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NYCW: Extreme Makeover Edition

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Sorry I missed posting predictions for the last show. I shall try to make up for it on the last show.


And this is a good read all in all. Your shows are well written and make good booking sense. It's a shame you're not getting more predictions etc but then you have been nominated for DOTM, which is great! I think you probably just started the diary a bit late for TEW 2008 as a lot of people on the forum wouldn't necessarily be looking for new reads at this stage of the game.


Anyway, looking forward to the final show and War Games!

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Sorry I missed posting predictions for the last show. I shall try to make up for it on the last show.


And this is a good read all in all. Your shows are well written and make good booking sense. It's a shame you're not getting more predictions etc but then you have been nominated for DOTM, which is great! I think you probably just started the diary a bit late for TEW 2008 as a lot of people on the forum wouldn't necessarily be looking for new reads at this stage of the game.


Anyway, looking forward to the final show and War Games!


I didn't mean for my last post to come across as me saying that I am not sure how good this diary is due to lack of predictions or responses. Because I do know that I have readers, because I am lame and look at my view count.:D


For me it is more of I always think whatever I do sucks. So even if people were to come in here and tell me other wise I still would not believe them.


And don't worry about missing the predictions for the last show. The fact that you have picked on most of my shows and that you have supported this diary means just as much as making picks.

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Honest Frank’s last stand?



Word up NYCW fans, it is your boy Rock Downpour and I am here to talk some wrestling. So February is finally here! And that means only one thing; it is now time for NYCW’s annual I Love New York event! This year’s event is going to feature War Games: The Match from Beyond! Now I gotta tell y’all that War Games is one of my most favorite matches to watch! The sheer brutality of this match is great! I will say this having participated in one War Games match during my wrestling career; I know how taxing such a match can be.


Well even though February is seen as the month of lovers, our upcoming I Love New York card is filled up with a bunch of people who have noting but hate for one another. In our main event Honest Frank leads, his New York City’s Finest Stable Mates (Kirk Jameson, The Big Problem, and Frankie Perez) along with Land Mass into the match beyond were they will meet Steve Flash and his team (Wiley Steinway, David Bonham, Daniel Elderberry, and American Machine) in what is sure to be the ultimate grudge match. There is also an added stipulation to this match. If Honest Frank’s team wins then Honest Frank will get a rematch for the Empire Championship. However, if Honest Frank’s team does not win then Honest Frank will not get another shot at the Empire Championship as long as Steve Flash still holds the title. When asked about this stipulation Honest Frank had this to say:


“Honestly I am not worried at all. I…I am confident and have the utmost faith in my team’s ability to win this War Game match. In fact, I can’t wait to stand over Steve Flash’s defeated body and rub it in his face that he will have to fight me one more time. And that’s the honest truth!”


We will also see yet another chapter in the long feud between Whistler and Black Hat Bailey. This time the two men will engage in an I Quit Match. I caught up with Black Hat Bailey and he had this to say about his upcoming match:


“Whistler, I really don’t know what to say about you and I wrestling in an I Quit match. I mean, I have proven repeatedly that I am the superior wrestler. I have beaten you in every encounter that we have had. The last time we faced off, I made you bleed like a pig! What else do I have to do? “


I also caught up with Whistler and he had this to say about his match with Bailey:


“Hey tough guy! You have been talking about how you’ve beaten me time and time again. Yet you have yet to beat me without cheating. Well this time you will not beat me, because two words that you will never hear coming out of my mouth are I Quit! I will never surrender to you tough guy, you will have to break my arm off before you hear those words from me! This time I will not let Whistler’s Nation down! Hoooooooo!”


Well that match should be a great one as those two men are going to be looking to kill one another. Another match that should garner attention is the match between NYCW owner The Stomper and Franklin Carson. For those of you who are not aware, Franklin Carson lost his job hear in NYCW back in November when he was in a battle royal which had a stipulation that the first person eliminated from the battle royal would lose his job with the company.


However, Franklin never physically received his pink slip and through a glitch in payroll Franklin is still apart of this company. At I Love New York, he and Stomper will be fighting each other in a Pink Slip on a Poll match. If Franklin grabs the pink slip, first, he can tear it up and he can continue to work for NYCW. If Stomper grabs the pink slip first then it is c-ya later for Franklin Carson, as he will lose his job. And in this tough economic climate that is going to be a tough pill to swallow. Well that is all the time I have for this month.


C-ya next month,


Rock Downpour


occ: Is it me or does the render of Nate Johnson look like Ringo Starr?


<a href="

http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=NateJohnson.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/NateJohnson.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>http://beat.bodoglife.com/wp-content/uploads/ringo_starr_299.jpg

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Okay here is the final card for this diary. I probably will not post the show until the weekend some time.


Quick Picks for NYCW I LOVE NEW YORK:


Jumbo Jackson vs. Art Reed


In an I Quit Match:


Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey


Number One Contender Match For NYCW Tri-State Regional Title:


Sam Pratt vs. Mr. Jiminez vs. Lee Wright vs. ???


Pink Slip on a Poll Match:


Franklin Carson vs. The Stomper




New York City’s Finest (Honest Frank, Frankie Perez, The Big Problem, Kirk Jameson) and Land Mass vs. Steve Flash, American Machine, Wiley Steinway, and The Gang of New York (David Bonham and Daniel Elderberry)

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Jumbo Jackson vs. Art Reed


In an I Quit Match:


Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey


Number One Contender Match For NYCW Tri-State Regional Title:


Sam Pratt vs. Mr. Jiminez vs. Lee Wright vs. ???


Pink Slip on a Poll Match:


Franklin Carson vs. The Stomper




New York City’s Finest (Honest Frank, Frankie Perez, The Big Problem, Kirk Jameson) and Land Mass vs. Steve Flash, American Machine, Wiley Steinway, and The Gang of New York (David Bonham and Daniel Elderberry)

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Well BHK you've turned out to me more of a successful diary writer than I am. I guess I'm no good myself. I'll tip my hat to you good man.


I want to see what you show us after this diary ends.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Art Reed

Art Reed has probably more pop than Jackson and he's more talented than Jackson as well.


