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2004-The last good year for WWE?

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Many people say that the last good year for WWE was 2004. This diary is set just after Taboo Tuesday 2005 due to the 2004 mod being completely wrong so it would have taken too long.




The first televised match was a tag team match in which Edge and Chris Masters (representing Raw) faced off against Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy (representing SmackDown!). Before the match, it was revealed that Edge refused to wrestle, saying he did not care about representing Raw and choosing Snitsky as his replacement. Masters and Snitsky quickly gained the early advantage in the match, as they took the upper hand over Mysterio. Mysterio fought back with a tilt-a-whirl, a counter attack hold. Afterwards, Hardy and Snitsky were tagged in, leading to Hardy getting the advantage as he grabbed Snitsky by the side and drove Snitsky's head onto the wrestling mat. Back and forth action took place between both teams. The match ended when Mysterio performed the 619 on Masters, followed by Hardy grabbing Snitsky's head in a forward position and forcefully pulling it down over his shoulders. Mysterio pinned Masters and giving SmackDown! the win over Raw


The next match was another tag team match involving Rob Conway and Tyson Tomko versus Eugene and Jimmy Snuka, who won the fans' vote with 42%. The team of Conway and Tomko dominated Eugene in the early start of the match. Eugene, however, fought back by avoiding Tomko's attacks. Eugene tagged Snuka in and performed a series of chops to Conway's chest and headbutted him in the process. In retaliation, Tomko attacked Snuka from behind, but Eugene fought him off, as he extended his arm out and knocked him out of the ring and out of the match. Eugene performed a jawbreaker on Conway, which proceeded with Eugene to lift Conway by holding his back horizontally and slamming it down, termed as a side slam. Snuka covered Conway for the pinfall victory. After the match, Tomko attacked Snuka and Eugene until Jim Duggan and Kamala came down and fought off Tomko.



The third match was between Carlito and Mankind, which was the gimmick chosen for Foley by the fans' vote with 52%. The match began with Carlito performing a dropkick on Mankind. Mankind, however, got the advantage over Carlito. Mid-way through the match, Mankind tried to use a steel chair on Carlito, but Carlito avoided getting hit, as he executed a drop toe-hold, sending Mankind to hit the steel steps. Mankind rose to his feet, which led Carlito to perform a standing dropkick, resulting in Mankind to hit the back of his head into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Mankind received the upper hand after he bended Carlito forward and hooked each arm behind Carlito's back, tucked his head under one of Mankind's arms, and then fell back to pull Carlito down flat on his face which caused Carlito to roll over. He then forced Carlito to submit with the Mandible claw and win the match.


The voting results for John Cena and Kurt Angle's opponent for the WWE Championship were then revealed, with Shawn Michaels winning. Kane and The Big Show, who were also contenders for the WWE title match, faced the World Tag Team Champions Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch for the World Tag Team titles. The match began with Kane and The Big Show dominating Cade and Murdoch early on. Cade and Murdoch fought back after Murdoch shoved Kane off the top turnbuckle. They performed a running chop block combination on Kane and taking the upper hand. The Big Show, who was tagged in, stood at 7 feet 0 inches (2.1 m) and weighed 500 pounds (230 kg), used his body size to his advantage as he squashed, or easily and quickly performed moves on, Cade and Murdoch. The match concluded after Kane and the Big Show grabbed and lifted Cade by the throat and slammed him down into the mat, a move called the chokeslam. This allowed the Big Show to pin Cade and become the new World Tag Team champions with Kane. After the match, Kane and the Big Show double teamed Murdoch, as they performed a chokeslam.



The next match was a Street Fight, a match without disqualifications and where scoring conditions can occur anywhere, between Jonathan Coachman and SmackDown! World Heavyweight Champion Batista. Goldust and Vader, were scripted to take part in the match, on behalf of Coachman. In the beginning of the match, Batista fought both Goldust and Vader, where they proceeded to beat him down in the corner. Batista, however, fought back with a series of shoulder block takedowns. Coachman, who stood on the outside, entered the ring, but did not last long, as Batista performed a clothesline on him. Batista attempted to perform a suplex on Vader, a move that consists of one wrestler picking up his opponent off the ground and then using a large portion of his or her own body weight to drive the opponent down on the mat, but Goldust managed to hit Batista with a kendo stick. This allowed Coachman to receive the advantage over Batista. The match concluded after Batista performed a sitout powerbomb on Coachman, a move Batista calls the Batista Bomb, to gain the win.


The sixth match was a Battle Royal, a multi-competitor match type in which wrestlers are eliminated until one is left and declared the winner, for the WWE Women's Championship between Ashley, Candice Michelle, Mickie James, Victoria, Maria and Trish Stratus, all of whom wore lingerie, which was voted by the fans' with 43%. In the match, James, as part of a storyline angle involving her being a devoted fan of Stratus, saved Stratus from being eliminated from the match, after Victoria tried eliminating her. Maria was tossed over the top rope by Stratus and James, thus being the first to be eliminated. Afterward, Michelle applied a submission move on Ashley on the top rope. Michelle turned around and was knocked off the ring apron by Ashley, making the second elimination of the match. Following the elimination of Michelle, Ashley was then eliminated by Victoria. The match concluded after Victoria hesitantly tried to eliminate Stratus, but James stopped her from doing so. James eliminated herself along with Victoria to allow Stratus to win and retain her Women's title.


The main match was a singles match between Ric Flair and Triple H. The match was a Steel Cage match, which gained 83% of the vote. During the match, Triple H sent Flair head-first into the steel cage, causing Flair to bleed from the head, the blood loss results from previous cuts that wrestlers perform before a match called blading. A spot in the match saw Triple H retrieve a steel chain in which he wrapped around his fist and attempted a diving fist drop from the top turnbuckle. Flair, however, countered as he raised his foot to hit Triple H in the face and performed a series of chops to Triple H's chest. Triple H controlled most of the match, until he attempted to apply the figure four leglock, a signature move of Flair's, which resulted in Flair sending him towards the steel cage. Flair followed this by biting the head of Triple H, resulting in him bleeding from his forehead, this often results when a wrestler is trapped, either in a corner of the ring or in a submission hold, as a desperation move. The match concluded after Flair reversed a move where Triple H would have tucked his head between his knees and jumped up to slam his head to the mat, with a back body drop and three chair shots to the head. This allowed Flair to escape through the steel cage door to win the match and thus retain his Intercontinental title.


The main event was the WWE Championship match, in which John Cena defended the title against Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels, who received the fans' vote to be part of the Triple Threat match. During the beginning of the match, Cena performed a back body drop on Angle, sending him to outside. Michaels, who had been thrown out of the ring, received the upper hand over Cena until Angle returned to the match and performed a variety of suplexes on both Michaels and Cena. Mid-way in the match, Angle and Michaels double teamed Cena, lifting him in the air crashing face-first on the Spanish announce table. Back in the ring, Angle lifted Michaels on his shoulders and spinned 90° to slam him down to the mat, a move Angle calls the Angle Slam, from the top of the turnbuckles. Angle then tried to apply the ankle lock hold on Michaels, but Cena came into the ring and clotheslined Angle out of the ring. Cena proceeded by executing a back body drop on Michaels and attempting to perform a fist drop with theatrics, but was pulled out of the ring by Angle, who tossed him over the security barricade. The match concluded when Angle caught Cena in the ankle lock. Michaels, who was on the outside, climbed the top rope and drove his ****ed elbow onto Angle's chest, who was laying on the mat holding onto Cena's ankle. Michaels performed a superkick, which saw the sole of his foot strike Angle's chin, a move in which Michaels calls Sweet Chin Music. Following this, Cena lifted Michaels over his shoulders and threw him down to execute the FU. Cena got the pinfall victory and thus retained his title.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/e7/MNrawlogo.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>ROSTER</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>MAIN EVENTERS</strong></p><p><strong>


BIG SHOW</p><p>

JOHN CENA</p><p>


SHAWN MICHAELS</p><p> </p><p>

--------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>



TRIPLE H</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>UPPER MIDCARDERS</strong></p><p> </p><p>

ROB VAN DAM</p><p>





RIC FLAIR</p><p> </p><p>

--------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>






TYSON TOMKO</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MIDCARDERS</strong></p><p> </p><p>


VAL VENIS</p><p> </p><p>

--------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>





DANNY BASHAM</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>LOWER MIDCARDERS</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-----</p><p> </p><p>

---------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>




LANCE CADE</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>OPENERS</strong></p><p> </p><p>

MICKIE JAMES</p><p> </p><p>

--------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>


ROMERO</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ANNOUNCERS</strong></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>BACKSTAGE INTERVIEWER</strong></p><p> </p><p>

TODD GRISHAM</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>RING ANNOUNCER</strong></p><p> </p><p>

LILIAN GARCIA</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>CHAMPIONS</strong></p><p> </p><p>





<span>http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/29/FridayNightSmackDown!.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>ROSTER</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAIN EVENTERS</strong></p><p> </p><p>




CHRIS BENIOT</p><p> </p><p>

-----------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>


RANDY ORTON</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>UPPER MIDCARDER</strong></p><p> </p><p>







ROAD WARRIOR ANIMAL</p><p> </p><p>

-----------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>




BOOKER T</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MIDCARDERS</strong></p><p> </p><p>



PAUL LONDON</p><p> </p><p>

-----------------------------------</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>



NUNZIO</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>LOWER MIDCARDERS</strong></p><p> </p><p>

BRIAN KENDRICK</p><p> </p><p>

----------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>







SUPER CRAZY</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>OPENERS</strong></p><p> </p><p>

BOBBY LASHLEY</p><p> </p><p>

---------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

MR. KENNEDY</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MANAGERS</strong></p><p> </p><p>


STACY KEIBLER (NO 'CLIENT' ATM)</p><p> </p><p>

--------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>


SHARMELL (BOOKER T)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ANNOUNCERS</strong></p><p> </p><p>

MICHAEL COLE AND TAZZ</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>BACKSTAGE INTERVIEWER</strong></p><p> </p><p>

MARIA KANELLIS</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>RING ANNOUNCER</strong></p><p> </p><p>

TONY CHIMEL</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>CHAMPIONS</strong></p><p> </p><p>






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<strong>PREVIEW</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

After Edge refused to participate in the tag team match last night, RAW lost to Smackdown. Edge is set to explain why he did what he did last night during RAW.</p><p> </p><p>

RAW is set to kick off with Mr McMahon making an announcement concerning the main event at Survivor Series. Tune in to find out what it is!</p><p> </p><p>

Confirmed Matches:</p><p> </p><p>

Trish and Ashley vs Melina and Victoria</p>

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<p><strong>DARK MATCHES</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Torrie Wilson defeated Candice Michelle in 6:31 by pinfall with a Swinging Neckbreaker. </p><p> </p><p>

Rating: C</p><p> </p><p>

Cade & Murdoch defeated The Heart Throbs in 6:22 when Trevor Murdoch defeated Romeo by pinfall with a Top Rope Bulldog.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: C+</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tn7PVyLDg0U&hl=en&fs=1z" rel="external nofollow"></a></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/e7/MNrawlogo.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

RAW starts with highlights from last nights main event at Taboo Tuesday between John Cena, Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship in which John Cena was victorious.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: A*</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tn7PVyLDg0U&hl=en&fs=1z" rel="external nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tn7PVyLDg0U&hl=en&fs=1z</a></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

After RAW’s theme the camera focuses on the entrance ramp where the pyro begins to go off with the theme still being played in the background. </p><p> </p><p>

JR: “Hello everybody and welcome to Monday Night RAW, live in the sold out, Palace of Auburn Hills, I am Jim Ross, here with Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler and Jonathon Coachman at ringside after a great night last night at Taboo Tuesday.” </p><p> </p><p>

Lawler: “John Cena managed somehow to defeat Shawn Michaels AND Kurt Angle to walk out STILL WWE Champion!” </p><p> </p><p>

Coach: “And also Edge disgraced RAW by not competing in the tag team match enabling Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio to pick up the victory for Friday Night Smackdown.” </p><p> </p><p>

Lawler: “Now why do you have to bring that up Coach, Smackdown got lucky but RAW is still the number 1 show!”</p><p> </p><p>

JR: “You’re damn well right King.”</p><p> </p><p>

<em>NO CHANCE…NO CHANCE THAT’S WHAT YOU’VE GOT</em></p><p> </p><p>

Mr McMahon’s theme begins. As he makes his way to the ring, he I greeted to with cheers from the crowd.</p><p> </p><p>

Lilian: “Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, the chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment…MR MCMAHON!”</p><p> </p><p>

McMahon walks to the ring. When he is in the ring he goes towards the corner of the ring and grabs a mic. His theme stops and he waits for the crowd to calm down before beginning.</p><p> </p><p>

“Hello and welcome to Monday Night RAW!” The crowd give a huge roar. “Last night as you all know was Taboo Tuesday and when I was backstage watching the event a match grabbed my attention. This match was the Smackdown vs RAW match in which Smackdown were victorious.” There is a mixed reaction from the crowd. “This match gave me a great idea. I have spoken to both Theodore Long and Eric Bishoff and they both agree that this rivalry between the two shows needs to end. The next time WWE is on PPV is Survivor Series and at Survivor Series the main event is going to be a traditional Survivor Series, 5 on 5 elimination match where 5 superstars from RAW, take on 5 superstars from Smackdown in a battle for brand supremacy. These 5 superstars will all have to qualify for the right to represent their brand.”</p><p> </p><p>

