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UWA: Tri State Gets Crowded

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Dewey Libertine checks his watch. It is 1:25 in the afternoon on a crisp New Year’s Day, 2008, in Hoboken, New Jersey, USA. Dewey stands near the kitchen window of his two bedroom apartment, and switches his gaze out onto Garden Street. Even in the middle of winter Hoboken was a bustling up-and-coming town with a steady stream of young men and women making their way to the PATH train to New York City or Newark.


On the kitchen table sits a stack of file folders, stuffed with various papers and DVDs, and an old laptop.


1:26 – Dewey sits down at the kitchen table and opens the dirty, beat-up Sony Vaio lappy. He looks around for his coffee mug, which is across the kitchen on top of the stove and gets up to retrieve it. The coffee is cold, and Dewey puts it into the microwave for 30 seconds. He gives another half-hearted glance out the window. When the coffee is ready Dewey sits back down, but the laptop hasn’t fully booted up yet.


1:27 – Dewey goes to the bathroom. When he returns, his computer is finally ready to use.


1:28 – Dewey noodles around on the internet.


1:29 – Dewey thinks about changing his style.


At 1:30 there is a quick succession of car horn toots coming from outside – “HONK! HONK! HONK!”


“Right on time,” Dewey says as he gets up and checks the window, “as usual.”


A sputtering blue 2000 Ford Focus with a dented hood is parked in front of his building. Inside are two men who appear to be in their mid-to-late 40s, just like Dewey himself. Dewey motions to the car and scoops up the folders on the kitchen table before making his way downstairs to his ride. Inside the car are former professional wrestlers turned road agents Curt O’Malley and Duncan Kendall.




“You sure about this Dew?” asks O’Malley, whizzing right past the pleasantries and getting down to business.


“Hello to you too! Happy New Year!” Libertine replies with a smile as he gets into the back seat. “Of course I’m sure I’ve had him checked out. Everything seems legit.”


“He’s really only 23?” interjects Kendall as he pulls the car away from Dewey Libertine’s building and heads toward Washington Street.


“You have any better offers?” Dewey snaps back. “In case you hadn’t noticed, the economy is heading straight into the toilet and this guy says he can float us for at least 9 months.”


“We should at least hear him out, Dunc,” O’Malley chimes in.


“I’m here, aren’t I?” Kendall says in a slightly irritated tone. “I’m not trying to be negative, I’m actually pretty optimistic about the whole thing if he really checks out. It’s just… it’s just that it’s going to be pretty hard taking orders from some young punk who really hasn’t served his time yet and…”


“We’ll listen,” Dewey begins with a sigh, as if he’s been through this discussion with Big Dunc and O’Malley before, “and then we’ll make a decision, okay?”


“Agreed,” says O’Malley.


“Okay,” says an unconvinced Kendall.


“Did you make those phone calls to Canada like I asked you?” Dewey asks O’Malley.


“You know it!” O’Malley replies with a proud smile. “Although, I don’t know why you couldn’t do it. It was a little weird calling people on your behalf.”


“I had my own calls to make,” Dewey begins with a smile, “we’re ready then.”

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Introduction (continued)


It is a quick ride as the car stops just a few blocks away at a newly renovated five-story apartment building that was converted from an old warehouse, the sort of place the “hip” bridge-and-tunnel crowd is drawn to like flies. Big Dunc illegally parks and mutters something under his breath about there never being any parking available in Hoboken. Dewey Libertine, Curt O’Malley, and Duncan Kendall stride up to the building and select the buzzer for apartment 4D.


“Hey, I saw you park,” says a tinny, amplified voice coming from the buzzer speaker. “Come on up.”




The trio of 47-year olds enters the building and makes their way to the elevator. Half a minute later they are before door 4D, and it is opened before they can knock by a young, blonde man wearing an untucked blue button down shirt and blue jeans.




“Please come in,” the young man says as he begins to shake hands with Dewey, Dunc, and O’Malley, “I’m Jim Surge,” he says, focusing on O'Malley & Kendall as if he already knew Dewey, “thanks for coming over.”


Surge offers the men beverages but they all refuse, preferring to sit down instead and get right into it.


“The three of us basically come as a package,” Libertine begins, “you said you want experience behind the scenes, we’ve got it in spades.”


“From what I’ve heard you guys aren’t exactly known as being the most loyal guys in the business,” Surge starts, but he is interrupted by Big Dunc.


“Excuse me?” Kendall questions, taken aback by Surge’s audacity. “And where did you hear that? The internet?”


“Well yeah,” Surge says with a smirk, “on Dewey’s website he has a bio of himself. He says he’s worked for just about every company in North America.”


Kendall looks at Dewey and facepalms while shaking his head.


“Heh, heh,” stammers Libertine, “that doesn’t exactly mean, well, you know, having a lot of different experiences rather than just, uh, well, you know, working and making contacts all over the place as opposed to, uh….”


“Really, no worries guys,” laughs Surge. “Listen, for all we know, this could be a very short-term venture. My family owns and operates a cattle ranch out in Arizona and I can tap into some of that money for the time being. But the way that things are going with the economy, I have to be pretty thrifty. They’re projecting record losses for this year. And the wrestling business isn’t exactly booming right now either.”


“So, what’s the plan?” O’Malley asks.


“Well, I wanted to put together a roster of workers who are not under contract with any other organization,” Surge answers, “I think with the exception of Grimm Quibble, Dewey has helped me do that.”


Dewey nods and starts to distribute the file folders he brought with him from his apartment.


“I’ve got the Weston Gymnasium booked for the end of the month, and have all the insurance papers right over there,” Surge says as he points to his file cabinet. “Let’s go through this list, put on a show, and see if we think we can really do this.”


Dewey Libertine nudges Big Dunc, who seems impressed that Surge has already got things rolling on his end.


