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WWF: New Generation

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The New Generation




Alright here is what I've been working on recently. I know its another WWF dynasty but the other WWF diary was becoming a match based in my point of view. With this one, its promo based. I'll try to develop the characters both off-screen and on-screen. It'll be sometimes kayfabe based on the off-screen segments and on screen segments have some fun into it. It has been a rough ride with me for the C-Verse so I won't even bother doing it again. Well someday I might but probably not. I've started too many and I want to focus on this more than the other one. Each will switch out every month so there. I know I got a lot on my table so it probably won't be a lot of updates on this or even my other WWF diary.


My vision of the WWF is simple. Just like another family based entertainment. But I'll try to change things anyway somehow. This is more of the story of how the WWF slowly develops into the Attitude Era. When I watch promos on Youtube or somewhere, it always reminds me of a great feud. And some of the old school WWF rules might apply such as longer title reigns. That part I have no clue if I'll have to do it or so. I'm focused on developing characters and tag teams as of right now and right now, I'd love to see what grows out of my mind. Recently I've watched old WWF promos and I got the feeling of the interviews and the matches. Matches will be short I know but the promos were awesome back in the day. And of what I think is that the Attitude Era didn't do anything related to what they did back in the early 90's where the announcers were the interviewers as well. They all did their own thing and I like that. But I want to see that I can do something about it before March 1997 strikes.


Anyways, here is where I begin the game. Post Wrestlemania XII. In my version, nothing changed at all. Diesel gets defeated by the Undertaker at WM and Razor Ramon is still the Intercontinental Champion. Shawn Michaels defeats Bret Hart in the main event for the WWF championship. One of the best matches ever. However, history repeats itself. The Smokin Gunns are still the Tag Champs. Vince McMahon changed the faces of the WWF when Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage leaves the company. However, Vince already replaced the WWF Franchise Players with the likes of Shawn Michaels, Diesel (Kevin Nash), Razor Ramon (Scott Hall), The Undertaker, and Bret Hart. Vince McMahon calls them the New Generation. They are desperately needed on their company as they are in the verge of hitting the global status of a federation. If these superstars leave the frontline and jump ship to WCW, Vince is dead. The World Championship Wrestling (WCW) has been taking their momentum and challenged the WWF for the global status. Both are tied in the wars. However, with the arrival of Hogan, Savage, and old WWF main stars and interviewers like Jimmy Hart, Bobby Heenan, Gene Okerlund and Lex Luger, they are gaining up in the ratings war since then. NWA/WCW mainstays Sting & Ric Flair has carried the company ever since. And Sting has been the franchise of WCW for years. Even without Ric Flair on the company. WWF's mission is to create a new generation of superstars as fast as they can. But they must be decisive and careful as they are seeing a growth of young workers. WCW has the mission to pounce the WWF and run them out of business. With Eric Bischoff under control of WCW, it is going to be easy for them. WWF has been under Vince Russo's guidance. An idiot or a genius that will lead the WWF in the creative team.


I've created new storylines for the WWF right after WM XII. I've simmed throughout the WWF already and looking at the verge of things, I hope it should go well.


I hope you enjoy. Shall we start?

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Title History


WWF Title Histories



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WWF World Heavyweight Championship History


Shawn Michaels: 03/96-Present

Bret Hart: 11/95-03/96


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WWF Intercontinental Championship History


Razor Ramon: 10/95-Present


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The Smoking Gunns: 09/95-Present


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State Of The WWF


State Of The WWF


Current Prestige: A

Size: International

Founded: January 1952

Founder: Vince McMahon Sr.

Recent Founder: Vince McMahon

Schedule: Full Time

Product: Sports Entertainment


Importance Rank: #1

Influence Rank: #1


Finances: 25,000,000


WWF Popularity Chart




Great Lakes: B+

Mid Atlantic: B+

Mid South: B+

Mid West: B+

New England: A

North West: B+

South East: B+

South West: B+

Tri-State: A

Puerto Rico: C+

Hawaii: B+


Canada: C+


The Maritimes: C

Quebec: C+

Ontario: B-

The Prairies: C+

The British Columbia: C

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The Franchise Players


The Diamonds Of The WWF



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Shawn Michaels


The Heartbreak Kid has been through many things. He has overcome many odds and you know it he has done the impossible and that is to win the WWF Championship at Wrestlemania XII! From being the tag team partner of Marty Jannety and winning the WWF Tag team championship several times and being the single star that he is right now, he became the Intercontinental champion as well. as his career with the WWF grows, he has innovated the most famous ladder match and at Wrestlemania, he used the famous gimmick match against Razor Ramon only to lose the Intercontinental Title.


As The Heartbreak Kid move on onto the business, he became friends with the famous "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel. From friendship they even became tag team partners and won the WWF Tag Team Championship on occassions numbered. Good friends but better enemies as they fight on through the years, proving who is the best. Diesel got a hold of him and won the WWF World Title but Shawn Michaels never gave up as he won the 1995 Royal Rumble from start to finish. He would only end up losing to Diesel for the WWF championship.


The year of 1995 has been hard for Shawn Michaels as he went to a downfall. And at late 1995, he suffered an injury. But would later come back to the Royal Rumble and accomplish the prestige win once more.


He would move on to Wrestlemania where Bret Hart and himself competed in a sixty minute WWF Championship Iron Man Match. Shawn Michaels accomplished the dream of becoming a WWF Champion after defeating Bret Hart himself.


As the year of 1996 goes on for the HeartBreak Kid, he will face many challenges. Only time will tell if he will keep the WWF Championship for a long time.


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Bret Hart


The Best There Is, The Best There Was, And The Best There Will Ever Be. The Excellence of Execution, they call him many names. But there is one thing that this guy wants and that is to take back what is his. The WWF Championship. The Hitman has been on a roll since coming to the WWF as he teamed with Jim Neidhart as the Hart Foundation and later on become the Hitman and win the WWF Championship.


Bret Hart has been on the peak of his game and has led the WWF to success. From winning the title from Diesel to now, Bret has showed that he is really the best of the WWF has to offer. But as his recent loss to Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania, Bret can turn things really personal once he lose it.


Two time King Of The Ring and also an Intercontinental Champion, Bret has reached beyond the stars to become what he is today.


And as he leads the WWF to even a better path, he also has the quest of winning back the WWF Championship and lead the WWF into a new era once more.


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The Undertaker


The Undertaker has been on the WWF for a very long time. And even, he has won the WWF championship from the man that put the WWF where it is today, Hulk Hogan.


As managed by Paul Bearer, the Deadman persona has been the best outcome of the single wrestling sensation Mark Calaway. And as he keeps up the pace, he shows signs that he could be the WWF Champion once more. With his game face on, he is the longest main event mainstay out of the New Generation superstars that Vince McMahon had created. And he is looking forward to lead the men of the future to the new heights of the WWF, he also has to encounter new challenges.


And those challenges might lead the Deadman to the WWF Champion once more.


After defeating Diesel at Wrestlemania XII, The Deadman has the momentum he needs to be on the top once more. But can he show the world that a dark era will start someday?


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The most arguable superstar in the WWF. A man who once became a champion but drew the smallest amount of people to his reign. His name is "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel. The man that put Shawn Michaels in his place once.


He has been on his best. But he couldn't get to that championship that he has once won from Bob Backlund. A legend in the business, only becoming a joke.


Becoming a powerhouse icon of the WWF, he has been destroying the Undertaker from pieces to pieces. But as he continues to do his dirty work, he found himself almost in the bottom of the food chain. Now the big man has to find his way back to the main league and confront the Heartbreak Kid once more. Or even better, win the WWF Championship.


Diesel has a lot in his mind. But with the size and ability that he has to use to the wrestling business, Diesel will someday find himself to the top.


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Razor Ramon


The Bad Guy himself has found him in the top of the Intercontinental division. The Bad Guy Razor Ramon has bee on that division for years now but never had the chance to get a run as the WWF Champion. From winning the prestigous WWF Intercontinental Title several times, he never had a chance to elevate himself to the top. And even feuding with men like Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels, he has a short time to put himself on the right path before he goes down the road as an infamous jobber.


Razor Ramon's character is a man from Cuba, who didn't have an education. Character wise he is a success but off-screen, he is fighting with his own demons.


Only friends can help Razor Ramon from fighting those demons and win. And once he had done that, he could be a very big hit. The path for "The Bad Guy" is the path to success.


Now he reach the main event popularity, he has a chance to be the biggest superstar in the WWF.

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The Roster


WWF Roster



Main Eventers

Bret Hart

British Bulldog


Mr. Perfect

Razor Ramon

Shawn Michaels

Sid Vicious

The Undertaker



Upper Midcarders

Ahmed Johnson

Bob Backlund


Jeff Jarrett

Jerry Lawler

Owen Hart





1-2-3 Kid

Bart Gunn

Billy Gunn

Bob Holly

Henry O. Godwinn

Hunter Hearst Helmsley

King Mabel

Marty Janetty


Savio Vega

Steve Austin



Lower Midcarders

Buddy Landell

Duke Droese

Glen Jacobs

Justin Bradshaw

Sir Mo







Enhancement Talent

Barry Horowitz

The Brooklyn Brawler


Announcers & Colour

Jim Ross

Vince McMahon

Dok Hendrix

Howard Finkel

Todd Pettengilli


Managers & Authority Figures

Jim Cornette

Ted Dibiase

Paul Bearer

Gorilla Monsoon (Authority)

Hillibilly Jim


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Shows Archives


WWF Shows Archive



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- April 1996, Week 1, At ARCO Arena: B

- April 1996, Week 2, At Asheville Civic Center B

- April 1996, Week 3, At Asheville Civic Center B+




- April 1996, Week 1, At Dallas Sportatorium: C+

- April 1996, Week 2, At Agora Theatre: B-

- April 1996, Week 3, At Jefferson County Fairgrounds C-


To Be Updated

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(Credit goes to sebsplex and GDS-Verse)


Journal Of The Oracle


Making Enemies


With the first days of the job, I was already called up in a creative meeting. Vince McMahon and Vince Russo. Ed Ferrara, Russo's friend wasn't employed in the company yet. Two Vince's in one room. That was kind of an awkward deal for me.


