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WWE - The rebirth of ECW

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This is my second attempt at a diary so im hoping I get it right this time as last time I built no feuds at all and I had too many title changes which meant that I couldn’t do what I originally planned etc. Anyway this is set in 2006 just after ECW One Night Stand. Ill what happened at the PPV to remind you (using the power of wikipedia) and then ill start at the first ECW show and go on from there.




Paul Heyman began the event as it aired on PPV, coming to the ring to "ECW" chants. Heyman stated that "this [ECW's resurrection] didn't happen because of me and it didn't happen because of Vince McMahon. This happened because of you [the fans]. And on behalf of every single one of us, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you!"


The first match on the card was a match between ECW Original Tazz and WWE Raw commentator Jerry Lawler. In what was a squash match, Tazz won after 35 seconds by making Lawler pass out to theTazzmission. After the match, Tazz joined Joey Styles on commentary for the rest of the show.


ECW's Kurt Angle versus Raw's Randy Orton was next. Orton had the main advantage in the match after Angle missed a Running Shoulder Tackle, which sent him into the ringpost. The crowd inside the Hammerstein Ballroom chanted "Boring!" as Orton had the upper-hand on Angle. Angle hit a series of German Suplexes, before hitting an Angle Slam Orton attempted an RKO, but Angle countered, locking on the Ankle lock. Orton tapped out, giving Angle the victory.


The Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido Maritato and Tony Mamaluke) versus Super Crazy and Tajiri was next. After Guido propelled Crazy into the crowd,[2] Guido and Mamaluke hit Tajiri with the Muscle Buster for the victory. After the contest, The Big Show entered the ring hitting Mamaluke with the cobra clutch backbreaker and kicked F.B.I.'s enforcer Big Guido in the head.


John "Bradshaw" Layfield made a surprise appearance, cutting a promo. Just over a week earlier, he announced on his radio show that he was not going to return to professional wrestling. JBL recalled his assault on Blue Meanie from One Night Stand 2005 and referred to himself as "The King of Hardcore". He announced that he was replacing Tazz as the color commentator of SmackDown!.


Rey Mysterio versus Sabu was next in a Extreme Rules match with the World Heavyweight Championship on the line. The match started with several chair shots from both competitors. Sabu had the upper part for most of the match, hitting an Arabian Facebuster and a Triple Jump Moonsault, but Mysterio kicked out of both moves. Mysterio regained the upper hand, as he hit a Seated Senton that sent both men through a table at ringside. Sabu countered a second Seated Senton attempt, and put Mysterio on a second table at ringside. Sabu proceeded to hit a Triple-Jump Somersault Splash, but Mysterio made it to his feet while on the table.[ This turned the move into a DDT, sending both men through the table at ringside. Dr. Ferdinand Rios came out and declared that the match could not continue. This meant that Mysterio retained the World Heavyweight Championship.


Edge and Mick Foley versus Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk was next in what was a Hardcore Tag Team match. Before the match began Edge and Foley entered the ring, accompanied by Lita and Dreamer and Funk entered the ring, accompanied by Beulah McGillicutty, which turned the match into a Hardcore six-person tag team match. Despite McGillicutty and Lita being added to the match, they stayed out of the action for most of the contest. Funk was taken backstage halfway through the match as Foley wrapped barbed wire around his fist and raked it across the forehead and eyes of Funk. Funk later returned to the match, hitting Edge and Foley with a Barbed Wire Bat. Funk then set the bat on fire and left it at ringside. Funk hit Foley, and Foley fell onto a Barbed Wire Board. Foley's shirt was on fire, but was put out by a ringside attendant.[2] Dreamer and Funk got the upper-hand after DreamerDDT'd Edge. Dreamer then locked a Modified Crossface onto Edge, using Barbed wire against Edge's face. Lita broke the hold up only to have Dreamer give her the Spicolli Driver. Edge blindsided Dreamer wrapping Barbed Wire around his head, before dropping him with the Inverted DDT. McGillicutty entered the ring to check on Dreamer, but Edge speared McGillicutty and pinned her with a cover that resembled the "legs up" version of the missionary position.


Balls Mahoney faced Masato Tanaka in the second Extreme Rules match of the PPV. Mahoney got the early advantage after throwing a beer can in the face of Tanaka. Tanaka gained the advantage after hitting a superplex off the top rope. Mahoney won the match after hitting Tanaka with a steel chair.