“I like the idea that you three know each other, have great industry knowledge, and no real vices from what I can tell,” Surge says. “I wanted to have this meeting on New Year’s Day in part because I wanted to see what kind of shape you’d be in. And not only were you on time you all look completely fine. If I can trust that you’ll be this dependable while you’re under contract I can live with whatever else comes with it. Even if that means we all walk our separate ways 9 months from now.”


Dewey looks at O’Malley and Dunc, and the three of them seem to come to a consensus without saying a thing.


“We're agreed then,” Surge says, standing up to shake their hands again. “Now let’s get down to business.”

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The List - Main Eventers





Jim Surge, 23, USA


Notes: The son of wealthy Arizona cattle ranchers, Surge is a talented young athlete with a great look attempting to break into the wrestling business as an outsider. His ego and the fact that he attended college at Seton Hall University in South Orange, NJ, led him to choose one of the most crowded areas of the country – the Tri State area – as the home base for his new start-up promotion. Gifted with a fine mind for the business, he founded UWA in January 2008 with the help of veteran referee Dewey Libertine, and road agents Curt O’Malley, and Duncan Kendall.


Ace Youngblood, 23, USA, Native American


Notes: Talented all-rounder, especially for such a young man. Part Native American, he wears a distinctive red streak down the center of his hair, and sometimes comes to the ring dressed in a traditional war cloak. Ace figures to be the main ally of Jim Surge as the UWA begins, and will be competing, along with Surge, in the World title scene. There have been rumors backstage that the pair will occasionally team as a cowboy-and-Indian themed tag team, although Surge presently is without gimmick.


Brady Prince, 29, USA, Old School Face


Notes: A dependable all-around wrestler. He first broke into the business with Southern Championship Class Wrestling, where he was one half of the two-time tag team champions The Maryland Alliance. Back then he had long blonde hair and was a 220lb. high flier. Nowadays he has shaved off the blonde hair, gained 30lbs. of muscle, and is a much more well-rounded athlete. He comes to the UWA as one of its major faces, and will be used primarily as a singles star.


Gargantuan, 22, CAN, Monster


Notes: O’Malley & Kendall will have their hands full backstage with one of the most physically imposing wrestlers around. Gargantuan is a giant Canadian powerhouse standing at seven feet tall, with the impressive muscular physique of a body builder. While his skills in the ring are somewhat lacking, his look alone will hopefully help propel him to be the UWA’s unstoppable killer heel. He doesn’t have the best of reputations among his colleagues, as he is considered a dark cloud in any locker room he visits.


Roderick Remus, 19, USA


Notes: Roddy is a fairly good cruiserweight out of South Carolina. He first broke into the business at the age of 16, lying about his age to get to work for independent promotions. Roderick will be one half of the UWA tag team First Class (with Stan "The Man" Manna), a team that figures to be the favorites to become the inaugural UWA World Tag Team Champions. There seems to be some animosity between Roderick, and his twin brother Remmington, who has also signed on with the UWA as an announcer.


Dermot O'Logical, 25, USA, Skin Care Obsessive


Notes: A decent young brawler who plays the off-the-wall character of a guy who is completely obsessed with skin care. Many wrestling insiders feel that as he matures as a worker, he could become quite a valuable asset to any company (which is exactly what the UWA is banking on). O'Logical has already been working the backstage in hopes of making a few allies, but has seemingly been thwarted at every turn by Playboy Jake Sawyer who is assembling a little group of his own.

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The List - Upper Midcarders




Fearless Blue, 19, USA


Notes: Kris Turkleton was a founding member of the infamous backyard promotion Xtreme Danger Wrestling. A competent gymnast, Blue uses those skills in the ring, having lots of flashy dives at his disposal. When XDW was closed in December 2007, Blue was among the five main stars who set themselves “The Quest” – a challenge to see which of them could be the first to get a job with a major promotion. But, as a fan favorite, it is doubtful that Blue will mention The Quest even though he’ll be teaming up with another former XDW member, Daredevil Aero, as the tag team No Limit.


Ernie Turner, 33, USA, Pimp


Notes: A charismatic competitor from Tennessee, who unfortunately is not anywhere near as good in the ring as he is on the microphone. Nowadays he calls himself “The Slick Pimp Daddy,” and is a fan favorite, but he was very much a heel when he first broke into the business with Southern Championship Class Wrestling. Back then, from 1998 to 2003, he worked under a mask as Assassin #2 and there are rumors that at some point he might don the mask again in the UWA. Turner will be heavily involved in the UWA Garden State title scene in the promotion’s early days.


Burning EXILE, 32, JAP, Mysterious


Notes: A talented but controversial Japanese wrestler. Originally a young sensation for BHOTWG, he got himself fired after an altercation with owner Kaneie Komine. From there he moved on to WLW, where he rebuilt his career with some incredible performances. In late 2006 history repeated itself, as he got himself fired again. He went on to declare himself a freelancer, and changed his name to Burning EXILE to reflect his status. EXILE was the only worker on the roster to refuse to sign up for the initial 9 month commitment Surge was asking of his talent, instead requesting just a three month deal. Since signing him, the management team doesn’t seem to know what to do with him.


Air Attack Weasel, 26, USA, Loose Cannon


Notes: Dave Wallace is a high flier from Florida who is best known for the solid performances he put in while he was a regular with 4C in Canada. A former tennis professional, he was 102 in the world by the age of 19, but had to retire from the game due to an elbow injury. He then switched his natural athletic ability to wrestling, and after two years on the East Coast independent scene, he headed to 4C in 2004. A successful run with the Canadians ended in 2007 when he returned to the American independent scene. He is yet to have offered any explanation as to the origins of his ring name. Weasel will form one half of the UWA tag team The Rebels with former XDW star Super Sonic.