The creative meeting showed us a door way to making new superstars. Vince McMahon suggested that we should make the WWF Superstars show to be a B show. Meaning that only undercarders and rising stars will be featured in that show. I completely disagreed.


Everything that Russo was telling Vince were idiotic ideas. As enough knowing at it, I stood at my chair, waiting for them to make a decision. McMahon completely agreed with what Russo had to say. Make the WWF into a crash TV where showing sex is alright. At first I wasn't convinced with that idea as it will only result for the company not getting as many deals to television networks. It will be suicide.


Vince Russo doesn't care. He's an idiot with a slight view of wrestling itself. A view that its crash TV. MTV! That is his view.


My view for the WWF was to be a family friendly, entertainment focused promotion. We might be planning on the rise to take off the family friendly style of the company's shows itself and turn it into risky entertainment. Not one that Vince (Russo) is thinking. That would ruin us.


As the meeting goes on, Russo and I go on an argument.


"What the hell are you thinking?" I shouted at Russo's face.


"Making the shows better than they are right now, that's what I'm thinking buddy!" Russo replied.


Before the conversation even heats up, Vince splits us apart. In the meeting, we also had Linda participate, learning that she is on my side.


Vince (McMahon) was listening to Russo. Linda was listening to me.


But what does Linda has the Vince don't? Power over the company?


Russo and I are off to a bad start, considering that I already had an argument with the guy.


Mysteries of our hirings (myself & Russo) are something not to be talked about. We came from two sides.


After the meeting, tension between us was slowly being created.

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WWF Monday Night RAW

ARCO Arena

Attendance: 15,000

TV Rating: 3.06


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Announcers: Jim Ross & Vince McMahon



With Wrestlemania XII over, we see a video recap of the biggest event of 1996 itself. As we move on through the chains of matches & interviews, we go to the main event where we see Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels compete for the WWF championship. At the end of the match, Shawn Michaels wins the WWF Champion, his biggest moment of his career.


Jim Ross: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night Raw!!

Vince McMahon: I am Vince McMahon and here is my partner, Jim Ross!!

Jim Ross: Last night could be one of the amazing nights in the WWF history as far as everyone know.

Vince McMahon: Yes Indeed JR, we have a new champion.

Jim Ross: Speaking of the new champion here he comes now!!!


Shawn Michaels theme music hits as the crowd goes wild. The NEW WWF Champion comes out being cheered by the fans. Very hyped at his perspective, he walks to the ring with full of energy. As he enters the ring, he poses in the center. Vince McMahon enters the ring, ready to interview the champ.


Vince McMahon: Ladies and gentlemen, with further ado, your WWF Champion, Shawn Michaels!!!


The crowd goes wild.


Vince McMahon: Shawn Michaels, how does it feel to be the champion of the WWF right now?

Shawn Michaels: McMahon, tonight starts the era of the Hearbreak Kid!


The crowd cheers with excitement.


Shawn Michaels: And tonight is the beginning of the Heartbreak Kid's reign as the WWF Champion. Now let me tell you something here Vince. I've been through many challenges in my life and I've overcome many opponents. Last year I finished the Royal Rumble from start to the end of that match. Then last Wrestlemania, I lost to Diesel. As that year go by, I lost my control over the WWF. And soon I became another guy getting his health damaged after a match. Then I came back to the Royal Rumble again! And I won again! It didn't matter. Whether throwing Cornell off his game or postponing another brother versus brother fight at Wrestlemania, I fought Bret throughout that entire sixty minutes. And throughout that sixty minutes of my life, the match had no winner. But in the end, The Heart Break Kid gets it. And show the entire world that I've done the impossible and win the WWF championship!!!

Vince McMahon: It must feel great to win that gold around your waist Mr. WWF Champion.

Shawn Michaels: Oh it does feel great Vince and let me tell you this. To all the challengers of this prestigous WWF gold, it doesn't who you are and it doesn't matter where you stand in the locker room. Because I'll be waiting here all the time, looking for anyone worthy enough to face me.

Vince McMahon: That's an interesting thought isn't it? Speaking on behalf of the fans out here tonight, who are you looking forward to facing for your first title defense?

Shawn Michaels: Honestly, those who are brave enough to come to me and come for a title shot, I'm all in!!!


The crowd shows mixed emotions as the "Excellence of Execution" Bret Hart comes to the ring with his signature jacket. He enters the ring with a mic.


Bret Hart: Michaels, if you are looking anyone brave enough for that championship, then I want that gold. And I want you at the next pay per view.

Vince McMahon: We are joined by Bret Hart ladies and gentlemen.

Bret Hart: Shut up Vince and let me talk. Shawn, you think that you got away with the gold that I was holding for nearly six months? Do you really think that a punk like you can get away from me after Wrestlemania?

Shawn Michaels: Actually Bret, I do can get away from you. And now that I have my dream in my waist, I am completed.

Bret Hart: If you are complete then I suppose that you and I have another rematch.

Shawn Michaels: You want another rematch Bret?

Bret Hart: Yes!

Shawn Michaels: If you want a rematch then so be it. Next pay per view! You and me. No Iron match. Just a simple WWF title match! Deal?

Bret Hart: Deal!

Vince McMahon: Ladies and gentlemen, it is settled. Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels for the WWF Championship one more time!!


The crowd goes wild.


Bret Hart: And I'm making sure that I get that title back on my waist.


Bret Hart's theme music hits as he leaves the ring. Shawn Michaels looks at Bret with a grin as the segment ends.


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Glen Jacobs vs. Skip


The match itself was very quick as Glen Jacobs ended Skip with several super human drops. Skip was completely destroyed and Jacobs ended the match with the chokeslame.


Winner: Glen Jacobs


The Million Dollar Incorporated comes into the ring as Sid Vicious, 123 Kid, Steve Austin and Ted Dibiase comes inside the ring.


Ted Dibiase: HAHAHAHAH!!! Just look at this. Sid Vicious, 123 Kid, & Steve Austin, the future of my Million Dollar Incorporated is here tonight to send you a message. But first let me introduce to you the newest member of the Million Dollar Incorporated, his name and your winner, Glen Jacobs. HAHHAHAH!!!!!


The crowd boos as Sid raises the hand of Glen Jacobs himself.


Ted Dibiase: These guys are here to accomplish what the Million Dollar Man hasn't accomplished yet and they will be showing you that the Million Dollar Society is one hell of a club to join to. Steve Austin is arguably the most talented kid in the WWF ring seen today. Sid Vicious and new member Glen Jacobs are dead set on their eyes for gold. And the Million Dollar Man has set his eyes to show them the way to success. And let me tell you this, money talks. Money is paycheck. I am Money itself. The Million Dollar Man and his incorporation society is taking control of the WWF. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!


The Million Dollar Man and his stable exits the ring.


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Mr. Perfect Is Coming To The WWF. Soon!


Jim Ross: Mr. Perfect is coming back to the WWF ladies and gentlemen.

Vince McMahon: And my how wonderful would that be. The one and only Mr. Perfect in the WWF once again.

Jim Ross: McMahon, it seems that the Kid has stayed in the ring and has something to say.

Vince McMahon: Kid? Without the Million Dollar Inc.? This should be interesting.


With The Million Dollar Incorporation leaving the ring, one member stays and that is 123 Kid. He has a microphone in his hands.


123 Kid: Here is the fact. Sometime in my first ever match here in the WWF, I've seen the best of the best. But the worst man I could've wrestled in my lifetime so far is none other than that stupid Cuban accented Razor Ramon.


The crowd cheers.


Vince McMahon: People cheering for this kid? Interesting!


123 Kid: At my debut, I easily defeated this "success" that the WWF calls Razor Ramon. I embarrased him and I showed him that anyone in this business can be a star. Just like me.


Crowd cheers again.


123 Kid: So here is what I think. Since I had defeated Razor Ramon once, I can defeat him again. And this time, I can beat him and become the Intercontinental Champion!!


The crowd goes wild.


123 Kid: So Razor Ramon, why don't you come out here tonight so I can do what I got to do here tonight?


Kid's wishes came true as Razor Ramon came out. But somewhere in Cuba. He is in Cuba and seen at the screen via video.


Razor Ramon: Yo, Kid! That's right mang the Bad Guy Is Talking To You. I am Razor Ramon Kid and yes, The Bad Guy is going to admit that I've been beaten by you Kid. But I can assure you that once that you challenge me, the Bad Guy always wins the match mang. And not only that Kid but I also got news for you little mang. You ain't facing me, the Bad Guy tonight. I've been holding this gold for months now chico and let me tell you something. You ain't gonna beat me to take this belt. No one has been able to take this belt away from me mang. And even if you beat me, which I doubt you will mang, I will still walk out as the WWF Intercontinental champion!