In an I Quit Match:


Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey

Both men are approaching retirement and since it's an I Quite match I guess Bailey gets the win on this one.


Number One Contender Match For NYCW Tri-State Regional Title:


Sam Pratt vs. Mr. Jiminez vs. Lee Wright vs. ???

Whoever this mystery guy is, sure that he'll be the upset of this match.


Pink Slip on a Poll Match:


Franklin Carson vs. The Stomper

Stomper wins no matter what.




New York City’s Finest (Honest Frank, Frankie Perez, The Big Problem, Kirk Jameson) and Land Mass vs. Steve Flash, American Machine, Wiley Steinway, and The Gang of New York (David Bonham and Daniel Elderberry)

I see Team Flash would end this diary and this games of Extreme Makeover hehe.

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Well BHK you've turned out to me more of a successful diary writer than I am. I guess I'm no good myself. I'll tip my hat to you good man.


I would not say more sucessful just look at how many votes you got in the DOTM Rookie section this month. I only got like three votes when I was up for DOTM Rookie and I was not even nominated for it during my next chance of eligibility. So right there you got a leg up on me.:D


And never say you are no good, I think you biggest problem is you never seem to stick to a diary. Every single diary that you have written on this board has been quality, but like I said you seem to stop writing them after a while and you jump into a new one. That is why I am glad that you seem to be sticking to your new diary and it seems to be reaching a larger audience than mine.

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Jumbo Jackson vs. Art Reed

I like both of these wrestlers a lot so I really don't care at all who you have win but I will go with Art Reed for prediction sake.


In an I Quit Match:

Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey


Number One Contender Match For NYCW Tri-State Regional Title:

Sam Pratt vs. Mr. Jiminez vs. Lee Wright vs. ???

I am going to go with ??? even though I have no idea who it is, It will work though trust me!


Pink Slip on a Poll Match:

Franklin Carson vs. The Stomper

Not sure on this one just picking someone to lose no real reason why though.



New York City’s Finest (Honest Frank, Frankie Perez, The Big Problem, Kirk Jameson) and Land Mass vs. Steve Flash, American Machine, Wiley Steinway, and The Gang of New York (David Bonham and Daniel Elderberry)

Steve Flash's Team will win all the way.


OOC: Glad to see that you didn't post the results to your last show before I got my chance to predict on this dynasty for one final time before it ends. Great Job BHK, I enjoyed the read overall!

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OOC: Glad to see that you didn't post the results to your last show before I got my chance to predict on this dynasty for one final time before it ends. Great Job BHK, I enjoyed the read overall!


Thank you Taker for the kind words and for the picks.

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Jumbo Jackson vs. Art Reed

Not big on Jumbo.


In an I Quit Match:

Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey

Please, Black Hat, make him quit


Number One Contender Match For NYCW Tri-State Regional Title:

Sam Pratt vs. Mr. Jiminez vs. Lee Wright vs. ???

3 question marks? He's a cert!


Pink Slip on a Poll Match:

Franklin Carson vs. The Stomper

You've already got 2 other Franks on the roster. 3 would be overkill. He needs to go already.



New York City’s Finest (Honest Frank, Frankie Perez, The Big Problem, Kirk Jameson) and Land Mass vs. Steve Flash, American Machine, Wiley Steinway, and The Gang of New York (David Bonham and Daniel Elderberry)

Poor old Perez and Jameson get buried amidst the mediocrity that is their team while Flash stands tall as the diary concludes.

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NYCW Presents: I Love New York


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=NYCW_alt5.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/NYCW_alt5.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Saturday February 14, 2009

Location: Crawford Center, Brooklyn, New York

Attendance: 300

Overall Show Rating: D-


[We begin the show outside of the arena, we are informed by the graphic on the bottom of the screen that this was earlier in the day (Also it is broad daylight so any fool could tell that it was earlier). Rock Downpour is standing out side of the arena in the parking lot of the arena.]



Rock Downpour: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s your boy Rock Downpour and I am outside here awaiting the arrival of Empire Champion Steve Flash. I want to hear what he has to say about his War Game match in tonight’s main event.


[Just then a Black 2009 Mercedes-Benz CLS-Class pulls up and out steps Andre Jones. He takes a look at Rock Downpour and hands him his bags. Rock drops Andre’s bags on the ground and says:]


Rock Downpour: I am not the bag boy, carry your own damn bags!


[Andre lowers his sunglasses so that he can peer over them and look at Rock Downpour.]



Andre Jones: Oh my bad dog. I saw you standing in the parking lot wearing that cheap suit and I just thought you were the parking lot attendant.


Rock Downpour: No I am not, but I am an interview and as a reporter I have to ask you Andre. Just why are you hear tonight?


[Andre has a c0cky grin on his face he then stops walking and looks at Rock and says:]


Andre Jones: Good question dog, you wanna know why I am here tonight. I’ll tell ya why I’m here tonight. I was sent by Mr. Eisen to come down to this minor league organization to win all of your titles. You see, Mr. Eisen isn’t very happy that you keep on signing up all of his rejects and leftovers. There is a reason why they are all unemployed and Mr. Eisen would prefer it if they all stayed that way.


But nooooo, Stomper has to go and sign any former SWF wrestler that he can get his hands on. Well like I said Mr. Eisen don’t like that so he sent me down here to beat-up each and everyone of his former wrestler’s that are currently working for this company. My mission is to prove that there aint none of the former SWF wrestlers on your roster that can hang with me. And tonight I am gonna do just that as I am in a match with two of the dudes that used to dress up like seafood.


This assignment is too easy, all I gotta do is stay down here in the minor leagues for a couple of months, beat up a bunch of washed up has beens and then bam I am heading back north. And once I am back up north, Mr. Eisen has promised me a very lucrative contract. And if you don’t know, now you know.



Mitch Naess: Hello and welcome wrestling fans to NYCW’s annual event I Love New York! My name is Mitch Naess and I am joined tonight in the boot with my broadcast partners Herb Stately and Rock Downpour.


Gentlemen, tonight we have yet another action packed card! Tonight’s main event has the chance to be one of the most brutal and goriest matches in the history of NYCW! Because tonight our main event is going to be War Games: The Match Beyond!