McMahon pauses as the crowd pop</p><p> </p><p>

“Both of the World titles will still be on the line though at Survivor Series and a match must take place for the title with the current champion facing a challenger. Good night and enjoy the show.”</p><p> </p><p>

Vince’s theme begins to play again as the crowd pop at the huge match that was just made.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: A*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match 1: Kane and The Big Show © vs Viscera and Val Venis (World Tag Team Title Match AND Survivor Series Qualifying Match)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

With it all up for grabs, the tag titles and the right to represent RAW at Survivor Series, Kane and Big Show faced off against Val Venis and Viscera. Kane and Venis started the match and Kane started to destroy him. Kane and Big Show make frequent tags to keep fresh and isolate Val Venis. After Val Venis reverses a Chokeslam attempt from Kane, he manages to tag in Viscera and Kane also manages to tag in Big Show. The two giants stand toe-to-toe in the centre of the ring staring off. Big show makes the first bit of offence and manages to knock Viscera to the ground. Kane enters the ring and they hit the double chokeslam on Viscera. Kane knocks Venis off the apron while Big Show picks up the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

“Here are your winners and STILL World Tag Team Champions and going onto Survivor Series, Kane and The Big Show”</p><p> </p><p>

Big Shows music hits as both men start to make there way backstage</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: B+</p><p> </p><p>

<em>I’M BACK…AND BETTER THEN EVER</em></p><p><em>


Eric Bishoff’s theme continues as he makes his way to the ring to the jeers of the crowd. </p><p> </p><p>

Lilian: “Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome, the general manager of Monday night RAW, Eric Bishoff!”</p><p> </p><p>

The jeers continue as Bishoff enters the ring and grabs a mic. The music cuts as he goes to speak.</p><p> </p><p>

“As you all know, RAW lost at Taboo Tuesday.”</p><p> </p><p>

Lawler: “Thanks for reminding us!”</p><p> </p><p>

Bishoff: “But at survivor series, we have the chance to prove it was a fluke last night. Both Kane and The Big Show have already qualified for this match. One person is eligible for this match and he is John Cena.”</p><p> </p><p>

The crowd pop</p><p> </p><p>

“John Cena has to defend his WWE Championship at Survivor Series as Mr McMahon ordered and to prove RAW is in a different league to Smackdown, we must not only win the Survivor Series match but also have the better World title match and this brings me onto tonight. Tonight our main event will be a number 1 contenders match for John Cena’s WWE Title at Survivor Series. The winner will face Cena at Survivor Series and the loser will be part of the RAW team at Survivor Series. Tonight, the main event will be, Kurt Angle…vs…‘The Heartbreak Kid’ Shawn Michaels.” </p><p> </p><p>

Bishoff grins as his music begins to play and he makes his way backstage.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: A*</p><p> </p><p>

The camera cuts backstage where we see Trish Stratus getting ready for her match which is next.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: A</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match 2: Trish Stratus and Ashley vs Melina and Victoria</strong></p><p> </p><p>

With Mickie James in the corner of Trish Stratus, she teamed up with Ashley to take on Victoria and Smackdown diva Melina. Ashley started the match against Melina and gained full control of the match but Melina managed to reverse a DDT attempt by Ashley and tag in Victoria. Victoria began to destroy Ashley but the match swung in the favour of Ashley and Stratus when Mickie James got involved by grabbing the leg of Victoria. Ashley and Victoria both made the tag and Trish and Melina entered the ring. Melina went for a closeline but Trish ducked and when Melina turned around, she got hit with the Chick Kick. 1…2…3! Ashley and Stratus won.</p><p> </p><p>

“Here are your winner, the team of Ashley and the WWE Women’s champion, Trish Stratus!</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: B </p><p> </p><p>

<em>YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME…</em></p><p> </p><p>

Edge’s music hits to huge jeers from the crowd.</p><p> </p><p>

“Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome, Edge and Lita!”</p><p> </p><p>

Edge and Lita make their way down the ramp, the money in the ban briefcase in Edge’s one hand, and Lita hand in the other. Edge runs into the ring as Lita walks around the ring and grabs a mic. Lita passes Edge the mic as Edge helps Lita in the ring. Edge’s music stops as the crowd calm down.</p><p> </p><p>

“So…Chris Masters and Snitsky lose last night and suddenly its might fault that Smackdown won? I have had people come up to me asking why I didn’t compete in the match last night and I have said the same thing over and over again and I’m sick of it. So I came out here tonight to make it clear that I do not give a damn about representing RAW.”</p><p> </p><p>

The crowd jeer as Edge and Lita grin.</p><p> </p><p>

“I mean, I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world and a shot at any world title whenever I want. I can become world champion whenever I want so why should I care whether RAW is the dominant brand or not. If Smackdown win at Survivor Series I can easily just move to Smackdown if I wanted to. I do not care whether Smackdown or RAW win.”</p><p> </p><p>

The crowd jeers get louder</p><p> </p><p>

“And to top it off, Eric Bishoff has the nerve to ask me to be in a match tonight to qualify for that match! I should not even have to qualify. I am the Rated R Superstar I should be named captain without wrestling a match. And just to let you all know, I am not competing in the Survivor Series match and I’m not facing Chavo Guerrero tonight, but Chavo don’t worry, I’ve spoken to Eric Bishoff and he has found a suitable replacement.”</p><p> </p><p>

Edge drops the mic as his theme begins. He and Lita make their way backstage.</p><p> </p><p>

Jim Ross: “What a ****y superstar, he would be privileged to represent such as great show.”</p><p> </p><p>

Lawler: “Edge is so far up his own rear, I’m surprised he hasn’t suffocated.”</p><p> </p><p>

Coach: “Edge may be ****y but he does have that briefcase with a guaranteed title shot.”</p><p> </p><p>

Jim Ross: “He only has a few months left to use it though, after WrestleMania, he cannot cash in that contract.”</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: B+</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match 3: Shelton Benjamin vs Carlito (Survivor Series Qualifying Match)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

In the second Survivor Series Qualifying match, Carlito and Shelton Benjamin faced off in what was expected to be a fast paced match. Shelton got the better start to the match with many high-flying moves. Carlito couldn’t get any offence and when he did it was immediately countered by Shelton. Shelton hit the T-Bone Suplex but Carlito managed to roll a shoulder up before the 3 count. Carlito slowly starts to get back into the match. Carlito goes for a backcracker but Shelton reverses it and irish whips Carlito into the ropes and goes for a T-Bone suplex but Carlito reverses it into a backstabber and picks up the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

“Here is your winner, CARLITO.”</p><p> </p><p>

Carlito celebrates in the ring as his music plays</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: B</p><p> </p><p>

The camera cuts backstage where Ric Flair is walking where Triple H runs up behind him and attacks him, throwing him into the wall. HHH then picks up a sledgehammer. He waits for Flair to get to his feet then smashes the sledgehammer into his stomach before grabbing a chair a smashing Flair in the face causes him to bleed. HHH then says to Flair who is unconscious, “You think last night was the end of it? Do ya? This is going to end at Survivor Series when I beat you so bad, you can’t answer a 10 count!” HHH laughs and walks off.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: A*</p><p> </p><p>

Chavo Guerrero is in the ring waiting for his opponent. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>ONE OF A KIND…HEY..HEY…HEY</em></p><p> </p><p>

RVD comes out to a huge pop from the crowd.</p><p> </p><p>

Jim Ross: “VAN DAM! VAN DAM IS BACK!”</p><p> </p><p>

Lawler: “Mr. Monday Night returns!”</p><p> </p><p>

Coach: “Van Dam was injured earlier this year.”</p><p> </p><p>

Jim Ross: “Listen to the reaction, the crowd are on their feet!”</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match 4: Rob Van Dam vs Chavo Guerrero</strong></p><p> </p><p>

In his return to action, Rob Van Dam faced Chavo Guerrero to see who would be on team RAW at Survivor Series. Van Dam started off the match the better hitting many kicks to Chavo and executing some high-flying moves. The match turned in Chavo’s favour when he delivered a chop block to the leg Van Dam injured. Chavo kept Van Dam ground, locking in many submission moves and applied holds to the leg of Van Dam, but he would not quit. When Chavo started to taunt the crowd, Van Dam started to recover and when Chavo went to pick him up, Van Dam kicked Chavo in the head knocking him out. Van Dam went to the top rope and delivered a 5-star frog splash to pick up the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

“Here is your winner, Rob Van Dam!”</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: A*</p><p> </p><p>

After the match, Van Dam celebrates in the ring before going to the crowd to celebrate his return.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: A</p><p> </p><p>

The camera cuts backstage where John Cena is standing. “Tonight, the main event is Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels. The winner faces me for the WWE Title at Survivor Series. No matter which man wins, I will be the underdog in the match. You have the only Olympic gold medallist in WWE history and The Heartbreak Kid. These two have both held multiple titles; they are two of the most successful wrestlers in the business today. But whether it be Shawn Michaels or Kurt Angle, I can GUAREN-DAMN-TEE YA, I WILL NOT GO DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT, SO SHAWN MICHAELS, KURT ANGLE, YOU WANT SOME, COME GET SOME!”</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: A*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAIN EVENT: Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels</strong></p><p> </p><p>

With the winner getting a shot at John Cena’s WWE Title up for grabs, you can be sure both men will be up for this match. The match started with a lock-up, Michaels managed to push Angle into the corner. Michaels released Angle before he was disqualified. The two went back into the centre of the ring and did another lock-up. Michaels again forced Angle into the corner but when Michaels let go of the hold, Angle hit a vicious right hand which sent Michaels flying. Angle gained full control of the match hitting many suplex’s and locking in many submissions. When Angle irish whipped Michaels into the ropes, Michaels countered it and hit a closeline With both men down, Michaels suddenly jumped to his feet and went to the top rope and then hit the elbow onto Angle. Michaels then went to tune up the band, when Kurt got to his feet, Michaels went for the sweet chin music but Angle caught Michaels and locked in the ankle lock. With the hold locked in the centre of the ring, Michaels had to tap out giving Angle the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

“Here is your winner, Kurt Angle!”</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: A</p><p> </p><p>

After the match, John Cena comes down to the ring. He and Angle stare at each other as this weeks edition of RAW comes to an end.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: A*</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating: A</p>

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With 2 matches announced for Survivor Series, John Cena will face Kurt Angle for the WWE Title. The other match announced is Team RAW (Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, Carlito, Kane and The Big Show) vs Team Smackdown, which the participants will be announced on Smackdown. It will also be announced on Smackdown who will face Batista for the World Title at Survivor Series. Also expect, HHH vs Ric Flair to take place at Survivor Series in a Last Man Standing Match that was teased on RAW.


The Survivor Series poster has been revealed. As you see below, Undertaker is on it. Expect him to either return at Survivor Series or before but expect him to make an appearance at some time in the event.




WWE have signed 4 divas on a development contract. Barbie Blank, Talia Madison, Angel Williams and Lacey Von Erich. These will all train at Ohio Valley Wrestling and expect them to debut some time during 2006.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/29/FridayNightSmackDown!.jpg</span><p> </p><p>

<strong>PREVIEW</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

With SmackDown winning at Taboo Tuesday, SmackDown now need to decide upon a team for Survivor Series to face RAW. There will be 3 qualifying matches on Smackdown to decide the team in the same way as RAW, a tag team match, 2 singles match and the loser of the #1 contenders match.</p><p> </p><p>

The US Title will be on the line when Booker T defends his title against Christian. Can Captain Charisma defeat Booker T and capture the United States Title?</p><p> </p><p>

With Batista's World title on the line at survivor series, Eddie Guerrero will go one-on-one with 'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Beniot. Who will win and go onto Survivor Series? Tune into SmackDown to find out!</p><p> </p><p>

Confirmed Matches:</p><p> </p><p>

Christian vs Booker T (United States Title Match)</p><p>

MNM vs Matt Hardy & Rey Mysterio (Survivor Series Qualifying Match)</p><p>

Chris Beniot vs Eddie Guerrero (#1 Contenders Match for the World Heavyweight Title)</p><p>

Batista vs Slyvan (Non-Title Match)</p><p>

Randy Orton vs Hardcore Holly (Survivor Series Qualifying Match)</p><p>

JBL vs Orlando Jordan (Survivor Series Qualifying Match)</p>

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New LOD defeated The Mexicools in 5:35 when Road Warrior Animal defeated Psicosis by pinfall with a Top Rope Powerslam.


Rating: B


Brian Kendrick defeated Simon Dean in 9:47 by pinfall with a Sliced Bread #2.


Rating: C







After SmackDown’s theme the camera focuses on the entrance ramp where the pyro begins to go off with the theme still being played in the background.


Cole: “Good Evening and welcome to Friday Night SmackDown, TV that is changing Friday nights, live in the sold out Verison Arena in Washington DC. I’m Michael Cole here at ringside with Tazz, and Tazz at Taboo Tuesday SmackDown defeated RAW to show that SmackDown is the number 1 show in WWE.”