Crowd boos.


123 Kid: Why don't you put your money where your money is?


Razor Ramon: I'll tell you what, how bout the main event, WWF Superstars. The Bad Guy and The Kid. For this title I am holding.


123 Kid: Alright then. I'll take that belt away from you "Bad Guy." And I'm going to make sure you won't win this one!


The Kid exits the ring as the video of Ramon disappears, ending the segment.


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The Undertaker vs. Mabel


A short match but rather it was all about taking down the previous King of The Ring. Undertaker comes out good in the match itself, resulting for him to win after landing King Mabel down with the chokeslam.


Winner: The Undertaker


Vince McMahon: We take you here right now with Todd Pettingilli backstage.


Backstage, we are with Todd Pettingilli and Owen Hart w/ Jim Cornette


Todd Pettingilli: Yes Vince, WWF fans right now I am with Jim Cornette and Owen Hart.

Jim, for the last times that you have managed Camp Cornette, they have been on a short downfall. Now Owen Hart has a chance to make things and give the push that your camp needs. What are your thoughts.

Jim Cornette: Now let you something Todd, Camp Cornette ain't going anywhere without making anyone's lives miserable. We were almost on that verge to getting that WWF Championship shot but right now I'll congragulate Michaels for that win. Camp Cornette is growing night by night and I could tell you Todd that there is nothing that is going to stop us from making a difference here in the WWF.

Todd Pettingilli: Alright, moving on. Owen Hart, tonight you have a match with Goldust, what are your thoughts facing this artist formerly known as Goldust?

Owen Hart: Todd, Goldust has no match!

Todd Pettingilli: No match? How can you say that?

Owen Hart: You don't understand? I am a Hart. I am Owen Hart. I am once a King Of The Ring. I was once that man that was close to main eventing Wrestlemania! And what has Goldust ever done? Get paint on his face?

Todd Pettingilli: I am not sure what he has accomplished but...

Owen Hart: It doesn't matter because I am carrying Camp Cornette on the rise and turning it into a major powerhouse. And I am going to turn things around for both myself and my coleagues. I am going to assure you that Goldust is just another stepping stone!


Owen shoves the mic to Todd's face as he leaves the segment.


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Owen Hart vs. Goldust


This match was more mat based and at the same time, it added the traditional feeling of wrestling itself. The fans cheered mostly on Owen. However, Owen still despite his skills, shows that he is a bad guy and destroys Goldust with numerous scientific holds. He puts up Goldust in the end with the reverse piledriver for the great win.


Winner: Owen Hart


Vince McMahon: Right now, we are seeing Bret Hart backstage through the videos.


Inside his locker via video on the screen, we see Bret Hart preparing for his match.


Vince McMahon: Bret, tonight you just challenged Shawn Michaels for the WWF Champion at our next pay per view.

Bret Hart: I did what I have to do McMahon.

Vince McMahon: Well the question is why?

Bret Hart: Why? Here is why I challenged him. It is because that Shawn Michaels is not the champion that the WWF wants. He is not the champion that will lead this company to greater heights. And I am going to assure you that the chosen one to lead this company to the top and crush the competition is none other than the Excellence of Execution, the Best There Is, The Best There Was, and The Best there will ever be, myself, Bret Hart!

Vince McMahon: Good choice of words Bret. Considering that you had led the WWF to a great run after defeating Diesel. But isn't it time to pass on the torch?

Bret Hart: What torch? I am not that old yet McMahon. I don't have to pass on a torch because I am the future as well.

Vince McMahon: And I'm sure that you are confident enough to win the main event?

Bret Hart: What do you think? The WWF fans are we going to expect The Hitman to win against Tatanka.

Vince McMahon: You might not know, he could beat you.

Bret Hart: The only one that can beat me is myself and my mistakes. But now, I'm sure that I could defeat Tatanka.

Vince McMahon: Well good luck here tonight Bret.

Bret Hart: I appreciate that.


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Bret Hart vs. Tatanka


Tatanka showed a good amount of wrestling talent against the Hitman. However, the Hitman came out looking better than Tatanka. Bret himself puts his opponent through his best as he sells the offense he takes pretty effectively. He shows a great amount of the basic wrestling skills as well and gave his opponent a rub of sharing his skills. Bret puts up great punches pretty well and as well doing top rope moves. Tatanka goes into offense mode and starts taking up momentum after taking down Bret Hart numerous times and even giving him a bodyslam. Hitman tries to get up but Tatanka is on his highest momentum peak that no one can stop him. Tatanka clotheslines Bret Hart down the mat. Bret stands up and predicted Tatanka's next move and counters it. Bret shifts the game itself as he does his usual momentum gaining moves. And soon enough, he gets the Sharpshooter locked in to Tatanka. He tries to reach the ropes but Bret didn't let him and made him tap out.


Winner: Bret Hart


As Bret Hart celebrates his win, Shawn Michaels comes out of the entrance ramps. Holding the WWF championships, he applauses Bret Hart for the win. After his applause for the challenger, he shows off the WWF title to the fans and Bret as he points at it right to his waist. Bret points to the belt and shows hand signals that the belt is for him to keep, ending the show.

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Hey as you can see we are just have been one night away after Wrestlemania 12, the biggest event of 1996. Damn that was a one hell of a show last night as we saw the speech of Shawn Michaels and the main event of Bret Hart vs. Tatanka. All good matches indeed and Monday Night Raw just keeps getting better and better every day. Our next pay per view, WWF In Your House: Attitude Check has already been announced that it will be in the last Sunday of the month of April. Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart has been announced and damn it will be another classic match between the two. Here are your report for last night's Monday Night RAW:


WM XII Video Hype: B+

Shawn Michaels Celebration Speech: A

Bret Hart Challenging Shawn Michaels: B+

Glen Jacobs defeats Skip: E+

Ted Dibiase Introduces Glen Jacobs As A New Member Of Million Dollar Inc.: D+

Mr. Perfect Video Hype: C-

123 Kid Challenges Razor Ramon: D

Razor Ramon Accepts Challenge: C+

Undertaker defeats King Mabel: D+

Owen Hart Interview: B

Owen Hart defeats Goldust: C

Bret Hart Hypes The Main Event: B

Bret Hart defeats Tatanka: B

Shawn Michaels Appears Post Match: B+


Dok Report Gives Monday Night RAW a: B


Watch us once more next week as we bring you more action. And also don't miss this Sunday Night's WWF Superstar where we are going to see Razor Ramon defend his title against 123 Kid. All that and more here on the World Wrestling Federation.

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I'm loveing this you promos are really good, and I'm going to keep reading this closely.:cool:


Thanks for stopping by jwt13. I hope I can put up the next show tonight as well but there is another day for tommorow.


Anything else on the first show comments/feedback/criticism etc. would be helpful.

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As we start WWF Superstars, we see a video hyping Diesel. As the clip moves into several different scenes, we see throughout his history from his early days here on the WWF to being a WWF Champion. A question arise from the works of Diesel, will he become a champion once more?


Dok Hendrix: Welcome to WWF Superstars everyone. I am Dok Hendrix and I'll be with you throughout the entire show tonight. We've see that Diesel video and we haven't seen anything from him as far as I know.


Dok Hendrix was interupted by the screen as it shows the backstage locker room of Owen Hart. No one was there. Definetely no one. The fans were curious.


Dok Hendrix: What the hell?


With all that, medics comes inside Owen's locker room and we see Owen Hart knocked out down the ground. Medics are trying to take care of Owen himself as they take him on a stretcher.


Dok Hendrix: It appears that Owen Hart was taken out by someone before the show ladies and gentlemen. Sad turnout for Owen Hart here tonight.


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Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Avatar


This match was all around the ring itself. The alter ego Avatar was performing almost like Hayabusa. HHH has been not much off a role since losing to Ultimate Warrior at WM XII. With Helmsley trying to take control of the match, Avatar gets all the shining moments. All that ruined as HHH wins the match with the Ace Crusher.


Winner: Hunter Hearst Helmsley


After the match itself, we hear the cryptic sounds and the dark effects as The Undertaker & Paul Bearer are seen somewhere in the darkness of the Death Valley itself.


Paul Bearer: Once more the Deadman showed the world that he is undefeated at Wrestlemania. And now as we move onto time, the Deadman has the quest of conquering the WWF step by step.


The Undertaker looks onto the camera as his face was shadowed.


Paul Bearer: Those who see the Deadman as a joke, no he is not. Or I may assure you that he is even a fearable force to be backed down. I can assure you. After Wrestlemania, you have seen his destruction that he laid upon the so called Diesel. Now he has moved on. Those who mess with the Deadman will suffer unpredictable consequences.


The Undertaker takes a step forward.


The Undertaker: Anyone, who has a brave heart to face me, will only suffer the consequences. As they will Rest In Peace.


The smokes comes in, covering the figures of both men.


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Yokozuna & The British Bulldog w/ Jim Cornette vs. The Smokin Gunns

(Non Title Match)


There was no match. The Smokin Gunns hoped that they would take down Yokozuna but it seemed that the didn't even get the chance. The Bulldog did all the work. From showing great efforts, the Bulldog manage to get his momentum going after punishin Bart with mat wrestling and average high flying moves. Up next was Billy. He put the Bulldog into a dangerous spot. But really, The Bulldog put Billy on a dangerous spot once he tagged the sumo called Yokozuna. And in the end, Yokozuna pinned Billy after a one big splash.