Before the WWE Championship match, Eugene came to the ring to cut a promo. He reminded the fans that he was Eric Bischoff's nephew, before being interrupted by The Sandman. Sandman hit Eugene repeatedly with his singapore cane, leaving Eugene to run to the back, with The Sandman chasing after him


The main event was reigning champion John Cena defending his WWE Championship against Rob Van Dam. Loud, insulting chants were directed at Cena during many moments in the match, such as "You Can't Wrestle!" The action quickly went to ringside, and Van Dam got the advantage on Cena, with a Moonsault Press off the steel steps. Van Dam continued his offense when the action went back inside the ring as he placed a chair on Cena's stomach before hitting the Rolling Thunder. Cena later managed to get the advantage, hitting a DDT on a steel chair. Cena went for his finishing move, the FU, but Van Dam blocked the attempt. Van Dam would then set up a table in the corner, but Cena got Van Dam in the STFU. When referee John Finnegan refused to stop the bout after Van Dam got to the ropes, Cena clotheslined the referee, after they had a push and shove. Cena proceeded to deliver Van Dam with a Superplex off the top rope and then hitting Van Dam with steel steps. Replacement referee Nick Patrick officiated the remainder of the match, with Van Dam kicking out of two. As Cena got up he went to deliver Van Dam an FU, Van Dam grabbed onto the rope which lead Cena to deliver Van Dam an FU out of the ring. As Cena turned around, someone in a motorcycle helmet interfered and speared Cena through a table. The person was revealed as Edge, who won a number one contender's match to challenge for the WWE Championship also knocked out Nick Patrick. The Hammerstein Ballroom crowd chanted "Thank You Edge!". Van Dam then hit the Five-Star Frog Splash on Cena, but there was no referee as Patrick was knocked out. Paul Heyman ran to the ring, and counted the pinfall to three, giving Van Dam the victory. The ECW locker room came to the ring to celebrate with Van Dam, but it was unclear at the time whether Van Dam was "officially" WWE Champion


Ill post rosters, champions etc over the next couple of days which gives me chance to get them all sorted. Hope you enjoy. Ill use some WWE storylines that were used after 2006 at some points in the game.

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*NOTE: I have moved Edge to Smackdown as it needed more heel main eventers and i then moved Batista to RAW to make it fair






John Cena

Shawn Michaels

Triple H

Ric Flair





Randy Orton





Trish Stratus





Johnny Nitro

Shelton Benjamin


Mickie James


Chris Masters




Val Venus

Torrie Wilson



Charlie Haas




Trevor Murdoch







Lance Cade

Candice Michelle




Beth Phoenix





Rob Conway




Armando Alejandro Estrada (Umaga)

Melina (Johnny Nitro)


Announcers: Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler


Backstage Interviewer: Maria




WWE Intercontinental: Johnny Nitro

World Tag Team: Spirit Squad

WWE Women's: Mickie James






Rob Van Dam

Kurt Angle




Big Show









Justin Credible








Guido (Nunzio)












Balls Mahoney


Stevie Richards

Kelly Kelly




CW Anderson

Sylvester Terkay








Tony Mamaluke

Mike Knoz

Big Guido








Trinity (FBI)


Announcers: Joey Styles and Tazz


Backstage Interviewer: Todd Grisham




WWE World: Rob Van Dam






Rey Mysterio

The Undertaker

Chris Beniot




Booker T





Paul Burchill

Brian Kendrick

Bobby Lashley


Super Crazy

Paul London

Matt Hardy




William Regal

Joey Mercury

Gregory Helms

Mark Henry


The Great Khali


Ken Kennedy








Jamie Noble


Simon Dean

Kid Kash




Gunner Scott


Jilian Hall

The Boogeyman

Mike Mizanin

Scotty 2 Hotty




Jesse (Gymani's)

Jake (Gymani's)
















Sharmell (Booker T)


Announcers: Michael Cole and JBL


Backstage Interviewer: Kristal Marshall




World Heavyweight: Rey Mysterio

WWE United States: Bobby Lashley

WWE Tag Team: Paul London and Brian Kendrick

WWE Cruiserweight: Gregory Helms

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A trade has taken place over the past few hours. Smackdwon has traded Batista to RAW, in exchange for the Rated 'R' Superstar, Edge.







