity.</span></p><p><span style="color:#000080;"> </span></p><p> <span style="color:#A0522D;">Borash: Kidman has to have some remorse left in him!</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Gertner: Nope. Jimmy Jacobs took it all out of him. Let’s watch the demise of Paul London before our very eyes!</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Rating – C-</em></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24125" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Paul London vs. Billy Kidman</span><p> MATCH:</p><p> Kidman looks on at London and kicks him in the gut. With London reeling, Kidman flips over London and pins him with a Sunset Flip.</p><p> </p><p> Billy Kidman defeated Paul London in :13 by pinfall.</p><p> </p><p> <em>Kidman leaves the ring without hesitation and walks to the back, never turning around. London remains on his knees, staring on at Kidman with a look of shock on his face.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p> <span style="color:#A0522D;">Borash: That’s the first sign of remorse we’ve seen out of Billy Kidman!</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Gertner: showing mercy to your opponent can only mean weakness. Trust me, I’ve seen it before.</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Borash: But London’s not going to bring harm to Kidman! Kidman almost seemed to extend a favor to London by showing mercy!</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Gertner: And Jimmy Jacobs will not be happy about that.</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Rating – C+</em></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24125" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>10 Man Lottery Battle Royal<p> <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Winner Earns A Spot In The Barnyard Match</span></p><p> HIGHLIGHTS:</p><p> Nice ovation to Atlas Ortiz when he came out at #1. Evan Karagias impressed the crowd by Eliminating Cade Sydal & Brett DiBiase. Low Ki also remained impressive throughout with his kicks actually sending guys over the top rope to the floor. #10 was a shocker as Ken Anderson came out to a chorus of boos. Atlas Ortiz eliminated Karagias while Anderson eliminated Low Ki. Ortiz fought with everything he had including nearly eliminating Anderson before finally being reversed and sent to the floor.</p><p> </p><p> Ken Anderson won a battle royal in 14:57. The final four competitors also included Atlas Ortiz, Low Ki and Evan Karagias, with Atlas Ortiz being the final elimination.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#A0522D;">Gertner: Yes! Ken Anderson is going to the Barnyard!</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Borash: It’s a damn shame, but what happens, happens. Next week, the CWA Title will be on the line at the milestone 10th episode of CWA Risers with Carlito Colon defending against Homicide, DDP, Ken Anderson, and the winner of tonight’s main event!</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Gertner: We’re still not sure who the man is going to be to face Jimmy Jacobs next!</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Rating – C</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24125" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><em>Bruce Pritchard walks out to the stage as Ken Anderson is walking up the stage.</em><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#006400;">Pritchard: Ken, I figured I would be the first one to tell you this. As of right now, I am officially stepping down as Commissioner of CWA.</span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p> <span style="color:#A0522D;">Borash: What?!</span></p><p> </p><p><em> Ken Anderson flashes a huge grin as he taunts Pritchard.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#A0522D;">Gertner: That’s right, Ken! You beat him! Drink this moment in!</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#006400;">Pritchard: And allow me to introduce the new Commissioner of CWA, he is arguably one of the greatest superstars and one of the most popular wrestlers of all time! He is the best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be, Bret Hart!</span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p> <em>Bret Hart’s music plays as Hart walks out to the stage to greet a wide-eyed Ken Anderson.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#A0522D;">Borash: My, God! It’s The Hitman!</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Gertner: Bret Hart is here! He’s in CWA! Good Lord!</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#006400;">Hart: It feels pretty good being back in a wrestling event. It’s been a while since anybody’s been able to see Bret “the Hitman” Hart, and now, all of you CWA fans here in Iowa will get to see me on a weekly basis!</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#A0522D;">Borash: You’re damn right! Bret Hart is the commissioner! Ken Anderson won’t be able to put anything past him!</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#006400;">Hart: And I would just like Jimmy Jacobs to come out here for his match.</span></p><p> </p><p> <em>Jimmy Jacobs walks out as Ken Anderson walks backstage. Jacobs looks at Hart, shakes his head and walks to the ring.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#006400;">Hart: And as my first act as Commissioner, I have hired perhaps the biggest free agent in the history of wrestling today. Ladies and gentleman, Jimmy Jacobs’s opponent tonight, the newest signing to CWA, John Cena!</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#A0522D;">Borash: Oh my…</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Gertner: JB, calm down! You’re going to have a heart attack!</span></p><p> </p><p><em> Jeremy Borash takes out his phone and dials a number. Joel Gertner picks up his phone.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p> <span style="color:#A0522D;">Gertner: Hello?</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Borash: Joel, John Cena is here.</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Gertner: Oh, bite me, Borash.</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p> <em>They hang up their phones.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#A0522D;">Borash: What’s to say about the rest of these fans here?! First we get Bret Hart as the Commissioner, now we have John Cena fighting for a chance at the CWA Heavyweight Title!</span></p><p> </p><p> <em>Jimmy Jacobs looks on in disbelief as Cena poses at the top of the ramp. Jacobs paces back and forth as Cena walks to the ring.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#A0522D;">Borash: John Cena is here for the first time and he steps to the front of the line for the CWA Heavyweight Title contenders!</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Rating – A</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24125" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Jimmy Jacobs vs. John Cena<p> <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Winner Earns A Spot In The Barnyard Match</span></p><p> HIGHLIGHTS:</p><p> Needless to say, a huge ovation for Cena as he walked to the ring. Jacobs could not be more over as a heel facing Cena for a spot in the Barnyard. Jacobs pulled out everything he could, but Cena was just too much as Cena hits the F-U, that’s right, the F-U, for the pin.</p><p> </p><p> John Cena defeated Jimmy Jacobs in 8:55 by pinfall.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#A0522D;">Borash: Cena is going to the Barnyard!</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> Gertner: This is unfair. Jimmy Jacobs has worked too hard to be treated like this!</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Rating – B</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24125" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><em>The crowd goes nuts for Cena as he celebrates in the ring. Carlito Colon runs in a runs down Cena with the CWA Title belt.</em><p> </p><p> <em>*crowd boos*</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#8B0000;">Carlito: No way! There is no way you’re taking Carlito’s spotlight! I’m the CWA Champion! John Cena will not survive the Barnyard next week, I guarantee it!</span></p><p> </p><p> <em>Carlito Colon poses with the belt as John Cena is laid out.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Rating – B</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Show Rating – B-</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24125" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Next Week On CWA Risers</strong></span><p> </p><p> The first-ever Barnyard Match for the CWA Heavyweight Championship. Carlito Colon vs. Homicide vs. Ken Anderson vs. DDP vs. John Cena!</p><p> Kaz & Bentley cheat their way to retaining their gold, what will Bret Hart have to say about it?</p><p> Lance Hoyt vs. Chris Harris in a Street Fight!</p><p> What will Paul London have to say about Billy Kidman’s actions?</p><p> The celebration of CWA Risers’ 10th episode featuring all this and more next week!</p></div></blockquote>
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OOC: Sorry it took THIS LONG to get this out. My internet shut down on the 6th because the other people in my house were switching carriers. So I FINALLY got the internet back a couple days ago so for anyone who still comes here to look this over, I'm truly sorry about not putting anything up for about 3 weeks. I hope you still read this because I'm not dead yet.