Winner: Yokozuna & The Bulldog


In a Million Dollar Studio Room, we see Glen Jacobs and Sid Vicious along with Ted Dibiase. Both big men seems to be angered and furious, only in their definition, showing excitement. Dibiase talks.


Dibiase: HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I am Ted Dibiase and these are your future champions!


The crowd had a curious think about what the Million Dollar Man said.


Dibiase: Oh yeah ladies and gentlemen. You see behind the story of getting Glen Jacobs in the Million Dollar Inc. was simple. Someone would be with mighty Sid Vicious in his quest to be a tag team champion. But sadly no one takes up the offer. Until I found the right one. Glen Jacobs. Now marks tonight their start of their quest to the WWF Tag Team Championships.


Sid takes up the mic.


Sid: It ain't just that but as well I am going to take a shot someday at that WWF title. Once I'm done with the tag team championship, there ain't stopping me from those titles.

Dibiase: That is what you hear from your future tag team champion. And the Million Dollar Inc. This time the Million Dollar Inc. will be rising down from the ashes and up to fame and money. HAHAHAHA!!!!


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Diesel vs. Ahmed Johnson


These two tough greases battle things out through a great ending. Ahmed Johnson tried everything he could to take down the Big Daddy Cool. But he won't be easily take down as he destroys Ahmed Johnson. It wasn't as much as the squash match as Ahmed put up a great match. Diesel puts up the big boot right to Ahmed's face and runs to the ropes and hits a big legdrop. Ahmed tried to fight back but he didn't have a chance after getting Jacknifed.


Winner: Diesel


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Razor Ramon vs. 123 Kid

(Intercontinental Title Match)


WWF fans came out cheering for the 123 Kid as he had once defeated Razor Ramon. And the fans cheered for the Kid. When Razor Ramon came out, he was booed. He was hated. As he saw a poster saying that "The Bad Guy Sucks", he grabs it and rips it out. He takes off his belt right out of his waist and gives it to the referee. The referee rings the bell and the match starts. Razor Ramon dominates the match mostly as the Kid tried to fight with high flying moves. The Kid dominates on some point of the match with hitting Ramon with the dropkick as the turning point of the match. Kid does huge high flying moves and even got the same moonsault he use to defeat his opponent now. The ref counts it. But Ramon breaks up at 2. Then it was another turning point as Razor Ramon uses his power to try and beat the Kid. As Kid executes another moonsault right to Ramon, he uses the counter to put the Kid into a the Razor's Edge. He ends the match with that Razor's Edge and retains his title.


Winner: Razor Ramon


Dok Hendrix: Sadly for the Kid, he lose. Well ladies and gentlemen, that ends our tonight's WWF Superstars. I'm Dok Hendrix and join me next week here tonight.

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The Dok's Report


Welcome once more here to the Dok's Report. WWF Superstars was a pretty great turnout. Well here myself announcing in the whole show was pretty great and darn sad for The 123 Kid he loss at the main event. Anyways, here is my report for WWF Superstars:


Diesel Video Hype: B+

Owen Hart Seen Backstage: B

Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Avatar: D-

Paul Bearer and Undertaker Promo: B

Yokozuna & The British Bulldog defeated The Smokin Gunns: C

Million Dollar Inc. Promo: C

Diesel defeats Ahmed Johnson: C-

Razor Ramon defeats The 123 Kid: C+


Dok Report Gives WWF Superstars a: C+


That is my report for WWF Superstars. Join us this Monday as we witness another episode of Monday Night Raw. So long and see you again next week.

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WWF Monday Night RAW

Asheville Civic Center

Attendance: 10,000

TV Rating: 3.20


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Announcers: Jim Ross & Vince McMahon


Fireworks comes out. Fans are getting wild and crazy as Monday Night Raw is here. We go to the announcer's booth with Vince McMahon and Jim Ross.


Jim Ross: What a hot crowd. I'm Jim Ross and this is Vince McMahon and we welcome you here to Monday Night Raw.

Vince McMahon: It sure is a hot crowd here JR and as well as Bret Hart challenging Shawn Michaels for the WWF Championship.

Jim Ross: Well it seems to me that Bret wants the championship back and he won't back down until he gets it back.

Vince McMahon: I'll agree with that.


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Jeff Jarrett vs. 123 Kid


After a lose from Razor Ramon, The 123 Kid gets a chance to regain himself as he takes on Jeff Jarrett. The 123 Kid always and yet once again shows that he is the rightful contender for the WWF Intercontinental Championship. Jeff Jarrett on the other side that he can be better than the kid. Both of these guys put up a great opening contest but that ain't until Jeff Jarrett hits the Stroke right to the 123 Kid and pins him for the win.


Winner: Jeff Jarrett


Jim Ross: And the Kid ends up with another loss.

Vince McMahon: It just is a bummer that he loss against Razor Ramon last week at WWF Superstars.

Jim Ross: I'm sure that he'll get another chance.

Vince McMahon: Hey JR, do you wonder why these fans are getting excited as of right now?

Jim Ross: No why?

Vince McMahon: Because at this moment, Mr. Perfect is in the building and heading for his match!

Jim Ross: Bah Gawd, someone get me a doctor.


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Mr. Perfect vs. Marty Jannetty


Mr. Perfect comes back to wrestling. Yes, the fans gets excited as Mr. Perfect is back to the WWF. But don't worry because Jannetty gets some cheers from his fans as well. With the match itself, it just turned out to be one of its best as Mr. Perfect shows that he is back in the game. So many great executed mat based moves. And Marty also helped Perfect get over with the fans with his own moves. Mr. Perfect had the shine of the night as should say and hits the Perfect-Plex for the win that the fans would cheer of.


Winner: Mr. Perfect


Vince McMahon: And there you are ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Perfect wins the match.

Jim Ross: This guy is such a great addition to the WWF Roster ain't he?

Vince McMahon: We might see him someday compete for the WWF Title.

Jim Ross: Welcome back and congratulation for Mr. Perfect.


After the match, we hear the music of Owen Hart's theme song throughout the arena. Owen Hart comes out with a serious face and enters the ring.


Vince McMahon: And here comes Owen Hart. What a man.

Jim Ross: I'm gonna tell you this Vince, that this kid has to found out who attacked him at WWF Superstars.

Vince McMahon: Oh well. Let's hear what he has to say.


Owen looks on the fans as they boo him.


Owen Hart: Alright last week at WWF Superstars, some little punk at the WWF locker room attacked me and left me unconscious. Now let me see, from the guys in the back that hates my guts, there is my brother Bret and Shawn Michaels.


Vince McMahon: Shawn Michaels?


Owen Hart: Yeah I'm talking about you Shawn. Who else would have done it? Come on. After the things that I had done to you from almost postponing your dreams of becoming what you are today and to even trying to crawl up to you and beat the hell out of you, you damn wanted to get revenge at me. More revenge at me and most of all, even take the whole Camp Cornette with you.


The fans boo him.


Owen Hart: Shut up. Damn you all Americans. What have you ever done to Owen Hart that made him a success. I didn't need you damn Americans to cheer me. Its all about the Canadian society dammit. And I'm going to assure your sorry butts that Canada is better than this country.


More boos from the fans.


Owen Hart: Now let me adress the other person. Bret. Yeah my brother. You see brother, since we faced each other, none of us trusted each other. You never trusted me and I never trusted you. And the only explanation that you were the one that attacked me at WWF Superstars is that you and even the WWF commisioner Gorilla Monsoon on his eyes is seeing me as a contender to the WWF Championship. I don't care if it is you Bret because I could just end you. I'm better than you and I'm sure that I can end your damn career anytime and any place. And it could be even in front of mom and dad.


Jim Ross: It seems that Bret and or Shawn is getting blamed for Owen getting attacked.


Owen Hart: I know its one of you two and I can assure you that....


With a matter of seconds, Shawn Michaels comes out of the entrance ramp with a mic and being escorted to the ring.


Shawn Michaels: What are up to at this time Owen? Blabbering at the fanbase, blaming me for your tragedy, blaming your brother for what happened to you, and even blaming the fans. What do you have to say to that?

Owen Hart: Just the guy that I needed to talk to.

Shawn Michaels: Now that I'm hear you screwy Canadian, are you saying that I attacked you at WWF Superstars?

Owen Hart: Yes what do you got to say to that?

Shawn Michaels: Well what I got to say to that is you got a little problem. It doesn't matter who attacked you. It has been done. End of story.

Owen Hart: Then why are you trying to ignore it?

Shawn Michaels: Well I got a problem with you and just like your brother, you hate me too.

Owen Hart: Yeah I damn hate you.

Shawn Michaels: The clique really has something to say about that and really I've been hated since I won this gold.

Owen Hart: Just get to the damn point you degenerate.

Shawn Michaels: I don't care whatever you call me but the only thing I got to say to that is you can beat your butt that you ain't getting a title shot if that is what you are asking for.

Owen Hart: I don't want your damn title. I want you to be ended.


Suddenly, Gorilla Monsoon comes in at the screen in video.


Gorilla Monsoon: First of all, you two need to shut up. Here is what I got for you two tonight. Owen, you've been blaming both Shawn and Bret because one of them attacked you. I got a solution for that you see and that is at the main event tonight. Since you can't deal with your brother Owen, I'll have you team with him tonight against the pairing of Shawn Michaels and Diesel.


Shawn Michaels had a grin on his face. Owen Hart had a shock right after Gorilla declared the match.


Gorilla Monsoon: And that is going to be tonight. Now I hope you two are happy. Good Night.


