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True Hollywood Stories: Supreme Wrestling Federation

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The True Hollywood Story: SWF 08

After the opening video rolls we are shown an empty room with smoke filling it, the camera moves closer and closer to see a man sitting in a chair, smoking a cigar, who is this man?


It doesn't really matter as he is just the host of the show. The man begins to speak.


The Supreme Wrestling Federation has been the biggest and greatest wrestling spectacle in 20 years, they have out-lasted, and out-smarted the companies that came before them as well as those who brought a behind the scenes war to the company. This will be the first show to ever document the thoughts, reasons and happenings for what goes on during a wrestling show as the shows appear. But before we can get 2007 started we have decided to take a look at just a few things from the past year that have brought us to this point.


"The Election" flashes across the screen as does some highlights from the election storyline


The man continue to speak:


The Election was supposed to be the biggest and baddest storyline in years when it came to the SWF, it all started when owner and commissioner Richard Eisen came down with a sudden case of the "swine flu". Unable to stand and bed ridden for weeks, time came for the Supreme Wrestling Federation to wonder what if Mr. Eisen didn't make it? In stepped Richards youngest son Eric Eisen, Eric a wrestler claimed the thrown saying that he was now in charge.


A video is shown of Eric standing in the middle of the ring with a crown on stating that now he was in charge and there was anything he can do about it, Eric also fires Christian Faith and Skull DeBones. But Eric is interrupted by his brother from the broadcast area near the ring, claiming he would be in charge.


Richard Eisen's oldest son, Jerry had other plans and he objected to young Eric and claimed that he would take charge.


We cut to where Eric Eisen is sitting and he talks about the storyline:


At first "The Election" was a big success, the fans hated me for wanting to fire Christian and DeBones, they loved my brother for standing up to me. We decided together that the only way to decide who would take over for my father was through a wrestler lead vote. The fans in arena's we showed up to would be allowed to vote but ultimately it was up to the other wrestler.


Another video is shown, showing both men giving promos, we have Eric telling every wrestler who votes for him that they will get a title shot, Jerry's saying that he will restore what the honor that his father had installed, that from the announcer table nothing is unseen and no bad deed would go unpunished.


Jerry Eisen is now shown similarly to his brother, sitting in a confessional, similar to any other "behind the music" or reality television show:


Now the storyline was good at first but in just continued and continued and continued and eventaully the fans got sick of it. Nobody cared after a while and off screen we all tried to talk him out of continuing the storyline but I guess some people just can't ever be wrong...


The host once again takes over the speaking as more promos, fan reaction and wrestling votes are shown


The man who created, and forced the election angle on the world was none other then wrestling great Sam Keith, Keith who many say grew disillusioned with the business didn't seem to even notice that the fans were turning on the story as he week after week after week he just marched the two Eisen brothers out in front of the live television audience despite the low ratings and boos from the crowd


Jerry: Now there is no doubting that Sam Keith is a legend in this business and he also has a great creative mind but to be honest he probably set this company back a year or two.


Richard Eisen is shown next returning and telling his boys that he isn't going any where for a long, long time and that the election is over and he is the only winner.


Jerry continues to speak: Now my father being an even greater creative mind, had the knowledge to just come back, just stop the angle, but it was already too late. The damage had been done. I'll tell you one thing though, when my father is on television the ratings are definitely higher. You don't believe me? Ask any wrestling fan from oh about 8 months ago...


Richard is shown next sitting in the same exact place as his boys:


Now you want to give someone like Sam the benefit of the doubt and I did, but I'm losing fans, and I'm losing money. I mean I have lots of money but you never just want to throw money away. I asked Sam to end the storyline plenty of times, his response was always "no, no, no, no Mr. Eisen, we got this. The fans are eating this up, they'll be back.". So I waited and I waited and nothing, the same things continued to happen and it lead to me having to fire Sam Keith. You never want to fire a legend, believe me but what else could I do? He sabotaged my company. Do I think he did it on purpose? No... ofcourse not but he still did it.


The host: Not all bad things would happen to SWF in 2007 though as you probably already know and one of the biggest things came right in the middle of the election storyline, that being... Brandon James.


Richard: Now we all knew that DAVE was in the dumps and had been for about a year and a half but they wouldn't quit, I have a lot of respect for Phil Vibert who ran DAVE day to day. He was always losing talent to the biggest promotions, to Japan, to Canada, to injury. Everyday you would hear a story about another member of the roster leaving but he continued to chug along all the way to Danger and Violence Extremes final days in April. Now one thing that I don't understand about Phil is that I offered to buy him out for years, I offered millions of dollars, I'm not really going to get into specifics but he always held on me. I told him I'd take care of his workers, I wouldn't release one until there contract was up but Phil wouldn't do it. I haven't met a person who has anything bad to say, although Phil may have some bad things to say about some of my workers.


A video is shown to go along with what the host is saying...


Host: They call him "The King of The Streets", and in 2006 Kurt Laramee would make the biggest decision of his life. Laramee who was being groomed as the main character of DAVE seemingly walked out on them in the middle of the night one day without notice.


Jerry: I can understand the anger that Phil had since he took Kurt from a "green" rookie into a megastar, but all in all wrestling is a business, he didn't have the money to pay Kurt and we did. It's as simple as that.


Kurt: DAVE was a sinking ship when I left, I didn't know how bad it was at the time, I didn't think it was as bad as it was but I knew something was up. Bryan (Holmes) left one day with no problem but when "The King of The Streets" signed on the dotted line I was called every name in the book, every Internet fan who loved me now hated my gut, every "fan" called me a sell-out. I received death threats, my rental car's tires have been blown out on more then one occasion. I called Phil and asked him to ask the fans to stop, to post something DAVE's website or something and said "Go fukk yourself!". In a way I am happy that DAVE is gone.


Once again a video is playing going along with what the host is saying:


Brandon James had rejected the SWF many times before, citing loyalty to the company that he loved DAVE but with DAVE no longer around there seemed to be no obstacles in sight for Richard Eisen to get a name on the dotted line right? Wrong...


Richard: Now when DAVE closed we signed up the people we wanted within days Jack Giedroyc and Emma Chase were property of the SWF but Big Cat Brandon wouldn't sign. We were in the biggest bidding war of our lives with our rival promotion. They were throwing the house at him so we threw everything we could... including the kitchen sink. I mean the guy asked for FIVE YEARS and CREATIVE CONTROL. Let me repeat that FIVE YEARS AND CREATIVE CONTROL.... In almost 40 years in this business I have never offered anybody creative control. I heard of guys like Sam Strong and Rip Chord getting creative control in HGC when it first opened but I'm not sure if those rumors are true or not. But Brandon was a guy that we couldn't have signing with the competition. He's that good.


Eric: I sat in on those negotiations with my father and I thought my father had gone mad, I mean 5 years? I haven't even had a 5 year contract. In fact I should talk to my father about that, but after getting to know and working with Brandon I believe he is worth it.


Brandon James: I've been in this business for a while now and I understand the business side of the sport. I mean if I get hurt then I'm gone, if Richard Eisen wants me to lose a hundred matches in a row and cause me to make less money in my career then there is nothing I can do about it. I seen these things in my past companies and I was going to make sure I was set for life. I think my past accomplishments prove that I am worth every cent and by the end of the year I will prove it once more. I am a top talent in this business...


Host: That is all for this weeks episode of The True Hollywood Story: Supreme Wrestling Federation, tune in next week when we finish recapping a few things from the year 2007 as we get ready for 2008.

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