Rock Downpour: Yeah man, I am excited about tonight’s main event! But I will say this, I do not envy the ten men that are in this match. I know first hand how dangerous this match is, as I was a participant in NYCW’s very first War Games match back in 1989. And let me tell you guys, it was not fun fighting in that match. I would much rather be sitting up here in the announcer’s booth, even if it means having to spend the next two hours with Herb.



Herb Stately: Ha, ha, ha, very funny Rock! I would just like to say, that I am also excited about tonight’s main event! Because tonight Honest Frank will bravely lead his troops into victory, thus ensuring him another crack at the Empire Championship!


Rock Downpour: He and his team could also lose and that would mean that he would never get another crack at Steve Flash’s Empire title, as long as Steve is the champ.


Herb Stately: Not going to happen my friend! Honest Frank and his teammates don’t know the meaning of the words, I Quit. And so if they do not know the words how in the hell are they going to say them?


Mitch Naess: Well we shall find out later on. However, we must now go down to ringside for our first match of the night.



[Renagade by Styx starts to blare across the arena’s sound system as Jumbo Jackson steps out from behind the backstage curtain. He slaps the fans hands as he makes his way down to the ring.]


[A weird Oriental song starts to play over the arena‘s sound system. Shortly after the song starts to play a young Asian woman who is dressed up like a Geisha comes out from behind the backstage curtain. She is tossing rose pedals on the ground. While this is going on Herb Stately had this gem to say:]


Herb Stately: Hey that girl looks like the chick from the Asian Massage Parlor that I go to.


Rock Downpour: Does she give you a happy ending?


Herb Stately: Come on Rock get your mind out of the gutter! And to answer your question, yes she does each and every time.


[Followed by the young lady dressed up like a Geisha comes Art Reed. The moment the fans see him they start to boo. A “USA, USA, USA!” chant beings due to the comments that Art made about the United States at last month’s show. Art seems to bask in this as he makes his way down to the ring. Before Al can enter the ring Jumbo Jackson grabs the microphone from the ring announcer and says:]



Jumbo Jackson: Al, last month you not only disrespected the fine men and women of this great city, but you insulted the men and women of this entire country! And for that I am going to kick your ass until you apologize!


[Al just stands there and laughs at Jumbo Jackson.]


[These two men put on what easily has to be considered the show of the night. Jumbo Jackson got in a ton of offense early on in the match as the crowd could be heard alternating, “USA“ chants and “NYCW“. These men worked very well together throughout the match, one could even say that it was due to their great chemistry they seemed to have with each other. The match ended when Art Reed hit Jumbo Jackson with the Shogun (Spinebuster) and pinned him for the victory.]


Winner: Art Reed

Time: 9:12

Match Rating: C-


Mitch Naess: Well it looks like Jumbo is not going to be getting that apology he asked for.


Herb Stately: And why should Art Reed apologize for what he said? I may not agree or like what he said but nevertheless he dose have every right to say according to the Constitution.


Mitch Naess: Well I hate to admit this but I actually agree with you on that. Anyway let us go down to the ring for our next match.



[The Stomper makes his way down to the ring sans music. The fans do not really react to him all that much (Due to the fact that nobody is sure what he is. Is he a heel or a face? That seems to be the question most people ask.). The Stomper grabs the ring announcer’s microphone and says:]


Stomper: Franklin me boy no need to be nervous, just come out here for our match. You do not have to worry about security stopping you tonight. They will escort you out of the building after I beat you.


[With that Stomper hands the microphone back to the ring announcer. A few seconds later Franklin Carson comes down to the ring, he is greeted by a good amount of cheers.]


[i am not one to lie, this match was not all that great. It was a brawl, resembling more of a street fight then an actual wrestling match. The fans grew tired of this match rather quickly and this match did bring the crowd’s general mood down. Anyhow, while the chants of “boring” were heard throughout the arena Stomper hit Franklin with a Bronx Elbow Drop. While Franklin’s lifeless body lay on the canvass, Stomper proceeded to climb the ropes and snatch the pick slip from atop the pole. And with that Franklin Carson not only loses the match but also loses his job as well.


Stomper balls up the pink slip walks over to Franklin Carson, who is still laying on the mat, and shoves the pink slip into Franklin‘s mouth. Stomper then leaves the ring and walks over the ring announcer and grabs the house microphone.]


Stomper: Franklin me boy, it looks like you are officially out of a job as of right now. Security, get this trash out of my ring right now!


[Two big men enter the ring and drag Franklin Carson out of the arena.]


Winner: Stomper

Time: 5:46

Match Rating: E


Mitch Naess: Unfortunately for Franklin Carson this looks like it is the end of the road for him.


Rock Downpour: Yeah man, it is a sad day as Franklin was a cool cat and he does have a wife and kids to support. Hopefully he will be able to land on his feet again.


Herb Stately: I for one am thrilled to see that freeloading piece of crap gone! Let me be the first to say to Franklin, here is the door and don’t let it hit you on the way out!


Mitch Naess: Why do you have so much hostility towards Franklin?


Herb Stately: Why? I’ll tell you why! Because I have a strong dislike for who have no honor and integrity. People who are looking to exploit the system to further their own ambitions. That is why I am such a huge fan of Honest Frank because he is a paragon of virtue! A true hero to all that see him.


[Rock and Mitch start to laugh.]


Herb Stately: What the hell are you guys laughing at?


Mitch Naess: Paragon of virtue…classic! Well anyway let us go to the back where Cheerleader Nicki is standing by.


[We go to the backstage area where Cheerleader Nicki is standing in front of a brick wall.]



Cheerleader Nicki: Thank you very much Mitch, I would…


[before Cheerleader Nicki can say a word, in walks Roger Dodger and Sammy the Shark. Roger and Sammy each have two cheap looking plastic titles on. The titles are clearly TCW replica titles, where the TCW logo is there is masking tape covering up the logo. Cheerleader Nicki looks at both of them and rolls her eyes. Roger looks at Nicki and winks. She just puts the microphone in front of him and he starts to talk.]



Roger Dodger: That’s right sweet cheeks, keep the microphone in front of me. Greeting NYCW fans! You may be wondering why we are each sporting championship gold. Well the answer is quite simple, we have finally broken our losing streak! You heard that right! We now the proud holders of two of the most coveted tag team championships in the industry today! That is why we are were not here for last month’s event. Because we were out winning these babies!


