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INSPIRE Diversity Group International

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I remember it rather well...

Staring at the ring watching two men fight over the biggest prize in wrestling, the Burning World Championship. I was in a box seat at the arena that day, must’ve been about 5. I was watching my hero Yoshinaka Toshusai mount his comeback. He’d been Burning World Champion before but I was barely walking at that time. Yoshinaka Toshusai was one of the best Japan had ever seen. He’d beaten any foreigner that crossed his path. Motoichi Arakida and Yoshinaka Toshusai had fought off every monstrous foreign challenger that stood in their way. Arakida and Toshusai had together been defending Japan from all comers and everyone know that a time would come. Their greatest challenge was going to be fighting each other. These two rock hard Japanese legends would fight it out for Arakida's Burning World Championship. I fondly remember the end of that match …




http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v107/bretter_person/TEW%20Pics/MotoichiArikida.jpg VS http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v107/bretter_person/TEW%20Pics/TanyuToshusai.jpg

Motoichi Arakida vs Yoshinaka Toshusai


Toshusai bounces off the ropes and hits a viscous clothesline on Arakida. Arakida seems out of it. Yoshinaka Toshusai mounts Motoichi Arakida and starts pounding blow after blow to Arakida’s face. Arakida’s not out of touch yet, forcibly pushing Toshusai from the mounted position. Arakida quickly jumps to his feet, but is met with a stiff right hand from Toshusai. Arakida catches a left jab and whips Toshusai into the ropes. After ducking a clothesline attempt Arakida hits a hard clothesline of his own. Toshusai isn’t fazed though and quickly rolls up Arakida from the ground. The crowd chant along 1, 2, not three as Arakida kicks out. Both men jump to their feet. Toshusai hits a nice combo of three punches and a knee to the stomach on Arakida. Toshusai measures up Arakida and hits his patented sitout suplex slam. The crowd jump to their feet and yell along with the referee..


1, 2, 3


Your winner and NEW Burning World Champion: Yoshinaka Toshusai


Yoshinaka Toshusai has won his second Burning World Championship. His second reign wouldn’t last as long as his first, only lasting 11 months but he’d proven to me that if you work hard and believe in yourself you can come back from anything and achieve your goals. That’s what true heroes and legends do, prove that you can aim high and win. Yoshinaka Toshusai did that for me that day in August. My name is Takayuki Toshusai. My father made an impact on me when I was young and I’ve followed in his footsteps. Thanks to him I’ve landed a job with one hero of this generation. I’ve landed a job with Tadiyuki Kikkawa and his INSPIRE Diversity Group International, time for me to follow in my father’s footsteps and become a legend.



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The story behind INSPIRE


In case you were living under a wrestling rock in 2006 you would know how INSPIRE came into existence. During March of 2006 MMA promotion ALPHA-1 held a massive event in Tokyo. Two MMA fighters lost their lives that night, one via KO during a fight and the other collapsed backstage never to wake again. This was massive worldwide news on a sport that many people hated, and many fans were shameful of their support of ALPHA-1. MMA was blasted by the world media, who had just been itching for an event like this to happen. BHOTWG had a heavy MMA influence around that time. With Raul Hughes and Mike Watson, former MMA stars, featuring at the top of most Burning Hammer events. BHOTWG’s ace wrestler Tadiyuki Kikkawa had been heavily influenced by MMA and so had most of BHOTWG’s roster. After the two deaths at the ALPHA-1 Burning Hammer wanted to distance itself from MMA. Kaneie Komine announced that night to the BHOTWG roster that they were to downplay all MMA influences and up the high flying/wrestling style. What happened next was the biggest shake up of Japanese wrestling since Burning Hammer was formed in the 60’s.


The 5 Rebels



Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Masaaki Okazaki, Tasuku Iesada, Mike Watson and Raul Hughes held a meeting with Komine right after the announcement. No one but these 6 men know what was said during this meeting but it didn’t end well for Komine. After this meeting all 5 men had resigned from BHOTWG. Hughes was still Burning World Champion, and all 4 other men played major roles in BHOTWG events. All 5 men stuck around for 2 weeks, all lost at the last major event they were at and all 5 left without so much as a celebration of their time at Burning Hammer.


The 5 ‘rebels’ as they’d been labelled held a press conference days after their last Burning Hammer event. Kikkawa announced that the 5 of them had left Burning Hammer and would be forming their own promotion, INSPIRE Diversity Group International. A place where fighters from around the world could come and test themselves. INSPIRE would be guided by the Three Rules Of The Art Of Combat.


The Three Rules

-Only one-on-one matches were a true test of a fighter, and so that would be the only form of combat allowed.

-A fighter's physical size is of no importance, it is his spirit which matters; therefore there would be no weight limits.

-All fighters are expected to behave with honour and dignity. Cheating or other short cuts would not be allowed.





An 8 man tournament would be held to decide the King Of Fighters. In an amazing run little known monster Marat Khoklov was crowned the first King of Fighters after the ref stopped Khoklov from nearly killing Kikkawa. Overnight a new Japanese sensation was born and INSPIRE were on the map. Over the next two years Khoklov defended the title against all comers, using his size and strength to simply overpower opponents. Eventually he de beaten by the very man he’d made his amazing debut against, Tadiyuki Kikkawa. By staying true to the three rules set out over the next 2 years INSPIRE grew to become the third biggest wrestling promotion in Japan. However, in December 2007, they suddenly found themselves in a position they didn’t want to be in, ALPHA-1’s crosshairs.



ALPHA -1 are a massive corporation that make millions of dollars every year. By staying true to the Three Rules Of The Art Of Combat INSPIRE had found themselves competing directly with APLHA-1, something that Kikkawa and his 4 rebels clearly didn’t want. Kikkawa quickly made contact with ALPHA-1, stating that INSIPE didn’t deliberately start competing with them and that he was clearly in the pro wrestling market. ALPHA-1 agreed to let INSPIRE be with one condition, change one rule of the three rules. Kikkawa thought long and hard about what ALPHA-1 was asking. The three rules are what INSPIRE is based on and as much a part of the company as Kikkawa himself is. Kikkawa reluctantly agreed to change one rule. After meeting with his roster Kikkawa announced the new Three Rules Of The Art Of Combat.

The New Three Rules

-All fighters are expected to behave with honour and dignity. Cheating or other short cuts would not be allowed.

-A fighter's physical size is of no importance, it is his spirit which matters; therefore there would be no weight limits.

-While one-on-one matches are a true test of a fighter, friendships forged on blood and respect allow true growth. Multi man matches are now allowed.


Many were unsure how a MMA influenced tag team match would go, until Kikkawa stated that most would be fought without interference from the tag team partner. After explaining the situation with APLHA-1 most understood where Kikkawa was coming from and why he’d changed the rule, although most were hesitant about tag matches being a part of INSPIRE. I started my job a week after the announcement by Kikkawa, so a INSPIRE tag team match has yet to be held. It’s only a matter of time though. Kikkawa also stated the pinfalls were back into INSPIRE in a move to get some distance away from MMA. Pinfalls would only count if the wrestler has holding down the shoulders, not if a takedown or submission was being attempted. Many wrestlers were unsure about pinfalls being back as well. Only time will tell if these changes help Kikkawa stay in the wrestling market, or if they set INSPIRE apart in the MMA market.