Super Sonic, 20, USA


Notes: The man known as the “Redneck Luchador,” was part of Xtreme Danger Wrestling, America’s most popular backyard fed. He is a flashy, aerial based wrestler and also part of “The Quest.” Unlike Fearless Blue, Super Sonic has already made it very clear that the UWA is just a very minor pit stop along his journey towards completing The Quest. He seems to totally disregard the UWA in general, and this has already caused backstage problems with his tag partner Air Attack Weasel.


Stan “The Man” Manna, 23, CAN, Rock Star


Notes: Stewart Neill is a young all around wrestler, most closely associated with Mid Atlantic Wrestling, where he first came to fame in The Rock City Stars tag team. Hailing from Canada, the brash newcomer originally made a name for himself on the Quebec independent circuit, and tapes of his performances somehow came to the attention of Rip Chord, MAW owner, which is how he came to be signed. Manna, along with his partner, left MAW with Rip Chord’s blessing in 2007 in order to gain experience elsewhere although many think his decision to sign with the UWA is a step in the wrong direction. Keeping in line with Jim Surge not signing any established tag teams, Manna will be one half of the new tag team First Class with Roderick Remus.


Whisky Jack, 32, USA, Old School Heel


Notes: Jack McCallister is a hard-hitting veteran brawler from Tennessee. He is best known for being one half of The Tennessee Outlaws, a tag team who were three time Southern Championship Class Wrestling tag team champions. Since the death of SCCW in 2003, Jack has done very little other than occasional Outlaws reunion matches on the independent circuit. Like Brady Prince, the UWA had no intention of signing Jack as a tag team wrestler, instead hoping his presence as a singles star will give some much needed veteran leadership in the heel locker room. Jack will likely be warring with the likes of Ernie Turner in the UWA Garden State title scene.


Warren Technique, 23, USA, Machine


Notes: Has only been wrestling professionally since 2003, but has already shown enough skill and dedication that people have marked him for future success in the business. He joined 4C in the summer of 2004 for his first taste of regular work, and became one of the company’s hottest properties, thanks in part to a fantastic series of matches with Joey Poison that immediately established Warren as a major contender. In retrospect, that proved to be something of a false dawn; once the feud with Poison was offer, Warren dropped down the card in rapid fashion, and by the time of his release in 2007 had been drifting aimlessly in the midcard for over a year. In the UWA Technique will likely be part of the Garden State title scene, but like Burning EXILE the booking team doesn’t seem to have a firm plan for him yet.

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The List - Midcarders




Daredevil Aero, 18, MEX


Notes: Aero was a popular member of the infamous backyard promotion XDW. With his tiny stature and youthful appearance, he was primarily the babyface underdog of the company. He’s in “The Quest,” but like Fearless Blue it isn’t his driving factor in the UWA. He’ll be the other half of No Limit with Blue.


”Trademark” Thomas Morgan, 33, CAN


Notes: A great mat wrestler, who has never gotten the break his talent deserves; this is especially puzzling as he has the charisma to back up his in-ring ability. After years without having been picked up by a major promotion, time seems to be running out on his dreams of ever becoming a superstar and he may have signed with the UWA as a “last resort” before giving up the business altogether.


Grimm Quibble, 21, CAN, Fun Babyface


Notes: Formerly the masked Puma Boy, regular feature of the Canadian independent scene, Stuart Little ditched the comedic hood and adopted the new ring name Grimm Quibble in 2006 as part of his continued attempts to go from spot monkey joke to solid cruiserweight competitor. It seemed to have the desired results, as within months he was signed up by Canadian Golden Combat to bolster their roster. Quibble is now working hard to improve his consistency and all-around skills. Quibble is the only member of the initial UWA roster to be under contract with another promotion, still appearing on a PPA deal for CGC.


Dusty Bin, 23, CAN, Old School Heel


Notes: Dusty is a young powerhouse from Canada, who sadly lacks the charisma or wrestling skill that is needed to make it in the sport. Nobody really expects him to last long in the industry. There are rumors that Bin and Whisky Jack may form an old school tag team if Jack can't handle performing as a singles star.


The Wizard of Ottawa, 36, CAN, Knight


Notes: The Wiz is a veteran all rounder, and a regular on the Canadian independent circuit. His OTT mystical character is a fun one, and is excellent for the opening match spot. He has formed a tag team with Evil Spirit, and, at the suggestion of Burning EXILE as a dig against his former employers, will call his team Black Magic like the Yasunobu Masuno-led tag team in BHOTWG.

