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The Birth of a Legacy: The FWF story.

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Have you ever asked your self what if? Like what if WWE never existed? Or What If the legends from yesterday were still wrestling today? Well in this world its all true no what ifs. The top of the wrestling world is up for grabs with 12 cult promotions. The biggest right now is All Star Wrestling which is owned by Linda McMahon and booked by Vince McMahon Jr. Since there is no National wrestling a lot of the wrestlers are shared. All of the promotions are worth watching….well almost all there is a man by the name of Vince Russo who owns his own company and let’s just say the company has never had a clean finish to a match but that’s another story. I work for FWF the Florida Wrestling Federation under Mr. Bischoff, and it’s safe to say that we have one of the most talented rosters of young and older wrestlers around but are still in 7th place in the world. I plan on changing that and I mean by any means necessary.
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FWF Roster


Main Event


Harley Race (H)

Randy Savage (F)

Jake Roberts (H)

Sting (F)

The Giant (F)

The Great Muta (H)


Upper mid

Brain Adams (H)

Carlito (H)

Dean Malenko (F)


Rick Steiner (F)

Steve Keirn (F)

Val Venis (F)


Mid card

Hercules (H)

Homicide (H)

Jim Brunzell (H)

Marc Meroe (F)

Matt Morgan (H)

Mike Awesome (F)

Paul Roma (H)

Ron Bass (H)

Sean O Haire (H)

Terry Taylor (F)

Wahoo McDaniel (F)


Lower Mid

Barry Horowitz (F)

Brian Blair (F)

Hernandez (H)

Mike Graham (F)

Nick Dinsmore (F)

Rico (H)


Openers and ET

Scotty Riggs (H)

Alex Shelley (H)

Matt Sisal (F)

Orlando Jordan (F)

Paul London (F)


FWF World Champion-Jake Roberts

FWF Intercontinental- MVP

FWF Tag Team-Vacant (was held by the Steiner Brothers but Scott died of an OD)

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Tune into next weeks FWF Conflict on Small Southern TV, to see what will happen after last Sundays PPV. Randy Savage is said to be furious about losing his title to Jake Roberts at FWF No Limit and has requested a rematch this week, tune in to see if he gets it. Also the first round of the tournament for the FWF Tag Team Titles as MVP and Carlito go up against L.A.X plus DDP calls Sting out all on next weeks FWF Conflict.


Quick Picks


Randy Savage V. Jake Roberts non title

LAX V. MVP/Carlito

Big Show V. ??Debut??

Dean Malenko V. The Great Muta

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FWF Conflict


Solie: Welcome everyone to FWF Conflict lets waste no time here tonight and go to the ring



The Giant V. Giant Baba
The first three minutes of the match was just locking up and tests of power.
The Giant used his agility as an advantage over the less athletic Giant Baba.
The Giant gets out powered in this match though when Baba body slams him.
Baba falls to The Giant thought with a Choke Slam.
Rating: B- Lack of selling brought the match

Solie: That was what I like to call two tons of fun haha but I'm joined now by Eric Bischoff.


Bischoff: Thanks Solie ol boy nice to be here with you.


Solie: Thanks, Eric next up we have The Great Muta V. “The Man of a thousand holds” Dean Malenko


Bischoff: Oh, I can’t wait!!


  • Great Muta V. Dean Malenko
  • The styles of these two men go good together.
  • Malenko takes charge early with his speed catching Muta off guard.
  • Muta recovers and uses his awesome technical moves to weaken Malenko.
  • But he knows all the reversals in the book and reveres them all.
  • Out of no where Muta hit’s a Shinning Impact on Malenko for the win.
  • Rating: C-

Solie: Eric I understand you have some business to tend to in the ring.


Bischoff: Yes that is right, I’ll be right back.


Bischoff enters the ring with a mic.


Bischoff: Jake I wanted to go ahead and tell you that tomorrow there will be a match between The Giant and Randy to determine the number one contender for your title.