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It’s been one week since I’d learnt I’d be wrestling at INSPIRE and already Kikkawa’s dropped a bombshell. INSPIRE managed to get a PPV deal with the same national PPV provider that currently has PGHW and BHOTWG to its name, Emperor Choice. Kikkawa has stated that it’s a bold move for INSPIRE and means we’ll get national coverage once the deal kicks in. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about that prospect. I’ve currently only wrestled at Pro Wrestling SAISHO which doesn’t hold large events. I was nervous about a stadium coming to watch me wrestle, now I’ve potentially got the entire nation.


Kikkawa also mentioned his hired a few people to bolster the roster. My father told me that more new people would be coming soon after I arrived, I just never thought it would be three days after I arrived. My father had mention a few names, Dynamite Narahashi and Nariaki Hitomi were two people my father has pushed for with Kikkawa. Two foreigners were also joining us, Canadian Shooter Sean Deeley and WLW’s Dean Daniels.

My father also mentioned the card for our first show of the ‘Diversity Tour’


INSPIRE Diversity Tour(Wednesday)


Roku 'The Rock' Sotomura vs Dynamite Narahashi


Tornado Nagai vs 'The Tap Out Artist' Billy Russel


‘Shooter’ Sean Deeley vs ‘Olympic Silver Medallist’ Li Bingci


‘Monster’ Marat Khoklov vs 'Iron Man' Takayuki Toshusai


'The Calgary Assasin' Mike Watson vs 'The Dog of War' Kimitada Yanagita


Masaaki Okazaki vs Willie York


'The Demolition Expert' Raul Hughes vs Bali 'Samoan Machine' So'oialo


King of Fighters

Tadiyuki Kikkawa© vs 'Dangerous' Tasuku Iesada


My first match is against Khoklov…nice to see my father is keeping me safe…

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Roku 'The Rock' Sotomura vs Dynamite Narahashi

Narahashi is still a Young Lion isn't he? Even if he's not, Sotomura is that damn good compared to him that Narahashi hasn't got the slighest chance.


Tornado Nagai vs 'The Tap Out Artist' Billy Russel

Same applies to Nagai what I said about Narahashi.


‘Shooter’ Sean Deeley vs ‘Olympic Silver Medallist’ Li Bingci

Deeley is unknown in Japan and Bingci is awesome.

‘Monster’ Marat Khoklov vs 'Iron Man' Takayuki Toshusai

I'm not really high on user characters as active wrestlers but I'm making an exception here if you book your character well. What are the stats of the character btw?


'The Calgary Assasin' Mike Watson vs 'The Dog of War' Kimitada Yanagita

See two first matches.


Masaaki Okazaki vs Willie York

See other matches :D


'The Demolition Expert' Raul Hughes vs Bali 'Samoan Machine' So'oialo

So'oialo is going to BHOTWG and Hughes is just too good.


King of Fighters

Tadiyuki Kikkawa© vs 'Dangerous' Tasuku Iesada

Kikkawa is the best you've got, period.

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INSPIRE Diversity Tour (Wednesday)

Wednesday, Week 1, January 2008

GIFU Arena(Chubu)

Attendance: 2000(Sell Out!)




Tornado Nagai vs Billy Russell

Tornado Nagai seems to be totally outmatched by his opponent tonight. Russell has a better record than Tornado, is more experienced and out guns the older Nagai. Both men took the fight to each other. Russell hammered Nagai with a barrage of punches and kicks early that did little damage and was quick to take Nagai down soon after that. After working around for a minute or two Russell seemed to have a nice armbar locked in, but Nagai was able to dead lift Russell and slam him down to the mat. Nagai mounted up and started hitting Russell with some weak lefts and rights and was eventually caught and wrapped up by Russell in a kimura and forced to tap out at the 8:42 mark

Winner by submission: Billy Russell

The match suffered because of the lack of selling on display. Billy Russell looked good out there. Billy Russell is improving in Technical skills. Billy Russell is improving in Performance skills.

Grade: D+





Roku Sotomura vs Dynamite Narahashi

Dynamite Narahashi made his INSPIRE debut here against Roku Sotomura. Sotomura has the edge over Narahashi in the ground game but is Dynamite can unleash and catch Roku with a few good punches then Dynamite might just win his debut. The fight was classic brawler vs technician with Dynamite avoiding the takedown attempts and Roku continuously going for them. Roku was rocked early in the fight when Narahashi managed to land a massive superman punch. Narahashi waster his opportunity though by deciding to take Roku to the ground. It was only a matter of time until Roku worked around and caught Narahashi, but he received some nasty elbows to the head before he was able to gain control of Narahashi’s back and choke out the young gun at 11:34.

Winner by submission: Roku Sotomura

Dynamite Narahashi and Roku Sotomura have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. The announcing quality lifted the match. Dynamite Narahashi is improving in Technical skills. Dynamite Narahashi is improving in Performance skills.

Grade: D





Li Bingci vs 'Shooter' Sean Deeley

'Shooter' Sean Deeley has quite been pushed right into the deep end with this one. Coming up against a former silver medallist in Li Bingci is his debut match must have his nerves at an all time high. Both men can wrestle rings around most competitors here, but Li Bingci is clearly the superior technician. The match started with both men testing each other’s technical prowess. Both men went move for move which got a rise out of our fans. Deeley eventually stopped proceedings by clubbing Bingci across the back and locking in a tight chinlock that seemed to have Li Bingci at the stage of passing out. However Li Bingci was able to flip over Deeley and counteract with by mounting Deeley and beating the snot out of him. Li Bingci eventually locked in his own choke, forcing Deeley to submit at the 11:45 mark. What an effort by Deeley to last that long against a former silver medallist. Well done to him.

Winner by submission: Li Bingci

Li Bingci is improving in Rumble skills. Shooter Sean Deeley is improving in Technical skills. Shooter Sean Deeley is improving in Performance skills.

Grade: C





Takayuki Toshusai vs Marat Khoklov

If Deeley was pushed into the deep end of the pool, Toshusai was shot into outer space for his debut matchup. Coming up against a man that’s only lost one match here in INSPIRE in Marat Khoklov. The match was a typical Khoklov match with the giant using his raw strength to toss Toshusai around like a rag doll. Marat nearly had Toshusai choked out with a lifting choke hold but decided he’d like to beat Toshusai into next week. The referee stopped the match shortly after Khoklov mounted Toshusai and beat him senseless around 7:56.

Winner by stoppage: Marat Khoklov

The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown.