Cheerleader Nicki: Um…okay so like what company are these titles from?


Roger Dodger: Why would you ask such a dumb question like that? Any wrestling fan knows that this title around my waist it the Xtreme Danger Wrestling tag team championship and…


Cheerleader Nicki: Um…didn’t the XDW close down in 2007? And wasn’t that a rinky dink backyard wrestling promotion that could only been seen on public access channels?


Roger Dodger: Well yes…but that is hardly the point. The point is we won these titles fair and square! And I have proof, but that will have to wait a second because I want to tell you about the other tag team championship that we won.


The other belt, which is draped over my shoulder, is the Republic of Nauru Tag Team Championship. Sammy and I won these in the city of Yaren. Which for all of you geographically challenged individuals out there, is a city on the island nation of Nauru.


Cheerleader Nicki: I am calling b.s. on that! I have never heard of Nauru.


Roger Dodger: Of course you have never heard of the island nation of Nauru, because you are an uneducated airhead.


[Nicki‘s jaw drops upon being called an uneducated airhead, Roger pays her no notice and continues talking.]


Roger Dodger: Now, Sammy and I were unable to obtain footage of our victory in Yaren, so you will just have to take our word that we won the titles. We do have footage of our triumphant victory in XDW. So if someone in the production truck could roll the footage that would be great.


[When the footage starts to play we see a close up of Sammy the Shark’s face looking right into the camera. He smiles and says:]



Sammy the Shark: Hey Rog, I think I finally was able to get the camera working!


[sammy pans the hand held camera over to Roger, who is driving the car.]


Roger: That’s great dude, and it only took you three hours to figure out how to do so. Now maybe you can look on the map and tell me where the hell I’m going.


[sammy places the camera down on his lap and all that the viewers can see is the glove compartment box, while we hear some ruffling of papers in the background.]


Sammy the Shark: Um…according to the map that Google gave me, the house should be a little further down on the left.


Roger Dodger: Ah yes, I see where we have to go.


[The footage cuts out for a brief second. The next thing that we see is a bunch of skinny, what look to be teenage boys, wrestling on an old red mat which is serving as their “ring“. The ring has four wooden posts surrounding it and the ring ropes are actual white ropes that kind that feels very rough.


Anyway, the footage shows these young men wrestling for a little bit. Some of the action is blocked off due to there being a tree in the right half of the screen.]


Roger Dodger (in a low almost whisper sort of voice): Sam, do you have it on the tripod yet?


Sammy the Shark: Hold on a sec Rog…there I got it!


[The camera is now moved so that we can see the whole ring. Roger then says:]


Roger Dodger: Got the boom box?


Sammy the Shark: Right here Rog.


Roger Dodger: Good fire that puppy up and lets show these jobbers how real men wrestle!


[Within seconds we hear, Don‘t Worry Be Happy by Bobby Mcferrin playing. It is at that time The Sting appear on screen. Sammy is lugging around a huge 80‘s boom box the type that Radio Raheem carried around with him in Spike Lee’s Do The Right Thing. The teenage boys standing around and in the ring looked shocked at the appearance of the Sting. Roger Dodger walks over to this skinny white kid and says:]


Roger Dodger: The Sting is hear and we are going to take your titles from you!


[The kid just stands there dumbfounded not really sure how to react to this. Finally the kid says:]


Kid: Aren’t you the guy that always loses in NYCW? Man you are a loser dude, all you ever do is cry! You’re nothing but a big baby!


[A look of rage comes across Roger‘s face. He clotheslines the kid, knocking him to the ground. He then yells out at the kid:]


Roger Dodger: I am not a baby! I am one half of the best tag team on the planet today!


[Roger then kicks the kid in the stomach he then gets on top of the kid and says:]


Roger Dodger: Will somebody count the pin!


[sammy shoves the kid that was refereeing the match earlier (when the Sting showed up) and says:]


Sammy the Shark: Count it kid!


[The referee makes the count, and with that Roger and Sammy goes nuts celebrating in the ring. Just then a woman comes out and yells:]


Woman: What the hell have you done to my son! I’m going to call the cops on you!


[upon hearing that Roger and Sammy look at each other, and they both bolt out of the ring. Roger calls out to Sammy:]


Roger Dodger: Get the belts dude we won them! And don’t forget the boom box!


[The camera starts to shake as Roger picks it up off the ground and runs with it. The footage then fades to black. We are now back with The Sting and Cheerleader Nicki. Both Roger and Sammy have huge grins on their faces. Cheerleader Nicki looks at Roger and says:]


Cheerleader Nicki: How can you be proud of that? You beat up some children! That’s just…sick!


Roger Dodger: Very simple, they had something that we wanted. What, am I supposed to not try and beat them just because they are teenagers? Don’t be ridiculous! If they are old enough to defend their belts, then they are old enough to step in the ring with us!


Cheerleader Nicki: I…I truly am at a loss for words…um…


Sammy the Shark: Well then let me finish this interview off if you will. We won because we are the best tag team in the industry bar none! And we are living large baby! Living large!


Roger Dodger: Dude must you sneak that into every interview that we do?


Sammy the Shark: Ah, yeah Rog…that’s sort of my thing…


[Roger looks at Cheerleader Nicki and says:]


Roger Dodger: Well sweet cheeks, this interview is over. Right now me and my boy are going to celebrate our victory! Your more then welcomed to join us…


Cheerleader Nicki: I think I’ll pass….let us go to the ring for our next match…


Segment Rating: D-


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=LeeWright.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/LeeWright.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=vs.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/vs.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=HandsomeStranger_alt2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/HandsomeStranger_alt2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> With <a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=JoanneRodriguez_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/JoanneRodriguez_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=vs.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/vs.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=AndreJones.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/AndreJones.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=vs.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/vs.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=vs.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/vs.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=TheCannonballKid.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/TheCannonballKid.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


vs. Sam Pratt


[We go back to the ring Lee Wright is standing in the center of the ring with the microphone. The chants of, “A-A-R-Lee“ and “You’re an old fart” are ringing out throughout the arena. Lee looks extremely pissed off at this reaction.]