Tazz: “Yeh, Taboo Tuesday was off the hook, but now we need to focus on Survivor Series where SmackDown will face RAW in a classic Survivor Series match.”


Cole: “Team RAW was announced this past week and consist of Kane, The Big Show, Carlito, Rob Van Dam and Shawn Michaels and tonight it’s our turn to decide upon the team.”


Tazz: “And our main event tonight is ‘The Rabid Wolverine’ vs ‘Latino Heat’, Chris Beniot vs Eddie Guerrero, the winner faces Batista for the World title at Survivor Series, the loser is on team SmackDown!”




“Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome, the general manager of Friday Night SmackDown…Theodore Long!”


The crowd pop as Teddy Long makes his way to the ring. He grabs a mic as the crowd calms down.


“Holla Holla Holla and welcome to SmackDown. As you all know, 3 weeks from Sunday is WWE Survivor Series, and at Survivor Series, RAW will face SmackDown in a 5 on 5 traditional Survivor Series Match. Tonight, those 5 men teaming up for SmackDown will be decided tonight! We will see Randy Orton vs Hardcore Holly, JBL vs Orlando Jordon and MNM vs Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio. Tonight also we will see ‘The Animal’ face Slyvan. The United States Championship when Booker T defends his title against ‘Captain Charisma’ and tonight, our main event will be one to remember when Chris Beniot faces Eddie Guerrero, the winner faces Batista at Survivor Series! Enjoy the Show!”


Rating: B


Match 1: Randy Orton vs Hardcore Holly (Survivor Series Qualifying Match)


In the first match of the night, Randy Orton and Hardcore Holly faced off. Holly got off to a great start in the match knocking Orton down with fists to the face. Orton could not build any offence but when Holly swung a right hand, Orton ducked and hit a back breaker. Orton then gained full control off the match; keeping Holly grounded and locked in some submissions move. Holly reached the rope each time to break up the count. Out of nowhere, Holly hit the Alabama slam but Orton managed to kick out before the 3 count. The match was now firmly in Holly’s hands but when Kennedy ducked another right hand, he hit the RKO for the win.


“Here is your winner…The Legend Killer...Randy Orton!”


Rating: B+


The camera cuts backstage where Stacy Kiebler is putting the finishing touches to her outfit before her match which is next!


Rating: A


Match 2: Stacy Kiebler vs Christy Hemme


In a very typical diva match, both divas got a bit of offence in the match. The match started very even with just slaps and punches. Nobody could get any upper-hand in the match. When Stacy kicked Hemme in the head she went to the top rope. Christy Hemme got up quickly though and ran and put Stacy in a powerbomb position. Stacy managed to reverse it into a roll-up for the pin.


Rating: C




After the commercial break, the camera cuts back to the ring where Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy are standing. Matt’s theme cuts and Matt begins to talk.


“As you all know last Sunday, me and Rey teamed up at Taboo Tuesday to represent SmackDown, and we won! Earlier this week we were both thinking about the match and we both realized, that we make a decent team…”


Matt is interrupted by Rey who continues.


“A great team even. So we decided that if we team up so well the first time, then come the 6th or 7th time, we will be even better.”


Matt then starts talking


“And that is why, Rey and I, have formed an alliance, and after tonight, we will go onto represent SmackDown, then our eyes are on the WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS!”


Rating: A


Match 3: MNM vs Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio


Rey starts the match off against Joey Mercury. The match starts quickly with Rey sliding across the ring to avoid Mercury’s shots. Mercury eventually hits Rey with a kick to the face which knocks him out cold. Mercury and Nitro begin to make frequent tags to isolate Rey. They perform several double team moves. They go for a double suplex but Rey manages to land on his feet and tag in Matt Hardy. Matt takes out Mercury which a side effect, then delivers one to Nitro. Matt hits another side effect to Mercury then another to Nitro. Matt then hits a twist of fate to Mercury who then rolls out of the ring. Nitro meanwhile has moved towards the ropes and while trying to get up is on the middle rope. Rey seizes the opportunity and hits the 619. Nitro then staggers backwards and is hit with a Twist of Fate. Matt picks up the victory for him and Rey.


“Here are you winners, Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy!”



Rating: B+



The camera cuts backstage where Batista is making his way to the ring


Rating: A*


Match 4: Batista vs Slyvan


In a match Batista fully dominated from the off, Slyvan created little offence. The match started with a huge closeline by Batista. Batista then began to taunt Slyvan as he was measuring him and hit a spear. slyvan then after got slammed to the mat with a huge Spinebuster. Batista then did his signature thumbs up-thumbs down taunt followed by a Batista Bomb to end to match in under 2 minutes.



Rating: B


The camera cuts backstage where Maria is standing. “Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time, Eddie Guerrero!”


The crowd pop as Eddie steps in view of the camera


Maria starts, “So, Eddie, tonight you have the chance to face Batista for the title, but you first have to beat Chris Beniot. You are friends of both of these so do you think you can beat them.”


Eddie laughs and starts by saying, “Maria, I know I am known for lying but when I say this I mean it, they was one of the best questions I have EVER been asked I mean, do I think I can beat Batista and Chris Beniot?” Maria smiles as Eddie continues, “I’m not sure to be honest but if I didn’t think I could beat everybody on the roster, I wouldn’t be here. I may be friends with both of them but when a shot at a title on the line and even a World title on the line, friendship means nothing. You could put me in the ring with somebody I can’t stand; I would still give the same amount of commitment then with anybody I am friends with! So Maria, to answer your very good question, Yes I do!”


Rating: B+


Match 5: JBL vs Orlando Jordan


Two tag team partners faced off for a place on team SmackDown. Orlando Jordon got off to a very quick start hitting fists to the face of JBL. Out of nowhere JBL hits the closeline from hell. Orlando Jordan somehow manages to kick out. JBL controls the match and begins to punish Jordon. JBL attempts a powerbomb but Jordon reverses it and hits a DDT. JBL manages to kick out before the 3 count. Jordon then attempts a running powerslam and hits it. It looks over but JBL manages to roll a shoulder up just before the 3 count. Jordon begins to get frustrated and then irish whips JBL into the ropes who bounces off the ropes and hits the closeline for hell to pick up the victory. JBL picks up Jordon and raises his hand as a sign of respect for his tag team partner.


“Here is your winner, John Bradshaw Layfield, JBL!”


Rating: B+


The camera focuses on Cole and Tazz who hype the next match, Christian vs Booker T.


Rating: B+



Match 6: Christian vs Booker T w/Sharmell for the United States Championship


With both men in the centre of ring the match begins. Christian gains the upper hand in the match, performing a few high flying moves. The momentum turns in Booker’s favour after Sharmell trips Christian up when he was bouncing off the rope. Booker began to punish Christian. Booker then kicks Christian in the abdomen; Christian then bends down as Booker goes for the scissors kick but Christian moves and attempts the Killswitch. Booker reverses and goes for an irish whip which Christian reverses and sends Booker flying over the top rope. Christian then leaps over the tope rope and lands on Booker. The two then brawl outside the ring as the ref begins to count. The two continue as the ref reaches the 10 count.


“Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is a draw, so still United States Champion…Booker T!”


Rating: A


A graphic is shown saying that Eddie Guerrero vs Chris Beniot is next


Rating: A*


Main Event: Eddie Guerrero vs Chris Beniot


In the main event of the evening, Chris Beniot and Eddie Guerrero faced off. Beniot got the upper hand in the start of the match. After beating Eddie for a while, Beniot tried to finish it, he went for the hat-trick of german suplex’s but Eddie blocked the third and reversed it into the 3 amigos. Eddie hit them and then went to the top rope. Eddie went for the frog splash but Beniot moved. Beniot then locked in the sharpshooter in the centre of the ring. Eddie began to edge closer to the bottom rope but Beniot dragged him back to the centre. Eddie again began to reach for the bottom rope and got it to break the hold. Beniot then goes to pick Eddie up but Eddie reverses it into a small package. Beniot manages to kick out before the 3 count. The match continues pretty even but Beniot hit the hat-trick of german suplex’s and went to the top rope, Eddie moved then ran to the top rope and hit the frog splash to pick up the victory.


“Here is your winner, Eddie Guerrero!”


Rating: A*


After the match, Eddie is celebrating when Beniot goes up and stares at him. He then offers his hand to Eddie and they shake hands in the centre of the ring to conclude SmackDown.


Rating: A*


Overall Rating: A

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With Survivor Series just 3 weeks away, John Cena is set to kick off RAW addressing his Survivor Series opponent, Kurt Angle. Also, World Tag Team Champions Kane and Big Show are set to face off with Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio. Will anybody interfere? What is to happen between Ric Flair and Triple H? Tune into RAW to find out


Confirmed Matches:


Trish Stratus vs Victoria for the WWE Women's Championship

Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy vs Kane and Big Show

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  • 7 months later...



Chavo Guerrero defeated Eugene in 8:34 after cheating


Rating: A


Tajiri defeated Rob Conway in 9:12 by pinfall with a Buzzsaw Kick


Rating: B+




After RAW’s theme the camera focuses on the entrance ramp where the pyro begins to go off with the theme still being played in the background.


JR: "Hello everybody and welcome to Monday Night RAW, live in Madison Square Garden where we are just 3 weeks away from Survivor Series! I am Jim Ross, here at ringside with Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler and Jonathan Coachman!"


Coach: "Yes and at Suvivor Series, RAW will get a chance at payback when we face Smackdown in a traditional 5 on 5, Survivor Series match!"


Lawler: "The RAW team consists of 'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels, 'The Largest Athlete in the World' Big Show, 'The Big Red Machine' Kane, 'Mr Monday Night' Rob Van Dam and the coolest man in the WWE, Carlito! That is a forminable team! Smackdown stands no chance!"


JR: "It is a great team but Smackdown has Randyy Orton, Chris Beniot and JBL who are former World Champions and Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio, who beat two RAW Superstars at Taboo Tuesday!"


Coach: "Don't be such as kill joy JR, we're going to win easily!"


JR: "I'm not too sure about that but I have to admit, I don't see any weaknesses in the RAW team and Smackdown have a tough challenge at Survivor Series!"




The crowd give a huge pop as Cena stands on the ramp with the WWE Championship held high in the air.




JR: "The crowd are going wild for the WWE Champion, who will defend his title against Kurt Angle at Survivor Series!"

Lilian Gracia then announces, "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, the WWE Champion...JOHN CENA!"


Cena runs into the ring and grabs a microphone. He stands in the center of the ring and waits for the crowd to calm down. "WOW! What I great reaction here in perhaps THE greatest arena in the World and THE CHAMP IS HERE! Last week, Kurt Angle defeated Shawn Michaels and now he will face me at Survivor Series with the WWE Championship on the line. Kurt Angle is an olympic gold medalists, a former World Champion, he is one of the best technical wrestlers in wrestling history, but I am the WWE Champion and Kurt, if you think I'm going to just lie down and let you beat me at Survivor Series, then you've got another thing coming, because I will not down without a fight! Angle, IF YOU WANT SOME, COME GET SOME!"


Kurt Angle's music hits and a chorus of booes comes from the crowd.


JR: "Looks like we are going to have Survivor Series right now!"


Cena looks at the entrance ramp waiting for Angle but he comes out the crowd with a steel chair. He smashes the chair off the back off Cena. He repeatedly smashes it off Cena before lifting him up before hitting the Angle Slam. He then smashes the chair off the ankle of Cena before locking in the ankle lock. He cranks up the pressure before Cena is forced to tap out.


JR: "By God, Angle has destroyed the champ!"


Lawler: "Angle has sent a message to his Survivor Series opponent!"


Angle is making his way down the ramp when Edge runs down a delivers a huge spear to him. Lita quickly follows with the Money In The Bank briefcase. Edge gets into the ring and Lita hands the briefcase to Lilian Garcia.


"The following contest is sheduled for one fall, and it is for the WWE Championship!"


A ref runs down to the ring as they wait for Cena to get to his feet.


Coach: "The Rated R Superstar is cashing in his Money In The Bank contract right now! What a way to kick off RAW!"


Lawler: "Edge could be just moments away from winning his first World Championship!"


Cena slowly gets to his feet and the bell rings


Match 1: John Cena © vs Edge for the WWE Championship


As soon as the match begins Edge hits a spear before going for the cover...1...2...3! Edge wins the WWE Title






Lita gets into the ring and jumps on Edge and he holds the WWE Title in his hand


Coach: "Edge is the World Champion!"


Edge and Lita kiss in the center of the ring as we cut to a commercial.


Match 2: Trish Stratus © vs Victoria for the WWE Women's Championship


In the second championship match of the night, Trish Stratus with Mickie James at ringside defended her title against Victoria. Victoria came close to winning the title when she hit the Widows Peak but Trish somehow managed to get a foot on the rope. Victoria continued to dominate the match but when Trish ducked a closeline, she hit the Chick Kick before picking up the pinfall.


Trish holds her Women's Title in the air when Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury run into and grabbed Trish before dragging her through the crowd


JR: "What the hell?"