Tuesday, Week 4, October 2009

Live feed at cwawrestling.com!



Wasted Youth vs. Johnny Bravo & Cade Sydal vs. Ryan Cruz & Dave Swift

Triple Threat Tag Match

Wasted Youth defeated Johnny Bravo & Cade Sydal and Ryan Cruz & Dave Swift in 7:32 when Rich Damien defeated Cade Sydal by pinfall with a Sliced Bread #2.


Rating – C-



Brett DiBiase vs. Evan Karagias vs. Devon Storm

Triple Threat Match

Brett DiBiase defeated Devon Storm and Evan Karagias in 5:36 when Brett DiBiase defeated Evan Karagias by pinfall with a Dream Crusher.


Rating – C-


CWA Risers – 10th Episode Celebration

Live in front of 895 people at Val Air Ballroom.



Chris Harris vs. Lance Hoyt

Street Fight


Chris Harris beats down Hoyt with a Singapore cane. Harris sets up a table and calls for the Catatonic. Jimmy Rave runs into the ring and nails Harris in the head with a steel chair. Hoyt stands up and takes the chair from Rave and hits Harris with it. Hoyt picks up Harris and powerbombs him through the table for the pin.


Lance Hoyt defeated Chris Harris in 9:31 by pinfall.


Borash: This is highway robbery! Rave & Hoyt can’t beat Skipper so they go after Harris!


Gertner: It’s a smart move! They have two problems so eliminate the weaker one!


Rating – D



Hoyt & Rave continue their beatdown on Harris when Elix Skipper runs down to the ring.

Borash: Here comes the cavalry!


Hoyt & Rave scurry away from the ring as Skipper challenges them back into the ring.


Borash: These two bullies are scared of Elix Skipper?!


Gertner: Sometimes, JB, you just have to know when to fight another day. They made their point and that’s all they need to do.

Rave & Hoyt walk to the back as Skipper checks on Chris Harris.

Rating – E



Bret Hart’s music hits as Hart walks out to the ring to a huge ovation.


Hart: Tonight is the 10th episode of CWA Risers, and I’m damn glad to be a part of this history. CWA has risen faster than any other promotion in professional wrestling history. Most of that is due to the tremendous toll that has been taken on Jason Phoenix’s wallet. CWA is losing record amounts of money and I’m not sure if I really should be here. But I am, and hopefully I can bring enough of you fans here to keep CWA alive. With that said, next week on CWA Risers I am personally booking a match that will hopefully put an end to the controversy surrounding the CWA Tag Team Titles. Next week, Team Canada will get another shot at Kaz & Matt Bentley for the titles… in a steel cage match!

*crowd cheers*


Hart: Actually, I’ve just thought of something. Next week, that match is NOT going to happen. That match is going to happen TONIGHT!


*crowd cheers*

Hart: Kaz, Bentley, I hope you guys are ready to compete tonight because that steel cage match will happen right here at the 10th episode celebration!


Bret’s music hits as he climbs out of the ring and up the ramp.

Rating – C-


Bret stops at the top of the ramp and turns towards the crowd.


Hart: Oh darn. I knew I forgot about something. Ladies and gentleman, next week, we will host a tournament. And that tournament will crown a new champion in CWA. But it’s not the CWA Heavyweight Title. You see, just like WWE has the Intercontinental Championship to complete the World Heavyweight Championship, CWA will have that too. Jason Phoenix and I talked and we felt as though we needed a little bit more gold around here. A sort of measurement of rising stars here in CWA. You see, we can tell you people the stories of the up and comers in CWA or we can let all of you witness those up and comers fight for that story. Next week, we will begin a tournament to crown the first-ever CWA International Champion! This title will not just serve as another piece of gold, no. This title will tell a story of its own. The battles won and lost over becoming the next rising star in pro wrestling will have stories attached to this belt. The CWA International Championship will be a message to the world. It will tell the world just who is the next professional wrestling superstar!


Rating – A



Mikey Whipwreck vs. Low Ki


Low Ki defeated Mikey Whipwreck in 7:34 by pinfall with a Warrior's Way.

Borash: for those keeping score at home, that’s about the second or third time Low Ki has beaten Whipwreck.


Gertner: I was around Whipwreck for some time in ECW and I can tell you that he is a tremendous competitor, but if he’s not taking his opponent to the limit, which usually involves weapons, he’s not Mikey Whipwreck.


Borash: He is a strange one but I guess if there are no hardcore elements, it’s hard to compete with someone like Low Ki.


Rating – C+


Music hits as Rich Damien & Deranged come out to the ring.


Damien: Now, I’ve heard a lot of talks going on within CWA that Wasted Youth wants to join The New Age. Well, I’m out here to set the record straight on those “rumors”. The thing is, they’re not rumors. What you may have heard is… the truth! Jimmy Jacobs! I don’t need you to come out right now, but I want you to know something! Rich Damien and Deranged want in! Me and Deranged sat in the back over the past few weeks and watched as this whole Kidman/London thing evolved and I’ve got to say, you’re going soft. You’re letting Kidman go out there alone and that’s not good. I think it’s time you have some people who can help you with your problems. Kidman is going to crack. I can tell, Deranged can tell, and now you need to see that. The New Age needs to be strong and tonight’s match earlier should be an indication of how well we can solve problems. Jimmy Jacobs, you need Wasted Youth. You want Wasted Youth. Wasted Youth aren’t just a couple of punks, were the real deal and as soon as you can see that, you need to hunt us down and let us in on this. Wasted Youth, New Age, sounds pretty cool. The modern age, the new age, the age of today and tomorrow… it’s full of youth that’s wasted. Jimmy Jacobs, don’t let this offer go down the toilet. I’ll give you some time to think about it, but within the next couple weeks, you should be able to make up your mind. Jimmy, make… the right… decision.


Borash: Eerie déjà vu right there.


Gertner: Wasted Youth mean business! They’re not beating around the bush!