Lee Wright: I want all you losers in the audience to shut the hell up! I have something to say so shut the hell up! You sucmbags think that you are very clever with you’re A-A-R-Lee chants, don’t cha? Well one day you will be old and gray and you will have people discriminating against you. And then you will remember when you mocked me.


[The fans start chanting, “Same old crap” (Well the fans are using another word that I can not mention.) at Lee as this is the exact same spiel that he says each and every month.]


Lee Wright: You can chant whatever you like at me! But I am mad as hell and I am not gonna take it anymore! Finally, after months and months of proving myself in the ring against the various jobbers of the month the NYCW championship committee agrees to toss me a bone and put me in yet another number one contender match for the my Tri-State Regional title! You would think that this pleases me right?


Wrong! As the former Tri-State Regional champion, I feel that I should have gotten my one-on-one rematch for my title! And yet I wait, as the championship committee does not give me the proper respect that I deserve!


[Lee Wright hands the microphone back to the ring announcer and goes over to his corner to sulk as he waits for his opponents to come out to the ring. Reggaetón Latino (Chosen Few Remix) by Don Omar starts to play over the arena’s sound system. A few seconds later, Joanne Rodriguez steps out from behind the backstage curtain. Tonight the lovely Ms. Rodriguez has on a low-cut, short black dress. She is shortly followed by her client, Mr. Jiminez. The minute Mr. Jiminez is in front of the crowd, the crowd start a Super Starfish chant. Mr. Jiminez looks angrily at the crowd as he walks to the ring.


Finally, Mr. Jiminez and J-Ro make it to the ring where Mr. Jiminez follows J-Ro up the ring steps and instructs her to hold the ring ropes open for him. Which she does, Mr. Jiminez enters the ring and walks to the center of the ring. J-Ro joins him in the center and she holds up his right hand while pointing at him with her left hand. The crowd boos loudly at this duo.]


[Regulate by Warren G. and Nate Dogg starts to play over the arena’s sound system and a few seconds Andre Jones steps out from behind the curtain. Andre does not receive a warm welcome from the NYCW faithful as he make his way to the ring. There is a, “Go home Andre“ chant directed at him as various pieces of garbage is hurled at him. When Andre enters the ring he grabs the microphone from the ring announcer and says:]


Andre Jones: Ah, I forgot what it was like to wrestle in the minor leagues! You fools can chant whatever nonsense you want at me, you can throw whatever trash you want at me. But understand this, by the time I am through with the three jamokes that I am facing tonight, you will respect me! Because I am a major league talent! And if you don’t know, now you know!


[Andre hands the microphone back to the ring announcer. Just then Jump by Van Halen begins to play over the arena‘s sound system. A few seconds later Sam Pratt steps out and the crowd goes wild. Sam runs down to the ring and slides under the bottom ring rope. The crowd is still cheering wildly as the only man in this match that they actually like is now in the ring.]


[This match is your typical fatal-fourway match, you know it starts off as a huge brawl between all four men. Then two of the men end up outside of the ring, while the other two do all of there major spots and near pinfalls. The crowd ate it up, and they seemed to genuinely enjoy this match despite the fact that there were three heels and one face in the match.


It should also be noted that J-Ro did some good work at ringside, as she constantly interfered in the match on behalf of Mr. Jiminez while NYCW Senior Referee (well their only referee for that matter) Michael Bull was distracted. It also should be noted that Mr. Jiminez seemed to be off his game tonight, it seemed as if he just did not want to be in this match tonight. The match came to an end when Andre Jones hit Lee Wright with a Blast From the Past (Superkick) and he then proceeded to pin him for the victory as bitter rivals Sam Pratt and Mr. Jiminez fought outside of the ring seemingly oblivious to the fact that Andre was about to win the match.]


Winner: Andre Jones

Time: 6:58

Match Rating: D


Mitch Naess: Andre Jones picks up an impressive victory in his NYCW debut.


Rock Downpour: Yeah this was his first night here and he has already earned the right to fight for the Tri-State Regional Championship. You know I may not agree with him calling NYCW the minor leagues but I gotta give the cat props for an impressive victory.


Herb Stately: You know I am going to shock you Rock but I have to agree with you. I don’t like the fact that Andre considers NYCW the minor leagues. That being said I have to give the devil his due, and say that he did put on a great show in his last match!


Mitch Naess: Okay gentlemen, we are now approaching our semi-main event of the evening. This match is an I Quit match between Whistler and Black Hat Bailey. Gentlemen, what are your thoughts about this match.


Rock Downpour: Well tonight I gotta go with my boy Whistler. I mean yeah I’m supposed to be objective but I really feel that Whistler can beat Bailey now that they are in a match where you can freely use foreign objects. To me this sort of evens out the playing field as Whistler is now legally allowed to use some of the tactics that Bailey has used in the past.


Herb Stately (laughing): Man Rock you are such a fool! How many times does Bailey have to beat the mental midget that is known as Whistler, for you to realize that Whistler is a joke? In every meeting between these two men Black Hat Bailey has been victorious. This is actually almost starting to make me feel bad for Whistler.


I mean the man is too dumb to understand that he has no chance against Black Hat Bailey. Actually I am surprised that Bailey has not been arrested yet for beating up on a mentally challenged individual…


[Mitch Naess shakes his head in disapproval over that last comment.]


Mitch Naess: Well with that let us go back down to the ring for our next match.



[The minute Black Hat Bailey‘s music starts to play the fans start to boo. And the moment the fans get their first glimpse at Bailey they start to chuck all sorts of trash at Bailey. Bailey just smiles at the crowd and waves his hand at them. He even pauses halfway down to the ring to soak in the boos of the crowd. This seems to get the crowd even more riled up. When he gets in front of Front Row Franny he tips his hat at her and winks at her. She proceeds to go into a profanity laced tirade after he does this.]


[The theme song from Kolchak: The Night Stalker starts to play over the sound system and out steps Whistler. He is waving the American flag and he yells out, “Hoooooooooo!” The fans go nuts as soon as they see him.