Lawler: "What arre Nitro and Mercury doing?"


Coach: "I don't know why you are so suprised, this is the sort of stuff I expect from Smackdown superstars, they are all pathetic!"


JR: "Next time you call Batista and The Undertaker pathetic, make sure I'm not here Coach! But folks, if you've just tuned in, you have missed perhaps the most shocking moment of the year when Edge cashed inn his Money In The Bank against John Cena to win the WWE Championship."


We see some footage from earlier tonight when Kurt Angle attacked Cena before Edge ran down to the ring and cashed in the Money In The Bank briefcase.


JR: "And tonight Edge is going to spark even more contraversy with a live sex celebration with Lita!"


Coach: "But more importantly, what does this mean for our WWE Title match at Survivor Series, is it now a triple threat match?"


Lawler: "I have no idea, I guess we're just going to have to wait!"




JR: "I guess we're going to find out now!"


"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the RAW General Manager, Eric Bishoff!"


Bishoff gets into the ring and grabs a mic as a chorus of booes echoe around the arena. "What a night its been so far. John Cena finally loses the WWE Championship. What Edge did earlier was brillant. Nobody in this arena expected him to cash in his contract tonight, heck, neither did I, but now Edge is finally WWE Champion, he first World Championship here in the WWE and tonight, he is going to celebrate with a LIVE SEX CELEBRATION. But at Survivor Series, Edge will defend his WWE Championship but against who might you ask. Well, Kurt Angle defeated Shawn Michaels last week so he should get a title shot, and John Cena has a rematch clause so he should also get a title shot. It doesn't take a genious to work out what is going to happen, at Survivor Series, it will be Edge vs Kurt Angle vs John Cena in a triple threat match for the WWE Championship!" Bishoff drops the mic as his theme hits.


Lawler: "I guess that answers your question Coach!"


The camera then cuts backstage where we see Nitro and Mercury tieing Stratus to a chair. Melina then comes in view of the camera. "Trish, I guess your wondering what we are doing here on RAW? Well, we came here tonight to make a little announcement. We could have made it in the ring, but we thought this would be more fun. Trish, at Survivor Series, Smackdown and RAW will collide in a 5 on 5 Survivor Series match to reveal who the dominate brand truely is. But that isn't going to be the only Smackdown vs RAW match, because Trish, at Survivor Series we are going to go one-on-one for the WWE Women's Championship so what do you say about that?" Trish is clearlly frustrated and annoyed, "Your a physco!" Melina then suddenly slaps Trish around the face, before we cut back to the ring.


Inside the ring we see Triple H standing in the center of the ring with heavy booes from the crowd. "Last week on RAW, I attacked Ric Flair backstage and left him bloodied. I said that at Survivor Series, I'm going to beat him so bad, he can't beat the 10 count. Since then many people have been asking me if that means that we are going to have a last man standing match at Survivor Series and I just replied, wait and see. And now its time, so Falir, gets you ass out here."




The crowd get on their feet as the nature boy makes his way to the ring, looking more serious then normal, he just walks to the ring with a suit on. Flair gets in the ring and Triple H gives him a mic. "Ric, lets not beat around the bush here, I called you out for one thing, to challenge you to a match to end this once and for all at Survivor Series in a Last Man Standing match!"


"Hunter, we've been through a lot together in the WWE, but I always thought it would be OK as long as The Game and The Nature Boy were together. I mean, just look at Evolution, we were unstoppable because we were together. But a few months ago, you betrayed me, knocked me out with aa Sledgehammer and with that, ended the greatest group in WWE history. Hunter, I respect you as a competitor, but when you betrayed me and ended our friendship, you lost my respect for you as a human. I thought Taboo Tuesday was enough to end this but since you don't think its is the end, I accept your challenge, because I want to end this, I want to put this past us and become the unstoppble force we were, so at Survivor Series I'm not only going to beat you, I'm going to knock some sense into you...WWWOOOOOO!"


Triple H then suddenly punches Flair in the face, knocking him to the mat. Triple H picks him up and then hits the pedigree. He stands above Flair as the camera cuts backstage.


The camera cuts backstage where we see medics pushing John Cena who is on a stretcher into a waiting ambulance which quickly speeds off.


Match 3: Shelton Benjamin vs Rene Dupree w/Rob Conway


After losing last week against Carlito, Shelton Benjamin looked to get back to winning ways against Rene Dupree, who had Rob Conway at ringside. Benjamin took control of the match in the early goings of the match but Conway tried to interfere. Shelton Benjamin was having none of it and jumped over the top rope and took out Conway. Shelton gets back into the ring but Dupree quickly takes advantage of the distraction by assaulting Shelton. Dupree stepped back and waited for Shelton to get bac to his feet, then ran towards him, but Shelton hit the T-Bone Suplex, picking up the victory.


The camera cuts backstage where we see the RAW team for Survivor Series standing. Shawn Michaels begins, "OK, so next, Kane and Big Show face Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio, now we all know what Mysterio and Hardy are capable of, but we can be sure that the rest of Team Smackdown will be here tonight so that is why me , Rob and Carlito are going to be waiting at the door of the arena, waiting for them, and when we do, we are going to destroy them, and show them why RAW is better than Smackdown and make sure they never turn up on OUR show again. We need to but our personal differences aside for the sake of this show, we need to show why RAW is the flagship show and why we are the better competitors!" Michaels puts his hand in the center, before the rest quickly put their hands on top of each other. Michaels continues, "On 3! 1,2,3!" They all remove their hands and Kane and Big Show make their way to the ring while the rest make their way backstage.


MAIN EVENT: Kane and Big Show vs Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio


The match kicks off with Matt Hardy and Kane. These two men knew each other a bit too well and neither could gain any control of the match, so Kane tagged in Big Show. Big Show then took control of the match and started to throw Hardy across the ring, until Hardy was forced to make a tag to Mysterio. Rey was flying all over the rring but he couldn't knock Big Show off his feet. Rey then started to kick Show in the back of the knee, which took him down to his knees. Rey then jumped off the ropes but Show caught him before hitting the chokeslam. Show went for the cover but suddenly, Randy Orton, JBL and Chris Beniot jumped out the crowd and got into the ring and attacked Kane and Big Show, causing a DQ. Beniot then grabbed Kane and put him position for a German Suplex, and when Kane was in mid air, JBL ran towards him and hit the Closeline from hell! Orton then waited for Kane to get back to his feet then hit the RKO. Show got back to his feet but was knocked straight back down by a chair shot to the face by Hardy. The Smackdown team stand tallin the center of the ring until Michaels, Carlito and Rob Van Dam run down the ramp causing Team Smackdown to run through the crowd.


After a commercial we go back to the ring to see a bed in the center of the ring




Edge and Lita make their way to the ring as the crowd boo heavily. "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, Lita and the NEW WWE CHAMPION, the Rated R Superstar...EDGE"


JR: "If you missed it folks, earlier tonight, Edge cashed in his money in the bank briefcase, winning the WWE Title."


Coach: "And it was a superb strategy by Edge and now he's champion!"


Both Edge and Lita get into the ring and Lita gets a microphone which she give to Edge. "You never saw that coming did ya? I took advantage of a weakened John Cena and won my first World Championship in the WWE. I waited and waited for months to cash in that title shot, and I saw my opportunity and I seized it, now its time to celebrate this great achievement. MMany people would just have a little party but sized I am the Rated R Superstar, I take things one step further, so its now time for the LIVE SEX CELEBRATION! But while we just get ready, here is a recap of what happened earlier."


We see the footage that we saw earlier of the attack by Angle and then Edge cashing in his contract as we go back we see Edge and Lita under the sheet on the bed. They continue to have sex until Kurt Angle's music hits andd they stop. Angle runs down the ramp and Edge quickly escapes the ring but Lita doesn't. As Edge makes his way down the ramp with his WWE Title Angle is in the ring with Lita still in the bed. Angle looks at Edge before turning to Lita. Angle then grabs Lita before hitting the Angle Slam on her onto the bed. The crowd go nuts as we conclude as shocking Monday Night RAW!


NOTE: Sorry it took so long to write this show lol. Anyway, after looking at some of my failed diaries, this is the one i regret not continueing the most, as I felt i had some

good ideas and the time period is one of my favourites in recent memories. So I'm going to continue this diary and hopefully keep it running for a while.

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On RAW, Edge became WWE Champion and now the WWE Title match is now a Triple Threat Match. The Survivor Series Card now stands as:


Team RAW (Shawn Michaels, Kane, Big Show, Carlito and Rob Van Dam) vs Team Smackdown (Chris Beniot, JBL, Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton)


WWE Title Match: Edge © vs John Cena vs Kurt Angle


World Heavyweight Championship Match: Batista © vs Eddie Guerrero


WWE Women's Championship Match: Trish Stratus © vs Melina


Last Man Standing Match: Ric Flair v Triple H


This seems like it will be the final card, another match could be added but no more than 2 more.


WWE have signed several superstars. 29 year old Antonio Banks, 19 year old Harry Smith (son of Davey Boy Smith), 20 year old Cody Rhodes (Son of Dusty Rhodes and Brother of Goldust) and 23 year old Ted DiBiase Junior (Son of Ted DiBiase) have all signed a development deal with WWE and will be sent to OVW. It is believed at the moment, Banks will debut sometime next year, and Smith, Rhodes and DiBiase are likely to be teamed together in a second generation superstar style stable.


WWE have also signed Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin (known for their time in ROH and TNA). They are likely to be teamed together and debut in the coming weeks. Matt Sydal has also been signed by WWE and its to debut in the coming weeks on Smackdown to help add depth to the cruiserweight division. CM Punk has also been called up from OVW, he is going to debut before the end of the year.


A close source has told us that Vince McMahon is preparing to push several stars to the top of the WWE. Cena and Batista were pushed earlier in the year and apparently in 2006, Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio, Rob Van Dam, Shelton Benjamin and maybe Christian will recieve big pushes

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The Mexicools defeated London and Kendrick in 7:43 when Super Crazy defeated Brian Kendrick by pinfall with a Moonsault


Rating: B


Scotty 2 Hotty defeated Nunzio in 5:56 by pinfall with The Worm


Rating: C-





After SmackDown’s theme the camera focuses on the entrance ramp where the pyro begins to go off with the theme still being played in the background.


Cole: “Good Evening and welcome to Friday Night SmackDown, TV that is changing Friday nights, I’m Michael Cole here at ringside with Tazz, and Tazz we are just 3 weeks away from Survivor Series."


Tazz: "Survivor Series is going to be off the hook, 5 RAW Superstars vs 5 Smackdown superstars in a battle for brand supremacy."


Cole: "And this week on RAW, team Smackdown showed why we are the number one show when they took out the World Tag Team Champions, Kane and the Big Show."


Tazz: "And Cole, at Survivor Series, Smackdown's Melina has the chance to bring the Women's Championship to Friday Nights."


Cole: "But Tazz, to do that, she has to defeat perhaps the greatest Women's Champion in WWE history, Trish Stratus and no doubt her 'biggest fan' Mickie James will get involved."


Tazz: "But Melina will have the WWE Tag Team Champions MNM in her corner, and they will do anything to help Melina walk away with the gold."




The crowd give a huge roar as Eddie Guerrero enters the arena in his low rider.


Cole: "Speaking of Survivor Series, Eddie Guerrero has the chance to become a 2 time World Champion, as long as he can defeat 'The Animal' Batista, and the crowd are loving Eddie!"


Tazz: "The crowd are on their feet, for Latino Heat...hey, that rhymes."


Cole: "Your a poet and didn't know it."


Tazz: "Ok don't push it Cole."


Eddie gets in the ring and has a mic in hand. "Last week, I beat an amigo of mine, Chris Beniot. It was tough, but I won the match and now I have to face another amigo of mine, Batista. I faced Batista at Smackdown's last PPV, No Mercy. I lost that match, but I learnt from my mistakes from that match, and at Survivor Series, I will do what it takes to become World Champion. At No Mercy, I let my respect for Batista get in the way of winning the gold, and at Survivor Seriies, I won't do the same again, I'll lie if I have to, I'll cheat if I have to and I'll steal if I have to, I'll do whatever it take to become a 2 time World Champion but at Survivor Series, I will not only become the NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, I will also be declared the World Champion of the number 1 brand when my boys on Team Smackdown beat Team RAW!"




Cole: "Its time to unleash the animal!"


The crowd go wild as Batista stands on the ramp with a mic in hand, his music cuts as he continues to make his way down the ramp while talking, "Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. First of all I would like to congratulate you on your win last week. Chirs is a great competitor and it was a huge win for you." Batista is now in the ring as he continues, "Eddie, you say at Survivor Series you will lie, cheat and steal if you have to. Eddie, I know you well, over the past few months we have learnt a lot about each other, and other the past few monthhs, I've gained a huge amount of respect for you, and I know you have gained respect for me, and thats why you didn't cheat at No Mercy. Eddie, you don't lose respect for someone that quickly without them doing something terrible, and I've done nothing. So if you couldn't hit me with the chair at No Mercy, what makes you think its going to be anything different at Survivor Series? Huh?...Didn't think so."


