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WCW 2001: The Fight Isn't Over just yet...

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1st Week of January 2001


In the preliminary stages of the new millenium, the dust is starting to settle after a majority of the 90s saw the most gruesome corporate war of the entire decade: WWF vs WCW. What started out as an uneven fight between WWF and WCW (with WCW winning both the war and the battle), the "TABLES" quickly turned and left the WCW on the receiving end of a relentless attack from the WWF and their new brash and "in your face" product.


To become a legit competitor again, WCW resorted to stealing from the WWF what many considered to be the mastermind behind WWF's late 90s success: Vince Russo. Unfortunately, that proved to be dire mistake. The greats that helped turn WCW into a global competitor are now gone, and so are the days of a respectable product. Simply put, WCW is dying. There isn't much money left, and there have been rumors backstage of WCW potentially being put up for sale. Who is to blame? Greedy wrestlers hungry for creative control? Vince Russo? WWF's attitude era?


The sole answer is uncertain. One thing is for certain, WCW isn't going to go down without a fight. All of the crap Vince Russo and Bischoff managed to put on tv is about to fixed in an effort to save WCW. Will WCW head into the new millenium with a new identity and provide competition for the WWF or will they fade into wrestling oblivion as the company that once was? It's up to me to deterimine this.



(Guys, this is my first shot at a diary, so I hope this goes well. Any ideas as to who I should push and sign are welcomed)

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(Guys, this is my first shot at a diary, so I hope this goes well. Any ideas as to who I should push and sign are welcomed)


Well you can never go wrong with Sting but that is a given. Um as far as who you should sign maybe look at people who are big now but have not yet made it big in your game like Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles, etc.

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Sign and push those you like and at the same time fit the product of what WCW was, with that I mean the good days. Read the diary tip thread for lotsa help there in case you haven't yet. I prefer staying true to WCW in doing a better job with the stars you still have and slowly grow and bring in new ones. Remember WCW at that time was bleeding money so it is more a case of maximizing what is there and cleaning up then bringing in new/better guys.


Link: Tip Thread


Edit: In the end it is your diary so do what you feel like and want to do.

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Champions as of January 2001



WCW World Heavyweight Champion:


Scott Steiner




WCW United States Champion:


General Rection (aka Hugh Morris)




WCW World Tag Team Champions:


DDP and Kevin Nash (:rolleyes: *sigh* Russo)






WCW World Television Champion:


Vacant (Tournament to crown new television champion coming soon)





WCW Cruiserweight Champion:


Chavo Guerrero Jr.





WCW Hardcore Champion:


Terry Funk


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Roster as of January 2001


Main Event:


  • Goldberg
  • Scott Steiner
  • Sid Vicious
  • Sting


Upper Mid Card:

  • Booker T
  • Buff Bagwell
  • Diamond Dalls Page
  • Jeff Jarrett
  • Kevin Nash
  • Lex Luger


Mid Card:


  • AWOL
  • Bam Bam Bigelow
  • Billy Kidman
  • Brian Adams
  • Bryan Clark
  • Chavo Guerrero Jr
  • Chris Kanyon Chuck Palumbo
  • David Flair
  • Don Harris
  • Dustin Rhodes
  • General Rection
  • Konnan
  • Lance Storm
  • Mark Jindrak
  • Mike Awesome
  • Mike Sanders
  • Reno
  • Rey Mysterio Jr.
  • Rick Steiner
  • Ron Harris
  • Sean O'Haire
  • Shane Douglas
  • Shawn Stasiak
  • The Cat


Lower Mid Card:

  • Alex Wright
  • Big Vito
  • Corporal Cajun
  • Crowbar
  • Disco Inferno
  • Elix Skipper
  • Glacier
  • Jamie Knoble
  • Jim DUggan
  • Johnny The Bull
  • Kwee Wee
  • Meng
  • MI Smooth
  • Norman Smiley
  • Shane Helms
  • Shannon Moore
  • Tank Abott
  • Terry Funk
  • The Demon


  • Allen Jones (Better known as AJ Styles)
  • Evan Kragias
  • Jimmy Yang
  • Kaz Hayashi


