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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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Sad as it is, I imagine if one of the more popular characters, say a Wolf Hawkins or a Davis Wayne Newton, were to be 'outed' it would lead to a fair number of players not using them, or using them negatively, or changing them back (pft. Like it's a choice ;) ). Unless Adam was conducting a sociological experiment, it's not really worth it.


That sounds like exactly the thing Adam would do, just to spite people for making him include editable chemistry. I wouldn't put it past him to evolve the Cornell/Hawkins relationship from Mentor/Protege into something far less palatable to the typical audience.


And Edd Stone should still be bisexual. There is no way in hell that man is straight.

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Apparently not since folks are forgetting or ignoring the fact that established tag teams with 'medium' or better experience automatically get a neutral chemistry floor.


Yeah but that's only good enough for tag teams that are already easy to reunite. And it's easy to build tag team experience if you are playing a low intensity/danger fed and have a B-show(force push them to main event and have them fight a ton of matches).


Reuniting Narato/Ota or Powell/Bach should be a big deal. Forced chemistry would make that happen. And it would explain why people with massive skill differentials like Bryan and Larry Vessey are teamed together(and why Larry Vessey even has a job).


Tag Team Experience just isn't enough to make the classic/historical cornellverse tag teams a big deal.

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I really don't understand why people always say Edd Stone is gay... he's just a young egotistical prick. :p


Sad as it is, I imagine if one of the more popular characters, say a Wolf Hawkins or a Davis Wayne Newton, were to be 'outed' it would lead to a fair number of players not using them, or using them negatively, or changing them back (pft. Like it's a choice ;) ). Unless Adam was conducting a sociological experiment, it's not really worth it.


DWN can swing whatever way he wants... nothing is keeping him off my card. :cool:

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I really don't see why anyone cares how anyone else plays their game.... For instance, if I buy the game, and I decide I want to play a two player game with my friend, where we decide to 'draft' wrestlers from SWF, TCW, NOTBW, BHOTWG and PGHW to form our own companies, why does it matter?


People are going to play the game how they like it, and it's a feature a lot of people have asked for... so I don't see why it matters...


I for one, am rather indifferent to it. I know there have been times I've been bummed by finding out two workers have poor chemistry, but then there are times I'm surprised that a match I thought was just going to be average turned out to be more than average because of good chemistry.


It's a good feature for those who want to use it, and if you don't want to use it... don't... If someone wants to make a bunch of good chemistry notes to make it easier for them to put on great matches, that's their business, I could care-less, and frankly, I think every one else should care less too.


With mods, and mod-makers... If a mod-maker wants his/her mod to be successful and popular, they're not going to over-abuse the feature, but it's a feature that allows people to make their own decisions... For instance, I always thought that the Triple H-Shawn Michaels matches were really good, and that they had good chemistry as opponents... If I was making a mod, I might put them with good chemistry...


In summary, don't complain about how the feature is going to make the game 'unfair' or how it's going to allow people to 'cheat'. People are going to play the game how they want to play it... Let them enjoy it, and then play it your way, and enjoy it your way.

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For instance, I always thought that the Triple H-Shawn Michaels matches were really good, and that they had good chemistry as opponents... If I was making a mod, I might put them with good chemistry...


I think HHH, HBK, Hall, and Nash (The Kliq) all had excellent chemistry together because of their off-screen friendships. I personally loved HBK vs Diesel / HBK vs Razor / HBK vs HHH. All of those string of matches were fabulous (maybe it was just HBK, but I doubt it)... but this isn't the place to talk about RW chemistry. :p

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I dont se why everyone is going ape-****, i my self dont realy care for the chemestry note, when i play i care about what ranking the match gets.

In my ROH Game, Eddie Kingston and Chris Hero have been fueding for a year, when i start a fued i always try the match between them. the match got a B-, and it said "Poor Chemestry" in my head i went, SCREW THAT!....they got the match of the night!...

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I dont se why everyone is going ape-****, i my self dont realy care for the chemestry note, when i play i care about what ranking the match gets.

In my ROH Game, Eddie Kingston and Chris Hero have been fueding for a year, when i start a fued i always try the match between them. the match got a B-, and it said "Poor Chemestry" in my head i went, SCREW THAT!....they got the match of the night!...


You do realize that the poor chemistry note means that match actually should've gotten a higher grade? Maybe even a whole grade higher?


That's why people care.

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Does there HAVE to be no preset chemistry in the cornellverse? does that mean, that unless i set chemistry in the editor no one will have chemistry, that'd suck!




With all the complaints, it's probably better that Adam not add much if any pre-set chemistry to the default database. That way as a player if this is a feature you enjoy you can add it.

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Does there HAVE to be no preset chemistry in the cornellverse? does that mean, that unless i set chemistry in the editor no one will have chemistry, that'd suck!


No. Chemistry is determined the same way it always is, just with some exceptions made in the editor before the game begins that will overwrite the natural chemistry created in each game.

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I really don't see why anyone cares how anyone else plays their game.... For instance, if I buy the game, and I decide I want to play a two player game with my friend, where we decide to 'draft' wrestlers from SWF, TCW, NOTBW, BHOTWG and PGHW to form our own companies, why does it matter?


If you don't post anything about it fine. But this is a community and the instant you start sharing and saying look how great I am (I'm not saying you in particular will just that it will happen cause it already does) . I don't want 1000 threads about "look at my A* show" only to find out all their workers have great chemistry. Hell I hate it now when they do it with over inflated Real World stats and its just going to get worse.