Grade: C+





Masaaki Okazaki vs Willie York

In the first true stand up fight for the night Masaaki Okazaki and Willie York put on one hell of a match. Both men stood toe to toe and beat each other senseless for some 12 and a half minutes before the ref stopped the match when York couldn’t defend himself from a mounted Okazaki. Okazaki was clearly the aggressor and kept coming, even when York was dishing out more the Okazaki could handle. Good work Masaaki

Winner by stoppage: Masaaki Okazaki

The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. Masaaki Okazaki came out of the match looking good. Masaaki Okazaki is improving in Rumble skills.

Grade: C+





Kimitada Yanagita vs Mike Watson

Mike Watson is one of the most influential MMA competitors of all time. Numerous title wins all over the world cement that status. He’s yet to win a title since his defection to pro wrestling and we know he’s been gunning for a King Of Fighters shot for quite some time. In true Watson fashion he went face to face with Kimitada Yanagita before the two men began beating smashing fists into faces. Kimitada isn’t the biggest man in INSPIRE, but surely has the hardest chin as he took punches that would’ve KO’d even Marat Khoklov himself. Kimitada managed to duck a right hand from Watson and deliver an outstanding stalling brainbuster, but could only manage a two count. Yanagita was quick to his feet and pressed on Watson, hitting some nice body shots that clearly did damage, but it was all Watson from there. His stand up game was practically unstoppable once he got some fluid punches going and he had Yanagita floored a few times. After some viscous body shots that tired out Yanagita, Watson hit a big right hand that KO’d Kimitada Yanagita at the 16:13 mark of the fight.

Winner by Knock Out: Mike Watson

Kimitada Yanagita was visibly tiring toward the end. Mike Watson is improving in Rumble skills. Mike Watson is improving in Technical skills.

Grade: C-





Raul Hughes vs Bali So'oialo

In our co main event for the night Raul Hughes faces one of his biggest challenges in INSPIRE, Bali So’oialo. Bali has been on quite a roll since making a name for himself in GCG with a win over Masaaki Okazaki here in INSPIRE to his name. Raul Hughes on the other hand is a guaranteed superstar. Former ALPHA-1 heavyweight champion, former Burning World Champion and should be in line for a title shot against Kikkawa. This fight is pretty evenly matched. Raul Hughes has more experience than Bali So’oialo and that may factor in to the winner of this fight. Both men circle each other to begin with, trying to get a feel for his opponent. Raul is the first to explode, hitting a torrent of punches that knocks Bali back and sets him into gear. Bali returns punches and the two begin landing punches at the same time. Raul eventually breaks from punching Bali and goes for a takedown, but Bali manages to defend the takedown and slams Raul with a nice DDT. Cover only get a 1.5 as Raul powers out and locks an armbar on Bali. Bali managed to reach the ropes, but not before the damage is done. Both men stand again and begin to trade blows before Raul whips Bali into the ropes. A massive spinning DDT later and the crowd is on their feet as Raul mounts Bali and begins to unleash his fury. Bali tries to push Raul off, but his weakened arm doesn’t have the push to topple Raul. All Cali can do is block up and keep the onslaught at bay. Raul Hughes doesn’t stop though, continually punching Bali in the head and face until he’s visibly tired and just when it seems Bali might withstand the barrage Raul hits a sweet right punch to the sweet spot on the chin. Bali seems out of it and stops blocking, forcing the referee to stop the fight at the 19:21 mark.

Winner by stoppage: Raul Hughes

Raul Hughes was visibly tiring toward the end. The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. The match deserved better colour commentary. This match lifted the crowd. Raul Hughes is improving in Performance skills.

Grade: B






Tadayuki Kikkawa vs Tasuku Iesada

King of Fighters


Time for the main event for this evening, our King of Fighters Tadiyuki Kikkawa facing off against his old friend Tasuku Iesada. Tasuku was on a massive roll last tour with wins over just about everyone except Khoklov and Kikkawa. A draw with Kikkawa on the final night of the tour forced INSPIRE officials to announce this match as the main event of our first show back. Kikkawa was no slouch last tour either, defending his title as King Of Fighters numerous times throughout the tour. These two are polar opposites, Kikkawa will beat the living hell out of anyone he fights and Iesada is more likely to try and work his way into a submission hold and win that way. Things started off well for Iesada as he was able to rush Kikkawa and take him down. Iesada spent the next little bit trying to work his way past Kikkawa and only receiving minor damage to himself as he did. That match looked to be over when Kikkawa found himself locked in a triangle choke, but the King of Fighters managed to lift Iesada up and powerbomb him down to the mat, leading to a 2 count. Kikkawa then mounted Iesada and started raining down punches, but was caught by Iesada and was back to defending himself from submission attempts. Kikkawa eventually managed to slam Iesada again, but this time rose to his feet and waited for Iesada to stand up. One Iesada got up Kikkawa bounced off the ropes and try for his KIKKAWA LARIAT!! Luckily for Iesada he ducked and kicked Kikkawa in the face when he ran back. Iesada went for the pinfall but only managed a one count. Both men rose to their feet and started trading blows, clearly Iesada was losing this exchange though. Kikkawa felt the time was right, whipped Iesada into the ropes while he ran the opposite way. KIKKAWA LARAIT!! Iesada nearly got his head taken clear off. Kikkawa pins Iesada 1, 2, 3 in the 19th minute.

Winner by pinfall: Tadiyuki Kikkawa

The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. The announcing job done by Hidetada Kozu was pretty weak. The match deserved better colour commentary. This match lifted the crowd.

Grade: B


Overall show: B

Increased our popularity!



The user character is just Takayuki Avatar renamed Fin. Do have some plans for him, being second generation in Japan and just starting out leaves a large number of possibilities for him :)

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I had dinner at my father’s place Thursday night. He seemed rather excited, something I hadn’t seen in him for quite some time. After our meal we started chatting about the usual things that we chat about, my training, how he’s coping without my mother, things turned interesting after we started speaking about INSPIRE.


Yoshinaka Toshusai: “I’ve got big plans for you my son, future King of Fighters material. In that one fight you’ve proven more to me than you have over your entire career. You showed the heart of a true warrior. Going up against Marat isn’t easy, especially with the language barrier between the two of you. It’s only a matter of time before Kikkawa sees what I see in you.”


Me: “Well, I’m always glad to impress.”


Yoshinaka: “Kikkawa watched the match too, really liked how you did things. He’s asked me to get the guys that trained you and bring them to INSPIRE. Hope that’s ok with you. You’ll be working with Strong Style Yoemon and Hirokazu Yamanoue again in no time.”


Me: “If that’s what the boss wants Dad, that’s what he gets. It will be good to catch up with them on a weekly basis. I feel there’s still much to learn from the both of them. They’ll be helpful in training a few of the rougher guys as well.”


Yoshinaka: “That’s the point Tad, soon enough with help from guys like that we’ll be competing with BHOTWG.”


Me: “Still a long way to go father. But give it time, I’m sure Kikkawa will pull something out that will give us the push over Burning Hammer.”