Enhancement Talent:

  • Christopher Daniels
  • Frank Paris


Semi Active Wrestlers:

  • Dusty Rhodes



  • Daffney
  • Kimberly Page
  • Leia Meow
  • Major Gunns
  • Midajah
  • Miss Han****
  • Ms Jones
  • Paisley
  • Torrie Wilson
  • Tygress



  • Mike Tenay
  • Tony Schiavone


Color Commontatours:


  • Larry Zbysko
  • Mark Madden
  • Scott Hudson
  • Stevie Ray



  • Charles Robinson
  • Mickey Jay
  • Nick Patrick


Authority Figure:

  • Ric Flair


Road Agents:


  • Arn Anderson
  • Fit Finlay
  • Johnny Ace
  • Kevin Sullivan
  • Paul Orndorff
  • Terry Taylor


Backstage Workers:


  • Eric Bischoff
  • Gene Okerlund
  • Jimmy Hart
  • Madusa
  • Pamela Paulshock
  • Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker
  • Ted Turner
  • Vince Russo


Tag Teams:


  • 3 Count: Shane Helms and Shannon More
  • Air Raid: Aj Styles and Frank Paris
  • Boogie Knights: Alex Wright and Disco Inferno
  • Harlem Heat: Booker T and Stevie Ray
  • Jindrak and O'haire
  • Jung Dragons: Kaz Hayashi and Jimmy Yang
  • Karagias and Knoble
  • KroniK: Bryan Clark and Brian Adams
  • Perfect Event: Shawn Stasiak and Chuck Palumbo
  • The Mamalukes: Big Vito and JOhnny The Bull
  • The Steiner Brothers
  • Totally Buff (:rolleyes:) Buff Bagwell and Lex Luger

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Sign and push those you like and at the same time fit the product of what WCW was, with that I mean the good days. Read the diary tip thread for lotsa help there in case you haven't yet. I prefer staying true to WCW in doing a better job with the stars you still have and slowly grow and bring in new ones. Remember WCW at that time was bleeding money so it is more a case of maximizing what is there and cleaning up then bringing in new/better guys.


Link: Tip Thread


Edit: In the end it is your diary so do what you feel like and want to do.


thanks to you and BHK1978 for the tips, I will try my best to produce a formidable diary.

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I don't see the WCW roster as being necessarily... poor at that time. I think 2001 at that stage they're fighting the perils of Hoganitis and a few other issues from the late 90s, but they've probably done a good job in introducing some new talents, and to be fair, they had done the MIA, Filthy Animals, Revolution storyline over the past 18 months which IMO gave a leg up to quite a few under carders who deserved better. I just think the matches were in essence overbooked and hence a farce, storylines lacked conviction and lacked the ability to be followed through, and yes, like most rosters there are some dubious names.


I don't think the Champion list is that bad, either. I even don't disagree with the InSiders. The fact is the Scott Hall 'will he-won't he' situation was still quite hot, and Page, well he is DDP ... great.


In your undercard you've got some really talented blokes. IMO Mike Awesome, Chris Kanyon, Lance Storm, Sean O'Haire, Shane Douglas, even guys like Mike Sanders, Rey Mysterio and Chuck Palumbo at this stage have futures, its a matter of how you book them. IMO Mike Awesome was an instant success when he came in as the career killer, and then got a series of dreaded gimmicks including that 70s guy and the Fat Chick Thriller, but its funny as bad as those gimmicks were he kinda made them work. Kanyon is off the back of 'Diamond Dallas' Kanyon and was doing some excellent stuff around now.


IMO its an intensely interesting time so I look forward to seeing what you do with it. I wouldn't discard the roster, maybe it lacks one or two 'names' but it is competitive and you can make interesting stories with what you have at your disposal.

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Even guys like Mike Sanders, Rey Mysterio and Chuck Palumbo at this stage have futures, its a matter of how you book them.


A little off topic but yes I agree about Mike Sanders, he was awsome at that time. To bad he never really did anything of note after WCW.


