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USPW: David vs. Goliaths or the 742 dynasty about the journey from cult to national

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USPW TV show preview


This is the first show for 2008 live from Pennsylvania park which will include 2 championship matches. The first match will be for the USPW World Championship between the champion James Justice that gonna defend his title against the "Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield. Is the home advantage will make up for the distraction of the endless feud that already became a saga between Chris Caulfield and Peter Valentine? Is Caulfield focused enough to win? Is Valentine ready to let it go? What would be the response of James Justice to all this?


The second match will be for the USPW Television title between the champion Nicky Champion and Lex Appeal. Lex promised to win the title because it would be perfect for the big surprise he prepares next week, a surprise that gonna shock USPW. Does he succeed? Would we gonna have a clue about the big surprise?


Captain USA will face "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex in a brutal grudge match. Is it gonna be enough to rely on the young American patriots in the crowd for "The Captain" to overcome the monster?


The number one contender for the USPW Womens championship Alicia Strong will face the arrogant Nadia Snow. Alicia will need eyes in the back because the bad girl of USPW and the current USPW Womens champion Cherry Bomb is in the house.


The mystery that surrounding Bruce The Giant continues. USPW promises to refresh the title picture of all the titles by giving the loser champion cooling-off period of three months, yet it does not prevent the wrestler from wrestling or appearing for the organization. Since losing the world championship, Bruce The Giant disappeared from USPW. Where is he? Will he be here tonight?


Sam Strong, the owner of USPW, has an announcement that will change the face of USPW forever, what is it going to be?



The following was brought to you by United States Pro Wrestling©. USPW: we are Family Entertainment(с).


PS: Sorry for my English. It's not my native language. Hope this dynasty is going to be interesting and understandable for the readers, don't be harsh ;)...

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Wednesday Week 1 January 2008

Location: Pennsylvania Park

Attendance: 2,000 SELL OUT!

Overall Rating: C-

TV Rating: 0.30




Danny Jillefski-Shane Sneer



Danny Jillefski: Good evening and welcome to USPW American Wrestling on Sports America.

Shane Sneer: We gott'a World title match tonight Danny, a World title match!

Danny Jillefski: And here comes the challenger "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield.

Shane Sneer: With the lovely, lovely Seduction by his side.


Caulfield: I stand here in the middle of the ring at the Pennsylvania Park in front of a souled out arena of 2000 fans. With a chance to win a world championship tonight, the United States Pro Wrestling world championship. A belt that Jim Force hold more then anyone else, 4 times actually. A belt that Bruce The Giant hold for one successive year! Belt held by legends like The Sheik and the current commissioner, Commissioner Doom. Men who wake up early, work hard and not give up like Freddie Datsun. True American patriots like Captain USA. Wrestlers that the crowd loved to hate, and actually I really know why-wrestlers like Giant Redwood. Young promises like Mick Muscles, and tonight "The Hardcore American" is going to join that list!

The music of James Justice cut Chris Caulfield and the champ makes his way into the ring with microphone in hand...


Justice: I sat backstage, enjoying life, chilling before the championship match in store for me tonight...until...I heard your speech, Chris. You were talking, and talking, and talking ,and talking...and talking...and talking, and talking, and talking...come on dude I don't see the fat black lady here, so save us from the drama. And by the way, in your fascinating history lesson about the USPW World title, you forget to mention one name. Dude, you forget me, the world champ, because it doesn't matter what you did and what you had. What counts is what you currently have, and now I'm on top, dude I'm the world champ!


Caulfield: Ooh you so right James it's not Opra and I don't see a bespectacled white male so it's neither Jerry's Show but tonight I definitely gonna kick your ass, and it even not gonna be in a hardcore match. Tonight we gonna have a regular 1 on 1 match, so that's way you will no excuses for me beating you!


Justice: You can stand here and keep talking and promising things that you never gonna deliver but the bottom line is that at the end of the day their will be only one man standing with this World title and it's gonna be me!


Caulfield: So that's the way it's gonna be, ha champ?


Justice: That's the only way it could be...


Caulfield: We will see...


Justice: We will...

Grade: B-


Seduction joins the announce table...


Shane Sneer: Ooh boy, it's getting even better now! Can you imagine something better then hearing Seduction for a 90 minutes? I gonna tell you what...to broadcast with her and see her for 90 minutes...ha...ha...ha...


Danny Jillefski: Ladies and Gentlemen, Seduction, I want to apologize for the rudeness of my colleague, this is really not appropriate.


Seduction: I will not let anything ruin this evening, because tonight Chris is going to win the World title baby, whoo!


Danny Jillefski: Ladies and Gentlemen T-Rex and Captain USA will face each other in our opening match, bur first lets hear some comments of both opponents from earlier tonight.





The Sheik: Salam Ale kum! We come in peace...


Sheik Mustafa turns back to "The Jurassic Power", the massive T-Rex, who is panting furiously to the camera, then The Sheik turns back to the camera.


The Sheik: ...no we are not! Captain USA, look at this, look at my T-Rex their is nothing peaceful their. My T-Rex is hungry, my T-Rex is mad, my T-Rex is coming after you Captain ,and you, and your country, of USA is going down! Look and fear...because your end is near! Ma as-salaamah...

Grade: E+




Captain USA: Is facing T-Rex is going to be easy? No, it's not, but if there is something that the founders of this great country taught us is that we need to stand on our own and never give up our dreams. T-Rex you better remember this, as long as this heart beats and the blood flows in my veins I will never give up on protecting this country and this people in the name of USA!