Rating – C-



Kaz & Matt Bentley © vs. Team Canada

Steel Cage Match

CWA Tag Team Championships


Robert Roode and Kaz each climb over the top of the cage. Roode gets over first but Bentley tries to stop him. Williams is too slow to stop Kaz as he makes his way down the cage. Roode fights off Bentley and drops to the floor from the top. Kaz hits the floor at the same time as Roode.


Team Canada drew with Kaz & Bentley in 15:55 following a simultaneous cage escape.


Rating – C



Paul London’s music hits and London comes to the ring with a mic.


London: Billy Kidman, I don’t care. I don’t care if this has to be a weekly ritual. You see, I know what’s happening. You’re going soft. You’re beginning to realize just what’s going on and that’s a great thing. Billy, I know that somewhere deep down inside of you is the Billy Kidman that I know. I know it’s there. I want that Billy Kidman to come out. We all want that Billy Kidman to come out. Jimmy Jacobs can brainwash you all he wants but I know that you’re stronger than that. You’ve shown compassion and mercy, and I know that you have it in you to get rid of Jimmy Jacobs. You have it in you to reject his ways and follow your own. I know that deep down inside of you is…


Billy Kidman’s music hits as Kidman walks down to the ring.


London: Billy, listen to me. Jimmy Jacobs is wrong and we all love you here. We all need the Billy Kidman we know and love to show his true colors. So come on, Billy…


Tears begin to well up in Paul London’s eyes.

London: Show me your true colors! Show me just who you are! Show everyone who you are!


Kidman punches London in the face.


Borash: Oh, for God’s sakes!


Gertner: What did Jimmy Jacobs do to him?


Rating – C



Paul London vs. Billy Kidman


Billy Kidman lays into London and continues to beat him down while London refuses to fight back. Ken Doane runs into the ring and pulls Kidman off of him and lays him out with a quick couple punches.


Billy Kidman defeated Paul London in 1:30 by DQ.


London picks himself up and shoves Doane, yelling at him for attacking Kidman. Doane tries explaining himself as London continues going off on him.

Rating – C+



While London and Doane continue to argue, Jimmy Jacobs runs in with his spike and nails Doane in the head with the spike. London kicks the spike away from Jacobs and assaults Jacobs with a flurry of punches. Jacobs tries fighting back, but London appears to be too much. Kidman slides in with the spike and readies himself with it. London turns around and stares at Kidman. Kidman stares back while still holding the spike. London stands firm and tells Kidman to hit him with it. Kidman hesitates and drops the spike.

Borash: He didn’t do it! He dropped the spike!


London walks towards Kidman with a sign of relief. Jacobs recovers and low blows London. Jacobs picks London up and hits the Contra Code. Jacobs orders Kidman to grab a ladder.


Borash: What does Jacobs need with a ladder?


Gertner: I don’t know but Kidman has sure shown weakness tonight.


Kidman grabs a ladder and slides it to Jacobs. Jacobs sets up the ladder and orders Kidman to climb it. Kidman hesitates at first but climbs to the top. Jacobs picks up London and drags him up the ladder to Kidman. Kidman sits atop the ladder as Jacobs passes London to him. Jacobs orders Kidman to finish him off. Kidman hesitates again.


Borash: No Billy, you don’t have to do this. Don’t end the career of Paul London!


Gertner: Even I know this is very wrong. Someone get them down from there!


Jacobs once again orders Kidman to finish him off and Kidman again hesitates. Jacobs begins climbing the ladder as Kidman motions for him to stop and sets up London on the ladder.


Borash: Oh, my god. Not from the top of the ladder!


Gertner: Come on, Kidman! Don’t do this!


Borash: Think this through!

Kidman sets up for the BK Bomb and crashes to the mat below from the ladder with London.


Gertner: BK Bomb from the top of the ladder!


Borash: My god, London’s got to be injured! We need people down here now for assistance!

Jacobs drags Kidman out of the ring and to the back while EMT’s rush to the ring to check on London. Ken Doane picks himself up off the floor, clutching the gash on his head where the spike cut him.


Rating – C



Carlito Colon © vs. Homicide vs. Diamond Dallas Page vs. Ken Anderson vs. John Cena

Barnyard Match

=O=CWA Heavyweight Championship=O=


DDP is slowing climbing the top of one ladder. Ken Anderson begins climbing up another. DDP reaches for the belt, and can touch the belt, but is unable to get a grasp on it. Anderson stops him and sets him up for a Mic Check.


Borash: Oh no. Not from the top!


Gertner: He’s going to kill the old man!


Anderson hits the Mic Check on DDP from the top of the ladder and they both crash onto the bottom of the top cage. Homicide is climbing yet another ladder and is inches away when Carlito Colon stops him from behind and sets Homicide up for a Backstabber. Carlito hits it from the ladder and they both crash down to the cage. Carlito slowly climbs back up and makes his way up the ladder. John Cena also slowly climbs the ladder and stops Carlito just before he grabs the belt. Carlito begins to fight off Cena and Cena slides down a couple rungs of the ladder. Carlito reaches for the belt again and Cena once again stops him. Carlito slams Cena’s head against the top rung of the ladder and tries for the belt a third time. Cena grabs him and stands on the ladder with Carlito on his shoulders. Cena hits the F-U on Carlito from the ladder and grabs the belt.


John Cena defeated Homicide, Diamond Dallas Page, Ken Anderson and Carlito Colon in 21:30.

John Cena is the NEW CWA Heavyweight Champion.


Borash: My God, John Cena has done it! He is the new CWA Heavyweight Champion!


Gertner: I can’t believe this crap! Carlito should have never been subjected to this type of match in first place! He may have broken something for all we know!


The crowd roars a mixed reaction to the victory as Cena stands proudly on the ladder holding the CWA Title.

Rating – C+



Show Rating – C+


Next Week on CWA Risers


With the cage match ending in a draw, will Team Canada be allowed one more title shot?

The new alliance of Elix Skipper & Chris Harris takes on Lance Hoyt & Jimmy Rave!

The New Age takes on Paul London & Ken Doane!

We hear from the new CWA Heavyweight Champion, John Cena!

The tournament bracket for the CWA International Championship will be revealed!

Also, Ken Anderson will be in action!

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Tuesday, Week 1, November 2009

Live feed at cwawrestling.com!



Lance Hoyt & Jimmy Rave walk down to the ring.

Rave: Elix Skipper! Chris Harris! This is it right here! I’m sick and tired of dealing with this crap! Skipper, you have an unbeaten streak here in CWA, and tonight, it ends! I’m not going to prattle on any further, just come on out here like men and face us right here in the ring.