"Your right Dave, what difference does a few months make? Well Batista, the reason I didn't hit you with the chair at No Mercy was because I thought you deserved better than being cheated out of your title, but at Survivor Series, I can't feel bad for breaking the rules, if there isn't any." Eddie drops his mic as his music hits and makes his way back up the ramp


Cole: "What does that mean?"


Tazz: "Is our main event at Survivor Series a no dq match?"


We cut to a commercial and when we return, Bobby Lashley is making his way to the ring while his opponent, Simon Dean already in the ring.


Match 1: Bobby Lashley vs Simon Dean


Simon Dean starts the match by punching Lashley in the face constantly but Lashley just stands there, he then hits a huge closeline on Dean, knocking him down, and when he gets back up, nocks him back down with a closeline. Lashley then picks Dean up and hits a running powerslam, Lashley then picks Dean back up and then hits the Dominator for the win.


After the match we see a short video of an unknown worker and short bits of footage of his career outside WWE. We then here a voice, "I'm CM Punk, I'm the Straight Edge Superstar, and I'm coming to Friday Nights." We then see some writing saying, 'CM Punk coming soon to' Then we see a Smackdown logo underneath as we then cut backstage.


We see Maria standing with a microphone. "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, 'The Legend Killer' Randy Orton." Orton comes in view of the camera to a mixed reaction from the crowd. "Randy, last week, you defeated Hardcore Holly to qualify to represent Smackdown against RAW at Survivor Series, it has been announced also that you will be co-captain of the Smackdown team alongside Chris Beniot, a man you beat at SummerSlam last year, do you think you two can work together?"


Orton starts calmy but gets more serious and louder as he goes on "Maria, me and Chris now each other well, yes I beat him at Summerslam, but after that match, he told me that I gained respect from him. After that night, he helped me when I needed him with Evolution, so no, I don't think we can work together, I know we can. But captain or not, its a honour for me to represent this show. I have some good memories of my time of RAW, but also terrible times, I won the World Title, but after, I was constantly attacked by people such as Triple H. I was constantly put behind the older superstars and overlooked, I was constantly assaulted and I was sick of it. I was walked over all the time and I was just seen as a young star, a whipping boy and I worked my way to the top, but as soon as I got their I was knocked off by Triple H. On RAW everybody was against me, and when I found out I was drafted to Smackdown, I had a great feeling inside. Now I have a chance to show RAW what they missed, and I promise, after Survivor Series, SMACKDOWN, will be the flagship show in WWE!"


We cut back to the ring where we see the Peep Show set up




The crowd give a huge pop for Christian as he makes his way to the ring.


Tazz: "The peeps are going crazy for Christian."


Cole: "And last week, Christian came close to becoming United States Champion, but both him and Booker T got counted out, which meant Booker T retained his title."


Tazz: "I don't think Christian will give up on winning that title though Cole, he is going to try and win that title."


Christian gets into the ring with a microphone in his hand. "Last week, I faced Booker T for the United States Champion. The match was going well but then, I got a bit carried away and got counted out. I know that it is my fault I'm not United States Champion right now, but I will be US Champion soon, because at Survivor Series, me and Booker T are going to have a rematch for the United States Championship. This time I will not get counted out, and I will walk out United States Champion. But that is Survivor Series, and now its the Peep Show. And my guest is the man I will be facing at Survivor Series. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the United States Champion Booker T, and his wife Sharmell."




Christian looks at the ramp but Booker T comes out from under the ring and attacks Christian with a lead pipe. He continuosly smashes it off the gut and back of Christian he the picks up Christian and Sharmell hits a Low Blow, making Christian bend over, and when he does, Booker T hit the scissors kick. He then does the spin-a-roony as we cut backstage.


Backstage we see Teddy Long sitting in his office when Batista rushes in. "Teddy!" "Yes, Batista" "Why did you not tell me my Survivor Series was a No DQ match?" Teddy begins to laugh, "Whats so funny Teddy?" Teddy stops laughing and then says, "Well, it the fact that Eddie got you, your match isn't a No-DQ match, it will be a normal 1 on 1 match." Batista laughs a bit before walking out.


Match 2: Mr Kennedy vs Funaki


Funaki started the match well, but Kennedy hit a drop kick when Funaki went to the top rope. After that, Kennedy had full control of the match. he stomped on Funaki while he was on the ground, punishing him. He then hit a suplex on Funaki before going to the top rope and hitting the Kentom Bomb for the win.


A mic then comes down from the roof and a spotlight is put on Kennedy. "And the winner of the match......MMMMIIIIISSSSSTTTTEEERRRR KKKKEENNNNNNEEEDDDYY...KENNEDYYYYYY!"


We cut backstage as Melina is putting on some make up before her match which is next.


Match 3: Melina vs Stacey Keibler


The number one contender for the Women's Title at Survivor Series had a 'warm-up' match, ahead of Survivor Series which is just over 2 weeks away. Melina dominated the match throughout and hit a new finisher called Califorian Dream for the win.


After the match, Melina is celebrating in the ring when Trish Stratus runs in. She begins to attack Melina when Nitro and Mercury jump into the ring and grab her. They hold Trish as Melina slaps her in the face. Nitro and Mercury then put Trish up and drop her with a Snapshot. Melina then instructs Mercury and Nitro to do it again, which they do. Melina then says, 'One More Time'. Mercury and Nitro lift up Trish but as they have in ready, two men run down the ramp. They get into the ring and attack Mercury and Nitro.


Cole: "What the hell? Who are these?"


Tazz: "I don't know, but they are taking it to the Tag champs."


The two workers continue to attack Mercury and Nitro until they roll out the ring to save themselves from further attack from the two workers and are met by Melina. The two workers then help pick up Trish in the center of the ring.


The camera cuts backstage where Batista is standing. He begins to talk, "Well done Eddie, you proved you can lie, but this isn't going to make any difference come Survivor Series. You can lie, but we both know you won't cheat at Survivor Series, and I will walk out of Survivor Series, STILL World Champion. But tonight, we are going to team up, to take on the Smackdown team captains Chris Beniot and Randy Orton, so Eddie, you better be ready!"


We cut to the ring where Juventude is ready for his match. Shannon Moore's musics hits and the crowd pop as he rushes to the ring to start the match.


Match 4: Juventude vs Shannon Moore


When Moores gets in the ring he kicks Juventude in the head. He takes full control of the match until he is knocked off the top rope by Juventude. He then attacks Moore, both with high-flying moves and ground moves until Moore contered a hurricanarana into his own and got a three count. Moore quickly gets out the ring as Juventude smashes the mat in anger, knowing even though it was a non-title match, he could easily lose that title if he faces Moores again.


The camera cuts bacstage where we see Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio and JBL making their way to the ring.


Match 5: JBL, Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio vs William Regal, Paul Burchill and Hardcore Holly


In a match which was really to make Team Smackdown look strong, Hardy, JBL and Mysterio dominated throughout with a few scares though such as when Hardcore Holly nearly hit the Alamba Slam on JBL. The match came to an end when Hardy hit the Twist of fate on Paul burchill, who tried then to use the ropes to get to his feet, but was hit with a 619 by Mysterio and then turns around into a Closeline from Hell. Hardy then picks up the pinfall for his team.


After the match, JBL, Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio are celebrating in the ring when Team RAW run out from the crowd and attack them. Kane and Big Show hit a double chokelsam on JBL, Michaels then hits the Sweet Chin Music on Hardy and Carlito hit the Backcracker on Mysterio. Van Dam goes to the top rope and hit the 5-star-frog splash on JBL. They stand above the three stars until Beniot, Orton, Batista and Eddie Guerrero all run out as Team RAW then run through the crowd. The 4 stars then get ready for tag team action next.


Main Event: Chris Beniot and Randy Orton vs Batista and Eddie Guerrero


In the main event, team Smackdown captains Randy Orton and Chris Beniot teamed to face the two superstars in the main event of Survivor Series, Eddie Guerrero and Batista. The match was even throughout, but it came to an end when Batista went to tag in Eddie, but Eddie then jumped off the apron and grabbed the World Title and went up the ramp Batista stared at him but then turned into a RKO and Orton picked up the victory to conclude Smackdown

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  • 2 weeks later...





Earlier this month, Viince decided to tape the last 2 RAW's and Smackdown's weeks proir to Survivor Series, to keep all Superstars fresh, earlier today they were taped and here are thhe results: (this is really because my computer was broke last week, and on holiday tomorrow, but Survivor Series will be posted by a friend of mine using my account)


RAW Week 1:


RAW kicks off with Edge, who cuts a promo about last week. Angle and Cena come out and the three argue about who rightfully deserves to be wwe champion. The segment ended with Edge crawling out an FU and making his way up the ramp and Angle hitting the Angle slam on Cena in the center of the mat.


Next is Ric Flair vs Shelton Benjamin, in a fairly decent match up, Shelton got the win after an inerference from Triple H.


It is announced that tonight, Kurt Angle and John Cena will team up to take on Edge in a handicap match.


We see Team RAW backstage where Michaels says that tonight, RVD will face Randy Orton.


The next match is Trish Stratus vs Torrie Wilson, Trish gets the win and then after, MNM run down and attack her, until the mystery tag team make the save. They announce that they are Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin, Murder City Machine Guns and they are going to face MNM for the tag titles at Survivor Series.


The next match was Eugene vs Chirs Masters, a squash match where Masters got the win.


We see Edge burst into Eric Bishoff's office. He asks him why he has been put in a handicap match. After the two argue for a bit, Bishoff says he will have a tag team partner then, and that is Lita.


John Cena thens cuts a promo on Edge, saying he will become champion again at Survivor Series.


Next is RVD vs Orton. Team RAW make their way down to the ring with Van Dam but there is no sign of Orton. We then see on the titron Orton with Eric Bishoff in the parking lot, He delivers an RKO onto a car to him, before challenging team RAW to come and do something about it. They do and when they get there they are met by Team Smackdown. It turns into a 10 man brawl. The brawl finishes when Big Show and Kane hit a double chokeslam onto the concrete to Orton, leaving him screaming in pain as Team RAW retreat and Team Smackdown check on him.


The main event is Lita and Edge vs Kurt Angle and John Cena. During the match Edge refused to tag in Lita. The match ended when Angle left Cena to fight for himself, and when Edge hit the Spear, he couldn't get the cover, so Lita tagged herself in and hit a Snap-DDT on Cena before picking up a shock victory. Edge and Lita stand tall in the center of the ring to conclude RAW


Smackdown Week 1:


Smackdown starts with Randy Orton in the ring, who is heavily bandaged from what happenned on RAW. Orton says that he returned to RAW, only to be treated like a second rate superstar again. He says that nothing is going to be better then beating RAW at Survivor Series. He then challenges Kane and Big Show, to a handicap match tonight.


The first match of the night is Shannon Moore vs Super Crazy in a number one contenders match for the Cruiserweight Title next week. Moore picked up the win and will face Juventude next week for the title.


Backstage we see Orton with Chris Beniot. Chris pleads with Randy not to go through with the match, but Randy doesn't listen and says that tonight, he is going to take out the Tag Team Champions, single handedly.


We see Maria backstage when she introduces Booker T and Sharmell. She does a interview which leads to her saying that Booker never actually beat Christian a few weeks ago. Booker seems insulted by it and starts screaming at Maria, who tries to baack away from Booker but there is a wall there. Sharmell then shouts at Maria telling her to never insult her man again before slapping her in the face.


The next match is Bobby Lashley vs Slyvan. Lashley picks up the win easily. After the match, a video is again played hyping the debut of CM Punk.


It is announced that tonight wee will see Maria and Christian vs Booker T and Sharmell


Murder City Machine Guns defeated William Regal and Paul Burchill when shelley hit the Shellshock on Regal. MNM then attack Shelley and Sabin after the match, screaming at them saying they will never win the tag titles.


Mr Kennedy defeated Stevie Richards. He did he usually mic work before and after the match. Quick match which was won with the Kentom Bomb.


Backstage, we see Maria and Christian talking, Maria looks nervous but Christian manages to somehow calm her down and says everything will be alright.


We see Team RAW enter the building, the are met by secruity who say only Kane and Big Show are allowed in he arena and quickly throws out the rest.


Randy Orton vs Kane and Big Show is next. The match started with Kane and Big Show dominating but just a few minutes into the match, Orton hit a low blow to Kane, and then to Big Show. Orton gets out the ring then grabs as many weapons as possible from under the ring. Orton goes onto crush the hands of Kane and Big Show with weapons such as charis, baseball bats and a sledgehammer. We see on the titron that Team RAW are trying to make in past secruity, and when they do, they are met y the rest of Team Smackdown who assault Team RAW.


The main event of the night was Christian and Maria vs Sharmell and Booker. Sharmell and Maria start the match but Sharmell quickly tags in Booker who then kicks Maria in the face. Booker continues to attack Maria, and mocks her by allowing her to get close to Christian before kicking her again. Booker then tags out and Sharmell goes towards Maria, but Maria hits a DDT out of nowhere. Sharmell manages to make a tag, then so does Maria. Booker looks worried and tags in Sharmell. Christian backs Sharmell into his teams corner but turns around and ducks a kick by Booker who then hits Sharmell. Christian then hits the Killswitch and Booker rolls out the ring. Maria tags herself in a then picks up the victory for her team.