Whistler stands on the stage for a moment to bask in the cheers and then he heads down the ramp way towards the ring. After he gets a little further down the aisle and says, “USA! USA!”. The crowd answers him back as they chant USA in unison.


Whistler walks over and hugs Font Row Franny, who has put a Whistler‘s nation t-shirt over her famous bright yellow shirt. He hands the ring attendant his American flag before he enters the ring, he then climbs up the ring steps and stares coldly at Bailey. Bailey stares back at him with an arrogant smile on his face. Whistler starts stomping his left foot on the ring match. He then starts to yell, “USA! USA!” and once again the crowd answers him back as they chant USA in unison.]


[The match starts off really slow as neither man is ready to engage. Finally, the two men lockup in the corner and we see plenty dirty boxing in the corner as Bailey imposes his will on Whistler. After about a minute of this Whistler manages to fling Bailey down to the mat. A shocked Bailey scurries away from the stalking Whistler. Bailey soon scrambles back to his feet and looks terrified at Whistler.


Whistler then rushes at Bailey and spears him to the ground. He then starts to pound away at Bailey’s forehead, Bailey is doing very little to defend himself. Finally, Bailey is able to stop the aggressive Whistler by clawing at Whistler’s right eye. Whistler rolls off of Bailey rubbing his eye. Bailey uses this time to recoup as well. Bailey soon stalks Whistler grabbing him from behind and putting him in a crippler crossface. Bailey then starts to bite the forehead of Whistler opening up a cut on Whistler‘s forehead. Bailey commands the referee to ask Whistler if he quits. Michael Bull takes the microphone and asks Whistler if he wants to quit and Whistler is heard to say, “Hell no!”


Whistler finally manages to get Bailey off of his back. The two men begin to exchange punches while they are kneeling in the center of the ring. Whistler grabs the microphone from the referee and he starts to pound away at the forehead of Bailey. Every few seconds he yells at Bailey, “Say you quit damn it!” Bailey keeps on replying in a painful whine, “Noooo!”


Bailey is soon able to regain momentum and he rips the microphone from Whistler‘s hand. It is now Bailey‘s turn to pummel Whistler in the forehead with the microphone. Bailey digs into the cut on Whistler‘s forehead with the microphone. He keeps on asking Whistler if he wants to quit and Whistler refuses to give up. A frustrated Bailey rolls out of the ring and goes over to the timekeeper. Bailey shoves the timekeeper off of his chair and grabs the wooden chair. He then proceeds to smash the chair on the ground to break it apart. He takes a broken wooden leg from the smashed chair and he renters the ring.


Upon entering the ring, Bailey uses the broken wooden leg of the chair as a stake, driving this stake into the forehead of Whistler. Whistler manages to muster up some power and he and Bailey soon fight for control of the stake. Whistler soon manages to gain control of the stake and he returns to favor to Bailey, digging this wooden stake into the forehead of Black Hat Bailey. After a few more seconds of this Bailey yells out, “I quit! I quit! Make him stop!” And with that Whistler wins the match!]


Winner: Whistler

Time: 9:44

Match Rating: D


[After the match a bloody Whistler is making his way to the backstage area, when Art Reed comes running towards him and starts to beat him down! An exhausted Whistler, having just fought for his life against Bailey, is not really fighting back. Finally, Art Reed gets off of Whistler and walks over to the announcer’s booth grabs a microphone and says:]


Art Reed: Whistler, you are my first target in my war against all that is wrong with your country! I told you all, that I was here to take out one bloated American at a time. Whistler you are everything that is wrong with America today! You are a fat, classless, moron which make you the perfect first target for me!


[Art Reed then walks back over to Whistler and proceeds to beat him up some more. This goes on for a few more seconds until various NYCW officials come over and drag Art Reed away.]


Segment Rating: C-


Mitch Naess: I am not sure that Art Reed made the wisest of moves right there in attacking Whistler.


Rock Downpour: Yeah man, Art Reed is a very big man attacking Whistler after he just had a match. I can’t wait to see him have to fight Whistler when Whistler is at one hundred percent.


Herb Stately: Mark my words, Art Reed will mop the floor with Whistler just like he did just now!


Mitch Naess: Well I am not sure about that, but one thing that I am sure about is our main event is up next! That is right War Games: The Match From Beyond is about to start! Gentlemen, do either of you have any last minute comments before our main event starts?


Rock Downpour: What is left to be said that hasn’t already been said? I will say that I think Steve Flash and his team will win this match despite the fact that they have the a bit of a disadvantage going into this match.


Herb Stately: Mark my words, New York City’s Finest and Land Mass shall decimate Steve Flash and his group of scrubs. And once that happens Honest Frank shall get his rematch for the Empire Title!


Mitch Naess: Well we shall find out soon as the match is about to start. Let us go back down to the ring for War Games.


War Games: The Match From Beyond:



<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=HonestFrank.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/HonestFrank.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=TheBigProblem_alt9.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/TheBigProblem_alt9.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=KirkJameson.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/KirkJameson.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=FrankiePerez.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/FrankiePerez.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> & <a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=LandMass.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/LandMass.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=vs.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/vs.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=SteveFlash.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/SteveFlash.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=AmericanMachine.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/AmericanMachine.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=LeadBelly_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/LeadBelly_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=GreaseHogg.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/GreaseHogg.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=WileySteinway.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/WileySteinway.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


vs. Steve Flash, American Machine, Daniel Elderberry, David Bonham, and Wiley Steinway


[Nights In White Satin starts to play over the arena‘s sound system as New York City‘s Finest and Land Mass make their way down to the ring. And yes all five men have their white satin jackets on. Various chants can be heard but the most dominate ones are, “You can‘t wrestle!” which is directed at Land Mass and “You‘re a liar!” which is directed at Honest Frank. Upon arriving at ringside NYCF and Land Mass make there way over to the backside of the cage, waiting for their opponents to come to the ring.]


[The crowd grows silent for the most part, there is a bit of an anticipatory buzz going on as the crowd knows who is about to come down to the ring. The Rolling Stones‘ Jumping Jack Flash starts to play over the arena‘s sound system and the crowd goes wild! A few seconds later, Steve Flash, American Machine, Daniel Elderberry, David Bonham, and Wiley Steinway make there way to the ring.]