Monsoon disappears. Both Shawn Michaels and Owen Hart look on each other as they got a main event to compete tonight.


Jim Ross: Holy cow! Tonight Shawn Michaels and Diesel teams up and so is both Bret and Owen Hart.

Vince McMahon: Its a dream match that everyone wants to see.

Jim Ross: I'm sure they would want to.

Vince McMahon: These four men haven't team up with each other since.

Jim Ross: Now what do you mean by that?

Vince McMahon: You may see here tonight.


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The Undertaker vs. Jesse James Armstrong


The once and former The Roadie comes back to the WWF and his comeback match is against the Undertaker himself. Jesse James has been gone from the WWF for quite a time and in his come back match, he gets tested by the Deadman showing how much he had grown since he left. Obviously, The Undertaker puts the young Jesse James into the Tombstone and scores the win.


Winner: The Undertaker


Inside the Million Dollar Man Limo, we are joined by Ted Dibiase and his new team of Glen Jacobs and Sid Vicious in a vignette.


Sid: Now let me tell you something Glen, don't get your hopes out yet because we are on the way to becoming champs.

Ted Dibiase: Wait, we already talked about this.

Sid: Boss, let me just tell you this. We hired this big man as my partner. Not your another pet project.

Ted Dibiase: It seems.

Sid: You see, The Gunns already loss one.


Glen nods.


Sid: And yet they are gonna go on a losing streak.


Glen had a confused look.


Sid: What do you mean?


Glen just smiles.


Sid: Oh alright then.


The video fades up as we move onto the next segment.


Jim Ross: What was that all about?

Vince McMahon: I don't know JR but I'm going to say that they are taking this team slow.

Jim Ross: They haven't even had a match yet and you are calling them a team?

Vince McMahon: Can't argue with that.

Jim Ross: Here is Todd Pettengilli with Shawn Michaels. Todd take us away.


As we go to the backstage zone, we see Shawn Michaels and Todd Pettengilli.


Todd Pettengilli: I am with Shawn Michaels right at this moment and Shawn Michaels it seems that Gorilla Monsoon, the WWF Comissioner just declared a big main event here tonight. It'll be you and a former friend of yours, Diesel against the both Owen and Bret Hart. Your thoughts on this situation?

Shawn Michaels: Now let me tell you something you don't know here Todd. There is a fact that both brothers hate each other and me and my partner also hates each other.

Todd Pettengilli: Well I think that every WWF fan knows that.

Shawn Michaels: And here is the fact. This match is not even going to happen. It is just going to be chaos going all around and your Heartbreak Kid is simply going to get away with it.

Todd Pettengilli: What do you mean?

Shawn Michaels: This is simple science Todd. The WWF Champion, that's me has three enemies in that ring and damn I am going to tell you that they are all going to beat me up. So the Heart Break kid came up with a plan to escape these three wanna be champions.

Todd Pettengilli: What plan is that?


Before Shawn Michaels can even say his plan, Diesel comes in and interrupts.


Shawn Michaels: What the hell are you doing here?

Diesel: What the hell am I doing here? I wanted something and that is the WWF Championship you are holding.

Shawn Michaels: Well too bad you ain't gonna get the shot.

Diesel: It doesn't matter at all because that title is just going to crawl back right to me.

Shawn Michaels: This is my interview time big man. Now what do you really want?

Diesel: Nothing at all, champ. Tonight we are going to team up. We were the two dudes with attitude.

Shawn Michaels: That was the past big man.

Diesel: I know little man but you see just tonight, I'll team up with you. I'll help you put those stupid canadians on their dog houses.

Shawn Michaels: Just for tonight?

Diesel: Just tonight champ. And then we can beat the hell each other again.

Shawn Michaels: Fine. I agree. And tonight, better make sure that they are going to be put on their leashes as well.


Diesel walks at the door but says something before he leaves.


Diesel: Oh believe me Shawn. I'll make it sure.


Diesel had a smile on his face as he leaves.


Todd Pettingilli: Well that is Shawn Michaels and Diesel. Back to you Vince, JR.


Jim Ross: Bah gawd, I am not going to believe it.

Vince McMahon: Better do now JR. Because the match is coming up next!


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Shawn Michaels & Diesel vs. Bret & Owen Hart


One of the most unbelievable matches in the WWF history. Bret Hart & Owen Hart has not been seen teaming together at all in the WWF. Diesel and Shawn Michaels are enemies. But they are forced to team up here tonight anyways. One of the most controversial matches ever, Bret & Owen has been refusing to tag each other but instead they had to anyways. The fans started cheering as Shawn Michaels was going to start the match. Owen Hart and Shawn Michaels started the match. Owen Hart put Shawn Michaels into a series of holds to weaken the champion. The WWF fans started to boo as Owen taunted Shawn. After he taunts him, Shawn Michaels comes back at Owen as he runs around the ropes and started hitting flying shoulder blocks and clotheslines. He goes up the rope to aim for a missile dropkick but Owen moves. He tags Bret in and for sure, Bret Hart enters the ring and punishes Shawn Michaels with the best he got. Sadly for Bret, Shawn Michaels tags in Diesel. The Big Man started to beat the hell out of Bret as he gives him hard punches in the head to take him down. Throughout the match, Bret's only way to dominate the big man was put him down and use technical wrestling to his advantage. He did so and he got the Sharpshooter locked in no time. But as Diesel was about to tap, Shawn Michaels attacks Bret. Shawn was taken back to his corner. Bret tags in Owen and they did a double DDT. They got Diesel down again. Owen goes to the ropes and gives Diesel a knee drop. Owen goes to the corner and puts the heavy Diesel there. He punches him in the head and then goes for the corner clothesline. Diesel moves, making Owen miss and then he gives him the big boot. Diesel goes for the pin. But Bret attacks Diesel. Shawn Michaels goes inside the ring and takes Bret out of the ring. Both men who will be competing at the next PPV are out of the ring, trying to beat the hell out of each other. Inside the ring, Diesel gets in control and puts Owen in a Jacknife. He lifts him up and Owen just got Jacknifed! Diesel goes for the cover 1.2.3!!


Winner: Shawn Michaels & Diesel

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Oh man what a main event. I'm Dok Hendrix and welcome to another Dok's report. We are looking at Monday Night Raw which scored a better rating from the last show. And I'm going to tell you that the main event was a big one. Bret & Owen team on a rare occassions. For you WWF fans, that could be just a one time only. The feud between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart turned pretty nasty last night as they took it all the way outside the ring last night and tried to beat the hell out of each other. On other news, welcome back Mr. Perfect. And yet unquestionable team of Glen Jacobs and Sid Vicious are still in the minds of the WWF fans. Here is what my report for Monday Night Raw is right now:


Jeff Jarrett defeats 123 Kid: C

Mr. Perfect defeats Marty Jannetty: B-

Owen Hart & HBK Segment: B+

Gorilla Monsoon Declares Match: B

The Undertaker defeats Jesse James Armstrong: C+

Sid Vicious, Glen Jacobs and Ted Dibiase Skit: C

Shawn Michaels and Diesel Interview: B+

Shawn Michaels and Diesel defeats Bret & Owen Hart: B


Dok Report Gives Monday Night Raw a: B


Same as last week. Still no clue with what Diesel is up to and we could see something move on between the Heartbreak Kid and the Hitman. As well witness another Monday Night Raw next week. Also this week's WWF Superstars will include Razor Ramon in action once again. I'm Dok Hendrix and tune in once more next week on Monday Night Raw.

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I'm really likeing this, but maybe do a little show preview to tell about your show before posting for people to make picks. But thats just me I like it the way it is now.


Oh alright then.


I was thinking really of getting to the PPV and then make the prediction picks so I could consistenly continue.


But if that's the case then so be it.


I'll try to put up the picks for the next Raw Show.

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On the announcer booth, we go to Dok Hendrix, who has a smile on his face.


Dok Hendrix: Ladies and gentlemen, once more welcome to another edition of WWF Superstars. Last week we witness Razor Ramon's successful defence of his Intercontinental title against 123 Kid. Now we are going to see him again in action against Bob Backlund!!! And it is going to be for the Intercontinental Championship once more.


A weird noise was heard all over the arena as sounds of drums are played. With the music playing, we see Ahmed Johnson coming in the ring with one man. Some one new to the WWF. his name: Faaroq!


Ahmed Johnson: Now let me tell you this, here I welcome you my friend, Faaroq!


Faaroq takes the mic.


Faaroq: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Faaroq. And it just never gets old why you fans cheer for things such as entertainment. We people of the nation has been gathering and I have talked to Ahmed himself. And tonight, damn we are going to set this show up on fire. Because the Nation of Domination is now here to not only dominate the WWF but as well its tag team division. Bring on our first challengers!!!!


The BodyDonnas comes in as they look on the newly formed Nation of Domination.


<a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=RonSimmonsNation.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/RonSimmonsNation.jpg" border="0" alt="Faaroq"></a><a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=AhmedJohnson.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/AhmedJohnson.jpg" border="0" alt="Ahmed Johnson"></a> vs. <a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=ChrisCandidoskip.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/ChrisCandidoskip.jpg" border="0" alt="Skip"></a><a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=TomPrichardbodydonna.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/TomPrichardbodydonna.jpg" border="0" alt="Zip"></a>


Nation of Domination vs. The BodyDonnas w/ Sunny


Dok Hendrix: Ring the bell. Let us see this happen!!!!!!