Yoshinaka: “I’m hoping that push is you Tadiyuki, don’t let me down.”


Our talk ended shortly after this bombshell. I like being the apple of my Dad’s eye, but him hoping I’ll be the next big thing around INSPIRE is a lot to deal with. I’m just hoping I can string together some good matches and keep a job. I also saw the ad for our second show on a building on the walk home.


INSPIRE Diversity Tour(Friday)


‘The Crazy One’ Saionji Omura vs Morimasa Kato


‘Iron Man’ Takayuki Toshusai vs ‘The Submission Artist’ Billy Russell


Roku ‘The Rock’ Sotomura vs Shingen Miyazaki


‘Monster’ Marat Khoklov vs ‘The Dog Of War’ Kimitada Yanagita


Rhino Umaga vs Masaaki Okazaki


Bali So'oialo vs ‘The Calgary Assassin’ Mike Watson


Tasuku Iesada vs ‘The Demolition Expert’ Raul Hughes


Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs ‘The Silver Medallist’ Li Bingci


Billy Russel tomorrow night, that should hopefully hurt less than Marat Khoklov.

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‘The Crazy One’ Saionji Omura vs Morimasa Kato

‘Iron Man’ Takayuki Toshusai vs ‘The Submission Artist’ Billy Russell


Roku ‘The Rock’ Sotomura vs Shingen Miyazaki


‘Monster’ Marat Khoklov vs ‘The Dog Of War’ Kimitada Yanagita


Rhino Umaga vs Masaaki Okazaki


Bali So'oialo vs ‘The Calgary Assassin’ Mike Watson


Tasuku Iesada vs ‘The Demolition Expert’ Raul Hughes

Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs ‘The Silver Medallist’ Li Bingci

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‘The Crazy One’ Saionji Omura vs Morimasa Kato


‘Iron Man’ Takayuki Toshusai vs ‘The Submission Artist’ Billy Russell


Roku ‘The Rock’ Sotomura vs Shingen Miyazaki


‘Monster’ Marat Khoklov vs ‘The Dog Of War’ Kimitada Yanagita


Rhino Umaga vs Masaaki Okazaki


Bali So'oialo vs ‘The Calgary Assassin’ Mike Watson


Tasuku Iesada vs 'The Demolition Expert’ Raul Hughes


Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs ‘The Silver Medallist’ Li Bingci

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INSPIRE Diversity Tour(Friday)

Friday, Week 1, January 2008

Hiroshima Sports Park(Chugoku)

Attendance: 1755




Morimasa Kato vs Saionji Omura

Morimasa Kato has his hands full with WEXXV’s Warrior’s Heart Champion, Saionji Omura. Despite being 60 years old Omura has managed to brutalise his way to the top of WEXXV and wanted to test himself here in INSPIRE. That show heart, and lots of it. Omura started the match by surprising the much younger Morimasa with an outburst of wild punches. Omura continued to swing for the hills while Morimasa tried his best to dodge and block Omura’s onslaught. Omura eventually managed to catch Morimasa with a nice punch that floored the youngster. Omura dived on top of Morimasa and tried to brutalise his way to the win, just like he would in WEXXV. Morimasa wouldn’t have it though, his ground skills were much better than Omura. Morimasa twisted Omura up like a pretzel and nearly had the old timer unconscious with a brutal rear choke hold. Omura managed to hang on though, he fought back against Morimasa and managed to get to his feet. Omura started swinging for the hills, but this time was quick to connect with a punch that rocked the young Morimasa. Omura whipped Morimasa into the ropes and delivered a vicious big boot that knocked Morimasa into next week. Omura went for the pinfall, but quickly realised the Morimasa was out cold. Omura celebrated with a primal scream, clearly ecstatic he’d won his first INSPIRE match.

Winner by KO: Saionji Omura

Saionji Omura was visibly tiring toward the end. Saionji Omura and Morimasa Kato have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. The announcing quality lifted the match. Saionji Omura is improving in Technical skills.

Grade: D





Billy Russel vs Takayuki Toshusai

It is Toshusai’s second match here in INSPIRE after last week getting annihilated by Marat Khoklov. ‘The Iron Man’ is clearly hoping that the second time will be a charm as he comes up against one of wrestling’s toughest submission machines, Billy Russell. The match started out as a brawl, as Takayuki tried to press his brawling advantage and bully Russell into a loss, but Russell soon showed that he doesn’t like to be pushed around. After clocking ‘The Iron Man’ clear the in face Russell was in a dominate position on the ground and was beating away at Toshusai. Toshusai looked rocked at one point and was one good punch away from being KO’d but he somehow managed to push Russell off and start mounting a comeback of his own. Russell did extremely well with dodging and blocking the punches that Toshusai was raining down, and eventually caught Toshusai in an armbar. After working over Toshusai’s arm for a few moments both men were on their feet and ready to brawl once again. Toshusai caught Russel with a suplex and followed that up with a big fist drop that knocked Russel senseless. Toshusai picked up Russel, but was quickly caught with an uppercut from the groggy Russell. Toshusai hit his head hard as he hit the matt and was out cold. One surprise punch from Russel and this match is over at 11:34

Winner by KO: Billy Russell

Billy Russell is improving in Rumble skills. Billy Russell is improving in Performance skills.

Grade: B-





Marat Khoklov vs Kimitada Yanagita

‘The Monster’ Marat Khoklov had an impressive win over Takayuki Toshusai this week, and he had an impressive win over Kimitada Yanagita this week. This size difference was immense. Marat looking every bit the giant and Yanagita having to jus about break his neck to look into the eyes of Khoklov. That didn’t faze ‘The Dog Of War’ though as he was the one that started proceedings, trying to bring Marat down to the ground with by tripping the big man from the legs. Almost comically Marat didn’t budge and just glared down at Kimitada, who was trying with all his might to bring the big man down. Khoklov simply grabbed Kimitada by the head with one hand and threw ‘The Dog’ across the ring. Marat picked Kimitada up again after a failed clothesline attempt by the smaller man and slammed him down to the mat with all of his might. Khoklov was clearly going for the ref stoppage or KO finish as he proceeded to beat down on Kimitada with unrelenting power. Kimitada kept blocking and dodging punches though and eventually managed to squirm his way out from under the giant. Kimitada immediately ran into the ropes and managed to drop kick Khoklov in the back of the head while the big man was still kneeling on the ground. Many fans rose from their seats thinking they were about to see the biggest upset in INSPIRE history, but it was not to be. Kimitada barely got a one count before Khoklov pushed him away. Khoklov rose to his feet and simply wrapped his giant palm around Kimitada’s face and pushed the much smaller Kimitada into the ropes. On the return trip Kimitada nearly had his head knocked off with a hellacious clothesline. Khoklov put one foot on the broken body of Kimitada as the ref counted to three at the 6:56 mark.

Winner by Pinfall: Marat Khoklov

The announcing quality lifted the match.