Just a quick question is Ric Flair retired in the your game? The only reason why I ask is he you have him listed as an Authority Figure on your roster. If he still has decent stats I would cheat and bring him back to a full time wrestler as he and Sting are the two wrestlers that I see as the faces of WCW.


Let Larry Zbysko be the Authority Figure as he did a good job in that role while he was in TNA.

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Didn't Mike Sanders do stand up comedy for a while? I think Flair would have to be a slow build to be the main man again, purely because he really was a wrestler who had been so poorly used that at that point he really has no momentum whatsoever.


Either way, I look forward to seeing this develop.

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Preview of this week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro!


Ladies and Gentleman, it's WCW Monday Nitro! Catch two hours of action packed, eye raising, jaw dropping entertainment live every Monday Night on TNT! Here is the official preview of this week's show:


Commissioner and basically man-in-charge, Ric Flair, will announce an 8 man tournement to crown a new WCW Television Champion


Plus, Diamond Dallas Page has news for his partner Kevin Nash regarding their tag team titles.


Speaking of titles, Scott Steiner will be in attendance with the WCW World Heavyweight Title on his shoulder, and a target on his back!


Why does he have a target on his back? Perhaps Sting, Goldberg and Jeff Jarrett have the answer to that question...


WCW Cruiserweight and tag team action + more. Tune in to see what unfolds!




1st round of WCW Television Title Tournament: Billy Kidman vs Disco Inferno

WCW Hardcore Title: David Flair vs Terry Funk ©

1st round of WCW Television Title Tournament: Rey Mysterio vs Alex Wright

Mike Awesome vs Glacier

Lash Leroux vs Chavo Guererro Jr

Perfect Event vs Kronik

Goldberg vs Sting vs Jeff Jarrett to decide #1 Contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Title

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1st round of WCW Television Title Tournament: Billy Kidman vs Disco Inferno

WCW Hardcore Title: David Flair vs Terry Funk ©


Poor David is going to get his but kicked!


1st round of WCW Television Title Tournament: Rey Mysterio vs Alex Wright

Mike Awesome vs Glacier

Lash Leroux vs Chavo Guererro Jr

Perfect Event vs Kronik

Goldberg vs Sting vs Jeff Jarrett to decide #1 Contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Title


Even though I am a big Sting fan, Goldberg really belongs as the #1 contender for the belt.

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1st round of WCW Television Title Tournament: Billy Kidman vs Disco Inferno

WCW Hardcore Title: David Flair vs Terry Funk ©

1st round of WCW Television Title Tournament: Rey Mysterio vs Alex Wright

Mike Awesome vs Glacier

Lash Leroux vs Chavo Guererro Jr

Perfect Event vs Kronik

Goldberg vs Sting vs Jeff Jarrett to decide #1 Contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Title


Its Nitro not a ppv so no worries about the level of the card Imho looks really good even for a Nitro.

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1st round of WCW Television Title Tournament: Billy Kidman vs Disco Inferno

WCW Hardcore Title: David Flair vs Terry Funk ©

1st round of WCW Television Title Tournament: Rey Mysterio vs Alex Wright

Mike Awesome vs Glacier

Lash Leroux vs Chavo Guererro Jr

Perfect Event vs Kronik

Goldberg vs Sting vs Jeff Jarrett to decide #1 Contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Title

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1st round of WCW Television Title Tournament: Billy Kidman vs Disco Inferno - maybe an upset, but I loooveeeeeed Disco Inferno. Disco fever, disco fever, disco fever, yeah yeah yeah. I know in 2001 he was Disqo, but I hope by the naming you're returning him to the Disco Inferno that was uber-cool.


WCW Hardcore Title: David Flair vs Terry Funk © - David... I don't know, never really saw it in him.


1st round of WCW Television Title Tournament: Rey Mysterio vs Alex Wright - in one way, I'd love it to be the Berlyn version of Alex Wright, but either way Rey is the shizzle


Mike Awesome vs Glacier - pullleaaase let Awesome destroy Glacier


Lash Leroux vs Chavo Guererro Jr


Perfect Event vs Kronik - two top tag teams, at the time the tag scene was still quite good


Goldberg vs Sting vs Jeff Jarrett to decide #1 Contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Title - I suppose the fact its three way could keep Goldberg's rep in tact if he lost as long as he isn't pinned?