Nation Of Domination tag team debut. Basically in this match, power beats fitness as the Nation scores a great first win.


Winners: The Nation of Domination.


As the Nation of Domination leaves the ring for celebration, the BodyDonnas blames each other for a loss. But basically, two giants attack The BodyDonnas. Those giants? You guess it, none other than Glen Jacobs and Sid Vicious, the Million Dollar Team. The giants themselves destroys the BodyDonnas really quickly as Glen Jacobs put up Skip into a chokeslam and Sid Vicious puts up Zip into the powerbomb. Sunny had already abandoned the ring. And as Vicious and Jacobs look down at the BodyDonnas, they taunt them as a sign of destruction.


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Vader vs. Bart Gunn


The Big Vader usually goes down when he has a run on the WWF but you may not know about his run here. He destroys Bart Gunn with an easy splash and awesome top rope moves. The fans started to cheer for the big man himself. And Bart just looked like a plump.


Winner: Vader


Backstage with Todd Pettingilli, we see him and the British Bulldog.


Todd Pettingilli: Right now I am with Camp Cornette member, The British Bulldog.

Bulldog: Good to be here Todd.

Todd Pettingilli: Bulldog, here tonight, you are going to be facing a Puerto Rican legend, Savio Vega.

Bulldog: Savio Vega?

Todd Pettingilli: Savio Vega.

Bulldog: Ya see, the British Bulldog is going to face another man from another country. I'm sure I got the upper hand because I'm just that great.

Todd Pettingilli: You think you can win? I must warn you that he is a...

Bulldog: The British Bulldog knows what he is talking about and I know that the Puerto Rican "legend" is gonna have his biggest nightmares during our match. So long peasant.


The Bulldog leaves the backstage zone to head to the ring.


Todd Pettingilli: That was weird in some ways.


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The British Bulldog vs. Savio Vega


Two foreigners battle in an unusual land. No homeland advantages. But who cares about that. The Bulldog has more experience in the American fields rather than Savio Vega. In the end result, we see the British Bulldog win, bringing more glory to his country of Great Britain.


Winner: The British Bulldog


Dok Hendrix: I'm guessing he was right after all.


The fans had mixed cheers and boos as they see the man on the screen.


Dok Hendrix: Right now, I am joining Razor Ramon via camera and Razor Ramon, here tonight you are going to face Bob Backlund.

Razor Ramon: Yo chico.

Dok Hendrix: Razor Ramon, tonight you are going to be facing Bob Backlund. Your thoughts?

Razor Ramon: Mr. Dok, Bob Backlund was once a WWF Champion I am going to admit but here is a chance where I get to beat a legend. And I can tell you tonight too chico that the match is for my title and the Bad Guy is going to retain.

Dok Hendrix: How can you assure?

Razor Ramon: Come on chico! Are you loco? Are you for real? I am the Bad Guy. And the Bad Guy never losses.

Dok Hendrix: Well how about the time where you lose that title some time at the past?

Razor Ramon: That was the past mang. And tonight I am going to assure you that the Bad Guy scores a good one here tonight.

Dok Hendrix: I'm sure that you can do great at tonight's main event.

Razor Ramon: Yeah mang I will. And let me just tell one man something. I'm talking to you Paul Bearer. Yeah you chico. Last week, I heard that your little puppet is an unstoppable force. How bout try the Bad Guy and let see if your Dead pet is up to the challenge?

Dok Hendrix: Be careful what you wish for.

Razor Ramon: I don't care who I mess with. I'm the damn Bad Guy! And those who mess with me mang, ends up back on the ground.


The video fades.


Dok Hendrix: That's Razor Ramon everyone and ladies and gentlemen, here comes the main event.


<a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=ScottHallRazorRamon.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/ScottHallRazorRamon.jpg" border="0" alt="Razor Ramon"></a> vs. <a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=BobBacklund.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/BobBacklund.jpg" border="0" alt="Bob Backlund"></a>


Razor Ramon vs. Bob Backlund

(Intercontinental Championship Match)


It wasn't the one sided match that everyone thinks it is. Come on, Bob Backlund even fought back at the Bad Guy but he just couldn't beat him. Or could he? He tried to put Razor Ramon into a cross face chickenwing. Then he tried his best to put him into many holds until the Bad Guy fought back and no one loved the Bad Guy when he fights back. He started giving Backlund punches and carried him up to the Samoan Drop. He even sent Bob into the corner and destroyed him there. As the Bad Guy gained momentum, Bob Backlund backfired one of Razor's moves and tried for a comeback. Sadly he was backfired when Ramon put him on the Razor's Edge for the win.


Winner: Razor Ramon


Dok Hendrix: What the hell is happening?


Lights started to flicker. And suddenly off. Leaving the The Bad Guy in the ring, being played into mind games. Then we hear the sounds of "DONG! DONG! DONG!" A familiar sound around the WWF. And as the light stayed off, smokes and purple lights came out. Inside the ring stayed Razor Ramon, no clue what is going on.


Dok Hendrix: Holy cow. Razor Ramon is being haunted right at this second. I am Dok Hendrix and join me again next week here at WWF Superstars.

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Welcome once more here on Dok's Report. WWF Superstars got a little interesting last night as Razor Ramon was suddenly put the darkness on him. Could it be one of the Undertaker's mind games? Or could it be someone else? Anyways, here is my report for the WWF Superstars:


Ahmed Johnson & Faaroq Forms Nation Of Domination: C-

Nation of Domination defeats The BodyDonnas: D

Million Dollar Team (Jacobs & Vicious) Attacked The BodyDonnas: D

Vader defeats Bart Gunn: C-

British Bulldog Promo: C-

British Bulldog defeats Savio Vega: C-

Razor Ramon Interview With Dok Hendrix: B-

Razor Ramon defeats Bob Backlund: B-

Mystery Being Played At Razor Ramon: B

Dok Report Gives WWF Superstars a: B-


There my report everyone. It did a little better than last week. Tune in next week on both WWF Raw & Superstars to find out the latest buzz about your favorite superstars. I am Dok Hendrix and see you next week.

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WWF Monday Night RAW

Asheville Civic Center

Attendance: 9,637

TV Rating: 3.30


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Announcers: Jim Ross & Vince McMahon


With the usual Monday Night Raw opening, the fireworks on the ramps shows as the fans are very excited about tonight.


Jim Ross: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another edition of Monday Night Raw.

Vince McMahon: I'm sure welcoming the fans is a great way to open the show.

Jim Ross: As we press on to the next pay per view, Attitude Check, things had gone a little worse as Owen Hart's incident is being brought up as Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart are to blame.

Vince McMahon: More to that to come here tonight.


<a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=Yokozuna.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/Yokozuna.jpg" border="0" alt="Yokozuna"></a> vs. <a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=Mabel.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/Mabel.jpg" border="0" alt="King Mabel"></a>


Yokozuna w/ Jim Cornette vs. Mabel w/ Sir Mo


Two giants trying to beat the hell out of each other. Size matters on this match and even with Sir Mo's help, Mabel cannot even take down the sumo but he gets run over by him instead. Then he gets pummeled with the big splash for the win.


Winner: Yokozuna


Vince McMahon: That could be one of the rare matches seen here in the WWF.

Jim Ross: Yokozuna scores a win by taking down Mabel.

Vince McMahon: And even Sir Mo can't help his King.


Somewhere outside the walls of the wrestling ring, we see Glen Jacobs, Sid Vicious, & Ted Dibiase, otherwise known as the Million Dollar Team. In a studio, Mr. Dibiase laughs as Sid does the talking.


Sid: Everyone just witnessed the power that the Million Dollar Team can do! And at WWF Superstars, we showed the fitness freaks you all call BodyDonnas get beaten down!

Dibiase: HAHAHAHA!!! The Million Dollar Man formed the perfect team. Look at the caliber of these two men. They are not even in the equivalent of men but they are giants! Giants that are soon going to be your next tag team champions.

Sid: Oh I am going to tell you this Million Dollar Man! Me and Glen here are already looking to establish our mark on the tag team division.

Dibiase: You see ladies and gentlemen, the money I've invested in these two are fairly high and I am going to tell you that I've spend the right amount on them!

Sid: And soon you fans of the World Wrestling Federation are going to witness the might of the Million Dollar Team!

Dibiase: And just by telling you this, right now, Smoking Gunns, we warn you here! My Million Dollar Team ain't just going to take those titles away from you someday but they are going to make you beg for a rematch as well!!!


Sudden pause.


Dibiase: This has been a Million Dollar Message!

Sid: Right from the Million Dollar Team!

Dibiase: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!


As the video closes, we move onto the next segment.


Jim Ross: Million Dollar Team?

Vince McMahon: I'm just going to assure you this, after what these two men did from WWF Superstars, I'm sure Bart and Billy are going to be in trouble.


<a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=ScottSteiner2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/ScottSteiner2.jpg" border="0" alt="Scott Steiner"></a> vs. <a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=Goldust-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/Goldust-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Scott Steiner vs. Goldust


The singles action debut of Scott Steiner. The fans seem to cheer on the newcomer though after his last run on the WWF. The fans aer still freaked out by Goldust and its not pretty by the looks of it. Scott Steiner showed his talent to the fans and to Goldust as well. But the golden skin wrestler shows great signs of being a contender to a championship. Scott Steiner showed promise but it is Goldust who got the three count.


Winner: Goldust


Vince McMahon: A nice win by Goldust.

Jim Ross: Scott Steiner is back to the WWF.