Grade: D+


Danny Jillefski: Ladies and Gentlemen don't go anywhere because T-Rex vs. Captain USA is coming next.


Shane Sneer: And the USPW owner Mr. Sam Strong is gonna be here later with an announcement that will change the face of USPW forever!


Seduction: And speaking about Mr. Strong...is it true guys that we gonna have here a special preview of the first ever exclusive personal interview with Alicia Strong?


Danny Jillefski: Yes it's true. The full interview with the number one contender for the USPW Womens title will be transmitted next week here on USPW American Wrestling on Sports America.




http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CaptainUSA.jpg VS. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg with http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SheikMustafa_alt.jpg


Captain USA vs. T-Rex w\Sheik Mustafa


The Patriotic veteran Captain USA got the fans and the experience by his side and he try to topple the monster. The Captain, after realizing that the task of toppling the monster is failed, is going to the turnbuckle. He is distracted by the Sheik and that allows T-Rex to squash him in the corner. The "Jurassic Crush" is coming next and Captain USA tap out.

T-Rex defeated Captain USA in 3:44 by submission with a Jurassic Crush after interference from Sheik Mustafa.

Grade: D-




Danny Jillefski: Ladies and Gentlemen coming up next is the TV title defence of Nicky Champion vs. Lex Appeal...


Shane Sneer: ...you see Danny I know Lex for along time and as much as he successful with the ladies he is also known as a man of his word, so when he tell us that he gonna shock USPW with a surprise next week you better believe him. I predict that tonight he will win the TV title.


Danny Jillefski: This match is coming up next, but now we got for you a special preview for the first ever personal interview with Alicia Strong that will be Aired next week, and like you gonna see next, she gonna talk about everything, and I mean everything!



Alicia Strong and Danny Jillefski sit together with a black background behind them...


Alicia: ...I was born to the wrestling business and grown up from this business...my father is SAM STRONG, to become a wrestler was the natural choice...


Danny Jillefski: I gonna tell you something and you will tell me the first thing that comes into your mind...Sensational Ogiwara...


Alicia: A role model, very professional she is the female version of Sam Strong in Japan. It was very big honor to work with her in Japan. She taught me everything I know...


Danny Jillefski: ...Bruce The Giant...


Alicia: ...he is much bigger in real life then most people assume...much bigger...


Danny Jillefski: ...Jim Force...


Alicia: ...done it more than anyone here, was a 4 time world champion. You can not underestimate that...


Danny Jillefski: ...Geena The Warrior Princess...


Alicia:...a great addition to USPW, former European womens champion. Great gimmick, I mean common you must be an amazon, cause let's admit it-wrestling is a man's world...


Danny Jillefski: ...Stars, Stripes and Slams...


Alicia:...a milestone in my career, my chance to win the USPW womens title and put the women wrestling on the map like my father do to men wrestling 18 years ago...

Subtitle appears on the screen: "To be continued ...

Grade: C+




http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/NickyChampion.jpg VS. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Oscar.jpg


Nicky Champion© vs. Lex Appeal

USPW Television title match

Lex Appeal is really not over with the Pennsylvanian crowd, he almost got no reaction, although USPW try to push the guy with this "surprise that gonna shock USPW" storyline. Meanwhile it doesn't help him so much. Nicky Champion and Lex Appeal have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. Nicky Champion sends Lex Appeal to the ropes and hit him with the "Hawkeye Hammer" maneuver, he covered him for the three count and make his first title defense for 2008.


Nicky Champion defeated Lex Appeal in 7:35 by pinfall with a Hawkeye Hammer.

Grade: E+



Danny Jillefski: I see that somebody failed with his prediction...


Shane Sneer: I don't no what kind of freak you are Jillefski, but when a normal man sit with somebody like Seduction he can't think straight...





After the commercial break we see Nadia Snow enter Cherry Bomb's locker room. Nadia looks very upset.

Nadia: I can't believe it...you see this so called "exclusive interview promo"? The only reason that this bitch got airtime is because of her daddy... you are the USPW womens champion and...


Cherry Bomb: ...and you burst into my locker room! Now honey, usually I will kick your skinny ass for that kind of behavior, but this time...I let you go because this time the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so Nadia you better go out of my locker room, put on your wrestling boots and kick that dumb, spoiled blond bimbo, because if you not gonna do it tonight I gonna do it at "Stars, Stripes and Slams" and then I will come after you honey. NOW GET OUT OF HEAR!


Nadia Snow walking out and the camera focus on Cherry Bomb...

Cherry Bomb: Nobody brust into my locker room, nobody...

Grade: D+




Danny Jillefski: Ladies and Gentlemen we got a World title later on. That's right James Justice will put his title on the line against Chris Caulfield.


Shane Sneer: The number one contender for the USPW Womens title Alicia Strong will be in action vs. Nadia Snow.


Danny Jillefski: Also tonight we gonna hear from the owner of USPW, MR. Sam Strong himself that has an announcement that will change the face of USPW forever, what is it going to be?


Shane Sneer: I think I know what is the announcement...


Danny Jillefski: Really?!


Shane Sneer: Of course. Mr. Sam Strong gonna fire you and leave me with Seduction to broadcast "American Wrestling"...Ha-Ha-Ha...


Danny Jillefski: Ladies and Gentlemen also tonight Peter Valentine will face the former two time National champion Darryl Devine, before we going to Alicia vs. Nadia lets hear from Darryl Devine...



Darryl Devine: Peter Valentine you better forget about Caulfield because tonight you gonna know exactly why they call me "Mighty Fine". You better get ready for some Rock 'n' Roll, because this blue chipper, former two time USPW Natinal champion gonna rock you down!

