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PSW: A Hometown Promotion with Global Sized Dreams

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Pittsburgh Post Gazette Reports:


At a recent press conference, Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling owner Mitch Ness annouced that local wrestling fan Don Hughes will take over booking duties starting this month (January 2008).


"It is an honor to be associated with a company that truly cares about it's fans, it's workers, and the product that it produces," Don Hughes stated at the conference. "I hope that in time, I can help build on the legacy of PSW, DaVE, and all the companies that have come before them, as well as expanding our little company to a national and global presence."


PSW, the company that came into existance after the closing of the popular cult promotion DaVE, has annouced that their first show with the new booker will take place at the end of the month, entitled Revolution Calling..


"This company will grow, evolve, and become better with time," Mitch Ness said to a reporter at the conference. "Don Hughes, while just a fan of the business, has shown a knowledge of the business not seen in many casual fans, while at the same time, showing that he can put his personal feelings aside enough to put on the best show possible without simply pushing his favorite wrestlers down the fans' throats."


Details about the Revolution Calling remain sketchy, however Hughes did say that some details will be revealed in the coming weeks.


"This is an exciting time in PSW," said PSW Champion Johnny Martin. "It shows that Mitch is willing to give PSW it's own identity, and not just be known as DaVE's little brother. While DaVE had, and still has, a great influence on us, it shows that he wants PSW to have it's on identity. Bringing in an outsider like Don Hughes, if anything else, also brings in an excitement not seen in wrestling in a long time."


There has been a backlash though to this announcement. PSW National Champion Steven Parker, asking not to be quoted, is disappointed in the decision, and could leave the promotion in protest. PSW Tag Team Champions The Wolverine and The Punisher were not reached for comment.

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