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MCCW: Not Just Another Stabbing (Real World)

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Motor City Championship Wrestling!


And let me start you all off with a little backstory because I suck at them...yeah!


MCCW entered the world of wrestling in 2009. Owner, Hunter Barker, was lucky enough to win the local lotto to have enough money to open it.


But he ended up wasting the money on women and drugs. Gotta love it. It didn't last long as common sense started to kick in and he stopped, but still wanted the stuff, however after help from friends and family he got clean and used the left over money to open up the company. If you would call it that. Sadly no friends were willing to put their bodies on the line in Hunter's risky, hardcore matches. They would often say it was stupid for a man to make those matches, but one man was stupid enough. You already know him.



Hunter Barker




OCC: I've wanting to start diary writing again...because it is fun, but I suck at keeping up with them so this one will be different! Since MCCW is just a cult fed. Anyways. Enjoy the...bad backstory.


P.S. Ignore the bad logo...

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Now in a backstage area AKA Hunter's Bedroom. Hunter is with his only friend still willing to help him


Hunter: "Alright. I've got some big names here."


Ben: "No you don't."


"Shut up."


"And don't you think MCCW is a little close to MCW?"


"Don't you think my fist is a little close to your face!?"


"Dude, chill. Are you back on the stuff?"


"No, but this is serious. I've signed such stars as Billy Dalton, our head ref. Bruce Gray and Riccardo Blork...er...Blo are the other ref guys. We have Dakota, Marc Godeker, Mason Raige, Mike Modest, Mike Mondo, Navajo Warrior, and."


"Haha...let me guess forgot his na-"




"Oh god my ears!"


"Heh heh. I need one more wrestler."


"Aren't you going to wrestle?"


"No...that would be lame. Hmm...wait! I know. My next superstar...hailing from Detroit, Michigan! BEN ANDERSONNNNNNNNNNN......ANDERSON!!! I mean look at you! You are a monster! Just look in that full-body mirror that I just happen to put there."


"You know what? I'll think it over."


"And by that I'm sure you mean. I will be ready to wrestle and I'll see you soon! Right?"


By then Ben was already walking away



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"Well...let me see here. Matches are planned out, but I need two more wrestlers. That shouldn't be too hard I guess."


A knock is heard at Hunter's door


"Come in!"


"I'll wrestle."




"With that hat?


"It is needed to bring up the mood of everyone! So long story short. Yes and you'll wrestle with that crappy hockey mask."


"I can't wrestle...and I love my hockey mask."


"One night only then you can hire anyone."


"Well...alright...sounds fair."


"Great. So what is the event called?"


"MCCW Sex And Candy (Minus The Sex) is the name."


"Just...j...just let me see the card."






Pickin' The Matches

Dakota Vs. Rage

Navajo Warrior Vs. Mason Raige

Marc Godeker Vs. Mike Mondo Vs. Mike Modest

Hunter Barker Vs. Ben Anderson




OCC: Enjoy the short picks and maybe some of the worst matches...ever.

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