Rating – E


Jimmy Rave & Lance Hoyt vs. Elix Skipper & Chris Harris


Elix Skipper and Chris Harris defeated Lance Hoyt & Jimmy Rave in 9:22 when Elix Skipper defeated Lance Hoyt by pinfall with a Play of the Day.


Gertner: Well, this is just embarrassing.


Borash: Will Elix Skipper ever be beaten?


Gertner: I think by this point Rave & Hoyt should just focus on someone else. Skipper has gotten the best of them.


Borash: Either way… Primetime! 10 and 0! What time is it Gertner?


Gertner: Bite me, Borash.

Rating – C-



Atlas Ortiz vs. Devon Storm


Atlas Ortiz defeated Devon Storm in 3:34 by pinfall with a Big O.

Rating – C



CWA Risers – Episode 11

Live in front of a sold out crowd of 1,000 people at Val Air Ballroom in Des Moines, IA.


Brett DiBiase vs. Evan Karagias


Brett DiBiase defeated Evan Karagias in 9:32 by pinfall with a Dream Crusher.


Rating – C-



Johnny Bravo & Cade Sydal vs. Wasted Youth

Tag Tables Match

Wasted Youth defeated Johnny Bravo & Cade Sydal in 5:52 when Rich Damien put Johnny Bravo through a table.


Borash: Wasted Youth is serious competition for those tag titles!


Gertner: I hope Jimmy Jacobs wises up and brings Wasted Youth over to the New Age!


Borash: God help us all if that happens.


Gertner: God help whoever is the Tag Champions when these guys get their shot! These two are as vicious as it gets!


Rating – E

Smells Like Teen Spirit plays as Diamond Dallas Page walks out. DDP does his usual posing and walks over to the announcer’s desk.

Borash: DDP, great to see you.


Gertner: You gonna kiss up to him the whole time, Borash?


DDP: You know Joel, for a quintessential Studmuffin like you, I see many major flaws about you.


Gertner: Like what?


DDP: Well, the hairy chest and back, the pot belly of yours.


Gertner: The ladies love the girth. More of me to love. That’s not a bad thing Page, that’s a good thing.


DDP: Real funny. But, you really should try out my workout video, YRG for Regular Guys.


Borash: Are we here to plug products or call matches?

DDP: Both. I’m getting my stuff out of the way before we have to deal with Ken Anderson.


Borash: Speaking of him, he’s our first competitor for our CWA International Title tournament!

Rating – C


Ken Anderson vs. Ace Steel

First Round Match in the CWA International Title Tournament


Ace Steel, one of the Second City Saints, debuts to a lukewarm reception, but has a decent showing against Anderson, but Anderson proves just a little too strong after hitting the Kenton Bomb for the pin.


Ken Anderson defeated Ace Steel in 7:31 by pinfall.


Borash: Fresh off of a World Title match, and he’s back in contention for the International Title!


Rating – C



Anderson looks over at DDP and motion for him to come in the ring.


Borash: Well, you gonna get him?


Gertner: And get demolished again?

DDP: Hey, I held my own last week!


With Anderson’s attention turned on Page, Ryan Cruz & Dave Swift run in behind him and beat down Ken Anderson.


Gertner: What the hell is this? You have cronies?


DDP: Just a little insurance policy to make sure Ken doesn’t get out of line.


Gertner: You make me sick. You really do.


DDP: But you condone what Ken Anderson has done, including doing the Mic Check to me off of a ladder?

Gertner: You do what you do to win!


DDP: Forget this, I’m outta here.


DDP leaves the announcer’s desk and slides into the ring to look at a beaten Ken Anderson. Page then raises his hands into the Self High Five as do Ryan Cruz & Dave Swift.


Rating – E


Homicide vs. Petey Williams


Petey Williams defeated Homicide in 12:13 by pinfall with a Canadian Destroyer.


Rating – C+



The New Age vs. Paul London & Ken Doane


Billy Kidman beats down Ken Doane. Doane fights off Kidman and slowly crawls towards London looking for the tag. London refuses to tag into the match.


Borash: What the hell’s wrong?


Gertner: He doesn’t want to fight Kidman, so he’s backing out of the match?


Doane keeps reaching out and London refuses to tag in. Kidman yanks Ken Doane back to the opposite corner and tags in Jacobs. Jacobs picks up Doane and hits the Contra Code on him for the pin.


Jimmy Jacobs and Billy Kidman defeated Paul London and Ken Doane in 6:33 when Jimmy Jacobs defeated Ken Doane by pinfall with a Contra Code.


Gertner: Why in the hell did Paul London do that? He made Ken Doane deal with Kidman!


Borash: Tagging in to the match would compromise everything Paul London has been trying to do!


Rating – C+



Low Ki vs. Mikey Whipwreck

First Round Match in the CWA International Title Tournament


Low Ki defeated Mikey Whipwreck in 12:31 by pinfall with a Warrior's Way.


Low Ki celebrates his victory as Whipwreck is on his knees, looking down at the mat.


Borash: Mikey Whipwreck can NOT get a win over Low Ki at all.


Whipwreck looks up at the crowd with tears in his eyes. The crowd chants his name as he slowly gets up and walks to the back. Fans try to get high fives but Whipwreck slaps their hands away and appears to be going mad.


Gertner: I think Low Ki may have gotten in the head of Mikey Whipwreck.


Rating – C+



Bret Hart’s music hits as he walks out to the ring.


Hart: Last week was an amazing night for CWA. We had many great matches to celebrate the 10th episode of CWA Risers. One particular match, however, was filled with… controversy. You see, Team Canada and Kaz & Bentley last week had a steel cage match for the CWA Tag Team Titles. And I thought that after that match, we would finally be able to close that chapter of this story, but the match was a draw. Now, I’ve got people from one end saying that was it, and it should be over, and I’ve got other people telling me they deserve another match. Since last week’s match was a draw, I’m going to ask you fans. Should Team Canada get another shot at the CWA Tag Team Titles?

*crowd cheers*


Hart: Should they have that chance in a match that’s even bigger and better than last week’s?


*crowd cheers*


Hart: Well then, I guess I should say it. Next week, Kaz & Matt Bentley will defend their Tag Team Championships ONE FINAL time against Team Canada! And that match WILL have a winner. And it will be… a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match! Next week, there will be an end to this! Either Team Canada wins, or they will never be able to face Kaz & Bentley for the CWA Tag Team Titles again!


Bret Hart walks to the back.


Rating – C-


“My Time Is Now” by John Cena plays as John Cena walks out with the CWA Heavyweight Title in hand. A mixed reaction as he walks down to the ring with a mic. Many younger fans cheer as most of the older crowd boos. A small portion of the fans chant, “F*** you, Cena!”


