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SWF : The Crisis Chronicles

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(Non Title Match)

Jack Bruce vs Brandon James


Acid vs Gino Montero


Valiant vs Sgt Bubba Lee West


Angry Gilmore vs Enygma


The Biggz Boyz vs The Gentlemen's Club


Robbie Retro vs Frederique Antonio Garcia - I'm going to put it out there right now, Robbie Retro needs a massive God push.. do it, do it


Dean McWade vs Jack Giedroyc


Intercontinental Championship

Chris Caulfield © vs Eric Eisen


Steve Frehley vs Runaway Train


It's harder said than done, but don't worry about the star ratings. They're kinda meaningless. They're a bit of a waste of time really.

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SWF Supreme TV

@ The Theater of Dreams, 9,489 Fans in Attendance




Peter Michaels - Duane Fry



[Opening Promo]

Jack Bruce : Hello Everybody ! To The Thousands of Fans in attendance tonight at the Theater of Dreams ! How's it going folks !


The Crowd let's him know how they feel, cheering and yelling the name of their beloved Jack Bruce.


Jack Bruce : Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to tell you something about my opponent tonight, Brandon James. Did you know, that Brandon James... Sucks ? The only title he's won is the Supreme Championship, and he beat out Lobster Warrior for it, and the word Backstage, is that he used his contract benefits to win the match, and that Lobster Warrior was planned to win the championship. Shocking, isn't it ?


The Fans Boo at the lack of decency of Brandon James


Jack Bruce : Brandon James, is just an Overgrown Cat. Emma Chase, Somehow, managed to put him in a suit, and teach him how to speak coherently. I applaud her for that accomplishment. But, I won't applaud Brandon. When he comes out to fight me tonight, I will not give him a chance. Don't you remember awhile ago, how, I Was the part of Painful Procedure. Well, tonight will be a return to a time, when, I was one of those come forward 'Good for one beating' kind of guy. Painful Procedure may be over, but, Jack Bruce is here to stay !


The Fans Cheer loudly for Jack Bruce, who is obviously on a roll


Jack Bruce : There's No Better feeling, then having the crowd, cheer your name. 10,000 people, cheering your name, and tonight, Brandon James, will get, no cheers. Brandon James, why don't you get your ass out here and we can get started with this thing.


Brandon James' familiar music hits, as the match is set to get underway.


Grade : A

Duane Fry : Jack Bruce, is going to wrestle, against the loose cannon, of Big Money Incorporated, is this going to be great or what.

Peter Michaels : Well, you have to remember, Jack Bruce was once a brawler himself, a straight up, in your face brawler. Either way, I'm excited.



vs Brandon James


Brandon James enters the ring, to the dislike of the fans, but Jack Bruce manages to divert their attention away from the Loose Cannon of Big Money Incorporated, but, not for long, as James is already in the ring, and Ric Young signals for the bell, as James bursts out of his corner, throwing fists and kicks, eventually setting up a Big Boot, dropping Bruce down in the ring. Brandon tries to hit a stomp, but Bruce avoids it, and lands a nice Drop Toe Hold, tripping Brandon James. Bruce lifts James up, and Irish whips him into the ropes, hitting a nice clothesline, but, Brandon is quick to get to his feet, and he hits a nice Mad Man Clothesline, on Jack Bruce, who was already at the ropes. The Shot takes both men out of the ring, as James gets back into the ring. Ric Young begins the count out, but Bruce gets to his feet, and gets back to the ring before Young gets to 4. Bruce begins to throw punches but James gets a hold on his neck, and hits a DDT. James gets to his feet, and climbs to the top rope, hitting a top rope fist drop, blasting Jack Bruce's head into the canvas. James gets to his feet again, but is visibly gassed out, after those bursts of energy. Bruce is also gassed, on the ground and trying to push to his feet. Bruce manages to push to his feet though, and hits a brutal right hook that drops James, as Bruce hits the 'Welcome to New York City'. An Elbow, Legdrop and finally a splash, manages to get Bruce an attempted pinfall. James avoids the pin, kicking out just after two, and getting back to his feet. Bruce hits another punch, and tries to hold onto the Surfboard Stretch, pulling on his arms, whilst holding a knee to the back of James. Brandon pushes to get out of the submission, and manages to escape, but is still in pain. James stays on the ground, obviously in pain, as Bruce picks him back up to his feet. He hits a powerful discus clothesline. James is groggy in the ring, as Bruce stands at the ropes, signals the crowd, and takes a run at his opponent, hitting the New York Minute. Bruce gets the quick pin from Ric Young, and the match is over.