Grade: C




http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AliciaStrong.jpg VS. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/NadiaSnow.jpg

Alicia Strong vs. Nadia Snow

Alicia Strong is 21 years old. Nadia Snow is 20 years old. And as for now this match was the best on this show. The ladies got the crowd behind them. Alicia prove once again that she is better then her father by her in ring skills, but can she get over? The "Angel Driver" indicate the end of a short and crispy match by USPW womens division.


Alicia Strong defeated Nadia Snow in 4:57 by pinfall with an Angel Driver.

Grade: D




In the middle of the winning celebration of Alicia Strong Cherry Bomb enter the ring with the USPW title on her shoulder and a microphone in hand...



Cherry Bomb: I came here to congratulate you on your winning tonight, and once again Nadia you proved the world that you can talk the talk but can't walk the walk. Come here Alicia and take a look at my belt because this is the closest you ever get near my belt. I am not Nadia Snow, Alicia, and at "Stars, Stripes and Slams" I gonna beat your spoiled ass so hard that you will regret the day you promise those promises about winning the gold in front of the camera. In meter of fact I gonna beat you so hard that your "exclusive interview" next week gonna be your last ever interview in front of a camera, because honey after I finish with you even your mama will not recognize you!


Alicia Strong: Ooh my, here is another psychotic promo from Cherry Bomb...so what I supposed to be afraid now? Listen up Cherry or I better refer to you by your real name Sherie Guthrie...people don't choose to which parents to be born, I am Alicia Strong and I don't regret anything and any choice that I made in my life because god knows that when I step into this ring, every single night I am 100% professional. You told me that you are not Nadia Snow, well you right but you should know that I am not Nadia Snow either, because there is no freaking way that you gonna treat and talk to me like you did with Nadia. At "Stars, Stripes and Slams" this spoiled blond gonna win the USPW womens title!

Grade: C




Seduction: I sit here with you guys as a part of the announcing team, and I sit so close to the action that I'm telling you , when you look at Alicia Strong and Cherry Bomb you can see the fire in their eyes, you can see the burning passion. This women are WRESTLERS they are not divas or models, the women division in USPW is the real thing and this two gonna tear each other at "Stars, Stripes and Slams".


Shane Sneer: I love the fire in YOUR eyes when you are so serious Seduction...


Seduction: Shout up Sneer...


Danny Jillefski: Ladies and Gentlemen the USPW world championship match between the champion James Justice and Chris Caulfield is still to come and of course the announcement from the owner of USPW MR. Sam Strong that gonna change the face of USPW forever, what is it going to be? Don't go anywhere because after the commercial break Peter Valentine against Darryl Devine is coming next...

After the break we can see Micky Starr talking with Peter Valentine backstage...


Micky Starr: ...you see peter, the way this punk Darryl Devine talk about you earlier tonight...you just know that ain't right. I remember when I was in his age and a main eventer enter the room we, the youngsters show the probable respect and live the room...but in this days...I mean...somebody need to teach this punk a lesson or two!

Grade: C




http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PeterValentine.jpg VS. http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/DarrylDevine_Grunge8.jpg

Peter Valentine vs. Darryl Devine

Darryl Devine try his best to speed up the match but again and again was grounded by the "methodical" Peter Valentine. Cheap punch after cheap punch it seemed that Peter Valentine was facing not the former two times USPW National champion but a local jobber. Peter Valentine end the match with the "Heart Breaker" that really left no chance to comeback for Darryl Devine.


Peter Valentine defeated Darryl Devine in 4:15 by pinfall with a Heart Breaker.

Grade: D




Shane Sneer: Throughout this night I really try to treat you nice Seduction but you where nothing more then hostile. I really wondering if the reason behind this hostility was the match that we just witnessed, I mean your former boyfriend Devine vs. the man that made the last 3 months a leaving hell to your client Chris Caulfield?


Seduction: You treated me nice? During this night you were nothing less then a "nudge"!


Shane Sneer: ...a "nudge"?


Danny Jillefski: Waite a minute this is Micky Starr...he is not scheduled to be here...



Micky Starr: I'm sorry to interrupt the show but I came here to talk about something that really bothered me lately. I wanna talk about "respecting the tradition", yeah that's right "tradition" and "respect" two words that this generation seems to forget. I see guys talking trash, using illegal objects in their wrestling matches...and they call it to "get over" with the fans. I was the SWF World Heavyweight champion for long six years! I wasn't using this cheap tactics that you called here in Pennsylvania "Hardcore" and I was over...I put the freaking company over! Now look at that stupid kids that surf on the internet all day and all night, think they know everything but actually they know nothing!


A loud boos from the crowd...


Micky Starr: Just like I thought...up next you gonna watch the World Championship match between the champ James Justice and your own Chris Caulfield a man that got more cheers from you for any another chair shot that he got, and you called it wrestling? This is lame...you can boo how much you want but you know that I'm right, this is lame!

A bunch of backstage officials came to the ring and accompanied Micky Star out of the ring while the crowd keep booing through is way...


Grade: C




http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii145/jtlant/TEW%20-%20Alts/Liberty_alt1-1.jpg VS. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg


James Justice© vs. Chris Caulfield

USPW World title match

After the promo of Micky Starr against Chris Caulfield and the "Hardcore" wrestling, the crowd stand on his feet applauding The "American Hardcore". The crowd was all behind Caulfield which required Justice to play the heel in this match. The match ended when suddenly Peter Valentine made the run in, interfering during the match and allowing James Justice preform the "Liberation Slam" on Chris Caulfield for the three count. We go to the commercial break when the Pennsylvania crowd seemed not pleased with the outcome of the match.