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Live...it's WCW Monday Nitro!!


1st week of January 2001

Boutwell Auditorium in Birmingham, Alabama

Attendance: 5,000 (sell out crowd)

TV Rating: 1.54 million viewers tuned in to catch this week's edition of Monday Nitro!


(Pre Show)


AWOL defeated Christopher Daniels in 2:51 by pinfall with a Chokeslam. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match benefitted greatly from a hot crowd. This match brought the crowd's mood down. C-


Big Vito defeated Jamie Knoble in 2:59 by pinfall with a Paisan Plant. Big Vito and Jamie Knoble have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Big Vito is improving in Performance skills. Jamie Knoble is improving in Rumble skills. Jamie Knoble is improving in Performance skills. C-


Air Raid defeated Jung Dragons in 7:54 when Allen Jones defeated Kaz Hayashi by pinfall. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Frank Paris is improving in Flying skills. Jimmy Yang is improving in Performance skills. D



The show opens up with 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair's music blairing over the speakers. He comes to the ring and hypes tonight's main eventers and tonight's show and announces that a tournament will be held over the next few episodes of Nitro and Thunder, right before heading to the backstage area. The winner of the tournament will be the new WCW Television champ! WOOO Unfortunately, this segment had to contend with a restless crowd. This segment lifted the crowd.



The graphic for the tournament is shown on the television screen as announcers hype the tournement and the first match of the tournament gets underway





Billy Kidman vs Disco Inferno: First round of WCW Television Title Tournament

Billy Kidman and Disco Inferno have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match suffered as it came across as a let-down after the previous segment.




Billy Kidman defeated Disco Inferno in 10:42 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press to advance to the second round of the WCW Television Title Tournament.





Diamond Dallas Page comes over to Kevin Nash backstage, and says that all good things come to an end, and that it's an inevitable part of life. He says that he wants to stay on top as a tag team champion with Nash for however long it takes but if for some reason they lose the titles, he wants to pursue the WCW World Heavyweight title again. Nash proceeds to explain to DDP that the Insiders are putting money in his bank account and food on his table and ending the team would be detrimental (bad) for him financially at his age.


DDP accuses of him of being selfish and questions whether he even wants to wait until they lose the titles to end their team. Nash is angry, and complains about being given no warning of this decision, but DDP just leaves. Kevin Nash attacks Diamond Dallas Page backstage, and leaves him down and out Nash then removes his tag team belt and lays it on DDP's face and gives him a "Suck It" crotch chop.


Unfortunately, this segment had to contend with a restless crowd. The Nash vs DDP storyline has continued with this segment. Kevin Nash has now switched to a Edgy Heel gimmick. Unfortunately, this segment had to contend with a restless crowd.







David Flair vs Terry Funk © in a Hardcore Match for the WCW Hardcore Title.

Terry Funk and David Flair have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. David Flair is improving in Performance skills.



David Flair defeated Terry Funk in 7:38 by submission with the Figure Four Leglock.

David Flair wins the WCW Hardcore title in violant fashion!






Rey Mysterio Jr vs Alex Wright. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Rey Mysterio Jr defeated Alex Wright in 7:47 by pinfall with a Springboard Rana to advance to the second round of the WCW Television Title Tournament.




Mike Awesome is interviewed by Mean Gen Okerlund backstage. Mike Awesome proceeds to hype up his skills, eplaining how he's done it all over the world and how he's going to perfectly run through the competition in the WCW. He says he's big, he's fast, strong, but most certainly awesome while thumb pointing to himself. The self-indulgant Mike Awesome laughs, than makes his way to the ring for his match.





Mike Awesome vs Glacier.The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.



Mike Awesome defeated (and squashed) Glacier in 8:56 by pinfall with an Awesome Splash.





