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TCW "Putting it Right"

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Funny how sometimes random events change your life forever.


A summer’s afternoon in 2006 in New York, I was back show at a Total Championship Wrestling house show. It was your basic tryout; I'd been spotted by of all people Wolf Hawkins watching my work at the time alongside Fox Mask in the Indies. And there I was, a tryout match for a chance at the big time (well Total Championship Wrestling!) in front of some of my all time heroes and of course the greatest wrestler alive today, of course Freddy Huggins; No of course I mean Tommy Cornell, my tryout match was against Freddy.


Freddy and I were good friends, we'd trained briefly together and worked together before, this somewhat relieved my nerves, but in truth not alot. We put on a decent match, but nothing great, and nothing that stood out. I was hopeful but expectant of what came next.


Tommy Cornell "Hey kid, is it Dave?"


Me:"Yeah that’s right Mr Cornell"


TC:"Tommy is fine. I'm sorry to say we won't be following up our interest in you, but I'd like to tell you to.....


He then proceeded with the usual platitudes and told me to not forgive up. Did he mean it, maybe, but I doubt he thought nothing of it. I however thought of nothing else for several months. I briefly stopped wrestling. But then when one night a few months later after my return match I was having a match for Midatlantic Wrestling in which I did the job against Casey Valentine; I was sat having a quiet drink in a bar. Now I knew the man who walked into my left, but I was shocked to see him, around these parts. Yeah I'd seen him before but it was a strange site, a STONE!! In these parts. Though I was not of course taken aback to see Edd Stone in a bar. We ended up drinking together; Edd was talking about problems with his family, as I poured my heart out over my rejection by Tommy Cornell. (Yes I was being pathetic, but hell I was drinking with a Stone! It’s still a good story!) We swapped numbers and he convinced me to stick at wrestling. So a Stone, saved my love for wrestling and was an inspiration (possibly; I mean my memory of the night is hazy!) but Edd Stone, I never thought I'd think that, let alone say it.


Me and Edd stayed in contact, had a few drinks whenever our paths crossed. With my passion renewed I hit the roads, for crappy payments in front of crappy crowds. Honing my skills; which were beginning to increase. Beginning to become a decent mat wrestler, not just a high flyer. I felt I could make it, I knew I had the charisma to become a star, and I knew the business. (What wrestler doesn't?) I'd started to become heavily involved in the running of CZCW when I received a call which I thought would change my life forever.


Me: "Hello"


Voice "Mr Castle, this is Richard Eisen"


Me: "Mr Eisen, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Yeah the SWF isn't my thing really, but he is professional wrestling to all in tense and purposes, so you don't pass up on your dream.


RE: "Well Dave, I can call you Dave yes?


Me: "Ye..


RE: (cutting me off) "OK, good. Well we have been impressed by your work over the last few months. A position has opened up in our creative team. And we'd like you to join. Not stopping your wrestling either. As well as being part of the creative team we'd like you to work some dark matches and work the odd match in Rhode Island for us. What do you say?"


Well I met Richard Eisen and it all went well. Contact signed, future sorted. I started my creative career in the big time working under a legend, and my all time hero, SAM FRIGGING KEITH!!!!!!


Things were rosy for months, jobbing in dark matches wasn't my dream, but hell it beat jobbing in front of nobody for nothing, hell it beat winning in front of nobody for nothing. But it was the creative side I was getting a buzz out of. Sam and I, we hit it off! Well he put it up with me following him around like a lap dog, and I think he enjoyed having someone new to tell his stories too. I loved every minute working with him. What a mind to pick. I think a 3 minute conversation with him taught me more about being a wrestler than a 15 minute outing in the RIPW. But then it came, the idea that killed his career in the Supreme Wrestling Federation, The Election...


I never heard him talk to me about it. That’s because it nothing to do with him, or me. Just some rubbish the Eisen minds came up with. Richard Eisen told me when I signed a contract. The Buck stops with me kid. Well this was a huge bucking buck! And it didn't stop anywhere near any of the Eisens. Sam was gone, my hero, mentor and I firmly believed friend was gone. I was so low, I wanted to leave. I had a few months left on my contract. But then two weeks after that it would be Christmas. How could I leave at this time? Simple answer I couldn't. I was seen as Keith's right hand man, and now he’d gone, I was tarnished with the same brush. (Wrongly!!) One more smart remark from Westbury and I was going to crack. Then came a phone call I wasn't expecting...