James Justice defeated Chris Caulfield in 13:52 by pinfall with a Liberation Slam following interference from Peter Valentine.

Grade: B-




Danny Jillefski: Ladies and Gentlemen Peter Valentine screwed Chris Caulfield and cost him the world title, unbelievable...


Shane Sneer: Yeah I can't believe that Seduction left the announce table and went backstage with this moron Chris Caulfield...just when it seemed that everything is going well between us...


Danny Jillefski: ...going well? What are you talking about? She hate your guts!


Shane Sneer: Shout up Jillefski you are just jealous. I am a man with a broken heart...


Danny Jillefski: Here is something that gonna cheer you up, Mr. Sam Strong is going to reveal his big announcement!


Shane Sneer: Really?


Danny Jillefski: Here we go!


Sam Strong's music played and the crowd is going nuts...



Sam Strong: I've been in this business for 33 years, during those years I was a 9 time World champion and an owner of a young promising company named USPW. USPW was founded at 2001 by our current lead announcer Mr. Danny Jillefski. In August 2006, Danny realised he had taken the company as far as he can, and struck a business deal with me. I became the new owner, and got the company its first TV deal, resulting in a lot of new fans. Since then the the promotion has gone from strength to strength despite all the predictions from the critics, bringing you the best "Family Entertainment" every week. Now at 2008 I wanna made an announcement that gonna bring USPW to the next step on the ladder of success. Ladies and Gentlemen, USPW fans I proud to announce that we made a deal with a major PPV network that gonna show our big events monthly to millions of potential fans. That's means that our next event "Stars, Stripes and Slams" will be a PPV show, our first ever historic PPV, and it all became reality because of each and everyone of you here and those that watch us every week at home on "Sports America".


The crowd applause for Sam Strong when the show is fade to black...


Grade: C



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USPW TV show preview


  • Last week was a bad week for Chris Caulfield. What started as a great opportunity for the new year , later became a complete disaster. Chris got screwed up by Peter Valentine, a man that just refuse to let it go, because it was Peter who interfere in Chris's world title match against James Justice. Also last week in his opening interview Chris called Giant Redwood "...a wrestler that the crowd loved to hate, and actually I really know why..." this week Chris Caulfield got the opportunity to be more specific with Redwood by telling it to his face because this week the two gonna meet each other in the ring in a 1 on 1 grudge match. What gonna be the response of Chris Caulfield for last week's Peter Valentine's actions? What the World Heavyweight Champion James Justice got to tell about his controversial victory last week?


  • This week we got the chance to watch the USPW Womens Champion Cherry Bomb in action against "Miracle Blonde" Suzanne Brazzle that gonna debut this week in a non title match. After the successful victory of the number one contender Alicia Strong over Nadia Snow last week, this week Cherry Bomb gonna show Alicia that she is ready too. And speaking of Alicia Strong...this week her full anticipated interview will be transmitted.


  • Last week "The Jurassic Power", T-Rex, beat the former two time USPW World Heavyweight Champion Captain USA with a help from his manager Sheik Mustafa. This week the Captain want a revenge. Who gonna win this time?


  • As usual the TV title will be on the line this week when Nicky Champion will face the challenge of one half of the "Savage Fury" Java. Can Nicky Champion continue his momentum after beating Lex Appeal last week, this week also? And speaking of Lex Appeal...this week Lex promised to reveal his surprise that gonna shock USPW...


  • After the announcement of the deal that has been signed between USPW and a major PPV network, Mr. Sam Strong decided to add another match except for the USPW Womens title match between Cherry Bomb and Alicia Strong. This week the winners of the match between The Hillbillys and the team of Jumbo Jackson and Eric The Bull will face the USPW World Tag Team champions The Towers Of Power at USPW first ever PPV "Stars, Stripes and Slams".


  • After getting very emotional and insulting the Pennsylvania crowd Micky Starr was cleared off the building. This week Shane Sneer will give the legend a chance to apologize for his words last week.


Full Card of the show:

"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs. Giant Redwood

Non title match: Cherry Bomb(USPW Womens Champion) vs. "Miracle Blonde" Suzanne Brazzle

"The Jurassic Power" T-Rex vs. Captain USA

USPW Television Title Match: Nicky Champion© vs. Java

No. 1 contenders match for the USPW World Tag Team title at "Stars, Stripes and Slams": The Hillbillys vs. Jumbo Jackson and Eric The Bull


"Stars, Stripes and Slams" Card:

USPW Womens title match: Cherry Bomb© vs. Alicia Strong

USPW World Tag Team title match: The Towers Of Power© vs. To be announced

USPW: we are Family Entertainment(с)

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I'm liking this so far, as you've really captured the feel of what USPW should be like. For instance I'm glad you put Valentine over Devine in a convicing manner, not because I dislike Devine but because it's what USPW would do.


The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs. Giant Redwood


The fact he just got a shot at the World Title suggests that Caulfield is getting a strong push, so he should be able to overcome Redwood.


Non title match: Cherry Bomb(USPW Womens Champion) vs. "Miracle Blonde" Suzanne Brazzle


Non Title it may be, but I think the champ needs to be kept strong heading into her showdown with Strong.


"The Jurassic Power" T-Rex vs. Captain USA


No revenge for the Captain as T-Rex needs to be kept strong as one of the top monster heels on the roster.


USPW Television Title Match: Nicky Champion(c) vs. Java


DQ win, with Java looking like a savage Bad-Ass * to sow the seeds for a proper feud.