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<p>The List - The Rest</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">LOWER MIDCARDERS</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-size:12px;">“Parental Abuse” Alan Parent</span></span></strong><strong>, 22, CAN, Clean Cut</strong> </p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Notes</span></strong><strong>:</strong> Parent is a solid technical wrestler, and has a long, bright future ahead of him in the business. A student of the game, his hero is Japanese legend Haruki Kudo, and he uses many of his moves in tribute. Unfortunately for him, it doesn’t look like Parent is positioned to get many wins in the early days of the UWA.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Evil Spirit</span></span></strong><strong>, 23, JAP, Occult</strong> </p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Notes</span></strong><strong>:</strong> Konosuke Hama had his pro debut in 2003, and while he did nothing wrong, over the next three years he found himself labeled as just another solid, dependable, unexciting young Japanese worker. Deciding to change that perception through creativity, he came up with a masked alter-ego, that of the psychotic Evil Spirit. The combination of crazy mask, cool worn leather outfit, and the subsequent increase in the violence of his matches quickly gave his career a new-found momentum and he has signed on with the UWA as one half of the tag team Black Magic.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">MANAGERS</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Playboy Jake Sawyer</span></span></strong><strong>, 29, USA, Rich Snob</strong> </p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Notes</span></strong><strong>:</strong> Sawyer is a manager from the classic old-school mold. He plays a wealthy snob who thinks he can buy anything and anyone, and often heads up a stable of enforcers, burly powerhouses who help him achieve whatever he wants. It's no surprise, then, that Sawyer has been attempting to cozy up to Gargantuan in the UWA's early days. Sawyer has also been talking to the tag team of Roderick Remus & Stan Manna, and even suggested the First Class name for them to use. He is extremely highly rated by many wrestling insiders, who are keen to see him get into the big leagues and do well, so that good quality managers can once again become a big part of wrestling. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">UWA TAG TEAM ROSTER</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-size:12px;">No Limit</span></span></strong><strong> – Fearless Blue & Daredevil Aero</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-size:12px;">First Class</span></span></strong><strong> – Roderick Remus & Stan Manna</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Rebels</span></span></strong><strong> – Air Attack Weasel & Super Sonic</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Black Magic</span></span></strong><strong> – The Wizard of Ottawa & Evil Spirit</strong> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">ANNOUNCERS</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Remmington Remus</span></span></strong><strong>, 19, USA</strong> </p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Notes</span></strong><strong>:</strong> Rem was a very promising young cruiserweight talent, who was gaining rave reviews for his tag team work with his twin brother Roderick until he was involved in a serious motorcycle accident that basically destroyed his left knee, forcing him to retire. Remmington has reinvented himself as an announcer and is happy he'll be able to present his brother's matches in the UWA, although insiders have noted some jealousy between Rem and Roddy's new tag partner, Stan "The Man" Manna. Remmy maintains he is simply disappointed with the choices his brother has been making with his career. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Larry Rush</span></span></strong><strong>, 20, USA</strong> </p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Notes</span></strong><strong>:</strong> Larry Rush is an announcer who joined the world of pro wrestling in January 2008. He's proud to be a founding member of the fed and hopes to be named as its official archivist. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">REFEREES</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Dewey Libertine</span></span></strong><strong>, 47, USA</strong> </p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Notes</span></strong><strong>:</strong> Dewey is a highly respected referee from the Tri-State area, who has worked for virtually every North American promotion at one point or another. Dew was instrumental in helping convince many of the workers currently on the roster to join the UWA. He, along with Curt O'Malley & Duncan Kendall, form a behind-the-scenes power trio that are presently the main advisers to Jim Surge as he readies to launch the fed. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Alan Gray</span></span></strong><strong>, 25, USA</strong> </p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Notes</span></strong><strong>:</strong> Alan is a young referee who has become a fixture on the independent scene. He is known for his trademark colorful hats. He still needs a lot of grooming, and Dewey Libertine has already stated Alan's hats have no place in the wrestling ring. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">ROAD AGENTS</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Curt O'Malley</span></span></strong><strong>, 47, USA</strong> </p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Notes</span></strong><strong>:</strong> Curt was well known in the 1980s as being one of the premier enhancement talents in the business. Since retirement, he has gone on to become a relatively good road agent. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Duncan Kendall</span></span></strong><strong>, 47, USA</strong> </p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Notes</span></strong><strong>:</strong> “Big Dunc” was a rugged old-school brawler who drifted through various promotions in the 1980s and 90s. Widely respected for being tough-but-fair, he has been working as a road agent for the past few years. He is more suspicious of Surge than O'Malley, and questions the youngster's motives for starting a federation in such a crowded area of the country.</p>

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I have only one thing to sat. Push Dusty Bin.


Actually if you're going to use Dusty, hire Trauma and Murderous Mikey and make them a group of hired guns called The Leg Breakers. Whenever I start a small from scratch fed I always bring in those guys. Actually you picked a lot of the guys I use for from scratch feds. you may want to consider Stretch the Chicken Boy, Cal Sanders and Jeremy Jazz as well.


Also usually if I bring in The Wizard of Ottawa I also bring in The Toronto Terror and Tempest Appleby in his Mutant alt calling him The Vancouver Mutant and grouping them together as The Canadian Horror Show.


I'll be keeping an eye on this.

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Nice, and thanks! Good ideas, they all fit the UWA's main criteria right now - being unemployed. :)


Bin might get some sort of push, I was thinking about he and Whisky Jack forming a regular tag team (maybe under masks) but I didn't want to throw Jack into a team right away. Also, Bin, Jack, & Gargatuan are the three biggest wrestlers on a roster with a lot of lightweights, so they might form some sort of trio designed to keep the little guys down.

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Note: Thank you to Dell Diddy for his excellent UWA logo.






“It’s a bad name for the event, really, if you’re not going to put the title on the line,” Curt O’Malley said to Jim Surge, Dewey Libertine, and Duncan Kendall at Surge’s Hoboken, New Jersey apartment.


“What do you think, Duncan?” Surge asks Kendall.


Kendall looks uncomfortable.


“Dunc is fine,” he sighs reluctantly, almost as if the only reason he is extending the courtesy is Surge’s bankroll. “I can’t fault you for wanting to see the boys in action before handing out titles.”


O’Malley looks a little taken by surprise by Big Dunc’s answer.


“But I agree, the name doesn’t make sense then,” Dunc continues. “You’ve got a Garden State title. You’re going to put ‘Garden State’ into the event name and not have the belt on the line?”


“Dewey?” Surge asks, turning his attention to Libertine.


“To tell you the truth,” Dew begins, “I think it’s fine. Jersey people are pretty clannish as it is. Anything referencing the state is likely to go over.”


“Interesting,” Surge says with a smile.


“Jim,” interjects Kendall, “with what we’ve spoken about you’re also not booking Quibble, who is the only guy under contract with another promotion, and Burning EXILE, who’s the only guy on a short term contract. Is that why? Sending messages to those two because of their contracts?”


“Right now, I can trust that everyone here is as committed to the UWA’s success as I am,” Surge answered, “everyone except for Quibble & EXILE, the only two with priorities conflicting with ours. This could be a good message to send to the roster and to free agents. At least they’ll know I’m no push over.”


“Your money,” Kendall says in faint support of his boss.


“I’ll print up the flyers and start getting the word out,” said O’Malley.