Me: "Hello"


SK: "Kid, I've just spoken to a friend of yours.


Me: "A friend? Can't be someone who works here Sam!"


SK: "haha, don't let them get you down, I want to bring you with me.


Me: "To where? The welfare line?"


SK: "Kid, who am I?"


Me: "Sam Keith.."


SK "Yes, but...Sam Keith the what?"


Me: "The legendary"


SK: "haha thats right. Well, I have a new gig, and it’s going to be huge. Ever heard of a famous British wrestler, called Thomas?


Me: "No way!"


Sk: "Yes kid. I'm here and it’s going to be huge, when I debut. But the big news is Bryant is giving the book up after Malice in Wonderland. How about you come work alongside me, as the new booker?"


And now here I am, back in TCW backstage at a house show, contract signed, working as a wrestler and taking the book over in a month alongside Sam Keith. And the best thing is, Edd Stone is here alongside me, maybe we could tag, or I could job to him, but not once I have the book! I can't believe it, tomorrow its Total Wrestling. Though not booking yet, I'm working closely with Sam and Joel on where we want to be, come February 1st.


(ooc) Yeah not the greatest back-story, but hopefully my booking will make up for it. I know there are some great TCW diaries out there right now. And if I can be a quarter as good as Zeel1 or Phantomstranger then I'll be very happy. Roster up soon. Oh and if and “f’s” are missing I apologise, just a the Big Smack Scott of my keyboard!

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Ricky Dale Johnson

Rocky Golden




Sam Keith

Tommy Cornell

Wolf Hawkins

Tyson Baine


Upper Midcard




Eddie Peak


Joey Minnesota

Koshiro Ino

Rick Law




American Buffalo


Midcard/Lower Midcard




Billy Jack Shearer

Danny Fonzarelli

Giant Tana


Clark Alexander

Randall Hopkirk

Stevie Grayson




Brent Hill

Joel Bryan

John Anderson

Robert Oxford

Sammy Bach

Texas Pete

Charlie Thatcher

Edd Stone

Ronnie V.Pain


Openers & Enhancement




Chance Fortune

Harry Allen

Aaron Andrews

Steve Gumble


Freddy Huggins

David Castle


TCW Champions



Tommy Cornell



Wolf Hawkins



Sammy Bach



The Machines (Brent Hill & John Anderson)

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As we roll into a new month, and a New Year, old rivalries roll on. In tonights main event the team of Ricky Dale Johnson, Rocky Golen and Joey Minnesota battle the Syndicate trio of Tommy Cornell, Wolf Hawkins and Sam Keith.


Texas Pete has been going around backstage saying how he used to handle rattlesnakes in his native Texas, well this Tuesday he will need all those skills as he takes on The Japanese Kobra, Koshiro Ino.


Edd Stone is also in action taking on the bigger more experienced Clark Alexender, can the Party loving Stone, defeat the Iceman?


Both of the Tag Team Champions are in singles action tonight. Brent Hill faces of against Randall Hopkirk whilst John Anderson battles Scout.


All Action champion Sammy Bach is in action tonight, as he takes on the happy go lucky Giant Tana.


The Tag Team Specialists are taking on the untried team o Rick Law & Danny Fonzarelli.


Quick Picks


The Syndicate (Tommy Cornell, Sam Keith & Wolf Hawkins) vs Ricky Dale Johnson, Rocky Golden & Joey Minnesota


Texas Pete vs Koshiro Ino


Clark Alexander vs Edd Stone


Brent Hill vs Randall Hopkirk


John Anderson vs Scout


The Tag Team Specialists vs Rick Law & Danny Fonzarelli


Sammy Bach vs Giant Tana


(missed out the last match in my original post)

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The Syndicate (Tommy Cornell, Sam Keith & Wolf Hawkins) vs Ricky Dale Johnson, Rocky Golden & Joey Minnesota


Texas Pete vs Koshiro Ino


Clark Alexander vs Edd Stone


Brent Hill vs Randall Hopkirk


John Anderson vs Scout


The Tag Team Specialists vs Rick Law & Danny Fonzarelli

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The Syndicate (Tommy Cornell, Sam Keith & Wolf Hawkins) vs Ricky Dale Johnson, Rocky Golden & Joey Minnesota


Texas Pete vs Koshiro Ino


Clark Alexander vs Edd Stone


Brent Hill vs Randall Hopkirk


John Anderson vs Scout


The Tag Team Specialists vs Rick Law & Danny Fonzarelli


Sammy Bach vs Giant Tana


Good luck mate.

