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SWF: Return of The Exiled

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I woke up, still feeling nauseous due to the anaesthesia, I immediately took a look at the bandaged knee, my left knee, I hurt like hell, probably due to the fact that the ligaments were still swollen after being reattached, I managed to reach the morphine dosage regulator, and increased it slightly, nice feature I thought, especially for someone with a dislocated jaw and an ACL tear.

???: You ok?

I looked to the door, standing there was a legend, a friend.

Hey Dan, yeah I’m good.


It was all I could come up with, I’m sure he knew the results of the surgery, surely he knew as well whether I could return doing what I do best: kicking ass and taking names.

Dan: I’m sure you are, doctor said the surgery went relatively well, you’ll be able to walk in 4 months…and-


Four months? Ain’t that a bit exaggerated? And “relatively well”?


Dan: The doctor said that the ACL torn in a very unusual fashion, he said that the attachement process was harder than usual due to the aggravated swelling of the ligaments due to a post-tearing impact.


I was surprised that the Dan I knew could come up with such fancy terms.

And what the hell does that mean?

Dan: After your ACL tore and you…well…“passed out”… you fell in an extremely awkward position, putting pressure on your knee, I complicated things a lot, since you also dislocated your knee cap.


Sh*t…what now, when do I start training.

Silence, Dan Halvorsen, my trainer, did not talk, I knew what that meant.

Ok…did you bring the DVD


Dan Halvorsen: Yeah, are you sure you want to see it?

This time it was my turn to remain silent, simply glaring at my trainer. He also understood it, he pulled a DVD out of his jacket and inserted it on the room’s DVD player.


Dan Halvorsen: Your mother and your sister called me immediately after the fight, they said that they would come visit you this afternoon when their plane arrived, haven’t managed to talk with your dad nor your brothers, but I’m sure they also know.

Yeah, I wonder if my father’s going to go “I told you so” on my ass…

Dan Halvorsen: Given who he is, it’s extremely likely… Ok, there we go, here’s your fight

He pressed the play button.


“It’s time for our main event here at GAMMA 102, for the GAMMA heavyweight title, “Grande Urso” versus “The Exiled”! Here…we…go!”


Murilo Satinho went immediately for a takedown, but Joe sprawled and forced the champion to stand back with some threatening punches. That’s when Joe made his move, he did something that no one had done before to the big Brazillian: be more aggressive than him. From then he completely dominated the first three rounds, scoring vicious takedowns after vicious takedowns, bloodying Satinho.


“Incredible! The challenger is really taking it to Satinho, we may have a new champion”

“The 23 year old is out powering the monster that is Satinho!!”


Fourth round begins, Halvorsen had given instructions to Joseph to simply keep control of the round, avoid being taken down and avoid getting touched, and that’s exactly what Joe did, showing his technique and skill, keeping the champion Satinho at bay, that’s when “it” happened: the ref had order both fighters to stand up after an uneventful scuffle near the cage, Murilo tried to press in, Joe avoided and feinted a takedown attempt, immediately his left knee buckled, Joe dropped to one knee, Satinho immediately reacted and dropped him with a right hook to the unprotected chin, Joe fell backwards with his knee bent underneath him.


“Satinho wins it by knockout! Unbelievable right hook!”

“But something went wrong with Joe, see how his knee buckled? That might’ve been a ligament tear!”

“Regardless of that Murilo Satinho defeats Joseph “The Exiled” Eisen in one for the ages! Let’s hear the champion!”[/Quote]


I asked Dan to replay the moment where my knee buckled and Satinho clocked me, what terrified me the most was the angle of my knee after I fell

Ouch… Last thing I remember from that event is an incredible pain on my left knee and Satinho’s huge fist coming at me, I didn’t know that I landed that way, but that might explain the even more incredibla pain I felt backstage when I regained my senses completely… What am I gonna do know since I can’t fight anymore?