[before the match both teams talk over which member of their team is going to be starting out the match. For Honest Frank‘s team it is Kirk Jameson. For Steve Flash‘s team it is going to be American Machine. The two men enter the cage. Kirk Jameson looks very nervous, the bell rings and these two men begin to beat the crap out of each other. This keeps on going on for the first five minutes of the match.


Finally, the bell rings and Frankie Perez enters the cage. This is due to the fact that Honest Frank‘s team won the advantage at last month‘s event. Frankie and Kirk immediately go to work on American Machine‘s left arm. The hope is by working on his left arm they can weaken it by the time the submission portion of the match starts.


After two minutes of this the bell rings and the odds are evened out as Steve Flash enters the match. Steve and American Machine get the upper hand in the match as they start to beat up on Frankie and Kirk. After a little bit of this both American Machine and Kirk Jameson seem to rest as Frankie and Steve duke it out.


Two more minutes go by and the bell rings and The Big Problem enters the cage. With the upper hand Land Mass and his associates dismantle Steve and American Machine. With Kirk and Frankie going back to working on Machine‘s arm and The Big Problem pounding the crap out of Steve. The Big Problem starts to ram Steve Flash‘s head into the cage. A trickle of blood starts to run down the forehead of Steve Flash.


The bell rings again and in walks Daniel Elderberry. He goes after Kirk Jameson, while Big Problem and Steve Flash continue to go at it, and Frankie Perez continues to work on the arm of American Machine. Steve Flash looking like he has gotten the beaten of his life mounts a comeback and starts to beat-up on The Big Problem. Meanwhile, Daniel Elderberry is grating Kirk Jameson‘s face against the steel cage. And yes Kirk Jameson is now wearing the crimson mask!


The bell rings once again and Land Mass and Honest Frank can be heard debating as to who should go in the cage next. Honest Frank is heard to say:]


Honest Frank: Fine, I will buy you thirty more dollars worth of Popeye’s Gift Certificates if you go in next! Do we have a deal?


[Land Mass nods his head yes and enters into the cage. He goes right after Steve Flash, joining his former tag team partner The Big Problem in beating up on Steve Flash. One can say that Steve Flash officially has a Massive Problem right now! Land Mass tells Kirk Jameson to rejoin Frankie Perez and continue to work on American Machine‘s are. Land Mass then goes over and starts to beat on Daniel Elderberry.


The bell rings and in comes Wiley Steinway! Wiley goes after Frankie Perez ramming Frankie‘s head into the cage often. At this point in the match Wiley and Frankie are fighting each other, Steve Flash and The Big Problem are going at it, Daniel Elderberry has just had Land Mass sit on his stomach, and Kirk Jameson and American Machine are just sort of slumped near each other both taking a rest for the time being.


Once again, the bell rings and that means that Honest Frank must enter the ring. Honest Frank does not looked all that thrilled at this prospect as he keeps on stalling for time, telling NYCW referee Michael Bull that his neck is hurting him. Michael Bull orders him into the ring, saying that if he did not go into the ring he would forfeit his right to be in the match. A reluctant Honest Frank enters the ring and spends the next two minutes avoiding conflict, much to the chagrin of his team.


The final bell rings and David Bonham enters the ring and the match from beyond begins! He goes after Honest Frank, Honest Frank tries to run from David and he gets nailed by a clothesline from Wiley Steinway. It is at this point that Steve Flash gets The Big Problem down on the mat and locks him into the Boston Crab! The Big Problem is about to tap, when a voice is heard in the crowd…]


Man: Hey bro wake up!


[The Big Problem‘s hand is dangling above the mat, just mere seconds away from the tapout. We then here that same voice…]


Man: Come on bro wake up! Don’t screw around we got a challenge in a few minutes.


[We now see a man wearing face paint laying in his bed with nothing but a speedo on. He looks over at the other two men in the room and says:]



Jim: Why do you disturb my sleep the Scott?



Scott: Come on bro, cut that crap out! You need to get your ass up we got a challenge to go to in like five minutes and the producers told me and Greg to get you ass up!



Greg: Yeah dude it is time to get up! Know what I’m saying?


[James Wade aka Jim Force looks around the room, wondering if this had all been a dream. Was Steve Flash, Land Mass and Honest Frank a figment of his imagination? Or were they real living people and maybe this world is a dream. Would the gods of Valhalla give him a sign one way or the other? Jim get up out of his bed and leaves his room, he looks to the left and sees his arch-enemy Norm who says:]



Norm: It’s about time your hippy ass finally woke up! We got a challenge to go to and you’ve been sleeping all afternoon! You hippy scumbag!



Jim: Listen to me old man in the ssssseeeeeeeaaaaa, I am in no mood to deal with you! Let us go to the challenge and smite our enemies and then you and I can perilously bicker with witty banter, the Norm!


[And thus another argument happens within the walls of The Compound!]

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I would like to thank everybody who took the time to make predictions! And anybody who takes the time to read this!




Here are the Prediction records for this card:


TakerNGN74 4/5

The Mystery 4/5

foolinc 3/5

Marcel Fromage 4/5


The real ending of the show was The Big Problem tapping out due to the Boston Crab. Which means that Steve Flash and his team would have won.


I am going to go into detail as to why I had such a weird ending to this diary but I will write it up later.

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The reason for the weird ending:


Destiny’s TNA diary was my main reason for the weird ending. A couple of months ago I nominated Destiny’s TNA diary for the Must Read List. I can honestly say no joking around that I enjoyed Destiny’s diary. I loved not knowing if I was or wasn’t spam, to me that was great.


So anyway I nominated it for the Must Read List and someone else got angry over the fact that I nominated what he considered to be spam. My thinking was if I enjoy it why can I not nominate it? And that got me thinking, man do people take diary writing on here way to serious. Don’t get me wrong, I took my diary serious but I never felt as if by me writing a diary on here it would some how lead to peace in the Middle East.


Therefore, I came up with a wacky ending that tied into my other diary on this board. Yes, it would have made more sense for this to be a dream if Jim Force was you know actually in this diary but that is just arguing semantics. And yes this was a total rip off of the ending of Bob Newhart’s show.