Roberts: That’s fine Eric but remembers I’m the face of this company and don’t forget that.


Bischoff: Ha, ok I’ll try not to.


After Bischoff leaves the ring DDP comes out.


Page: Sting come out here now, you think your all that but you could never beat me fair and square. Last Sunday was a fluke and…


The lights dim and Stings Music hits


Sting: Page shut your mouth please. This wasn’t the first time I beat you and it want be my last.


Page: Whatever, I want to face you in three weeks at FWF Summerfest in a loser leaves town match.


Sting: You got it buddy and start packing you bags.

Rating: B+


  • Randy Savage V. Jake Roberts
  • Randy dominates the first five minutes with power.
  • Jake comes back with a couple of corner moves.
  • Jack threatens Randy with Damien but the ref stops him.
  • Randy sends Jake out of the ring.
  • Randy goes out but Jake unleashes Damien.
  • The Ref rings the bell DQ
  • Rating: B-


Show rating: C

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Alex Shelley V. Matt Sydal

Two young up and comers in the wrestling world face off in the opening bout.


MVP and Carlito V. Marc Mero and Rico Constantino

The winner of this match will face Rick Steiner and a partner of his choice for FWF Tag Team Titles.


DDP V. Terry Taylor

Taylor is destine to become something big, but the Master of The Diamond Cutter DDP is on the war path.


Val Venis V. Sean O Haire

These two have are very good friends.


Randy Savage V. The Giant

This is the match for the number one contender for the FWF World Title at FWF Summerfest.


Quick Pick


Shelley V. Sydal

MVP/Carlito V. Mero/Rico

DDP V. Taylor

Venis V. O Haire

Savage V. Giant

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FWF in Your Town!


Solie: Welcome to the fastest growing promotion in the U.S


Bischoff: That’s right Mr. Solie; I promise all of you a good show.


Solie: I second that, first up tonight is two young guys Matt Sydal and Alex Shelley.


Alex Shelley V. Matt Sydal


  • Shelley shows great technical skills to begin this match.
  • Matt has awesome speed and reverses some of Alex’s moves.
  • Both men have outstanding athletic ability as they show here tonight.
  • Shelley hit’s a Shellshock to end the match

Rating: E+


Solie: That was some exciting moves in that match.


Bischoff: Yes and their still young too, so be looking for some big things out of these two.


Solie: On a sad note we have all heard about Scott Steiner passing away in his hotel room last week well next we have his brother Rick come out to talk.


Commercial Break


Steiner: Hello everyone, I would first like to say thinks for all the prayers and flowers. Scott really was a good guy and a hell of a brother and friend but most of all he was a good good dad.


The Crowd goes crazy and give a standing O.


Steiner: Thank you, Scott also loved you guys very much. So know I’m supposed to find another partner like nothing happened? Well guess what I will pick a partner but I won’t introduce him until Summerfest.


Rating: C

Solie: That was a hart felt speech from Rick, and are prayers, are with his family.


Bischoff: Yes, on an up note right now we have the match to determine who will face Steiner at Summerfest.


MVP/Carlito V. Mero/Rico


  • MVP and Rico start out the match
  • They taunt each other before starting to fight.
  • MVP has control most of the time he’s in the ring.
  • MVP tags Carlito.
  • Rico tags in Mero.
  • Mero show great basic skills in the ring.
  • Carlito reverses a clothesline a hit’s a backstabber for the win.

Rating: C-


Solie: There you go folks, at Summerfest we have MVP and Carlito going up against Rick Steiner and a mystery partner.


Bischoff: Yea, these two have great chemistry and it shows in the ring.


Commercial Break


We come back on air and see DDP on his way the ring but he’s stopped by Randy Savage.


Savage: Brother you better watch your back.


DDP: What do you mean?


Savage: I’m just warning you brother, ohm yeah you better watch out.


DDP: Whatever you’re crazy.


Savage: Fine don’t listen, your fault.