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TCW Presents: Total Wrestling


Jason Azaria: Welcome to the most exciting wrestling shows on Tuesday Nights with Total Championship Wrestling


Kyle Rhodes: What a Night we have or you tonight..


JA: Wait, what is this?


(The Syndicate’s music plays as out strides Sam Keith with Wolf Hawkins sauntering along to his right shining his belt and arrogantly smiling at it. Then about two strides behind them is the Total Championship Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion Tommy Cornell, like the other two men, Cornell is dressed in an exquisite Armani suit. They slowly get into the ring as Tommy Cornell grabs the microphone from the ring announcer.


TC: So, one more time, one more tiresome time, I mean how many times must I have to beat a man?


(The crowd erupts in to chants of RDJ!!!)


TC: Yes, thank you, that’s the man, the ingrate who has waged a pointless, a frankly inadequate war on the most powerful force in all of professional wrestling; The Syndicate! The most dominant group of athletes in the world. We have the most dominant tag team in TCW in the machines, John Anderson and Brent Hill. The International Champion, and the future, somebody get that on a sign in the crowd!!


(The crowd boo loudly at this statement, as Hawkins raises his belt and nods knowingly to the crowd)


TC: The future of wrestling, Wolf Hawkins. And the man to my right, a legend, and icon and toughest man in the history of this business, Sam Keith. And not forgetting your most dominant World Champion of all time. The man, the myth Tommy Cornell. So to this alliance, why? It is a fruitless task, and tonight we prove that. Tonight the Syndicate has the last word, like it always does.


(The three men pose as their music before, exiting the ring, Hawkins leads them up the ramp, holding his belt up and posing for effect. Keith is all business, cracking his knuckles whilst Cornell, with belt over his left shoulder has a satisfied grin on his face)




JA: What a boast, they see themselves as untouchable


KR: Maybe they are Jason


Texas Pete vs Koshiro Ino


A decent opener. Pete is impressive and pushes Ino, but in the end, the Kobra’s bite is too much for Pete as Ino picks up the pin after 9:41


Koshiro Ino defeated Texas Pete


Rating C+


Edd Stone vs Clark Alexander


Wow, some chemistry here, always a nice site.


The match itself was basic; Stone was wrestling skilfully, with comedic effect. Alexander gains control though and has Stone just where he wants, Lifting Stone up for a powerbomb, it is reversed into a quick pin and in one motion his foot is on the rope and the leverage gives him the pin at 6:41


Edd Stone defeated Clark Alexander


Rating B-


JA: Well Edd Stone, wins, but he isn't exactly cut from the same cloth as the rest of his clan


KR: HA! What the hell! I love this guy!


(The camera cuts backstage as Joey Minnesota and Rocky Golden are walking backstage dressed in street clothes are talking about their match tonight, as suddenly Joey puts his hand out to stop Golden.)

Golden: Whoa Joey, what the..?


Joey Minnesota: Look!


(Golden’s eye follow Joey’s line of vision, and he is suddenly shocked, the camera pans round to see RDJ lying face down on the concrete floor)


RG: Who did this Rick?


RDJ: I was jumped from behind, I didn’t see a thing.


(RDJ is helped up and then shakes both Minnesota and Golden’s hands)


Rating B-


RDJ: Tonight, Cornell and the syndicate, feel our anger!


JA: Looks like Cornell's work.


KR: You have no proof of that Jason, pointless conjecture won't get your paycheck signed.


Sammy Bach vs Giant Tana


Another bout of chemistry and it results in a really good match that lifted the crowd


Bach grinds Tana down with high class technical wrestling. Though Tana rallies and is in control, up until a Rake of the eyes allows Bach to take down Tana and lock in the Bach on your back for the win at 6:51


Sammy Bach defeated Giant Tana


Rating B


The Tag Team Specialists vs Rick Law & Danny Fonzarelli


Rick Law looked good out there, something I note.