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Okay here are a few alt. renders that were made for me and I feel that I sould show them just to give the artists credit. These two were done by SWF Fan:




The story behind them was, I was going to debut a tag team called Red Sox Nation. They would be obnoxious Red Sox/New England sports fans who sole purpose would have been to piss of the fans of NYCW by constantly talking about how great Boston is and how great the Boston area teams are. If I was going to continue with the diary they would have debut at the last show. I chose Duberry Excess because he is from Boston according to his bio, I chose Ash due to his decent start off stats and plus I had nothing better to do with him.



I would like to thank Bull for this render of JD Morgan:




I really wanted to sign JD Morgan as he is one of my C-Verse favorites, but if I would have his popularity would have been the highest in the promotion and I did not want to give him the Empire Title so I never signed him. His gimmick would have been the pompus Brit ala Steven Regal.


I would like to thank jtlant for this render:




Franklin Carson aka Frank Dirt was always meant to lose his job. His storyline was going to be that he would become homeless and would soon become the muscle of a Preacher (whose render will be shown next). Frank would be looking to convert people over to this religion and beat up all those that did not follow the ways of the Prophet.


The Prophet was going to be:





Stennick was responsible for this great alt. render! Yes I had this grand idea of Jim Force being a TV Evangelist!:D He was going to spread the word of the Force to all. And he would still have crappy merchandise to sell. Alas, it was never meant to be as this diary did not last that long.


I would like to thank paulskln for this alt render of Honest Frank:




I will explain the reason for Honest Frank's alt render in my what I wanted to do post which is my next post.


So I just want to thank all of the people who did these alt. renders for me. I feel bad that I was never able to work them into the diary but each did have a reason. Also, I would like to thank anybody else whose alt. render I used in this diary, and may have not known they were the creators of the alt.'s that I used (I am sure FlameSnoopy and Fin's work were in this diary as well).

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Okay this will probably be the final post in this thread coming from me. When I started this diary I had two main storylines that I wanted to do and neither of them came to fruition. The first one was, like the title said, that I wanted to redo the roster. This never really happened because I (and this sounds sad) grew sort of attached to the default wrestlers in NYCW. Yes most of the over workers could not wrestle for more then five minutes. However, at the end of the day who cares? I had fun writing for them and that was what really should have mattered.


The second major theme involved Mitch Naess and Honest Frank. My idea going into this diary was to have Honest Frank be the lead heel (or the secondary lead heel to Grandmaster Phunk) for the first six months of the diary or so. Once I lost Phunk his role was solidified as the lead heel. Anyway, I was going to have him do what he did to Steve Flash (pay various people to hurt Steve Flash before finally challenging him for the Empire Title). I was also going to have him be a prick to the other members of New York City’s Finest, always berating them for not winning championships. Finally, I was going to have him lose to Steve Flash in convincing fashion. On the next show I was going to have Frankie Perez and the rest of New York City’s Finest berate him and tell him they were sick and tired of his abuse. They would end up beating him up and kicking him out of NYCF. This would lead to him turning face and becoming Frankie Future.


While Frankie Future was proving himself to the fans again, a PSW invasion was going to happen (led by Teddy Powell and JD Morgan or Johnny Martin). This was going to a copy of the original NOW with the PSW team acting as the outsiders. Eventually, Mitch Naess was going to be revealed as the leader of the PSW invasion force (this was going to be a bit of an homage to Eisen-Verse’s diary). He wanted to destroy his chief competition from the inside (I did plant the groundwork for that in I believe it was the second show where I had The Gang of New York trash PSW in their interview).


Eventually, Honest Frank would win the hearts and minds of the fans and will pledge allegiance to Steve Flash’s effort to destroy the PSW invasion. Steve would reluctantly accept aid from his former arch-enemy. However, that would be Steve’s downfall as Frankie Future would so his true loyalty to PSW when he turned on Steve Flash. This was the reason for the Honest Frank Pittsburgh Pirates alt. render. This was the sole reason to hire Mitch Naess, as I already had three people on the roster that could handle announcing (Marv, Herb, and Rock). I was still going to follow through with this storyline but it would have taken a while to do.


If this diary was going to continue The Big Problem was going to turn face. After The Big Problem tapped out, Honest Frank was going to blame him for all of his failures and he was going to have NYCF turn on him. Land Mass was going to be his replacement in NYCF.


Frankie and Kirk were going to win the tag team titles at the next show. Eventually, Art Reed would have won the Empire Championship form Steve Flash. Andre Jones would have won the Tri-State Regional title as well.


As for the other storylines that I never had a chance to use, I listed them in my previous post.


There were a bunch of workers that were in this company at various times but they never made it to the main show. They were: Edward Cornell, Lee Rivera, Primus Allen, Ted Brady, Amo Del Gato (brought in to tag with Bulldozer Brandon Smith to be my version of Steen and El Generico), and Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr.


With that I would like to put an end to this dynasty. I would like to thank everybody who ever took the time to read this. I would especially like to thank all of the people who made picks in this diary on a regular basis foolinc, Marcel Fromage, Hyde Hill, Oldschool, TakerNGN74, Zeel1, and The Mystery. The fact that you all took the time to make picks and to put some thoughts into the picks meant a lot to me. I would also like to thank Kamchatka for the great NYCW logo. So once again thank you all for taking the time to read this, pick in it, and comment in it. It was really appreciated and if anybody has any questions or comments about anything in regards to this diary, feel free to ask.


Thank you,




One more quick thank you goes to angeldelayette (I pretty much stole your presentation for this diary, because I loved how you set it up), Bigpapa42, Eisen-verse, and Oldschool for being my influences in writing this diary.

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Ended with great timing (far better than mine will!).


Not too convinced by the ending to the last show - but hey, it's your diary and I've enjoyed being along for the ride. Hope 2010 allows you to play a long-term game and make a diary out of it too. :)


Yeah I thought I would do something different, but I failed....:D

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Yeah I thought I would do something different, but I failed....:D


I wouldn't go as far as to say that after all you entertained me with the read and I am pretty sure I am not the only one who felt this way. So I don't at all think that you failed, maybe in the dynasty portion but as far as everything else went I would have to say that it exceeded my expectations.



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