I dont se why everyone is going ape-****, i my self dont realy care for the chemestry note, when i play i care about what ranking the match gets.

In my ROH Game, Eddie Kingston and Chris Hero have been fueding for a year, when i start a fued i always try the match between them. the match got a B-, and it said "Poor Chemestry" in my head i went, SCREW THAT!....they got the match of the night!...


Really? What Peter said. Chemistry is seriously important You B- match could have been a B or B+ without chemistry or an A with. Sure a B- might be great for a fed the size of RoH but that A would be better.


Does there HAVE to be no preset chemistry in the cornellverse? does that mean, that unless i set chemistry in the editor no one will have chemistry, that'd suck!


I hope there is no Preset chemistry in the C-Verse. This feature is for people who have no clue what they're talking about to give chemistry to workers when they have no clue what chemistry means (yes a little bitter). I like the randomness of chemistry and beyond that even Adam says he doesn't like this feature so if we're lucky they'll be no preset C-Verse chemistry.

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Yeah, Narratives, National Trends, and Eras are going to completely alter the way the game is played and if used correctly will make a good mod infinitely playable.


I should hope so. My mod uses all three of those features as a basis (recreating the Joshi Boom period but in the C-Verse and worldwide).


And Remi, I'm sure you understand exactly why eras didn't excite so much enthusiasm: Very few people play more than a couple of years of any game, and even fewer of them get that excited about any feature so... 'backstage' for want of a better word.


Whereas the number of times people have asked for chemistry (including myself) to be an option... Wow.


This is true. But there are going to be a few more things that fewer people asked for. I can only hope they don't receive similar treatment just because they're not 'OMG we've wanted this forever!'. Besides, in every TEW, there are features that we as players ignore or downplay the significance of...until we play with it a while. How's Jonathan Taylor working for you (as an example of such a feature)?

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I hope there is no Preset chemistry in the C-Verse. This feature is for people who have no clue what they're talking about to give chemistry to workers when they have no clue what chemistry means (yes a little bitter). I like the randomness of chemistry and beyond that even Adam says he doesn't like this feature so if we're lucky they'll be no preset C-Verse chemistry.


I can not WAIT for the first RW mod to come out..


Normally it's page after page of people going "This data sucks! Cena;s selling is WAY too high and Davey Richard's technical is way to LOW! bleargh!"


The chemistry debates will be epic.


On topic: I think i said it in this thread, but again I can only see chemistry being really useful in the historical mods to simulate the epic pairings that Adam already established.

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So that if/when MAW goes under, you can hire Rip and have one last time! I suspect that Cornell/Hawkins is likely to be the main one, if any are added. No-one wants to play TCW and not be able to book that match, at least, not unless they're asking for a challenge.


As for Jonathan Taylor: Badly. Eighteen months in, and I still haven't got the hang of the disciplinary system :p

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From the language used in the journal entry, it sounds like there will be a few preset chemistry notes. My guess is Rip vs. Strong will be the start and end of it :D


I'd think Optimus/Elemental and Sam Keith vs. "Mr. Lucha" Manuel Prieto would be there if he even bothers to include chemistry involving retired wrestlers. RDJ vs. Tyson Baine (as BLZ Bubb) is also mentioned as a surprisingly good series on the C'Verse page.

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I suspect that Cornell/Hawkins is likely to be the main one, if any are added. No-one wants to play TCW and not be able to book that match, at least, not unless they're asking for a challenge.


Which is exactly why it'll be in... but as negative chemistry. Hey, if I put in a feature I didn't like into a game I'd made, I'd want to have a little fun at the expense of the people so in favour of it :p

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Which is exactly why it'll be in... but as negative chemistry. Hey, if I put in a feature I didn't like into a game I'd made, I'd want to have a little fun at the expense of the people so in favour of it :p


He never said he didn't like it...


Reserves about putting it out there, and not liking are two different things, and I'm sure you probably meant the former and not the latter, although you said "didn't like".


I'm sure he had his reserves about Potential, as well. The Personal stats are more of the things I think makes the gameworlds come alive... the artificial intelligence that Adam seems to specialize in with these games, are what seems to be things he is more comfortable letting us play with.


As for the C-Verse, I doubt that it will be used much at all. I would expect a few, but it wouldn't shock me if there were absolutely zero... as this is more for Modder's then the default database, which gives me plenty of hope for other creative features he might have in store for us...


On another note, I'd like to point out that almost any type of feature we get in this version, without feature's taken out (upgrades don't count as being taken out), that helps modder's create their world, in the editor, etc... The things that I see quite a few people complaining about; "I don't mod, so I really want to here about player features moreso then mod features", are things that are going to really liven up the gameworld for players if utilized effectively. So everytime you see a MOD type feature, realise that things that effect the gameworld enhance the play, things that make modding easier/faster helps mods get completed (more mods for everyone, no matter your preference). Every feature might not sound like it's good for the player, but if you really think about it, it will definately help all players as much as anyone else... Even if you only play the default C-Verse, your going to have your gameplay enhanced with each additional feature.


I'd like to see more positives on the "mod-making" end of this. To me it seems that this is going to dominate our feature's in the journal, which everyone should really be happy, if not VERY happy, about that.

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