Rating: B


DDP V. Terry Taylor


  • DDP take control early using his experience edge.
  • Taylor recovers using his strength though.
  • DDP takes control when this video plays.
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4k4FYzV8UU
  • Taylor rolls up DDP and gets the win
  • Rating: C for the match B for the video.


Bischoff: Stings has been around in FWF since the start in 2002 and he’s the best in mind games.


Solie: Indeed he’s got the mental edge on DDP right now.


Val Venis V. Sean O’ Haire


  • This match takes a while to get started.
  • Venis starts to dominate in the middle.
  • Venis lays him out with a clothesline.
  • Venis makes him tap with a Venis Fly Trap.

Rating: D+


Commercial Break


Solie: Next is our main event to crown the number one contender for the FWF World Heavyweight Championship.


Bischoff: I’m ready for this one, Randy Savage V. The Giant.


The Giant V. Randy Savage


  • Giant locks up with Savage and pushes him across the ring
  • Randy gets sent to the corner and hit with a chop.
  • Randy goes out of the ring.
  • They battle out there until the ref gets to a seven count
  • Rand chop blocks Giant.
  • Randy locks in a Sleeper.
  • Randy drop kicks Giant.
  • Randy finishes him off with a flying Elbow Drop.

Rating: B


Show: B-

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The History of Summerfest.


Summerfest is the second biggest Pay per View that the FWF has it has been around since 2003 and has always put on a good show.




Randy Savage beat The Great Muta to retain the FWF World title

Al Snow/Alex Kosovo defeated American Males for the FWF Tag Team championship.

The Giant defeated Sting

AJ Styles defeated Paul London in a ladder match (One of the greatest matches in FWF History.)




LAX debuts

The Steiner Brothers defeat The Road Warriors to win the vacant FWF Tag team titles

Sting draws with Randy Savage in a last man standing match for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Alex Wright defeats Alex Shelley

Barry Windom fought his lost match with FWF in a lose to AJ Styles





LAX and The Steiner’s defeat The Three Horsemen (Chris Beniot, Ole Anderson, and Terry Taylor)

Mike Awesome defeats Matt Morgan in a two out of three falls match two to one

Sting wins a six man steel cage gauntlet match to win the FWF World Title.

TV deal was announced.




Paul London defeated Alex Shelley and Matt Sydal for the FWF Intercontinental title.

MVP debuts costing Wahoo McDaniel his return match against Brain Adams

Randy/Sting Defeated the Steiner’s in a non title match

AJ won in his last PPV match for FWF

Jake Roberts defeated The Giant for the FWF World title




LAX defeated The Steiner’s and MVP/Carlito to retain the FWF Tag Team Titles

Mike Awesome defeated Nick Dinsmore

Sting defeated The Giant

Jake Roberts defeated DDP and Randy Savage to retain the FWF World Heavyweight Title

Tony Schiavione shoots on FWF boss Eric Bischoff (Wasn’t supposed to happen.) and was fired shortly after.

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This week on FWF Conflict MVP will face Rick Steiner one on one as they get ready to face each other at Summerfest for the tag titles. Also The Giant is not happy after losing his match for number one contender match plans on getting revenge. What will happen in the DDP Sting saga all on this weeks Conflict.


MVP V. Rick Steiner

The Giant V. The Great Muta

Sting and Randy Savage V. Jake Roberts and DDP

Plus huge announcement

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FWF Conflict


Solie: Welcome to another edition of FWF Conflict I’m Gordon Solie here with Mr. Bischoff.


Bischoff: Don’t call me Mr. Bischoff you’re a legend. But we have a good show lined up.


Solie: And Diamond Dallas Page is in the ring now let’s seeing what he has to say.


DDP is standing in the ring with a mic


DDP: Sting, I’m sick and tired of you trying to scare me it doesn’t work. But you did cost me my match last week and that’s bull. All of you fans out here tonight better say goodbye to Sting while you can cause come Summerfest he’ll be gone for….