Vince McMahon: Not a big deal.


A set up was made as soon as the match was done. The settings of the King's Court is up near the entrance ramp. And with the start of the little talk show, here is the King, Jerry Lawler.


Jerry Lawler: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the King's Court!


Many boos are being shouted at the arena.


Jerry Lawler: Oh shut up all you peasants! You are no worthy of the King's presence.


Jim Ross: Sadly they are in your presence King.

Vince McMahon: He's Jerry Lawler. He say anything. He's royalty.

Jim Ross: Too bad his subjects are turning on him.


Jerry Lawler: My guest here tonight is a champion of a caliber. A man that showed that he is enough to be in the King's presence. So let me introduce you here tonight, he is Da Bad Guy, your Intercontinental Champion, Razor Ramon!


Razor Ramon comes out as he struts down to the ring and to his way to the King's Court.


Jerry Lawler: Razor Ramon, last week on WWF Superstars, you told to the whole WWF fanbase that you are not afraid of the Undertaker. And after the main event, the lights turned off you. Is it possible that it is the doings of the Undertaker?

Razor Ramon: Yo mang. Jerry Lawler, the Undertaker wants a piece of Da Bad Guy so bad, then why won't just he come over here and bring it?

Jerry Lawler: Oh I can assure you that no man wants to mess with the Undertaker after what he has done to Diesel after Wrestlemania.

Razor Ramon: Amigo, let Da Bad Guy tell you this. What Da Bad Guy witnessed at Wrestlemania was Diesel at his weakness. Da Bad Guy is better than Diesel and I'm sure that I can pin the Undertaker one two three!

Jerry Lawler: Well The King wouldn't mess with the Undertaker.

Razor Ramon: You wouldn't. But when you mess with Da Bad Guy, things turns out worse mang. Undertaker, I'll be waiting next week. Again for you to mess with Da Bad Guy. And when you are there, I'm sure that you are going to fear me more than you fear yourself.


Razor Ramon's theme hits as he exits the ring.


Jerry Lawler: That ends your edition of King's Court. Until next time.

Jim Ross: Done finally.

Vince McMahon: It wasn't that bad.

Jim Ross: Maybe it wasn't really.

Vince McMahon: Speaking of the Undertaker, its going to be The Undertaker vs. the returning Mr. Perfect next.


<a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=TheUndertaker3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/TheUndertaker3.jpg" border="0" alt="The Undertaker"></a> vs. <a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=CurtHennig.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/CurtHennig.jpg" border="0" alt="Mr. Perfect"></a>


The Undertaker vs. Mr. Perfect


Mr. Perfect's comeback isn't established yet to have him run for a title. So he challenges the Deadman himself, the Undertaker. It was a pretty great match in the looks of the fans as Mr. Perfect put up a great fight with the Deadman overall. He showed the ways of winning his own way. The Undertaker was no able to escape Mr. Perfect's mat wrestling skills. However he was able to get up and give Mr. Perfect a piece of his mind. And from even sending him out of the ring, he flew out of it and gave him the flying clothesline. Both men put up a solid match but in the end, The Undertaker put Mr. Perfect to the Tombstone.


Winner: The Undertaker


Vince McMahon: You know what they say sometimes, you can never kill the dead.

Jim Ross: Or pin it.

Vince McMahon: It just seems though that Perfect deserved the win.

Jim Ross: He should have but sadly the Deadman is bringing bad things to the WWF.

Vince McMahon: And speaking of bad things, here comes the WWF Champion!

Jim Ross: How's that bad?


After Undertaker celebrates his match, he leaves the ring. And as we witness the empty ring, we hear the familiar guitar strings that priors Shawn Michaels' arrival to the ring. The fans gets very excited as the Heartbreak Kid comes out of the entrance ramps. Then heading to the ring. Jim Ross gets up on the ring, ready to do this interview.


Shawn Michaels: Before you even talk Jim-Rod, let me just say that it is great to be with all of these WWF Fans tonight. And now let me get to business here before I let you loose. Gorilla Monsoon has been a chump lately after booking me with one of my arch nemesis Diesel against brothers who are trying to beat the hell out of me and trying to take this championship away from me!

Vince McMahon: Jim Rod?

Shawn Michaels: And now let me tell you fat slob called commisioner that it doesn't matter who you put me against. And you can even put the Heartbreak Kid against the whole WWF roster and still the Heartbreak Kid will pull the strings and along with his clique, he will win the match!

Jim Ross: Alright then. Shawn Michaels, what is the reason you came out here first of all?

Shawn Michaels: The real reason I really came out of here tonight is because I want to address two guys. Wait, let me change that to three guys! First off, Bret Hart. This guy has no respect for himself and he doesn't know how to have a good time. And by just his looks going to the pay per view two weeks away from now, he doesn't look as focused winning back this WWF Title I am holding right now.

Jim Ross: Bret is preparing for your bout two weeks from now. How can you assure that he is not ready?

Shawn Michaels: Oh I can tell good ol' Jim-Rod! He looks focused more on being better than anyone else. But the only thing that doesn't make him better than me is because he doesn't have the WWF World title right on his waist right now.


The crowd had mixed cheers for that comment.


Shawn Michaels: And as I move on, I'm going to address you! Owen Hart! Little young Hart, you've been running your mouth of yours since you got attacked at WWF Superstars. Well kid, no one likes your mouth being run here on the WWF and I'm sure that someone like a "commisioner" is going to do something about it!

Jim Ross: You mean Gorilla Monsoon?

Shawn Michaels: Well who else is there who has the power? If someone there in the announcer booth do something about it then everyone is happy!

Vince McMahon: I'm just doing my job here. You don't want me to go overboard!

Shawn Michaels: Calm your nerves Vince. I'm not even trying to piss you off. But Owen, if you want to elevate yourself to the main event, you just have to do more than just blaming the champion for your damn problems! And the clique is sure that you have more to learn before you get to the level of being a champion. And I am going to assure you Owen that this championship is too early for you to chase at!


As Shawn was talking, Gorilla Monsoon interrupts him as he appears from the ramps and headed to the ring.


Jim Ross: Mr. Monsoon, nice to see you here.

Gorilla Monsoon: Nice to see you too here Jim.

Jim Ross: Thank you.

Gorilla Monsoon: Pardon for the interruption but Shawn, before you address my actions, I clearly do this for the good of the WWF.

Shawn Michaels: I can understand that commisioner but the good of the WWF?

Gorilla Monsoon: Yes and for your own good as well. Now as last week main event ended, there were some talkings prior to the match as Owen requested a match.

Shawn Michaels: What match is that?

Gorilla Monsoon: And he requested a match that he wants to face you in a non title match. He wants to prove himself that he is worthy of a title shot and I gave him the opportunity of getting it.

Shawn Michaels: Well it seems that you are putting me into a dangerous match but I want to ask the clique's opinion. Should I fight Owen Hart here tonight?


The fans shout out a big yes.


Shawn Michaels: Then so be it Mr. Commisioner.

Gorilla Monsoon: But it is not just that champ. You see, it is not just you who has a match but Bret as well. Because you see tonight, he is bound to face your former tag team partner, Marty Jannety.


Fans cheer for Marty while Shawn had a smile on his face.


Gorilla Monsoon: That'll be all. Good luck to you and Bret.

Shawn Michaels: Thank you Mr. Commisioner. Now its time for Mr. Main Event to show that he is better than.....


Just before Shawn says the next word, Owen comes out and attacks Shawn Michaels. These two men who will be competing later in the main event starts a brawl between themselves. But Shawn drives out Owen out of the ring in just a matter of minutes. Then soon, Bret Hart enters the ring and looks at Shawn Michaels. Both men look at each others eyes but rather separated by WWF officials as we go to commercial.


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Bret Hart vs. Marty Jannety


These two men put up a solid match. It wasn't as short but it was dealt to be one of the saving matches of the night. Marty Jannety and Bret Hart showed that they can impress the crowds and Bret even helped Marty get over at some point. He continued what he had to do while Jannety fought with different styles from brawling to high flying action to mat wrestling. Excellent showing of an all round skilled wrestler. Bret Hart was a pure technician as he put Jannety in several holds whenever he could. Then he took his advantages and gave Jannety some powerful piledrivers. Jannety fought back and Bret let him but as the match ends, Bret Hart sets his momentum back and gain the most of it and put Marty on the Sharpshooter, making him tap out.


Winner: Bret Hart


Jim Ross: By the looks of it, Bret Hart looks good into going to the PPV.

Vince McMahon: Only two weeks away, I'm sure Bret has a chance to set his momentum up and going to the pay per view.

Jim Ross: We take you here with Todd Pettengilli backstage. Todd..


Backstage we see the interviewer Todd Pettengilli.


Todd Pettengilli: Thank you JR. Right now I am with Owen Hart and Owen, it seems that you have a match tonight with the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels. And after attacking him earlier tonight, it seems that you need some work done to win the match.

Owen Hart: Shut up.

Todd Pettengilli: Excuse me?

Owen Hart: Shut your mouth or I'll make you. First off, Shawn had the advantage of throwing me out of that ring. But once I was out of the action, Bret was too much of a wuss to attack Shawn. He was too much of a scared man with no self control who can't attack his own nemesis.

Todd Pettengilli: But they were separated by the officials.