Cena: Now, I bet that those of you out here who don’t like me, REALLY don’t like the fact that I won the CWA Heavyweight Title. Now, the John Cena that you saw every single week on Monday nights, talking about the “WWE Universe” and having match after match with Randy Orton… is NOT going to be the same John Cena you see here! I’m not here to pander to children! I’m not here to plug products, utter stupid little catchphrases, and read scripted promos from guys who don’t even understand this business! Hustle, loyalty, respect… right out the damn window!


*Crowd cheers*


Cena: I’m not here to be the model wrestler for anybody! When I first came up in WWE, I came up with “You Can’t See Me”. Well, Carlito, can you see me right now, with your title? If not, then see this.


John Cena grabs his crotch.


Cena: Carlito, I know you’re pissed off and to be honest, I am a little bit too. I bust my ass constantly just to have people tell me that I’m “overrated”. That I’ve only got 5 moves. That I pander to the crowd and that I am the biggest McMahon drone around. If you’re a fan of me, thank you very much for your support and love and I greatly appreciate your applause and the fact that you stand by me though this, and now that I’m the CWA Heavyweight Champion, we can together deal with anybody in our way. For you haters, I don’t care. I really don’t care. Boo me if you want for taking this title, you’re just jealous of me! John Cena is here to stay and whether you like me or not, I’m going to be your champion for quite… some… time.

John Cena does his rapper pose in the ring.


Rating – A



Carlito Colon runs into the ring behind Cena and hits him with the Backstabber. Carlito climbs out of the ring and grabs a chair. He slides back in the ring and beats Cena with the chair 3 or 4 times before grabbing a mic.


Carlito: You want to berate Carlito?! You want take my title?! You take my title, I take you health! I take whatever life you still have left in you! Carlito deserves to be champion! Not you! Not you! Not some wannabe punk who got popular with catchphrases! You will leave my ring and give me back my title!


Carlito stands over Cena’s prone body and raises his arms in victory.


Rating – B+



Show Rating – C+


Next Week On CWA Risers


Kaz & Matt Bentley faces Team Canada in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match for the CWA Tag Team Championships!

Ken Doane confronts Paul London over this week’s actions!

The CWA International Title Tournament continues with Elix Skipper vs. TBA and Chris Harris vs. Jimmy Jacobs!

Just added! John Cena defends the CWA Heavyweight Championship against Carlito Colon!

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Tuesday, Week 2, November 2009

Watch CWA Risers on KCWI 23 at 11:00 pm every Wednesday!



Elix Skipper vs. Petey Williams

First Round Match in the CWA International Title Tournament


Petey Williams comes out to a confused crowd, knowing that Petey is supposed to be in the TLC match later on. Insanely fast-paced action, which is not surprising with 2 former X Division stars. Skipper maintained control until Williams hit the Canadian Destroyer out of nowhere.


Petey Williams defeated Elix Skipper in 4:35 by pinfall with a Canadian Destroyer.


Borash: What?!


Gertner: You’re kidding.


Borash: That didn’t just happen!


Gertner: Rave & Hoyt together couldn’t do it, but Petey Williams scores a victory over Skipper in his first time against him!


Borash: 10 and… 1?

Rating – C+


Alex Shelley vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Brother Spike vs. Delirious vs. Jack Evans vs. Low Ki vs. Paul London vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Super Loco vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri

10-Man Battle Royal

CWA Lightweight Championship


Low Ki and Paul London come out to good reactions. Super Loco, Sonjay, and Evans come out to decently warm receptions. Delirious & Spike debut to fairly large ovations.


Borash: A lot of Ring Of Honor fans out there tonight!


Gertner: And ECW fans! Now I got someone to pick on!


“Motorcity” hits and the crowd goes wild for Alex Shelley. Brian Kendrick comes out to huge ovation as he struts out. The bell rings and Delirious goes nuts. Everyone but Low Ki & Alex Shelley slide out of the ring in terror. Shelley and Low Ki laugh at them as they slowly climb back in.


Borash: Shelley & Low Ki obviously used to the antics of Delirious!


Gertner: They’re the only 2 who’s been around Delirious enough to be used to his craziness and gibberish.


Brian Kendrick won a battle royal in 9:50. The final four competitors also included Alex Shelley, Delirious and Sonjay Dutt, with Delirious being the final elimination.

Brian Kendrick is the NEW CWA Lightweight Champion.


Gertner: We have crowned our first-ever Lightweight Champion!


Borash: And he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread!


Gertner: -sarcastic- Clever, Borash. Real clever.

Rating – C+



CWA Risers – Episode 12

In front of a sold out crowd of 1,000 at Val Air Ballroom in Des Moines, IA.



Ken Doane’s music hits and he walks out.


Doane: I’ve come out here to address last week. Paul London abandoned me in the tag match last week against the New Age. Now, he claimed it was because he didn’t want to fight Kidman. So you couldn’t take a beating? You couldn’t do what you have been doing for the past couple months and just let him kick your ass? Instead you make me take the beating. London, I want you out here right now.

Paul London walks out.


Doane: What you did last week was inexcusable!


London: And what you did 2 weeks ago wasn’t?! You interfered with what I was doing and you set me back with my progress!


Doane: There is no progress! Don’t you get it?! Kidman is gone! He’s through! What was in that ring beating my ass was a shell of a man you once knew! That’s it! No more Billy! Once you get that in your head we can all stop this nonsense of supporting you and everyone can get on with their life! Figure it out London! Jacobs has taken over Billy Kidman and you’re too late to stop him! Please… do us all a favor and stop this. You’re only hurting yourself.

Paul London looks out at the crowd and walks to the back. Ken Doane shakes his head and leaves the ring.


Rating – C-



The video screen shows a camera in Wasted Youth’s locker room. Rich Damien and Deranged walk into sight.


Damien: Okay. Tonight is a huge night for CWA which means it’s an even bigger night for Wasted Youth. At ringside you will see that the ring crew is setting up tables around the ring. That’s because wasted Youth… let’s go.

Damien and Deranged walk out of the dressing room to the ring with the camera rolling backwards in front of them.


Damien: Wasted Youth is beginning a new thing here on CWA Risers. It’s called “Wasted Youth Wastes A Tag Team”. You see, we want to prove that we are the best and we deserve a shot at the champions. So, we have come up with this idea that every single week, we will destroy a tag team, which is virtually down to us and the two teams in the title match, until we get a title shot. So, deranged and I are challenging absolutely ANY 2 people who want to walk out to the ring will face us tonight in an Elimination Tables Match. Meaning not just one, but both members of that team will go through a table. So please, 2 of you get together and come on out to the ring after us and TRY to prove yourself against us. Don’t be shy. Come on out.