Grade: D+





Roku Sotomura vs Shingen Miyazaki

Shingen Miyazaki honed his craft with the stone family in Canada for much of his early career. He’s been back in Japan for quite some time and tearing up GCG so it’s only fitting he gets a chance to shine here in INSPIRE. Tonight was not to be his night though as Roku Sotomura seemed to have the right answer for everything Shingen threw at him at just the right time. Both men seemed to be happy to let most of the match happen on the ground, twisting and turning each other inside out. Shingen seemed to have the match won around the 6 minute mark as he had Roku in a nice triangle armbar that was locked in nicely, however Roku knew exactly where he was and managed to get to the ropes. Shingen then started on the offensive trying to pick apart Roku with body punches that lead to head punches that lead to getting better position. Shingen fought hard and eventually got into a mounted position and went to town on Roku, but a costly miss resulted in Roku catching Shingen’s arm in a kimura and nearly ripping it off. Shingen had no choice but to tap out and at 13:12 point of the match. Both men shook hands after the match was done.

Winner by Submission: Roku Sotomura

Roku Sotomura is improving in Performance skills.

Grade: C





Rhino Umaga vs Masaaki Okazaki

Rhino Umaga was recommended to Kikkawa by Bali So’oialo and was hired shortly before I arrived. Bali and Rhino team up in GCG and are former GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Champions. Rhino is a tough as nails brawler that’s more likely to smash your face in than shake your hand. Masaaki found this out the hard way. Rhino’s un- sportsmanlike behaviour resulted in the crowd actively booing him, which doesn’t happen too often in INSPIRE. Rhino used his size advantage to keep control of the fight early on. Throwing Masaaki around and using a combination of jabs and quick kicks to keep Masaaki away worked for quite some time, but Masaaki was able to connect with a big right hand that clearly worried the big Samoan. Masaaki continued to press Rhino with some nice quick kicks to the legs and body of Rhino then lead into a blast of punches. Rhino eventually caught on to Masaaki’s tactics and started to come back in the fight. Rhino hit a savage clothesline that nearly took Masaaki out, but Rhino couldn’t capitalize on his advantage. He allowed Masaaki to get to his feet before charging at full steam for a spear. Masaaki saw this coming and planted a big boot right in the path of Rhino’s face, damn near knocking him out. Masaaki covered the big Samoan for the pinfall victory at 14:38.

Winner by Pinfall: Masaaki Okazaki

Masaaki Okazaki and Rhino Umaga don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. Masaaki Okazaki is improving in Performance skills.

Grade: C+





Bali So’oialo vs Mike Watson

This was a true fist fight if you’ve ever witnessed one. There was no takedown attempts, no resting, just a complete balls to the wall fist fight. Bali did a fantastic job to keep up with the ferocity or Watson. Seems like Mike Watson is out to prove he can challenge Tadiyuki Kikkawa for the King of Fighters crown. Watson won the fight in the 15th minute with a massive right uppercut the launched the big Samoan off his feet, knocking him out. Neither man truly had control of the match at any stage, with both testing the waters early on to see how the other would react. Watson eventually started proceedings with a good left right left combo that did some damage to Bali. Watson kept the pressure up by constantly tagging Bali with quick jabs, but Bali never seemed to be in any trouble. Neither man seemed to get rocked for the entire match and both kept a good pace leading to the finish. Watson turned up a notch at the 13 minute mark and aggressively started to hunt for the KO victory. Bali had no idea the final uppercut was coming, but when it did the entire place exploded in cheers.

Winner by KO: Mike Watson

The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. This match lifted the crowd.

Grade: B-





Raul Hughes vs Tasuku Iesada

After coming off a loss to Tadiyuki Kikkawa last week Tasuku Iesada had something to prove. Unfortunately he has to prove something against arguably one of the toughest men in INSPIRE, Raul Hughes. Iesada plan involved rushing in at Hughes just like he rushed in at Kikkawa last week, only this time Hughes had it scouted and managed to defend the takedown attempt. Tasuku clearly wasn’t comfortable standing up against Hughes and for good reason. Hughes is taller, has a bigger reach and hits harder that Iesada can. Hughes kept the brawling pressure on and managed to defend a few more takedown attempts of Iesada. Hughes’ use if his hands is clearly miles ahead of Iesada as he’s able to land blow after blow to Iesada’s face and body. Iesada eventually got the takedown he was looking for. Iesada settled and started working around Hughes to try and get that submission victory he desperately wanted. Eventually Hughes ended up in a rear chokehold that nearly made his tap out, but he was able to plant some very hard elbows into the ribs of Iesada, forcing him to let go. Hughes pressed on the mistake by Iesada and managed to get a mounted position of top of Iesada. The punches started falling and just when it looked like Iesada was done for he managed to throw Hughes off and get to his hands and knees. The moment didn’t last long however as Hughes took a mounted position on Iesada’s back and once again started dropping punches. The referee had no choice but to call a stop to the match at the 14:21 mark. Iesada clearly couldn’t defend himself and Hughes would’ve eventually killed him.

Winner by Stoppage: Raul Hughes

The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. The match deserved better colour commentary. This match lifted the crowd. Raul Hughes is improving in Performance skills.

Grade: B





Li Bingci vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa

This should be one of the biggest fights in INSPIRE history. King of Fighters Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs the emerging ‘force of pain’ Li Bingci. Many thought this was a fight that INSPIRE would hold off on. Li Bingci is clearly in for a bright future. He’s been an impressive fighter since joining INSPIRE, having wins over most of the guys that would be around his level. He has just never won the big one. He needs that one win over an established fighter, a fighter like Watson or Okazaki. Li Bingci is shooting for a win over the top fighter in INSPIRE and that may be a big ask for the Olympic silver medallist. Everyone knows the credentials of Kikkawa. Former Burning World champion, head of the ‘5 Rebels’ and currently the only 2 time King of Fighters. Kikkawa has done it all in Japan, except beat an Olympic medallist. Le Bingci looked nervous coming into the match. Kikkawa starts to lay on the intimidation, stretching out his shoulders and punching at the air. Li Bingci just stares at Kikkawa probably thinking about ways to make the big heavyweight submit to the much smaller lightweight. Kikkawa clearly had control early on in the fight. Using his size, reach, power and experience to keep Li Bingci away from the takedown attempts and away from doing an real damage. Not taking away from Li Bingci, but he looks really unsure of how to go about fighting Kikkawa. Eventually Li Bingci decided the time was right to take down Kikkawa, only to have it defended. Kikkawa whipped Li Bingci into the ropes and went for a big boot, but Li Bingci slid under the boot of Kikkawa and jumped on his back, immediately locking in a choke. Kikkawa managed to stay on his feet, eventually grabbing the plucky silver medallist and flipping him over and slamming him to the mat. Kikkawa went for the pinfall, but only got a two count. Kikkawa bounced off the ropes once he got to his feet and went to drop an elbow right to the face of Li Bingci. Li Bingci had it scouted though and rolled out of the way. Seeing an opening Li Bingci mounted Kikkawa and started throwing punches down on Kikkawa. After defending quite a few punches Li Bingci grabbed Kikkawa’s arm and went for the submission victory with an armbar, however once Kikkawa managed to get to his knees the entire arena could see Li Bingci was in trouble. Kikkawa use all this strength to pick Li Bingci up and slam him down to the mat. Kikkawa covered Li Bingci for the 1, 2, 3 at the 22minute mark. Great effort from Li Bingci, but maybe too early in his career to be fighting Kikkawa.