Ric Flair is in his office, with Goldberg talking about naming Goldberg the #1 contender. Suddenly, Jeff Jarrett busts into Flair's office and demands that he be the #1 contender. After a brief argument between Goldberg and Jarrett, Sting calmly walks in and disagrees with both Goldberg and Jarrett, and says that HE is the true #1 contender. Sting, Goldberg and of course Jeff Jarrett all trying to talk him into giving them a title shot.


Flair finally decides that he's heard enough, and that as they can't all have a title shot, they'll face each other in a triangle match to win the right to a title shot. Unfortunately, this segment had to contend with a restless crowd. This segment lifted the crowd.


Goldberg is developing better performance skills. Sting is developing better performance skills.






Lash Leroux vs Chavo Guerrero Jr (Non-Title Match). The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match suffered as it came across as a let-down after the previous segment. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Lash Leroux is improving in Performance skills.



Lash Leroux defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr in an upset victory 8:25 by pinfall with a Whiplash. Chavo Guerrerro Jr. seems very shocked to have lost this match





The match is over, and Lash Leroux is celebrating. Chavo Guerrero Jr looks angry, and jumps him from behind, beating him down. This segment brought the crowd's mood down. ( D)




The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Perfect Event vs. KroniK. This segment suffered as it came across as a let-down after the previous segment. This segment brought the crowd's mood down.





Perfect Event w/ Major Gunns vs KroniK.




Major Gunns did some good work at ringside. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The tag team turmoil storyline has been moved forward one stage with this match. Brian Adams is improving in Performance skills. Chuck Palumbo is improving in Rumble skills. Chuck Palumbo is improving in Performance skills.



Perfect Event defeated KroniK in 12:27 when Chuck Palumbo defeated Bryan Clark by pinfall when Major Gunns interfered.





While making their way to the backstage area with smiles on their faces, Perfect Event is passed by DDP making his way to the ring. DDP looks at Perfect Event for a few seconds than proceeds to the ring. Perfect Event waits at the entrance way, and KroniK who just lost their match waits in the middle of the ailse way to hear what one half of the current tag champions has to say.


Diamond Dallas Page comes to the ring, holding both WCW tag team title belts. He throws them down in the middle of the ring and says the "Insiders" are no more! He challenges Kevin Nash to a match, Nash doesn't respond so DDP goes looking for him. Their apparent seperation has shaken the ground of the WCW tag team division. Unfortunately, this segment had to contend with a restless crowd. The Nash vs DDP storyline has continued with this segment.






A video plays hyping Jeff Jarrett vs. Goldberg vs. Sting. The video is showing highlights that support each wrestler's argument for why one of them should be the #1 contender for the WCW World Heavyweight title. Unfortunately, this segment had to contend with a restless crowd. The WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP 3-WAY storyline has been moved forward one stage with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.









Before the match begins...




Scott Steiner makes his way down to commentator's with the belt around his waist. He sits at the table to help Hudson, Schiovane, and Madden call the match, characteristically without a shirt on and sunglasses on in doors, of course. Laughter ensued as Scott Steiner sold himself as the best wrestler in the history of human civilization, and verbally crushed all three opponents in the ring on the mic.


Goldberg vs Sting vs Jeff Jarrett.The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. Unfortunately, this match had to contend with a restless crowd. This match lifted the crowd. Sting is improving in Rumble skills. Sting is improving in Performance skills.



Goldberg drew with Sting and Jeff Jarrett in 12:00 when the time limit expired.



After the match, Jeff Jarrett rolls under the ropes to the outside clearly fatigued as Sting and Goldberg both remain in the ring on the ground also showing signs of fatigue. Scott Steiner stands up from the commentator's table and raises the WCW World Heavyweight Title in the air while Goldberg, Sting, and Jarrett look at him with determined looks on their faces. The screen fades to black





Overall Rating:


"(Jimmy Yang was slightly over used. It think this show hurt our popularity)"

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WCW Thunder Preview Commercial:


  • WCW Thunder looks to further extend any and every piece of animosity that will result from the controversial episode of WCW Monday Nitro a few days ago.
  • In action, we will see the two of the final first round match ups in the WCW Television Title Tournament. Lance Storm will take on Norman Smiley and Konnan will take on Elix Skipper. 4 men but only 2 of them can advance to the second stage of the tournament.
  • While on the topic of the WCW TV Title, fresh off of early WCW Television Title Tournament exits (say that 3 times really fast), The Boogie Knights (Alex Wright and Disco Inferno) will team up to face the young high flyers, 3count: Shane Helms and Shannon More to hopefully get a much needed taste of some victory.
  • Plus, we will see The Franchise Shane Douglas taking on WCW vet Booker-T in a match that is is sure to rock the ring!
  • In addition to those matches, we will see the United States Heavyweight Champion Hugh Morrus defending his title against a well deserving opponent, Buff Bagwell!
  • And Speaking of belts, what will hapen to the WCW Tag Team Titles? With DDP throwing both of the belts in the middle of the ring after being attacked by his ex-parter Nash, he is a very angry man. DDP has been granted a match against Lex Luger to release some of that pent up aggression, until Nash resurfaces from wherever he is currently hiding.
  • And to cap off the night, the main event will be WCW World Heavyweight Champion Scott Steiner teaming up with Jeff Jarrett to take on the team of Sting and Goldberg in a match that combines the WCW Champion and 3 men with a shared ambition: To be the WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Despite gunning for Steiner's title, Jarrett and Steiner have something in common: a mutual hatred towards Goldberg and Sting, so them teaming up isn't as unusual as it may seem. With Goldberg, Jeff Jarrett and Sting being considered as #1 contenders, Ric Flair will be watching this match closely!




Tune in for this week's edition of WCW Thunder!


Cliff notes:


Tag Team Match: 3 Count vs Boogie Knight

Lance storm vs Norman Smiley

Konnan vs Elix Skipper

United States Title Match: Hugh Morrus © vs Buff Bagwell

Booker - T vs Shane Douglas

DDP vs Lex Luger

Tag Team Match: 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett vs Sting and Goldberg



hopefully this show is as good as nitro!

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Tag Team Match: 3 Count vs Boogie Knights

Lance storm vs Norman Smiley

Konnan vs Elix Skipper

United States Title Match: Hugh Morrus © vs Buff Bagwell

Booker - T vs Shane Douglas

DDP vs Lex Luger

Tag Team Match: 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett vs Sting and Goldberg


Liked the first show but only typing out the notes is a novel way of doing things, maybe try with the matches what you are doing with the angles as those are good. Also telling which storylines advance may not be a good idea as you kinda give away what you are doing. Plus I liked the pictures in the center and names above the description better.

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Tag Team Match: 3 Count vs Boogie Knights

Lance storm vs Norman Smiley

Konnan vs Elix Skipper

United States Title Match: Hugh Morrus © vs Buff Bagwell

Booker - T vs Shane Douglas

DDP vs Lex Luger

Tag Team Match: 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett vs Sting and Goldberg


Liked the first show but only typing out the notes is a novel way of doing things, maybe try with the matches what you are doing with the angles as those are good. Also telling which storylines advance may not be a good idea as you kinda give away what you are doing. Plus I liked the pictures in the center and names above the description better.


you mean type out matches in play by play? because i suck at writing matches play by play

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Some surprising results there. I'll be interested to see where the surprising results build to storyline wise and who the end result of who gets the rub really is.


Tag Team Match: 3 Count vs Boogie Knights - Will Tank Abbott come on down and boogie with 3 Count? Man, I loved 3 Count, but ... this is Alex Wright and Disco Inferno and frankly they are legends among groovers.

Lance storm vs Norman Smiley - Storm to survive a SMBU, Big Wiggle, and incessant screaming. Smiley was wicked.

Konnan vs Elix Skipper - A good win for Canada

United States Title Match: Hugh Morrus © vs Buff Bagwell - I like Hugh Morrus, but I like General E Rection better.. He was heaps good back then

Booker - T vs Shane Douglas

DDP vs Lex Luger

Tag Team Match: 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett vs Sting and Goldberg

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