Jack Bruce wins @ 8:06 with a New York Minute

Grade : B

Peter Michaels : What A Great Match ! Jack Bruce was being dominated at the beginning, but on the way back into the match, Bruce went on a streak that James could not stop until it was over. *Laughs* I love it !

Duane Fry : While I do agree with my partner, I'll have to shut him up, because, I hear Music, and It's the kind of music that I like to hear in the SWF.



& Christian Faith

[in-Ring Argument]


Rich Money : Christian Faith... There are things that Rich Money don't like about people. There are, THREE THINGS, that Rich Money, doesn't like, about you, Christian Faith. One, You're not Rich, Like Rich Money, so that pretty much outs you right there, but Rich Money decided to give you a chance. Two, You denied an opportunity from Rich Money, to join Big Money Incorporated. Rich Money, figured you had a prior commitment, so he decided to let you go, as Rich Money, isn't all bad. And Three, Not only do you deny Rich Money's 'Invitation' to join Big Money Incorporated, but you basically slap him in the face, by creating a Faction of your own ! Rich Money is not happy with you Christian Faith. Care to explain yourself ?


Christian Faith : Well, as you can see, I didn't want to join your...


Rich Money : No No No, You didn't want to join 'Rich Money's Faction'


Christian Faith : Fine. Well, as you can see, I didn't want to join 'Rich Money's Faction' *Grins*. 'Rich Money' pretty much explained the rest of the situation, I didn't want to be some snobby, rich stiff that doesn't give a damn about anybody else, and 'Rich Money' well, I imagine he didn't want to lose to somebody as 'Poor' as Christian Faith.


Rich Money begins to get angry, as Christian Faith Bursts into laughter.\


Rich Money : Sir, I think you should Respect Rich Money, if not, there will be consequences.


Christian Faith : Well how about this Richie Boy ? The World is Watching is coming up soon, and how about Richie Boy and I get into a match, Winner, gets the number one contendership for the Main Event Title in their brand ?


Rich Money : Brand ? What Brand ? Rich Money Knows not of any brands ?


Christian Faith : Oh, The boss didn't tell you, after 'The World is Watching' There will be a company wide Brand Split. With Titles and everything, the Current titles are currently being split into three brands. Public Service Announcement Folks, Three Brands, Supreme, Infinity and a Third, which will be revealed NEXT month. Now, you may be wondering, especially Richie Boy, Infinity is our Development-Esque show, but next month, it'll be an A Show like the others, with a Third Show being introduced, now that should sum up television, back to Richie here. So Richie, got an answer to my 'Proposition' *Grins*


Rich Money : Well, a shot at the Championship could get Rich Money, even more Money. Rich Money accepts, but on his terms. The Match, will be a Ladder Match, with a Briefcase full of money for the winner, Rich Money wants to know where his money is at all times.


Christian Faith : Ahh, What the Hell, I'll do it !


Grade : A


Gino Montero vs


Acid comes into the ring quickly, as Montero takes the time rather slowly, saying hi to the fans and just looking happy to be here. The Match begins though, and Acid Rushes him though, at the sound of the bell, Gino is already laid out, with Acid on the top rope, ready to pounce. Gino gets up though, and shakes the ropes, knocking Acid right off the ropes, and getting himself on top. Acid rushes at Gino though, but he's already off the top rope, in the air, and hitting a top rope hurricanrana, rolling Acid to the corner. Gino gets to the ropes, and rushes for a turnbuckle dropkick. Acid takes it hard, but gets right back up, and hits a streak of punches that send Gino into the ropes, where he hits a nice slingshot suplex. Gino is in the ring now, with Acid standing over top of him. Acid walks back to his corner, and stalks a downed Gino. As Gino gets up, Acid Rushes him into the corner, and throws him down on to the mat, as he climbs the turnbuckles, hitting a perfect Acid Twist off of the top rope, getting the pin as soon as he hits the mat.