Winner by Pinfall: Tadiyuki Kikkawa

Li Bingci was really off his game tonight.

Grade: C+


Overall show: B-

Increased our popularity!

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INSPIRE Diversity Tour(Wednesday)

‘The Dog Of War’ Kimitada Yanagita vs ‘Shooter’ Sean Deeley


‘Iron Man’ Takayuki Toshusai vs Dynamite Narahashi


‘The Crazy One’ Saionji Omura vs Hirokazu Yamanoue


‘Monster’ Marat Khoklov vs Shingen Miyazaki


‘The Demolition Expert’ Raul Hughes vs Masaaki Okazaki


‘The Tap Out Artist’ Billy Russell vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa


‘The Calgary Assassin’ Mike Watson vs ‘Dangerous’ Tasuku Iesada

The week had been really quiet. I’d been given this sheet quickly after Friday’s show and told to be prepared to work my butt off. My father had called and left a message on my answering machine.





Father: “Takayuki, next week is an important week in INSPIRE. Kikkawa’s kick starting the rest of the tour which is how he generally does things. He tends to let his guys get one week under their belt to get back into things and then starts pushing for the rest of the tour. Be ready for some late nights after the shows as we go over what was good and bad about the show and what subtle stories are coming out in the matches as we move on. Welcome to INSPIRE son, I’ll see you Wednesday.”


I thought this first week seemed a little easy, I was hearing how gruelling and demanding the INSPIRE crew was, I guess that the pressure really starts to build up now. Let’s see where we go from here. I’m just hoping I don’t disappoint my father.

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‘The Dog Of War’ Kimitada Yanagita vs ‘Shooter’ Sean Deeley


‘Iron Man’ Takayuki Toshusai vs Dynamite Narahashi


‘The Crazy One’ Saionji Omura vs Hirokazu Yamanoue


‘Monster’ Marat Khoklov vs Shingen Miyazaki


‘The Demolition Expert’ Raul Hughes vs Masaaki Okazaki


‘The Tap Out Artist’ Billy Russell vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa


‘The Calgary Assassin’ Mike Watson vs ‘Dangerous’ Tasuku Iesada

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‘The Dog Of War’ Kimitada Yanagita vs ‘Shooter’ Sean Deeley


‘Iron Man’ Takayuki Toshusai vs Dynamite Narahashi


‘The Crazy One’ Saionji Omura vs Hirokazu Yamanoue


‘Monster’ Marat Khoklov vs Shingen Miyazaki


‘The Demolition Expert’ Raul Hughes vs Masaaki Okazaki


‘The Tap Out Artist’ Billy Russell vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa


‘The Calgary Assassin’ Mike Watson vs ‘Dangerous’ Tasuku Iesada

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INSPIRE Diversity Tour(Wednesday)

Wednesday, Week 2, January 2008

Hakodate Athletic Field(Hokkaido)

Attendance: 2000(Sell Out!)



‘Shooter’ Sean Deeley vs Kimitada Yanagita


Both men are looking for their first win of the tour. Deeley lost his first INSPIRE match against the ever classy Li Bingci while Kimitada has had a horror run of matches, coming up against ‘Monster’ Marat Khoklov and the in form Mike Watson. Kimitada seems to have the advantage based solely on the vast amount of experience he has when compared to the much younger Sean Deeley. Deeley however isn’t down and out of the fight. He went toe to toe with an Olympic silver medallist in Li Bingci and lasted quite some time. Hopefully he’s not out of his element when fighting the hard hitting Kimitada. Deeley started off the match by using a hit and run technique of hitting or kicking Kimitada and then rushing back away from ‘The Dog of War’. This tactic seemed to work for a bit as Deeley was able to inflict some damage to the legs and knees of Kimitada. It was only a matter of time before Kimitada caught on and eventually ‘The Dog’ started mauling Deeley with brutal looking lefts and rights. Kimitada lifted Deeley over his head and delivered a tough looking stalling suplex that clearly had Deeley in trouble. Deeley was able to kick out at 2 and quickly started to push himself back into the contest by using his hit and run tactics. Kimitada tried to power his was through Deeley but was caught in a half crab leg hold and Deeley started wrenching away at the leg of Kimitada. Kimitada’s leg power was too much for Deeley however as he was flung into the ropes by Kimitada. Deeley jumped over a crouching Kimitada but wasn’t as lucky on the return, being caught and slammed down by the ‘Yanagita Crusher’. Kimitada pinned Deeley 1, 2, 3 at the 9:54 minute mark.

Winner by Pinfall: Kimitada Yanagita

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Kimitada Yanagita is improving in Performance skills.

Grade: D+





Takayuki Toshusai vs Dynamite Narahashi

Dynamite Narahashi lived up to his name, immediately charging at Toshusai and hitting a hard running knee that had Toshusai in trouble right from the get go. Clearly favouring the ribs Toshusai tried to mount a comeback but Dynamite kept the early momentum he had gained when he landed a massive spinning back kick to the ribs of Toshusai. Toshusai stumbled to the mat and was greeted with a savage kick to the head by Dynamite. Somehow Toshusai managed to kick out at 2, Dynamite couldn’t believe it and neither could the stunned crowd. Dynamite showed some technical prowess when he started to stretch out the body of Toshusai with a full nelson. He also showed some flair by kneeing Toshusai in the back while this was locked in. However Toshusai wouldn’t quit and managed to climb to his feet and reverse the full nelson. Toshusai went on the offensive, although his ribs were clearly giving him trouble. A nice neck snapping clothesline had Dynamite down and instantly Toshusai had mounted and began sweeping punches that were all connecting. Just as things looked grim for Dynamite me managed to roll over and shake Toshusai. Dynamite quickly rose to his feet, he was cut above the right eye thanks to a punch that must’ve hit hard and bleeding pretty bad. Toshusai was like a shark that smelt blood, literally, and turned up his intensity a notch and went at Dynamite with everything he had. Luckily for Dynamite everything Toshusai had was severely reduced from the roughed up ribs and Dynamite was able to withstand the onslaught. Both men started trading blows and both were clearly starting to gain momentum. It was Dynamite’s momentum that hit peak first as he was able to slam Toshusai down with a brutal powerbomb. Toshusai somehow managed to kick out at two again, and Dynamite signalled for his Narahashi Cutter. Toshusai managed to push Dynamite away from the first attempt, and just as Narahashi was going for the second attempt the bell rang. This match is called a draw by time limit at 25 minutes.

Time Limit Draw

The announcing quality lifted the match. Dynamite Narahashi is improving in Rumble skills.