In the main event segment of the night, it was a contract signing between Eddie Guerrero and Batista. Both men sign the contract before Batista puts Eddie through the table with a Batista Bomb before picking up his World Title that Eddie stole last week.


RAW Week 2:


RAW kicks off with Eric Bishoff in the ring with Team RAW. He says what Orton did to Kane and Big Show was cowardly. He says that Orton should have been a man. He then says the reason RAW treat him like second rate talent because he is a second rate talent, on a second rate show. Orton thens comes out to the ramp and says that he is not a second rate talent, he is the youngest world champion in history. He brags about what he did to Kane and Big Show before saying they deserved it. They almost brroke his back last Monday night and so he retailated. He then says that att Survivor Series, he will prove that the only second rate show, is RAW! Bishoff tells Orton to put his money where his mouth is and face Rob Van Dam now, like he was supposed to last week. Orton accepts.


The first match of the night is RVD vs Randy Orton. Van Dam takes control of the match at the start, kicking him in the inured back and shoulder. Orton then begins to takee control when he hits a huge closeline but is tripped up by Bishoff, who like the rest of Team RAW is on the outside of the ring. Van Dam goes for the rolling thunder but Orton moves then hits the RKO. Orton is about to win but Carlito puts Van Dam's foot on the bottom rope, stopping the three count. Orton then rolls out the ring and gets in Carlito's face before slapping him and then quickly gets back into the ring but is met by a kick to the back of the head by RVD, who then goes to the top rope and hits a 5-Star Frog Splash, picking up the win. Team RAW then get in the ring and as they are about to attack Orton, Team Smackdown run into the ring and send Team RAW running.


Next we see Edge and Lita backstage. Edge says that last week, Lita beat John Cena. She pinned him fair and square in the center of the ring, and if John Cena believes he should still be champion, Lita proved that he is just a pathetic excuse for a wrestler.


The next match is Shelton Benjamin vs Triple H. After defeating Ric Flair last week, Shelton looked to continue with a huge victory over Triple H which he shockingly got. The match came to an end when Triple H went for a pedigree but Ric Flair ran down and jumped on the apron, Triple H ran towards him but Flair jumped off the apron and when Triple H turned around, he turned into a T-Bone Suplex, picking up a huge win.


We cut backstage where we see John Cena walking backstage through the locker room. As he walks past people you can hear quiet giggling towards Cena. Cena says yees he got pinned by Lita, but only because Angle left him and Edge speared him, and anybody would have suffered the same fate as him last week.


Next up is Melina and Candice Michelle vs Trish Stratus and Mickie James. Melina picked up the victory for her team when she pinned Mickie James.


Eric Bishoff is backstage, he says that John Cena got embrassed last week, and he loved it. Tonight John Cena will face Lita, and if John Cena loses again, he won't be in the Triple threat match at Survivor Series.


The next match was Kurt Angle vs Tyson Tomko. Angle picked up the victory after locking in the ankle lock.


Backstage, we see Flair and Triple H arguing. They say that this has to end at Survivor Series. Flair then turns around but is attacked by Triple H who leaves him in a bloody mess.


The main event is John Cena vs Lita with Edge at ringside. The match started with Lita slapping Cena. Cena then chases Lita as she goes outt the ring and back in. As Cena gets back in he is hit with another slap before Lita attempts a Snap-DDT, Cena managed to stand up and then hits the FU on Lita. Cena picks up the vicotyr but Edge then attacks Cena in the ring. Edge gets Lita back up to her feet and she then hits the Snap-DDT on Cena. Angle then runs down to the ring and hits the Angle Slam on Edge and then onto Lita, leaving bodies on the mat as he stands tall.


Smackdown Week 2:


Smackdown kicks off with Batista in the ring. He says last week was a statement, and took back his World Title in the process, and now he has it back, he isn't planning on losing it on Sunday. Eddie comes out and says that Batista said a few weeks ago, Eddie couldn't lie, cheat or steal against Batista. Eddie reminds Batista a few weeks ago he lied about it being a No-DQ match, he stole the World title, now there is nothing stopping him from cheating at Survivor Series. Theodore Long comes out and says that they need to put their differences aside, because tonight, they are in a 3-on-2 handicap match against Edge, John Cena and Kurt Angle.


The first match of the night is Murder City Machine Guns and Trish Stratus vs MNM. MNM picked up the victory when Nitor and Mercury hit the Snapshot on Alex Shelley.


Team Smackdown are backstage. Orton says that on Monday, if it wasn't for Team RAW, he would have beat Rob Van Dam, but still, we made a statement, we sent RAW running on their own show. Tonight, Batista and Eddie are facing the RAW main event art Survivor Series, and we need to make sure they win.


The next match is Shannon Moore vs Juventude for the Cruiserweight title. Moore had the match won when he hit the Mooregasm but Psicosis and Super Crazy interfered, saving the title for Juventude. The mexicools attack Moore until London and Kendrick make the save.


Backstage we see Maria. She announces her guest as Christian. Christian talks about how good Maria was last week. He says that she pinned the United states Champion's wife, and on Sunday he will win the US Title. After Maria begins to flirt with Christian, it looks as if the two are about to kiss but they are both suddenly attacked by Booker T and Sharmell, who after what seems ages, leave them both unconsoius.


Team RAW are in the ring, and Michaels gets a mic. He rips into the Smackdown team before calling them out. Randy Orton and Chris Beniot lead out their team. They get in the ringg and they all face off before they brawl. They continue until secruity stop them and Vince comes out and says that he is sick of the constant brawls and attacks. In this business, you do things in the ring, and they can do that at Survivor Series, but until then, all 10 men are barred from the arena. The stars are lead out in their teams.


The next match is Booker T vs Funaki. Booker wins in a squash. After the match Christian attacks Booker, leaving him out cold.


Mr Kennedy comes out and mocks the local crowd. He says he hasn't got a match this week, but he will be back soon.


Next is Bobby Lashley vs William Regal. Solid match with Lashley getting the win. After the match, we saw a video saying that CM Punk will be coming to Smackdown soon.


The main event is Edge, Angle and Cena vs Batista and Eddie Guerrero. Angle got the win for his team after Batista left Eddie halfway through the match. Angle pinned Eddie with an Angle Slam.





The final card for Survivor Series now looks like this:


Team RAW (Shawn Michaels, Kane, Big Show, Carlito and Rob Van Dam) vs Team Smackdown (Chris Beniot, JBL, Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton)


WWE Title Match: Edge © vs John Cena vs Kurt Angle


World Heavyweight Championship Match: Batista © vs Eddie Guerrero


WWE Women's Championship Match: Trish Stratus © vs Melina


Last Man Standing Match: Ric Flair v Triple H


WWE United States Championship Match: Booker T © vs Christian


WWE Tag Team Championship Match: MNM © vs Murder City Machine Guns

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Survivor Series 2005


The pyro exlodes on the ramp as Lights Out by POD echoes through the speakers into the arena. The camera points at various parts in the crowd with Team RAW or Team Smackdown signs before the camera goes to the announce table.


JR: "Ladies and Gentlemen Good Evening and welcome to Survivor Series 2005. I'm Jim Ross here at ringside with Jerry 'The King' Lawler and Jonathon Coachman, representing Monday Night RAW!"


King: "Tonight, Team RAW is going to wipe the floor with Team Smackdown and teach them never to come to RAW again."


Coach: "And King, when we do, we will teach them that we treat them like a second grand show, because they are a second grand show."


JR: "I'm not sure about that Coach, I would love to have many of the Smackdown superstars on RAW but I do believe that the RAW team is better on paper, but they have to perform tonight."


Coach: "And they will JR, RAW superstars perform to their best abilities every week and tonight, we will beat Smackdown."


King: "And our main event tonight will be a triple threat match between Edge, John Cena and Kurt Angle for the WWE Title."


Coach: "Edge shockingly cashed in his Money In The Bank briefcase a few weeks ago and got entered into


JR: "But now its over to Micheal Cole and Tazz who are represting Friday Night Smackdown."


The camera cuts to Michael Cole and Tazz.


Cole: "Thank you JR for being at least a bit respectful."


Tazz: "And Coach and King, you're going to eat your words when our team beats yours!"


Cole: "And also tonight, a huge rematch from No Mercy, Eddie Guerrero challenges Batista for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship!"


Tazz: "Eddie has proved to Batista he can lie and steal, something Batista thought Eddie couldn't do, but Batista says he still isn't convinced that Eddie will cheat is he has the chance tonight."


Cole: "But up next, its two of Smackdown's newest superstars, Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin, challenged MNM for the WWE Tag Team Championship."


Tazz: "Shelley and Sabin have been on fire since there debut a few weeks ago, and they have a chance to make their debuta golden one."




With no Melina at ringside, Mercury and Nitro faced one of their toughest challenges in Smackdown's newest tag team, the Murder City Machine Guns. Shelley and Mercury started the match and Shelley gaiined control when he kicked Mercury in the gut. He knocked him down with a punch and as Mercury got back to feet, kncoking him straight back down. Shelley put Mercury in a head-lock and dragged him towards the corner where Sabin tagged himself in. Sabin then kicked Mercury in the gut as Shelley gets back onto the apron. Sabin has full control of the match until he goes to the top rope. With the ref is distracted, Nitro knocks Sabin off the top rope and Mercury then tags in Nitro. Nitro jumps into the ring and starts kicking Sabin as he is on the ground. Nitro then goes to the top rope and hits a leg drop. He goes for the cover but Shelley breaks up the 3 count. Mercury then gets into the ring and he and Shelley start brawling in the ring. Shelley goes to throw Mercury over the tope rope but Mercury counters and sends Shelley over. The ref checks on Shelley and while he does so, Mercury and Nitro hit the Snapshot on Sabin in the center of the ring. Mercury quickly rolls out the ring and attacks Shelley as Nitro falls on the mat. The ref turns around and Nitro crawls to the cover and gets the three count.


Cole: "An impressive victory for Mercury and Nitro."


Tazz: "And without the help of Melina."


Nitro and Mercury stand in the center of the ring and hold the titles in the air.


Cole: "Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin put up a brave effort in their PPV debut but the experience of Mercury and Nitro proved to be too much for them to handle, but now its time to hand over to RAW, and the team of Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler and Jonathon Coachman."


Tazz: "Try to top that."


The camera cuts to the RAW announce table


Coach: "Is that all you've got?"


JR: "Tazz, we will top that because it is now time for the Last Man Standing Match, The Game, Triple H, against The Nature Boy, Ric Flair."


King: "These two men are future Hall of Famer's and they are battling for a final time tonight."


JR: "These two men have a long history together, they were best friends, leaders of Evolution, but that changed a few months ago and thing s come to a head inside a Steel Cage at Taboo Tuesday, Flair managed to walk out the winner, can he do it again? We'll see but first lets have a look back at this brutal rivarly."


We then see this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecc1Id3bYPY before the next match




Both men get into the ring and the match begins. The two lock up in the center of the ring. While they both try to push the other into the corner, we are reminded by JR, there are no pinfalls or submission, the only way to win is to beat your opponent so badly, they can't make the 10 count. We are also reminded Ric Flair's Intercontinental Title is NOT on the line is this match. In the ring, the lock-up is finally broken by Triple H, who kicks Flair in the gut. Triple H goes for the pedigree early on but Flair hits a low blow. Triple H falls to the floor and Flair then starts stomping on his legs. Flair thens rolls out the ring and grabs a chair. He gets back in and put his foot on Triple H's ankle to stop him moving. Flair then smashes Triple H's ankle with the steel chair before doing it a mutliple number of times. Triple H screams in the center of the ring as Flair goes back under the ring. He throws a chair into the ring before getting out a table and putting it in the ring. Flair gets back into the ring and grabs the chair as Triple H gets to his feet. Flair then ssmashes the chair of the skull of Triple H. With him on the ground, Flair plaaces the chair under the leg of Triple H, before getting the other chair and then smashes Triple H's leg. He drops the chair and places the table in the corner. He trys to throw Triple H towards it but Triple H counters it into a Spinebuster. Triple H gets to his feet and grabs Flair's legs. He thens catapults Flair through the tabe and both men fall to their feet. The ref begins to count. Triple H gets to his feet at the count of 4 and Flair begins to get to his feet. As he does, Triple H smashes the chair of his skull. Triple H then picks up Flair and launches him over the top rope. Triple H rolls out the ring and then whips Flair straight into the steel steps. Triple H then looks under the ring and pulls out another chair. He got to smash it off Flair but Flair ducked and the chair smashed off the steel ringpost. Flair then hits the chop block on Triple H before putting the steel steps into the ring. He gets in the ring and picks up the steel steps. Triple H gets to his feet but is knocked straight back down by the steel steps. Flair then quickly grabs the leg and locks in the Figure Four Leg Lock. Triple H screams in pain. He shouts abuse at Flair but Flair just retailiates by cranking up the pressure. Triple H crawls to the ropes and grab it. The ref counts to 4 and tells Flair to release the hold, but Flair refuses to. Eventually Flair releases the hold and the ref begins to count. Triple H gets up at the count of 4 but he falls straight back down. The ref again begins to count. Triple H manages to get back up at the count of 3. Flair bounces off the rope and goes for a closeline but Triple H ducks and then hits a pedigree onto a chair. Triple H gets to his feet and the ref begins to count. The ref counts to 6 and Flair begins to get up. Triple H looks shocked and quickly rolls out the rings and grabs from under the ring a sledghammer! He rolls back into the ring and as Flair gets up at the count of 8, he smashes it off the skull of Flair. The ref begins to count. 1...2...3...4...5...6...Flair starts to get to his feet once more and does so at the count of 9. Triple H looks even more shocked than before and when Flair gets up. Triple H smashes the sledgehammer of the gut of Flair. Triple H gets in position for a pedigree and then walks onto the steel steps. Triple H thens hits the pedigree onto the steel steps. The ref once again begins to count...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...This time Flair isn't getting up and the ref counts the 10. Triple H wins the match!


