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WCW 2001: Flair's the Boss

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Flair's the Boss


This diary I hope to have some fun with. I had read Ric Flair's biography and seen that there had been a mod for the TEW 2005 sorta along the lines of it but it was more of an alternate future and I kinda wanted to go back and see how things would have been from the start.


I took the data from the War's End mod from TEW 2007 and changed it for TEW 2008 cleared out some people from the roster, added others, changed some PPV names and dates, and decided to see how things would go.


Hopefully some people will find this entertaining.




Main Event

Bill Goldburg (F)

Booker T (F)

Buff Bagwell (H)

Diamond Dallas Page (F)

Jeff Jarrett (H)

Sting (F)


Upper Midcard

Bam Bam Bigelow (F)

Chris Kanyon (H)

Curt Henning (H)

Dustin Rhodes (F)

Rey Mysterio Jr. (F)

Rob Van Dam (H)

Sean O'Haire (H)



Billy Kidman (F)

Chavo Guerrero Jr. (H)

Chuck Palumbo (H)

Hugh Morrus (F)

Kenta Kobashi (F)

Lance Storm (H)

Mike Awesome (H)

Shane Douglas (H)

Shane Helms (F)

Yoshihiro Tajiri (F)


Lower Midcard

Alex Wright (F)

Chris Candido (H)

Jamie Knoble (F)

Kaz Hayashi (F)

Ultimo Dragon (H)



Elix Skipper (H)

Jimmy Yang (F)

Little Guido (H)


Enhancement Talent

AJ Styles (F)

Christopher Daniels (F)


Shows & Announcers


Friday Night Nitro

Announcers: Scott Hudson & Stevie Ray


WCW Worldwide

Announcers: Michael Taylor (my character) & Larry Zbyszko


WCW Titles


WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Vacant


WCW United States Champion: Vacant


WCW World Tag Team Champions: Vacant


WCW Cruiserweight Champion: Vacant

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I walked into WCW’s new headquarters in Charlotte. It was a rather large step down from the old offices in Atlanta but that was the least of my concerns. I was a recent college grad that went from looking like I had landed a great job out of the gate to wondering if it would be there a month from then. I had picked the worst time to probably get hired to WCW back in fall of 2000.


Talking to Eric Bischoff though you would have thought WCW was the best thing since sliced bread. My resume was solid I had a degree in Mass Media and could work the behind the camera stuff and still look good in front of the camera. I had high marks in English and could write well. It was exactly what he was looking for, someone who he could trust to work behind the scenes of WCW but also help with writing. Eric didn’t really trust his booking staff if that was one thing I learned that fall and winter of 2000, especially after the not so distant fiasco with Vince Russo. Not that I had any creative lean mind you. I was more in a apprentice kind of role, but I was never sure why. I knew how to do stuff but the people at Turner had many more years of experience than I did. Well then I figured it out. In January, Eric announced that him and some other people with more money than they knew what to do with were buying WCW. Me and a bunch of other people Eric had hired were going to be the new techies, writing and shooting the new WCW.


When I first heard this I didn’t put two and two together I even thought I might get cut. When it was explained though I felt much more secure knowing my job was not only safe but the worth of it just went up exponentially. As the time ticked away I was getting rather jittery with excitement. This was going to be my first big job. I was going to be helping call the shots. Then came the news down from Turner Networks from inside the belly of AOL Time Warner that the would be axing WCWs TV slots and by March 18th, 2001 Eric and Fusient Media Ventures backed out of the purchase. Just when I thought I had myself set for life someone slams the door on my face.


On the last night of Nitro on TV I thought that was it. I was done. As the show wrapped up, I helped the crew finish up things for the night. It was rather somber and I didn’t feel the need to be in any hurry.


“Are you Michael Taylor?” someone asked from behind me.


I turned around to see none other than Ric Flair. He was still sweating and in his ring gear and his WCW t-shirt. I don’t know why he’d be interested in talking to me but why not maybe I could get an autograph out of this.


“I am,” I replied.


“Good I was told to come talk to you about getting a crew together. I’m buying WCW and I unfortunately can’t take the Turner crew with me. Seeing as I’m a wrestler I figured you’d be more helpful in that area.”


My jaw dropped.


“You set me up on the crew and I’ll be glad to help.”


“That’s not a problem. When can you start working?”


Man, those were five golden words for me at the time, “When can you start working?” We quickly began to get things together. Ric had pegged a new US TV market for WCW and the deadline was to get the show ready to go in June when the summer shows start. The heat was on for everyone and that is part of the reason I was there. There was a bit of a shortage of announcers and so, with some protest, I was put as the announcer of WCW WorldWide, where my abilities in front of a camera could be used without my lack of wrestling knowledge hurting the company too badly. That wasn’t the reason I was there though. I was there for another reason. In addition to running the booth on Nitro and announcing on WorldWide I now had to set in on booking meetings as a media consultant. None of Ric’s booking crew liked that. I can’t say I did either. Setting in a room with a bunch of grumpy old men who thought there business was being invade by a foreigner that would dictate them what they could do based on what FX said and what are camera crew could do and how to best set things up to take in the TV and studio audience. I sure hope I’m ready for this.

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Matches for Friday Night Nitro On FX (US only)

Round One of the WCW Cruiserweight Title Tourney

Jamie Knoble vs. AJ Styles


Kaz Hayashi vs. Elix Skipper


Round One of the WCW US Title Tourney

Hugh Morrus vs. TBA*


Round One of the WCW World Heavyweight Title Tourney

Booker T vs. Rob Van Dam


Jeff Jarrett vs. Diamond Dallas Page


Matches for WCW WorldWide on Five (UK only)


10 Man Battle Royal

AJ Styles vs. Jamie Knoble vs. Kaz Hayashi vs. Elix Skipper vs. Alex Wright vs. Jimmy Yang vs. Chris Candido vs. Little Guido vs. Ultimo Dragon vs. Christopher Daniels


WCW Cruiserweight Title Tourney Play in Match

Billy Kidman vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.


Curt Hennig vs. Shane Helms


Rob Van Dam vs. Sting


*Winner of the play in match on WorldWide gets the TBA spot

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