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Problems with long term games

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First of all... I love this game, don't get me wrong. But I am gonna list some aspects which to me seem flawed and would love for others to comment on it.


I am really into my USPW game. Havent played it for a while but the last couple of days I got back into it. Just some facts. It's the year 2017. I got USPW to global with a B+ pop throughout the world. I am running two A shows and a B show.


- Now the first problem I encounter is that B+ shows drain my pop, low A shows seem to do too. To be on the safe side I need to aim for A* shows every time. This is really bothering me because...


- To have A* shows I need superb matches every time. USPW is a sports entertainment oriented fed and I have a lot of entertaining workers that can put in A/A* segments no problem. The real problem is that I have to put up A matches as my main events everytime to get an A/A* rating on the show. Plus I usually need at least a B+ semi-main. Between two matches per show, two A shows a week and one PPV a month, that's 18 amazing matches a month. Which leads to the next problem...


- At this point the only stat you are going to care about is psychology. Because you absolutely HAVE to have a worker with at least a B+ in psych to get an A match. Sometimes you luck out and get an A graded match due to some lucky chemistry, but you can't rely on that. And you absolutely have to be able to rely on it if you dont want your overall pop to decrease. So it's the psych stat for the win. No matter what kind of product you fed has. I cant always give my World Title to my most marketable star (which is what you would normally want to do in a SE oriented fed) because he will participate in most MEs. And if he cant put up an A match almost every time he steps in the ring. Well, he is gonna drain my pop.


- The next problem that comes up is that there really arent many workers with a psych of B+ or higher. Also keep in mind that I have gotten the "can't hier any worker from a promotion of cult size and above" goal for the third consecutive time now. So there is absolutely no way I can steal anybody. I have to hope for somebody leaving a fed altogether before I can sign them. And...... Almost everybody with a high psych rating is already really old in my game. The majority of my workers that can put on A matches ar already 40 and above and in terminal decline.


- And it takes forever to increase someone's psych rating. Worst of all...Most workers seem to cap out way before they reach B+. It seems that a whole lot of people would never reach B+ even if they had 3 matches a week for 20 years.


So yeah...these are some game dynamics that dont come into effect until you are a long time into the game or you start with a very big fed. But tbh.... All the while I was building USPW, I was looking forward to be big enough to have 3 Shows a week, a big roster and throw around money to sign whoever I please. But these game dynamics restrict me a little too much for my taste. I already have the owner goals to take care of.

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1 - The basis behind the vast majority of your post, that you need to be running A* shows, is flawed. Running B+ or A grade shows will not hurt your popularity if you are at B+ popularity - in fact, it's physically impossible to lose popularity from an A grade show at all. If you are losing popularity, it is not because of the show grade, it'll be some other factor. Therefore, most of your points are not really valid, as they're based on a faulty premise.


2 - Of your three stated goals (to be able to hire whoever you want, to have a huge roster, and to run three shows a week), only the third is restricted by game dynamics that are forced on you (and even that is questionable, as I can't see anything in your post that prevents you from doing three shows?). As far as I can tell, nothing in your post has given any reason why you can't have a large roster - I certainly can't see any financial reason why, as at a B+ worldwide promotion you should have money rolling in. Being stopped from hiring people due to owner goals is due to your choice - owner goals are optional, and as you already stated, you knew there was a possibility you'd get hiring restrictions as you've already had it twice before.

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Ok I guess I wasn't specific enough, so let me make some points clearer.


First of all I really aprecciate the answer and I did not know that n A graded show cant hurt your pop whatso ever. Thats news to me, thanks for the information.


But I def have B+ shows hurt my fed's pop, I guess those were in the lower B+ range. Within one month I dropped from 85.7% to 84.6%.


I never said it wasnt possible to run 3 shows a week. I've been doing this in my game for a whole bunch of game years now. I just stated that it becomes very very tough to sustain a roster capable of this, because most of the workers who can put on the necessary Main Event matches retire and the younger workers don't develop in the psych department well enough.


Again I am not stating that this makes the game unplayable or anything. I love the game. But it def becomes way too psychology biased at some point, especially when I am playing a fed based on sports entertainment rather than pure wrestling.

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