ECW makes it long awaited return to TV and Paul Heyman is set to make an announcement concerning the ECW Championship and also the NEW WWE Champion, Rob Van Dam. Smackdown's newest superstar Edge will have his WWE Title shot on ECW and could take the gold back to his new home, Smackdown and give them a 2nd World Title. Who will walk away with the gold? Who will walk away with the gold that used to belong to RAW? Tune into the return of ECW to find out


Confirmed Matches:


Sabu vs Justin Credible

Rob Van Dam vs Edge


The results will be posted over the next few days. I will be continuing with certain feuds going into One Night Stand (DX mainly) some will be changed (WWE Title Feud) but the rest will be new ones

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WWE are said to be currently negotiating hard with several former WWE stars. Although none of the superstars have been named,it is believed that Christian, Raven and Jeff Hardy are to re-sign with Chris Jericho another likely addition. WWE are believed to want to sign some more top stars with the return of ECW. These 4 stars are also set to make their return soon and likely to return as fan favourites even though WWE are currently low on top heels which will likely to be sorted in the coming weeks.


As you know, Edge moved to Smackdown yesterday with Batista going in the opposite direction, but what is not known is what is to happen with Lita who is currently edge's on-screen girlfriend. It is not yet known whether she will go to Smackdown with him but we believe she is.


ECW is set to make its return on Tuesday in the ECW arena

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ECW begins with Paul Heyman in the ring with a bag in his hand. He introducing to the crowd, the NEW WWE Champion, Rob Van Dam! He comes out to a huge pop with the WWE title on his shoulder. When he gets in the ring, Heyman congratulates him on his title win and that he has a gift for him. Heyman takes something out of the bag which is revealed to be the ECW title. Van Dam accepts the gift. Heyman asks him if he thinks he can hold defend both titles to which Van Dam says yes. Heyman then says that tonight then he will defend the WWE title against somebody deserving, Edge to a pop from the crowd after he helped Van Dam defeated John Cena at ECW One Night Stand.


Rating: A*


Match 1: Sabu vs Justin Credible


In the first match on the return of ECW, 2 originals faced off in singles competition. In a reasonably short match, Sabu defeated Justin Credible in 5:56 by pinfall with an Arabian Facebuster.


Rating: B



Backstage Edge and Lita are being interviewed by Joey Styles. They put over the fact that both of them have now moved to Friday nights and the facts that they will no longer have to deal with John Cena. They finally put over tonights extreme rules match and say that Edge will leave WWE Champion!


Rating: B


The camera cuts to the ring where Kelly Kelly is dancing for the crowd. Purely eye candy.


Rating: A*


Match 2: Kurt Angle vs Big Show


In a match with great potential and a match that could main event PPV’s, Kurt Angle and Big Show faced off on the return of ECW. In a back and forth match, it looked as if either man could win with many near falls and both men hitting their finishers. It ended when Big Show got disqualified after hitting Angle with a chair.


Rating: A*


The match is over, and Kurt Angle is left down. Big Show gets the chairs and beats him into the canvas.


Rating: A


Main Event: Rob Van Dam vs Edge (Extreme Rules Match for WWE Title)


In the main event, RVD made his first WWE Title defence against Edge. With Lita at ringside and legally able to interfere, it looked as if Edge would walk out as new champion, but Van Dam managed to hit the 5-Star out of nowhere for the victory.


Rating: A


Overall Rating: A

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With Smackdown fully on the road to SummerSlam, the number one contender for Rey Mysterio's World Title will be decided when Edge, Booker T and Undertaker face off. There will also be 2 title matches when Super Crazy challenges Gregory Helms and Chris Beniot challenges Bobby Lashley.


Confirmed Matches:


Edge vs Booker T vs Undertaker (#1 contenders match)

Super Crazy vs Gregory Helms (Cruiserweight Title Match)

Brian Kendrick w/Paul London vs Simon Dean w/ Gymani's

Chris Beniot vs Bobby Lashley (US Title match)

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WWE are said to be pleased with the return of ECW and are pleased by the prospect of a Kurt Angle vs Big Show feud which is looking like will now to tak place.


WWE are also currently happy with RVD holding both WWE and ECW championship and is currently looking to hold both for a while but losing one soon. This is likely to be WWE as RAW do not have a world title at the moment. Expect the title to change before SummerSlam as WWE want all world titles on the line so they can draw a bigger buy rate. WWE are currently content with most the champion but are displeased with Mickie James and Bobby Lashley so expect them to both lose their respective titles in the coming weeks, with Chris Beniot looking likely to be the man who wins the US but there is no clue on who will win the women's.


As we reported earlier in the week, WWE are trying to resign several former stars. Negotiations have apparently ended with both Jeff Hardy and Raven and have not comes to terms but Christian has resigned and will leave TNA to join WWE. He is expected to debut in a few weeks. Chris Jericho is close to resigning and it is been reported that Bret Hart is another name that WWE are attempting to resign but this is highly unlikely.