* Well as much as a savage, as USPW's PG rating will allow. With that though just show hardcore is the 'Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield going to get at a USPW show ?


No. 1 contenders match for the USPW World Tag Team title at "Stars, Stripes and Slams": The Hillbillys vs. Jumbo Jackson and Eric The Bull


Slightly more skilled serious hosses > over the hill comedy hosses

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USPW House Show Report: "USPW Near Your House"!

Monday, Week 2 January 2008

Location: War Memorial Auditorium (Mid West)

Attendance: 2,000 SELL OUT!

Overall Rating: C


Quick Results


  • Bruce The Giant defeated Eric The Bull in 3:53 by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam. The match suffered because of the lack of selling on display. Bruce The Giant looked good out there. D+

  • T-Rex defeated Stevie Grayson in 3:32 by submission with a Jurassic Crush. T-Rex was really off his game tonight. Sheik Mustafa did some good work at ringside. D

  • Alicia Strong defeated Nadia Snow in 7:33 by pinfall with a Strong Arm Tactic.Alicia Strong seemed off her game tonight, but came out of the match looking good. D+

  • Cherry Bomb defeated Suzanne Brazzle in 13:58 by pinfall with a Cherry Bomb and retain the USPW Womens title. The match was too long given who was involved. D-

  • James Justice defeated Chris Caulfield in 13:46 by pinfall with a Liberation Slam. The USPW World Heavyweight title was not on the line. Chris Caulfield and James Justice have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. This match lifted the crowd. B-

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Wednesday Week 2 January 2008

Location: Pennsylvania Park

Attendance: 2,000 SELL OUT!

Overall Rating: D+

TV Rating: 0.27



James Justice and Peter Valentine are seen backstage...


James Justice: Peter, you and me dude, we were the TCW World Tag Team Champions, we are no strangers, but dude...last week I did not need your help! Chris Caulfield was just where I want him, one second from the "Liberation Slam", one second from me successfully defending the USPW World Heavyweight Title, one second from me putting this son of a gun in his place! Seriously dude...that was lame...


Peter Valentine: Well James, one way or another, with all the respect of our history as Tag Team Champions, the only reason that I interfered in you're match last week, was more to screw Caulfield then help you...you see, letting Caulfield win the USPW World Heavyweight title was something that I can't let happen.


James Justice: Peter, I beat Bruce The Giant in USPW's biggest ever show "Born In The USA" and ended his year-long world title reign and I did it by myself, without anybody interfering in my matches, and that the way I like it. I yield it to you only because you watch my back, back in TCW as a gesture of goodwill, I don't care about the crap that going on between you two, but next time you gonna stick your nose in my business...it ain't gonna be pretty dude!


Grade: B




Danny Jillefski: Good evening and welcome to USPW American Wrestling on Sports America. Upcoming next is the grudge match between Chris Caulfield and Giant Redwood.


Shane Sneer: And this week it's my turn to give the statistics, you see after some harsh words from Caulfield about the wrestling skills of Giant Redwood last week, Caulfield got himself into a match versus a very angry giant, therefore the chances are zero to the hometown hero...ha...ha...ha...


Danny Jillefski: In meeter of fact, Caulfield didn't said anything about the wrestling skills of Giant Redwood...


Shane Sneer: ...so now you defending him?


Danny Jillefski: ...Caulfield said that Redwood was an USPW World Heavyweight champion that the crowd loved to hate, and I can understand why. Giant Redwood is well known throughout the wrestling world as one of the meanest, most devious men in the business, and...


Shane Sneer: ...and here comes the lovely, lovely Seduction...what she is doing with this moron Caulfield...


Danny Jillefski: She is his manager.


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg with http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Seduction.jpg VS. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GiantRedwood.jpg


Chris Caulfield w\Seduction vs. Giant Redwood


Seduction comes to the announcers table and join Jillefski and Sneer on the commentary. Redwood and Caulfield stare at each other. Redwood asked Caulfield if he has a problem with him and push Caulfield away. Caulfield start a quick punches attack on the giant. During the match Caulfield try to nock the giant out on his feet, Redwood refuse to fall down. When Peter Valentine decided to interfere the match, seduction left the announcers table and went to talk with referee Baby Jamie. The referee was distracted and that allows Valentine to hit Caulfield with a foreign object in the face. Giant Redwood take this advantage and after an elbow drop successfully covered Caulfield to the three count.


Redwood defeated Chris Caulfield in 4:19 by pinfall with an Elbow drop following interference from Peter Valentine.

Grade: D




After the commercial break we can see The Hardcore American standing with a mic in his hand in the middle of the ring...

Chris Caulfield: Valentine! you've been talking with Micky Starr about respect last week...I thought that you and me have a mutual agreement, a gentleman's agreement. You piece of garbage, you screwed me in the World title match last week, and now you cost me this match.


Caulfield stop for a moment to hear the reaction of the crowd...he got a big pop from the crowd...


Chris Caulfield: Definitely USPW isn't big enough for two of us, therefore I've got a challenge that you can't refuse...I am ready to put my career on the line if you gonna put yours!

Seduction try to calm him down...


Chris Caulfield: Sam you better bring all the papers that needed, cause this thing ends tonight!


Grade: C+



We got a short video that hypes the upcoming number one contenders match for the USPW World Tag Team titles match between The Hillbillys and the team of Jumbo Jackson and Eric The Bull. In the video mentioned that The Hillbillys are a former USPW World Tag Team champions, they won the title on November 2005 by defeating the current commissioner Doom and Sheik Mustafa. On the other hand, since starting his wrestling career back in 2002 Eric the bull doesn't won any titles at all, his partner Jumbo Jackson is a former two time SWF World Tag Team champion. Eric and Jackson want to win there first titles in USPW and to prove themselves in the Sneer corporation...