Wasted Youth walks out to the ring and stands there waiting for 2 guys. Music hits and Brother Spike walks out. Damien & Deranged look at him laughing.

Damien: You think this is a joke? Where’s your partner? Little runt couldn’t find one?

Spike: Oh, I’m not facing you guys. I’m just out here to tell you guys I found a couple takers. You sure you want them?


Damien: ANY 2 guys. I don’t care who.

Spike: You SURE?


Damien: Yes! Get them out here!


Spike: Okay, since you insist. Allow me to introduce you to the newest signings to CWA, there… a couple family members of mine.


“Watch Out, Watch Out” plays as the fans go nuts.


Borash: No way, it’s not…


Team 3D walk out to a roaring crowd.

Gertner: The very tag team I made famous!


Borash: The 23-time Tag Team Champions!


Team 3D walks to the ring as Damien & Deranged lose their minds in the ring.


Rating – D



Team 3D vs. Wasted Youth

Table Elimination Match


Rich Damien slides out of the ring. Deranged is left to take a small beating and then Ray & Devon leave the ring to bring in 2 tables. Damien tries to pull Deranged to the outside, but Devon catches him and stands him up. Ray sets up a table and Ray & Devon hit the 3-D on Deranged through the table. Rich Damien throws a tantrum on the outside and Team 3D tells Damien to get in the ring. Damien slides in and knocks down Brother Ray. Devon brawls with Damien and them lifts him up for a flapjack. Ray recovers and jumps up for the cutter and the 3-D connects.


Team 3D defeated Wasted Youth in 2:10.


Borash: Team 3D is in CWA!


Gertner: You bet! Ray and Devon are here to wipe whatever smirk off your face you may have!


Borash: That doesn’t even make sense!


Gertner: Course it does! Team 3D are to annihilate the opposition and I can see a 24th title reign already!

Rating – C+



Booker T vs. Stevie Richards


Big crowd reactions out of both men. Back and forth match, but in the end, Stevie hit the Stevie T for the pin.


Stevie Richards defeated Booker T in 6:53 by pinfall.


Rating – B



Jerry Lynn vs. Jimmy Jacobs

First Round Match in the CWA International Title Tournament


Decent crowd reaction for Jerry Lynn, who replaced Chris Harris in the tournament. Lynn controls most of the match, but Jacobs low blows Lynn, and reaches into the corner for the spike. The ref notices him, and takes the spike from his hand. While the ref was putting away the spike, Jacobs pulled brass knuckles out of his tights and nails Lynn with the knuckles. The ref turns around and counts the pin for Jacobs.


Jimmy Jacobs defeated Jerry Lynn in 7:02 by pinfall.


Borash: Jacobs stole the win over Lynn!


Gertner: Got to do what you got to do.


Rating – C+



Kaz & Bentley walk out to the ring for their Tag Title match. Music hits and Chris Harris walks out with a mic.


Borash: Chris Harris?


Gertner: What is he doing out here?

Harris: Kaz, Matt, you two came out here tonight to face Team Canada, but of course Petey Williams was in the CWA International Title tournament earlier tonight and I also dropped out of the tournament. But, there’s a reason for that. You see, tonight, Petey Williams will NOT be teaming with Robert Roode. Don’t look at me, I’m not going to be teaming with him. But, I have a very good friend with me who is teaming with him. So although you had your game plan all set for Team Canada, you won’t be fighting them. To quote a good friend of mine… sorry… about your DAMN luck!

Over the P.A. comes, “BEER………MONEY!!!”


The crowd explodes as James Storm and Robert Roode walk out to the ring. Sullen looks appear on the faces of Kaz & Bentley.


Borash: My Lord, it’s Beer Money in CWA!


Gertner: I can’t believe James Storm is here! The reuniting of Beer Money Inc.!


Borash: Joel, think about what we’re going to see! Kaz & Bentley versus Beer Money Inc. for the CWA Tag Team Titles!


Gertner: It’s like an early Christmas present!


Rating – C-



Kaz & Bentley © vs. Beer Money Inc.

Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match

CWA Tag Team Championships


Kaz is up on the top of the ladder reaching for the belt when Storm climbs up and cracks Kaz in the head with a chair. Kaz falls from the ladder and Storm reaches for the belt. Matt Bentley runs in and tries pushing Storm off the ladder. Storm lands on his feet as the ladder falls and superkicks Bentley. Roode slides in the ring and looks at Storm. Storm and Roode’s attention then turns to a table set up in the corner. Roode continues beating down Bentley while Storm grabs the table. The table is set up in the middle of the ring and Roode sets Bentley up for suplex.


Gertner: Uh, oh.


Borash: No way! Not through a table!


Roode suplexes Bentley onto Storm’s shoulders and they hit the DWI on Bentley through the table. Storm sets up the ladder and climbs it to retrieve the belts.


Beer Money Inc. defeated Kaz & Bentley in 15:06.

Beer Money Inc. is the NEW CWA Tag Team Champions.


Borash: What a night this has been! Team 3D debuts, Shelley, Dutt, Kendrick, Jerry Lynn, Booker, Stevie, and Beer Money! My god, what else can happen tonight?! Can you believe it’s only been an hour since the pre-show started?!


Gertner: Well, this has been one jam-packed hour and we still have a CWA Heavyweight title match on our hands!


Borash: This will definitely be a night to remember!


Rating – C+



John Cena © vs. Carlito Colon

CWA Heavyweight Championship


John Cena showing signs of improvement in the ring, and trades blows with Carlito. Carlito ducks a punch and counters with the Backstabber.


Borash: What?!


Gertner: Backstabber out of nowhere!!


Carlito pins Cena, but Cena gets the shoulder up at the last moment. Carlito, visibly frustrated, begins to beat Cena down with hammer fists and stomps. Carlito picks up Cena for another Backstabber, but Cena counters with a school boy pin.


Borash: He got him!


Gertner: He rolled him up! He got the cheap win!


Borash: Cena wins, but he narrowly escaped defeat!


Gertner: I don’t think I’ve EVER seen Cena roll someone up for a title win!


Borash: Goodbye, “Super Cena”! Hello, CWA Champion!


John Cena defeated Carlito Colon in 10:17 by pinfall.

John Cena is STILL CWA Heavyweight Champion.


Cena clutches the belt and slides out of the ring and to the back with minimal celebration while Carlito argues with the ref.

Rating – A


Show Rating – C+


Next Week on CWA Risers


Paul London vs. Ken Doane

Second round matchups in the CWA International Title Tournament! Ken Anderson vs. Petey Williams & Low Ki vs. Jimmy Jacobs!