The match was dominated by the experience of Bryant and Oxford, though at the 8 minute mark Danny finally tags out to Law who decimates Oxford. Bryant though gets the blind tag and uses a schoolboy roll up on Law then grabs the tights, but he kicks out! Then as he rises ducks a clothesline and hits the long arm of the law on Bryant. Fonzarelli stops Oxford from making the save and they pick up the win at 9:48


Rick Law & Danny Fonzarelli defeated The Tag Team Specialists


Rating C


(The camera is found backstage in the Syndicate dressing room; Cornell and Hawkins are in the background talking, but in the forefront of the picture Keith is talking to the Machines)


SK: Now tonight you too have singles matches, not what you’re in the syndicate or, but your still syndicate tonight, remember that. I don’t expect us to lose tonight, or any night. Randall Hopkirk, and Scout, they don’t measure up to us, so to speak. But then who does to the Syndicate. PROVE ME RIGHT!


(Hill and Anderson stand up, clearly fired up by Sam Keith’s speech)


Brent Hill vs Randall Hopkirk


Yet more chemistry! Why are they replacing Bryant?


The match was good, back and forth action, as Hill made Hopkirk look like a genuine threat. Though in the end the Syndicate man was too good as he picked up the win at 6:01


Brent Hill defeated Randall Hopkirk


Rating B-


(As we come back from the commercial break, we see RDJ being looked over by a team of doctors as Joey Minnesota looks on and listens)


RDJ: I don’t care, I want Cornell, and I will get him tonight! Cleared or not cleared!


(RDJ pushes through the doctors and storms out of the medical room)


Rating B


JA: Should he be going through with tonights match Kyle?


KR: I don't know, and who attacked him tonight Jason? I'd have one eye over my shoulder if I was RDJ tonight.


JA:I think his attackers will be in the ring tonight


Scout vs John Anderson


The match deserved better commentary in truth, something we are looking into.


A high quality affair between two gifted wrestlers. In the future this could be a high profile match. But tonight it had to do with just being high quality. And what a match, the match spilled outside and both partners became involved. As the our men brawled outside the ring, Referee Sam Sparrow counted the ten, and the match was over at 19:32


John Anderson drew with Scout via a Countout


Rating B


JA: What a match!!


KR: I agree, and what about those two teams, will they ever settle this?


JA: I hope not, two great teams, vintage TCW! Now it’s time for our main event!!


The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins, Tommy Cornell & Sam Keith) vs Joey Minnesota, Ricky Dale Johnson & Rocky Golden)


Maybe too much to ask of Golden, but a decent main event.


The match itself was characterised by some great exchanges between Hawkins and Minnesota, with Joey seeming to have Wolf’s number on occasions. Eventually the faces gain control. With Minnesota and Hawkins brawling on the outside, and RDJ and Cornell both laid out after a double clothesline on the ramp. Keith has Golden down as Tyson Baine comes out to the ring. Keith panics and spins round and only just ducks a clothesline from Golden which knocks the referee out.


Golden smiles at Keith and points behind him as he turns to face Keith. Baine is almost foaming at the mouth, so Keith slides out of the ring. Golden turns and mocks Keith for leaving. But then turns into a boot and a huge HADES BOMB!!! Keith looks on astonished as Baine just stares a hole through him, Hawkins sneaks in and picks up the three as the ref comes round at 20:00


The Synidcate defeated RDJ, Rocky Golden & Joey Minnesota


Rating C


(As the match finished Keith just looks on in shock as he slowly walks round the ring and joins Cornell and Hawkins who all stare back at Baine in shock as they slowly retreat up the ramp. RDJ has crawled into the ring and check on Golden, who stirs, so slightly, before Baine stomps his head, sending Golden back to the canvas.


RDJ gets to his feet, audibly heard asking “Why?” He then receives it too, HADES BOMB HADES BOMB!!!!)


Rating A – Tyson Baine’s turn was a complete success


JA: What is this, what has he done.





Show Rating B -

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Whoa lotsa good chemistry mate offset by the bad main event grade and a nice easy read if you ad some pictures to liven it up it would be ace. Keep up the good work.


PS Sammy Bach showing high class technical wrestling? Seriously you might want to check his stats again. Still a B out of Tana is a giant feat even with chemistry.