Grade: E



Danny Jillefski: Shane, why sending the inexperienced duo of Eric The Bull and Jumbo Jackson? Why not simply sending an established team like the former 3 times USPW World Tag Team Champions Savage Fury?


Shane Sneer: You see...Seduction darling, one of my many qualities is wisdom. I peak the best 4 wrestlers to The Sneer Corporation, they are all working like a well-oiled machine individually and together, so tonight not only that two single wrestlers gonna beat a well known team, also a tag team wrestler, by the way a former National Champion, Java gonna win a singles title, the TV title, and all thanks to my guidance, Seduction.

Seduction: Shut up Sneer, I've got no mood for your nonsense. If Peter Valentine will agree for Chris's request tonight may be the last night of Chris Caulfield in USPW!


Shane Sneer: ...big lost...


Seduction: ...excuses me?!

Danny Jillefski: ...once again thank you Seduction that you are joining us here at USPW American Wrestling in the commentary position. Who will face The Towers Of Power the USPW World Tag Team champions at the first ever USPW PPV "Stars, Stripes and Slams"?

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AlTheHillbilly.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PeteTheHillbilly.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BullWrecker.jpghttp://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/JumboJackson_Tomko2.jpg

The Hillbillys vs. Eric The Bull & Jumbo Jackson

No. 1 Contenders match for the USPW World Tag Team titles at "Stars, Stripes and Slams"

Scientific match it ain't gonna be, warns us Danny Jillefski, and he is so right. The crowd seems to be not interested in the match as many of them use this match to go buy something, meanwhile this match ends quickly after the "Jumbo Avalanche" from Jumbo Jackson on Pete The Hillbilly.


Jumbo Jackson and Eric The Bull defeated The Hillbillys in 3:33 when Jumbo Jackson defeated Pete The Hillbilly by pinfall with a Jumbo Avalanche.

Grade: E+




The owner of USPW, Sam Strong, stands in the middle of the ring with Chris Caulfield holding some document in his hand...the crowd went crazy when Sam Strong asks for a microphone.

Sam Strong: Let me get it straight, you wanna sign an official document for a "Looser leaves town" match? 'Cause you got to realize that the contract of the looser of this match will be immediately terminated! Are you sure about this?


Chris Caulfield: You know me Sam, look at my face...do I looked like I'm kidding? Last year when DAVE was closed down...

The Pennsylvanian crowd start to chant "DAVE" when their hometown hero mention his former promotion...


Chris Caulfield: ...you personally handled the negotiations to bring me into USPW. I told it to you back then, and I gonna repeat it right here on national TV. I said no to SWF...I said no to TCW...I choose U-S-P-W because I see what you tried to do here Sam. You took a young company, got them a TV deal...signed a big name wrestlers, and now you got an upcoming first ever PPV in the history of the company. Sam, when you offered me the opportunity to wrestle here in USPW, you just reminded me what Phil Vibert done to DAVE, he take over DAVE, who were on the verge of going out of business. He managed to turn the company around in record time, and it was under his guidance that the company had a meteoric rise to national fame. Exactly like what you did to USPW, the future is bright to USPW, and you people are witnessing an history in the making! You asked me if I'm sure...if I'm sure that I wanna throw it all and put my career on the line tonight...as much as it difficult to me I can't succeed here when I got Peter Valentine breathing down neck! This company isn't...


Peter Valentine cut him in the middle and enter the ring with a microphone of his own.


Peter Valentine: You ready to put your career on the line and you ask me if I'm ready to put my? Like you said USPW is a fast raising company, and right now I am a maineventer. I earn in one week 6 times more then any one of the morons here in Pennsylvania...and you asking me to give it up only for a chance of not seeing you here at USPW?! Well, Chris...I'll take it! 'Cause more then I hate you I hate everything that you represent... H-A-R-D-C-O-R-E American...Sam, give me the papers...


Sam Strong: Here you go...you better...


Peter Valentine: Sam, I've got an opertuinity to get raid of this piece crap!


Peter Valentine signed the contract.


Sam Strong: ...read it first...


Chris Caulfield: Pennsylvania you've got yourself a "Looser leaves town anything goes street fight"!


A huge reaction from the crowd...


Peter Valentine: What? A street fight? You screwed me Sam! I didn't know it! It cant be official if...


Sam Strong: Well Peter, you better always read the small letters, always! And by the way it's official, you're main event tonight will be a "Looser leaves town anything goes street fight" between The "Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield and Peter Valentine!

Grade: C+



Danny Jillefski: Wrestling fans if there ever was a wrestling dictionary, the definition of a street fight could be a no holds barred brawl inside the arena, but with falls count anywhere. No DQ. No Countout. Anything goes. Yes it's official for the first time ever a "Looser leaves town anything goes street fight" here on American Wrestling.


Shane Sneer: I can't believe it!


Seduction: It's gonna be the end of Peter Valentine!


Shane Sneer: Well Seduction, you must admit that Caulfield set Valentine up.


Seduction: What are you talking about he got the contract in his hand, why he didn't read it?


Shane Sneer: Well, it's still unfair. Chris Caulfield is a master of this kind of matches, I mean come on this kind of matches are what DAVE is all about. You know what Seduction, I am a better man, I am a better man then Chris Caulfield, and tonight I gonna prove it you!