Acid wins @ 6:12 with an Acid Twist

Grade : B-

Peter Michaels : To My surprise, that was actually a pretty good match.

Duane Fry : Not To Mine ! Gino is a Montero, and Acid is a high flyer, That just Screams Good Match !

Peter Michaels : Well, When you put it that way...



Valiant vs Sgt Bubba Lee West


Valiant begins the match with a flurry of punches, which seem to hurt West. West came back though, but was knocked down with a vicious Right hook from Valiant, who ran from rope to rope before hitting a giant crossbody. Darren Smith gets to 2 before West kicks out, and throws a massive discus clothesline, forcing Valiant to stay down for awhile. Valiant awaits for West to jump down with a fist or some sort of attack, before reversing him into a Small Package. West gets stuck, and Valiant gets the three count for the pin.


Valiant wins @ 6:01 with a Small Package

Grade : D




Angry Gilmore and Enygma put on a strong showing of attack and defense, each getting their opportunities throughout the match, as Gilmore scored several punches and kicks that rocked Enygma. Enygma got his shots in as well, scoring some nice Enziguiris and some running shots which sent a shock through Gilmore's body. Gilmore got back into the match though, but was unable to hit his patented Anger Management, as Enygma rolled into an Enygma Variation. Gilmore was stuck in the submission for quite awhile, but was eventually able to roll through and score a nice scoop slam. Enygma got back to his feet though, and hit a nice side step kick, but after a second attempt, he was left on the ground after Gilmore charged the kick. Gilmore eventually got ahold of Enygma again, and hit the Anger Management, for the win.


Angry Gilmore wins @ 8:21 with a Anger Management

Grade : C-



[Pre-Match Hype]


A Video hits the SuperTron, highlighting the ongoing feud between Steve Frehley and Vengeance & Runaway Train. From the early battles between the two, to the current day battles of Runaway Train and Steve Frehley. The Beatdowns, the Revenge attacks, everything...


Then, the video begins to show the now possessed Runaway Train, who'd been converted by Vengeance, to the Wrath Of God Clan, Vengeance, being the subconcsious leader of the group, let alone not being a part of it. Vengeane now had power of Runaway Train, Valiant and Jack Giedroyc.


Runaway Train : I Represent, The Wrath of God. God is unhappy with us, and we must make him happy. Vengeance, is our Saviour, and Steve Frehley, is the Plague. We must follow the way of Vengeance, we must follow the way of the Wrath of God, so you too, can be saved. We, and the SWF, will soon be rid of the plague, forever...


Steve Frehley : Runaway Train, is possessed, and to me, I find that to be total Horsecrap. If somebody is stupid enough to be possessed by some dude who prances around in a skull mask, then I'm not sure I should give them the time of day by kicking there ass. The Revolution is what I represent, and the Revolution, will soon be the silent leaders of the SWF. Vengeance, I pity you, and Runaway Train, go back to school.


The Words 'The Main Event' soon appear on the screen, and the countdown from 60:00 begins counting down.


Grade : A

Duane Fry : Oh Boy ! I Cannot Wait for this one ! Runaway Train and Steve Frehley locking horns once again !

Peter Michaels : It should be a 'Barn-Stormer' !

Duane Fry : Hey ! That's My Line !

Peter Michaels : I don't see your name on it...



The Biggz Boyz vs The Gentlemen's Club


The Biggz Boyz bring some speed and skill to this match, out-striking and out-grappling the Gentlemen's Club. Bart and Brett hit a Double Death Drop to start the match, immediately setting up a flurry of punches from Brett, who pushed the pace and dominated Squeeky McClean. Brett continued to dominate, until Squeeky tagged out to Paul Huntingdon, who nailed Biggz with a right cross, before getting slingshot by Bart, who had the ropes set for when Huntingdon came by. Paul was still on the ground when Brett picked him up, and as Brett nailed the Biggz Up, Bart ran through the ring, tackling McClean off of the ring apron, as Brett got the pin.