Beer Money Inc. celebrates their CWA Tag Title victory!

Plus, Booker T will be in action!

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Paul London vs. Ken Doane

Second round matchups in the CWA International Title Tournament! Ken Anderson vs. Petey Williams & Low Ki vs. Jimmy Jacobs!

Beer Money Inc. celebrates their CWA Tag Title victory!

Plus, Booker T will be in action!


like what I read, keep up the good work!

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---For those of you who actually read this series, I apologize for being gone for so long. I've been extremely busy with work and other things. I'm going to do my best to catch up to present time so I can write these shows more on a scheduled day each week.---


Tuesday, Week 3, November 2009

Watch CWA Risers on KCWI 23 at 11:00 pm every Wednesday!



Special Presentation Match

ROH World Champion Austin Aries vs. Colt Cabana

Steel Cage Match


Intense back and forth match between the two. Jerry Lynn walked up to ringside and Aries’s attention was turned to Lynn as Cabana recovered and locked Aries in the Billy Goat’s Curse. Before Aries could tap out, Kaz climbed to the top of the cage and dove down on Cabana. The crowd lights up as Kaz looks on as Aries locks in the Last Chancery on Cabana and forces him to tap.


Austin Aries defeated Colt Cabana in 8:27 by submission.


Rating – B-



Paul London vs. Ken Doane


Paul London gains the advantage over Doane and looks to hit the London Calling on Doane. Just as London boards the top rope, The New Age’s music hits and Billy Kidman walks out. London climbs down from the ropes and looks on at Kidman, who simply stands at ringside looking at London. Doane recovers and school boys London for the pin.


Gertner: Ken Doane with a huge victory over Paul London!


Borash: Kidman costs Paul London another match!


Doane walks to the back with his arms raised in victory as London looks on with a shocked look on his face. Kidman simply turns back around and walks to the back.


Ken Doane defeated Paul London in 5:59 by pinfall.


Rating – C+



CWA Risers – Episode 13

In front of a sold out crowd of 1,000 at Val Air Ballroom in Des Moines, IA.



Ken Anderson vs. Petey Williams

Semi-Final Match in the CWA International Title Tournament


Ken Anderson has dominated the majority of the match with Petey Williams desperately trying to gain an advantage, but to no avail. Anderson sets up for the Mic Check, but Williams counters into a backslide. Anderson kicks out at 2, and Williams continues on the attack. Petey climbs the turnbuckles, but Anderson catches him at the top and climbs up as well. Anderson calls for the Green Bay Plunge, but Petey once again fights out and hits a Sunset Flip off the top and rolls up Anderson for the pin.


Borash: My God, he did it!


Gertner: Petey Williams is in the title match!


Borash: What an upset on behalf of Petey Williams with a huge pin on Ken Anderson and he will be fighting for the CWA International Championship next week!


Gertner: But, now the question is, who is he facing?


Petey Williams defeated Ken Anderson in 7:53 by pinfall.

Petey Williams is the #1 Contender to the CWA International Championship.


Rating – B-


Brett DiBiase vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri w/James Mitchell


Tajiri comes out with a slightly different, darker look with James Mitchell. DiBiase comes out to a good reaction and is showing much improvement in the ring, but fails to get the job done when Tajiri pins him.


Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Brett DiBiase in 8:31 by pinfall with a Buzzsaw Kick.


Rating – B-





“Take A Fall” plays as Beer Money Inc. walks out to the ring alongside “Wildcat” Chris Harris and Petey Williams. Storm and Roode hold their belts up to the crowd as confetti falls from the rafters. James Storm pulls out a cooler and cracks open a beer.


Storm: Ladies and gentlemen, Robert, Chris, Petey… this is for Beer Money!


Roode: No… this is for Petey Williams, the future first-ever CWA International Champion!


Petey: No… this is for Chris Harris, who brought together perhaps the greatest collection of wrestlers you can have in CWA!


Roode: You’re right Petey…Wildcat, thank you for bringing us together. This is an assembly of 4 future superstars right here in this ring. But of course, we’ve already accomplished so much in our careers already. Petey Williams, 2-time TNA X-Division Champion; Chris Harris, 7-time NWA Tag Team Champion; and Beer Money, 3-time TNA Tag Champions and your NEW CWA Tag Team Champions!


Harris: The 4 men you see standing in this ring are perhaps the best assembly of future superstars the world has ever seen! Now, we’ve had our differences in the past. Myself and James, Robert and Petey… but that is in the past now. Together stands the ultimate unity between Canada and America. Beer and money. Wildcats and cowboys. Cruiserweights and heavyweights. Together we are the Canadian-American Beer Exchange!

Borash: The Canadian-American Beer Exchange?


Gertner: C.A.B.E.! Don’t worry, Borash. My boys of Team 3D will without a doubt dismantle these amateurs!

“Watch Out, Watch Out” plays as Team 3D walks to the ring.


Gertner: Speaking of which…


Ray: So you guys are the greatest unity of wrestlers around? You wanna stand here and talk about your accomplishments in the tag team world? Man, if we had a party like this every time we won tag titles we would have died from alcohol poisoning by now! You guys have to celebrate this because, quite frankly, you have to. You have to savor every single little moment you can get because now that Team 3D, the true kings if the tag team world, are in town, you might as well hand us our…our…Devon, what title reign would we be on?


Devon: Umm…24th!


Ray: You see? 23 tag title reigns already! So many I’ve personally lost count! Do you really think you can stand up to Team 3D?


Storm: Well Ray…you have to take something in mind here. You may have had 23…23 tag title wins, which also means…you, had…23 tag title losses.


Devon: You know what little man, you can talk a big game out here as long as those titles are around your waist, but if you haven’t noticed, we’re still the current reigning IWGP Tag Team Champions over in Japan… where the real wrestling competition is!


*crowd boos*


“Motorcity” plays as Alex Shelley walks out to the stage.


Ray: What in the hell are you doing out here? Go away, we’re having big boy time in here.


Shelley: I figured you’d come out here tonight to talk about great tag teams… it just so happens that I am a part of one myself. And just this past week, the other half of that team got inked to a contract to be here in CWA, so if you want to talk about great tag teams, you can’t possibly forget about… the Motor City Machine Guns!

Chris Sabin walks out to a roar and points to his hand to the crowd.


Sabin: Team 3D, Beer Money, you guys want to talk about great tag teams, but you forgot all about us? That’s very typical of you guys. Because of course, the Machine Guns aren’t one of the most popular, athletic, well-rounded tag teams in the world today!