Lights go out Stings music hits they come back on and nothing happened.


DDP: Wow Sting that really fooled me. I’ve had enough of you…


Lights go out again and come back on.


Sting: Page, hey Page up here.


Sting is seen up in the rafters.


Sting: You better watch your back; you never know when I’ll come or where I’ll be.


DDP: What is that supposed to mean?


The lights go out and when they come back on Stings not in the rafters.

Rating: B+


Solie: If I was DDP I would be watching my back.


Bischoff: Yea me too, this feud is really heating up.


Solie: The Giant is furious about losing last Thursday and will face The Great Muta next.


Commercial Break


The Giant V. The Great Muta


  • Giant slings Muta around the ring for the first few minutes
  • Giant does a top rope move.
  • Giant Chokeslams Muta for the win.

Rating: C+


Solie: He made that look easy.


Bischoff: Yes, and that’s not easy considering how good Muta is.


The camera goes backstage as we see Hernandez talking to a staff member when Mike Awesome comes by and attacks him.

Rating: D+


MVP V. Rick Steiner


  • MVP starts off fast using some new moves of his.
  • Steiner recovers and takes control after about three minutes.
  • Back and forth reversals from both men.
  • At about ten minutes and Steiner’s getting tired.
  • On a reversal Steiner hit’s a running body slam for the win.

Rating: C+


Commercial Break


Solie: After what happened to Hernandez earlier we understand Homicide has something to say.


Bischoff: Yea, and he’s backstage with the newest member to the announce team Jeremy Borash


We go backstage.


Borash: Thanks Eric, Homicide what do you have to say.


Homicide: So you want to attack my brother? My friend Hernandez, well homes you got a big problem on your hands. Cuz one you mess with one member of a Latin America Xchange, you mess with the other te gusta or nada.


Borash: Back to you Eric.



Bischoff: It’s time for the main event everyone.


Solie: And tonight we have The Macho Man and Sting V. DDP and Jake Roberts.


Sting/Randy Savage V. DDP/Jake Roberts


  • Sting and Savage rule the match for the first few minutes with quick tags.
  • Sting works on DDP’s arms.
  • Sting tags in Randy.
  • DDP takes control by an illegal move
  • Randy tags in Sting.
  • Sting gets distracted by The Giant who comes down the ramp.
  • DDP spins Sting around and hit a Diamond Cutter for the win.

Rating: B

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An Eye on Wrestling with Gordon Solie


FWF Summerfest 2008

Summerfest is shaping up to be a heck of a show with the main event being DDP V. Sting in a loser leaves FWF match. This in my opinion will be the match of the night because both of these men love wrestling in front of the FWF fans and wouldn’t give that up for nothing. Then we got Randy “Macho Man” Savage V. Jake “The Snake” Roberts for the FWF World Heavyweight title, I personal think this match needs more build up but none the less the fans love them some Macho Man and hate them some Jake Roberts. Another one is who is Rick Steiner’s partner? I love this and think it’s going to be a surprise to everyone when Rick announces who his partner is. (I already know haha.)


Vince Russo and ESE


Well Vince Russo and his newly opened ESE have a new TV show. How is it you ask? Almost as good as watching two sixteen wheelers going towards each other, meaning you see the crash happening but can’t look away. I think any promotion pushing New Jack as a world champion is not going to make it long.


The wrestling top 25


  1. The Undertaker
  2. Kurt Angle
  3. Randy Savage
  4. The Giant
  5. Bret Hart
  6. Eddie Gurrero
  7. Edge
  8. Booker T
  9. L.O.D
  10. Arn Anderson
  11. M.V.P
  12. Mike Awesome
  13. Shawn Michaels
  14. The Rock
  15. The Ultimate Warrior
  16. John Cena
  17. Homicide
  18. Afa
  19. Cody Rhodes
  20. Dustin Rhodes
  21. Colt Cabana
  22. Jeff Hardy
  23. CM Punk
  24. Shane Helms
  25. Matt hardy

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