The Biggz Boyz win @ 6:15 with a Biggz Up

Grade : D+


Robbie Retro vs


Robbie Retro came in swinging with some brawling shots, but Garcia stood back and picked some shots, one of which dropped Retro. Retro got back up though, and picked up Garcia into a Samoan Drop hold. Robbie hit the Fireman's Carry drop, as he climbs to the top rope, where he hit the Fist Drop from the top rope, which made Garcia bleed. Garcia got back up, and managed to adjust his clothing to make himself look fashionable with the blood, which allowed Robbie to take a quick breather before running in to attack Retro. Garcia then grabbed his Feather Boa from ringside, and proceeded to strangle Retro with it, Referee Darren Smith gave him a warning before DQ'ing him, which Garcia followed, but the damage was already done, and Garcia picked up the win after an illegal choke hold.


Frederique Antonio Garcia wins @ 6:11 with a Feather Boa Choke

Grade : C-

Duane Fry : Now That was actually decent, not the best match, but not the worst.

Peter Michaels : True. I'm not a big fan of Frederique, but that was actually a good match.

Duane Fry : But Now, possibly one of the brightest prospects in the SWF, could very well be moving up to the Main Event Scene very soon.



Jack Giedroyc vs Dean McWade


Jack Giedroyc and Dean McWade meet in the middle of the ring. Giedroyc lands a nice, clubbing blow across the back of McWade, who takes it full on, and just charges forward. McWade lands a fierce right cross that drops Giedroyc right into the ropes, and McWade immediately begins throwing kicks to the face of a downed Giedroyc. Giedroyc, somehow manages to pull himself up the ropes, and counters a vicious lariat, by throwing McWade down with a Judo Hip Toss. Giedroyc climbs the turnbuckles, as McWade gets up, Giedroyc hits a monster Double Axe Handle, smashing into the face of Dean McWade, who rolls straight into the center of the canvas, where Giedroyc then picks up the pin.


Jack Giedroyc wins @ 6:02 with a Double Axe Handle

Grade : C+


Christian Faith

[PPV Hype]


Christian Faith : Ahh, April. How I love April. Well, Now at least, this is when it gets good. The World is Watching is coming up soon, and as me and Richie Boy argued earlier about the terms for our match, which will be a Ladder Match, but with a briefcase full of money. Now, I'm not one to be smitten by the value of money, I could care less, but beating Rich Money, and taking 'His' money, now that, that's something that could be fun. But, I couldn't help but think, what happens, if I lose. Now, I'm not planning on it, but, losing to Rich Money, now, that would truly suck. Also, The World is Watching, isn't just a catchy little event name, the World, will really be watching. This is, the SWF after all, the biggest promotion of all time. The SuperRumble, which will give the winner, a shot at the Supreme Challenge. Now, I'm obviously not competing, but, I'll have to be paying attention, because, should I beat Rich, I'll be the one they'll be challenging, chances are.


He takes a short pause.


Christian Faith : Rich Money, I think you're scared. I know, that you're scared of me. At the World is Watching, you won't, be climbing that ladder. I don't just think that, I know it, I guarantee it ! I don't believe that you have the will, the faith in your abilities, the skill, the motivation, I could go on, but I'd be here all night.


The Crowd Laughs.


Christian Faith : I'm Not Scared, I have Faith, I have the motivation, I have everything, that you don't. So Rich Money, I suggest you start training, and start working towards the PPV, because if you don't, it won't even be worth my time...


Grade : B

Duane Fry : If that is not intense, then I don't know what is !

Peter Michaels : You said it Fry ! This is going to be quite the match !