UWA Garden State Blowout 2008

Ace Youngblood vs. Dusty Bin

Dermot O’Logical vs.Ernie Turner

Black Magic vs. First Class

No Limit vs. The Rebels

Thomas Morgan vs. Gargantuan

Whisky Jack vs. Brady Prince vs. Warren Technique

Jim Surge vs. Alan Parent

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Ace Youngblood vs. Dusty Bin


Dermot O’Logical vs.Ernie Turner


I just do not like Dermot O' Logical all that much!


Black Magic vs. First Class

Any team with Stan Manna on it, is a team I want to see win!


No Limit vs. The Rebels


Thomas Morgan vs. Gargantuan


Thomas will make Gargantuan look good in a losing battle.


Whisky Jack vs. Brady Prince vs. Warren Technique


For no other reason than I usually always hire Warren in may games.


Jim Surge vs. Alan Parent


Jim will win over the lower midcard Alan.

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This looks promising. I do like start up fed diaries as it's nice to see the 'jobbers' of the Cornellverse get some love.


Ace Youngblood vs. Dusty Bin


Youngblood is being pushed as a main eventer and Bin needs alot of development.


Dermot O’Logical vs.Ernie Turner


I'd say push Dermot, he's not great in the ring but he has a unique character and all Turner really has going for him is his entertainment skills


Black Magic vs. First Class


First Class seem to be the most sound in overall wrestling skills. You'd so worse than make them the focus of the division for now.


No Limit vs. The Rebels


I would have picked No Limit if you had repackaged them with a Beatles tribute act gimmick :p;). Besides out of the four men in the ring Weasel should be the difference maker.


Thomas Morgan vs. Gargantuan


Gargantuan's very green...but he does have the potential to be an impressive monster heel. Putting in the ring with solid workers like Morgan is not a bad way to get him over/help with his development.


Whisky Jack vs. Brady Prince vs. Warren Technique


Prince could be a very solid hand at this level of fed, Whisky Jack is probably a little bit past it and may be better served as an experienced partner in a Tag Team, whilst Technique just has that stench of a guy who will be a mid-carder anywhere he goes.


Jim Surge vs. Alan Parent


Looks like your user character is probably a cut above most of (if not all) of the other talent on the roster, so I'd expect you to go over Parent who may be a fan of Hooded Kudo but obviously didn't learn much from all the Kudo tapes he must have been watching, given his (at best) mediocre skills.

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Ace Youngblood (ME) vs. Dusty Bin (M)


I said push Dusty but going over probably your second most popular babyface is not gonna happen. May I suggest bringing in Alexis Lee Littlefeather as Ace's manager.


Dermot O’Logical (ME) vs.Ernie Turner (UM)


Either your first or second best match of the night depending on what the three way match gets rated. Turner's getting on in years and Dermot is one of your Main Eventers so I'll go for him to win.


Black Magic Roderick The Wizard of Ottawa/Evil Spirit (M/LM) vs. First Class Remus/Stan Manna (ME/UM)


REmus and Manna just plain out class in talent and overness Wizard and Spirit


No Limit - Fearless Blue/Daredevil Aero (UM/M) vs. The Rebels Air Attack Weael/Super Sonic (UM/UM)


Weasel's the only one with the psychology to carry this match so I see his team getting the push. Plus both members are in the upper midcard while Aero is just in the midcard.


Thomas Morgan (M) vs. Gargantuan (ME)


I love Morgan but this will basically be a squash.


Whisky Jack (UM) vs. Brady Prince (ME) vs. Warren Technique (UM)


Prince and Whisly Jack have history from SCCW but as much as I love Technique he's really, really bland. Prince will take the win being th eonly main eventer in the match, but this could actually top out the O'Olgical/Turner match as best match of the night.


Jim Surge (ME) vs. Alan Parent (LM)


Squash match. In Alan's bio they mention his like of Hodded Kudo and some one did a great alt of him with the hooded kudo mask when you're ready to push him as a new character.

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Thanks for the picks, and especially the comments & suggestions! I am going to have to expand the roster at least a little bit fairly soon I believe. And I kind of smile about the possibilities for bringing in "cannon fodder" for this group. But, I do fall into that category of 1) not being a TEW expert and 2) not having much insider industry knowledge. So, while I do have some ideas, I appreciate the feedback!


One thing I definitely do want to do is showcase some of the political side of things, especially during this feel-as-you-go initial period. Also, the way things are shaping up, the Dewey/O'Malley/Big Dunc trio (especially Kendall) may wield a little more power backstage than I initially thought.


In game right now, I haven't advanced very far past the first card so things will start to slow down a bit into a more casual pace soon. I do plan to do a little game world update from time to time too as that's always fun to read in other peoples' dynasties.

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UWA Garden State Blowout 2008 - Prelude


Time had done a funny dance since New Year’s Day.


At first seeming to pass by agonizingly slow in the days immediately after finalizing the roster, things had sped up so much in the final two weeks before the Universal Wrestling Alliance’s first ever event it almost seemed as if there actually wasn’t enough time to get everything finished! But somehow, it just about did.


“UWA Garden State Blowout 2008,” Surge says while sitting in an old chair with duct tape on its arms in a cramped gym teacher’s office at the Weston Gymnasium, pondering his time management skills the whole while, “just minutes away.”


“What are we going to do about these videos?” Curt O’Malley asks as he pops his head into the office. “There aren’t any flatscreens out there. And the only TV I’ve found plays VHS, not DVDs.”


“I think there’s one of those metal carts and it has a DVD player on it in the utility closet,” Dewey Libertine answers, “we can set the TV on the cart and wheel it out there for everyone.”


“We can?” O’Malley asks in disbelief.


“Well,” Dewey replies, “why don’t we have the jerk with the colorful hats roll it out there?”


Surge and O’Malley laugh.


“Where’s Big Dunc?” Surge asks.