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Smackdown begins with Edge coming down to the ring. He puts over the fact he is the newest superstar on Smackdown and says he's going to waste little time going for the World title and hes going to win the title at SummerSlam. He also Lita is still a RAW superstar so she can not be an exuse for the fans for him winning the title.


Rating: A


Match 1






Gregory Helms and Super Crazy faced off in the first bout of the night for the Cruiserweight title. Helms won the title at Royal Rumble and managed to pin Super Crazy after hitting Shining Wizard.


Rating: B-


The camera cuts backstage where Ken Kennedy attacks Matt Hardy and beats him to the ground.


Rating: B


Match 2




With Paul London in Kendrick's corner and Gymani's in Simon Dean's, the two faced off. After Gymani's got sent to the back, Kendrick took advantage and hit the sliced bread no 1 for the win.


Rating: C


The camera cuts backstage where Matt Hardy requests a match against Ken Kennedy. Thoedore long gives him the match TONIGHT!


Rating: B


A video is shown hyping The Undertaker


Rating: A

Match 3




The match was made moment before, and Matt Hardy looked as he went after Kennedy. When Hardy finally got hold of him, he hit the side effect and picked up the victory.


Rating: B-


After the match, Matt was celebrating when he was vviciously attacked from behind by Ken Kennedy. He assaulted Matt until EMT stop him


Rating: D


Match 4






With his US title on the line, Bobby Lashley faced Chris Beniot who is no stranger to the US title.In a back and forth match, Beniot hit the Diving Headbutt and managed to pin lashley to become NEW UNITED STATES CHAMPION


Rating: B+


In the ring Chris Beniot celebrates his newly won title.


Rating: A


It is announced next week it will be champion vs champion when Rey Mysterio returns to Smackdown after missing this weeks to take on Chris Beniot.


Rating: A


Main Event




In the main event of the night, the number one contendership for the World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam was on the line. All men came close to picking up the victory. After a spear to the Undertaker the match was saved by Sharmell who then recieved a spear. Booker then recieved a spear and Edge picked up the victory.


Rating: A*


Final Rating: A

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With no World Title on RAW, ECW has given them one chance to win their title back and it will take place at Vengance. The person who faces Rob Van Dam will be decided when John Cena, Batista, Kane and Randy Orton battle. The current main champion, Johnny Nitro is also set to make an announcement on RAW. We will also see Shawn Michaels vs Kenny.


Confirmed Matches:


Trish Stratus vs Victoria vs Mickie James (Women's Title Match)

Johnny Nitro vs Eugene

Shawn Michaels vs Kenny

John Cena vs Batista vs Kane vs Randy Orton (#1 Contenders Match for the WWE Title)

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Sorry but the shows will be brief this week as im on work experience all week



RAW begins with DX in the ring. They show footage of the return of D-Generation X last week and put over that they are one of the greatest teams EVER! They go onto taunt each member of Spirit Squad in turn. Vince McMahon interupts them and says that tonight, HBK will face Kenny as scheduled and HHH will face Mitch and Mikey


Rating: A


Match 1: Mickie James © vs Trish Stratus vs Victoria for the WWE Womens Title


Mickie James defeated Trish Stratus and Victoria in 11:04 when Mickie James defeated Trish Stratus by pinfall with a handful of tights


Rating: C+


Match 2: Johnny Nitro vs Eugene


Johnny Nitro defeated Eugene in 4:21 by pinfall with a Standing SSP.


Rating: B-


After the match Nitro and Melina are still in the ring. Nitro says that he has changed his name, to JOHN MORRISON. Melina then shows off Morrison's title which has his name already changed.


Rating: B


Match 3: HHH vs Mitch and Mikey

Mikey and Mitch defeated HHH in 9:32 when Mitch defeated Triple by pinfall after the use of a chair.


Rating: B


Backstage, Randy Orton attacks Batista backstage, but only ends up getting beaten down himself.


Rating: B+


Torrie Wilson is shown backstage, getting ready for her match which is next


Rating: A


Match 4: Lita vs Torrie Wilson


Lita defeated Torrie Wilson in 8:06 by pinfall with a Litacanrana.


Rating: C+


Backstage, HHH is getting beat down by Spirit Squad but HBK comes to his rescue.


Rating: B


Match 5: Shelton Benjamin vs Chris Masters


Shelton Benjamin defeated Chris Masters in 12:57 by pinfall with a Dragon Whip.


Rating: B+


Before his match, Shawn Michaels plays to the crowd.