Grade: C





Hirokazu Yamanoue vs Saionji Omura

Hirokazu Yamanoue is the head booker for PGHW’s feeder league, Pro Wrestling SAISHO. He’s a grizzled veteran that’s worked hard to get where he is. His hard work and determination impressed Kikkawa so much that he’s having his debut match with INSPIRE here tonight. He’s coming up against the WEXXV Warrior’s Heart champion, a man that won his debut match last week by KO with a brutal big boot that knocked out Morimasa Kato, Saionji Omura. Omura seems confident after his win last week and the first thing he does after a quick exchange of punches is whip Yamanoue into the ropes and go for that big boot again. Yamanoue ducks the boot and charges the back of the leg of Omura, knocking him to the ground. Yamanoue looks to have an upset victory when he starts twisting the ankle of Omura, but a big kick to the face with the same boot that knocked out Morimasa floors Yamanoue. Omura climbs to his feet and plays along with the crowd while waiting for Yamanoue to climb to his feet. Yamanoue didn’t even see Omura coming, but once he turned he became the second victim on Omura’s big boot. Saionji Omura picks up a win in the same way he won his last match.

Winner by KO: Saionji Omura

Saionji Omura was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Saionji Omura is improving in Technical skills. Saionji Omura is improving in Performance skills.

Grade: D





Marat Khoklov vs Shingen Miyazaki

Shingen Miyazaki could not have pictured a second match in his INSPIRE career that could’ve been worse than what he got. There’s not much left to be said about Shingen’s opponent that hasn’t already been said. Marat Khoklov is simply a monster that has a taste for utter destruction. He nearly killed Kikkawa to become the first King of Fighters and has only really been tested by Kikkawa himself. No one else has come close to pushing over this mountain of a man. Shingen Miyazaki had the same fate as the rest. He was no match for the sheer power that Khoklov has and was on the defensive from the get go. Khoklov used his size and power to brutalize Shingen and throw him around like a rag doll. Shockingly Marat used a new move that’s been dubbed ‘Monster Crush’ to beat Shingen, the move looked like a reverse kneeling piledriver. The signalled the end of Shingen, who was actually KO’d by the move.

Winner by KO: Marat Khoklov

The announcing quality lifted the match. Marat Khoklov is improving in Performance skills.

Grade: C-





Raul Hughes vs Masaaki Okazaki

Both of these men have so far been undefeated on the ‘Diversity’ tour. Raul Hughes has beaten tough opponents in Bali So’oialo and Tasuku Iesada and Masaaki has beaten Kimitada Yanagita and Rhino Umaga. Tonight will be a test for both men, can Masaaki face off against Hughes’ incredible stand up game and can Raul Hughes withstand the onslaught that is Masaaki Okazaki. A braw started the match off, with both men going head to head and beating the hell out of each other. The fast pace couldn’t be held forever and Masaaki was the one to capitalize with a backdrop that winded Raul and allowed Masaaki some breathing room. Masaaki took all the air in he could and once Raul had returned to his feet Masaaki ran at the former Burning World champion and hit a beautiful cross body slam. Hughes managed to kick out right away and begin brawling with Masaaki right away. Masaaki seemed to keep control here to, with Hughes looking sluggish, but Masaaki made the wrong move when going for a takedown and left his chin wide open. You could almost see Hughes jump for joy as he connected with a stiff right hand to the face of Masaaki and knocked him into next week. Hughes celebrated heavily as the referee stopped the match at the 17 minute mark. Raul Hughes wins by KO

Winner by KO: Raul Hughes

Raul Hughes was visibly tiring toward the end. Raul Hughes and Masaaki Okazaki don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. There were times when there was a definite lack of psychology on display, and the match had a tendency to drift a little. Raul Hughes is improving in Performance skills.

Grade: B-





Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Billy Russell

In our second match of the evening to feature two undefeated fighters our King of Fighters Tadiyuki Kikkawa will take on the submission machine Billy Russell. This will be a tough match for Russell to win as he’s never faced anyone of the calibre of Kikkawa. Kikkawa however has the big match experience and has been on probably the biggest roll in INSPIRE history. Russell also has the disadvantage that Kikkawa’s massive win streak doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Recent wins over Tasuku Iesada and Li Bingci prove that. The match started with a brawl between the two men, both men swung for the hills and Russell seemed to be giving more damage than he was receiving, although not by much. Russell managed to get Kikkawa to the ground and began to twist and stretch the King of Fighters to his limits. Russell seemed to have Kikkawa ready to tap out, but Kikkawa managed to overpower Russell and break the submission hold. Russell remained in control on the ground, however he wasn’t doing any damage and the referee was forced to stand both men up. That was the turning point in the match, as Kikkawa was like a different fighter from that point on. He kept the advantage the remainder of the fight and pinned Russell after hitting a rear brainbuster.

Winner by Pinfall: Tadiyuki Kikkawa

The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. This match lifted the crowd.

Grade: B+





Tasuku Iesada vs Mike Watson

There seem to be 3 men currently vying for the chance to fight Kikkawa for the King of Fighters crown. Marat Khoklov, Raul Hughes and Mike Watson have all been on winning streaks and all look to be the standouts of the tour. Mike Watson seems to have the advantage over his 2 counterparts though. He’s KO’d the last 4 people his fought against and seems to be in his element against any opponent. Many are pointing at Mike Watson to be the man that will topple Kikkawa as King of Fighters and with the momentum he’s got going it’s clear he’s in with a chance. Tasuku Iesada has been the polar opposite to Mike Watson on this tour. Iesada had earned the right to face Kikkawa for the King of Fighters crown after they two men drew in the final match of the last tour. Kikkawa pinned Iesada and then Tasuku went on to lose to Raul Hughes via ref stoppage. Iesada clearly hasn’t been himself lately and a few people inside INSPIRE thinks it’s all got to do with his timing. Iesada was a standout on the last tour through a series of great wins where we waited for his opponent to make a mistake and then capitalize on that mistake. He made Raul Hughes tap out to a kimura and had KO’d Li Bingci after the silver gold medallist came in to close one too many times. Unfortunately Iesada’s bad run did not end with this match. Iesada tried the waiting game at the start of the match, and seemed to be going ok, but Watson was damn near perfect in the way he did things and forced Iesada to come to him. This allowed Watson to pummel Iesada whenever he got close. Iesada was visibly frustrated with himself and eventually went for the takedown. Watson shrugged off Iesada’s attempt and returned the favour by smashing in Tasuku’s face. Watson continued his dream run from there, giving Iesada all he could take. Watson hit a nice combo of punches and shocked everyone in the crowd when he wrapped his arm across the chest of Iesada, whipped him around and slammed him into the mat with a move Watson calls the ‘Calgary Stampede’. Watson pinned Iesada in the 23rd minute

Winner by Pinfall: Mike Watson

The match suffered because of the lack of selling on display. This match lifted the crowd.