JR: "And Triple H picks up the victory here tonight."


Coach: "Triple H has said over the past few weeks that this fued ends tonight, and it might not just be the feud that ends, tonight could be the end for Ric Flair!"


King: "We have said time and time again, these types of matches shorten careers, and not only has this match shorten The Nature Boy's; but also it has shortened Triple H's."


JR: "And Folks, we still have a bunch of matches left, including 2 World Title matches, and the big one, Smackdown vs RAW in a traditional survivor series match."


We cut backstage where Maria is standing. "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, the number one contender for the United States Championship, Christian." Christian comes in view of the camera to a huge pop from the crowd. "Christian tonight, you have the chance to become United States Champion when you finally face Booker T..." Maria is cut off by Christian who grabs the mic from her. "Maria, if you wouldn't mind, I'll take it from here." Maria nods and goes out of view of the camera. "Booker, the past few weeks, you've attaced me, you have attack Maria for no reason at all. Tonight, Booker, you're going to have to put you're money were you're mouth is

because tonight, I'm going to take that US title from you, and tonight, I going to beat you so bad, you're going to wish you never turned up tonight!"


We then cut bacstage where Mercury, Nitro and Melina are standing. Melina begins to talk. "My match is next now and when I win, MNM will be full of gold. Now you two aren't allowed backstage, so you need to stop backstage, but if anything goes wrong, I need you 2 to get out their quickly. Wish me luck." Melina turns and begins to walk towards the ring, for her match which is next.




The first Smackdown vs RAW match of the night begins with Trish Stratus being knocked down with a huge slap by Melina. Melina then sit on top of Trish and starts banging Trish's head off the mat. She again slaps Trish before standing back up. Melina gets up and then kicks trish in the head before stomping on her serveral times.

Melina picks up Trish but Trish then tries to fight back with several fists to the face of Melina, but Melina just kicks Trish in the gut and is back in full control. Melina continues to have full control of the match, and had some near falls in the match. Trish couldn't get into te match at all but when Melina went for a closeline, Trish ducked

and when Melina turned around, she turned into a chick kick. Melina was knocked out and Trish managed to pick up the win.


Coach: "And it 1-0 to RAW!"


JR: "And more importantly, RAW keep their Women's Championship!"


Tazz: "We never wated it anyway. Why would we want the Women's Championship when we have 5 Women on our roster?"


Cole: "And when we already have the Cruiserweight Championship."


Tazz: "Exactly Cole!"


King: "Sounds like a bunch of sore losers to me."


JR: "RAW win the first Smackdown vs RAW match but the big one is later tonight, 5 RAW Superstars, vs 5 Smackdown Superstars."


We cut bacstage where we can see on a split screen, both teams talking.


Cole: "Both teams are discussing tactics before the match."


JR: "But up next folks, its our main event, Edge vs Kurt Angle vs John Cena, with the WWE Championship on the line."


Coach: "Edge cashed in his money in the bank briefcase 3 weeks ago, and this match was then changed from John Cena vs Kurt Angle, to a Triple Threat Match."


King: "This is Edge's first real test since becoming WWE Champion, and many people don't think he deserves to be World Champion, but tonight, he can prove those doubters wrong."


JR: "In my opinion, anybody who beats 5 other men in a ladder match at WrestleMania deserves to be World Champion."




The match begins and Edge quickly rolls out the ring. Angle and Cena trade punches in the center of the ring until they realize Edge isnt in the ring. They both look at each other before rolling out the ring. They both chase Edge and Edge gets back into the ring. Cena and Angle follow him and as they get in, Edge stomps on them before punching them in the back. Edge gained full control of the match, keeping both men grounded. Edge noticed that he had a great chance to win and so went for the Spear which he hit on Angle. Edge went for the cover but Angle managed to roll a shoulder up. Edge then went for the Spear on Cena, but as Edge charged towards Cena, Cena put his knee up, which knocked Edge down. Cena with both men down, Cena went for the 5-knuckle shuffle on Edge, and he hit it. Cena called for the FU and waited for someone to get to their feet. Angle was the first and Cena put him in position, but when he put Angle on his shoulders, Edge got up and hit a spear on Cena. Edge went for the cover but Angle broke up the 3 count. Angle then took full control of the match and hit suplex's on both Edge and Cena. Angle hit the Angle Slam on Cena and went for the cover but Cena managed to roll a shoulder up. Angle then went to do the same on Edge but Edge countered it into a Spear. Edge crawled to the cover and put his arm over Angle. The ref began to count but Angle managed to get his foot on the rope before the ref counted the ref, breaking up the pinfall attempt. Edge then went to the corner and measured Cena. Cena got to his feet and Edge charged towards Cena. Cena however caught Edge and put him on his shoulders for the FU. Edge maaged to get out of Cena's grasps and rolled Cena up. Edge however put both his feet illegally on the middle rope, and the ref counted the 3 without noticing.


JR: "Edge retains! Edge is still WWE Champion!"


Coach: "Edge did everything to try and retain that title, but good old fashioned cheating managed to win him the match."


JR: "I don't agree with Edge cheating to win, but Edge was impressive in this match, and was probably the most deserving of the 3 to win the match."


King: "Edge was by far the most impressive in the match JR, he dominated both Kurt Angle and John Cena, and if that doesn't prove he should be WWE Champion, nothing will."


The camera cuts backstage where Eddie Guerrero is standing. "Batista, over the past few weeks, I lied to you, I stole your World Championship, yet you still think I have too much respect for you, so I won't cheat? You clearly don't know me. I would cheat against anybody, Batista, the reason i didn't cheat at No Mercy wasn't because I had too much respect, it was because I felt sorry for you. And Batista, the little amount of respect I had for you, was lost this past week when you put me through the table. Batista, a few weeks ago, I stole your World Title, and tonight, I'm going to steal it again, but when I do, you won't be getting that title for a long, long time."




The match begins with Christian going straight at Booker with right hands to the face. Christian backs Booker into the corner. The ref begins to count and on the four, Christian moves away from Booker but then slaps him in the face, which knocks Booker to his knees. Christian then attacks Booker while he is on the ground. The ref again counts to 4 and Christian again breaks it up cleanly. Christian bounces off the rope but his leg is grabbed by Sharmell and Christian falls over. Booker gets to his feet and kicks Christian in the jaw. Booker continues to have full control of the match until Christian knocks Booker off the top rope before going there himself. It didn't prove to be any better when he got caught by Booker who hit the Book End. Booker went for the cover but Christian somehow manages to kick out. Booker is clearly frustrated but he manages to keep his cool and picks up Christian. He then kicks him in the gut and goes for the Scissors Kick. Christian moves at the last moment and then he hits the Killswitch. Christian gets to the cover and the ref begins to count. Just as the ref is about to count the three, Sharmell hits Christian, causing a DQ victory for Christian. Christian is clearly annoyed he hasn't won the title and backs Sharmell into the coorner. He then turns around and is met by a title shot to the head by Booker T, who then grabs Sharmell and makes his way up the ramp.


Cole: "Christian wins, but Booker is still US Champ."


Tazz: "And Cole, I can guarentee that thhis isn't the last time we see these two battle it out."


Cole: "I agree with you there Tazz, but now it is time for our World Championship match, can Eddie win the title? Its time to find out!"




The match begins with a lock-up in the center of the ring. Batista forces Eddie into the corner but breaks the hold at the count of 4. The two again lock-up and Batista again pushes Eddie towards the corner but this time, Eddie spins it around and gets Batista into the corner. Eddie breaks the hold at the count of 3 and then punches Batista in the jaw, knocking him to his knees. Eddie then hits a drop kick knocking Batista down. Eddie continues to have full control of the match. He goes to the top rope and waits for Batista to get to his feet, and when he does, Eddie leaps towards him but is caught by Batista who then slams Eddie to the mat with a huge Batista Bomb. Batista feels the match is won and taunts Eddie, before going for the cover but Eddie somehow gets a shoulder up. Batista tosses Eddie around the ring and continously goes for covers to try and end the match, but Eddie refused to go down and kept on kicking out. Batista was clearly getting frustrated and rolledout the ring and grabbed the World Title. He got back into the ring and the ref tried to grab if from him, but Batista instead hits the ref with a huge right hand, knocking him down. Battista then waits for Eddie to get to his feet, and then swung the title at Eddie, but Eddie ducks and then hits a low blow on Batista. Batista drops the title and Eddie then picks it up and smashes it off the face. Batista lay motionless in the center of the ring and Eddie throws the World Title out the ring. Eddie goes to the top rope and then hit the Frog Splash. Eddie goes for the cover as the ref begins to move. The ref finally starts the count...1.........2.........3NO! Batista manages to roll a shoulder up just before the ref makes the 3 count. Eddie then picks Batista and goes for the 3 amigos, but Batista blocks the first and then grabs Eddie and hits a Spinebuster. Batista then lifts Eddie up for the Batista Bomb but Eddie counters it into a Lasso From El Paso. He has it locked in the center of the ring and Batista can't make it to the ropes. He tries to turn the hold around but Eddie has it locked in too tight and Batista is forced to tap out.




The crowd go wild as confetti falls and Eddie is handed the title






Coach: "Calm down ladies, there is still another man."


Tazz: "Coach, why do you have to ruin it, we have a new World Champion and we're celebrating it."


King: "Coach, let them celebrate,its the only chance they are going to have to celebrate tonight."


Tazz: "Do you want me to come over there are kick your ass King?"


Cole: "Just leave it Tazz, neither of them are worth it."


Coach: "Why don't you just shut up Cole."


Tazz: "Coach, why don't you before I come over their and shut you up."


JR: "Why don't we just begin the match and all of us shut up."


We see on the screen a split screen where we see both Team RAW and Team Smackdown making their way to the ring.




The match begins with Chris Beniot and Carlito in the ring. Carlito slaps Beniot to start, and when he tries to do it again, Beniot catches him arm and then locks in the Crossface. Carlito screams in pain and begins to crawl towards his corner where their are 4 arms stretching for the tag. Carlito is within touching distance of making a tag and Beniot breaks the hold and goes to pull Carlito into the center of the ring but Carlito kicks him away and makes a tag to Big Show. Beniot stands toe-to-toe with the big man and hits a huge chop, which doesn't seem to hurt Big Show the slightiest. Show headbutts Beniot who then staggers back and tags in Hardy. Hardy gets into the ring and kicks Show in the gut. Show bends down and Hardy punches him hard in the skull. It seems to hurt Hardy more though who then tags in Mysterio. Rey leaps towards Big Show but he is caught in mid-air. Show goes to drop Rey with a chokselam but Rey coounters it and Show somehow ends on the middle rope. Rey then hits the 619. Rey again jumps towards Show and is again caught. This time Show hits the chokeslam and pins Rey.


Rey Mysterio is eliminated by Big Show


King: "And there goes the first, hopefully of many!"


Hardy gets into the ring and begins to attack Show with several right and left hands. Hardy shockingly knocks Show of his feet and then hits a Twist of Fate on Show. Hardy goes for the cover but Show kicks out at one. Hardy continues to attack Show but Show just pushes Hardy away and Show makes the tag to RVD. Van Dam hits kicks to the head of Hardy and Hardy eventually lays down and looks out cold. Van Dam then goes up top and hits the 5-Star Frog Splash. Van Dam goes for the cover and gets the pinfall.


Matt Hardy is eliminated by Rob Van Dam


JR: "And there goes Hardy, Smackdown have now lost 2 Superstars, RAW have lost none."


Tazz: "We can come back from this, don't you worry."


Orton gets into the ring now and kicks Van Dam in the skull. Van Dam then quickly tags in Kane. Orton and Kane stand in the center of the ring and Orton goes for the RKO but Kane pushes him away and Orton tags in JBL. Bradshaw relucatantly gets into the ring and is met by a huge right hand to the face. JBL looks out cold already and Kane looks for a Chokeslam and when JBL gets to his feet, Kane puts his hand around the throat of JBL, but JBL kicks Kane in the gut, before hitting the Closeline from Hell. JBL goes for the cover but Kane managed to kick out before the 3 count. JBL took full control of the match and made a tag to Beniot. Beniot went for a german suplex but Kane blocked it and tagged in Michaels. Micheals and Beniot battle it out in the center of the ring, neither gaining control of the match and when they hit a double closeline, both needed to make a tag. Both men did with JBL and Big Show getting into the match. JBL walked straight into a chokeslam by Big Show and JNL is eliminated.