Seduction: You don't need to prove me nothing.


Shane Sneer: If last week you called me a nudge, this week you gonna see another side in me, the peacemaker side of Shane Sneer, that's right you heard me, I gonna have a special interview with Micky Starr and give him a chance to apologize before this crowd for his words from last week.

Danny Jillefski: Ladies and Gentlemen The USPW Womens champion Cherry Bomb will face the debuting "Miracle Blonde" Suzanne Brazzle in Non title match, but first lets hear some comments made earlier tonight by the champion.


Cherry Bomb: Alicia Strong you better devote attention to this match, because like this "Miracle Blonde" Suzanne Brazzle you gonna need a Miracle honey to take the USPW Womens title away from me in "Stars, Stripes and Slams"!

Grade: C



http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CherryBomb.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SuzanneBrazzle.jpg

Cherry Bomb(USPW Womens Champion) vs. "Miracle Blonde" Suzanne Brazzle

Non title match

Ones again the best match so far comes from the womens division. During the match Danny Jillefski remind the viewers that the full exclusive interview with Alicia Strong will be transmitted later tonight, also was discovered that Seduction and Shane Sneer work extremely well together at the announcer's table. The "Cherry Bomb" end the match for the champion.


Cherry Bomb defeated Suzanne Brazzle in 3:54 by pinfall with a Cherry Bomb.

Grade: D




Shane Sneer: Larry King, pay attention because tonight you gonna learn something...ha...ha...ha...ladies and gentlemen not only that he was a two time former SWF World Heavyweight champion, on his second title reign he defend the belt successfully for a six years! Please welcome the legendary "Mighty" Micky Starr!

The crowd boo Micky Starr when he was making his way slowly to the ring.

Micky Starr: Thank you Shane for giving me this opportunity...


Shane Sneer: ...sure Micky...


Micky Starr: You see, USPW management, aka Sam Strong, told me last week that if I want to keep my job here I need to apologize live in the ring before all the USPW fans for my unsanctioned speech from last week. It seemed that my words offended some fans, the fans of Chris Caulfield...to show you how sincere I am, I want to take this opportunity and wish a good luck to both competitors in the "Looser leaves town" match later tonight, may the best man win.


Shane Sneer: Wow Micky, you are like Mahatama Gandhi! This people show you no respect last week, and this week you choose to...


Micky Starr: ...Shane, I came here to apologize so I'm apologized, thank you and have a good evening.


Grade: C-



Shane Sneer: You saw that Seduction, I gave someone a chance to atone for the sins of his past.


Seduction: Viva La Papa!


Shane Sneer: Ha..Ha...



Lex Appeal: Excuse me...Excuse me. I'm sorry to interrupt the show, but I'm promising you that the outcome will deliver, because I saw what happened to the last man that made the people angry...Pennsylvania I don't wanna end like Micky Starr did last week. Ladies and Gentlemen, the end for the speculations, the end for the rumors, that's right I promised and I am delivering, please welcome the surprise that gonna shock USPW...here comes Amy Roberts!


While cheap erotic music is played, the star of the video for Rotorblade's big 2004 single "L.A. Nights" debut in USPW.




Lex Appeal: I am happy to inform that Amy will be my valet! Therefore you will have the chance to see her by my side at every match that I had.


Amy Roberts: I said no to Hollywood. I said no to MTV. I said no to TCW 'cause their is no way that I'm coming back into the hornets' nest. Oh, Tommy you can "syndicate" this...


Lex stops Amy's hand before she show the camera her middle finger...


Lex Appeal: Hold on, hold on...you can't do things like this here. Don't you heard the slogan?


Lex try to imitate the voice of the narrator from the USPW opening.

Lex Appeal: U-S-P-W: we are Family Entertainment...


Amy Roberts: Sorry, I don't wanna end up like Micky Starr...


Lex Appeal: Me neither...


Amy Roberts: USPW, Hollywood gave you the "Branjelina"...we give you the "Blonde Appeal"!


One more time Lex imitate the voice of the narrator from the USPW opening.


Lex Appeal: The "Blonde Apeal"!


Grade: D



Happy Elwood is shown backstage talking with Nadia Snow.


Happy Elwood: Nadia, wow it's great to see you. Really, looking perfect like nothing happend last week. This is what I always tell everybody: always look at the bright side of life. You have all the reasons to be upset. First you've been humiliated by The USPW Womens champion Cherry Bomb then after you've lost to the No.1 contender for the Womens title Alicia Strong you've been also disrespected by the same Alicia Strong, but it's not what you know, but who you know, and last week you had a peep talk with Cherry Bomb the USPW Womens champion. Who is more important then the Womens champion, ha? Oh and also you have the chance to wrestle against Alicia Strong, and the girl know to wrestle-you had the chance to learn from her. Always look at the bright side of life, Nadia, and you will feel better!


Nadia attacks Happy Elwood with a knee below the belt and push him away...


Nadia Snow: You right Elwood, after our conversation I feel better.

The camera shows us Happy Elwood laying down on the floor, and then shows us back Nadia Snow...


Nadia Snow: Much better!


Grade: E+



Danny Jillefski: Ladies and Gentlemen later we gonna have the TV title match between the champion Nicky Champion and Java, the full interview with Alicia Strong, and of course the "Looser leaves town anything goes street fight" match.


Seduction: During the commercial break I tried to talk with Chris but he decline the offer, he wanted to be alone to get himself ready for the match.


Shane Sneer: I will never decline anything you ever...


Seduction: For me to even consider something that involve you in any kind of...