“He’s just doing a last-minute ring inspection,” O’Malley responds. “Got about 50 paying customers out there for this you know.”


Surge nods. It was something. A start.

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UWA Garden State Blowout 2008 - Friday, Week 4, January




Seated on steel chairs at an old folding table, with no monitors in front of them and only one laptop computer with a webcam perched atop, are UWA announcers Remmington Remus and Larry Rush.




Remmington: A fine welcome to all of you out there, I'm Remmington Remus here with Larry Rush at the Weston Gymnasium in beautiful New Jersey, USA tonight to fill your underground wrestling jones! This is New Jersey! This is the UWA! We're about to bear witness to the first ever event in Universal Wrestling Alliance history, Garden State Blowout 2008!


Larry: That's right, a new era is about to dawn in professional wrestling! Will anyone beyond the 50 zombies here in the audience notice?! Will the zombies themselves even notice? Who really knows but one thing is for certain - tonight we WILL see a few athletes taking their first steps towards becoming the cornerstones of the promotion - Gargantuan and First Class!


Remmington: 56, actually, Larry. And you’re right about the great action to come, but first, let’s fill you in on what happened prior to the show.


Prior to the show Alan Gray wheels out a metal cart with a TV on top of it. He stops the cart in front of the 56 audience members seated in folding chairs, and asks them if they can all see and hear. Gray is told to “shut up” numerous times, and after some fumbling with the DVD player, and forgetting to set the TV to the proper station, he plays two promos.


The first promo is a pretty weak one for the UWA in general, featuring quick still cuts of each of the roster members and some numbing, repetitive commentary about the fed’s first event. After that’s done there are several shots of Gargantuan in action obliterating some poor masked foe, then some shots of Jim Surge in the ring training. Gargantuan’s face and Surge’s face are then put on a split screen, which then cheesily fades to the UWA logo. E+




The DVD player goes to the next track, which shows Playboy Jake Sawyer entering the heel locker room. After an awkward moment, he sits down next to Gargantuan and begins to tell the big man that he has a plan for the UWA, and that Gargantuan should consider forming an alliance with him. Gargantuan wonders aloud what Sawyer could possibly do for him since he’s already the most powerful wrestler in the fed, which elicits a boo from one of the crowd members. Sawyer says he should think about it and Gargantuan nods as if he will. D


Alan Gray wheels the TV away from the fans, and they are treated to a warm-up match of Ace Youngblood vs. Dusty Bin. Despite the size advantage, Dusty doesn’t have much going for him in this match as Ace is able to get over with the crowd by controlling most of the action. When Dusty does get in a low blow, he wastes the momentum by calling the crowd morons for being at the UWA show when SWF Supreme TV and SOTBPW Lucha Libre both had new episodes on the air that night. Ace recovers, and rolls Dusty up for the win. E-


Remmington: Well folks, that’s a fine way for us to get started here in the UWA. Ace Youngblood technically gets the first victory in UWA history, even though he’s not on the “main card!”


Larry: The Canadian Daydream Dusty Bin at least showing these zombie-like fans that he won’t be a complete pushover but man Rem, you can’t waste time like that bickering with these zombies. They don’t really understand anything I don’t think.


A few people start to get loud and shout in Larry’s direction, telling him to shut up.


Remmington: I’m not sure what you were watching Larry, but Ace dominated that match!


Larry: No time for editorials, Remmy, the first official match in UWA history is up next!


Ding! Ding! Ding!


Dermot O'Logical vs. The Slick Pimp Daddy Ernie Turner


-Not much to say with this one. Turner tried to turn it into a brawl but in doing so he played right to O’Logical’s strengths. After a brief positive spell, Turner attempted his trademark Slick Pimp Spike far too early in the match and O’Logical countered into a pumphandle slam for the victory. E+


Larry: Far too easy for Dermot O’Logical. And somebody please tell Ernie Turner that even face pimps need to have a few women out there with them. Sheesh.


Remmington: Tough loss no doubt for Turner in a match that could have had a different outcome if he remained a little more patient. The crowd still seemed to get behind him though. Up next, the UWA showcases its tag team division with back-to-back tag bouts!




Black Magic vs. First Class


-The entrance for The Wizard of Ottawa & Evil Spirit was one of the highlights of the night, with a combination of Gregorian chant and African tribal beats playing through the gym speakers, along with a well-coordinated strobe light effect, and a decent amount of smoke from a rented smoke machine. Unfortunately, that’s where the fun ended for Black Magic, as Stan “The Man” Manna & Roderick Remus dismantled them in short order with Stan “The Man” blasting Evil Spirit with the Rockin’ Roller for the pin at around six minutes. Referee Alan Gray was booed throughout the match. E-


No Limit vs. The Rebels


-This was an exciting, high-energy encounter right from the opening bell with Fearless Blue & Daredevil Aero taking to the ropes at almost every opportunity for various top turnbuckle maneuvers. The match settled down with Air Attack Weasel enjoying a long spell of domination before he missed a standing moonsault on Aero. Both Aero and Weasel made it to their corners for a tag but it was Fearless Blue able to catch Super Sonic with a superkick as he rushed to the middle of the ring to take the upset pinfall. E


Remmington: Fantastic victory for No Limit here at UWA Garden State Blowout 2008! That seems to have been the match of the night thus far!


Larry: As my grandfather used to say, hold your horses there Remboy! Air Attack Weasel came out of that match looking better than anyone, and on top of that I rather liked your brother’s effort against Black Magic even better. Now that was some fluid tag work with him and Stan “The Man” don’t you think?


Remmington: You’re trying to get me to say something, and I’m not going to do it. I think maybe Black Magic got a little too caught up in their entrance and forgot they had a match to wrestle after that.


Larry: Maybe so, maybe not. But now we’re finally going to get to see the one man who this whole fed is going to be built around. And he's already a sought after property if that Playboy Jake Sawyer spot means anything to anybody – Gargantuan!


Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!