JBL is eliminated by Big Show


King: "RAW aren't even breaking a sweat."


Coach: "You worrying yet Tazz?"


Tazz: "Considering we have a man who won the 2004 Royal Rumble, and the youngest World Champion in WWE History, no I'm not!"


Beniot gets back into the ring even though he just tagged out. He and Show stare at each before Beniot attempts to lock in the crossface. Beniot can't get Show to get on the ground so he kicks the back of Show's knees until he is flat on the ground and then he locks in the Crossface. With it locked in the center of the ring, Big Show has no choice but to tap out.


Big Show is eliminated by Chris Beniot


Tazz: "That is why I'm not worried!"


Cole: "Chris Beniot has made Big Show tap out!"


Carlito then gets into the ring and is imediately met by Beniot who locks in the crossface straight away and Carlito is forced to tap out.


Carlito is eliminated by Chris Beniot


Tazz: "See ya Carlito!"


Cole: "And now it is only 3-2 in RAW's advantage. The advantage cut down a lot in a matter of seconds."


Coach: "Don't get exicited Cole, we still have an extra man!"


Kane gets into the ring and is also met by Beniot locking in the crossface. Kane however rolls over and counters it into a pin attempt which Beniot manages to kick out from it. Kane begins to dominate the match and manages to tag in Van Dam. Van Dam continues the domination as Beniot desperately needs to make a tag. Van Dam tags in Michaels as he looks to end it for Beniot by tuning up the band. Beniot gets to his feet and manages to duck Sweet Chin Music and hits a german suplex. Both men crawl to a tag and both do as Kane and Orton get into the ring. Kane wraps his hand around the throat of Orton who then kicks Kane in the gut and hits the RKO. Orton gets the pinfall and Kane is eliminated.


Kane is eliminated by Randy Orton


Cole: "And now its level!"


King: "Come on Michaels! Get the Team together!"


Tazz: "What a display by our 2 captains!"


Michaels gets into the ring and hits the Sweet Chin Music on Orton but Orton falls back and Beniot tags himself in. Beniot and Michaels trade blows in the center of the ring and it end with Beniot delivering a hat-trick of german suplex's. Beniot then goes to the top rope and goes for the diving headbutt, but Michaels moves and as Beniot gets to his feet, he is hit with a Sweet Chin Music and Beniot is eliminated.


Chris Beniot is eliminated by Shawn Micheals


JR: "And RAW have the advantage once more, can we keep it this time?"


Tazz: "Come on Orton, you can do this!"


Orton gets into the ring behind Michaels. As Michaels turns around, Orton hits the RKO on Michaels,eliminating him.


Shawn Michaels is eliminated by Randy Orton


Cole: "Well that advantage lasted long!"


JR: "We are down to Van Dam vs Orton, one of these men will become heroes on their respective brands."


Van Dam gets into the ring. Orton and RVD stare at each other and then they begin trading blows Van Dam seems to get the upper hand and kicks Orton in the back of the head, knocking him down. Van Dam then hits the rolling thunder before going to the top rope and looking for the 5-star frog splash. Van Dam jumps but Orton quickly stands up and catches RVD with a RKO in mid-air. Orton goes for the cover...1...2...3! SMACKDOWN WIN!


Tazz: "YES! YES!"


Cole: "Orton does it! Smackdown win!"


King: "Damn it!"


Cole: "Maybe now we will get the respect we deserve!"


Several members of the Smackdown roster run down to the ring to celebrate with Orton


Coach: "Oh this pathetic."


Tazz: "Shut up Coach, this is our time to celebrate and this is just the beginning. We have spent too much time in RAW's shadows and now it's Smackdown's time!"




Cole: "Wait a minute...was that what I think it was."




Tazz: "I think it is Cole!"


Orton loos shocked in the ring and suddenly, an arm pops out from the canvas. Orton gets out the ring quickly as the rest of the superstars start to stomp on it. Then, Undertaker pops out from the canvas and begins to clean house. He first hits a chokeslam on William Regal before knocking everyone else out. He then grabs Mr Kennedy and hits a Tombstone on him. Undertaker then stares at Orton to conclude Survivor Series!

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NOTE: After this RAW, all shows should be back to normal


Raw this week was held in the NEC Arena in birmingham, England. We start with Eric Bishoff in the ring. He says that last night was a fluke, but we have to move on. And tonight, Edge's opponent for New Years Revolution will be announced when John Cena, Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels and the last RAW Superstar left in the Survivor Series match, Rob Van Dam.


Kane vs Carlito is next. Kane picked up the victory with a chokeslam. After the match, Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch run down to the ring and attack


Triple H delivers a promo next. He brags about what he did to Flair. He also says that last night he effectively ended Flair's career, and he's not here tonight, and won't be here for a long time.


Next match is Ladies in Pink (Victoria, Candice Michelle and Torrie Wilson) vs Trish Stratus, Mickie James and Ashley. Victoria pinned Trish after a Widows Peak. She gestured that she wants the Womens Title.


John Cena cuts a backstage promo. He says that tonight, he will win the fatal four way, and go onto win back his WWE Championship.


Edge and Lita are then in the ring. Edge says last night, he proved everyone wrong, and at New Years Revolution, it will be no different.


Next is Shelton Benjamin vs Tyson Tomko. Shelton picks up the win with the T-Bone Suplex. Another impressive victory for him. Maybe a IC Title run soon?


Chris Masters defeats Tajiri with a Masterlock. Squash match.


We see a limo arrive backstage and out steps Ric Flair to the shock of the crowd.


Flair gets into the ring. He says now this issue with Triple H is over, he can go back to defending his title. Out of nowhere, Flair is attacked by Shelton Benjamin, who made it clear he wants the IC Title.


Backstage, we see Shawn Michaels making his way to the ring for the fatal 4 way.


The main event is next, John Cena vs RVD vs Angle vs HBK. During the match, Triple H ran into the ring and hit a pedigree on Cena, who was close to victory. Van Dam won the match when he then hit the 5-Star Frog Splash on Cena.


After the match, Edge runs into the ring and Spears Van Dam before holding his title high in the air to conclude RAW.


In TNA news, one off their top stars, AJ Styles, has failed a drug test. He has admitted to takingg steriods. It is not known what action TNA will take as he is currently their X-Division Champion. Also in TNA news, they have shockingly signed Brock Lesnar for a written contract. It is not known when he is set to debut.

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NOTE: Due to problems with my computer which meant it would freeze every 5 minutes and would close the Internet down every time I opened it, I couldn't write this weeks Smackdown. I managed to fix it earlier by creating a new account and it has worked so far so if it continues like this RAW should be done by Monday. With the RAW, I'm going to start doing it in a WWE.com style as it is taking way too much time to do one show which means I get bored after writing only a few segments. PPV's will be done fully though.


Smackdown kicked off with a video package from Survivor Series which included the Smackdown vs RAW match, Undertaker's return and Eddie winning the title.


After the intro, Eddie makes his way out to a huge pop. He says how great it feels to be champ again. He says Survivor Series was a great night for him, and also for Smackdown. He says that now,he is the World Champion, of the 'A' Show and he couldn't be prouder.


The first match is Shannon Moore, Paul London and Brian Kendrick vs The Mexicools. Moore picked up the victory for his team with a Mooregasm.


Batista delivers a promo backstage. He congratulates Eddie, but says that at Armageddon, he's taking his title back.


Before his match, Christian cuts a promo in which he says that he used to respect Booker T as a competitor, but the fact that at Survivor Series, he had to have his wife at ringside to help him retain his title is pathetic.


Christian then faced Orlando Jordan. Christian wins via a Killswitch but after the match he is attacked by Booker who lays him out with a Book End.


Orton is the next to deliver a promo. He says that at Survivor Series he won the match for Smackdown, only for his celebrations to be cut short by the Undertaker. He calls out Undertaker to face him like a man. When nobody comes out, Orton says he always knew Taker was a coward but then the lights go off and when the come back on, Orton is bloodied in the center of the ring.


The next match is Bobby Lashley vs Vito. Lashley wins the match in a squash. After the match we see the same video we have saw the last few weeks about the debuting CM Punk. This time however, it says that he debuts...NOW! Pun then gets out from under the ring and gets in the ring behind Lashley. Lashley turns and Punk gets him on his shoulders and drops him onto his knee with a move called the GTS (Go To Sleep).


It is announced the winner of the net match will face MNM for the tag titles at Armagddon.


Hardy & Rey Mysterio vs Murder City Machine Guns ends in a draw when Mercury and Nitro interfere. They leave all 4 competitors knocked out.


We see Chris Beniot ackstage being congratulated by many people bacstage when JBL attacks him from behind. Not sure why nut BL seemed pissed that Beniot was made co-captain of the Survivor Series team and not him.


The main event is next and it is Eddie Guerrero vs JBL. Eddie got the win with a frog splash. During the match the ref was knocked out by JBL and then Beniot came down and hit a hat-trick of German Suplex's on him before locking in the crossface. Only letting go when the ref began to move. After the match, Batista and Eddie stare in the center of the ring at each other

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  • 2 weeks later...





(Sorry about this again, computer problems, RAW and Smackdown will likely to be like this again and Armageddon should be done by Sunday though)


RAW Week 1:


We start RAW with RVD. He says that at New Years Revolution, he is going to win his first World Title. Basic PPV hype stuff..


Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch come out next. They announce that at New Years Revolution they will challenge Kane and Big Show for the World Tag Team Championship.


Cade and Murdock then go onto defeat V2. After the match, Kane and Big Show run to the ring but Cade and Murdock quickly run through the crowd.


Victoria vs Mickie James is next with Trish Stratus at ringside. Victoria got the win with a Widows Peak. Trish got in the ring and the two stared off until Victoria hit the Widows Peak on Trish.


Shelton Benjamin is in the ring, he says last week he made a statement, and he wants the Intercontinental Title, so he challenges Flair to a match at New Years Revolution. Pretty impressive by Benjamin.


Shelton then goes onto beat Carlito in a very good match. Flair comes down and attacks Shelton, and then accepts the challenge.


Triple H is in the ring, he brags about what he did last week. Cena thens comes out and asks why him, there were three other people in that match. Triple H says that it was nothing against Cena, but Cena lost the title a few weeks ago, and so it make what he did, seem even more brutal.


Shawn Michaels defeats Tyson Tomko. Decent match, no reason behind it though.


Gregory Helms comes out to the ring, he says he is sick of being overlooked on RAW, that is why if he cannot beat Kurt Angle, he will QUIT!


Kurt Angle defeats Gregory Helms, a very good match, ended when Helms tapped out to the ankle lock.


Bishoff comes out. Helms says he was only joking. Bishoff says he doesn't joke about people threatening to quit, that is why Helms is fired!


Before our main event, Edge cuts a promo backstage, he says RVD doesn't stand a chance of winning at New Years Revolution, aand Edge will still be WWE Champion!


Our main event is next, Edge and RVD vs Triple H and John Cena. Van Dam got the win when he hit a 5-star frog splash on Triple H for the win.


Smackdown Week 1:


We start Smackdown with CM Punk in the ring. He says last week he made his debut by attacking Lashley. Punk says he is here for one thing, to save the WWE. He says he is the Straight-Edge Superstar and he is going to save the WWE Roster from drugs, alcohol and tobacco. He says that at Armageddon, he will face Bobby Lashley, and save him, but first he will show us all how impressive he is, in a match against Funaki.


CM Punk defeated Funaki after he hit the Pepsi Plunge. Lashley then comes down to the ring and the 2 begin to brawl, which ends in Punk hitting the GTS on Lashley.


Next up is The Mexicools with Juventude at ringside vs London and Kendrick with Shannon Moore at ringside. The mexicools got the win when Super Crazy hit the Moonsault on London. After the match, all 6 men brawl in the center of the ring.


Teddy Long comes out and announces that the 6 men in the ring will all be in a match at Armageddon, in a 10 man battle royal for the Cruiserweight Championship. It will also involve, Nunzio, Scotty 2 Hotty, Funaki and Smackdown's newest Cruiserweight, Gregory Helms!


Helms then faces Scotty 2 Hotty in a match, Helms gets the win with a Shining Wizard.


Eddie Guerrero cuts a promo backstge, where he promises he will do whatever it takes to hold onto his World Heavyweight Championship.


Our next match is Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio vs William Regal and Paul Burchill. Before the match it is announced that at Armaggedon it will be MNM vs Hardy and Mysterio vs Murder City Machine Guns in a Ladder Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship! Rey and Mysterio go onto win when Mysterio hit a 619 on Burchill who then turns into a Twist of Fate by Hardy.


Christian cuts a promo in the ring. He says that last week he was attacked by Booker, but Christian says he will have the last laugh when he wins the US Title!


Christian defeats Simon Dean in a Squash Match.


Our main event is Batista vs Chris Beniot. Batista win the match when JBL hits a Closeline from Hell on Beniot when the ref was not looking.


After the match, Batista and Eddie Guerrero stare at each other in the center of the ring.

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