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My first Television show was in the bag. I’d wrestled in a dark match where I’d done the job against a young up and comer Chance Fortune. I liked the kid, we had a decent match, but he presented a bigger quandary for me, who can challenge Sammy Bach for the All Action title. It seemed like a throw away division. No clear concise thought had gone into it, you can’t complain when in the Syndicate you have one of the hottest angles in wrestling. But it’s Sammy I was worried about. I mean the division had talent, but they were mainly forgotten. I liked the Young Guns, they did well in another dark match against Charlie Thatcher and American Buffalo. Buffalo had looked good too, this was good. But I needed more credible lower card faces. There was always the possibility of turning Edd face I thought. Though I doubted my meeting with Cornell, Bryant and Sam was anything to do with the All Action title situation.


(I walked into Tommy Cornell’s office, and he and Sam were talking about Sam’s time in Japan. Bryant was sat to Sam’s left and he stood up shook my hand.)


JB:- Nice match last night kid, I thought you did well.


Me:- Thanks Joel, same to you.


(Tommy motioned or me to take the third seat and then he cleared his throat.)


TC:- Nice show last night Joel, how many of our current storylines are you working on with Dave and Sam?


JB:- Most of them, it was their idea to have Tyson turn last night, though the story is meant to run for a while.


SK:- I mean boss, the thing is he isn’t in the Syndicate mould, but he is best used as a violent monster, and having him heel allows us to give our top faces someone else other than the syndicate to shoot for. Hopefully giving more room for kids like Rick and Joey to move up and challenge you for the title.

TC:- So we have a good reason for the turn.


Me:- Oh yeah Tommy, the idea is its played out over months, his attacks will usually help the Syndicate, but no alliance will be announced, we can intimate in our television shows though..

TC:- I’m interested, how does it all end then?


So, the meeting was good, Tommy was impressed with our ideas or the Tyson Baine storyline. Creating new stars at all levels of the card was essential; with Genghis and Troy out injured the card did look weak. Myself and Joel were hopeful of bringing in some new talent this week, but only maybe two or three were candidates to appear on television and pick up wins. We knew our main event storylines would have to overshadow everything or the moment. Hiding our deficiencies lower down the card. I couldn’t help but thank my lucky stars the book was still Bryant’s until February. But with a rating of 3.12 and Jason Azaria picking a fight with Tyson Baine backstage, things were heating up ahead of our next Television taping.


(ooc) Next new Total Wrestling preview and hopefully some signings!

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


In tonight’s main event, we see two mean from last week’s six man tag team match as TCW World Heavyweight Champion Tommy Cornell, takes on Joey Minnesota in a non title contest. Another syndicate member in singles action tonight is Sam Keith, who goes one on one with Rocky Golden, one victim of Tyson Baine’s horrific attack last week.


RDJ has been livid all week, he wants Baine, but this week he will have to do with Baine’s former partner, the man beast, American Buffalo. A man of similar power to Buffalo is Eddie Peak, absent from last week’s card, tonight he goes one on one with one half of the tag team specialist Robert Oxford. Joel Byrant, Oxford’s partner battles a man who was victorious over him last week in tag team competition as he goes one on one with Danny Fonzerlli.


The tag team champions last week were in a brutal post match brawl with long term rivals The New Wave. However tonight they take on Painful Procedure, Brent Hill last week defeated Randall Hopkirk, but can he reverse that this week and put Painful Procedure right in the tag team title picture?


In the All Action division we have to great matches for you, Champion Sammy Bach goes one on one with Aaron Andrews in a non title contest, whilst Freddy Huggins with the lovely Laura takes on debuting Stevie Grayson, both matches should provide plenty of high flying excitement.


The New Wave, Tyson Baine, Wolf Hawkins and Rick Law are all expected to be at Total Wrestling too. Tune in tonight to find out what happens.


Quick Picks


Tommy Cornell vs Joey Minnesota (Non Title Match)


Sam Keith vs Rocky Golden


Eddie Peak vs Robert Oxford


The Machines vs Painful Procedure (Non Title)


Sammy Bach vs Aaron Andrews (Non Title)


Danny Fonzarelli vs Joel Bryant


Freddy Huggins vs Stevie Grayson


Ricky Dale Johnson vs American Buffalo

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Tommy Cornell vs Joey Minnesota (Non Title Match)


Sam Keith vs Rocky Golden


Eddie Peak vs Robert Oxford


The Machines vs Painful Procedure (Non Title)


Sammy Bach vs Aaron Andrews (Non Title)


Danny Fonzarelli vs Joel Bryant


Freddy Huggins vs Stevie Grayson


Ricky Dale Johnson vs American Buffalo

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