“Trademark” Thomas Morgan vs. Gargantuan


-This was a complete mismatch. Morgan didn’t look like he hurt Gargantuan at all with any of his strikes, and at one point the crowd tried to give him a sympathy chant because of how badly it was going. But it was no use. After some humiliating wear-down moves including his head being repeatedly pressed into the mat for long periods, Morgan found himself on the receiving end of a powerbomb from the second turnbuckle as Gargantuan just never gave him a chance to breathe. E


After the match Gargantuan continued his assault on Thomas Morgan, powerbombing him three more times in the middle of the ring and setting him up for a guillotine leg drop off the ring apron. At that point someone finally came to the rescue, and it was Jim Surge who slid into the ring and pulled Morgan out of harm’s way. Gargantuan laughed as he backpedaled back to his locker room while Surge called for the medical staff. D


Remmington: Really, just no place for that in professional wrestling. You’ve already got the match won, what are you trying to prove by continuing the assault like that?


Larry: Come on Rem, give me a break. This Jim Surge character got down there in time so I’m sure your boy isn’t hurt for good. Besides, what did I tell you? Gargantuan is a total beast. No one is going to stop him here in the UWA, not even Surge.


Ding! Ding! Ding!


Whisky Jack vs. Brady Prince vs. Warren Technique


-This was an entertaining match from start to finish, and it would be Brady Prince coming out with the victory as he ducked a roundhouse punch from Whisky Jack that eventually landed on Warren Technique. Prince quickly dropkicked Jack out of the ring and hooked Technique’s leg, who was already out cold, for the pinfall victory. E+


Larry: Let’s be real here. That has to be the luckiest win of the night, right Rem?


Remmington: Well, you’ve got to have the ability to be able to make that dodge in that situation so no, I don’t think it was luck. I think it was probably preparation, and knowing Jack can get wild like that, and so Brady Prince waited for the right time and used his athletic skills to get a big win. Now onto the main event of the evening!




Jim Surge vs. “Parental Abuse” Alan Parent


-Surge essentially used this match to showcase his all around skills. From an early enziguri kick, to a figure four used in the middle of the ring to wear Parent down, to a flying knee drop from the second turnbuckle, Surge showed some nice variety and unpredictability in his attack. Parent was overwhelmed and pinned after a double underhook piledriver with no major troubles for Surge. Parent got into it with the crowd as he slowly made his way back to the locker room after the bout, insulting the UWA fans for having (what else?) stupid parents. D-


Remmington: Big time win right there by Jim Surge to finish off a fantastic, history-making night for the UWA, don’t you think Larry?


Larry: I don’t think I’d go that far, no, Remmy, but it was a decent job by Surge I have to admit. Parent’s got a lot of potential though and could really make a name for himself here in the UWA.


Remmington: Well, that brings us to the end of the very first UWA event, Garden State Blowout 2008! Hope you had as much fun as we had, and we’ll see you next time!



UWA Garden State Blowout 2008

The Weston Gymnasium (Tri-State)

Attendance: 56

Overall Grade: E+

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Thanks for the feedback; these awkward early shows should be fun for a few months! The Morgan/Gargantuan match was actually an E. The post-match attack w/ save angle afterwards is what scored the D. I'll try to make that look a little more clear next time. I believe I just used the default startup promotion product. I want things to just happen as they go with a lot of these results.
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Some notes of interest from around the world of professional wrestling in January, 2008.




  • GCG rose to cult size.
  • Samoan Machine stunned GCG and INSPIRE by signing a written deal with BHOTWG.
  • GCG brought in SUKI, Chuichi Sanda, VENOM, Tsugiharu Odaka, and Mokumai Maita on PPA deals.
  • Eisaku Hoshino signed with BHOTWG.
  • Hell Monkey signed a PPA deal with BHOTWG.
  • Kevin Jones dropped the MOSC UK Championship to Danny Patterson after it became public that Jones was named the new head booker of ROH.
  • UK Dragon & Joey Beauchamp signed on with 21CW.
  • Roger Dodger & Jacob Jett signed PPA deals with CGC.
  • SWF’s spending spree included Steven Parker, Chris Caulfield, Darryl Devine, and Eric Tyler.
  • To try and replenish the ranks, USPW signed Puerto Rican Power & Hell’s Bounder on PPA deals.
  • Carl Batch was brought into PSW on a PPA deal.
  • Mainstream Hernandez signed with CZCW on a PPA deal.
  • 36-year old Strong Style Yoemon from Pro Wrestling SAISHO will be out for the next 6 months with neck nerve damage.

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Duncan Kendall, Dewey Libertine, and Curt O’Malley return to Jim Surge’s Hoboken apartment the day after Garden State Blowout to hold a postmortem meeting on the UWA’s first event, and to finalize the next card to be held in late February. Surge had recently remodeled a section of his apartment to include a conference table and several large, flatscreen HD-capable monitors so that he could conduct UWA business in a slightly more professional manner than at his kitchen table or on his living room couch. It was the first time the booking team had seen his new digs, and they seemed mildly impressed as they made their way over to the conference table.


Surge notices that Kendall is wearing a wrist brace on his right arm.


“How’d that happen?” Surge asks, gesturing to Big Dunc’s wrist.


“After the card finished up,” Kendall replies as he grabs a seat, “that Gargantuan freak wouldn’t stop.”


“What?!” begins a surprised Surge, “where was I during this?”


“Apparently you had just left,” Kendall answers.


“What happened?” Surge asks. “He just hit you out of nowhere?”


“Me?!” responds an incredulous Kendall, “he wouldn’t be available for a couple of months if he had gone after me. No, no, he kept it up on that Thomas Morgan guy. Just bashed him from behind. Curt and I got in the middle of it and during the fray my wrist got caught behind me against the locker room wall for a sec. No biggie.”


“What about Morgan?” Surge asks.