*crowd cheers*


Roode: You know what I think of you 2 little…


Roode turns around to see that Jimmy Jacobs has slid into the ring and hits Petey Williams with a devastating new move similar to the Hamada Driver. For a second, everybody freezes to look at Jacobs. Harris, Storm, and Roode attempt to grab Jacobs, but he slides out of the ring too fast. Team 3D catches them from behind and beats them down. The Machine Guns run down the ramp into the ring and join in on the action. Security runs down to break up the massive brawl.


Rating – C



Low Ki vs. Jimmy Jacobs

Semi-Final Match in the CWA International Title Tournament


Jimmy Jacobs knocks down Low Ki with an Enziguiri. Jacobs crawls over to the corner and reaches for the spike. The ref notices him and takes the spike away from him. As the ref disposes of the spike, Jacobs pulls out brass knuckles and swings at Low Ki. Ki ducks and nails a back head kick on Jimmy Jacobs. Jacobs falls to the mat, seemingly knocked out cold. Low Ki removes the knuckles from Jacobs and the ref notices that Low Ki has the knuckles and Jacobs is out. The ref argues with Low Ki about the knuckles and calls for the bell.

Borash: Come on! Jacobs had the brass knucks!


Jimmy Jacobs defeated Low Ki in 8:51 by Disqualification.

Jimmy Jacobs is the #2 Contender to the CWA International Championship.


Bret Hart walks out with a mic.


Hart: I’m not having a match like this end in disqualification. These people paid to see wrestling and that’s what they’re going to get! Ring that bell, this match is restarted!


While the ref turns to have the bell rung, Jacobs takes the brass knuckles from Low Ki and nails him with them. Jacobs tosses the knuckles and the ref turns to count the pin.


*crowd boos*

Borash: What in the hell just happened?


Gertner: What the people paid to see! A clean win and the authority to back it!


Hart walks to the back to the chorus of boos from the fans while Jacobs celebrates his victory.


Rating – B



Booker T vs. Sonjay Dutt


Dutt flew around the ring with Booker almost unable to slow him down. Booker regained advantage, but Dutt fought back and got a couple near-falls on Booker before succumbing to the Book End.


Booker T defeated Sonjay Dutt in 6:29 by pinfall.


Rating – B-



Booker T stands in the ring, celebrating his victory. Stevie Richards runs down to the ring and stands behind Booker. Booker continues to celebrate before bumping into someone behind him. Booker’s eyes widen as he slowly turns. Booker turns to meet Richards, who immediately hits a Book End of his own on Booker T.


*crowd cheers*


Borash: A Book End to Booker T!


Gertner: That’s the ultimate sign of disrespect and I hope that Stevie Richards pays for it! Unbelievable!


Rating – B-



“My Time Is Now” by John Cena plays as John Cena comes out to a mixed reaction with the CWA Heavyweight Championship.


Cena: Now…3 weeks ago, I won the CWA Heavyweight Championship. And I know that didn’t sit well with some of you. I get that. I understand, you know, John Cena dominates everybody on Monday nights every single week and now he’s here and we have to put up with him! Why do we have to put up with John Cena?! A couple weeks ago I came out and addressed that very thought. I made sure everybody he knew that I wasn’t going to be the same John Cena you saw every Monday night, and I’m going to stand by that. In fact, many people made light of that very fact last week in my CWA Title defense. I beat Carlito…cleanly. But, what most people remember was that I not once….NOT ONCE…hit the “Attitude Adjustment”. Now, I said it was going to be a whole new John Cena and I’m going to make sure you fine people will get to see that. Attitude Adjustment?...Right out the window as well! I know that over these next few weeks, next few months, maybe it could take an entire year but I will make sure all of you understand that this is John Cena 2.0. What you saw in the WWE was the prototype Cena. This right here…is the beta release. I’m better than ever and I WILL show you people who John Cena truly is!


Carlito Colon walks down to the ring with a mic. Cena looks on with an irritated look on his face.


Carlito: Cena, I just have got to say…


Carlito nails Cena with the mic and continues beating down Cena. Carlito rolls Cena out of the ring and reaches under it. Cena begins to recover when Carlito pulls out a steel chair and cracks it over the head of John Cena. Blood starts trickling down the forehead of Cena as Carlito yells at him. Carlito picks him up and whips him into the ring steps.


Borash: Just a beat down…a mugging of the champion!


Carlito tears apart the announcer’s table and grabs one of the monitors. Cena slowly stands up again and Carlito bashes Cena’s skull with the monitor.


Borash: Good Lord, that’s another human being destroyed in front of us!


Gertner: Shut it, Borash. This is what Cena deserves for coming in here from some big time promotion acting like a big shot!


Borash: There’s no reason for this! How do you justify what we’re witnessing?

Cena once again collapses to the floor as more blood comes out of Cena. Carlito continues shouting at him as he picks up Cena once again and rolls him onto the announcer’s table. Carlito grabs the chair again and gives Cena several shots to his body with it on the table. Carlito walks away and climbs back to the ring and onto the top turnbuckle.


Borash: No, Carlito! Think about this!


Gertner: Do it! End the abomination that is John Cena!


Carlito climbs back down from the turnbuckles.

Borash: Thank God.


Carlito grabs the dented chair and climbs the turnbuckles again.

Borash: Oh, God no!


Carlito positions the chair behind his legs and leaps from the turnbuckles with the chair under him and leg drops Cena through the announce table.


Borash: Oh, my God! Someone get the EMT’s out here! Now!


Gertner: Oh…wow. There’s not much to say after a leap like that.


Borash: Cena may have broken bones, internal bleeding, who knows?! Get paramedics out here!


EMT’s rush out to tend to Cena as Carlito slowly climbs out of the wreckage and climbs back up to his feet and stumbles to the back, raising his arms in defiance.


Rating – A*



Show Rating – B-



Next Week On CWA Risers


Petey Williams vs. Jimmy Jacobs to crown the first-ever CWA International Champion!

What does the actions of Carlito Colon this week hold in store for him next week?

Booker T addresses Stevie Richards over his assault on him this past week!

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Team 3D for the #1 Contendership to the CWA Tag Team Championships!

Just added! Jimmy Jacobs claims next week the official tryout for the New Age for Damien & Deranged as its Wasted Youth vs. Paul London in a 2-on-1 Handicap Match!

And in the pre-show, Colt Cabana & Jerry Lynn vs. Austin Aries & Kaz!

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CWA The Next Big Thing


discus is and will always be the king of the aquriums due to its tough requirements to keep and maintain this fish. Its just that the prices of discus has been falling over the years, can we say that more people is sucessfull in keeping and breeding this fish that the supply and more than demand??

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