Rating: A*


Match 6: HBK vs Kenny


Shawn Michaels defeated Kenny in 9:34 by pinfall with a Sweet Chin Music.


Rating: A


After the match, Michaels celebrates with HHH.


Rating: A*


Main Event: John Cena vs Randy Orton vs Kane vs Batista (RVD is on commentary)


Kane defeated John Cena, Randy Orton and Batista in 21:52 when Kane defeated Randy Orton by pinfall with a Chokeslam.


Rating: A


After the match, RVD and Kane get into a staredown which ends in RVD leaving the ring and as he is making his way down the ramp, Kane's pyro exploding.


Rating: A*


Final Rating: A


Again sorry about it being brief but im busy atm and i would prefer to keep updated than to leave it a week. ECW ad Smackdown might be like this but next week they will be back to normal.





After being attacked after his match last week, Kurt Angle will face Sabu in 1-on-1 action. Kelly Kelly will once again perform her in-ring segment, Kelly's Expose on this weeks edition of ECW. With them facing each other for the WWE Title in a few weeks, RVD and Kane will team up on ECW to take on F.B.I. Will these two former tag team champions be able to team up once again? Or will gold seperate them? Find out on ECW.


Confirmed Matches:


Kurt Angle vs Sabu

Kane and RVD vs Big Guido and Guido.

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Match 1: Kurt Angle vs Sabu


Kurt Angle defeated Sabu in 9:32 when Sabu was disqualified when Big Show ran in and attacked Kurt Angle.


Rating: A


In the ring, Kelly Kelly begins to dance for the crowd. She is interrupted by Trinity who attacks Kelly. Paul Heyman then comes out and makes a match between the two, now.


Rating: B+


Match 2: Kelly Kelly vs Trinity


Trinity defeated Kelly Kelly in 4:33 by pinfall with a Moonsault.


Rating: C+


Kurt Angle is backstage with Paul Heyman. He asks to be given a chance to wrestle Big Show in a singles match at SummerSlam and Heyman accepts the request and the match will take place at SummerSlam.


Rating: B


Justin Credible is in the ring with a microphone. He claims that he is so good that he cannot be defeated by anyone, and so he is making an open challenge for any wrestler on the roster to face him in a singles match.


Rating: C-


Justin Credible is still in the ring waiting for his challenge to be answered when Christian's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Christian says he is now a member of the ECW and accepts the open challenge


Rating: B+


Match 3: Christian vs Justin Credible


Christian defeated Justin Credible in 8:39 by pinfall with a Killswitch.


Rating: B-


Main Event: Big Guido and Guido vs Kane and RVD


Kane and Rob Van Dam defeated Big Guido and Guido in 16:14 when Kane defeated Big Guido by pinfall with a Chokeslam.


Rating: B


Rob Van Dam and Kane enounter each other in the ring. The announcers hype up the fact that these two will face each other soon as they stare each other in the eye.


Rating: B


Final Rating: B+






Rey Mysterio will be back on Smackdown when he facing the NEW United States Champion Chris Beniot in a Champion vs Champion match. The number 1 contender for his title at SummerSlam will also be in action when he faces Booker T. After they faced off last week, Matt Hardy and Ken Kennedy will once again be in the same ring but this time it will be in 6 man tag team action with Paul London and Brian Kendrick teaming with Hardy and Gymani's on Kennedy's team.


Confirmed Matches:


The Great Khali vs Bobby Lashley

Matt Hardy, Paul London and Brian Kendrick vs Mr. Kennedy and Gymani's

Edge vs Booker T

Rey Mysterio vs Chris Beniot

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Only match has been announced for Vengeance and that is RVD vs Kane for the WWE Title. Expect to see Kane win as WWE are high on Kane at the moment and want to reward him for his loyalty.


The current SummerSlam card looks like this:


Edge vs Rey Mysterio (World Heavyweight Title match)

Kurt Angle vs Big Show


We belief that Edge is currently set to win the title as WWE are not totally happy with Rey being an underdog champion. We belief that Rey will lose the title and win it again in the near future.


WWE HAVE resign Bret Hart. He is going to be used Backstage at the moment but we are not sure whether he will end up on TV or not. WWE have also resigned Shannon Moore who is set to re-debut in a few weeks. WWE have signed 2 new divas, Talia Madison and Angel Williams. Both are to go straight into development with Williams using that name and Talia using her real name (Jamie Szantyr).


WWE are also looking to call up several superstars such as Antonio Banks and Phil Brooks in the coming months.

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