Danny Jillefski: Waite a minute, something is going on! Ladies and Gentlemen we supposed to have a T-Rex vs. Captain USA match right now but it seems like they already start it backstage. Do we have a camera man out there?


Shane Sneer: What do you mean already start it?

Danny Jillefski: Here we go!




We can see how T-Rex brutally attacking Captain USA and throwing him out of the building. T-Rex continue the attack at the Parking lot and leaves The Captain laying down unconscious. The performance of T-Rex was fantastic. Captain USA did not come out of this looking good.


Grade: C



After the commercial break we can see Amy Roberts entering the dressing room of the USPW TV Champion, Nicky Champion and give him a good luck kiss before his match with Java. Nicky Champion is looking stunned.


Grade: C-



http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/NickyChampion.jpg VS. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Java.jpg


Nicky Champion© vs. Java

USPW Television title match


Java is a bigger wrestler then Nicky Champion and he used it to take control. Right now Nicky Champion have a huge momentum("A" actually) and it seems that everything he do can't be wrong. Just when Nicky Champion try to comeback we see Tribal Warrior run in...but he accidentally hit Java instead, that's allows Nicky to win the match with a "small package". This match brought the crowd's mood down.

Nicky Champion defeated Java in 3:31 by pinfall following botched interference by Tribal Warrior.

Grade: D-


Seduction: You better stop looking at me Shane. Right now your own guy cost his tag team partner the chance to win the Television title. Great win for Nicky Champion over an experienced wrestler like Java.


Shane Sneer: How could I concentrate on the match when you sitting near me Seduction?


Seduction: Oh you better concentrate because your savages seems to be angry on each other, by the way.


Danny Jillefski: Ladies and Gentlemen, coming up next is the anticipated full interview that I made with Alicia Strong who gonna face the USPW Womens champion at our first ever PPV "Stars, Stripes and Slams". Check this out!





Alicia Strong and Danny Jillefski sit together with a black background behind them...


Alicia Strong: I was born at West Virginia to the wrestling business and grown up from this business...my father is SAM STRONG, to become a wrestler was the natural choice...

Danny Jillefski: I gonna tell you something and you will tell me the first thing that comes into your mind...Sensational Ogiwara...


Alicia: A role model, very professional she is the female version of Sam Strong in Japan. It was very big honor to work with her in Japan. She taught me everything I know...


Danny Jillefski: ...Bruce The Giant...


Alicia: ...he is much bigger in real life then most people assume...much bigger...

Danny Jillefski: ...Jim Force...


Alicia: ...done it more than anyone here, was a 4 time world champion. You can not underestimate that...

Danny Jillefski: ...Geena The Warrior Princess...


Alicia: ...a great addition to USPW, former European womens champion. Great gimmick, I mean common you must be an amazon, cause let's admit it-wrestling is a man's world...

Danny Jillefski: ...October 2006...


Alicia: Back then I was still in Japan at the "5 Star Supreme Dojo", but when I heard that my father became the new owner of USPW, I really got the feeling that it finally could be it. You see, me and my father have this vision of the wrestling product that we want to deliver. Danny, with all the respect to you as the former owner of USPW, me and my father believe in the women wrestling. I saw the massive popularity of it in Japan, the kind of respect the women got, not for being an eye candy but for being a wrestler. I am proud to wrestle in a promotion that expose women wrestling to national TV each and every week.


Danny Jillefski: ...Stars, Stripes and Slams...

Alicia: ...a milestone in my career, my chance to win the USPW womens title and put the women wrestling on the map like my father do to men wrestling 18 years ago. Cherry Bomb I'm coming!


Grade: C-




As we wait for the "Looser leaves town anything goes street fight" match between Chris Caulfield and Peter Valentine, Danny Jillefski and Shane Sneer are joined by James Justice in the commentary position. While Seduction leaving the announcers table to be near Chris Caulfield during the match.


Grade: C+



http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg with http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Seduction.jpg VS. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PeterValentine.jpg

Chris Caulfield w\Seduction vs. Peter Valentine

"Looser Leaves Town Anything Goes Street Fight"


Before the match started Chris asked Seduction to leave to the backstage because this is going to be violent. This match was definitely the most HARDCORE match in the television history of USPW(something like the WM ladder match between Razor Ramon and Shawn Michaels back in 94, a lot of weapons been used, with a lot of dangerous bumps but without bleeding). They wrestle in all over the place. One of the most significant spots of the match was when Chris Caulfield was standing on the apron, Peter Valentine hit him with a chair to the head and Caulfield collapsed on the announcers table. During the match it seemed that the more punishment Chris Caulfield get the more over he get. The match ended when Micky Starr interfering the match and helpipng Peter Valentine to win it. Chris Caulfield roll up from the ring leaving Peter Valentine and Micky Starr to stand alone in the ring. The crowd start to throw garbage to the ring.

Peter Valentine defeated Chris Caulfield in 9:32 by pinfall with a Heart Breaker following interference from Micky Starr.

Grade: D+


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Full Card of the show:


Non title match: James Justice(USPW World Heavyweight Champion) vs. Peter Valentine

USPW Television Title Match: Nicky Champion© vs. Anger

International Womens bout: Miss Mexico & Geena The Warrior Princess vs. Nadia Snow & Stephanie Wade

Savage Fury will be in action...



"Stars, Stripes and Slams" Card:


USPW Womens title match: Cherry Bomb© vs. Alicia Strong

USPW World Tag Team title match: The Towers Of Power© vs. Jumbo Jackson & Eric The Bull

USPW: we are Family Entertainment(с)

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