Grade: B-


Overall B-

Dynamite Narahashi was used to much. Increased our popularity!

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Just as I came back from my drawn match against Dynamite Narahashi and I could hear there was a commotion going on in the locker room. As I walked in Rhino Umaga was yelling across at the INSPIRE head referee Dobbu Ipu.






From what I heard Dobbu had placed a small bin full of water dyed with red food dye. The red dye had ruined the pair of yellow tights Rhino was wearing . [/b]Unfortunately for Ipu Rhino was already upset over Bali So’oialo’s decision to immediately leave for BHOTWG.[/b] Kikkawa had walked in from the other room, told both men to quiet down and gave a stern warning to Dobbu Ipu, play any more mean pranks and you’ll be fired. Dobbu quickly apologised to Rhino and all had been forgotten about 15 minutes later.


I had watched the main event of the evening from the side of our entrance and liked what I had seen. Despite losing, Iesada still looked rather good and Watson is having a dream run at the moment. I feel it’s his time to fight Kikkawa, although I don’t think he’ll beat the boss it’ll be a great measuring stick to see how high Watson can go. Can’t wait to see that match, which I bet will be happening soon. I might have to get the inside word from my father and see what’s going on. Once everyone was changed and ready to leave there was a small INSPIRE meeting. Kikkawa said how happy he was with the turnout and the calibre of the show. He told us there will be a post show meeting tomorrow morning to discuss the tour so far and anyone that doesn’t show up will be fired. Looks like I’ve got a meeting tomorrow then.



The INSPIRE Meeting







We’d all be given one on five meetings with the rebels to discuss how we thought we were going so far on the tour. Things went alphabetically so I was near the end. I’d spent a lot of time getting to know Dynamite Narahashi at the request of my father. He told me we’d be working closely for quite some time so it’s best if we have some sort of relationship instead of just being co-workers. I learnt some things about him, I didn’t know he’d been trained at the Hinote Dojo by Stunner Okazawaya and was voted ‘Rookie of the year’ in 2004. He was released when he was told he wasn’t ‘improving enough’ despite the fact he’s 24 and got years to learn his trade. Burning Hammer’s loss is our gain I guess. I think that’s why my father has taking a liking to Dynamite. Dynamite wants to prove Burning Hammer and Kaneie Komine wrong and become one of the premier wrestlers in Japan. That’s the dream of just about every guy here.






For some reason Dynamite Narahashi and myself were called in to the meeting together. We sat in front of the five rebels like little school children. Kikkawa was first to speak.


Kikkawa: “I liked the match you two had last night. There was a good flow going between you two and you managed to go for 25 minutes without getting tired and without the match being boring. Good work.”


Iesada: “That shows us that you two can become something. Not everyone can go for that long and still put on a good match, it took most of us years to do what you two pulled off last night.”


Kikkawa: “I’m glad you both took the chance when we gave it to you, that’s what we’re looking for here. To give young guys like you two a chance. We’re also going to give you another chance. That is if you want to take it.”


I looked over at Narahashi, who looked like a child in a candy store. He had this big grin and ecstatic look in his eyes that I hadn’t seen before. I took the chance to speak for both of us.


Me: “We’ll take it boss, what do you want us to do?”


Kikkawa: “You won’t be involved in the first INSPIRE tag team match, which we’ve got planned for the next show. However we want you two to become the first full time team here in INSPIRE. If you two shake hands now you’ll become ‘Iron Dynamite’ and possibly the first tag team champions when the time is right for INSPIRE to have tag team titles. What do you say?”


Dynamite jumped out of his chair, grabbed my hand and nearly yanked my arm out of the socket. Looks like we’ve just made the first full time team in INSPIRE.


Me: “Anything else boss?”


Kikkawa: “Keep it up, the both of you.”


With that we left the meeting. We left the meeting as a unit. Seems we’re going to be a part of a new breed of INSPIRE and we’d better figure something out to make us stand from the crowd.

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I honestly wasn't expecting a B+ from Kikkawa vs. Russell at all. Switch of the two main matches and the show would have gotten a B pretty sure altough the opener was just D+. I'm not sure what you think of advices and tips, I don't want to get too nosy. :p
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I honestly wasn't expecting a B+ from Kikkawa vs. Russell at all. Switch of the two main matches and the show would have gotten a B pretty sure altough the opener was just D+. I'm not sure what you think of advices and tips, I don't want to get too nosy. :p


Tips are welcome. I was hoping Watson vs Iesada would match the B+ that Kikkawa vs Russell received but it wasn't meant to be. Goes to show how good Kikkawa is though. He may not be in the biggest company in Japan but he's certainly set in stone as the main man around INSPIRE.





INSPIRE Diversity Tour(Friday)


Dynamite Narahashi vs Hirokazu Yamanoue


Kalu Owusu vs ‘Iron Man’ Takayuki Toshusai


‘The Crazy One’ Saionji Omura vs Roku ‘The Rock’ Sotomura


Rhino Umaga vs ‘Olympic Silver Medallist’ Li Bingci


‘The Tap Out Artist’ Billy Russel vs Shingen Miyazaki


‘Dangerous’ Tasuku Iesada vs Masaaki Okazaki


The First INSPIRE Tag Team Rumble

The match winner gets a shot at the King of Fighters!

If Tadiyuki Kikkawa wins he gets to hand pick his next opponent!

Tadiyuki Kikkawa and ‘The Calgary Assassin’ Mike Watson vs ‘Monster’ Marat Khoklov and ‘The Demolition Expert’ Raul Hughes

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Dynamite Narahashi vs Hirokazu Yamanoue


Kalu Owusu vs ‘Iron Man’ Takayuki Toshusai


‘The Crazy One’ Saionji Omura vs Roku ‘The Rock’ Sotomura


Rhino Umaga vs ‘Olympic Silver Medallist’ Li Bingci


‘The Tap Out Artist’ Billy Russel vs Shingen Miyazaki


‘Dangerous’ Tasuku Iesada vs Masaaki Okazaki


The First INSPIRE Tag Team Rumble

The match winner gets a shot at the King of Fighters!

If Tadiyuki Kikkawa wins he gets to hand pick his next opponent!

Tadiyuki Kikkawa and ‘The Calgary Assassin’ Mike Watson vs ‘Monster’ Marat Khoklov and ‘The Demolition Expert’ Raul Hughes

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Dynamite Narahashi vs Hirokazu Yamanoue

Kalu Owusu vs ‘Iron Man’ Takayuki Toshusai


‘The Crazy One’ Saionji Omura vs Roku ‘The Rock’ Sotomura


Rhino Umaga vs ‘Olympic Silver Medallist’ Li Bingci


‘The Tap Out Artist’ Billy Russel vs Shingen Miyazaki


‘Dangerous’ Tasuku Iesada vs Masaaki Okazaki


Tadiyuki Kikkawa and ‘The Calgary Assassin’ Mike Watson vs ‘Monster’ Marat Khoklov and ‘The Demolition Expert’ Raul Hughes

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