Owen Hart: Like I care. If I was in the position of my brother, I would destroy Shawn Michaels. But instead, I get a chance of destroying him myself. Finally, the Heartbreak Kid faces the greater of the Harts. He is going to face the King of Harts. And let me tell you this too Todd! I'll show Shawn Michaels that I am worthy enough to get a title shot for the WWF Title that he is holding.

Todd Pettengilli: Do you think such chance will happen?

Owen Hart: Oh it will happen someday. But now, I'm going to embarass Shawn Michaels right in front of his "Clique".

Todd Pettengilli: That was a pleasure. Thank you and good luck tonight. Back to you JR, Vince.


We go back to the announcer's booth.


Jim Ross: Thanks Todd.

Vince McMahon: Owen is sure confident.

Jim Ross: Shawn better watch out.

Vince McMahon: Are you kidding? Shawn can easily take out Owen. Just like he did earlier tonight.

Jim Ross: I'm sure he will. It'll be a tough match to watch.

Vince McMahon: We'll be back momentarily ladies and gentlemen. Owen Hart vs. Shawn Michaels will be up next.


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Shawn Michaels vs. Owen Hart


The main event. Why would they call Shawn Michaels Mr. Main Event? Simple. He puts out the best of the matches in the main event. He worked his way from the opening matches to tag team matches to singles matches and now he is main eventing the whole damn show. As he gets a huge pop from the crowd, Owen gets some boos from the fans but as well cheers for some of the Canadian fans out there. The match starts as the WWF champion was trapped into the submission demon the Harts are. With Owen an expert on his own persepective, he puts Shawn Michaels on painful submission holds. And as Shawn tries to counter one of them, Owen shows the signs that there will be no chance in hell Shawn can get out of those holds. Owen held much of the momentum going into the match. But Shawn found a way to win as he turns around the holds that Owen put on him and turned them into attacks. Shawn Michaels got a huge momentum on his side and Owen as well got some offence back. But Shawn's momentum caused him to kick Owen's teeth right out of his mouth with the Sweet Chin Music for the win.


Winner: Shawn Michaels


Jim Ross: Bah Gawd, what a win for the Heartbreak Kid.

Vince McMahon: It sure was. I guess showed that don't underestimate this guy.

Jim Ross: It sure was a hell of a night. Ladies and gentlemen, good night and see you next week.

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What a Monday Night Raw. We are sure topping the Monday Night Football games. I'm just joking. I'm Dok Hendrix and we just witness Shawn Michaels beat Owen Hart in the main event. And I'm sure that Bret Hart defeated Marty Jannety as well. And we might see signs that The Million Dollar Team is on the rise. And as well Razor Ramon's comments on the Deadman. Here are the results for last night's Monday Night Raw:


Yokozuna defeats King Mabel: D+

Million Dollar Team Promo: C

Goldust defeats Scott Steiner: B-

King's Court Talk Show: C+

Undertaker defeats Mr. Perfect: B

Shawn Michaels & Gorilla Monsoon Segment: A

Owen Hart, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels Brawl: B+

Bret Hart defeats Marty Jannety: B

Owen Hart Backstage Promo: B+

Shawn Michaels defeats Owen Hart: A


Dok Report Gives Monday Night Raw a: B+


With the main event, it sure got the show going on the blast as fans loved it. I'm Dok Hendrix and watch out for this week's WWF Superstars.

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WWF Superstars

Jefferson County Fairgrounds

Attendance: 2,000

TV Rating: 0.16


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Announcer For Tonight: Dok Hendrix



Dok Hendrix: I'm Dok Hendrix and welcome to WWF Superstars ladies and gentlemen!!! And tonight we are going to get started!!!


<a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=SteveAustinRingmaster.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/SteveAustinRingmaster.jpg" border="0" alt="Steve Austin"></a> vs. <a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=MarkCanteburyHOG.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/MarkCanteburyHOG.jpg" border="0" alt="Henry O. Godwinn"></a>


Steve Austin vs. Henry O. Godwin


Steve Austin's time to shine. Henry O. godwinn came with his usual farmer look that disgusted Steve Austin. It seems though that Henry fought a lot with the tricks he learned from the farm but Steve Austin got the three count after the Thesz Press.


Winner: Steve Austin


Now this time, we go backstage where we see the King's Court ready and set up.


Jerry Lawler: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to King's Court. Now you many know that I'll be doing the show out there tonight but as you see, peasants have been trying to ruin King's Court. Here tonight is my guest. A man with a solid caliber of his skills. Please welcome, Hunter Hearst Helmsley!

HHH: Thank you King.

Jerry Lawler: Now let me ask you a question. Ever since coming to the WWF, you have struggled. Any thoughts on that?

HHH: What are you trying to say King? That I'm going to struggle soon to?

Jerry Lawler: I'm not speaking of that but..

HHH: Oh you shut your mouth up. The blue blood that Hunter Hearst Helmsley used to be is no more.

Jerry Lawler: What do you mean?

HHH: The Hunter Hearst Helmsley that is just a bad breaking bone is no more. The new Triple H is born. And I'm going to tell you that the new Hunter Hearst Helmsley is going to be better than ever,

Jerry Lawler: A young...

HHH: Oh shut up. This ends now.


Hunter leaves the set, only with Jerry Lawler alone.


Jerry Lawler: Screw you kid!


The scene moves on.


Dok Hendrix: Wow, it seems that The King's Court is getting worse every time it airs does it ladies and gentlemen?


<a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=RonSimmonsNation.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/RonSimmonsNation.jpg" border="0" alt="Faaroq"></a><a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=AhmedJohnson.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/AhmedJohnson.jpg" border="0" alt="Ahmed Johnson"></a> vs. <a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=ButchMiller.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/ButchMiller.jpg" border="0" alt="Bushwhacker Butch"></a><a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=LukeWilliams.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/LukeWilliams.jpg" border="0" alt="Bushwhacker Luke"></a>


Nation of Domination vs. Bushwhackers


The crazy tag team of the Bushwhackers really pissed off the Nation of Domination, giving them the fire that needed to be let out. Bushwhackers showed that they are great tag team specialist but The Nation once again showed Domination as Ahmed Johnson powerbombed Luke and got the win for his team.


Winners: Nation of Domination


Dok Hendrix: Great win for the Nation.


The Nation of Domination grabs the mic as they go into the center of the ring and speak.


Faaroq: Boys, the Nation is 2-0. So far undefeated.

Ahmed Johnson: Oh shucks. Now this time, we are gonna increase the power and the wins that the Nation gains.

Faaroq: Next pay per view, Attitude Check, we are opening a tag team challenge. To anyone brave enough to face us.

Ahmed Johnson: And those who are brave enough to get beaten up like those chumps.

Faaroq: So at Attitude Check, we'll be waiting! The Nation Will Be Waiting!


The new theme song of the Nation hits as they exit the ring.


Dok Hendrix: Oh ladies and gentlemen, we got to see another domination from the Nation of Domination. And at Attitude Check, we'll just see if they get another win. I'm confident. Up next we got Jeff Jarrett going against Marty Jannetty!


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Jeff Jarrett vs. Marty Jannetty


It wasn't a one sided match but Marty Jannetty carried some of the match flow as Jeff Jarrett was putting the solid technical skills of his to the test. Marty gained the most shine in the match and as well almost winning it. Jeff Jarrett though created a sudden unbreakable figure four leg lock that forced Marty Jannetty to once again tap out.


Winner: Jeff Jarrett


Dok Hendrix: Marty taps out twice in one week. That's an accomplishment.


In one of those vignettes once more, we see the dollar backdrop. And now we see the Million Dollar Team with Ted Dibiase.


Dibiase: So what do we got today gentlemen?

Sid: Well let me tell you this Ted. At Attitude Check, we are going against the BodyDonnas ourselves.

Dibiase: HAHAHAHAHA! Very funny Sid. Do you think that your opponents has a chance against you guys, the Million Dollar Team?

Sid: I don't know. Let me ask you Glen. Do we got any chances to win?


Glen nods his head.


Sid: Mr. Dibiase, what do you think?

Dibiase: Those fitness freaks can't afford can't they? Then they can't afford just another million dollar win as well.

Sid: Now that's what I'm talking about. BodyDonnas, your butts at Attitude Check is to be sold to the Million Dollar Team.

Dibiase: And this has been a Million Dollar Message. HAHAHAHA!!


Ted Dibiase's theme hits as they all smile in confidence.


Dok Hendrix: First attacking the BodyDonnas, then now facing them at Attitude Check? They are up for a Million Dollar beating.


<a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=Vader2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/Vader2.jpg" border="0" alt="Vader"></a> vs. <a href="http://s656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/?action=view&current=AlSnowAvatar.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/1996/Wrestlers/AlSnowAvatar.jpg" border="0" alt="Avatar"></a>


Vader vs. Avatar


One of the worse match that was put on the main event. The fans really booed at Vader as he came out. Avatar gained a little fan base as he got to interact with some of the fans in his entrance. Vader was really killing Avatar with the top rope moves and he showed that he is the biggest and best monster in the WWF. Vader ended the match with the splash. What a way to end the show.


Winner: Vader


Dok Hendrix: And the obvious gets the win. What a night. I'm Dok Hendrix and this is WWF Superstars. See ya next week.

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Steve Austin defeated Henry O. Godwinn: D+

King's Court W/ HHH: C

Nation of Domination defeated Bushwhackers: D-

Nation of Domination Open Challenge: C

Jeff Jarrett defeated Marty Jannetty: C

Million Dollar Team Promo: C+

Vader defeated Avatar: D+


Dok Report Gives WWF Superstars a: C-

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