Dan Halvorsen: Relax, you’re only 23, you have your whole life ahead of you, besides, you’re an Eisen, I’m sure your father can give you something to do…


The words I feared came out of his mouth, an immediate mental image of me begging my father for a job sprung to my head, I let out a big sigh, knowing fully well how my life would never be the same…

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Dan had always been a wrestling fan as well, following the SWF ever since the 90s, and had met my father on one occasion, but it didn’t feel right, sure, I still followed wrestling, in fact, wrestling’s always been my second love, but I’ve never been at good terms with Eisen Senior, especially when at age 18 I decided to use my amateur wrestling skills and my extensive knowledge of fighting skills world not to pursue a career in ring, but to train for MMA, or “human c ockfighting” as the mighty Richard Eisen put it, so Dan’s suggestion was not one I would particularly take into consideration, until now…


August 11 2007 4:14 pm

Four months after my fight with Satinho, four months of intense therapy, I had managed to start walking without help after three and a half months, and was starting to slowly resume a lighter work out schedule, at least to keep myself in shape, and the only thing that remained in my head was a phone call I received from my dad two days after Dan and I talked, we talked normally, it was awkward yet comforting to see that my father was worried about me, even complimenting my ability to fight off the veteran champion Murilo Satinho’s attempts and taking me down and pounding me to a pulp, but one segment of the conversation had really remained stuck in my head:

Richard Eisen: Look, son, I can’t say I didn’t told you so, but your short career was the career of a champion, you showed the Eisen spirit and made the whole family proud, especially your sister Amanda, she was the only one watching the fight live when it happened, and probably the only one who backed you up the whole way.


Yeah I know, thanks for the kind words anyway.


Richard Eisen: No problem, look, I know you can’t fight anymore; wrestling is also too risky for you but I can get you a creative job at Supreme, I know how smart you are, that’s a pre-requisite for being considered an “Eisen”, I’ll have you working side-by-side with Peter to get a feel for the business, and maybe you could move up from there who knows?


Are you sure? I mean, I’m a fan of SWF and all, and I’ve already ordered The Supreme Challenge for tonight, but being a part of the creative process?


Richard Eisen: Think about it ok?[/Quote]



So here I was, driving to the arena where the Supreme Challenge 28 was being held, I had asked him to let me watch the event in the backstage area, and supposedly I would be introduced to Peter Michaels, the new head booker, and get to know the roster as well as how a show, in this case THE show was put up.


Four hours later I was witnessing the beginning of the show, Rich Money vs Eric Eisen, I saw my brother beat Rich Money and win the North American title, chills went through my spine, the future of SWF had been pinned cleanly by my brother, who wasn’t that great of a wrestler, quite the contrary in fact…

Eric Eisen: Did you see that Dad! I’m the champ! Oh…hey bro, watcha doin’ here?


Richard Eisen: Joe is going to start working here, he’ll be a part of the creative team.


Eric Eisen: Cool, I’m the the creative team too.

That explains it, not that I have anything against Eric, he’s a nice guy, and he’s my brother as well so I was happy for him, but there was a hint of nepotism in this match, but I kept my mouth shut.

Nice match you had out there by the way

Eric Eisen: Thanks, I’ll go talk to Rich, he’s not very happy with the decision ya know…

Richard Eisen: Tell him to take it to Peter, I had nothing to do with it.


Richard Eisen having another one take the fall has been something a little bit too common as of late, with the failure of the Election storyline and Sam Keith being fired, there are rumours that he signed with TCW and will be the mystery member of The Syndicate in the next PPV’s main event: a multi man elimination match, I know my dad, he’s been under a lot of stress, and SWF needs to deliver this PPV.


Time passed and after watching Jack Bruce pin Runaway Train and become the World Heavyweight champion, the reaction of the crowd made me certain that I wanted to create moments like this, and that’s exactly what I said when I talked to Peter Michaels.

Peter Michaels: It’ll be great to have such a young mind on board. I’m looking forward to hearing your ideas.


Thank you Mr Michaels, and congratulations for the awesome show.

Peter Michaels: Don’t mention it, hope to see you at the Supreme HQ and in The Ranch for the next Supreme TV.


Will do!

Finally my life had some direction again, all due to wrestling, and I was determined to make things count this time.


This is the story of how an Exiled returned to fulfil his job: entertaining the masses, and crushing TCW, which is Richard Eisen’s ultimate ambition.

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