“He’s fine,” O’Malley answers, “he was wondering if you were going to do anything though.”


Surge immediately grabs his iPhone and selects Gargantuan’s phone number from his contact list.


“Yeah,” begins a hoarse voice that sounds like it just woke up, “what is it?”


“It’s Surge. Listen up, I pay the bills around here and I’m not going to put up with any crap from you taking shots at other workers after the damn show is over.”


Surge waits a moment but there is no response from the giant Canadian.


“Consider this an official warning,” Surge continues, “we’re trying to build something special here and you’re attacking people backstage at the very first event? What the hell were you thinking?”


“Was there a stage? I must have missed that,” Gargantuan replies as he hangs up.


“Holy Christmas,” exhales a slightly frustrated Surge.


“I take it he didn’t weep with sorrow?” Libertine interjects sarcastically.


“Not exactly,” Surge answers. “But hey, he’s had an official warning. You guys said Morgan’s okay. I’ll take further action if further action is warranted. Any ideas what might have sparked it?”


“Steroids?” Libertine says with an evil smirk. “Psychosis of some sort?”


“Both?” Kendall adds. The old guard all share a laugh but Surge doesn’t seem amused.


“Fantastic,” Surge sighs, “and here I thought we had a decent night… I should call Morgan to apologize.”


“Calm down kid,” Libertine says, “you didn’t do anything to Thomas Morgan except give him a paycheck. I’m sure he has no quarrel with you. Let’s get your mind back on track – some fans on the internet loved the pairing of Remmington Remus and Larry Rush at the announce table, they really seemed to work extremely well off of each other.”


“Well, that’s good news,” admits Surge.


“Alan Gray, though, not so much,” O’Malley says while looking directly at a still-smirking Libertine, “seemed to drag a couple of matches down because fans were getting on him so much.”


“It’s not good for a referee to stand out that much,” Libertine says, the words dripping with self-satisfaction, “maybe you should ban his hats.”


“We’ll see how that goes,” Surge says, feeling a little overwhelmed at it all. “I’ve got a meeting tomorrow with this prospective new worker Amber Allen. You guys ever hear of her? I thought maybe should could do something with Ernie.”


The three 47-year olds look at each other and shake their heads as if the name isn’t familiar.


“Here’s what we do have,” O’Malley says as he hands his jump drive to Surge who loads up the file on his laptop. “Subject to change of course.”


“No Quibble again?” Surge asks.


“Don’t worry,” O’Malley says, “he’s doing something with Jake Sawyer this week I believe.”


“Let’s make sure Sawyer is on the main show this week,” Surge replies, “he seemed to go over well last week.”


UWA Wrestling Attack New Jersey

No Limit vs. Black Magic

Dermot O’Logical vs. Thomas Morgan

Brady Prince vs. Warren Technique

First Class vs. The Rebels

Gargantuan vs. Burning EXILE

Jim Surge vs. Whisky Jack

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No Limit vs. Black Magic


Dermot O’Logical vs. Thomas Morgan


As much as I dislike him, he is a main eventer.


Brady Prince vs. Warren Technique


First Class vs. The Rebels


Sticking with Stan the Man's team.


Gargantuan vs. Burning EXILE


Just because Gargantuan is higher ranking on your roster.


Jim Surge vs. Whisky Jack


Jim Surge is just to good to lose this match.

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No Limit vs. Black Magic


Was slightly surprised to see No Limit win their first match, and I see them following that up with a win here. Still think they'd be more awesome as Beatles impersonators ;)


Dermot O’Logical vs. Thomas Morgan


Morgan as just Thomas Morgan is bland, about as bland as Warren Technique so O'Logical for the win.


Brady Prince vs. Warren Technique


Prince follows up his win at the debut show by going over Bland Warren


First Class vs. The Rebels


First Class appear to be your top team, so I see them winning this and heading towards a show down with No Limit for the Tag Titles.


Gargantuan vs. Burning EXILE


Your probably building Gargantuan as your top monster heel and EXILE isn't exactly the most commited wrestler to the UWA cause.


Jim Surge vs. Whisky Jack


Surge (your user character) is the most skilled wrestler on the roster, so he should go over, over the hill Jack.


Just out of interest when are the Titles going to be on the line ?

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No Limit vs. Black Magic

Dermot O’Logical vs. Thomas Morgan

Brady Prince vs. Warren Technique

First Class vs. The Rebels

Gargantuan vs. Burning EXILE

Jim Surge vs. Whisky Jack


I think most of your previous readers logic is sound. I thin you may have alo fallen into the same spot in prediction as a lot of people. You have the winner set first for yourself so when you post it it ends up that way. Suggestion have a theme. I alwyas set the faces first and if there is more than one of an alignment I always do it in alphabetical order

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No Limit vs. Black Magic

Dermot O’Logical vs. Thomas Morgan

Brady Prince vs. Warren Technique

First Class vs. The Rebels

Gargantuan vs. Burning EXILE

Jim Surge vs. Whisky Jack


I think most of your previous readers logic is sound. I thin you may have alo fallen into the same spot in prediction as a lot of people. You have the winner set first for yourself so when you post it it ends up that way. Suggestion have a theme. I alwyas set the faces first and if there is more than one of an alignment I always do it in alphabetical order


Yeah I agree with this as well. Also, I picked based on card placement. I did not do that for the first show and I lost some matches. Maybe when a position in the card changes don't show us. Therefore we do not pick on card placement.

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The funny thing is I haven't run this card yet in-game! Maybe my subconscious was getting the better of me! Good suggestions, and I'll keep card position in-character going forward, I wanted to include that info in the beginning just as a basic framework. I think the only surprise result on the first card was No Limit's win, I'm being a little conservative to get some initial momentum for some guys.


The titles will start rolling out on cards 3 & 4.


And bhk, please tell NYCW to sign a working agreement with me! They're the only fed I've approached that won't accept any sort of deal! :)

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