Duane Fry : Now, I think this is the proper moment to mention that tickets for the Supreme Challenge are on sale




© vs

SWF Intercontinental Championship


Chris Caulfield enters the ring with his belt, as a Pumped up Eric Eisen waits patiently for the bell to sound. Caulfield takes off his belt and passes it off to the Referee, who shows it to the crowd, Eisen and Caulfield, and signals for the bell. Caulfield and Eisen meet in the center of the ring, very tentative, when Caulfield makes the first move, throwing a slugging left hook that drops Eisen. Caulfield then picks him back up, and throws a good combo of three or four punches, on the fifth, Eisen grabs a hold on the fists, and hits an Arm-Wringer Leg Drop. Eisen begins to throw some stomps, then some kicks, as he climbs the turnbuckles. Just as he begins taunting the crowd, Caulfield gets to his feet, and shakes the ropes, causing Eisen to fall off. Caulfield hits a powerful stomp, which causes Eisen to bleed. Awfully early in the match, Caulfield goes for a pin, which Eisen quickly kicks out of. Eisen then throws a big clubbing blow, before hitting a knee-facebuster. Eric Eisen picks Chris Caulfield up, and hits a brutal Silver Spoon Shock. He goes for the pin, but Caulfield kicks out. Still on the ground, Caulfield grabs his face, visibly in pain, as Eisen climbs the turnbuckle, hitting a very nice Elbow Drop. Eisen runs across the ring, rebounding off the ropes, and hits a spiral leg drop, and gets the pin, winning the Intercontinental Championship.


Eric Eisen wins @ 10:21 with a Spiral Leg Drop Pin

Grade : B







Steve Frehley : Sup


Frehley then runs out of the ring with his followers, raising the torch in the air, and flailing it around until he gets backstage to prepare for his match.

Duane Fry : This, Is Going to be Good.

Peter Michaels : Yes it will, this is going to be quite the match, Steve Frehley and Runaway Train.

Duane Fry : Well, the fact that it involves Two Former Champions, and two of the best Champions in the SWF, makes it an instant classic if it delivers !





Steve Frehley and Runaway Train start off the match full speed ahead, Train comes forward with a collision attack, ramming Frehley into the ropes. Frehley gets up, and shrugs off the blow, and rushes Train with some powerful punches, one of which clips him straight across the jaw, dropping him, slumped into the corner. Frehley comes straight forward and attempts to hit the running face wash, but Train grabs a hold of the foot, and rushes straight across the ring, slumping Frehley in the corner. Train then hits a Jumping Knee attack into the corner, forcing Frehley's head to bounce off of the turnbuckle. Train begins to lift Frehley up, and hits the Tree of Woe, hanging him by the feet from the Top turnbuckle, as he applies pressure to the face of Frehley with his boot. As Train continues to pressure the face, Frehley takes a foot, and kicks the face of Train, sending him into the center of the ring, as Frehley climbs to the top rope, hitting an over castle neckbreaker. Train is now down in the ring, as Frehley climbs the turnbuckles once more, hitting a leg drop, straight to the head of Runaway Train, as he attempts for the pin. Ric Young makes it to two before Train kicks out. Train gets back up, and hits a nice Samoan Drop, laying out Frehley on his back as he hits a running elbow drop. Frehley manages to get back up though, hitting a series of punches, before hitting a leg trip slap, and picking him up once more, as he hits the Dark Destroyer Spear, sending Train straight down to the ground. Frehley goes for the pin, but it is kicked out of, as Train gets up, and is Irish whipped into the ropes, but on his way back, he hits the Full Steam Ahead, driving Frehley straight into the canvas, and he goes for the pin, Frehley manages to kick out though. Runaway Train gets back up, and as he attempts to go for the Shoulder Block, he accidentally hits the referee, which gives him the opportunity to leave the ring and grab a chair. Frehley sees the chair, and begins to attempt to avoid it, by running around the ring. He eventually gets back into the ring, and Train follows him, just at the moment, Train attempts to hit Frehley with the Chair, but Frehley manages to stop it, and grabs onto the chair himself. Just at that moment, Ric Young gets up, and Frehley tosses the chair into Runaway Train's hands, and Train hits the referee once more, with the chair. Ric Young is now out for the count, as another official, Darren Smith begins to run down the ramp to the ring. Frehley, while Train is distracted, Hits the Frehley's Comet, smashing Train's face into the canvas, and gets the three count, winning the match.


Grade : B+







Christian Faith &



Final Show Grade : B+


Copyright SWF Supreme TV 2008

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Just wanted to say that I liked the promos a lot. I really liked the Jack Bruce promo!


Thanks ! I really try to get the grasp on the characters, so it's a lot of fun to write them, I hope to make them a little longer in the near future. Glad you're reading though


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